#Affordable Phone Trends
tricksfunn · 4 months
Affordable Phones Evolution: Performance, Camera, and Sustainability
The future of affordable phones is promising, offering users a blend of performance, camera capabilities, sustainability, innovation, and market dynamics. Lets break it down: Bridging the Gap: Performance Powerhouses Affordable phones are evolving to offer powerful processors, enabling smoother multitasking, enhanced gaming experiences, and the ability to handle demanding apps. This trend is…
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replacebase · 7 months
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tinyintoronto · 7 months
January Favourites 2024
I know it’s pretty close to being too late to post this, but let’s try to do 12 of these this year, shall we? I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, “I love writing my monthly favourites posts!” (Even though this one took almost all of February to publish lol) These posts are more for me than anything. I mean, my other posts are for me as well, but these ones are probably loved more by me…
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
"It is 70 years since AT&T’s Bell Labs unveiled a new technology for turning sunlight into power. The phone company hoped it could replace the batteries that run equipment in out-of-the-way places. It also realised that powering devices with light alone showed how science could make the future seem wonderful; hence a press event at which sunshine kept a toy Ferris wheel spinning round and round.
Today solar power is long past the toy phase. Panels now occupy an area around half that of Wales, and this year they will provide the world with about 6% of its electricity—which is almost three times as much electrical energy as America consumed back in 1954. Yet this historic growth is only the second-most-remarkable thing about the rise of solar power. The most remarkable is that it is nowhere near over.
To call solar power’s rise exponential is not hyperbole, but a statement of fact. Installed solar capacity doubles roughly every three years, and so grows ten-fold each decade. Such sustained growth is seldom seen in anything that matters. That makes it hard for people to get their heads round what is going on. When it was a tenth of its current size ten years ago, solar power was still seen as marginal even by experts who knew how fast it had grown. The next ten-fold increase will be equivalent to multiplying the world’s entire fleet of nuclear reactors by eight in less than the time it typically takes to build just a single one of them.
Solar cells will in all likelihood be the single biggest source of electrical power on the planet by the mid 2030s. By the 2040s they may be the largest source not just of electricity but of all energy. On current trends, the all-in cost of the electricity they produce promises to be less than half as expensive as the cheapest available today. This will not stop climate change, but could slow it a lot faster. Much of the world—including Africa, where 600m people still cannot light their homes—will begin to feel energy-rich. That feeling will be a new and transformational one for humankind.
To grasp that this is not some environmentalist fever dream, consider solar economics. As the cumulative production of a manufactured good increases, costs go down. As costs go down, demand goes up. As demand goes up, production increases—and costs go down further. This cannot go on for ever; production, demand or both always become constrained. In earlier energy transitions—from wood to coal, coal to oil or oil to gas—the efficiency of extraction grew, but it was eventually offset by the cost of finding ever more fuel.
As our essay this week explains, solar power faces no such constraint. The resources needed to produce solar cells and plant them on solar farms are silicon-rich sand, sunny places and human ingenuity, all three of which are abundant. Making cells also takes energy, but solar power is fast making that abundant, too. As for demand, it is both huge and elastic—if you make electricity cheaper, people will find uses for it. The result is that, in contrast to earlier energy sources, solar power has routinely become cheaper and will continue to do so.
Other constraints do exist. Given people’s proclivity for living outside daylight hours, solar power needs to be complemented with storage and supplemented by other technologies. Heavy industry and aviation and freight have been hard to electrify. Fortunately, these problems may be solved as batteries and fuels created by electrolysis gradually become cheaper...
The aim should be for the virtuous circle of solar-power production to turn as fast as possible. That is because it offers the prize of cheaper energy. The benefits start with a boost to productivity. Anything that people use energy for today will cost less—and that includes pretty much everything. Then come the things cheap energy will make possible. People who could never afford to will start lighting their houses or driving a car. Cheap energy can purify water, and even desalinate it. It can drive the hungry machinery of artificial intelligence. It can make billions of homes and offices more bearable in summers that will, for decades to come, be getting hotter.
But it is the things that nobody has yet thought of that will be most consequential. In its radical abundance, cheaper energy will free the imagination, setting tiny Ferris wheels of the mind spinning with excitement and new possibilities.
This week marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. The Sun rising to its highest point in the sky will in decades to come shine down on a world where nobody need go without the blessings of electricity and where the access to energy invigorates all those it touches."
-via The Economist, June 20, 2024
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changes · 1 year
Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023
🌟 New
We’re running a new experiment that changes the header on posts to reduce the redundancy of avatars in reblogs, save some vertical space by moving recommendation labels around, afford more room for badges, and more! On desktop web, it also removes the floating avatars and makes posts full width with the sidebars. If you have feedback about this change, please send it in to Support using the “Feedback” category.
We’ve removed the blog carousel at the top of the Blog Subs dashboard tab (for those who have it enabled), as it was causing the load time to worsen dramatically. (You can enable this tab in your Tumblr Labs settings, or via the new experimental dashboard tab configuration button if you have it.)
🛠 Fixed
Fixed an issue in recommended and related tag card carousels that would show a “Follow” button when you’re already following that tag.
We were having some issues with SoundCloud embeds not working in posts, but it’s cleared up now.
In mobile phone browsers, the “Source” and “Submitted by” text at the bottom of posts is now correctly aligned on the left (it was a few pixels off).
Also in mobile phone browsers, we’ve cleaned up a visual glitch on trending tag pages that was causing the “Trending now” label to be on the same line as the tag itself.
🚧 Ongoing
Nothing to report here today.
🌱 Upcoming
We’ve recently posted on @labs about something that is not upcoming, but stay tuned for info there on something that is upcoming!
Experiencing an issue? File a Support Request and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!
Want to share your feedback about something? Check out our Work in Progress blog and start a discussion with the community.
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rboooks · 1 year
Alfred's Boy: Part 2
Bruce felt his blood pressure rise as Damian shoved another pair of swimming trucks into his cart. His youngest insisted that he needed something flattering, as his previous outfit was "functional but not attractive to the youth of today."
Damian had never cared that he wasn't up to the trends, but that was before Danny moved into the manor. Now he had to wait hours for Damian to find a satisfying outfit, knowing darn well its only because Danny mentioned he was interested in taking a dip in the inner pool.
The boy, technically being staff, felt it was essential to ask permission before taking a swim. Bruce had spent years telling Alfred he had free range over the manor, only to always have the man ask before doing anything. He hopes Danny won't develop the same habit.
He wanted the young man to feel at home with them.
His younger children- who honest to God forgot they even had a pool- had all scrambled to go swimming with Danny. Tim had practically thrown himself over the table to change from his WE suit into his swimming wear, Duke use his grappling hook to zoom up the stairs and Steph begged Cass to lend her a bikini.
Damian remained seated, despairing that his old swimming shorts had been bought by Dick the year previous. Dick had gotten him green shorts with little cats and dogs. Damian- who refused to even go near public pools- wore them to the family pool with no desire to purchase new ones since he saw no point in it.
And now he was paying the price for keeping childish wear. Personally, Bruce thought they were adorable and perfect for his fourteen-year-old son, but being two years younger than Danny gave him a terrible disadvantage, and Damian could not afford falling futher behind.
He just sat there, staring longingly at the retreating back of Alfred's assistant after telling him he had nothing to wear. Danny had told them he could join the rest another time before scurrying away to finish his cleaning of the right wing.
What else could Bruce do besides offering to take him to the nearest outlet mall and get him something nicer?
"Damian are you almost-"
"I am ready, father. Make haste to purchase our wears. Daniel must be finishing his duties, and I wish to get back." His son announced, yanking the cart out of Bruce's hand and practically running to the cashiers.
Bruce sighed.
It's not that he minded his son's crush on a boy or that it was Danny. It just felt like he shouldn't be encouraging his children to try and romance someone going through a lot.
Alfred had forbidden anyone from looking into Danny's background, and he had respected the request. There was a lot Bruce and Batman were willing to do but defying a direct order from Alfred was not one of them.
(Honesty, if Alfred ever turned evil, Bruce's contingency plan for him was simple: Die.)
Danny took his assistant butler job very seriously. Often wearing a neat and pressed suit, finishing his work in record time, well mannered and very intelligent but kept a distance from the family. Alfred also had a small wall of professionalism but he would crack a joke and be in their presence like a grandfather.
Danny only spoke when spoken to, tried to refrain from being notice and basically kept the reminder that while he liked them all he was always going to be a employee first and foremost.
Maybe it was due to his parents? Danny probably couldn't relax until he felt safe once more. Not for the first time, Bruce wondered what type of monsters the Fentons had to be to make a boy capable of discovering the Batcave without so much of a blink, flatter.
"Father!" Damian called impatiently, tapping his foot before the nervous-looking teen who what been attempting to ring him up.
The Wayne's made everyone nervous.
"Yes. Yes. Here put It on my card-" Damian snatched it out of his hand before Bruce even took it out completely from his wallet.
Suddenly his phone rings. Seeing that Damian could handle punching in the Pin, he accepted the call, not bothering to check the screen.
All his children have personalized ringtones, so only one person would cause Gun and Ships from the Hamilton musical to blare from his phone.
"Bruce!" Jason yells in a wheezing voice "Tim almost drowned!"
"Is he alright!?"
"He's fine!" Jason assures, voice breaking to manic cackling. "He's just really embarrassed. He forgot about the bruise on his back, so when he tried to do cannonballs with Danny, he cramped up. Danny had to help him out of the pool and then lectured him about jumping in the deep end because of peer pressure. He thinks Tim can't swim, Bruce!"
Bruce felt a headache building behind his eyes. "Jason-"
"Wait, wait, there's more! Do you know how Steph never wears bikinis because she is uncomfortable? Danny clocked that as soon as she walked in and offered her the old t-shirt he was wearing. Took it off right then and there, and do you know what Steph did!? She walked into a wall! A wall Bruce!"
"Duke hasn't stopped staring at Danny. I think his brain is in a permanent blue screen. I'm actually thinking he's-"
"Jason!" Bruce cut in which finally seemed to get his second oldest attention. Don't get him wrong, he was thrilled that Jason was spending so much time around the manor but the constant updates on his children tripping over themselves for Danny was not well for his heart. "I think you need to make sure your siblings give Danny some space. The poor chum might not be comfortable-"
"I'm not helping you stop Danny from finding true love, old man"
Bruce rolled his eyes as his son hung up. He can't wait for school to start up again. Danny will be homeschooled by his own request and Alfred's agreement but at least most of his kids will not be around him as often.
His phone started playing Sk8er Boy and he considered not answering. He really did but honestly his son probably needed him.
With a sigh he presses the accept call button "Tim-"
"He thinks I can't swim Bruce! He banned me from the pool!" Tim sobs and Bruce sees Damian perk up, happy Danny had put distance between one of his suitors ans himself.
Was it too late to ask Alfred if he was sure his contact Clockwork had no where else to foster Danny?
Being Batman on the night all his rouges broke out was easier then this.
( Part 1) (part 3)
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ghostofhyuck · 4 months
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NCT Dream as the type of boyfriend to...
Mark Lee ; ride scary rides for you even though he doesn't like it. 
Mark's not a huge fan of scary ride while you're an adrenaline junkie. When you two decided to have an amusement park date, Mark knows that he is bound to ride those scary rides like viking, roller coaster, and space shuttle. You told him that it's okay if you two wouldn't ride those and just enjoy the rides that he can tolerate but Mark wants you to enjoy the date! (it's a waste of money too lol) that's why even if he can feel his soul leaving out his body, he'll be happy to join you in the fun, if it'll make you happy!
Huang Renjun ; carries all your necessities in his bag. 
In the relationship, Renjun's the big bag and you're the small purse. You always justify that all you need is your phone, wallet, and a small tinted balm. BUT Renjun knows that's not the case. So he brings all the necessities that you needed. It started raining? He has an umbrella. Oh, you feel so hot? He has a mini fan. You need a tissue? Yeah, he has a huge roll in his bag. His bag is like Doraemon's pouch, and although it's kinda heavy, he doesn't mind as long as he has everything that you need. <3
Lee Jeno ; brings you home whenever your energy is low during a gathering. 
"Do you want to go home?" is the first thing Jeno will say to you. Both being introverts, Jeno understands whenever your social battery deflates a few hours later in a gathering. While he can hold it further than you, Jeno wants to make sure that he's not the only one who's having fun. SO if he sees you tired, quiet, and on your phone, he knows that your energy is low. Even if it means cutting the gathering short, Jeno is fine with it. What matters is you. He'll bring you home even if you insist you're fine, but in the end, you'll thank your lover for bringing you home early.
Lee Donghyuck ; gives you space whenever you're having a hard time.
Haechan knows when you're in a bad mood. He knows it by the way you enter the apartment without greeting him, the way you removed your shoes aggressively, and going straight to your room and slamming the door loudly. Haechan doesn't get mad whenever you ignore him because he knows that your emotion is just all over your head and you don't want to vent your anger to him. That's why he'll give you space for you to cool down. Letting you inside your room or just giving you a quiet assurance that he's there. Once you're all calm down, you'll go to him and apologize for your behavior, but Haechan only hushes you with a hug and ask you what's wrong. 
Na Jaemin ; brings his jacket so that you won't get cold. 
Jaemin's the warm person while you're the colder one. So the tendency is that you get cold easily! Just even the cold temperature of the night can give you shivers. That's why Jaemin always make sure that he has his jacket with him. Sometimes he wears it even though he's sweating under his shirt but most of the time, he just carries it by his hands. You probably had a collection of Jaemin's sweater and jacket in your closet because of the many times you brought it home but always forgetting to give it back to him. (He's okay with it fortunately.)
Zhong Chenle ; lets you do the silliest thing in public.
Chenle always puts a cool image in public. So casual with the shades and hands in his jeans pocket while you're just as unhinge as you can be. You tend to let your intrusive thoughts win that's why you always do the silliest things in public. Like doing a tiktok trend in public, although Chenle isn't the type to do it publicly, he'll be willing because you want to! Plus it's a couple tiktok trend so it's also a matter of him to flex you and your relationship with him! 
Park Jisung ; try to learn new things for you. 
Dates with Jisung is always composed of trying new things. That's how he shows his love for you! You wanted to try clay pottery? Jisung will find an affordable pottery session so that you two can try. You wanted to bake a cake? He doesn't know how but he's willing to research a recipe just so you can try it! He loves it too because he learns new things and hobbies that he may want to indulge furthermore. Plus, you two always rate the new things you two do and how doable it was. 
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perfectlyoongi · 3 months
HUSBAND!HOSEOK who makes you a bracelet as a marriage proposal. it was common for Hoseok to give you gifts made by him, he just to create and liked you, it was only logical that you would receive all of his work; so, you weren't suspicious when he gave you a small white bracelet, but it was when you noticed the small golden letters that your heart quickened a little, your wide smile appeasing a rather nervous Hoseok. “i promise i will give you a ring. i just found it more special this way. so… what do you say?”
HUSBAND!HOSEOK who takes you to a fast food restaurant in the middle of your wedding just because you said you wanted a burger. you mentioned it by chance, without really caring about your words, but that was enough for Hoseok to tell you that it was only a few minutes and that it was quick, he swore to you that no one would notice you were missing; Hoseok just wanted to make sure that day was going to be perfect for you, and if that involved leaving your party to buy a simple burger, he didn't mind leaving for a few minutes — he just wanted to see you happy. “from this moment onward, whatever you need or want, i will make sure you have it. you will be the happiest person in the world. that is my mission.”
HUSBAND!HOSEOK who makes a collage album of your memories to give you on your first anniversary. it wasn't just the photographs from Hoseok's gallery that portrayed your times as friends and partners, there were also movie tickets, cards of flower bouquets, small dried leaves and stuffed animal tags, various tiny items that sculpted your relationship into the epitome of love; so, Hoseok worked whole nights on a small album, choosing each photograph and item in detail, ensuring that that gift made you as happy and emotional as it made him. “i also have dinner planned at the first restaurant we went to and a boat trip afterwards. but for now, i think our memories are enough.”
HUSBAND!HOSEOK who makes tiktok couples trends with you. he didn't publish anything, sometimes he didn't even record, but Hoseok liked to see couples trends on the app, dance challenges or something else that excited him; they were moments of fun, joy infecting your room between so many attempts and failures, a few minutes of pure abstention, where nothing existed other than you, Hoseok and the music that sounded muffled from his cell phone. “there’s a new trend we have to do! it’s a dance, but i know we’ll get it right the first time!”
HUSBAND!HOSEOK who will exchange shoes with you if yours are hurting you. whether it was winter or summer, whether it was sunny or snowy, it didn't matter, Hoseok was always ready to help you and ease the pain you were feeling; he insisted, almost demanding, that you wear his sneakers or shoes, yours finding shelter in Hoseok's gentle hands. “i’d rather walk barefoot and get cold than see you suffer. give me your shoes and shut up.”
HUSBAND!HOSEOK who dances in the rain with you, no matter how much time passes. whether it was your first week of marriage or ten years later, it was indifferent — Hoseok only wanted you with him while mother nature toasted you with the heavenly water of eternity; there was no need for music or invitation, it already seemed to be a tradition of yours: whenever the rain started to fall when you were together on the street, it was almost guaranteed that he would hold you and make you spin among the most delicate drops of nature, creating eternal smiles on your lips. “it makes me feel like i'm falling in love with you for the first time. my love will never grow old.”
HUSBAND!HOSEOK who will never let the flame of your relationship go out. he would do anything not to lose you. infinite time could pass between you, but Hoseok would always make sure that something fiery and genuine shined in you, because he couldn't afford to lose you, to lose the only person he truly loved and dreamed of his entire life. “i’m not going to lose you. i didn't spend so much time loving you to let you go so easily. i will love you forever and i will make you love me back.”
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justagalwhowrites · 7 months
TikTok Trend
Beautiful decides to take part in a TikTok Trend with Joel. A New in Town drabble.
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^We're borrowing Mr. Ben for a late-40s Joel, OK? I desperately need more gifs of Pedro's Joel from that era, I'm too reliant on other characters and actual Pedro gifs for these fics GIVE ME SOMETHING PLEASE
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader from New in Town
Warnings: Not much! Age gap but not the focus of the fic (reader is 36, Joel is 48). No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only.
Length: 1.4k
A/N: I got stuck thinking earlier how Joel would react to the "call your boyfriend your husband" trend and this is how I think it'd go. This is set about 3 months before the last chapter of New in Town. This can be read as a stand alone fic with the understanding that reader is Sarah's best friend and Joel and Reader have an established relationship of about a year.
“So what’s this for again?” Joel asked as he sat down at the picnic table in the park. 
“It’s a TikTok challenge,” you said, settling in beside him. Joel opened the paper bag the two of you had just gotten from a food truck and started taking out the tacos, putting some in front of you and him. 
“Right,” he said. “And… I’m sorry, baby, but what’s the point?” 
You laughed as you set your phone against your water bottle so it was propped up and ready to film. 
“There isn’t really one, I guess,” you said. “It’s just a fun little video you make and then share. Those interns I have until May are all about it, they were showing me some of theirs the other day. Figure if I work in marketing, I gotta keep up with the trends!” 
Joel smiled a little. 
“So this is the kind of shit Sarah does, huh?” 
“Yeah, she does,” you laughed again. “Her and the interns made one for the company social page the other day, actually.” 
“Can I see?” He asked, interest suddenly piqued. 
“Sure,” you picked your phone back up and found your company’s TikTok, scrolling to the video and handing it off to Joel. 
“We work in marketing, of course we over analyze every ad we see,” Sarah said through your phone, a small smile on Joel’s face as he watched. 
It made you smile, too. One of the fun parts about being in the strange middle ground between your boyfriend’s and best friend’s ages was serving as a bit of a translator between them. Joel still didn’t quite get TikTok. Sarah didn’t understand why her dad refused to go all in on streaming and still had cable. You, at least, could see both sides. 
But this TikTok effort had nothing to do with Sarah. You did try to keep up with the trends on social media to better craft campaigns and content - capitalizing on trends meant that you had to move quick and you couldn’t afford to be out of touch - but your personal TikTok account was mostly empty. It was pretty private, anyway, shared with only a few close friends like Sarah and Maria. All it had were a few reposts of things you liked, some montages of video snippets from you and Joel’s first vacation together, that sort of thing. 
“You should do some of the trends!” Jason, one of your interns, said earlier that day. 
“Just being in the loop on trends is plenty for me,” you waved him off but smiled. “I don’t need to participate.” 
“But it’s fun!” Kenzie, your other intern said. “They’re not all dances and stuff, you know…” 
“I know,” you said. “But it’s just not what I want to spend a lot of time doing is all.” 
“Some don’t take much time,” she said, opening her phone and scrolling for a second. “Here, this one’s easy. You said you have a boyfriend, right?” 
“I do…” 
“Cool,” she said. “So all you do is record yourself making a video where you call your boyfriend your husband, just to see how he reacts. No crazy edits or anything, it’s super easy.” 
You caved after some light convincing and came up with a plan to get Joel in front of the camera. You told him it was a spicy food challenge, just to see which of you handled the heat better and, while you knew he wouldn’t really get the point, you knew he’d be supportive. He always was. 
But there was something about this trend in particular that made you a little nervous. It’s not like the two of you hadn’t discussed marriage. You’d been together a year now, you’d just moved into his house. It had definitely come up. But it had come up in the way that far off things do, something that might happen some day if things fell into place in just the right way. You didn’t want to push it, didn’t want him to feel rushed or obligated, especially since you’d only been cohabitating about a month. Bringing up marriage - even like this - made you nervous. 
“OK I think I get it,” Joel handed you your phone back after watching Sarah’s video twice. “But we’re not doin’ that same thing, right?” 
“Nope,” you said. “We’re going to see who handles the spice better.” 
“Think we both know which one of us is gonna win that one, Beautiful,” he teased, nuzzling his nose against your temple before kissing your cheek. “Us southern men are made of sterner stuff…” 
“Yeah yeah,” you rolled your eyes but smiled, leaning close to him. “We’ll just see about that.” 
You set your phone up to record again, propping it against your water bottle. 
“Here, you gotta get in close because the TikTok format is vertical,” you said and Joel adjusted so you were half beside and half in front of him, his arm going around your waist, hand finding your hip, thumb slipping up below your shirt to find your bare flesh above the band of your pants and brushing you slowly, sensually there. You gave him a look. 
“What?” He asked, brows raised, smile barely contained. 
“Don’t act all innocent,” you shook your head. “You know exactly what you’re doing…” 
“C’mon,” he said. “Let’s make your little TikTik video…” 
“TikTok,” you rolled your eyes but adjusted yourself, your heart pounding. 
“Whatever the kids are using now,” he said. “Because the sooner we’re done the sooner I can get you home…” 
“Alright, I’m going to record,” you cut him off. “Behave yourself!” 
“Always do, Beautiful.” 
You rolled your eyes again but took a deep breath, leaned forward and pressed record. 
“Hi everyone,” you smiled, watching the recording of you and Joel as it was made on the screen. “I’m here with my husband and we’re going to do the spicy food challenge…”
“Your what?” He cut you off and you turned so you could see him a little better. 
“Did…” he paused, looking at you like he wasn’t sure if you were losing it or he was. You weren’t sure if that was good or bad. “Did you just call me your husband?” 
“Yeah,” you shrugged, turning back to the camera. “Anyway, my husband and I both really love spicy food and…” 
You didn’t get a chance to finish your sentence. Joel grabbed your chin almost roughly, pulling you around to face him and all but crushed his lips against yours, clutching you close, kissing you deep and hard, like he couldn’t get enough of you. When he finally let you go, you looked at him and laughed a little, watching him. 
“What was that for?” You asked. 
“You wanna call me your husband?” He asked, a serious look on his face. “Beautiful, we will go to the courthouse right this damn second, don’t tempt me…” 
“Joel, it’s 7 p.m.,” you laughed. “The courthouse is closed.” 
“Don’t care,” he said, giving you a quicker kiss this time. “C’mon, we’ll grab Sarah on the way, see if Tommy wants to meet us…” 
“That’s all it takes, hm?” You teased, heart pounding but for a good reason now. “Just me slipping up and calling you my husband and you’re ready to run down the aisle?” 
“Baby, I’ve been ready to run down the aisle for about a year,” he pressed his forehead to yours. “Just been waitin’ on you to catch up.” 
“Well,” you kissed him softly. “I’m more than caught up. But think I’m still gonna make you ask.” 
“Good luck stopping me,” he said, kissing you again, longer this time, needier, until you pulled away with a groan. “Forget this food challenge, I gotta get you home and devour you. Let’s go, wife.” 
You laughed and stopped the recording on your phone, saving the video to drafts as Joel gathered up the food. You made the mental note to edit out that last part before posting, no need for the interns or Sarah to know quite that much about your sex life. 
“Sorry for ruining your little video,” he said as you started back toward the car. “We can try again later, promise to actually behave myself then…” 
“That’s alright,” you smiled, lacing your fingers with his. “I already got everything I need.”
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avatar-anna · 1 year
Girl Gone Live
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this is literally so stupid and so corny, but i don't care i'm here for a good time, not a long time, you know? enjoy!
"Okay, is this working? How do I know this is working?"
You squinted at the screen, feeling older than you actually were as you waited for some sign that the live stream you set up was working. Thankfully, comments started rolling through and the viewer count went up, and then it started to skyrocket, which made you a little nervous.
"I...think it's working! Cool. Well, um, obviously I'm Y/n L/n, and I'm a celebrity makeup artist. I recently did Olivia Rodrigo's makeup for her music video 'Vampire,' and I thought I would kind of walk you through how I achieved that look, I guess."
Before going live, you'd considered making a little script but decided against it. Hearing yourself bumble through the introduction now, though, you kind of wished you had.
No one seemed to be put off by your awkwardness, though. As comments streamed past, you saw some about the music video and Olivia and what it was like to work with her, but there were also a lot about Harry. You weren't necessarily surprised by Harry's fans flooding the comment section because you sometimes appeared in the background of posts from other people on Love on Tour and you'd become known as the tour's makeup artist. Sometimes you posted the looks you did for performances and little videos of you doing makeup before the show. The attention was a little jarring if you thought about it too long, but you decided it could be worse. After all, you were Harry Styles' long-term girlfriend.
But that wasn't what this livestream was about.
Your eyes scanned the comments as they moved a mile a minute, hoping to snag on a question. "Oh! Someone asked how I met Olivia. Um, as some of you may know, I'm currently working as the makeup artist for Love on Tour, and Olivia came to one of the shows, and we just talked for a really long time about makeup, and she asked me to do her makeup for the video a few weeks later."
It was a fun side gig while you were on tour with Harry and his band. You loved touring for the most part, but this was something different and exciting, so you flew back home during a break in the tour to work with Olivia on "Vampire." Harry tagged along, happy to watch you work instead of the other way around for once. He had a grin on his face the whole time as he watched you do your thing, playing assistant, grabbing whatever you needed when you asked, and holding a palette for you while you did Olivia's makeup. Overall, it was a fun shoot for both of you.
You were back on tour now, and since you had a little time to kill, you decided to go live for the first time to talk about makeup. If it went well, you could maybe make it a regular thing, so you hoped people actually watched and were interested.
Brynn watched her phone intently, pen in hand as she waited for Y/n to name-drop the next product she was using so she could write it down and see if she could afford it later. Not only was Brynn a huge fan of Olivia Rodrigo, but she had been a Harry Styles fan since she was in grade school, and when she got the notification that Y/n was going live, she was one of the first people to join.
"Luxury or drugstore makeup? Good question," Y/n said as she moisturized her face. "Honestly both. I love trying new things and seeing what works for me. When I was starting out, I mostly had MAC in my makeup kit, but now I've branched out a little more and added things here and there. But that's my professional kit, which has all the things I know with certainty will work perfectly for whatever look I'm trying to achieve. My personal one is where I do more experimentation with brands and products and trends. I guess that doesn't really answer the question, so both. I definitely use both.
"And what's cool is that Olivia loves makeup too, so she kind of knew her way around and what products worked best for her," Y/n continued.
She's so cool, Brynn thought as Y/n moved onto explaining how she did Olivia's base makeup. She didn't feel like Y/n was trying to push any particular product on her audience, nor did she hide which products she used. Her explanations were clear and easy to follow, and she even gave alternative products when she used one that was on the pricier side.
"Olivia loves herself a glowy base, and we really played that up because of the song. So to give her that Cullen-esque sparkle, I added some liquid highlighter into her foundation."
Brynn watched intently, wanting to see just how Y/n did it. Then, feeling compelled, she typed a comment. She didn't think Y/n would notice it, or be able to see it at all amongst the thousands of others, but she couldn't help but try to be noticed.
As Y/n blended her foundation in, Y/n smiled. "Someone asked how long it takes to do Harry's makeup on tour. Um...It kind of depends. Sometimes it's hard to actually get him in the chair because he gets so pumped up before he goes onstage. But once he settles enough for me to do it, it goes pretty quick. If he lets me, I get to put a little bit of glowy balm on his cheeks, but that's as creative as I get."
Y/n's smile changed, though Brynn couldn't really say how. It was almost like she was exasperated as she talked about Harry, and Brynn became just a tiny bit jealous that this person on the other side of her screen for knowing him well enough to be exasperated by him. What she wouldn't give to chase Harry Styles around so she could do his makeup. It left Brynn wondering how people even got into these situations.
Y/n finished up her base makeup while she answered more questions about the makeup products she used for the music video and a few about Love on Tour. She talked about her favorite songs and the places she'd been and the people she hung out with before and after shows.
"Oh boy, okay. I'm not a huge fan of bold lip colors on myself, but this is what I used on Olivia," Y/n said as she lined her lips. She'd just finished adding a light, almost haphazard, dusting of shimmer to her eyes, and despite the pixelated live stream feed, Brynn could still see it catch the light. "We wanted this to be the focal point of the whole look because, you know, vampires."
Y/n stopped talking briefly as she applied the lipstick she used for the music video, then shifted from side to side with her hands beneath her chin to show off the finished look. "Not my usual style, but—"
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you."
For a moment, Brynn thought she was dreaming. Mouth dropped open in shock, she watched as Harry Styles appeared onscreen in nothing but a pair of sweatpants. His hair was messy, as if he'd just been sleeping or a storm had just run through it. The video quality wasn't great because it was a live stream, but Brynn couldn't help but think he looked so cute and warm with his sleepy eyes, especially as he stretched his arms above his head, though her eyes nearly bugged out of her head when the waistband of his sweatpants dropped a centimeter. Not even caring that they'd fallen a bit, Harry shuffled forward and sat down next to Y/n and kissed her shoulder. He didn't seem to notice Y/n's phone propped up in front of her, or the look of disbelief and slight horror on her face. Not when she tried to speak to him, and not when he leaned forward to kiss her cheek.
And through it all Brynn watched, feeling like she'd entered an alternate dimension.
"You look cute. I like the sparkle," Harry said, tapping his knuckle against Y/n's nose. She still looked like she was in shock, but when he leaned in—leaned in to kiss her, Brynn realized—Y/n seemed to shake off some of her stupor.
"We—We're not alone," she said, gently resting her fingers over Harry's mouth to stop him.
Brynn didn't want to tear her eyes away from Harry and Y/n, but she darted her gaze down to the comment section, which confirmed everything. This was no dream, this was really happening, and everyone who was watching was losing their minds.
"What do you mean, lovie?" Harry asked, brows furrowing, clearly confused by Y/n's odd behavior. He finally looked at the camera, his brows shooting up when he realized that Y/n was live streaming all of this. "Oh."
"Yeah 'oh.'"
"I thought you were on the phone—"
"I wasn't!"
"Well, how was I supposed to know! You didn't tell me. And since when—"
"Harry put a shirt on!"
Brynn watched their bickering in a daze, waiting for the inevitable end of the live stream. To her surprise, though, Harry grinned a little before taking Y/n—and the whole Internet, to be honest—by surprise and kissing her.
"Are you insane?"
Harry merely shrugged. He leaned in again, but Y/n pushed his face back with the palm of her hand. They began to bicker again, but this time, Y/n scrambled for her phone in the process.
"You drive me crazy."
"Now, I know that's not true."
"Harry Edward Styles, I swear to God—"
And just like that, the live stream ended with a wink. Brynn stared down at her phone almost as if she was waiting for Harry and Y/n to reappear on her screen. They didn't, and she was left sitting alone in her bedroom, wondering what the hell had just happened.
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cinnamon-girl-writes · 5 months
is this thing on? . . . toji x reader
by @cinnamon-girl-writes
age gap toji x reader, fluff, crack
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i'm so obsessed with the idea of toji being a grumpy old man>>>
toji's main source of communication is an old nokia brick phone that's barely stayed alive over the years (in addition to a few burner phones he claims are 'for work')
you've tried to convince him on several occasions that he might as well just buy a new phone-- he's got plenty of money to afford it and he deserves something nice
of course he denies any issue every time ('it's not broke, darlin', and it still works just fine' 'i'm not getting a new damn phone number just for some shiny expensive piece of crap')
he answers the phone with 'hello??? is this thing on????' while mumbling under his breath about 'can't hear shit on this damn thing'
so it goes without saying that he's not exactly in touch with modern day trends
he refers to your AirPods as anything other than that (e.g. 'she can't hear you, she's got her airbuddies in' 'you left your earphones in my car' 'do your earpods really need to be on the charger for twelve hours')
when you try to get him to do a TikTok trend with you, he grumbles, 'i don't know how to make a ticktack' while squinting at the screen
speaking of squinting, eventually over the years his eyesight starts to get worse and worse; the labels on medicine bottles were harder to read, the menus are restaurants seemed to get blurrier every day
you, as his girlfriend, take notice of this and convince him to get a pair of persciription readers which he uses frequently
you would never tell him for fear of wounding his pride, but you think he looks absoultely adorable with his little glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose <3
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 7 months
Damon scrolling through tiktok and suddenly gets recommended a video his darling nerd posted that went viral
Spoiler, It's a thirst trap. ♡°▽°♡
🦪 Anon again !!!! >∆<
Yandere! Jock x Honor student! gn! reader
What if: Darling posts a thirst trap?
LMAO 🦪anon your ideas are so fun HADHSAHDAH
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Damon was bored out of his mind.
School was out, summer is in, and he's truly about to lose his mind from the lack of things he's about to do.
He's tired of seeing his parents tip toe around him and he just wants out.
He wants to stretch his body and workout, but he doesn't have any kind of mental energy to do that after fighting with his mother just earlier.
Who in their right mind would cross Damon and tell him that his obsession love for you is getting too much by using the family printer and printing a life size cutout of you?
He's upset, but he still got the cutout anyways.
Mindlessly scrolling through his feeds, he decided to go through tiktok like a drone looking for mental stimulation.
The hours passed by, his thumb sliding across the screen as he drank in countless videos of sports, video games, drama, AITA reddit videos, viral videos, random ones, and sponsored vids.
Not until he saw a certain body doing the baba trend.
Sure, they're wearing a mask, but Damon can recognize that frame anywhere that looked so small beside him.
His breathing became shallow, blood pumping as he watched you lift your shirt up for the camera, showing off your body that's making his own body shiver.
You looked so shy, yet so bold as your eyes gazed through the camera with a cyber y2k filter on.
With the music wafting his ears, his gaze fixated on your body as the video repeats again.
and again.
And again.
And again...
It's engraved to his mind already as he shakily long pressed on the video. Finding it unsavable, he inwardly groaned as he frantically tried to find a way to save the video.
Damon was trembling, desperate to have your video saved on his phone as he downloaded a screensaver app.
Breathless as he may, that doesn't mean he's slow to record your video and saving it immediately on his gallery for future watches and uses.
What uses?
That's for him to know, and that's for everybody to not find out as he obsessively stalked through your profile.
"God..." He mused. "Little nerd, holy shit..."
Your profile was filled with you, in a black mask, doing different types of tiktok videos.
But it's no ordinary videos.
No no no... It's all thirst traps.
Baba, that DPR Ian belt dance trend, silhouette... You were participating in all these videos. And everything was to show off your body that he knows and love.
Yet, you don't tag them at all.
So, what's the point?
People were not discovering them too, as views are only mostly at single digits. Yet that didn't deter his annoyance and jealousy one bit as he bit back a moan, watching you tease the camera. Lifting your mask a bit and licking the air.
"What the fuck..."
Damon can feel himself getting hard down there.
It's a treasure trove just for him.
He can feel a twitching smile creep up his face as he gently clicked on follow.
Your first follower.
Damon doesn't know why you're running a thirst trap account, or why you're doing it in the first place.
If it's for validation, then he's sorry but he's gonna make sure he's the only one who can see the videos.
He doesn't know how, but he's going to do it.
He doesn't need rabid dogs on your account. He can't afford that.
Not when he can't exactly kill so many people if you were ever to go viral at all.
But now, he waits as he predicts your next move. If you're gonna go private, follow him back, ask him how he found your account.
All of the videos are saved anyways.
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royaltrashkin · 8 months
"How dare you paint your walls, you selfish piece of shit," says The New York Times, right before the obits. "Even if you own your home, you'll fucking die one day. Think of forty years from now; you know the trends won't stay. How dare you how dare you how dare you leave a mark. You shouldn't stay for decades; buy and sell, for profit is the point."
"How dare you collect those mugs, those plushies, or those books?" says the influencer paid by the view. "Collecting turns to hoarding, and hoarding is a sin. The only way to live is in beige and grey; unless it's essential, throw it away!"
"Daydreaming is maladaptive, and standing out is toxic," says the tiktoker who never saw a therapist but learned psychology from Buzzfeed headlines. "It isn't bullying; we are shaming you into being normal. If you don't mask, you're a danger!"
"Anything you enjoy is addiction," says ThrasherSlasherRedPillHacker. "Caffeine is crack, and sugar is the worst. Anything but work is Satan, and your phone will eat your soul."
"How dare you ask your friends for help; you are a goddamn drain," says someone who I've never met; someone who wants a post that makes the likes go high. "How dare you speak, how dare you laugh, how dare you even cry; friends are just for facebook dear, something to pass the time."
Blend in and work. Shut up and grind. Affording any pleasure is a sign of greed; paycheck to paycheck is the only way to be. Take some PTO? Whore, you make me laugh. Self care is peeling off your face and wearing Kim's instead. Hustle and mask; shut up and never live. Eat clean and keep spotless. Shut your children in. How dare they fly. How dare they scream. How dare you leave the home Miss; what are you, a capitalist? If you have pennies after bills, bitch don't you forget that in this household, we eat the rich. Everything's an illness dear; medicate and obey. Let your husbands rule you 'cause they've got bills to pay.
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nomi-c · 1 year
Drawn to you
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{Bang Chan x Reader}
Wordcount: 3,5k
Genre: Best friend to lover, Smut, Pet names (sweetheart, babygirl, baby), cursing (fuck) dominant Chan, oral male receiving, unprotected intercourse (but on the pill!), fingering, trainee chan
A/n: as always with my ff's this ff isn't meant to represent the artist in any way or form.
-Minors don't read-
Ever since highschool Chan and you were best friends, you fell for him the moment your friend introduced him to you but you never acted upon them. Instead you watched him fall in love, and helped him through his first break up, and as time passed you saw him fall in love again, and eventually you saw him break up again.
You always were his first supporter, and his shoulder to cry on. Years and years have passed, but you? You stayed the same.
Sure you dated here and there, but it never lasted. Something always felt off and you didn't stick around long enough to find out what it was.
So right after college you and Chan decided to move together, since both of you couldn't afford the apartments on the market by yourself and you didn't mind each others company in the least.
And to say the least, it all worked well.
Both of you would split the bills and the chores and you also did movie evenings every other Saturday if your schedules allowed it.
You wished you would've done a move on him when you first met, but truth to be said you were just too scared to do so. The many bad encounters you had left ugly scars on your body just as much as on your trust towards people.
With a sigh you try to put an end to your spiraling thoughts about chan. You close your phone and place it on the nightstand before you get out of your bed. Watching the latest tiktok trends doesn't help you with the Intruiging couple trends that keep on showing on your feed.
Once up, you put on a oversized hoddie over your tanktop and dress in a random pair of sweatpants to do the chores. Since today (if you could already count it as that- seeing as it only was shortly past midnight) it's the fresh start of a new week, meaning it's your cleaning week.
Mentally checking the list you and Chan made years ago, and that you memorised and knew by heart, you knew the first point too well... cleaning the bathroom.
Both of you liked that point the least but it had to be done anyways, and this week it was on you again to keep the bathroom clean.
After leaving your room, you put your headphones in and head to the storage chamber to get the cleaning stuff you'd need.
Better get the least favorite chore done first, you think to yourself while loading your hands and hoodie pocket with cleaning supplies.
Everything around the apartment is dark, as expected at this time. Which surely is completely normal for the most people you knew... but definetly not for Chan.
Your brows furrow in confusion when you see no beam of light coming out of his room. Usually at this time he is still awake producing music for his group's debute soon, or he is with Minho and Hyunjin on parties like the famous club in town where he always wants you to accompany him to.
Shaking your head slightly you rule out the second thought right away. He would've told you if he left the house just like he always does. You think to yourself as you walk into the bathroom quietly.
Chan always used to be famous among girls, and admired and looked up to by boys up until now, and honestly? You could more than understand why.
All it took was one look of him, and one dimpled smile of him to make all the girls swoon, though he never was a player and took great care in making that clear in the thoughtful way of his. He just was a naturally flirty guy which many girls often misunderstood.
And when it came to Boys he was always a strong shoulder to lean on as well as a protector and through and through the most loyal friend to count on.
He often takes the responsibilities and matters in his hand which naturally made him the leader of basically everyone around him.
Knowing all of that, it didn't surprise you when weeks ago he happily told you that he got the position as leader of his upcoming group where Hyunjin and Minho were also a part of.
After switching on the Light you get to work fully focusing on scrubbing the floor first, before you would move to the toilet and while the toilet soaks the shower and for the very last you plan to scrub the sink. As always the music got the best of you, and soon enough you started humming and dancing to the songs.
You almost finished cleaning the floor when unexpectedly a pair of arms sneaks their way around your waist and pulls you back softly.
You try to surpress a scream as you instinctively drop the mop. Just when you're sure you calmed down enough to speak, you rip your headphones out. "God Chan you scared me to death!" You say with a annoyed grimace and a slightly shaky voice, while holding your hand to your still fast beating and aching heart.
When you look up your heartrate picks up again, but this time for a whole different reason. Your eyes connect with Chan's in the big mirror across from you, and you see his wet hair drip on your bare shoulder from where it runs down your arm slowly as he leans his head down to rest it on your shoulder.
You try to ignore the dimpled smirk he gifts you with as your eyes fall on his muscular and veiny arms that are still draped around your stomach.
You also don't fail to notice that he's not wearing a shirt as well, which for him is pretty usual except the fact that he never hugged you wet and shirtless before.
A bunch of butterflies starts roaming in your stomach at the sudden proximity of you and him and his natural body scent that you swooned over one too many times over the years.
You knew Chan could pull girls left and right without even having to try, but you never noticed just how effortlessly hot he was without even trying.
Maybe it's the fact that he's shirtless. You think to yourself, but know damn well that you saw him like that countless times before.
Your thoughts took you back to your expedition to tiktok and the new trend you saw called the Kabedon challenge. After all he's the only guy you would want to try any if those couple challenges.
What if I ask-
You mentally slap yourself for even taking this into account, as you try to regain composure which considering the fact that he is basically flush against your back, half naked and drenched in water, it's safe to say its damn near impossible.
You feel your cheeks heat up at your highly inappropriate thoughts towards him, and the euphoria you get from his slightly tighter grip around your waist.
"Why are you cleaning at this hour, sweetheart? shouldn't you be in bed already?" He asks you with a soft voice and a dimpled smile, as his thumb mindlessly starts drawing slight circles just above your belly botton.
Heat pits in your lower regions accompanied with a stong pull that causes you to press your legs together to ease some of the pressure that's building up in awful speed.
Embarrassment creeps up Inside of you at how heavily you respond to every touch and undefinable glance at you right now. You could blame it on the music, because you never listened to innocent songs, but you had to admit the songs only slightly ramped up all the emotions you've been carefully hiding away for years.
Shaking your head slowly to regain some of your senses back, you try to answer Chan's question, that damn near slipped from your mind.
"I wanted to clear my mind. Why are you here at this time? Shouldn't you make music or be out with minho and hyunjin?" You ask him quickly while trying seem calm and collected which you're pretty sure you failed miserably.
His soft Chuckle makes you turn around towards him, and you can't help but gasp as you take in all the godly glory in front of you.
"I just got out of the shower, i think you-" You hear him talk, but you can't be bothered to listen as your eyes slowly scan Chan from his dripping wet hair, over his beautiful and defined face, to his plump lips, and finally all the way down his neck where the remains of water rolled down his well defined abs.
Almost hypnotised, you follow the little glistening droplets making their way down his v line, where they get absorbed by his low hanging black sweat pants and boxershorts.
Only when you hear him slightlyclear his throat, you realise where exactly you're been staring at. Your eyes snap back up to his instantly, where you meet his deep brown eyes.
Embarrassed from being caught staring at your Best friend's body like he's a 5 star michelin dish, you quickly turn your back on him and swipe stray strands of hair out of your heated face.
While trying to avoid looking at him again, you bend down to quickly pick up the mop and get back to work. "You know, I thought I was by myself because there was no light from your room..." you begin to say but trailoff when you sense him right behind you.
When you dare to look at him again over the big mirror, you see his eyes trail over your face and neck slowly but intensely, as he turns you back around by your shoulders softly.
Your heart starts racing in your chest when his eyes land on your trembling lips.
The same lips that to your demise always began trembling when you got really nervous. And you knew in the way Chan's eyes visibly darkened, that he knew that too.
Seconds passed while you just stood there unable to move while Chan musters your face closely.
The temptation almost eats you alive to just close the small distance and risk it all. You always had little flirts here and there but it never got this far between you. You could swear by the intensity of his stare that he could actually hear your hammering heart.
And when he actually starts to lean in slowly, with his eyes trailing from your lips to your eyes and back, your brain malfunctions. "Can you pin me up against the wall?" You blurt out loudly.
Instant embarrassment hits you when you realise your words. You could've said anything else but this??
You try to hide your face behind your hands, but Chan is faster. Holding you by the wrists he pulls you close to his chest.
When you dare to look up at him still ashamed, you see a dominance and fire in his eyes that you never saw on him before "Say please." He demands with a dark and raspy voice.
Your eyes go big and you start to back up instinctively with a heart rate going surely over 100mph. You felt like the peaceful deer in the beginning of twilight that got caught by Edward and surely became his snack.
And before you fully realise what just happened, you find yourself trapped in-between Chan and the sink. For one split second you wonder if this all is a way too realistic dream, and you would wake up all too frustrated.
You take a quick flat breath when you quickly try to correct your slip up. "Chan, i didn't mean-"
Your words get stuck in your throat when he puts a finger over your lips to shush you. Your hands instinctively take a hold on his hot and damp chest to support your weak legs. "Don't tempt me sweetheart, I might actually take the offer." His voice suddenly dropping an octave.
"I-" You gulp hard in an attempt to ease the knot in your throat. Your mouth seeming dryer than the Sahara when you lick over your lips in an attempt to calm yourself down.
Chan's hot gaze tracks every slight movement of your tongue with sharp intensity before he leans close to you. "Perfection." Hearing his smoky voice right next to your ear causes your emotions to get the best of you as your knees start trembling with anticipation.
Taking a deep breath you back up enough to look into his eyes. "Please." Your voice almost sounds like a whine, which you knew would haunt you for months later on.
Chan's muscles flex for a second. "You drive me insane babygirl." He growls in your ear.
Your head falls back at the vibration of his voice on your neck. "Please pin me up against the wall Chan." You begg as the new nickname hits you like a truck.
A heartbeat later chans hands grip your waist tightly as he spins both of you around. His Hand wanders to the back of your head to soften the impact when he presses you up against the wall.
His eyes bore into yours when he pins your hands over your head single handedly, and his left leg finds its way in-between your legs.
His hot breath fans your neck softly, as his soft lips stroke over your soft spot in a feathery soft way. "Tell me to stop before I completely lose it baby." He mumbles in shallow breaths while his left hand makes its way to the hem of your top, his fingertips softly grazing the soft skin on your stomach.
Your eyes close shut at the sensation. You had boyfriends before but gosh none of them could make you feel like this, no one could compare to him. Deep down you always knew it, right from the second your eyes met. Hell you already were drenched and close to the edge and he hasn't even really done anything yet.
Taking together all courage you have in you, you open your eyes with a clarity you never felt before. Your lips find his in a tender kiss as you roll your hips against chan. A breathy gasp leaves your lips and your head falls back when you feel his big and rock hard erection pressed up against your stomach.
Both of you shudder equally at the sensation, and with a blast you see his selfcontrol evaporate. Pulling you close by your neck, his lips crash on yours in an all consuming kiss.
Your tongues instantly fight for dominace in a battle you were bound to lose and soon enough, he releases your wrists. Your hands instantly find their way into his damp hair pulling him impossibly closer to you while his hands grip you by the hips to lift you off the ground. "God you have no idea how long I imagined this to become reality." He tells you between pants.
You can't help but moan his name as you tug his hair hard, his words and the way he kisses are taking you high above the clouds and hit you like a train at the same time. "Please don't stop." You whine between kissing breaks.
"Wouldn't dream of it baby." He mumbles in your neck before taking off your hoodie, leaving you in your white tanktop with nothing underneath.
When chans heated gaze falls on your clothed breasts you feel his Dick twich on your still covered core. His breathing quickens and a strangled "fuck" leaves his lips.
Your nipples already start to hurt from being neglected which he to gladly takes care of when he pinches your nob softly though your top.
You almost scream in extasy while your back arches and your hands dig in his broad back. "Chan plase, i need you." you whine while your hands greedily travel down his defined abs trying to reach what you desire the most. With another growl he lifts you from the wall and walks both of you both to the shower in quick steps.
Without breaking the kiss, he turns on the water before he yet again presses you against the wall. When he sets you back down to the floor his right hand grabs your neck to pull you closer to him. Your hand however has a mind of its own.
Sliding your small hands into his pants, you wrap your hand around his pulsating erraction and start stroking down his length to the very tip where your thumb circles the tip and swipes away his precum.
His head falls back as a broken moan leaves his lips. "Fuck Y/n." Your core contracts painfully by the heavenly sounds he makes when you additionaly start to kiss and lick down his defined abs making your way down to your knees.
Once down, you look back up at him with big and innocent eyes that doesn't match the evil smirk that decorates your lips.
Another growl leaves his lips at your sight. All wet and your tits on display beneath the white tanktop. He leans against the wall to cover you from the stream of the rain shower you both insisted on getting when you moved in.
Still smirking, you pull down his sweats and boxers in a swift motion, enjoying the view of his big erection springing free before your eyes.
You don't waste a second and slide your tongue along his shaft and peck his tip before you lick your lips to get a tiny taste of him already. A needy moan leaves his plump lips along with a incomprehensive needy mumble.
You feel his leg muscles flex under hands when you wrap your lips around him and start bobbing your head in a slow pace, while closely observing his facial expressions.
Chan shudders notably, a loud moan leaving his lips. With another painful tug in your core you add your hand to cover all of him where your mouth doesn't reach just yet.
His right hand that doesn't support him reaches down to your head where he softly caresses you.
Looking up at him once again, you take all of him in and hardly suppress a gag. He moans your name loudly as his hand starts to fist your hair harshly, as his hips start to rock instinctively towards your mouth.
Your watering eyes connect as you pick up speed and ignore the barely hidden moans and gags your neighbors would surely hear.
Your hand travels down to your pants, which you pull down quickly and insert a finger soon enougn a second one in yourself to ease your heavy want to feel him deep inside of you. Matching chans pace you pump your fingers at a fast pace while each moan of you makes him curse throaty in-between moans. The drizzling water from the shower and worries about your neighbours being long ago forgotten and overpowered by each of his moans and thrusts of his hips.
You feel your climax building up strong and rapidly when he twiches inside your mouth indicating that he's close, and right before both of you fall apart, Chan pulls out and pulls you back up heavily panting. Your forheads connect as the warm water starts to drizzle on your overheated body once again. "I want to burry myself deep inside of you and fuck you senseless baby" nodding, a whine leaves your lips when you mouth a incomprehensible answer.
Heavily panting chan leans forward and kisses you passionately before he pulls back. "are you on the pill?" He asks you as his lips kiss down your body and his hands pull your tanktop down just enough for him to take one of your nipples in his mouth and start softly sucking on while his other hand massaged the other.
Your back arches as your hands grip chans hair tightly, once again feeling on the edge.
Collecting your last braincells, you answer his question. "I was about to stop taking them.... but wanted to end the package first-" Chans doesn't wait for your full answer when his lips crash back on yours as he rips your shirt off of you in a flowing motion before he tosses it somehere around you.
You feel him smirk against your lips. "Good girl"
Without warning he lifts you up again and slides into you, streching you out to the limit. Both if you moan at the incredible feel of it.
He kisses you fiercely as his hand flicks and squeezes your aching nipple. He holds still inside of you and only when you nod against his neck he starts starts to move.
Your eyes roll back by the exquisite stretch with each strong stroke of him. Your mind goes more blank with every hard thrust, each kiss, and each rough moan that leaves his soft lips.
Your mouth hangs open and mumbles his name in-between your loud moans. Chans lips travel to your neck where he kisses and sucks on your sensitive spot causing you to yelp as your core contracts against his length. "Chan....Close..." you pant as your whole body starts to shake for the second time and you start seeing starts.
Chan grabs your wrists again and pins them above your head, his hips shuddering slightly. "Did you want to get pinned against the wall like this?"He asks you with yet another strong thrust of his hips and squeez of your breast.
You whimper nodding your head heavily. His lips catch yours fiercely once again as he pulls on your bottom lip with a slight tug. "With me being inside of you, fucking you senseless and claiming each and every piece of your beautiful body as mine?" A particularly loud moan leaves your lips at balls deep thrust that emphasised word mine. "Y-yes."
Chan picks up even more speed kissing you all over your face and neck as he pulls your left leg up further to reach you deeper and thats when you fall apart, his lips land on yours in heartbeat to catch your scream of relieve as the tidal wave hits you hard. With every kiss and every thrust, and roll of his hips you whisper his name against his burning skin and shortly after you he reaches his high too while calling out your name.
Between small kisses and each moan of your name you both come down from your high. You don't know how much time has passed with both of you kissing each other and you still being burried deep inside of him, before he slowly slides out of you with a shaky breath.
Your eyebrow rises when you feel him getting hard against your stomach once again. After lifting up your eyes again you see him smirk before his face gets serious, and he gives you a kiss on your forhead, His hand caressing your cheek softly. "I like you Y/n." He tells you in a gentle voice, as he turns back into the sweet, loving and caring boy you knew.
A big mile spreads on your lips when you begin to speak. "I like you too Chan, ever since the moment I met you."
Chans eyes widen in surprise before he breaks out into the widest smile you ever saw on him.
His lips connect with yours in a gentle and loving kiss as he carefully carries you out of the bathroom. You give him a questioning look as he guides you to his room.
Chan laughs softly, as he opens the door skillfully with one elbow. "I fucked you as your best friend, its only fair that I love you as your boyfriend now."
You Kiss him softly and smile against his lips. "Boyfriend" you repeat in a dreamy voice.
Your gasp in surprise when Chan lays you down on his bed softly. The dim Red led lights hugging his delicately sexy frame in all the right ways when he leans above you. "Chan- we drench the bed...."
Chan kisses you slowly as his hand draws soft circles on your stomach once again. "Doesn't matter baby, we have you bed and the couch as well, which I'm sure we will definitely make good use of too later."
Authors note: I tried to proof read the ff for any mistakes, but maybe I didn't catch all mistakes.😅 But I still hope I did a good job with this ff that spontaneously roamed my mind. (After stumbling on that pin me against the wall part from one of his lives) 😂
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sleepingdeath-light · 4 months
relationship hcs ; velvette
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requested by ; anonymous (16/03/24)
fandom(s) ; hazbin hotel
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; velvette
outline ; “Okay it will be about a Hazbin hotel character relationship headcannos. And it's Velvet”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
velvette is the type of girlfriend who broadcasts every little thing about your lives and your relationship online for all of hell to see — she posts videos and photos of the two of you doing everything from lounging around her room to attending formal meetings with other overlords, she live-posts about her dates with you, she puts you in all of her bios, she tags you in pretty much everything on her accounts, she makes everything a public event, and there’s nothing you can say or do to make her stop
everyone in hell with a phone and an internet connection comes to know you as velvette’s signficant other. some pity you for your lack of privacy, most envy you for the luxurious lifestyle you’re afforded because of your relationship, and your inboxes are constantly filled with people and brands begging you to help advertise their products because of your close ties with the vees
speaking of luxurious lifestyles, being with velvette means that you’re going to be spoiled rotten 24/7 and practically treated like royalty by her staff: designer clothes made by her just for you that are swapped out and replaced with each new season so you’re always the height of fashion, dates where you’re taken to the most expensive and exclusive places in the pride ring, the finest goods money can buy imported from the other rings, the best and newest tech from vox’s company delivered to you before it even hits the shelves, you being waited on hand and foot all hours of the day and night, etc. — by dating velvette you become an extension of the vees’ brand (perfection) and that necessitates you keeping on top of just about every trend there is
she insists on you only wearing things she’s made specifically for you or bought for you to wear and will get extremely huffy and short with you if you fight back and try to keep some of your original wardrobe
velvette usually either calls you by your first name or something along the lines of ‘babes’ or ‘hun’ if she’s feeling a bit more sentimental
you’re just about the only person that can calm velvette down when she’s in one of her moods because you’re one of a very select group of people whose thoughts and opinions she actually values — for this reason, it’s common for you to get called up to her studio whenever you’re not there in order to stop your girlfriend from doing something that will be a major inconvenience for her down the line
she’s extremely quick to jealousy and will lash out at both you and whoever caused her to feel jealous — first she turns her attention to the idiot who didn’t get the memo that you belong to her, using a mixture of degrading, humiliating, and threatening language to embarrass and/or scare them into leaving the room lest she actually have to hurt them, and then she turns her attention to you, dragging you off somewhere away from the public eye to scold you to the point of tears to make sure that you understand who owns you (she’ll be a little lighter on you if you were actively rejecting the other person, but she’ll still scold you for not coming to get her immediately)
if they don’t leave then she’ll either get rid of them herself (if she’s pissed off enough) or hand it over to another demon that works for the vees so that she doesn’t have to get her hands dirty — either way the outcome is the same and the person will be dead by the end of the day, but its about maintaining her group’s public image
make no mistake, most days she’s a perfectly fine partner and makes you feel like you’re on top of the world, but she’s also still an overlord in hell and she’s not going to be all sunshine and rainbows 100% of the time
she’s very physically affectionate and always has to be touching you in one way or another when you’re together: laying across your lap when you’re sat watching the television, wrapping an arm around your shoulders/middle to pull you in for a selfie, leaning her head on your shoulder when she’s tired or frustrated, pecking you on the lips or cheeks before she goes back to work, helping you style your hair when you’re struggling to get a certain look, enlisting you to help her style her own hair when she’s too tired/busy to do it all herself (after giving you extremely thorough instructions, of course), and so on
she’s the type of partner to insist on you both wearing matching (flattering, not corny!) outfits and costumes for every event you attend — she needs you both to be the best dressed, and most attractive, people in the room otherwise she’s not done a good enough job and will be determined to outdo herself even more next time
once you two start dating she starts shaping her brand and your relationship to better fit each other — e.g. on her public accounts all of her banners/backgrounds remain unchanged but her profile pictures are all photos of the two of you doing something ‘romantic’, her home and lock screens are both pictures of the two of you wearing clothing from her brand, and she treats every date she takes you on as a marketing opportunity and makes sure to coach you on what to do and what to wear in order to look the best for any paparazzi that may catch you when you’re out and about
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vmpiires · 9 months
❛ INFINITY — 無限大
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choso x f!reader ノ MDNI
𑂻𑂴 summary. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𓂃ㅤ you and choso go on a “date” and choso opens up about his family
𑂻𑂴 tags. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𓂃ㅤ choso (non-curse), mid 90s AU, nsfw, female anatomy, stoner!choso, mentions of going broke, possible sexual content, canon/modern lore mixes, etc.
𑂻𑂴 a/n. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𓂃ㅤ i almost forgot about this story BUT IM HERE. reblog to support meeee and enjoy :D (lmk if you wanna be tagged in the next part)
𑂻𑂴 misc. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𓂃ㅤ masterlist ,, AO3 — dark mode recommended. WC — 2.35K — part four
@sad-darksoul @aiyaaayei @a1-ic3 @exinqiu
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“you wanna…hang out? like, right now?” you heard choso say hesitantly over the phone. it was around ten at night and you weren’t busy. you didn’t have anything better to do. plus, you wanted to go out a bit more since you were a bit of a homebody.
“yeah, why not?” you beamed over the phone. “it’ll be fun and i don’t have nothing else to do. plus, we need to hang out more before it gets too cold…winter is around the corner.”
“oh..um, yeah sure. you’re right.” choso answered. though, he was in the clear for the evening since yuji would be spending the night with his friends for a sleepover, the male was still skeptical about somethings.
what if there’s an emergency? what if something happened to his little brother? anything could’ve happened while he was away, not supervising.
you grin excitedly, starting to list multiple places you could go. it took some quick process of elimination just to choose the park. it was simple and it seemed like choso really wanted to go for some reason, so you agreed.
once you got off the phone, you navigate to your messages app and send him a text, ‘oh i forgot to say that if you wanna bring food or something you can.’
now you had to play the waiting game. it was always you waiting longer than five minutes or less than a minute for choso to text back.
well this time you didn’t have to wait. your phone makes a sound shortly after you sent that message. you take a glance down to see that choso loved your message.
‘helping my brother pack. i might be a little late.’
you smiled at the text and urged him to take his time. you thought it was sweet how heavily choso cared for yuji. nothing never went unnoticed around him. he was like a big brother and a mother in one.
you began to put on your clothes and grab whatever you needed before you would finally leave out of the house and make your way towards the park.
the night sky was so clear and perfect. you could see all the stars just from where you were standing. that’s when you started to wonder if choso liked stargazing. how would he feel about that?
you were quickly reminded that choso may not have time for stuff like that since he seemed like a busy man. you could also tell he was the type that wasn’t very exposed to current day activities trending amongst other people.
it’s like he’s trapped in his own bubble.
“hold your hand out,” choso said before lifting yuji’s hand to clip his nails. “now, i’ll be going out somewhere tonight, so i won’t be at home while you’re with your friends…but if you need me, please call me, okay?”
“i know, big brother,” yuji smiled up at his elder brother. choso’s cheeks turned a rosy color before smiling back. “but where are you going? you never leave the house this late unless you picked up work.”
“you’re right but tonight is different…i’m gonna meet our brothers, spend some time outside the house…i shouldn’t be rotting in here all the time anyway.”
choso put the boy down once he finished clipping yuji’s nails and ruffled his hair. he would fold some clothes and place them down into the bag neatly.
“don’t let anybody touch your stuff and break it, okay? you’re allowed to share but make sure they’re being careful. you know money is hard around here and i can barely afford some of this stuff for you.” choso mumbled. his soft expression seemed to turn into a slight frown.
yuji nodded but he couldn’t help but notice his brother’s expression. “are you mad, big brother?”
the dark haired male blinked quickly and shook his head. “no, no. i’m not mad…life is just really hard and i need to probably find a second job.”
working as a bartender is okay for him, he didn’t mind it. but when it came to needing more money to upkeep the house and to satisfy both their wants and needs, he would need a second job.
“then we won’t be able to hang out together,” yuji frowned. it was already hard for choso to make time for his little brother but now it would be even harder.
“i know, itadori…i know. but i’ll make it up to you as best as i can. i promise i’ll never forget about it, okay?” choso held his pinky finger out to yuji. “you trust me?”
“i trust you,” yuji grinned.
“good.” choso smiled as he retracted his hand away from the boy. “now hurry and go grab your coat and your shoes. let’s go, we don’t wanna be late.”
yuji nodded and grabbed his coat from the closet by the front door and put on his favorite red boots before hurrying out of the door, waiting for choso to follow behind him.
after choso drove yuji to the other side of town, choso would make a stop at the corner store and bought another pack of cigarettes and some snacks that you both would like.
it took a little bit of time to make up his mind because he was a bit picky about what he ate but he’d eventually figure it out before heading to the park, finally meeting up with you.
“hey,” choso called her name breathlessly as he jogged over to the spot where you were sitting at. the park was empty, perfect for just the two of you to relax and talk and do whatever came to mind. “i’m so sorry i took so long. i drove thirty minutes from my place, to the other side of town for yuji then back, i’m sorry.”
you noticed his apologetic tone and you nod your head no, smiling at him. “don’t worry about it. like i told you, you didn’t have to rush to get here. i wasn’t going anywhere.”
the two of you finally get comfortable on the grass, eating the snacks you both brought and the drinks. choso noticed you opening a can of beer from the six pack brought with you. the male lifted an eyebrow.
“i thought you didn’t drink..” he said softly. you nod, taking a sip of your beer before sucking your teeth.
“i don’t but it’s nice for the occasion, you know?” you reach down and hand one to choso, offering it to him. the male was about to say no but he considered your next words.
“come on, just one can won’t hurt you. you gotta loosen up a little bit. you’re a busy guy that barely gives himself a break. tonight’s your night, cho.”
the male would light a cigarette and put it between his lips before humming. you were definitely right. choso never gave himself a break. he was always moving. hesitantly, he’d take the can from you and open it, listening to the sound as it hissed open.
you giggled when you saw choso’s face contort to an expression of disgust the second he took a sip of the beer.
“you like this?” he asked.
“i don’t like it either but after a while it’ll taste better.” you reassured. there’s a silence between the two of you as you both sat there, taking in your environment.
trees blowing gently in the quiet wind of the night. lampposts casting dim lights and weak shadows, and the occasional chirping of crickets hiding in the soil somewhere.
choso wasn’t a man of many words so the silence was tolerable but then a thought came to your head. while choso smoked his cigarette and you ate your snacks, you turned to him.
“why’d you wanna come to the park so bad?” you asked.
“it’s from a recurring dream i have. every time i have that dream, i see my brothers here. i just wanted to….i don’t even know. i just wanted to know that this place wasn’t just a figment of my imagination, i guess.”
“do you know what happens in the dream?”
“it all goes by so fast…it’s not that i don’t remember what happens, i just hate talking about it sometimes. i’m sorry.”
“it’s fine, you don’t have to apologize,” you scooted a bit closer to him. “hey, let’s talk about something else. to lighten the mood, y’know?”
“oh..yeah, good idea.” choso nodded slowly, taking a drag from his cigarette. you had an idea already on what to talk about and you were obviously eager. anyone could just tell by the look on your face.
“have you ever stargazed before?” you began.
“uh…no. i mean- i look at stars but…i don’t do it like that. it’s- i don’t know.” he trails off, looking embarrassed and shy when he realized that he’s stumbled over his words a bunch.
“here, lay down.” you would lie down and choso just looked at you as if what you were doing was the oddest thing on earth. you waved your hand, gesturing him to do the same.
finally, choso would lay down, his eyes lighting up at the blanket of stars covering the sky. the stars were beautiful and bright that night. he could see some of them lining up, creating shapes—constellations.
“i love stars. they’re just so pretty.” you comment, “they look so close but they’re just so far…too bad some of them are dead.”
“these stars have been dead for a long time, they’re just now reflecting back to us.” choso chimed in lowly. you sighed.
“don’t you wish you could just be a star in the sky? not having to worry about anything or anyone in the universe, just yourself?”
“i’m not sure if i wanna turn into a star just yet,” choso said. “it sounds like death to me…but if i could run away and live somewhere secluded from society, i’d do it. me and yuji.”
“do you think anybody would miss you?” you frown a little, your expression a bit serious. choso shrugged.
“i have no friends...and if i did, they all died or they’re just people i don’t speak to anymore. i’m that lonely.” he sighed. “i don’t need other people anyway. it doesn’t bother me.”
choso looked at you and automatically felt embarrassed again. he ran his fingers through his medium length hair and shook his head.
“sorry. i overshare a lot.”
“you apologize a lot…it’s not really anything wrong with it, i just noticed that.” you say. “is that just…how you are? if you don’t mind me asking..”
“it’s just how i am, so—never mind. my dad was just so hard on me, i was always apologizing for something and he just kinda turned me into a sorry mess.”
the sudden mention of his father made him frown and he sighed. “i’m glad i don’t live with him…but i would probably stay there just for some money. he’s the typical salaryman with a son that’s broke…or at least, almost broke.”
“does the job you work at not pay enough?” you shifted your body so you were facing choso instead of the sky.
“it helps me get me and my brother some food that would last us a while and probably a shirt. not any of that luxury stuff. the only time i get that kind of stuff is when it’s given to me.”
“okay, that, i think is an exaggeration…every time i see you two, you’re dressed nicely and when we facetime, your house looks nice and clean,” you say. your hand slowly moved towards his but you hesitate to keep going.
“yeah, i guess it is. my job pays pretty well…i guess i’m just paranoid about it not being enough.” choso took a drag of his cigarette. when he felt your hand on his, he’d look down at it then back at you. instead of leaving your hand where it was, he’d take your hand into his.
the two of you were feeling a buzz from the beers you were drinking and the world seemed to be moving in slow motion. choso saw the soft smile on your face as you looked into his soft, tired eyes. you saw how his dark hair covered a lot of his face as he laid on the ground beside you.
“you know, i think you’re a really nice guy,” you blurt out. you weren’t even aware of what you were saying yourself. “i really like you.”
“i….” choso’s breath hitched, “uh…i like you too. i’ve liked you for a long time—since we met.” the male could feel his ears getting hot and the tip of his nose was a pinkish color from the cold, mixed with his blushing.
there was a tingly feeling on his face as his cheeks began to warm with excitement and embarrassment. the cut underneath his bandage was starting to bleed again.
“take this off,” you whispered, slowly removing the bloody bandage, revealing the red cut across his nose that’s usually black. you would take a napkin from your bag and once again, clean the blood from his face.
choso was obviously embarrassed. this was the second time you saw his cut but he didn’t really like others seeing it. the male used his hoodie to cover his nose.
“uh…thank you..for uh—for cleaning it.” he mumbled. you smiled at him and pulled the collar of his hoodie down from over his face before kissing him. your lips locked with each others and you both seemed to be in a deep state of excitement and euphoria.
choso never kissed a girl before. he wasn’t sure what was happening or what he was supposed to do but he tried his best to follow your lead anyway.
when you pulled away, you could see the surprise on choso’s face. his face was flushed from being so inebriated just as you were.
you both fell silent. the only noise that existed was your own breathing and the nature around you. choso was sure he wouldn’t remember much of this tomorrow and neither would you…but deep down, he found it hard to believe.
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lowkey this took so long to write,, i’m tired 😭 i’m glad you guys like this. i made something happen so…now its time to get ready to wrap it up. also sorry if there’s any mistakes lol
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