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A Star Wars game where you design your own character and it’s options of many different species and design aspects would be so dope
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The Moon's Lies (2)
Summary: Kylo Ren x named!Reader. It was never going to be black or white, Light or Dark, friend or foe. Who wouldn't let the galaxy burn to keep their loved ones safe?
Warnings: 18+, unspoken threat of bodily harm, twisted morals, Kylo Ren being himself, vehicle wreck
Canon Divergence Notes: There is no Rey. Finn is the destined Jedi, and he leaves the scar on Ren’s face during the climactic fight on Starkiller Base. The only original canon kept after TFA is the destined Jedi (Finn) leaving to find Luke and Snoke pushing Kylo Ren to the breaking point, continuing the student-kills-the-master cycle. Summary: No Rey. Finn is training to be a Jedi. Kylo Ren takes the throne from Snoke.
A/N: All hail the new alpha/beta reader! Three cheers for @aralezinspace! And thank you all for the support so far. <3 You make my galaxy spin.
Years ticked by with battles fought, secrets found, and the rise of a new Supreme Leader to the throne of the First Order. Matters of life and death. To some.
Dyrrine judged the political upheaval like the weather. Rarely dangerous, but often an inconvenience. She couldn’t control it, and she worried more about sheltering her family from the rain than forming opinions about it.
At the moment, however, as mud sucked her boots down to the ankle and cold drops rode the wind to blast under her hood, she felt a lot of ways about the rain. Literally and figuratively.
Of course her responsibilities took her to Dantooine during the rainy season. And, of course, the First Order had no interest in accommodating the long line waiting for permits and passes.
Most of the year, Dantooine was lovely. Dry. Fairly temperate. Dyrrine would’ve enjoyed being off the ship and soaking in some sunshine while the rusty wheels of bureaucracy slowly groaned along. Instead, she dreamed of hot cups of tea and kept her hands stuffed deep in her wide sleeves as the queue inched forward, bowing under the storm’s onslaught. There were so many people still ahead of her, and she could barely see the service window through the downpour.
Good thing she’d reserved a seat on the next morning’s shuttle. She’d never make the evening flight. If things didn’t pick up, she might not reach the end of the line before the offices closed. Then she could do this all again at ass’o’clock in the morning, standing in a fresh downpour in day-old clothes without even the marginal warmth of the sun. What fun.
Off to the right, the depot’s primary doors slid open, spilling light into the miserable, sludgy afternoon. Stormtroopers in gleaming white armor stomped out, far too many for a patrol, and the eyes of every civilian turned their way. No one dared watch openly, but they peeped, and shrank, and waited. The ‘troopers formed two lines, facing each other to create a kind of path between the depot and the small collection of shuttles and TIEs left outside the hangar.
No wonder the administration was doing such a spectacular job that day. They had a VIP to entertain.
Dyrrine looked down at her feet, trying to work them free of the muck as the Adarian in front of her inched forward by half a pace. She had her priorities; keeping her place in line without losing a shoe was higher on her list than some First Order crony with extra polish on his boots.
One foot popped free with a noise like a belch, confirming Dyrrine’s belief the planet was trying to eat her. The second foot came loose by inches, and she was so consumed with keeping her balance she didn’t register the growing chill until the source stood in the open doorway.
Foot free, a step forward, and sinking into a new swatch of muck, she felt the menacing aura of a wildly powerful Force user. One didn’t need to be Force sensitive necessarily for animal instincts to register a threat, especially when said threat just loved to make a scene, to infect the very air with fear so every lesser creature would stay bowed low – where they belonged. She glanced back to the main entrance as the towering figure in black started down the ‘trooper-lined path, and her blood turned to ice.
She didn’t know his face – not this one, anyway. Last time they’d met, he’d hidden behind a chrome scowl, but his lightsaber was unmistakable, and kriffing hell if she didn’t remember that. It swung from his belt, bulky cross guard hilt on full display. The faint burn it once left along her neck took a week to heal, and this time there was no one to call him away before he introduced her to the blade properly. He was no one’s attack dog anymore. He’d slipped the chain and brutalized the fool holding the leash.
Kylo Ren. The new Supreme Leader.
The downpour suddenly didn’t feel like enough. Blinking away drops clinging to her lashes, she prayed for a flood, for the water to fall in sheets to curtain her from view, for the mud to gulp her down whole. Her gaze snapped back to the ground, hoping as she studied the trembling puddles that her spike of anxiety blended into the frightened crowd. What was one more terrified civilian in a sea of faces?
She resisted the urge to tug her hood lower. That would draw attention, tell anyone looking that she wanted to avoid being seen very, very badly. It took far too much attention to breathe, and she fought to release the mote of panic burning bright in her chest. No need to snuff it out. Just let it free. Like a firefly – still very real, but out and away from her thoughts. Drifting farther and farther, leaving a quiet void in its wake.
She was still. She was silent. She was invisible.
“I remember you.”
She was so kriffing screwed.
Drawn by the voice she would never have recognized without the helmet’s modulator, she looked between the shoulders of the nearest Stormtroopers to meet the Supreme Leader’s gaze. He towered over them, a wall of shadow behind their white armor. And there was no doubt he was speaking to her. He stepped forward, and the ‘troopers parted.
Too late to hide.
His presence crashed down like a wave, suffocating. Crushing.
She turned fully, facing him head-on as she reached deep to grasp the calm assurance that helped her through so many dangerous scrapes in the past.
“We never finished our conversation.” A playful edge sharpened his words, and she hunted through the flickers of expression that slipped past his guard. He wasn’t quite the same beast she met before. This time he was all confidence, secure in his position as the head of the First Order, free to stop, to take the time to pull her apart just for fun. His eyes traced her from dripping head to sodden feet, coming to stop on her pendant. “And you’re still wearing your protection charm. I thought you were going to leave it behind next time.”
With a dim smile that was entirely polite and not at all pleased, she repeated the short bow she’d offered on their first meeting, eyes dipping with her knees as she proved her respect. But she didn’t try to cower. When she rose, she resumed eye contact, letting her expression go placid in the face of her worst nightmare.
“Apologies.” Her voice came strong and steady. It didn’t even shake from the chill. “But as you said, we never finished our conversation, and I never heard whether it was offensive or just surprising.”
Humility, sometimes seasoned with feigned stupidity, could get a civilian far with the First Order. Sometimes officers appreciated the break from the usual hysterics of oppressed locals fighting for rights they no longer possessed. Sometimes a neutral attitude just made her forgettable, which was always the best outcome.
Unfortunately, she’d made a much deeper impression than she’d realized in this case, and she knew he wouldn’t let her fade into the mist like a ghost a second time. Even in the dreary weather, his eyes practically sparkled.
“We should fix that.”
She bowed again – quickly – and without looking away.
“It would be an honor, but I wouldn’t dare take any more of your valuable time, Supreme Leader.”
It was as close to begging as someone could get without yielding, and she knew she’d failed by the quirk of his lips.
“Then you can honor me aboard my shuttle.” He moved on, not in the least encumbered by the mud holding the rest of the planet hostage. “Bring her.”
Two ‘troopers who’d been following in his wake stepped up, but she moved. Springing forward as lithely as she could given her footing, she passed into the hall of white armored bodies of her own volition. It flummoxed the guards, and she offered a simple nod and smile as she continued after their leader. He hadn’t said to arrest her. Or bind her. Not even seize her. She still had some room to work, and so long as the ‘troopers didn’t know whether or not she was a prisoner, she could keep dancing.
So, she kept just ahead of the guards and well back from Kylo Ren, wading through Dantooine’s hateful sendoff to the waiting command shuttle.
The Supreme Leader’s thunderous steps echoed back down the ramp as she entered the hollow of the ship, following muddy tracks across the pristine floors. It felt like sacrilege. Like truth. The honest filth of the First Order’s dominion, and the inevitable tide beyond all illusions of control. Beneath her careful tranquility, a smug spark of emotion kindled. Not even the great First Order could stay polished in the face of a good storm.
But the spark faded as the Stormtroopers marched up after her, and the ramp groaned shut.
The ship was cold. A dead cold. Black with flashes of white and red lights that chilled her worse than the rain. She wondered if anyone in the Order – voluntarily or compelled – ever really saw their ships and bases as home. Something always seemed to draw them back, but she was willing to bet it was the blaster in the arms of the soldier beside them over duty or desire.
The passenger compartment opened directly into the cockpit, where four flight staff were prepping the shuttle for takeoff. There was only one other chair she could spy, and she knew better than to claim it. Guest or prisoner, she shouldn’t sit until her host offered, and she seriously doubted he would.
Leaning over the pilot and copilot, the Supreme Leader rattled off orders, checking his people’s work before it was even complete.
Was he a pilot, too? She knew that flavor of backseat driving. It was why they banned so many temporary residents from the Kuma Lisa’s cockpit. Once you’d had a ship’s controls in hand, most people struggled to accept them in someone else’s.
Ren’s low voice carried through the small space, disinterested in keeping secrets from the damned. “Set course for Ord Trasi. We’ll rendezvous as planned with the Steadfast.”
She closed her eyes and took a beat to breathe through the bubble of panic at the planet’s name. None of this was planned. He didn’t know she’d been on her way back for a rendezvous of her own. If she was careful, she’d remain the only one in danger. They’d know something was wrong when she didn’t return in the morning…
And right now, she needed to open her eyes and play the game. Or she’d never get to wade through a muddy queue ever again. She’d never touch solid ground, feel the rain on her face, or swear at a too-hot sun if she met her end on a damned star destroyer. Or on this shuttle, for that matter.
She got a reign on her fear and looked back to the cockpit just as Ren turned. His black ensemble maintained his regal air even with wet hair sticking to his forehead and ten inches of mud climbing his boots. His cape was no less ominous for the messy streaks on its hem as it flowed behind his long, determined stride. She doubted she’d weathered the rain so well. But that might work in her favor. Anything, given the right approach, could work in one’s favor. It was just a matter of strategy.
The ship lifted off from the mud, hard rain streaking down the viewport like it could drive them back to ground, and Kylo Ren left his flight staff to handle the voyage. While the craft was spacious for a shuttle, it was far from a cruiser, and he closed the distance like shadows rushing in after a light switched off. She held her ground. Waited like a good little subject until his boots came within inches of hers.
She knew this tactic.
Men like him loomed over their prey for one of two reasons. He wanted a fight, or he wanted a trembling victim to torture. He was waiting to see which she’d offer.
She’d deny him both. If it came back to bite her in the ass, at least she’d die satisfied with her decision.
He’d kill her in a heartbeat if she tried to fight – unarmed, trapped on his ship, surrounded by his lackeys. If she served up the fear he craved, he’d wring it out of her until she ran dry, and then she’d be just as dead and twice as grateful to expire.
With the board set against her, she must change the rules.
The ship’s low rumbling beneath her feet reminded her she was already in the belly of the beast, and she must be very clever to climb back out again.
“Who are you?” For all his casual intimidation, he didn’t hide the curiosity in his voice, and his anger didn’t singe the air like it did once upon a time on a planet far, far away.
He recognized a game when he saw one, and the moment he was humoring her. Or at least humoring himself.
She didn’t bow, though she dipped her eyes for the fraction of a second it took her to gather air for an answer. There was a fine line between a silly little stranger and an annoying fool. Too much bobbing would look anxious, anyway. But she held his eyes as she replied.
“Dyrrine Bairdne, sir.”
“And you’re from Lethe.” His eyes traced the strands of beads around her neck, the rings on her fingers, and bracelets on her wrists.
Slowly, mindful of the many guns and deadlier things on display, she raised her hands and lifted her hood. The Supreme Leader’s attention swung to the ornaments woven through her hair, and he scoffed.
“I see you’ve added more armor.” He stared her dead in the eye, daring her. “Expecting to meet a monster?”
She let her nebulous serenity grow warm. A blast from a cheap, old heater on a bitter winter night. Hardly the sun’s rays. But it wasn’t like he wanted that.
“Not at all, Supreme Leader.” She touched the longest strand of beads, keeping his focus on the Selenubis. “I’m training to be the next Naine of my family. Carrier of a thousand wishes, which is what these – ” She lifted a handful of necklaces, letting them rattle to draw both eye and ear. “ – represent.”
He plucked one from her grip, and his eyebrows furrowed. A frown bent his mouth as he rolled the smooth grey stones between gloved fingertips. He studied them like they had a secret script he might decipher in the fluid lines weaving over the face of each sphere.
“Take them off.”
She blinked, masking a busy mind with a face full of surprise. “Sir? They are offensive, then.”
“They’re a nuisance.” Though he didn’t let go of her jewelry, he did return his attention to her face. The amusement had waned. He wanted through her defenses.
Twisting his grip, he dragged her off-balance, and she jerked half a step forward.
Lips by her ear, he repeated, “Take them off.”
With his hulking shoulders out of the way, she could see through the viewport again. At some point, as she bantered for her life, they’d jumped to hyperspace. If he ran her through, right here, at least she’d have a familiar view.
The instant she pulled the faintest comfort from the thought, the ship was spat out of hyperspace, and a planet filled the view.
“Sir,” the flight officer called. “We’ve reached Ord Trasi. On route to rendezvous with the Steadfast now.”
The ship must be hiding on the far side of the planet, away from the hyperspace lanes.
Ren shoved her away, and the two ‘troopers stepped up to flank her. While his intentions were still far from clear, she wasn’t the honored kind of guest. She caught herself before her guards had an excuse to put hands on her, and as the Supreme Leader stomped back to oversee the last leg of their journey, she folded her shaking hands back inside her wet sleeves.
She seized the opportunity to breathe. Still alive. Still in one piece. And another distraction had bought her another precious few minutes. What she’d do with that time she had no idea, but she had it anyway.
Three TIE fighters wheeled into view, streaking past in perfect formation. The first sign of a larger First Order presence.
“I didn’t order an honor guard,” the Supreme Leader snapped. “Order them back to the ship.”
Oh, he was definitely a pilot. He was practically twitching. Too much protection must insult his ego, especially when he wasn’t behind the controls.
The flight officer leaned into the comms and relayed the command, but the TIEs did not disperse. They roared past again, moving behind the shuttle, and she swore she could feel Kylo Ren’s oppressive attention physically lift from her to this new problem.
Doubtless, Ren had something to say. More orders. A good threat or three. But before he could express his wrath beyond the creaking of his glove around his fist, a series of blasts rocked the transport.
Alarms wailed, and the flight crew began shouting updates and alerts as every standing passenger – apart from Ren – lurched into the wall. Beyond the racket from the cockpit, she could hear the wheeze of a dying engine somewhere below.
“Where are our shields?” Ren demanded.
Frantically switching toggles, the pilot shouted over the cacophony. “The readout shows they’re online, sir, but the damage suggests – ”
“Sabotage.” The Supreme Leader all but spat the word.
Shrieking by for another pass, the TIEs sent a hail of green laser fire over the shuttle, and she listened to the hull groan. The wall under her face was warm, and she carefully worked her way to a line of emergency grip points above. She clung on for dear life, looping her arm through and preparing for the worst.
She would not go down with the ship.
And the ship was definitely going down. Hazy clouds blurred the stars, the dark of space fading into atmospheric blue as they lost altitude.
“Sir, we’ve lost too much power. The planet’s gravity is – ”
“Supreme Leader, they’re coming about! Brace for - !”
The side of the shuttle exploded.
The angle of the blast sent debris spearing into the cockpit, and from the corner of her eye she saw an arc of wet crimson splash across the view screen. Now entirely out of control, the ship rolled, and the two stormtroopers tumbled boots-over-helmet through the hole that used to be the other half of the passenger compartment. Their voice modulators warped their screams as they fell.
She screamed, too, lifted off her feet, thrown into wall-ceiling-floor in a dizzying cycle. Her belly leapt into her throat as the engine heaved its last breath and the craft dropped into freefall.
Smoke and sparks filled the air. She couldn’t see what had happened to the flight crew or their dread leader, but no one was doing anything to slow their descent. If there was sabotage though, who was to say the shields were the only system affected? Even if they were conscious, Ren was the only one with the power to do anything at this point.
Well. Not only Ren.
Moving from grip to grip, she worked her way closer to the damaged half of the ship. She needed perspective. She had to see what she was doing.
A blur of green and brown appeared between flashes of blue, and she cursed. All her wonderful protective charms kept flying up to smack in her face, tangle in her hair, and obscure her view. She had a choice to make, and she needed to make it quickly.
Regardless of whether or not Kylo Ren survived, she wasn’t ready to die, certainly not like this. So she’d just have to take her chances.
Letting go of her precious handhold with one hand, she set to work, tugging and tearing the necklaces from her throat. She ripped the rings off with her teeth, and half the bracelets snapped as she jerked them free.
Her senses blossomed, expanding beyond her skin, beyond her sight. She felt the distance between the ship and the planet below, teaming with life, and another dim pulse somewhere onboard. Another survivor. She’d worry about that later. She’d save herself first.
Reaching into the flow of energy and motion that kept the galaxy turning, she pulled. Just as she’d found the grip inside the ship to keep stable, she grappled with air currents, gravity, and space to stabilize the shattered craft’s descent.
It had been a long, long time since she’d tried anything on this scale, and it tore through her the way too much exercise ripped fragile muscles. Something wet dripped down her neck as the spinning slowed. They were still dropping too fast, and she pushed down at the planet until her ears rang with the effort.
Gradually, painfully, she took control of the fall.
This wouldn’t be a pretty landing.
But they just might survive it.
#kylo ren x female reader#kylo ren x original character#kylo ren x oc#kylo ren x reader#kylo ren fanfiction#ben solo x reader#ben solo x oc#fic: the moon's lies
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𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒊— yuki x fem!reader. starwars au. 1.7k
“Pleasure doing business with you,” You say to the Adarian, though it was not a pleasure.
The tiger-like man nods curtly. He would probably agree– It was not a pleasure doing business with you. But your credits were filled, his emptied. The price he paid for needing such a vast amount of cortosis in such a short period of time.
Your guards stand before you. They’re mostly for show, twin codru-ji with ritualistic markings on their face, and four blasters strapped to their thighs: one for each hand. Chi’ari offers you a hand to help you up, and you take it.
“My business card,” You say, and Ra’li hands over the memory chip. “In case you need anything else, Rotti. Call me earlier and it won’t cost you so much.”
Rotti is unamused with this statement. He waves you off, and you don’t need any more prodding to extract yourself from his den.
The walk back to the hangar is silent. The three of you keep pace with each other, the robes of your dress swirling around your feet. You’ve enjoyed working with the twins– They don’t talk much, and are quick but not too quick to rise to your defense.
You stop before they do. The gangway to your ship is down.
Their hands move towards their blasters.
“We’ll check it out,” Ra’li says.
There’s no unease in the air. The only anxiety seems to come from the two beings beside you.
“Just go locate the pilot,” You state, continuing your pathway. “I’ll look elsewhere.”
Climbing the gangway, the three of you part ways there. The interior of the ship is high end, brand new. Sleek, curved walls. Blue and silver accents. Your hand disappears within the folds of your robes to remove your lightsaber. It hums to life beside you, casting an ethereal aura against the stark white metal.
You move silently. Check the closed rooms and continue on. You try to sense what’s around you, but all you feel are the twins and the pilot. Nothing else registers.
Nothing else registers, that is, until a familiar aura washes over you. You turn the corner and come upon the only open door. Your room lies within: bed perfectly made, a few gadgets on the bedside table, your sleep clothes set out on the covers to prepare you for the evening.
Swinging your lightsaber in a circle, it violently hums in the stark quiet of the ship.
Yuki rises from the chair in the corner she’s taken perch in.
“I could have killed you,” You state.
“You knew it was me,” Yuki replies.
Your saber shuts off, and you slide it back within the folds of your robes.
“Hey, honey girl. How was work?” Yuki asks, smiling widely.
You look her up and down. Still in her normal clothes: Tight top, baggy pants. Her robe lays discarded over the back of the chair she was sitting in.
“Fine.” Beside you, your fingers twitch. “What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you. You’re a hard girl to track down, you know that, right?”
You search her eyes. “Here to kill me again?”
“Nah. Here to run away with you.”
Your brows rise at her statement. “What happened?”
“Got tired traveling on my own. You have room for one more?”
“You’re really just here for that?”
“I wouldn’t say you’re just that. I’d say you’re worth a lot more than that.”
“Let me get comfortable, and then we can talk more.”
In your pyjamas and with the ship smoothly sailing towards your next destination, you feel more at ease. The twins sit up with the pilot, and you and Yuki sprawl out in the living space. Well, Yuki is sprawled out. You sit with your legs tucked up under yourself, arm over the back of the sofa.
She looks cool. All long limbs with an iced drink in her hand. She regales you with her most recent jaunt: Hunting down a sith lord on Yavin. It’s a terrifying tale as Yuki’s words twist with slight exaggeration. She glosses over the life she took.
“I was in the forests and I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” Yuki admits. She glances over at you after the words have left her lips. There’s a flicker of insecurity that lasts for only a moment.
Yuki nods. “It wasn’t your kind of greenery, but it was so green. And lush. The trees were huge, the ferns, the rain… And I couldn’t help but just think about you. Wondering what you were up to. Really… Really thinking about our conversation last time we saw each other.”
The last time you saw each other was a surprise. You’d taken Yuki home, as you’re prone to do, and she had faked your death the next morning. It was a pattern that continued repeating. “You were thinking about my cunt?” You ask.
Yuki goes red. “No! I mean, I was, but I was also thinking about how… Relieved you look to not be dealing with jedi muck.”
Shifting on the sofa, you toss one of your ikkeu behind you, so it joins its sister down your back. “We’ve both known the Council isn’t for me. And it’s not for you, either.”
“I mean, I know. I’ve known. Something about the forest just made it really sink in.” Yuki knocks back her drink and sighs. “I made good money from my last bounty, so I can take some time to regroup. I need to regroup.”
Setting your glass down on the coffee table, a low set mod shape, you stand to get Yuki another drink. The cup comes out of Yuki’s hands easily, thanks to your force energy.
“What are you up to next?” Yuki asks, watching you closely.
You sit considerably closer to her, sliding the drink back into her hands. “You won’t like it.” You reach over to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, following the silky strands down over her shoulder.
“Humor me.”
“The prince of Tholoth wants some lesai. We’re headed to Zebitrophe to pick some up, and then headed to Tholoth.”
“Really?” Yuki sighs. She takes a sip of her drink. There’s no grand gravitational pull of her morals upon learning this. She’s not surprised to hear you’re running drugs– If anything, it’s expected for a smuggler.
You pick your own drink back up and take a small sip. “And then I’m going to Naboo for some time off. Are you coming?”
“You still got your apartment there?”
“No, I upgraded to a villa. There’s a pool.”
Yuki closes her eyes and rests her head on the back of the sofa, imagining it. You’ve always been fond of Naboo, Yuki remembers the first time you went. The two of you had been teenagers with padawan tassels, eagerly following behind your jedi masters. Yuki had tried, time and time again to get you to come out of your shell ever since you first met– Your master had been transferred to Coruscant, and taken you with him.
On Naboo, she had found you one evening when sleep should have been the only thing on your minds in the royal gardens. The three moons shone down upon you, engulfing you in an otherworldly glow. Your fingertips rested on the leaves of a lotus flower, and they slipped down, shameful, when your eyes landed on Yuki.
Your eyes had been wide. Caught.
Your secret was safe with Yuki. She brought a finger to her lips and winked at you. She knelt beside you, and let you show her that you had learned how to make ripples in the water with the force, and that you could unfurl the flowers that closed up under the moonlight. You only did it twice, though, claiming it didn’t sit right on your soul.
Yuki didn’t think you were going to board the ship and return to Coruscant.
One of your fingers presses into the softness of Yuki’s cheek. She opens an eye to look over at you.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask.
Yuki closes her eyes once more, a fond smile on her lips. “First time we went to Naboo.”
“Oh?” You remember it like it was yesterday. It was such a different environment from the rocks you had grown up around, from the constant inhaling of dust and city.
“Yeah,” Yuki licks her lips and hums. “Swear it was like I was looking at you for the first time.”
Your cheeks darken under your blush.
“Think you looked at me for the first time,” Yuki adds on. She opens her eyes to look at you, taking in the bashful look on your face.
You wave your hand. “I was embarrassing as a child.”
Yuki grins, leaning into your space. “Nah, you were just shy and didn’t know you could be gay.”
Avoiding her eye contact at all costs, you blush harder. Yuki grins wider. Places her hand on your thigh. “Good thing you figured that out, huh?”
“You’re embarrassing me now,” You pout.
“I think I’m flustering you,” Yuki says, not missing a beat. “C’mon, make some eye contact with me, pretty.”
It takes all your resolve to turn and make said eye contact. Yuki’s closer than you anticipated. Your heart skips a beat, flutters at the distance.
“Hey,” Yuki breathes.
“Hi,” You return.
Yuki’s eyes flash to your lips. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
“Okay,” You sigh and relax further. Yuki presses her lips against yours.
“I’m sorry for knocking out your captain.” The words are pressed against your lips.
“Don’t talk about that right now,” You murmur. Yuki’s hand slides further up your thigh, fingers splayed and bunching the fabric up. Her lips swallow yours, her tongue gliding against yours.
Yuki pulls back, slowly, and sets your glasses on the coffee table. She gently pushes you down on your back, situating herself between your thighs. “You looked so pretty that night. If I hadn’t known any better, I would have mistaken you for the princess.”
“The royal family of Naboo are humans,” You state.
“Please accept my compliment, princess.” Yuki rests a hand by your head to support herself. You get a good whiff of her perfume. Her other hand comes to cup your cheek, thumb smoothing against the soft skin.
You wrap your hand around her wrist. “Please give me a kiss.”
Yuki seals her lips against yours once more.
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Necro AU: Character Profile - The Executioner

Image has been created using the BING image generator.

Title: High Judge of the Adarian State Committee
Affiliation: The Adarian State Committee
Name: Rejected.
Race: Undead
Sex: Male
Age: 156, age of death unknown.
Nationality: Umbrian
Height: 2.3 meters, modified.

Short description: The Executioner of Umbra, feared by wrongdoers, respected by mortal denizens, envied by inferiors. Champion of Adaru, The Bearer of Pain.
Long description: The menacing scratching of a claymore being dragged through the streets wreaks havoc in the souls of the evil, and brings peace to the hearts of the righteous. The High Judge, commonly known as The Executioner, is a being of few words and many actions. Instead of rotting within the halls of the court, The Executioner takes to delivering the punishments himself, spilling blood in names of The Great One, The Father, and prosperity of Umbra. A champion of Adaru, The Bearer of Pain, he delivers judgment true to the laws of both The Necro Archon and his monstrous patron - they are just, yet slow and brutal. His appearance, let alone the long list of executed sentences, is enough to make any would-be criminal think twice before breaking bad.
Visual appearance: Tall. Body completely wrapped in tight bandages, no nose shape, no ears, no hair. Wears a formal, black unbuttoned overcoat with a high collar. Golden tassels on the shoulders, golden buttons and golden-thread lining. Formal, white, but dirty gloves. The bandage wrapped chest is visible, with well defined muscles. The skin that is visible in spots is grayish-white with some scars and deformations in places. Leather belt with a golden decoration depicting the eye symbol. Black pants with blue stripes on the sides, tall officer’s leather boots.
Personality: Unrelenting, focused on his role, reserved in speech. A devout believer in the Necro Archon who centered his existence around the Four Principles. Merciless against enemies, patient with those he protects. Works alone or with his trusted companions. No tolerance for hesitation or compassion amongst the Committee.

Model: Very Tall Male
Rarity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Vision: Hydro
Weapon: Claymore
Constellation: Ordo Aeternus

Normal Attack: Adarian Bladework - Rend
Performs up to 6 consecutive strikes, dealing PHYS damage.
Charged Attack: Consumes stamina to perform consecutive slashes. The final attack deals increased damage.
Plunge Attack: Strikes down from above, dealing AOE damage.
Elemental Skill: Mark of Agony
The Executioner points at an enemy, applying the Sigil of Judgement to them. The Sigil of Judgement considerably decreases the target’s DEF. Attacks against the marked target have an additional 15% CRIT RATE. The Sigil persists even if The Executioner is off-field.
After marking the enemy, The Executioner releases a shockwave around him. The shockwave has low Hydro DMG, but has a high stagger chance and moderate pushback.
Skill CD: 8.0 seconds.
Sigil Duration: 12.0 seconds.
Up to 12 Sigils can exist at a time.
DEF reduction scales with ATK.
Voiceover: “I condemn you.” “You can’t run.” “No mercy.”
Elemental Burst: Final Judgement
The Executioner releases a torrent around himself, dealing Hydro DMG and lifting up surrounding opponents.
Every survivor gets the Sigil of Judgement applied to them for a duration of 15 seconds.
Final Judgement has a 30% CRIT DMG bonus against opponents marked with Sigil of Judgement.
Final Judgement has an Energy Cost of 60.
Voiceover: “There is no escape!” “Suffer the consequences!” “In His name!”
Passive I: Endless Hunt
Killing an enemy marked with Sigil of Judgement grants an additional 3 Energy to the active character. When The Executioner defeats a marked enemy, he gains 4 Energy, and grants 3 Energy to every character in the party.
Passive II: Marked For Death
When Final Judgement is used, opponents marked with Sigils of Judgement that are not hit by the generated torrent get the Iron Maiden applied to them for a duration of 5 seconds. The Iron Maiden generates two instances of Hydro DMG per second, scaling off of The Executioners ATK, and immobilizes the affected enemies.
Passive III: Thorough Search
Upon picking up an enemy drop, there is a 10% chance to pick up double the loot. Works only if The Executioner is in the current party.
Bonus Ability: Proof Of Guilt
Replaces the special dish ability. When a higher rarity item belonging to a bandit type enemy (Treasure Hoarders, Fatui, Ronin, Eremites) is crafted by The Executioner, there is a 20% chance to obtain double the product.

Constellation I: Rapid Execution
When an opponent marked with a Sigil of Judgement cast by Mark Of Agony is defeated, nearby enemies of the same type or affiliation (type takes priority) get a Sigil of Judgement applied to them as well, but with a duration of 6 seconds and a 10% CRIT RATE bonus.
Constellation II: Field Judgement
When Mark Of Agony is cast, The Executioner gains a shield that absorbs up to 40% of his total HP. It absorbs the damage type of the marked target 300% more effectively. Can occur once every 30 seconds.
Constellation III: Purification By Agony
Increases the level of Mark Of Agony by 3.
Constellation IV: Forced Revelation
Iron Maiden gains an additional 1 instance of Hydro DMG per second.
Constellation V: Rites Of Cleansing
Increases the level of Final Judgement by 3.
Constellation VI: Tides Of Pain
When an opponent marked by Sigil of Judgement is defeated, a small backlash occurs, dealing AOE Hydro damage to surrounding enemies.

Thanks for reading!
#genshin impact#genshin impact au#genshin impact necro au#genshin au#au#genshin necro au#necro au#necro au the executioner#the executioner#genshin impact oc#genshin oc#oc#original character#genshin impact gameplay concept#gameplay concept
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//I'll work on drafts during my breaks. Also, I want to punch Adarian. I never thought that I could hate a character so much.
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Didnt feel good so didnt do a full body, but still second species is here! I made an Adarian sith, Zudash Kord , who lived during the times of the Old Republic but stayed primarily with the circle of influence due to his interests in economics, politics, and all that stuff. Fact about them is they lack ears and noses but their head is covered in fine hairs that were sensitive to sound waves and their skin had glands that allowed them to detect odor
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Cole makes his way through the city streets cautiously, always aware of his surroundings in case any surprises come up.
He turns down an alley so he can check his mission log in some safety and privacy, currently trying to track down the criminal he lost sight of.
“Dang it- come on, man…” he murmurs to himself, sighing heavily.
I lean over the fire escape as I watch him look at his tracker, “are you lookin’ for the adarian dude?”
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I’ve been experimenting with a painted style lately while I procure a portfolio for college and I drew one of my ocs!
This is Astria (Azi) Adarian
This drawing is actually pretty not accurate to her canon design simply because I was lazy :/
Anyways enjoy! And don’t steal my art😃
(I also worked on most of this on a twitch stream so if you’d like to see some of the process while the vod is still up —> EllaKZ06 on twitch)

#original art#original character#my ocs#fantasy oc#digital art#procreate#ocs#oc art#oc stuff#fantasy
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Ia mengutuk Melbourne di jam-jam semalam ini. Dinginnya lebih menusuk daripada malam-malam di Bandung, apalagi ketika berkelana dengan motor sendirian di daerah Tahura. Jalanan di sini tidak sedingin itu, tapi ketika memasuki jalanan sepi, rasanya lebih menusuk daripada apapun.
Belum lagi terlalu banyak hal yang bisa membuatmu harus berhati-hati ketika berjalan di tengah malam sendirian; perampokan, pembunuhan, dan penculikan. Yah, walau sebenarnya itu hanya pikiran-pikiran tidak menyenangkan yang selalu datang setiap shift malamnya selesai. Sejauh ini tidak ada catatan kriminal yang berlalu-lalang di sekitarnya, distrik yang ditempatinya pun terkenal dengan keamanan dan kenyamanan warga sipil, Adarian hanya perlu berhati-hati dan selalu ramah pada setiap orang, dan tidak ikut campur pada masalah yang ditemuinya di jalan, hingga bertemu dengan gedung apartemennya yang cantik.
“Jangan lupa bawa alat pertahanan diri.” Judas pernah berkata, sambil memberikan sebuah sisir yang menyimpan pulpen tanpa tinta di dalamnya, sedang Adarian hanya bisa tersenyum geli mengingat ia tidak bisa membawa senjata tajam sekecil apapun setelah memasuki kawasan bandara. “Nanti di sana beli saja. Saya tahu tempatnya.”
“Udah, ah, nggak usah.” Adarian melirik sisir yang dipegang Judas saat itu sekilas sebelum menatap matanya. “Lagian gue bisa tinju, kita satu UKM taekwondo, betewe.”
Judas meninju bahu Adarian, dan korbannya menjerit dramatis. “Jangan diremehin, dong. Tolong didengerin, lagian cuma untuk jaga-jaga.”
“Siap, Pak Bos!” Adarian berseru ceria sambil memasang pose hormat yang main-main.
Kekehannya lolos begitu saja setiap mengingat khawatirnya Judas padanya sebelum mereka benar-benar berpisah di bandara. Tapi memang hidup sendiri di negeri orang itu sedikit mengkhawatirkan, mengingat selalu ada seseorang yang mengingatkannya untuk merawat diri sendiri di sela-sela kesibukan kelas, organisasi dan kerja paruh waktu semasa kuliah dulu, dan waktu itu dia hanya punya Judas. Kini, berada di negeri orang tanpa benar-benar mengenal seseorang yang mau menyeretmu makan atau menendang bokongmu ke kamar mandi adalah sebuah kesulitan sendiri. Namun Adarian mulai terbiasa setelah bertahun-tahun berada di sini.
Menyenangkan rasanya bisa memaksimalkan sarapanmu sendiri, tidak perlu terlalu banyak menyentuh sepiring nasi, walau ia kadang merindukannya, dan makan banyak roti dengan berbagai jenis tambahan yang bisa divariasi. Tidak perlu teriak-teriak di depan kamar mandi jika seseorang memakainya terlalu lama, Adarian bisa saja tertidur di bak mandi selama apapun yang dia mau. Aroma pengharum ruangannya pun bisa meniru milik Judas tanpa perlu merasakan sisi kepala ditoyor buku setebal lima ratus halaman kalau ketahuan mencuri miliknya. Yang begini memang menyenangkan sekali.
Adarian mematap pintu apartemennya yang membosankan, dengan nomor kamar yang terbuat dari besi, timbul-timbul keemasan di atasnya, dan aroma kayu yang baru saja dicat. Oh, sepertinya Tuan Kagawa, si penanggung jawab gedung apartemennya, baru saja mengecat kusen pintu. Lalu membukanya setelah berhasil menekan tombol pengaman dan pemindai tanpa banyak hambatan, kemudian diserbu oleh mesin penghangat dan lampu yang menyala secara otomatis tiap seseorang membuka pintu apartemennya.
Sungguh, Adarian cinta sekali kehidupan modern semacam ini.
Tidak ada yang lebih menyenangkan dari sebuah apartemen dengan teknologi yang menyenangkan, aroma yang menenangkan, dan warna putih yang tidak membuatmu sakit mata. Malam ini, Adarian akan membuat dirinya lebih santai lagi, dan menikmati waktunya sendirian, setelah selesai dengan kerja paruh waktunya yang menyenangkan. Hidup tidak bisa lebih menyenangkan dari ini. Benar?
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Adam: You degenerate. How many were you thinking would be needed to staff the place Charlie?
Charlie: Oh! At least ten maybe to start?
Lucifer: Yeah that's do-able. If you get granted more we'll have to make many more. Probably closer to 100.
Angel: Adams poor vagina will never recover.
Adam: ..... You are so fucking lucky I'm holding a baby.
Charlie: Angel...
Angel: What? They made a person with their DNA, that little guy could technically be your half sibling toots.
Lucifer cleared his throat: What if for a species we named them Adarians?
Lowkey want an au where Adam has Alastors' powers.
The tentacles
The eyes
The changing size
The shadows
The sass
The deal making
Him owning Husk and Nifty
The musical numbers
The radio control
The tentacles- have I mentioned that before?
The rivalry with Lucifer
Maybe he replaces Alastor entirely. No Alastor. Only Adam. It's always been Adam.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
Only Adam lol This is good! His Husk and Nifty could be Lute and Peter.
He doesn't have to smile all the time does he?
Yessss, and he plays rock instead of jazz lol And yes of course there is a rivalry lol
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“More like under his manipulative thumb, but, yes.” Ambrose answered with a nod as he allowed the eternal teen to hold the grimoire. He could practically hear the demon trapped inside scribble an obscene gesture that he’ll no doubt be met with next time he opened the ancient book.
“Well, I don’t know about the current Malachai.” And so his nose immediately wrinkled as a tell of his lie.
“But his father, the Adarian Malachai, was definitely a vile, horrible monster. One that chose to stay ‘locked up’,” he did air quotes around the two words as he spoke, “in a human prison so feast off of and grow stronger from the surrounding malice and suffering of others. All around asshole who didn’t like anyone. I pray his heir was raised by a loving mother and taught better. It would at least mean him joining Achim wasn’t of his own accord, that way.” ~ kaiju-crimson-storyandask
Dennis listened in silence, letting Ambrose explain everything he knew in too-intimate detail about the Malachai without interruption. And about three-quarters of the way through, Dennis began to smile sympathetically at Ambrose. For all the verbal distance he was putting to the Malachai, it was becoming more and more obvious to the eternal teen who the demon actually was. The scrunched up nose confirmed it too.
But those his hunch was also an assumption, and he didn't want to act on such a thing without knowing for sure it was the right move. After all, '"'assumptions make an out of you and me.'
"Well," he sighed after Ambrose was done explaining, "Whoever it is then, if they're unwillingly working for Achim then we help 'em. If they're there willingly though, fuck 'em."
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Star Wars Alien Species - Adarian
Adari was a mountainous, volcanic planet located in the Inner Rim's Adari sector. It was the homeworld of the sentient Adarians, although archaeologists believed evidence pointed to the species not being native to the planet. The earliest Adarians on Adari spread outward from a single region of the planet, already having a single shared culture by the time.
Such cultural homogeneity among the Adarians allowed the species to rapidly develop ore mining and smelting and atomic-fission industries and technologies. A planet-wide corporate government was formed, and the species came to be divided by a rigid caste system.
Eventually, the Adarians expanded outward into the Adari system, and the discovery of hyperdrive technology led to the species controlling the entire Adari sector.
Discovered circa 25,000 BBY, the Adarians swiftly became a member state of the Galactic Republic. Remaining loyal to the Republic through the Clone Wars, the planet bought neutrality during the Galactic Civil War by supplying the Galactic Empire with extensive resources and retained a seat in the Imperial Senate. Located in relative proximity to Dantooine, Adarians welcomed outcast Jedi and Rebel Alliance troops earning Adari the reputation of being a "refuge planet".
Staying out of galactic affairs, the planet was annexed by Grand Admiral Thrawn during his campaigns against the New Republic. When the Imperial Remnant was finally driven from the core, the Adarians joined the Republic, only to be cut off with the invasion by the Yuuzhan Vong in 26 ABY. When the Republic retook Coruscant and reorganized into the Galactic Alliance, the Adarians quickly joined. Remaining neutral in future wars, the species' homeworld was a member of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire as of 137 ABY.
Adarian society was based around a rigid caste system known as sceel'sara. Their governmental headquarters was the Hall of Decisions from which the upper tier of society had absolute control over those in lower classes. Operating a corporation-like government, the Adarians boasted that their society had never suffered from civil strife. They had unique, advanced Carbon-Ice Drive technology which they developed before contact with the Galactic Republic. Their native language was Adarese, a written and spoken language; speaking Galactic Basic Standard was difficult for the lipless species and was spoken with a heavy accent. Adarian naming conventions included a first name and a family name.
A humanoid species of mammalians, the Adarians had elongated skulls made distinct by the large hole which penetrated it. Lacking ears and noses, their skulls were covered in fine hairs which were very sensitive to sound waves, and their skin was underlaid by glands that allowed them to detect odors. Sharp, bony ridges around their mouths substituted for lips seen in other species. The Adarians had distendable throat pouches; elongating them to emit a loud subsonic call which helped in communication over long distances, reaching over 20 kilometers. They come in a variety of vibrant skin colors, commonly blue or yellow. Members of the same caste tend to have a similar coloration.
Adults stand about 1.7 meters or 5.6 feet tall.
Adarians age at the following stages:
1 - 13 Child
14 - 18 Young Adult
19 - 44 Adult
45 - 55 Middle Age
56 - 64 Old
Examples of Names: Ador Beldune, Denka Melru, Luur Tenefor, Yeeru Meekel.
Languages: Adarians speak Adarese, a language that uses largely tonal inflections. Their rigid mouths make languages such as Basic difficult to speak without a heavy accent.
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"It's only a dream! It isn't real!!"

"It did not seem to matter anyway, she never did anything for me. Why would she? She was not the kind of woman to show pity for anyone, for not only was she a cold, brooding woman she also was very religious and believed that my nightmares were just cries for attention. Which she refused to give me due to thinking I was faking my nightmares just to annoy her."
Anyone remembers "The Darkest Truth" of Candy Pop here? Yes?.. No?.. Just me?
Okay :')
Just consider this as some sxxtty fan sketch for the story since
a) It was amazing back in the day and
b) I don't know what else to use those pen brushes for lmao
#random#creepypasta#candy pop creepypasta#night terrors#remember this guy? lmao#adarian#idk if anyone has done this before#ya know#the fanarts on the old creepy stories XD#pen sketch#pen brushes#purple white blue#traditional art#my art#alicec 666
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//Was this me with Nick, Nekoda, and Caleb, you bet sweet bottom dollar. But also, Adarian, I love him but hate him at the same time.
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La Historia de Adarian & Cherise (Desde el punto de vista de Adarian)
Adarian había estado siguiendo la pista de un demonio que quería matar y absorber, pero el deseo había huido en el momento en que su dulce aroma lo golpeó. Ella se había ido de compras con sus amigas, cuyos rostros no podía recordar, no tenían importancia. Su atención se había centrado solamente en ella. Su pelo rubio había sido el color de la luz del sol y sus grandes ojos azules, al igual que un cielo perfecto, pero había sido su preciosa risa la que había roto el hielo de su interior, tan llena de vida, tan dulce. Ella lo había capturado en un instante y lo dejó indefenso, había estado tan enamorado de ella que incluso se había matriculado en su escuela y se hizo pasar por un estudiante. Todo por verla, aunque fuera de lejos, durante más de un año era todo lo que había hecho. Sentado en soporíferas clases sólo para poder estar en la misma habitación que ella, como una flor desesperada para llegar a la luz del sol a través de las grietas irregulares de una fracturada pared. Él ni siquiera había intentado conversar con ella, no había valido la pena. Y entonces, un día, milagrosamente, se había fijado en él mientras se sentaba detrás de ella en una clase de historia. Todos los días después de eso, ella torpemente entraba en la habitación a hablar con él antes de la campana como si fuera un chico normal. Por primera vez en su existencia, había anhelado una amistad. De modo que la buscó sin ninguna otra razón, que solo para reír con ella. No le habría hecho ningún daño. Jamás. Pero debido a su falta de contacto con los humanos y la ignorancia de su mundo y sus costumbres, no se había dado cuenta aún apenas, lo joven que era ella en ese momento, casi una niña. Era su inocencia ingenua lo que lo atrajo, cuando él en realidad debería haberla dejado marchar. Incluso entonces, él nunca habría tocado su inocencia si ella no lo hubiera besado. Había sido la primera vez en todos sus siglos de vida que alguien le había mostrado tanta ternura. O cualquier atención. Había abierto las emociones de lo que nunca había conocido antes. Y Que él no podía entender. Nacido para matar y destruir, un Malachai era una criatura básica. No sentía absolutamente nada excepto odio total. No sentía ninguna otra cosa. Sólo un vacío. Y ese maravilloso, hermoso beso... Ella era la única que le había enseñado su pesar y tristeza. Miseria. A día de hoy, él daría cualquier cosa si pudiera recuperar esa tarde y dejarla tan pura como la había encontrado.
Sherrilyn Kenyon Spain
#Adarian#Malachai#Cherise#Cherise Gautier#Demonio#Adarian Malachai#Nick Gautier#Dark hunter#Dark hunter rol#Dark hunter rpg#Cazadores oscuros#Cazadores oscuros rol#Cazadores oscuros rpg#Sherrilyn Kenyon
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