#Aditya 1
merelygifted · 1 year
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India's 1st mission to study the sun launches Sept. 2 | Live Science
The Aditya-1 solar mission launches hot on the heels of India's first moon landing
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searchsystem · 10 months
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Shreyansh Onial & Aditya Pandharpure / Nothing Npod (1) – White Edition / Audio Player (Concept) / 2023
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teaah-art · 1 year
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Because the Vandiyadevan Comic is doing numbers on Tumblr.
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nidhi-writes · 6 months
Him and Her (VanMozhi)
These two will be two reasons why I will end up single all my life.
Re-visiting these edits after a long time made me giggle and blush.
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The above sequence just made me smile and started to earn more of the majestic King and his Innocence flower.
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The above sequence made me scream in joy and awe. The way he looked at her made my heart pound, and damn, this is where I fell in love. Definitely missed in theatres.
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Lastly, no words can explain the scene where they share close proximity, and with a sly smile, he lets her know he is hers without saying anything! Damn, just take my Heart VanMozhi.
@whippersnappersbookworm  @harinishivaa @thelekhikawrites  @willkatfanfromasia  @yehshuhua  @arachneofthoughts  @vibishalakshman @nspwriteups  @thirst4light  @hollogramhallucination   @celestesinsight ​  @curiousgalacticsoul  @themorguepoet @tranquilsightseer @nature-writes29
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grishaxverse · 1 year
I’m a child of divorce actually
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subuthetitan · 2 years
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Alright, i know this isn’t the kinda post one would expect on my page, but hear me out.
The poster right here is of the Tamil movie that’s releasing tomorrow, “Ponniyin Selvan”. Ponniyin selvan loosely translates to ‘River Cauvery’s son’, and this film is based on the 70 year old, 5 volume novel of Kalki.
Let me explain why this story is so dear to Tamil people, and why Indians should celebrate it just as much as they do the epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharat;
The author of this novel, Ramaswamy Krishnamurthy alias Kalki, was an Indian freedom fighter, who went to jail a few times. This novel, according to him, was a way of reminding Indians that they have a history of their own. Mind you, this is after 200 years of colonialism.
This spectacular novel is based on the Kingdom of the Cholas, and is set in the 9th century which was the peak of the Chola Empire. The story can be classified as a historic fiction, as some of the main characters are fictionalised or even completely made up in order to appease the “outsiders” that is us.
‘Ponniyin selvan’, or the Son of cauvery, is the name given to King Raja Raja Chola I. He has two siblings, Aditya Karikalan, who is the Crown Prince, and his elder sister, Kunthavai (Koon-da-vy) who is the princess of the Chola Empire and basically controlled everything. Their dad, Sundara Chola is the emperor of the Chola Empire but is bed ridden during the time of the story. All the characters I mentioned till now are real people, who have been mentioned in carvings and historic artifacts preserved till this day, but the characters I’m about to write about next are fictionalised characters by Kalki. One might think, since the title of the novel is “Ponniyin Selvan”, it only makes sense that Raja Raja Chola is the main character, but NOH. The main character, the character who travels and whom we travel with, is Vanthiyathevan (Vun-diya-devan). It is important to know that Vanthiyathevan isn’t entirely fictionalised, he is also mentioned in history, but not till the extent of the description given in the novel. Last but not the Least, my personal favourite, Nandini. She invented the word supervillain. I’m serious, the more you read about her, the more you grow to hate and like her at the same time. She’s such an incredibly written character that at times it’s so unbelievable that she’s not actually real. Her thirst for vengeance and power is what sets the course of this entire story.
Now let me give you a brief intro to this story (and try not to spoil anything eee)
Aditya Karikalan (The Crown Prince) sends his good friend and trusted messenger, Vanthiyathevan, to deliver two letters to two members of his family. His father Sundara Chola, and his sister Kunthavai. He also sends him on a mission, to find out what and who is conspiring against him in his homeland, while he’s fighting wars up north.
This journey of Vanthiyathevan, is met with a lot of hurdles and he also meets a lot of people who help him with his tasks such as his old friend Kandhamara, whom Vanthiyathevan previously fought in a battle with, Nambi, who is a staunch believer of Vaishnavism and an absolute mastermind, often wears metaphorical masks around certain people, Chendan Amudhan, who is…an interesting character (that feeling when u really wanna say something but don’t wanna spoil). What forms the plot of the story is How Vanthiyathevan delivers these messages? What is conspiring against Aditya Karikalan? Who is Nandini, and why does she want revenge?
Ok i know that was a bad summary, but i literally could not say anything without spoiling stuff.
So the main reason why I wanted to post about this was because I feel every Indian should know about the rich history of our country and the Chola Empire, which ruled the entirety of India at one point. So I urge all of you to read some background in wikipedia and watch the movie cuz its a pretty damn good story.
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2 September 2022
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Fresh off its success at the moon, India is now headed for the sun.
The nation launched its first-ever solar observatory today (Sept. 2), sending the Aditya-L1 probe skyward atop a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at 2:20 a.m. EDT (0620 GMT; 11:50 a.m. local India time).
The PSLV deployed Aditya-L1 into low Earth orbit (LEO) as planned about 63 minutes after liftoff, sparking applause and high fives in mission control.
"Congratulations, India, and congratulations, ISRO [the Indian Space Research Organisation]," Jitendra Singh, India's Minister of State for Science and Technology, said shortly after deployment on ISRO's launch webcast.
"While the whole world watched this with bated breath, it is indeed a sunshine moment for India," Singh added.
The successful launch followed on the heels of another big milestone for India: On August 23, its Chandrayaan-3 mission became the first to land softly near the moon's south pole.
Chandrayaan-3's lander-rover duo are expected to conk out in a week or so, when the harsh lunar night falls at their touchdown site. But Aditya-L1's long journey has just begun.
A long road to a good sun-viewing spot
Aditya-L1 won't stay in LEO forever:
After a series of checkouts, it will use its onboard propulsion system to head toward Earth-sun Lagrange Point 1 (L1), a gravitationally stable spot about 1 million miles (1.5 million kilometers) from our planet in the direction of the sun.
That destination explains the latter part of the mission's name. And the first part is simple enough: "Aditya" translates to "sun" in Sanskrit.
The 3,260-pound (1,480 kilograms) observatory will arrive at L1 about four months from now, if all goes according to plan.
But the long trek will be worth it, according to the ISRO.
"A satellite placed in the halo orbit around the L1 point has the major advantage of continuously viewing the sun without any occultation/eclipses," ISRO officials wrote in an Aditya-L1 mission description.
"This will provide a greater advantage of observing the solar activities and its effect on space weather in real time."
Indeed, another sun-studying spacecraft is already at L1 — the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), a joint NASA-European Space Agency mission that launched in December 1995.
(Several other spacecraft, including NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, are at Earth-sun Lagrange Point 2, which is a million miles from Earth, in the direction away from the sun.)
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Solar flares, the coronal heating mystery and more
Once it's settled in at L1, the solar probe will use four three science instruments to study the particles and magnetic fields in its immediate surroundings and four others to scrutinize the sun's surface (known as the photosphere) and its atmosphere.
This work will help scientists better understand solar activity, including the dynamics of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), ISRO officials say.
Flares are powerful flashes of high-energy radiation, and CMEs are huge eruptions of solar plasma.
Both types of outburst can affect us here on Earth. Intense CMEs that hit our planet, for example, trigger geomagnetic storms that can disrupt satellite navigation and power grids.
(As a side benefit, such storms also supercharge the gorgeous light shows known as auroras.)
Aditya-L1 will also tackle the "coronal heating problem," one of the biggest mysteries in heliophysics.
The corona — the sun's wispy outer atmosphere — is incredibly hot, reaching temperatures around 2 million degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 million degrees Celsius), according to NASA.
That's about 200 times hotter than the solar surface, which is "only" 10,000 degrees F (5,500 degrees C) or so.
It's still unclear what is responsible for this startling and counterintuitive discrepancy.
(Why would it be hotter away from the sun's core, where the energy-producing nuclear fusion reactions are occurring?)
Aditya-L1 has other science goals as well. For instance, the mission also aims to more fully flesh out the solar wind, the stream of charged particles flowing constantly from the sun, ISRO officials said.
Aditya-L1 will measure the composition of the solar wind and attempt to determine how it is accelerated.
And Aditya-L1 will do all this work on the cheap:
The mission's price tag is about 3.8 billion rupees, or $46 million US at current exchange rates.
That's in the same ballpark as Chandrayaan-3
India's first successful moon-landing mission costs about 6.15 billion rupees, or $74 million US.
For comparison, NASA's most recent big-ticket sun mission, the record-setting Parker Solar Probe, costs roughly $1.5 billion.
This disparity should not be viewed as an indictment of NASA, however; labor costs are much higher in the United States than in India, among other differences between the two nations' economies.
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Aditya-L1 is a coronagraphy spacecraft to study the solar atmosphere, designed and developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and various other Indian research institutes.
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goldengalaxy99 · 2 years
It's been a week and I'm still thinking about the Nandini-throne scene. So I'm gonna gush about it some more.
As someone who didn't read the books, my knowledge of the characters and their motivations were wholly reliant on the movie. And up until that scene, I was trying to figure out where Nandini's loyalties lie and what her motivation is.
At first I thought she's loyal to her husband then we see her help Vanthiyathevan only for her to immediately sell him out to her husband and then in a surprise twist we see her conspiring with the Pandya spy. Even after Karikalan tells his story, her motivations remain a mystery because the story was so one-sided and its obvious there's more to it.
And so when we see her look longingly at the throne as she envisions her younger self sitting on it, everything about her character becomes crystal clear. We still don't know alot of her character history but we know what's most important. That Nadini is loyal to no man or kingdom. She is loyal only to herself and the throne is what has motivated her all this time.
The scene doesn't just introduce us to the true Nandini but it also recontextualizes the whole movie. Nandini was always a major player in the movie but after that scene the audience realizes that she IS the mastermind behind it all and the only one truly challenging her at this point is Kundavai
I also think it's such a clever way of translating what I'm sure is a lot of rich source material about her character into a simple and elegant scene.
Like I said before, i have CHILLS
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shaevilux · 2 years
Can you write some more on Aditya Karikalan and Nandini? I love them❤️
[Hey sorry I'm late. I think this is my last Nandhin/Karikalan fic for a while simply because I don't personally care for the ship lmao. They're a goldmine for character drama, though. Anyway this works as a prequel to my previous fic so enjoy!]
She swayed on the parapets, and he could not help but be mesmerized by the grace of her movements.
Behind her the Ponni river flowed, it's water lapping softly into the stone she stood on. Her red saree contrasted with the green waters behind her and the blue sky above her.
She was dancing, her feet bare as they moved precisely, nimbly on the narrow stone she stood on. It was an unsafe endeavour. The stone was wet and slick. Some of the stones had fallen, and the whole parapet was uneven. A stray wind might knock her off her feet if she was not careful.
But what he learned those days was that Nandhini would not allow herself any kind of elegance if there was not a semblance of danger to it. At least, when he was around.
It was less her showing off and more her relishing in his concern for her.
He knew this, and as much as he resisted her intent behind her dance, he could not look away from her feet, hoping she would not misstep.
"To what end? Do you wish to fall into the river?" He called.
She did not reply, and instead smiled as she pirouetted around so he could not see her face as she continued dancing. Her arms making hypnotic arcs, cutting the air. Her fingers twirling as if collecting and spinning an invisible thread.
"Oh, so you're tired of the kingdom calling you the best dancer in it and are seeking the attention of our river?" He shouted.
"Kaveri dances a hundred times more relentlessly and a thousand times more elegantly than I can hope to match." She replied.
"She's a river. She is vast and violent. But I'm sure she enjoys your presence, and appreciates you taking the time to dance for it. But I also hear she has poor eyesight. So, shouldn't you be in her waters when you dance, so she can feel your movements?"
"You would like that, wouldn't you, firstborn prince? For me to be soaked? How unseemly."
"Unfounded accusations. But perhaps it is not a good idea. The river is known to be particularly treacherous in this crossing. The Kaveri is violent, like I said."
"There is a difference between violence and passion, my prince."
"Nothing good can come from that passion, is what I meant."
"You, of all people, should know that to be untrue. Or do you forget why the people know your brother by another name?"
Karikalan tried to think of a comeback, but could not think of any. She had him there.
Nandhini smiled, "Ponniyin Selvan. The Precious Son of Kaveri. The river is passionate. And I can only dream of being able to match that passion."
"It was just a suggestion. I wouldn't let you descend into the water, I swear it."
"You have sworn many things to me these past few weeks. Many promises that weren't kept. But I have no doubt this one you'll keep."
"I apologize for that, my princess of beauty."
"Your sweet words hold no weight."
"But your entire body holds more than its weight in gold for me."
"You're not a poet, Adi. What you said sounded idiotic."
"You wound me. My instructor would be—"
"You're instructor is an idiot as well, then." She said, without missing a beat.
"You would call the king an idiot?" Adithya asked, smiling. This time, he got her.
Nandhini ceased her dancing, and turned around.
"I didn't mean to insult your father."
"Well, he's not here to hear it."
"I apologize if I offended you, my prince." She said, getting down from the stone.
"You can never offend me, Nandhini."
"I sometimes forget myself."
"No, those are the moments when you are yourself. And I love those moments when they happen."
"You notice them, do you? Keen eyed, are you? Waiting to see my falter?"
"Even when you falter you are graceful."
"Close your mouth, my prince. Enough."
"'My prince.' You love saying that, don't you."
"Why are you here?"
"To see you."
"You've seen me. You may leave."
"You're dismissing me?"
"If you would allow me to, then yes, I am dismissing you." She said, crossing her arms.
"Alright, my princess. I'll take my leave." He said, dejected but smiling as he turned to leave.
"'My princess.' You love saying that, don't you?" She called after him, which made him smile even more.
They met again a few days later, at the same broken stone parapets. This was becoming their spot.
"Firstborn Prince." She called out as he climbed down to her.
"Trespasser." He called out to her in return.
"Trespasser?" She said, confused.
"I wondered why no one ever comes here but you. Apparently this whole area is part of the royal grounds."
"And you did not know that, my prince?"
"You're telling me you knew this?"
"I do. These grounds are shared by both the temple and the palace. Do you not know who I am, Adi? Well, you've never asked, have you?"
"Forgive me, that was rude of me. I was so smitten by your beauty I forgot my manners."
"Enough with compliments. You do know of the Lady Sembiyan Mahadhevi, don't you?"
"Is that a jest?"
"I am one of her wards, you oblivious kingling."
"I was tired of calling you my prince."
"I don't think I've seen you around in the palace, no less anyone mention you."
"They don't mention me by name. I'm just known as 'the pretty one of Mahadhevi's', and I rarely come by the palace. I'm part of the temple. They keep me relatively hidden."
"Circumstances of my birth, I think."
"Who are your parents?"
"I only have guesses. It took you this long to ask these questions?"
"I am not one for conversations. And I confess I know little of who my mother keeps as her wards. She is known to be devout."
"That, she is. I know not what she prays for, but it can't... Never mind."
"Tell me, queenling."
"I told you, enough with that."
"I jest, Nandhini. But to think you've been part of the palace and I have never seen you..."
"I rarely come by the palace. I don't like it much."
"I can give you a room."
"You would give me a cage."
"Would you really call it that?"
"I do not want favours or handouts, my prince."
"Of course not. I am the fool to try and help you." He said, sarcastically.
"Your passions and eagerness are tiresome." She replied, matching his tone.
"So are yours."
They stared at each other a moment, Karikalan smiling.
But Nandhini was not.
"I think I may be needed at the temple. I'll be taking my leave." She said, curtly, stepping away from the prince.
Karikalan moved to touch her hand, but she withdrew it out of reach.
"Nandhini..." He called after her, but she did not look back.
The next time they met at the stoney parapets, it was Nandhini who started the conversation. She was in a better mood today.
"The other day, you told me I was eager for something, passionate about something. What am I eager for, do you think?" She asked.
"What we are all eager for. Freedom."
"I am free."
"Then why do you come here almost every day? Looking across the Kaveri with that longing look? What lies beyond that you wish for?" He asked.
"You pay too close of an attention to me, Adi. You're a prince. Don't you have your own matters to tend to?"
"Stately affairs are boring. My sister has a better grasp for that sort of thing. But my grandfather proposes going to war with the Pandiyas. Talking about eagerness, that is something I am eager for."
"War? Bloodshed?"
"I am better with a sword than I am with words."
"One should hope so, if what you recited to me the other day was meant to be poetry."
"You should come see my practice."
"I'll pass."
"Indulge me. I have seen you move. It's only fair you see me."
"I didn't 'move' for you."
"Yes, we all know you dance for Kaveri and for her eyes only."
"You're right when you said she has a poor eyesight. Because that means she sees me for who I am. Not for my looks. Not for my figure. But for me. I don't dance for you, Adi. I like to see your reactions, but the dance isn't meant for you."
"Would you come and see something that was meant for you?"
"Only if you would blindfold me. So I can truly appreciate it." She replied sarcastically.
Karikalan turned away, dejected again, but not smiling this time.
"Do you not like me?"
"This is childish."
"Answer the question, Nandhini."
"I do. I like our time together. But we both know this will not last."
"Would you marry me?"
"Is that what you would ask of me?"
"You are puzzle I wish to solve."
"You are an idiot who looks at a woman and sees a puzzle."
"You're different."
"Be sure to tell the other women you meet that, as well."
"I won't meet any like you."
"Because they won't be me. That's the thing about different people, you see, my idiot prince. They are all different."
"Yes. In that they aren't you. I will marry you, Nandini. And make you—"
"My queen."
"Respectfully, my prince, I'll have to decline."
"To think just moments ago you had rightfully reflected that I sought freedom. And now you would wish to bind me."
"Bind you? It's a marriage, Nandhini. Everyone gets married. Wouldn't you rather marry someone whom you like? Who likes you in return?"
"It does not matter what I, alone, think. There is also the Lady Mahadhevi."
"She would be glad to have you marry me. Anyone would be glad."
"Then go make someone else happy."
"Why this hostility? What have I said that you find bothersome?"
"What do you like about me?"
"Everything." Aditha said without pause.
"Don't say that."
"Why not? Do you not like me the same way I like you? Do you not give me the glances that melt my insides? Do I not do the same for you?"
"No. I do not melt from a simple glance."
Karikalan balked.
"But yes, I do like you the same way." She said, smiling at Karikalan's dumbfounded expression.
"Then... Then marry me."
"How can an orphan marry the Chola kingdom's heir?"
"You're not an orphan. You're my mother's ward."
"Not all would see it that way."
"Why do you care what others—"
"My idiot prince, think! Our passions are nothing compared to the duty of our stations. I am to be a Vishnavaite. A maiden in service to Lord Vishnu. I am a woman of the temple. And you, you are the crown prince. You'll have to marry within your station. Probably to another princess to forge an alliance with her kingdom or strengthen your own. You can't marry me and I cannot marry you."
"You sound like my sister."
"Your sister sees reason, then."
"Do you not like me?
"There you are, behaving childish again."
"There you are, calling me childish again. I speak plainly, Nandhini. I don't have the gift of words. I can't bend them into song or poetry or give them meanings beyond the literal. I am not like you. So, just this once, be childish with me. Speak plainly with me. Do you love me?"
There was a long pause. They heard the storks honking overhead. The Ponni river lapping softly against the stone. And then,
"I do." Nandhini said, finally.
Karikalan smiled, and despite herself, Nandini laughed as well, calling him her idiot prince.
"You can't marry her." Kundhavai's eyes went wide as Karikalan told her his feelings. They were in the palace courtyard. Karikalan had been in a good mood all day, and wished to share the news with someone, anyone. So, he went to his sister.
"Why not?" He asked, undeterred.
"She's a nobody. She—"
"She's not a nobody. She's our mother's ward."
"An orphan, nonetheless. Besides, she's a Vishnavaite. She can't marry."
"We love each other."
"Did she say that? Did she say she loves you?"
"She did."
"She lied, then. You are a prince. There will be many sweet-tongued women who'd wish to get on your—"
"She doesn't lie. She didn't want to marry me, you know? Not at first. For the same reasons you stated. She also told me about my own station. Of how I needed to marry a princess. Of my responsibilities to the Chola kingdom."
"And yet—"
"And yet we love each other. That is also true. There can be two truths."
"Contradictory truths cannot exist for long. Not for us, and not for things like this. One truth will have to take precedent."
"Then, the truth is we love each other."
"Don't I deserve to be happy?"
"Happiness comes second after duty. We are the heirs to the Chola kingdom, brother. We can't act as we please. We have duty. We have honour."
"I am well aware." Karikalan said darkly.
The next day Karikalan went to the watery stones overlooking the beautiful Ponni river. He had formulated a poem for her, and he was excited for her to hear it. Maybe she would like it, or more likely, she would laugh and mock it. Either way, he would be happy.
But she was not there.
He waited, reciting the poem out loud, practicing the tone, the cadence. He threw and skipped flat stones across the water. He sang the songs she sang.
But she never came.
He trekked to her temple. He greeted the powder boys at the steps, who bowed and let him in.
He asked the priests about Nandhini, but they only looked at him with pursed lips. They knew of the meetings between the two. It was easy to notice, and many did. And the priests did not approve in the slightest.
Karikalan left the temple, but not before stopping at the steps and asking one of the powder boys.
"Where's Nandhini?" He asked.
The boy's eyes widened, and he said, "I don't know. There were soldiers here this morning. She went with them."
Karikalan's eyes became furious, and the child shrank back. The prince made his way back to he palace, his blood boiling.
"Is this your doing?" He entered his sister's room without permission.
"Brother. You—"
"Where is she?"
"It was the king's order."
"You told him?"
"I told our mother. She told him."
"Everyone knows, brother. That you were meeting with her."
"It was never a secret."
"And it was not seen as such."
"Then why—"
"Because you wanted to marry her. Infatuations and flings are common. But to seek marriage with someone who's lineage can come to be questioned is not permissible."
"We are bound by laws. By duty."
"She'll hate me. She'll blame me. She had a good life here, as a woman of the temple. As our mother's ward. This is my doing. No... This is your doing." He said icily.
"Where is she?"
"She's gone. She was compensated for her travels and more."
"You paid for her to leave?"
"It is for the best, brother. In time, you'll get over her. And your mind will be clearer."
"Clearer? It is clear right now. It is clear that I am surrounded by those who wish me well but will stop at nothing to do my heart harm. I was not even consulted. This was all conspired behind my back! No! I can't stay here. Thanjai without her is empty, pointless. Full of snakes and deceit."
What is it everyone wishes of me? To fulfill my duties as the heir to this kingdom? Is that what is required of me? Fine. That is what I'll do. I'll let my grandfather know. The armies he has amassed for the coming war. Well, I am ready to fight now."
"The king—"
"Will be glad I'll be bringing the fight to them. That I'm leading the war. Duty, is it? Well, the Tiger flag will fly high. Will fly everywhere. I'll take all the kingdoms I come across. I'll keep marching on and on until there is nowhere for us to expand. But I won't ever be returning."
"What does that mean?"
But Karikalan was already leaving.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Apprenticember, Day 29
What is a fact about your mc others would never guess?
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It's difficult for others - especially non-magicians - to understand exactly how dangerous Jinana can be, and the enormity of the risk and the effort that Efizio Borgia undertook in training hir. One lapse in his wards or a little bad luck, and his entire villa would have gone up in a deadly blast of chaotic magic, along with his apprentices.
Fortunately, his warding was impeccable, and any wild magic meltdowns were kept more or less contained. Equally fortunately, his villa was on the outskirts of Vesuvia, outside the city walls. (It has since changed hands, having been sold to fund his well-earned retirement in Prakra.)
The only reason he took such a risk when he did was that he suspected that the influence of Heron's aura of Order would have some tempering effect on the seething chaos of Jinana's magic as it grew within hir... and he was correct. (What he had not bargained on was how hir aura of Chaos, in turn, would temper the inflexibility for which Clockwork Souls and Justicars are notorious, making Heron the most creative Clockwork Soul in generations, possibly in recorded history.)
Asra also took a tremendous risk in bringing hir back, not knowing if hir power would be attenuated in any way or how much control s/he would have over it. (As it turns out, hir power was greatly attenuated, which was fortunate because s/he had very little control over it at first. However, luck had very little to do with it...)
At any rate, there are few indeed who would guess just how much power can be channeled through that scrawny little frame, and just how slim is the leash that keeps it under control.
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kalyugkamahabharat · 9 months
Aditya L1: लैग्रेंज बिंदु पर कैसे पहुंचा आदित्य-एल1, 120 दिन के लंबे सफर के बाद अब आगे क्या ?
Aditya L1: लैग्रेंज बिंदु पर कैसे पहुंचा आदित्य-एल1, 120 दिन के लंबे सफर के बाद अब आगे क्या ? Aditya-L1: आदित्य एल-1 को लैग्रेंजियन बिन्दु 1 (एल1) तक पहुंचने में लगभग चार महीने लगे। इस दौरान मिशन ने 15 लाख किलोमीटर चलाए। यह भी एक अलग कक्षा से गुजरकर अपने लक्ष्य तक पहुंचा, जैसा कि चंद्रयान-3 ने किया था। भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन (इसरो) ने चंद्रयान-3 को चांद के दक्षिणी ध्रुव पर सफलतापूर्वक…
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searchsystem · 10 months
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Shreyansh Onial & Aditya Pandharpure / Nothing Npod (1) – White Edition / Audio Player (Concept) / 2023
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janhindustan-blog · 1 year
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nidhi-writes · 1 year
ULLANGKAVAR KALVAN - ArunMozhi & Vaanathi (Oneshot coming soon)
Thodudaiya seviyan vidaiyaeriyor thooven mathi soodi~~~ thodudaiya seviyan vidaiyaeriyor thooven mathi soodi kaadudaiya sudalai podi poosi en ullangkavar kalvan~~~~~ kaadudaiya sudalai podi poosi en ullangkavar kalvan
As she sings those words with small tears peaking out of her curtain-like eyelashes, as whimpers out the song again and again with so much to say yet to remain in silence.
She was relieved when she was finally able to see the love of her life breathing and slowly healing from the fever he got by facing death. As she sat on the balcony facing the ocean where the sky meet it and how conjoin both sky and sea. But in reality, they never get to touch each other, never cherish their longings same as she is now.
As thoughts clouded her mind, her bad luck and inferiority peaked in. She was neither the beauty nor the brave. She doesn't have anything to give to her Prince who is the combination of everything she is not. As her tears clouded her eyes just like thoughts she hoped that she can at least be near him even if it is not as his wife but even as a woman who can help him to be well.
Will her love for him be enough? What if he does not see her as the one he wants to marry? Will she be able to accept that fate?
Full oneshot : Ullangkavar Kalvan
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                                                    Stay Tuned!!
@chiyaanvikram @willkatfanfromasia​ @whippersnappersbookworm​ @thatacademic​ @celestesinsight​ @curiousgalacticsoul​ @thelekhikawrites​ @hollogramhallucination @nspwriteups @yehsahihai ... If you guys have time let me know your thoughts on this!! 
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realjediverse · 1 year
India Successfully Launched its First Mission to the Sun!
India successfully launched its first mission to the Sun on September 2, 2023, from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota. The spacecraft, called Aditya-L1, is named after Aditya, the Hindu god of the Sun. It is a solar observation mission that will study the Sun’s atmosphere, magnetic field, and solar wind. Aditya-L1 will travel to a point in space called the Sun-Earth Lagrange point 1…
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khabarwala247 · 1 year
Aditya L1 Launch: चांद के बाद अब सूर्य पर भारत, आदित्य एल-1 किया गया लॉन्च
भारत अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन (ISRO) आज शनिवार को सूर्य का अध्ययन करने के लिए अपना आदित्य-एल1 मिशन (Aditya L1 Mission) सफलतापूर्वक लॉन्च कर दिया है। आदित्य एल1 मिशन चंद्रयान-3 मिशन के समान दृष्टिकोण अपनाएगा।
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