#Aeras Cafe Restaurant
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Kretisches Kaffeetagebuch: Aeras Cafe Restaurant, Kissamos
Wir schlendern durch das abendliche Kissamos, das – wie wir nun wissen – über der antiken Hafenstadt Cisamos errichtet wurde. Und in der Tat findet man entlang des Weges den einen oder anderen Rest einer Venezianischen Festungsmauer oder irgend ein anderes antikes Überbleibsel der bewegten Geschichte des Ortes. Aus den 100 Einwohnern in der Antike sind mittlerweile 3.900 geworden – eine nette…
#coffeenewstom#Aeras#Aeras Cafe#Aeras Cafe Restaurant#Aeras Restaurant#Aeras Snackbar#Boureki#Cisamos#Coffeenewstom#Griechenland#Innahorion#Kalitsounia#Kissamos#Kreta#Kreta-Honig#Kreta-Reise#Kreta-Urlaub#Kretahonig#Kretareise#Kretaurlaub#Kretischer Honig#Lyra#Lyra Beer#Lyra Bier#Lyra Golden Ale#Mizithra#Mizithra-Käse#Papadakis#Sfakiani#Tzatziki
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エド・シーラン、新AL『- (サブトラクト)』からMV12曲分を同時公開 | BARKS https://www.barks.jp/news/?id=1000233657
たらればさん「WHOが3年3ヶ月間発令していた「国際的な公衆衛生上の緊急事態」終了にあたり、テドロス事務局長が出したコメント。これ、日本の地上波でも放映すべきでは。 「どの国においても、最もやってはいけないのは、この(宣言解除の)ニュースを理由に警戒を緩めたり、構築した防疫システムを解体したり、」 https://twitter.com/tarareba722/status/1655219467679563778
SUGIZO、25周年記念<四半世紀祭>がパッケージ化+ツアー開催決定 | BARKS https://www.barks.jp/news/?id=1000233629
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男性向け格安ヘアサロンに増える女性客 「SNSの写真通りに」「アホ毛整えたい」で変わる業界(1/3)〈dot.〉 | AERA dot. (アエラドット) https://dot.asahi.com/dot/2023050200048.html?page=1
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杉本善徳(Waive)さん「バタバタでランチになっちゃってすまんね。 落ち着いたらゆっくり行こう〜。」https://twitter.com/ys1126/status/1655827270098108417
H.U.Gさん「Luv PARADE主催イベント 「DEVIL’S PARTY♯3」 2023年7月9日(日) 新宿BLAZE 開場16:00 開演17:00 全自由 7,000円(税込/D別) H.U.Gオフィシャル先行受付は本日23時59分まで💨 https://t.co/fz1C2l6Sm1 受付期間:~5月8日(月)23:59 https://t.co/8UbRY503Kk」https://twitter.com/hug_official89/status/1655517322814296066
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キリ(luin)🥁さん「3日後☞5/11(木) 池袋手刀にてluinです◎19:00〜出演⏰ 3MANお時間長め✨ 御予約受付中です◎ https://t.co/SIa8DILSLa」https://twitter.com/kiri_drums/status/1655525236710998016
KING OFFICIALさん「【NEW LIVE】 2023.6.11(日)Shinjuku Broadband Studio KING + Over Beat https://t.co/IDNMv8iTXE 『-鼓動乱舞-』 ■入場 各バンド予約 KINGチケ発開始日:5月16日(火)22:00~ https://t.co/fVrWiN5YHk ■配信 https://t.co/MvpQ8OEQOg [入場順] 12:45に整理番号抽選→12:45以降到着は並んだ順 https://t.co/NsAfKff4gY」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1655529027954937856
KINGRYOさん「リハーサル終わりました✨ 色々と凄すぎて石井くんと楽屋で震えています🫨🫨 皆様是非ご視聴ください♪」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1655529755914178560
ryoさん「よく動くKaryu🕺 https://t.co/eAY8mzgbyd」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1655530143975374850
ryoさん「そんな撮影でした👯♂️ https://t.co/P5DsLDCUiA」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1655530432858058754
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「5/11㈬@池袋手刀 詳細出ましたー! luinはトッパー19:00で出馬🐎🐎🐎 なにそつ・・・!」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1655531843880615937
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YOSHiPONさん「昨夜はluinゲネでした 今週木曜日は池袋手刀 19:00〜 3マンでちょい長めなんでよろしくです。 ※ハイタッチ会は可能です。 ※ライブハウス卍ガイドラインは、5/8をもって廃止となりました。 との事なんでハイタッ… https://t.co/AqcD6dkM2z」https://twitter.com/YOSHIP0NxxxTOR/status/1655536233819557889
MIMIZUQさん「【MIMIZUQ通販店情報】 ・アクリルスタンドの世界 各種 ・写真セット 各種 取り扱い開始しました https://t.co/cbQW742y3C https://t.co/qDEyTR32Mh」https://twitter.com/mimizuq_staff/status/1655536805155061762
Jill🎻さん「まもなく後編公開です✨ 楽しくお喋りさせてもらってます☺️」https://twitter.com/Jill_violin/status/1655540803140460545
源 依織さん「https://t.co/RCQfK83fAg」https://twitter.com/prin_guitarist/status/1655550734598029312
猫好きYOU_THE SOUND BEE HD☠️MARY RUE☠️Lemさん「【YouTube更新情報】【酔魔YOUの美女狩り③ 後編】本日の美女♡Unlucky Morpheus Jill✨Hair&Make-up:Berry https://t.co/NiHfqHJb2d ※チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします! 『猫好きYOUのきまぐれYOUちゅ〜ぶ』 https://t.co/WIzSicJya7 https://t.co/uOifCSutsg」https://twitter.com/YOUsoundbee/status/1655551479024091138
ryoさん「本日の衣装コープスブライドみたいなんもあってだね👰♂️ いい感じに撮れたと思うから楽しみにしてて H.U.Gツアーチケットを買ってお待ちあれー🪿 https://t.co/tKitCO10wT」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1655554013046378497
Jill🎻さん「YOUさんとのトーク回後編✨ ぜひみてね☺️」https://twitter.com/Jill_violin/status/1655554557391556608
Daisukeさん「超大物から超大物な筍が届きました✨ TAKENOKOのTはTAKASHIのT!! アク抜きしてまた筍汁だな☺️ 詩那さんありがとうございます😭 https://t.co/yiVmhHodor」https://twitter.com/daisukeee108/status/1654074331268546566
⚓️航跡kou-seki⚓️(大概 梶原航)さん「平日夜9時になりました✨✨ 今夜から新しいストーリーの始まりです。 #新美南吉 『#ごん狐』 第一話、投稿しました。 本編 2分30秒 始まりと終わりの音楽込みで 3分20秒 どうぞお楽しみくださいませ🦊 #航跡おやすみストーリー https://t.co/AdlG0dGsko」https://twitter.com/wataru_kaji/status/1655544183753699328
音楽ナタリーさん「SUGIZOソロ25周年イベントがパッケージ化、新たなツアー日程発表 https://t.co/87UmUSE1Tw #SUGIZO https://t.co/UU013twB7m」https://twitter.com/natalie_mu/status/1655226020029693954
タワーレコード オンラインさん「SUGIZO ソロデビュー25周年記念ライブ作品『And The Chaos is Killing Me』7月5日発��🎉 HEATH、KenKen、佐藤タイジら豪華ゲストを迎えて行われた“SUGIZO 四半世紀祭 25th ANNIVERSARY GIG”を完全収録🎸✨ #SUGIZO 🔻 https://t.co/vH3XVa2gjk https://t.co/M2zr5yhfK3」https://twitter.com/TOWER_Online/status/1655412469702225920
ミュージックマンさん「SUGIZO、ソロデビュー25周年記念ライブ盤「And The Chaos is Killing Me」リリース決定 ツアー開催も #SUGIZO https://t.co/xcT4WNVpho」https://twitter.com/musicman_net/status/1655397166549200897
UNIVERSAL MUSIC STOREさん「【#SUGIZO】 ソロ活動25周年を記念し2022年11月29日にZepp Hanedaで開催された 「SUGIZO 四半世紀祭25th ANNIVERSARY GIG」を収録したDVD💿 ⚡『And The Chaos is Killing M』が7月5日(水)発売決定⚡ 初回限定盤は特殊LPジャケットサイズ仕様❗ 詳細はこちら🔻 https://t.co/f6rPEZ46FD https://t.co/aUYn6jZSKc」https://twitter.com/UM_STORE_JP/status/1655384527613591553
THE FIRST TIMES_NEWSさん「SUGIZO、ソロデビュー25周年記念ライブDISC『And The Chaos is Killing Me』リリース決定! ツアー日程も発表 #SUGIZO #LUNASEA #XJAPAN #THEFIRSTTIMES @SUGIZOofficial ▼写真・記事の詳細はこちら https://t.co/5fm9A6bXD9」https://twitter.com/The_FirstTimesN/status/1655343730168324098
Bezzy[ベジー]編集部さん「SUGIZO、ソロデビュー25周年記念ライブを完全収録したパッケージ作品をリリース https://t.co/GuThByOL4A 7月3日から始まる新たなツアーも発表 #SUGIZO」https://twitter.com/Bezzyjp/status/1655236053241049089
ENCOUNTさん「SUGIZO、ソロデビュー25周年記念ライブCD発売 新ツアーの日程も発表、東名阪でサイン会も https://t.co/GrfZUloI5u #SUGIZO @SUGIZOofficial」https://twitter.com/encountofficial/status/1655226314486427649
LMusic 音楽ニュースさん「SUGIZOソロデビュー25周年記念LIVE DISC 『And The Chaos is Killing Me』リリース決定! リリースを記念して新たなツアーも発表 https://t.co/DIjVhHsktm #SUGIZO」https://twitter.com/LMusicjp/status/1655226227727249408
こもだまり|昭和精吾事務所さん「#こもだ先生業 11期 2日め。名前を覚えるアイスブレイク。名前を呼び/呼ばれるだけだが性格がめちゃ見える興味深い観察タイム。GW挟んだので、いきなりだけど自選テキスト発表会。声と好みを知るのが目的だけど、この自由度高すぎる課題にどう応えるかで現状の把握もできる。集中力あってよいクラス。」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1655570007278129153
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「ナカノアツシ×大野賢治×森翼 ありがとうございました!! 2023.5.8 Oji Music Lounge 1.アンフェア 2.雨のち安アパート相合傘 3.夕暮れとクローゼット 4.少年少女 5.アンチェイン 6.マザー チーム北摂。歌って喋って笑いっぱなしの1日でした。またやりましょうね!配信アーカイブ2週間。 https://t.co/k93z2x4zDJ」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1655587378642255874
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「みんなのLive終わったあと、セッションじゃなくて格付けチェックをしようと思います。TVで見るあれです。お楽しみに^_^」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1655589091713462281
0 notes
✰ 086 | baby fish, part two
la vie en rose ━ in which lee aera, a girl who has been crushing on choi soobin for a long, long time, is starting her junior year and her friends decide that its time for her to make her move.
A/N: part twooo. and this is where baby fish comes in.
( masterlist | prev | next )
The car ride to the park wasn’t awkward at all. Soobin had sat in the backseat with Aera instead of the passenger to keep her company, and conversation had flowed easily. They mostly talked about their excitement to ride bikes since it was such a nice day out. Lately, the weather had been getting chilly, the temperature dropping as fall came in full swing, but today the sun was shining brightly so it combatted some of the chill from the wind.
Aera also gushed about how excited she was for the sandwiches Soobin had promised. Throughout the week, she had looked up different cafes close to the park they were going to to look at the types of sandwiches they offered to prepare her palette for the awesome sandwiches she was going to gulp down. Especially after riding around on a bike.
When they got to the park, Ruha dropped them off at the entrance, leaving the two to walk a little to the bike rental place that was a few feet into the park. She promised to not go far, and once they were ready, to have Soobin call her.
Soon enough, they were on the bikes, cruising through the moderately busy park. They followed the trail designated for bikes as it took them on a scenic route filled with changing leaves and wildlife that was warned about on various signs throughout the trail.
Far enough into the journey, there was a cut that veered off the path, and Soobin shouted out to Aera to follow him as he headed down that way. Now normally, Aera knew better than to follow anyone somewhere that a.) she has never been before and b.) she wasn’t planning on initially going without telling someone beforehand. But this was Soobin she was following, so naturally, all of her logic left her brain and she followed him into the cut, pedaling with a bit more energy as the trial got a little more rough than the one paved for bikes.
This cut was filled tightly by close and short trees with branches littered with leaves despite the fall season progressing, and it made everything more shaded from the sunlight so Aera’s sight was a bit restricted. After about thirty seconds on this unofficial trail, a bright light was visible and Aera watched as Soobin pedaled into it, and she soon followed, coming across a clearing that held an assortment of rocks with a makeshift lake and somehow a functioning waterfall.
Everything seemed much brighter here as well, with the sun hitting the lake perfectly, reflecting some light off and giving the space an even more natural glow. Quickly, Aera abandoned her bike, throwing it to the side and running over to the lake. Her feet crunched over flowers, some that were fully in bloom and others struggling to stand up straight, but that wasn’t her concern.
She was immersed in looking at the lake, falling to her knees quickly and quite harshly as she stared into the water with her big, round brown eyes, squealing to herself once she caught sight of what she was hoping to be in the lake. Fish, some small and others bigger, swam around in peace and harmony as she watched on, having to resist the urge to shove her hand straight into the water since she was sure the temperature was quite cold.
While she was so caught up in the fish, Soobin stood back and watched, nearly melting at how much her face lit up once she caught sight of the fish in the lake. Originally, he wasn’t planning on bringing her to this waterfall, the cut being something that Hyuka had found one day when he was at the park with his sister, but Soobin had decided to last minute.
He wasn’t expecting Aera to absolutely immerse herself in the scenery of it all, but there she was kneeling on the ground and giggling at the fish like the most innocent and pure person in the world, which Soobin was more than sure was correct, especially now.
Something seemed to click in Aera’s head that she was neglecting Soobin, so she looked over her shoulder and beckoned him over with a nod of her head. “C’mere!”
And Soobin immediately walked over, squatting beside her as he balanced on the balls of his feet and put his elbows on his knees to help him not completely fall over. Aera pointed at the water, whispering, “Baby fish.”
She looked over to Soobin, expecting him to be looking at the small fish she found so interesting, but instead he was looking at her. In any other instance, maybe a blush would’ve made its way onto her face, she probably would’ve even asked him why he was looking at her so fondly, with so much admiration, but she was talking about a baby fish. A tiny fish, practically freaking Nemo in the lake, and he wasn’t even trying to look at it.
So, as a way to show her frustration, Aera shifted from her knees to her butt, falling to the side to gracefully change her position, before she yanked the front of Soobin’s hoodie so he could actually look at the fish and not at her. “Baby fish!”
Soobin, scared out of his mind from the sudden jerk and Aera practically shouting in his ear, looked at the fish, taking note of how small and tiny they were but he also couldn’t really pay attention since Aera still had her death grip on the front of his hoodie, and it was starting to get hard to breathe.
“Ae-” He gasped for breath. “Aera, let go.”
“Did you look at the fishies?”
He couldn’t verbally respond, so he nodded instead, which turned out to be just as bad of a decision as speaking would've been.
“You swear?” She whispered.
And since it was so hard to respond, Soobin used his hand, to the best of his ability, to wrench his hoodie from Aera’s hand, and he dropped his head as he started to catch his breath. Since Aera had pulled him practically on top of her, and the only thing keeping him from falling onto her was his hand, he slumped into her side, his head falling onto her shoulder so he could pace his breaths and practically not die.
“You almost killed me,” he whimpered, staring at the baby fish.
Aera lets out a soft sigh, reaching up her hand to rest on Soobin’s cheek and she pats it a few times, before saying, “Baby fish.”
Eventually, Soobin caught his breath and in retaliation he tickled Aera until she couldn’t breath before she shouted an apology and they both decided it was time for sandwiches.
They mounted their bikes again and rode them back to the bike rental place. Once they paid for the time they used them and Soobin texted his mom that they were heading to the cafe now, the two were on their way.
Soobin led the entire way, with Aera following behind him as she kept a grip on the back of his hoodie since it seemed to be lunch time for everyone, and the streets were packed as people walked to and fro. Soon enough, they reached a not so small cafe, with wooden walls on the outside that had a small water fixture on the right side of the wall, with glass sliding doors in the middle. A LED sign with the name Sandwich Haus written in cursive was lit on top of the sliding doors, and as Soobin approached them, the glass spread apart.
A long line leading up to the register ended in front of the door, and to the left of the line sat a hostess stand, where a petite man stood in his uniform with a smile on his face as they approached him.
“Table for how many?” he asked, dipping his hand into a small pocket on the side of the hostess stand, fishing for however many menus they tell them they need.
“Just two, please,” Soobin answered. The man then leads them away from the long line and back behind the hostess stand where the restaurant held a seating area for those who decided in the restaurant.
The host seats them at a booth, setting the menus down on opposite sides of the table before wishing them a good meal. Aera sat down, grabbed the menu, and began browsing through what seemed to be an endless assortment of sandwiches. Soobin watched as her eyes ran up and down the three-paged menu, how her eyebrows scrunched together as she came across some sandwiches that just sounded confusing.
He himself didn't even bother picking up the menu since he knew what he wanted prior to them coming. The first time Soobin came to Sandwich Haus was with his aunt who had heard about the place from her boss. They had ordered a bunch of sandwiches then, just to get a taste of the menu, and from there Sobin found a sandwich that he liked.
He would have proposed that he and Aera do the same as he and his aunt did, but the sandwiches there were pretty pricey and he didn’t want to order a bunch of food and then leave Aera to pay for half of a bill she couldn’t afford.
Shortly after they were seated, their waitress approached the table asking for their drink orders. Soobin asked for a water, while Aera opted for both a water and a raspberry lemonade before she went back to studying the menu so she could make a choice.
“Soobi,” Aera called out, sighing as she put down the menu. “What are you getting?”
Soobin raised his eyebrow at the question, taking note of the small pout on Aera’s face as she waited for him to respond. “You can’t decide?”
“No,” she dropped her gaze down to the menu that rested on the table. “Well- I can’t decide between two of them, and one of them has bacon but the other has turkey, and I really like bacon and turkey-”
“Just get them both,” he answered as the waitress returned and set down their drinks.
“You think I can finish it all?” Aera asked and took a sip of the raspberry lemonade, humming in content before muttering, ‘oh that's good’.
The waitress began to take out her notepad, which Soobin knew meant she was ready to take their order so he quickly tells Aera, “You can take it home if not, or I can help you finish. Whichever you want.”
He then turned to the waitress, ordering two of the same sandwich for himself, one as a combo with chips and the second as just the sandwich itself. The waitress then turned to Aera, taking her order before telling them she would put it in the system and have their food out to them quickly.
As she walked away, Aera took another sip of her lemonade and then she pushed it across the table to Soobin, suggesting he taste it. “It’s super good.”
“Is it really sweet,” he asked as he removed his straw from his water and placed it into the lemonade alongside Aera’s straw. He watched as Aera scrunched her face up and rocked her head from side to side as in a ‘so-so’ way, before he stirred the syrup at the bottom of the glass and then took a sip.
It wasn’t overly sweet, but it was a little too syrupy that it didn’t blend well with the lemonade. He returned the glass back across the table, and took his straw from the lemonade glass, being sure to suck the remaining liquid from his straw before he put it back into his own cup of water.
“So, Soobi,” Aera carefully speaks, shoving her hands beneath her legs as she rocked slightly. “Why’d you invite me for bikes and sandwiches?”
“Can I not,” he slowly drawls. “Invite you for bikes and sandwiches?”
“I didn’t say you couldn’t. You just never have before, so I’m just wondering.”
Soobin shrugged. “I don’t know. I just wanted to.”
“Hm,” Aera squinted her eyes as she watched him watch her. “So you chose to do this on your own?”
Aera crossed her arms at that.
“Okay, well, not completely. But mostly!”
“Yeah, okay. Soobi,” she giggled. “I believe you. But, how did things go with Sakura? I know you told me that you didn’t think things would work out, but you never told me if she took it well or if you ever told her?”
“Oh,” Soobin perked up at the question, crossing his arms on top of the table as he prepared to make it clear to Aera that he wasn’t planning on going on a date with anyone else. “Well, she took it well. Said that she kind of knew from the beginning, and honestly, I knew too that I wouldn’t have feelings for her but I just gave her a chance regardless.”
“That’s kind of nice of you,” Aera replied. “Giving her a chance, I mean. Not you ultimately crushing her heart.”
“I didn’t crush her heart-”
“You kind of did,” Aera squeaked. “But I guess that's expected since everyone knows you don’t date.”
“Uhhh,” Soobin wanted to shout out how wrong she was, that he would date if Aera was the one he was dating, but that would be embarrassing to do not only in front of her but in a public establishment in front of random people he doesn’t know, so he opted for a more levelheaded response.
“That’s not really true.”
“You literally have dated this many people,” Aera held up her hand which was shaped in a fist. “Zero. Everyone knows that.”
“Do they?”
“They do,” she sing-songed.
“Okay, okay, enough about me, Miss ‘Everyone knows it’,” Soobin quickly changed the subject. “What about your love life? Is your longtime crush still a thing?”
Aera takes a particularly long sip at that question, before she pulls off and lets out a loud ‘ah’. “Yes, yes it is. Perhaps even worse now, actually.”
“Oh,” Soobin paid extra attention now. “How so?”
“My crush is everywhere,” she gasped. “And it’s like he does it without knowing how much it affects me. Like he has no concern about my wellbeing.”
“Does he know you like him?” Soobin doesn’t know why he asked that, but he hoped the answer was no.
“No, he does not. And he probably never will.”
A swarm of happiness sets through Soobin’s body. Him knowing that Aera didn’t plan on telling her crush that she liked him anytime soon meant that he had time to redirect her attention from whoever her crush was onto him. It was a foolproof way of thinking, and if he actually succeeded he was saving Aera from potentially getting her heartbroken if whoever she liked decided to be an idiot and reject her.
“Why would he never know?”
“I don’t plan on telling him anytime soon,” she sighed, taking another large gulp of her lemonade. “Like, he’s everywhere but I can’t get a read on if he likes me or not, or even if he sees us in a relationship or not.”
“Wait, so you said I know him?” Soobin asked, realizing what Aera said all that time ago when he initially asked her about her crush. “Like, I was close to him?”
“I don’t know if I said close-”
“I think you did.”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, that’s what I remember. So if I do some process of elimination it’s either Gyu, Taehyun, Hyunjin-”
“Most definitely not Hyunjin, Haeun would kill me.” Aera interjected.
Soobin paused his listing for a second to raise an eyebrow in confusion but Aera just brushed it off and said, “I’ll explain later.”
He nodded and continued,”-Yeonjun hyung, Seungmin, or Jeong—no, nevermind.”
Aera sat in silence for a bit, staring quite hard at the four fingers Soobin had raised, taking notice that he didn’t count himself and she deflated a bit. Maybe Soobin really didn’t take into consideration that they could be in a relationship and she was wasting her time harboring a stupid crush on him. It all just stung a little more since she thought he was doing this to get to know her better romantically, but maybe this was all just platonic to him.
“So which one is it?” Soobin asked, shaking his hand that held up his four fingers. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
Aera opened her mouth to answer, but before she could make a sound the waitress finally returned with their food, setting down the four plates and telling them to enjoy their food. They both awkwardly tell her, “You too,” as she leaves them alone once again.
Soobin isn’t ready to let the conversation go, and Aera notices so she quickly grabs the slice of pickle that is served with her sandwiches and shoves it in her mouth.
“Mm, that’s good. Let’s eat.”
#choi beomgyu#choi soobin#choi yeonjun#hueningkai#kang taehyun#choi soobin x female oc#kpop#social media au#txt#txt social media au
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Am petrecut câteva zile prin Sibiu, un prilej bun ca să încercăm mai multe restaurante și să le aranjăm într-un top în funcție de preferințele personale.
Syndicat Gourmet
Primul în topul preferințelor ar fi Syndicat Gourmet, unde am fost pentru că am văzut că este cel mai bun restaurant din Sibiu conform ghidului Gault & Millau. Nu ne-a dezamăgit și am găsit aici ceea ce speram să găsim. Un restaurant micuț, cu aproximativ 10 mese destul de aproape una de cealaltă, într-o clădire veche din centrul Sibiului.
Meniul este mic, ceea ce-i întotdeauna un semn bun, și va trebui să stați cu dicționarul aproape dacă vreți să-l înțelegeți, pentru că are multe regionalisme și arhaisme. Găsiți aici chestii precum sloi de oaie cu peltea de gutui, cotlet de noatin, limbă de vită cu sos de heciumpeci, fleică de porc cu piure de topinambur șamd.
Ca aperitive am încercat sloiul de oaie (18 lei), care-i un fel de carne de oaie la garniță, dar cu șuvițe de carne în stilul unui pulled pork. Alături de mămăliguță, arată cam așa (nu, acela nu este un mic):
Am mai încercat și samosa cu miel și sos de mentă (15 lei) și un foie gras (18 lei) care era pe meniul zilnic. Foarte bune toate aperitivele.
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Pentru felul principal am ales piept de rață de curte, sfeclă roșie și chutney de merișoare (55 lei) și cotlet de noatin cu salată picantă, sos de miel și rădăcinoase la cuptor (65 lei). Rața a fost bine făcută, rozalie în interior și cu piele crocantă la exterior:
Noatin este un regionalism pentru miel bătrân sau berbec tânăr, de maxim un an, depinde ce vă place mai mult. Cu siguranță a fost un fel mult mai interesant și mai gustos decât rața. Îl recomand și celor care nu mănâncă în mod normal carne de oaie, pentru că nu se simte atât de pregnant nici gustul nici mirosul de oaie.
Syndicat Gourmet merită o steluță în plus doar pentru faptul că este primul restaurant în care la sugestia celui care ne-a servit, vinul roșu, pentru că era baricat, a fost turnat încă din timp ce serveam aperitivul în decantor, pentru a se aera.
Am mâncat și trei deserturi. Negresa cu sfeclă roșie cred că ar fi bună pentru cei care preferă dulciurile fără zahăr, iar la tarta cu mere am fost cu toții plăcut surprinși de gustul de înghețată de cătină. Mi-ar plăcea să găsesc separat pe undeva doar înghețata. Cel de-al treilea desert cred că a fost tarta cu fructe de pădure. Au fost 16 lei deserturile, dar dacă ajungeți la Syndicat Gorumet, mai degrabă v-aș recomanda să vă concentrați pe aperitive și pe felurile principale, pentru că acolo este poezia.
Dacă ar fi să aleg ceva ce nu mi-a plăcut, aș putea reproșa că la masa de lângă noi s-au așezat niște clienți în vârstă, care pentru că făceau pe mofturoșii, au fost serviți cu tot felul de tratații din partea casei. Nu-i o problemă reală, dar chestia asta m-a făcut să mă simt mai puțin special decât ceilalți clienți.
Oricum, nu încape discuție că Syndicat Gourmet este primul restaurant pe care ar trebui să-l încercați dacă ajungeți în Sibiu. Merită primul loc din Sibiu în topul Galt Millau.
Pardon Cafe & Bistro
După o vizită la muzeul de istorie naturală, ni s-a făcut poftă de o friptură de stegosaur, așa că am ajuns peste drum, la Pardon Cafe. Decor este ușor steam-punk, cu multe elemente de alamă iar în spatele localului au câteva mese chiar lângă bucătărie. Ne-a plăcut și decorul și servirea. Și mâncarea. Am comandat două ciorbe, o pastramă și o pulpă de rață.
Așa arăta platoul cu pastrama, alături de o porție de legume rumenite. Nu am le-am mâncat eu, dar se pare că nu au fost plângeri la adresa lor 🙂
Am comandat și o pulpă de rață iar ca garnitură am ales boabe de porumb în loc de varză sau cartofi. Pielea nu a fost crocantă, însă pulpa de rață a fost îndeajuns de fragedă încât să o mănânc folosind doar furculița, nu și cuțitul.
În final, un desert numit “tort izvor de ciocolată”. A fost bun și interesant ca aspect:
Restaurant Hermania
Restaurantul Hermania ne-a fost recomandat de mult timp însă d-abia acum ne-am făcut curaj să intrăm. Decorul este cu aspect rustic, cu tot cu un șemineu funcțional. Cred că pe timp de iarnă acel șemineu este senzația localului.
Pentru produsele culinare au contract cu băcănia și cu păstrăvăria Albota și în general încearcă să aplice principiul “from farm to table” în meniu. Aici a fost prima dată când am avut curaj să încercăm untură pe pâine, care a venit în următoarea formă de agregare:
A fost cremoasă, cu bucățele minuscule de jumări și cu ceapă alături. A fost ok, dacă n-ați mâncat niciodată merită încercată, dar nu pot să spun că-i ceva ce aș comanda cu regularitate.
Pe lângă ea am mai comandat un platou de brânzeturi cu dulceață de ardei iute. Platoul a fost interesant iar porția generoasă:
Pentru felul doi am ales un tigaia sasului (50 lei), care conținea diverse cărnuri, varză acră, spätzle și dulceață de ceapă. Cărnurile nu pot să zic că au fost ceva deosebit iar în privința spätzle-ului (gustare nemțească pe bază de făinoase, ou, piper) îl declar învingător pe cel pe care l-am mâncat în Munchen, cu mult piper și ceapă crocantă deasupra.
Am încercat și file-ul de păstrăv în crustă de muștar (37 lei), însă a fost mai mult un păstrăv pane. Mă așteptam chiar să aibă crustă.
Și aici s-a comandat o pulpă de rață pe varză roșie cu spätzle și mere la grătar (45 lei), că altfel nu se putea. Bună, fragedă, cu mențiunea de mai sus pentru spätzle 🙂
Taverna Akropolis
Deși un restaurant grecesc nu pare o alegere tipică pentru centrul Sibiului, am mâncat de 2-3 ori la Taverna Akropolis și de fiecare dată a fost foarte bun. Țin minte că porțiile au fost destul de generoase de fiecare dată, mai ales cea de gyros la cuptor (30 lei):
Cred că aș recomanda orice preparat grecesc de aici fără să-mi fie teamă. Deși nu am fost aici și în ultima noastră vizită, dacă vreți ceva bun și consistent, recomand. Îi găsiți pe strada Turnului, unde au câteva măsuțe afară.
Notă: Articolul a fost scris la începutul lui martie, fix înainte de izolare. Am tot amânat publicarea lui sperând că lucrurile vor reveni la normal. La Pardon Cafe și la Akropolis sigur au loc de măsuțe afară. Sper ca și cei de la Syndicat Gourmet și de la Hermania să fi găsit între timp o modalitate prin care să se adapteze la situația actuală. Dacă ați trecut recent pe la unul dintre ele, m-aș bucura dacă mi-ați putea spune cum s-au adaptat.
Unde mănânci bine în Sibiu (2020) Am petrecut câteva zile prin Sibiu, un prilej bun ca să încercăm mai multe restaurante și să le aranjăm într-un top în funcție de preferințele personale.
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#toulouse is a #lovely #place with lots of #ancient #buildings and #churches as well as #cafe #restaurant and #brasserie and #cheerful #students that #enjoy their #lifes; #urban #aera #lifestyle #stilllife #meditation #thankfullness #mindfulness #hipandhealthy #sculpture #soulfood #awareness #healthy #travelling #siteseeing #journey
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