#Agents Lance and Augur
ktbofficial · 7 months
Greetings, I'm writing you because I need to ask a question of the Order Xenoglossia, and I know of no other way to reach them from where I live. I'm not asking for an augury; I want to ensure an activity of mine won't cause conflict with them.
See, I'm endeavoring to test an edge case for the Tachyon Lance:
So, the tachyons travel back in time and hit the target before you pull the trigger, but normally you don't know that you've hit before you shoot because that information still travels back to you at lightspeed.
However, what would happen if I used a forward scout with an omnihook to observe the impact and tell me if I hit before I pull the trigger, and used this information to only shoot if I know I'll make a good hit or if no shot is observed, thus ensuring than anything other than a good hit would cause a paradox?
The last part is why I think I need to get on the same page with the augurs before I try: I wouldn't want an agent of the Grammaton to assassinate me for "disrupting the timeline" or something like that.
I believe that virtual particles would annihilate such a forward scout.
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aj-the-satyr · 6 years
Picture worth a thousand words
Chance glanced back over a shoulder, the empty rooftop on which she had found herself the only thing in view. She sighed as she pulled out a phone, briefly staring into the eyes of her own reflection. She stared skyward into a grey mass that held no answers, no insights, just a threat of rain to further dampen the mood.
“Fuck.” the muttered word slipped beyond her lips releasing with it a wave of frustration tinged with guilt. A werewolf attack. Nikolai had been in danger after all and she’d just told him to die and walked out. Had her heart really frozen over that much? A shake of the head and a decision made later she began to text.
Lance frowned as he looked around the restaurant. Whoever they were they hadn’t seemed to have touched anything. He turned to Augur.
“What’d you say her name was again?”
“Name on the ID was Morrow.” He answered pencil gliding around his sketchbook as he drew her from memory.
“Morrow. And something about Nemesis?”
“Yeah.” He looked up at Lance, the pencil stopped briefly. “I’ve never heard fo them. You?”
“No.” Lance walked back outside. “Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist though. Director would know. You finished?” he leaned over to look.
“You said she was...... what..... how’d you put it?”
“Like the Director if he doesn’t get his morning coffee.”
“Yeah.” Lance chuckled. “Let’s not put that in the official report.”
“No shit. Here.” Augur handed him the sketchbook.
Lance frowned again. “And just who are you really so called Agent Morrow?”
Chance ran a hand through her hair gripping a handful briefly before releasing it. She stared at the text she’d sent.
                                                              Agent Morrow is gonna get pinged. Sorry.
Five minutes and still nothing. This wasn’t like Chiell at all. Had she really burned yet another bridge? Was she on her own for this? She sighed. Been on her own before, certainly wasn’t anything new that was for sure, but with Nikolai missing as well... might need some help and the Agency wasn’t an option. The phone’s screen dimmed, then went black. Nothing. Not even the bouncing dots of someone typing a reply. Again she stared up into the grey.
“I swear if someone up there is fucking with me I’m gonna come up there and shoot you!”
Ding. A message.
What’s Tom been doing now?
Chance smirked a little at the reply.
                                                                        Breaching an Agency cordon. You?
Same shit, different boss. Ur missed btw.
                                                                                        Aim better. Need a favor.
Better say something good with ya next message then or I’m telling Mom.
                                                                                             The Twins are in play.
  What do U need?                                                                                            Kinda have to tell Mom now tho.
          Whatever. Davidius Knight has been abducted. Can you get me anything?
Shit WTF RU doing?
Chance didn’t bother to reply she knew Chiell was already working her techno stuff. She didn’t need distractions.
 Chance?                                                                                                           C’mon U kno I can multitask.                                                                             Talk 2 me.
Chance frowned a little.
                                                                                          Davidius, Chiell. Focus.
Oh using tech to find a technophobe? Fuck U!
                                                   What you got? Technophobes didn’t abduct him.
Couple of rent a thugs, so nothing.
Chance pinched to zoom in on the picture as soon as it arrived. “Great.” she muttered to herself.
C 2 guys with ur Clockmaker friend.
                                                                                                                  That’s it?
Working on it. Anything else?
A twinge of guilt chose that moment to rear its head.
                                                                                                  Yeah. Nikolai Eros.
Fuck the Maker Chance! What shit r u in now?
                                                                                        Nothing. I’m on vacation.
Maker’s balls u r What r u hiding?
Fine. Gimme a sec.
Chance nodded as an address popped up on screen. “Thanks Chiell.” she said out loud before snapping the phone in two.
(Malentendu lives!!!! Well of course it does just hadn’t updated in a bit. Hopefully the funky formatting faking I did for the Texts plays ok. Chance is still alive and well and plotting to shoot sky people :) Anyway onto that taglist
@yuutfa @anntarinsanitymaterialized @sleepy-and-anxious @wordsaremylife
As usual if you want to be added/removed just ask me.
For all those coming across this wondering what the hell is going on
Is a link to the rest of this mess, which I one day will sort out properly and put into chapters and stuff.
Anyway have fun with your writing Y’all.)
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nimata-beroya · 3 years
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Rating; Teen and up
Warnings: major character injury, referenced torture
Paring: Alexsandr Kallus/Garazeb Orrelios
Words: 2968
Chapter: 1 of 2
Synopsis: While arriving at the new rebel base, Kallus tries to deal with the consequences of his narrow escape from Thrawn's hands alone. Unfortunately, life has different plans for him.
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By when the Ghost touches down on the new rebel base, Kallus holds himself upright by the sheer power of his will alone. He’s running on fumes but wants to keep the extent of his injuries from everyone. Alexsandr is sure that the rebel crew—Garazeb, in particular—would pity him and waste the ship’s meager medical supplies on his wounds. He won’t allow that.
He can’t.
A long list of reasons exists for which Kallus believes himself unworthy of using those resources. The other survivors deserve more attention than he does. And as if that wasn’t reason enough, for most of his life, vulnerability meant death, so showing weakness in front of others makes his skin crawl.
He used up his meager quota of frailty corresponding to an entire year when, with begrudged compliance, he used Bacta gel on the wounds on his face per the uncompromising orders of Captain Syndulla. It was a lost battle even before beginning. The defeats he suffered against the tenacious Twi’lek pilot and her Spectres over the years augured a similar outcome then, so he relented. Alexsandr was too tired (and beyond grateful to her for diving into the middle of the space battlefield and saving his ass) to defy the order.
Kallus can push through injuries, pain, and exhaustion if he has to. But no more. His body has reached its limit. He’s pushed himself too far. The adrenaline drop after today’s events has caught up with him at last. Alexsandr is acutely aware of each bruise and every ache on his body, tokens of Thrawn’s and his death troopers’ relentless torture. The throbbing in his head makes him queasy. As if it wasn’t enough, a coldness worse than the one he suffered in Bahryn seeps into his core. Kallus hugs himself, trying to fight the tremors of his body.
A searing ache shoots up his thigh every time he puts weight on his right leg. If Kallus holds the conviction that it’s nothing but bruised instead of broken (he has imprinted in memory how it feels when shattered), he cannot say the same for his ribs. Even the shallowest intake of breath equals a lance of pain, foreshadowing the damage to his ribcage. This widespread agony that Kallus endures in silence ships away pieces of his strength. The longer that he bears pain, the harder it is to fight the weariness in the marrow of his bones.
He stands on the catwalk’s side, watching the last survivors of the Battle of Atollon disembarking from the freighter, and thus putting off his exit. Just thinking about descending the ladder to the cargo bay and facing the rebellion’s chief commanders tempt him the same. Nothing at all.
His future is uncertain. Yes, he was a Fulcrum agent working for the rebel alliance, but Kallus is sure that his past crimes weigh a lot more than his spy days.
A heavy hand landing on his sore shoulder draws him out of his thoughts. The sudden jostle sends ripples of pain through his back and chest. It takes everything in him to swallow the miserable grunt threatening to escape from his throat. Something that Kallus doubts he could’ve done without the training he received in the ISB added to the years of experience concealing his emotions during his service to the Empire.
“C’mon, Kallus,” Zeb says. His voice holds a trace of excitement beneath the layers of tiredness and grief. “Let’s get outta here. I’m sure you wanna get ridda that uniform and get a g’night’s sleep. Don’t you wanna see our new home?”
Keep reading
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aj-the-satyr · 6 years
Chance chuckled a little to herself. Here she was basically playing mom. She’d showed the Twins how to use the microwave which had cheered up Violet to no end. She was now sat atop her pile of cushions merrily eating the rest of her oatmeal. She was the antithesis to her sister with her blond hair, pink skirt and bright green fuzzy sweater.
“Now all I need to do is figure out who to call to look after you two.” And then find Davidius. She hated the fact that she’d already wasted time but she couldn’t just abandon the twins. She’d made Pete a promise.
Scarlett frowned a little. “You’re not planning on staying.”
Chance shook her head. “No. I need to look for your Dad, plus you can’t stay here.”
Violet froze. “But all my toys are here!” she whined.
Scarlett gave her sister a cold look while Chance moved so she could look Violet in the eyes. “It’ll be ok Violet. It won’t be for long.”
“Promise?” Violet looked unsure.
“Promise.” Chance felt the weight of that word almost immediately. She stood before anything else could be said and pulled out her phone. Just who to call?
Ginger blinked at the force the back door to the van was opened with. Staring into the scarred face of an angry rabbit made her laugh a little.
“Something funny Hollywood!?” Snarled Levi. “You were supposed to be in Moscow! Where the fuck is Agent Zmeya?”
“Aw is the widdle bunny mad?” She caught sight of Lance in the background trying not to laugh.
Levi scowled. “I should lock you up.”
“Go ahead.” She leaned back and closed her eyes. She heard the growl and smirked. She’d quit the Agency he had no power here. “You don’t have anything on me.”
“Destruction of property.”
“Fine. Satisfy your ego then Mr Director if you so wish but I think you have bigger things to worry about.” She half expected him to slam the door and be done with it.
“Wish I could Hollywood, wish I could.” He sighed.
Ginger opened her eyes. “Also could you drop the nickname I was an extra in like a half dozen movies, nothing special.”
“Fine, DeAngelo. Where’s Zmeya?”
She shifted to face him. “You really don’t like first names do you?”
“Where is he?”
“No idea. He escaped out the back with the owner and a mundane.”
“Shit.” He hit the side of the van hard enough to leave a dent Ginger could see on the inside.
“Whoa... ease up there Levi. Haven’t even told you the bad news yet.”
“Griggers knew the woman behind the curse.” She smirked as she used the pet name
Levi blinked. “Griggers?”
“Yeah....” She paused. He looked ready to flip the van over. That name meant something to him. Why?
“Vetra Kremkin.” He flipped a phone out of his pocket and began to dial.
(And as promised the second post for Malentendu today. Both short ones but eh... still the story flows..... well trickles I guess.... 
Taglist!! [ask to be added/Deleted] {No Cybermen involved in the Deletion. Promise}
@yuutfa @calyptrastudios @anntarinsanitymaterialized @sleepy-and-anxious @wordsaremylife
And once again just remember that no one else writes like you do and Have Fun with your writing!)
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aj-the-satyr · 6 years
Lance caught sight of the ‘Puppy’ as they arrived at the scene. They were big.
Augur whistled. “He looks angry.”
Augur shrugged. “Whatever.”
Lance smirked. “You go misgender the furry killing machine.”
“Oh no. Director sent you out with me on a gut feeling. You go play fetch with the puppy.”
“Wuss.” Lance opened the door. “You got the taser?”
“Got your back. They seem calm though, might not need it.”
“No genders now I’ve opened the door huh?” Lance chuckled as he exited the van. The Werewolf turned and stared at him but didn’t move. They really were calm. Lance approached slowly.
Ginger watched the van approach. The Dog Pound. She would have chuckled if not for her current form. Wonder who they sent. Probably new people she didn’t know. She looked around and saw normal police nearby watching nervously. Couldn’t make any sudden moves and shifting back wasn’t an option yet, that woman had riled her up too much. Plus the whole being naked thing. Exhibitionism was not high on her list of turn ons. The click of the door caught her ear and talk of gender. She turned to see none other that Agent Lance walking slowly towards her.
“RRRRrrrrrrrrrance.” She managed.
Lance stopped short.
She pointed at the restaurant. “Currrrrrrse.”
Lance blinked as the werewolf growled his name. What the fuck? He made a mental note to at least give Levi a dirty look. He watched them point to the ruined window. Curse? What? He made his way to look inside but a clawed hand stopped his approach.
“Test. RRrrrrrr .Now!”
Ok..... what was going on here? He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small vial. This wasn’t going to do anything out here. He removed the stopper and watched as black crystals started to precipitate immediately, filling the vial with small spiky sea urchins until the liquid itself was solid. He turned back to Augur who had decided leaning against the van was the best way to back him up.
“Call for backup. We need a containment squad now!” He shouted. “Full detail it’s a code black.”
Chance rolled her neck and let the tension go. Whatever had happened had happened, there was no immediate danger here. Time to check the downstairs. The stairs creaked a little as she descended. She mused that she should probably at least close the door after she came downstairs. Although whether it would close was another question. She found it closed easily with a soft click. Wait. She opened it again and examined the scratches she’d noticed on her ingress. They weren’t made by someone coming in.... they were made by someone not wanting to leave. She’d made a mistake. Wasted time.
“Fuck!” She hit the door. It slammed closed.
“Father says you shouldn't use such words.”
(Yay! The story continues.
Tag time! @yuutfa @calyptrastudios @anntarinsanitymaterialized @sleepy-and-anxious
Stay tuned for the next part of Malentendu. Who knows what will happen next? No seriously..... who knows cos I sure don’t. Until then. Have fun with your writing!)
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aj-the-satyr · 6 years
....but how does it end?
No..... 4 doors to go. As she exited the lounge 2 more doors were visible on her right that would have been hard to spot from the stairway. Chance kicked herself mentally. “Focus.” Another centering breath later and she allowed her mind to work through the layout. Door at the end of the hall was above the kitchen/lounge downstairs. Another kitchen perhaps? No reason for him to have to use the guest kitchen for himself, plus he had twin daughters now to take care of. The Clockmaker was certainly trying to keep them away from his work if he could. Other 2 doors down that way..... bathroom and.... linen closet. That would make sense. No reason to have to have plumbing run through the entirety of the house after all. Keep the rooms that needed a water supply close together. Now for the room the at the other end of the hall. Bedroom? Probably. Although with the size of the lounge that room would be small. Chance frowned. Where did the twins sleep? Was it in that room at the end of the hall? She could easily picture The Clockmaker having a cot in his workshop. He always did keep odd hours. Left first, towards the kitchen she decided. VP9 leading the way she crept along the hall.
“Dog pound this is control do you copy, over?” The radio crackled into life catching Agents Lance and Augur off guard on their otherwise quiet shift.
Lance grabbed the receiver. “Control, this is Dog Pound. We hear you loud and clear, over.”
“Dog Pound we have reports of a puppy at 69th and Park in the vicinity of The Elysian Fields. Code white. I repeat code white.”
“Copy that Control. Dog Pound is on route.” Lance replaced the receiver.
Augur chuckled. “Near the Greek afterlife huh? Bit of a trek.” He flicked the turn signal of the van and forced his way into the turn lane.
“It’s a restaurant.”
“Really?” Augur checked the mirrors and ignored the honking. “Code white though.”
“Yeah.” Agreed Lance. “Thank The Maker for that at least. Was afraid our night was going to get ruined by the last call we got being Crimson.”
“Shame though. I kinda wanted to flick on the lights and drive crazy.”
Lance narrowed his eyes. “We are not in a movie.”
Augur chuckled. “Really? You do see what we do everyday? How’d you end up on Dog Pound duty anyway?”
Lance shrugged. “Levi.... The Director assigned it to me.”
“Really?” He stopped at a light and watched the people cross. “Piss him off again?”
“Don’t think so. He’s just in one of those you need to be here moods.”
“But you know the place we’re headed.”
“Yeah.... I hate when he does this.”
“Kinda why he’s still director, even after the..... Incident...... and all that followed.”
“So.... we got a few. What’s this place like?”
“Run by a Satyr called Nikolai Eros. Copped him on petty smuggling and stuff like that. Keeps a low profile and a nice restaurant.”
“Yeah. Greek, Italian and stuff like that. Heard it was a favorite of Smiths.”
“The fabled one word bandit?” Augur chuckled. “The Director is fucking with you.”
“I hope so. The alternative is worse.”
Bathroom, then linen closet. So far, so right. She pushed the door at the end open and swept left to right with the VP9. Kitchen was clear. She ducked and rounded the door. Dining area. Nice dark wood table and chairs. Windows were high but let in light. Chance stood and saw an abandoned bowl of oatmeal near a chair piled high with cushions. Someone had been here recently. She touched the bowl, only slightly warm but definitely the first sign of life so far. From the amount of syrup in the oatmeal it definitely must have been one of the twins. No sign of a struggle though. Perhaps they hid? The Bedroom? Chance frowned. Something wasn’t quite adding up here. “Focus.” Another deep breath. Scents assaulted her as she leaned into her heritage, her eyes changing from their normal emerald green to a more amber hue. She stepped into the hallway again. Only 3 scents stood out on this floor. The downstairs would be a cacophony for sure but here was much calmer. Only her scent disturbed the tranquility that The Clockmaker had worked to instill. Chance put the gun away and let out a sigh.
“Davidius. What happened?”
(And so the story continues....
Once again time for the tags [poke me to be added/deleted]
@yuutfa @calyptrastudios @anntarinsanitymaterialized @sleepy-and-anxious
Once again thanks everyone for reading as I add yet more characters to the mess I’m creating.)
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aj-the-satyr · 6 years
Bon Chance, Malchance
Chance felt her stomach twist as she saw the caution tape warding off bystanders around The Elysian Fields. She’d chosen to walk out on him. Walk out on whatever he’d gotten himself into. She thought it was this Gentleman guy fucking with him, but it wasn’t. She thought Nik would be fine. That clearly wasn’t the case. Nik had nothing to do with the Twins did he? Or did he? He and Pete were close, close enough that she’d continued coming here after Pete vanished. Close enough that she should have stood by him. Nancy was right. Tears blurred her vision briefly as everything sought to overwhelm her. She couldn’t find a trace of Davidius, that weird guy was looking into her like she’d saved the Gentleman and now this... a sob escaped her throat before she shook her head. No time for this. No time. “Focus” she whispered to herself, taking a sharp breath in and letting it out in a low growl. Fate never rolled a single die anymore.
Augur looked around for about the hundredth time. Lance was taking out his frustration by posting him here. There was nothing else to be found. He shrugged. It was a neat way to disguise a shrine to Pan, although he had no idea that others even worshiped the so called Gods. They were just powerful spirits and practitioners of magic as far as he could tell. Sure they probably had mundanes eating out of their hands but.... people like Nikolai... Pan was just another Satyr. He frowned and rubbed the back of his neck. Wait.... he glanced out through the broken window. Someone was approaching. They’d contained the site though..... He blinked and focused on the person before looking away. It was like trying to stare into the heart of a fire. Just who was this? He stepped outside and met them... met her by the cordon of tape. She didn’t look special. Jeans, Loose fitting pale pink t-shirt, blond hair. But that inner fire....
Chance frowned as she saw movement. The site had looked otherwise quiet. She had posited that this had taken place yesterday, after she left. Why was there someone here? She sighed before taking a breath. “Focus.” She strode towards the caution tape like she belonged here. She saw the agent come outside to meet her, saw the brief look of confusion as to why and how she was walking towards the restaurant. Chance wanted answers. She wondered if they were veiled or just normally human looking. They certainly looked the part of an Agency operative, tired look, disheveled hair, suit and pants. No tie on this one though.
“Agent Morrow.” She flashed him an ID badge. She kept her face straight as he tried to peer through a veil that wasn’t there.
“I.... never heard of...”
She cut him off. “Nobody had heard of the Agency until the Incident.” She narrowed her eyes. “So what happened here Agent.....?”
“Augur.” He supplied. “Werewolf. We picked them up.”
“Yesterday.... just before 9pm.”
“And you’re still here, along with a rather potent ward because a werewolf got mad about their pasta not being al dente and broke a window?!” She leaned in and narrowed her eyes further. “Try agent Agent Augur.”
He took a step back. This wasn’t part of his job description. He reached for his phone.
“I. Asked. You. A. Question. Agent.”
“Er.... but....” He fumbled with the phone and dropped it.
“Well?” She leaned back and folded her arms. “Or has the Agency once again decided that they are keeping secrets from the world? Is this ward within your powers I wonder? You are making the people passing by ignore this place.”
“But you’re here!” Augur protested as he crouched to pick up his phone. Couldn’t let whoever this was out of his vision.
“I am not the general public am I?”
“So why are you here?”
Chance titled her head. Finally got some spine.... “I’m here to see the owner. Was he injured in the attack?”
“No. No one was hurt.”
Really? She frowned. “Then why the cordon?”
“I should really call...”
She had her phone out before he could finish. “Allow me. I’ll explain how a member of the Agency is withholding information from a fellow agency. What’s the number?”
“I-I’ve never heard of....”
“And no-one had ever heard of you until the aftermath of New York.” She lifted the caution tape and stepped under it. “Do you really think you’re the only secretive operation in the world!?” She leveled a finger at him. She felt the magic probing again. “And will you stop that!”
He took half a step backwards. “What!?”
“You’re probing me with magic. Without permission. Now I want you to call whoever is in charge here.”
“Sorry.” He hung his head.
She huffed. “Apology accepted. Now what happened here? Why did the Agency take the time and energy to attempt to hide this place?”
“It was cursed.” Augur’s voice was quiet. He didn’t look up.
“Cursed?” She frowned and looked around. That didn’t normally require something of this magnitude as a response. “Why all this?” She gestured to the tape.
Paris...... this was Paris all over again.
(And now a scene featuring the main character of this mess eh? About time she got the spotlight back.
Onto the taglist of wonderful peoples
@yuutfa @calyptrastudios @anntarinsanitymaterialized @sleepy-and-anxious and @wordsaremylife
As usual ask if you would like to be notified of my seemingly random posting schedule for this story.
Once again thanks for reading and Have fun with your writing.)
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