#Adrian Chase fanfic
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outercrasis · 4 months ago
Change of Plans
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Pairing: Adrian Chase (Vigilante) x F!Reader ++ Word Count/Rating: 5.4k / E
Summary: You know Adrian is Vigilante. Now you just have to prove it, but things don't pan out like you expect them to.
Warnings: Sex pollen (there's like inherent dubcon bc of that, but they're both so into it), vaginal sex, light angst, honestly this is so fluffy and emotional bc I can't ever help myself lmao
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You knew it. You fucking knew it. 
You’ve had your suspicions – Adrian’s unexplainable injuries, him bailing on you with short notice all the time, his complete avoidance of any and all questions. At first you thought he simply didn’t want to be friends anymore and this was his shitty way of ending things. Then you started to notice the pattern.
Anytime Adrian Chase is unavailable, someone reports a sighting of Vigilante.
Tonight’s the final straw. You were looking forward to hanging out with Adrian and watching bad movies all week, only for him to send a text at the last minute saying can’t hang. have to stay late at work. 🧜🏻‍♂️😿
Except when you called Fennel Fields to fake a family emergency so he could get out early, you learned that Adrian wasn’t on the schedule today and he certainly wasn’t pulling any extra hours. Then you saw the video on twitter. 
It was short, just a few seconds long, but it was enough. His voice. His stupid, infuriating voice. You’d know it anywhere. Combined with your already suspicious mind, you have to prove it – which leads to now. Sitting in the dark of Adrian’s apartment, waiting for him to get home.
You've come prepared. Bringing all the snacks and drinks you originally picked up for movie night, you have no reason to get up from the chair you've chosen to camp in. Tucking yourself into your favorite blanket, you're in it for the long haul.
Movies never show how boring it is waiting in the dark for someone to show up. They always skip to the good part and provide the immediate pay off. Seconds pass like minutes and minutes pass like hours. You could pull out your phone, but you don't want to chance alerting Adrian of your presence in any way.
Part of you is still having a hard time reconciling this. Despite all the evidence, there's still that voice whispering doubt that you've made this all up and are going to look insane once Adrian gets home. Adrian will laugh at you for your crazy theory and then either kick you out or relentlessly laugh at you. Either option is not preferable.
Another option crosses your mind. You try not to dwell on it, but it's impossible to ignore in the dark. What if Adrian isn't alone when he comes home? What if he's been spending time with someone he likes more? You don't want to fully consider the fallout of that – likely copious amounts of ice cream and a romcom marathon.
Enough time passes that you eventually begin to nod off. After a long week it's only natural. You drift into the weird liminal space between wakefulness and sleep, consciousness bobbing along like a ship without a motor.
Jarring is an understatement when you're woken by Adrian loudly returning home. He storms in through the sliding glass door, slamming it so hard that it pops back open again slightly. It's a rude awakening, but the adrenaline now running through your veins is a great boost.
He's hunched over the dining table, arms extended with his hands flat. You can see his heavy breathing from here. You don't need to be an expert in body language to tell that he's upset about something.
It's not until he tears his mask off, fully confirming what you already know to be true, that you gasp. You can't help it. Despite every suspicion, seeing him there is a shock. The fear of losing Adrian to someone else melts and is swiftly replaced by a fear of losing him in a far more permanent way.
Adrians's eyes go wide and you yelp as a knife suddenly arcs through the air at you. Acting purely out of instinct, you duck and the knife embeds itself into the chair where your head previously was.
“What the fuck?” you yell, frantically looking between the knife and Adrian. “You could have fucking killed me!”
Adrian stares at you. “You aren't supposed to be here.”
That stupid fire in your gut that convinced you this was a good idea in the first place sparks again. “Actually, this is exactly where I was supposed to be tonight until someone bailed on me. Again.”
You're not even sure Adrian realizes how often he's been bailing on you these past few weeks. You know how he works – completely single minded when he wants to be. Whatever he's been doing as Vigilante has kept him busy.
“You aren't supposed to be here,” Adrian repeats again. The look in his eyes is wild, his breathing still erratic. It doesn’t even seem like he's put the pieces together on you figuring out his secret identity. Whatever footing you thought you had has been swiftly pulled out from under you.
You take careful steps towards the dinette like you're approaching a scared animal. “Ade? Are you okay?” You lift your hands, showing him that they're empty. The last thing you want is for him to think you're a threat.
He doesn't move. It's unnerving. Adrian is always moving, fidgeting, talking. Some days you want to strap him down to keep him in one place. If it weren't for the continued heave of his chest you'd think he became a statue. 
A half a step away, he speaks again. “You have to go. Now. Otherwise I can't-”
“I'm not leaving you, Adrian. You're scaring me.” As angry as you are over all this, your concern for him overrides it.
His hands ball into fists. “Fuck, I'm sorry.”
“Sorry for wha-”
You don't get to finish your question before Adrian is on you. His mouth crashes onto yours, all teeth and desperation. You feel every hard line and contour of his costume pressed against your body. His hand engulfs your jaw, keeping you firmly in place.
So this is what kissing Adrian is like. You never imagined it quite like this, but you aren’t complaining as he overwhelms your senses.
He tastes faintly of mint – a sharp contrast to the rubber and cordite smell of his suit. His hands are seemingly everywhere all at once while all you can do is hold onto him. There's a fuzz in your ears as every sound except for those coming from Adrian gets blocked out. 
The burn in your lungs finally forces you to break the heated kiss. It doesn't stop Adrian. He simply moves down to your neck, sucking and biting it in ways that are sure to bruise. He's mumbling into your skin the whole time but it's nothing you can make out.
“A-Ade?” He doesn't stop. You want to sink into this. Give in completely and let Adrian have his way. It's not right though. Adrian isn't quite right and you need to know something, anything before this can continue.
“Ade.” He bites a little too hard on your neck. “Adrian!”
You push and shove his concrete wall of a body, not stopping until he finally does. It's a small consolation that he looks abashed.
“What the fuck is going on?”
To say that Adrian looks delirious would be kind. His eyes are glossy, hair sticking up in all different directions, and a deep flush running down his neck. Whatever is happening, it's impacting his ability to think straight.
“I'm sorry,” he mumbles. “I got hit with some kind of dart and I feel like I'm on fire. I came home to deal with it myself but then you were here and you said you wouldn't leave and-” 
His explanation gets caught in a high pitched whine. Adrian pulls you flush against him, nearly crushing you in a hug as he clearly attempts to restrain himself. You realize that the stiffness you felt before was not an athletic cup in his suit.
“How can I help?” you hear yourself ask. This is probably, definitely, stupid. 
You're still pissed at him for not telling you about his double life. You're still trying to process the fact that he has a double life. Despite all of that, he's clearly suffering right now and you can't walk away. He's still Adrian. He's still your best friend. 
He's still the idiot you love.
“You don't-”
You cut him off. “Well I'm going to, so tell me how to help.”
Adrian looks like he could cry. Whatever he had expected his night to be, it clearly wasn't this.
“Need you to touch me.” His words come out as a whine. Whatever this is affecting him, it seems to come in waves as Adrian's control start to slip again.
“You're sure? This isn't just whatever was in that dart?” You have to know there's some real part of Adrian that wants this. If it's just a drug controlling him, you can't do that to him or yourself.
Adrian pulls your hand, marching in the direction of his bedroom. “I've jerked myself off to the thought of you since the first day we met.”
Well. Not exactly poetic, but you certainly feel better about the current situation. 
The moment you step inside his bedroom Adrian is on you again. His tongue presses into your mouth while his hands work on removing your clothes. It's desperate and ungraceful, but you'd be lying if you said it was a turn off.
You know part of it is just the drug. Its effects are evident in Adrian's shaky hands and nearly possessed need to remain in contact with you. You know Adrian well enough to know the parts that aren't. He's making a valiant effort to ramble between kisses, trying to convey how beautiful you are and how long he's thought about this. Although all lights are clearly green he still checks in before he tears your underwear off and mumbles a quick apology.
You're suddenly off your feet, falling backwards onto the cushion of his bed. Shock is replaced by a wave of heat rolling through your body as you take in the new view.
Adrian is standing above you fully clothed in his Vigilante suit except for the mask. He looks imposing, the armor only making him that much bigger than he does without. He's palming his cock through the thick fabric in a futile attempt to take any of the edge off. 
You never would have considered it, but Adrian in his getup while you're beneath him completely bare is certainly doing something for you. You wonder if he'd ever fuck you in the mask. The thrill of it would likely be worth missing out on his gorgeous face.
The stare he seems to be caught in is more than a little flattering. Gears are clearly whirring in his head, but it's like he can't decide which is the next best step to take. He looks like he wants to eat you alive. 
You drag a hand down along your body, thrilled as Adrian’s eyes quickly lock onto the movement. It’s a leisurely pace, even circling back up once or twice before finally making the descent towards the apex of your thighs.
You barely graze the short curls there before Adrian drops to his knees and bats your hand away. 
“No fucking way am I letting you do that.” He tears off his gloves with his teeth and unceremoniously sinks a finger into your core. You feel even better than he imagined and you both groan in a filthy harmony.
Adrian doesn't have much tact – falling somewhere between what would be ideal and jackhammering. You've certainly experienced worse. You know he's not some blushing virgin, nor is he a selfish asshole, so you're willing to chalk this up to the desperation of the drug in his system. It's only confirmed when he speaks.
“I'm sorry. Fuck - I want to take my time with you but I need-”
“It's okay, Ade. Let's get you feeling better first, yeah?”
Adrian groans, the word first ringing between his ears. He's not lucid enough to parse out what that could mean, but it sounds promising. “You're too good for me.”
His head falls against you, which quickly turns into him mouthing at your inner thigh. You really hope it's not just the drug that's made him so oral-focused. 
There's the jingle and snap of a belt coming off. You prop yourself up on your elbows in time to see Adrian pulling his pants down just far enough to let himself free. If you had any shame left at this point, you'd be embarrassed by your gasp.
Precum leaks freely, sliding down his considerable length. The head of his cock is red and clearly bordering on, if not actually, painfully aroused. “Thimble” your ass. 
Before you can give his dick any further consideration, Adrian grabs your hips and drags you to the edge of the bed. The need pulsing in his veins is reaching a fever pitch.
There isn’t much ceremony as he presses into you, folding over in a bout of sheer ecstasy. You wish you could bottle the moan that’s pulled from his chest. Tears catch in the corners of your eyes and you’re not sure if it’s from the perfect burning stretch of him or if it’s from the overwhelming feeling that this is finally happening. 
“So good for me. Knew you would be. Oh fuuuck, you're squeezing me so well…” Adrian rambles. 
Being inside you seems to have taken the edge off for the moment. He’s as gentle as he can be, trying his best to give you time to adjust. His mouth laves over your skin, finding your breasts and making your back arch up into him. It provides exactly what you need.
“C'mon, Adrian. Fuck me,” you say. Whatever control he was clinging to shatters. 
Adrian sets a devastating pace. He regrets not being able to take things slower. He'd always imagined being able to tease, slowly working you up and making you laugh, until the moment where he finally got to ravish you. 
The regret doesn't last long. Not while he feels the heat of you wrapped around him, your clear sounds of pleasure beneath him. The worry that he's somehow taken advantage of you lessens with each stroke.
You look heavenly laid out beneath him. Your fingers dig into his scalp, sending tingles down his spine. He's already addicted to your little moans and whines, knowing that he'll die if he never gets to hear them again after this.
He's imagined this countless ways and countless times. None of them ever involved highly unregulated and experimental sex drugs, but then he supposes that's on him for not being more creative in his fantasies. He still didn't come close to how good this would feel.
“I can't- I'm not going to last,” he grunts.
You tug the hair on the back of his head lightly. “That's okay. Let go, baby.”
Adrian unravels at the pet name. His brain and baser urges can't fathom pulling out at this point, instead pounding deeper in as he lets himself go. It's almost enough to push you over the edge with him.
His body is heavy on top of you, half collapsed and boneless. “Holy fuck.”
“Better?” you ask. 
“Mhmm,” he hums.
Your breath hitches as Adrian begins to slowly rock his hips again. You expected he would need a moment to recover, but he feels just as hard as when you started. Thrill mixes with concern as you wonder just how long Adrian will be in this state for.
“Not done with you yet.”
His hand slips down between your bodies. His thumb gently swirls over your clit. This slow and sensual pace is so different from the violent pounding you were just receiving that it's dizzying. It's not long before you’re back on the edge of ultimate pleasure.
Adrian nips at your neck, immediately soothing it with his tongue. “Your turn. I need to see how pretty you look when you come. Please, please, please,” he begs, still breathless from his own release.
His sweaty forehead presses against yours, locking eyes with you. With that, one more swipe of his thumb, and one more please, you're crying out as your cunt clenches around him. He continues his gentle rock, working you through the intense orgasm.
Adrian’s wild grin greets you as you reopen your eyes. He leans down to give you a messy kiss as he ramps his speed back up. “You're so fucking hot. I nearly came just watching you. I know you're not on any sex drugs but I'm going to make you do that as many times as I can. Hottest thing I've ever seen.” 
You have absolutely no idea how long these drugs are going to last in Adrian's system. What you do know at this point is that you need to be ready for a long night and you're going to need to get creative. Who knew you'd be speedrunning a number of fantasies with him on the first night you're together? It's like taking a crash course in each other’s sexual proclivities.
At a certain point you lose track of the positions and angles you find together. You take him in your hand or mouth when your pussy needs a break, but draw a hard line at your ass. There's no world in which Adrian has enough patience for that to be a pleasurable experience.
Thankfully, each orgasm seems to take the edge off for longer and longer. After this, you expect that Adrian will be drained for days. If you didn't know about the drug in his system you'd be terrified by his stamina and recovery. The human body should not be able to produce that much cum in one night.
You're completely exhausted. There's no world in which you won't be limping tomorrow and potentially for days after. The discovery of lube in Adrian's nightstand halfway through your marathon was an absolute godsend but could only do so much.
The bottle now lies empty on the floor alongside the pieces of Adrian's Vigilante costume. Those came off at random, whenever he felt too restricted by them remaining on. You're not sure what to think about the jolt that ran through you looking at all his weapons laid out on the floor. You really hope he was too delirious to notice at the time.
Adrian is currently pressed into you from behind, spooning you. He's not moving, just taking pleasure in being buried inside you. His face is pressed back into the crook of your neck, very obviously smelling you and your hair. It's sweet.
You find his hand and intertwine your fingers with his. You'll ruminate more on the size and feel of them when your brain is more operational.
“Feeling better?” you ask, voice thick with fatigue.
“So much better. I thought my dick was going to explode earlier but now it just feels normal.”
You chuckle. “I'm glad your dick didn't explode.”
“Me too! I can't be the guy with the exploded dick. How would I pee?”
Your body relaxes further into his arms as sleep begins to pull you under. “I dunno. I'm glad it didn't,” you tell him. “You have a really nice dick.”
You can feel it flex inside you at the compliment. You don't think he did that on purpose. You'll have to investigate that more at a later time. 
“You really think so? You're not just being nice?”
You snort. “Yes. Your dick is very nice and has made me very tired. Wake me up if you need something.” With that, you slip off into a deep sleep as exhaustion takes hold. 
Adrian holds onto you tightly, still disbelieving that any of this is real. You're even better than he could have imagined. The two of you never avoided sex as a topic but you also never dove deep into it either, and Adrian’s chest always felt weird whenever he thought about anything past vanilla involving you. 
Despite his want to stay wrapped up and buried in you he also knows he's taken more than his fair share tonight. Adrian slowly climbs out of bed, careful to make sure you stay asleep.
He takes stock of himself as he stands. His head feels clearer than it has in hours and his veins are no longer searing. He has no open wounds or bruises. His dick doesn't even feel that bad. This is definitely not Vigilante’s worst night. He has no idea how he's going to discuss that with you. 
He maneuvers in the bathroom just from the ambient light out of the bedroom. It's good this is his own place or he definitely would have knocked things over and woke you. 
Adrian cleans himself up and wets a washcloth to do the same for you. A single small noise escapes you as he does this, but you otherwise remain fast asleep. He decides it's worth the risk to pull one of his shirts over you as well.
His heart stutters at the sight of you in his bed and in his clothes. Adrian doesn't like reflecting on his feelings often. Years of forced therapy and people staring at him like he'd grown antennae out of his head whenever he tried to express an emotion really stamped that out of him. You make him want to try.
You appeared in Adrian's life unexpectedly and cemented yourself in it quickly. For whatever reason, you were charmed by what others regularly told him was weird and off putting. Faster than he'd admit, he had to reassess his entire BFF tierlist.
From the start, there had been a soft and saccharine hope that this could be something more. The second it was felt, it was buried, but it never went down deep or stayed there for long. Like an annoying but resilient weed he couldn't ignore. You probably wouldn't appreciate that comparison.
Adrian was left stuck – wanting more and not wanting to ruin your friendship. He really hopes tonight changes things.
Your brow furrows, arms reaching out to where Adrian should be beside you. He slips a pair of boxers on and joins you back in bed. He was going to grab a glass of water for when you woke up, but how can he deny that?
You snuggle into his chest and throw a leg over him. Adrian kisses the top of your head and settles in. He's asleep in minutes.
It's early afternoon when you wake. Your body is starfished, left arm and leg splayed over Adrian. His gentle snores tell you that he doesn't mind. 
You reposition and tuck yourself alongside his body. He's a furnace and you're happy to soak up some additional heat. While you move, you realize that you have a shirt on despite definitely falling asleep naked. It's the Fargo shirt you got him for Christmas. You smile.
It's not long before Adrian is waking up too. He's quick to pull you in closer and kiss your forehead. “I'm not dreaming or dead, right?” he asks.
“Not that I'm aware of.”
“Okay, good, cool. I just thought I'd make sure. I've had a few dreams like this and it really pisses me off when I wake up for real and you're not here.”
You tilt your head to look up at Adrian. You may need a pinch of your own to make sure you're not still sleeping.
“What?” Adrian asks. “Is there drool on my face?”
You chuckle. There is actually, but you don't tell him. Instead you shift so that you’re now laying directly on top of Adrian and lean down to give him a soft kiss.
He responds immediately, arms wrapping around you and one hand finding your ass. You end the kiss prematurely. “Don't even think about it. I'll be lucky if I can walk today.”
You could frame the grin on Adrian's face. He sneaks in another quick kiss and then holds your face in his hands, seemingly inspecting it for something.
“What?” you ask between mushed cheeks.
“You're okay? I didn't hurt you, right?”
You roll your eyes. “No. You just fucked the shit out of me and now I'm tender.” The shit eating grin returns to his face.
You spend some more time in bed, poking fun at each other and goofing around. It feels no different than any other time you've spent with Adrian except for the new level of affection and the teal colored elephant in the room that you both dutifully ignore.
Eventually, the need to pee surpasses the joys of staying in bed. You take one wobbly step before Adrian is lifting you into his arms. You let out an undignified yelp.
“You looked like a baby deer,” Adrian tells you happily as a way of explaining his reason for the sudden lift. It's an embarrassing comparison, but you'll take the help. If he doesn't actually see you waddle, it may prevent Adrian from singing “Side to Side”.
He's more than happy to carry you out to the living room after, even offering a pair of his boxers to make up for your ruined panties. You'll steal some money from him later to replace those.
You demand Adrian bring you the blanket from the chair you camped out in last night and some of your snacks. The knife is still embedded in the back of the chair. You look away and busy yourself with locating the remote.
You're quick to find a movie, choosing something at random. Netflix original that had no marketing and no one has ever heard of? Perfect. Something to fill the room with noise.
Adrian drops the blanket over your head. 
“Hey!” you yell indignantly. By the time you have it off your head he's disappeared into the kitchen. The hum of Adrian’s keurig machine starts up, eventually turning into a spitting whir and two watery cups of coffee. 
He settles beside you on the couch and focuses on the movie. You aren't. Leaving the bedroom popped some kind of bubble in your mind, bringing you back to last night. 
Adrian is Vigilante. There's no denying it. You thought there would be a euphoric feeling along with the discovery – the absolute satisfaction in being right. Instead there's a pit in your stomach. Adrian is Evergreen's most wanted. A person who you once heard laughed while chopping a guy's arm off. Someone any normal person would be terrified of. So why aren't you?
You take a sip of your coffee. It's exactly how you like it. 
He's quiet, which is starting to freak you out more than anything else. You've only seen him go completely silent while watching Fargo or the Planet of the Apes movies. This random garbage is certainly not capturing his attention like those do.
Looking around the room, you catch a glimpse of his mask on the ground where it was discarded last night.
“So, can we talk about it?” you ask tentatively, still not quite looking at him.
“Talk?” Adrian says. “What do we need to talk about? How great this movie is? Because if you want to talk about that we should probably finish it first.”
You roll your eyes. Unsubtle as always. How he even kept this secret for so long is a genuine miracle. 
Your legs are unsteady but you do just fine in getting up and grabbing the mask. You throw it at him, somewhere between gentle and hard. 
“Oh right! This old thing. Not much to talk about there.” He tosses it onto the coffee table. “Let's just go back to this amazing movie. I think we're coming up on a big action sequence.” 
You move to stand directly in front of Adrian, tilting his head up so that he's forced to look at you. The look he gives you doesn't help your conviction. He's nearly begging to not discuss this. Unfortunately for him, there's no amount of puppy dog eyes that can get him out of this one.  
“I won't pretend like I'm not upset, but I'm also not walking out the door either. I just want to talk, Ade.”
Hearing his nickname seems to at least somewhat relax him. It's quiet for a moment, both of you struggling with where to start.
“How long have you known?” he asks.
“I've known for a while. I finally gathered enough courage to confront you about it last night.” You sit back down beside him. 
“I'm not stupid. You would bail on me and then there would be a new post online about Vigilante. I listened to a few videos of you talking to confirm and voilà. I know Vigilante’s secret identity.”
“Fuck! If you figured it out then someone else definitely has. This is so fucked. What am I going to do…” Adrian continues his worried monologue, sinking his fingers into his hair. You didn't realize how important the secret identity was to him.
“Adrian? Hey. Ade, look at me.” Your voice is commanding enough to stop his spiral. “First of all, that was rude as fuck. If I've figured it out then others definitely have? I am relatively smart, I'll have you know. Second, no one else is going to figure it out.”
“How can you say that?”
“Because I've spent a disgusting amount of time paying attention to everything about you. In and out of your suit. It would take a miracle for someone else to have paid the same amount of attention to you and put the pieces together.”
Adrian pulls his head out of his hands to look at you. “Now who's rude as fuck?” His tone is teasing. “Other people look at me. Plenty of other people want a piece of this.”
He gestures down his body. Your gaze gladly follows, which only makes you burn with embarrassment when your eyes meet Adrian's again. You want to hate his cocky grin, but you're also enjoying this new form of confidence from him.
You're not quite sure where things go from here. You have a million questions to ask, but you don't know if you're ready to hear the answers or if he's ready to share. Starting with familiar territory should help you think.
“So um, what exactly happened last night?” you ask, hoping for more details about how he ended up getting dosed with sex drugs. Or how those are something that's apparently real. Do you have to worry about that now?
A panicked look overtakes Adrian. It's a good thing he wears a mask as Vigilante – he's far too expressive and pretty to scare someone without it. 
“Why? Are you-? Oh fuck, I wasn't trying to-” he blurts.
“No, no! I'm not regretting it or anything like that. I hope you don't-”
“No! I don't either. It was great, you're great. Best sex I've ever had not even including the drugs, although they really enhanced the experience.”
You can't help but laugh. The absolute absurdity of all of this has finally and fully caught up with you. You don't know why you ever expected a normal confrontation or a normal confession with Adrian. Instead you're discussing sex drugs and reassuring each other that neither of you feels taken advantage of. This chaos feels fitting though, like it could have never gone any other way with him.
Adrian starts laughing with you, awkward and clearly forced. “Why are we laughing?” Adrian asks through his fake guffaws.
You reach out, placing a hand on Adrian's arm. “I'm- I'm sorry. I swear I'm not laughing at you, Ade. This is just- it's a lot.” 
You manage to calm yourself back down. “I don't regret last night and I'm glad you don't either. If this is going to work though, I have a lot of questions I need answered.”
Adrian sits up straight, eyeing you closely. “You mean you're not afraid? You want this? Me?”
It's probably a bad idea. After all, Adrian is no longer just your friend, the lonely busboy. Adrian is also a wanted and dangerous vigilante. Getting involved with him could result in things worse than a broken heart.
You look him over. His bright green eyes, nothing like you'd imagine the eyes of a killer. The light dusting of freckles that cover his skin, far too soft for some psychopath. The strong line of his jaw and neck, begging to be traced and kissed. His strong arms and hands, which managed to hold you with care even while not in his right mind.
Logic be damned, you know what you want. “Yeah, Adrian. I want you.”
Adrian pounces, knocking you back along the cushions and covering you in sloppy kisses. “Where do you want me to start?”
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Thanks for reading!! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated 💕
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hanasnx · 3 months ago
Idk if this fits since ive never seen peacemaker but i kinda want adrian to chase me through the woods lowkey
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NOTES: DC is for December Event!
"C'mon! Don't make me run." The sound of VIGILANTE's gun cocking echoes through the woods as branches snap under your feet. A loud huff sounds, and your heart rate picks up. Hastily, you wedge yourself between two trees, and in the darkness you pray he doesn't notice you. Your panting rises above the crunch of his footsteps, and you cover your mouth with your hand.
He's getting closer. With every snapping stick, your chest jumps, but you stifle your gasps to even out your breathing. It's exhausting. You feel as though you're about to burst—until suddenly, it's quiet. You're afraid to duck out for a glance, and will yourself to remain.
"Really?" the sarcastic questioning of the perpetrator throws you for a loop, screeching in surprise as you're knocked back. Vigilante is casual when he advances, while you land on your back, scrambling through the dirt and leaves. "It's like you're not even trying—" Two thumbs point to his chest and wiggle, "—but I am already rock hard." To say you're confused by his tone is an understatement, twisting your brows as you scan his figure, unable to pick yourself up off the ground as his foot lands on your ankle, pinning you there. He's talking like all of this is some big joke. "Now hold on, just wait a second, I wanna talk to you." He waves off your fear as he converses with you like he's not a madman after you with a gun.
"See the part I can't wrap my head around..." he begins, husky and labored, rearing his head to suck in more oxygen while your pussy wrapped around him clouds his mind. "Is if you're running from a crazy guy in the woods, why would you wear the tiniest little white nightie? Thought the object of it was not to get caught." Dried leaves crinkle under your hair as you whimper through the duct-tape on your mouth. Your taped fists bang against his costumed chest, and he finally looks down at you through the red visor. "Please, please," he reasons like you're the wild one here, and curtly folds your arms above your head and out of his way. "I'm trying to think but you're making it incredibly difficult." He chuckles in relief, and a euphoric sigh exhales from him as he sheathes again. "You're so wet." he tells you in awe, his cock twitching at the feeling of your pussy clenching around him.
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multifandomfanficss · 1 year ago
F*ck You?
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
and the rest of the 11th Street Kids
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: Adrian has his own secret way of asking you to sleep with him.
Warnings: Mentions of sex, but no actual sex. The team bullying Adrian as per cannon ☹️. Peacemaker typical language.
A/N: Just a silly little thought I had at 5am during a text convo with one of my best friends when I couldn’t sleep. Shout out Tyler for letting me bounce this idea off you. Thanks bestie! Just a short little fic. The italics are flashbacks. Crossposting on my AO3 adriansglasses.
Adrian stuck his middle finger up, pointed at you. You were going through some files on the other side of the room unable to see him behind the papers you were focusing on. Those who saw were giving him questioning looks.
“Dude why are you flipping off, (Y/N)? I didn’t realize you were mad at them” Economos decided to be the first to question him. Usually he didn’t care enough to ask, but even he was curious as to why Adrian was enthusiastically flipping you off.
“Oh! That’s because I’m not. I just wanna have sex when we get back to my apartment. I was saying can I fuck you.” Adrian says, as if it’s obvious. Chris begins to laugh, having overheard the conversation.
“Oh my god. I’m not sure if you’re insane or an idiot.” Harcourt rolls her eyes, walking away.
“I’m pretty sure he’s both. You know that’s not what that means right?” Economos questions.
“It has two meanings.” Adrian says in a very matter of fact way.
“No, it doesn’t.” John argues.
“Then how do they always know what I mean?” Adrian asks, as if he’s proving his point.
Chris continues to laugh to himself as Adrian and Economos argue.
You’re deep in thought, not paying them any attention when Leota passes you the file you were looking for.
“Thanks!” You smile at her.
“Why is Adrian flipping you off?” She asks.
You look over at him, blushing. You nod.
“See!” Adrian yells throwing up his arms. “Two meanings! I told you!”
“Oh god.” You blush, hiding your face in one of the files. You didn’t need the entire team knowing you were going home to have sex after this, but it’s not like it was that big of a surprise. You’d been dating Adrian for a while, of course you had a sex life. “I don’t know how or why he got it into his head that fuck you means can I fuck you- but like I personally think it’s very clever and very cute so I just don’t correct him.” You laugh, deciding to be honest with Leota.
You thought back to the first time he flipped you off in such a manner. You were out with the team celebrating with drinks after a mission. He threw up his middle finger, drawing a question mark in the air with the other hand. You looked at him with a confused look and mouthed. ‘Are you asking me to have sex with you?’ and he mouth back, ‘Isn’t it obvious?’. Only Adrian could think something like that was obvious. Only Adrian would even do something like that. You smiled, laughing quietly to yourself. It was so uniquely him.
Chris was still laughing uncontrollably in the back. He was thinking of the first time he’d seen Adrian do this too. Little did everyone else know Chris had been the one to teach it to him long before you were dating.
“You really wanna know how I pick up chicks across the bar?” Chris asked with a shit eating smirk.
“Please!” Adrian begged. He could pull girls as Vigilante no problem, but it was a lot harder without the suit.
“Be direct. Just ask if she wants to go home with you. The most subtle way to be direct is to flip her off.” Chris falsely informs.
“Wait… you want me to be subtle and direct? I’m confused.” Adrian asks.
“Well, yeah. You want her to know, not the whole bar.” Chris quickly lies.
“I always thought flipping somebody off was an insult.” Adrian is rightfully cautious.
“It has two meanings. It’s like special. Special can mean you’re one of a kind, cool, awesome, or it could be used the other way.” Chris explains.
“Oh! Okay!” Adrian smiles, before pausing, with a pondering facial expression. “Wait! You call me special all the time.”
“You should hit on that girl over there!” Chris redirects.
“Okay… here goes nothing…” Adrian says, slowly raising his middle finger. The girl looks shocked and starts to walk up to the two men at the bar. “Oh wow! I think it worked!”
Her pace picks up. She walks up to Adrian, slapping him, hard.
“Wait! This is positive! I’m hitting on you!” Adrian says frantically with his finger still up, as she walks away.
“Aw! Fuck! Do you think maybe she had a boyfriend?” Adrian asks, adjusting his glasses and rubbing his jaw.
“Yeah, maybe.” Chris laughs hysterically.
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gothgleek · 9 months ago
Adrian Chase Nsfw Alphabet
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TW: mentions of canon torture (nothing explicit or of a sexual nature though), blood, and knife play.
Disclaimer: I do not own Peacemaker or DC Comics or the images used in any form.
Comments, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated 🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
This boy is touch starved so no matter how long the two of you were going at it, Adrian will wrap around you like an octopus and kiss your neck.
Unfortunately, Adrian is also cringe. He will give you a high five and thank you for letting him ‘smash that ass!’ Every. Single. Time.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Adrian spent a lot of time crafting his body into the killing machine that it is so he loves his entire body (except his missing toes) but his most favorite would probably be his ass. He likes the way you react when you see it. But before you, it was his abs.
His favorite part of you is your ass as well. He’s an ass man.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes cumming on your ass but if you beg him enough he’ll cum inside you too. If you wear glasses, he likes covering it with cum as well.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes eating ass (but that’s hardly a secret).
He also fantasizes about fucking you while he’s on patrol but that’s unfortunately illegal so he only enjoys it in theory rather than practice. (Unfortunately, he takes vigilantism very seriously.)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not a ton of experience. Honestly, he’s only had threesomes with Chris and whoever is into Chris. He tends to be ignored but he was happy to watch. “Less chances of getting my mask removed!” It takes him a minute to realize you only want him and a little longer how to have sex with only one other person.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Anything involving picking you up. He likes to show off how strong he is for you. He gives you a whole goofy smile and everything. Alternatively, any position where he can grab, smack, or watch his cock go in and out of your ass.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Pre- relationship, he was adamant that the mask stays ON during sex. Post relationship he was serious about learning how to please you. Other than that, the two of you are bound to burst into giggles at least twice while fucking.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He is waxed because his suit is best without hair getting caught. But if you preferred he grew it out for a vacation away from vigilantism, his public hair is a dirty blonde and his chest hair is a light brown.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is hardly a natural romantic and the advice he gets from Chris has… mixed results to say the least. His attempts at romance are cheap and cheesy at the least (flower petals in the shape of a heart, a box of dollar store chocolate, some leftover pie from the diner, etc.) But he does make you feel looked at and cared for during sex.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t really get horny, maybe a few times a month, since he is pretty busy. Of course, upon meeting you he is willing to
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He’s into roleplay, especially the kinds where he can rescue you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s pretty vanilla in this aspect as he likes to fuck inside his place. But he does enjoy picking you up and taking you from room to room.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He likes making you laugh at his dirty jokes and pickup lines. He always likes you covered in lingerie and blood and hopes to see you in both one day. Outside of you, if he kills someone in a really cool way, he will run home and start eating you out without even taking his uniform off.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
The funniest answer is that I think that Adrian has all the federal and state laws memorized so he will not do anything illegal- even the ridiculously outdated laws. Like, if you happen to be in one of the states that forbids extramarital sex like Utah or Idaho, he will not have sex with you until you cross that border.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He’s a giver 1000% but he also enjoys getting a blowjob while you have someone else (aka Chris) or a toy in your ass and watching you give someone/a toy a blowjob while he fucks you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s used to doing it hard and fast but he does dedicate a lot of time to foreplay.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies with the two of you were born out of necessity since you’re traveling together. Even when you settle down for long periods of time, he will have a quickie in the motel room if you ask. But in those moments, he would prefer to take his time with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
I think he would be into knife play and maybe wax play but that’s as far as he will go. Someone brought up the idea of using a cattle prod and he was curious but right now he associates extreme bdsm with losing his toes and nothing is as much of a boner killer as that.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
By virtue of his threesome exclusive past, he is used to going multiple rounds. His recovery period depends on how much exercise he’s gotten that day but he will use toys or something to keep you ready for him.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He appreciates toys and will use them on his partner. He’s especially found of DP-ing you with a teal dildo you bought together. Sometimes, if he’s feel cruel, he’ll tie you up and leave a vibrator on your clit.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s a pretty impatient guy who values the power of a quickie but he knows sometimes teasing is better than the actual sex.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not loud but he is super chatty and will talk you through it.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He would like to have sex with you on a boat with flames on it while dolphins swim around you two. Ideally, you would also be a mermaid in this scenario.
He also had Chris make him a sex playlist… depending on your taste in music, it’s very cute or incredibly cringey.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Solid muscle with a v line and no body hair and an ass like a baseball player. He likes to say he’s as smooth as a dolphin.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty low. You usually are the one to initiate things. Non-sexually though, he is pretty clingy and wants to be with you all the time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He falls asleep pretty quickly, he likes to keep his days and nights busy after all!
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latenightreadingpdf · 11 months ago
Masked Affection - Adrian Chase
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₊‧⁺˖⋆ Masterlist ⋆˖⁺‧₊
Summary: Y/N navigates the chaos of a small Italian restaurant and forms an unexpected bond with her coworker Adrian, unaware of his alter ego, Vigilante. When she's attacked, Vigilante saves her, sparking a tangled tale of secrets and forbidden love.
In the bustling chaos of Fennel Fields, a small Italian restaurant with more character than class, Y/N found herself navigating the intricate dance of waitressing. It was a job she had taken up recently, and while the ambiance was anything but glamorous, she was determined to make the most of it.
However, amidst the clattering of dishes and hurried footsteps, one name seemed to echo through the restaurant more than others: Adrian Chase. Her coworkers, in their own colorful way, had painted a portrait of him as an enigma, a figure of both intrigue and caution. They warned her about his eccentricities, his odd mannerisms, but Y/N dismissed their warnings with a shrug. After all, how strange could one busboy be?
It wasn't until she spotted him for the first time, amidst the chaos of the kitchen, that Y/N felt a flutter of curiosity. There he was, Adrian, with his tousled curls and endearing clumsiness. As she approached him to introduce herself, a smile tugged at her lips. "Hey there, I'm Y/N. You must be Adrian, right?"
Adrian, in a moment of awkward panic, attempted nonchalance, only to stumble over his own feet in the process. Y/N couldn't help but chuckle, charmed by his adorable mishap.
As weeks passed and shifts blurred into one another, Y/N found herself drawn to Adrian's company. Despite his quirks and the jokes that often flew over his head, she made sure he felt included, defending him against the barbs of others with unwavering loyalty.
Yet, it was on a fateful night, as Y/N made her way home through dimly lit streets, that her world collided with chaos once more. She found herself accosted by a group of menacing figures, their intentions clear as they brandished a gleaming knife.
Just as fear threatened to consume her, a masked figure emerged from the shadows, a silent guardian in the night. With swift and decisive action, he killed her attackers, leaving Y/N stunned in his wake.
Gratitude flooded her as she thanked her mysterious savior, unaware that behind the mask lay the familiar face of Adrian Chase. His heart raced beneath the guise of Vigilante, torn between the desire to reveal himself and the fear of the consequences.
Y/N quickly noticed that he was hurt during the fight and insisted on tending to his wounds, Vigilante hesitated, his secret identity hanging in the balance. Yet, drawn by an inexplicable longing to know her more deeply, he followed her home, allowing her to patch him up in the quiet sanctuary of her living room.
While Y/N is rummaging through her first aid supplies, Vigilante takes a moment to observe her living space. He notices small details about her that he never paid attention to before: the books on the shelf, the photos on the wall, the cozy blanket draped over the couch. It dawns on him how little he actually knows about her life outside of work.
As Y/N returns with the first aid kit, she notices the tension in Vigilante's posture, his masked gaze fixed on some distant point. "Is everything okay?" she asks, her voice laced with concern.
Vigilante hesitates for a moment, grappling with the urge to confess his feelings and the fear of rejection or worse, revealing his secret identity. Instead, he offers a tight-lipped smile. "Yeah, just admiring your place. It's... cozy."
Y/N chuckles softly, setting the first aid kit down on the coffee table. "Thanks! It's not much, but it's home." She gestures for him to roll up his sleeve so she can tend to his wound.
As she cleans and stitches the wound, Vigilante finds himself relaxing in her presence. Her gentle touch and soothing voice calm the turmoil within him, if only temporarily. He starts to realize just how much he craves this sense of normalcy, away from the chaos of his double life.
Once the wound is patched up, Y/N sits back and surveys her handiwork with a satisfied nod. "There, good as new."
"Thanks," he murmurs, genuine gratitude coloring his tone.
Y/N smiles warmly. "Anytime. Just glad I could help."
They fall into a comfortable silence, the air thick with unspoken tension. Vigilante wrestles with the urge to confess his feelings, to tell her everything, but the fear of ruining their newfound closeness holds him back.
Just as he's about to speak, the sound of sirens pierces the night outside. Vigilante stiffens, his instincts kicking into high gear.
Y/N frowns, glancing towards the window. "Sounds like trouble. You should probably get going."
Vigilante nods, already rising from the couch. "Yeah, duty calls." He hesitates for a moment, then with a slight lift of his mask, he leans down to press a fleeting kiss to her cheek. The fabric brushes against her skin as he murmurs, "Thanks again, for everything."
Before Y/N can react, he's already slipping out the door, leaving her heart pounding in his wake.
As she watches him disappear into the night, a whirlwind of emotions crashes over her. Little does she know, this chance encounter is just the beginning of a tangled web of secrets, lies, and forbidden love.
One evening, as she and Adrian sat together after their shift, the topic turned to the recent attack. "I still can't believe someone was there to save me," Y/N mused, her voice tinged with awe. "I feel so lucky that Vigilante was in the area."
Adrian nodded in agreement, a faint smile playing at his lips. Little did Y/N know, he was the one behind the mask, his heart pounding with a mixture of guilt and affection. He had been following her that night, not out of malice or suspicion, but out of a growing sense of protectiveness. He wanted to ensure nothing bad happened to her, not because he felt obligated, but because he was falling for her in a way he couldn't quite comprehend.
As Y/N continued to express her gratitude, Adrian felt a swell of emotion rise within him. He longed to confess the truth, to tell her that he was the one who had been watching over her, but fear held him back. He couldn't bear the thought of jeopardizing their newfound connection, not when his feelings for her were so raw and uncertain.
Instead, he offered her a reassuring smile, his heart heavy with the weight of his secret. "Yeah, it was very lucky," he agreed softly, his words carrying a depth of meaning that only he could understand.
As they sat together in the quiet intimacy of the break room, Adrian couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them. Little did Y/N know, the man sitting beside her, with his gentle smile and hidden depths, was not just her coworker, but the masked vigilante who had come to her rescue.
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sandy-the-glader · 1 year ago
Is That Me?
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Character: Adrian Chase x Gn!Reader
Type: Fluff
Length: Drabble (500 words)
Summary: All month you have been ranting to your best friend about your celebrity crush and Adrian gets a little jealous. Little does he know that the face is quite familiar.
Trope: established relationship
A/N: Since Peacemaker confirmed that a lot of celebrities exist in the DC universe I thought this was adorable. Also, I saw someone do this with a different celebrity a long time ago so credit to them! Hope this will tie you guys over until I finish the requests since they are taking longer than I thought they would.
"Who is he?" Adrian stood in the doorway of your guy's shared bedroom with folded arms and a concerned look on his face. You looked up from your phone with a confused look.
"Who are you talking about?" You sat up on the bed with your phone in front of you. Adrian sighed heavily
"You know who. The dude you've been talking about non-stop." You couldn't help the smile that broke out on your face. You had been ranting to your best friend over the phone for weeks about this really handsome actor you came across recently because he looked exactly like your boyfriend.
A giggle bubbled up inside you and you started to laugh hard. You couldn't keep hiding the celebrity from Adrian.
"What's so funny?" He frowned at my reply. You almost felt bad but once he realized who it was he would feel much better.
"Are you jealous Adrian?"
"Gonna be honest yes I am a little bit! Who is he?" He came closer to me making me look up at him. Seeing him jealous was honestly really attractive.
"Do you really want to know?" You teased trying to keep pulling a reaction out of him.
"Yes." He whined. You unlocked your phone and typed up the actor you had been obsessing over. You hesitated to show him because the joke was really enjoyable. But you finally flipped over the phone to him and showed him.
At first, he squinted and adjusted his glasses to see the man better. Then his face morphed into confusion and shock.
"Is this me?" He exclaimed scrolling through the images that popped up of him. "He's me but blonde?" He looked so startled.
"No! Freddie Stroma." You giggled. Adrian sat down on the bed absolutely starstruck by the information of him having a look alike.
"Oh my god, I was in Harry Potter." He muttered. You continued to smile and laugh at his reaction. "Are you sure this isn't me? Did you like photoshop my face on some random guy's body?"
"I definitely did not." You watched his face morph into so many emotions. Curiosity, confusion, and some sort of happiness.
"So this whole time you've been obsessing over a guy that looks like me?" He still continued to scroll and look at everything he's done. You nodded a couple of times. "But I'm right here." He shrugged his shoulders. Adrian narrowed his eyes at the screen still flabbergasted by the whole situation.
"But do you have a hot British accent?" you joked.
"Yes. I do now!" He put on a fake voice making you kiss his cheek.
"I just wanted to see how you would react baby." You hummed hugging him from the side. "And now there's an actor that looks like my boyfriend," You repeated to kiss him on his cheek making his face go all warm.
"Please don't say you're going to leave me for actor me." He turned his head and had a look of genuine fear in his eyes for a minute before you cupped them and told him no.
"No honey I'm not going anywhere." He leaned in to capture your lips in a heartfelt kiss that made your heartbeat quicken. You didn't need a celebrity that looked like your boyfriend because you already had him in your arms.
"Are you still jealous?" you joked making him smile.
"Defiantly not because it's me." He smiled like a dork. You were happy to have your love in your life. "I guess I'm an actor now." You shook your head.
"Nah my boyfriend is the badass Vigilante."
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chaseadrian · 2 years ago
left unattended
It's past midnight at your gym security job, and the cute member who's been coming around for months slips off the treadmill. What starts as a panic quickly turns into something a lot more exciting. [masterlist]
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pairing: adrian chase x f!reader tags: 18+ ONLY, explicit, strangers to lovers, injury, casual voyeurism if you squint, semi-public sex, somewhat canon compliant, this does use my headcanon for adrian's healing factor, cunnilingus, fingering, protected sex, cute ending word count: 7.1k+ a/n: no, this isn't a joke, it's my best boy's birthday and i wanted to do something!! hope yall enjoy!
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The back office at the gym was a jail cell. A tight, stuffy room with air conditioning that blew up at the ceiling and rattled a loose tile incessantly. There you sat, an envoy on wheels in front of four cheap monitors, overseeing the entire gym. Members weren't even aware the place was staffed after sunset, the sparse three or four gym goers coming to lift in peace.
That's how you like it, locked in your trashy little back office with snacks from the vending machine and the whole place mostly to yourself. Got a lot of reading done, and sometimes...sometimes, something interesting happened.
Tonight is one of those nights.
You'd seen him in the gym now and again when the sun was far gone and the night was settled into its typical peaceful terror. Dark brown hair, wire-rim glasses, always in a baggy shirt and black sweatpants. Sometimes he'd come in with a sheen of sweat already, his hair sticking to his forehead and the glasses askew, but as long as he did his reps without strangling himself, it wasn't much your business what state he came in.
The one thing that really stuck out was that he scanned his member card at the empty desk when he came in. It was already required at the card reader by the locked front door, but he always scanned it twice. A little peculiar, but better than the guys who thought midnight meant they could have their shirts off while they sweat all over the equipment.
You shudder to yourself in the room watching one of those exact men hop around from machine to machine without wiping them off. It isn't your job to clean up after grown men, but when he leaves, you still slump out of the chair with a grumble and make a quick trip around the floor, rag and disinfectant in hand.
There were horror stories of diseases transmitted via gym equipment, and the thought alone is enough to keep you scrubbing.
The sound of a muffled beep from outside stops you in your tracks, however, and you all but throw the supplies away as you dash back to the office.
A second beep from inside the gym settles the lingering nerves, and you sip your water as you watch Glasses slip into the locker room. You prefer not to assume the worst of the guys who work out at night, but this one seemed especially harmless. If he'd seen you, it wouldn't have been the scariest thing in the world.
You throw your feet up on the desk and recline in your chair as he comes out of the locker room, heading for the treadmill. He pushes his glasses up before he starts running, adjusting a pair of wired earphones as he finds his rhythm.
The picture on your monitor isn't exactly high definition, but he's got a nice profile, good stature. He runs with a little pep in his step. You can see his reflection in the monitor to the left, camera centered on a row of mirrors in front of the weight rack. He grimaces as he runs, bottom lip pulled down, teeth gritted.
Watching him breathe in through his teeth jumpstarts your own manual breathing. You close your lips and focus on pulling breath in through your nostrils, eyes trained on the stranger running on screen.
You watch him do the same as he slows the treadmill half a mile’s speed, one heavy breath out to reorient himself.
His eyes flick around to the nearest camera, or at least, it looks like they do, and for a second it's like he's in on the moment, breathing with you.
Shaking your head, you laugh quietly to yourself and flick your thumb over the pages of your book. All you could do during the night shift was imagine, these sappy, fantastic words carrying you away, sometimes head over heels.
You'd never heard Glasses speak, didn't know his name, and he was unaware you even existed.
He's just a cute stranger on a treadmill, and you're just bored.
You watch him speed back up, fumbling with his earbuds once again, when he loses his feet out from under him.
You gasp, sitting up and rushing out of the back office before you see him settle into his fall.
“Oh my god, sir, are you alright?” You keep a couple foot's distance. He isn't twisted or bent in any weird ways, by all appearances he just fell flat on the floor, but you'd rather not risk the liability by touching him before he asks for help.
“Ow, motherfucker.” His voice has a kick to it, with an edge of irritation, and he starts pushing himself up with the arm that landed under his torso. “Shit! Ow!”
You give him a wide berth as you come around to turn the treadmill off, the emergency clip crumpled at the bottom of the cupholder.
“Sir, I work here, I'm the night security officer, can I help you get up?”
He extends his free arm toward you, “This arm is the uninjured one.”
You wrap it around your shoulder, settling your hand on his back and supporting him best you can as he wobbles up. There was weight to him that you didn't expect, and couldn't surmise based on the squashed ratio of the office monitors.
“There's a first aid kit in the back, okay, and I'll call you an ambulance if —”
“No! No hospitals, I'm sure I'm alright. Just need a nap.”
He favors his arm as you guide him to the manager's office, parallel to the security office and tucked away from the floor.
“A nap is probably the last thing you need...if you have a concussion or—or a broken arm—”
“Mm-mm, didn't hit my head.” He lets you sit him down on the cheap couch in the office. Your boss said it was for wooing investors, but it's been a nap couch more than anything. Now it served as a half-assed gurney.
“Adrian, my name is Adrian.” There was a coarseness to the way he spoke now, like the shock and hurt had settled into anger and impatience.
It felt informal and just too personal to use his name, the spirit of customer service holding tight to formality and pleasantries. Still, you relented, knowing pleasantries were the least of your worries right now.
“Adrian, you're bleeding from your lip, and your arm...”
He licks his bottom lip, smearing the blood away with his tongue, and his nose scrunches in response to the taste.
“I'll take an alcohol wipe.”
You dart over to the first aid kit on the wall and return with gauze, wipes, and a handful of bandages. Sitting down on the coffee table opposite Adrian, you pull back when he reaches for the supplies.
“Sorry, I have to administer first aid care if you don't want me to call an ambulance. They made me take a whole course and everything.” You slip on a pair of gloves.
“Understood, laying back down, and just so you know, I'm not allergic to latex.” He settles into the corner of the couch, cradling his arm, slowly circling his wrist, then his shoulder, his fingers pressing along the bones to feel for pain. He watches you tear open the alcohol wipe.
“We don't use latex gloves, but thanks. This will probably sting, sorry.” You press the wipe to his lip, and his nostrils flare, but he keeps from hissing or flinching, if he'd had the notion to do so at all.
Wiping the blood from his lip, you replace it with the gauze, “Once we get this bleeding stopped, we can see how bad it really is. When you ran your tongue over your lip, did it feel like you busted it? Just nod or shake your head for me, don't talk.”
He shakes his head, and you catch sight of his eyes for the first real time. It isn't so much the glinting pale green as it is the way he keeps them open, wide and alert, like a deer in headlights. He doesn't seem afraid, just aware, watching you as you press the gauze into his lip.
“That's good.” You gingerly nod, “And the arm? You don't think it's broken?”
He shakes his head again, and stretches the arm out in front of him, wincing, but circling his wrist to show off the mobility.
“Okay, okay, don't do that. You could have a hairline fracture or something, you landed on it right?”
He nods.
“Could have pinched a nerve or bruised something. I'll have to write up an incident report, especially since you don't want an ambulance called. Are you sure you don't want me to call?”
He nods again, and you press a fresh piece of gauze to his lip, dabbing to be certain the blood has stopped.
“I'm gonna take a look at your lip now, do you mind?”
“All yours.” His voice is still low, and he lets you tilt his face this way and that as you inspect the lip. His breath hits you as you tug his lip down to check the inside, a small hitch before an exhale, his body stiff for that split second.
“Alright, it's not totally busted, looks like you bit it during the fall, but just the outside punctured. There's really not a good bandaid for lips, unfortunately, but it should scab soon.”
You get up to toss the used supplies in the trash, and pull a sheet from the bottom drawer of the desk.
“I'll need your autograph on this guy once I've filled it out, sound good?”
Adrian half smiles at you, and shakes his head, “I don't sign anything without a lawyer present.”
You stare at him and press two fingers to your forehead, sighing, “I—okay, I'll have to call the general manager then, and—”
“Gotcha! Just a joke, you know, to lighten the mood. This is all pretty serious, but I'm fine, really! I just need a nap.” He settles horizontally on the couch, blinking hard, “I'll sign your paper after, deal?”
There's a pause, and he squints his eyes at you, “C'mon, are naps illegal here or something?”
“Well, no, but it's really dangerous for you to nap right now, I'm sorry, sir, but—”
“Great, then you can just watch me sleep the whole time. If I start dying, wake me up, but I'm one-hundred percent sure I'll be okay. I've fallen hundreds of times in my life.” He yawns, “And my name...” His eyelids slide closed, “...is Adrian...not 'sir.”
Before you can protest again, he's passed out, and you watch his chest rise and fall steadily. You grab a pen from the desk and sit on the floor next to him, scribbling out the incident report, your free hand hovering in front of his mouth to keep track of his breathing.
You sit for several more minutes, rereading the report, watching Adrian's breathing. The arm he hurt slowly falls from where it lays atop his chest, settling parallel to his body. He doesn't wince in his sleep, and his lips stay parted, a quiet snore vibrating past his mouth.
His sweat dried hair curls over his forehead, dark strands shining under the warm table lamp light.
When the adrenaline calms, and you aren't so immediately terrified of Adrian's state of injury, your thoughts again begin to wander.
He sleeps so peacefully on the couch, his features—objectively pretty whether you agree or not—still as he breathes, strong jaw giving way to a muscular neck, collarbones peeking out from the loose neckline of a too-big tee.
This man is gorgeous.
His little visage in the monitors didn't do him justice, a tiny grainy thing that lost the detail of his eyelashes, and the curve of his arms.
You aren't sure where to put this ill-timed, odd-placed attraction to the injured, sleeping man in front of you. You're sure it's inappropriate on some degree, unachievable on another.
He stirs for the first time and you jump up into one of the chairs around the coffee table, rereading the report again and again as he blinks awake with a quiet groan.
“Morning, were you watching me the whole time I was asleep?” He has a real smile, and you watch him push up to sit with ease, weight on his injured arm.
“You told me I should, so...” You slide the report closer to him, and offer the pen, “Deal's a deal.”
“That it is.” He scans the paper, muttering to himself, and nodding in approval. “Yeah, I'll take responsibility. I'm good as new, anyway.” He reaches for the pen with the injured arm, and signs the paper.
“Your arm sure is doing better.” You slip the paper into a folder on the desk, and drop the pen back in its place.
“Told you it would be.” He pushes himself up and walks over to you, placing both hands on either hip. “Sleep is the best medicine, after all.”
“Pretty sure laughter is the best medicine.”
He laughs at that, “That doesn't make any sense.”
You chuckle alongside him, a little charmed and a little thrown off.
“You're not wearing a nametag, you know, and you never introduced yourself.”
Adrian shifts gears faster than anyone you've ever seen, and you stutter in response, “Oh, right, well I don't really interact with the members so I just don't bother.”
“Long name.”
He smiles again, and you laugh before finally offering up your name.
“That makes more sense. Now onto the second most important question.” He leans in, hands still on his hips, “Can I see the security footage of me falling?”
“I— well, I can't take anyone into the security office...”
His features go crestfallen, and he looks away from you. Something about disappointing him drives a stake through your chest, and you're eager to wipe that upset from his face.
“B-but, I can take video of it on my phone and show you.”
As quickly as his demeanor falls, it lights back up, and he leans against the desk, crossing his arms, “I'll be awaiting your return!”
You tut, “Can't have anyone in the office without supervision either, you can wait out on the floor.”
“Say less.” He hops up and hurries out of the room.
You pop across the hall into the security office, rewinding through footage on the attached laptops. It doesn't take long to find movement amidst the minutes of stillness.
It was a hard fall, and you're genuinely amazed he made it up with minor scuffs and a possible bruise.
Flicking your gaze up to the current monitors, you see Adrian pacing the rows between machines, weaving in and out, doing figure eights at random. He pauses to look around, finding the nearest security camera, and he gives a quick wave before pointing toward the locker room. He shakes his hand over his mouth, like someone drinking from a glass.
If you were thinking differently, it could be something more suggestive, but the thought doesn't cross your mind. Not even for a split second.
Crossing the gym floor, phone in hand, you knock at the doorway to the locker room, “Adrian, you in here?“
“Yep, and I'm totally decent.”
“Well, I'd hope so.” You find him sat on a wooden bench, screwing the lid back onto a sad looking water bottle.
“Well, it is a locker room.” He says it without attitude, just an apparent fact that yeah, he could've been indecent in here.
You sit down next to him, and he scoots closer, your shoulders brushing together briefly, “It was a pretty bad fall, brace yourself.”
You're not exactly sure what reaction you were expecting from him, but the raucous laughter that follows the video isn't it.
Adrian leans back, his hand on his stomach, and he just about slips off the bench before catching himself. You're not sure you've ever heard such true laughter before, not for a long time, at least.
“Can I see it again?” He can barely get the words out, but you play it again, and he continues to lose it. The laughter echoes in the tile covered locker room, and you can't help yourself when you start to laugh as well.
Covering your face with a hand, you catch his gaze, laughing together for several minutes before you have to find your breath. His hand is on your shoulder, steadying you both, not harsh, just stable.
“Oh, man,” His voice has lifted, and he shakes his head, “You've gotta send that to me. Please tell me that's allowed.”
“Yeah, sure, nothing in the rulebook that outlaws that.” You cool with the last dredges of your laughter, cheeks warm and smile lines firm in your face. “Here, put your number in.”
He hands the phone back to you, having sent himself a text that says 'Hi Adrian!'
You send the video right then and there, watching as he pulls his phone out from his bag with a smile. He loses it with laughter upon replay, and he texts back a string of merman emojis.
“Merman? Didn't even know that existed.”
“The ocean is full of crazy stuff, Aquaman is really just the tip of the iceberg.” He slips his phone back into his bag, and turns to you, a smile stuck on his face.
You smile in response, too awestruck to speak. He has the enthusiastic cadence of a party clown, with none of the added discomfort. You actually feel at ease sitting here with him in the late hours of the night. Panicked beginnings aside, he'd woken with what seemed like a new lease on life, and pulled a total 180 on you.
He shifts the conversation when you break eye contact, his firm stare warming your cheeks and kicking up butterflies.
“My friends and I go to this bar on Saturdays, you should come and tell the whole story to them! The video is cool and all, but nothing beats an eyewitness account, it'd be so badass.” His voice sounds genuine, but it's a pretty big leap from one moment to the next.
“I—” You let out a quiet laugh, wanting to jump at the opportunity to see him somewhere in the actual, real world, and not immediately following a potentially catastrophic fall. There's no way he's serious, though, and you shake your head without meeting his eyes.
He swings a leg over the bench and scoots closer, “Are you shy or something? You were totally cool and collected when I busted my ass an hour ago…” Pondering for a moment, he frowns, “Oh, or do you not want to drink beer with me and my friends? It's your choice, but I gotta say you'd be missing out, one of my friends is a lesbian so she can get us into a bar where the beer tastes like skittles.”
You laugh again, and meet his eyes, “I just kinda thought you were joking about that.”
He furrows his brow, “No way, dude, it really would be badass! And maybe my best friend would finally get off my ass about finding another chick to join the crew.“
Getting carried away, he animates with his hands, and changes his voice, “He'd be all 'Wow, Adrian, where'd you find this babe, that's so awesome of you.' and I'd tell him how you came to my rescue like a minor league superhero, then you can tell them the rest of the story.”
Catching your unwavering eyeline, he straightens his posture, “Or, y'know, something totally different and more casual.”
All you can do is laugh. You're being pulled between calm familiarity and daunting giddiness. By all accounts, you should have returned to the back office, bidding Adrian goodnight and hoping the nap truly was some magic fix-it.
But here you were, sitting in the sterile, silent locker room next to him, in a pause that only grew more tense with each passing second.
“I'm in.” You finally speak, swallowing the nerves that thrum in your chest, “As long as you actually do introduce me as the babe that saved your life.”
You extend a hand.
Adrian lights up, and he takes it, “Deal.”
A good handshake should last two or three seconds, based on every job interview you've ever had, but Adrian shakes your hand for a long, long time. His smile remains enthusiastic, but you're almost certain he's slowly pulling you in with the tight grip of his hand.
You let it ride, inching closer on the smooth lacquered wood of the bench, almost invisibly.
His eyes stay wide as he makes his first obvious move, leaning in, your hands close to his chest.
“Would it be weird if we kissed right now?”
Your breath hitches. The question comes out of thin air, but with the constant whiplash of your entire time knowing Adrian, it isn't a complete surprise. You part your lips to respond, a weak stutter escaping.
There's an immediate disappointment that pounds in your heart, and you watch Adrian's eyes flicker around the locker room. He leans closer, “Are there cameras...in here?”
“No.” You whisper, and then, a little louder, “To both questions.”
The slow smile of realization crosses his lips, and before you can even decipher why, he's kissing you.
It isn't rough or quick or even with very much passion, but it's a good, solid kiss. He wraps his hand around yours, cradling them between your chests, smiling through it. This doesn't have the familiarity you felt sitting next to him, but it wasn't lighting you up inside either.
It was a first kiss, truly. Bumpy and awkward, and you found your mind rewinding through the night, wondering how you ended up here. How you'd managed to find the one gym weirdo who put you at ease and was cute enough to kiss so early into an official meeting. Another part of you felt like a creeper, having seen him so many nights, having fixated a little when you got restless with your books.
You pull away, and he searches for your lips with his eyes closed before accepting the loss, still holding onto your hand.
“Adrian, I know we honestly literally just met, but I feel like I should tell you something.”
“Okay.” He sits expectantly, his glasses askew.
“I've been watching you in the back office for like, a long time.” Your eyes settle on your intertwined hands.
He tuts, and rolls his eyes with a smile, “Of course you have, it's your job.”
“No, like, you specifically. I dunno, you're the cutest person who comes in during the night shift, and it's pretty boring back there most of the time. It just felt weird because I've known of you for a while, but you didn't even know I was here, and, I don't know, I feel like a creeper kissing you.”
He raises his eyebrows, “You think I'm the cutest person? I kinda thought you were kissing me out of pity, like, maybe you're afraid I really do have a concussion and could die.”
You laugh, “You sure you don't want to go to the hospital?”
He shakes his head, “Nope, don't need it.” Leaning in, there's an excitement in his voice when he next speaks, “I will take another kiss, though.”
The next kiss is less awkward, and Adrian's free hand coils around your waist to pull you as close as he can get you on the bench. He drops your hand and slips his fingers around the back of your neck, enveloping you with his touch.
This feels like the kind of kiss that happens more than once. You knot a hand in his shirt, and rest the other atop his thigh. You're certain he had you tight in his grip, but the hand on his thigh was more a mental ground than anything else, your fingertips squeezing his musculature.
You could get very easily carried away in a kiss like this, and with Adrian's hold tight around you, it doesn't take long to decide you'll go as far as he wants in this locker room.
Slipping a hand in his hair, you tug him away from your lips, exposing his throat. Your eyes meet his as you drag your mouth up towards his cheekbone, dotting kisses around his face, down to the edge of his jaw, and finally to the pulpit of his neck. The faintest trace of salt is stuck on his skin, a remnant of the workout that led you here, and you latch your lips to the spot until all you can taste is skin.
When you pull back, there's a rosy pink mark, and his eyes are glossing over. You peck his lips with yours, and he blinks hard, leaning into the direction your fingers graze against his scalp.
His eyes catch yours, and as he comes back to the moment, you see the faintest flicker of his eyelids, the slightest kick of his eyebrow.
Without a word, he tugs you into his lap on the bench, and you fumble at the sight of his arms flexing around you.
He's cute alright, but the bits of his body that you can see are absolutely outrageous.
His hands find home on your hips, and he leans backward to lay on the hardwood, pulling you down with him, your breath connecting your mouths before you can find enough footing to kiss again.
You don't need the guidance of his hands to start rocking back and forth on top of him, the need that follows his tongue in your mouth is more than enough to get you going, but the burning touch of his fingerprints isn't unwelcome.
Between kisses he mutters, “You comfortable? Your legs spread just right?” It should come off more facetious than it does, there's a layer of desperation to it, a desire to please.
You hum into his mouth, “Mm, for now.” And he chuckles at the response, whispering, “Good, and you're sure there are no cameras in here?”
“Certain, but we can move somewhere else if you're nervous.”
He shifts a hand from your hip to your hair, running a fingertip along the hairline, his thumb over your eyebrow. He taps you on the nose, “Not nervous, just don't want you to lose this cool job because of me.”
You lean down for another kiss, and slip a hand under the hem of his shirt, “It'd be worth it.”
Adrian shuts up then, letting you slide the shirt over his head and toss it into the open bag beside you. You knew on some level he had to be muscular—he came to the gym five times a week, but you still aren't prepared for the breadth of his muscle. His pecs are spattered with light freckles, and he has a harsh farmer's tan on his arms.
You sit back on his lap, just admiring the view, circling your hips a little to watch him squirm underneath you.
He giggles, the faintest blush blooming under his cheeks.
“Wow. I—wow.” You exhale.
Tugging you back down, Adrian shushes you as he buries his head in the crook of your neck, kissing from your pulse to your clothed shoulder. Your skin underneath almost burns for his lips on you, and you wrench off the branded gym shirt without his prompting.
“Woah, I thought I was the eager one.”
You shush him now, and with the decision made for him, his hands roam over the warm body you've given him.
He doesn't ask when he slips his fingertips underneath the cup of your bra, his palm over your breast, the other hand fiddling with the clasp. When it snaps free, he's quick to wrap his mouth over your exposed breast, tongue swirling around the field of nerves, just faintly sucking.
Grinding your hips down harder, he pulls back from your chest with a pop! and his eyes drag down your body.
“I can't believe this is happening.” He breathes, both hands coming over your breasts now, sliding up slowly to watch how they fall back into place when he lets go. He seems mesmerized, and you draw his attention by pulling a hand up to your mouth, and letting him slip two fingers over your tongue.
You haven't exactly been dreaming about this moment, not really. It's more an intrigue, a curiosity. Adrian wasn't a crush, just the cute boy at the gym that got you through your boring night shifts sometimes.
And yet, he was here, laid out in front of you, his fingers in your mouth, and his cock hard underneath you.
In your wildest dreams you wouldn't have imagined this much.
Everything you do seems to mesmerize him, and now he watches with awe as you swirl your tongue around his fingers, his interest cut with moans as you grind on his bulge.
His hips languish towards you, not bucking exactly, just pushing, an almost involuntary side effect of the desperation that's spiraling in him.
You take the soaked fingers from your mouth and guide them down to the hem of your track pants, watching as Adrian's eyes follow with excitement.
He's all but given himself over to you—there are little moments when you can feel him trying to gain some control, but he just as quickly falls back into this quiet hypnosis, eager to please and ready to do whatever you want of him.
Guiding his hands over the wet folds of your cunt, you rest his first two fingers on your clit and circle them just so.
Adrian wrests free from your grip in this moment, sitting up and forcing you backward on the bench. He hovers over you, leaning down to whisper in your ear, his breath hot and harsh, but still with a smile, “I know what I'm doing. Just because I'm in awe of your body, of your tits, of that fucking hot tongue of yours, doesn't mean I'm clueless.”
He tugs down the waist of your track pants, pressing sloppy, wet kisses from the center of your pelvis up between your breasts as his fingers slide along your lips, slick with saliva and arousal. He circles your clit before slipping back down towards your entrance, and he presses two curled fingers inside you. The instant shot of pressure has you arching your back up off the bench, but he sets his free hand firm on your stomach, forcing you back down.
You curse and writhe as he fucks you with his fingers, his thumb stretching up to circle your clit best it can, little nicks of flesh that drive you crazier than if he were to go full on.
The harder you fight, squirming under his touch, the deeper you can hear his smile as he coos at you.
“That's it,” and “Good girl,” and “I told you, huh?” as you struggle underneath his hold.
Adrian lets his weight settle onto you eventually, swallowing your moans with his kisses, the cotton bulge of his sweatpants grazing your thigh. You reach blindly for it, and he lets you palm him over the fabric, his touch on you faltering just barely before his resolve steadies.
The ebb and flow of his fingers doesn't grow stale, but you do grow more desperate, and with each kiss you wish more and more that it was his mouth between your legs.
“Adrian, mm, fuck, can you—”
He pulls away, slowing the rhythm of his fingers, and you jerk up against him.
“Jesus, use your mouth. Please, I need it.” You choke out, and you hear his smile once more. It seems to never go away.
“Anything for my guardian angel.”
The pet name shoots a warm spiral in your belly, and you know you've no right to even be referred to as anything heavenly, especially not now, but fuck if it doesn't sound good with his cheerful cadence.
He lays his tongue flat over your lips, shaking his head left to right to settle it into your folds and hit as many nerves as he can as he licks up once, twice, three times before he lets the tip run over your clit.
The feeling is white hot, a mess of spit and flesh and his warm, spongy tongue. Adrian stares up at you as he works, his gaze menacing from this angle. He seems pleased to keep his eyes fixed on yours, but the angle cranes your neck uncomfortably.
You let your head fall back on the bench with a thud, pressing your hand hard over your forehead to push away the beads of sweat that form. Your free hand slips into his hair, combing through the strands, and grabbing tight when you can no longer keep rhythm.
His hands wrap tight around your thighs, keeping you latched to his mouth, and if you were asked, you couldn't even wager a guess as to what he was doing down there. His spit pooled on the bench, and he sucked two wet marks into one of your thighs, the faintest nip of teeth punctuating them.
“Am I gonna make you come?” He asks, breathless and muffled from between your legs, and all you can do in response is whine and grip his hair tighter, pushing him into your cunt, “Fuck, I love those noises you're making.”
You feel one of his hands leave your thigh, and he moans against you, a deep, shuddered breath that hits your pussy in a way you're sure he didn't intend to feel good.
“Adrian, you know I'm gonna take care of you, right?“ You can barely get the words out, staving off the impending orgasm that coils in your body. ”Don't make yourself come yet, I wanna do it.”
The groan that he emits in response is hungry, and the slick noises of his tongue on you grow filthier, louder, faster. He hums against you, and as he slides a hand up your stomach to hold you down again, you lose it.
Arching away from the bench and into his hand, your moans echo off the lockers, legs shaking in a wave that starts at your stomach and radiates out through you. They're quick, successive pulses, and if Adrian's hold on you wasn't so strong, you're sure you would've rolled right off that bench.
He laps up the viscous mixture of spit and arousal until the touch grows overwhelming, and you have to tell him it's too much.
“Come here.” You say, and he swipes a hand over his sheening mouth as you sit up and tug at his sweatpants, kissing around the harsh lines of his pelvis.
“You don't have to—”
You shush him, pressing your lips around the outline of his bulge as you drag the fabric down. Staring up at him, you watch his wide eyes flicker between you and the near exposed erection, his hands dead at his sides.
You're certain you look the same way he did when he was playing with your breasts, mesmerized and taken aback by the hot stranger that's allowed you to touch them. His erection springs out from the boxers that come down with his sweatpants. It isn't the largest you've ever seen, in person or not, but it's swollen and dripping with precum, and it jumps when you faintly smear the precum over the tip.
Standing back up, you tug Adrian to your lips with a hand around his neck, the other slipping up and down the length of his shaft. He whimpers into your mouth, and your cunt starts to throb.
“We're gonna fuck, right? Oh, please tell me you want me to fuck you. I have a condom in my bag, if you want that.” Adrian pulls back from you, his Adam's apple straining hard in his throat as he regains some sense of composure.
You laugh, and nod, and it's all Adrian needs.
He pushes you backwards towards the cheap excuse for a vanity, and you hit the edge of the counter before he lifts you up and sets you on it.
Breaking to rifle through his bag, you spend this moment taking in the sight of his entire body. His cute, hapless face and wide eyes are antithetical to his broad musculature, but the dimples at his lower back make you smile. He turns around with a wrapped condom in hand, waving it at you with a half smile, pushing up his glasses.
His lips latch to your neck as he gets his hands under the backs of your knees, letting you fall into the mirror, body curved as he slots himself just in front of your entrance.
He pulls away and rests one of your legs atop his shoulder so he can roll the condom over his length, and fuck if he isn't sensitive. He shudders just doing that, and you wonder how easily he could come if there was nothing between you for protection.
Grabbing at your legs, he tugs you onto his cock, your ass half on the counter, mostly supported by him. The tendons in his neck strain as he lets out a string of quiet expletives, and you gasp at the full pressure of him inside you. He turns his head and kisses the side of your knee, bucking his hips forward slowly at first.
He grits his teeth and screws his eyes shut, leaning forward to envelope you best he can as he picks up the pace. He's just shy of your lips, but he takes the offering of your thumb in his mouth, fingers splayed over his cheek.
You grind your head back against the mirror, focused on your breathing, moans escaping on each exhale.
You don't know that anyone has ever felt better inside you.
Adrian fills you up entirely, his pelvis rutting against yours, the head of his cock like a ball of lead inside you that hits over and over again, muddying your insides.
He finally finds your mouth, his tongue pushing between your lips and slipping around without rhythm or care. These kisses are sloppy and desperate, interrupted by whimpers and curses and Adrian's tendency to wander down to your breasts.
Digging your nails into his lower back, you push him impossibly closer, and his teeth sink into the flesh of your chest, tongue flicking over the hard bud of your nipple. He stops fucking into you and starts grinding his pelvis instead, cock buried deep inside you, and the friction of his skin on your cunt sending shockwaves down your legs. If the pressure wasn't enough to get you close again, the byproduct of his movements was.
You grip him tighter, hold him closer, you want every inch of his skin on you, sticking and sweaty and so harsh it'll hurt to peel away at the end of this.
Adrian licks from your nipple up your chest, along the side of your neck before latching his lips to the edge of your jaw.
“Fuck, I'm—shit—” Your hair musses up against the mirror, and before you can get a full sentence out, you're shaking under him again, the pressure in your gut rising up through your body, like a string tugging you toward Adrian, your body arching until your spine feels like it's going to snap in two.
He breaks away from your neck, kissing you through the second orgasm, his hands squeezing underneath your knees.
You barely register the gasp he lets out into your mouth, but you're riding the last dredges of your climax when you feel his rhythm falter. He lets one of your legs slip out of his grasp and rest in the crook of his elbow as he braces himself with a palm on the mirror.
Through gritted teeth he moans, sucking in harsh air, and he rests his forehead against yours as he comes, still pumping inside you through it, pulling every last bit of pleasure he can from the moment. You feel it pool beneath your entrance as it slips from the opening of the condom, fucked out and overflowing.
As he regains some composure, he gently sets your legs down, his hands gentle on your hips to keep you from sliding off the counter, slick with sweat.
“Maybe I do have a concussion,” He pants, leaning forward to give you a soft kiss, “Something that good only happens in my dreams.”
You laugh, and kiss him again, “This is the last time I'll offer an ambulance.”
He meets your gaze, fingers smoothing the back of your hair, and he shakes his head, “I think you healed all my ailments.“
There's more laughter, more kissing, but eventually you peel away from each other, and it does hurt, but Adrian takes your hand and doesn't let go.
“Are there showers in this place? I never thought to look because showering in public is a biohazard if I've ever heard one.”
You nod, “Yeah, the women's are used less though, so they're cleaner.”
Rifling through the pocket of your track pants, you pull a small set of keys out and open up the supply closet in the locker room, tossing a towel to Adrian before wrapping one around yourself.
He gathers your discarded clothes and his bag, following you into the other locker room with his fingers wrapped around your wrist.
The running water fills the silence of the gym, and you both crowd under the spout, sighing at the warmth.
It's a quick rinse, Adrian combing his fingers over your scalp, you pressing a kiss to the hickey you'd left earlier. Neither of you say anything, all shy smiles and admiring glances.
When you get out, he roughs the towel over your head and you dry each other off before sitting in the warm steam of the room in the damp towels. You're opposite him in the hallway by the showers, legs against each other.
“So, you're going to come to the bar, right?” He asks, fiddling with a loose thread.
“Deal's a deal.”
He smiles, “I'm glad you saved my life.”
You roll your eyes, but his voice is earnest. There's something special about him, you're certain, and you really think he'd give you the chance to figure it out. He doesn’t seem like a one and done kinda guy, his eyes glistening as he stares at you. You could get attached to this kind of casual admiration.
You crawl over to sit next to him, taking his hand, “Hey, maybe one day you can return the favor.”
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vigilante-chase · 3 months ago
Summary: Part 5 of Ever Rose Has Its Thorn. The title speaks for itself.
Pairing: Adrian Chase x Black!Rose Wilson
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: MDNI (minors do not interact) grinding, groping, mentions of threesomes
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
5. Grinders Keepers
Adrian was nervous. He never had women over to his apartment. Usually, hookups happened at their place or, on rare occasions, at Peacemaker's. His own place wasn't messy—it just barely looked barely lived in. He was either working, patrolling as Vigilante, or sleeping. The rest of his time? Eating quick meals, hanging out with Chris, and the occasional binge of Fargo.
He trailed behind Rose as she stepped inside, her sharp gaze taking in the sparse décor: a lone gray couch, an empty coffee table, and curtainless windows. She shrugged off her wig, stuffing it into her bag before dropping the whole thing on his couch like she owned the place. Her platinum white hair free from the confines of the wig.
"I don't usually have people over," Adrian blurted. "I have a really hard time trusting people."
"Aren't I lucky?" she shot back, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she glanced around the barren apartment.
Adrian smiled, not catching on to the sarcasm. "You're honestly really lucky!" He was still baffled that Rose knew his secret. He thought he'd done a decent job hiding it. But then again, she was Rose Wilson—daughter of one of the world's deadliest assassins. Of course, she'd deduce that it was really him. "I just don't get one thing though!" he exclaimed, stepping closer. "How did you find out I'm Vigilante?!"
Rose snorted, tossing herself onto the couch. "You don't mask your voice or your mannerisms, genius. You're basically screaming 'I'm Adrian Chase!' every time you open your mouth."
Adrian blinked, momentarily stunned. "Really? I thought I did a pretty good job keeping it separate..."
She gave him a look that said, Seriously?
Rose kicked her feet up and changed the subject. "So, tell me about your time with Task Force X," she said, settling into the couch like she planned to stay awhile.
That was all the encouragement Adrian needed. His face lit up as he launched into a detailed, breathless recounting of everything he'd done over the past year. He rambled about killing alien butterflies, his vigilante missions, and his unwavering sense of justice.
"It's the best job ever," he gushed, grinning ear to ear. "Even though the pay sucks. But honestly, I don't do it for the money. I do it because killing criminals is just so... fulfilling, you know?"
Rose listened, intrigued despite herself. Most people would've found his enthusiasm for killing unsettling—sociopathic, even. But while she didn't share his zeal, she could relate to his sense of justice. For her, killing was a necessity. A job. Something that required detachment. But for Adrian? He reveled in it. It made him happy to even talk about it, as fucked up as it may seem. She kinda respected it. No hidden agendas, no double crossing or ambiguity. Just a strong sense of justice.
"And the best part is," Adrian gushed, "it's not just the big stuff either. I go after all criminals. Like jaywalkers —  I broke one guy's legs for that. Or drug dealers — I slit one's throat last week. Justice doesn't discriminate!"
"You're just an open book, huh?" Rose said, arching an eyebrow.
"I'm only like this with people I trust," Adrian said, his chest puffing out slightly. "Like my friends. Especially Peacemaker. We do everything together. Except when he was in prison. That was the most boring four years of my life, dude."
Adrian began unbuttoning his work shirt as he spoke, revealing a surprisingly chiseled physique beneath. Rose caught herself staring for a second too long.
"Nice body," she blurted out, immediately cringing at her own words.
Adrian, oblivious to the awkwardness, grinned. "Thanks! I try to work out when I can. Gotta keep my body in peak shape—it's a weapon of justice, after all."
He tossed the shirt over the back of the couch and sat beside her.
"Definitely pays off," Rose muttered, leaning back and urging herself to stop ogling. Fuck it's been a while since I've gotten laid, she thought. It was a rough few months living in Mexico, and usually She and Red Hood would have an arrangement if either of them were horny, they'd use each other. And now, looking at Adrian, as weird as he seems, she couldn't deny he was actually hot. 
Adrian nodded earnestly. "I'm not as ripped as Chris, though. He's my goal."
Rose rolled her eyes playfully. "You have a little obsession with him or something?"
He smiled like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I told you, he's my BFF!"
"Right, right. The BFF you do everything with."
Adrian's face lit up with nostalgia. "Exactly! We shoot old appliances in the woods together, patrol together, have threesomes together, and drink together."
"Wait, what?" Rose cut him off, blinking in disbelief. "Run that last one by me again?"
Adrian tilted his head. "Uh... we drink together?"
"No, before that," she said, sitting up straighter. "You and Chris have threesomes together?!"
Adrian nodded, completely unfazed. "Yeah, it's bonding with my best friend! Chris says it's totally fine as long as I don't make it weird. And I keep my mask on, none of the chicks see my face!"
Rose stared at him, her jaw dropping. "Dude, what the fuck?!"
"What?" Adrian asked, genuinely confused.
She waved her hands, trying to process. "I don't even know where to start. Like... Do you enjoy it? Duh, of course you enjoy it."
"The women usually love it too. They're into the whole 'man behind the mask' vibe that I have going on."
Rose shook her head, laughing incredulously. "That's insane."
"If it makes you feel better," Adrian added, leaning closer, "Chris thinks it'd be awesome to have a threesome with you too."
Her eyes widened. "Excuse me?!"
Adrian chuckled almost maniacally. "Have you seen yourself? Dude, you're hot as fuck! You and Chris would look so hot together."
"Adrian, I'm gonna say this again: what the fuck?! When did you two have time to discuss a potential three way with me?"
Grimacing, he admitted, "We only talked about it after we got back to HQ. Chris said you had a great ass, which, honestly, he's not wrong. And of course it would be consenting, so we're not creepy at all." he insisted.
Rose smirked despite herself. "Uh-huh."
"I-I mean," Adrian stammered, his cheeks flushing, "only if you wanted to. No pressure or anything!"
She shook her head, laughing. "Adrian, you are...something else."
He grinned, relaxing. "I'll take that as a compliment."
"I'll take a rain check on the threesome though. I'm a one-person woman," Rose told him, crossing her arms with a smirk.
Adrian blinked, trying to process her bluntness. A question had been nagging at him since they left Fennel Fields, and now seemed like the right—well, only—moment to ask it.
"Hey, uh... can I ask you something?" he said, his tone hesitant but curious.
Rose tilted her head. "Sure. What's up?"
He cleared his throat and fidgeted with his glasses. "So... that kiss back at Fennel Fields. Was that, like, a real kiss? Or were you just trying to get my coworkers to back off?"
Rose paused, stewing over her answer. She didn't want to give him the wrong idea, but honesty had always been her strong suit. And if she were being truthful, she hadn't been with anyone since leaving Gotham. 
Adrian was... different. A little dorky, sure, but endearing in a way she couldn't quite shake. His green eyes behind those glasses, that awkwardly beautiful smile, those dimples—and the fact that he had no clue how hot he was—made him all the more irresistible.
"Why?" she asked, her voice soft but teasing. "Do you want it to be real? Or would you rather forget it?"
His answer was immediate and without hesitation. "I so want it to be real! You have, like, the softest lips ever."
She couldn't help the smirk that crept onto her face as she moved to straddle his lap, her movements slow and deliberate. Adrian's eyes went wide, his mouth parting in shock as his back pressed against the couch.
"Now I've got a question," she said, leaning closer, her voice a low purr. "Have you ever had sex without your mask on?"
Adrian's face flushed red. He nodded quickly, his voice cracking. "A f-few times. Before I, uh, fully became Vigilante. I really didn't have sex 'til my penis got bigger because puberty hit me in my twenties."
Rose raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"Yeah," he said, looking sheepish but unable to stop himself. "Peacemaker used to call me Thimble. Anyway, I'd say I'm, like, average size now."
She bit her lip to stifle a laugh. His oblivious honesty was almost too much. She could feel him throbbing against her, and average was not the word she'd use. Maybe he didn't know how puberty worked. That was a question for another day.
"Come here," she murmured, leaning down to kiss him.
Adrian melted into her, his hands hovering awkwardly at her sides before she grabbed them and guided them to her hips. His glasses fogged up almost instantly, but he didn't care. Her lips moved against his, her teeth nipping at his bottom lip before her tongue slipped into his mouth.
What did he do to deserve a hot girl like Rose kissing and grinding on him, he breathed when she broke the kiss to trail her mouth down his neck.
Rose chuckled, grinding her hips against his in slow, deliberate circles. Adrian's head lolled back, a guttural moan escaping his lips as she picked up the pace. His whimpers only encouraged her to move faster, her own frustration driving her hips into his harder.
"Rose, please—don't stop," he begged, his voice cracking in desperation.
She paused, lifting her head to meet his wide, pleading eyes. The shit-eating grin on her face both terrified and thrilled him.
"You want me to keep going?" she asked, her voice low and sultry and slowing down her movements.
He nodded frantically, gripping her hips and dragging her hips over his. "Yes! Please!"
Her lips parted as she started moving again, his hands roaming over her hips and ass with more confidence now. Rose leaned back just enough to pull her sweater over her head, revealing bare tits and perfect curves. Adrian froze, staring up at her like she was some goddess descended from the heavens.
"Can I... touch you?" he asked, his voice soft and awestruck.
She grabbed his hands and guided them to her chest. "Go ahead."
Adrian's hands trembled as they cupped her tits, his thumbs brushing over her nipples. The sensation pulled a moan from her lips, and she leaned down to kiss him again, her tongue exploring his mouth while his hands kneaded her skin.
He was close—so close. His breath hitched, hands gripping her tighter "Jesus, Rosie, keep going!" he whined, his voice a mix of desperation and bliss as his body tensed and jerked. His cum spurting inside his black work pants.
She froze, pulling back with a raised eyebrow as they both came down. "Did you just call me 'Rosie'?" she panted.
Adrian's face turned beet red. "I—uh—sorry! I didn't mean to—"
"It's fine," she said, a grin tugging at her lips. "I kinda like it."
Relief washed over him, and he let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding.
"This was... oddly fun," she said, climbing off him and reaching for her shirt. "Sorry, I jumped you though, I was really horny."
Adrian's eyes lit up. "So, like, we can do this again?"
She laughed, slipping her shirt back on. "Yeah. Definitely."
"Can we actually, you know...fuck next time?" he asked, his voice hopeful and a little shy.
Rose smirked. "Sure."
Adrian's face split into a grin so wide. Peacemaker was never going to believe this.
When they were both dressed again, Adrian drove her back to her hotel. As they pulled up, Rose held out her hand.
"Your phone," she said.
"Uh, why?"
"So I can put my number in it, duh."
Adrian handed it over, grinning like an idiot as she typed her number into his contacts.
"Text me when you're free," she said, leaning over to kiss his cheek before slipping out of the car.
Adrian watched her walk into her hotel room, his heart racing. As soon as she was out of sight, he pumped his fist in the air.
"Fuck yeah! Best. Day. Ever."
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ramona-thorns · 1 year ago
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Hot Venom (Adrian Chase/Vigilante x fem!reader) PART TWO
Rated: Mature, Explicit 18+
Word Count: 8.2k oh my god I am sorry 
Warnings: smut, explicit language, mentions of blood/injury, stitches, mentions of violence, vaginal fingering, oral (female & male receiving), overstimulations, multiple orgasms, unprotected vaginal sex (dont be a dick, wrap that stick), brief titty fuckin (lmk if I missed anything please!!)
You hate Vigilante. 
At least—that’s what you tell yourself and everyone else.
It’s easy enough. You’re not a normally personable person anyhow and so the biting responses and quips blend with the act.  
It’s unfortunate how well you work with him—so much so that it’s nearly impossible to shake him from your side. Fuck—even Chris commented on it. 
Avoid, avoid, avoid. It’s all you can do.  
Sadly, there comes a time, following the rather rough mission, that you are abandoned before all your problems and mixed anxieties. A cruel punishment the universe has bestowed upon you—
“Want a ride home?” 
Keep reading
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hanasnx · 3 months ago
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ADRIAN CHASE loves teabagging. shoving his balls in your face. sponging them all over your crevices and swells, wherever they’ll glide or sit. stretching them over your eyes while you’re on your back to suck his dick. wet and hot from spit, cum, and lube, they grind into you and make it hard to breathe. big hands on either side of your head to keep you where he wants you while he lifts them only to lower them back down, dabbing sticky liquid wherever. dotting your cheeks with goo. when you grab his dick to screw with it while you suck his balls into your mouth—he does not last long. hips stuttering while you jack him off and hollow your cheeks, chuffing out, “i’m close- fuck, i’m close—“ squeezing his eyes shut as he’s chasing that feeling and closing off your airways until his twitching cock shoots proud lines of white across your chest.
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multifandomfanficss · 2 years ago
Stuck With You
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: When the team sticks their newest member with Vigilante, everyone feels bad for you, but you’re grateful to have him around when you run into something from your past and lose your cool.
Warnings: panic attacks, human experimentation, referenced child abuse
A/N: I found a couple lines of dialogue in my drafts that I never did anything with and I had the writing bug today so I decided to finally make something with it! I’ll crosspost it on my AO3 adriansglasses as well. Hope you enjoy!
“(L/N), you’re with Vigilante.” Harcourt says, at the beginning of the meeting.
“You’re really gonna stick the newest person with that psycho?” John asks.
“You don’t need to be mean to Adrian just because he’s not here.” Leota starts.
“I would say it to his face too. He’d probably just laugh and call me his 4th best friend.” John retorts.
You hadn’t been with the team for long. This was your first mission with them. After a mission gone too out of control, Waller sent you to the middle of nowhere Evergreen, Washington. You thought she’d sent you here because the environment would be less hectic, but the longer you’re there, the more you realize she probably sent you here because everyone on this team is either highly traumatized or in need of more experience. She was trying to put the training wheels back on. From what you’d been told by the team’s top conspiracy theorist, Christopher Smith, this team was originally supposed to be an expendable scapegoat, but they ended up saving the world. You had no idea what to believe at this point.
“What’s up with Vigilante?” You ask, wondering why this was all such a hot topic. You hadn’t known him for long. He seemed a little odd, but overall fine. If you were being honest you actually kind of liked him. He was sweet and funny, often without trying. There was this comforting air about him and you didn’t really know why. He was a good fighter and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think he was at least a little bit cute.
“He’s a little…” Chris started moving his finger in a circular motion, trying to insinuate that Adrian was crazy.
“He can’t be that bad.” You smile.
Suddenly Adrian comes running into the old video store tripping over one of his shin guards that wasn’t on properly. He sits down and fastens it.
“Sorry I’m late, guys. They kept me late at the restaurant and then when I was trying to put on my suit in the car I accidentally ran a red light and usually I would kill somebody for that, but I mean I think the more important thing is that I didn’t run over the old lady crossing the street! She was totally fine and I know she’s alive because she screamed at me…I’ve never seen an old lady use to many swear words. It was kind of awesome! Anyway what did I miss?”
“You put on your suit while driving?” Leota asks.
“Yup.” He gives a straight face nod. Adrian often had a way about him, as if what he was thinking should be obvious to other people, when in fact, it was not obvious to most people most of the time.
“You amaze me.” Harcourt says, sarcastically.
“Thank you.” Adrian smiles, not catching her sarcasm.
She rolls her eyes, sighing.
Later on that night you and Adrian found yourselves walking through a series of tunnels.
“John, I think we might be lost.” You spoke into your coms, hoping he can help you from the van.
“I can’t even hear you in my earpiece and I’m right next to you. I think we lost the signal.” Adrian walks in silence for a few seconds before adding, “I’m sorry you got stuck with me.” He looks at the ground, sad.
“What are you talking about?”
“I know they stuck you with me. Nobody ever really chooses to be my partner.” He lightly kicks a rock, pretending not to be bothered.
“They did pair us up, but that doesn’t mean I was disappointed.” You smile.
“Really? Why would you want me?”
“Well first of all, you’re a great fighter. You were also the first person to attempt to be my friend. I’d trust you in the field over anyone.”
“Really?” You can hear the surprise in his voice.
“Yeah.” You let out a soft giggle. “Why are you so surprised that I like you?”
“Usually everyone just tells me to shut up or fuck off.”
“Well I’m not everyone.” You nudge him playfully as you walk.
Soon you come upon a door. It’s a little rusted, but Adrian shoots the lock off and you’re able to break in.
“What is this place?” He asks.
As soon as you walk inside you see the tubes, the files, the devices, the tables, the symbols. You know exactly what this is. This is an old facility for the for the group that made you leave your old job, the mission that ruined your life. You see files on the table, files no doubt full of details on the children they were experimenting on. The group would take orphaned children or children who were abandoned and unwanted, kids who had no one to protect them, and they would experiment on them. They were human trials to try to find new ways of making superheroes. This must have been one of their old abandoned facilities. Despite the lab being inactive, just the sight of it was still enough to send you into a spiral.
Your heart starts beating rapidly as you grow dizzy. You look down at your shaking hands. You’re starting to lose control of your breathing.
“I- I can’t-“ You walk backwards out of the room, starting to hyperventilate.
“Woah. Hey, what’s going on? Are you having a panic attack?” Adrian slowly puts his hands out towards you. He’s a little unsure of what to do.
“I’ve seen this before!” Your entire world is spinning as your start to cry. You can’t stop thinking about the awful things you saw when you snuck into their active facility earlier this year. Those poor children. Part of you was starting to wonder if Waller put you on this team for a reason. You should have known better than to think she was giving you a break. Waller always had some sort of fucked up motive that only worked for herself hidden up her sleeve. “I can’t fucking breathe!” You sob, sucking in air.
“Tender nice touching.” Adrian slowly approached you, patting your shoulder. You needed pressure on your body. You felt like you were slipping away from earth and you needed to be held down.
“Can I have a hug?” You asked, quietly.
“You want a hug?” He asked, his voice just as quiet. He was speaking softly to not startle you further.
“I think I can do that.“ He smiles, slowly bringing you into his arms. A little loose at first, he tightened the hug as you melted into him.
“I’m sorry- I- I just…I know what the did here and- and-“ Adrian shushes you as you begin to stutter, your mind moving much faster than your mouth is able to.
“You’re okay. You’re safe. I’ve got you. Just breathe with me. Don’t focus on anything else, but your breathing okay? Can you feel me breathing?” He rubs your back as you cry into his arms. You nod. “Okay, good. Just…just follow that.” He sighs and then focuses on making his own breathing something you can follow.
“Sometimes it’s hard for me to know what people on the team want because I know Chris doesn’t wanna look weak and Harcourt would kill me if I touched her, so I try to be careful. I just don’t wanna upset you guys more, but if you want me hold you I can keep doing that. Just let me know what you need and I’ll do it.” He says, softly.
“Can you just keep talking?” You ask. The sound of his voice is soothing and grounding.
“You want me to keep talking?” He smiles. “You’re in luck. I’m actually really good at talking. So good, in fact, that people are constantly asking me to shut up. So uh… What can I talk about? Oh! I know. So I have this friend at work. His name is Taylor. Well, he says we’re not friends, but he texts me all time time asking me to help cover his shifts and I would only trust a friend enough to ask them for that, so I think we’re friends. Anyway, so Taylor walked in this morning and…”
The longer Adrian rambles on the better you feel. The pressure of his body on yours and his voice slowly bring you back to earth. Eventually you find yourselves walking back through the tunnels, hand in hand, retracing your steps as he guides you back to the van to regroup. He keeps you distracted with silly stories the entire walk back.
You don’t know what the rest of your team was talking about. Adrian was the best partner you could have had.
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gothgleek · 2 months ago
Hello !!!
I recently read one of your Adrian Chase x Readers, the Utah law one, and i am OBSESSED it’s so good !!!!
i was just wondering if you think there’s any other niche laws Adrian follows or even ones he’s aware of but thinks is so stupid he ignores ?? (personally i think once he’s made aware he’d follow it stubbornly) and do you think he’d kill people for not following them even though they’re insanely niche ??
Thank you !!
ps after i wrote this im not laughing my ass off picturing adrian killing (or at least being very very pissed) a coworker after he admitted to pre marital sex while in Utah
I’m so glad you enjoyed reading my fic🥰🥰🥰
I think Adrian will take it upon himself to follow every single law. He was executing people for graffiti after all. However there are townships and small towns that have their own obscure laws that Adrian will not follow. For example, you cannot whistle for a lost canary in Berkeley, CA before 7 am and in Trenton, NJ a person cannot eat a pickle on a Sunday. However it’s not that he wouldn’t follow these rules because he thinks they’re stupid, it’s that he wouldn’t follow them because he wouldn’t know where their borders begin and end. If he found out about one of these laws, I think it will be really easy to convince him that they aren’t in that specific area. He has a head for laws, not geography.
Also that would be funny if he just kills someone for the tiniest law infractions but it’s also easy to convince him not to do that which is why he’s always partnered with Reader or Harcourt.
Thank you for your ask! 🧜‍♂️
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ramona-thorns · 1 year ago
I would die for this dorky, white man.
My Favourite Girl - Adrian Chase x fem!Reader
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A/N: so this was something an anon sent into my inbox and i found it so cute so i had to write it. it's just a lil bit of fun while i get my life sorted out :') my brain is like scrambled rn because i have so many ideas and so many things i wanna write but we move
Summary: Vigilante pays you a visit at work.
Warnings: explicit language
Word count: 2.4k
You had seen him already.
Out of the corner of your eye, while you took orders and names from customers, you had seen him creeping around outside. Walking past the small coffee shop, peeking his head around and looking through the window straight at you. The red visor was hard to miss, not to mention the black and blue suit as a whole was... distinctive, to say the least. You paid no mind to him, though. You went about your job as usual.
Five minutes later, when you heard the creak of the door and the small bell above chime out, you knew he had finally bit the bullet. Heads turned, gasps fell from parted lips of customers and staff as they watched the costumed, crime fighting 'hero' they knew only as Vigilante (Adrian, to you) make his way towards you. Still, you paid him no mind, pumping vanilla syrup into a plastic cup while he leaned against the counter, crossing his legs.
"Hey, Vig." You greeted him, casually. You couldn't help but smile to yourself when you heard your coworker whisper 'did she just call him Vig?' from behind you.
"Hey, babe."
That caused an even bigger stir. If the eyes of your customers and coworkers weren't already wide, and their jaws weren't already on the floor, now they were. The whole shop was silent, all ears trained on your conversation with Vigilante.
"I'm surprised to see you here. Y'know, since you haven't text me, or called me, or been home in over three days." You didn't look up enough to meet his eyes (well, visor), but your eyes trailed up his body enough to watch his shoulders sink. It was a good job that he was in his suit, mask covering his face. You wouldn't be able to resist jumping over the counter and throwing yourself into his arms if you could see his doe eyes and boyish smile.
"Yeah, well... I was just passing by-..."
"You walked past six times and spent at least three minutes staring at me through the window." You deadpanned.
He laughed nervously, scratching at the back of his neck, "Yeah, well, that must have been someone else because it wasn't me. I was just passing by and I thought I'd drop in and see my favourite girl. I didn't have time to change, so..."
You wanted to smile. You wanted to break out into a grin so, so badly. He could be so cute. But he hadn't contacted you in three days, and although you were glad to see him, you were still pretty fucking pissed off about it. "Favourite girl, huh?" You glanced up ay him, eyebrows raised.
Adrian shrugged, "Yeah. My favourite girl." A pause. "N-not that there's any other girls that could be considered my favourite. There's no other girls, actually. Well, I do know other girls but i dont think about them in that way. I only think about you in that way. I don't wanna have sex with them or hold their hands or kiss them the way that I wanna do all of those things with you. So, yeah... Favourite girl." He gave you an awkward thumbs up.
To Adrian, the Vigilante suit was a confidence boost. He was cocky, even a little scary at times, and not afraid to beat someone within an inch of their life for doing anything he deemed to be unacceptable. You had seen it for yourself the night you met, when he beat a guy half to death for following you home. You were scared, but at the same time you couldn't help but find it endearing (and kind of hot) that he did that for you. So naturally, it stroked your ego to know that you could have Adrian in a puddle at your feet, rambling and flustered, both in and out of the suit.
"Well, I don't feel like your favourite girl." You mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear, before you turned your back on him and continued making the vanilla latte you had been focused on before he interrupted you, ignoring his whiny voice calling your name.
Soon, you made your way to the collection point at the end of the counter, drink in hand. Adrian followed you, standing right in front of you on the other side and pressing his palms against the counter, leaning towards you. "Vanilla latte for Jenny!" You called, completely blanking Adrian. The woman (who's name you could only assume was Jenny) inched towards you slowly. Adrian didn't move a muscle, so you had to stand on your tip toes and hand her the drink over his shoulder, calling that you were sorry for the inconvenience that was your masked boyfriend.
"So..." He said, finally. "I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and correct me if I'm wrong... But I'm getting the feeling that you're pissed off at me."
"Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!" You mused sarcastically. "Here's your prize." You flipped him the bird and went about making the next drink. Most people had gone back to quiet conversations, or continued making drinks and taking orders, but some still had their eyes trained on you and Adrian.
"(Y/N)! Come on! What'd I do?"
If it were anyone else, you would have scoffed in disbelief. But this was Adrian, and you knew him well enough to know that he definitely had no idea what he'd done wrong. Still, your words came out harsher than you intended. "I literally told you earlier. You haven't texted me, called me or even been home in three days. Three. Whole. Days. I've heard nothing from you."
He was silent for a few moments, his head tilted to the side. You could practically see the cogs turning in his head, even with the mask covering his face. "....That's what you're angry about?"
"Fuck, really? I thought you were just explaining why you were so surprised to see me here!" He threw his hands up. "You really need to start being more obvious."
"No, you," You poked his chest from across the counter, "need to start calling or texting when you're gonna be away. And don't even try and tell me that you 'didn't have your phone' or that 'your phone was dead' because I fucking saw you share a 'deez nutz' meme and a Coin Master link to your Facebook page! Who the fuck still plays Coin Master?!" All eyes were on you again, but you didn't care.
"I like the little pets, okay?! If you leave them too long, they get sad!" Adrian paused for a moment, then sighed. "Look, the reason why I couldn't text you or answer any of your calls is because my phone isn't secure. Anyone could have tracked my location if I picked up one of your calls!"
"Facebook tracks your location!"
"....It does?"
"Yes, genius!"
"Oh. Well... My bad. I'm sorry."
You couldn't help but crack a smile. His apology wasn't much, and honestly you still weren't sure that he fully understood why you were angry at him, but it was good enough for the time being. You had missed him, and you didn't want to spend a moment longer angry with him. "You're such a fucking idiot..." You mumbled.
He let out a breathy laugh, "Yeah..."
You knew what you were getting yourself into when you started dating Adrian. You were used to the late nights waiting up for him, the not knowing, the wondering whether he was still alive at 4am after receiving no texts from him throughout the night. Being used to it didn't make it any easier, though. From what he had told you about the butterflies (which, admittedly, wasn't much), it sounded like serious shit, and you were more on edge than ever every time he went away.
"I know you've been busy, and I know this butterfly thing is serious. I know that, okay? It would just be nice to go to sleep knowing that you're not dead. Or that you're not losing another pinky toe. Just one text when you're away, that's all I'm asking for." You said in a hushed voice, so only he could hear.
"Yeah, of course. I'm sorry." He reached up, caressing your jaw with his gloved hand. "I'll come home to my favourite girl tonight. Promise."
"Good. I've missed you." You smiled at him, then.
"God, I've missed you too. The other day, while we were fighting this huge gorilla, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I got a hard on and-..."
"Okay! Too much information. Save it for later." You heard him mumble 'later' under his breath, and you just rolled your eyes and shook your head, a smile on your lips. You didn't even feel the need to question him about the gorilla. "Look, are you gonna order a drink because you're freaking the customers out and I have a feeling that if you don't leave soon, I'll get fired."
"Don't worry, babe, if your manager fires you, I'll kill him." He said, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as if he hadn't just threatened murder out loud, in your workplace. The worst part about it was you knew he was being serious, and that just a few choice words from you would result in a dead manager.
Heads of customers and your coworkers turned towards you, so you forced a laugh, "Ha! He's just kidding around! He's just... He's a kidder! He loves to joke!" You announced to the room. Adrian just tilted his head in confusion. He definitely wasn't joking, and he knew you knew that. "Dude, I love you, and I'm happy to see you, but please order or leave."
Adrian groaned, "Fine." He spent a whole minute studying the menu. "Could I get an iced caramel macchiato. Triple shot, with a shit ton of vanilla syrup and caramel sauce."
You raised your eyebrows at him, "Triple shot? No way. You'll never sleep."
"That's kind of the point. I haven't slept in forty-eight hours, so..." He shrugged.
You knew Adrian wasn't the best at taking care of himself. You often found yourself reminding him that he needed to relax, that it was okay to take a night off from patrolling the streets as Vigilante to catch up on sleep. But forty-eight hours of no sleep came as a shock to you. You weren't sure how he was still functioning. "Oh my god, A-..." You bit back from calling him by his full name, the way you usually did when you scolded him. "That's really bad."
"I forgot to sleep."
That was probably the truth, too. He had been waiting a long time for Peacemaker to get out of prison. You knew just from his smile and how animated he became when he told you all about what they had been up to (even down to the pinky toe incident) that he was having the time of his life.
You sighed, "Double shot. But only to make sure that you can get home without crashing the car."
"For the record, I would never crash the Vigilante-mobile."
You just smiled and rolled your eyes, brewing a double espresso. You grabbed a plastic takeaway cup (large, since he apparently decided that he wanted to have the biggest sugar and caffeine rush in human history) and filled it with ice, making your way over to the syrups. You added one pump of vanilla, then another one when he mumbled 'go on'.
"Can I get another?" He asked, leaning against the counter.
You paused, your hand still on top of the pump, "Dude, you don't need three pumps of vanilla syrup in your drink."
Too late. In the time you spent telling him that he didn't need three pumps, he had already reached over the counter and pressed your hand down on the pump two, three, four, five times
You looked up at him, shoving your tongue in your cheek to suppress a smile (it was crazy how often you found yourself doing that). "You're gross, and I hope your drink sucks."
He laughed quietly before reaching over and grabbing your face, smushing your cheeks, "It won't suck, because my favourite girl made it for me."
You finished making his drink as you listened to him tell you about a PowerPoint some guy called 'Economos' had made, and how he thought it was sweet that he wanted a monkey and a man to be friends, 'kind of like Curious George'. When you picked up the bottle of caramel sauce, he put his hand on yours, squeezing the bottle and guiding your hand (despite your protests and attempts to pull away) until not one area of the drink wasn't covered in caramel.
"You're gonna have a heart attack." You mumbled, pressing down the lid and handing the drink over to him.
"Worth it." He shrugged. "Hey, do you mind getting this for me? I kinda don't have any money on me..."
"You're telling me you have guns and knives on you right now, but no money?"
Adrian nodded, "Yeah. I only carry what's necessary." He paused. "So...?"
"Fine. I'll buy your stupid fuckin' heart attack drink." You grumbled.
"Thanks, babe. You're the best. I promise I'll make it up to you later, if you know what I mean." You did know what he meant, and you felt your face heat up as you cursed him under your breath, knowing that he'd have that shit-eating grin on his lips under the mask.
"Whatever. Just get out of here. You've already scared away, like, half of the customers." You reached across and shoved his shoulder playfully.
Adrian raised his hands in surrender, almost throwing his drink over his shoulder. "Fine. Fine. I'm going. I'll see you later, okay?" He asked, slowly backing up towards the door.
"I want you home before nine, or I'm going to sleep!" You called out.
"Yeah, yeah! I got it!" He called back, pulling the creaky door open before you could even respond. He knew you were lying, and you knew yourself. He had promised to come home, and you would wait up for him.
You glanced out of the window when you heard knocking on the glass, smiling when you realised that he was blowing kisses at you before heading left. He must have been going the wrong way, because not five seconds later he was walking past the window again, head down, hoping you hadn't seen him.
Fucking idiot.
Vigilante tags
@neptuneswritingwork @vlkyriesgf @juniebugg @bvcksmurdock @cressida-clearwood @withahappyrefrain @all-the-captains @chaseadrian @tinalbion @ladamari68 @flower-slut00 @milfodyssey @madmax2191 @myguiltypleasures21 @andromacher @osnapitzandi @flutterskies @emmachase17 @trash--blog @jlclvsjpm @papitas-con-sal @thedamchii @abbynx @skateb0red @fenderenderender @possessedxparrot @transias @aprilfire18 @the-a-word-2214 @violetrainbow412-blog @partr1dge
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latenightreadingpdf · 6 months ago
Random Question!!!
For future writing purposes, do you guys prefer one-shots, fics with 2-5 parts, or fics with 10+ parts?
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sandy-the-glader · 1 year ago
Hi!! I hope this is okay!! If not, no worries!! 💜💜💜 (I love you lots!)
Can I please request an Adrian Chase x fem!innocent!reader Where while Adrian is out and about doing his Vigilante work he comes across a bunch of criminals in a warehouse, and after they’re all “taken care of”, he hears someone crying and finds a girl hiding behind a pile of the criminal’s stuff, and she’s handcuffed to something over there, so she couldn’t leave even if she wanted to. She’d obviously be completely terrified of Vig, but as we know, he is very good at reading a person and would clearly see that she is innocent, and had been taken by the bad guys. Normally he would just set the innocent girl free and be on his way, having already taken care of the bad guys, however… He had unfortunately taken off his mask right before finding her, and had forgotten to put it back on, so she has seen his face. Panicking, he just picks her up, and takes her to his car with him, driving straight to the 11th Street Kids HQ, carrying in a terrified Y/n, he himself all panicked, and the team is like “wtf did you do????” “Did you abduct her???” And he’s just like, “No no, I saved her! But then she saw my face… So I guess, yes??”
Lmao it’s honestly a mess, but the team takes care of Y/n’s injuries, apologies for Adrian’s behavior lmao, and lets her stay there until she has recovered, as not only is she hurt, but very scared. After a while of staying with them, she gradually starts warming up to Adrian, him desperately trying to get her not to be afraid of him anymore (for a while there she was terrified of him), and their relationship eventually grows into a more romantic and intimate one🥺🥺🤧
Afraid of Me
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*Not my gif*
Character: Adrian Chase x SoftFem!Reader
Type: Fluff and sorta angsty
Length: 5.4K (a bit long)
Summary: Request above <3
Trope: Strangers to friends to lovers, Slow-burn
A/N: LONG A/N!! Sorry this took forever I've been busy with a lot of stuff and I just haven't had any time but I worked on this whenever I could. Btw again I bent the request a little bit (I'm not sure if I wrote what you wanted for it and I apologize ) so I hope it’s okay I just made this go over the whole period of time the show does and like more so there's more time for a bond to be built lol
I heard a quick gunshot followed by another. Tears continued to fall from my eyes as I was tied to some random wall in some warehouse, Apparently, I was not supposed to come across two men selling heroin to each other but here I am. They claimed I saw too much, took me, and tied me up. Who even does that?
I just wanted to return to my apartment and read this new book I bought. That's all I had planned for my day anyway. Yet now I was tied to a pole in some wet and cold warehouse with random crates surrounding me. I tugged and tried to break from but it was helpless. I cried and sniffled as I continued to try but there was no avail.
Were those shots from them or someone else? Please god, let someone save me. I had been here for hours and I was scared of what they had planned for me. They already hit me pretty hard over the head which caused a small trail of blood to fall from my temple.
I heard loud and heavy footsteps coming towards me. I braced myself and waited for the figure to come around the crate to where I was. He was wearing a teal suit, with blood covering it. It was Vigilante. Should I be happy or terrified? He's a killer but isn't he supposed to be a hero?
"Fuck oh my god." He gasped slapping a gloved hand over his mouth. He was missing one exceptionally important part of his suit. His mask. That must have been why he was so frantic.
In all honesty, he looked nothing like I always pictured him. He was lanky with glasses and he looked really young. He looked mid-twenties though I had a feeling he was older. He honestly looked nerdy.
"I'm sorry. I really won't tell anyone who you are. I-I mean I don't even know your name." I stammered. He didn't care though because he continued to curse.
"Fuck fuck fuck. This is so not good." he groaned. The man ran a thick hand through his hair while bouncing back and forth. "Umm." He pondered confused about what to do. "Shit, I can't let you go." My eyes widen. He already has saved me why not let me go on my merry way? He took off his glasses and put his mask back on.
He came over to me and examined my situation. He crouched down and started untieing the rope that kept me on the pole but didn't bother with the ones around my hands or feet.
I was about to thank him for his acts but he picked me up and started to carry me out. Oh, he's actually not letting me go.
"What are you doing!?" I panicked. I started wiggling my body in his grasp then he held me tighter. "Where are you taking me? This hurts." He continued to keep walking until we reached his car a couple of feet from the warehouse.
Holding me with one hand, he opened the door to his back seat and tossed me in. Judging by his face, he didn't mean it to be as aggressive but it was enough to get me to shut up. He slammed the door and rushed over to the driver's seat.
This is it. After all that's happened today I'm being kidnapped by Vigilante and who knows what's going to happen. I guess the law doesn't apply when it comes to him. I actually can't believe it right now.
The entire car ride was silent. Not a sound from the man or from me. It was terrifying. All I could think of was what was going to happen to me. it took him forever to get to his destination and when we got there I realized it was some rundown video store. That couldn't be where we're going right?
"Guy's we got a fucking situation!" Adrian called opening the door with the girl in his hands. The whole team in the building stared at him with wide 'What the fuck' like eyes.
"Who the fuck is that?" Economos asked adjusting his glasses and leaning over his desk.
Adrian (not so carefully) dropped the woman on the floor making her yelp out in shock and pain.
"Did you just kidnap a girl?" Adebayo's eyes widened at the sight.
"No Adebayo!" He yelled defensively. "Okay, well technically yes but-" He was cut off quickly.
"And why did you bring her here?" Harcourt burst out running a hand through her blonde hair.
"Okay, I was doing my badass stuff, right? Like beating up these bad dudes and I found her behind some crates." They all stared at him waiting for him to continue. "And since I didn't know these dudes took a hostage I took my mask off and that's-" He removed his mask again and replaced the glasses on his face. "Really bad." He grimaced.
"Adrian what the hell dude you could have left her. She would have never turned you in. Look at her. No offense." Chris said. She stayed silent like she never heard the comment in the first place.
She was scared to death, trembling on the floor with small tear streaks down her face. Some of the tears mixed in with blood on the left side of her face. She looked innocent as could be and she definitely didn't deserve to be in this mess.
"Dude what the fuck!" He shouted at Chris. "Now she knows my real name! You have so fucked me!" He continued to cure which didn't make the girl feel any better.
"I did not fuck you! Besides it's your fault for bringing her here anyway." Chris furrowed his eyebrows looking back and forth between the petrified girl and his idiotic friend.
"What is happening out here?" Murn came out from one of the rooms and immediately regretted his decision. "We're supposed to be working on the project butterfly case what are you doing Chase?" He asked sternly.
"Oh, now she knows about Project Butterfly!" Harcourt placed a hand on her forehead.
"Well, it's not like I can kill her because she's innocent" The girl's face drained at the mention of death. "and we can't get rid of her because she might tell someone who I am!" Adrian wined out. He was finally right about one thing.
"She also might screw our plan up," Murn muttered trying to think of a reasonable thing to do with this girl.
"Then what do you suppose we do with her?" Economos folded his arms. The girl had been silent the entirety of this conversation but she finally piped up.
"Um.." Her voice caught everyone's attention and they turned their heads to look at her. "I-I can clean and o-organize around here." She stammered. "I can help you guys just please don't kill me." She pleaded. They all non-verbally agreed she had been through enough judging by the look of blood running from her temple and dirt caking her shirt.
"Yeah that honestly could be useful," Harcourt spoke. She looked around the room to only be met with agreeing faces. She let out another deep sigh before Murn spoke up.
"You will work the same hours as us and will get paid a fair amount." He folded his arms tightly over his chest. He didn't ask he just demanded she work.
"I'm also a fast learner and I can help you with anything you need. I don't have a current job so that would be perfect." She tried to look at the bright side of the situation. I can work for money but this is a destructive and hard-core business she pondered. "And since this is a very um dangerous job I just so happened to be trained in medical care." She offered.
"Oh, sweet! That's perfect so now dyed bear can stop doing such a shit job of stitching me up!" Chris smiled.
"Hey!" Economos protested. It was perfectly fine he thought.
"What about my living situation? C-can I still stay In my apartment?" She asked. They all looked around at each other because that was one thing they hadn't thought of. If they let her stay, she could always tell people without them knowing.
"If we let you stay in your apartment, you must realize he" Murn pointed at Adrian Chase himself. "has to keep watch of you? He somehow always knows if someone is doing something they shouldn't be." She nodded slowly. "And if you tell anyone and I mean anyone you will be terminated immediately, do you understand?" He spoke firmly making her hands tremble.
"I understand." She muttered.
"Now that everyone is done with this whole situation I suggest you get back to work," Murn concluded walking back to his office annoyed with the inconvenience.
I sat there absolutely stunned at what just happened. I just got myself into a bat shit crazy job. I mean I don't even know these people and one of them literally abducted me. This is not normal.
Project butterfly? Are these guys all heroes or something? I already was aware of Vigilante's existence and somewhat Peacemaker but there's a lot more than just those two.
"Oh my god, he didn't even untie you." The blonde-haired woman spoke in surprise. I didn't say anything because really what was I supposed to say? "I'm Harcourt." She kneeled beside me. She opened a switchblade and sliced through the ropes binding my hands together and then my feet. "Come on let's get you cleaned up. She went and collected the first aid kit from one of the desks on the left side of the room and motioned for me to sit at her desk. "What's your name?" She asked.
"Y/n L/n." I said quietly as I stared into my lap anxiously.
"Come sit Y/n." She said calmly trying to make me comfortable.
I stood up uneasily and almost fell back down. I steadied myself and carefully walked over to the chair and sat down gently. She pulled out a couple of cotton swabs and some alcohol. She poured the strong liquid onto the small ball.
"I'm sorry about him." Harcourt hummed taking the cotton swab to my forehead.
"Hm?" I replied softly.
"Adrian." She looked me in the eyes. "He just isn't all there sometimes." She mumbled. She tossed the bloodied-up swab in the trash and put a bandage over the small cut.
I looked over at Vigilante who I guess was named Adrian. He was talking to Peacemaker and he looked perfectly innocent. Not even an hour earlier he was tossing me into the back of his car. Jesus, what did I really get myself into? Not only does he have to escort me home, but now I have to work with him. He's a psycho!
"She has a point you know." The woman I was pretty sure was Adebayo spoke up. I glanced at her and she nodded trying to make me realize it. "He's a really good guy you just have to get to know him. I get it he basically kidnapped you but he's stupid in everything but fighting."
"Yeah okay," I mumbled softly. I don't care what they say now I can't trust him after what he did unless he really proves he's trustworthy. At least these people actually had the decency to tend to my wounds.
She continued to bandage and take care of every cut I had on my arms and face. I enjoyed her already because she was delicate to me and cared about my feelings. Pretty quickly she finished and put all the materials away.
"Come over here I think we found a box of old clothes you could change in." She led me back into the store and I could feel Adrian's eyes burning into my back.
"Dude she's afraid of me!" I panicked at Chris looking him dead in the eye. I waited for her to leave before I talked to my best friend about the whole thing.
"Well, I mean you did throw her in the back of your car. Chicks don't really dig that. Unless they're like hardcore." Okay yeah obviously I fucked up big time but I was under a lot of pressure and I wasn't doing what I should have!
"Dude I didn't know what else to do." I whined
"I mean you just gotta make things right with her I guess. I don't know I usually don't have to apologize to girls." He shrugged his shoulders. Great okay how am I supposed to do that when she's obviously afraid of me? Fuck. "Listen when you walk her to her apartment just be like 'Sorry for kidnapping you in my shitty car that was a pretty bad thing to do!' or something like that." I let out a heavy sigh. This is never going to work.
I came back out to the main room in a sweatshirt with the video store's logo on it and sweatpants that were longer than my actual legs with the same logo down the side of it. I held my original clothes in my arms and I was quiet.
What do I do now? Go home? How am I supposed to feel safe in my own home when I know that guy is watching me?
"Listen." Harcourt grabbed my attention. "You can take as much time as you need before you go home. I know that was probably a traumatic experience for you so let me know when you want to leave." She spoke as if she had read my mind. I nodded. "Also we have your address so we can get you home easily." Okay well, I told her my name and that was all it took to find out where I lived. Spectacular.
"What are my work hours?" I still can't believe I got myself to work for these people.
"Just don't get here any later than 8. Hours are different every day. Since you now work here I guess I should tell you who everyone is." She pointed to Peacemaker and Vigilante who were still chatting near the corner of the room "Chris and Adrian ." Then to the other man in glasses. "Economos." The guy in the other room that I could see through the glass. "Murn." Finally, she pointed at the last girl which I already knew. "and Adebayo."
I stood around for not too much longer before very anxiously describing to Harcourt my wishes to leave. She understood fully and went over to Adrian to make him take me home. He looked at me with some sort of care in his eyes but I just couldn't look at him so my eyes fell back to the sight of the floor.
"Come on kid." Harcourt motioned with her head to leave out the door with the man. I walked out the door and the cool air hit me as the sun started to sink down below the horizon.
One car ride and then I'm home. This time I got to sit in the front seat of his car instead of being thrown in the back like a doll. I secured my seatbelt and then just slumped against the car door. All I could really do was pay attention to the passing cars outside and the quiet buzz of the radio.
I also noticed the pleasing smell of his cologne that filled the car or how he hummed along to the Taylor Swift song on the radio. Someone like him is a swiftie?
"I'm sorry that I kidnapped you." Adrian broke the silence between us in an attempt to apologize. I ignored it and kept looking out the window. It was a long day and I genuinely couldn't tell if he was being sincere or was just trying to make me feel like he cared. "Please talk to me. I know I fucked up." I glanced over at him; his eyes flickered between the road and me. "Hey." He reached for my hand and flinched away with wide eyes and a quickened heartbeat.
His eyes lit up in sorrow. He looked like he felt bad. He backed off and for the rest of the car ride, he didn't talk anymore. There was so much tension in that car I felt like I was going to suffocate. I could barely look at him. I was still scared of his guts.
Every turn and stop made me think over and over about the events that occurred today. It was nauseating.
Finally walking through the door of my apartment left me with this feeling I couldn't describe. All of the events that happened today were fucking unbelievable.
The book I was planning to read was on my bed and was quickly tossed on my side table with a small thud. I sprawled out on my bed not bothering to do anything else tonight.
What. The. Fuck.
It's my first day on the job and my teammate already hit someone with a car. A van actually. I got to the disguised video store a bit after seven and Murn described the plan to me. Since I wasn't significant to the plan I just stayed in the car with a first-aid kit just in case things went south. And oh they did.
"Is he dead!?" I stood in the van looking at Economos dumbfounded. He didn't reply at first he was just making shocked quivering noises.
"I... I don't know?" My eyes widened as he started to get out of the car holding a crowbar tightly in his hands. I left the kit on the seats (since I had been fidgeting with the latches the whole ride) and followed him for support or something like that. Maybe I thought I could help. He inspected inside the car which he had hit fully force.
Judomaster was crawling on the ground in front of the car slowly. Economos inched closer and closer to him holding the crowbar. He whacked him once over the head and jolted backward then his body went limp. We waited and sure enough, he kept crawling. He hit him again and he still was moving. I slapped a hand over my mouth as he repeatedly hit him on the back of the head. He poked him a few times like you would a bug making sure he wasn't moving.
"Oh my god." He let out. "Fuck yeah!" He turned around to high-five me. I lightly returned it. "Don't worry he's not dead." He said sensing my shock. "They're hardcore it takes a lot."
"Well, what do we do with him now?" I looked at Economos for ideas. We ended up tying him up and throwing him in the back of the van. I watched him intensely. When would this dude wake up? I really hope not any time soon. Murn radioed us and let us know that they would be coming back soon with of course Vigilante. Economos drove us back to the spot we were supposed to be in and awaited their arrival.
"You're pretty cool." I complimented him. He was taken aback by the positive words.
"Well thank you." He adjusted his glasses with a bright smile.
We waited for 15 minutes until they finally arrived and loaded themselves into the van. Everyone looked untouched besides Harcourt's messy hair, a couple cuts on Peacemaker's face and Vigilante crying about his bleeding toe. I grabbed the medical kit I had set down on the seats just minutes before and rushed to Adrian's side.
I motioned for him to move his foot up to where I needed it. He hesitated for a moment but then proceeded to lift his foot into my lap. I scoped out his injured toe and I pulled out the needed materials.
Yikes. I was definitely glad that I stayed in the van. Adrian’s foot jerked in my lap as I tried to get some alcohol.
"Hold still!" I complained to Adrian trying to hold his leg down from wriggling under my grasp. From the looks of it, this man had managed to get half of his pinky toe cut off. That is such a bizarre thing for torture.
“It hurts so bad though!” He wined when I took the alcohol to his foot. He had obviously had worse happen to him but this?
“It could have been worse,” I said. My hold got tighter on his leg since it kept jolting side to side.
“Pft yeah, this was nothing!” He lied as if he hadn’t been complaining two seconds ago. “I’ve gone through worse in DND.” A small smile appeared on my cheeks. DND huh? Who knew the big strong Vigilante was a total nerd? And a swiftie...
“One of my characters got their arm bitten off by a bear so I’d say you’re okay,” I said. His eyes lit up at the mention that I had played before." Just sit still it's about to get worse." His eyes clenched shut.
"Oh shit!" He screamed out making everyone irritated in the van. I shushed him gently with a soft hand on his leg. He shut up very quickly but his body still tensed occasionally with every sting. I held his foot carefully as I bandaged it up thoroughly.
"Are you hurt anywhere else?" I asked. I still didn't dare to look him in the eye.
"Yeah, but I can wait until we get back." He tried to act tough but I could hear the pain in his voice. I noticed a couple of holes in his shirt. Maybe I could fix his shirt while I'm at it. God am I being too nice?
I mean I'm trying to think of the bright side of what happened yesterday and honestly, it didn't seem so bad anymore. He saved my ass and I'm having a paying job. I can only imagine the pay is fantastic for what these people have me doing. I sat next to Adrian. I was feeling a little less scared of him now when I thought about him like that. Even through the visor, his eyes were peeled onto me. It felt like since I got here they never left.
Getting back to headquarters I couldn't get Adrian to get out of the van without making a scene. I dragged him quickly into the store so he wouldn't draw any attention from people lurking around In the streets. I pulled him by his hand and made him sit in the closest chair I could spot. He whined and moaned obnoxiously loud. I knew the stories and new articles about the man. He was tough and put up a big fight, he never lost against criminals.
I grabbed the larger bandages from an area Harcourt showed me just this morning and also some more alcohol.
"Show me where you're hurt." I looked at him curious about what else had happened to him. He pulled off his chest plate and revealed the deep stab wound in his shoulder. The fabric of his shirt clearly revealed the bloody mess it left. My eyes widen. "You kept this from me until now?"
"I could handle this. The toe I'm not entirely sure." I cleaned and bandaged the wound with intense concentration. I was careful and sure not to cause any more harm after this long night. "Thank you." He said softly. I just nodded and didn't reply with anything else.
The days passed as we worked on this project and the days were long and there was a lot of work to do. I didn't have almost any free time anymore so it was hard to make time for friends I actually wanted to talk to or things I really wanted to do. Adrian continued to try his hardest to earn my trust and befriend me.
I started to warm up to him crazy enough. He did little things for me I thought were sweet. Sometimes he brought me breakfast or he would try to learn about things I liked so he could talk about them with me. I started to trust him more and more as the mission proceeded because he was really good company. He would talk and I would listen.
A couple of days after the whole 'Adrian getting his pinky toe almost cut off' situation he got himself arrested. I didn't even know until Harcourt talked to me about it and what Adebayo said to him. I felt bad for him because as much as I thought I disliked him, I hated to hear he was where he was and how Adebayo literally manipulated him into doing it.
The night he got out he showed up at my apartment because he still needed to check up on me and since he hadn't been able to. For the first time, I felt comfortable enough to hug him. So I did, I wrapped my arms gently around his torso and gave a small squeeze. We stood like that for a minute before he quietly wished me a 'goodnight' without any further words. That was the kindest moment we had ever shared with one another
Then the next day we had another mission. Since all this time has passed, I had been informed on what a Butterfly fully was. At first, it was entirely confusing until I realized these were tiny alien butterflies here to kill us. I know it sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie.
I had to sit through a whole meeting in the morning next to Adrian where he (the whole time) joked with me. It felt sorta nice honestly. He never stopped being friendly and I just kind of started to accept it more.
And the whole mission went by quickly.
"Oh my god." I blurted when everyone arrived back in the truck. Peacemaker and Economos were fully drenched head to toe in blood, Harcourt had a good amount on her, and Adebayo and Adrian had little to none on them.
"We fought a fucking gorilla!" Adebayo exploded with astonishment. Jesus, sometimes I wish I didn't sit in the car the whole time.
"Economos is the fucking man." Peacemaker clapped him on the back with a proud grin. I did miss a lot if those two are now getting along.
"All the blood is the gorillas right?" I asked startled for a second considering the amount.
"Yeah we're all fine," Harcourt said tiredly.
"At least no one's arm got bitten off, like your DND character right?" Adrian nudged me in the side and sat down next to me. Sure I had only told him a few days ago about that but it still made me happy that he had remembered that tiny detail.
"Right." I smiled. Chris sat in the front and started playing music like he had at the beginning of the ride. I sang along with the rest of my team members to 11th Street Kids and I actually started to enjoy my work a little more.
I looked over at Adrian who was dancing like a dork. He looked so adorable? He was playing air drums and making up random dances as he went. I don't know why but I started to not hate him anymore. I started seeing this more personal side of him. Not Vigilante but Adrian.
"C'mon dance," Adrian whispered in my ear and nudged me again. I started to sway along with the group.
Later that night Harcourt made a group chat with all of us and sent a photo she had taken in the van. I set the book down I had finally got to reading beside me on my bed and picked up my phone.
Everyone was dancing in the van but on the right side, you could see me looking at Adrian with the sweetest smile on my face. The chat is filled with different emojis. The only number I had was Harcourts but from the merman emoji, I already knew it was Adrian. I liked his message and sent a fitting emoji to match the others.
I set my phone down and continued reading with a big smile. I never seemed to stop today.
It was the final day of the project and I wasn’t allowed to go. I wasn’t entirely complaining since this job was so bizarre but I was also disappointed. I mean all this build up and I don’t even get to go. They said it would be safer for me and of course, I understood.
But as the night carried on and the morning came through I was nervous. I had no texts or word from anyone. Sure, they still could be busy and have to do some other stuff before texting me but what if?
I heard a rushed-sounding knock on my door which threw me off. I ran to my door since the person decided to not stop knocking.
"What do you want?" I hissed as I threw open the door but I was only met with Adrian. My eyes soften upon seeing him. Oh, thank god he’s alive. "Adrian. Hi." I paused when noticing he was in a pair of shorts and a nursing gown. "Come inside." I ushered him in with wide eyes and closed the door quickly behind him. "What are you doing here?"
"Listen I jumped out of a hospital building to be her so-"
"Adrian!" I scolded him for being careless. I had started to really enjoy him I didn't need him being so careless all the time.
"Shut up. Sorry, but I need to tell you this." I stared at him silently with folded arms awaiting what he was about to tell me. "Okay, so after almost dying, I know what you're about to say please just wait. After almost dying, I realized had more feelings for you than I have ever had for someone and that's like a lot for me." He stepped closer to me. "I had to tell you those feelings just in case I actually died sometime. But now I'm scared if you reject me because of the whole kidnapping thing when we first met and usually I would be okay with rejection but I don't feel usual with you." He rambled and his hands made several confusing gestures along the way.
Everything about him told me he was being truthful. His hands were trembling with nervousness, He literally came from a hospital to tell me this and he just had that look on his face.
The feelings from the other day came rushing back. I really enjoyed being with genuine Adrian. The time we spent together over the course of this project was enjoyable. I noticed small things about him like the way he always made sure to keep an eye on me and was careful not to get me into anything super dangerous. He had become almost like a personal guard.
He even taught me how to use weapons, and also never overstepped my boundaries. So yeah maybe I developed a crush on my kidnapper co-worker.
"Why are you looking at me like that I'm like really nervous right now." He asked.
"Because I feel the same way. Even though you did totally kidnap and traumatize me." I nudged him smiling but he didn't return it. "Adrian I was playing with you. But I really do feel the same way." He let out a long breath. I was quite sure he had stopped breathing for a little while.
"Oh thank god." Adrian stepped closer and picked me up in his arms as he kissed me deeply. I've kissed a couple of times in the past but never did it feel as amazing as this. I held him close to me as if he would slip away again. He pulled away to look closely at my face.
"Just because you kissed me doesn't mean I won't scold you for almost dying." I glared at him but he just smiled kindly and kissed me again.
"If I keep. Kissing you then. I won't. Get yelled at." He said in between kisses making me start to laugh.
“Don’t scare me like that again Chase.” I shook my head kissing him passionately once more. I could get used to this feeling.
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nerdgirlbutinpink · 7 days ago
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men who are superhero’s but not sure how to be actually be superhero’s >>>>>>>>
or just nerdy men who have no social skills and have muscles??
but still i would get my freak on with them 🫦🫦
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