#Adrian Crevan
thisdarkhomeofghosts · 5 months
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Black Butler fans how are y’all feeling??!
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Being the Undertaker's Lover may Include...
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This is given-he always wants to make you laugh. he wants every moment of stress to be replaced with a smile
he actually likes cooking and other domestic tasks, so he will love to have you in the kitchen with him trying his recipes
you will catch him staring at a cookie jar more often than you can catch him staring at other women
he's so extremely loyal after spending his time learning the value of life and relationships
he sadly often has nightmares but waking up to you is his greatest comfort
you will be most integrating into his life and will see all sides of him. he may not let other people know him well but you two know each and every detail of each other
no matter how many years you know each other he will treasure talking to you most, about everything and anything
he's super playful but he won't ever make your affections sexual, cuddling is cuddling
he will however give you silly butt taps if he catches you off guard around the house
hes always touching you and keeping you close, and savors every moment
despite knowing that you can protect yourself, he most likely won't ever let there be a situation where you would have to. he's super protective and honestly always lurking 💀 he'll know when you're in danger before you do
if you want a NSFW version lmk! requests open 📩
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undyslady · 4 months
Behind The Wall
Undertaker (Black Butler) x reader
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It was the calmest it had been for weeks, since the case of Jack the Ripper was solved by the child Earl, less "guests" had entered the doors of the parlour owned by your beloved.
Over the last couple of days, where you had more free time than you wished, you had noticed the state of the parlour. Spider webs, dust on every single surface and you could swear you saw a cockroach speed across the room once.
After a very long scolding to your beloved about the hygiene of the place to which you got a laugh in return.
"Oh my dearie~, you certainly were hilarious with your expression just now!" he had stated, a manicured index finger resting in between your furrowed eyebrows, presing on them signaling you to relax them.
You had scoffed and rolled your eyes, calling him a "bastard.." which you knew he heard by his small snicker and went to gather cleaning supplies.
"If he will do nothing then I will..." not that you expected him to do anything, no man would lift a finger to do such "women assigned jobs" like cleaning.
For the next 3 days, you spent your day cleaning, still finding the energy to throw insults at Undertaker about his lack of care about the place while huffing and puffing due to exhaustion.
You left no place untouched, nothing unturned and you got a pat on your shoulder for each room cleaned, it wasn't you patting yourself in the back, it was your lover.
He'd bother you in the middle of the cleaning, of course he would. To stupid questions :
"Do you think this little guest of ours looks better in red or green, my dear ?"
And to lingering touches:
"Well we haven't spend too much time together lately~~ " he'd chuckle , "I'm only a man, I need my lover's affections!!"
All of which, were ignored by you ,of course.
Cleaning had revealed spaces in the parlour you never knew existed, that might be the explanation why you found yourself pushing against a wall.
You had noticed a crack, one that seemed perfectly sculptured.
Your curiosity growing, you had been pushing at it, convinced your eccentric lover had a secret room, probably full of dead bodies, you had thought in joke.
As a joke, of course!
Yet when you gave it one final push, the wall moved and you almost fell to your knees.
Entering the dark place, desperately trying to find a lamp to light, you brushed past a coffin , accidentally making it fall over, causing a noise you were sure, your beloved would hear.
Cursing , you reached further to find a lamp and light it. Once the room was in view you squinted your eyes and looked around.
A small gasp left your mouth and somewhat dissapointed you looked at multiple closed coffins , alongside the one you knocked over.
"Well, not so entertaining now, are we?" you chuckled, expecting something more eye catching from your lover.
You strolled around the room, looking over the coffins, they all seemed the same aside from the one you dropped.
That specific one was blue, with black tape around it, which proved useless since it ripped by the fall, you made a note to tell Undertaker later.
While examining the coffins in front of you, you heard noises behind you which you ignored and called out
"I didn't know you'd hide this from me, what else could you be hiding, love ?"
However, when you didn't receive a reply you turned around to find a small child, rising from the coffin, teal hair and a rather rich outfit.
Upon turning around to face you, you could clearly make out the great resemblance he had to the Phantomhive child.
"My Lord-" you were cut off as he lunged at you, ripping a scream out of your chest as you stumbled back, falling on your bum.
Waiting for an attack, only silence engulfed your trembling figure, until it was broken by a familiar snicker.
"Hehehe~, your screams are ever so pleasant to hear, I do find myself glad at your clumsiness, if not for the coffin dropping, you'd be done for!! " and in all of his glory, there stood Undertaker, looking down at you, his hand gripping the Earls head with too much force, you'd deducted.
"You becoming one of my dolls...." he paused to think " I cant say that will please me, I do adore you as you are, even with your temper, dearie"
"What are you-....what is this??" You took a deep breath "What is the Earl doing, is that even him? This is not normal human behaviour??" Your voice rose with each question.
" Ah my dear, this is just a hobby of mine, and this.." he pushed the "Earl" towards you " is the Earl....oh! But not the Earl you know , my dear, I'm sure he's being the same temperamental child he is as we speak." a manic smile in his face. Not that you minded those, they were quite...pleasant to you usually but the situation did not encourage such feelings at the moment.
"Undertaker.....what is this ? Why is he like this and what is he doing here ?" You exhaled shakily, unable to process anything.
"Ahhh, as I said, a little hobby of mine, let me introduce you two" he grinned, dragging the boy by his hair and stuffing him in the coffin and closing it.
" You see, my dear...this is the Earls twin. The one that died years ago, but as you probably are thinking, he doesnt seem quite dead, does he ?" He approached you, in return you moved away. An action so simple, but you needed not see his eyes to know that he was frowning.
He cleared his throat and continued " I simply...experimented on him! I could not bear to loose another Phantomhive" he giggled, crossing his arms.
Making his way towards you, he grabbed your chin and looked at you "I do doubt, however that I would have started this hobby of mine if I had met you earlier" he tilted his head, grabbing you by the arm and hoisting you up.
His arm snaked around your waist as he held you tightly against him, his other hand grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks and turning your head to the other coffins.
" In all of these coffins, there is a dead body that you, my dear have probably seen come in as one of our guests" he stated, "it was quite helpful that most of these people were not cared for enough to have funeral, it made my job easier" he chuckled lightly, his thumb caressing your cheek.
"A man must have hobbies, right ?" He brought your face up as he glanced at you, his emerald eyes piercing through your soul.
"You're sick..." you whispered at him, tears swelling in your eyes.
He was a lie. The idea of him was a lie. Everything you loved about this man was a lie.
How could he ?
"Oh my dearest love, I knew you'd act this way, but fret not, I'm sure you'll come around." He said quietly "you love me too much dont you ? You must accept me the way I am , just as I have accepted you despite your mortality"
Mortality? What sick shit is he thinking ?
"Wha-" your cheeks were squished together harder.
"AH ah! No more questions until your mind opens to my little...hobby! " he exclaimed, giggling at your face.
You did not want this.
You wished this was a dream
A nightmare.
Wake up, you told yourself.
Please...wake up.
If only you didn't let your curiousty win. If you had just cleaned what you could and went on about your day, you would've been content loving a liar.
"Curiosity killed the cat, dearie~" he snickered " and this time, satisfaction did not bring it back~"
You could not think straight, everything you felt for, believed and lived for, shattered by the mere revelation of the activities that happened in the same roof you lived and worked. You did not know the man you shared your home with, the one you shared the last couple of years with yet you knew him enough, you knew the part of him that was calculating , he would have never let the crack on the wall be that visible.
He was too good for that, he intended for you to find this room and he let you find it with a sick grin.
He knew he'd shatter you, and he decided to shatter you despite the smiles you gave him this morning, but fret not, he'll be there to bring those smiles back again, he'll make sure of it.
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: I had brainrot sorry but I want this man to rail me in inappropriate places.... I should do a coffin next
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: The Undertaker | Adrian Crevan x Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: NSFW content, smut, MDNI, sex in a morgue, slight body carving, biting/marking, creampie, can be read as a modern au
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You looked so out of place and there was something alluring about it. 
You were laid back against the autopsy table, kicking your feet slightly as you patiently waited for your lover to shrug off his coat and pull on a pair of black latex gloves. You had been curious about his job as an Undertaker and so he thought: what better way than to walk you through it with you as the subject? 
Your heart leapt a little at the sight of him with his hair messily pulled back into a bun, his coat removed to reveal the sleeve garters around his arms, white sleeves pushed up his forearms and contrasting the black waistcoat and tight black trousers he so often wore. His style truly made him irresistible. 
“Now, usually I’d have to begin by washing the body.” He began as he leaned his hands on the table and towered over where you were laid down, “Though, I’m most often tasked with having to remove their clothes by cutting them off as I later dress them in whatever outfit I’m sent, I know how fond you are of this pretty skirt.” He let out a little hum as he tugged on the end of said skirt. “So let me take these off for you.” He needed no help to lift your hips in order to tug it down though you did sit up for him to remove your shirt. He left you in just your white cotton panties and baby blue bra for a moment, admiring your body. The lace of the bralette was so thin, it left absolutely nothing to his imagination as he watched your nipples pebble behind the sheer fabric. “These too, come on.” His voice drawled out and you began to wonder whether he was getting distracted or whether he had planned this all along. 
In all honesty, the Undertaker had fantasised about fucking you on this table for a long time now. He wanted the thrill of it, the memories of how you’d look and sound being fucked over the table that he would spend hours working at every day. Maybe such memories would make the days go faster? Maybe they’d remind him of what he had to look forward to at the end of the day? 
“There you go…” He eased you to lay back down as he folded your clothes up and set them aside. “Usually I’d get out some stronger stuff but…” He brought out a solution of sanitiser that he knew wouldn’t irritate your living skin. “I wouldn’t want to hurt my poppet.” His sentence was punctuated by a kiss to the tip of your nose and a little laugh from him as he stood over you once more. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment at being naked and utterly exposed to him like this. 
“That’s cold!” You gasped out when it first touched your skin and he clicked his tongue before pressing a finger to your lips, tapping twice with a smile that was as seductive as it was mischievous. 
“I’m not a doctor, darling;” You took in a sharp breath through your nose when he resumed cleaning your body, “my patients don’t speak.” You did your best to lay still and quiet as he washed your body, fighting the urge to flinch at the initial coldness of the sanitiser against your heated skin. “Now…” He moves on to turn your arms so that they’re palm-up. Latex-covered fingers graze across your wrists, tracing the rivers of your veins beneath your skin, “This is the part where I’d start to drain out all of your blood from here-” His long nails bit into your wrist, even through the gloves he wore, “-or from here,” He then grazed his fingertips up over your arm and to your chest where your heart thumped heavily, making a little detour along the way to tease one of your stiff nipples, “and I’d replace it with a formaldehyde-based solution.” You gasped at the sight of a scalpel in his hands as his fingers ghosted over your abdomen. “I’d have to make an incision or two here to insert a tube so that I could pump you full of solutions to preserve and harden your organs. I’d then close them up and dress you again before I got onto makeup if necessary.” 
He leaned down to press a kiss against where the sharp scalpel had been hovering over your abdomen and you were surprised to see his lips come away smeared with a little bit of blood. You glanced down to the red lip print on your skin that was so slightly beading with blood still, surprised that he had actually cut you. 
“Of course, I cut my patients much deeper.” He clarified with a laugh at your shocked expression before he swiftly grabbed your legs and rotated your body so that you were laid sideways on the table with your legs hanging off. He then gave you no time to recover as he moved you so that you were now bent over it with your chest pressing to the cold metal surface, eliciting a shrill gasp from you at the sensation. 
“But, as much as I love my job, you’re far more interesting to have on my table. You see, you’re all mine and I get to hear all the sweet little noises you make, see how you squirm and twitch, isn’t that right, poppet?” 
You quickly nodded your head with a muffled mmh-hmm as those gloved hands firmly grabbed the softness of your ass, pulling you apart to get a view of your pussy that was now glistening from being so exposed to him and his touches. He hadn’t expected you to be so shy and embarrassed at being so exposed and vulnerable to him on his autopsy table and yet it seemed that you were just as excited by it as him. 
“Ah, another thing…” He began and you cast a little glance over your shoulder at him, finding those bright green eyes fixed between your legs, “Sometimes they don’t come in perfect shape… I might have to cover up bruising with some makeup or fix over some injuries with wax; you understand what I mean, don’t you? I usually have to inspect each patient thoroughly and it seems that you have an irregularity to all my patients right here so you’ll be good while I inspect it, won’t you?” You folded your arms beneath your head and buried your face in them as he angled your hips to face up a little more, his legs dressed in those heeled and high-climbing boots kicking your own apart before falling to your knees. “Won’t you?” He repeated, wanting to hear your submission. 
“I will…” You replied in a murmur, hips jerking just a little at the sensation of his breath on the back of your thigh. 
“Swelling…” He mused as though it were somehow just for him, like your thoughts on this were irrelevant even though it was only done for the sheer purpose of watching your arousal grow in the face of your own humiliation. His comment was joined by gloved fingers prodding at your pussy lips. “Flushed skin too…” He murmured at the rosy tint of your aching flesh. You let out a little whimper when his fingers glided through your slit, gathering wetness and stopping just short of your clit. “Wet too…” You keened at the faint pressure of his fingertips at your entrance. “I should see if I can determine the cause of that.” 
“Adrian!” You let out a cry of his name as his finger sank into you unexpectedly. It was rare that he ever fingered you, opting to usually make you touch yourself in front of his watchful eyes or for him to sloppily make out with your cunt before pushing his dick into you. His long nails wouldn’t allow you to comfortably be fingered by him, you’d only end up with scratched-up insides, but the gloves he was currently wearing protected you from such a risk and the feeling was so surprising, you felt your legs buckle for a moment. 
“Very warm too…” He added to his mental notes as he shallowly pumped his slender finger in and out, rotating it slightly to feel along your walls. You were moving just slightly and he could tell that you were doing your best to not squirm. He wanted to test your limits and so another finger was added to your dripping pussy, making the material of his gloves shine with your arousal. “Tight as well, that’s good.” You could hear the edge of a moan in his voice and knew that he was already imagining how you would feel wrapped around his cock. A squeaked moan left your lips when those fingers brushed over your sweet spot and you pushed your hips back slightly to meet his touch as he hummed in observation. 
You took a moment to ask yourself how you had ended up in this position. Genuine curiosity regarding his job had sparked these flames, yes, but who knew you could get so wet from humiliatingly having your pussy inspected by him like this as though you were just some subject or toy? A whine built in the back of your throat at the constant cycle of being turned on by your own humiliation.“Yes, I see what needs to be done…” You parted your lips to protest, only to let out a cry and try to grapple onto the table when he sank his cock into you in one merciless thrust. He wasted no time in firmly grabbing the curve of your waist to hold you still and stop your hips from hitting into the metal table when he began to deliver a punishing pace to your dripping hole that was already so close to coming around him from your prior stimulation. 
You could feel the way that he leaned over you, the way the band had fallen from his silver hair to allow it to spill over his shoulders and tickle at your back. You were reminded of just how exposed you were when his clothed chest pressed to your back just before his teeth sank into your shoulder, making you whimper at the pain. He messily licked over the small wound, saliva gathering in the indents of his teeth and cooling in the air, sending little shivers through you. It was the first of many marks to be left across your back, shoulders and neck, even going as far up as your jaw. One bite had been particularly hard and you jolted upwards against him, reaching your hands back in a split second to try and push him off of you. It was a futile attempt done without thought, really, as he quickly grabbed your wrists and pinned them to your lower back in one hand. You were given very little room to squirm as your body tensed with a sudden orgasm, walls tightly squeezing around the fat cock mercilessly gliding in and out of your dripping hole.
“Stay down…” He ordered in a low voice by your ear, keeping his lips there to allow you to hear every moan and word of praise he had for you. “Now…” He began as you began to tremble with the overstimulation, the sensation of your walls milking him causing his hips to falter in their pace, becoming sloppier and sloppier. “I couldn’t exactly fill you up with formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde but… I can fill you with something else instead.” A moan, edged with a whimper, left his lips at the sight of your overused pussy creaming around his aching cock, forming a ring at the base. You were so fucking pretty. His orgasm was only spurred on by your eager nodding and broken, whining little begs for his cum. Who was he to deny you after you’d been so sweet to take interest in his job and then had obediently sat through being the subject of his little demonstration? 
You let out a little pained noise at how unintentionally tightly he squeezed your wrists when he finally came inside of you, continuing to grind the head of his cock against your beaten cervix as he came deeply, fucking it all into you. 
“Adrian.” You squeaked out when you concluded that he didn’t realise he was hurting you. Bright green eyes fell to you before he let you go, lacing his fingers through those on one of your hands instead to give you an apologetic squeeze. 
“Sorry, poppet.” He murmured as he leaned down to press soft kisses across the reddening marks on your back and shoulders. “I got a bit lost in the moment.” 
“That’s ok…” You mumbled back, feeling sleepy. You felt him carefully ease himself out of you, leaving you slumped over the table for a mere moment before his coat was being draped over your shoulders and you were being eased upright. 
“Hold these.” A quiet command as he put your folded-up clothes into your hands, his gloves now removed. You were then swept up bridal-style and felt his lips press to your forehead as he carried you out of the morgue and into the entrance of his funeral parlour that had closed hours ago. 
You only opened your eyes to look up at his scarred face once he was laying you down in your shared bed upstairs. You reached up for him with grabby hands and watched as your reaction made him smile and laugh a little before he began stripping out of his clothes for you to see, immediately getting into bed with you and covering both of your bare bodies with a warm blanket. 
“You know… I had been expecting you to just talk me through the process or maybe invite me into the morgue the next time you work.” You murmured against his scarred chest as you rested your head there. 
“Hm, yes, but I thought that my method would be much more entertaining for the both of us, my love.” He punctuated his words by squeezing you a little with the arm that was curled around your waist. 
“I think you were right…” You hummed as you let yourself doze off with the sound of his heartbeat to lull you. 
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bubbles0bop · 8 months
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Taking requests!
Not spoiler free!
My Art Account-
What I'll take requests for
•Yuta Okkatsu Headcanons
•JJK Relationship Headcanons (Nanami, Choso, Inumaki, Hakari)
•NSFW Yuta Okkotsu Headcanons
•JJK men with Breeding Kinks (NSFW)
•JJK men watching their crush pole dance
•Comfort in Silence (Yuji Itadori x Reader after Shibuya)
•Waking up with Yuta
Black Butler 2024-
•Undertaker x Reader Headcanons
House Husband-
•Tatsu taking care of his wife while she's pregnant
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eeelli · 5 months
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°ℑ𝔱'𝔰 𝔞 𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔪𝔦𝔰𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔲𝔫𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔟𝔢 𝔞𝔟𝔩𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔢.
—𝔈𝔡𝔤𝔞𝔯 𝔄𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔫 𝔓𝔬𝔢
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undertakerslxt · 4 months
i am going to be SO insufferable when we see undertaker onscreen
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tormiichu · 8 months
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therealvampira · 2 years
Undertaker (Adrian Crevan) x Reader- The Fog
Published: January 22, 2023- 1:57 AM EST Time
Word Count: 2,855
Pairing: Undertaker x Reader
Summary: While taking a casual stroll through the vacant cemetery, you are faced with a surprise encounter with the Undertaker, whom you were close with before he disappeared after the Campania incident.
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“Finally”, you thought. The old cemetery was completely still, the only nearby sounds were that of the rustling trees in the wind and the flapping wings of old crows that flew by. What a beautiful, yet eerie scene it was. The fog slowly arose from the ground, blurring even the nearest sight, until you could barely make out the outline of the rusty old gate that you had entered from.  Making your way down the path that led to the end of the graveyard, you stopped by the stone bench that you’d always sit at. 
Usually, you and Adrian would sit out here on that stone bench and talk with each other, make jokes, or enjoy each other's silence. These vulnerable moments that you two shared is what made your bond so strong, and practically unbreakable. But for now, and for many months, he had disappeared. Very often, Adrian would have some business down at the funeral home right by the cemetery, and on many of those nights, you two would wander about and be yourselves with each other, without worry of any judgment, since this cemetery is normally vacant at night. You missed those gentle, vulnerable moments- you started to wonder where he could have possibly gone off to. Just the thought of you two possibly never meeting again brought a great sense of melancholy within you. Leaning back into the stone bench, you folded your arms and released a deep sigh. 
The moon shined through the tall trees as they danced into the night to the rustle of the leaves. The fog blurred it, almost making it look as though you were to see it upon just waking up, when your vision is still quite faded. From the distance, you heard leaves crunching ever so slightly, but you thought nothing of it. You were in such a deep state of melancholy, that almost nothing would pull you out of it.
Almost nothing.
The crunching of the leaves grew closer and closer, causing you to panic. 
Was someone here?
Are they going to tell me to leave?
Snapping out of your anxious state, you avert your gaze away from the distant street lanterns, and turn to explore the sound that came from behind you. At first it didn’t look like much, just black, maybe a shadow. As this black shape grew closer, you noticed long white locks of hair stood at its sides, and from the thick fog, came glowing green eyes. 
There was no way it could be mistaken for anything else. Standing before you, was your one and only companion, Adrian Crevan. 
You stood there stunned, in complete, utter disbelief. ‘Impossible’, you thought, how could he just come back like nothing happened? Where was he? Was he here the whole time?
So many thoughts raced through your mind, that you hadn’t realized how close he had gotten to you. As you took a few steps back to catch your composure, you stared him down. Perhaps your eyes have fooled you, and an illusion had been created from the fog that cloaked the cemetery. No, impossible- you could feel his breath in the cool air, it must have been real.
“Long time no see, (Y/N) dear..” he spoke. 
“Adrian…where…how?” you muttered, at a great loss of words.
“After the incident with the Campania, I went off to Weston college to pose as the headmaster, you see. I knew the Earl would be there, and I could continue my work with…a new project of mine” he explained, as he waited for any sort of response from you.
“I…missed you..” you said as you nearly threw yourself towards him, hugging him tightly, as if to make up for all the missed company.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), really. I’ve missed you too” he admitted.
“Adrian, I truly started to think I’d never see you again. You worried me to death- don’t just wander about and disappear so abruptly, that really hurt me..” you said, frustrated. 
As upset as you were with him, you couldn't have been happier to have him here with you again. You felt his luminescent eyes wander your face, and looked up to meet them with your own. It’s been quite some time for you, and finally looking at his face again, you’d thought it’d be impossible for a man to be so beautiful. So perfect. So striking. 
Almost hypnotized by his perfection, you paid no attention to the way his face slowly got closer to yours. As soon as you snapped out of your trance-like state, his lips had already met yours. He gave you a delicate kiss on your lips, barely even touching you. The feeling of his lips barely brushing against yours, so close yet so far, made you eager for more. It was as if he was teasing your mouth with his own. 
Pulling back, he gently placed his slender hands around your waist with a firm grip and leaned towards your ear. 
“It’s okay (Y/N)- there’s no need to say anything- I know. I love you too” he whispered, sending shivers down your back as his breath tickled the skin of your neck. He moved his hand from your waist to the back of your neck, placing more kisses on your lips. At first they were quite sloppy, and so delicate that your lips barely even brushed against each other’s. Then after several moments, the kisses gradually picked up more intensity. He could tell how eager you were, how badly you wanted to him to take you right fucking now, and for the both of you to make each other feel good with your own bodies. 
But you were nervous too. You hadn’t seen him in so long, and even before that, you two were just friends, or perhaps close companions even. You’d never imagined this would really happen, despite how many nights you stayed up thinking of it. Thinking of how he’d feel or how he’d sound, and many other indecent thoughts. 
Somehow, you had been so deep in thought yet again, you hadn't realized he stopped kissing you. Now, you gasped as you felt his lips on your neck, licking your ear and jawline every few moments. 
Fuck. This feels so good. Is this even real? 
“Adrian, wait…” you interrupted.
“Hm? What seems to be the matter, dear?” 
“It’s cold..and I don’t want to do this out here” you answered.
“I see, let’s get you someplace more suitable”
Without another word, he picked you up bridal style and made his way towards the funeral parlor. How odd of a place to do something so intimate. But you didn’t mind, he worked there anyway, and it almost became like a second home to you. Shutting the door behind him, he took you to the receiving room of the funeral parlor where there were a few couches, tables, and multiple lamps that lit up the room perfectly, but still left the room dim. It was almost a normal living room.
Placing you back on the ground, he placed a firm kiss on your lips. Caressing your cheek with his hand as he brushed his thumb against your lips, he looked you deep in your eyes.
“Certain you want to do this, dear?” He asked
You nodded in response, a bit shy to really say anything.
“(Y/N), your words. Use your words, I want to hear you say it and be sure you want this” He added.
“Adrian..” you spoke, not really sure what to say. 
“I…really want this. I want to feel you, I need it..” you finished.
“Whatever you please, my lovely” he said, grabbing your hand as he kissed it, locking his fingers into your own.
With great care, he slowly began removing your clothing, careful not to rush it just in case you would change your mind or get uncomfortable, so he could give you time to express any discomfort. Finally, he’d removed all of your clothing, as you attempted to cover yourself in embarrassment. You still had your panties on, so you tried pressing yourself against him to cover your chest.
He grabbed each side of your face with his hands, pulling you into another kiss. Without warning, he picked you up and put you on the green, velvety couch where the lamp sat next to. Kneeling in front of you, he spread your legs apart and placed them around his shoulders. You flinched in embarrassment, making him chuckle under his breath.
“You’ve waited so long for this, yet can’t hold onto your composure” he teased. 
“Sorry my pretty, just teasing”.
While he gently kissed along each of your thighs, he occasionally reached up and played with your nipples, making you squirm in pleasure. Tracing his long nails against the thin fabric of your panties, he pulled them aside, not yet fully removing them. The sudden exposure of air against your drenched pussy caused you to bite your lip. He began moving his fingers just on the outside of your pussy, paying careful attention to the area just above your clit, making sure to be extra gentle.
Unconsciously, you began to loosen up and allowed yourself to let out a few moans and your breathing became slightly faster and harder, until you were panting as his fingers moved in all the right places. 
He took off your panties and tossed them aside, leaving you fully exposed and vulnerable in front of him. 
“(Y/N)” he spoke, “Show me how you like to be touched” he ordered.
“But, I enjoyed what you were doing. Could you…keep going please” 
“Oh? But (Y/N), I want to watch you pleasure yourself. I want you to make yourself into a mess as I watch” he added. 
Shyly and hesitantly, you moved your hand down to your pussy and rubbed yourself in slow circles. With your best attempt, you tried to replicate the motions he did on you, and make yourself feel as good as he made you feel. It just wasn’t the same, you needed him pleasing you, your own hands were not nearly enough compared to how he was making you feel. 
“Could you…keep touching me like you were” you asked shyly, feeling your face heat up rapidly. 
“Aww, how sweet. I knew you’d be needing me” he teased.
He gave your drenched pussy a long lick up and down. And then another, gradually picking up the pace. Now, he was eating you out, seemingly determined to taste every bit of you. Before you could cum, he paused, and watched as you struggled to keep yourself together. 
“I don’t want to wear you out so soon, dear. Please be patient for me” He said.
Standing back up, he stood over you while you were still on the couch, leaning down to kiss you once again. Once he pulled back, he grabbed your hand and slowly rubbed it against his dick through his clothes. Despite your intense fluster, you still grabbed and played with him through the fabric, making him release low, quiet moans. 
The sound was like music to your ears as it filled the silent, dim room. You could barely believe you were actually there, making him feel this good. But you loved, you loved the sweet noise that escaped his mouth with each gentle movement. 
Barely able to wait any longer, he quickly pulled his cock out from his pants as you hesitantly grabbed it, stroking it slowly at first.
“No need to be shy, lovely. It’s all yours” he reassured. His words gave you goosebumps, making your stomach flutter in excitement. 
Your strokes quickly became steadier and less hesitant, causing him to grunt and moan more frequently now. Looking at the way his cock fit into your hand as you stroked it was almost a…delicious sight to say the least- you needed to know how he tasted. Slowly, you flicked your tongue across his tip, using your lips for a little suction. He gasped slowly in surprise at your sudden movement, moving your hair aside so you could please him more efficiently. Still sliding your tongue up and down at a slow pace, you could feel the slightly salty precum in your mouth.
The taste of him in your mouth made you need more. Sliding your tongue across the tip wouldn’t do it, you wanted his cock to fill every corner of your mouth. You slowly took in a bit more at a time, until you were sure you couldn’t take anymore of him, and used your hand to stroke the rest you couldn’t fit.
“You’re…Nghh” he struggled “getting used to this rather quickly aren’t you, my pretty” he managed to say between his soft moans and grunts. 
“You seem to be enjoying yourself,” he added. 
Just the sound of his voice was enough to send you over the edge. You began to stroke him faster while focusing your tongue on his tip, watching as he started to come undone just from your mouth. Hearing him let out even the slightest whimper felt so amazing, as his noises filled up the quiet room. 
“(Y/N) hold on a moment” he said, gently pulling your head away from his throbbing cock, as the precum continued to leak down his tip. 
“I want to savor this- right now it's too soon for it to be over” he explained. 
“Lay back down on the couch for me” he ordered.
Laying back down on the couch, he climbed on top of you, pinning your wrists to the arm of the couch with one of his hands. He used the other to gently caress your face as he kept eye contact with you, a soft expression on his face.
He let go of your wrists and began placing kisses along your body, taking time with every corner of your skin. As he carefully rubbed your nipple with his thumb, he took the other in his mouth, flicking his tongue on it. Without breaking eye contact, he took the other nipple into his mouth once again, as a string of saliva trailed from his mouth.
If you were to be honest, this the most erotic sight you'd ever seen. The way he’d shamelessly held eye contact with you while fondling and sucking your breasts.
Suddenly, you felt the tip of his cock brush up against your pussy, making you flinch. You could still feel the wetness of your own spit on his cock when it just barely rubbed against you. He pushed your legs closed together and thrust himself between them, rubbing against your desperate, throbbing cunt. 
“Please…I want to feel you” you pleaded.
“Hm? Not sure I heard you there” he teased. He knew exactly what you needed.
“I need you inside of me, please stop teasing me, would you” you said desperately, hoping he’d finally fuck you senseless.
“Good girl, asking so nicely” he cooed. 
Finally, you felt him push past your entrance as he slowly fit himself inside of you an inch at a time, careful not to hurt you. He started off painfully slow, making sure you could feel every vein and curve of his cock as he throbbed inside of you.
“Are you enjoying yourself, dear?” he asked, as he held your chin up forcing you to look at him. 
“Mhmm” you muttered, not quite able to speak coherently. Right now, you felt vulnerable under him, but regardless, he made you feel safe and comfortable.
“You can cum whenever you're ready, I believe I’ve teased you enough tonight, haven’t I?” he added. His thrusts began to pick up speed, as he arched his back slightly to hit all the spots inside you even better. The sound of skin slapping, and both of your breathless pants and moans filled the room as you two got closer and closer to orgasm. To make things more intense, he placed sloppy kisses against your lips while you moaned, drowning out your noises.
He went from soft grunts and moans to little whimpers and pants as he got closer, and his movements became sloppier. Just watching him become such a mess, hearing his whimpers was enough to get you off so much faster. Desperate to cum, you started moving your own hips to match his pace. 
“(Y/N), I’m…nghh” he exclaimed, before finally cumming inside of you as your cunt continued to throb on his cock even after you've both finished. As you nearly collapsed, trying to catch your breath, you felt his warm cum fill you up. 
“I love you, (Y/N). So much” he said as he lazily kissed your lips, collapsing at your side as he held you.
After unconsciously falling asleep, you woke up in a dark room, only now, you were clothed in your nightgown. You looked to your side and saw Adrian asleep on the bed next to you.
‘The bed? He must have taken me here while I was asleep’ you thought. 
Seeing him sound asleep next to you made you feel safe and reassured. Pulling the covers back over yourself, you snuggled behind him, wrapping your arms around his body as you breathed in his comforting scent.
🕯You can't believe your eyes, control is so hard to keep Obsession can be hell from which you'll never be free ⚰️
Goodnight or morning, wherever you are, dear reader🎞
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qinqusstuff · 1 year
Undertaker: I did not cheat on you!
Grell: You are a liar!
Undertaker: I did not meant it!!
Grell: So you admit it?! You are a traitor! I should've never given you my heart!!
Undertaker: I'll never do it again, I should've been a better lover to you, I recognize it!
Grell: It was our special moment... Our romance... I'll give you a chance, but only if you promise you'll never even think about it again.
- the man smiled softly and gave her a hug -
Undertaker: I promise to never dissect a corpse without you again, honey ♥
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lucifer5lucy · 2 years
"I love an anime guy who is extremely arrogant and handsome and exerts heavy switch energy, So bad it's like he has a personality disorder…" -Lucy Vivian to any of the tagged...
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Headcannons for Grell having an SO who does acting either as a hobby or career?
GN pronouns for reader please
i love this because i've been doing theatre for years!
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Grell would love your involvement in the theatre so much, it's very much her vibe
she would often surprise you at your shows or even surprise you by hacking her way INTO the shows
and god help anyone who dare become your love interest for a role
oh no! they have suddenly disappeared and grell has replaced them! what a shame.
please indulge me by imagining that you are playing one of the leads in romeo and juliet and you are overjoyed to have gotten the role!
Grell is so happy for you...!
.....until two seconds later when she realizes that your love interest just so happens to be some famous, handsome broad from the town
He had no chance.
the next thing you knew, that Grell in all her glory shows up to your next practice and blows everyone away with her talent
(and maybe a gruesome story in the paper)
who could complain?
she will also somehow always seem to land herself the best spot in the house, screaming your name and showering you with flowers at the end of the show
you should also be prepared to find yourself embarrassed if you ever happen to show up to her workplace because she has a tendency to brag about her oh so famous s/o!
you can expect some jokes to be passed around about how much she brags about you
after practice gossip sessions are a must. grell knows all of the drama involving your coworkers your co-workers and you know all of the office gossip
and being the flamboyant little lady she is, she will have no issue putting in her opinion about the directors choice of dance or costume
she will also make herself your personal caretaker and make sure you're lavished with clothing and food during your practices
she will cry at every single one of your shows because she is just so proud of you 😭❤️
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sun-floweroo · 7 months
I’ve been thinking about the Black Butler grim reapers for a while. (And yes, I am guilty of having a reaper OC. …her name is Marion and she’s my baby. Thanks for asking.) so…here are some headcanons including her and the reapers.
- Ever since their deaths, Undertaker and Othello were best friends. The former would indulge in the latter’s experiments, lamenting on their deaths while Othello tinkered away. But their relationship would not last long.
-The two soon graduate, and Othello retreats to his wormhole of a lab, shunned from daylight while Undertaker mechanically perfects each mission. He visits his old friend every once in a while, taking and returning jabs on their thick rimmed glasses as they converse over tea and dog biscuits.
- Othello grows concerned for his friend, who had recently taken a turn for the worse. He had become another of the Retrieval Division’s soulless workers. Undertaker would wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, and fall asleep, just to repeat the cycle again the next day.
- One day, Undertaker goes missing, and Othello panics. He didn’t believe in death after dying itself, but he had heard drunken tales of disappearing off the surface of the earth forever.
- When Undertaker returns after weeks of absence, he is with a young girl, a noose mark around her neck and green eyes bright and chartreuse: A reaperling, as many seniors called it.
- the girl calls herself Marion, Marion Lucy Haskell. A noble, many think, glancing at her laced cape and pressed dress. A noble fallen from grace, but a noble nonetheless.
- the girl clings to Undertaker, pale and timid and all too weak. Othello thinks she’ll be executed, or sent to management for meager work, but he doesn’t say it out loud. Undertaker has already taken a liking to her, after all.
- Undertaker is cruel, Othello thinks. To view such an innocent child as an amusement, as a mere puppy. He hopes she thrives while it lasts.
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: I'll be using his fan-decided name as well as the title Undertaker bc I love this eccentric bby with my whole heart and he deserves a pretty name ♡ inspired by the pretty stick-on nails I bought to match him but then had to take off bc I couldn't write in them sobs
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: The Undertaker | Adrian Crevan x Reader
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"I can't imagine all the things I'm going to have to learn to do differently with these on..." You thought aloud as you sat with a coffin between yourself and your silver-haired lover, your hands resting atop its closed lid.
"I can teach you, poppet, I'm sure you'll catch on in no time." He replied simply. You adored the way his fingers held yours as he took one of your hands in his, raising it up closer to his lime-coloured eyes as he carefully painted a coat of black polish over the fake nails that he had already filed down to shape and size.
You smiled softly as you gazed upon his scarred face, enamoured by how much attention he was paying to do your nails just like he did his own. He had always had long black nails, ever since you met him that day you tagged along with Madam Red after her butler had been complaining to you, the estate's treasurer, of struggling to keep up with work. You had remarked on how fitting it was that the mortician had coffin-shaped nails and he seemed ecstatic that you had been the first to notice this explicit choice of his.
That seemed so long ago now, even if it was only a few months since you had met and quickly fallen for one another.
"How you get a job like your's done with nails like these is a wonder." You added. He paused and glanced up at you through his bangs that so often covered his bright eyes, a mask for his true nature that you had recently uncovered.
"If you don't want them, you just need to say~" There was a sing-song tone to his voice that told you he already knew what your decision would be.
"No!" You quickly exclaimed, "I want to match you." He couldn't help but hold back a laugh at the way your lips pursed into an adorable pout and he took up your hand once more, placing a kiss to your knuckles before continuing to paint your fingernails. The small gesture brought heat to your cheeks and you continued to watch as he painted your little finger. He capped the polish when he was done and you smiled as he slid over the coffin in order to sit down beside you instead. He was so close to you, leaning up against your body as he reached up and tenderly brushed your hair away from your face, allowing his hand to cup your cheek, thumb caressing your skin before leaning in to press his lips to yours.
Undertaker always felt cool to the touch. It used to make you worry for his health but now that you knew his secret of not actually being human, you no longer fret over it. His kisses were slow and consuming, his tongue brushing against yours before it came to an abrupt stop as he captured your wrist, your hand having been reaching out for his face.
"You wouldn't want to knock the paint now, would you?" He asked as he pressed your wrist back down on the coffin in front of you, another lingering kiss being planted on your lips. You couldn't touch him until your nails dried.
"Oh, you bastard. I bet this is fun for you, isn't it?" You asked with narrowed eyes and a smile you couldn't quite bite back, feeling the vibration of his laugh with how his mouth was hovering just over yours.
"Quite, yes." He resumed his kisses with much more teasing and passion behind them as his free hand came to hold your waist, pulling your body closer while your hands had to remain flat upon the surface in front of you.
You'd have to think of a way to get back at him later.
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eeelli · 8 months
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There is a mysterious coziness in the cemetery, Here every meter is forever occupied by someone... The living knew that they would die. But the dead did not know that they had died...
Vadim Shefner
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undertakerslxt · 5 months
here’s my new little edit — but be on the lookout for my edit this saturday of ciel and the gaang. it may be a song from epic but god this song absolutely fits kuro so well
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