#Adrien disowns Gabriel
anxresi · 2 months
She's already been punished enough...
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...By being part of one the worst shows of all time, dufus.
A few points here, in the order of the OP presented their dubious 'case' (though I suspect this isn't actually how they feel and this is a somewhat disingenuous attempt was to provoke a reaction from a lot of others when they sent this to Reddit, in which case... JOB DONE).
1. Bullying, as bad as it can be, is not a jailable offence. especially the relative mild incidences we've seen in the show (up till S4 that is, which we'll get to later) Next.
2. As every right-minded person knows, this is 'New Chloe' e.g Chloe specifically created by Mr Astruc for the S3 finale onwards which bears no relation to 'Old Chloe'. 'Old Chloe' actually had personality, layers, humanity, humour, was a great super-anti-hero, the stirrings of redemption in her.... 'New Chloe' is just an out-and-out psychopath with no depth to her whatsoever apart from to be as ineptly evil as possible and increasingly embarrass herself with every tortuous appearance so Thomas can get his sick jollies, so this doesn't count. Sorry.
3. See: 2. Also, Zoe shouldn't exist... so, there's that. If you want to know why, please see my other posts... as I am saving up all my ire for something far more important as you'll find out below...
4. Now this is the one that REALLY boils my piss. How can I put this politely... Fuck off, you fucking cunt. Chloe's fucking father ENABLED her fucking behavior for fucking years by fucking throwing his money at the fucking problem instead of paying for the fucking psychological help she clearly fucking well needed and fucking IGNORED everything when her fucking mother regularly left Chloe alone, told her she was fucking worthless, didn't bother celebrating her fucking birthdays, forgot her fucking name time and time again...
I could go on. And you're telling me Andre is the FUCKING victim instead of Chloe, this FUCKING corrupt mayor. this FUCKING waste of space, this FUCKING pathetic excuse of a man who as her FUCKING FATHER could've put his FUCKING foot down at any FUCKING time and simply said "No?" What kind of a fucking 'mature' adult is he, anyway?! I suppose the OP also thinks fucking Gabriel deserved his fucking statue as well, in fact they should've hung fucking garlands of flowers from it whilst someone played fucking panpipes and everybody else fucking danced around. Fuck you.
Also worth noting here that Chloe fucking ADORED her father until the exceedingly unwelcome S4 'reboot' where she suddenly saw him as a fucking walking piggy bank (I won't even mention how they purposefully ruined her relations with Adrien, Sabrina, even her own butler... Chloe can't have any happiness in her life. It simply ISN'T ALLOWED).
Then they have the cheek to let his daughter be 'disowned' by him in the S5 finale and banished to London as if he fucking did nothing wrong in facilitating her attitude whilst failing to defend her against her despicable mother's abuse. (Yes, I said ABUSE I know the creator doesn't view it as such, but he's a fucking moron so what can you do?) Bullshit. Complete and utter undiluted diarrhea dripping from a bull's anal sac... that's what this is. I hope I painted an accurate picture for all of you. Sorry if you were eating.
So, it was supposably a happy ending that Andre got to fucking adopt another man's child without any reprecussions for his past actions, as he embarked on his new career as a fucking film director. What? You think that wasn't ENOUGH punishment for Chloe, OP? You think she should go to fucking jail as well, for DARING to be a child victim of incessant abuse, both in-canon and in-writing? I never thought I'd meet a person who's more radicalised in their blind hatred of Chloe than fucking Mr Astruc, but here we are. I tell you, some people on this exploding planet of ours scare me. Legit.
5. See 2 again. This huge disparity in writing between the two Chloes is getting stupid now, and anyone who can't see the contrast between now and then... I really can't help you. Either take off your Chloe-hating goggles to smell the coffee, or go read someone that agrees with you 100% and won't pop your tiny safe-space bubble with indisputable facts. Goodbye.
6. I think Chloe is more 14... but it doesn't really matter. Still a child, still should be treated as one. Which makes Astruc's obsessive loathing of her even more disturbing... and even more so this dude's.
That's it. This was probably an entirely unnecessary pot-pourri of hot topics I've regurgitated before, but as soon as I saw this article (particularly Pic 4) I just had to jump on my soapbox once more to regale the world about the kind of arrant nonsense I see about Chloe sometimes online, particularly regarding the subject of parental abuse and whether her treatment by the show's narrative was justified (SPOILER: It wasn't, and if you disagree I need you to fuck off RIGHT NOW).
Because if people like me don't defend her and the terrible writing she's been subjected to for the last few seasons (at least she's in good company there though), who will?
Not the person who made her, that's for sure. She may be a fictional character but... I get the feel her situation is similar to a lot of other neglected and mistreated kids out there who lash out at others for obvious reasons. And by handling her arc (if you can even call it that) in this inexcusable way... I don't just think the show has just done her a disservice. I think they've outright destroyed her and the hopes of many others watching.
What a great message to send to every youngster who could relate. I hope the makers are proud of themselves. Fucking idiots.
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anastasia-queen · 1 year
The Current State of Miraculous Ladybug Season 5 finale.
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I've recently watched the finale of season five of Miraculous Ladybug, and I must say that my disappointment is immeasurable. There are more issues within this finale than with the Gabriel Redemption, like having Marinette lie to Adrien again, which undermines her development in S4-S5 to trust in others, not giving more insight into Emilie's character after seven years in the show run, and writing out Adrien even though his existence is significant to the overall lore of series, and partly is the motivation for the main villain, Gabriel.
I could mention more issues within this season. Like, for example:
The waste of potential of Zoe's character, Felix's rush redemption arc, killing off the ship Marichat, Lila being a spy, the romance pacing behind Kagami and Felix, the b******* rules of time travel, giving Ladybug and Chat the ability to never de-transform, the entire existence of the episode of Derision, not having a scene of Chat revealing his identity to Ladybug without the presence of Gabriel quote on quote always watching aka Marinette's excuse, or how Thomas thought that letting Chloe get disowned by her father to live with her emotionally abusive & neglectful mother was a good idea.
You think that Zoe, who dealt with the same emotional neglect by their mother, would say something about Chloe living with their mother, but she doesn't because the writers couldn't afford good writing skills.
I can mention more. However, I'm so tired of Miraculous constant terribleness that I don't want to watch and think about this show for a while.
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theerurishipper · 1 year
A few more things because I am not done talking about this finale.
I know a lot of people think that this issue of Gabriel being seen as a hero and Marinette keeping the fact that Adrien is a sentimonster and that his father is Monarch is going to come back as a major plot point, or that Gabriel isn't really redeemed and that this isn't the end. And I'm not saying I have evidence that it's not going to turn out that way, but like... this is Miraculous we're talking about.
The show which famously tries to offer sympathy to bad people because of their tragic backstory by:
Trying to half-assedly "redeem" Natalie into some kind of super mother figure for Adrien, even though she enabled and participated in his abuse for years and never showed remorse for it, or even took accountability for it. Her callously killing Sentibug is never brought up again either. And she still does not give Adrien the Amok that helps him choose for himself or tell him he is a sentimonster, and yet is framed as a good parental figure for him.
Trying to redeem Andre Bourgeois and frame him as some kind of great person by having him adopt Zoe and send Chloe to live with her abuser by disowning her, even though it's his shitty parenting that let her get to this point. And letting him get off scot-free for all the times he abused his power as Mayor.
Trying to redeem Felix by glossing over such crimes as him giving all the Miraculous to Gabe, him committing genocide, him trying to ruin his cousin's life, him victim blaming Adrien, him returning Adrien's Amok to Gabe, and many such things. All because he had a tragic backstory and cared for sentimonster rights (even though he killed two on-screen with only regret for one of them) so that clearly means that he did nothing wrong and does not need to be held accountable for those things, even though he showed no remorse for it or desire to do better.
And the show which also famously ignores major plot points and leaves them behind with little to no resolution in favor of dropping new bombs on the audience, such as:
Choosing to ignore the Ladynoir conflict in Season 4 by having Chat Noir just push aside his legitimate grievances with Ladybug's bad decisions to continue being her emotional support partner. This conflict was not addressed ever again, even in Season 5, and was left without any resolution.
Neglecting any exploration of Chat Blanc beyond some obligatory mentions now and again to remind the audience of why the show needs more seasons.
The whole plot with the alternate love interests Luka and Kagami, which was built up across a whole season and dismissed within two episodes of the next season so that the writers could focus on the new Love Square drama they came up with for Season 4.
Luka's conflict about knowing Chat Noir and Ladybug's identities, which was written out in one episode, only for it to have been ultimately pointless in favor of having Kagami know it anyway.
These are great examples of how the show neglects to build up and conclude previously established plot points and conflicts in favor of substituting them with other ones and/or does the absolute minimum to somehow write them out in order to move the story forward and focus on other new plot points that they came up with for the new season.
From these, we can understand that:
Trauma is a valid excuse for everything, and a tragic backstory frees you from accountability unless you're Chloe.
Previously established conflicts are not brought up or explored in any meaningful capacity in order to make way for new ones.
Knowing this, I think it's highly unlikely that the show will ever explore this idea of Gabriel not having truly become a martyr and a hero, and that even if it is the case, it will be neglected as a plot point in order to push this Lila thing to the front. At most, we will get a moment where Adrien learns the truth and instantly forgives Marinette for doing what his abuser asked because she did it out of love, and no one will question the implications of this in any meaningful way. This is because Adrien is not allowed to have feelings that inconvenience Marinette in any way, be it his hurt at her keeping secrets from him, or now her siding with his father and outright lying to him, because his role in the story is now that of Marinette's love interest and emotional support partner, and that's all he's good for. And as for Adrien acknowledging that Gabriel was a bad father again, combining the redemption that simply having trauma gives him and the fact that Thomas "Chloe is not an abused child" Astruc doesn't seem to understand the severity of such things, I doubt we will ever see him outright reject his father ever again.
For all these reasons, I really do believe that it is wishful thinking to expect this to be addressed in any way that matters. If it is not forgotten, it will be relegated to a single moment and forgotten after. That is, if it was ever meant to be explored. The writers of this show are... not the best at dealing with this sort of thing, after all. After all I've seen, it is not surprising to me at all that Gabriel was redeemed. There is a clear trend of characters with any motivation that could be construed as sympathetic or with a tragic backstory portrayed as being justified in their actions, having their actions erased and ignored or at the very least severely downplayed for the sake of making them out to be better than they are. Gabriel has been consistently given sympathetic scenes throughout the season, which culminated in this finale which absolves him of every wrongdoing.
And I know people feel like this is clearly not the end, but that's how a lot of people felt about the Ladynoir conflict in Season 4, and look how that turned out. This show has always been bad at dealing with nuance. An abused child is portrayed as irredeemable and evil, and her enabling father is portrayed as a good person for giving up on her (I don't even like her, but damn). There is a trend of demonizing those characters who really should not be, and offering sympathy to characters who haven't earned it. I have no trouble at all in believing that Gabriel is supposed to sympathized with and redeemed by the end. He gets his happy ending, he gets what he wanted, and his actions make the world a better place.
I've seen the idea that Gabriel actually lost floating around, but did he? He already knew he was dying, and he had, to some degree, come to terms with it. And in the end, he was clearly very happy with just dying if it meant being able to make his wish. His end is clearly portrayed as him making the ultimate sacrifice to wish for a better world, as one last good thing he does for his son. It's portrayed as him asking Marinette to hide all this from him to protect him. Of course, anyone with common sense can see that this is still really controlling and manipulative, but the show pretty clearly frames it as a selfless act. The line "all the times I tried to be a good father," isn't framed as the delusional statement it is. He's smiling in that scene, surrounded by light, and that's not the framing for someone who's supposed to be read as manipulative and evil at that point. The writers seem to genuinely believe that the man was a good father at some points. I've also seen others say that clearly Gabriel was not redeemed by the end because he refused Marinette's hand, but that's not really true. He did paralyze her, but then he freed her and returned all the Miraculous, and Marinette ends the season by fulfilling his dying wishes and letting the world know he was a hero. He paralyzed her, but then he also clearly listened to her. He was also genuinely emotional. Her words did reach him and it is framed as him making a "selfless choice" even though it clearly is not.
I've also seen people say Adrien's reaction isn't necessarily acceptance of Gabriel's heroism since he might be trying to cope with his loss by convincing himself Gabriel was a hero, or that abused children often cannot recognize that their parent is not a good person. And I agree, but that is clearly not what is happening here. Adrien has already expressed disgust for who his father is, and it is possible for him to fall back onto old thoughts and feelings regarding him, but that isn't what's going on here. This here, is Adrien being fed a lie that his father was a good man and a hero by people he trusts. This is Adrien being told what to think and feel, because there are statues of Gabriel being erected and Ladybug spreading the word that he is a hero. This is Gabriel's abuse being erased to portray him as good. And Adrien, after spending the whole season working up to calling Gabriel out, ends the season with hoping to be like him.
And I've seen arguments about how episodes like Chat Blanc and Ephemeral were there to show us that Adrien facing his father isn't a good idea because his reaction makes him vulnerable, but then... why would you write that! Why would you set the protagonist up with this plot point only to write reasons to leave him out of his own plot and character arcs? What about that is good writing? It only makes this finale more deserving of critique! It is not the defense it's trying to be. It just shows they couldn't care less about their own narrative.
I get that this could lead to a potential arc about trust and honesty and all that, but... we've done that before. How many times will Marinette learn the same lesson? How many times will Adrien forgive her for it? How can you even forgive something like this? And even if it all comes to light, what purpose does this serve in anyone's arc? Gabriel is dead, so there's no consequences for him. Marinette has been "learning" the same lesson for two seasons now, and not even losing all the Miraculous made her stop keeping secrets. And what more does it contribute to Adrien's arc to have him learn the truth later rather than now? How does it add to his story to know that everyone he trusts lied to him? Nothing, if you think about it. It really takes away from his story, because he can no longer confront the man who did this to him, he can no longer get that closure, because Gabriel is gone! Sure, it'll be dramatic and all, but that's all it is! But that is how Miraculous operates: shock value and dramatic scenes over consistency and character arcs. Which is why characters like Marinette aren't allowed to retain the lessons they should have learnt ages ago, and characters like Adrien are actively pushed away from their arcs to make way for some other drama.
And this is me saying this while believing they aren't going to bring it up anyway. How many times have we seen this kind of thing happen? For a conflict to be set up only to be ended unceremoniously with no proper conclusion? What reasons are there to believe that the show will actually follow through with this plot? Other than speculation, I mean. I don't see any. The ending did not indicate that there was anything wrong with what happened. The seasons prior set up the conflicts for the next season in the finale episodes. In Season 3, we had Gabe fixing the Peacock and Marinette becoming the guardian. In Season 4, we saw Monarch rise and Marinette lose all the Miraculous. In Season 5, we see Lila get the Butterfly Miraculous and that light that scared her or whatever it was. But we never see any set up for this being a plot point. There is no point in which we are supposed to think this is wrong. A set up, for example, would be something like Marinette looking to the Gabriel statue with a frown, or Adrien feeling unsettled somehow. But there's nothing like that. For all intents and purposes, Gabriel is done and there are new threats to move on to. And removing all that stuff with Lila, it just seems like it could be a solid series finale. The conflict is over, all the characters are back and together and happy, the main couple kisses as the theme music plays in the back in a scene that's clearly the sort of scene used in the ending of a show, and no one even hints at anything being wrong. It's all audience interpretation, and quite frankly there's no real reason to believe it's setting up something. Something was already set up and it wasn't the thought that this ending is in any way flawed. It's a charming, idyllic ending where all the characters are clearly happy and content, basking in the end of Monarch.
And what he did is not clear at all. Did he not actually rewrite the world? It seems like he just traded his life for Natalie's (and Emilie's???? Is that her?), because Hawkmoth still existed here, the Alliance rings still exist, which means everything happened exactly how it did, and the only thing that's changed is that Natalie has recovered. But this just makes the "clearly something isn't right" argument less valid. This isn't Gabriel's "ideal world," which needs to be fixed, this is just the normal world, where there is a statue of Gabriel only because Ladybug told everyone he was a hero. The things that are being done are completely against everything Gabriel ever believed in, so clearly the world is not based on his ideals, and it hasn't been rewritten. So, the only one really responsible for Gabriel being seen as a hero is Marinette (this is not a criticism of Marinette btw, just the writing). This is just the normal world, and the only thing that needs to be "fixed" is that Marinette should tell the truth. But the writers clearly think that Gabriel is fully redeemed, so there isn't anything that needs to be fixed. So why would they address this plot point again? They have no reason to.
And if he did rewrite the world, then the writers just made Gabe rewrite everything and everyone's memories so that he didn't have to be held accountable by anyone, especially the son he abused. That's going to be even harder to fix.
Any resolution to something I don't believe will be resolved anyway will undoubtedly a side story or a minor plot point. Remember, this is the show which is notorious for setting up plot points only to do nothing with them in the end. Everyone was so hyped about the resolution to Luka discovering both Mari and Adrien's identities only for the writers to decide Kagami fit that role better and shittily write Luka out in one episode. Everyone was talking about how Luka keeping secrets would undoubtedly have massive repercussions only for no one to give a shit about it and simply write Luka out for a few episodes and have him come back with no consequence in the finale. And this is a pattern for this show.
All this to say that no, we're probably not going to address this. It hasn't happened before, and I doubt it will happen this time. I've tried to give this show chance after chance, but it never delivered, and I don't trust it to do so anymore. I'll take all this back gladly if it does deal with this conflict well, but as of right now, I feel very confident in putting this post up.
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trashyangelic · 10 months
Requesting a ML Prompt; Felinette with Class Salt and Adrien Salt.
Since we all know that Adrien is a bystander to all Lila's lies and not doing anything to stop. What if Felix went to the same class as Adrien but sitting next to Marinette as he develope a crush to her but also exposing what Adrien's facade really is. But what Lila doesn't know is that Felix doesn't like liars just like Marinette so in order to happen Lila decided to frame Marinette for something she didn't do except there is a twist to this one of the student who happen to be Aurore just passing by with her phone and Mirelle they see Lila about to push Marinette down the stairs where Felix is standing at the end they had their phone out to record it. While Mirelle decided to get the Ladyblog some karma by telling Nadja Chamack about the Ladyblog and how it turn out to be a tabloid & gossiper only now.
But the rest is up to you to finish!! You can also add Adrien in his part. But I rather have Gabriel disown Adrien as he gave up his miraculous and re-married Nathalie instead. As for Adrien with his black cat miraculous being taken by Ladybug as a guardian to give it to Felix.
Anyone willing to try this out?
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shadowuserannie · 17 days
KOTLC Miraculous AU (pt. 3)
Part one;
Part two;
Nino: Jensi OKAY SO MY REASONING; the part that Nino plays is a fun friend who's totally detached from Adrien's modelling, upper-class life. So I ran into an issue with Keefe being both Nino and Chloe. (NO KEEFE BEING THE CHLOE DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEIR FRIENDSHIP WILL END, FITZ WILL END UP WITH MULTIPLE BEST FRIENDS AND PLEASE READ FIRST PART FOR MORE DETAILS ON CHLOE KEEFE) There's also like. no other male main character that's even got anything other than Wylie. (and no offense to Wylie. He's cool I just permanently have him being at least 5 years older than the oldest of the main main cast mentally so it's hard thinking of him as anything but that and thus it's kinda awkward) so this is a chance to flesh out Jensi more!! He's also like, the kid who talks to people quickly and is really friendly, so I figured he'd be a good fit.
As for the rest of the characters, there's...welp this is the end. Mainly because I can't really find any other 'roles' they can fulfil since I've done the mains already. So they'll backfill, but I'll try to give them their own arcs as well.
For the adult characters, Sophie will be adopted by Edaline and Grady in the beginning already. They run an extremely successful bakery with multiple outlets across Paris. also should Jolie still be dead or be an older sister figure to Sophie? for funsies (and also because Amy's in a coma in the AU)
Gabriel: Alden. Yall knew this was coming the MOMENT I put Fitz as Adrien.
Felix: Alvar. HEAR ME OUT. ALVAR BEING MORE LIKE A DISTANT COUSIN (because reasons I haven't figured out yet) than older brother BECAUSE OF HOW OFTEN HE'S AWAY. Alvar returning and stirring Fitz into further rebellion (and making Alden remember why he threatened to disown his oldest son and failure) Alvar having his own agenda, that both lines up and collides with the heroes' (protecting Fitz, and then Biana when she returns)
Also just to clarify; my in-the-drafts AU is not season 1, season 2, season 3. Season 1 is mainly filler, and while I'm planning to use the 'villain of the week' eps turned into actual character development, I'm just trying my best. I also, plainly, just do not want to write 26/(maybe more including s2 eps) chapters just being recolors of the same episode with Sophie and Fitz's names over Mari and Adrien's. that is a rabbit hole I have seen many fall into and I don't think I could stand being that plotless (sorry)
Finally, depending on how much of the filler I cut, I'm looking at the entire story spanning about maybe two years at most. (keep in mind I am trying to avoid s4 and s5 entirely. just. no. I cannot draw out a reveal scene that long I'm trying to plan it in conjunction when Sophie and Fitz finally successfully hunt down the verse Master Fu)
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themattress · 2 years
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I’m sorry, but I'm still not over this. There is very little tweaking that would need to be done to the Season 5 finale of Miraculous Ladybug to make it a series finale (and it very well could have been one!), and thus how would these major antagonists have concluded their runs?
Gabriel Agreste / Hawk Moth / Shadow Moth / Monarch: He basically wins; sucker-punching Marinette and at last obtaining the two Miraculouses he’d always been after, using them to rewrite reality so he can join his wife in death (since he was dying anyway so it isn’t a sacrifice). Adrien (who now only has memories of him as a good father and not an abusive bastard) and most of Paris is left oblivious to his crimes, and he even gets honored as a hero who sacrificed his life to defeat his own supervillainous alter-ego once and for all.
Nathalie Sancoeur / Mayura: Her fatal illness is removed and she gets to live a peaceful life alongside her new girlfriend Emilie Agreste. Her crimes against Paris also go undiscovered.
Tomoe Tsurugi: She’s now in charge of Gabriel’s business, and still an active member of a creepy secret eugenics cult dedicated to replacing humanity with perfected sentimonsters.
Felix Fathom / Argos: He keeps the Peacock Miraculous he obtained through a horrific betrayal that led to devastating consequences for all of Paris and now even has a girlfriend.
Lila Rossi / Iris Verdi / Cerise: Her being exposed as a liar and expelled from school ended up meaning jack shit since “Lila Rossi” is just one identity of this person who’s apparently always been an aspiring supervillain, complete with her own evil lair and special resources. And now she’s obtained the Butterfly Miraculous, so things can only continue to go her way.
Chloe Bourgeois: She earns the hatred of all of Paris which she is forced to leave behind, loses all her power and privileges, her father disowns her in favor of her half-sister, her friend and minion Sabrina turns on her, Adrien wants nothing more to do with her, Marinette wins a final victory over her on behalf of all the students she’s bullied over the years, and she’s trapped in the custody of her abusive mother who intends to take her abuse to a new level. 
OK, yeah, as I think we can all see: one of these things is not like the others!
Seriously, Thomas Astruc, what is your damage in regards to the character of Chloe!?
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jennrypan · 1 year
So..MLB basically says.
Gabriel, Tomoe, Jagged Stone, Audrey and Andre are ALLLLL worthy of redemption and theyre actually NOT that bad despite one being an actual terrorist and the others being either overbearing to an abusive degree, neglectful and childish or verbally abuse.
Obviously Chloe and Lila are assholes and deserve repercussions for being bullies and treating others like shit, anyone with a brain can see that but to be so heinous and down right stupid to claim these kids are more fucked up than the actual adults who are fully aware of whats going on?? Whos been alive longer?? Seriously?? Make that make sense.
Why does Gabriel get to redeem himself after spending months terrorizing Paris, killing people, neglecting his son and even physically abusing him when he deems it fit?? Why does he get a pass?? Cuz his baby mom got sick doin shit she knows she shouldnt be doing?? Really??
Why does Audrey and Andre get to not see anyone call them out for how they made Chloe?? Why does Andre get to disown Chloe and start over with her nicer copy?? After making her into the spoiled brat she is cuz HE GAVE HER EVERYTHING SHE WANTED, HE COULDVE PUT HIS FOOT DOWN BUT HE DIDNT?? HES A GROWN MAN, and suddenly hes done?? Cuz he wanted to be some dumbass director?? Seriously?? Sir you made your daughter that way and allowed your shitty wife to talk down to her and destroy her self worth, you allowed your daughter to keep demanding things from people and never ONCE tried to speak up, and suddenly you wanna start over with a kid that isnt even yours??
Jagged Stone literally abandons his whole ass kids cuz "kids arent cool" and he KNEW WHERE THEY WERE, KNEW WHO THEY WERE, and likely wouldve NEVER told them unless Luka in his akumatized form actually found him cuz hes a fucking man child going through a midlife crisis
(also lol @ all the salt fics saying hed be there for Marinette more than her own parents. Mf wasnt even there for his own kids, bffr)
I cant really say much on Tomoe cuz we dont really get much on her besides little hints but giving how Kagami is and how she mentions she wasnt even allowed to draw shows that Tomoe is exactly like Gabriel and what do ya know..Kagamis also a senti monster. Its fucked up!
Why do these grown ass adults get passes but Lila and Chloe dont? Chloes apparently a little soulless monster and Lila?? Is a fucking sociopath pulling an Orphan with all these new identities?? What the fuck??
Also lets not forget, Felix tried to make Adrien lose his friends, mocked Adrien for being an abused kid, found out Adriens mother is in the basement and REFUSES TO TELL HIM?? He gave Gabriel all of the miraculous, and instead of helping his COUSIN, he helps this random girl hes now suddenly obsessed with?? What?? But no yeah FELIX deserves to be forgiven despite all of his actions also being just as selfish and terrible as Chloe and Lila but go the fuck off ig, but EVEN STILL HES NOT WORSE THAN GABRIEL
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Okay quick rundown for the Bee, Wasp and Hornet AU just to hammer out the jumbled thoughts.
The AU starts at Miracle Queen. Chloé refuses Hawkmoth's threats. He uses the Rabbit Miraculous and tosses her into the Burrow. He doesn't really care when she ends up, hoping she's out of the way long enough for him to put his own plan in place.
Somehow (possibly with a reverse Catalyst to let Mayura make multiple Sentimonsters?) a new Sentimonster is made to replace Chloé. This one is programmed to be worse than Chloé, act like a mini!Audrey, and most importantly: cause problems for Gabriel to make Akumas out of.
We go through Season 4-5. Senti!Chloé acting like she does in Canon. No one notices. Her parents don't care about her, her classmates think that she's just being a jerk again, Zoé cares but doesn't know Chloé only having met the Sentimonster. Adrien and Sabrina care, but they think her worsening behavior is from other influences (Ladybug's seeming abandonment, Audrey's influence, constant Akumas(being them and being attacked), Vesperia replacing her, Lila's influence, etc.). They still eventually cannot put up with 'Chloé's' antics and cut off the friendship.
We're adjusting some Season 5 episodes. Derision's flashbacks are more in line with Season 1-3 and there's no attempted murder from Adrien. The bathroom peep window is just changed to Sabrina on a zoom call(and maybe Mari informing the class beforehand?). LB and CN actually try to stop the Akuma from running the mayor out of office instead of joining her, and while Senti!Chloé attempts to declare herself Mayor the city doesn't just roll with that there's protocol my dudes.
Anyway! Back to Real!Chloé
I'm debating on if she does anything inbetween. She might just be in the Burrow for a while? Which does confuse her and it's hard to really tell how long she's been in there.
Eventually she manages to figure a way out of the Burrow and lands in Season 5, yeeted into Mari's room in the middle of the night. Mari panics, but Chloé looks all kinds of wild and also got yeeted through a Burrow so clearly there's something.
Chloé eventually realizes that she was replaced. Mari is still debating on that because clearly one of them is a Sentimonster. So she's gonna have to drag Felix into this somehow for him to tell her which one. Felix will eventually blindside her with the idea of them both being Sentimonsters.
Chloé gets to learn how much her replacement fucked things up. Thankfully Mari helps (quietly) bring in some of the other characters. Alya, Adrien, Zoé and Sabrina all get told. Adrien and Sabrina are super apologetic that they didn't realize, but Chloé is kinda chill about it? Like she knows a lot was going on and the idea of being replaced is so far from their heads.
She's also the one who shows sympathy for her replacement. She knows Senti!Chloé had no choice. So the first order of business is getting her Amok and getting her away from Audrey and Andre.
Speaking of. Chloé is horrified to hear about all that and about Andre disowning her in favor of Zoé. Ofc Zoé is pissed at Andre for that and is trying to get away from him as well.
Senti!Chloé has a crisis about learning she's a fake, but does cool off on her bitchy programming and wants to learn who to be outside of that now that she can. She also now goes by Joé.
Don't know if we'll fully get around to defeating Gabriel, but if we do then Adrien gets to learn about the other Sentikids plot.
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k7l4d4 · 4 months
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Episode 24
Hello all! Here we are, just two episodes before this fiasco of a season finishes, and if I'm being honest? This review is one I've been looking forward to the most.
Now, there is... not much going on this episode. On one hand is a lazy Akuma fight, on the other is a bad and overly dramatic play.
This episode is the one where the writers' go all in on trying to make the audience like and sympathize with Felix. And... it kinda falls flat on its face because it glosses over, retcons, and straight-up ignores all the times Felix has been nothing but a selfish, manipulative weasel whose actions have done nothing but hurt Adrien. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
One of the most prominent things about this episode is that it has Felix and Kagami detail the history of the Agreste family, and one thought was screaming through my mind after seeing all of it... Emilie was a spoiled BRAT.
To explain what I mean, the play basically starts off by implying Emilie and Amilie's parents were tight-fisted and controlling, so Emilie rebelled and forged her own path in life... but that's not what was shown. Beyond a vague comment on 'making' Emilie fall in line, by all accounts the Graham de Vanily's let Emilie run wild as a child and did nothing to curb her tendency to run away from her lessons to do her own thing, and even as an adult, they funded and enabled her desire to study abroad and see the world without a word of complaint. And she was the twin expected to be the family heir; by all rights, Emilie should've been under incredible scrutiny... yet her family let her get away with just about whatever she wanted.
The one time they put their foot down with Emilie? When she met and started dating Gabriel. The narrative likes to paint Gabe as having once been an idealistic young man... but given how he and Emilie apparently always kept Adrien isolated from other people, the way this situation is framed feels more like Emilie's parents finally had enough when she expected them to approve of her rushing to get married to a guy she had apparently barely known... and Emilie's response was to disown them. Not her parents disowning their disobedient daughter, but said DAUGHTER cutting out her parents for the crime of not approving of her boyfriend. Oh, and lets not forget how Emilie essentially stole a family heirloom to use as her and Gabe's wedding rings! Not a word of complaint from her parents then either.
And yet, when Emilie had fertility troubles, and swallowed her pride to come to her family for support, they welcomed her with open arms. We aren't given any word on what rejoining the family entailed or what responsibilities Emilie was expected to maintain, yet, despite not being made to cut off or divorce the husband her parents never approved of and being given all the support she required, the narrative treats Emilie as having made a great sacrifice.
Then... we get to the Amilie side of things. Unlike her sister, who ran wild, Amilie was a more quiet kid, and acted as the dutiful daughter her parents allegedly wanted, doing all she could to meet their expectations. We aren't given any word on how they treated her, but given how she apparently married a weapons manufacturer from the United States at their behest, the implication is that they were controlling... but given how they, I cannot reiterate this enough, did nothing to rein in Emilie doing her own thing all this time and let her get away with stealing a family heirloom, I'm willing to give them the slight benefit of the doubt that if Amilie had stated she didn't want to marry Colt or later asked for a divorce, they wouldn't have been against her doing so.
That brings me to Colt. Colt is presented by the narrative as a cold-blooded, black-hearted businessman who only cares about himself. Yet, prior to Felix being created, his big "crimes" amount to "makes weapons for a living" and "married a woman who didn't love him." Here's where I get to theorizing again; when Amilie and Emilie BOTH started having fertility issues, it was presented as a big problem for both of them, even though while the narrative insists upon how much Emilie wanted a child, and believed her and Gabe's "love" couldn't be complete without one, Amilie never seems to care about having a kid beyond meeting her family's expectations. Yet, when Gabe and Emilie manage to get the Peacock and Emilie uses it to conceive, a furious Colt later comes in and demands to know how they did it.
Gabe's answer? Coyly avoid answering the question by claiming "it's a miracle." Which, at it's core, speaks volumes of Gabe's personality. For a person the narrative treats as a former idealist and artistic soul, the only person who he seemed to ever show that side to was Emilie. To everyone else, even his own brother in law, he comes off as apathetic, sarcastic, and smug. It took Emilie basically demanding Gabe help them for him to do so (I'll give her props for wanting to help out her sister, at least), and even THEN, he refused to do so for free, extorting a promise of a bodyguard from Colt. How in the world is a man who would hold hostage the gift of life over his own family's heads for his own gain supposed to be a good person?
Even when he DOES finally give the Peacock to Colt, temporarily, so as to ensure Amilie can have a child, the closest thing to a warning he gives to Colt is that the Peacock "has a price for its use." This... this is where things get messy for me. See, what this implies is that, before Adrien had even been born, or just shortly after being born, Gabe and Emilie knew full well that the Peacock would have consequences for its use, possibly DEADLY ones. Gabe had YEARS to come to terms with the fact that his wife was most likely going to die, YEARS to prepare himself emotionally... and yet, when it actually happened, he shut down, and immediately started preparing on how to best go about ignoring all of her wishes to selfishly bring her back, for his own happiness. Because in the end, that's the cold hard fact of the matter; for all he tries to frame it as being all for Adrien, given how he had no problems keeping Adrien isolated and alone throughout his whole childhood and repeatedly tried to keep him from attending school with other people his age, it becomes apparent that he's just using Adrien as an excuse to justify his own inability to move on with his life.
And what makes his granting the Peacock to Colt so egregious to me, honestly, is just how vague he's shown to be. He didn't even tell Colt the thing was damaged and that there were risks involved in its use. He said nothing beyond "it has a price." Does Colt seem like the man who is knowledgeable on magical artifacts or lore? To me, he doesn't. So, what this comes off to me as is Gabe essentially deliberately giving Colt unhelpful advice because he knows it won't stop him. To me, it feels like Gabe set Colt up to DIE. It wouldn't be the first time; we know he masterminded the death of Fei's adoptive father in the Shanghai special, after all.
But yeah, that misinformation Gabe spread to Colt feels like it comes into play rather quickly; namely, whereas Gabe eagerly embraced the new child he and Emilie created, having full knowledge of what using the Peacock entailed and what it meant, Colt, who had no real clue as to how it worked beyond Gabe's unhelpful words, was wary and frightened. One could interpret his hesitance to embrace Felix's existence after it was confirmed Amilie was pregnant as his being worried he had somehow hurt his wife... or just plain having jitters about being a father, which is a very normal reaction. Not everyone in life leaps at the knowledge that they are going to be a parent, even those that want to be one.
Then we get into the details of the Fathom family's home life after Felix was born. I'll be blunt; child abuse is NEVER okay, under any circumstances, and how Colt treated Felix is entirely on him. No matter what mind games Gabe might've been playing with him, it was Colt's own choice to take his fears and paranoia and failing health out on his son, someone he was supposed to love and protect unconditionally. Shame that the writers seem to think child abuse only "counts" if it happens to someone the audience is meant to sympathize with...
I'm not gonna go into too much detail regarding Felix's life, since beyond being treated like crap by his dad and nearly dying when Colt accidentally cracks the ring he anchored Felix's existence to in a fit of rage, Felix's life has little to nothing to do with his actions; the show tries to present his arriving at the Agreste Manor as him looking for the Peacock in order to save his own life... yet he never once bothers looking for it, and instead spends his entire time going out of his way to ruin Adrien's social life and later stealing the heirloom rings Emilie had stolen to use as her and Gabe's wedding rings to give to his mother.
There's a LOT I could cover here. I've already covered a ton. So I'm gonna simplify my thoughts; I think that this entire story that Felix told is based on Amilie's perspective of things, and what it tells me is that I think Amilie was jealous of Emilie, or rather, jealous of her life. Whereas Amilie felt forced to do what her parents wanted, despite them letting Emilie run wild, and married a man she didn't love, whereas Emilie chose her own partner, it comes off as Amilie romanticizing and idealizing Emilie's life while ignoring how Emilie's attitude comes off largely as entitled to getting her way and honestly a bit selfish. Amilie wanted what Emilie had, and while she may not have resented her sister for it, that want covers every aspect of the story, in how it glorifies Gabe as this dashing romantic who came from nothing yet degrades her own husband as someone she was forced to be with.
Honestly, Colt comes off as someone who fits the mold of "good husband, bad father." Given how Amilie's parents were willing to let Emilie do just about whatever (side note: the play also glorifies Emilie cutting them out of her life, treating it as a big romantic gesture instead of an act of petty spite at them not being perfectly supportive in all things she chose to do), I wouldn't be surprised if Colt genuinely was interested in Amilie and approached her parents for her hand in marriage because it was what an "old-fashioned gentleman" and someone of high society and old nobility like the Graham de Vanily's are implied to be would be expected to do. It comes off as an infatuated rich man expecting to have a happy life with a woman who is only marrying him out of obligation, and when he learns that his, in his mind, spoiled and ungrateful sister-in-law and her husband managed to overcome her fertility troubles yet didn't share the method with her own sister, got pissed off about it.
I do not think Colt is a good man. But I think that, if the writing were more realistic, the situation would be far more complicated and gray then the show insists it is. In the end, however, we are only going off of what Felix says things were like... and given his track record for lying, I can't say I trust him at all.
Anyway, that's my monologue over, onto the review! As always, warning for my profanity.
Episode 24: Representation
Yadda yadda, normal pretentious intro that blatantly lies that Marinette is a "normal girl with a normal life."
Okay, opening with the news, and it's in Britain we are starting with. Props for them actually showing off the new location, even if I don't really care. Honestly baffled that the opening news story is about Paris' elections. I have to ask, is that any kind of normal?? From my experience, unless it's something genuinely major like the new leader of an entire country, most news organizations are not gonna give a shit about the election of a Mayor, even if that Mayor is for a country's capital.
Aanndd... the news is immediately shit by auto-hyping Ms. Bustier as "going the distance." Which is just... why? She's someone with no experience, no training, no background in ANY KIND OF POLITICS. What makes her seem a choice to "go the distance"? Also, apparently Tomoe and Gabriel have been boosting their PR Game to ensure that their preferred narrative is in control; now if only Gabe could apply that kind of competency towards being a villain, and he wouldn't be such a fucking joke.
"Perfect Love" NOPE NOPE NOPE!!! For fuck's sake, the way this show keeps throwing around "perfect" so much, it's rapidly becoming a berserk button for me. For FUCK'S SAKE, WHY ARE PEOPLE IN-UNIVERSE OBSESSING OVER A TEENAGE COUPLE SO MUCH!? GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!! THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE THEN ROMANCE PEOPLE!!!
Also, why are they describing Britain as "going over seas" for Kagami and Adrien? Granted, I'm shit at geography, but I'm pretty sure they are STILL IN EUROPE. If they'd gone to New York or something, I might've bought it. This, this is just fucking LAZY. Oh, and my obligatory ADRIEN CAN JUST HAVE A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP WITH MARINETTE WHY IS THAT SO FUCKING HARD TO UNDERSTAND FOR PEOPLE!?!?
...Okay, someone who looks like Adrien saying "Kagami is the greatest love of my life," yup that's Felix, WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU FUCKING MORON!? FOR FUCK'S SAKE, YOU ARE ACTIVELY DAMAGING ADRIEN'S REPUTATION ALL OVER AGAIN YOU FUCKING JACKASS!!! Or maybe it is Adrien, and he's letting Gabe push him around because "reasons" again. Seriously, this whole Sentimonster shit is just BULLSHIT!!! Oh, and Plagg once again pointing out how Adrien lets himself get pushed around by his dad is spot on. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BOY WHO BROKE OUT OF HIS OWN HOUSE TO GO TO PUBLIC SCHOOL, HUH!?!?
Yup, Kagami gets pissed off about the lies... then the Feathered Fucker shows up. Howdy Argos!! What hypocritical bullshit are you gonna spill today!? Also, for real, I cannot tell if this "interview" is something that Tomoe and Gabe whipped up on a computer and sold to news groups, or if they are literally spineless enough to just meekly go along with their parents' toxic demands, despite actively working to DEFY THEIR PARENTS IS LITERALLY THE ENTIRE CORE OF THEIR CHARACTERS!!! FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!
"I can never seem to go against my father," OH, I WONDER WHY THE FUCK NOT!? Also, that is blatantly untrue, since if he couldn't ever go against his father, HE NEVER WOULD'VE MET MARINETTE TO START WITH!!! "I can go see her as often as I want as Astro-Cat!" Or, you could JUST FUCKING VIDEO CHAT WITH HER!!! For fuck's sake, YOU CAN JUST HAVE A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP!!! IT IS NOT THAT COMPLICATED!!!
Now, we're back in Paris, and apparently it's still night, I guess? This... what the fuck is this? How the fuck is this even happening!? I'm just totally confused on how the timing is supposed to be working. Marinette's still a weepy mess from the last episode, no sympathy from me because of the rampant character assassination from last episode, fucking deal with it people. I have no care for Marinette's feelings at this point because this series has just butchered her for the sake of dragging out this nonsensical drama FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME!!!
Marinette... shut up. Stop with the "fought so hard for this happy ending" you have done JACK AND SHIT up until relatively recently doing the bare fucking minimum, and have routinely blown every chance to do something meaningful because you are that much of a fucking disaster. Grow the fuck up, and get the fuck over your hurt feelings. If you ever thought convincing Gabe was in the cards, you are fucking delusional. This is the man who explicitly stated that he would ruin you if you kept trying to pursue his son and has kept his son essentially trapped for the vast majority of his life. You are an absolute moron if you thought there would be any other outcome by going for this option.
NO Tikki, she ISN'T brave. She's a fucking coward who has wussed the fuck out on every fucking chance to grow the fuck up and act her fucking age, and acts as if she deserves a fucking medal for "putting on a brave face for her friends" instead of admitting she uses other people to ignore her own problems while also forcing them to DEAL with her problems because she can't get the fuck over herself. What, you think she'll never love again!? BULLSHIT!! THAT IS NOT HOW LOVE WORKS!!! THAT IS NOT HOW PEOPLE WORK!! THIS IS A GUY YOU HAVE DONE THE BARE MINIMUM TO LEARN ANYTHING ABOUT AND HAVE KNOWN FOR LESS THEN A FUCKING YEAR, GROW THE HELL UP!!!
And of course her "friends" made a big spectacle out of her arriving, on the stupid fucking assumption that Adrien would be with her. For fuck's sake, I forget, did Adrien ever tell ANYONE that he was leaving!? Some friend. Some friends. This... this is shit.
Oh, and Argos and Kagami are spying on the dance, and Kagami is spilling Marinette's secret... oh, and the obligatory flashback detailing how she found out just makes her falling for Lila's lies about Marinette not being her "real friend" EVEN FUCKING STUPIDER because she is literally overhearing a damn good reason why Marinette doesn't tell her some things and isn't always able to spend time with her, and yet she falls for Lila's bullshit hook, line, and sinker. Someone get me a fucking drink.
"It's the only possible explanation." Yeah, because overhearing Marinette confessing to have a Miraculous still despite all the Temp Heroes being gone clearly has SO MANY POSSIBILITIES!!! Seriously, the way they try to frame this stupidity as some brilliant deduction instead of something being blatantly obvious is obnoxious.
"We don't have a choice." No Kagami, you very much do have a choice, AND IT IS A FUCKING EASY ONE. Since when are you this much of an obnoxious idiot?! Oh yeah, since this season.
"My mother and Gabriel Agreste will never allow us to love each other." For fuck's sake, Kagami, YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW THIS FUCKING PSYCHO, AND YOUR LOVE LIFE IS NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THIS FUCKING SCENARIO, GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF!!! They really are just trying to make her a re-skin of Marinette.
"Without you, I never would've had the courage to run for mayor!" Yeah, no. Fuck that. She had nothing to do with you running for an office you are entirely unqualified to hold.
Oh, and has anyone else noticed that Argos is still using the same transformation and de-transformation phrases as Mayura? The supervillain who has been enabling Hawkmoth? Huh, almost makes you think HE IS STILL A BAD GUY!!!
It's really fucking stupid how this show is already presenting Caline winning the election as a guarantee, or that she'd even have that much influence. Seriously, this show doesn't even pretend to present the complexities of being an elected official appropriately. The Ghost and Molly McGee presented how being an elected official works better, and it's aimed at the same target audience, so this sloppy presentation has no excuse.
Oh, and Marinette is now rushing at Felix, once more impersonating his cousin, and isn't stopping to question how the FUCK 'Adrien' could even be IN THE CITY when she LITERALLY SAW HIM FLYING OFF ON A PLANE!! Speaking of which, HOW AND WHEN WAS FELIX ABLE TO GET BACK TO PARIS WITH KAGAMI!? ADRIEN APPARENTLY LITERALLY LEFT TODAY, AND FELIX DOESN'T HAVE ANY FAST TRAVEL POWER-UPS LIKE ASTRO-CAT!!! God fucking dammit, they aren't even trying.
NOW her classmates notice that Marinette clearly isn't feeling well, bravo, much surprise. Much skill.
Oh, and Marinette walks in on Nathaniel and Marc holding hands, and they notice she's crying.
I'm just gonna say it, Felix deciding that THIS, essentially gaslighting Marinette with Adrien's image rather then just, you know, WAITING UNTIL SHE'S ALONE AND PULLING HER ASIDE, in order to draw her away from the crowd and talk to her is just plain fucking cruel. Because that's what this is; gaslighting. Also, just hit me that the writers' establishing that Kagami knew Marinette's identity (or at least heavily suspected) but didn't hit her with the "Alix Card" like they did Luka is a fucking blatant double-standard and retcon.
This gaslighting routine Felix has going is just disgusting. This is abusive. I have little to no sympathy regarding Marinette, and even I think that this is a needlessly toxic and cruel way to get her attention. Heck, he literally could've just placed himself somewhere in her line of sight in Argos mode and gestured that he needed to speak with her; this? This is just tormenting her for no goddamn reason. Fuck this asshole.
And now Alya and Nino are there, and they think she's just imagining things. GREAT JOB, FELIX!!!
"What if he's come home?" MARINETTE THAT IS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE. HE LEFT LITERALLY THIS NIGHT THERE IS NO WAY (as far as you know) HE COULD'VE MADE THE DISTANCE BACK TO PARIS!!! Goddammit these dumbass writers are almost making me feel bad for her. And all it took was them making the guy they went out of their way to go "no really, he's just misunderstood!" over emotionally torture her with the image of her boyfriend. Also, seriously, HOW DO PEOPLE NOT GET YOU CAN JUST HAVE A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP!? IS THAT REALLY SUCH A STRANGE IDEA!?!?
Also, another thing that makes the time zones weird. I literally just looked up how long it takes to get to London from Paris. By car, it would take just a little bit over five hours. It really isn't that far, so why the fuck is Adrien in bright sunshine while the Parisian cast is currently in night time??
Also, I fucking hate how they keep using "ending" to describe things. Like, right after Nino suggests they find a way to go visit him (FUCKING FINALLY THEY HAVE NINO BE A BRO AND IT IS TOO FUCKING LITTLE TOO FUCKING LATE!!!), Alya describes this as "not the ending they expected." Because for FUCKS SAKE this is not the end of the world or even their god awful relationship!! They can call, they can video chat, they can text, heck they could literally just beg their parents to take a roadtrip and surprise him if they wanted it bad enough, WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE ACTING LIKE THIS IS THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD!?!? I can get and even accept that Marinette has a right to be sad, but everyone, and I do mean fucking EVERYONE, is treating this like it's the death of her precious relationship. It's barely a fucking SET BACK if they honestly want to pursue it still.
Oh, now we get Tomoe and Gabe throwing a hissy fit over their dolls children are missing, with Gabe going to look for Nathalie, who is sick in bed. Oh, and also watching those dumb as shit video diaries from Emilie. It'd be easier to by that she "just wants Adrien to be free" when she was complicit in Adrien living in isolation his entire life up until now. And her watching those videos on LOOP doesn't make Nathalie a good person, writers, she has known about them this entire time and STILL was fully complicit in Gabe's efforts to keep Adrien under his thumb. Stop babying her and have her face the consequences of her aiding and abetting a terrorist like a fucking adult.
Also, why the fuck is Gabe assuming Nathalie would know where Adrien is, or why she would even tell him!? Bullshit attempt at making her sympathetic aside, she's very visibly IN NO SHAPE to have helped him, and wouldn't tell Gabe anything. Oh, and Gabe FINALLY seems to FUCKING GET THAT NATHALIE IS NOT ON HIS FUCKING SIDE!!! Little bit late for that, Gabe, considering she once put you in a fucking armlock and called you insane to your face. Are you delusional or just stupid!? ...probably both.
And it's ONLY NOW that he takes the Ring from her. NOW. God fucking DAMMIT, none of this is adding tension. This is literally Gabe just being too fucking stupid in that he's only taking actions to consolidate his power AFTER DOING SO NO LONGER MATTERS. This man is not competent. This man is a rabid DOG that needs to be put down before he gets people killed.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng! I'm sure he went to find her!" Wow, it's as if it's the obvious thing to do after someone forcibly separates you against your will from your girlfriend! Seriously, this is not a big brain moment for Gabe, this is him realizing the fucking obvious way too fucking late, as per usual.
Okay, now we actually get a moment of Gabe using his brain by using an Akuma as a spying tool- Nevermind, he's just Akumatizing himself, AGAIN, to try and scare Adrien out into the open and obeying him, because OBVIOUSLY that won't backfire and doesn't involve him pointlessly putting himself at risk of getting captured and defeated for good!!
One thing that really baffles me about this current stupidity is how Gabe doesn't seem to question how Adrien would even be able to GET to Marinette, you know, considering that even if he left, Adrien would still have to travel from London all the way to Paris, and it's not like he can get on a plane in anything approaching a timely manner!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled instance of Marinette being gaslit by Felix!! Felix leads Marinette away from the party (still wearing Adrien's get-up), and Adrien himself arrives and overhears his "friends" talking about Marinette and Adrien not being there. Heck, Nino even mentions that they would've helped him if he just told him! Which, yeah, they would've, nice going leaving all your friends, not just your girlfriend, in the lurch like that bud. But I'm laughing at Nino going "his dad can't have that much control over him." Do- do the writers not understand how parental rights and guardianship WORK?? Unless they can hire a good lawyer and make a rock-solid case why Gabe shouldn't have guardianship over Adrien anymore, there is jack-shit they could've done... not that I think Adrien was thinking about that in the slightest when he made his decision to keep it all to himself.
Nighttormenter, and WOW that is a crappy name, having the power to make their worst nightmares come to life would be more effective if it wasn't limited to just them having an image appear briefly in their heads. Like, it's a fucking waste; this is a power literally BUILT for emotional torment, and could give insights into the thoughts of his enemies, and it's a fucking let-down because it does nothing other then make people collapse to the ground clutching their heads. Like, we KNOW he could've made it do more, we've literally seen a better version of this power with Sandboy, why the FUCK is this the best he can do!?
And after Nighttormentor runs for the hills to try and find where Marinette is (despite LITERALLY having a power that causes immediate debilitating suffering and Chat Noir right in front of him), Nino decides to get... sigh... "The Resistance" involved. Which I can't even pretend to take seriously.
Marinette rushing after Felix through the streets of Paris... what is the point of all this? Like, for real, he had PLENTY of chances and ways he could've covertly taken her aside and talked with her. All this? This is just torturing her by forcing her to run through the city (is she wearing HEELS!?) in the vain hope she'll see her boyfriend again after watching him be dragged away onto a plane before.
...It's the school. He went to all the freaking trouble of gaslighting her by imitating Adrien, leading her on a goose chase throughout Paris, crying her eyes out while dressed in clothing absolutely inappropriate for running through the streets at night, just to get to the school. (Inhales deeply) FELIX YOU ABSOLUTE MOTHERFUCKING COCKEATING PISS-SOCKET SON OF CANNIBALISTIC WHORE I AM GOING TO RIP YOUR SPINE OUT AND MAKE A BACKSCRATCHER FROM IT YOU PIECE OF UNSANITARY SELF-SERVING SLIME BALL!!!!!
Okay, glad I got that out. That was... a very ugly feeling.
Oh wow, the room he lead her all over Paris to had a picture of her and Adrien and now she's crying over it, way to go Felix, you must feel so proud of yourself! Hey, Kagami, what a catch, right? You must feel so happy your boytoy tormented your alleged friend, don't you? After all, you wouldn't go along with all this nonsense if you didn't approve, right? You wouldn't torture someone you call a friend just because, right? THERE IS SOME DEEPER, HUMANE REASON BEHIND ALL THIS, RIGHT!?!?
"Then it's wonderful!" Duusu... I'm gonna bitch-slap you.
Alright, a reprieve from my burning anger, Nighttormentor is in Marinette's room and throwing a hissy fit over her creepy love shrine to Adrien. It'd be understandable if it weren't for the fact his hatred is because someone HE didn't pick DARES to pursue his "creation." And after briefly subduing Chat Noir, Nighttormentor once again misses a prime opportunity to subdue him and take his Miraculous, because obviously missing out on the perfect chance to accomplish his ultimate goal right here and now is worth being a parasitic control freak towards the poor boy who has the misfortune of being his son.
One dive through Voyage alongside Nighttormentor, and now back to our regularly scheduled bullshit!
...This is really the best he could come up with. Having an Amok put on... a bad play involving him and Kagami acting out roles on screen. Instead of, you know, just TELLING HER THE TRUTH!?
I would face-palm at Marinette automatically assuming she's looking at "Adrien" and Kagami if it weren't for the fact that FELIX HAS BEEN FUCKING GASLIGHTING THE HELL OUT OF HER ALL FUCKING NIGHT!!!
Okay, play begins, and he's... telling her about the backstory of the Graham de Vanily twins (Amilie and Emilie).
Now back to Nighttormentor! Somehow we missed a bunch of steps since Nighttormentor is staring out at fireworks on a rooftop, and Chat Noir is somehow far enough behind him he needs to make a running attack... Seeing how THIS occurred would be more interesting than whatever fever dream Gaslight Piss-stain and the Wind-up Doll that is his Girlfriend cooked up. And NOW the Akuma FINALLY focuses on what Akumas are MEANT to focus on and gives Chat Noir his full attention rather than wasting his time throwing his little hissy fit, and all it took was Chat calling him out on being a shit dad!!
The one thing I'll say about this episode, even discounting the gaps in fight scenes, the current battle between Chat Noir and Nighttormentor is actually entertaining. Like, him timing a Voyage to perfectly dodge Chat Noir's attack, and Chat Noir landing so hard he shatters the ground behind Nighttormentor, while snarling that he's a coward. Why can't we see Adrien LIKE THIS as a civilian, instead of a mopey brat? WHY!?
Back to the shitty play, apparently "Daughter One" was a wild child who went against her parents' wishes to live her own life whenever she could, whereas "Daughter Two" was an indoors kid who wanted her parents' approval. Still no fucking clue why Marinette needs to KNOW ANY OF THIS BULLCRAP. Oh, and apparently Marinette is actually invested in the play. Not sure why, since if I was in her shoes, I'd have been pissed and screaming at the two by this point for dragging her all over town, tormenting her by making her think Adrien was back, and taking her away from her friends... for a FUCKING PLAY.
And apparently Emilie and Amilie's parents were control freaks. No clue if that's true or not, or if it's the biases of Amilie bleeding into Gaslighting Shit-Weasel, who bleeds it into the play. Either way, it fits the "All Rich People are Evil Bastards (unless I say they aren't)" attitude Astruc has going on in the writing.
Okay, "Daughter One" is Emilie, and they described her immediately finding "true love in a humble tailor." Now, to avoid going on a screaming rant again, I'm just gonna summarize what's wrong with this scene: firstly, it once again pins "true love" onto a relationship and idealizes romance without engaging with the toxic elements that can occur, acting as if Emilie and Gabe's relationship HAD to have been pure and wholesome without any issues, because 'that's how romance works' or some shit. Secondly, it carries the common undercurrent of the show demonizing wealth and success by implying that the "Gabe" Emilie fell in love with is practically a different person from Gabriel Agreste, treating Gabe as having once been a kind, loving man... while once again ignoring how Emilie and Gabe both kept Adrien isolated and controlled throughout his entire childhood, and both were complicit in keeping him alone.
Oh, and the fact it had Kagami (As "Emilie") swooning in Felix's arms is fucking disgusting given how many unhealthy undertones there are to their "relationship." Also, Marinette seems to be catching on to who they seem to be talking about.
Second Scene: Apparently Gabe used to be a more altruistic designer whose designs emphasized how he worked to bring out and enhance the natural beauty of the wearer rather than dictate HOW they can be considered beautiful. Again, this scene carries the vibe of the writers side-stepping how much of a toxic control freak Gabe is to push the narrative that "fame and success corrupted him."
Third Scene: Emilie apparently gave up all of her prior connections to her family to live her own life. (Sighs in contempt) Yeah, I was kinda expecting this. It's exactly the same kind of vibe that Astruc pushes online and pushed in the form of how Chloe, Audrey, Zoe, and Andre are written; being wealthy and successful is inherently a "bad thing" and to be a good person you have to "give up your privileges and live humbly." I'm feeling a bit of spiteful glee at the fact that Gabe is really exactly the kind of person her parents would have approved of, going by the vibes I'm getting; a control freak who gained incredible wealth and success in his chosen fields and grinds anyone who goes against his design under his thumb. Also, them once again pushing the "wealth and success are bad!!" narrative falls flat on its face by the fact that their "successful trial run" to "prove" that giving up your wealth and "privileges" makes you happier (Andre) only gave up his office and still owns a ludicrously successful and important Hotel, and never actually made any kind of amends for the harm he caused, he just acted like he got his happy ending when all he did was get rid of a responsibility and leaving it up for grabs.
Fourth Scene: The Wedding Rings apparently used to be a single ring, for some reason, and Emilie apparently is of the belief that 'babies make everything better' in how she (Kagami acting as Emilie) said that "we only require a child for our happiness to be complete." Like, I get wanting a kid, there's nothing wrong with that. But acting as if you absolutely NEED a kid is not a healthy mindset, especially if you have no way of knowing if you are even really fit to RAISE a kid (newsflash, they aren't), and to me it illustrates that, despite claiming she's free and gave up her attachments to her family and their means, Emilie picked up way more from them then she realizes. They idealized having an heir, just as Emilie idealizes having a child of her own.
Pulling back the nostalgia shades that the writers seem to have placed on the scene, this scenario paints Emilie as a spoiled brat to me. It frames her childhood as having a lot of expectations placed on her, only for her to shirk those responsibilities and run wild, doing whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. Even if her parents disapproved, they never sincerely tried to stop her. Heck, when she got older, they literally let her study abroad and get away from them and live her own life. And when they finally put their foot down when she insisted a random tailor she met in Paris was her "one true love" she cut them out of her life in a fit of spite.
Now, I'm not saying she should've been obligated to do whatever her parents wanted, and I think that them insisting on putting the burden of being their heir onto her while apparently neglecting her sister was toxic and unfair... but Emilie, by all accounts, didn't have ANY of the typical burdens the heir to a noble or royal family would have, in the modern era or the past. But the ONE TIME it seems like her parents EVER really were strict with her, she cut them out of her life without a care in the world, and essentially stole a family heirloom to make into her wedding rings in the process. Heck, they might've disapproved of Gabe because they could tell he was secretly really toxic, we don't know! But the vibe this image paints for me is much less optimistic and idealized then the writers intended.
Now, back to Amilie's side of the story, without her sister around, and still eager to please their parents, she agreed to marry a weapons manufacturer (who is portrayed as such an obnoxiously offensive American Stereotype I'd probably be screaming if my rage hadn't reached the point of tranquility) that they introduced her to, Colt Fathom. Apparently her parents and Colt all wanted her to have a kid and were really eager for it. Colt is stated to be "heartless." Amilie is not presented as having wanted a kid herself.
...The reading this comes across to me is that this story is Amilie's perspective of her childhood, with her older sister living an idealized life of freedom and romance with someone she loved, while Amilie resigned herself to misery due to being unable to not please her parents and bow to their wishes. I'd even go so far as to say that the only reason that Emilie's portrayed as good as she is is because Amilie is projecting all her childhood resentment onto her parents and the circumstances they shaped for her, with the irony that Emilie really kind of WAS the heir they wanted in how not only was Emilie the family favorite, she even wanted to have a child, an "heir," just like their parents wanted. Or at least it is at this stage. I feel like I know what's coming up.
Okay, back to Nighttormentor, with him having apparently once again abandoned his focusing on Chat Noir in favor of his temper tantrum in tracking down Adrien. Oh, and Chat Noir basically unloading his problems with his dad through the veil of anonymity by ripping into how shitty Gabe is as a father. Naturally, Gabe doesn't give a damn about someone criticizing his parenting skills, but this scene would honestly be awesome if this was how Adrien acted around Gabe in their civilian lives instead of only having the guts to say it when Gabe is unable to recognize him.
Also, the fact that Gabe is sincerely delusional enough to believe that ADRIEN IS HAPPY with everything he's done is just plain disturbing. Anyone so twisted that they could believe being under another person's thumb like that is a good thing, that someone would be happy being so controlled, is fucked up in the head. This isn't the kind of attitude that comes from nowhere. This is how Gabe has always been, it's just only now that the veil of sanity is coming down. That "Humble Tailor" never existed; he was always a monster, he just used to be better at hiding it.
Okay, back to the play, and we learn that neither Amilie nor Emilie were able to get preggers. Amilie was probably secretly happy, since she apparently wasn't really all that invested in having a kid, whereas Emilie was more sincerely upset. After all their struggles, Emilie apparently swallowed her pride and went back to her parents to ask for help; the fact that they apparently didn't turn her away for defying them, let her keep her life with Gabe without any apparent strings attached, and even helped get her treatments to get pregnant... I'm thinking my "Emilie was actually a spoiled brat whose parents coddled her" theory is spot on. Even after essentially running away from home to be with a guy who would turn out to be awful to their future son, nothing yet indicates that they made her miserable over her choices and just accepted she was home. Heck, they could've demanded she give back the rings she took, but didn't, and unlike when Felix stole them, they would've been in their rights to do so given that the rings legally belonged to them in the first place.
Next we learn that Emilie "was pregnant" with imagery of the Peacock (REAL subtle there, Astruc), and apparently Colt got insanely jealous over it. Which, I can honestly understand to some extent; ignoring the confusion that Emilie and Gabe apparently created a Sentichild INSIDE HER to grow like a regular baby gives me, they apparently never bothered to share with Emilie's sister, who was also struggling to find a way to get pregnant, that they had found a means to overcome their implied infertility. ANYONE who honestly wanted a child and was left out of the loop of a means to do so would probably be pissed off and jealous.
Heck, honestly, his jealousy doesn't even seem to be for himself. He's jealous on behalf of his wife, that SHE deserved to have a child more than the spoiled brat who ran away from home and got hitched to a tailor she met in Paris and married with stolen rings. Even if his attitude his unacceptable, his feelings are somewhat understandable; not only did she run away from home, abandon her family, then come crawling back to get treatment for her infertility, when she FOUND a method to overcome, she couldn't even be bothered to share it with her twin sister? WHO DOES THAT SHIT!?
While his confrontation with Gabe was harsh, the fact that Gabe's response to being confronted was to act coy and essentially snub his stepbrother... yeah. I really do not buy the whole "used to be an idealistic, humble tailor" routine; I'm pretty sure he was totally fine leaving his extended family out to dry so long as his branch of it benefited. One positive point on Emilie's side, she apparently had the good conscience to eventually realize that keeping a means of getting pregnant away from her sister who (she thought) wanted a child herself after she had benefited from it and talked Gabe into talking with Colt about it. I'm honestly baffled on how Gabe knew that the Peacock "would have a price to pay" given that Emilie hadn't shown any signs by this point (since this was apparently shortly after she got pregnant and her "fading" took place over several YEARS), yet never actually bothered to TELL Colt what that price would be.
Also, apparently he was "given" Adrien's bodyguard in exchange for the Miraculous... because just hiring a competent bodyguard normally and giving his stepbrother and stepsister the thing that would allow them to have a child for free as a favor to his wife would be too big of an ask. Yeah, the vibe of "Emilie's parents opposed her marrying Gabe because they could smell the slime on him" is getting stronger with this scene.
And aside from being briefly freaked out over the idea of using magic to create a kid, Colt went along with it. The narration says that it was his jealousy that created the child (Felix) but given this is all second hand via Felix himself, it could've been anything. Similarly, when it shows him hesitating to touch Amilie's pregnant belly, the reasoning could be just about anything. Naturally, the narrative is gonna paint this as him being bigoted against his son, but the root cause is that we simply don't know anything beyond what Felix says, and I don't trust a word he says in the slightest. And the scene ends with the narration having both women give birth "to two boys as similar as their mothers were," which is kinda bizarre as I don't know why that would happen in the slightest, even if "jealousy" were a factor in the equation.
And NOW we get a scene showing off how fucked up Nighttormentor's power is with a fully detailed scene showing Adrien's nightmare. And apparently his nightmare is him getting Akumatized and ending up causing something like Chat Blanc to take place. ...Okay, back the fuck up, WHEN WAS THIS EVER HINTED AT!? Chat doesn't even KNOW about Chat Blanc, how could THIS be his worst fucking nightmare!? You can't say it's because of him being afraid of cataclysming someone, given he was fully willing to fly off the handle and do it to "Dark Humor," yet he's somehow upset he did it to Hawkmoth!? AND AGAIN, HE HAS NO WAY OF EVEN KNOWING WHAT A WORLD IN WHICH HE CATACLYSMED EVERYONE WOULD EVEN LOOK LIKE!! Why would THIS be his worst nightmare!? It's completely unconnected to all of his personal hardships and struggles!!
It'd make more sense (if make me roll my eyes) if his "nightmare" was him acting as Gabe's model son and breaking up with Marinette to be with Kagami... and then Marinette just shrugs, goes "I never loved you anyway, have fun being under your dad's thumb" with all of his friends abandoning him to his fate and laughing at him or something. THAT would fit his character more then having THIS scene crammed in out of nowhere. Oh, and apparently Nighttormmentor can communicate with the people he's put into nightmares? When was THAT implied, ANYWHERE!? If this were a reveal that Nighttormentor can somehow control what nightmares he gives people, it'd be a cool reveal and make for a good explanation as to why Chat's secret wasn't blown wide open. But it's not the case, it's just an excuse to have Chat lose his confidence and act like a weepy baby.
I seriously do not get why Nighttormentor didn't just yank it off of Chat's finger. There's no reason for mind games. His power just works, so obviously he can just take it and Chat's in no shape to stop him. This? All this scene does is neuter the one badass scene Chat has genuinely gotten this season for... dumb shit.
Now, back to the lame play that makes me want to light things on fire!
Alright, we're at the scene where we learn that Colt got sick from using the Peacock Miraculous, and projected his fears onto a young Felix. Fear that later turned to hatred. You know, I feel like this might've been avoided if Gabe had just explained to Colt what he meant by "consequences" especially when Colt was obviously able to puzzle it out himself when the symptoms started. Because Colt was right, he WAS experiencing the consequences, but it's not because he made a kid with Magic (I wouldn't be surprised if Colt thought it was some "equivalent exchange, life for a life" bullshit), but because the thing he used to do it was busted and thus dangerous to use.
(Inhales deeply) Yeah. This pisses me off. We have wasted... basically HALF THIS FUCKING EPISODE devoted to Felix wangsting about his life. Like, yeah, Colt yelling at him and calling him a monster (possibly worse) is incredibly fucked up. But given that prior episodes this season were whitewashing Felix's bad actions, I have a sinking feeling where this is going.
Okay, yup, looks like Colt became a toxic, verbally abusive control freak. Honestly, on the orders thing, given Colt was apparently so ill that the scenery of the play implies he was constantly bed ridden and on monitors for his vitals, I'm not certain how aware he was of all that was going on. Needless to say, Colt was an abusive fuck, but the way the play implies that Gabe was somehow better, when he helped contribute to all this by withholding the truth from Colt, was deliberately vague about the "consequences" his miraculous child would bring about to him, and even using the situation to extort a bodyguard from Colt... yeah, Colt's an abusive fuck. No doubt about it. But the way this play implies Gabe wasn't his own flavor of "monster" is infuriating.
Also, if they are trying to use this to imply why Felix dislikes Sentis being called Monsters, it rings hollow when he has zero fucking problem labeling the rich kids at the Diamond Dance as "monsters" despite none of them calling either him or Marinette monsters. Did they remind him of his father? Who knows? All I know is that the worst they did was act like snobby brats, and he took that as justification to try and murder them with his Sentimonster of a Red Moon.
See, what kills me about this scene is that, if Colt was such an abusive monster, then why in the world would Felix cop an attitude to Adrien during his debut attitude and try to shame Adrien over his father's death? Why did he go out of his way to impersonate Adrien and try to ruin his personal life? Why? Why!? WHY!? The one, ONE, possible redeeming trait regarding his behavior in that episode was him lashing out over his father's passing, but if his father was such a piece of shit, then that flies out the window and he treated ADRIEN like shit just for giggles!! I sincerely fucking doubt Colt ordered Felix before his death to ruin Adrien's life, so all that bad attitude was ALL him. Heck, the episode says he was trying to look for the Peacock; WHEN!? He never did ANYTHING to try and find it, he just spent the entire time harassing Adrien, ruining Adrien's personal life, and acting like a snobby brat (just like those rich kids he criticized/tried to murder) while Amilie tried to bully and emotionally manipulate Gabe into handing over the family rings that Emilie had taken when she ran away from home and eloped with him.
..."He had to steal other magical objects to make an exchange." THE ABSOLUTE FUCK HE DID!! He KNEW Gabe was Hawkmoth, he KNEW Gabe wouldn't recognize him under the influence of a Miraculous, he had the PERFECT Miraculous to steal the Peacock and get away with it, THERE WAS NO FUCKING REASON TO MAKE AN "EXCHANGE!!" He literally only did it because he could, and mocked Ladybug over it. This!? THIS IS BULLSHIT!!! THIS IS UTTER HORSESHIT!!! THIS IS COMPLETE AND UTTER DOGSHIT!!! SHIT!!!!!
"The day I lost the Miraculous!" No, Marinette, the day Felix STOLE THE MIRACULOUS and gave them to Hawkmoth in a pointless deal he could've avoided but didn't because he didn't give a shit if he made the lives of you or the rest of Paris harder in the process.
Now, we get a scene of Nighttormentor oh so carefully reaching to take the Cat Miraculous, when the Resistance shows up, and the best Nino can say is "Why do you have to be so mean to people!?" Wow, much impress. What a great burn.
Oh, and he just stood there and let them throw stuff at him when he's the one with superpowers and literally has the perfect power to incapacitate them with. And whatever badass factor he gained this episode (Negative 1, but he's normally negative 10) just dropped down nine whole points. What a fucking joke.
"And the miraculous boy met a girl like him. They fell in love." No. No you didn't. That is as rotten as you claiming you came to Gabe's house to find the Peacock to try and save your life, while ignoring how you did nothing the entire visit besides steal the rings for your mother and tormented your cousin and damaged his social life. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up, right now.
"They just wanted to be free." Kagami... Felix already WAS free by that point, there's no way Gabe would ever bother undoing him, and you had made a point of already breaking the limitations your mother set for you, AND unlike Gabe and Colt, she actually let you have your Amok, so she never enforced orders on you. You can't pretend that Felix has done ANYTHING to help you be free. He hasn't. He's just put you in a new cage, and made it look nicer.
...This entire stupid as hell play to explain information Marinette never needed when they could've just told her "we're sentimonsters, Gabe is Hawkmoth, PLEASE stop him. Please." Fuck this shit.
And now Felix and Kagami are doing the echoey voice thing that has them talk to Marinette while not even being in the room. Fuck that. Fuck this. Fuck these shitty writers.
Oh, and the writers trying to draw parallels about having "to lie all the time," which in this context I guess is meant to imply that Felix and Kagami are "forced to lie," despite nothing implying that's the case, when Felix has rather gleefully lied and manipulated others in the past, and Kagami is no longer under any threat of being compelled to lie and is just enabling her mother's abusive attitude (I would normally never go there, but the writing is just that bad).
Now it's morning, Gabe was defeated without Ladybug, and all of Felix's attitude about the rights and plights of the Sentis is a load of shit as the utterly meaningless Sentimonster he created was erased as soon as he no longer needed it.
"Will she have the courage to face the father of the boy she loves?" Given that said "father" is an abusive piece of garbage who has threatened her career, her love life, her actual life (as both Ladybug and Marinette), and her friend's lives for MONTHS NOW, I'd say she is fully willing to face him because NOT FACING HIM IS NOT AN OPTION YOU FUCKING MORON.
And Argos and Kagami share a kiss. Please wait a moment while I hurl.
...Oh, and Adrien has a panic attack/PTSD episode when he tries to go tell Marinette the truth. Ah yes, because clearly an artificial and utterly nonsensical nightmare that Gabe crammed in his head with Akuma powers regarding a knock off of an alternate future that technically never happened would totally traumatize him to the point of being unable to confess the truth to his girlfriend and there's no way this isn't the writers forcing more needless drama in place!
...They are seriously fucking going with "Ladybug didn't undo the Akuma's damage, the nightmare's still there!" Dude, if that were the case, YOU NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO EVEN MOVE YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
And now that the episode is over, we end on a scene of Kagami and Adrien being put through "White Torture." What WONDERFUL parents they have. What fucking bullshit.
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taldigi · 5 months
Do you think you could have liked Adrien more if his assholish moments were on purpose?
On- hold up. Are you saying his shitty behavior is outside of his own control? Like all those times he leans in for a kiss on a girl who clearly doesn't like it or all those times he throws a tantrum and threatens to disown plagg cuz the girl he likes doesn't like him back? Or that time he was so angry because ladybug didn't get him when he wanted that he destroyed a ton of property.
Listen here's my flash rewrite of Adrian.
See he's like 14 right? And his mom is very dead. This is incredibly traumatizing, since no Doctor could ever figure out what was slowly killing her. After she finally disappears out of her sick bed, he resolves himself to become a doctor and find out what actually killed her.
This isn't what his father wants from him, as he wants him to inherit the family Business, aka the fashion company Gabriel. But as long as he is staying out of trouble and off the streets of Paris and is continuing to do his modeling for said business then Gabriel grits his teeth through this silly delusion that he has.
So he keeps him very busy doing things that he wants him to do. He wants him to learn a couple languages so he can do business internationally after all children are better at learning languages than adults are. Sure there's Chinese, but there's also English and Hindi and Even a little Spanish. He's got to stay fit and look good for the modeling career so he's got a sport to do. It's not the one Adrian would have chose, but it gets him away from the house for a bit and actually lets him talk to other kids, so he likes it enough.
However very occasionally on the way home from said practice he uses his puppy eyes to sneak off to the library and pick up a couple books that he stays up late reading. He's a little rebellious like that. It's a little thrilling, and each new book puts him a little closer to pre-med.
His father can't control him forever after all, he's only got four more years until he's a legal adult, and maybe by then his dad will respect him a little more. If he does everything right, if he does everything to make him happy, you know maybe. And there's no harm in being prepared.
Suddenly his father becomes incredibly distant. It's not like he wasn't before, but it's even more so now. He doesn't even see him at dinner sometimes. It's just him and the nanny... And as much as he likes him, he's not one for enticing conversation. See, Adrian is quite a social butterfly and he enjoys talking to people but he never is allowed to do so.
Flash forward, he finds his first little buddy in plagg, who finds his pleasant and sociable demeanor quite charming and hopes to corrupt him one day. So he encourages him to do something he's always wanted to do... Get out of the house. And so he does. Little escape. A little vacation. No one would notice because He didn't have anything to do and nobody needed his attention so... What's the harm in... You know, taking a bit of a walk right? Dang who does he bump into? Oh man maybe Marinette? Nino? School starts next week and they're excited to see him since they think he is a new kid, and old boy what an idea. How fun would school be? Being able to actually learn and talk to people? So now he has a new wish in his heart. And it's all thanks to his little kitty buddy.
He would ultimately be the same. Being very pleasant and nice. But instead of being oblivious, he's just destructed. He's got his nose in a book or he is failing to traverse a social situation because he's not very well socialized. In fact a lot of people don't really like Adrian that much. They think he's a little weird. It takes several seasons for people to start liking him. But Marinette knows better because she met him earlier and he she has bothered to get to know him. In fact they consider themselves friends. And I hate the stupid unable to talk to her crush joke because it destroys both characters and their development.
His dream to be a doctor would be a driving force for him throughout the series. The more he learns about magic The closer he gets to discovering the mystery of what happened to his mother. He eventually comes to the questioning realization that no amount of doctorly training or medical knowledge would have saved his mother and so he spirals into a depression.
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pro-bee-sisters · 1 year
Re-creation Rewrite for The Lost Miraculous:
1. Gabriel will not redeem, Adrien will find out the truth, and vows to never be like his dad. He also gets disowned by Adrien and is put in jail where he belongs.
2. Félix will also not redeem, and Adrien calls him out and disowns him for all the pain and misery he has cause to not only him but his friends as well. Oh and Kagami will tell him to fuck off because getting them together was stupid and pointless.
3. Chloé will be the temporary Guardian of the Australian Miracle Box because Don Undra will be going on "vacation" for a while (i.e. Africa and Brazil) and he needs someone to run the shop while he's gone. Chloé does know what he means by vacation, but she doesn't say anything.
4. Aurore, Mireille, and Wayhem will become members of the team with their Australian Miraculouses, but under Chloé's guidance. The other Australian Miraculouses will be used by the French Miraculous team, but only for emergencies or when necessary.
5. Nathalie adopts Adrien and tells him that she does feel remorse for what she has done with Gabriel and only wanted him to be happy for her sake. Adrien believes her, but also tells her he doesn't forgive her. Which she understands.
Adrien: "My mother may have want me to forgive you, but I can't right now, Nathalie. I'm truly sorry."
Nathalie: "It’s gonna take a while for me to atone for this sin. I understand. It’s no one's fault, but mine and your father's."
6. Félix does meet Lila (Yeah no, she's not Cerise or whatever bullshit they came up with, she will always be Lila) and seeing how he failed to get what he wanted, Lila with the Butterfly Miraculous teams with him as Argos and her as (depending on what her name will, but for now, Imma just use my fan name for her) Lady Falena.
Lila: "And together, we'll stop not just Ladybug and her allies, but also all the miraculous holders in the world. New York, Shanghai, you name it. All the Miraculouses and its other sources of power will be ours and ours forever!"
Félix: (smiles evilly) "I like that very much, partner."
(Both reach out their hands and shake them)
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awakefor48hours · 9 months
I was thinking about it some more and I just realized that the final battle is the first time in which Gabriel really had nothing to lose. Throughout the series, Adrien and Nathalie have always been on his side. Adrien did his best to be supportive of his father and Nathalie was always by his side, even using a broken Miraculous to help him. But in the end, Adrien had all but disowned him and Nathalie died. If Gabriel had won, he would have no one to come home to.
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sillyangstfic · 2 months
Woke up and got to thinking again! First off, I think that Felix would at least appreciate becoming human because staying a sentimonster would mean outliving everyone he loves and I don't think he's emotionally stable enough for that. Neither is Adrien. But I've taken your input and have reworked it: instead of making them fully human, the potion just makes their human side more dominant. This makes it so that they're less durable than a sentimonster but more than the average human + them no longer being tied to an amok (or their own heart/soul/brain becomes the amok). Why do I want this? Just for the sake of one fucking scene:
Gabriel, paranoid that Felix was onto him, stole the ring that used to be his amok. Adrien and Felix confront Gabriel in his Hawkmoth lair for everything, all the pain and suffering he caused. When Gabriel's usual bullshit doesn't work, he tries to use to amoks to force the pair into obedience. Except it doesn't work and he bluescreens at his loss of control. Adrien and Felix transform and Gabriel fucking loses it. Cue super awesome emotional battle between Chat Noir & Argos VS Hawkmoth while they wait for the rest of team miraculous to show up.
Also, hot take: Amélie should be the one to kill off Gabriel. The bastard spent years neglecting her nephew, deprived her sister of a good death sorrounded by loved ones, tried to kill her nephew on multiple occasions, and tried to kill her son. There's also an element of FINALLY having a competant adult in the room because all of team miraculous are CHILDREN and Fu did jack shit for them. They need a competant adult to take care of them and handle the problem's they never should've had in the first place.
Seriously just let her casually walk up to Gabriel and stab him and just leave him for dead as she moves on to care for her kids.
Bonus: You are absolutely right, we should've had a PeaDragonSnake (PDS) trio. Be it platonically, a polycule, or just a Golden Trio scenario where only two are dating but the three are so inseparable that you can't tell who's dating who. Personally I'm partial to the final option with FeLuka + Bi Kagami desperately pining for Zoé. Zoé is pining just as hard but is too much of a gay disaster to approach and Chloé is making Kagami travel to The Lands of fucking Morder and retrieve the Sword from the Stone just to prove herself worthy of even considering dating her sister. Here are the fics that converted me: FeLuka & ZoeGami.
I have a particular scene in mind where the trio is just blackout drunk. Kagami is serenading really bad poetry to describe Zoé's beauty while Felix & Luka are just making out in the background. Amelie picks them up before clothes start flying. Cut to another bar where its Chloe, Sabrina, and Adrien blackout drunk. Chloe is smugly recording Adrien being pathecially whiny that Marinette isn't picking up (it's like 2 am) and is starting to cry while Zoe is having gay panic at how pretty Kagami is in that photo. She shares it with the whole class.
In addition, Kagami's confrontation with her mother should've been a sword fight on top of a skyscraper in the middle of a storm. There's a barrier preventing Chat Noir and Ladybug from entering, on one side ya got Kagami (no miraculous, just a cool sword blessed by Longg) and on the other ya got (willingly) akumatized Tomoe. Tomoe is spouting her usual controlling bullshit while Kagami is silent and glaring daggers at her mother. The only other people in the dome are Luka and Felix who refuse to leave Kagami without backup. Cue epic fight scene that ends with Tomoe losing both her arms and a leg. Kagami also loses a few chunks of skin. It ends with Kagami taking away her mother's ring and disowning her as a traitor to the Tsurugi clan unworthy of the name (oh how the turns have tabled). Meanwhile Tomoe is absolutely terrified of how beastial her daughter became and backs off. Both stubborn bitches refuse Ladybug's miracle cure cause they need the scars to remember. (inspiration)
After that, conversation at the Tsurugi household is practically dead. Tomoe is ashamed at her loss and breaks just thinking about her prosthetics. Meanwhile, Kagami healed rather nicely (curtesy of the side effects) and is thriving while she switches between the Couffaine boathouse and the Graham de Vanily penthouse.
Ykw that scene’s pretty good human!senticousins propaganda
Also hello? How is this the first I’m hearing of this. Amelie should absolutely get to murder Gabe
Thank you for the fics also, Ima go read those
Okokok while I am a Feligami shipper, Zogami hits like hello? Oh yeah. Up there with Kagaminette for me
I think Kagami should get to write bad poetry about whoever her love interest is, and also anything and anything. I think she should be our Martin Blackwood and write horrible poetry for us
Chole getting blackmail material I see
Kagami sword fight?! Kagami sword fight?! Hell yes
Here’s my idea for that: I like the storm bit, and the showdown, top of a building is peak, but instead of Felix and Luka being there, them trying to be there, to support Kagami, but like LB and CN being unable to due to the storm
Hear me out: Kagami’s mother figures out that she’s the dragon miraculous user and uses that to get her alone on the roof, and then confronting her by handing Kagami (still transformed) her sword. Kagami, knowing she’s caught, decides to detransform and fight her mother like that, as her daughter. They battle and eventually Kagami wins, and her mother rejects the akuma on her own, accepting the loss
As a foil to Gabe, I’d have her mother learn from her mistakes. She cuts off her deals with Gabe and grows closer with her daughter. She listens to her wants more, and while she’s still strict and has high expectations, she also becomes more lenient about letting Kagami do what she wants and enjoys
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cornholio4 · 10 months
i am not sure what if you can do felinette with class salt/adrien salt included. but here is one,
Since we all know that Adrien is a bystander to all Lila's lies and not doing anything to stop. What if Felix went to the same class as Adrien but sitting next to Marinette as he develope a crush to her but also exposing what Adrien's facade really is. But what Lila doesn't know is that Felix doesn't like liars just like Marinette so in order to happen Lila decided to frame Marinette for something she didn't do except there is a twist to this one of the student who happen to be Aurore just passing by with her phone and Mirelle they see Lila about to push Marinette down the stairs where Felix is standing at the end they had their phone out to record it. While Mirelle decided to get the Ladyblog some karma by telling Nadja Chamack about the Ladyblog and how it turn out to be a tabloid & gossiper only now.
But the rest is up to you to finish!! You can also add Adrien in his part. But I rather Gabriel disown Adrien as he gave up his miraculous and re-married Nathalie instead.
Sorry I don’t do pro Félix stories
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sweetcloverheart · 2 years
Clover Rants Miraculously - No Defense
Spoilers for script/ s5 finale leaks below, so readers beware and all that!
“But why are people defending Lila and Chloe? They helped Hawkmoth and are cruel to Marinette for no reason!”
Look, if I have to choose between two teenyboppers acting out out of spite and a middle school celebrity crush and a grown man who’s actively making bad choices that are hurting his loved ones with himself not even giving a damn because “he just really loves his wife”, then the decision’s practically being made for me - especially if I’m told I have to treat said teenyboppers like they’re Satan incarnate solely because they’re big meanies to the MC instead of everything else they’ve done in series while the man in question has to be celebrated and given everything he wants despite all the pain and bs he’s put both the leads and entire city through because dead coma wife made him sad :C.
And at least the show was honest about Lila being that petty and egotistical enough to team up with a supervillain because it might give her power (and also ruin Marinette’s day) - half the stuff she pulls doesn’t surprise or upset me that much because I was told from the jump she’s a little jerk with no attempts to excuse/humanize it (or telling me I need to feel bad/like her or I’m “bad” too like with Gabe). Meanwhile, of the two times Chloe joined Gabemoth, one required him to go out of his way to manipulate and isolate her into saying yes (Like yeah, she was already told she couldn’t be QB anymore and shouldn’t have been that upset/shocked Ladybug got a different hero to help fight her parents, but that doesn’t change the fact that Gabriel and Nathalie purposely made Chloe think Ladybug didn’t want her help specifically so she’d turn on her more easily), while the other was Chloe...trying to get out of gym class and thus waits for an Akuma to just show up and posses her (as opposed to Lila straight up grabbing one from the air that just happened to be passing through and giving Gabemoth her own evil plan to take down LB just because), so that one was just a regular Akuma of the day plot with a minor twist. Otherwise, Chloe’s just a self-centered jerk who does whatever makes her feel like she’s the best but overall is frankly harmless (as Marinette and co either ignore her or quickly undo her nonsense) unless she’s throwing daddy’s mayor title around - something that was also told to me at the start. The fact that the show is only now trying to make these two seem like, King Ghidorah levels of evil/bad (especially when they took no time to help build up Lila to her future big bad status like they clearly wanted it to seem like due to never using her more) when they’re done nothing to really earn it (yes, even with the events of “Ladybug” and “Miracle Queen”) is...kind of silly, especially in comparison to Gabriel’s crimes. Yeah, they should face some form of consequence for the bullying and deliberate akumatization, but on a scale that actually matches those actions.
On the other side of it though, Gabriel is literally doing everything he can to make his son and said son’s girlfriend miserable as possible as he torments the people of the city into becoming his willing/unwilling goon squad to fight two magical teenagers for their Miraculous, yet we’re supposed to just see it as “a misunderstanding” and accept him getting rewarded with the wish and Emilie’s revival because “oh, just let the poor magical terrorist have his dead wife back! He really is sorry and feels bad about it - not enough not to use his son as a bargaining chip for an evil magical eugenics cult and backstab the heroine after she gives him a chance to repent and steal her magical objects to get the Wish, but he really rweally fweels bwad”. If Chloe has to be disowned and Lila forced into one of her many alt-identities as a result of their actions, then Gabriel should not get to have his happily ever after self-sacrifice, even if it does end up hurting Adrien in the long run.
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zenmastercharles · 1 year
Marinette, Adrien, Gabriel, and the Miraculous (Miraculous: Zen Master Style)
Everyone else has tried their hand at rewriting the disappointment that is Miraculous Ladybug, each with their own ups and downs, so I’ve decided to throw my hat in the ring. I’m going to rewrite this series from the ground up, episode by episode, season by season, special by special.. I don’t really have the motivation to write a full fanfiction, so I’m going to do the next best thing and do this bullet-point style. But before I hop into that, I want to talk about one of the most important parts of any rewrite or reboot: the characters. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Harmonia 
The first and most obvious change is that I’ve changed Marinette’s hero name. Ladybug, while very iconic, is in my opinion, a pretty basic and uninspired name. So, I’m changing it to Harmonia, based on the species of Ladybug with the exact same name. It still gives off peaceful and inspiring vibes whilst also being creative.
As for her personality, Marinette wouldn’t change that much in my rewrite. Except for, which is to be expected in every rewrite, her stalker-ish and obsessive tendencies.
Of course I’m keeping her massive crush on Adrien, but instead of having her stalk him, I’d just have her write down any information about him that naturally came across her path. Like, if she was scrolling on Instagram and she came across an interview where he said his favorite flavor is passionfruit, she’d just jot it down somewhere.
Also, she wouldn’t try to sabotage any other woman that shows even the slightest interest in Adrien. I’ve always felt that to be so cringe. Instead, I’d have her maybe show a twinge of jealousy and envy, but she pushes it down quickly.
She’d be shown being creative much more in my version, perhaps scenes of her designing in her room before an akuma attack or solving everyday problems with her resourcefulness. 
I’d also show her progressively becoming less clumsy and confident over the course of Season 1 and 2, really focusing on her first character arc.
Now, appearance. Marinette’s main outfit would be much more stylish in my version because, well, she’s an aspiring fashion designer and her canon outfit is unfathomably bland. I’d probably go with a pink shirt under denim overalls and jorts, along with some nice pink sneakers and black ankle socks.  
Her superhero outfit is getting a MASSIVE overhaul. Like her superhero name, it’s iconic but basic. I’d give it some more solid black accents, and I’d add some padded and armored bits, especially around the torso and the lower limbs, to make it look more like an actual beetle. And her hair would be tied up into space buns, like in her Multimouse outfit, along with a pair of thin bangs that would be structured to look like antennas. 
Finally, her backstory. I’m not changing much about her backstory, however, I am changing her past with Chloe.
See, Chloe and Marinette used to be best friends when they were, like, 10. Chloe was actually pretty chill back then, but something happened one day and Chloe just changed. She became a demanding and cruel bully. She tried to drag Marinette along for her schemes, but Marinette refused and Chloe disowned her. Marinette continued to try and talk Chloe out of her phase until Chloe pulled a prank on her so heinous that Marinette began believing that Chloe could never change. Chloe perceived Marinette’s refusal to help her bully people as a betrayal, so she replaced her with Sabrina and made it her mission to make Marinette’s life a living hell. She bullied Marinette for years, which shattered Marinette’s confidence. 
In this rewrite, she’s 15 instead of 14. I’ve always found it weird that she’s currently 14. Like, why would Fu even believe that a 14 year old is the right person to carry the burden of not only saving all of Paris, but being the Guardian of the Miraculous. And technically, she only turned 14 in Befana, so she was 13 when she got her Miraculous so she probably got all this responsibility dumped on her fresh out of puberty-oh my god, I’m getting off track.
And that’s it for Marinette, now, let’s move on to Adrien.
Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
I considered changing Chat Noir’s name for the same reason I did Ladybug’s, it’s just Black Cat in French. But I decided that Chat Noir actually flows pretty well, in fact, too well to change. 
For his personality, I decided to make him more like he was in the movie, but with some of the PV mixed in. Sheltered, a loner, kind of cold, closed off his emotions to the rest of the world, doesn’t have a lot of real friends but is still really popular because of his status and profession. He’s nice enough, but he doesn’t allow himself to get close to anyone, or for anyone to get close to him. That is until he meets Harmonia and falls head over heels for her. 
He still takes a bunch of extracurriculars and has heaps of pressure put onto him. His father’s still cold, distant, and controlling, but as Chat Noir, he feels free, his shoulders are lighter than ever, nobody can control him. It’s a nice parallel between him and Harmonia, transforming adds pressure for her while it relieves pressure for him. 
Regarding his love for Harmonia, being raised by Gabriel “Chief of Child Neglect” Agreste, Adrien doesn’t really know the best way to express complex emotions like love, more specifically, romantic love. 
You know that scene from Glaciator 2 where Kagami reveals that she was getting her relationship advice from a manga? Yeah, Adrien’s gonna do that. With guidance from the manga, Chat Noir’s gonna flirt heavily with Harmonia. He’s gonna be unloading all the rizz he can muster onto Harmonia, but it’s so bad that Harmonia thinks it’s all one big joke since Chat’s always making puns and jokes. 
Now for his design, like Marinette’s, it’s basic as hell. And it’s even more illogical for him because Marinette’s just a normal girl with a normal life but Adrien’s dad is literally one of the world’s most famous fashion designers. Almost every Adrien redesign gives him a coat so I’m gonna do that too. I’d probably give him a maroon knee-length victorian coat with the shirt he wears in canon underneath, along with some black dress pants and jodhpur boots. 
Honestly, I don’t have any problems with his superhero outfit, but I’ll still be changing it quite a bit. I want to give it more of a wild look since, in this version at least, it’ll symbolize Adrien letting go of his expectations. I'll be adding some gray accents along the suit, as well as giving him an unzipped, waist-length jacket, with some gray accents of its own. I’m gonna add some sharp points at the end of his gloves. His hair will be significantly messier and spikier. He’s still gonna have his belt tail, in fact, I’m gonna give him another one. Well to be more specific, he’ll have two belts. They’ll overlap with each other to form a sort of wide x-shape at his waist with a green belt buckle that has his insignia on it. He’ll still only have one belt tail though. 
Like Marinette, he’ll be 15 in this one, but he’ll turn 16 in Bubbler (or the episode that’s replacing it).
And now, let’s move on to our main antagonist, Gabriel Agreste.
Gabriel Agreste | Atlas
Okay, so I changed Hawk Moth’s name too, but only because while I was searching up other types of butterflies for reasons I can’t tell you because spoilers, I came across one literally called Atlas and that sounds so much cooler than Hawk Moth. 
Personality-wise, I’m just gonna do what the movie did because the movie did Gabriel so much better than the series did.
Before the identity reveal in Season 2, I’m going to have some scenes with Atlas that make it clear that his goal isn’t World Domination, but to make sure that the viewers know that he’s doing this to bring someone back to life.
And his costume, just Callimara’s redesign of him. She did it better than I could even dream of doing it. Her version is simply peak.
His backstory is where things change a bunch.
So basically, he and Emilie met when they were around Adrien and Marinette’s age, only a year or two younger. Emelie fell first but Gabriel fell harder, and eventually, they started dating. Things were all nice and stuff for a few years until Paris was overtaken by crime, gang bosses and stuff. Gabriel and Emilie didn’t know what to do until they met an old man. Somehow, they proved to this old man that they were pure of heart, so the old man gave them two magic jewels, the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous, and trained them to become heroes. It only took them half a year to bring the crime rate down significantly. After crime was rarer than you getting some bitches, the old man let them keep the Miraculouses, even after they retired from the hero positions. However, unbeknownst to them, in their last scuffle, the Peacock Miraculous was hit head-on with some kind of magic bullet and was damaged. Emelie got increasingly sick as she continued to wear the Miraculous, unaware that it was the source of the sickness until it was too late. So, only seven years after their son, Adrien, was born, Emilie tragically passed. The effect this had on Gabriel was tremendous. He blamed the old man and the Miraculouses for Emilie’s death, so he renounced Nooroo. He was so grief-stricken that he slipped into a depressive state, inadvertently becoming neglectful and emotionally abusive towards Adrien. He felt like he lost his other half. It all came to a head after years, he couldn’t take it anymore. He needed Emelie back. Then, he remembered something the old man had told him all those years, that the power of the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous when unified could warp reality and grant any wish. He knew the old man still had it, so he spent months trying to track him down to no avail. However, one night, he was struck with a genius idea. He came to the conclusion that the old man must’ve either given them to someone else or is planning to. So he decided that there was no better way to draw out superheroes than creating supervillains. He reclaimed the Butterfly Miraculous and started his crusade as Atlas.
I was so damn dramatic with that one lmao. 
Anyway, onto the Miraculous themself. 
The Miraculous
For the base concept of the Miraculouses, they’re pretty much the same. Mystical jewelry inhabited by deities that each embody a unique concept. What changes for the most part, is the power system linked to these Miraculous.
One of the bigger changes is that a Kwami can choose their holder. When someone becomes a Miraculous holder, it’s kind of like signing a contract. If the Kwami chooses you, you have a choice between accepting or denying them. The Kwami bonds with your soul and mind, making it so that taking someone’s Miraculous isn’t as easy as just taking off the jewel. If a holder doesn’t want the Miraculous anymore, they can renounce it, but it only works once. If you reclaim it after that, it’s bonded to you until death. However, the guardians do know a technique that can forcefully sever the bond between a Kwami and Holder.
Instead of one power, each Miraculous has a variety of powers. A wielder can unlock a new power by overcoming a treacherous mental burden or limit, strengthening the metaphorical bond (relationship) between them and their Kwami, or both. This power system does have its limit. There are two types of powers, Primary Power and Auxiliary Powers. The Primary Power is the main power of the Miraculous, for example, Lucky Charm, Cataclysm, Mirage, Shellter, etc. The Auxiliary Powers are smaller powers that aren’t as energy-consuming as the Primary Powers. 
When the user is young like Marinette and Adrien, you can think of their energy as an MP bar in an RPG. It’s full when they transform but very slowly goes down the longer they’re transformed. Auxiliary Powers chip off small percents off of the MP bar, and the Primary Power immediately brings it down to like, 20%.  
Most Primary Powers are toned down versions of the Kwami’s true power, as the Miraculouses were made to contain, sustain, and repress them so that a user can’t access the true power and wreak fucking havoc. 
There are two types of Auxiliary Powers a MIraculous can give you, Primal Powers, powers based on the animal the Kwami presents as, and Conceptual Powers, powers based on the concept the Kwami represents. Primal Powers are much easier to unlock than Conceptual Powers. 
Unification in this version merges the Primary Powers and Weapons of both Miraculouses being unified. However, because of the physical strain of having your soul and mind bonded to two other beings, Unification isn’t preferred and is pretty much banned for the good of anyone involved. But it is going to be in my version, but it’s going to be super rare. Maybe 1 or 2 every season.  
Weapons are the same in this version, except, like the suits, they can have slightly altered appearances based on who’s using the MIraculous. 
Quantum Masking is real in this version as well. It’s an invisible magical aura that coats the user and blocks any familiarity of the holder from the mind of any non-Miraculous holder. Basically, it allows them to know the holder when they’re transformed but keeps them from coming to the conclusion of “Ayo, is that Marinette!?”.
And that’s it for now. If you’re interested in hearing more of this hypothetical rewrite/reboot, stay tuned for Season 1 and pray that I don’t lose motivation in between this post and the next. I know I am. Alright, Zen Master, out.
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