#Administrator Baird
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dappermola · 2 years ago
The command crew of the PLASN Shanxi have made their purpose in the Mariner City Colony clear. They are an imperialist, jingoist threat to our colony, our livelihoods, and our kin.
Their opening act upon the reconstruction of the infernal machine that crashed in our home was the total annihilation of the Scavenger Guilds that called Bradbury Basin home following the Collapse. They attacked suddenly and without warning, then lied to the Conference about having warned the Central Executive of their attack.
They have continued their bombardment of our beloved colony, and have not discriminated between military and civilian industrial sites.
The Central Executive Armed Forces enlisted to defend our capitol, and accepted all the risks associated with their duty whether they made that decision within the past four months or 100 Earth years ago. Every citizen within the City Hall complex made the choice to abandon their lives as they knew them to defend our colony and restore it to its former glory.
The Scavenger Guilds made no such choice. They chose to organize, to band together, and use their skills to stake their claim in the ruins of our city. They chose to cooperate with the Martian Union for Restoration and the Reconstructive Provisional Regime to restore the wonders of our colony and see it to unity.
They did not choose to die for their cause, or mine.
They did not choose to die for the southern government or its "Revolution".
They did not choose to be the Shanxi's first blood in Mariner City.
I would like to ask we take a moment of silence for the people of the Scavenger Guilds, their homes, their live's works, and the scarce few survivors that escaped the slaughter.
The Unary Administrator removes her cap, looks down, and mouths a prayer before waiting a long moment.
The Central Executive will not rest until the PLASN Shanxi and its commanders are dead or beyond martian orbit never to return. The Central Executive will bear, bruised and bloodied, everything the PLASN Shanxi has at its disposal.
My message is not for the leaders of nations. They have all known this to be true for days. My message is not for my constituents, who have endured more than anyone in this colony should be forced to. My message is to the territories of Shanxi and the ground forces inside our city.
You must dissent.
You have been sent to fight and to die for the privileged visionaries that dominate you from orbit. These people are not your leaders. They are not your kin. They will not grieve for you when you are punished and struck down for their crimes.
You must dissent.
Do not misunderstand: if you continue your advance into our city at their command, I will have you destroyed to the individual and you will see no mercy for the atrocities your despots have inflicted upon my people.
You must dissent.
Your life is in your hands. Not theirs, and not yet mine. If you resist the mission you have been sent to die for then you will see no conflict in our city. You will know peace, and you will be the ruler of your destiny.
You must dissent.
We will frustrate any attempt to infringe on your life, liberty, and livelihood. We will not blame you for the actions of the hegemons in orbit that have sent you to your death. We will fight for your right to choose your destiny. I promise you this.
You must dissent.
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twice-damned-birdie · 15 days ago
First Test of Adding Telepathic Magic to Pulling Trauma From Shade-caused Wounds
Goal: To attempt to modify the current available method of healing the wounds and trauma that a shade leaves with its attacks so that the cold flashes that occur long after the initial wound do not continue.
Test Subject: Pidge Baird
Trigger the cold flash with a surge of magic The shade leaves part of itself with the person that has been injured. That is why magic surges are more prone to cause these cold flashes. There has been no proven continuous draining by the residual essence of the shade. It is simply a memory.
Engage with fire elemental magic, warming the area and flushing out the shade essence to a more accessible location. This has caused fevers before, but if kept within a short window of thirty seconds and timed correctly, it can be targeted and moved to the mind.
This will cause panic and sometimes reopens the wound. Continue with breathing exercises and heal where necessary. Supplement with blue coded noise as needed. It is only a memory. You can work through it. The shade is not alive. It is an echo of itself.
Use telepathic method 4C from advanced telepathic memory access module 7 to locate this echo. There are five minutes in which you can do this before it settles back in the old wound. Overcoming the initial panic is key.
Once this echo is located, systematically prune and engage with it until it has been contained. This can be achieved in two minutes as previous tests have shown with intrusive thoughts that resulted from the panic. Knowledge of telepathic magic is key. Dream walker magic could help, but that is out of many advanced healers' skill set at this time (and mine).
The echo cannot be fully removed, but closing it off with telepathic magic and some earth and contra fire elemental magic should prevent it from causing chills and the memory of that pain for a time. This is purely theoretical as of this time. There has not been a successful test that reaches this point.
Overcame the panic two minutes and thirty seconds into the allotted time slot.
The echo hid within a series of memories from an unpleasant period of time within the subject's life, increasing the difficulty of locating it.
Failed to engage with the echo within the time needed, but succeeded in utilizing the telepathic method in the attempt.
Fire elemental magic was utilized for two seconds too long. Subject has yet to develop a fever. Watching closely for symptoms to arise.
Wound did tear at the edges, but bleeding was minimal and healed quickly.
Test failed.
Conclusion: More preparation is needed before the next test. Practicing within the time limit to get faster may produce better results. Self-administration of this method is not advised. Having a serenity demon present might help to minimize panic, but since that is a best case scenario, knowledge of panic mitigation is advised. While not entirely a failure, there does need to be a fair amount of tweaking to this method and further research conducted. Will attend the telepathy workshop next week if time.
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zz9pzza · 4 days ago
The New York Times reported Jan. 30 that staffing at the air traffic control tower was “not normal for the time of day and volume of traffic,” according to an internal preliminary Federal Aviation Administration safety report. The Reagan airport tower has been understaffed for years, in part because of employee turnover and tight budgets, the Times reported.
Meanwhile, the Associated Press reported Jan. 21 that Trump had fired TSA Administrator David Pekoske and Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Linda Fagan.
However, the TSA’s safety responsibilities generally revolve around security screening of passengers, cargo and aviation workers, not the operation of planes. And the Coast Guard focuses on maritime security.
Trump also fired all members of the Aviation Security Advisory Committee, a group that includes representatives of private-sector aviation groups. They advise the TSA administrator on aviation security. The group was scheduled to meet Feb. 26; it usually meets four times a year.
An X post claimed that Trump fired 400 “senior officials” of the Federal Aviation Administration and 3,000 air traffic controllers eight days ago. But this is unsubstantiated, and the White House told PolitiFact that no air traffic controllers had been fired.
In May 2024, CNN reported that, based on FAA numbers, air traffic control stations were facing a shortage of 3,000 controllers, with concerns that worker shortages were contributing to long shifts and exhaustion.
PolitiFact Researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report.
”there has been a dire shortage of trained air traffic controllers for years”
“the FAA director resigned on inauguration day because Elon Musk demanded he quit”
“trump’s hiring freeze means no new air traffic controllers are being hired”
“Musk’s ��resign or get fired’ email went to every ATC too”
First deadly commercial air crash in the US since 2009 occurs
“It’s because of DEI!”
holy shit fuck off
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444namesplus · 8 months ago
A Abbatstvo Abbreviation Abc Abingdon Able Abolish Aborigënah About Aboutschool Absolute Absolütnaä Abstrakqionista Abstënqionizma Abërdin Academi Accordingly Acquah Act Adam Adamstaun Adeleye Administraqii Administraqiäh Administraqiëj Administration Administrations Administrativno Administrativnogo Administrativnoj Administrativnoë Administrativnyh Administrativnyë Ads Advanced Aeroporta Aeroportami Aeroportov Aeroporty Aerospace Affair Affairs Afganistanë Afganskaä Afrikaans Afriki Afrikë After Again Agatu Age Ages Agostini Agreement Airbus Airports Airways Akadëmicëskaä Akadëmii Akadëmiä Akronimy Akt Akta Aktami Aktivno Aktivnymi Aktom Aktov Aktu Akty Aktöry Al Al'bion Al'bom Al'frëd Al'magëst Al'magësta Al'pina Al'tërnativnoë Al'tërnativnyj Al'vion Alain Alan Alana Albert Aldërwot Alfavitugosudarstva Alistair All Allen Alleyne Almost Also Although Alëksandr Alëksandrom Alëppo Ambiqii America American Americans Among Amongst Amërikano Amërikanskimi Amërikanskië Amërikanskogo Amërikanskoj Amëriku Amërikë An Analiticëskaä Analizy Analogicno Analogicnom Analogicnyh Ancient And Andrew Andrews Angil'ä Angl Anglii Anglijskaä Anglijskih Anglijskij Anglijskim Anglijskië Anglijskogo Anglijskoj Anglijskom Anglijskoë Anglikanskoë Anglikanstvo Anglikanë Angliä Angliëj Angliü Anglo Anglogovoräßij Anglosaksami Anglosaksonskih Anglosaksonskogo Anglosaksonskoj Anglosaksov Anglsi Anita Aniwa Annëksij Annëksiroval Annëksirovat' Annëksiëj Anstër Antarkticëskaä Antarkticëskoj Antarktikë Anthem Antivoënnaä Any Anything Ap Apart Appear Approach April Aprël' Aprëlä Aprëlë Apëlläqii Apëlläqionnogo Apëlläqionnoj Apëlläqionnym Arbitra Archives Archontology Ardener Are Area Argued Argument
Argumëntirovannym Argëntina Argëntinoj Argëntinskoj Arhipëlagov Arhivirovano Arhivnaä Arhiëpiskopa Aris Armedforces Armii Armij Armin Armitage Armiä Armstrong Arnold Arran Arrangements Arta Arthur Artur Artura Arturë Arënë Arëst As Ashgate Aspects Aspëkty Assamblëi Assamblëj Assamblëä Assamblëämi Assamblëü Assembly Assent Assimilirovalas' Assimiläqii Associated Association Assoqiaqii Assoqiaqiäh Assoqiaqiëj Assoqiaqiü Ast Astrazeneca At Atheists Athelstan Atlantic Atlanticëskim Atlanticëskië Atlanticëskogo Atlanticëskom Atlantiku Atlapedia Atlas Atoma Atomic Atomnoj Atomnoë Atrocities Attack Atëisty Aughey August Aukus Australian Authority Automotive Avgust Avgusta Avgustë Aviadvigatëlëj Aviakompanij Avianosqëv Aviapërëvozcika Aviaqii Aviaqionnaä Aviaqionnoj Avstralijskië Avstraliü Avtomagistralëj Avtomobil'naä Avtomobil'noj Avtomobil'noë Avtomobilëj Avtonomij Avtonomizaqii Avtonomiäh Avtonomnii Avtonomnyh Avtoportrët Avtor Avtorom Avtorov Avtorstva Avtory Avtosportë Aziaty Azii B Backed Badminton Bae Bafta Bagehot Bainham Baird Bajö Balance Ballëi Bangladëwqy Bank Banka Banki Banknot Banknoty Bankov Bankovskij Barak Baraka Barbara Barbirolli Barlow Barnard Barney Barnëtta Baron Barrett Barri Barrëlëj Basic Baskami Batty Bawkirskaä Bayley Baz Baza Baziruëtsä Baziruütsä Bazy Bbc Be Beatles Becomes Bedxëta Bee Been Behind Bekona Belfast Belief Believing Belmont Ben
Benjamins Benksa Berda Berghahn Between Bi Bibisi Bibliograficëskih Bibliotëka Bill' Biografiä Biography Biological Biologicëskoj Biologii Biressi Birmingëm Bitva Bitvu Bitvy Bitvë Biznës Biznësa Biznësë Black Blackwell Blagodarä Blagorodnyj Blagosostoänië Blagotvoritël'nym Blair Blajton Blattër Blixajwëë Blizkië Blizkoë Blood Bloomberg Blëjka Bmi Bog Boga Bogata Bogatyh Bogdanor Bogdanorom Boks Bol'waä Bol'wih Bol'wij Bol'wim Bol'winstva Bol'winstvo Bol'winstvom Bol'winstvë Bol'wië Bol'wogo Bol'woj Bol'woë Bol'wuü Bol'wë Bol'wëj Bolchazy Bolëznënnym Bolëë Bomb Bomby Bond Bonda Book Books Bor'ba Bor'bu Bor'bë Borisa Boro Borowitz Boseley Bosnii Both Boundless Bova Boxë Boys Ból'waä Bp Bradbury Braki Brakë Brasher Brat'ä Braun Brazilii Break Brema Bremner Brexit Brian Brill Brit Britain Britan Britanii Britaniä Britaniëj Britaniü Britanka Britannica Britannii Britanniëj Britanqy Britanqëv Britanskaä Britanski Britanskih Britanskij Britanskim Britanskimi Britanskië Britanskogo Britanskoj Britanskom Britanskomu Britanskoë Britanskuü Britanëq British Brits Brittov Brittën Broadcasting Brodvëë Brokgauza Brontë Brothers Brunëë Brëjtvëjta Brëksit Brëksita Brëkzitë Brëtaniëj Brëton Brüssël' Brüssëlë Btu Buddizm Buduci Budut Budußuü Budußëgo Budußëë Budët Bukvë Bulman Buma Bumom Bureau Bureaucracy Burrows Burtt Business But Buwnëv By Byl Byla Byli Bylo Bystrogo Bystroj Bystromu Bystrorastußuü Bystryj Bystrymi Bystryë Byt' Byvaüt Byvwih Byvwië Bëbi Bëdnost' Bëdnosti Bëlfast Bëlfastskogo Bëlfastskoë Bëlizë Bëll Bëllom Bëloj Bëlyë Bën Bëndxamin Bëovul'fa
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Geddes Gees Gel'skij Gel'skogo Gelov Gely General Geographic Geographical Germany Gertrude Gets Gg Giant Gibb Gibraltar Gibraltara Gibraltarom Gibraltarë Gibridom Gibël' Gil'bërtom Gilbërt Gimn Gimna Gimnom Ginnëssa Gl Glance Glasnosti Glava Glavami Glavnogo Glavnoj Glavnokomanduüßij Glavnokomanduüßim Glavnyh Glavnym Glavnymi Glavnyë Glavoj Glavy Glaxosmithkline Glazgo Global Global'nogo Global'noj Global'noë Global'nuü Global'nyj Global'nyë Globalizing Glossary Go God Goda Godah Godami Gododdin Godov Godu Gody Gol'f Gol'fstrimom Goldfarb Goldthorpe Gollivudskië Gollivudë Golosa Golosovala Golosovaniä Golosovanië Golosovat' Gomrulä Gonkonga Gonku Good Gora Gorah Gorazdo Gordon Gorist Gormli Gornaä Gorod Goroda Gorodah Gorodam Gorodom Gorodov Gorodskaä Gorodskoj Gorodë Gory Gos Gosdolg Gostëj Gosudarstv Gosudarstva Gosudarstvakorolëvstvagosudarstva Gosudarstvo Gosudarstvom Gosudarstvu Gosudarstvënnogo Gosudarstvënnoë Gosudarstvënnyh Gosudarstvënnyj Gosudarstvënnym Goticëskoj Gotov Gotoväßijsä Gov Govard Govarda Government Governments Govorit Govorit' Govoritsä Govorät Grafstva Grafstvah Gran Granat Graniqa Graniqah Graniqu Graniqëj Grant Graves Gravitaqii Graxdan Graxdanin Graxdaninom Graxdanskih Graxdanskië Graxdanskuü Graxdanë Great Greater Greatest Grem Grema Gremom Griffin Griffiths Grina Grinvicskaä Grinvicu Groom Grosset Group Grovellers Growth Grupp Gruppa Gruppam Gruppami Gruppirovkami Gruppovaä Gruppu Gruppy Gruppë Gruzovyh Grëblä Grëc
Grëgson Grütvikën Guardian Guidance Guide Guidelines Gustav Gvilim Gwilym Gysin Gëbrid Gëbridskim Gëbridskië Gëjnsboro Gëndël' Gënov Gënri Gënëticëskië Gëograficëskaä Gëograficëskij Gëograficëskim Gëograficëskogo Gëografiä Gëopoliticëskim Gëorg Gëorgiä Gërb Gërbërta Gërmanii Gërmaniëj Gërmanskih Gërmanskij Gërmanskië Gërmanskoj Gërnsi H H'ü H'üza Habom Habëas Had Haddërsfild Hague Haigh Hajlënd Hajlënda Half Hall Hambër Handel Hands Hanning Happened Haraktër Haraktëra Haraktëristika Haraktërizuëtsä Haraktëru Haraktërën Hardi Harding Hardman Harlow Harm Harman Harold Harriet Harrington Hart Hartiä Hartiëj Has Hatt Have He Health Hearn Heather Helen Hen Henderson Henry Herman Hevi Hewitt Hgäo Hickok Higher Highland Historical History Hitrou Hocët Hodxkina Hodë Hojl Hokinga Hokni Holicong Holirudskië Holmista Holmsa Holodnuü Holst Holton Hopkinsa Hopom Horowo Hosch Hot' Hotä Hotät House Household Houses How Hrani Hristianskim Hristianskimi Hristianskuü Hristianstvo Hromosomy Hronologiä Hudoxniki Hudoxnikov Hudoxëstv Human Hundred Hurt Hvatit Hyman Hëllouina Hörling Hörst I Ia Iain Icon Icr Identities Identity Idut Idëi Idëj Idënticnost' Idëntifikaqiä Idëologicëskij Idëologiü Idëü Idöt Iena If Ignoriruëtsä Igr Igra Igrah Igrala Igrali Igrat' Igraët Igraüt Igroka Igru Igry Ih Ii Iii Il Ili Illüstrirovannaä Im Immigrantov Immigrantskogo Immigraqii Immigraqiä Immigraqiü Implicitly Importa Important Importirovat' Importörom Importörov Impërii Impëriä Impëriëj Impërskië Ims Imußëstvom Imël Imëla Imëli Imëlo Imëna Imëni Imënno Imënovali Imënovaniä Imënovat'sä Imënuüt Imët' Imëä Imëët Imëüt
Imëütsä Imëüßëj Imëüßëë In Inauguraqii Inaä Inc Including Increase Independence Independent Independently India Indian Indicated Indii Indijqy Indijskom Individual'nosti Individualizma Indiü Indonëzii Induizm Industrial Industrial'no Industrial'noj Industrial'nom Industrializaqii Industrii Industriä Industry Indëks Indëksom Inflation Infläqii Informally Informaqiä Information Inglese Iniqiirovalo Ink Innovaqij Innovation Inogda Inoj Inosmi Inostrannaä Inostrannyh Inostrannym Inostrannyë Instanqii Instanqiëj Institut Instituta Institute Instituty Instrumënt Instrumënty Interest Intergovernmental International Introduced Intërnët Intërnëtë Intërpol Intërvënqiü Intërës Intërësov Involvement Invëstiqii Invëstiqij Invëstiqiäm Inwelsh Inxënërnyë Inxënërov Inyh Irak Irakë Ireland Irish Irlandii Irlandiä Irlandiëj Irlandiü Irlandqy Irlandskih Irlandskij Irlandskim Irlandskogo Irlandskoj Irlandskom Irlandskomu Irlandskoë Irlándii Iron Is Isaaka Isbn Iscislälsä Ishod Ishodit Isiguro Isklücaä Isklücitël'no Isklücitël'noj Isklücëniëm Iskusstv Iskusstva Iskusstvo Islam Island Islands Isle Iso Ispol'zovalas' Ispol'zovalis' Ispol'zovalos' Ispol'zovalsä Ispol'zovaniä Ispol'zovanië Ispol'zovannyj Ispol'zovano Ispol'zovat' Ispol'zuëmoj Ispol'zuëmyë Ispol'zuëtsä Ispol'zuüt Ispol'zuütsä Ispolnitël'naä Ispolnitël'noj Ispolnäëtsä Ispolnënië Ispytala Ispytanië
Isslëdovanij Isslëdovaniä Isslëdovaniäm Isslëdovanië Isslëdovaniü Isslëdovatël'skim Isslëdovatëläm Istocnik Istocnikam Istocnikov Istoki Istoricëskaä Istoricëski Istoricëskih Istoricëskij Istoricëskim Istorii Istoriä Istoriëj Istoriü It Italiëj Itogam Itogi Itogo Itogë Its Itv Iudaizm Iv Ivlina Ivërnia Ix Iz Izbiratël'nogo Izbiratël'nyh Izbiratëlëj Izbiraëmyë Izbrannymi Izbrannyë Izd Izdaniä Izdatëlä Izdavat' Izmënil Izmënila Izmënit' Izmënënij Izmënëniä Iznacal'no Iznacal'nym Izobraxaët Izobrazitël'noë Izobrëtëniä Izobrëtönnaä Izobrëtönnyë Izolätorë Izucaëmyh Izucaëmym Izucënii Izucëniä Izvëstna Izvëstnaä Izvëstnosti Izvëstnoë Izvëstnuü Izvëstny Izvëstnyh Izvëstnyj Izvëstnym Izvëstën Izyskaniä Iërarhicëskomu Iül' Iülä Iülë Iün' Iünä J Jackson Jaco Jacques James Jamie Jan Japan Jch Jeffrey Jenkins Jerry Jersey Jill Jim Jive Jo Johannesburg John Joint Jon Jonathan Jork Jorka Jorkom Jorkë Joseph Journal Jul Julian Julios July Jungnickel Just K Kabinët Kabinëtom Kacëstvë Kadzuo Kajkos Kajmanovy Kak Kakova Kakuü Kambërlëndskië Kampaniä Kamënnogo Kamëron Kamërona Kanadu Kanady Kanadë Kanala Kanalov Kanaly Kanalë Kanqlërom Kapitalizm Kapkan Kapura
Kardiff Kardiffë Karibskih Karibskogo Karl Karla Karty Kartë Kasaüßihsä Kasaüßimsä Kassah Katalanskaä Katalog Katalogah Katalogë Katarë Kate Katie Katolicëskogo Katoliki Katëgorii Kavëndiw Kavëndiwëm Kaxdaä Kaxdoj Kaxdom Kaxdomu Kaxdoë Kaxdyj Kaxdyë Kaznacëjstvo Kaznacëjstvom Kbb Keen Kemëron Kent Kerola Kerrolla Key Khan Kilomëtr Kilomëtrah Kilomëtrov Kilomëtrovuü King Kingdom Kings Kino Kinokompozitorami Kinostudii Kinotëatrov Kinëmatograf Kinëmatografa Kiplinga Kipr Kiprë Kirchner Kirkup Kitaj Kitajqy Kitajskaä Kitajskih Kitajskuü Kitaä Klajd Klajva Klass Klassa Klassicëskih Klassicëskuü Klassifiqiruütsä Klassik Klassovogo Klassovomu Klassovyj Klassy Klaus Klauzën Klavdij Kliffa Klimat Klimatov Klint Kluba Kluby Klërka Km Knig Knigi Knixnaä Knowledge Known Knr Knäz' Koaliqii Koaliqiä Kobërn Koch Kod Koda Kodah Kodifiqirovannoj Kodëks Koeffiqiënt Koevolüqii Kofi Kogda Kolicëstva Kolicëstvo Kolicëstvom Kolicëstvu Kollëg Kolonial'nogo Kolonial'noj Kolonial'noë Kolonii Kolonij Koloniäh Koloniäm Koloniämi Kolëq Komanda Komandnyë Komandu
Komandy Komissij Komissiëj Komitët Komitëta Komm Kommunikaqij Kommëntarii Kommërcëski Kommërcëskom Kommërcëskoë Kommërqii Kommërsantï Komp'ütëra Kompaktno Kompanii Kompanij Kompaniäh Kompaniämi Kompaniü Komponëntov Kompozitorov Kompëtënqii Konan Konfidënqial'nosti Konfiskovany Konflikt Konfliktov Konflikty Konfërënqij Konfërënqiä Konfëssiämi Konfëssiü Kongrëss Kongrëssa Konkrëtnomu Konkrëtnym Konkurënqii Konkurënqiü Konkurëntnyë Konkurëntosposobnost' Konnëri Konqa Konqu Konqë Konqëntraqiëj Konqëpta Konrada Konsalting Konsoqional'nogo Konstantin Konstituqii Konstituqionnaä Konstituqionnoj Konstituqionnoë Konstituqionnuü Konstituqionnym Konstituqionnymi Konstituqionnyë Konstituqiä Konstituqiü Konstëbla Konsul'skaä Konsul'skuü Konsërvativnaä Konsërvativnoë Konsërvativnuü Kontinëntal'nogo Kontinëntal'noj Kontrakt Kontraktnaä Kontrakty Kontrol' Kontroliruütsä Kontrolä Kontrolü Kontrtërroristicëskih Konvënqii Konvënqij Konvënqiä Konvënqiü Konëq Kopij Kopiä Kornskij
Kornämi Korol' Koroli Korolä Korolë Korolëj Korolëva Korolëvskaä Korolëvskih Korolëvskij Korolëvskim Korolëvskië Korolëvskoj Korolëvskoë Korolëvstv Korolëvstva Korolëvstvo Korolëvstvom Korolëvstvu Korolëvstvë Korolëvy Korolë́vstvo Korolöm Koronnaä Koronnyh Koronnymi Koronnyë Koronoj Koronovaniä Korony Korotkij Korporativnoë Korpus Korrupqii Korëjskoj Kosmologii Kosovo Kotoraä Kotorogo Kotoroj Kotorom Kotoroë Kotoruü Kotoryh Kotoryj Kotorym Kotoryë Kovör Krasnym Kratkaä Krejg Krikom Krikët Krikëtu Kriminal'nyh Kriminalist Kris Krishnan Kristi Kristofër Kritikami Kritikuütsä Krizis Krizisa Kromë Krov'ü Kroëtsä Krugosvët Krugu Krupnyh Krupnym Krupnymi Krupnyë Krupnëjwaä Krupnëjwih Krupnëjwij Krupnëjwim Krupnëjwimi Krupnëjwië Krupnëjwëgo Krupnëjwëj Krupnëjwëë Kruzo Krylo Kryma Krëditu Kubka Kubkë Kubok Kuin Kuka Kuki Kul'tura Kul'turnyh Kul'turu Kul'tury Kul'turë Kumbrijskom Kun'ä Kuplët Kurs Kursy Kvadratnyj Kvadrillionov Kvantovoj Kvartalë Kvartir Kvartira Kvazi Kvëbëk Këjna Këjp Këjt Kël'tami Kël'tov Kël'tskaä Kël'tskih Kël'tskij Kël'tskim Kël'tskië
Kël'tskogo Kël'tskom Këmbridxskaä Kënii Këntërbërijskogo L L'gotnyj L'vy L'üisa La Lab Labour Laissez Lampa Lancet Lang Language Languages Large Largest Larkina Larres Larussa Last Latimer Latinskogo Laurence Law Laws Lazarowicz Lead Leaders Leading League Led Lee Legal Legislate Legislation Legislative Legislatures Leith Lenta Less Lesser Lesson Lessons Li Libo Library Librëttistom Libëral'naä Libëral'noë Libëral'nyë Licnoj Licnosti Lidiruüßih Lidiruüßimi Lidiruüßuü Lids Lidër Lidëra Lidërami Lidërom Lidërov Lidërstvom Light Ligi Lin Lindberg Lindsi Linii Liniä Liq Liqa Liqë Liqënzii Liqënzij List Litvinënko Litëratura Litëraturu Litëratury Litëraturë Liverpool Livii Liviü Livërpul' Livërpul'skom Livërpulë Liw' Liwila Liwilas' Llojd Lloyd Local Lodge Lodocnaä Logic Logie Logisticëskim Logotip Loh London Londona Londonom Londonskaä Londonskih Londonskij Londonskogo Londonskom Londonskomu Londonskoë Londonu Londonë Long Longer Loosely Loosemore Lord Lordov Lorënsa Lotiana Lougi Loulënd Lourënsa Louw Love Lowland Ltd Luckhurst Lucwih
Lufthansa Luke Lynch Lëgalizovany Lëgënda Lëgëndy Lëjboristah Lëjboristskaä Lëjboristskoj Lëjboristskoë Lëkarstv Lëkqii Lënta Lëonë Lëptu Lësom Lëstër Lëstërskogo Lët Lëtnëgo Lëtnëmu Lëtnëë Lëto Lëvaä Lëvoqëntristskaä Lëvoqëntristy Lëvosoqialisticëskaä Lëvostoronnëë Lëvyë Lëxit Lübogo Lüboj Lüboë Lübvi Lüd'mi Lüdi Lüdäh Lüdëj Lüs'ëna M Maastrihtskomu Machine Macintyre Mackie Macmillan Made Magnat Magnitskogo Maiden Mail Maj Majk Majkl Majkla Major Majority Majorëq Make Makes Makfoll Making Maks Maksim Maksimal'no Maksvëll Maksvëlla Malkolm Malo Maloj Malom Malyj Malyë Man Managing Manchester Mancëstër Mandat Manic Manufacturers Manw Manwëm March Margaret Marianne Marjorie Mark Markom Marlo Marriage Marshall Mart Marta Martin Martinus Marwalla Maslo Mason Mass Massa Mastercard Mastërom Mastërskaä Mastërskoj Matcah Matci Mathias Matter Matters Matthew Matërial Matërialov Maurice Maxoritarnoj May Maä Maë Mb Mccormmach Mccourt Mcdonough Mcgeever Mclean Mcmahon Mcmillan Meaning Means Measures Mediawiki Medical Meehan Mej Melitz Melori Members Men Mensëll Menë Mep Mera Merely Meri Merthyr Met Michael Michel Michigan Mid Middle Mify Migranty Migraqii Migraqiä Migration Migrirovavwië Mike Mil'tona Milliarda Milliardov Milliardy Million Milliona Millionah Millionov Millënium Milmo Milna Mineola Minimum Minister Ministers Ministership Ministr Ministra Ministrom Ministrov Ministry Ministërskaä Ministërstvo Ministërstvom Minuta Mir Mira Mirnoë Mirnyë Mirotvorcëskih Mirovaä Mirovogo Mirovoj Mirovoë Mirovyh Mirovym Mirovymi Mirovyë Miru Mirë
Mln Mnogih Mnogimi Mnogië Mnogo Mnogom Mnoxëstvo Mnënië Mnëniëm Mnëniü Mobil'naä Mobil'nogo Mode Modern Modërn Modërnistskuü Moema Mogla Mogut Mok Mokruü Molodyh Molodyë Molodöxi Momënta Mon Mona Monarchist Monarchy Monarh Monarhii Monarhiiostrovnyë Monarhiiunitarnyë Monarhiä Monarhiëj Monarhom Monarhov Monarhu Monetary Monmutskij Monmutskim Month Montsërrat Mora Moral More Morrisa Morskoj Morä Moräkov Morämi Morë Morëj Morëm Moskva Moskvoj Moskvë Most Motor Mourn Moxno Moxët Moßi Moö Moü Mp Mrs Msn Much Mul'ti Multinational Mura Murray Musical Musora Muzyka Muzykal'nyë Muzyki Muzëj Mysl' Myth Mägkië Mëcty Mëdalëj Mëdiafajly Mëdiaqëntrom Mëdiqinë Mëlkih Mën'waä Mën'wimi Mën'winstv Mën'winstva Mën'wë Mënäütsä Mënëë Mëridiana Mërë Mëssiü Mëst Mëstnogo Mëstnoj Mëstnoë Mëstnyh Mëstnyj Mëstnyë Mësto Mëstom Mësäqë Mësäqëv Mëtafizicëskië Mëtaforicëski Mëtalom Mëtodov Mëtropolii Mëxbüdxëtnyë Mëxdu Mëxdunarodnaä Mëxdunarodno Mëxdunarodnoj Mëxdunarodnom Mëxdunarodnoë Mëxdunarodnyh Mëxdunarodnyj Mëxdunarodnym
Mëxdunarodnyë Mörfi Müziklov N N'ü N'üport N'ütona Na Nablüdalsä Nablüdaëtsä Nacala Nacalas' Nacali Nacalis' Nacalo Nacalos' Nacalë Nacavwijsä Nacavwëësä Nacinaä Nacnötsä Nad Nadëlëno Nadöxnyë Nagor'ë Nagornogo Nahoditsä Nahodätsä Naibol'wim Naibolëë Naimënovanij Nakalivaniä Nakazan Nalicii Nalicië Nalog Nalogi Nalogoobloxënië Nalogov Nalogovyj Name Names Nami Nana Naperville Napisana Napisaniä Napisannoë Napisano Napisany Napolëonovskih Napravlënij Naprimër Naprämuü Napräxönnyj Napëcatano Naqij Naqional'naä Naqional'noj Naqional'nuü Naqional'nyh Naqional'nym Naqionalist Naqionalisticëskogo Naqionalizirovany Naqionalizma Naqiä Naravnë Narkotorgovqëv Narodnoj Naruwitëläm Naruwëniäm Narädu Nascityvala Nascityvaüßië Naslëdië Naslëdnyh Naslëdovanië Naslëdstvom Naslëdstvënnoj Nastoäßëë Nastupila Nastuplëniä Nasëlënii Nasëlëniä Nasëlënië Nasëlëniëm Nasëlönnosti Nation National Nations Nato Naturalista Naturalizm Naturalizovannym Nature Naucnoj Naucnoë Naucnyh Naucnyë Nauka Nauki Nauku Naval Navigaqiä Navy Nawih Nazad Naznacaëmaä Naznacaët Naznacaëtsä Naznacaütsä Naznacëna Naznacëniä Nazval Nazvanii Nazvanij Nazvaniä Nazvanië Nazvat' Nazyvat' Nazyvaëmuü Nazyvaëmyj Nazyvaët Nazyvaüt Nazyvaütsä Naömnyh Nd Neal Nesbit Network Neurotic Never Nevis New News Newsru Ng Ni Niall Nicholas Nicholls Nigel Nih Nijhoff Nikakih Nikakoj Nikogda Nikto Nim Nimi Nivëna Nixë Nixëstoäßimi Nizkaä Nizkij Nizkim Nizkimi Nizkogo Nizmënnost' Nizmënnostëj Nizvërxëniü Nizwëj No Nobel Nobëlëvskaä Nobëlëvskuü Nominal Nominal'nomu Nominate Nominirovan Norfolk Norm
Norman Normandii Normandqy Normandskaä Normandskih Normandskim Normandsko Normandskogo Normannov Normannskom Normy Northern Norvëxskaä Nosit Not Nothing Notwithstanding Novogo Novoj Novost' Novosti Novuü Novyh Novyj Novyë Now Noäbrä Noäbrë Nulëvogo Nunn Nuxna Nuxny Ny Nynëwnim Nynëwnië Nynëwnëgo Nynëwnëë Në Nëbol'wimi Nëbëlyh Nëbëlyë Nëbësah Nëdavnië Nëdavno Nëdolgo Nëdolgovrëmënnomu Nëdostatocnomu Nëdostupnaä Nëdviximosti Nëformal'nomu Nëft' Nëft'ü Nëfti Nëftänaä Nëgo Nëhvatki Nëhvatku Nëizvëstnyj Nëj Nëjtralizuüßëj Nëkommërcëskoj Nëkotoroë Nëkotoryh Nëkotorym Nëkotoryë Nëmëqkij Nëobhodima Nëobhodimogo Nëobhodimom Nëobhodimosti Nëobosnovannym Nëofawistskaä Nëofiqial'no Nëofiqial'nym Nëolita Nëotïëmlëmoj Nëpisanaä Nëpisanyj Nëprëstanno Nëpërëhodnogo Nëskol'kih Nëskol'kimi Nëskol'ko Nësmoträ Nësposobnost' Nët Nëudacno Nëudacnogo Nëuklonno Nëukosnitël'no Nëvis Nëvisa Nëxëli Nëzarëgistrirovannyh Nëzavisimaä Nëzavisimogo
Nëzavisimost' Nëzavisimosti Nëzavisimyh Nëzavisimyj Nëzavisimym Nëzavisimyë Nëö Nöm O Ob Obama Obamy Obhodit Obladaä Obladaüt Oblast' Oblasti Oblastäh Obnovlëno Oborona Oboronnyë Oboronu Oborony Oboronë Oborot Oborotom Obosnovalis' Oboznacila Oboznacëniä Oboznacënië Oboznacëny Obratilis' Obrazom Obrazovalas' Obrazovali Obrazovalos' Obrazovan Obrazovanij Obrazovaniä Obrazovanië Obrazovav Obrazqa Obrazuüßimi Obraßëniä Observation Obsluxili Obsluxivaët Obsluxivaüßimi Obsluxivaüßië Obsuxdënië Obsë Obsërvatoriä Obucënnyh Obvinönnyh Obwirnaä Obwirnuü Obycai Obycaämi Obycaü Obycno Obycnym Obycnymi Obzor Obzornyj Obzorom Obßaä Obßih Obßij Obßim Obßin Obßina Obßinu Obßiny Obßië Obßuü Obßëdostupnyë Obßëgo Obßëgosudarstvënnyë Obßëj Obßëm Obßënarodnogo Obßëstv Obßëstva Obßëstvo Obßëstvë Obßëstvënno Obßëstvënnogo Obßëstvënnoë Obßëë Obäzany Obäzatël'nyh Obäzatël'nym Obäzatël'stva Obëih Obëspëcila Obïävila Obïävit' Obïävlät' Obïävläët Obïävläütsä Obïävlëniëm Obïävlëny
Obïëdinilis' Obïëdiniv Obïëdinäüßij Obïëdinënii Obïëdinëniä Obïëdinënië Obïëdinëny Obïëdinönnaä Obïëdinönnogo Obïëdinönnomu Obïëdinönnyh Obïöm Obïömov Obïömy October Ocën' Ocërëd' Ocërëdnoj Odin Odna Odnako Odnim Odnimi Odno Odnogo Odnoj Odnopalatnuü Odnopolyë Odnostoronnëm Odnovrëmënno Odnu Odobril Odobrila Odobrëniä Oecd Oesr Of Ofcom Office Official Ofili Ofiqial'naä Ofiqial'no Ofiqial'nogo Ofiqial'noj Ofiqial'nyh Ofiqial'nyj Ofiqial'nyë Ofisami Ogledd Ogranicëniä Ogranicënnyj Ogranicëny Ogromnoj Ogromnoë Ogromnym Oharaktërizoval Ohowin Ohvatyvala Ok Okazalas' Okazalsä Okazavwimi Okazavwuü Okazyvat' Okazyvaët Okolo Okoncaniä Okoncatël'no Okoncatël'ny Okoncilas' Okrawëny Okruga Okrugah Okrugov Okruxëna Oksford Oksfordskaä Oktäbr' Oktäbrä Oktäbrë Okëana Okëanicëskij Okëanom Okëanë Ol'stër Ol'stërskaä Ol'stërsko Older Oldfild Olimpijskih Olimpijskië Olimpijskoj Oliqëtvorëniëm Oliv'ë Omyvaëtsä On Ona One Oni Onlajn Online Ono Ons Oon Oongosudarstva Opasaäs' Opasnosti Operation Opisanië Oppenheimer Opravdatël'nymi Opros Oprosom Oprëdëlilsä Oprëdëläëtsä Oprëdëläüßëgo Oprëdëlëniä Oprëdëlönnogo Oprëdëlönnomu Oprëdëlönnyë Opsi Opublikovannomu Opublikovannyë Opät' Opëraqii Opëraqij Opëry Oqënivalas' Oqënivalos' Oqënivaëtsä Oqënka Oqënkah Oqënkam Oqënki Or Orbity Order Org Organ Organisation Organizaqii Organizaqiä Organizaqiäh Organizaqiëj Organizaqiü Organizovan Organom Organy Originala Oriëntirovannoj Orknëjskië Orkëstra Oruella Oruxië Osadkov Osi Osipov Oskar Oskara Oskarom Osmanskië Osnov Osnova Osnovannoë Osnovannyë
Osnovany Osnovatël' Osnovnaä Osnovnoj Osnovnom Osnovnoë Osnovnyh Osnovnymi Osnovnyë Osnovoj Osnovy Osnovyvaëtsä Osnovyvaütsä Osnovë Osobaä Osobomu Osobymi Osobyë Osobënno Osobënnoj Osobënnost' Osparivaëtsä Ostal'naä Ostal'noj Ostal'nom Ostal'nyh Ostanovil Ostavalas' Ostavila Ostavwihsä Ostavwiësä Ostavwëjsä Ostaötsä Ostaütsä Ostin Ostrov Ostrova Ostrovah Ostrovam Ostrovami Ostrovnoj Ostrovnyh Ostrovom Ostrovov Ostrovu Ostrovë Osußëstvläët Osußëstvläëtsä Osußëstvläütsä Ot Otborom Otcitalas' Otcityvaüßihsä Otcöt Otdël'nogo Otdël'nomu Otdël'nuü Otdël'nyh Otdël'nyj Otdël'nyë Otdëläët Otdëlënij Otdëlëniä Otdëlënië Otkaxëtsä Otkaz Otkaza Otkazalis' Otkazyvaäs' Otkladyvaëtsä Otklonila Otkrytaä Otkrytiä Otkrytiäm Otkrytië Otkryto Otkrytyj Otkryvaët Otlicalsä Otlicaëtsä Otlicië Otmyvaniä Otmyvaniü Otmyvu Otmëcal Otmënit' Otmënu Otmënäëtsä Otmënëny Otmëtit' Otmëtku Otnosit' Otnositsä Otnositël'no Otnositël'nom Otnositël'nyj Otnosätsä Otnosäßihsä Otnowënii Otnowënij Otnowëniä Otnowëniäh Otnowëniäm Otnowëniämi Otnowëniü Otrasl' Otrasli Otraxëna Otrazit' Otrëdaktirovana Otsrocku Otstavaniä Otstavkë Otstranät Otv Otvëcaët Otvërg Otvët Otvëta Otvëtili Otvëtstvën Otvëtstvënno Otvëtstvënnosti Otvëtstvënnyh Our Outlook Overridden Overseas Overviews Owen Owibkë Owibocnoë Oxford Oxidalos' Oznacalo Oznacaët Ozëro P Pa Pabliwër Padaüt Padënië Padëniëm Page Pajk Pakistana Pakistanqy Palat Palata Palatah Palatu Palaty Palatë Palgrave Palmëra Panamskih Panamskië Paper Paramëtr Paritëtu Parkami Parlamënt Parlamënta Parlamëntami Parlamëntarizma Parlamëntarnaä Parlamëntarnoj Parlamëntarnoë
Parlamëntom Parlamëntskaä Parlamëntskih Parlamëntskië Parlamëntskogo Parlamëntskoj Parlamëntskom Parlamëntskoë Parlamënty Parlamëntë Parliament Parliamentary Parovoz Part Particularly Partii Partij Partiä Partiämi Partiü Partnörstvo Parusnom Passaxirov Pastbißa Patagoniä Patricia Pauell Pauella Paul Paunda Pautina Pax Pdf Penguin Pentecostalism People Permanent Perspectives Perstvë Pet Peter Philby Philosophical Picton Picture Pierce Pika Pikovogo Piktami Pikë Piloty Pink Pintër Pionër Pionëra Pionërami Piramida Piraty Pis'mo Pis'më Pis'mënnyh Pis'mënnyj Pisal Pisannoj Pisatël'niqu Pisatël'niqy Pisatëli Pisatëlä Pisatëlëj Pitkern Pitër Pitëra Pjj Plan Plana Planning Planë Planëty Platforma Platil Platila Platöx Plavanië Play Playbill Playstation Plimut Plotnost' Plotnostëj Ploßad' Ploßadi Plëmëna Po Pobiv Pobuxdat' Pobëd Pobëditëlämi Pobëdoj Pobëdy Pobërëx'ä Pobërëx'ë Pocti Poctovyj Pocëmu Pod Podcinönnoj Podcörkivaët Podcörknuty Poddërxivala Poddërxivat' Poddërxka Poddërxki Poddërxku Poddërxkë Podgotovili Podgotovkë Podgotovlënnyj Podnimaütsä Podobnomu Podobnyh Podpisali Podpisalo Podpisan Podpisaniä Podpisany Podrobnaä Podrobnëë Podruxki Podscöta Podscötov Podtvërdili Podumaët Podvodnyj Podvëlo Podvöl Podzëmnoj Podëlëna Poet Poeta Poetom Poetov Poets Poeziä Pogoda Pogodu Pogranicnogo Pogranicnym Points Poisk Pokazala Pokazali Pokazat' Pokazatël' Pokazatëli Pokazatëlä Pokazatëlämi Pokazatëlëm Pokazatëlü Pokazyvaüt Pokinul Pokinula Pokinët Pokrytiä Pokryty Pokryvavwih Pokryvaä Pokupatël'noj Pokupaët Pol Pol'skaä Pol'sko Pol'wu Pol'zovalis' Pol'zu Pol'zuëtsä Policy Poliqiä Poliqiü Political Politically Politicians Politico Politics Politicëskaä Politicëski Politicëskih Politicëskij Politicëskië Politicëskogo Politicëskoj Politicëskoë Politicëskuü Politika Politiki Politikoj Politiku Politikë Poll Polnaä Polnomocij Polnomociä Polnomociämi Polnost'ü Polnyj Polovinoj Poloviny Polovinë Poloxil Poloxili Poloxënii Poloxënië Polstavki Polucat Polucat' Polucaüt Polucil Polucila
Polucili Polucit' Poluciv Polucëniä Polucënnyh Polucëny Polulëgëndarnom Poläh Pomimo Pomogla Pomoß' Pomoßi Pomëstnyh Ponäla Pop Popravkoj Popular Population Populärna Populärnoj Populärnost'ü Populärny
Populärnyh Populärnym Populärnyë Populärën Popytalis' Por Poraxënij Poraxëniä Poraxëniëm Portal Porter Portrët Portrëtistov Portrëtnaä Porädkë Poskol'ku Poslë Poslëdnih Poslëdnij Poslëdnië Poslëdnää Poslëdnëgo Poslëdnëj Poslëdnëm Poslëdnëë Poslëdnüü Poslëdovali Poslëdovalo Poslëdovatël'naä Poslëdstvij Poslëduüßih Poslëduüßië Poslëvoënnomu Poslëvoënnyë Posol Posol'stvo Posol'stvë Post Postavlëna Postavßika Postavßiki Postcolony Postgraduate Postindustrial'noë Postoännaä Postoänno Postoännyh Postoännyj Postoännyë Postrojku Postroën Postroënnyh Posväßönnuü Posëlëniü Posëlënqam Posëlënqëv Posëtitëlëj Posëtivwim Posëßaëmyj Posëßaët Posëßënij Poträsëniäm Potrëbila Potrëbitëlëm Potrëbläla Potrëblëniä Potrëblënië Potsdamskaä Pottër Potënqial'nyë Potëri Potëräla Potëräli Potëräna Potëräët Poverty Povliäla Povliät' Povlëkla Povodu Povtornogo Povëdëniä Povërhnosti Powatnöt Powell Power Powered Powers Poxalovalis' Poxiznënnom Poxërtvovat' Pozdnëj Pozdnëë Poziqiämi Pozvolälo Pozvoläët Poäs Poäsa Poävilas'
Poävilis' Poävilos' Poävilsä Poävivwëësä Poävlëniä Pp Pps Practice Prakticëski Prakticëskië Praktika Praktikë Prav Prava Pravah Pravilo Pravilom Pravit Pravit' Pravitël'stv Pravitël'stva Pravitël'stvami Pravitël'stvo Pravitël'stvom Pravitël'stvu Pravitël'stvë Pravitël'stvënnyh Pravitël'stvënnyë Pravitëlëj Pravki Pravlëniä Pravlëniü Pravo Pravom Pravoohranitël'nyë Pravoqëntristy Pravoslavnaä Pravosposobnost'ü Pravosudiä Pravovaä Pravovoj Pravovuü Pravovyh Pravu Pravyë Praväßih Praväßij Pravë Preachers Press Presses Pressure Pri Pribrëxnaä Pribrëxnyë Pribyl'nyë Pribylo Pribytiëm Pricastnosti Pricewaterhousecoopers Pricinam Pricöm Priduman Pridërxivat'sä Priglawënië Prigorodami Prikladnaä Priklücëncëskië Priloxënij Primary Prime Primëcaniä Primënäëmoë Primënëniä Primërno Primërom Prinadlëxalo Prinadlëxat' Prinadlëxaßih Prinadlëxnost' Princeton Principles Prinimat' Prinimavwim Prinimaët Prinimaüt Prinimaütsä Prinosät Prinqipa Prinqipu Prinqipy Prinäla Prinäli Prinät' Prinätiä Prinätië Prinäto Prinätoë Prinätyj Prinäv Prinësli Prinësti Priobrëli Priostanovlëno Prirodnogo Prirodnyj Prirodë Prirost Prison Prisoëdinila Prisoëdinilos' Prisoëdinëniä Prisoëdinëniü Prisoëdinönnyj Prisutstvië Prisutstvoval Prisägat' Prisägu Prisäxnyh Pritvorov Pritäzaniä Privatizaqiü Privlëc' Privlëkaët Privycki Privëdut Privëli Privëlo Privërxënnost' Privödwië Privöl Priwëdwih Priznaku Priznaniä
Priznannogo Priznannyh Priznaötsä Prizyvaëmyë Pro Problem Problëmami Problëmu Problëmy Probudilis' Proceedings Procëgo Prodannyh Prodano Prodany Prodavaëmoj Prodavaëmymi Prodaxi Prodolxaëtsä Prodolxila Prodolxit Prodolxëniä Prodolxënië Produkqii Produkta Produktu Prodvinutyh Prodvixënië Prodvixëniü Prodüsërami Profajl Professional Profil' Profile Profili Profqëntr Profsoüzy Prognozam Progolosovali Progolosovavwih Programme Programmu Programmy Prohodit Prohodät Prohoxdëniä Proishodilo Proishodit Proishoxdëniä Proishoxdënië Proizowli Proizowlo Proizowöl Proizvodilo Proizvodit Proizvoditël'nost' Proizvoditël'nosti Proizvoditëlëj Proizvoditëlëm Proizvodstva Proizvodstvo Proizvodstvënnaä Proizvodätsä Proizvëdëniä Prolivom Prolivë Promywlënnaä Promywlënnogo Promywlënnom Promywlënnost' Promywlënnosti Promywlënnuü Promywlënnyë Propußën Proqëdury Proqënt Proqëntah Proqëntnoj Proqëntnom Proqëntov Proqëssov Proqëssu Proqëssy Proqëssë Prorocëskogo Proslëxivaëmyh Proslëxivaëtsä Prosmotr Prosmotrov Prospect Prosto Protiv Protivorëcivogo Protivorëciä Protäxënii Protäxönnost' Protëstantizm Protëstantskih Protëstantskim Protëstantskogo Provalilos' Provinqii Proviso Provodil Provodimyj Provodit Provoditsä Provodätsä
Provozglasil Provozglasivwaä Provozglawëniä Provëdëniä Provëdënië Provëdönnogo Provëdönnomu Provëdönnyj Provëlo Provërëno Provësti Prowli Prowlo Prowöl Proxivala Proxivalo Proxivaüßih Proxivaüßëgo Prozvucalo Prozy Proëkt Proëkta Proëktah Proëktov Proëkty Proëktë Prämym Prëd Prëdannyh Prëdkov Prëdloxëniä Prëdloxëniëm Prëdostavit' Prëdostavläët Prëdostavlënii Prëdpocitaüt Prëdpolagalos' Prëdpolagaëtsä Prëdpolagaüt Prëdpoloxitël'no Prëdposylki Prëdrëkaët Prëdstavilis' Prëdstavitël'stvo Prëdstavitëli Prëdstavitëlëj Prëdstavläüt Prëdstavlëna Prëdstavlëniä Prëdstavlëno Prëdstavlëny Prëdsëdatël' Prëdsëdatëlä Prëduprëxdat' Prëdwëstvovavwih Prëdwëstvënnikov Prëdydußih Prëdydußëm Prëdydußëë Prëdëlah Prëdëlami Prëimußëstva Prëimußëstvënno Prëm'ër Prëmii Prëmiä Prëmiü Prëobladaüßim Prëobrazovalos' Prëobrazovanij Prëodolël Prëpodaüt Prëqëdëntnoë Prëqëdëntov Prëqëdënty Prëskotta Prëssoj Prëstixnyh Prëstolonaslëdii Prëstuplënij Prësvitërianstvo Prësvitërianë Prëtënduët Prëtënzii Prëtënziü Prëvratilsä Prëvraßalo Prëvysili Prëvysilo Prëvysiv Prëxdë Prëxnimi Prëxnëmu Prëzidënt Prëzidëntstvo Prëëmnika Ptolëmëj Pty Publications Publicnoj Publicnyj Publikaqii Publikaqij Publikuëmyh Publishers Publishing Publius Puha Punktom Puq Purple Pust Pust' Puti Putëvoditël' Putëwëstvij Putöm Pwn Pät' Pät'dësät Pätaä Päti Pätidësätniki Pätnadqatym Pätuü Pëcat' Pëcati Pëhota Pëjzaxista Pëniqillin Pënninskië Pënsionnogo Pënsionërov Pëntagona Përiod Përioda Përiodom Përsony Përspëktiva Përvaä Përvogo Përvoj
Përvom Përvoë Përvuü Përvyj Përvym Përëd Përëdaca Përëdacë Përëdovoj Përëgovory Përëhod Përëhoda Përëjti Përëmëstilsä Përënapravläütsä Përënësëna Përëpis' Përëpis'ü Përëpisi Përësmatrivat'sä Përëstala Përëstaüt Përësëkaët Përësëlënqy Përëträsut Përëvodë Përëvorota Përëvozitsä Përëvöl Përëëzxaët Pëvqov Pörsëll Qifrovyë Qifry Qitirovat' Qivilizaqiä Qr Quebec Queen Quo Qëlom Qëläh Qëlëj Qëlëvogo Qëntr Qëntral'noj Qëntral'nyj Qëntrami Qëntristy Qëntrom Qëntrov Qëntry Qëntrë Qërkov' Qërkvi Qërkvëj R Rabelais Rabocaä Rabocih Rabocij Rabocëj Rabotali Rabotaä Rabotaët Rabotaüßëj Rabotnik Rabotniki Rabotnikov Rabotorgovlë Rabotorgovlü Rabotu Raboty Rabotë Rabstva Radikal'noj Radikal'nuü Radikal'nymi Radikal'nyë Radio Radiostanqij Rajonah Rajonnyë Rajonov Rajony Ral'f Ralli Ramkah Ran Ran'wë Random Rankina Rannää Rannëgo Rannëj Ranënyh Ranëë Rashodov Rashody Rasovyj Rasovyë Raspada Raspolagaëtsä Raspolagaütsä Raspoloxëna Raspoloxënnyj Raspoloxëny Rasporäxënij Rasprostranilsä Rasprostranät'sä Rasprostranäët Rasprostranönnaä
Rasprostranönnost' Rasprostranönnoë Rasprëdëlëniä Rasprëdëlëniëm Rasscitannogo Rasscityvat' Rasskazy Rassloëniü Rassmatrivalas' Rasti Rastöt Raswirëniä Raswirëniü Rate Rates Ratifiqirovali Ratifiqirovan Ravno Ravnoj Ravnyë Ray Raz Razbiratël'stva Razbity Razdraxitëlëm Razdël'nogo Razdëlu Razdëläët Razdëlëna Razdëlëniü Razdëlëny Razgovarivat' Razgovarivaët Razgovor Razgovornaä Razlicalis' Razlicnogo Razlicnyh Razlicnym Razlicnymi Razlicnyë Razloma Razlomom Razmërah Razmërov Razmëru Razmëry Razniqa Razniqy Razniqëj Raznoglasij Raznoobrazna Raznost' Raznyh Raznym Razogrëtyë Razrabotannyj Razrabotano Razrabotav Razrabotciki Razrabotku Razroslas' Razrëwënii Razrëwënij Razvil Razvita Razvitii Razvitiä Razvitië Razvitiü Razvitoj Razvity Razvityj Razvitymi Razvivat'sä Razvivwijsä Razvoracivat'sä Razvëdyvatël'nogo Razvërnut' Razygryvaëmyj Read Reaktion Realtribune Reappraisal Reappraisals Reconstruction Record Redorbit Reed Refer Reference Referenda Reflection Reform Regarded Register Rejcël Relation Relations Relationship Release Religion Religious Remains Remarkable Remember Renegotiation Renounced Repatriated Report Research Reserved Residence Respect Rest Resurrecting Retaking Retraction Retrieved Rettl Reuters Reveals Review Revolution Reynolds Ria Ricarda Ricardom Ricardson Richard Rida Ridley Ridli Rima Rimlän Rimlänami Rimskoë Ripol Riquet Rise Rivalry Riwi Robert Robertson Robin Robina Robinzona Robërta Rod Roda Rodilis' Rodilsä Rodina Rodionova Roditëlëj Rodnym Rodom Rodrika Rodstvënnyh Roka Rol' Role Roli Rolling Rolls Rolëj Romana Romanista Romanticëskuü Romantistv
Ronald Roslo Rospuska Ross Rossii Rossijskaä Rossijskij Rossijsko Rossijskoj Rossijskom Rossiëj Rossiü Rost Rosta Rostu Rotëra Rouling Routledge Rovnëë Rowena Rowntree Roxdaëmosti Roxdënië Roxdönnyh Royal Royce Rozdany Rt Ru Rubin Rubinstein Rubëxom Rukovoditëli Rulers Rural Rus Russia Russian Russianireland Russkaä Russkij Russkië Russkom Russkoë Ruwdi Rynka Rynki Rynkë Rynocnuü Rynok Räd Räda Rädu Rädë Rëakqiä Rëaktivnyj Rëal'noj Rëalist Rëalista Rëalizma Rëbönka Rëd Rëd'ärda Rëdaktory Rëdko Rëforma Rëformaqii Rëformaqiä Rëformu Rëfërëndum
Rëfërënduma Rëfërëndumami Rëfërëndumov Rëfërëndumë Rëgbi Rëgbilig Rëgion Rëgiona Rëgionah Rëgional'nogo Rëgional'noë Rëgional'nyh Rëgional'nyë Rëgionov Rëgiony Rëgistraqii Rëgulirovaniä Rëgulirovanië Rëguliruëmuü Rëguliruüßih Rëgulärnogo Rëgulärnymi Rëjnol'dsa Rëjting Rëkami Rëklamy Rëkomëndaqii Rëkord Rëkorda Rëkordno Rëkordnyh Rëkordnyë Rëkordov Rëligii Rëligij Rëligioznuü Rëligioznyj Rëligiä Rëligiü Rëlikty Rëlëvantnost' Rëmösël Rënëssansa Rëqëssii Rëqëssiä Rëspublik Rëspublika Rëspublikoj Rëspublikë Rëstavraqii Rësursoömkië Rëvolüqii Rëvolüqionnyh Rëvolüqiä Rëvolüqiü Rëwaütsä Rëwaüßuü Rëwënij Rëwëniä Rëwënië Rëxim Rëxissörov Rëxissöry Rëzul'tatam Rëzul'tatov Rëzul'taty Rëzul'tatë Rëzërvnoj Rëzërvnyë Rëzërvov Rëzërvy Rëzümë S S'ërra Sa Saatci Sabbath Saints Saj Sajmon Sajt Sajta Sajtov Sajty Sajtë Sallivan Salman Salmond Salt Sam Samaä Same Sami Samimi Sammita Samogo Samoj Samom Samostoätël'no Samostoätël'nuü Samoupravläëmymi Samoupravlëniä Samoupravlënië Samoë Samuü Samyh Samyj Samym Samymi Samyë Sanction Sanctioned Sandvicëvy Sankqii Santa Sarah Sardxënt Saskia Sassen Satirika Savage Save Say Saying Says Sbornaä Sbornoj Sbornymi Sbornyë Scarecrow Scheme Schemes Schoolgate Science Sciences Scientific Scitat'sä Scitaä Scitaëtsä Scitaütsä Scotland Scots Scott Scottish Scöt Sdviga Sdëlali Sdëlat' Sdëlaët Sdëlki Sea Second Secretariat Seen Sem Semüel Semüela Senior Ser Service Settled Several Sex Sformirovala Sformirovalos' Sformirovana Sformirovano Sformirovat' Sformuliroval Sfëra Sfërë Shannon Shell Sherman Shirley Shop Short Shortened Shtml Si Siam Sienkewicz Sigint Sikhizm Sil Sil'no Sil'ny Sil'nëjwëgo Sil'vërstoun Silam Silar Silnyë Silu Sily Silë Simfonicëskogo Similar Similarities Simmons Simonov Simple Simvolicëskuü Simvoly Since Singapur Singlov Sinij Sinonima Sir Sirijskoj Sistëma Sistëmah Sistëmoj Sistëmu Sistëmy Sistëmë Site Siti Situaqiä Situaqiü Skacat' Skazali Skazano Skazocnaä Skeleton Skills Skofël Skoro Skorëj Skorëë Skotov Skots Skotta Skul'ptorov Skëlët Skëptiqizmom Slavnoj Sliv Slova Slovam Slovami Slovar'
Slovari Slovo Slows Sloxilos' Sloxna Sloxnosti Slucai Slucaj Slucajnaä Slucaäh Slucaë Sluwal Sluxba Sluxbu Sluxit Sluxëbnyë Slëdstvënnom Slëduët Slëduüt Slëduüßij Slëduüßië Sm Smi Smog Smoxët Smënit' Smërti Smëwannoë Smëwannyë Smëwëniëm Snimaütsä Snixaëtsä Snixënii Snixënië Snoudon Snoudonii Snova Snp Snukër Snëg Snëgopady So Sobiraëmyh Sobiraët Sobiraëtsä Sobrali Sobraniä Sobrannyë Sobrano Sobravwëmu Sobstvënnogo Sobstvënnuü Sobstvënnyh Sobstvënnymi Sobstvënnyë Sobytij Sobytiä Sobytiäh Sobytië Social Society Socinënii Sociological Sociology Sodruxëstva Sodruxëstvo Sodruxëstvë Sodëjstvii Sodërxanië Sodërxat Sodërxit Soglasiä Soglasno Soglasovan Soglawëniä Soglawënië Soglawëniü Sohranila Sohranilo Sohranit' Sohranäëtsä Sohranënii Sohranëniä Sohranënië Sohranëniëm Sokr Sokratilis' Sokratilos' Sokraßat'sä Sokraßënië Soldaty Some Sommë Somërsët Sondhaus Sondheim Soobßil Soobßit' Soobßëstv Soobßëstvo Soobßëstvu Sootnowënii Sootvëtstvii Sootvëtstvië Sootvëtstvuüßih Sootvëtstvuüßië Sootvëtstvënno
Soprodüsiruütsä Soprovoxdaëmyj Sopërnicëstvo Soqial Soqial'naä Soqial'nogo Soqial'nomu Soqial'noë Soqial'nyj Soqial'nym Soqial'nyë Soqialisticëskaä Soqialisticëskih Soqobëspëcëniä Sorëvnovanij Sorëvnovaniäh Sorëvnuütsä Sosrëdotocëna Sosrëdotocëny Sostav Sostava Sostavil Sostavilo Sostaviv Sostavläli Sostavlät' Sostavlää Sostavläët Sostavläüt Sostavläüßih Sostavläüßië Sostavnyh Sostavë Sostoit Sostoäla Sostoänii Sostoävwih Sostoäßim Sostoäßëë Sostäzanii Sosußëstvuët Sosëdnië Sosëdëj Sotrudnicat' Sotrudnicaüt Sotrudnicëstva Sotrudnikov Sotën Sought Sourcebooks South Sovereign Sovereignty Sovmëstili Sovmëstno Sovmëstnyh Sovokupnost' Sovrëmënnaä Sovrëmënniki Sovrëmënnogo Sovrëmënnoj Sovrëmënnosti Sovrëmënnyh Sovrëmënnyj Sovrëmënnymi Sovrëmënnyë Sovërwënno Sovët Sovëta Sovëtom Sovëtskih Sovëtu Sovëtuët Sovëty Sovëtë Sowöl Sozdala Sozdali Sozdana Sozdaniëm Sozdaniü Sozdannoë Sozdano Sozdany Sozdat' Sozdatëlä Sozdav Sozdavala Sozdaöt Sozdaötsä Sozdaüt Sozyv Soëdinëno Soëdinönnogo Soëdinönnoj Soëdinönnom Soëdinönnomu Soëdinönnoë Soëdinönnym Soüz Soüza
Soüzagosudarstva Soüzniki Soüznikov Soüznogo Soüznoë Soüzom Soüzov Soüzë Spasut Special Specified Spence Sperling Spielvogel Spikër Sporami Sport Sporta Sportivnyë Sportë Spory Sposobnosti Spravka Spravocnyj Sprovoqiruët Spustä Sputnik Sputnikovyë Spëktr Spëqial'nogo Spëqial'noj Spëqial'nym Spëqial'nyë Spëqialistov Sr Sravnitël'no Sravnitël'noë Sravnëniü Sraxënij Srëdi Srëdizëmnomor'ä Srëdizëmnomorskij Srëdnëanglijskogo Srëdnëgo Srëdnëgodovym Srëdnëvëkov'ä Srëdnëvëkovym Srëdnëwotlandskaä Srëdnëë Ss Sssr Ssylka Ssylki Ssylok Stadion Stadionov Stal Stala Stali Stalo Stalëplavlënië Standartizaqii Standartnogo Stanovitsä Stanovätsä Stanstëd Stanët Staraä Staroj Staroë Startling Staruü Starwë Staryh Starëjwih Starëjwëj Starënië Stat' Stat'i Stat'ä Stat'ü State Statement States Statista Statistics Statistika Statistiki Status Statusa Statusom Statutami Statutov Statuty Statëj Stav Stavki Stenli Stephen Stewart Stihotvorëniëm Stili Still Stilëvoj Stimulirovat' Stivëna Stivënsona Sto Stoimost'ü Stoit Stokëra Stoliqa Stoliqy Stolëtiü Stolëtnää Stones Stonhëjvëna Stop Stoppard Storonu Storony Story Stott Stounhëndx Stran Strana Stranah Stranam Stranami Straniq Straniqa Straniqu Straniqy Straniqë Stranoj Stranu Strany Stranë Stratëgicëskaä Street Stroj Stroä Stroätsä Struktura Strukturirovaniä Strëlkov Stuart Studies Studios Studiä Stv Stërlingov Subject Subordinate Subordination Subordinirovannyë Subsidij Substantial Subïëktivnymi Success Sud Sud'i Suda Sudami Sudom Sudostroënië Sudy Sudëbnogo Sudëbnuü Sudëbnyh Sudëbnyj Sudëbnyë Sueqkogo Suez Suhimi Suhoputnaä Suhoputnuü Suinbërna Summarnyj
Summu Sunak Sunday Suomi Suona Suonsi Support Supporting Supëravianosqëv Surface Surovyj Suvërënitët Suvërënitëta Suvërënitëtë Suvërënnoë Suvërënnym Suvërënnymi Suvërënnyë Suwa Suwi Sußnost' Sußëstvovali Sußëstvuët Sußëstvuüt Sußëstvuüßuü Svidëtël'stvuüt Svifta Svoboda Svobodnogo Svobodnoj Svobodnomu Svobodnym Svoi Svoih Svoim Svoimi Svoj Svoëgo Svoëj Svoö Svoöm Svoü Svätoj Svätyë Sväxitës' Sväz' Sväzannuü Sväzannyë Sväzi Sväzyvaüßëgo Sväzëj Sväßënnik Svëdëniä Svërhbogatyh Svërhdërxavoj Svëtlo Svëtskij Svëtskoë Svëxië Swa Swaine Swaraj Sxixënnogo Sxixënnyj Syd Sylvia Syndrome Synom Syria Syroj System Systems Sytina Sëbä Sëbë Sëgodnä Sëj Sëjcas Sëkrëtariat Sëkrëtaröm Sëkrëtnost' Sëktor Sëktora Sëktorë Sëkulärnym Sëkundy Sëlilis' Sëlivwihsä Sëllërsa Sëm' Sëmnadqat' Sëmëjnogo Sëmörka Sëmörki Sëmörku Sëntäbr' Sëntäbrä Sëqëssii Sërdëcnoë Sërgëä Sërii Sëriëj Sëriü Sërëdinu Sërëdiny Sërëdinë Sësili Sëssii Sëssionnyj Sëstör Sët' Sëti Sëvërn Sëvërnaä Sëvërnogo Sëvërnoj Sëvërnom Sëvërnuü Sëvërnyh Sëvërnym Sëvërnymi
Sëvëro Sëvërom Sëvërë Sëzona Së́vërnoj Süda Sürrëalizma T T'üringa Table Tajnogo Tajnomu Tak Takaä Taken Takih Takim Takië Takovoj Takoë Takxë Talked Talkin Tam Tarifam Tass Tate Taun Taylor Team Technopoles Telegraph Tellier Term Termed Territorial Territories Th Than That Thatcher The Thecanary Them Themselves Theory There Therefore Thing This Thomas Thomson Those Thousands Three Tim Time Times Timom Tipa Titanik Title Titulah Titulov To Tocka Tockoj Today Togda Togo Toj Tokio Tol'ko Tolkina Tolkovaniä Tom Tomas Tomasa Tompson Tonn Tonnël' Top Topografiä Toponymic Torgovli Torgovlë Torgovuü Torgovym Toronto Tot Tourism Tovarnyj Trade Traders Trades Tradiqii Tradiqij Tradiqionno Tradiqionnyh Tramp Trampa Transformiruä Transparency Transport Transportnaä Trassë Travis Treaty Treccani Trejsi Tri Trilliona Trip Tristan Trixdy Trln Tron Troqkistskaä Truda Trudë Trumenom Trump Trust Trëbovaniä Trëbovat' Trëbuä Trëbuët Trëbuüt Trëd Trënd Trët' Trët'i Trët'ä Trët'ë Trët'ëgo Trët'ëj Trëti Trëtij Trëvitikom Trëzubëq Tröh Tudors Tully Turizma Turner Turnir Turnirov Tusk Twentieth Twenty Two Tydfil Tysäci Täxölaä Täxölom Tëcënij Tëcëniä Tëcënië Tëda Tëgëranskaä Tëh Tëhnicëskoj Tëhnologicëski Tëhnologicëskië Tëhnologii Tëhnoparki Tëjlor Tëjt Tëkst Tëkstil'nuü Tëksty Tëkußaä Tëkußië Tëkußëgo Tëlëfon Tëlëfonnyj Tëlëkanal Tëlëkanaly Tëlëradiovëßaniä Tëlëradiovëßanië Tëlëvidëniä Tëlëvizor Tëlëvizora Tëm Tëmah Tëmaticëskië Tëmnokoxëë Tëmpami Tëmpëratury Tëmy Tëmza Tënnis Tëorii Tëoriä Tëoriü Tëpër' Tërks Tërmin Tërmina Tërminal Tërminologiä Tërminov Tërritorial'no Tërritorial'nogo Tërritorial'nomu Tërritorii Tërritoriikonstituqionnyë Tërritorij Tërritoriä Tërritoriäh Tërritoriämi Tërritoriü Tërät' Tërëza Tërëzy Tësnëjwim Tëstovyh Tömno Törnër Törnëra Tüdorskij Türkçe U Ua Uajl'da Uajt Uajtrëd Ub Uborka Ucastiä Ucastië Ucastnikami Ucastvovala Ucastvovali Ucastvovat' Ucastvovavwih Ucastvuët Ucat Ucit' Ucityvat' Ucl Ucrëxdëniä Ucrëxdëniü Ucönyh Ucönyj Ucönyë Ucötnuü Udvoilos' Udërxivaët Uebbër Uel's Uel'sa Uel'skaä Uel'skoj Uel'som Uel'su Uel'së Uellsa Uembli Ugasat' Uglä Ugol'nuü Ugol'nyë Ugolovnyh Ugolovnyj Uhod Uhoda Uhodu Uhodäßëë Uil'äm Uil'äma Uil'ämom Uil'äms Uiltwirë Uimbldonskij Uimbldonë Uinslët Uittla Uk Ukazali
Ukazaniä Ukazaniëm Ukrainy Ukral Uktv Ukus Ul'timatum Ul'timatumom Ulster Ulucwit' Umër Umërënno Un Unaffected Unaslëdoval Undata Under Unfinished Unii Unikal'no Union Unit Unitarnogo Unitarnoë Unitarnyh Unitarnyë Unitary United Universitaires Universities University Univërsal'ny Univërsal'nymi Univërsitëtov Univërsitëtë Uniä Uniëj Unlike Unwin Uollingër Uoltëra Up Upadku Upadok Upalo Upav Upominanië Upominat'sä Upomänut' Upon Uporom Upotrëblëniä Uppers Upravläëtsä Upravläütsä Upravlënii Upravlëniä Upravlënië Uprazdnit' Uproßëniä Urban Urbanizaqiëj Url Urmee Urokah Urovnä Urovnäh Urovnë Urovnëm Urovën' Uroxënëq Used Usilij Usilivaütsä Usilät Usilënië Uslovij Usloviä Uslug Uslugi Uspëh Uspëha Uspëwnoj Uspëwnuü Uspëwnyh Uspëwnyë Ustanavlivala Ustanavlivaëmogo Ustanavlivaëtsä Ustanovila Ustanovlënië Ustanovlëniëm Ustanovlënnyh Ustarël Ustrojstvo Ustrojstvu Usually Utc Utvërxdëniä Utvërxdëniü Uvaxaët Uvaxëniä Uvëdomila Uvëdomläüßëë Uvëlicilos' Uxë Uzël V Vagonov Val'tëra Valli Vallijskaä Vallijskij Vallijskim Vallijskogo Vallijskoj Vallijskom Vallijskomu Valovogo Valovomu Valüta Valütoj Valütu Valüty Var'iruëtsä Var'iruütsä Varavina Varianta Vatërloo Vawington Vawingtona Vaxnaä Vaxnuü Vaxnym Vaxnymi Vernon Vestifinance Vhodil Vhodit Vhodät Vhodäßih Vi Victorious Vida Vidimo Vidy View Views Vikidannyh Vikigid Vikigidë Vikimëdia Vikingov Vikinovosti Vikipëdii Vikisklad Vikisklada Vikiskladë Vikislovarë Vikitëkë Vikivërsitët Viktorianskaä Viktorianskoj Vil'äma Vindzorov Vinni Vinovën Virdxiniü Virgin Virginskië Virtual Viv'ën Vivianom Vizy Vklad Vklücavwih Vklücaä Vklücaët Vklücaüt Vklücaüßij Vladënij Vladëniä Vladëniämi Vladëët Vlast' Vlasti Vlastëlin Vliäli Vliäniä Vliänië Vliäniëm Vliät' Vliätël'nyj Vliäët Vmësto Vmëstë Vnimanië Vnosit Vnutri Vnutrënnië Vnutrënnëgo Vnutrënnëm Vnutrënnëmu Vnësla Vnëwnih Vnëwnië Vnëwnää Vnëwnëpoliticëskië Vnëwnëpoliticëskoj Vo Voan Vodnoj Vodoj Vodorod Vody Vodë Voices Vojn Vojna Vojnah Vojnami Vojnoj Vojnu Vojny Vojnë Vojsk Vojska Vojti Vol Vol'nostëj Volnami Volnëniä Volume Vooruxëniä Vooruxönnyh Vooruxönnyë Vopros Voprosa Voprosah Voprosam Voprosom Voprosy Vordsvorta Vorota Vos'mi Vos'misot Vos'moë Vos'mörki Voshodäßij
Vosprinimaütsä Vosproizvodstva Vossoëdinitsä Vosstanovlëna Vosstanovlëniä Vostocnaä Vostocnoj Vostocnoë Vostocnuü Vostocnyë Vostoka Vostokë Vote Votes Vovlëcëna Vovlëcëny Vovlëkali Vovlëkavwij Vowëdwih Vozduhë Vozduwnaä Vozduwnyë Vozdërxalis' Vozglavila Vozglavivwaä Vozglavläëmoj Vozglavläëmoë Vozglavläëmym Vozglavläëmyë Vozglavläët Vozglavläütsä Vozmoxnost' Vozmoxnosti Vozmoxnostämi Vozmoxnostëj Vozmoxnyh Vozniklo Voznësëniä Vozobnovläëmyh Vozrasta Vozrastom Vozroxdëniü Vozvraßat'sä Vozvraßaüßihsä Vozvywënnosti Voënnaä Voënno Voënnogo Voënnoj Voënnosluxaßih Voënnyh Voënnyj Voënnym Voënnyë Vplot' Vposlëdstvii Vpërvyë Vrazrëz Vräd Vrëmä Vrëmëni Vrëmënnomu Vrëmënëm Vrëmön Vslëd Vslëdstvië Vspomnit' Vstrëci Vstupil Vstuplëniä Vstuplënië Vsë Vsëgda Vsëgo Vsëh Vsëj Vsëm Vsëmi Vsëmirnaä Vsëmirnogo Vsëmirnuü Vsëmirnyj Vsëmu Vsëobßih Vsëobßëgo Vsö Vsöm Vsü Vto Vtorglis' Vtoroj Vtoromu Vtorostëpënnyh Vtorxëniä Vtorxënië Vtoryh Vtorym Vtoryë Vud Vulf Vvidu Vvp Vvs Vvëdënii Vvëdënië Vvëdëniëm Vvëdönnyë Vvërgnuv Vy Vybiraëtsä Vybiraüt Vybiraütsä Vybor Vyborah Vybornaä Vybornuü Vybornymi Vyborov Vybory Vybran Vybrannyh Vydaüt Vydaüßihsä Vydvinul Vydvinutoë Vydëlit' Vydëläli Vyglädit Vyhod Vyhoda Vyhodu Vyhodë Vyigrali Vyigrav Vyjdët Vynësënnyh Vynësënnyj Vynësënnyë Vypadaët Vyplatila Vypusk Vypuska Vypuskaüt Vyrastët Vyraxënii Vyraxënij Vyros Vyrosla Vysaxivaütsä Vyskazalis' Vyskazalos' Vysocajwaä Vysokaä Vysokih Vysokij Vysokim Vysokië Vysokogo Vysokogor'ë Vysokoj
Vysokorazvitoë Vysokoë Vysotoj Vystupala Vystupavwij Vystupaä Vystupaët Vystupaüt Vystupaüßaä Vystupila Vystupilo Vyswih Vyswij Vyswimi Vyswëgo Vywla Vywlo Vywë Vywënazvannymi Vywëstoäßië Vyzvali Vyzvannym Vzaimnoj Vzaimnyë Vzaimodëjstvië Vzgläd Vzlëtaüt Vëdomaä Vëdußih
Vëdußië Vëdußëj Vëk Vëka Vëkov Vëkë Vëlicajwih Vëlicajwim Vëlicinë Vëlicëstva Vëlikaä Vëlikih Vëlikij Vëlikië Vëlikobritanii Vëlikobritaniä Vëlikobritaniäangloäzycnyë Vëlikobritaniëj Vëlikobritaniü Vëlikobritanskij Vëlikobritánii Vëlikobritániä Vëlikolëpnoj Vërdikt Vërdikta Vërhovnogo Vërhovnyh Vërhovnyj Vërhovnym Vërnonom Vërnulsä Vëroätnëë Vërsii Vërsiä Vërwina Vërwinë Vërë Vës'ma Vësnoj Vëst Vëstminstër Vëstminstëra Vëstminstërskij Vëstminstërskoj Vëstminstërskom Vëstminstërskoë Vëstminstërë Vëtrov Vëtry Vëtvi Vëß'ü Vëßatël'nyh Vëßatëlämi Vëßatëlëm Vëßaüßim Vïëzd W Wablonu Wadsworth Wales Walker Wall Walter War Warf Was Water Watts Waucojnda Way Wayback We Weather Web Webber Welle Welsh Went Were West Westman Westminster Westwell Wet What Whenever Where Which White Who Why Widely Wikimedia Wikipedia Wildside Wiley Will William Williams Windus Wing Winn Winter Winti Wirokij Wirokimi Wirotami Wirtz With Withdrawn Within Without Wkol'nikam Wkol'niki Wkol'nikov Wkol'nyë Wlëma Wona Words World Wossë Wotlandii Wotlandiä
Wotlandiëj Wotlandiü Wotlandskaä Wotlandskih Wotlandskij Wotlandskim Wotlandskië Wotlandskogo Wotlandskoj Wotlandskom Wotlandskoë Wou Would Wpionax Wpionaxa Writing Written Wtab Wutku Wvëjqarskij Www Wynn Wëffildë Wëkspir Wëkspirë Wëlli Wërloka Wësti Wëstogo Wëstoj Wëstoë Wëstuü Wëtlandskië X Xanrovyh Xanrovyj Xdut Xi Xili Xitël' Xitëli Xitëlä Xitëlëj Xiv Xivopis' Xivotnymi Xivußih Xivyh Xivöt Xix Xizn' Xurnaly Xv Xvi Xvii Xviii Xx Xxi Xë Xëlëznodoroxnaä Xënßin Xënßina Xënßinu Xëstkij Xëstovyj Xöstkih Y Yearbook Years Yen York Yr Z Za Zabyvat' Zacötnyj Zadacëj Zadolxënnost'ü Zaglavnaä Zahvatili Zaimstvovanij Zajmam Zakancivaä Zaklücëna Zaklücëniä Zaklücëno Zaklücönnyh Zakon Zakona Zakonah Zakonami Zakoncila Zakonnymi Zakonnyë Zakonodatël' Zakonodatël'naä Zakonodatël'noj Zakonodatël'nuü Zakonodatël'nyh Zakonodatël'nyj Zakonodatël'nym Zakonodatël'nymi Zakonodatël'nyë Zakonodatël'stva Zakonodatël'stvo Zakonodatëlämi Zakonom Zakonov Zakonu Zakony Zakonë Zakryvaët Zalivami Zamorozkë Zamorskih Zamorskimi Zamorskië Zamëdlëniä Zamënit' Zamëny Zamënäët Zamënäütsä Zamëstitël' Zamëtnogo Zamëtnyh Zamëtnymi Zamëtën Zanimala Zanimali Zanimaët Zanimaüt Zanimaüßih Zanäla Zanäli Zanälo Zanätij Zapada Zapadnaä Zapadnogo Zapadnogërmanskij Zapadnoj Zapadnom Zapadnyh Zapadnëë Zapadë Zapasov Zapasy Zapatëntovannyj Zapis' Zapiska Zapisëj Zaprosy Zaprët Zaprëta Zapußën Zapëcatlön Zaraxaüt Zarplatu Zarubëxnyë
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xtruss · 9 months ago
Should You Be Concerned About Your Microwave?
Though There are Isolated and Rare Cases of Radiation Injury From Microwave Use, Experts Say They Emit Less Electromagnetic Radiation Than Candles.
— ByChristine MacIntyre | May 21, 2024
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Microwave ovens have been a kitchen staple since the 1970s and the rise of the frozen dinner. Although some people may worry about the radiation, experts say they pose no threat—unlike those ultra-processed meals we typically heat up in them. Photograph By Peter Finch, Getty Images
Microwave ovens have long been a staple in kitchens worldwide, revolutionizing the way people cook and consume food. However, a small but growing movement is going microwave-free, driven by health risks and food quality concerns.
Conversations on social media platforms reveal a sentiment that microwaves are unsafe. Individuals, confident in the health benefits of going microwave-free, share their personal experiences in testimonials often accompanied by sentiments like “I’ve never looked back.” Some claim that microwave cooking depletes food of nutrients and harms health.
But are these concerns legitimate?
Microwave ovens rely on a unique form of non-ionizing radiation, known as “microwaves,” that are distinct from the ionizing radiation found in x-rays and other high-energy sources. According to Christopher Baird, a physicist at West Texas A&M University who specializes in electromagnetics, the microwaves in our kitchens are a form of electromagnetic radiation similar to radio waves.
“It’s exceedingly rare for a microwave oven to malfunction badly enough to harm a nearby human,” Baird says. “Even in those exceedingly rare cases, no damage is done beyond burns and surface nerve damage.”
The Inception of The Microwave
Microwave ovens are a staple in American kitchens, but that wasn't always the case. Microwave ovens were initially conceived by Percy Spencer in 1945 after he observed heat-generating microwaves emitted by a magnetron during a radar experiment. His first attempt at converting this to a kitchen tool was colossal, towering at around six feet and weighing over 750 pounds—a far cry from modern models.
When wartime technology was adapted for domestic use following WWII, it resulted in smaller, more user-friendly microwave ovens in American kitchens. Subsequently, the ‘70s saw a notable shift in American eating habits. Food companies increasingly catered to busy families and individuals or those who preferred not to cook, expanding their offerings to frozen, microwavable dinners and snacks—a trend that increased Americans' dependence on prepared, convenient foods.
Today, ready-to-enjoy dinners from lasagna to chicken pot pie provide budget-friendly, single-serve meals in a matter of minutes—the frozen foods market witnessed $72.2 billion in sales in 2022, with frozen meals alone accounting for $25.8 billion.
Microwave ovens inhabit 96 percent of American households, according to an Energy Information Administration Residential Energy Consumption Survey, with 99 percent of those households using the appliance at least once every week.
Fast-paced lifestyles beckoning convenient solutions such as microwavable foods drives market growth in an industry set to surpass 230 million by 2031, according to market research.
While the microwave itself doesn’t present a health risk, ultra-processed foods like ready-to-eat frozen dinners have known health issues.
How Do Microwaves Work?
Microwaves exist on a low- to high-frequency spectrum, according to NASA, and make modern technology like radio, text messaging, x-rays, and GPS possible.
The heart of a microwave oven lies in its magnetron tube, which generates these microwaves. Once produced, they bounce off the oven's metallic interior, creating a highly controlled cooking environment. When microwaves encounter water molecules, they induce rapid vibration within these molecules, generating friction as they jostle against one another. This friction, in turn, creates heat, or thermal energy, effectively warming up the food.
Microwaves primarily cook food from the outside in. Foods with a higher water content, such as fresh vegetables, tend to cook more quickly because microwave radiation easily heats water.
Ionizing radiation alters atoms and molecules and damages cells in organic matter, whereas non-ionizing radiation merely causes heating via thermal energy. Because non-ionizing radiation emits less energy than even visible light and doesn’t alter the atoms and molecules inside our body, it can safely be used inside the home, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“If the microwave radiation used in microwave ovens somehow toxified the food it cooked, then the radio waves continuously being emitted by the household Wi-Fi router would be toxifying all of the food in the house in the same way,” says Baird. He emphasizes that neither of these concerns are valid.
Even candlelight has more electromagnetic waves than microwave ovens. Logically, “people would need to be more worried about candlelight” if such claims about microwaves were accurate, says Baird.
The FDA acknowledges the existence of isolated and rare cases of radiation injury linked to microwave oven use, mainly due to issues like a broken microwave seal.
“High-energy electromagnetic waves can induce significant electric currents in nerves, potentially causing burns and damage,” says Baird. He cites rare instances where malfunctioning microwave ovens have caused nerve damage in individuals reaching into or near the oven.
The FDA says there is little reason for concern unless the microwave oven sustains damage that could allow microwaves to escape.
For safety reasons, the FDA advises against using certain plastic containers, metal pans, and aluminum foil in the microwave. Mounting evidence suggests that microwaving plastic, even those labeled ‘microwave safe,’ leeches harmful microscopic plastic particles into food.
Do Microwaves Harm Food?
Microwave heated foods retain moisture on the surface, preventing a desirable appearance, such as a golden-brown crust, from developing on certain foods. Nonetheless, the findings of a study published in 2020 emphasize the advantages of short processing times, low heating temperatures, and relatively low power levels, all of which prevent nutrients from being lost.
Some research favors microwaving and baking over pressure cooking and boiling methods for preserving vegetable antioxidants. Vitamins A and C, for example, hold up particularly well in microwaved foods. And microwaving raw trout causes quantities of vitamin K to increase.
One paper published in the Journal Food Science and Nutrition even found microwave ovens use less energy and water than other common cooking tools.
The International Microwave Power Institute also dispels a common rumor—that countries such as Japan and Russia banned microwave ovens due to radiation. There is no evidence supporting these claims, which went viral on social media within the last few years amid the rising interest in the microwave-free lifestyle movement—which continues unabated.
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bitcoincables · 1 year ago
Stocks Rise as Salesforce Upgraded and Oil Prices Increase
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Salesforce (CRM) got a boost as Baird upgraded the stock to "outperform," leading to a 2.8% rise. The upgrade was based on the stock's low valuation and the potential for price hikes. Chevron (CVX) also saw a 0.6% increase after concerns over the Middle East tensions and their impact on oil supply. Meanwhile, Microsoft (MSFT) shares edged up 0.5%, coming close to the market value of Apple (AAPL), which fell 0.3%.
Verizon (VZ) stock sank 3% after the EPA requested a meeting with telecom executives about lead-sheathed cables. AT&T (T) also dropped 3.8% as a competitor. Boeing (BA) shares fell 2.3% after an investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration into the manufacturing of the 737 Max 9. JPMorgan Chase (JPM) shares slid 0.4% ahead of its quarterly earnings report.
Netflix (NFLX) rose 2.9% as its ad-supported plan surpassed 32 million monthly active users. Oil refiners Valero Energy (VLO) and Marathon Petroleum (MPC) also saw gains of 2.6% and 1.7%, respectively, due to rising oil prices. Paramount Global (PARA) fell 5.5% after a downgrade by Redburn, while Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD) slipped 3.9%. Alliant Energy (LNT) lost 3.5% and AES Corp. (AES) fell 4.5% after analysts downgraded their stocks.
#Stocks #Upgrades #OilPrices #TechStocks
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molliehaswords · 2 years ago
For some more historical contextualization, this episode, “The Mark of Gideon” (s3e16), premiered on January 17, 1969.
The American Food and Drug Administration had only just approved oral contraceptives in 1960.
The Supreme Court decision in Griswold v. Connecticut, which protects the rights of married couples to possess contraceptives, was decided on June 7, 1965. The similar decision for unmarried people wouldn’t be made until March 22, 1972 in Eisenstadt v. Baird.
The Second Vatican Council was from 1962-1965. I’m not sure if it’s relevant because I was raised Lutheran, not Catholic, and the main outcome I’m aware of from Vatican II was mass being performed in vernacular instead of Latin, but for some reason it feels relevant to me.
Also, this episode was written by Stanley Adams, who was the actor who played Cyrano Jones, the Tribble seller in “The Trouble with Tribbles” (s2e15). According to IMDB trivia for s3e16, Adams mentioned to Gene Roddenberry during filming of “Tribbles” that he had been growing concerned by overpopulation and that it would be an interesting topic for the show to cover. (Apparently he was disappointed in the final episode, but it’s not said why)
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native-blog-deutsch · 1 year ago
Indigene der USA fordern Notfallschutz für Wölfe
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Dutzende von indigenen Stämmen forderten die Regierung Biden am Dienstag auf, sofortige Schutzmaßnahmen für graue Wölfe zu ergreifen, da die Staaten zu aggressiv bei der Jagd auf das Tier geworden seien. Gruppen, die die Stämme vertreten, schickten einen Brief an Innenministerin Deb Haaland, in dem sie sie aufforderten, schnell auf eine von ihnen im Mai eingereichte Dringlichkeitspetition zu reagieren, um den Wolf wieder als gefährdet oder bedroht einzustufen. Sie baten Haaland, die dem Laguna Pueblo in New Mexico angehört und die erste amerikanische Ureinwohnerin ist, die eine Kabinettsbehörde leitet, den Wolf für 240 Tage auf die Notfallliste zu setzen, um einen sofortigen Schutz zu gewährleisten. Die Gruppen sagen, dass die Bundesstaaten eine wolfsfeindliche Politik betrieben haben, die "ein reales Potenzial zur Dezimierung der Wolfspopulationen" darstelle. In dem Schreiben werden keine konkreten Staaten oder Maßnahmen genannt. Izzy Baird, eine Sprecherin der Relist Wolves Coalition, die in dieser Angelegenheit mit Stammesvölkern zusammenarbeitet, wies jedoch in einer E-Mail darauf hin, dass Jäger in Wisconsin ihre Abschussquote von 119 Tieren in der Frühjahrssaison dieses Bundesstaates um fast 100 Tiere überschritten haben; Montana erlaubt Jägern die Tötung von jeweils bis zu 10 Wölfen und erlaubt private Zahlungen für tote Wölfe, die an Kopfgelder erinnern; und ein im Juli verabschiedetes Gesetz in Idaho erlaubt Jägern die Tötung von bis zu 90 % der Wölfe in diesem Bundesstaat. In dem Schreiben wird darauf hingewiesen, dass Wölfe in den Kulturen zahlreicher Indianerstämme eine wichtige Rolle spielen, und die Bundesregierung beschuldigt, bei der Streichung des Wolfs von der Liste der gefährdeten Arten im Januar nicht auf deren Bedenken gehört zu haben. "Hätte die Trump- oder Biden-Administration die Stammesnationen konsultiert, wie es der Vertrag und die Treuhandverantwortung erfordern, hätten sie gehört, dass der Wolf als heilige Kreatur ein integraler Bestandteil der landbasierten Identität ist, die unsere Gemeinschaften, unseren Glauben, unsere Bräuche und Traditionen prägt", heißt es in dem Brief. "Das Land und alles, was es enthält, ist unser Tempel". In den letzten Tagen der Trump-Administration wurde der Schutz der Wölfe in den meisten zusammenhängenden Gebieten der Vereinigten Staaten durch das Bundesgesetz über gefährdete Arten aufgehoben. Die Wölfe in der Region der Nördlichen Rocky Mountains, zu der Idaho, Montana und Wyoming sowie Teile des Bundesstaates Washington, Oregon und Utah gehören, wurden bereits vor einem Jahrzehnt unter dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Barack Obama vom Schutz ausgeschlossen. Zu den Gruppen gehören die Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, die Association on American Indian Affairs, die Navajo Nation, die Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, der Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council, die Native Justice Coalition, die Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association und der Inter Tribal Council of Arizona. Der Sprecher des Innenministeriums, Tyler Cherry, lehnte eine Stellungnahme zu dem Schreiben ab. Originalartikel
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metamoonshots · 1 year ago
[ad_1] Baird Personal Wealth Administration has expanded its capabilities in Dallas with the addition of a $160 million crew that joins from Carter. The Berg Group contains two advisors, Joel Berg, who joins as a director and monetary advisor, and Robert (Bob) Berg, who joins as a vice chairman and advisor. They're joined by consumer assistant Lisa Maier. Joel Berg has 15 years’ expertise within the business, whereas Bob Berg has been within the business for greater than three many years. Each maintain CFP designations. Different current additions to the Baird secure embody a $500 million crew who switched from Zions to affix the agency in Salt Lake Metropolis. SUPPORTING ADVISORS In the summertime, the agency promoted managing director Ellen Galezewski to the newly created function of director of wealth technique and options to help the expansion of Baird’s Personal Wealth Administration enterprise. The wealth options group contains greater than 130 specialists who assist Baird’s 1,300 monetary advisors present custom-made options to their purchasers. Galezewski additionally continues to supervise Baird’s wealth facilities groups. Be taught extra about reprints and licensing for this text. [ad_2]
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bairdandbrownc · 2 years ago
Baird & Brown Offers Residential Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Ashford, Kent, and Surrounding Areas.
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Having a secure and easily accessible charging station at home is essential for drivers of electric cars (EVs) in the present day. Baird and Brown serves the people of Ashford, Kent, and the surrounding region as a reliable source of EV charging solutions. Baird and Brown are committed to satisfying the rising demand for EV charging services with their expertise in establishing and maintaining efficient charging infrastructure. This detailed analysis of Baird and Brown's offerings highlights the company's dedication to a sustainable home car charging point Ashford Kent for future and high levels of client satisfaction.
Baird & Brown is a frontrunner in the electric vehicle charging industry, providing state-of-the-art installations for homes in Ashford, Kent. They are experts in installing charging stations for electric vehicles and provide a variety of options for customers. They guarantee that their clients have access to the best and most dependable charging solutions on the market, from basic Level 2 chargers to cutting-edge Level 3 DC fast chargers.
Baird & Brown has a team of highly qualified and licensed professionals since they know how crucial it is to have a good installation. Their expertise in installing home auto charging points ensures yours will be set up correctly and will function reliably. Baird and Brown guarantees the quality of their installations by following established procedures and obeying all applicable safety regulations.
Baird and Brown understand that the charging requirements of each EV user are unique and hence provide individualized solutions. As a result, they provide services that are uniquely suited to each client. Working together with customers, their team designs and installs the most efficient charging infrastructure possible, whether it be for a private residence, an apartment building, or a business. They devise custom solutions that optimize charging performance by thinking about things like power supply, parking availability, and future expansion possibilities.
Before beginning any installation, Baird & Brown does a thorough site study to determine the project's viability. The property's electrical capacity will need to be evaluated to guarantee that it can handle adding a charging station without causing an overload. They give precise cost estimates and provide the best possible charge alternatives for each customer by conducting in-depth analyses.
Baird and Brown is proud of the hassle-free project management it provides. They take care of all the administrative work associated with the installation procedure, saving consumers time and stress by dealing with things like getting permissions and negotiating with local authorities and utility providers. Their efficient project management guarantees that all installations are finished within the allotted time period with as little inconvenience to the building's tenants as possible.
Additionally to their installation services, Baird and Brown also provides ongoing maintenance and support for any charging points they install. Their trained personnel examine, diagnose, and repair the charging infrastructure on a regular basis to keep it in top shape. In addition, they offer round-the-clock assistance from knowledgeable representatives who are available to answer questions and resolve technical difficulties so that clients can enjoy worry-free charging at all times.
Baird and Brown are devoted to making the world a better place for future generations by advocating for environmentally responsible modes of transportation. Ev Charger installers Kent actively help the reduction of carbon emissions and the transition to greener energy alternatives by supporting the broad adoption of EVs through a dependable charging infrastructure. Beyond just providing sustainable services, they are also committed to reducing their own environmental impact through the adoption of green business practices.
The citizens of Ashford and the surrounding regions may trust Baird and Brown, the premier EV charger installers in Kent, for the highest quality charging solutions and services.
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whitesinhistory · 2 months ago
The sad thing is some Democrats are taking part in small parts of it.
The House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that would empower the Treasury Department to revoke the tax-exempt status of any nonprofit it deems has provided material support to a terrorist organization. A broad coalition of civil society groups have opposed the bill, warning that it would give the Trump administration sweeping powers to crack down on political opponents. H.R. 9495, the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act, passed the House 219 to 184 largely along party lines, with 15 Democrats supporting the Republican majority. "This bill is essentially a civil rights disaster," says Darryl Li, an anthropologist, lawyer and legal scholar teaching at the University of Chicago. Li, who recently wrote a briefing paper on the anti-Palestinian origins of U.S. terrorism law, says "anti-Palestinian racism is one of the great bipartisan unifiers in Congress." - @DemocracyNow
- All congress people that voted for the NONPROFIT KILLING BILL --
Aderholt , Republican,  Alabama 
Alford , Republican,  Missouri 
Allen, Republican, Georgia
Amodei, Republican, Nevada
Arrington, Republican, Texas
Babin, Republican, Texas
Bacon, Republican, Nebraska
Baird, Republican, Indiana
Balderson, Republican, Ohio
Banks, Republican, Indiana
Barr, Republican, Kentucky
Bean (FL), Republican, Florida
Bentz, Republican, Oregon
Bergman, Republican, Michigan
Bice, Republican, Oklahoma
Biggs, Republican, Arizona
Bilirakis, Republican, Florida
Bishop (NC), Republican, North Carolina
Boebert, Republican, Colorado
Bost, Republican, Illinois
Brecheen, Republican, Oklahoma
Burchett, Republican, Tennessee
Burgess, Republican, Texas
Burlison, Republican, Missouri
Carey, Republican, Ohio
Carl, Republican, Alabama
Carter (GA), Republican, Georgia
Carter (TX), Republican, Texas
Chavez-DeRemer, Republican, Oregon
Ciscomani, Republican, Arizona
Cline, Republican, Virginia
Cloud, Republican, Texas
Clyde, Republican, Georgia
Cole, Republican, Oklahoma
Collins, Republican, Georgia
Comer, Republican, Kentucky
Crane, Republican, Arizona
Crawford, Republican, Arkansas
Crenshaw, Republican, Texas
Curtis, Republican, Utah
D'Esposito, Republican, New York
Davidson, Republican, Ohio
De La Cruz, Republican, Texas
DesJarlais, Republican, Tennessee
Diaz-Balart, Republican, Florida
Donalds, Republican, Florida
Duarte, Republican, California
Duncan, Republican, South Carolina
Dunn (FL), Republican, Florida
Edwards, Republican, North Carolina
Ellzey, Republican, Texas
Emmer, Republican, Minnesota
Estes, Republican, Kansas
Ezell, Republican, Mississippi
Fallon, Republican, Texas
Feenstra, Republican, Iowa
Finstad, Republican, Minnesota
Fischbach, Republican, Minnesota
Fitzgerald, Republican, Wisconsin
Fitzpatrick, Republican, Pennsylvania
Fleischmann, Republican, Tennessee
Flood, Republican, Nebraska
Fong, Republican, California
Foxx, Republican, North Carolina
Franklin, Scott, Republican, Florida
Fry, Republican, South Carolina
Fulcher, Republican, Idaho
Garbarino, Republican, New York
Garcia, Mike, Republican, California
Gimenez, Republican, Florida
Good (VA), Republican, Virginia
Gooden (TX), Republican, Texas
Gosar, Republican, Arizona
Graves (LA), Republican, Louisiana
Graves (MO), Republican, Missouri
Green (TN), Republican, Tennessee
Greene (GA), Republican, Georgia
Griffith, Republican, Virginia
Grothman, Republican, Wisconsin
Guest, Republican, Mississippi
Guthrie, Republican, Kentucky
Hageman, Republican, Wyoming
Harris, Republican, Maryland
Harshbarger, Republican, Tennessee
Hern, Republican, Oklahoma
Higgins (LA), Republican, Louisiana
Hill, Republican, Arkansas
Hinson, Republican, Iowa
Houchin, Republican, Indiana
Hudson, Republican, North Carolina
Huizenga, Republican, Michigan
Hunt, Republican, Texas
Issa, Republican, California
Jackson (TX), Republican, Texas
James, Republican, Michigan
Johnson (LA), Republican, Louisiana
Johnson (SD), Republican, South Dakota
Jordan, Republican, Ohio
Joyce (OH), Republican, Ohio
Joyce (PA), Republican, Pennsylvania
Kean (NJ), Republican, New Jersey
Kelly (MS), Republican, Mississippi
Kelly (PA), Republican, Pennsylvania
Kiggans (VA), Republican, Virginia
Kiley, Republican, California
Kim (CA), Republican, California
LaHood, Republican, Illinois
LaLota, Republican, New York
LaMalfa, Republican, California
Lamborn, Republican, Colorado
Langworthy, Republican, New York
Latta, Republican, Ohio
LaTurner, Republican, Kansas
Lawler, Republican, New York
Lee (FL), Republican, Florida
Letlow, Republican, Louisiana
Lopez, Republican, Colorado
Loudermilk, Republican, Georgia
Lucas, Republican, Oklahoma
Luetkemeyer, Republican, Missouri
Luttrell, Republican, Texas
Mace, Republican, South Carolina
Malliotakis, Republican, New York
Maloy, Republican, Utah
Mann, Republican, Kansas
Mast, Republican, Florida
McCaul, Republican, Texas
McClain, Republican, Michigan
McClintock, Republican, California
McCormick, Republican, Georgia
Meuser, Republican, Pennsylvania
Miller (IL), Republican, Illinois
Miller (OH), Republican, Ohio
Miller (WV), Republican, West Virginia
Miller-Meeks, Republican, Iowa
Mills, Republican, Florida
Molinaro, Republican, New York
Moolenaar, Republican, Michigan
Moore (AL), Republican, Alabama
Moore (UT), Republican, Utah
Moran, Republican, Texas
Murphy, Republican, North Carolina
Nehls, Republican, Texas
Norman, Republican, South Carolina
Nunn (IA), Republican, Iowa
Obernolte, Republican, California
Ogles, Republican, Tennessee
Owens, Republican, Utah
Palmer, Republican, Alabama
Pence, Republican, Indiana
Perry, Republican, Pennsylvania
Pfluger, Republican, Texas
Posey, Republican, Florida
Reschenthaler, Republican, Pennsylvania
Rodgers (WA), Republican, Washington
Rogers (AL), Republican, Alabama
Rogers (KY), Republican, Kentucky
Rose, Republican, Tennessee
Rosendale, Republican, Montana
Rouzer, Republican, North Carolina
Roy, Republican, Texas
Rulli, Republican, Ohio
Rutherford, Republican, Florida
Salazar, Republican, Florida
Scalise, Republican, Louisiana
Schweikert, Republican, Arizona
Scott, Austin, Republican, Georgia
Self, Republican, Texas
Sessions, Republican, Texas
Simpson, Republican, Idaho
Smith (MO), Republican, Missouri
Smith (NE), Republican, Nebraska
Smith (NJ), Republican, New Jersey
Smucker, Republican, Pennsylvania
Spartz, Republican, Indiana
Stauber, Republican, Minnesota
Steel, Republican, California
Stefanik, Republican, New York
Steil, Republican, Wisconsin
Steube, Republican, Florida
Strong, Republican, Alabama
Tenney, Republican, New York
Thompson (PA), Republican, Pennsylvania
Tiffany, Republican, Wisconsin
Timmons, Republican, South Carolina
Turner, Republican, Ohio
Valadao, Republican, California
Van Drew, Republican, New Jersey
Van Duyne, Republican, Texas
Van Orden, Republican, Wisconsin
Wagner, Republican, Missouri
Walberg, Republican, Michigan
Weber (TX), Republican, Texas
Webster (FL), Republican, Florida
Wenstrup, Republican, Ohio
Westerman, Republican, Arkansas
Wied, Republican, Wisconsin
Williams (NY), Republican, New York
Williams (TX), Republican, Texas
Wilson (SC), Republican, South Carolina
Wittman, Republican, Virginia
Womack, Republican, Arkansas
Yakym, Republican, Indiana
Zinke, Republican, Montana
Allred, Democratic, Texas
Budzinski, Democratic, Illinois
Caraveo, Democratic, Colorado
Case, Democratic, Hawaii
Castor (FL), Democratic, Florida
Costa, Democratic, California 
Craig, Democratic, Minnesota 
Cuellar, Democratic, Texas
Davids (KS), Democratic, Kansas
Davis (NC), Democratic, North Carolina
Dingell, Democratic, Michigan
Frankel, Lois, Democratic, Florida
Golden (ME), Democratic, Maine
Gonzalez, V., Democratic, Texas
Gottheimer, Democratic, New Jersey
Harder (CA), Democratic, California
Hayes, Democratic, Connecticut
Hoyer, Democratic, Maryland
Kaptur, Democratic, Ohio
Landsman, Democratic, Ohio
Lee (NV), Democratic, Nevada
Levin, Democratic, California
Manning, Democratic, North Carolina
McBath, Democratic, Georgia
Meng, Democratic, New York
Moore (WI), Democratic, Wisconsin
Moskowitz, Democratic, Florida
Mrvan, Democratic, Indiana
Norcross, Democratic, New Jersey
Pallone, Democratic, New Jersey
Panetta, Democratic, California
Pappas, Democratic, New Hampshire
Perez, Democratic, Washington
Ryan, Democratic, New York
Schiff, Democratic, California
Schneider, Democratic, Illinois
Scholten, Democratic, Michigan
Schrier, Democratic, Washington
Sherman, Democratic, California
Slotkin, Democratic, Michigan
Sorensen, Democratic, Illinois
Stanton, Democratic, Arizona
Stevens, Democratic, Michigan
Strickland, Democratic, Washington
Suozzi, Democratic, New York
Sykes, Democratic, Ohio
Thanedar, Democratic, Michigan
Torres (CA), Democratic, California
Torres (NY), Democratic, New York
Vargas , Democratic,  California
Vasquez , Democratic,  New Mexico
Wasserman Schultz , Democratic,  Florida
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fbtw2016 · 2 years ago
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Introducing the 3rd Annual Montgomery 2320 Business Development Services LLC Seminar!
Join us at this year's seminar to gain exclusive access to John M. Baird, JD, Partner & Chief Compliance Officer at J. Galt Finance Suite, LLC. With over 20 years of experience in the employee benefits field, John has dedicated his recent efforts to supporting small- to medium-sized businesses impacted by the pandemic.
John's primary focus is assisting business owners in building business credit, offering protection for their personal property and assets during unforeseen events that could jeopardize both their business and personal financial well-being. As a licensed attorney with a successful track record, John has extensive expertise in employee benefits, including advising employers on consumer-directed healthcare benefits and collaborating with insurance brokers and agents to develop comprehensive benefit programs.
Additionally, John has firsthand experience as an entrepreneur, having started and managed three successful businesses—a law practice, an employee benefits administration firm, and a professional college planning practice. This unique perspective allows him to empathize with the challenges faced by business owners.
Don't miss the opportunity to learn from John Baird and other industry experts at the 3rd Annual Montgomery 2320 Business Development Services LLC Seminar. Gain valuable insights and strategies to enhance your business credit, protect your personal assets, and navigate the evolving landscape of employee benefits. Register now to secure your spot at this exclusive event.
3rd Annual Montgomery 2320 Business Development Services LLC Seminar https://www.foodbytheword.com/product-page/3rd-annual-montgomery-2320-business-development-services-llc-seminar
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alphst · 2 years ago
Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc (CMG) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript
$CMG Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript #earnings #markets #investing
Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc (NYSE: CMG) Q1 2023 earnings call dated Apr. 25, 2023 Corporate Participants: Cindy Olsen — Head of Investor Relations and Strategy Brian Niccol — Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John R. Hartung — Chief Financial and Administrative Officer Analysts: Dennis Geiger — UBS — Analyst David Tarantino — Baird — Analyst Sara Senatore — Bank of America Securities —…
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nytech · 4 years ago
The NY Tech Alliance Welcomes 5 New Board Members
NY Tech Alliance - 25 Mar
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We are pleased to add 5 new members to our board: Donnel Baird, Georgie-Ann Getton, Xian Horn, Shaun Johnson, and Jeff Lindor. The board now counts 19 members, reflecting the breadth of the NY tech ecosystem and the diversity of its members.
“I am so pleased that Donnel, Georgie-Ann, Xian, Shaun, and Jeff have joined us on the Board in our work in such a pivotal year, as New York City looks to rebuild from the impact of Covid 19 and prepares to elect a new mayor. These times require strong voices from across our tech community, and I know we have that in these five innovative leaders.” — Thatcher Bell, Chair of Board, NY Tech Alliance.
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Donnel Baird joins the NY Tech Alliance Board of Directors with years of experience as a climate tech founder. Baird attended Columbia Business School, where he received his MBA in Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial studies in 2013. In that same year, he founded BlocPower, a smart buildings platform that markets, engineers, and finances renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies to buildings in underserved market segments. At scale, their technology can lead to a 2–7% reduction in US GHG emissions in the next 2–3 years. Baird is also a Second District Board Member at the New York Federal Reserve Bank and an Echoing Green Fellow.
Georgie-Ann Getton is an author, serial entrepreneur, community builder, speaker, and diversity in tech enthusiast. She holds a B.S. in Business Communications with a specialization in Graphic Communications from Baruch College and a Certificate in Entrepreneurship Essentials from HBX | Harvard Business School. Getton currently works as a Strategic Execution Consultant at GSD Solutions, a company she founded in 2018 that helps individuals and companies get more done by building simple, efficient, and impactful brands that drive organic growth. She enjoys learning as well as teaching new and creative ways to find solutions to problems.
The art of DOING, with serial entrepreneur Georgie-Ann Getton-McKoy
Xian Horn is an advocate, speaker, blogger, and exemplar for the AT&T NYU Connect Ability Challenge in the creation of Assistive Technology. Horn has Cerebral Palsy and has been a fierce advocate for those with disabilities, making sure they have equitable inclusion and opportunities in all parts of life with her aim being to serve and connect humanity as a whole. Horn is the Founder and Executive Director of Give Beauty Wings, which offers self-esteem programs for all ages that are tailored to individual and organizational needs, providing mentoring, vocational support, educational and media outreach. Most recently in 2016, she founded Changeblazer, Inc, an advocacy, vocational, and leadership consultancy working with organizations looking to diversify and focused in aiding the underserved, especially those who have disabilities. In addition to managing her advocacy and consultancy companies, Horn is a contributor to Forbes Women, writing on leadership, empowerment, and disability.
“The past year has accelerated our efforts to make the NY Tech Alliance more inclusive, broadening the scope of our events and introducing new programs such as the NY Tech Volunteer Corp. I’m looking forward to the energy and ideas our new board members will bring to our work together.” — Andy Saldaña, Executive Director of the NY Tech Alliance.
Shaun Johnson is an experienced entrepreneur with a demonstrated history of working across the fields of technology acceleration, early-stage development, and ecosystem development. He has extensive experience in the entrepreneurship sector, working as an Entrepreneur in Residence at Georgetown University, the Associate Director for Fordham University’s Fordham Foundry, the co-founder at Startup Institute, and as an Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship at The New School’s Parsons School of Design since 2019. Most recently, Shaun has been working as a leader at Venwise, a membership for C-level executives in high-growth companies with a mission to build a peer community that promotes learning. He also works in Operations at Blockgraph — a blockchain-enabled software that allows TV and media companies to control, connect, and safely activate their data at-scale.
Teaching Entrepreneurship with Shaun Johnson
Jeff Lindor brings many years of experience finding solutions that enhance the lives of people of color across the globe to the NY Tech Alliance Board. In 2014, Lindor received his master’s degree from The New School in Urban Policy Analysis & Management. In the time since, he has founded multiple companies. In 2016, he founded GroomedSuccess, a minority-owned business that provides professional development services for young men and boys of color. Some of their clients include the NYC Department of Education, NYC Administration for Children’s Services, NYC Department of Correction, and the City University of New York — Fatherhood Academy. Most recently in 2017, Lindor founded and is currently the CEO of The Gentlemen’s Factory, a workspace and community designed to enhance and connect men of color, providing them with the space, resources, and connection to help maximize their potential.
Click here to learn more about all of our Board Members.
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flock-of-cassowaries · 1 year ago
I think Logan would’ve hated that Roman was interested a noticeably older woman, even if she had the most feminine vibes imaginable, just on the basis that it’s not serving Hegemonic Masculinity(TM); and Roman’s entire… vibe is already such an affront to Logan, that an unconventional partner choice is just… that’s like an unacceptable rebellion.
With that said… Gerri has definitely has some very gender non-conforming energy. Like, aesthetically, she grooms and dresses herself in a very feminine way, but the way she exists in the world - the way she moves, the way she interacts with people - feels very masculine.
I’m sure there were jokes about it at Waystar, but never to her face. I think Baird heard them, but didn’t really give a shit, because he was a cool, non-insecure dude.
In terms of her own conception of her gender, I think she’s probably vaguely aware of feeling less female than she would assume she was supposed to; but she was born during the Eisenhower administration and has a lot of privilege (class, white, and pretty), so it’s not something she’s ever really entertained beyond a “Gee, I could’ve gotten a lot more done if I’d been a man,” shower-thought here and there.
I think she’d say gender identity is just too foreign a concept, but really, it’s a concept she recognizes as too dangerous to consider (given how much she would stand to lose by giving up the appearance of cis-straight privilege).
That said, I don’t think she would be offended by Roman picking up a sort of masculine vibe being into it; I think she’d find it kind of thrilling, actually. (You know, if not for the fact that he absolutely fucked it with her and now she hates him.)
I also think that when she has brunch with Karolina, the servers invariably assume they’re together.
i don't know how to explain to you my concept of gerri kellman and the complications of gender, i don't know how to tell you that she is an honorary man, i don't know how to tell you this relates to logan's disgust of the entire romangerri situation and dick pic gate, and roman's queerness. i have so many thoughts about this.
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wastelandcth · 4 years ago
Better Love - cth
part two: the wild and us
summary: Maeve and Calum meet. The rain outside puts on a show. 
author’s notes: I hope you guys enjoyed the first part of this series! This part had one of my favorite scenes I’ve ever written so I hope you enjoy! 
warnings: mentions of drinking, mentions of breakups, mentions of food. 
masterlist || request || join my taglist! 
part one
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Staring in the blackness at some distant star The thrill of knowing how alone we are, unknown we are To the wild and to the both of us
"What are you doing in my hotel?" she asked shakily, her wariness prevalent in the way her voice shook as she stared at the man in front of her. 
The towel she was pulling closer to her body felt like nothing in the room with him. Maeve, who had only made it  back to the cabin an hour prior, had expected to be alone. She'd hadn't expected to walk out of her shower to find a tall man sleeping in the bed she'd rented out for the week. She also hadn't expected the rainstorm to be so bad, her weather app claiming her entire week here would be sunny and perfect for hiking, so finding a man in her cabin hadn't been in her plans either. 
And wow was he a sight for sore eyes. 
"What are you doing in my cottage?" he asked, Maeve's eyebrow raising as she heard the trace of an accent, "Mrs. Bagby rented this place out to me, she never said there was someone already staying here," he huffed, his eyebrows furrowing as he studied Maeve's. 
"Mrs. Bagby? Who the hell is Mrs. Bagby? I'm renting this from Mrs. Baird," Maeve said, "I was here first! You're the intruder!"
Maeve, who had always been prepared to debate with anyone, was not backing down no matter how exposed she was in front of a handsome man. She wasn't going to stand for a stranger barging into her space, she needed this vacation more than anything in this world and she'd be damned if she let this ruin it. She watched as the man in front of her opened and closed his mouth, looking like a fish out of the water as he tried to come up with a solution to the very obvious problem. If Maeve was honest, she had no idea how the confusion had happened or how they'd both ended up in this situation, but she didn't have much time to think about it. 
The thunder outside shook the walls of the small cabin, rattling the jars and the decorations on the walls throughout, and it wasn't until Maeve heard the crack of lightning that she realized just how bad the storm outside had become. The view outside the window had been fogged, the colorful autumn trees disappearing behind the wall of water falling from the sky as the landscape blurred into a mixture of grey and orange with red splotches. Maeve, whose attention had switched from the man in the green hoodie to the raging storm outside, had grabbed the pile of clothes she'd left on the dresser. Without another word, she walked back towards the bathroom and made sure to twist the lock before she let out a breath. 
The man in her bedroom for the week had been, breathtaking to say the least. His eyes, although wide and filled with confusion when Maeve had looked into them, were brown and shone even in the gloominess of the weather His hair was short, the tufts of blonde hair curling near the ends. Maeve guessed that his hair had been a darker color naturally, the roots she'd spotted proving her point. He looked like a kind person, maybe he was like Maeve as well, just another person looking for an escape. 
That's all her trip to this cabin was meant to be, an escape. 
Maeve's life had always been simple if you could call it that. She'd been born on a rainy afternoon, her mother liked to tell her it was because she was meant to outshine the sun itself. Her parents, who'd met in Scotland years before she ever came to take her first breath, had always told her about the magic the country had to offer. They told her stories of the forests so vast and large that even the biggest of problems could shrink down into pebbles that flowed away in the rivers. She'd grown up in a small town, dreaming of the wonders that Scotland had for her when she was old enough to see them. 
Maeve had moved when her time at university peaked when her nose was stuck in books that spoke all about the history and the cultures that made up the world. It had been the first time in her life that she'd been away from her parents, from the only home she had ever known, and it had been so thrilling. She went from only traveling to big cities for concerts or when her father had needed to run errands to living right in the heart of all the commotion. The quiet nights that had been filled with only cicadas singing into the night were replaced by the sound of a city, alive and cheerful at all hours of the day. Maeve had never experienced so much at such a fast pace and her life at her university flew by before she had a chance to slow down. One day she was unpacking her bags in her dorm and the next she was accepting her diploma and applying to jobs around the country. She felt the burnout, felt the way her brain tensed whenever she read through application requirements and the thought of having to pack up her life again. She felt the way her eyes forced themself open while riding the train to interviews. She knew that she needed a break, a few days off to remember who she was and what she wanted in life. To make matters worse, her relationship had been going downhill. She'd met James at a social event the school had put on, both of them were in the same program so it wasn't hard to make conversation with him. After too many history jokes and a trip to the campus bar, Maeve found herself awake in his arms as he slept. She'd laid there that first night, looking out at the stars through his window, wondering why she'd felt a pull towards a different place, a different person.
That feeling hadn't stopped since that night, she'd stayed with James, he was a nice guy who made her laugh and kept her company as they both studied. But he wasn't someone she saw herself spending the rest of her life with. She had a feeling that James felt the same way even if they were both too afraid to admit that the spark that had been there before was fiddling out. The arguments were getting worse, the silence lasting longer as time went on. It wasn't until one night when Maeve had been studying for a final exam that it had all exploded. Words were thrown around, tears were shed, and she was left feeling like something was wrong with her. She couldn't understand why she couldn't love James as he loved her, she'd turn distant and pushed him away until all that was left between them was a broken flower vase and tears.
That's why she'd jumped on the opportunity to fly to Scotland when it arose. She'd been sitting at her desk, scrolling through an endless list of applications and teaching opportunities when the email had popped up. She'd read through it a couple of times, making sure she wasn't imagining the words on the screen. Her professor, who'd helped her in more ways than one could count, had recommended her for a teaching job abroad. She would have to visit the school, make sure that it was both a right fit for her and for the administration, but it seemed like they were more than ready to offer her a spot and helping her make Edinburgh her home. 
Mrs. Baird, the lovely older woman who had driven Maeve up to the cabin and helped her unpack, had told her that she was glad she'd arrived a few days earlier after Maeve had told her all about why she was visiting Scotland at such an odd time of year. She'd been a curious soul ever since Maeve had stepped out of the taxi that had taken her from the train station out to the main residence Mrs. Baird had seemed to be the owner of. She'd asked Maeve all sorts of questions, which Maeve had taken as to her host just making sure she wasn't escaping from anyone dangerous or anything like that, it was a tough time to be a woman traveling alone.
"Oh, I'm sure you'll love the spot you'll be staying in then. It's very private, it'll be good for you to clear your head and relax before your big interview," she'd nodded as she packed up a few bags with groceries Maeve hadn't recalled reading about on the website. 
"Oh, um, I don't think I paid for anything like that, Mrs. Baird," Maeve chuckled and shook her head, "I was thinking of just popping into town and picking up a few essentials."
"Oh don't you worry, darling! It's my pleasure. Plus, the cottage is quite secluded so it'd take you almost half a day to get to the shops and back," she shrugged, "Let's get going, yeah?"
The drive up to the cabin had been slow and gave Maeve a chance to take in the sights. The forest was alive with colors that Maeve's eyes had craved to see. It seemed like everything her parents had told her about the place they'd met was still the same. The trees still sway in the chilly breeze and somewhere in the distance, a river flowed with a power that only came with years of flowing and receiving rain. The drive itself had been plenty enough to get Maeve excited about her days of rest but the second her eyes saw the stone bridge that led to her home for the next couple of days, she knew her life was about to change. After helping Mrs. Baird with bringing in all the bags and thanking her for the candles she'd also brought, telling her a rainstorm was predicted to pass through the next day, Maeve was alone. 
Her first day in the cabin had been spent unpacking and unwinding. Mrs. Baird had been kind enough to bring a bottle of Scottish whiskey, telling her," when in Scotland" and Maeve had sampled the liquor, letting it burn her throat as she stared out at the river flowing outside her bedroom window. Her trip had been going great so far, she'd successfully beaten jetlag, had managed not to burn the small kitchen down during her dinner, and she had taken a nice and relaxing show when the rainstorm had shown up the next day. She'd made sure to light a few candles around the place, not wanting to walk around in the dark if the power did go out. Then, of course, everything took a turn for the unexpected when Maeve walked out of the bathroom and was met by a man sleeping in her bed. 
By the time she'd walked out of the bathroom again, fully dressed and a little more confident in herself, the power had gone out and the whole cabin had been illuminated with an orange glow coming from the candles. The man was no longer in the bedroom, but the storm outside the window was winding up more and more as the seconds passed. She knew she couldn't make him walk out in the forest during the storm, it was too dangerous and mean in general to kick someone out in the middle of a downpour. So she'd let the guy stay until the storm passed and then they'd both walk down to the main residence and sort out whatever the hell was happening. 
"Calum," he mumbled, looking over as Maeve stepped out into the living room, "I'm Calum."
"Maeve," she replied with a nod, "You're not here to murder me, right?"
Calum chuckled and shook his head, which made Maeve warm and sent a shiver down her spine. His smile was nice, a murderer wouldn't have waited for her to get dress unless he was into that, she thought. She'd smiled at him, tugging the sleeves of her sweater down a bit as she looked around the living room. The candles gave the entire room a moody glow, the storm had stopped the sunshine from coming in through the windows and it had felt later on in the day than it actually was. 
"So...tea?" she asked softly as she motioned towards the kitchen. 
Maeve had found out that Calum, which was a very fitting name for the man sitting across from her watching the rain outside, had been in Scotland for a little over two weeks. He'd been traveling on his own, exploring the smaller cities and seeing what the Highlands had to offer. Maeve had told him about her interview, confessing that she wasn't the most prepared and that these few days before were to help her hopefully calm down. To her surprised, she’d learned that Calum was a professor at a university near his town, both of their widening at the confession of just how similar they were.
"That's exciting, what are you hoping to teach?” Calum asked, his eyes meeting hers in the candlelight, “I specialize in Art History.”
“History,” she nodded, a blush on her cheeks, her eyes glancing down to the cup of tea that had been warming her hands, “I’ve always loved studying it and I want to help others learn about it too.”
“Yeah? I get that. The history department at my school isn’t the best Some older man names Rainer runs it like it’s still warm times,” Calum chuckled, “He’s the worst.”
Maeve laughed, shaking her head as she thought about her fair share of professors who had yet to catch up with the times She thought about what kind of instructor Calum was. It was only his second year teaching so was he the one who made his students excited for lessons ahead? Did he use fun activities and assignments to incorporate them into his plans? Maybe he assigned cool projects, where the main point was to gain a bigger understanding of something a student has been wanting to talk about. Calum seemed like the type and from what Maeve had learned about the man in the short hours she’d known him, she knew he was kind and attentive.
“How was your hike up here?” Calum asked as he set the cup of tea down on the table, his legs stretching out as his head leaned on the back of the couch. 
“Hike?” Maeve asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked over at him.
“Yeah, I left around like five and didn’t get here until ten,” Calum chuckled and shrugged, “And somehow you look like you just took a leisurely drive up here,” he teased, sitting up as he saw the look on Maeve’s face, “Oh my god, you drove up here, didn’t you?”
"In my defense," Maeve giggled out, holding her arms up, "Mrs. Baird offered to bring me up here"
"Oh, and she forced me to walk for five hours and fall in the mud!?" Calum whined, shaking his head as he let out a groan, "She's so not getting a good review from me, whatever her name may be."
Maeve laughed softly, watching the way Calum ran a hand down his face and pouted over at her. She was surprised at how easily they both got along, usually, Maeve had trouble getting out of her own head and talking to new people. But with Calum things just felt so carefree. She wasn't sure if it was such a good thing, opening up to a complete stranger who had been booked into the same cabin as her, but the rain outside wasn't letting up and she was more than willing to work out a compromise to share with him until the rain stopped and they could take the quad bike Mrs. Baird had told Maeve about before leaving her in the middle of nowhere. 
"Do you want to go freshen up? I'm sure your five-hour hike up here more than justifies a nice warm bath," Maeve nodded, giggling as Calum glared playfully over at her, "I'll try and mix something up for lunch?"
"That sounds lovely, if the rain doesn't stop soon I'll make us dinner," Calum shrugged, standing up from the couch and walking over to the entrance of the cabin, gathering his bag and a pile of clothes that Maeve hadn't even noticed were on the floor before making his way over to the bathroom. 
The rain had not stopped by the time Calum had gotten out of the bath, much to Maeve’s pleasure since she’d heard his soft voice singing along to whatever song he’d been playing. The rain hadn't stopped while the two ate their lunch, a stew that Maeve had managed to throw together in the tiny kitchen. And the rain had, surprisingly, not stopped while Calum had been bustling around the kitchen a few hours later, making dinner while Maeve read through one of the many books she’d packed with her for her trip If she hadn’t known anything about Scotland before traveling there, she would’ve assumed the Earth was flooding and that her adventure abroad would end before it even started.
It wasn’t until a crack of thunder rocked the walls of the cabin that Maeve realized just how extreme the weather has turned. The window was howling against the windows, shaking the panes with the intensity of it. The power had yet to come back and as the day had gone by, the cabin had only grown gloomier and gloomier. Their only source of light had been the many candles that their host has left them, something Maeve would be eternally grateful for. They crackled and glowed in the darkness of whatever room Maeve would get up to look out the window through. Her shadows mixed with the firelight and danced across the dark walls of the safety she’d come to know in her short stay. The river outside of the house, which was louder now that it was filled with rainwater, had grown taller as Maeve would barely see the giant rocks inside of the river which had caused the small rapids earlier in the day.
It was all terrifyingly beautiful.
Nature had put on a show for her and Calum, letting them in on the secret dance the forest and elements did for one another. The trees danced with the wind, swaying wildly from side to side and switching directions when they pleased. The river water jumped over the stone bridge above it, splashing cold water onto the top and lowering as it sprinkled back down onto itself. The woodland animals, who would be hiding in the safety of their own homes, hidden somewhere Maeve couldn’t quite see but hoped they’d be just as amazed watching the show that the world put on for them. It was all so terrifying and violent, the rain submitting to no one but itself as he disappeared into the river only to come down harder from the clouds in the night sky. It wasn’t until the thunder, which had been singing a song for the forest itself, cracked again that the stone bridge took its final bow.
Maeve watched as the bridge crumbles. It started slowly, one of two big pieces crumbling into the river below as if by accident. But the water was cruel and greedy, splashing upwards and sending more and more stone into its hands. Maeve, who could do nothing more than watch as their only way back out to civilization crumbled and washed away into the river below, gasped and leaned against the window. The glass shook underneath her hands, the wind greeting her palms from the outside and howling in excitement as the once-solid bridge was split into two pieces, never to meet again, as the final act of nature’s show came to an end.
“Did you hear that?” Calum asked as he walked into the bedroom, where Maeve had been watching the show, “Maeve?”
She turned to face the stranger, her wide eyes softening as she was met with the definition of a word she couldn’t place in her brain. Calum had changed into a pair of joggers, the grey material hanging loosely off his hips and only held up by a haphazardly tied knot. His upper half was dressed in a warm green sweater, the color reminding her of the fields of green she’d seen on the train ride to the small town, his board shoulder stretching the fabric a little bit in the candlelight, he looked breathtaking. Maeve knew he was good-looking, it was one of the first things she’d noticed when he’d jumped up from the bed with tired eyes that had been filled with fear. He was beautiful and kind and…stuck with Maeve.
“T-the bridge,” she stuttered out, her cheeks flushing as she realized Calum was still standing in front of her waiting for an answer, “The bridge fell.”
taglist: @hoodhoran​​​ @finelliine​ @moonlightcriess​​​ @dinosaursandsocks @mxgyver​​ @calpops​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @notlukehemmo​​ @calumrose​​ @devilatmydoor​ @lyss-xo @lowkeyflop​​  @matchacal​​ @hemmo1996-5sosvevo​​ @myloverboyash​ @2fangirl4u​​ @multistann​
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