#Adult Link Building Services India
weballwaysseo · 1 year
Get adult link building India for adult website ranking results, extra visibility, more referral traffic and genuine visitors at WebAllWays
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foxelevators · 3 months
Top Benefits Of Installing A Home Lift In Ahmedabad With Fox Elevators
In modern times, home lifts have become a necessary investment for a future-proof home. A home lift is a lift solution that permits objects and people to move without much effort from one floor to another. It makes life more independent and adds more value to the home and enhances the quality of life. People who are living alone and are old require the use of home lift. It is beneficial for several reasons. Below in this blog you will know the top benefits of installing a home lift in Ahmedabad. 
Top Benefits Of Installing A Home Lift In Ahmedabad 
It enhances accessibility: Lifts are linked to the feature of accessibility. The main aim of home lifts is to cart people and their luggage up and down multiple floors. Installing a home lift is especially useful as we get old, live in buildings with multiple floors and need a safe way to travel between the floors. It is considered a crucial investment as it offers comfort to all family members without excluding anyone. 
It ensures safety: When a person living in a house with multiple floors gets old, they start to experience a loss of mobility. To enable mobility for mental and physical health, lifts can be installed for safety purposes. This will reduce the risk of falling and decrease the chances of injury or disability. Lifts that are fully equipped with features that guarantee safety and comfort are essential for old adults, pets and young children.
Add beauty to home: Home lifts have an air of luxury about them. They give a feeling og unique aesthetics to your home. Getting a home lift installed in your home will be a decision that you will never regret. The home lift can serve as a showpiece for your home and also can blend with the sleek interiors of your home. 
It adds value to the property: Home lifts are considered an addition to the value of your home. If you plan to sell your property in the future, a home lift can boost its value and make it attractive for the buyer to buy. It is easier and cheaper to install a home lift rather than to rebuild or move to a new property. 
These are the top benefits of installing a home lift. It can make our homes more comfortable and safer. Installing a home lift in Ahmedabad can be pretty cheap and easy if you find a reliable supplier in the city.   
How Can Fox Elevators Help In Home Elevator In Ahmedabad ?
Fox Elevators is the leading manufacturers of home elevator in Ahmedabad. They are dedicated to offering the latest home lifts that are fully equipped with recent technologies. We touch the lives of millions of people across India with the elevator that we have manufactured. FOX Elevators is a major lift manufacturer and service provider in the Indian market. FOX Elevators has been committed to addressing all the needs of the elevators in critical sectors for the last four decades. We provide different kinds of products including goods elevators, passenger lifts, hospital elevator and hydraulic elevators. 
We tend to maintain professionalism and ensure corporate governance with sustainable activities. We adhere to all quality and safety norms and aim to leave a mark of distinction in the elevator industry.   
If you want to get a home lift in Ahmedabad, contact Fox Elevators. We are here to help you with everything relating to the installation and maintenance of home lifts. 
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tagmarketingchicago · 11 months
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Has a so-called SEO expert or SEO agency guaranteed X amount of traffic to your website or guaranteed X percent of a traffic bump to your website in a super fast time period? Don’t walk away, RUN!
This is yet another example of a churn-and-burn game, but with this one, they might be able to legally keep your money.
Think about it, how can they do that? What is the consequence if they fail to do so? What might they do to ensure they get paid no matter what?
Untargeted traffic is easy to get, it’s called spam when bots flood your website. If it isn’t bots, then I bet it is people overseas working for practically nothing to drive unrelated traffic, or building spammy clickbait links (which is considered blackhat SEO) to your website that you can’t even service or take advantage of even if you wanted to.
Examples of how SEO companies or freelancers can guarantee website traffic include:
You only offer services in the U.S. or Chicago but you get a huge traffic bump from India or Myrtle Beach.
Or you sell adult diapers and they are sending traffic to your website for kid’s electric ride-on cars.
How will any of that help you? It won’t. It will just confuse search engines and the people viewing your website, ultimately killing your Google ranking, reputation, and business.
But from the scammer’s side, they produced what they said they would, so they can keep your money.
Here's how to avoid the scam and if you were scammed, how to recover your losses - https://www.tag-ad.com/guaranteed-website-traffic-scam-another-churn-and-burn-game/
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scotianostra · 4 years
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November 18th 1870 saw what has become known as the Surgeons' Hall Riot.
This is a follow on from last weeks post regarding Sophia Jex-Blake and her friend Edith Pechey, the first to female students to be admitted to study at The University of Edinburgh.
I'd just like to get another wee story out of the way before I get on to the main one, strictly speaking these were not the first women to study medicine, the first was called Margaret Ann Bulkley- but she has a remarkable story, the University and the medical fraternity knew Miss Bulkley as a man called James Barry. Born in Cork, Ireland Barry's entire adult life was lived as a man, Barry was named Margaret Ann Bulkley at birth and was known as female in childhood. Barry lived as a man in both public and private life, at least in part in order to be accepted as a university student and pursue a career as a surgeon, with Barry's birth sex only becoming known to the public and to military colleagues after death through autopsy.
Barry had risen to the rank of Inspector General in the British army the second highest medical office, she not only improved conditions for wounded soldiers, but also the conditions of the native inhabitants, and performed the first recorded cesarean section in Africa. Her birth sex only become known to the public and to military colleagues after death through autopsy, she lived as a man for over 6 decades. I will post a link afterwards about her/hm.
Back to Jex-Blake and Pechey.  After these two made history by being accepted their numbers were added to over the year, Isabel Thorne, Matilda Chaplin, Helen Evans, Mary Anderson, and Emily Bovell joined them, they are now known as The Edinburgh Seven.
From the time the first two women matriculated they had been facing consistent opposition. They had people shouting at them in the streets, had to arrange to attend different lectures at the extra-mural medical college and in October 1870 they were denied permission to ‘walk the wards’ of the Infirmary. This was a decision apparently made to protect them, because the sights and illnesses in the hospital made it a place that would be too much for a faint-hearted woman to bear. The Edinburgh Seven had faced opposition every step of the way but it all culminated in the Surgeons’ Hall Riot, which would later be remembered as a turning point not just for their case but for women’s education as a whole. It all started when they were making their way to Surgeons Hall for their anatomy exam.
When the women were approaching Surgeon’s Hall they were met with a crowd of several hundred people – the majority of which were onlookers – that was big enough to stop traffic for an hour. Their male peers, several of whom were drunk and holding whisky bottles, were gathered outside shouting verbal abuse at them, throwing rubbish at them and blocking their entrance. When they were eventually ushered in by janitors and sympathetic peers they were able to get to the exam hall. However the exam was once again disrupted by the students releasing the Royal College’s pet sheep at the time ‘Poor’ Mallie into the room. After the exam the women were escorted home by a group of sympathetic Irish students who were given the name the ‘Irish Brigade’. By this point they were already covered in mud but they were also hostilely met by more screaming and mud throwing as they left the building. Not only did the women have to endure the riot itself but in January 1871 Sophia Jex-Blake had to go to court to defend herself in a defamation case filed by Mr Craig – the student she identified as being the leader of the riot. A student who interestingly was Professor Robert Christison’s classroom assistant, who was a known opponent of the Edinburgh Seven and this supported the theory that some members of faculty were in support of the riot. Mr Craig won the trial, but he was only awarded one farthing of the thousand he initially requested. This resulted in the trial being considered a silent victory for the women, the kind of covert support which was still so rare at the time. The Surgeons’ Hall Riot was an appalling event but its shocking nature was exactly what made it such an instrumental point in the women’s fight for change. The riot gained a lot of media coverage, and a particularly notable article was that written in The Scotsman which urged “all…men…to come forward and express… their detestation of the proceedings which have characterised and dishonoured the opposition to ladies pursuing the study of medicine in Edinburgh.” Although the event was a mere culmination of the abuse and opposition they had been facing for over a year, it was able to showcase the magnitude of injustice these women were facing.In 2015 a plaque to commemorate the Edinburgh Seven as part of the Historic Scotland Scheme – and under the recommendation of one of our tutors, Jo Spiller – was put up outside Surgeons’ Hall on Nicholson Street. The plaque hangs where the Edinburgh Seven where once thrown with mud and prevented from entering an anatomy exam, and where now hundreds of female medical students walk on their way to their classes. Even though the women made it through their three year course the law disallowed them from graduating or becoming doctors. 
Some of you are no doubt interested in what became of The Edinburgh Seven:
Sophia Jex-Blake had a bitter struggle, which divided the faculty and ended with her suing the University unsuccessfully in the Court of Session, she moved to Berne to qualify.
In 1889, however, largely as a result of her struggles, an Act of Parliament sanctioned degrees for women. She was one of the first female doctors in the UK. A leading campaigner for medical education for women, she was later involved in founding two medical schools for women: one in London (at a time when no other medical schools were training women) and one in Edinburgh, where she also started a women's hospital.
Edith Pechey proved her academic ability by achieving the top grade in the Chemistry exam in her first year of study, the women's abilities meant nothing, In 1873 the women had to give up the struggle to graduate at Edinburgh. One of Edith's next steps was writing to the College of Physicians in Ireland to ask them to let her take exams leading to a license in midwifery. Edith worked for a time at the Birmingham and Midland Hospital for Women then she went to the University of Bern, passed her medical exams in German at the end of January 1877 and was awarded an MD with a thesis 'Upon the constitutional causes of uterine catarrh'. Just at that time the Irish college decided to licence women doctors, and Edith passed their exams in Dublin in May
.During the next six years Edith practised medicine in Leeds, involving herself in women's health education and lecturing on a number of medical topics, including nursing. Partly in reaction to the exclusion of women by the International Medical Congress she set up the Medical Women's Federation of England and in 1882 was elected president.
Edith then spent more than 20 years in India as a senior doctor at a women's hospital and was involved in a range of social causes, following which she and her husband returned to England in 1905 and she was soon involved in the suffrage movement.
Isobel Thorne won first prize in an anatomy examination and was one of the women who re-grouped at the London School of Medicine for Women. Her diplomatic temperament meant she was a more acceptable honorary secretary on the executive (although she never actually qualified in medicine) than Sophia Jex-Blake whose nomination had threatened to stir up controversy. Thorne gave up her own ambition to be a doctor in order to commit herself to helping the school run smoothly; to become more solidly established.
An exemplary Victorian Thorne's dedication to duty and service was a precursor for the more violent campaigns of the suffragettes to achieve full enfranchisement for women.
Isabel travelled through China during the Talping Rebellion.  She became convinced of the need for women to have female doctors for themselves and their children, especially women ln China and India.   When the family returned to England in 1868 she started midwifery training at the Ladies Medical College, London, later describing the teaching there as inadequate.
Matilda Chaplin gained high honours in anatomy and surgery at the extramural examinations held in 1870 and 1871 at Surgeon's Hall, before a judgment in 1872 finally prohibited women students.
She also studied medicine in London and Paris and during her studies Matilda maintained connection with Edinburgh, attending some of the classes open to her there.
In 1873 Matilda obtained a certificate in midwifery from the London Obstetrics Society, the only medical qualification then obtainable by women in England, and shortly afterwards She then travelled to Japan with her husband, where she opened a school for midwives and was an author of anthropological studies. In 1879 Matilda gained the degree of M.D. at Paris, and presented as her thesis the result of her Japanese studies. She then became a licentiate of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland, and, although the only female candidate, came out first in the examination. In 1880 she lived in London, chiefly studying diseases of the eye at the Royal Free Hospital.
Helen Evan got married and did not complete her studies but her link with Edinburgh continued and she remained friends with Sophia Jex-Blake. Helen was active in promoting the care of women by women doctors. She also took a keen interest in education being "one of the first lady members of St. Andrews School Board, a position she held for 15 years". In addition to this she was a member of the council for St Leonards School for girls (now co-ed).
in 1876 her husband Alexander died suddenly from a heart attack leaving her with three children and she was unable to return to study.
When Sophia Jex-Blake began the process of founding another medical school for women in Edinburgh, Helen, with others, formed an executive committee to find suitable premises.
In 1900 and 1901 along with Miss Du Pre, Helen was a vice president of the committee of the Edinburgh Hospital and Dispensary for Women and Children, the hospital in Whitehouse Loan and the dispensary in Torphichen Place.
Mary Anderson in 1879 she received her medical doctorate from the Faculté de médecine de Paris, where she wrote her thesis on mitral stenosis and its higher frequency in women than in men. She became a senior physician at the New Hospital for Women, Marylebone. That's about all I could find on her.
Emily Bovell moved to Paris to continue her studies, when it was no longer possible to continue at Edinburgh, and eventually qualified as a doctor in Paris in 1877. The subject of her medical thesis was "Congestive Phenomena following Epileptic and Hystero-epilectic Fits"
She and her husband (physician William Allen Sturge) set up practice together in Wimpole Street, London,  and Emily renewed her relationship with Queen's College, lecturing on physiology and hygiene, and running ambulance classes for ladies.
In recognition of her contribution to the medical profession, in 1880 Emily was nominated by the French Government for the "Officier d'Academie", an award very rarely conferred upon women.
The University of Edinburgh tried to right the wrongs of the past by awarding a posthumous MBChB on Saturday 6th July last year (2019). Seven present day women students accepted the degrees in their honour, as seen in the publicity pic. More on that here https://www.ed.ac.uk/edit-magazine/supplements/representing-the-edinburgh-seven
And you can read about James Barry/Margaret Ann Bulkley below. https://hekint.org/2020/04/03/a-surgeon-and-a-gentleman-the-life-of-james-barry/
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living-with-abhi · 3 years
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Low-Cost Protein Sources About Which You Don't Have Any Idea.
Read here - https://www.livingwithabhi.com/post/low-cost-protein-sources-about-which-you-don-t-have-any-idea
Protein is a nutrient your body needs to grow and repair cells and to work properly. Protein is found in a wide range of food and it’s important that you get enough protein in your diet every day. How much protein you need from your diet varies depending on your weight, gender, age, and health. Meeting your protein needs is easily achieved by eating a variety of foods. Protein from food comes from plant and animal sources such as meat and fish, eggs, dairy products, seeds and nuts, and legumes like beans and lentils.
Proteins are made of amino acids
Proteins are made up of building blocks called amino acids. There are about 20 different amino acids that link together in different combinations. Your body uses them to make new proteins, such as muscle and bone, and other compounds such as enzymes and hormones. It can also use them as an energy source.
Some amino acids can be made by your body – there are 11 of these and they’re known as non-essential amino acids. There are nine amino acids that your body cannot make, and they are known as essential amino acids. You need to include enough of these in your diet so that your body can function.
Nutritional value of protein
The nutritional value of a protein is measured by the number of essential amino acids it contains.
Different foods contain different amounts of essential amino acids. Generally:
Animal products (such as chicken, beef, or fish and dairy products) have all of the essential amino acids and are known as 'complete protein (or ideal or high-quality protein).
Soy products, quinoa, and the seed of a leafy green called amaranth (consumed in Asia and the Mediterranean) also have all of the essential amino acids.
Plant proteins (beans, lentils, nuts, and whole grains) usually lack at least one of the essential amino acids and are considered 'incomplete' proteins.
People following a strict vegetarian or vegan diet need to choose a variety of protein sources from a combination of plant foods every day to make sure they get an adequate mix of essential amino acids.
If you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, as long as you eat a wide variety of foods, you can usually get the protein you need. For example, a meal containing cereals and legumes, such as baked beans on toast, provides all the essential amino acids found in a typical meat dish.
Protein foods
Some food sources of dietary protein include:
lean meats – beef, lamb, veal, pork, kangaroo
poultry – chicken, turkey, duck, emu, goose, bush birds
fish and seafood – fish, prawns, crab, lobster, mussels, oysters, scallops, clams
dairy products – milk, yogurt (especially Greek yogurt), cheese (especially cottage cheese)
nuts (including nut pastes) and seeds – almonds, pine nuts, walnuts, macadamias, hazelnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
legumes and beans – all beans, lentils, chickpeas, split peas, tofu.
Some grain and cereal-based products are also sources of protein but are generally not as high in protein as meat and meat alternative products.
How to get your Protein needs?
Your daily protein needs can easily be met by following the Australian Dietary Guidelines. The Guidelines group foods into five different food groups, each of which provides key nutrients.
The two main food groups that contribute to protein are the:
‘lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, and legumes/beans group
‘milk, yogurt, cheese and/or alternatives (mostly reduced fat)’ group.
As part of a healthy diet, the Guidelines recommend particular serves per day from each of the five food groups.
The human body can’t store protein and will excrete any excess, so the most effective way of meeting your daily protein requirement is to eat small amounts at every meal.
So, what is a serve? The standard serving size of ‘lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, and legumes/beans’ is one of:
65g cooked lean meats such as beef, lamb, veal, pork, goat, or kangaroo (about 90 to 100g raw)
80g cooked lean poultry such as chicken or turkey (100g raw)
100g cooked fish fillet (about 115g raw weight) or one small can of fish
2 large eggs
1 cup (150g) cooked dried beans, lentils, chickpeas, split peas, or canned beans (preferably with no added salt)
170g tofu
30g nuts, seeds, peanut or almond butter or tahini or other nut or seed paste (no added salt).
A serve of ‘milk, yogurt, cheese and/or alternatives (mostly reduced fat)’ could include:
250ml (1 cup) fresh, UHT long life, reconstituted powdered milk or buttermilk
120ml (1/2 cup) evaporated milk
200g (3/4 cup or 1 small carton) yogurt
40g (2 slices) hard cheese such as cheddar
120g (1/2 cup) ricotta cheese.
Protein requirements for children and teenagers change as they grow. Read about the recommended number of serves for children, adolescents, and toddlers for all 5 food groups.
Getting more protein into your day, naturally
If you’re looking for ways to get more protein into your diet, here are some suggestions:
Try a peanut butter sandwich. Remember to use natural peanut butter (or any other nut paste) with no added salt, sugar, or other fillers.
Low-fat cottage or ricotta cheese is high in protein and can go in your scrambled eggs, casserole, mashed potato, or pasta dish. Or spread it on your toast in the morning.
Nuts and seeds are fantastic in salads, with vegetables and served on top of curries. Try toasting some pine nuts or flaked almonds and putting them in your green salad.
Beans are great in soups, casseroles, and pasta sauces. Try tipping a drained can of cannellini beans into your favorite vegetable soup recipe or casserole.
A plate of hummus and freshly cut vegetable sticks as a snack or hummus spread on your sandwich will give you easy extra protein at lunchtime.
Greek yogurt is a protein-rich food that you can use throughout the day. Add some on your favorite breakfast cereal, put a spoonful on top of a bowl of pumpkin soup or serve it as a dessert with some fresh fruit.
Eggs are a versatile and easy option that can be enjoyed on their own or mixed in a variety of dishes.
Getting too little protein (protein deficiency)
Protein deficiency means not getting enough protein in your diet. Protein deficiency is rare in Australia, as the Australian diet generally includes far more protein than we actually need. However, protein deficiency may occur in people with special requirements, such as older people and people following strict vegetarian or vegan diets.
Symptoms of protein deficiency include:
wasting and shrinkage of muscle tissue
edema (build-up of fluids, particularly in the feet and ankles)
anemia (the blood’s inability to deliver sufficient oxygen to the cells, usually caused by dietary deficiencies such as lack of iron)
slow growth (in children).
Protein – maintaining muscle mass as you age
From around 50 years of age, humans begin to gradually lose skeletal muscle. This is known as sarcopenia and is common in older people. Loss of muscle mass is worsened by chronic illness, poor diet, and inactivity.
Meeting the daily recommended protein intake may help you maintain muscle mass and strength. This is important for maintaining your ability to walk and reducing your risk of injury from falls.
To maintain muscle mass, it’s important for older people to eat protein ‘effectively’. This means consuming high-quality protein foods, such as lean meats.
Protein shakes, powders, and supplements
Protein shakes, powders and supplements are unnecessary for most Australians’ health needs. According to the most recent national nutrition survey, 99% of Australians get enough protein through the food they eat.
Any protein you eat on top of what your body needs will either be excreted from your body as waste, or stored as weight gain.
The best way for you to get the protein you need is to eat a wide variety of protein-rich foods as outlined in the Australian Dietary Guidelines, as part of a balanced diet. But if you are still interested in using protein shakes, powders and supplements, talk to your doctor.
Protein and exercise
Soon after exercising, it’s recommended that you have a service of high-quality protein (such as a glass of milk or tub of yogurt) with a carbohydrate meal to help maintain your body’s protein balance. Studies have shown this to be good for you, even after low to moderate aerobic exercise (such as walking), particularly for older adults.
People who exercise vigorously or are trying to put on muscle mass do not need to consume extra protein. High-protein diets do not lead to increased muscle mass. It’s the stimulation of muscle tissue through exercise, not extra dietary protein, which leads to muscle growth.
Studies show that weight-trainers who do not eat extra protein (either in food or protein powders) still gain muscle at the same rate as weight-trainers who supplement their diets with protein.
Very high protein diets are dangerous
Some fad diets promote very high protein intakes of between 200 and 400g per day. This is more than five times the amount recommended in the Australian Dietary Guidelines.
The protein recommendations in the Guidelines provide enough protein to build and repair muscles, even for bodybuilders and athletes.
A very high-protein diet can strain the kidneys and liver. It can also prompt excessive loss of the mineral calcium, which can increase your risk of osteoporosis.
Where to get help
Your doctor
Dietitians Association of Australia Tel. 1800 812 942
The cheapest protein source in India
Proteins are very essential macronutrients for the human body. They are responsible for muscle growth. For this reason, they are considered as building blocks of the body. This is the reason why most gym-goers include a lot of protein in their diet. Your body requires protein, even if you don’t work out.
General recommendations say that a normal healthy person requires approximately 50 – 60 grams of protein for both men and women. When you talk about gym and protein. The first thing that comes to your mind is protein supplements. However, they are more costly and many people cannot afford them. Let me make you clear that, to build muscle you don’t need any supplement.
The body absorbs protein as a whole. Your body doesn’t bother about the source it comes from. There are several alternatives and many cheapest high protein foods available in India.
In this article, I’ll tell you what protein is and the 5 cheapest protein sources in India, with cost per gram of protein.
As I said earlier, proteins are a very important macronutrient for the human body same as carbohydrates and fats. Every cell in the body has protein in it. It helps the body to recover, repair, and build cells and tissues. It is clear that proteins are responsible for muscle growth and hence they are considered as building blocks of the body. Protein is made up of a long chain of 20 amino acids. The specific order of amino acids arranged in a long chain determines the structure and function of each protein.
These food sources provided in this article are easily available in the Indian market and are the cheapest protein source in India.
1. Soya chunks:
Soya chunks are also called ‘vegetarian’s meat’. They are the byproducts left after extracting soybean oil from soya seeds. Soya chunks are full of polyunsaturated fats, omega 3 fatty acids, proteins and they are also rich in calcium and iron while providing no extra sugar or sodium to the body. Soya chunks are a good protein source for vegetarians.
Total calories per 100 grams of soya chunks: 345 calories
Cost per 100 grams of soya chunks: 20 INR approximately.
Protein per 100g: 52 grams
Cost per 1 gram of protein: 0.4 INR approximately.
However, soya on the other side is one of the most controversial food items these days. Having too much soya or other soy products can increase estrogen and uric acid levels in your body. If you consume soy regularly, you’re more likely to develop female characteristics of the body. An increase in uric acid levels may also damage your liver and kidneys. Therefore, it is safe to only have 25 to 30 grams of soya chunks per day. Eating within these limits will not increase estrogen levels and uric acid levels in the body.
2. Eggs:
Eggs are the most affordable and easily available protein on the earth. Including eggs in your diet has several health benefits. One large egg contains 18 different vitamins and minerals. This is also among the most controversial food items. Many people consume only egg whites and throw away the most nutritious part ‘egg yolk’ for the only reason, it contains fat and cholesterol.
However, the cholesterol present in egg yolk is dietary cholesterol. It does not interfere with blood cholesterol levels. There are no general recommendations on egg consumption. You can have up to 6 whole eggs in a day. The only thing you’ve to do is, keep a note on your fat consumption. If you eat more egg yolks, fat consumption in a day increases. As a result your daily calories also increase and you’re more likely to gain weight.
Cost of an egg: 5 INR
Total calories: 78 calories.
Protein in 1 whole egg: 6 grams
Cost per 1 gram protein: 0.83 INR
Click here to know the difference between a white egg and a brown egg.
3. Chicken breast: Chicken is the most common poultry available in the world. It is not only the best non-veg protein source, but it also contains fat in the lowest proportion compared to its counterparts. If you are looking for a lean protein, then the chicken breast is your go. It is also a good source of vitamin B, vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc. Chicken contains healthier fats than those found in red meat. Usually, chicken breasts are higher in cost compared to wings and thighs. If you can afford few extra rupees, I would recommend you to go for boneless chicken breast.
Total calories per 100g of chicken breast: 120 calories
Cost per 100g: 25 – 30 INR
Protein per 100g: 23 grams
Cost per 1g protein: 1 rupee approximately
4. Green moong:
Green moong is also called mung bean. This is the most nutritious and less exposed food. This is the cheapest protein source in India. It is a plant species in the legume family and is mainly cultivated in the Indian subcontinent. It is a traditional ingredient in Indian cooking, often used in curries. Like other legumes, green moong is low in fat and high in protein and fiber. It is also a rich source of magnesium, iron, potassium, and vitamin B-6.
You can consume green moong either soaked or roasted. Soak it overnight in enough water. Remove the water in the morning and consume it directly or roast the dal directly on the pan on a low flame for 1 minute. Wash and soak the mung beans in enough water for an hour and use as per recipe requirements.
Total calories per 100 grams: 334 calories
Cost per 100 grams: 10 INR
Protein per 100 grams: 24 grams
Cost per 1 gram protein: 0.41 INR
5. Milk:
If you are looking for a complete protein other than chicken, here’s milk. Female mammals produce milk to feed their young since evolution. It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. It provides potassium, B12, calcium, and vitamin D, and is also a good source of vitamin A, magnesium, zinc, and thiamine (B1). Additionally, it’s an excellent source of protein and contains hundreds of different fatty acids, including conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega-3s.
The nutritional content of milk varies, depending on factors like its fat content and the cow’s feed and treatment of the cow it came from. For instance, milk from grass-fed cows contains significantly higher amounts of conjugated linoleic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, such as vitamin E and beta-carotene, which help reduce inflammation and fight oxidative stress.
If you are too cautious about your daily fat intake, then I suggest you go ahead with skimmed milk. Other forms of milk such as flavored milk are always a NO as they contain sugar in huge amounts. A glass of milk (250ML) can serve to be a good protein option. Either it is fat loss or weight gain, including a glass of milk at any time of the day.
Total calories in 250ML skimmed milk: 105 calories
Cost for 250ML: 10 INR
Protein in 250ML: 9 grams
Cost for 1gram of protein: 1.1 INR
The conclusion
The 5 cheapest protein sources suggested in this article are completely on my experience. You can add these foods to your daily diet to get enough protein. These foods are not to treat or cure any disease. Consult your doctor before changing your diet patterns. The cost of these foods may vary a little depending on your location.
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hbtravelersworld · 3 years
. Countries such as Australia, Canada, French, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Korean, Thailand, British and United States all contributes significant tourist growth for Hong Kong. This article presents some critical traveler tips for tourists so that you could enjoy more and have a wonderful trip to Hong Kong.
1. Personal Identity and Safety Tourists must carry valid personal identity documentation such as passport during their stay in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a very safe city according to the low crime rate. However, due to the densely population, it is not suggested to take a large amount of cash when going out since most of the shops in Hong Kong accepts credit cards. Expensive belongs should be locked in the safe in hotel. You could easily find policemen on the streets whenever you have encountered any problems.
2. Service Charges Most of the restaurants except fast food shops will add 10% service charges to the bill. Therefore, you may choose to give out the odd dollars from the changes as the service tips. For taxi driver or bellboy in the hotel, there is no pre set norm for the service tips, you may choose to give out whenever you think the service is deserved for.
3. Telephone Service All local telephone call is free except for the public telephone which charges HK$1 for every 5 minutes. Emergency call is 999 and it is free to call even in public telephone. You could either use IDD telephone call card or credit card for long distance call, or simply through operator for collect call in all public telephone counter.
4. Drinking Water The drinking water in Hong Kong reaches World Health Organization standard. However, you may also choose to buy the bottle water in the supermarkets if you think it is necessary.
5. Taxi All taxi only accept cash and they have invoice print out whenever you request. It is easier to catch the taxi in the taxi stop or outside the hotel. Many of the taxi drivers could understand simple English. It is suggest writing down your destination (in English) on paper to minimize misunderstandings. The taxi charges is based on the meter which is HK$15 for the first 2 Km and HK$1.4 for the subsequent 0.2 Km. Besides, there are tunnel charges ranging from HK$3-45 depends on which tunnel you have to take. The charging table is clearly shown on the inner side of the doors so you could check it before you pay. In case of any complaints or lost case, you may record down the name of the taxi driver and his license plate number which is clearly shown on the front seat stand, and reports to the police hotline: 2527 7177 whenever necessary.
6. Mass Transit Railway (MTR) Hong Kong has 6 MTR routes, which covers most parts of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. Tsuen Wan Route: Tsuen Wan to Central Kwun Tong Route: Yau Mat Tei to Tiu Keng Leng Tseung Kwan O Route: North Point to Po Lam Main Route: Sheung Wan to Chai Wan Tung Chung Route: Tung Chung to Hong Kong Airport Route: Airport to Hong Kong Due to the convenience of MTR and the compact area of Hong Kong, most tourists find it is not necessary to rent car during their stay. Besides, due to the very heavy traffic and the complexity of the city roads, it is not recommended for tourists to drive. In case you really need car rental, you may consult your hotel, and be ready with your passport and driving license.
7. Kowloon Canton Railway (KCR) The KCR is the major railway which links up the New Territories and the city of Kowloon. It runs through Tsim Sha Tsui East to Lo Wu which takes about 40 minutes for the whole route. Lo Wo is the final station which you could pass through to enter China with valid visa. The train will depart for every 3 to 10 minutes, and the earliest one will be started at 5:35 a.m. while the last one will be departed at 12:20 p.m. The ordinary fair and the first class fair are HK$18 and HK$36 respectively from Hung Hom to Sheung Shui.
8. Tram The tram service has been started in 1904 and it is the oldest transportation system in Hong Kong. It only services the Hong Kong Island running from Kennedy Town to Shau Kei Wan plus another route to Happy Valley. The earliest tram starts at 6: 00 a.m. and run until 1:00 p.m. and the fair is HK$ 2 for adult and HK$ 1 for children under age12. It is the cheapest transportation in Hong Kong, and you are highly recommended to take a ride at the upper stairs so that you could enjoy all the street scenery of Hong Kong.
9. Star Ferry The scenery of Hong Kong harbor is famous in the world, especially the night scenery. Besides, there is spectacular light show by the commercial buildings in the Hong Kong island at 8:00 p.m. every night which you must not miss. The Star Ferry has been serving on the harbor for more than 100 years, and the fair is less than HK$3 per rides. You could take the Star Ferry from Cental to Tsim Sha Tsui at around 8:00 p.m. You could enjoy the harbor scenery on the ferry and continue with the light show at the Starlight Road of Tsim Sha Tsui.
10. Hong Kong International Airport The most convenient route to the Hong Kong International Airport is through the MTR which takes about 23 minutes from Central. It passes through stations of Kowloon, Olympic, Tsing Yi, and the train will be departed for every ten minutes. With the MTR, you would never miss the airplane due to the traditional traffic jam. Other than the MTR, you could take the Airport Bus which starts from 6:00 a.m. at the morning until 11:00 p.m. at night. It covers most part of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon with major hotels.
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jatin2309 · 3 years
How‌ ‌Can‌ ‌We‌ ‌Claim‌ ‌a‌ ‌PMAY‌ ‌Subsidy?‌ ‌
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PMAY Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) is a scheme that has been established to simplify home purchasing for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS), Low Income Group (LIG), and Middle Income Group 1 and 2 (MIG-I & II). The plan provides affordable rates for home loans based on family earnings.
If you lie under the beneficiary family section, you can obtain a 6.5% interest subsidy for a 20-year tenure or any lesser overall loan period. Up to Rs.6 lakh is included in the subsidy. Any domestic loan outside of it is lent at unfinanced rates.
Two major node agents – Housing & Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) and the National Housing Bank – support the subsidy to housing loans under PMAY. These government officials direct subsidies to pre-listed lending organizations and enhance the interest subsidy benefits to qualified beneficiaries. The merit of it is its utilization for the enhancement and building of existing Kucha/Half-Pucca residences.
By this blog, you will understand different aspects of PMAY subsidy and how you can avail yourself.
PMAY eligibility parameters
The plan is for beneficiary families with a wife, husband, and unmarried children in it. A salaried adult family member can be classified as a household in the MIG category regardless of marital condition.
On behalf of any family member in India, the beneficiary family must not acquire a pucca house.
For married people, a single subsidy is available to either the wife/husband or both in joint possession.
Under no government residential scheme, including PMAY, the beneficiary families should have profited in the past.
The borrowers of domestic loans, who used the subsidy but subsequently shipped it to some other lender for the capital transfer, cannot claim the profit again.
The advantage of the subsidization is obligatory for beneficiary families within the income bracket of MIG to procure their Aadhaar Numbers.
The maximum subsidy you can claim
The subsidy under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is up to Rs. 2.67 lakh on your housing loan. The subsidy rate you declare relies on the wage group, plus the entire flooring area of the residence you are buying.
You can declare a 6.5% credit-linked subsidy on a housing lease of up to Rs.6 lakh if you lie in the EWS or LIG group. If you choose the EWS type, the carpet area you can buy is 30 square meters, and if applicable for the LIG category, the carpet area you can buy is 60 square meters.
Under the MIG I group, the subsidy for a home loan up to Rs. 9 lakh is 4%. This subsidy can be claimed if the space you buy is a 160 square meter carpet area. You can declare a credit-related subsidy of 3% on a household loan up to Rs.12 lakh in the MIG II group. This subsidy can be claimed if the house you purchase is 200 square meters. The loan amounts are limited to Rs.6 lakh for EWS/LIG, Rs. 9 lakh for MIG I, and Rs. 12 lakh for MIG II.
How to avail PMAY subsidy
The following steps need to be followed to avail of PMAY subsidy:
To start with, you need to sign up for a housing loan with a borrower of preference. So, request for the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and pick the one enrolled in the PMAY section.
Next is to compare different borrowers and loan services to the interest costs of the house loan. You will gain your loan balance on your account once your request is approved.
The borrower then receives subsidies from the government on your behalf. The loaner will loan it to your housing loan wallet when the fund is received, and the EMI will reduce appropriately.
Just a few weeks after the government approves the request on your behalf, your EMIs start getting reduced. And the amount you have already reimbursed in your interest liability is compensated.
So, check-in which eligibility group you lie and avail your PMAY subsidy.
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seeksstaronmewni · 5 years
Joel R. Valentine: An Under-Appreciated Sound Designer
Note before reading that, for the sake of privacy, NO PICTURES of Joel IN HIS STUDIO are allowed in this post. I respect him as a humble artist enough to obey this.
Joel Valentine is a sound designer who is usually credited for only sound editing, usually under the name of his company “Twenty-First Century Entertainment, Inc.” (AKA “21st Century Sound Design Corp.)--a private contractor who seems fairly under-appreciated. He created “The Producer’s Sound Effects Library” (according to Trademarkia), which is used by Hacienda Post, Jeff Hutchins, Atlas Oceanic, and maybe even Advantage Audio.
In more familiar context, Joel is the sound designer of mostly cartoons, namely Cartoon Network projects and the works of Craig McCracken and Genndy Tartakovsky, like The Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack, as well as Dexter’s Laboratory (Joel is credited for sound design on the package design/summary of Dexter’s Laboratory: Ego Trip, however, and as a sound editor on the special). Joel Valentine is responsible for the soundtrack to many of my favorite childhood cartoons... or cartoon cartoons, to be a bit more specific.
"Edits fast, sounds great, and doesn't break. The DM -80's multilayering capabilities and simultaneous recording on all tracks gives us the flexibility to do whatever we want."
This is a quote from Joel Valentine on the DM-80, from a supplement to a March 1994 issue of BROADCAST engineering / BE Radio.
Jeff Hutchins, the sound designer behind Spongebob Squarepants and a creative at Hacienda Post/Sabre Media/Flash Bomb Audio and Warner Bros. Sound/Audio Circus, was an assistant to Joel Valentine. They both edited sound on 2 Stupid Dogs and Dead in the Water. Jeff Hutchins made a number of tweets to me that compliment and reference Joel Valentine:
“Joel was a master of recording and funny sounds. He is still the a pillar of cartoon sound and I wish to recognize him. I believe he was working and had credits prior to 1985. Few people enter the business as a mixer. Look up Harmony Gold. Things should pop up”
“Joel is an incredible talent and I think the world of him. Rock on Joel!”
“Joel has a crisp & distict style. He had moved on to Samurai Jack and Hacienda started to do the FX for Dexter’s Lab. I did a few of them and really tried to retain Joel’s style. Not an easy task.”
“Joel gave me a copy of his “Producer’s SFX Library”. Joel also gave me his ADAP Library in exchange for transferring it to .wav files. I would give him any SFX he asked for.”
“In the “2 Stupid Dogs” days Joel was at the heart of everything. There wasn’t another like him. To this day, I thank him for being so out side the box as to redefine “out side the box”. Thx my brother in sound. Joel was creating the sound tract for a show called “Northern Exposure” at the same time. I am still in awe of his accomplishments. Joel rocks!”
“When I met Joel in 1986, my life changed. His over the top way of creating opportunity out of baking soda and “whatever you’ve got” is incredible. He is an innovator. Thanks for taking the time out of your life to be my teacher. Thanks Joel!”
“He [Joel] was working on those shows [Northern Exposure and Bakersfield P.D.] at the Lantana building in Santa Monica. I worked for Joel during that time period in a suite he had in the building. I worked on 2 Stupid Dogs. After 2 Stupid Dogs I went to work for other studios & Joel went his own ways. Those days were awesome, but all good things come to an end at some point. As one door closes, another opens... somewhere.”
Eric Freeman also shared some facts with me back in 2017:
“[Wander Over Yonder] Season 2 was all done by Joel Valentine. My schedule became way too busy to do the sound fx. Craig McCracken has long history with Joel and enjoys his work, so he wanted him to do the season 2 sfx... 21st century is/was Joel Valentine's personal company. He would do all the sound design and then send it to me at Hacienda for the final mix. He is not affiliated with Hacienda. Joel is a private contractor...   [Joel] worked out of his home... he was the sole sound designer and editor for [Wander Over Yonder] season 2. There were NO other uncredited post-sound folks on the show. The whole series was just Joel and Myself... Joel is working on S5 of Samurai Jack. He would be the sole editor on that. The mix will be done at Hacienda Post. Current PPG is being edited and mixed at Hacienda Post. Joel is not involved with the new PPG... I did some editorial on PPG movie and worked with the editors you listed (Tom Syslo, Roy Braverman & Daisuke Sawa). I can't remember what I edited on the movie, but it was sound fx. I worked on Dexter's Lab, PPG, Fosters, Symbionic Titan, and Samurai Jack. Any editorial I did would have happened during the mix. A lot of times, Genndy or Craig will want to try different SFX when they hear final music and final dialog play together with Joel's sfx. Sometimes the original SFX just don't work well... Joel definitely IS a master sound designer. I respect his work very much... I've worked with Jeff [Hutchins] since the 1990s. He's extremely talented. I believe Joel trained him... Joel only worked on the pilot of Chowder. He did NOT do the series. All the sound design came from Hacienda Post.”
Grant Meuers, “the sole sound editor” on Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal, replied to my emails of my questions on the show’s sound: “all sound design you hear is either me or Joel. I worked for Hacienda for 2-3 years as an assistant sound editor before venturing out into the freelance world. They are great people over there, and I'm still close with them, although neither Joel or I are very involved in the mixes. Joel is a really talented guy, and I'll be sure to pass your compliments along!” The latter referred to my desire for anyone with Joel to send compliments from me to Joel. Grant continued: “the line between "sound design" and "sound edit" is pretty fluid to me (and I think Joel feels the same way). Joel and I split up responsibilities of what we each cover each episode fairly evenly, but Joel definitely has final say and final cut over whatever we do together, and obviously Genndy has final say over everything. How we are ultimately credited isn't really up to us. (In fact, Joel initially wanted us to be both credited as sound editors, but Genndy and Adult Swim gave him his own title card, which I am happy about, because he definitely deserves it. Joel is a humble guy and often likes to fly under the radar.) We both work remotely on our own, and each have our own respective companies we use for billing purposes.” The credit of Joel for sound design on Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal is well-earned, but ultimately he remains private in his work, and that privacy must be respected.
Genndy Tartakovsky himself said meaningful words about Joel Valentine, who did sound design on all of his Cartoon Network shows: “I’ve worked with Joel since the days of ‘Dexter.’ He’s got an amazing library and he knows how to blend sounds together to make them something very unique. For the fourth episode he went outside the norm and he found these vocal monster libraries that were done in the ’60s or something in Germany... for the mastodon episode, he found this library where some guy started a Kickstarter and then went to India to record elephant sounds for a year... all the mastodon sounds are so much more than what’s out there that a lot of people are using. I think we’re taking the extra effort for everything to make it sound unique and specific.”
Shane Houghton, co-creator of Big City Greens, compliments sound editor/designer Joel Valentine as part of “a killer sound team! They don't get enough love! Eric and Joel are amazing!”
Someone on Twitter asked @crackmccraigen “how was the noise used when the powerpuff girls would suddenly fly off made? The fwOosh/pew!! noise, yanno?” Craig replied: “It was comprised of a few different sound fx that were put together by the PPG sound designer Joel Valentine.” When I noted that Joel was usually uncredited, Craig told me that “The name Twenty-First Century Entertainment, Inc. listed under Sound Editing is Joel. That’s his company, [and] he wanted to be credited that way.” Another person appreciated the sound design of Kid Cosmic, and Craig highlighted that he’s been working with him for 27 years.
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As of May 30th, 2021, Owen Fishback’s Kippie short, “Guard Duty Doggy”, was released. I saw it the next day, and it acknowledges Joel Valentine for sound effects (some of his sound effects are used in it, probably sourced from the Sound Effects Wiki pages for his sound effects, to which I contributed info but not the audio samples used in the video).
The sound effects that Joel created are very meaningful to me as I grew up heavily on the works of Joel Valentine for Cartoon Network, namely Dexter’s Laboratory. When I heard his sound design on Samurai Jack Season 5 back in 2017 (namely EPISODE XCIV), I was so impressed with his array of realistic soundscapes of atmospheres and animals that I began to consider Joel the next best creative in sound post-production sound services, next to those of Skywalker Sound and Warner Bros. Post Production Creative Services.
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I’m not sure what will become of The Producer’s Sound Effects Library, though I got a copy from ebay on 1/23/2020 A.D. as an upcoming birthday gift and immediately preserved it by ripping the files off ( the link for proof read Producers-Sound-Effects-Library-13-cds-Great-Value-Free-shipping/283736597492?hash=item421004e3f4:g:rLkAAOSwAGxeE8ql ). Thanks to @wiley207​ and SqueakyCartWheel for notifying me on the Sound Effects Wiki!
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Here’s a close-up of the main CD’s cover, used for the 101 SOUND EFFECTS CD...
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...and here’s the label of the CD. They all look like this due to distributor S.O.S.
I made a page for The Producers Sound Effects Library on the Sound Effects Wiki, of course, to celebrate this amazing, obscure library. I recognize a number of sound effects on that library, like “IN Cricket Single” (as often heard in Spongebob) and “ROBOT MOVES #1[-3]” One of my absolute favorite sound effects on that library is “SPACE BEAM DOWN.” It’s a deep drone with a mysterious, enticing musical tone; it’s on PSEL CD SY-01 - “Science Fiction”.
Regarding preservation of the PSEL: due to the copyright warning requiring “written legal documentation from the owner of the Producers Sound Effects Library” (that’s probably Joel)--though I think that the company of the same name as the SFX library, PSEL, is defunct--I believe that I can not upload the audio files online  “unauthorized” “by any information or sampler storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented”.
Aside from the PSEL, I hope and pray that Joel’s library will be in good hands when he retires. Sound Ideas or Pro Sound Effects deserve to preserve this amazing library of sound!
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landbase8-blog · 6 years
How to get Top 100 android project ideas 2019 - Codeshoppy
Latest Android Projects App Ideas 2018 S no Project Title Doc link Video link AND_001 Bike and Car - Service Managment Based Mobile Application Video AND_002 An Mobile App For QR Code Based Paytm Payment Transfer System For College/School Management System Video AND_003 Finding Lost Debit Card Security Based Mobile App Video AND_004 Digital Vehicle - License, Insurance And RC Book Tracing For Police Video AND_005 Smiley Based 2nd Authentication System For Doctor in Hospital Management Mobile App Video AND_006 ecom online Shopping For Retail With QR payment based Mobile Application Video AND_007 An Mobile Intelligent Terminal for Online Catering Reserving and Ordering System Video AND_008 evoting App - Mobile Based Facial Recognition Using OTP Verification For Voting System Video AND_009 Toll Gate App For Mobile Based Payment Video AND_010 Women Security - Alert All, Chat Video AND_011 Geo Location Enabled Employee Registration And Attendance Tracking System Video AND_012 eLearning - Skill Development And Learning Based Mobile Application Video AND_013 E-Services For Gram Panchayath Video AND_014 Fast Sharing Blood Availability Between Donor&s And Acceptor&s Through Android App Using Cloud Services Video AND_015 eCrime Identification Using Face Matching Based Mobile App Video AND_016 eBus Mobile Geo Location Based Current Location Tracking System Video AND_017 STEP A Career Zone Android APP For Higher Secondary Education Video AND_018 Urbis A Touristic Virtual Guide Video AND_019 Development Of Smartphone Based Student Attendance System Video AND_020 Integration Of Google Map In Android Shop Alliance Video AND_021 Smart University Student Information Management System Video AND_022 Intelligent Agent Based Job Search System In Android Environment Video AND_023 Travel Management System Using GPS & Geo Tagging On Android Platform Video AND_024 Faciliting Examination Process Via Exam Monitoring System Video AND_025 An Mobile App for Cloud-Based Smart Restaurant Management System in near-Field Communication Video AND_026 Exam And Hall Ticket Management Application System Video AND_027 iSearch Mobile App For Searching Lost Person Video AND_028 Operation Schudule For Hospital Management Based Mobile App Video AND_029 Online SMART BUSINESS - 1 Retailer 2) Distributor 3) Stockiest Video AND_030 e-Vaccination management System Video AND_031 Agri Shop For Farmers Video AND_032 Mobile For Ambulance And Police Location Based Information Video AND_033 eRestranut Online Shopping For Food Video AND_034 Pg/Hostel Management Application Video AND_035 Child Safety App Video AND_036 ebanking App to Manage Account And Transfer Video AND_037 Rescue Wings: Mobile Computing And Active Services Support For Disaster Rescue Video AND_038 Residential Management System On Material UI Design Based Android App Development Video AND_039 Mobile App For Soil With Suitable Farming Agent And Distributor Location Video AND_041 Leakage Detection And Risk Assessment On Privacy For Android Applications: Lrpandroid Video AND_042 Android Application To Access College Activities and Management Events, Placement, Student Info, Results Video AND_043 Veterinary Care for animal medical soultion based Mobile Application Video AND_044 Nexus Mobile App For Searching Contractor And Worker In City&s Video AND_045 EGG Production Management System Based Mobile App Video AND_046 Online Matrimonial Video AND_047 eAyurvedic Recommended Solution For All Disease Based Mobile Application Video AND_048 Net classified Based Mobile App Video AND_049 ehealth Care Management Video AND_050 Local Services Info Based Mobile App Video AND_051 icar : Mobile App For Car Pooling Using Bootstrap Responsive Design Video AND_052 Isports : Mobile App For Sports Events Using Bootstrap Responsive Design Video AND_053 Heart Predict Video AND_054 Reminder App - 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rajyog7493 · 3 years
Significant Impact of COVID-19 on Tahini Market
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COVID-19 Impact on Tahini in the Food and Beverages Industry
COVID-19 pandemic has affected the nutritional progress of many countries around the world. COVID-19 has several adverse effects on the most vulnerable groups of the world population which includes adults more than 60 years, children under the age of 12 years, and mothers. Malnutrition is a major problem across the globe and due to extended lockdowns in the countries the cases of malnutrition have increased. Thus, the global population is focusing on building their immunity levels during the covid-19. Tahini is very high in nutrition which is driving the growth of the tahini market during the COVID-19 pandemic.
High Nutrition Content of Tahini
Tahini is a rich source of nutrition such as healthy fats, minerals, and vitamins. It is a great source of phosphorous and manganese which have an important role in the health of bones. It is also high in thiamine such as vitamin B1 and vitamin B6 which are important for the production of energy. Thus, the demand for tahini was more during the COVID-19 pandemic for boosting the immune system. Additionally, about 50% of the fat in tahini comes from monounsaturated fatty acids which have anti-inflammatory properties and are linked to decrease the risk of chronic disease. According to World Health Organization (WHO), no food could prevent or treat coronavirus transmission alone; a healthy and balanced diet has been proven to strengthen the immune system along with physical activity and healthy sleeping habits, also WHO has recommended tahini as a part of the meal to prevent the infection of COVID-19. Thus, the high nutrition content of the tahini is boosting the demand for tahini during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Disruption of Supply Chain during COVID-19 Pandemic
The safety measures which are being taken to restrict or prevent the spread of COVID-19 are affecting the functioning of tahini food supply chains. Measures to restrict the spread of the COVID-19 are causing disruptions and delays to logistics and to transport services. Border closures and additional quality checks and procedures have led to delays and congestion affecting the transit of food products including tahini products. For instance, social distancing rules have decreased the numbers of export and import inspectors at borders which has increased the time required for customs clearance.
Retailers are expected to stockpile the tahini products and may offer the products at higher prices owing to increasing consumer demand and deal with the challenge of a possible supply shortage. Retailers are experiencing a high impact of COVID-19 owing to reduced food fall of consumers and irregular supply of tahini products from manufacturers and distributors and the situation may become worse for the smaller retailers offering tahini products. Due to the prevention of mass gathering and social distancing norms, the foodservice industry such as restaurants which are a major customer of tahini is experiencing a high impact of COVID-19.
Price Fluctuation of Sesame Seeds during COVID-19
During the year 2013 and early 2014, the prices of sesame seeds were peaked at just over USD 3,000 per tonnes of hulled sesame seeds. The prices of sesame seeds have decreased during the past years due to the high production of sesame worldwide. In 2018-2019, the prices have significantly decreased to around USD 1,600 per tonnes and hulled seeds for an average of US$ 2,000 per tonnes. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has raised market instability due to a disrupted supply chain. The demand for sesame seeds and their products has reduced during COVID-19 because of the reduced businesses of restaurants and small bakeries. Also, the lockdowns in India, China, and Africa has a strong influence on the international trade flows as these are the main importers of the sesame seeds. Due to this, there might be a little effect on the sesame seeds prices and demand and supply of the sesame seeds. The prices of sesame seeds are expected to go down especially for the old stock of sesame seeds.
For instance, according to Mr. Mukul Gupta, the director of Shakumbhri Expo Impo Ltd in India, prices are expected to remain between 1,000 and 1,400 USD per tonnes for natural seeds and 1,500 to 1,750 USD per tonnes for hulled seeds.
Allergies Related to Sesame Seeds
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), sesame allergies are common among children along with other food allergies which are estimated at 17% of the population. More than 1.5 million children and adults in the U.S. (49% of the population) report a current sesame allergy and more than 1.1 million (34% of the population) report either a physician-diagnosed sesame allergy or a history of sesame-allergic reaction symptoms, the study found. The scientists found that 15 (13%) of the 119 children were sesame-allergic, 73 (61%) were sesame-tolerant, and sesame-allergic status could not be determined for 31 (26%) children, mainly because they declined the oral food challenge. Among the 88 children whose sesame-allergic status was definitive, 17% had a sesame allergy. Thus, the increasing allergies of sesame seeds among children have restricted the consumption of tahini during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture are working together to support the U.S. food and agriculture sector. The government has also announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to prevent interruptions and help FDA-regulated food facilities. The MOU has created a process for the two agencies to make determinations about circumstances in which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration can exercise its authority under the Defense Production Act (DPA) about certain domestic food resource facilities that process, manufacture, pack, and hold foods. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will continuously work with local and state regulators collaboratively to ensure the continuity of food supply. It will work in consultation with the industry or commodity sector, public health partners, local, state, and tribal territorial regulatory, and other relevant stakeholders to maintain food operations keeping employees safe.
To move their products to market, Growth, Enterprise, Employment and Livelihoods (GEEL) program linked Somali suppliers to international buyers at regional trade shows in Istanbul and Dubai. Despite trade challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, sesame partner companies have reported exports of up to 14 metric tons of processed sesame worth USD 20 million this year. This is an increase of 29 percent compared to 2018.
El Mostakbal for Urban Development, the master developer behind Mostakbal City, has donated EGP 5m to the Tahya Misr Fund. The donation will go to support the fund’s efforts in mitigating the impacts of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The fund has launched three large food convoys, through which about 6,600 tonnes of food, 170 tonnes of meat, 150 tonnes of poultry, 160 tonnes of vegetables, and 300,000 Tahini bars were delivered to over 500,000 families. The initiative was launched in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity and various civil society organizations.
In April 2020, the ministers for agriculture of African Union member states publicly committed to reduce the food system disruptions and ensure nutrition and food security to all the people, particularly the most vulnerable and the poorest during and also post COVID-19 pandemic situation. The ministers ordered governments to consider the food and agriculture system as an essential service and work with various food systems which include traditional (small stores and open markets) and informal (street vendors).
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have an intense impact on the tahini industry, including global trade, consumption, and manufacturing or production. Owing to the government’s initiatives such as complete or partial lockdown in various countries, consumption of tahini from food service establishments has decreased significantly. To restrict the spread of the COVID-19, hotels, restaurants, and retail shops have been closed. A more adverse impact on the tahini demand is expected owing to the global recession triggered by the indirect and direct impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Reduced household incomes could translate into lower demand for tahini in volume terms. All the tahini manufacturing companies’ are suffering during the time of COVID-19. Disrupted supply chain and reduced demand are some of the major factors that manufacturers are facing due to COVID-19. Once the pandemic situation settles the companies will find it imperative to change with time and innovate to remain relevant. There is a seismic effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses across the globe. However, this is also an opportunity to fine-tune business contingency and continuity plans, to find new ways to grow business. The factors such as the high nutrition content of the tahini are boosting the demand for tahini during the COVID-19 pandemic because people are becoming more health-conscious than earlier. But, the allergic reactions associated with the consumption of sesame seeds in a large population are limiting the demand for tahini during the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
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adityarana1687-blog · 3 years
Omega 3 Market Is Projected To Reach USD 4.50 Billion By 2027
According to a new report published by Grand View Research, Inc., the Omega 3 Supplements Market gained enormous traction with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health stipulated that the consumption of omega fatty acids, probiotics, and multivitamins was associated with a lower risk of acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection by 12 percent, 14 percent, and 13 percent, respectively.
The global omega 3 supplements market size is anticipated to value at USD 9.88 billion by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 8.4% from 2020 to 2027. The omega-3 supplements soared in demand and is driven by the rising product adoption to meet the daily nutritional requirements. Maintaining optimum health is becoming a priority among the geriatric population across developed economies, including the U.K., Canada, the U.S., and France. Increasing sedentary lifestyles have resulted in a growing number of lifestyle-relates disorders, such as arthritis, strokes, cancer, and chronic heart diseases. This will further propel the product demand in the forthcoming years.
The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 resulted in a rise in health and well-being awareness among individuals. Immunity building took the center stage from the beginning of 2020 and caused a widespread consumption of immunity-boosting products. This fueled the omega fatty acids products demand. Gummies infused with omega 3 increased product acceptance among children and will continue to do so in the coming years. According to the NCBI, omega 3 fatty acid composition in diet potentially decreases the severity among patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
Omega 3 Supplements Market Report Highlights
Based on source type, the krill oil-based omega 3 supplements are anticipated to expand at a staggering CAGR of 11.1% over the forecast period. This is attributed to the rising DHA-based and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) supplements
Based on functionality, the cardiovascular health segment dominated the market in 2019, accounting for an overall revenue share of 37.0% as a result of the growing prevalence of chronic cardiovascular diseases
The China market is predicted to observe a lucrative growth during the upcoming years due to the increasing spending capacity of the people
To request a sample copy or view summary of this report, click the link below:
Omega 3 Supplements Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global omega 3 supplements market on the basis of source, form, functionality, end-user, distribution channel, and region:
Omega 3 Supplements Source Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2027)
Fish Oil
Krill Oil
Algae Oil
Omega 3 Supplements Form Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2027)
Soft gels
Omega 3 Supplements Functionality Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2027)
Cardiovascular Health
Brain, Nervous System & Mental Health
Eye Diseases
Omega 3 Supplements End-user Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2027)
Pregnant Women
Omega 3 Supplements Distribution Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2027)
Supermarkets/Hypermarkets/Food Stores
Drug Stores & Pharmacies
Online Retailers
Omega 3 Supplements Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2027)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
New Zealand
List of Key Players of Omega 3 Supplements Market
Nordic Naturals, Inc.
NutriGold Inc.
Reckitt Benckiser Group plc
Pharma Nord B.V
i-Health, Inc.
Aker BioMarine AS
Luhua Biomarine (Shandong) Co., Ltd.
Pharmavite LLC
KD Pharma Group
NOW Foods
GlaxoSmithKline plc
Natrol LLC
Carlson Laboratories
Optimum Nutrition, Inc.
VAYA Pharma
Vital Choice Wild Seafood & Organics, SPC
The Nature’s Bounty Co.
About Grand View Research
Grand View Research, Inc. is a U.S. based market research and consulting company, registered in the State of California and headquartered in San Francisco. The company provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. To help clients make informed business decisions, we offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a range of industries, from technology to chemicals, materials and healthcare.
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drshaileshjain-blog · 3 years
Best doctor for brain stroke in Pitampura - What is Brain Stroke? Difference between migraine and brain stroke:
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The most complex organ of human body is its brain. Our brain needs constant supply of oxygen and blood to function properly. But once, there is a disruption in the supply of blood to the brain cells, it leads to lack of oxygen and glucose in the brain that causes brain death within a couple of minutes.
Brain stroke which is also known as stroke or cerebrovascular accident is a medical condition in which blood supply to a portion of the brain ceases or decreases and due to the severe interruption in the blood supply the brain cells starts dying quickly because of the lack of oxygen and vital nutrients creating a medical emergency. The inability of neurons to regenerate causes permanent damage or irreversible consequences. It (stroke) can also be said as blood vessel disorder in the brain.
A brain stroke can happen suddenly or without warning. There are 1 million people in India who have brain stroke every year. The brain stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the USA. The two main reasons behind having a stroke are-
•        Tearing or rupturing of a blood vessel, leading to bleeding in and around the brain
•        The second reason is the blood clot that blocks the artery in and around the brain.
Both the conditions causes damaging to brain as they do not let oxygen and other nutrients reach to the brain cells. If the person doesn’t get timely medical attention in a brain stroke, then that person can suffer severe consequences or may die because of the stroke. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Stroke requires immediate medical attention to save the person from facing any serious consequences. In a serious condition like this it is important to only take the services and advice of the best medical practitioner before doing anything and Dr. Shailesh Jain is the best doctor for brain stroke in Pitampura . He is one of the best Neurosurgeon in Pitampura without any doubt. And in a situation like brain stroke in which every single second matters for the patient it’s best to go to the top Neurosurgeon without wasting any more time because the sooner they get the treatment the better its result will be for them.
But how do you identify whether you are having a stroke or not? Women are more at a risk of experiencing stroke as compared to men. Here are a few general symptoms of a stroke that are found in men and women both.
Symptoms of Brain stroke:
The symptoms of a stroke occur in the body parts that are controlled by the damaged areas of the brain, which is why these symptoms can vary depending on the damaged part of the brain in different people. Knowing the symptoms of the stroke will help you identify it quickly and to take necessary actions.
•        Paralysis in one side of the body or face
•        Weakness or numbness in the arm, leg or face, especially on one side of the body
•        Slurred speech or trouble in speaking or understanding the speech
•        Confusing
•        Difficulty in walking
•        Vision problems such as blurred or double vision in one or both of the eyes, vision blackened
•        Loss of coordination or balance
•        Sudden and severe headache
•        Dizziness
As mentioned earlier, women have a higher lifetime risk of having a stroke as compared to men. There are few symptoms that are most commonly found in women:
•        Hallucinations
•        Nausea or vomiting
•        Pain and weaknesses
•        Shortness of breath
•        Loss of consciousness
•        Seizures
•        Lack of responsiveness
•        Disorientation or sudden changes in behaviour like increase in agitation, etc.
These symptoms are not very common in men. Since women are more at a risk of having stroke than men, their risk of dying from stroke also increases, that’s why it is important to identify brain stroke as soon as possible to get its treatment started.
Causes of Brain Stroke:
The cause of stroke depends on the type of stroke the person is having. There are mainly three types of stroke hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack(TIA). The TIA is caused by a temporary blockage in the artery (basically a blood clot) that leads to the brain. Similarly, ischemic stroke is also caused by a blood clot, or it can also be caused by atherosclerosis, in this condition a fatty substance builds up on the walls of blood vessels. But a hemorrhagic stroke is caused by a leaking blood vessel. In this condition, the blood seeps around the brain tissues that causes pressure and leads to brain damage.
Risk factors for Brain Stroke And How to prevent it:
Although the brain stroke is caused due to interrupted supply of blood to the brain, there are few risk factors that you can avoid preventing brain stroke from happening as prevention is always better than cure. Then, why not prevent it from happening in the first place rather than running to the neurologist to reduce the repercussions. These few factors make you more susceptible to stroke, especially women. Minimizing these risk factors will reduce your chances of having a stroke. Factors include:
•        The first factor that increases your chances of having a stroke is an unhealthy diet, especially a diet that has salt, cholesterol, saturated fats, etc. in high quantity.
•        Lack of physical activity, not doing exercise and being inactive at most parts of the day also leads to stroke
•        Chronic alcoholism, high intake of alcohol is harmful for both men and women as it heads to high blood pressure and becomes one of the factors that increases your chances of having a stroke
•        Eating Tobacco damages your blood vessels and heart and hence leading to stroke.
Apart from these factors there are few personal risk factors that can’t be controlled like family history, your gender, your age, your race and ethnicity, these factors tocontribute in the risk of having a brain stroke, for instance older people are more prone to strokes than younger ones. Apart from these things, your health history can also become the reason for having stroke as some medical conditions are linked to stroke. But to know clearly about your risk factors, consult your doctor. Dr. Shailesh Jain is the best doctor for stroke intervention in Pitampura, he has more than 15 years of experience in treating patients, consult him for any neurological disorder.
How to prevent stroke? As by now, you must have understood that the most of the risk factors arise due to poor lifestyle, so the simplest and easiest way to prevent a stroke is by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few steps that you can take to live a healthy lifestyle:
•        Quit smoking as soon as you can. I know it’s easier said than done, but start from today itself, and soon you will surely be able to overcome your habit of smoking.
•        Start excising daily. According to a research, an average adult should do 2.5 hours of cardio workout every week. Excising has ‘n' number of health benefits. Even walking for an hour every day will help.
•        Eat healthy foods like seasonal fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables, and avoid junk and food that is high in cholesterol.
•        Keep your weight in control. Obesity also causes stroke. Avoid oily food.
•        If you drink alcohol, try to consume it in moderation, don’t drink alcohol in excessive amount.
By following these steps, you can reduce your chances of having a stroke. And live a healthy life but don’t forget to go for regular health check-ups and stay in touch with your doctor because these steps only minimize the risk they, don’t eliminate the disease.
How to distinguish it from Migraine?
A sudden severe headache is a sign of stroke, but people also face severe headaches in migraine, it becomes difficult to identify whether the headache is caused by stroke or migraine. Even though there are few symptoms that are same in both the condition, one thing that differentiates the two is the onset of symptoms for instance, in stroke the symptoms usually occur suddenly but in migraine they occur gradually. In migraine the headache is small in the beginning and gets more painful later on, but in Stoke the headache is severe from the start itself. Both migraine and stroke are very common neurological conditions,but they differ from each other in few aspects.
A stroke is a serious medical emergency, but a migraine is a chronic medical condition, that can occur several times in a month. A stroke can be fatal, but an episode of migraine does not causes death or long-term effects on health. A stroke is cardiovascular disease, but a migraine is not.
These factors definitely tell the difference between the two, but it’s best to visit your neurosurgeon and get it diagnosed rather than jumping unto any conclusion on your own. Dr. Shailesh Jain is the best doctor for migraine and best doctor for headache in Pitampura, so if you’re facing any neurological disorders visit his clinic and get your treatment started promptly, as he is the best neurosurgeon you can find in Delhi.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Friday, April 30, 2021
Satellites show world’s glaciers melting faster than ever (AP) Glaciers are melting faster, losing 31% more snow and ice per year than they did 15 years earlier, according to three-dimensional satellite measurements of all the world’s mountain glaciers. Using 20 years of recently declassified satellite data, scientists calculated that the world’s 220,000 mountain glaciers are losing more than 328 billion tons (298 billion metric tons) of ice and snow per year since 2015, according to a study in Wednesday’s journal Nature. That’s enough melt flowing into the world’s rising oceans to put Switzerland under almost 24 feet (7.2 meters) of water each year. Almost all the world’s glaciers are melting, even ones in Tibet that used to be stable, the study found. Except for a few in Iceland and Scandinavia that are fed by increased precipitation, the melt rates are accelerating around the world.
Biden Seeks Shift in How the Nation Serves Its People (NYT) President Biden laid out an ambitious agenda on Wednesday night to rewrite the American social compact by vastly expanding family leave, child care, health care, preschool and college education for millions of people to be financed with increased taxes on the wealthiest earners. Invoking the legacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mr. Biden unveiled a $1.8 trillion social spending plan to accompany previous proposals to build roads and bridges, expand other social programs and combat climate change, representing a fundamental reorientation of the role of government not seen since the days of Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society and Roosevelt’s New Deal. Taken together, the collection of initiatives that Mr. Biden has introduced in his first 100 days in office suggest a breathtaking scope of change. But the succession of costly proposals amounts to a risky gamble that a country deeply polarized along ideological and cultural lines is ready for a more activist government and the sort of redistribution of wealth long sought by progressives. Mr. Biden’s Democrats have only the barest of majorities in the House and Senate to push through the most sweeping of legislation and, successful or not, he may have framed the terms of the debate for the next election.
Bioware (The Guardian) The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District and a company named Oxitec announced they will release 12,000 invasive Aedes aegypti mosquitoes each week for 12 weeks from six different locations on the Keys. The plan, which sounds like a Bond villain scheme while authorities insist it is definitely not, is a complicated biological counteroffensive against a bug responsible for spreading dengue, Zika and yellow fever. The mosquitos being released have been specially treated and are all male. When the genetically modified bugs mate with the wild local female mosquitoes, all the subsequent female offspring will be unable to reproduce, controlling the population of the worst pest on the planet. The Aedes aegypti in the Keys make up about 4 percent of the mosquito population, but are responsible for effectively all mosquito-borne disease.
EU Signs The Divorce Papers (NYT) The nearly five-year-long Brexit process has finally come to an exhausted end with a formal vote by the European Parliament (EP) to accept the part of the deal governing trade and customs issues and providing for zero tariffs and zero quotas. While the outcome was never seriously doubted, a ‘no’ vote by the EP would have killed the deal, which neither side wanted. Even so, the EP expressed considerable concerns about the trustworthiness of the current British government to carry out its side of the bargain. That includes the just approved trade deal, which still leaves out key issues like financial services and foreign and security policy. Brits voted to leave the EU in June 2016 after a campaign filled with exaggerations on both sides. Since then the struggle over how to define Brexit and Britain’s future relationship with the EU destroyed both prime ministerships of David Cameron and Theresa May. Boris Johnson is now running the show, and he’s had his own painful entanglements with the thorny issue of the border between Northern Ireland, a part of Britain, and the Republic of Ireland, a member of the EU.
Want a Peek at Post-Covid Life? Check Out Gibraltar (WSJ) On this strip of densely populated rock jutting into the Mediterranean Sea, people are tasting freedom. Gibraltar, population 34,000, has fully vaccinated around 85% of adults, its government says, and 98% of adults over 60. Gibraltar has been free of Covid-19 cases in its resident population since April 8. Gibraltar, twice Central Park’s size and dominated by a mountain known as The Rock, has embarked on “Operation Freedom,” a plan to fully reopen society while monitoring virus cases. With pandemic restrictions all but gone, its narrow streets and cafe-lined squares are showing life. On a recent evening, pedestrians walked arm-in-arm. Pubs and cafes were bustling with maskless patrons drinking and sharing bowls of bar snacks. “You are seeing people greet each other in the street, shaking hands, hugging for the first time in months,” says one resident, 61. “People are smiling.”
Bulgaria alleges Russian links to arms depot blasts, widening European probes into Moscow agents (Washington Post) Bulgarian prosecutors said Wednesday that they are looking at whether four explosions at weapons depots over the past decade are part of a Russian effort to disrupt the flow of arms from Eastern Europe to battlefields in Ukraine and Georgia. The investigations into the explosions, which took place between 2011 and 2020, are part of wider probes in Europe linked to suspected Russian military intelligence agents. Bulgaria’s announcement followed claims by Czech authorities last week that they suspect two agents from Unit 29155 in Russia’s GRU intelligence agency were linked to blasts at an arms warehouse in the Czech Republic in 2014. In Ukraine, government forces have been battling pro-Moscow separatists since 2014, after Russia’s annexation of Crimea.
Young women, grown up without Taliban, dread their return (AP) Inside Ms. Sadat’s Beauty Salon in Afghanistan’s capital, Sultana Karimi leans intently over a customer, meticulously shaping her eyebrows. Make-up and hair styling is the 24-year-old’s passion, and she discovered it, along with a newfound confidence, here in the salon. She and the other young women working or apprenticing in the salon never experienced the rule of the Taliban over Afghanistan. But they all worry that their dreams will come to an end if the hard-line militants regain any power, even if peacefully as part of a new government. The Taliban banned beauty salons, part of a notoriously harsh ideology that often hit women and girls the hardest, including forbidding them education and the right to work or even to travel outside their home unaccompanied by a male relative. With U.S. troops committed to leaving Afghanistan completely by Sept. 11, women are closely watching the stalemated peace negotiations between the Taliban and the Afghan government over the post-withdrawal future, said Mahbouba Seraj, a women’s rights activist.
U.S. aid en route to India as new cases continue to break records (Washington Post) U.S. flights carrying urgent coronavirus aid for India were en route Thursday, the White House said in a statement, as health officials reported another record number of new cases across the country. The U.S. government will deliver more than $100 million worth of supplies for overstretched hospitals and front-line health-care workers in India, according to the White House. The State Department is urging U.S. citizens to leave India “as soon as it is safe to do” and to avoid traveling there, pointing to “severely limited” access to all kinds of medical care.
China’s Baby Bust (Foreign Policy) China is expected to report its first population decline since Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward in its latest census, which could spark a crisis moment in a country deeply worried about its aging demographics. After the one-child policy was formally lifted in 2015, the government hoped that a baby boom would follow, but the figures show it hasn’t materialized—because having kids in China is just too expensive. Censuses in communist countries have always been politically sensitive, since they often speak to failed policies or hidden disasters. Chinese officials have already delayed the release of the 2020 data—and it may later be buried, either not released or not covered by the media. China recorded more than 1.4 billion people in 2019, and a fall below that number will bring a significant moment closer: when India, with a population of 1.38 billion, officially becomes the world’s largest country. The population decline fundamentally reflects a simple reality, pandemic aside: Having children in China is expensive and burdensome. For the poor, the stress of separation from children due to labor migration, the difficulty of finding education or health care in big cities, and the impossibility of buying apartments—often a social requirement before marriage—present other obstacles.
China's space station (BBC) China launched the first piece of a new space station into orbit today. The Chinese Space Station will eventually be about a quarter of the size of the International Space Station and will have space to house three astronauts and a slew of low-gravity experiments. Beijing hopes to squeeze 10 more launches into the next 20 months and finish the project by the end of 2022. Chinese officials say the station will reserve space onboard for experiments from researchers all over the world—but geopolitical tensions will complicate. The US heavily restricts cooperation between NASA scientists and China, while the European Space Agency has reportedly pressured its researchers not to work with their Chinese counterparts.
Filipinos feel helpless against latest coronavirus surge (NYT) Grim tales are emerging in families across the Philippines, where Southeast Asia’s worst current outbreak has pushed total coronavirus cases beyond 1 million. Many who need treatment must be driven out of the capital, to hospitals as far as five hours away, as the health system buckles under the strain. The Philippines has recorded 16,000 deaths, with patients dying in their homes, on the road and sometimes right outside emergency room doors. Some private hospitals have turned to home care, remote consulting and recruiting health-care workers from the provinces. The Health Department is developing a home care package for patients with mild cases of covid-19.
Religious festival stampede in Israel kills 44, hurts dozens (AP)  A stampede at a religious festival attended by tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews in northern Israel killed at least 44 people and injured about 150 early Friday, medical officials said. It was one of the country’s deadliest civilian disasters. The stampede began when large numbers of people thronged a narrow tunnel-like passage during the event, according to witnesses and video footage. People began falling on top of each other near the end of the walkway, as they descended slippery metal stairs, witnesses said. Video footage showed large numbers of people, most of them black-clad ultra-Orthodox men, squeezed in the tunnel. The Haaretz daily quoted witnesses as saying police barricades had prevented people from exiting quickly. The stampede occurred during the celebrations of Lag BaOmer at Mount Meron, the first mass religious gathering to be held legally since Israel lifted nearly all restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic.
Ethiopia detains Tigrayans amid war (AP) Ethiopia has swept up thousands of ethnic Tigrayans into detention centers across the country on accusations that they are traitors, often holding them for months and without charges, the AP has found. The detentions, mainly but not exclusively of military personnel, are an apparent attempt to purge state institutions of the Tigrayans who once dominated them, as the government enters its sixth month of fighting in the Tigray region. Detainees, families and visitors spoke of hundreds or even more than 1,000 people in at least nine individual locations, including military bases and an agricultural college. The arbitrary locking up of non-combatants is against international law, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross, which has met with family members of detainees but declined to answer questions. Conditions vary, but some detainees are given just one meal a day and crowded dozens to a room in sweltering metal shelters, at a time when COVID-19 infections are rapidly rising in Ethiopia.
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hellowordpar · 3 years
Voice-Over and Voice Narration | Voice Over Companies in India – WordPar International
Voice-Over Defined
Voice-over is a technique in used in a radio, filmmaking, television, or other presentations, where a background voice, which is not part of the goings-on on screen, is used to narrate or explain something off-camera or off-stage.
Voice acting, on the other hand is the art of giving voices to a character on screen, usually a non-human character in an animation film or where animals are shown to be speaking. Voice acting is also useful in audio and video games.
In either cases, voice actors, actresses and narrators are referred to as voice actors, voice artistes or voice talent.
Narrations are used to provide information and to explain to an audience or user, something that is not part of the dialogue on screen, or to provide a background story, or a brief contextual understanding, or an explanation like in a documentary or a training video. It allows a filmmaker to efficiently transfer information the audience to make it easy for the audience to understand the context and premise of the film.
Cost of Voice-Overs
Prices for narrations vary largely depending on the size and nature of the recording required. Standard rates for corporate and educational voices which are not broadcast via mass media range from about USD 500 (Rs. 35,000) to USD 1,500 (Rs. 100,000) for approximately five minutes of recording.
Voice Selection
1. Determine the location of the session. 2. Select high quality samples. 3. Decide whether the voice talent must be male or female, young adult or middle aged, in some cases teenaged too? 4. Select a voice that is suitable and appropriate for the audience. 5. The voice ought to fit the subject. Consider whether the voice should be a corporate and serious voice, or one suited for advertising, alluring or convincing? Sometimes seductive and enchanting too? The theme and subject of the film determine the choice of voice. 6. Consider the subtle qualities of the voice. 7. Make sure the talent is available at the time that the recording is required to be done.
Advice for Aspiring Voice Talents
Becoming a voice talent is an interesting career option for those interested in mass media and acting. Although no formal training is required for becoming a voiceover artiste, a degree in acting or mass media may be of great value. The essential part of any such education is the initiation and learning on-the-job. There is no substitute for learning by DOING.
Becoming a voice-over artiste is not restricted to geographical boundaries any more. Anyone with basic equipment and a high-speed connection and who is a good voice talent, can tap the voice-over job market.
Some of the leading VO software in the market that are recommended are:
• WavePad • Audacity • Mixcraft 8.
There are several online guidelines available for aspiring artistes:
Get voice over training or coaching. 2. Practice reading out loud, constantly (see our sample voice over script library) 3. Seek out pro bono gigs to build your resume. 4. Record several voice over demos – each highlighting an aspect of your ability. 5. Record your voice and listen critically to your voice. 6. Practice vocal exercises. 7. Imitate the voices of famous actors or fictional characters.
 To know more about WordPar Voice Over Services India, Kindly visit us at https://www.wordpar.com/voiceover/
 Contact Details:
+91 9740039859
 Explore more about WordPar Voice-Over Services at the below links:
 Voice Over Companies in India | Voice-Over Services | Voice Over Services India | Voice Over Artist in Delhi | Voice Over Artist in Mumbai | Translation Company in India | Translation Services in Pune | Certified Translation Services in Pune | Translation Company in Delhi | Translation Services in Delhi | Translation Agency in Delhi | Translation Company in Noida
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