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cookkoo · 1 year ago
I DID IT!!! agsdhjkaa
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Drawtober 2023: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]
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Ok I haven't done this since 2018 it feels weird asdfjka. But since I finally able to complete the challenge I feel like it's ok to talk about it
First of, thank you for all the hearts and the reblogs— the tags are great as usual lol. could never stressed this enough but these interactions really fire me up. So thank you!!
Now for the reflection part
tbh I was not really sure what I was trying to achieve when I started drawing this year challenge, but one thing is I draw way too little and there's not enough shumako content in my own sketchbook
Long story short, this challenge has been a great journey, I did surprised myself a lot of times, especially day12, hotdamn I never knew I could draw a back this hot asdfhgja. But also, for someone who have been holding the ideas of 'drawing is suffering, and it will always kills your ego because you will never be good enough' mentality, doing this challenge kinda fix that in a good way. Sure, my back still ache and I pulled way too many all nighters for my own good, but I really really enjoy almost every moment of these past two months.
(Let's not talk about the fact that it took me 2 months to finish O}-{)
I think I should add that working traditionally (altho it kinda turn into more of a mix media at some point) really was refreshing. Inking is a bit unforgiving in a way, but it does give my brain good exercise, looking for solutions when making a mistake. It also kinda forced me to stop overwork on some parts, forgive myself (since there's not much I could do with those thick paint) and move on.
Also, this challenge finally give me the opportunity to express my love to P5S asdfjagd. Srsly tho, it came out when I stuck in a very bad slump. So I'm very happy I got to draw the PT hanging out and enjoying their summer together
Anyhow! Since I'm actually completed it, I'm thinking of compiling them and turn them into a zine. So, one more time, I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but I might comeback with a few more drawtober posts just because I wanna show how the zine gonna turn out asdfagj
If you read it this far then, uh, that's a lot of reading. Thank you once again for letting me cover your tl with my ted talk! lmao Hope you will stick around because I'm not done expressing my love to my OTP. Until then~!
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aromanticgarbage · 7 months ago
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Benee AMA x
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icingnsprinkles · 1 year ago
In the quiet of night, she's the whisper in my dreams,
Her laughter, a melody, like flowing streams.
With every breath, her presence I find,
For she's the only one on my mind.
In fields of stars, her eyes do shine bright,
Guiding me through darkness with their gentle light.
Her touch, a soft breeze, so tender and kind,
Oh, she's the only one on my mind.
In every song, her voice I hear,
A symphony of love, forever dear.
In the silence of solitude, her essence I find,
For she's the only one on my mind.
Through valleys deep and mountains high,
In every moment, she's by my side.
With every beat, her love I bind,
For she's the only one on my mind.
In the tapestry of life, she's my guiding star,
Leading me through shadows near and far.
In every thought, in every rhyme,
She's the only one on my mind, for all time.
From a Broken Heart
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stevieschrodinger · 7 months ago
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akcugrai · 12 days ago
i have gained a new respect for people who regularly write ensemble casts--this is soooo hard, How do you get everyone to actually seem like a real human being when there's more than three people who interact with one another????
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alouiadina · 3 months ago
Personal little rant about my life, just need to get it out. Will probably delete tomorrow.
This year, after a death in the family, all I wanted was a normal Christmas—tree shopping, gift shopping, Christmas Eve at someone else’s house, and family visits on Christmas Day after presents. Instead, my dad’s family invited themselves to Christmas Eve, which meant we had to host. My mom didn’t tell us until like a week/week and a half ago, giving us little time to prepare. I offered to help but kept getting vague instructions or frustrated responses whenever I did something that they didn't like, and in the end, my mom hired a someone to help. Despite this, I kept pushing for Christmas shopping and reminders to fill out the gift spreadsheet we send out every year, but my requests were ignored, or given noncommittal acknowledgement towards.
Yesterday, my sister made my mom explain that we weren’t really celebrating Christmas, just giving the illusion of celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve for show. This felt like the final blow, especially since I already feel overlooked every year, year round, compared to my siblings. Last Christmas, they each got 8–10 gifts while I only got four, one of which I couldn’t even use, and another basically a pity gift, since I originally only got 3.
(I know it's not about the gifts, but I always feel like my family acknowledges me when they have to, doing the bare minimum for everything. All I really want is to feel like part of the family, but that's very difficult when I never was the favorite or password child. (sister then brother respectively.))
I’d hoped this year would be different, especially since I added essentials like blankets, shirts, and boots to my list, but it’s clear that’s not happening. My mom made another empty promise to celebrate after the 25th, but knowing my family, it’s unlikely. My brother will disappear with his partner, my sister will be snarky and bitchy (likely making a "what did you expect" comment), and for the 20th year in a row, I’ll be left feeling like an afterthought.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 4 months ago
The way he made a story about a pink trash can but only acknowledged fatherhood as the last sentence of a tweet that most people, who are not his fans, will skim over—you WOULD think he's under legal advice or something.
It certainly had a vibe of "you have to mention it". I mean it quite literally didn't make ANY sense in the context of the tweet, it was just tacked on at the end. The sentence didn't fit. Like someone took his phone after he typed out the news about the album (which I'm also confused about, I thought it was supposed to be a rap album he already had a lot done on 👀) and someone else added that last line before he could stop them.
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stompingondaisies · 2 years ago
I would like to be a priority for a change. I'm very tired of being an after thought, but maybe that's all I'm worth.
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tagitables · 6 months ago
5 October 2024,
So, here's it: I am still utterly flabbergasted by my own errors. Despite the range of valuable lessons I’ve sequentially picked up about iterating through loops for control flow, not only have I lapsed in this aspect, but I have also unreasonably, irrationally, thoughtlessly, mindlessly, and stupidly tampered with the given sequence this time round. What was I even thinking? The code clearly crashed, and I have never felt so helpless in the exam venue — like the syntactical rubble of my own data structures collapsing and falling upon me, and I was crushed beneath the weight of my silly mistakes. How did I let it come to this? Looking back, it was all rushed coding, unsystematic and skipped checks, multi-layered misinterpretations and confusions. And yet, despite my efforts to learn from my past mistakes, I had committed such an unforgivable and unprecedented error. Today's code shall be the most shameful code I’ve ever written (and even submitted for examination), which is not something I can erase. It’s frustrating, knowing that I’ve let myself down in a field that I have started to take so much interest in. All these errors shall serve as a haunting warning for the upcoming examinations. For now, this pointless sense of regret will have to serve as a brief afterthought. I shall try to learn from this and move forward. After all, this is my very first exam in this thought-provoking field. But uuughhhh, how it stings!
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hadthatdreamagain · 2 years ago
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Recently redesigned all my Homestuck OCS 🥳
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feralchaton · 6 months ago
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plasmagrrl · 1 year ago
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professionaloversharer · 2 years ago
You are not an afterthought, my love.
You are not the silent letters in spellings that children forget exist and make mistakes over. You are not the date after a new year, hastily scribbled and scratched out to be corrected. You are not the things stuffed in my knick-knack drawer, where I know I have things but I never really remember them.
You are the sun shining so bright that even in a room with the curtains closed, I know from the gentle brightness peeking through, you are there. You are the sun, so bright that even when you're not around, your light keeps the moon illuminated at night for others to see. You don't slip my mind, because you can't slip my mind.
You have always been a magnificent shade of red, my love. I'm sorry those around you were colourblind and didn't know there was more to you than they could possibly fathom.
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secondaryafter · 10 months ago
Secondary After Thought Pt 1
My body doesn’t work … or at least the parts that define a woman. I don’t know where I am even going to go with this but here we are.
Struggling to figure out if I am or will ever be enough. Feeling like a lady but cursed with excessive growth of hair in places a lady just doesn’t or should not have. Shaving , waxing, and even going through extreme amounts of pain just to hide it all. Wondering if he ever thinks “ew”. Does he know how hard it is to brush through hair that is falling out leaving bald spots in its place. How hard it is to see what beauty is left.
I just want to be normal.
Welcome to the secondary after thoughts.
Please enjoy your stay.
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celticanglopres · 1 year ago
All Under Heaven - Afterthought
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a-fix-of-muses · 1 year ago
Currently Listening To: "Afterthought" by Joji, BENEE
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