#Adorn the doctrine of God
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superbdonutpoetry · 5 months ago
Things That Differ are Not the Same
This blog is read not only by those who are saved, but also those who are not, hence this post. Here are several good reasons why you shouldn’t be a Bible blender. The instructions and good news given to Paul by the ascended Christ pertaining to salvation for all men, as well as edification concerning the Body of Christ during the Age of Grace, differs to that of: *Adam &…
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preacheroftruthblog · 1 year ago
Something Good To Wear -- Roy Knight
It is said, “Clothes make the man.” Simply put, the clothes we wear represents the person inside. Most people in the morning will stand in front of a mirror and examine themselves before going out into the world. Why? Because we do not want to be embarrassed by having something on our face, a spot on our clothes or to have clothes that do not fit quite right. Yes, clothing speaks volumes about us…
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talonabraxas · 2 months ago
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Red Jambhala and Red Vasudhara Yabyum.
Red Dzambhala (Tibetan: dzambhala marpo) is the manifestation of Vajrasattva. Red Jambhala is the The God of Wealth, embracing the consort Vasudhara. This is the Red Jambhala, red in colour, he is adorned with a crown, jewel and gold ornaments and silk garments, embraced the consort Vasudhara, seated imperially in the center of the multi-coloured lotus throne, steped on a white conch shell. He has two faces and four arms and holds a treasury mouse on his left hand. With left hand in the stoat a jewel keeping in mouth and right hand the wish-fulfilling jewels on the right knee, with the jewel earring and jewel necklace, he is exposing his chest and abdomen, the aura and lucky cloud surrounded on the sides.His consort Vasudhara also holds the wish-fulfilling jewels in the right hand and holds a skullcup.
The beneficence of the Red Jambhala is that his doctrine is suitable for those in high social positions. If they practise his doctrine, they can recruit more talented people and possess more money, valubles and food. If one chants his mantra sincerely, he will protect one and also gain wealth and one can lead a very good life and become popular. He has two mantras, the male one and the female one.
The Mantra of Red Jambhala is :
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nrvcntr · 1 year ago
Losing Everything
sooooo i haven't written fanfiction since i was a preteen but i got hit with a case of gale dekarios and could not rest until i wrote a really angsty thing about tav trying to move on from god!gale ......... that is all
“You may not wish to enter the heavens, but you do a fine job conjuring them here,” He said. Then he was gone, again. The God of Ambition, formerly Gale of Waterdeep, formerly Gale Dekarios. Somewhere in there had been a man that you loved dearly, but there was no trace of him now. Only a faint scent remained. The same one that stuck to your pillow and sheets and the bed that you shared, the scent that hung around you like smoke. When you were falling asleep and in that space between dream and wake, it was almost like he was still there. But when you reached out, you were met with the realization that you were alone yet again. 
So you moved on. The best you could, at least. You dove into your old work as a historian of ancient poetry. You translated what you could, but primarily focused on seeking out old texts to verify their authenticity. One of your recent interests was the poet Copperbloom, whose complete works were rumored to be hidden at one of the libraries in Amn.
On your first afternoon there,  you saw the temple dedicated to the God of Ambition. Like a magnetic force pushing you through, you walked in, taking in the sights of brilliant marble pillars and rich purple fabric adorning the walls. A testament to the power of ambition. It looked so clean that you were afraid your mere presence was a mark on its face. You looked at the altar of Gale, a looming, giant sculpture that looked like him and unlike him. Like a sculpture of a picture someone painted of a picture of Gale. The features were generally right, but it was missing his warmth. Something about the eyes and the smile were inconsistent to you, as though he was smiling at something painful. That wasn’t like the man you remembered. 
Your eyes closed, and that familiar scent drew you in. Here in this temple, it made sense that he felt so close. It was enough to break your heart again, but months of waking up alone had shattered it beyond repair. What else could you lose at this point? There was nothing left. You held a coin in your hand, ready to make an offering to the embodiment of ambition, when you heard a voice from behind you.
“Excuse me,” it said.
You turned, meeting the eyes of a handsome young elf.
“Is that a book of Copperbloom’s poetry you’re holding?” He asked. 
“Yes, it is,” You replied.
He told you that his name was Adlar, and that he was a fan of Copperbloom’s poetry. Excitement radiated from him, his eyes bright and alert when he told you that he was raised among the trees, and that Copperbloom eloquently captured the beauty of nature in a way that so few could. You slid the coin back into your pocket, enamored by the creature in front of you. He was awkward, sure, but a welcome distraction from your self-imposed isolation. 
“Would you like to talk about this more, somewhere more private?” You asked.
“I--Yes, I would like that very much. There’s a tavern around the corner, if you’d like to go,” He replied.
So you walked out of the Temple of Ambition with the handsome young elf on your arm, who chattered your ear off the entire way. After exchanging pleasantries about poetry, the basics of who you are and where you’re from, he asked if you were a devotee of Gale.
“No, I’m not. Are you?” You asked.
“Oh, yes, absolutely,” He replied, “He has given me everything. Before I learned of his doctrine, I was lost. Wandering around, wasting my potential. But now I have a purpose. I helped to build the temple, you know. And I’m leading the expansion.”
“An expansion? It’s one of the largest buildings in the city,” You remarked. 
“Yes, it is going to be the largest building in Faerun if I have anything to say about it. That’s the beautiful thing about ambition. It led me out of the forest and into places I had never even heard of or dreamt I could be. Like here,” He said, tentatively reaching for your hand. You allowed it. Adlar was the first person you touched since your electric goodbye kiss with a deity. Well, other than crying into Shadowheart’s arms for as long as she would let you. 
And so you began a love affair with the handsome young elf, slipping into a summer routine of balmy nights cooled by morning tea on the terrace, then separating to do a day’s work. You, toiling around libraries and bookshops in search of poems, and he leading the expansion in the temple. For the first time in a long while, you felt the comfort of a routine and a home.
You could still feel your former lover, his scent lingering on you no matter how hard you try to wash it away. At some point, it stopped feeling comforting and started to suffocate. You threw out your old clothes, ready to start something new. If you could change your hair and clothes and look like someone new, you thought, maybe you could start a new life. It may not be perfect, it may not have the magic of the Weave, but it could be yours. 
Well, until your dreams were dashed again. That God you had loved had once remarked about how easy it is to lose things, no matter how hard they are to gain. 
Adlar would meet you every night outside the temple. You never went back inside after your first visit. Until that night, that is, when thick black smoke blanketed the air and other devotees ran out, screaming about a collapse in the expansion wing. Instinctively, you ran toward the danger, passing the sculpture of Gale, whose smile looked menacing behind the haze of smoke. You approached the rubble where your elven lover would lay forever and begin feverishly clearing it again. Even after your fingers begin to bleed. Even when your hands ached. When someone picked you up to move you from the carnage, you kicked and screamed. But you knew. No one could survive under there. Especially not your gentle love, whose hands trembled that first night you held them. His bright eyes would never stare into yours again when you revealed your fears to him. You would never again wash the dirt from his hands after he delivered you a flower that Copperbloom compared her lover to in one of her famous poems. He was gone. A casualty of ambition. 
You broke from the grasp of the person holding you and ran toward Gale’s altar. You slammed a coin down. 
“Please, let me talk to you.” 
It was a plea, not a prayer. But he answered nonetheless. You found yourself in a strange state that seems real and unreal, beyond mortal comprehension. Gale stood in front of you, a bemused expression on his silver face. 
“You called?” He asked.
“What happened?” You ask in return.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Do not fuck with me, Gale. I know that you know what happens in your own temple.”
“Oh, right, the collapse. Hm. Such a shame. They were making great progress. You know how foolish mortals can be at times,” He replied flippantly. This set your teeth on edge. 
“Did you cause the collapse?” You asked.
“I could never, and I would never. You have my word. They knew the risks of what they were doing, and it was a dangerous endeavor.”
“But was the God of Ambition in their ears, telling them that the reward would be worth any risk?”
“Some risks are worth taking, you know,” Gale said.
“I do not need advice from you,” You replied.  
“Well perhaps you should heed some advice. You’ve been toiling your summer away laying about with some elf who is far beneath your station. What are you doing? Your mortal life is so short. You could be brilliant. You could do anything that you want. You could be anything you want to be. You could be -”
“A goddess?”
“Perhaps. If you wanted to be.”
“I don’t. I already turned down that offer.” 
“Why?” Gale asked.
“Because I loved the man you were, not the God you pretend to be,” You reply.
“I do not pretend. I am a God. And I did it for you. I did everything for you. And you repay me this way? You must know that I care for you because I would never let a mortal speak to me the way that you do.”
“Did you cause the collapse because you were jealous?” You asked. 
Silence. Whatever love you still had in your heart for the man was replaced by animosity for the God. 
“Answer me, damn you,” You demanded, reaching out to shove Gale’s chest. Lightning crackled when you made contact with him and you pulled your hand back in agony, cradling it with the other. 
“It is not wise to pick a fight with a God,” Gale warned.
“Why? If that is how you treat your most devoted followers then I would like to see how you treat a heretic,” You hissed. “Smite me, then, if what I say so offends you. Ambition is a curse. It has stolen everything from me. I will never bow to it. I will never honor it. I will never love it.” 
In that moment, you hoped he would strike you down. If only to take away his favorite toy. But he doesn’t. 
“I would never harm you,” He said.
“You have destroyed me,” You replied, “I want nothing to do with the God in front of me. I loved the man I knew. I will miss him for the rest of my days. And one day, I will be gone and I do not know what will happen or where I will go. But you will be here, alone. I hope it was worth it. Was it?” 
You stare at each other. No words could come out that would give either of you solace, and some wounds can never heal. Instead of a reply, you found yourself back at the smoky temple, surrounded by carnage. You walked out, never turning back even once to look behind. That night you crawled into your bed and stared at the wall, trying to will comfort out of the isolation. Finally, you were free from that scent. You were truly alone. At least when you’ve lost everything, nothing else can be taken from you.
Somewhere on some plane that mortals can’t comprehend, in a place that exists and doesn’t, the God of Ambition looked out at eternal nothingness. He had the powers of a God, powers that he had always dreamed of. 
But, the thought flickered in his mind. Perhaps he could have lived without them. After all, without you, what did he really have? Nothing, as far as anyone or anything could ever hope to see. 
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pistol247 · 1 month ago
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Titus 2:9-10 NKJV
[9] Exhort bondservants to be obedient to their own masters, to be well pleasing in all things, not answering back, [10] not pilfering, but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.
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sailorspica · 8 months ago
Kat, my honey, my darling, the light of my life — I've a question for you
What (if any) was the Council of Trent's influence on the art? (specifically about depicting nudity)
It's for... research purposes
mae my angel my baby.........
now I don't know that nudity was a specific concern but iconography in general, the sacred image, depictions of saints and biblical figures and with them the rennaissance system of patronage?
very vital to the catholic counter-reformation, against a growing trend of protesant iconoclasm mostly in the netherlands. the 1563 (final) session of trent mostly focuses on the doctrinal/pedagogical use of sacred art and icons, reviving debates from byzantium where people were confused about whether god/jesus/mary/others were actually present in the images, whether images were idolatry, but they leaned back into that to avoid the most compelling criticism that calvinists had for art, which is: why is the church dumping all this money into symbols of wealth instead of feeding and housing the poor?
but, the 1563 session throws in, just as a little tiny nugget:
Moreover, in the invocation of saints, the veneration of relics, and the sacred use of images, every superstition shall be removed, all filthy lucre be abolished; finally, all lasciviousness be avoided; in such wise that figures shall not be painted or adorned with a beauty exciting to lust; nor the celebration of the saints, and the visitation of relics be by any perverted into revellings and drunkenness; as if festivals are celebrated to the honour of the saints by luxury and wantonness.
what artistic license *i* think you can so take here is: people are damn hypocrites, and wealthy art patrons in the papal states who want to see nude men probably don't keep up with doctrine closely and might think they're above it. if you try to criticize them or the artists? they could deny, deny, and accuse anyone trying to censor their horny saint art commissions of being protestants. i think it fucking rocks. like you can't tell me what's lascivious or not??
one from venice a good few decades before trent:
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here's the martyrdom of saint sebastian by michel coxie, just 12 years after trent, not in a papal state but still the HRE:
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here's baroque ones, a century later by pietro della vecchia:
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please peruse the wikmedia commons category
point is, nothing fucking changed the roman catholic church is so slow but moreover, so horny
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orthodoxydaily · 2 months ago
january 21_february 3
St Maximus-the-Confessor (662)
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St. Maximus the Confessor, Troparion O instructor of Orthodoxy, teacher of piety and purity,/ beacon for the whole world, divinely inspired adornment of monastics./ O most wise Maximusby thy doctrines thou hast illumined all.// O harp of the Spirit, entreat Christ God that our souls be saved.
Kontakion of the Venerable One. With fitting hymns, O ye faithful, let us honor the great Maximus,/ the lover of the Trinity, who manifestly teacheth us the divine Faith,/ to worship Christ in two natures, volitions and activities;// and let us cry aloud: Rejoice, O preacher of the faith!
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The holy Virgin Martyr Agnes was born in Rome during the third century. Her parents were Christians, and they raised her in the Christian Faith. From her youth, she devoted herself to God and dedicated herself to a life of virginity, refusing all other suitors.
When she refused to enter into marriage with the son of the city official Symphronius, one of his associates revealed to him that Agnes was a Christian. The wicked Eparch decided to subject the holy virgin to shame and he ordered that she be stripped and and sent to a brothel for disdaining the pagan gods. But the Lord would not permit the saint to suffer shame. As soon as she was disrobed, long thick hair grew from her head covering her body. An angel was also appointed to guard her. Standing at the door of the brothel, he shone with a heavenly light which blinded anyone who came near her.
The son of the Eparch also came to defile the virgin, but fell down dead before he could touch her. Through the fervent prayer of Saint Agnes, he was restored to life. Before his father and many other people he proclaimed, “There is one God in the heavens and on earth: the Christian God, and the other gods are but dust and ashes!” After seeing this miracle, 160 men believed in God and were baptized, and then suffered martyrdom.
Saint Agnes, at the demand of the pagan priests, was given over to torture. They tried to burn her as a witch, but the saint remained unharmed in the fire, praying to God. After this they killed her by stabbing her in the throat. Through her death at the age of thirteen, Saint Agnes escaped everlasting death and inherited eternal life. The holy virgin martyr was buried by her parents in a field they owned outside of Rome.
Many miracles occurred at the grave of Saint Agnes. Her holy and grace-filled relics rest in the church built in her honor, along the Via Nomentana.
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The Holy Martyr Anastasius was a disciple of Saint Maximus the Confessor and, with him, suffered persecution under the Monothelites. Saint Maximus and two of his disciples were subjected to the cruelest torments. Each one’s tongue was cut out, and his right hand was cut off. Then, they were exiled to Skemarum .in Scythia, enduring many sufferings and difficulties on the journey.
Saint Anastasius wrote the Life of his teacher and died in 662.
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1 Peter 2:21-3:9
21 For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: 22 Who committed no sin, Nor was deceit found in His mouth"; 23 who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously; 24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness-by whose stripes you were healed. 25 For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
1 Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, 2 when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear. 3 Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel- 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. 5 For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands, 6 as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror. 7 Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. 8 Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; 9 not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.
Luke 6:17-23
17 And He came down with them and stood on a level place with a crowd of His disciples and a great multitude of people from all Judea and Jerusalem, and from the seacoast of Tyre and Sidon, who came to hear Him and be healed of their diseases, 18 as well as those who were tormented with unclean spirits. And they were healed. 19 And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all. 20 Then He lifted up His eyes toward His disciples, and said: Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. 21 Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh. 22 Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake. 23 Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, For in like manner their fathers did to the prophets.
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religiousfashion · 4 months ago
*Unveiling the Truth: God's Perspective on Fashion and Self-Expression*
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For centuries, women have been bound by restrictive religious doctrines that dictate their appearance and self-expression. But what does God's Word really say about fashion and beauty? In this blog, we'll delve into scripture to uncover the truth and inspire women to embrace their beauty. 
At Religious Fashion, we're on a mission to prove that you can have fun with fashion, look amazing, and still love Jesus with all your heart. We're breaking down barriers , exposing religion and challenging stereotypes, one outfit at a time.
*The Spirit of Religion vs. God's Intent*
Religion often perpetuates a spirit of control, shame, and conformity. However, God's intention is for us to live in freedom and authenticity.
*Galatians 5:1*
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
*Beauty and Self-Expression in the Bible*
The Bible celebrates beauty and creativity, encouraging us to express ourselves in unique ways.
*Psalm 139:14*
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
*1 Corinthians 10:31*
"Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
*Makeup, Perfume, and Adornment*
Contrary to popular belief, the Bible doesn't condemn makeup or perfume. In fact, it acknowledges their value in cultural and personal contexts.
*2 Samuel 14:2*
"Then Joab sent to Tekoa and brought from there a wise woman. He said to her, 'Pretend you are a mourner; put on mourning clothes and don’t anoint yourself with oil.'"
*Esther 2:12*
"Before a young woman’s turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics."
*Exposing False Teachings*
It's time to challenge harmful doctrines that restrict women's autonomy and self-expression.
*1 Timothy 4:1-3*
"The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron."
God's Word encourages women to embrace their uniqueness, creativity, and beauty. It's time to break free from the shackles of religious oppression and live in the freedom and love of Christ.
*Reflection Questions*
1. How have you been impacted by restrictive religious teachings on beauty and self-expression?
2. What does it mean to you to live in freedom and authenticity as a woman of faith?
3. How can you celebrate your individuality and creativity while honoring God?
Join the conversation! Share your story, and let's inspire each other to live boldly and beautifully for God.
*Follow us for more inspiring content!*
*Share your thoughts in the comments below!*
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suguwu · 2 years ago
Bee ur lil god!knives stuff is making my brain go brr but esp those tags abt vash??? Like I’m imagining catching vash’s eye long before knives turns his to your little village…
How the legends say the Stampede walks among humans, selfishly and cruelly—against the wishes of his brother, benevolent and careful be the lord of the hunt, for the merciless Vash brings only death and destruction. How you never put much faith in legends, and let the stranger into your little home in the woods because you have always let strangers in, and because he needed help you could provide. How you allowed him to stay as long as he needs, put him to work caring for the home while you’re off collecting plants or at your apothecary in town, and grow steadily attached to his presence in your home—and your bed, soon enough.
How he leaves you in the night, and how you wake up blessed.
Your village adheres strictly to doctrine. They would not call you blessed. A blessing from the Stampede is not a blessing by any means, however much the wind brushes you like a lover’s caress, no matter how healing your very touch has become.
They have lost you. You are a child of the village, and he has stolen you away. Whatever remains cannot be sacred.
When the high priestess, therefore, pays your quaint little home a visit, they rejoice. She tells them of her dreams. The mighty lord of the hunt still considers them worthy enough to provide an offering despite their failings with you.
But when they bring every villager who meets the requirements—your age, your hair, your eyes—all are rejected. The elders rumble, hushed and frantic. The quiet threat of the Stampede is carried in on the wind, but they have their faith. You must be the one. The lord of the hunt, magnanimous be he, has not abandoned you as your village has. You must be truly adored.
Acolytes storm your cottage in the woods. They burn it to the ground, stained as it is with the Stampede’s presence. The trees shake, the wind howls; your struggling body is dragged from the blaze, helpless.
Your mother weeps when she is allowed a final visitation before they take you away, and you cannot tell if the tears are relief or mourning. Your father stares as if he witnesses a walking ghost. You have been bathed and perfumed, draped in silk and gold, a circlet of precious jewels upon your forehead. They have never seen you look so holy.
The acolytes bring you to the Great Temple far away from your home. It is vast and grand and well kept; you’ve never been before, though your pious grandmother made the trek once late in her life for prayer.
The door to your chamber remains locked and guarded at all times but you manage, in the final hour, to crack your window.
Through it the wind, weak and restless here in the temple, brings you a wildflower. Stubbornly you tuck it into your flimsy girdle with the other flowers you’ve been adorned with.
(The lord of the hunt’s invisible hand finds it first when he arrives. You cannot see him any more than the acolytes, but you feel the pressure; your mind is flooded with an oppressive enmity.
He plucks it from your waist and lets it fall to the ground, withered. For once the wind does not answer)
plu i am SHAKING oh my god what a TREAT to wake up to!!! and yes i couldn't help myself with the vash tags and those tags have served me so well by bringing me this absolute deliciousness!! those last few lines...i'm gnawing off my own arm.
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mybeautifulchristianjourney · 7 months ago
Music For the Soul by Alexander MacLaren
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Is My Name Written There?
"Another book was opened, which is the Book of Life" – Revelation 20:12
We read, in the highly imaginative picture of the final judgment, that when the thrones are set, two books are opened, one the Book of Life, the other the book in which are written the deeds of men, and that by these two books men are judged. There is a judgment by conduct. There is also a judgment by the Book of Life, That is to say, the question at last comes to be, " Is this man’s name written in that book? " Is he a citizen of the kingdom, and therefore capable of entering into it? Has he the life from Christ in his heart? Or, in other words, the question is, first, Has the man who stands at the bar faith in Jesus Christ? and, second, Has he proved that his faith is genuine and real by the course of his earthly conduct? These are the books from which the judgment is made. We read further in that blessed vision - the vision of the City of God " that came down from heaven as a bride adorned for her husband " - that only they enter in there who are "written in the Lamb’s Book of Life." Only citizens are capable of entrance into the city; aliens are necessarily shut out. The Lord, when He writeth up His people, shall count that this man was born there, though he never trod its streets while on earth, and therefore can enter into his native home. What need we care what other people may think about us, or whether the "hollow wraith of dying fame" that comes like a nimbus round some men may fade wholly or no, so long as we may be sure of acknowledgment and praise from Him from whom acknowledgment and praise are precious indeed.
Remember that names can be blotted out of the book. The metaphor has often been pressed into the service of a doctrine of unconditional and irreversible predestination. But, rightly looked at, it points in the opposite direction. Remember Moses’s agonized cry, "Blot me out of Thy book," and the Divine answer, " Him that sinneth against Me, his name will I blot out of My book." And remember that it is only to " him that overcometh " that the promise is made, " I will not blot him out." We are made partakers of Christ if we "hold fast the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end."
Remember that it depends upon ourselves whether our names are there or not. John Bunyan describes the armed man who came up to the table where the man with the book and the inkhorn was seated, and said, " Set down my name." And you and I may do that. If we cast ourselves on Jesus Christ, and yield our wills to be guided by Him, and give our lives for His service, then He will write our names in His book. If we trust Him we shall be citizens of the City of God, shall be filled with the life of Christ, shall be objects of an individualizing love and care, shall be accepted in that day, and shall enter in through the gates into the city. "They that forsake Me shall be written on the earth," and there wiped out as are the children’s scribbles on the sand when the ocean comes up. They that trust in Jesus Christ shall have their names written in the Book of Life, graven on the High Priest’s breastplate, and inscribed on His mighty hand and His faithful heart.
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steveezekiel · 5 months ago
9. “Exhort bondservants to be obedient to their own masters, to be well pleasing in all things, not answering back,
10. not pilfering [thieving], but showing all good fidelity [honesty], that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.”
Titus 2:9,10 (NKJV)
• If you are an employee under a  person or company, the Bible admonishes you, as a Christian, to be obedient to your master or employer.
- Not only that, but also, you should be well pleasing in all things, that is, you do your best to please your master (Titus 2:9).
- Not answering back: if you are being instructed, corrected or scolded, you should not talk back (Titus 2:9).
- Your obedience should not be to the masters who are good only, but froward or harsh masters as well.
18. “Servants be submissive to your masters with all fear, NOT ONLY TO THE GOOD AND GENTLE BUT ALSO TO THE HARSH.
19. For this is commendable, if because of conscience towards God one endures grief, suffering wrongfully.”
1 Peter 2:18,19 (NKJV)
• You should do, whatever you do for your master, employer, as if you do it for the Lord (Ephesians 6:5-7).
5. “Bondservants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, IN SINCERITY OF HEART ❤️, AS TO CHRIST;
6. not with eyeservice, as men pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,
Ephesians 6:5-7 (NKJV)
- If you are submissive and obedient to the person you work for, your boss, you are not being stupid; you only display the good virtues of God in you– the unbelievers will have nothing evil to say of you (Titus 2:8).
- Through your conduct, the Word of God is adorned–you make the teaching about Christ, the gospel, attractive to others (Titus 2:10).
• In addition to that, you should be faithful and financially accountable; not pilfering or thieving, that is, not stealing things, regardless of the value– no matter how small.
- Some believers do not have a good testimony where they work, they collude with other employees to steal and swindle their masters.
- The reason why a number of believers do not excel in what they do is because; they employ, apply, the principles of the world to succeed, but it cannot work for them– a servant cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13).
- If you want to prosper in what you do, follow the principles of the Bible (Matthew 7:24-27).
• If you have a callous, froward, or harsh master, submit to him anyway.
- If your employer is cruel and unkind, and yet you are faithful, loyal, and obedient to him– God will safeguard your interests, deal with him, if he mistreated you (Ephesians 6:9).
- God is not partial, He is a just God (James 5:1-4).
• Truth
- At times the reason why some masters are unfair is because some employees are not faithful–they are not diligent in their works (Proverbs 22:29).
- Some do the work given to them with levity–they have a laid-back attitude to work. They do not work for the money they earn.
- Albeit, if you are faithful in what you do, God will give you a better job–if your faithfulness is apparent or obvious (1 Timothy 4:15).
• Take Note:
- If you are honest, you live right where you work; through your good conduct, you make the gospel attractive to others–you adorn the gospel.
- Some believers cannot witness for Christ where they work or live.
- The life they live, sinful life, has shut their mouth–they cannot witness for Christ (Acts 1:8).
- Remember, if you are good to your master, God will reward you. If you are faithful in another man’s thing, yours shall be given to you (Luke 16:12).
“Knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.”
Ephesians 6:8 (NKJV)
14. “YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
15. “Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
Matthew 5:14-16 (NKJV)
• You will not fail in Jesus’ name.
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superbdonutpoetry · 2 years ago
Paul was a Chosen Vessel
Acts 9:15 – Authorised Version But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: God is foreknowing and knew even before Paul (then Saul) was born that he would not give up on or reject the grace message of the ascended Christ which he was made the chief steward of, and which was personally…
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gtunesmiff · 2 years ago
'...not pilfering, but showing all good faith so that they will adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in every respect.
~ Titus 2:10
[T]he early disciples lived lives others wanted to experience.
Even with the persecution, pain, problems, prison, and even martyrdom, multitudes chose to follow Jesus.
It’s crazy to think that an outlawed bunch could attract multitudes to their cause.
Could it be that they lived lives attractive to outsiders?
Better question: are we living lives attractive to those far from God? 
God’s design and desire is that we live lives that adorn, garnish, trim, put in order, and become ornaments of the Gospel.
Like a faith fashion show, we should make the gospel attractive and our lives should be the trimming around the message of hope and salvation. 
When people far from God look at us, what do they see?
Do they see excited, Spirit-filled, joyous disciples who are thrilled to serve the God of the universe?
Do they see Christ followers who have not gotten over the grace that saved us?
Do they see people blown away that Jesus walked out of the grave and is the ultimate Victor?
Or do they see something else? 
Do they see people who act just like them?
Do they see people not concerned about the Kingdom of God?
Do they see people more concerned about sports, money, and a busy earthly schedule than adorning the doctrines of God? 
If the early believers were anything, they were all in witnesses of Jesus’ power to transform a life.
In their first meeting, they went from just 120 people to 3,120 people. The next week, they added 5,000 more.
Then, six months later, there were 60,000 followers of Jesus in Jerusalem. 
The religious leaders of the day thought killing Christ would stop His people, yet here we are two thousand years later with over two billion followers of Christ!
If we recognize that the same power that raised Jesus from the grave lives in us, we will recognize that two billion people is only the beginning. 
~ Dr. Chris Stephens || All In
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talonabraxas · 1 year ago
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Etz Hayim “Tree of Life” Talon Abraxas
Tiphareth in Hebrew תִּפְאֶרֶת means “beauty,” “splendor,” or even “glory” (being close to “Hod”), it is the sixth sefira in the cabalistic tree of life, and has in common the association of “Spirituality”, “Balance”, “Integration”, “Beauty” and “Compassion”.
In the Bahir (one of the first cabalistic literature works) we read: “Sextus is adorned, glorious, enchanting throne of glory, the home of the world to come. His place is engraved in wisdom as ‘GOD said: Let there be light, and light was”.
Tiphareth is the force that integrates the Sefira of Chesed (“compassion”) and Gevurah (“Strength, or judgment”), these two forces are, respectively, expansive (giving) and restrictive (receiving), one without the other could not manifest the flow of divine energy. They must be balanced in perfect proportion by balancing compassion with discipline, and this balance can be seen in the role of Tiphareth, where conflicting forces are harmonized and creation flourishes. Tiphareth also balances Netzach and Hod in a similar way, in this case Hod can be seen as intellect and Netzach as emotion.
Tiphareth is the only one among Sephirot that is connected to all others except Malkuth, its position in the center between Keter and Yesod indicates to many Kabbalists that it is a kind of “conversion” of the sefirah between form (Yesod) and strength (Keter). In other words, all the intersections on the central path via Tiphareth determine a polarity inversion. The law of conservation, valid for both energy and mass, tends to confirm this, in all cases of energetic transmutation, as can happen in the transmission of gifts and goods from parents to their children, a sacrifice is necessary for a new form to be born.
Tiphareth is the center of the tree, and five Sefirot surround it: above are Chesed on the right (south) and Gevurah on the left (north), and below are Netzach on the right, Hod on the left and Yesod directly below. Together these six are one entity, Zer Anpin, which is the male counterpart of the Malkuth female sefira. In certain contexts, Tiphareth alone represents the whole sefirot of Zer Anpin, so that the whole tree appears with only five sefirots: Keter, Chochmah, Binah, Binah, Tiferet and Malkhut.
In both the Jewish tree of life and the hermetic tree, Tiphareth has eight paths leading (counterclockwise) to Keter (through Daat), Binah, Gevurah, Hod, Yesod, Netsach, Chesed and Chokmah.
Tiphareth can also be a variant of the word “Tifarah” and in modern Hebrew used in Israel is translated as “Glory” (from GOD – “ELOHIM, ADONAY).
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pistol247 · 11 months ago
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‭Titus 2:9-10 NKJV‬
[9] Exhort bondservants to be obedient to their own masters, to be well pleasing in all things, not answering back, [10] not pilfering, but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.
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spiritualitygeek · 2 days ago
Waking up From the Matrix
Is life real—or are we living in a dream, waiting to wake up?
This age-old question has fascinated philosophers, mystics, and storytellers alike. Surprisingly, the Qur'an, Sufi metaphysics, New Age teachings and even blockbuster films like The Matrix explore the same profound idea: that the physical world is not the ultimate reality.
At the heart of Islamic eschatology lies the concept of Barzakh, an intermediate realm between life and the afterlife. But Barzakh isn't just a religious doctrine—it’s a powerful metaphor for waking up from the illusion of worldly life.
Here's an exploration of how Barzakh, as described in the Qur'an, parallels the world of The Matrix, and why spiritual awakening—both in life and after death—is the key theme across religion, metaphysics, and new age teachings.
What Is Barzakh? The Qur'anic Barrier Between Worlds
In Arabic, Barzakh literally means barrier, partition, or veil. The Qur'an introduces it in Surah Al-Mu’minun (23:99-100):
> “Until, when death comes to one of them, he says, ‘My Lord, send me back so that I may do good in that which I have left behind.’ No! It is but a word he speaks; and behind them is a Barzakh until the Day they are resurrected.”
Barzakh is the dimension souls enter after death, separated from the physical world but before final judgment. However, this realm is not just a passive waiting room. It's a place where the truth of existence becomes clear, free from earthly illusions.
The Qur’an’s View: Life as a Dream, Death as Awakening
The Qur'an frequently reminds us that this worldly life is fleeting, deceptive, and a mere distraction:
Surah Al-Hadid (57:20):
> “Know that the life of this world is only play, amusement, adornment, boasting among yourselves...”
In essence, our material existence is like a dream—a test, a fleeting show—while the true, eternal reality awaits beyond. Death isn’t the end; it’s the moment we wake up.
Barzakh and The Matrix: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Ever noticed how The Matrix reflects these metaphysical ideas?
In the film, humans unknowingly live inside a simulated reality, controlled by machines. Their bodies lie asleep in capsules, while their minds navigate an illusion crafted by the Matrix. It’s only when Neo takes the red pill and "wakes up" that he sees the truth.
Here’s the parallel:
Sufi Mysticism: Life as Illusion, Death as Awakening
Sufi scholars like Ibn Arabi and Rumi take this even further, describing life as a dream and death as the moment of clarity.
One of Rumi's most powerful teachings is:
> “Die before you die.”
What does this mean?
It’s the idea of spiritual awakening while alive—shedding your attachments, ego, and illusions now, so that when death comes, it feels like merely stepping from one room into another.
Neo’s Journey = Rumi’s “Die Before You Die”
This concept is mirrored perfectly in Neo's transformation. Before he physically unplugs, Neo experiences an inner awakening—a realization that his world is false and he must break free. He dies metaphorically to his old self before he dies physically, stepping into a higher truth.
Sufis believe every human has the potential to wake up before death, just like Neo:
• Through inner reflection (muraqaba),
• Through Dhikr (remembrance of God),
• Or through stripping away worldly attachments.
Now, what’s astonishing is that whether you look at Islamic teachings, Sufi wisdom, The Matrix, or even modern metaphysics, they all highlight the same core message:
This world is not all there is. What you see is not the ultimate truth. The veil will be lifted.
The Qur'an reminds us this life is play and amusement.
Barzakh is the stage where illusions fall away.
Sufis tell us to wake up before death.
The Matrix shows us Neo unplugging, seeing reality for the first time.
It's all but many reflections of the one divine truth
Whether it’s through religion, spirituality, movies, or metaphysical thought—everything leads back to the same universal truth:
Life is a dream. The real awakening is yet to come.
The wise ones urge us to awaken now, before it's too late. Just like Neo took the red pill and saw through the Matrix, just like Rumi taught us to "die before we die," we too are being invited to shed the illusions, lift the veil, and see the reality beyond.
Because when the body dies, we’ll all step into Barzakh—where the dream ends, and the truth finally begins.
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