#Aelia Winters
decadentrot · 2 years
Summertime Record Aftermath CoverArt
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Ok so heres the cover art if it was a comic/manga or whatever and heres the thing you might have noticed... the title isnt the same on the art and thats cause this whole comic started from animatic i made based on the song "Summertime Records" and someone wanted to know what happened afterward, basically they asked for the 'aftermath' so i thought to just combine the topics to make the name but im also dumb and abuse the copy paste button too many times and i cant read and now im like 42 pages in and i feel like i cant change it because this whole time in my head its name has been SUMMERTIME AFTERMATH when apparently ive been writing SUMMERTIME RECORDS AFTERMATH this whole time and i barely noticed untill i was drawing the cover art and realized how dumb i am.. plus i feel like summertime records aftermath is just too long even though its literally just 2 syllables longer So i guess my lil sxf au is called Summertime Aftermath but it will stay as summertime records aftermath cause im just too lazy to change all the titles and tags
Anyways enjoy the cover art! :P
(If you wanna read the comics)
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readychilledwine · 1 year
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Rhysand x Winter Court OC
A/N- Happy day 3 of my Here's to 100 week! I wanted to give angst a try a few weeks ago, and I am kind of proud, kind of not proud of this piece. I think this is something that could become more, and I've left it open to more, but I don't really know if I want this OC to have a happy ending, or a tragic one. If I add to it, it might be a roll of the dice thing to decide.
Summary - Rhysand is finally home from the Mountain, but he's home with news that shatters Aelia, his wife's world, from under her feet.
Warnings - alludes to a panic attack kind of angsty.
Part Two Part Three
This wasn't a conversation Rhysand wanted to have with Aelia.  "It's not your fault," she whispered softly. "It's just the hand you were dealt. I get it." She stood and began to move to walk out of the room. She needed to leave the room. Panic had set into her chest, tears were beginning to form in her eyes. 
"Aelia," he strained out. "Please."
His heart was breaking as she dropped her hand from the door and looked up. He watched her hand run through her hair again. The snow blonde curls were a mess from her hands constantly running through it and pulling at it. He wanted nothing more than to brush it, to bring her to his bed, and to play with it. "Rhys, I need time. You need time."
"You're my wife. The mother of my child." His voice held a tone of desperation. 
"And she's your mate? I can't win here Rhys." Rhysand stood. Caging her body between him and the doorway. His head rested on her shoulder.  "I need to go, Rhys. I can't watch this."
"Please don't leave me." Her eyes squeezed shut as tears began to openly fall. He was breaking behind her, and she was shattering before him. Hundreds of years of love, of laughter, of joy. Hundreds of years, just gone.
"What am I supposed to do, Rhysand? Sit here and warm your bed until she realizes Tamlin isn't the one? I need to start looking for somewhere for Nyx and I to go."
"Your place is here. Our son's place is here. I don't want her, Aelia." His voice cracked as he began to sob. "I've only ever wanted you. I love you. I'm in love with you."
Aelia wanted to believe it. She wanted to believe none of this mattered. That the female he was bound to didn't matter.  She knew it did, though. She knew this changes everything between them. "You found your mate, Rhys. That's going to change."
His eyes were squeezed shut as he forced her into his chest. "No, it won't. I'll reject the bond." She shook her head softly. Azriel would murder her if she asked this of Rhysand. Azriel had dreamed of finding his mate. He had begged them to think getting married through, but they impulsively had. And Rhys had sworn her in as High Lady. And now they had a son together. A son who was 60 and would understand exactly what all of this meant. 
"I can't ask you to do that, Rhysand." 
"You aren't asking me to. I am telling you I'm going to." He forced her to turn in his arms, pulling her tight to his chest and holding her. "Just give me time, snowflake, please." She nodded. The smallest smile broke onto Rhysand's face, not reaching his eyes, as he kissed her roughly.
(1 Month later)
Cassian watched in silence as Nyx packed his things. His high lady was not dumb, but the choice she was making was stupid. And her son was blindly following right behind her.  "This isn't necessary," Azriel said softly to their nephew. "Talk to him first."
"What is there to talk about," Nyx turned to Azriel. "How about the fact that he fucked someone besides mom for past 50 years. Or the fact that the first thing he says to mom isn't something caring or loving. It's "I found my mate."  Azriel and Cassian shared a look as Nyx threw a few weapons into his bag.
"We've given him a month and now he's in Spring. With his mate. Instead of here with mom and me. Do you know how much I've actually seen my so-called father since he came home?" Nyx looked at Azriel, a raven brow raised. They all knew the answer to that question. 
Rhys had not made time for his son, nor his wife. When his own dreams weren't turning every waking moment of his reality into a nightmare, Feyre's were destroying him slowly from the inside. The moments Rhys spent with Aelia were spent loudly arguing. They were spent with the couple in tears as their relationship finally had to face 50 years of strain and hardship.
Nyx threw the shirt he was holding into his suitcase. His anger and sadness were radiating from him. "We're leaving. It's what's best for mom, for me, and probably for Rhysand." They knew better than to argue with the young male. The love Nyx had for his mother had always, and would always trump everything. Including his loyalty to his court, to the warbands, to his uncles.
"You are the heir to the Night Court," Azriel said slowly. "He isn't going to let either of you go without a fight." 
Nyx shook his head. "I don't give a fuck what I am to him. Carthanian, heir, illyrian soldier. I am my mother's son first." Aelia came back down the stairs with the bag she had been packing. She had been crying, but she forced a smile for her son. She had been forcing a strong outward appearance for the court and Inner Circle for the past month. She held her hand out to Nyx as he picked up his bag. 
"Are you sure, Nyxie?" They knew she gave him the choice. She had told Nyx he was welcome to stay. That she wouldn't hold it against him, but her son had picked her. He nodded to her, grabbing her hand in his and walking with her. Azriel knew where they were going, and Aelia knew her brother in law would know. She also knew he would not tell Rhysand until he knew if her heart was safe in his hands again. 
Azriel followed them to the door, his hand on her back as he whispered softly in her ear that he would be trailing them until he knew they were safe, that he would be checking in, that he loves them. Azriel watched as they winnowed with one last look shared between him and Aelia.
"He's going to lose his fucking mind," Cassian whispered. Azriel nodded to him slowly. "Does she know he's in Spring rejecting the bond right now?"
"No. All Mor told her is that he went to Spring."
Rhysand came home, hours later, to an empty house. The faelights were dim and the scent of his wife and son was fading as if they had not been here recently.
"Aelia! Nyx!" He walked around the Riverhouse. Checking every room for them. Each door opened felt like a nail pounding into a coffin as he found empty room after empty room. He stopped as soon as he hit his wife's office. Hands shaking and  silently praying to anyone who'd listen she would be inside. He opened the door and felt hope leave him.
An envelope with his name sat neatly on her desk, and Azriel and Cassian were in the room. The two refused to look at him as Azriel handed Rhysand the letter. 
By time you're reading this, Nyx and I will have left. Mor let me know that you were going to Spring. That you were planning to see your mate. I do not want to stand in the way of your happiness. 
I know we always promised each other joy and peace. We just had hoped it would never come to us not being the source of those things for each other. You have brought me more joy and happiness in the past 300 years than I deserved to know, Rhysand. It is only fair I give you the same chance to find that.
Please know I gave Nyx the choice to stay. I let him know I love him either way, that you love him either way. Ultimately, we would both want him to be where he felt happiest. He made the choice to come with me. He said he may come back at some point, but his anger at this situation is… strong at the moment. I'll continue to try to talk to him and try to get him to come at least to the Moonstone Palace once a week to meet with you. Please try to understand things from his side. He's young. He's impulsive. He's hurting. This isn't what he had in mind, nor what he ever pictured, all those years he'd dream and talk about "when daddy came home." He loves you, Rhys. He's just lost right now. We all are.
I love you, Rhysand. I hope you find the bliss  you need and deserve.
Forever yours,
Rhysand read the note over and over. "Where did she go," he growled. "Why did Mor not tell her why I was in Spring."
"We don't know," Cassian said. "We haven't seen Mor since she told Aelia."
"Where is she, Azriel?" The shadowsinger looked at his brother, taking a sip of the whiskey he had poured himself. "Az, where are my wife and son?"
Azriel shook his head. "They need time, Rhys. You also need time. You need to heal. To regain a grip on yourself and your surroundings. You rejected your mate, Rhys. For her and Nyx's safety, I need to keep you away from her." 
Rhys felt his hands shaking, tears beginning to fall. He felt his world crashing down around him. "I didn't even have to reject the bond. I spoke with Feyre about it and she did it. She flat out asked me why I'd be dumb enough to believe she'd leave the male she gave her life for just because of the Cauldron." Rhys chuckled bitterly. "And now my wife and son are gone." They watched as Rhysand sat down in a chair, staring out the window. 
Azriel knew this was a guilt trip. He nodded, playing with Aelia's favorite pen. "I will not tell you where they are. You will not guilt me into it, and if you command me to, Rhysand, I will never forgive you." Azriel stood and walked to the window. "I promise you she is safe. I have a shadow trailing both of them."
Rhysand scoffed lightly, refusing to look his way. "It is good to know where your loyalty truly lies, Azriel. Get out, both of you. I want to be alone." 
Cassian looked at Az, then Rhys. Azriel was taking the insult. He did not argue. He did not bite back. He was refusing to give Rhysand the fight the male clearly thought he needed. "Rhys, she-"
"Get. Out." The faelights flickered with Rhysand's anger, tendrils of darkness and mist flaring around him. "I'll find her myself. Since my spymaster is incapable of giving me the High Lady's location." Another insult Rhysand knew deep down his brother did not deserve.
He waited until the door shut, until two sets of footsteps and muffled voices faded. Once Rhys knew he was truly alone, he felt the first broken sob fully tear through his throat. He allowed himself this moment to fall apart, to break into one thousand tiny pieces as his heart fell from his chest. He allowed his breathing to become uneven, rushed. He allowed that feeling of nothing, yet everything all at once to hit him. That feeling of never being enough, of being too much. 
Cassian found him the next morning asleep on the floor to Aelia's office. "Rhys," he gently touched his shoulder. "Rhys, I have a letter from Nyx. It's for you. I need you to get up." Cassian needed to know the contents of the letter as much as Rhysand would. He shook his brother again, slightly smiling as he stirred. 
"Go away, Cassian." Rhysand's voice was like gravel, his eyes still slightly red and swollen. "Why the fuck are you here?"
Cassian held the letter up. "I need you to open this so we both maybe get answers. He won't tell me anything either, Rhys. He says once he knows she's safe from your emotional spiral, he will go get them. So, get yourself up and get your shit together."
Rhysand stared at the letter. At the gently practiced scroll of his son's handwriting. He took the envelope immediately, standing to walk to Aelia's desk, and taking out her letter opener. He read the letter once, then a second time to be sure, and third just in case before handing it to Cassian. 
The general read it slowly, processing each delicate curve of his nephew's lettering. "So, they're in Winter?" Rhysand nodded, his jaw tight. "Doesn't Kal believe you-"
"Yes." Cassian paused, knowing why she would have picked there, and knowing Aelia had longed to go home for a while now. "I'm banned from his court as of yesterday morning."
Cassian whispered softly in response. "Nyx is asking you not to come anyways, Rhys. He's asking you to give him and Lia space and time."
Rhysand nodded. "I can read, Cassian. Thank you." 
"Then let her go." The high lord shot him a look of shock. Of betrayal. "Let her go and let her come back on her own terms, Rhys. Show her you love her by respecting her wishes. We both know she is going to come back. Remind me of how deeply she told you she loved you?"
"Deeper than the ocean of Summer, stronger than the vines of Spring, with more passion than an Autumn fire."
"And with the purity of a fresh Winter snow." Cassian finished softly. "She'll come home, Rhys." 
Rhysand broke down again, and Cassian rushed to him, pulling his brother into a tight hug.  "That's so much easier said than done."
"I know."
"I love her." Rhysand sobbed heavily. "Cassian, I love her. I never once thought  about leaving her when the bond snapped. She carried my son. She risked her life to give me a baby. She risked her life so I could live my dream of being a father and now its all falling to shit, Cassian."
"I know."
Rhysand openly cried now. Hand forming fists in the back of Cassian's shirt. "I just want them. I love him. I love her." He repeated again.
"I know, Rhys. I know."
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riptide-pools · 5 months
I really want to know more about Cryo!
Cryo is an OC created for @cjstar-arts 's Original Story called Universe Acceptance AU. He is not from LMK but the artstyle used is from it.
He is an embodiment of winter, who has been reborn from a human to an elemental.
He is in love with the Sun Guardian, Aelia. Even if she did many things that are questionable, he's loyal to her until his eternal soul dissipates.
And if you're curious about his lore; I'm still workshopping it.
But the things certain are;
Cryo is a human-turned elemental.
He worships the Moon Guardian and has a Master-Student relationship with her.
He lives in a secluded realm where only winter resides.
He has a daughter (with the Sun Guardian which he didn't know about) named Mila.
His ties with the Mortal Realm or Earth are only necessary like Seasons.
He maneuvers the winter animals for safety and other creatures for hibernation.
He has an assistant, who shapeshifts into an owl, named Eva.
I think that's it (for now).
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riveriafalll · 4 months
Writeblr introduction I guess?
Guess what bitches (affectionate) I’ve been here for like six months and I’m finally making a writeblr introduction. I have just vibed within the community for all this time, and I reckon it’s time to actually confirm my existence as an actual writer.
A bit about me: you can call me River, I mainly write fanfiction for quite a few fandoms, I’m a full time student, I use all pronouns (agender bitches for the win) and autistic currently seeking diagnosis.(in this economy? I know, right?)
I’m open for all tag games and asks (please include me, I promise I won’t procrastinate on the tag game until it’s three weeks later and it’s too awkward to post it then)
Here is my master list of wips, categorised by fandom. The majority of these are not being regularly written in, but they all will one day find a home on the archive I promise.
I will link them up to their respective WIP introduction pages as they happen, if you want to hear about one sooner, let me know <3
Harry Potter
No Time to Die: Drarry au where I kill off Draco in the first scene, have many clever plot-fixes and throw in as much LGBTQ rep as I can
Aelia Lovegood - Luna Lovegood has a pyromaniacal twin who is trying to fix racism by punching Nazi children in the face. It’s mostly working
Oh dear it’s a time loop fic - Draco and Hermione are trapped in a time loop, what will they do? (Troll everyone for basically eternity, and try not to go mad)
The fic where Harry is a sociopath, and goes full homicidal mode on Voldemort along with a scary Hermione and a power-hungry Ron - eh the title explains it well enough
when stars collide (a black hole forms) - a person from our world falls into the HP universe, and immediately tries to mother hen her family out of being evil. Callidora is the twin sister of Bellatrix, and spends the next thirty or so years attempting to fix everyone through the power of love. It works most of the time.
Harry Potter and the job he should have gotten - thirteen years after the end of the War, Minerva McGonagall has a staffing crisis and breaks into people’s homes until they agree to teach. Harry/Theo Knott, Hermione/Pansy and Draco girlbossing it by himself while figuring out how to be a single father.
Of Godparents and Aunt-sassins - Jokingly, a couple name the godparent of their new child as Loki. No one expects him to except. Ava is a menace, Loki is a gender fluid icon, a wonderful brother and a terrible influence, Natasha is the vodka aunt, Clint is the fun uncle, Cooper Barton is the responsible one, Peter is a tiny adorable baby who gets adopted, and the Avengers live the 2012 Tower life
SHIELD: An Unofficial Guide - based off the SHIELD survival tips blog here on tumblr, written up in a guide-book form, complete with neatly organised chapters and unique anecdotes
A Glitch in the System - Glitch, a winter-widow and the last remanent of HYDRA, is sent to assassinate the Avengers. When she fails, she runs away and meets a certain spider-child on a rooftop. Featuring a teenage Loki, an amnesiac Pietro and a certain blonde widow, who’ve all moved into May Parker’s apartment, and a lot of miscommunication between just about everyone
Loki doki timey wimey - set during Thor:Ragnorok, Tony and co notice that Loki has reappeared on Midgard, and promptly break into Doctor Stranges house to question him. Dr S promptly gets very annoyed by Tony and Lokis inability to get on, and sends them away to the magical equivalent of a get along shirt, which goes wrong and leaves Tony and Loki stranded in a time loop. They’re under the impression that the loop will break when they learn to get along, Dr Strange is doing nothing to disillusion them of that.
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(This is the image that my beta once_and_future_fandoms made when I ranted about it to them)
Another life - something I started before the Loki show came out (take that Marvel), starts at the beginning of Infinity War, when a female Loki dies at the hands of Thanos, meets the personification of the universe, merges with the Tesseract, leaving her with a shapeshifting familiar and teleporting powers. She then travels briefly through the multiverse and lands in the OG Marvel universe, with a Tom Hiddleston themed Loki and attempts to fix stuff through the power of having a giant snake and knives.
Bucky and the time he lived in the woods with his murder daughters - Bucky escapes from HYDRA in the 90s with Natasha and Yelena. They live in the mountains of Romania together, learning how to be actual real life people and incidentally becoming cryptida along the way. Natasha and Yelena join SHIELD in their early twenties, and continue happily along their way in the canon plot, until their father James comes to visit the Avengers Tower after the Battle of New York, and bumps into a familiar blonde…
Woahhhh it’s Emmy - Emmy, (long for MJ, short for Mary Junior), is the standard extra Winchester OC, twin sister of Sam, who is almost as bad at talking through her problems as Dean is. While Sam went to Smamford, and Dean ran around with John, Emmy started a weapons dealing company for hunters, travelling around under the guise of an occult shop. She reluctantly joins back up with her brothers in season 1, just to make sure her dumbasses don’t get themselves killed. She solves half of the shows problems with a glock.
Doctor Who
Who the fuck is Sally Sparrow? - Kat Sparrow has grown up knowing that things live in the darkness. The Sparrows are known by all the intelligence agency’s of the world, for their abilities to find and trap those things. Their specialty? Angels. When River Song appears on her doorstep one night, telling her that she has an angel to catch, Kat does the only thing she can, and joins the Doctor, River and Amy in the TARDIS to catch it. Kat thinks it’s fantastic, Amy enjoys having a friend whos roughly her age, and River is cryptic as ever. The Doctor, however, would really like to know how the hell a human girl is capable of subduing the most deadly creature in the universe.
Redo of Sally Sparrow except there’s no Sally Sparrow and a completely different plot line - When River tumbles into the TARDIS at the start of the infamous Maze of the Angels episode, she brings someone else with her - her adopted daughter, Astra. Unknown to 11, Astra is his child from the future, the result of a coupling between 12 and Missy, who was partially raised by both of them and the other half by River. Featuring: Astra is briefly evil and genocidial, Astra gets therapy with 14 and Donna, Astra flirts constantly with half of his companions, River, Missy and 13 all walk into a bar, and the combination of lesbianism causes a rift in time and space, and someone really needs to stop 12 from naming people after his past companions.
The Vampire Diaries
TVDeeznuts - Cassie Gilbert, twin sister of Jeremy, heads off to an out of state boarding school after being compelled by Damon in an attempt to protect the first person to have trusted him unconditionally in the last hundred and fifty years. Yes, he might have been a crow for half of it, but the thought is what counts, right? Unfortunately, being the danger magnet she is, Cassie immediately manages to befriend a local artist by the name of Nik Mikaelson. Three kidnappings later, Cassie is the first honorary Mikaelson since Marcel. Let’s just hope it doesn’t go quite as bad as his did.
Shadow hunters
Making my OCs be adopted by a bunch of vampires has nothing to do with my parental issues I promise - Autumn, a rather shy twelve year old, is Turned into a vampire rather unexpectedly by a less than stable Maureen who wants to be best friends forever. She immediately attaches herself to Raphael, who is horrified, but ultimately decides that he can use the situation to gaslight Magnus into believing that she’s always been around. Autumn has no objections, Lily thinks it hilarious, and Elliot is just happy to have a little sister.
Shadow hunting my multiple mental illnesses - Astoria Fray is perfectly normal. She does her homework, eats far too many chips, and goes out to parties with her best friends Lily, Elliot and Raphael. And then her mom gets kidnapped, her sister goes missing, her uncle won’t talk to her, and a very sparkly man tells her that he’s a friend of her mothers and that she can stay at his place. And as if that wasn’t enough, turns out that she’s not human, her dad is shadow hunter Hitler, and vampires, werewolf’s and warlocks are real.
At least Lily and Raphael are still normal. Right?
we'll never get free (lamb to the slaughter) - Magnus Bane is forced to baby-sit a precocious, morally-grey Warlock child. It goes about as well as you'd imagine.
Fourth Wing
Fourth wing more like fortieth wip - Elyrion Melgren (currently going under the name Elyrion Foxe) lived in Tyrrendor for the first fourteen years of her life, while her father led the armies of Navarre, spending her days exploring the city with her best friend Xaden. Six years later, she hasn’t seen Xaden since the apostasy, and has been forbidden by her father to go into the Riders, as he doesn’t want her to interact with the Marked Ones. Elyrion promptly ignores his orders, crosses Parapet, and joins the revolution.
Throne of Glass
Cadre Coparenting - what could go wrong? -Two years after Aelin Galathynius was born, her sister, Aurelia arrived. Born with powers of darkness and death, Evalin and Rhoe have no choice but to send her to the only person with experience in controlling powers like hers - her Aunt, Maeve. Maeve promptly passes the child off to her loyal bloodsworn until she’s old enough to be useful to her. Between the six of them, the Cadre just about manage to raise a singular child, despite Aurelia's best attempts to be difficult. It’s entirely her fault that half of Doranelle now believes that Lorcan and Rowan are divorced, and co-parenting their daughter together with Gavriel and Vaughan, their new partners, and Fenrys and Connall, her brothers.
Twi-mental breakdown-light - Twilight if Bella had a precocious ten year old sister, and Edward and Bella raise her in aroace solidarity. Esme is delighted that she finally gets a grandchild, and Emmett is not responsible enough to baby sit.
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leviosatothestars · 28 days
𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚢 𝙾𝙲𝚜:
𝘼𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙥𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙆𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙
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𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐬: Aelia, Aels, Quiet Knight
𝐄𝐫𝐚: Golden Trio (same year as Fred & George)
𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞: Slytherin
If you were to ask the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry student body who Aelia Knight the Second is, you’d receive mixed responses stemming from her being the most fearsome Slytherin, to her being a secret softie, and going as far to say she did not belong in the same house that Salazar Slytherin founded. Her professors, on the other hand, would tell you that Aelia is easily the most naturally gifted witch of her year- and could give even Hermione a run for her money.
Regardless of her own peers’ thoughts concerning herself and her sorting ceremony, Aelia did not stray away from the core values of the Slytherin house. Her friends and family meant everything to the ‘Quiet Knight’ and she would do absolutely anything to ensure their happiness, safety, and wellbeing. In truth, Aelia would admit she tended to be passive aggressive, ruthless at times, and down right annoyed with the stupidity of the student body at her school.
Aelia grew up surrounded by other Pureblood families, including the Weasley’s, which enriched her childhood with great character development. By the time Aelia was fourteen, Fred and George often joked that she was practically a mother raising four children already, and if you were to ask her who her favorite kin of the Weasley bunch was? She’d answer with either Charlie or Percy every time.
Aelia didn’t care much for friends, aside from the ones she grew up with, and being sorted into Slytherin didn’t make that feeling go away. Most of her housemates refused to believe she was sorted correctly, especially due to her loyalty to blood traitors, even if she showed how resourceful and cunning she was. As the years flew by and rumors swirled regarding her family, some still refused to believe she was sorted into the right house. The only ally she made in Slytherin was Adrian Pucey, who coincidentally was also the only Slytherin Quidditch team member who refused to cheat during the games.
Ironically, Aelia couldn’t stand the sport almost all of her friends were fascinated with. She’d much rather spend her time being educated and being a prefect and later on headgirl- much to the dismay of two Weasley’s in her year.
A/N: Entering the chat is the grunge baddie herself, Aels!! No because Aelia is actually one of my favorite OCs ever, and I know I say that about every single one but I love all of my bbies (even though I put them all through hell 😅). She is straight up the definition of ‘I hate everyone, but you’ and I take no criticism. I think once I finally get to posting my fanfic (and post the Golden Trio Era part of it), Aelia might become everyone’s favorite of my OCs. I also don’t think anyone is expecting who she gets with tbh which just makes me cackle maniacally because it’s literally one of my favorite ships (up there w Wolfstar and Deamus to say the least). Anyways, I’m sorry I haven’t actually posted anything related to my OCs or headcanons all summer. Ik I don’t have a following yet, but I still feel obligated to apologize. The summer and winter months are so chaotic and busy for me because of work, my family, my friends, and my health that I literally do not have energy for anything besides reading and video games. I might make a real ‘about me’ post because I have a feeling I’m going to be posting about more than just the Wizarding World and I have many different fandoms I interact with (WWE and the Sturniolo Triplets are the other big two). I hope everyone has a good day, please drink lots of water!!
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starryjuicebox · 8 months
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OC meme
tagged by @korcariiwitch
name: Stella Lunaris 
pronouns: she/her
star sign: Scorpio 
height:  5’4” 
orientation: pansexual
race:  Vampire Spawn, formerly Eladrin Elf (Winter) 
Class: Druid (Circle of Stars) 
romancing: Astarion (Ascendant) 
fave fruit:  blueberries 
fave season: winter, preferably indoors and cooped up next to a hearth.
fave flower: Glory-of-the-snow 
fave scent: rose-scented stuff, but she enjoys most types of floral scents a LOT. 
coffee, tea or hot chocolate:  tea, but mostly because that’s been what she’s used to as a princess.
average sleep hours: Standard 4 hour trance 
dogs or cats: Both, though she probably leans towards dogs a bit more. 
dream trip:  Stella honestly is a firm “my home is where my heart is”, so as long as she’s with the ones she loves, she is content. That being said, she’s always wondered what the City of Splendors would be like…maybe Astarion would be willing to take her to Waterdeep sometime? 
amount of blankets:  Just one, she doesn’t like to feel smothered.
random fact(s): 
While she can change seasons, she spends most of her life as a Winter Eladrin Elf 
Her favorite wild shape is a bluejay 
Her favorite food is cheesy pasta, her favorite dessert is blueberry pie 
She has a twin sister, Aelia 
She's the Tav of one of my fics, Beloved
She is a princess of a kingdom called Silevren
I tag @kaeoticneutral and @lipstickghoulie !!
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pumpkinpatchgarden · 6 months
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A collection of sketches from the last two months, trying to get more comfortable in drawings again and find out more about my characters. With some of them due certain circumstances I'll have to re-work the story and put them in different places, but still. The sketches include: Lyric (from wich I drew the wrong covered eye in most of the sketches...) from the Inverted AU preparing for her wand ceremony with her parents, queen Skywynne Butterfly and Sir Gavin Gem-Robin Twyla, Ophelia and Lyric pondering about their insecurities ideas of the trio's favorite foods, but that may change la creatura(tm) edition, uncolored Twyla and Chloe, a canon character elevated to second protagonist of the Meteora AU, her only change being that she's two years older (16) and now has a more ethnic hairstyle ideas for winter clothes, including my starco kid Sky Lyric from the Inverted AU meeting the Lyric from my canon/normal past queens line Duskwynne, Skywynne's sister both in the canon AU (where she dies) and the Inverted AU (where she's still alive) a lineup of characters that I was going to use, but now have to find other stories to put them in, in order they are: Phoenix (he/him), Aelia (she/her), Bellatrix (she/her), Cassandra (any pronouns), Ganymede (she/her) and Vanessa (she/her), also all the wands were designed by aannddrreeww08 sketches of Cassandra as a kid and one of Bellatrix's recurrent nightmares Vanessa (blonde in a ponytail) was designed by me! Duskwynne (smoking woman), Ophelia (albino with inverted spades), Twyla (ginger with one eye covered) and Sky (book cheekmarks) were designed by @artadorkable Bellatrix (black hair, purple clothes) was designed by @xx-simpfulstar-xx Aelia (giving the middle finger) was designed by @xxsilver-starxx Lyric (pink version) was designed by @neonartistycauseidk the rest were designed by people on deviantart, if I post about them individually I'll put credits or I'll clutter too much of this space
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witchembrace-a · 8 months
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Your guilt gnaws at you like a cancer, slowly destroying you from the inside. It is a constant reminder of the mistakes you have made, of the people you have hurt, of the opportunities you have wasted. You deserve to suffer for what you have done, and the only way you can atone is by punishing yourself, by making yourself suffer. You want to torture yourself, knowing you let everything happen, and your penitence will eat you whole. It is a small price to pay for the pain you have caused others, but do you truly deserve it?
TAGGED: @soulsbetrayed ( ty!! ) TAGGING: @moonminstrel ( victor! ) ; @mariotime ; @forgottenluck ; @futureforged ; @spellforce ; @deathlillies ( winter &&. josie ! ) ; @deathsmark ; @dinomites ( aelia ! ) ; &&. you !
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almightyhamslice · 11 months
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Insektober day 21: Reimagine (sorry its late lol)
It's the middle of winter. Staurolite stirs from his hibernation and looks around in the dark, sheet-covered room. No one else is awake. He pushes aside one of the sheets draped over the wall, silently exiting the room to take a walk. It's night time outside, and the ground is blanketed in snow. So this is what it looks like, Staurolite thinks. He glances through the arches separating the inside of the school from the cold outside world, shadows passing over him as he walks down the hallway in hopes to tire himself out. He sees another gem standing in the hall, just as surprised to see him as he is to see her! It's Lepidolite.
"What are you doing out here? Could you not sleep either?" He asks.
Lepidolite seems puzzled for a moment, but answers, "Ah? No."
"Um. Are you okay?" Staurolite asks, glancing down at Lepidolite's worn hands, the powder gradually fading off them.
"Fine! I just... wanted to see the snow. It's beautiful in this moonlight, isn't it?"
"Yeah... how's your outfit doing that?"
"Doing what?"
"It's so shiny it looks like light! Mine's just plain fabric."
"Don't be so harsh. Your gown's prettier than mine, and mine only shines sometimes!"
"Oh. Um. Thank you," Staurolite stammers, flattered.
"You should head back to sleep, I think."
"... When will I see you again?"
Lepidolite seems taken aback by the question. "Hey, don't worry about that okay? I have my job and you have yours. For now our meeting is a secret; the other gems can't know we were awake during hibernation! That's why I think you should go back now."
"What about you?"
"I'll be fine, I just want to watch the stars a moment longer."
Lepidolite is Aelia and Staurolite is Max! Lepidolite resides on the Moon with Fire Opal and his Lunarian friends, while Staurolite is an Earth gem that doesn't quite know where he belongs.
Today's drawing is surprisingly not a screenshot redraw, just a fake screenshot! I experimented with some texture brushes and glowy effects for this one, and also primarily drew it on streams. It's fun! I think I draw faster when ppl are watching me ngl. Though, it did take me a stupidly long amount of time to figure out the star brush I was supposed to use was literally "Spray" on CSP. Aka one of the default brushes that r RIGHT THERE in the airbrush category lmao.
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Writing Masterlist
Monthly Prompt Lists
Winter 2020
Febuwhump 2021
The Merry Whump of May 2022
Summer of Whump 2022
January Vocabulary 2023
Whumpuary 2023
TV Shows
The Good Place
Brooklyn 99/Good Place Crossover
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
Aemond Targaryen
You Tell Aemond You’re Pregnant
The Haunting of Hill House
Spending the Day with Luke
Going on Vacation
Umbrella Academy
i turn to paths that lead home
Summary:  Luther held Vanya a little tighter, refusing to let her go. It changed the game and made all the difference
i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix
#i turn to paths that lead home
Connected One Shots
 A Season 2 Fix-it Universe
give your heart and soul to charity
post season 2 au: five finally gets the hugs he deserves but does not want (but he really actually does)
birds flying by, sun in the sky
summary: post season 2 au where 12 people came from the ‘60s to the world that 7 of them had left.
I’d never want once from the cherry tree
summary: post season 2 au - its finally a nice day in the city and the entire family has a BBQ
creepy, kooky, mysteries, & spooky
summary:  post season 2 au: its halloween time and the hargreeves let Klaus choose the costumes. it went about how you expect.
6 for 6
summary: 6 hugs for Ben cause he deserves them
Claire Hargreeves’ Summer
Tea Party
Summary: Five has a plan. It does not survive contact with his niece.
Cooking with Klaus
summary: Claire has a nightmare and Uncle Klaus comes to the rescue.
Rainy Day Forts
summary: Claire has fun with the Hargreeves and they build a Blanket Fort on a Rainy day.
Bedtime Stories
Nighttime Nightmares
Summary:  Number Seven gets a nightmare. Number Six helps her go to sleep again.
Sleep Without Fear
Summary: Number Four, Number Six, and Number Seven sleep together. The nightmares go away.
Not Connected One Shots
he had to do this
summary: klaus wakes up alone in the barn, surrounded by his siblings.
Summary: Diego misspeaks and his siblings are assholes.
every dog should have a boy
Summary: Five? Meet Mr. Pennycrumb
Getting Engaged to Ben
Going to all of Luther’s Fights
How To Train Your Dragon
Being Worried about Ruffnut
IT and IT: Chapter 2
Bill Denbrough
Running into Him Outside the Jade Dragon
John Wick
Spending the Day at the Park
Talking to Wanda inside the Hex
Rise of The Guardians
Ice Skating
Starting a Snowball Fight
Star Wars
Making Him a Flower Crown
Original Characters
Charlie Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy)
i couldn’t utter it, i couldn’t whisper it (my love for you was silent)
Summary:  In one world, the young teenager hid when she abruptly found herself pregnant and she gave birth in secret, left the baby on a random doorstep, and never looked back. Unfortunately, this isn’t that world. In this world, Reginald Hargreeves finds her and takes her baby. It doesn’t end well.
i ii iii
#i couldn’t utter it
a bed of roses and the river at dawn
Summary:  In one world, the young teenager hid when she abruptly found herself pregnant and she gave birth in secret, left the baby on a random doorstep, and never looked back. Unfortunately, this isn’t that world. In this world, Reginald Hargreeves finds her and takes her baby. It doesn’t end happily.
AU of a Number Eight AU.
#a bed of roses and the river at dawn
Aelia (Eternals)
M’darlin - Breakdown after the final battle
Post Battle - the immediate aftermath
Reading - a calm day of the past, reading
Piano Lessons - teaching Jack how to play
#the sun the moon and all the stars
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seeingvivianne · 2 years
[ 🥛🍪 ] to catch my muse eating / drinking the goodies left for “santa”
While some of the kids in the coven still believed in Santa, the little Oracle had long since learned that it had been a fable made up about a particularly kind-hearted and generous Winter fey very long ago. So Vivianne had taken it upon herself to get up from bed on Christmas Eve to go down to the common room where most of them had left cookies and milk for "Santa" before they went to bed. Giggling, the young witch rushed her small feet over and immediately took one of the cookies on the plate, eager to snack on something in the dark and quiet.
They were so young and it seemed to Vivianne like the world was their's for the taking. The Maia family was faithful and close to Father, so Vivianne had known Aelia for as long as she could remember. But she hadn't expected to turn around to see the other young girl standing there at the threshold of the door, looking at her with shock. Vivianne was wide eyed and guilty, even as she hid the cookie behind her back. "P-please don't tell my dad... Or the other kids... Please, Aelia..."
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decadentrot · 2 years
Summertime Record Aftermath ch2 pt 1
Prequel Animatic, Index
Current Chapter: Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5
UPDATES BIWEEKLY (so next time 13th)
OKAY BACK FROM BREAK !! and i finally introduced the kids after like 35 pages.... (no lie this was suppose to be done on part 2 or 3 in chapter 1 but ive lost the plot at this point. Now my outline is just a soo loose but ive delayed this enough so imma just wing the story at this point ,,ԾㅂԾ,,) Anyways the the kids: Aeila, Finn, and Ludwig! Absolute problem children, Damian and Anya's lil natural disasters <3
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Spoilers: God did not have mercy
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readychilledwine · 11 months
Rhysand Masterlist
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Enough - After years of torture Under the Mountain, Rhysand finds himself comforting his mate during a moment of insecurity. (Rhysand x reader)
Requiem For a Dream - After 50 years, Rhysand has finally returned home to his mate a different male. -Rhysand Healing Arch with Smut (Rhysand x Azriel's Sister OC)
Oxytocin **
Change **
Closer **
Broken -Marrying the love of her life was always Aelia's goal, but what happens when her husband returns home with a mate? (Rhysand x Winter Court OC)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four (Epilogue)
Surprises **- Azriel has wanted to touch his high lady for a long time (Azriel x Tamlin's Sister OC x Rhysand)- Azriel x Tamlin's Sister OC x Rhysand
Part 2
Head Held High - Girl Dad Rhys - Requested - After their daughter is born with Feyre's looks, but Illyrian wings, Rhys and his daughter teach each other important lessons in love and self worth
Flight Patterns Series Masterlist
After years of hushed whispers and leads, Azriel has finally found Cassian's lost sister, Aerilyn. What he found with her was unexpected, though.
Subtle - Rhys is ready to lay it all onto the table when he gets home from his time in captivity. He just hopes you're as ready as he is. (Rhys x reader)
Drumming Song ** - 49 long years without your mate finally comes to an end after Amarantha grants him one night of freedom
Pieces of You Series Masterlist
After losing Feyre to childbirth, Rhysand finds himself leaning on one of her friends much more than he'd ever expected.
(Rhys x reader AU)
Extramarital Escape ** -
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dinomites · 9 months
@lollipopsandgunshots | "Merry Christmas, Aelia," Uzuki smiles, handing the girl a carefully wrapped gift box. Inside is a big, squishy cat plushie, perfect for hugging. It's even got a little winter scarf on! "I hope you like it."
"And here, this too," Kariya adds, handing an even smaller box to her. Inside is a scarf that matches the one the plushie has! "I know it ain't much, but we weren't really sure what to get…" he admits, a little embarrassed. "We'll take you out shoppin' one day too."
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"...this cat is that-"
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"It's Lolly!! Lolly my friend!! My neighbor in that... um... game! Lolly is real!! She's here! And we have matching scarves!"
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alectology-archive · 3 years
Faile should’ve ditched perrin for berelain and I will die on this hill.
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lixiesbabyhands · 3 years
my biggest flex is that stray kids released the mv for THE christmas banger of 2021 on my birthday
obviously i have connections in high places
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