#Afk Leofric
senopsh · 5 months
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zzoupz · 1 year
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doodles bc I stayed up all night and had to do something to pass the time
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opensunshadow · 5 months
My headcanon is that Reinier and leofric would be best friends
They would have tea or coffee and have some gossip, i think that thay would like that
And both would hate Berial
If someone would like to write a fanfic about this, please
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imagine-afk · 2 months
could you maybe make a platonic and romantic with leofric
I started this blog and then got horribly sick so woo, I'm late!
Leofric Romantic Headcanons
He would prefer someone to read with, someone calm. He just doesn't do well with anyone loud or too active. It's not that he's lazy or anything, he just prefers to have his peace, and he expects his partner to at least respect that.
He is likely to be his partner's rock. He is very calm and collected, he has his rituals, and he doesn't often prepare surprises. That doesn't mean he's boring, of course, his dates will be carefully planned and crafted to be of maximum enjoyment for his partner.
He is not the most openly affectionate person. He doesn't mind holding your hand in public or while you read together but anything further than that requires some convincing and maybe prep. However, there is one loophole: If you sit in his lap as he reads, he will melt into a slightly more affectionate mood.
He will spoil you with lavish gifts. Being a merchant and now a noble with personal connections to the royal family, there is little he cannot get you. He keeps a list of things you expressed interest in to get you for dates or special occasions. Better be careful what you wish for with him around though because he doesn't really understand that sometimes you just say something without thinking much.
Speaking of dates, expect a lot of indoor dates. He doesn't really like going outside more than necessary and it's not like he needs to. His mansion has incredible cooks, wonderful views, a garden with all of your favorite flowers... Sometimes, his Hypogean side peaks out, whispering that he should just keep you from ever leaving the mansion, like a bird in a golden cage.
Leofric Platonic Headcanons
Where did you even meet him? Chances are, it was probably during one of Prince Lester's parties. In that case, congratulations, you were probably the extrovert who adopted this introverted elegant guy. It's not that he can't make friends but he's quite satisfied with the contacts he already has.
He prefers to hang out in pairs or small groups like the Tulip Poetry Circle and it also helps if you include someone he feels comfortable with. Like Lester. Actually, expect to hang out with Lester a lot, the two of them are quite tight despite their very different origins.
You'll find that he's a lot more talkative through letters. While he may not be that great at usual conversation beyond polite small talk, he will write out tens of pages of letters. His handwriting is very neat too and it is obvious he writes a lot. However, he doesn't expect you to match his length so don't worry.
Surprisingly enough, he likes hunting trips. It probably took you by surprise but it's a good chance for his hound to stretch its legs and have some fun and Leofric himself likes the peace and quiet of the woods even more than the hunt itself. Really, not that much actually gets hunted on these trips.
It definitely took him a while for him to show you his Hypogean form. He is slow to trust but once you get in close with him, he will support you. And with him, you will have access to Prince Lester's resources too so overall, it is a friendship well worth the investment of time.
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nikikikiko · 6 months
how this fic planning is going is
i got an idea for one of the arc’s for the kids
for any liberta fans i’m so sorry (i’m not really)
- During holidays, the family often heads towards either Saltwater Town to visit Kadrin or Oakenfell to visit Leofric and Lavatune
- This does not stop Debate Night from happening
- Leofric has taken to not involving himself much in the Infamous Debate Nights
- Due to one incident where he joined and ended up, hilariously, getting angry at his opponent for that round: Gavus
- They were debating on if Black and White could or could not be considered colors, Gavus took the stance that they could while Leofric took the stance that they couldn’t.
- proceed: they somehow veered into the different symbolisms of Black and White and which symbolism is ultimately the correct one, leading back into if they were colors or not, and then heading into Leofric put the chair down
- Debate night can get pretty heated
- At some point the siblings were pitted against each other during an extended family debate night
- And from there it was a secondary debate on who would win
- Featuring team Liberta consisting of Gavus and Leofric, holding a momentary truce because they think he’ll argue his point best
- and Team Lucilla consisting of Eugene and Lavatune, who are simply just counting Lucilla not threatening violence to be a win
- Nobody actually wins btw they just go at it until they’re pretty sure they lost the plot
- Another infamous incident actually is between Kadrin and Eugene, a debate that went on for nearly 18 weeks excluding breaks in between and how long it takes for letters to get from the Eugavus Family Home to Saltwater Town.
- Nobody lets either of them down about this. It is always brought up as the longest record standing debate.
- Eugene is proud of it, Kadrin isn’t sure how it happened
- Lavatune’s involvement comes at he prefers to jump in when it’s funny
- He’ll support the side that’s making him laugh the most
- There are some topics he gets passionate about, though, and when he’s up to bat, then the only people that can contend are Leofric, Gavus and Maybe Eugene depending on how much Eugene remembers of the topic
- Liberta and Lucilla get a Free Show during these nights
That’s all for now, I just wanted to build on my silly debate nights hc
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bippityboppity69 · 1 year
Leofric/Gender neutral reader
I was struck with inspiration! (No, I'm not procrastinating on my other stories.) I will say this is very much inspired by Beauty and the Beast with my own twists of course. This gender neutral reader shall have no name, any descriptions of them will be very vague, and I will be using they/them. This is going to be a multiple part story. I will try to put any warnings above the read more so that you know what is going on. Anyway, please enjoy~
(Mentions of intense fear)
“They had to do this.”
That thought motivated them forward. Through the dark forest, along the dusty path. Lantern clutched tight in their hands as they recounted what the old woman, Baba Yaga had said.
“Go to the forest with no light. Inside is a manor with the information you seek. But be warned child, a monster rests inside.”
Spotting the iron gate, a chill ran down their spine. Straightening back their shoulders as they marched forward. Every instinct screamed for them to turn back and run, but…
 The image of Estrilda laying in bed, twisted marks across her skin as she writhed in pain. Of Thane desperately seeking out doctors and priests. Of hearing him sob as they told him there was nothing they could do. Of Baden, holding her hand as he whispered to please hold on.
“Do it for Estrilda.” Their mind whispered. “For Thane. For Baden. So no one else has to suffer.”
Steeling themselves, they crossed through the open gate. Gravel crunching underfoot as they followed the path up to the manor. The garden was perfectly manicured, the air filled with the scent of roses and honeysuckle.
There was an orange glow coming from the windows. Lights. Someone or something was home. They didn’t know if that should terrify them or not. Muttering under their breath as they got closer.
“For Estrilda. For Thane. For Baden.”
They repeated that over and over. Reaching the front door, shaking hands reached for the iron knocker. Raising it up before letting it fall.
*Thud*  *Thud*
It was as if every sound in the forest stopped. A horrible deafening silence that made their ears ring. Eyes pinned to the door, heart pounding in their chest. Swallowing the lump in their throat as they reached for the knocker again.
Freezing in place as the door creaked open. Darkness, pitch black darkness that devoured, rested inside. Drawing in a deep breath as they stepped toward the inside.
They could do this.
Entering inside, surprised at how… warm it was. As if this manor was heated. Carpet softened their footsteps as they walked along the hallway. Portraits lined the walls, all of them containing beautiful illustrations. Some were landscapes, others were of people or animals. One caught their attention.
A middle aged man with salt and pepper hair was staring ahead. He was dressed in an elegant purple suit with a cane in his hands. The top seemed to made of obsidian in the shape of a canine head.
They shivered as they saw the man’s eyes. Both were a stunning shade of ice blue, yet it almost seemed…
Like he was staring right at them.
Pulling themselves away from the hypnotic gaze, continuing down the hallway. At the end was a giant set of double doors. Their destination, the library.
“This Hypogean holds countless centuries of knowledge. If there is any information on how to help your friend, it is inside that library.” Baba Yaga’s voice rang in their ears. “But be warned, there is a price to pay and he will set the terms. Do not bargain with him. Do not barter or steal or lie. You must agree to whatever he wants. Otherwise, the manor shall turn to dust and you will be hunted till your dying day… if you’re lucky.”
Trying to steady their nerves. Reaching for the door, stopping as it swung open. A stunned gasp left them, eyes going wide at the library. There were dozens, no hundreds of shelves of books!
Stepping inside, shocked as they turned around. Taking in everything they could. Hundreds and hundreds of books, astrology equipment, an alchemist kit! For a brief moment, they lost their fear. Instead they were excited.
“There’s so many books! Not even the temple has this many!” They thought gleefully. Running their hand along a few tomes, tracing golden letters. Until a single thought interrupted them, “I’m here…but where is the Hypogean?”
“What is this?”
A wave of paralyzing fear overcoming them. Heart pounding as their feet seemed glued to the floor. Arm shaking, no their whole body was shaking. Panic and dread mixed together, both screaming in their mind.
Catching movement, eyes going wide as something reached over them. A massive dark purple hand, black claws instead of nails. Delicately grabbing a book, before retreating. Cold breath ruffled their hair as something leaned over them.
“A mortal has come into my home?” A voice of pure fear and dread asked. “It has been many years since someone has visited me.”
They couldn’t move. Breath coming out in short raspy gasps. Heart pounding so fast that their body was going numb. Their mind a tangled mess of panic.
“Why have you come here?”
“M-my friends.” They whispered, voice barely audible. “There is a sickness spreading through. The doctors and priests can do nothing. I heard…” The warning from Baba Yaga ran through their head. “I went to see a woman, her name is Baba Yaga. She said to come here and I could find what I seek.”
“You do not lie.” A claw brushed their cheek. “How…interesting. Most mortals would lie, yet you speak the truth.”
“Lying breeds mistrust.” The words seemed to fall from their mouth. “I wish for information and I know there is a price to pay.”
There was silence. For one, two minutes. They kept their gaze on the shelf. Did they mess up? Were they going to die here? Tears pricked at their eyes. They never even got to say goodbye to everyone…
“It has been so long since I’ve had visitors.” The Hypogean sighed. “I will let you use my library.”
Hope bloomed in their chest. Panic dying down a bit. They could use the library! The mental celebration stopped as the Hypogean grabbed their shoulder. A tremble running through them.
“However, you must stay here.” They had to stay? “Stay in this manor as you research. I have been lacking proper company for so long…”
“Do not barter. You must agree to any terms.”
"...I accept."
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afk-confessions · 2 years
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8: I want to see Leofric get wrecked. No more prim and proper. Let the Hypogean side out to play.
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I intended this to be even MORE of a sketch... but this was the minimum I could leave it at. xD
I have to admit... after Valen... he is actually my second favourite character. He isn't just gorgeous in design but his actions and character are admirable. Of course, the humour isn't missing either.
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afkleothur · 1 year
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Arthur and Leofric if they were in Cookie Run
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ojisanmansion · 7 hours
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katrina37973 · 1 year
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AFK Arena Leofric, Fanart.
Also posted on Reddit.
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littleboss-lazulis · 2 years
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Today at Lazulis’s house : arm wrestling contest between humans and demons
Lina against Framton
Me (lazulis) against Zikis
Eïli against Leofric
(Humans are drawn on the right and demons on the left)
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zzoupz · 2 years
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random heroes for funsies
I will draw every single character eventually
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opensunshadow · 5 months
What would the hypogeans be as parents
Like woud leofric be strict? Or would he be kind?
And mahira be flirty with other man in front of her child?
What hypogean would be the best father?(from the hypogeans without a child)
And what hypogean would be the best mother?(from the hypogeans without a child)
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orginllazyblog · 7 months
Another Headcanon, only this time: Gender Swap Au
Eugene to Eugenia, Gavus to Galina, and Lucilla and Liberta's switch their names. (For reasons)
Warning: gruesome torture
Before meeting Galina, Eugenia was the absolute beauty that made her one of the mid ranks. No one knows where she came from, but rumors said she's one of Lady Lei (Leofric) creations.
Eugenia had many suitor candidates, mainly hypogeans. One of them be (Mehira, Lucretia, Mortas, Framton, Zolrath, and Ezizh) but most of them were either too violent, untrustworthy, or toxic. Eugenia simply wanted a healthy long relationship. Luckily, her wish came true after all those lonely years.
Eugenia's hypogean powers come from her hair. The longer and well kept is what made her strong. Only Lady Lei, her creator, knows about as she created Eugenia to be able to defend herself.
Like the original Eugene, Eugenia has red streaks of hair that resemble like a fire, and the end of her hair faded red. Long finger metalic purple nails, a faded face streak on the check. The only difference between two genders is the body figure, but what both have in common is
Eugenia's signature artifact would be a war fan. Eugene is more into mortal creations he would be into craftsmanship, with Eugenia interested in fashion. So, with a fan and infuse with her hypogean powers, a magical fan that can throw blades and flames. Gotta fight in a dress/jumpsuit with heels 💃💅🏻✨️
During her prison, Eugenia had to deal with her magic draining away by her hair getting cut off, torture, and rape. One of her potential suitors told her that she could be set free if she agreed to marry them, which sent her blood to boil in rage.
"I would rather die than marry you filth!"
Don't worry, Eugenia managed to get her revenge when she was freed by Lucilla and Liberta. Though she had to tell her kids to not look as she was brutally killing the hypogean guards and couples of other hypogeans who might have been her suitors, already dead on the ground. Slay girl 💅🏻✨️
With her now shortened to the length of her neck, she could barely defend herself. So when they got back together, the twins would ask Galina if there was a way for Eugenia to grow her hair back, or at least get her regular strength back. Hmm.. might make a small series, but that's for another time
A student of Michael (Morgana) and training to be one of the high-ranking Celestials. With training, Galina gains muscles. Instead of scholar, a soilder in training.
Her appearance is giving lesbian vibes by having short hair because she didn't want her hair to get in the way during battle and studying. Instead of star face mark, a star mark on her forehead. Especially the marks on the arms as well on her leg ankles.
Her signature artifact would be a sword. Why is that? Referring to Greek mythology, titaness of Law and Justice, Themis. Her symbols are the scales and a sword, specifically a bronze sword. So with AFK Arena lore, Galina does swordtraining and was gifted a sword, Claymore sword.
Also, doesn't wear earrings, sadly. Galina wouldn't be interested in jewelry accessories other than armor since she's training to be a soldier. But when she started living with the twins and Eugenia, Eugenia would introduce her jewelries. Galina would wear hand bracelets, and soon a ring.
When they reunited, now Galina the one with long hair and Eugenia having short hair.
Lucario (Lucilla) & Liberty (Liberty)
With male Lucilla being named Liberta, he would sneak away from training, wanting to have his own freedom. Similar trait from Eugenia. And with female liberta named Lucilla, had the most brightest personality, but Michael taught her to be cold like a weapon she's supposed to be. That is what Galina was trained to be, but luckily, Lucilla was able to show her true emotions when both her brother reunited with their moms.
Both Lucilla and Liberta want their hair to grow like their mom Eugenia
Liberta's signature weapon would be a giant scissor, and Lucilla's weapon would be a magic wand
Liberta doesn't like being told what to do and perfers to do his own way. Lucilla is the sweetest, her name meaning light or bundle of joy.
Tho, @tatarella suggest their names to be Lucario and Liberty. Which sounds perfect. Let's go with it
Lucario horns, I picture to this:
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From pinterest. idk if I'll be able to finish the sketch while I still need to do Galina.
Family Moments
When they were still babies, Galina still had no idea how to get them to fall asleep. Eugenia taught her by singing lullabies. I could imagine her singing "Stay Awake" from Marry Poppins. Eugenia's voice was soothing like any mother's voice.
"You also have to carry them close to your chest so that they can hear the heartbeat."
"Why is that?"
"From what I know, babies remember their mother's heartbeat before they were born. So, as long they know our heartbeats and a couple of songs, we will get our little devils to sleep."
"How do you know about this information, Eugenia?"
"Well...it's one of the things I had to learn from Lady Lei since I was to be married to another hypogean to create a stronger heir. Luckily, I meet you and the little devils."
Eugenia would make matching clothes for the twins, even make dresses for her beloved pigeonhead
"You don't have to-"
"Nonsense! I have worked on this dress for weeks. Plus, you can be beautiful too and show your muscles~"
"Alright, alright, I'll wear it. Thank you, Eugenia."
One time, Lucario raised his voice on his celestial mom. Let's just say he was grounded for a week.
Eugenia and Liberty would have teatime, and soon Galina and Lucario join.
Eugenia is more of a stay house mom as she knows how to cook and sew clothing while Galina goes out to get materials from close by town.
Lucario and Liberty would ask Galina if they could braid her hair now that her hair had grown more since her prison.
It drives Eugenia crazy, having to tell Galina to wear at least socks or sandals inside the house instead of walking barefoot.
"At least the kids wear socks. Go put some socks or sandals!"
"But I don't have sandals."
"Are you that really picky? I can get you sandals, shoes, or slippers. You can't walk around barefoot!"
"Moms are fighting again"
That one meme (which I'm trying to find) explains the dynamic:
Eugenia: *grounded both Lucario and Liberty for whatever reason got them in trouble*
Galina: *trying to reason her hypogean wife*
Galina: *also got scolded*
Yeah, Eugenia may be the demoness of chaos, but when it comes to her kids, it's a no. They must get it from Galina for fighting so reckless without a plan to backup. Forget getting her hair long again. She's gonna get gray hair from all the troubles. Literally karma for Eugenia.
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foxytonics-quill · 1 year
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