#Africa Eco Race
motorsportverso · 6 months
Programação dias 04-07\01\2024
08:00-Africa Eco race-Etapa 2-Youtube
01:20-Dakar rally-Largada Rampa-Arabia Saudita-Motorsport.TV\Youtube
08:00-África Eco race-Etapa 3-Youtube
14:20-Dakar rally-Arabia Saudita-L'Equipe
22:00-Dakar rally-Arabia Saudita-ESPN 4
03:00-Dakar Rally-Etapa 1-L'equipe
08:00-África eco race-Etapa 5-Youtube
09:00-Dakar Rally-Etapa 1-L'equipe -Resumo
22:00-Dakar Rally-Etapa 1-ESPN 4
22:00-Dakar Rally-Etapa 2-ESPN 4
21:00-Boletim Dakar 2024-Etapa 3-A Mil por hora
22:00-Dakar Rally-Etapa 3-ESPN 4
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bikerspiritmagazine · 2 years
Κερδίστε το Yamaha Ténéré 700 World Raid που νίκησε στο  Tunisia Desert Challenge - Δηλώστε συμμετοχή στην κλήρωση
Κερδίστε το Yamaha Ténéré 700 World Raid που νίκησε στο  Tunisia Desert Challenge – Δηλώστε συμμετοχή στην κλήρωση
Η Yamaha Motor Europe συνεργάστηκε με το Riders for Health, που τροφοδοτείται από το Two Wheels for Life, για να σας δώσει την ευκαιρία να κερδίσετε μία από τις επίσημες μοτοσυκλέτες ράλι Yamaha Ténéré 700 World Raid που οδήγησαν στη νίκη στο Tunisia Desert Challenge από τον Alessandro Botturi. (more…)
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
What actually is Eco Fascism?
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A topic I do not see explained often enough in Solarpunk groups is: What actually is Ecofascism? Basically every Solarpunk group I have ever been to has the rules "No Greenwashing" and "No Ecofascism", but while Greenwashing will be explained quite well, eco fascism often isn't. So please let me explain it to you.
Naomi Klein called it "environmentalism through genocide", which is a very apt description.
In general Ecofascism links the land and its nature to the lands people - or rather the perceived people. Because, of course, for the most part it is a white supremacist ideology (though variations of it have sprung up in non-white countries like Japan), so first and foremost they link colonial land to the white settlers, not the indigenous people.
As such Ecofascism very much started out with someone being appalled by indigenous people taking care of their land, as according to this white dude this did not leave the land in its prestine condition. This dude was a bloke called Madison Grant. He wrote a book about the "Great Race". A book that Hitler later went on to call "his bible". And obviously he was like all for eugenicism and what not.
Now, I could go on and on about the history of it, but really, it is not important.
First and foremost the central believe of ecofascism goes something like this:
There are too many people living on earth right now which is the reason for environmental destruction and climate change. Hence some people need to die to save the planet.
Only certain people (most of the time they mean white people) are abled to properly take care of the environment, while everyone else is destroying it.
To put it very popculturally: Thanos is basically an ecofascist. Which is why the entire "Thanos was right" narrative is so fucking dangerous and why the Russos did horrible by making him sympathetic.
Now, of course Thanos is in so far still just a bit tamer than your average ecofascist, because he is like "equally out of every group people need to die". Meanwhile your typical ecofascists will usually very clearly say: "People from any group that is not my group need to die."
As I said: Most ecofascism is linked to white supremacism. They will usually use arguments about overpopulation and then point to China, India and Africa.
What they of course will ignore in all those arguments is, that a) historically no country has as much emissions as Europe and the US and b) that the richtest 10% of humanity emits more CO2 and other environmental pollutants than the poorest 50% combined. So, as long as the "killing too many people" does not involve those top 10%, it is not gonna make much of a ditch when it comes to the environment.
Additionally to those genocidal ideations, it basically also has the unscientific idea, that the only way to take care of nature is to leave it alone and in a "prestine" condition. Which often leads to more natural desasters and completely forgets that humans are, indeed, a part of nature.
So, yeah... It is basically just is white supremacy paired with capitalism and eugenics.
It is shitty as fuck. So, please, call it out if you see it.
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totalmotorcycle · 6 months
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Africa Eco Race Official Start Morocco January 2 2024 http://dlvr.it/T0mqF0
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202247497caic223 · 1 year
From Iron man to Icarus - how Musk's popularity plunged deeper than the Mariana trench
It is a sunny day in the 1980’s Pretoria, South Africa. In the local school, a young, white boy lies on the floor, covering his head with his hands as the older boys continue beating him. After some time, someone finally calls an ambulance, and he is rushed to the hospital where he has to stay until he has recovered from being nearly beaten to death. Sadly, the incident did not surprise him, he was used to the constant bullying and escaped more and more into his Sci-fi novels and comic books. One day, he says to himself, I will be like them. An Inventor, revolutionizing the world, a hero who is celebrated for his fight against injustice. He starts holding his ground, calling out his white classmates when they smear racist slurs on the cafeteria walls, even though it worsens the bullying. With twelve, he sells his first game to a magazine for $500. At 17 he leaves Africa and enrols in Queen’s University in Ontario, studies there for two years, before he gets a scholarship for the UPenn and graduates in Physics and Economics. In 2002, he sells his Company PayPal to eBay for $1.5 Billion and uses the money to found SpaceX and fund a start-up called Tesla. He has finally made it! He is an inventor, an entrepreneur and people started seeing him as a hero who will make space travel available for anybody! People call him the “real-life Tony Stark” only with an assuredly moral domain instead of selling weapons like the Marvel Hero did. His brand: "Saviour of the human race". By now, you probably guessed that the little, bullied boy is Elon Reeve Musk.
He was incredibly popular, especially with environmental protecting liberals. His revolutionizing electronic car, the Tesla, has become the symbol of “liberal do-goodery” and many eco-conscious people buy it just for this reason. He initially donates exclusively to the Democratic Party, supporting political figures like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, which makes perfect sense as he is one of the largest purveyors of renewable energy tech world-wide. His economic values, his striving towards making the world a better place, align naturally with the values of liberals and the Democratic party.
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The younger generations celebrate him after he starred as a guest in PewDiePie’s Meme-review on YouTube in 2019. He starts tweeting memes daily, editing himself on the body of The Rock and replying to his young followers in the comment section. He turns into a Meme lord, despite being forty-eight years old. In 2021, The Times declares him the person of the year, the New York Post characterises him as “gloriously capitalistic [and] irreverent” and as “the hero we need today”. Forty years after nearly being beaten to death, he became one of the characters he read about as a child. He is the richest man in the world and an inspiration for many aspiring engineers and entrepreneurs. And I admit, I shared their opinions of him, to me he was simple ‘the Tesla guy’ who occasionally popped-up as a new, funny meme on my Instagram feed. But now, only a year after his peak, he is on Icarus-like decent worse than any other he had before.
See, Musk has had controversies before, only that the public forgot and forgave them shortly after they happened. The first backlash comes, as he spreads a massive amount of misinformation on the Coronavirus during the course of 2020. From stating that the panic around the deadly virus is over the top, to alleging politicians of publishing enlarged numbers of death, and even suggesting that people should consider the anti-malaria drug chloroquine to battle COVID. This last suggestion was also made by Donald Trump and Laura Ingraham and resulted in the death of at least one person.
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It was during this period, that he began to lean more to the right-winged political side for example by challenging his followers to “Take the red pill”. The red pill is a reference to the matrix movie and taking it frees the hero, Neo, “from a dream-world imposed on humanity and let him see reality”. A reference which is now a metaphor often used by right-winged conspiracy theorists. Many republicans, including Ivanka Trump, reply with “Taken” and congratulate him on finally seeing the truth.
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��But he did not stop there and went so far as to call the lockdown “fascist”. He believed the safety measures taken by the government desperately trying to slow down the exploding death rates and attempting to relieve the collapsing health-system are “not Democratic. This is not Freedom. Give people back their goddamn freedom.”. The fuss around him died down eventually after he announced in 2021 that he believes in the COVID vaccine and in vaccines in general. A tweet which was received with mixed emotions. Especially Trump-supporters and republicans reacted negatively, disagreeing with his opinion on it being safe or asking if he was being blackmailed or even kidnapped. But alas, all was forgotten, until he created his latest and biggest controversy.
In February of 2022, he buys 9.2% of the Twitter shares, a purchase which makes him the biggest shareholder of the company. Soon after the news came out, he started posting polls on Twitter and rambles about ideas on how to improve the platform. While some people are concerned about his purchase and the consequential influence over the social media company, many celebrate him, calling him the next CEO of Twitter and start requesting changes from him. The people celebrating him are once again mostly republican, like the republican congressional candidate Lavern Spicer which even goes so far as to thank Musk under his first tweet after buying the shares for “helping to save western civilization”. The board of Twitter itself is not as ecstatic as his followers and feels threatened by the multi-billionaire. As a result, they create a deal: Musk gets appointed to the board if he agrees to not buy more than 15% of the Twitter shares. Elon does agree and on the 5th of April, Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal announces, that he will officially join the board four days later.
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Elon replies very optimistic, stating that he is “Looking forward to working with Parag & Twitter board to make significant improvements to Twitter in coming months!”. The replies to both tweets are mixed and show a clear separation. While some people simply ask him to install an edit button, the republican followers get louder and many ask him to unban Trump from Twitter, fire Parag and praise him for bringing back free speech to the platform. The other side is concerned about his purchase and look migrate to other platforms such as Tumblr.
But his approval was only a façade that crumbles as he declares on the day of his appointment, that he will no longer join the board. Instead, he publicly ponders in a tweet whether Twitter is dying. And maybe his pondering, as well as many republicans replying it is due to ‘censorship’, resulted in the conclusion, that only he can be the hero that saves Twitter because he makes his first offer to purchase it on the 14th of April. He is willing to pay $43 billion, which later turns into $44 billion, to take the company private. The Twitter board, in an attempt to prevent him from buying the company, turns to the poison pill strategy but without success. After Twitter accepts the offer, he pulls back and pauses negotiations, claiming that Twitter is withholding regarding the number of spam accounts on their platform. Twitter sues Musk, alleging him not only of breaching their contract which would cost him a whopping $1 billion if the judge ruled for Twitter, as well as causing major damage to the company’s internal structure and value. Their complaint criticises how “Musk apparently believes that he — unlike every other party subject to Delaware contract law — is free to change his mind, trash the company, disrupt its operations, destroy stockholder value, and walk away”. Looks like someone is unpopular at the Twitter headquarters. His reaction is as expected. He counter-sues the company under the claims that “[the key metrics] contain numerous, material misrepresentations or omissions that distort Twitter’s value”. This game of cat and mouse continues for three more months, until he eventually buys the company in October. And whilst legal experts hypothesis that he did it because it is very hard to break a merging agreement and the first hearing did not sound good for Musk and his legal team, 2.4 million users liked his first tweet after finally going through with the merge.
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The political direction in his comment section is now unmistakably right-winged, with Councilwoman Inna Vernikov thanking him “for making sure the USA does not turn into USSR”. Many advocate his role as the hero, saving the free speech on Twitter and asking him to reinstate accounts which have been banned for hate-speech and spreading of misinformation in the past. But where did all this talk about Twitter no longer supporting ‘free speech’ and censoring its users come from anyway?
It all started when the platform rewrote its rule after realising that “so-called free speech can actually be used as a weapon to silence the vulnerable and dispossessed” and that sometimes you must censor your users in order to maintain your position as a platform for free discourse. Thus, speech inciting violence against people “on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age, or disability” were banned. But the ‘absolutely unjustified’ censorship (which is apparently enough to turn the USA into the USSR) does not stop there. In  March of 2021, Twitter announces that they “will start labelling misleading tweets about COVID vaccines and ban users who continue to spread such misinformation” and further introduced a “strike system” which “will gradually escalate to a permanent ban after the fifth offending tweet”.
To conclude the debate, the republican users of Twitter miss their old free speech and have found in the now openly republican Musk the perfect hero to safe them from being banned for spreading misinformation on a deadly virus or making racist and offensive tweets.
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Because the new Twitter owner conveniently does it himself!
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And he does not disappoint their expectations. The rules against spreading misinformation on the ever-killing virus are taken down in November of 2022, making the CEO once again highly unpopular with public health officials and the people who fought at the front lines during the pandemic. But his quest for ‘free speech’, instating himself even more as the new republican social-media leader, and garnering even more outrage and unpopularity amongst non-republicans is not yet completed. On Jan. 6, the second anniversary of the attack on the U.S. Capitol, he reinstates Micheal Flynn who is “one of the most prominent supporters of false claims that [the election] had been stolen by Biden”. He is additionally a prominent believer of the Trump QAnon conspiracy theory and has called Ukraine’s president Zelensky a “Dangerous fool” whilst strongly praising Putin and his Security Council Deputy Chairman for being “bold leaders who have everything at stake in terms of protecting their country”. Yes, protecting their country, because apparently Russia is now the endangered country and not Ukraine, the country they invaded. But everything for free speech, I guess. Musk himself seems to be on Russia’s side, tweeting a ‘suggestion’ on how to end the war which align with Russia’s own requests
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Now, Musk has made a 180 degree transformation and turned from a symbol for the eco-conscious democrat into a full-fletched republican who allows misinformation and reinstates very controversial public figures. However, while he has a strong base of right-wing followers, the public criticism increases steadily, and he has now successfully managed to turn Ukrainian officials and political commentators against him.
During the November of 2022, Musk launched the $8-blue-verification, the inevitable wave of impersonation made him now also unpopular amongst companies and stars who had fallen victim to the predicted havoc.  But there is one group in his orbit that we have not yet looked at: his employees. Or should I in Twitters case rather say ex-employees? After his purchase, he not only fired the former CEO but also 3700 employees, more than half of the entire company. Even more followed after his famous hardcore-email, and the remaining employees are now begging for toilet paper as the stench from the bathrooms is flooding the offices, due to recent financial cuts.
Unfortunately though, the mistreatment of his employees is anything but new. In February of 2022, Tesla was sued after hundreds of complaints were filed by its employees due to experiencing racism and systematic harassment against black workers. Racist graffiti could be found all around the building and one worker “heard 50 to 100 racial slurs a day”. Soon after, investor Solomon Chau files a lawsuit because Musk and his executive directors at Tesla breached “fiduciary duty by enabling a toxic work environment”. He is reported to have a habit of “blowing up at those beneath him”, his humiliating and anger-driven behaviour has even become so common, that Executives would joke how “Musk would devour a worker by erupting at them in anger” instead of eating food. After Tesla executive Peter Rawlinson quit, like because of these temper tantrums, another executive failed to bring him back and was thus fired by Musk.
Somehow Musk even avoided the repercussions of the #MeToo movement as several women sued Tesla for sexual harassment without consequences at the workplace. Male workers took pictures of a women’s backside, sharing it with the rest of the workforce. Female employees were objectified on a daily basis, or touched by male co-workers who then lied about their position to dissuade them from reporting the harassment. But apparently they are all just following their CEO, given that Musk exposed himself to a flight attendant in 2016, asking her for an erotic massage in exchange for buying her a horse, leaving the flight attendant traumatized. After declining the generous offer, he cuts back her shifts and later proceeds to pay her $250.000 to silence her. He now calls the claims wild and a “concerted effort to silence him”.
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And while Media psychologist Jo Groeble speculates that his image could recover, I am of the firm belief and sincerly hope that it won’t. After all this, you cannot help but wonder, if Musk looks back on his childhood and believes that the small, bullied, and beaten boy who fiercely fought against racism, would have been proud of the person he is now. What do you think?  
TL;DR: In the name of 'free speech', Musk legalizes hate-speech and misinformation on Twitter and reinstates highly dangerous political figures on the anniversary of the tragedy which they promoted. All whilst banning journalists, politicians and anti-fascist accounts/organizations because they disagree with his opinions. Apparently, free speech only applies to people who share his opinion. Throwing temper-tantrums and erupting at workers is just as normal as inciting a toxic work-environment, racism, and sexual harassment. In the span of a year, he has made himself unpopular with his employees, democrats, feminists, people of colour, yes, even entire countries if we take a look at Ukraine.
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wetsteve3 · 2 years
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vijay1225 · 9 days
Automotive Wrap Films Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope Automotive wrap films refer to types of vinyl that can be applied to a vehicle’s bodywork to protect the paintwork, promote a business, or change its appearance. They safeguard the paint on the car, keeping the vehicle in great shape and protecting its value.
Sizing and Forecast The automotive wrap films market size has grown exponentially in recent years. It will grow from $5.78 billion in 2023 to $7.14 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.5%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to customization trends, paint protection demand, advertising and branding opportunities, growing vehicle fleet, ease of removal and replacement.
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The automotive wrap films market size is expected to see exponential growth in the next few years. It will grow to $15.51 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.4%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to diy installation culture, rise of motorsports and racing culture, rising digital printing sector,focus on color-shifting films, hydrophobic and self-healing films, increased adoption in commercial fleets. Major trends in the forecast period include advancements in film technologies, innovations in material science, sustainable and eco-friendly films, integration with ai.
Segmentation & Regional Insights The automotive wrap films market covered in this report is segmented -
1) By Film Type: Windows Films, Wrap Films, Paint Protection Films 2) By Material: Cast Vinyl, Calendared Vinyl 3) By Application: Passenger Vehicle, Commercial Vehicle
North America was the largest region in the automotive wrap films market in 2023. The regions covered in the automotive wrap films market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa.
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth An increase in the sales of luxury vehicles is significantly contributing to the growth of the automotive wrap films market going forward. Luxury vehicles refer to vehicles that provide increased levels of performance, status, comfort, and quality compared to regular vehicles for an increased price. Automotive wrap films such as paint protection films cover the surfaces of luxury cars to protect the luxury vehicle from scratches, strains, and fading caused by external factors such as debris, rocks, sand, acid rains, and other elements. Automotive wrap films increase the longevity of luxury vehicles’™ exterior finish, which is crucial for their luxury status and maintenance. For instance, according to the January 2023 report released by Rolls Royce, a UK-based luxury vehicle manufacturer, the sales of Rolls Royce luxury cars increased by 7.7% from 5,586 in 2021 to 6,021 in 2022. Therefore, the increase in sales of luxury vehicles will drive the automotive wrap films market.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the automotive wrap films market report are 3M Co., APA Corporation, Avery Dennison Corporation, Fedrigoni SpA, Guangzhou Sino Group Ltd., Garware Hi-Tech Films Limited, Alphagraphics UK, Ritrama SpA, KDX America LLC, Hexis SA, Metamark UK Ltd., Spandex UK Ltd., Madico Inc., Signmaster Systems Ltd., FDC Graphic Films Inc., Ikonix USA, Arlon Graphics LLC, J&A International UK Ltd., Studio One Ltd., CMYUK Ltd., Kay Premium Marking Films Ltd., Vinyl Graphics Limited, Orafol Europe GmbH, Guangzhou Carbins Film Co. Ltd., Vehicle Wraps Inc., Portfolio Display Ltd., ADS Window Films Ltd., JMR Graphics Inc., Vvivid Vinyl Inc.
The automotive wrap films market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary 2. Automotive Wrap Films Market Characteristics 3. Automotive Wrap Films Market Trends And Strategies 4. Automotive Wrap Films Market — Macro Economic Scenario 5. Global Automotive Wrap Films Market Size and Growth . . . 31. Automotive Wrap Films Market Other Major And Innovative Companies 32. Global Automotive Wrap Films Market Competitive Benchmarking 33. Global Automotive Wrap Films Market Competitive Dashboard 34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Automotive Wrap Films Market 35. Automotive Wrap Films Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
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businessindustry · 2 months
Cycling Shorts Market Future Trends and Research Report by 2024-2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Cycling Shorts Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Cycling Shorts Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Cycling Shorts Market?
The global cycling shorts market was US$ 844.2 Million in 2022.  The market to register a revenue CAGR of 6.8% over the forecast period and account for a market size of US$ 1,526.1 Mn in 2031.
What are Cycling Shorts?
Cycling shorts are tailored, snug-fitting shorts created specifically for cyclists to wear while riding. Constructed from stretchable, breathable fabrics, these shorts offer comfort and support during extended cycling sessions. They commonly include a padded chamois in the seat area to minimize friction and absorb moisture, ensuring a comfortable ride and preventing skin irritation. With a close-fitting design that reduces air resistance and enhances aerodynamics, cycling shorts are an essential garment for cyclists, providing both comfort and performance advantages for riders at every skill level.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/2059
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Cycling Shorts industry?
The cycling shorts market growth is driven by various factors and trends. The market for cycling shorts is steadily expanding, propelled by the increasing popularity of cycling for both leisure and fitness. These shorts are indispensable for cyclists, providing essential comfort and performance benefits. The market offers a wide array of options, including shorts tailored for road cycling, mountain biking, and casual riding, each designed with specific features to meet diverse cycling requirements. Noteworthy trends in the market include the adoption of advanced materials for enhanced comfort and longevity, as well as innovative designs to boost performance. Furthermore, there is a growing demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly cycling shorts, reflecting the broader shift towards eco-conscious products in the apparel industry. Hence, all these factors contribute to cycling shorts market growth
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Product Type:
Road Shorts / Bib Shorts
Mountain Bike Shorts / Baggy Shorts
Smart Cycling Shorts
Consumer Orientation:
Pad Type:
Non-Padded Shorts
Sales Channel:
Specialty Stores
Online Retailers
Multi-brand Stores
Sports Variety Stores
Other Sales Channel
Segmentation By Region:
North America:
United States
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific:
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America:
Middle East & Africa:
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Specialized Bicycle Components, Inc.
Aero Tech Designs Cyclewear
Baleaf Sports
Nike, Inc.
Hennes & Mauritz AB
Manifattura Valcismon S.p.A.
Rapha Racing Limited
ITS Cycling Limited T/A Hunt Bike Wheels
Assos of Switzerland
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Cycling Shorts-market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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Reports and Insights consistently mееt international benchmarks in the market research industry and maintain a kееn focus on providing only the highest quality of reports and analysis outlooks across markets, industries, domains, sectors, and verticals. We have bееn catering to varying market nееds and do not compromise on quality and research efforts in our objective to deliver only the very best to our clients globally.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
Contact Us:
Reports and Insights Business Research Pvt. Ltd. 1820 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY, 11230, United States Contact No: +1-(347)-748-1518 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/report-and-insights/ Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/ReportsandInsi1
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pmi-report111 · 2 months
Equestrian Training Services Market  Analysis by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application to 2031
The global "Equestrian Training Services Market Market" report indicates a consistent and robust growth trend in recent times, projecting a positive trajectory expected to persist until 2031. A significant trend observed in the Equestrian Training Services Market market is the rising consumer inclination towards environmentally sustainable and eco-friendly products. Furthermore, a notable advancement in this market is the increasing incorporation of technology to elevate both product quality and efficiency. Cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and block chain are actively employed to develop innovative products that outperform traditional options in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. The Equestrian Training Services Market Market Research Report for 2024 highlights emerging trends, growth opportunities, and potential scenarios envisioned up to the year 2031.
By delving into the latest trends, the report keeps businesses abreast of the dynamic market environment, helping them identify emerging opportunities and navigate potential challenges. The meticulous analysis covers various aspects, offering valuable insights into the historical performance of the market and presenting the current (CAGR) status.
Get a Sample Copy of the Report at: https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample-pdf/1749
Who are the biggest Equestrian Training Services Market manufacturers worldwide?
Qatar Racing and Equestrian Club (Qatar)
Emirates Equestrian Centre (UAE)
Kentucky Horse Park (U.S.)
Royal Ascot Racing Club (U.K)
Oldencraig Equestrian Centre (U.K.)
The Equestrian Training Services Market Market is described briefly as follows:
The global Equestrian Training Services Market size was USD 3372.6 million in 2024 and the market is projected to touch USD 4757.08 million by 2031, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.90% during the forecast period.
SWOT Analysis of Equestrian Training Services Market Market:
A SWOT analysis involves evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a particular market or business. In the case of the keyword market, we'll be looking at the factors that can impact the industry's performance.
Pestle Analysis of Equestrian Training Services Market Market:
To better comprehend the market environment, a five-force analysis is performed, which takes into account the bargaining power of the customer, the supplier, the threat of substitutes, the threat of new entrants, and the threat of competition.
Get a Sample Copy of Equestrian Training Services Market Market Report
What are the Types in Equestrian Training Services Market Market?
Indoor Field
Outdoor Field
What are Applications in Equestrian Training Services Market Market?
Inquire or Share Your Questions If Any before the Purchasing This Report:https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/enquiry/queries/1749
Geographical Segmentation:
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key regions, with sales, revenue, market share, and Equestrian Training Services Market market growth rate in these regions, from 2017 to 2028, covering
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam)
South America (Brazil etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Egypt and GCC Countries)
Some of the key questions answered in this report:
Who are the worldwide key Players of the Equestrian Training Services Market Industry?
How the opposition goes in what was in store connected with Equestrian Training Services Market?
Which is the most driving country in the Equestrian Training Services Market industry?
What are the Equestrian Training Services Market market valuable open doors and dangers looked by the manufactures in the worldwide Equestrian Training Services Market Industry?
Which application/end-client or item type might look for gradual development possibilities? What is the portion of the overall industry of each kind and application?
What centered approach and imperatives are holding the Equestrian Training Services Market market?
What are the various deals, promoting, and dissemination diverts in the worldwide business?
What are the key market patterns influencing the development of the Equestrian Training Services Market market?
Financial effect on the Equestrian Training Services Market business and improvement pattern of the Equestrian Training Services Market business?
Purchase this Report (Price 3200 USD for A Single-User License) at:https://www.proficientmarketinsights.com/purchase/1749
TOC of Global Equestrian Training Services Market Market Research Report 2023
1 Equestrian Training Services Market Market Overview
2 Market Competition by Manufacturers
3 Equestrian Training Services Market Production by Region
4 Equestrian Training Services Market Consumption by Region
5 Segment by Type
6 Segment by Application
7 Key Companies Profiled
8 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis
9 Equestrian Training Services Market Market Dynamics
10 Research Finding and Conclusion
11 Methodology and Data Source
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sistamagza · 3 months
Amanda Du Pont Opens Up About Her Remarkable Journey with Lelive.africa
New Post has been published on https://sistamagazine.co.za/amanda-du-pont-opens-up-about-her-remarkable-journey-with-lelive-africa/
Amanda Du Pont Opens Up About Her Remarkable Journey with Lelive.africa
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In the realm of entrepreneurship, famous actress Amanda Du Pont stands as a beacon of inspiration, leveraging her talents and passion to make a significant impact in the beauty industry. As the CEO and Founder of Lelive.africa skincare, she has not only crafted a thriving business but has also become a symbol of empowerment for women across the globe. Amanda’s journey with Lelive.africa is a testament to her unwavering dedication and innovative spirit, reflected in the remarkable achievements she has attained.
Amanda’s entrepreneurial venture, Lelive.africa, represents more than just a skincare brand; it embodies a philosophy of embracing one’s natural beauty and promoting self-care. Under her leadership, the brand has garnered widespread acclaim for its high-quality products, infused with organic ingredients that nourish and rejuvenate the skin. From luxurious moisturizers to revitalizing serums, each product is meticulously crafted to deliver exceptional results, earning the trust and loyalty of customers worldwide.
One of Amanda’s most notable achievements with Lelive.africa is the brand’s commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. Recognizing the importance of environmental conservation, she has implemented eco-friendly initiatives throughout the company’s operations, from sourcing ingredients responsibly to minimizing packaging waste. By prioritizing sustainability, Amanda not only aligns with the values of conscientious consumers but also sets a commendable standard for the beauty industry as a whole.
Beyond its dedication to sustainability, Lelive.africa under Amanda’s guidance has emerged as a champion of diversity and inclusivity. Through thoughtful marketing campaigns and collaborations with influencers from diverse backgrounds, the brand celebrates the beauty of every skin tone and ethnicity. Amanda’s advocacy for representation in the beauty industry has resonated deeply with consumers, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment among individuals of all races and cultures.
Amanda’s impact extends beyond the realm of business, as she actively uses her platform to inspire and uplift others. Through social media channels and public appearances, she shares her journey as an entrepreneur, offering valuable insights and advice to aspiring business owners. Her authenticity and relatability have endeared her to a loyal following, who look to her not only as a skincare mogul but also as a mentor and role model.
In a recent Instagram post, Amanda expressed her gratitude to Lelive.africa for the opportunity to lead and innovate in the beauty industry. She also extended heartfelt thanks to her dedicated team, whose collective efforts have been instrumental in the brand’s success. This gesture reflects Amanda’s humility and appreciation for the collaborative spirit that drives Lelive.africa forward.
went from number 1 on call sheets to being the client. Been such a challenging journey, but let me tell you the power of community @lelive.africa you’ve made my wildest dreams come true and we working to make sure you are always catered too 🤍To my team, I value you so much. Just wrapped two major commercials 🤭 Can’t stop a God thing!
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– Amanda Du Pont ( Instagram)
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A post shared by Amanda du-Pont (@amandadupont)
Looking ahead, Amanda Du Pont’s journey with Lelive.africa continues to inspire optimism and excitement for the future. With her visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to excellence, there is no doubt that she will continue to redefine the standards of beauty and entrepreneurship. As she paves the way for a more sustainable, inclusive, and empowering beauty industry, Amanda Du Pont stands as a shining example of entrepreneurial brilliance and female empowerment.
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highwayhyundai · 3 months
Dominate the Market: Winning Strategies for highway Hyundai Car Sales
In the fiercely competitive automotive industry, companies vie for market dominance, striving to innovate, captivate consumers, and secure their position as leaders. Hyundai has risen to prominence with its commitment to quality, innovation, and consumer-centric approach. 
To maintain and expand its market share, sell my car newcastle must continuously evolve its strategies to adapt to changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and market dynamics. 
This article explores winning strategies for highway Hyundai to dominate the market in car sales.
Embrace Innovation and Technology:
Innovation is the cornerstone of success in the automotive industry. Hyundai must continue to invest in research and development to pioneer new technologies and incorporate them into its vehicles. From electric and hybrid powertrains to advanced safety features and connectivity options, integrating cutting-edge technology can enhance the appeal of Hyundai cars and attract tech-savvy consumers.
Hyundai's recent foray into electric vehicles with models like the Hyundai Kona Electric and Hyundai Ioniq Electric demonstrates its commitment to sustainable mobility. By expanding its electric vehicle lineup, Hyundai can capitalise on the growing demand for eco-friendly transportation solutions and establish itself as a leader in the electric vehicle market segment.
Furthermore, Hyundai should focus on developing autonomous driving technologies to stay ahead of the curve. By investing in autonomous vehicle research and collaborating with tech companies specialising in artificial intelligence and machine learning, Hyundai can position itself as a frontrunner in the race towards autonomous mobility.
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Strengthen Brand Image and Reputation:
A strong brand image is crucial for success in the automotive industry. Hyundai must cultivate a positive reputation for reliability, performance, and value to win over consumers and build brand loyalty. Investing in quality control measures, customer service initiatives, and marketing campaigns that highlight Hyundai's strengths can enhance brand perception and instil confidence in prospective buyers.
Hyundai should leverage its sponsorship deals and partnerships to boost brand visibility and engagement. Collaborating with popular celebrities, sports teams, and events can help Hyundai reach a broader audience and foster emotional connections with consumers.
Moreover, Hyundai should prioritise sustainability and corporate social responsibility initiatives to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. By adopting eco-friendly manufacturing practices, reducing carbon emissions, and supporting environmental causes, Hyundai can position itself as a socially responsible brand committed to making a positive impact on the planet.
Expand Product Portfolio and Market Presence:
Diversifying its product portfolio and expanding its market presence are essential strategies for Hyundai to dominate car sales. Introducing new models across different vehicle segments, including sedans, SUVs, and crossovers, can cater to a wider range of consumer preferences and lifestyles.
Hyundai should also focus on strengthening its presence in emerging markets with high growth potential. By tailoring its products and marketing strategies to suit local tastes and preferences, Hyundai can gain a competitive edge and capture market share in regions such as Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
Furthermore,highway Hyundai car sales should invest in dealership networks and distribution channels to improve accessibility and convenience for customers. Establishing strategic partnerships with local dealerships and e-commerce platforms can facilitate seamless sales and aftersales support, enhancing the overall customer experience.
Prioritise Customer Experience and Engagement:
In today's digital age, providing exceptional customer experience is paramount for success. Hyundai must leverage technology to streamline the car buying process, enhance customization options, and offer personalized services that cater to individual needs and preferences.
Implementing online sales platforms, virtual showrooms, and augmented reality tools can enable customers to explore Hyundai's lineup, configure their dream vehicles, and make informed purchasing decisions from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, Hyundai should invest in digital marketing strategies, social media engagement, and online community building to foster meaningful connections with customers and gather valuable feedback for continuous improvement.
Hyundai should prioritise aftersales services, including maintenance programs, warranty coverage, and roadside assistance, to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. By providing reliable support and addressing any issues promptly, Hyundai can build long-term relationships with customers and drive repeat business.
In conclusion, Hyundai's success in dominating the market in car sales hinges on its ability to innovate, strengthen its brand image, expand its product portfolio, and prioritize customer experience. By embracing technology, enhancing brand reputation, diversifying its offerings, and fostering customer engagement, highway Hyundai car sales can stay ahead of the competition and achieve sustainable growth in the dynamic automotive industry.
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motorsportverso · 6 months
África eco race resultado etapa 2
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
Joan Pedrero Entering the Africa Eco Race | Harley-Davidson Pan America ...
He's running a huge he has one a huge number of races on Harley-Davidson in the deserts huge he is massively famous he is the number one desert racer on Earth and with this bike he's one more races than he ever thought possible he tried widening the tires and said I can't lower it I'll get stuck and he tried lowering it and put a smoother plate on and say there's nothing in Hell's Green Earth they'll stop this guy from beating us you can't stop this bike it goes so fast they said I can't even race it because they'll disqualify me and he tried to raise somebody and they wouldn't do it no he raised a few people he said you're insane to go so fast he's asking what else it's like strip it down instead of up it filter system has a static system so you have air flow and it removes the sand mechanically pushes it out before it hits the filters so you put one on there pretty decent one and it works he goes twice as fast and there are a lot of people with different ideas there's a huge number of people working on it it's going fast but we're going to post this is an intense the other with the big tires it goes twice as fast
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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harleysite · 4 months
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totalmotorcycle · 6 months
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Final destination of Dakar Aprilia continues to battle at top of Africa Eco Race http://dlvr.it/T1Fnb0
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winnersonlyweekend · 5 months
Exploring the World Together: The Rise of Young Black Travel Groups
These travel groups cater specifically to the unique needs and interests of young Black travelers, offering a safe and supportive space where members can feel empowered to explore new destinations while celebrating their cultural heritage. Young Black Travel Groups Whether it's backpacking through Europe, exploring the ancient ruins of Africa, or immersing themselves in the vibrant culture of South America, these groups offer a variety of curated travel experiences designed to enrich and inspire.
One of the most appealing aspects of these travel groups is the sense of community they provide. For many young Black travelers, exploring unfamiliar destinations can be daunting, especially in regions where they may feel underrepresented or marginalized. By joining a travel group comprised of individuals who share similar backgrounds and experiences, members can feel a sense of camaraderie and solidarity, knowing that they are not alone in their adventures.
Moreover, these groups often prioritize diversity and inclusion, welcoming members from all walks of life regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. This commitment to diversity not only enriches the travel experience but also fosters meaningful connections between individuals from different backgrounds, fostering a sense of unity and understanding that transcends borders.
In addition to fostering a sense of community, young Black travel groups also serve as a platform for cultural exchange and education. Through organized cultural activities, language exchanges, and community service projects, members have the opportunity to learn about and engage with the rich diversity of cultures and traditions found across the globe. These experiences not only broaden their horizons but also deepen their appreciation for the interconnectedness of the world.
Furthermore, these travel groups often prioritize responsible and sustainable travel practices, advocating for ethical tourism and environmental conservation. From supporting locally-owned businesses to participating in eco-friendly initiatives, members are encouraged to minimize their impact on the places they visit and contribute positively to the communities they encounter.
The rise of social media has played a significant role in the growth of Travel Groups for Young People, providing a platform for members to share their experiences, connect with fellow travelers, and inspire others to embark on their own adventures. Through platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, members showcase their travels, offer travel tips and advice, and celebrate the beauty and diversity of the world.
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