#Adios till tomorrow
fisbybaconey · 4 months
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Upload schedule might get fucked up again! Why? Cuz i chose wrong time to be active and semester exam almost arrive so im kinda fucked lmao. Sorrryaauuughhhvmm.
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luc1fersducky · 6 months
exams start tomorrow till fucking JUNE i am bombing myself adios
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comparatist · 1 year
04.04.23 |
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~ tomorrow is an internal on sangati and queer feminist criticisms. i'm still clueless about the latter, though i have finished revising sangati and currently looking at gendering caste [uma chakravarty] and women and the hindu right [tanika sarkar, urvashi butalia] for reference. i'll start with the queer feminist criticism in the afternoon. till then, adios!
🎧: i've realised that soft music doesn’t work for me when i study. metal music is literally what makes it. took some offtime to listen to love yourself by bts to detox brain.
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Decided to give this a break till tomorrow, so I'll leave today's live watchthrough with this.
Seeing Athena try to bring everyone's spirits up with an unrelated topic, only to make the situation even worse, was painful. She's TRYING, your Honour!
Hope you enjoyed this brief post-spam, there'll be more when I find the time to continue lol.
Adios! (^ ^)
Oh yeah, Junithena and Justicykes are currently neck-and-neck in case you were following along at home. It was close, but it looks like I have to compare Apollos to oranges on this one! Hehe!
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alfalfaaarya · 2 years
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I posted 553 times in 2022
That's 325 more posts than 2021!
261 posts created (47%)
292 posts reblogged (53%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 404 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#studyblr - 206 posts
#productivity - 152 posts
#study motivation - 143 posts
#med school - 137 posts
#neetpreparation - 135 posts
#study hard - 132 posts
#study blog - 129 posts
#aesthetic - 125 posts
#productivity streak - 116 posts
#stdyblr - 114 posts
Longest Tag: 31 characters
#february productivity challenge
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Day 10 of 14 day productivity streak 📝
Hola !
Revised only physics today -
🌱 Basic Math for Physics
🌱 Vectors
🌱 Units and Dimensions
🌱Centre Of Mass
Alsoooooooooo meet my new study buddy - Green !
71 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
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1/10 DOP 📝
Hola !
Starting a 10 day Productivity streak till my 11th full syllabus mock test .
Anyone who wants to stay accountable to their studies is welcome to join this 10 day productivity streak ! Upload your to do list or tell us how much studying you got done or whatever you like ( study related ofc ) ! You can tag me .
I'm done with : Work Power Energy MCQ Practice for one hour , Anatomy of Flowering Plants MCQ Practice and Digestion and Absorption MCQ Practice .
Left to do : Mechanics Revision . ( Rotation , Collison, Centre of Mass)
87 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
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Hola !
It was a productive day .
But , I couldn't get a couple of things on my to do list done .
I hope tomorrow can be better !
117 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
Guess who just got into med school
172 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"On the ground, a rock is just a rock. But when moving at high speed through the atmosphere, a rock becomes a meteor—alive with fire and burning bright.People are not so different. Without activity, we are lifeless and dull. When moving fast and taking action, we come alive."​
~James Clear
325 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gotmilk5101520 · 3 years
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 22 It’s About Time
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It’s about time something is 1 part.
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“Where is Bulgaria?” Ah, i see. Interesting.
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How long he had that bird?
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And there goes the bird.
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“I call you forth! Argante”
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“Lady Pale”
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“Baba Yaga”
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“Eldritch Queen” Remember these names. Cause Jim won’t.
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“I come to trade”
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“Gunmar’s war for the surface lands has ravaged my village”
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“I need the power to protect my people”
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“You seek magic, but what do you bring in return?”
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“Here, my offering”
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”Carved from my own living stone” If this was a human he offer his liver.
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“You will seek Merlin’s champions”
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“and bring death to his Trollhunters!”
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You know what they say: “Magic comes with a price”
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“What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?”
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“I’ve got it! Nacho cheese”
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“And it’s “Nacho” day, either”
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*Sighs in Troll*
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“I said”
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You guys are a bit late.
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“I miss the simpler days of hunting gnomes” Ah, good old first half of season 1 days. Good times.
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“The Mega Trinidad Scorpion Burrito with spicy sour cream and pastrami” Well i love spicy food. So i have to be the judge of that (What i mean is at times my family would say something is spicy and when i try it i say it’s not. I’m so use to spicy things that it’s rare for them to burn my tongue. If that burrito is as spicy as Toby says it is, i’ll be the judge)
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“Not again!” They really need to stop feeding him
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“The Kairosect enables its bearer to step outside of time”
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“Affording the opportunity to do this”
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“What just happened?”
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“I feel so violated” Jim is looking at Toby and Claire wishing he was in Toby’s place. And Claire is wishing Jim was in Toby’s place.
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“This is amazing!” “Ow!”
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“Do you know what this means?” “We are Dio!”
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“We are Jotaro!” “We can start screaming ZA WARUDO!” “Or say Yare Yare Daze”
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“Ah! Power’s of this device are limited to three rules”
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“According to the inscription”
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“the first is that only one person can step outside of time” “So it is The World”
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“Secondly, is the time-stopping effect lasts for precisely”
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“43 minutes and 9 seconds” But why that precise time?
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“And the third?”
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“You can only use it, uh...”
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“Three times”
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“Wait! You just used that thing, like twice”
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“Well, the first, to test its ability”
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“and the second, to demonstrate it to all of you” Moral of the story is don’t let Blinky test or demonstrate anything.
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“Try to fit some sleep into your busy schedule, okay?” Yeah, i can’t fit sleep into my schedule.
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“Guillermo, no... no...” Suddenly dreaming about the series creator.
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“Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?”
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“Jim, it’s 8:30!”
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“I slept through my alarm!”
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“They’re gonna carve that on your tombstone, Jimbo” Here lies Jim Lake Jr. He died cause he slept through his alarm.
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“We got a problem!”
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“Oh, great. Now what?” “I was thinking last night”
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“Say you go through with trade and Angor’s free. How can we trust him?”
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“What do you mean?”
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“He kills Trollhunters”
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“I don’t think he’s looking to retire” Angor Rot later retires to... Uh, somewhere. You guys decide.
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“An infestation!”
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”How did you get my number?” “It was Toby!” “It was Claire!”
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She slides in. Like how she’ll slide in when- Never mind.
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“They’re revolting!”
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“I know, gnomes are disgusting”
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“No, the other kind of revolting, dear!”
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“They’ve organized to tear apart my shop!” Gnomes, you should do that here where Capitalism ruins our lives.
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“What do you mean, you can’t? You either wear the ring or make the trade”
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“I can’t stack gnomes!”
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“Not stacking! Catching!”
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“Poof! Last challenge, Lake!”
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“Just get the ring-”
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“No, you have to trade-”
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“I’m losing my mind!“
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Someone needs to help this boy.
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“Tell me” “I mean, he just seems so...”
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“It’s almost like he has this entire secret life”
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“that i don’t know anything about”
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“Wait. Oh, my gosh. What is that?”
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“I know that teenagers go through all manner of changes”
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“But what bothers me is that Jim and i have always been close”
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“I mean, i didn’t think that we would ever keep secrets from each other”
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“Are you okay?”
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“I-I truly doubt he’s keeping anything secret from you” Yeah not like something about Jim’s secret life is right in front of you.
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“Well, perhaps the issue is that he’s no longer a man-”
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“I mean”
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“Becoming a troll!”
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“Wah!” Is this some sort of foreshadowing?
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“Are you sure you’re all right?”
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“I’ve never felt better”
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“Oh, dear. Just gassy”
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“Mr. Blinky, your skin... You’re turning blue”
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“Now, i don’t want to alarm you, but i think you’re having a heart attack”
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“And are you smoking?”
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“A filthy habit. I really must quit” Wow they got away with a smoking joke.
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“Everyone, go away!” When you want to be alone.
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“Master Jim! Disaster!”
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“I’m reverting to troll form!”
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“That’s great! Isn’t that what you wanted?”
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“Yes, but in a public toilet where you mother is beating down the door! And my gronk-nuks are exposed!”
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“Blinky’s stuck in Arcadia”
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“and he’s turning into a troll”
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“My Shadow Staff is at home”
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“Tell him i’ll be right there!“
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“Why did you let me drag you into this?”
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“But how could i ever say “No” to those eyes?”
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“Jim, focus!” Took the words right out of my mouth.
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“Needs to be more gay”
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“Much better”
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“Adios, Senor Uhl” Jim should be lucky that didn’t kill him.
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Gotta deliver the coffee.
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“Jeez! Blinky!”
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“What have you been eating? Wait what’s... Oh god i just saw a gronk-nuk! I’m blind!”
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Somehow Blinky didn’t fly off.
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He shoots.
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He scores!
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Jim is having too much fun.
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“Hey, Strickler!”
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*Spits in Troll*
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Okay, JoJokes aside. I have a question about the Kairosect. When used is the whole world frozen, or is it only the town? Like say Jim goes outside of Arcadia. Will everything be frozen or not?
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“Did you just touched my butt?” “I don’t how that happened, but you do have a nice butt” “It’s true” “Thanks Eli”
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“Blinky, you’re back” “And naked. Can you get me some clothes please”
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“My soul...”
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“It’s... It’s gone”
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“My soul!”
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“You lied to me!”
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“You fool”
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“Your flesh is worth”
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“Ugh.. I feel like someone spit in my mouth”
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“The ring!”
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“Oh, no!“
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Thanks for the jump scare.
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Ring? Gone. Angor? Pissed. Hotel? Triviago.
Okay, so update. This is going on hiatus starting tomorrow cause the first episode of season 4 of ML is airing this Saturday and the Shanghai Special is Sunday. So this won’t be back till Tuesday.
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eeunoia · 4 years
An Idol’s Girl | l.ty
Note ⚠⚠⚠ : This will be my first blog so I’m sorry if it’s not good??? I really just can’t help but to write this ehe. Adios.
Summary: Y/N as a trainee and Lee Taeyong as her boyfriend. Kind of sum up everything.
This is so terrible but I can’t stop myself from writing this and posting it so rip to those who will encounter this to their newsfeeds??? hehehe. Don;t hate me tho, I’m like new to all of this so bare with me??
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"To the world, NCT! Annyeonghaseyo NCT-imnida." I smiled as I watched them bow their heads in front of their fans. My eyes stared from the first boy from the left up until to the last one. They sure crowd the whole stage with all of their members.
I can say that SM Entertainment's future will really be bright because of them. With their visual like faces and their unbelievable talents, they will surely be remarkable.
Everyone's eye catching I can say that, but one man surely captured my eyes and my heart.
I smiled when he slightly caught me staring, Lee Taeyong. He was smiling while waving at their fans but when we locked our eyes, his smile disappeared for a while.
I pursed my lips as that hurt me. Why am I even surprised? And why the hell did I went here even though I know he won't be happy with it?
I sighed heavily as I slowly squished myself out of their loud fans. They were screaming and pushing each other but luckily, I made it out alive and a whole piece.
When I was already making my way out of the venue my phone rang so I fished it out from my pocket as I slightly hugged myself because of the cold breeze.
"Where are you right now, Y/n? Did you make it in NCT's showcase?"
I smiled when I heard Jiguem Unnie's voice at the other line. She's a trainee from the Sm Entertainment together with me. We've known each other for years since we started training.
"Neh, but I'll be there in 15 minutes."
"Eh? Why?"
Of course she'll wonder why! The showcase is for 4 hours and I've been gone for only 1 hour.
I stayed silent, didn't really find the right words to say. I heard her heavy sigh and I knew she already figured out what happen.
"What did your asshole boyfriend did once again?"
The corner of my lips rose up not because I'm happy. But because of how I find things awful. He's my boyfriend and I'm just trying to support him.
"N-Nothing," i almost hit myself in my imagination because I stuttered.
"You know what? I can't believe why you still endure that relationship of yours with Lee Taeyong when you can just break up with him."
"I love him." that's the sad fact here. I love Taeyong but I'm not sure if he still feel the same way towards me.
We met the first time when our President wants the trainees to perform in one of the company's family concert. We were thrilled when we first heard about it. It will be the time Sm Ent. will introduce their trainees.
So all of us were gathered in one of the meeting halls to discuss about the said event. There is where I met him. I didn't like him at first because I don't like the way he makes me nervous.
With his visual that looks like he's been pulled off from an anime, he surely looks unreal. He have this sharp features that made him look intimidating.
It was hard for me to get close with him when I find it easy with the others. I'm a very friendly person and I get along with other people pretty well so I find it odd for me to feel different around him. That's when I realize I like him.
After a month of knowing each other, Jaehyun told me that Taeyong wanted to be close to me. I didn't believed it at first as I never saw him try. But then he started showing interest at me. He asked me out in coffee dates during our free days. It was fun!
Soon we slowly grew feelings for each other that pretty much led into a relationship. It was great actually. The first three months were just us showing how much we cared for one another. The management even knows about us and didn't really went against. I was close with his co-trainees as well.
We were doing fine until they started getting busy for their debut as NCT U. I was very excited for him and really rooting for his success. I knew how hardworking he is so he deserves this.
But as he slowly approach his dream, thats when we grew apart. We started hanging out less. I understand it of course. We started having big fights that led me to sleepless nights.
Our relationship went from a happy one to a dull commitment. My friends kept on telling me to just let him go because they think it's just not meant to be, but I'm just stubborn. I want to hold on. I don't know why, but I want to.
"Still no text?" I glanced over one of my co-trainee when she asked me that. She probably noticed I've been checking my phone too many times today.
I shook my head slowly and pouted my lips because of unhappy feeling that I've felt.
"Maybe he's just busy, Y/n-ah." Jiguem unnie said trying to lighten up my mood.
"I'm texting Mark, he said they're not busy today." Koeun said frankly.
I sighed heavily as it slowly sink into me. I get it! He's avoiding me. But I just don't know his reason! I can't remember that we argue about something? The last time we talk is me saying good luck for their comeback! I even let him do as he please, I don't confront him for all the days he's been so cold to me. I let that pass since I want him to focus with his comeback.
"Maybe he's cheating behind your back?" My thoughts were interrupted by one of the other trainees. We all looked at her in unison.
"(Trainee name)!" the other trainees called out her name with their warning tone. I saw how she just gave us a shrug.
I'm close to all of them and they're all just worried about me. They don't want Taeyong taking me for granted.
"What? We can't just feed Y/n lies! We have to be honest here. We all know her boyfriend is being an asshole so if he's cheating behind her back won't shock me at all." She said then rolled her eyes.
I understand her. She cares for me that's why she's like that. She doesn't want me to be hurt.
I unconsciously bit my nails as the possibility suddenly kicks in my thought. My heard thump in distress as I silently wish it won't be true. I knew for some reason that he loves me. Not as much as I probably love him but I'm sure he still loves me, right? I mean he won't stay in a relationship with me if he doesn't.
"Just confront him about it. Ask him why he's acting this way." Jiguem unnie suggested that I ended up just agreeing to. I don't have a choice because I also think that will be the best decision to do right now.
I'm here waiting for him outside their apartment building. It's just a couple of blocks away from where we're staying so I just walked myself here. It's already night time so nobody's around. The streets are dead silent and almost scary if it wasn't for the peaceful vibe.
I breath in some fresh air and tried to sit at the corner to wait for him. Jaehyun said that Taeyong usually go in the convenient store during this time to avoid people so he'll be out anytime soon.
I snapped my head over the other side when I heard some noise and there he is. Lee Taeyong wearing his hoody and a sweat pants. He didn't have his hood on so it was easy for me to notice his bright red hair color.
I smiled at the sight of him and felt how I badly I missed him. I was about to walk towards him but my steps halted when I saw him happily talking through his phone. Who is he talking to?
"Taeyong oppa." I called him. He looked at me and his smile slowly fades.
"I'll call you again." He said. He hangs up then looked at me. I wanted to ask who it was but I just want to hug him. I haven't seen him for weeks!
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" There isn't a smiling Taeyong anymore. Now, only a slightly mad with furrowing brows Taeyong is present.
"Jaehyun oppa said you usually go out during this hour so I tried my luck and hoped I'll see you." I said then pout. I saw how he clenched his jaw then sighed heavily.
"Come on, I'll take you back to your dorm." I just gave him a nod before walking behind him.
At least I got to walk with him and spend a couple of minutes together, right?
The girls and I are now sharing a dorm since they're already planning our debut. Finally.
Since it wasn't that far, we arrived fast. I was pouting and a little sad since we haven't really talk even during the walk.
I faced him and bit my lip as I saw him staring at me intently. It wasn't the same way he stares at me but I don't care. I believe that I can still fix this. I can still fix us.
"Taeyong, can we hang out tomorrow?" I asked him smiling. He sighed.
"You know I can't be seen in public, right?"  He sounded a bit sarcastic that made me sad even more. He never been sarcastic to me before just when he wants to tease me.
"I didn't mean we go out in public places. We c-can hang out in the Sm Building like before." I said really trying to spend some time with him.
His eyes were cold while staring at me. Like as if he was staring at someone he doesn't know, someone he doesn't care about. And it hurst me. It hurts me big time.
"I'm busy. Why tomorrow?" he asked carelessly.
I felt my eyes heated up after what he asked and I just tried to pull up a smile so he won't notice it.
"Ah~ Nothing! Nevermind, thank you for walking me here and take care on your way back." I said then bowed my head before hurrying myself inside.
I sighed. A deep one. How come he always forgot our monthsary?
When I entered the dorm, they were all in the living room watching some kdrama. They were laughing but when they saw me, their mood changes up.
"What happened? Why are you back so early?" one of them asked.
"Where is Taeyong? Did you guys talk?"
"Hey, are you okay?" Jiguem unnie asked and it almost made me breakdown right there. But I stopped myself. I put so much trouble in us already. I don't want them getting messed up because of my emotions.
I tried smiling but I didn't know if it went well.
"I'm okay. I'll head to my room first." And I didn't wait for their response. I just walk my ass in my room like a lifeless creature.
When I made it inside the room felt quiet and empty. I hated it. I used to fill this room with laughter and giggles because of him but now it's plain... lifeless. Like me.
I was about to lay down when my phone beeped. I lazily fished it from my pocket and saw that Jaehyun sent me a message.
I think Taeyong is cheating behind your back, Y/n. I'm sorry.
Part 2
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flaminga · 3 years
Happy birthday to me!~
Yep, it's my birthday, im 14 now so :D
thank you to my friends and followers and you will all get your slice of cake sometime today, tomorrow or in the future
I'll see you all till then, bye! 💜
Feliz cumpleaños a mi!~
Es my cumpleaños hoy y yo cumplo mis 14! (Un año mas hasta mi quinceañera lol)
Quiero decirle gracias a todos mis seguidores y a todos mis amigos, recibirán su pedazo de pastel de tres leches hoy, mañana o en el futuro
Los veo hasta entonces, adios! 💙
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fisbybaconey · 2 years
Also anottah doodas for todae
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Surely Pepperman can make the best Monalisa ;))
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Me thinkin that's dress she wearin on that album.Mm yes that is good
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Da noise's hair aint canon, yet.im just takin it from wiki fandom
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DAY 13 - 18 / 30
8 May, 2020 - 13 May, 2020
Hiya all,
Yep it's 30 dop and not 15 anymore. I guess since the exams have been postponed I need to study a bit more.
I've taken a lot of break days in the middle anyway so the study days need to be extended too :)
Modern physics ( notes + questions)
Daily organic lecture with @nineballbutmakeitstudy :)
Reduce instagram time usage
Write one poem atleast
And try not to let my depression take over me + drink water. ( these are just to motivate and remind myself sorry for being weird)
Anyway I'll be back tomorrow with the progress.
Till then adios and wish me luck!
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sebxvettel · 4 years
i’m leaving tumblr tonight before i say something, adios till tomorrow homies
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kittyotakunoir666 · 5 years
Felinette Month Day 2: Magic
Felinette Month Day 2: Magic
Mermaid in the Bathtub AU (Here)
While exploring the wreckage of a huge storm, Character A finds a mermaid on the beach, bleeding and unconscious. Naturally, Character A takes them home and puts them in their bathtub; Character A hopes that they can heal this mermaid back to health.
Character B is that mermaid, and the last thing they remember is being tossed by a huge wave. Waking up, Character B is surprised to find that their wounds bandaged and Character A is watching them anxiously.
The gang would be in their mid-late twenties.
Everyone is human except for Marinette and Nyx (OC) 
D1 D2  D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 D26 D27 D28 D29 D30
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It was a dark and stormy night but Marinette loved nights like these. Reason being that the humans wouldn’t be able to see her and she would be able to check out the storm. She was able to swim as close as she wanted to the shore. But soon the storm was getting stronger and more dangerous, Marinette decided to return to her hidden cave near the top caves. 
As Marinette started making her way home she didn’t calculate the strength of the waves. Soon she was fighting just to swim straight and had trouble seeing where she was going. Because she couldn’t see where she was going, she had to go to the surface to see her surroundings before diving back in. A huge wave was coming her way, so when she surfaced as she crept closer to her cave she noticed it too late and was caught by the wave.
Marinette screamed at first as she felt her one of her tail-fins rip and rocks and pieces of wood stabbing her in the stomach and scraping her arms. Marinette then blacked out from all the pain that she was washed away with the wave as it headed to the shores of the beach.
Felix was not happy about the storm as he knew that with the storm came human trash and an ocean mess. Felix lived near the sea and had a private part of the beach so he knew that he would need to clean the beach by himself or pay people to do it for him. Lord knows he will probably get his friends to help him instead since they owe him for roping him into their crazy ideas, Nyx was his favorite since she actually thought things through and did try to get him out of the crazy ideas when she knew she could and warn him when she knew wouldn’t be able to. 
Other than the storm leaving a mess, he was actually enjoying his time alone. He decided to have some coffee to warm him up and watch TV. He settled himself on the couch putting his coffee on his coffee table and began to rewatch his guilty pleasure, Supernatural. He had made it to the fourth season before deciding that he should head to bed, as he made his way up to his room he saw through the window by the stairs a giant wave coming to his side of the beach and he let out a sigh knowing that with a wave-like that it would bring trash from the bottom of the ocean.
He got ready for bed before settling into his bed and got comfortable. As he drifted off to sleep he only had one thought.
What sort of things would the waves have washed up on his beach
6 am the next morning
The next morning Felix had made a point of getting ready for the day and checking out the wreckage of his beach. He also decided to hire a team to clean the beach though he would help them. He had his breakfast and put on rain boots to protect his feet from anything dangerous. He exited through his balcony since it led to the beach and started walking through the mess and made his way through washed-up old boat pieces, tangled up seaweed, and human trash (ME). As he got closer to the cave near his beach he noticed a figure near a wreckage a small boat.
He had begun to panic as he ran to the figure thinking it was a human who got caught in the storm last night and was probably dead. He had not been prepared but what he really saw, there in front of him was a sea creature thought to be a myth.
A Mermaid.
Looking closer Felix saw that the mermaid had a slash across her stomach, small cuts here and there on her arms, face, and tail, bruises had begun appearing on her body but the biggest damage may have been her tail fin. The tail fin had a big tear and part of it was hanging off. The mermaid was covered in both dried blood and fresh blood. Felix noted that the mermaid although unconscious was reacting to the pain she was feeling. She then let out a whimper of pain.
Felix then took action, he picked up the mermaid and began to make his way back to his house. Walking back he made sure that he wasn’t putting further pain on the mermaid. Once he arrived back at his house he reentered through the back exist. He swiftly made his way through the living room, up the stairs, though his room, and into his bathroom. He then set her in his bathtub and started looking for his first aid kit under the sink. 
Once he found it he began to disinfect the slash on her stomach and the cuts and tears on her arms, face, and tail. He then bandaged the slash on her stomach and did his best to bandage the tear of her fin tail. The bandages were waterproof so they would stay on her body until they need to be changed. He also put ointment on the bruises to lessen the pain from then. Next, he opened his bathtub’s faucet to fill the bathtub with water. 
As he waited for the tub to fill up he took another look at the mermaid in front of him. She had long flowy black hair with hints of dark blue put into pigtails with flowers tangled in her hair and was wearing a pink bikini top with a flower design on it. Her tail was beautiful, it was pink fading into a red color, black polka-dots were on the bottom part of her tail, it was shimmery, her tail fin was actually three fins at the end of her tail, one big fin and two side fins. Not to mention that her tail fins were dangling outside the bathtub since her tail took the majority of the tub.
Her tail was where his interest peaked because it proved she was real, that mermaids were real. 
Felix turned off the faucet and decided that he should probably clean up the mess he made and clean up the first aid kit. He made a mental note to get more bandages and disinfection ointment. He got up and decided that he should probably get started on cleaning his private beach. As he was getting ready he heard his doorbell ring. As he went to check who was at his door he prayed that it was the cleaning team he hired instead of one of his friends. 
He wasn’t that lucky.
He was lucky though that it was only his friend, Nyx.
“Hola Azucar” Nyx greeted Felix walking inside the house carrying a plastic bag with containers in it, she headed to Felix’s kitchen was located and set the bag on the counter while taking a seat at the counter, “I just dropped by to give you your lunch and dessert and to also tell you that the cleaning service you hired won’t be here till tomorrow”
“Wait, What, Why?” Felix asked perplexed. He had followed her to his kitchen and was taking the containers she set on the counter to put them in the fridge, “Do you want something to drink or…”
“No thanks, I’m good,” Nyx said to him, Felix grabbed his teapot and put water so he could have some tea after Nyx left, He knew she wouldn’t stay long by the tone she gave.
“Alright what else, you usually don’t turn down my offer of a drink unless you have bad news to give or your in a hurry to go somewhere,” Felix asked her
Nyx flinched before sighing, “You know me well, Felix.”
“I’m your best friend, of course, I do” Felix reminded her
Nyx gave him a smile, “I just got terrible news that the company just lost some money because of a small scandal involving one Adrien Agreste and Lila Rossi. That set people’s eyes on your company since Lila claimed she was having your child. I’ll be able to disprove every ounce of that claim and the scandal but my god will it give me a headache. So I gotta head to the office now and I’ll get back to you”
“What would I do without you at my company?” Felix said with a smirk on his face
“Crash and burn” Nyx laughed as she got up and headed to the front door, “I’ll come back when this mess is handled but other then that enjoy your vacation week we forced you to take.”
“No need to worry about me,” Felix told her
“I am literally the only person you consider family in this city,” Nyx reminded him as she opened the door, “Adios, Azucar. And your teapot will whistle after I leave. Adios”
The moment she closed the door the teapot did indeed began to whistle. Felix shook his head before asking himself, “How does she always do that”
Felix went through his day as normal as he could, although he had been drinking a ton of tea to keep him from freaking out about the mermaid, before going back up around midday to check if the mermaid had woken up yet and to change her bandages. When he got to his room he set his tea on top of his nightstand and went into the bathroom. It would seem the mermaid hadn’t woken up yet but her injuries have bled through the bandages and were beginning to stain the water. So he got out the first aid kit again, he still had enough supplies to bandage her one more time before he would need to go out and get some more. 
He drained the bloody water and used a towel to dry her up as much as he could. He then began to treat the wounds again. After he bandaged her up again he reopened the water to fill the bathtub again. Afterward, Felix just sat there looking at her worried and anxious, he was wondering if the mermaid would ever wake up. The mermaid started waking up and Felix began to get even more anxious. 
Marinette slowly waking up and winced in pain before looking at her body. She took notice of the bandages and touched the one on her stomach. She started feeling someone staring at her so she lifted her head from staring at her wounds and looked to where she felt the staring come from. There on her left was a human man looking anxiously at her. 
She began to panic.
Marinette wasn’t ever supposed to let her be seen by a human, no mermaid was allowed to be seen by humans. Sure, it wasn’t illegal in our law but it was highly advertised not to be seen for their own safety. Although Marinette's family really never enforced that particular rule, she never understood why. Not to mention that there is one human that everyone trusts since she has kept them secret for all her life and has kept them up to date with the humans of the land, especially since she really isn’t completely human.
Anyway back to the task at hand, Marinette was seen by a human and was supposedly in their house. She tried not to panic as the human just stared at her and they both stayed silent. Not to mention she was confused, the last thing she remembers before blacking out was that a huge wave came crashing down as she tried making her way back home. As she moved her hands she touched the bandages on her. 
“Did you bandage me up human?” Marinette asked the human who just kept staring at her
“Yes, I did,” He answered, “I found you on the seashore when I was examining the wreckage storm brought in last night. You were unconscious for most of the day, right now it’s around sunset.”
“I see,” Marinette said taking in the information given to her. She examined all her wounds and by the looks of it, she was in serious need of some healing especially since by the looks of it her tail was torn a bit, “Thank you for bandaging me up human”
“Felix, My name is Felix Culpa,” Felix told her as she looked back to him, she gave him a small smile,
“Well thank you, Felix, for helping me heal” Marinette thanked him again before introducing herself, “My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng”
“It’s nice to meet you Marinette” Felix greeted her extending his hand. 
Marinette stared at his hand before giving him her own and shaking it, “Nice to meet you too.”
“So, Marinette, may I ask how you got caught in yesterday’s storm?” Felix asked her as he decided to go get his chair from his desk and bring it into the bathroom. Marinette watching him from a distance. 
“Well that’s because I was enjoying the storm because us mermaids and mermen and basically my species love watching the storms since it is our kings who confer them up” Marinette informed him
“I see,” was all Felix said as he was gathering the information in his head, “but I’m guessing that you didn’t count on that huge wave taking you out.”
Marinette nodded to his guess to agree with it before answering, “I was making my way back to my home but since the ocean was darker than usual I had to keep resurfacing to see where I was heading as to not get lost unfortunately when I came back up I hadn’t noticed the wave until it was too late, usually we mermaids are strong swimmers but the wave was too big for me to handle and so the wave caught me and I blacked out. That's about all I can remember because next thing I know I’m here in your bathtub, I presume, talking to you”
“Wait you know it’s a bathtub?” Felix asked her. He had guessed hat mermaids wouldn’t know much about land things since they live in the ocean.
“We do, the five kings of the ocean long ago had made sure that even if we lived in the ocean and hiding out from the humans that we should at least keep track of what has been going on on the land. Thing is we didn’t know how, until one day this human found the five kings, the kings were afraid this human would harm them or use them but in the end, they didn’t need to worry because this human was nice and she had told them that she herself may be human but she wasn’t completely human. She had told them that because of what happened in her childhood she would live forever but was allowed to decide how old she would be to blend in. So she had made a promise to the five kings, the promise was to keep as much information as she could and to build a place where she would meet the kings or any merperson to keep track of the land above water”
“Wait so this person has been around for a long time gathering information to give to the merpeople?” Felix asked. He was sitting on the chair he had brought in thankful that he had gotten the comfortable one since it would seem she will be telling him about her people’s history.
Marinette nodded at his question before answering, “Yes, I personally have never seen her, but many have and they say that she is very smart.” 
“I would think so if she has gathered the amount of information about our world as you say she has,” Felix said thoughtfully. He was starting to wonder who that person could be.
“They also say she has magic, which she would have to have earned if she gained immortality, and that she hides her face though we don’t know why” Marinette continued
“Are you comfortable Marinette?” Felix asked her out of nowhere. He was actually worried that she might be uncomfortable, especially since she was bandaged up.
“Not really, I would be able to heal quickly if I was back at my home because I have my mermaid pool there,” Marinette confessed, she had been trying not to show any discomfort but she could only hide so much. “But I wouldn’t be able to make it considering my tailfin is damaged.”
“What’s a mermaid pool?” Felix asked her curious about Marinette's life.
“It’s a pool of water us mermaids create in our homes that since it was created by a mermaid will have magic flowing through it, combine that with the mermaid’s powers and we can heal ourselves quickly.” Marinette explained to him, “Thing is that if I leave my home unintended for too long the magic of the water will fade and I will have to create a new one. But to create a new one we have to find another sweet spot because all places have to also match the merperson to actually create the mermaid pool. That’s why most merpeople never stray from their homes and most of them choose underground caves in the middle of the ocean, that way other merpeople can help take you home for you to heal and also because there are no humans to see you” 
“Then why are you here? If I may ask?” Felix questioned her
“The simple answer would be because I was curious about how it would be living near humans but the not so simple answer, I’m actually drawn here and I don’t mean the land, no I mean here, here as in this city, this place and I don’t know why. So I began to live here and began to wait and see what came from living near here.” She answered, “But now here I am hurt and unable to get back to my home”
Felix looked at her for a while, he saw how Marinette was saddened by the fact that she may have to move somewhere else and leave this place to create a new magic body of water. So what came next really surprised both him and Marinette.
“What if I could take you to your home?” He asked her, “That way you would be able to heal quickly and not have to leave you home”
Marinette stared at him after his suggestion before looking away and looking at her tail instead. She looked like she was considering it. She was asking herself if it was going to be dangerous. With her track record, it probably would be. She finally made her decision. She turned back to Felix before speaking. 
“That would be the best option considering I can’t swim in my condition, but to get to my home you will have to go underwater since the entrance is underwater. Will you be up to the task of getting me home?” Marinette asked him staring right in his eyes
Before he could answer, a voice was heard from the bathroom’s doorway which made Felix stood up from his chair. 
They both turned and saw that it was Nyx, Felix’s friend, and his assistant. All three of them just stared at each other in silence before Nyx was the one who broke it while walking inside the bathroom and closing the door behind her “I am gonna need a lot of Tequila and then I'm gonna need a nap”
“What are you doing here Nyx?” Felix asked her as he sat back down. 
“I came to tell you that I handled the scandal Lila Rossi tried to put on you and now our company is back to making money instead of losing it” Nyx informed him as she stood in front of the tub staring at the bandages of the mermaid, “By the looks of it you are gonna need more bandages in your first aid kit aren’t you? Because that looks like a nasty slash and if that’s what it looks like now I can only imagine what it looked like when it was fresh”
“How are you so calm about this?” Felix ask her as he just stared at his friend, “I had to drink most of my calming tea just to keep me from freaking out”
“Felix,” Nyx began by saying his name which made his eyes widen. Nyx only uses people's real names when she is serious, serious and is about to tell you very important information, “The reason I’m not freaked out is that I already knew merpeople existed”
While the two had been talking Marinette was staring at this new human who goes by the name Nyx. Her voice sounded familiar, calming as if she heard it long ago. She couldn’t put her finger on it but she sounded so familiar and when she said she knew of the existence of merpeople she had to ask. “How do you know about us?” 
This made Felix and Nyx looked at her. Nyx stared at her before smiling and answering her question, “You know Marinette, you know exactly who I am deep down. I also know about you and your need to be near this city”
That’s when Marinette realized that yes she did know, she was just telling Felix about her. But how did she know about Marinette? Felix had also caught on, he realized at the same time Marinette did that his friend must have been the immortal being.
“Wait, Nyx, are you saying that your the human the merpeople go to, to get knowledge of our world?” Felix asked his long-time friend. Nyx gave him a nod.“Ok, that’s. Wow” 
“How do you know my name? How do you know about m need to be near this city, this place?” Marinette asked her desperately
Nyx shook her head and spoke, “That will have to be answered another day, Marinette, for now, we have to get you back to your home and get you healed or your tailfin will have that tear forever.” Nyx then turned to Felix and he stood up from his chair, “Now I do believe that you offered to get her home, right”
Felix nodded before he spoke, “Yes I did and she has just informed me on how to get inside her home”
“My home is actually underneath a surface cave near the shoreline” Marinette informed them
“That would be near here actually, Huh, for once I did not see that coming,” Nyx said confused. Felix gave a small nod thinking that it would be nice to visit her shall Marinette allowed it. “It is getting late so it might be best to move her now when no one will be near the beach. I can provide us with some light in the dark with my magic and Felix since you are completely human you will have to take a potion to breathe underwater.”
“Ok, do you have the potion with you?” Felix asked her
“Yes, actually,” Nyx said looking through her purse before getting a vial with the potion inside, “Take it like a shot because it will taste nasty”
Felix made a face at that before taking the vial and asking? “How long will it last?”
Nyx winced at this which made him worried before she spoke, “It will last for a year or more since I accidentally put it to much of the ingredient that controlled the time for it”
Felix’s eyes widened at that before thinking it over and responded with, “It could be worse so I’m actually okay with that”
Nyx just nodded. Nyx and Marinette both watched as Felix drank the potion before pulling a face at it. That got a giggle out of both girls. Felix then carefully grabbed Marinette carrying her bridal style and started making his way out of the bathroom with Nyx opening the doors for him. Once they made it outside the house Nyx quickly conjured up a light orb and held it as they made their way through the trash on the shore. They then moved inside the cave once they made it there and slowly made their way into the water. Once in the water, Marinette grabbed Felix from behind and Felix began to swim with Nyx guiding them with the light at the directions Marinette was giving them. They arrived at the entrance of the cave tunnels and were slowly making their way through and up into the hidden cave. Once there they saw the magic mermaid pool began to glow at the presence of the injured mermaid. Felix put her in the pool and Marinette sunk into the pool until they couldn’t see her anymore. Marinette had been inside the pool for a long time that Felix and Nyx were wondering if they should leave. Just as they both were about to make a decision Marinette’s head popped up from the water.
“I know you have to leave soon but will you both come to visit me?” Marinette asked nervously
Felix and Nyx looked at each other before turning to Marinette. Felix spoke first, “I know I will and it’s easier for me since I live near here”
“I’ll also come to visit when I can but it will take time since I live within the city,” Nyx said.
Both answers made Marinette happy and they bid themselves goodbye. As the two friends took their leave they all were wondering what the future shall tell. 
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Let me kiss those lips
Pairing: Roceit
Warnings: sympathetic Deceit (named Ethan), uhhh dubiously consensual kisses I guess (kissing someone to shut them up, but the person is completely on board with it), let me know if there's anything I missed
Summary: Roman and Ethan practice their lines for the school play.
Two pining idiots try to act as a lovesick couple, what could go wrong?
Thanks to @logical-but-anxious for the prompt!
Word count: 582
"Oh Julien, your eyes shine brighter than the moonlight. Whatever would I be without your light to guide me? Truly, I would be lost!"
Ethan flushed, but quickly stuttered out: "You would be just fine, dear Romeo. You have your own beauty to light your way." At that Roman reached out over the script in his hand to close the gap and grip his free hand. "Oh but I'm nothing but a mirror. I only shine when you are close, my sun."
"I thought it was the moon?", Ethan mumbled. Roman sighed dramatically. "Come, Julien! Let me embrace you one last time." He tugged on his hand quickly, sending Ethan tumbling into his lap with a surprised yelp. "Let me kiss those lips, as a goodbye, but as a promise that I will return soon."
"Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait!", He sat up abruptly, almost hitting his head against Roman's, who'd leant over, and scrambled for the script he'd dropped. "Are we- I-I mean... I forgot my line, where were we? Are you sure it's time for the kiss already?" His face was burning bright red and he knew he was tripping over his words right now, but couldn't stop himself.
"Why yes, I am... It says right here", Roman pointed at the page, marked with bright glittery pink text marker, "'Let me kiss those lips' blah blah, blah blah, and then they kiss." Ethan stared at the page dumbly, not believing his eyes. He had helped write the scene, yet it still always caught him off guard.
Roman sighed, dropping out of character as he ran a hand through his hair. "Look, I get it if you don't want to kiss me, but the premiere is tomorrow and I'd rather be sure we know what we're doing the-"
He was cut off by Ethans lips pressed against his. His eyes closed instinctively, but Ethans were still wide open as he was frozen like that for a moment. Then he all but jumped away, eyes wide with gay fear. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- You probably meant fake kiss, shit I'm so sorry!"
Roman sat, still frozen in shock, staring at his friend, co-actor and longtime crush, absolutely in awe. Ethan looked like he was about to bolt out of the front door though, so he did the only logical thing he could think of.
"Such sweetness. This kiss shall nourish me till the day we meet again my love." He gently took his hand and placed a featherlight kiss on the back of it. "Adios..." Ethan blinked. Once, twice, three times, sure he'd just dreamt that. Roman smirked as he leant over to tap on the script. "You missed your line Dee."
The tips of his ears burned as Ethan quickly glanced down at the page. "I-I..." He swallowed heavily, his throat suddenly dry. "And if it would not be enough, I swear I will greet you with a thousand more, my rose." He heaved a sigh as he leant back, dropped the script and covered his bright red face with both hands. Finally they were done...
"Well that ending was a little weak there. But you're looking pretty, I'll go get you something to drink before we go through it again dear." And with that and a kiss to the cheek Roman got up and disappeared to the kitchen. Ethan dropped his hands from his face and stared after him in shock. Had that really just happened?
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alfalfaaarya · 3 years
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17/21 DOP ✨
Hola !
I have been studying for my topic wise test which is tomorrow :`)
Till now I'm done with
Revision of Alcohols Phenols and Ethers
PYQs of Alcohols Phenols and Ethers
Revision of Human Reproduction
Revision of Reproductive Health
I have a lot of work to be done :`)
P.S ~
I watched this really helpful video by Ali Abdaal which gave me an epic idea to complete my Biology revision quickly 😁
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gojuo · 4 years
God has return Do you remember when we were together Everything goes wrong imma make it better Spotlight shine on me I’m hot like fire Yeah I’m right here now Imma be here for ya (Look at me now look at me now) God has return I’m back how you feel? I’m back how you feel? I’m back how you feel? Now that I’m here with you I’m back how you feel? Waiting for this all year I’m back how you feel? Now I can rock with you Primo Too much to do Living in a life with too many rules With too many fools not tellin’ the truth So we should sit back, just sit back (Ey) I don’t wanna know nothing This got my brain keep spinning Tell them we gon’ do this tomorrow Get this outta my mind, my mind, my mind Living in the fast lane, people hating me No time for them haters, tell ‘em get off me (U get off me) Feel like I made it (You can’t touch me) Oh yeah we made it (Ya ya) Pull up wit my crew Stepping in one two Show up blow up Yeah that’s just how we do do Pull up wit my crew Stepping in one two Show up blow up Yeah that’s just how we do do I’m back how you feel? I’m back how you feel? I’m back how you feel? Now that I’m here with you I’m back how you feel? Waiting for this all year I’m back how you feel? Now I can rock with you Siente el ritmo, vamos a bailar I know what you waiting for Get ready for some more Yeah baby trae unas amigas Mamita, Te llamo No digas adios Work it work it Work it work it Dance till somebody know how we do it girl A! I did it did it I did it made it Vamos a disfrutar hoy Imma throw that money money Ey we can tell them mañana Not today eh Go away eh We gon’ play eh Tell them mañana Not today eh Go away eh We gon’ play eh Tell them mañana Tell them mañana I’m back how you feel? I’m back how you feel? I’m back how you feel? Now that I’m here with you I’m back how you feel? Waiting for this all year I’m back how you feel? Now I can rock with you I’m back how you feel? I’m back how you feel? I’m back how you feel? Now that I’m here with you I’m back how you feel? Waiting for this all year I’m back how you feel? Now I can rock with you
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strawberry-lemonade · 5 years
here is a WIP that i will never finish
"Excuse me, but I happen to think Mávri gáta is hilarious. Those puns are spot on."
Aria opened her mouth and paused, before closing it again.
"Zào Fortuna has got spots right?."
"Wait were you trying to aim a pun at her, but then forgot if she had spots?
"Uh, maybe..."
"Dude, you're an idiot in every sense of the word."
Aria hung her head.
"...I know."
"That's nice."
Aria threw a pillow at her before exploding in a fit of giggles.
"Mooncaaaake! You're supposed to give me a hug and say sorry!"
Marinette sighed and blew her nails before turning to look at Aria.
"We both know how that goes down."
Aria sighed and stood up.
"Have you heard from Adrien in the past few days?"
"You know what? I haven't."
"Last time I talked to him, he told me he got a boyfriend."
"He did? Why didn't I know about that?"
"Babe, weren't you on the other line?"
"Uh... I think I fell asleep."
"Wow. You really need to stop staying up all night on commissions."
"Speaking of, any news about that stuff?"
"Well, from what I've heard, my little sister from another mister is traveling to Gotham because her fashion business has taken off. 'The mysterious designer MDC has bypassed Gabriel Agreste in the polls!' 
"Well, what you heard is true-'
"I also heard that you get to stay in Wayne Manor and bring a friend. Maybe Sabine?"
"What? And risk her finding out that I parade around the city in spots every night? No thanks."
"Hm. Chloe?"
"The invitation would be wasted. She's already going to Gotham with her mom."
"What about Alya?"
"Since 2 heroes will be out of commission, Rena is going to be needed here."
"I don't know."
Aria collapsed on the bed with a groan before sitting up and smirking.
"Okay. Your guessing privileges have been revoked."
"Noooooo! How else will I find out who you're going to take?!"
"By asking. Like a normal person."
"How dare you assume that I'm normal."
"Now I'm beginning to wonder if I should actually tell you."
"Okay, okay! I'll shut up! Just please tell me who, so I don't have to stay up till 3, guessing."
"I wanted to ask you."
"Uh, I will give you an entire list of reasons why I shouldn't come. Plus, I don't really think they'd let me bring the cat."
"I'm asking right now, and if they say no, then I'll politely decline the invitation."
"I don't want you to miss out-"
"They replied!"
"What? Let me see!"
Aria scrambled off the chaise and scurried over to Marinette, tripping in the process. 
"Wait! Let me get up!"
Aria jumped up and stumbled into the desk.
Marinette clicked the email and recited it aloud.
"Dear MDC, your friend's cat will be allowed. If you need to arrange anything to bring your cat on the plane, please do not hesitate to ask.
 Aria squealed and hugged Marinette.
"Ok. If we can start packing now, I'll come with you." 
"Why do we have to pack now? The trip isn't until Saturday and it's only Wednesday! Can't we just enjoy the first sleepover we've had in a month?"
"Babe, please? I hate procrastinating."
"What are you talking about? You love procrastinating!"
"I don't love it, It just happens to be my default."
"Same difference!"
"Um, no, not the same difference."
"Dante. I am begging you. Don't turn off the computer yet."
"Aria. it's almost 1 A.M and we both have class tomorrow."
"I knoooow! But I put my fucking heart into this, and if you turn it off right now, it will delete and I have no way of saving it."
"Aria. Go to bed now."
"Nooooo! I have to finish it!"
"Fine. But as soon as the clock gets to 1. I'm turning everything off. Just because you're my favorite doesn't mean I'll let you get away with anything."
"Boi! I let you get away with so many things! Can I not just stay up for another hour to finish a damn design?!"
"Hi, Minette."
"Are you gonna stay up again while binge-ing on coffee?"
"Marinette. Please tell my idiot sister that she needs sleep too."
"Noooo! My favorites are teaming up to defeat me!"
"Aria. Go. To. Bed."
Aria jumped up, seized the computer, shot into the bathroom.
"Ha! Now you can't stop me from finishing this!"
"Okay. I give up. Marinette, she's yours now."
Dante slowly backed out of the kitchen with his arms raised.
"Aria. Come out. Please. It's not a sleepover if it's only one person. Plus I need someone to binge-watch movies with!"
"...What kind of movies?"
"Um, MIB International, Charlie's Angels, Hanna, Atomic Blonde, La Femme Nikita-"
"I'm in. Just give me a second."
The sound of shuffling around could be heard in the unusually silent house. The bathroom door opened to show a dark room a few seconds later, and Aria emerged holding a closed laptop.
"I thought it wasn't going to save?"
"Yeah uh, I lied. I just wanted to keep working."
"Geez. I bet you'll be the only person in Gotham like this."
"Well, I do try to be unique!"
"Okay, we need to finish packing."
"But what about the movies?!"
"We'll watch them while we pack."
Five movies and two panic attacks later:
"Mooncake! Do you know where my-"
"Beanie? Downstairs in the tardis."
"Oh my gosh, thank you! I need to take a shower, are you almost finished packing?"
"Yeah, two more outfits and I'll be done."
"Kay. My phone is charging next to the window, the password is 314159, the flashy purple app turns on the TV."
With that, Aria walked out of the room and shut the door. Not even 2 minutes later, the sound of running water could be heard, along with the song 'Consideration' blasting through the house. Marinette shook her head and laughed.
"Geez Ari. Too loud."
Marinette folded the last outfit and placed it in her suitcase. Walking over to the window, she was attacked by Aria’s cat.
“Ack! Get off!”
Marinette started to try and shake the cat off and Kiro released her leg. She jumped onto the bed and yanked her legs up to avoid any further scratches. The door slammed open to reveal a soaking wet Aria in a towel. She still had soap bubbles in her hair and it had stuck to her face while she was running.
“I heard a screech! Is everything okay?”
Marinette stared for a second longer before laughing so hard she fell off the bed.
“OH MY GOSH! Did you just- holy crap! The cat just jumped on me!”
“...are you freaking kidding me? I literally jumped out of the shower to see what in the world was going on. I thought you were being abducted.”
“I’m so sorry! I just-” Marinette collapsed into another fit of giggles.
“Okay, since you’re obviously fine, I’m gonna go finish my shower. Next time, don’t screech unless it’s an emergency. Now my clothes are wet because of my idiocy. Goodbye, Little Missy Macaron.”
Aria walked out of the room, leaving Marinette to try and clean up the water mess. She just threw a towel over the puddle.
Aria walked into the bathroom while shaking her head slowly. She picked up her phone and pressed shuffle on her playlist. Once again, a song started blasting through the house.
Marinette grabbed Aria’s phone and unlocked it. She pressed the purple icon that Aria had told her about and clicked the red power button at the top. Nothing happened.
Right. The TV is downstairs.
Marinette sighed and checked under the bed before leaving the safety of the mattress. She picked up her two suitcases and took them downstairs. 5 minutes later, the sound of gunshots and suspenseful music coming from the living room rivaled the pop music coming from the upstairs bathroom.
Dante, Evita, and Armando came home to three girls shouting and running around, with another standing off to the side and filming. Chloe and Alya had come over to help after Aria had gotten out of the shower. Though it quickly turned into Chloe chasing Aria around and trying to get her to put on some clothes that weren’t covered in paint, and Alya filming Marinette freaking out about losing her deodorant.
“Dante! I stole your Pikachu boxers because they were in my drawers!” Aria ran past him, a disgruntled Chloe in hot pursuit.
“Why do I care?”
“Just thought you should know in case you start looking for them while I’m gone!”
“Speaking of being gone, shouldn’t you guys get going? Your flight leaves in 4 hours.”
“Crap! Evita! Do you have work soon? Can you drive us to the airport?”
“Can’t you guys just bike?”
Aria stopped and stared at Evita incredulously. Chloe didn't slow down quick enough and slammed both girls into the ground.
“Okay, we have like, 4 bags each, and the airport is like 45 miles away. ”
“Okay. I’ll take you, but I do have to work soon so we have to go now.”
“Okay. Akiv! Stop! Do you have your bags?”
“Yes, Ari.”
“Mooncake! Are you ready?”
“We can get some at the airport.”
“GAH! Okay, fine. Let’s go.”
The three girls ran to give Alya a hug before they left.
“Bye Als! Love you!”
“Adios, Vixen! Te Quiero!”
“Salut Alya!”
Marinette, Aria, and Chloe stepped out of the Envoy and took their bags out of the trunk.
“Zai Jian, Evita! Wǒ ài nǐ!”
“Adios Mija! Te Quiero mucho!”
Aria gave Evita a hug before slinging her book bag and purse over her shoulder and pulling her suitcase over to the entrance. The girls watched the car drive off before turning and walking into the airport.
“Ay Dios Mio…”
“Look at the lines!” Aria gestured over to about fifty people standing in front of a counter.
“Oh, mon Dieu.” 
“Um, no. Look at your tickets. We have first-class. Which is the line over there.” Chloe pointed over to a short line with only a few people.
“Oh, thank goodness.” Marinette sighed as she scanned over her plane ticket.
“Wait, really?” Aria scrambled for the small slip of paper in her wallet, accidentally dropping it.
A young male, probably around 15, picked it up. He smiled and held it out to her.
“Here you go, m’lady”
“Thanks, bro,” Aria grunted.
The boy froze for only a second, but it was long enough for her to pluck the leather contraption out of his hand and walk away with the other girls. When they were out of earshot, they all burst out laughing.
“Oh my gosh! Did you see his face when you called him ‘bro’?!”
“That was hilarious,” Aria wiped tears from her eyes.
“Welp, now we know how she keeps guys away.” 
“Who knew it was so simple?”
“No. It’s simple for me. I am the Goddess of repellent. You two are mere mortals.”
“She’s right! Oh, Great One! We are unworthy of your presence, but we beg to learn your ways!” Marinette got down on one knee, with one hand over her heart and the other being held out to Aria.
“Oh, get up Mooncake. They’re looking at us crazy again.” Chloe pulled the smaller girl onto her feet and ruffled her hair.
Marinette giggled, then bowed and took Aria’s hand. 
“I am forever indebted to you for teaching me.” She kissed the brunette’s hand before standing up straight again.
“Mooncake, I love you, but that was the weirdest thing you’ve ever done.”
“Thanks, Abelle.”
“No problem babe.”
Aria rolled her eyes. 
The girls looked up to see it was their turn in line.
“Please place your bags in the designated area.” The lady behind the desk gestured to a wire container.
Marinette looked to the side and placed her suitcase into the basket. The other girls quickly followed suit.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
“Aria Couture.”
“Chloe Bourgeois.”
The lady typed their names into the computer before waving them away. Marinette saw the dull look in her eyes and pulled out 3 macarons before whispering something and smiling.
“Excuse me, Madame? Here are a few macarons. I hope you have a nice day!” 
Marinette picked up her bags and walked away with her friends. She didn’t miss the small smile that appeared on the woman’s face.
“So, what’d you do to the cookies?”
“Let’s just say the rest of her week will be much better.”
“Minette, I have absolutely no idea what you're implying, and at this point, I'm too scared to ask.”
“This is why I hate flying. I’m already exhausted and we haven’t even been at the airport for 2 hours.” Marinette groaned.
“We’re done with all the security stuff, and our suitcases are already boarding the plane, which basically means we can currently do whatever we want. And don’t you still need deodorant?”
“Ugh. You’re right. Let’s go.”
Aria grinned and walked towards a sandwich restaurant.
“Aria, where are you going? The toiletries place is over there.” Marinette pointed to a little kiosk next to the bathrooms.
“Come on. You didn’t really think we would get deodorant before we got food, did you?”
“...I am kind of hungry…”
“Let’s go then!”
Aria grabbed Marinette’s right hand and Chloe’s left hand and yanked them over to the restaurant.
“Flight Number 763, First class, Now boarding.”
Aria jolted awake at the sound of the announcement. She looked over at Chloe and Marinette sleeping peacefully and contemplated waking them up. She'd rather not lose an eye, or two.
Chloe woke up as the brunette picked up a small pink bookbag.
“Good morning Chlo,” Aria yawned.
“...hi Ari.”
Grabbing all of their backpacks, she took the tickets and passports out and walked over to the admittance booth.
“Tickets please."
“Here,” Aria handed him all three tickets and passports.
 Aria looked up at the man in the booth.
“Can we go in or do you need sleeping beauty over here to confirm something,” Aria pointed at Marinette.
“Um. You can go in…”
“Thanks, have a nice day!”
The girls walked to the plane and found their seats quickly. Chloe helped Aria set Marinette down and put the carry-on bags in the capsules above them. Both girls fell back asleep about 10 minutes after they buckled up.
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