#Adam snackler
spellbound-banshee · 5 years
Blind Date - Adam Sackler
Summary: Your Mom sets you up on a blind date with Adam Sackler, and neither of you have any idea what to expect.
Warnings: fluff, swearing (i think)
Pairing: Adam Sackler (HBO Girls) x Reader
A/N: this was just supposed to be a blurb i swear-
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“I’ll feel better if you let me walk you home.” “Are you flirting with me?” “Wait don’t pull away, not yet.” “It’s cold, you should take my jacket.” “Stay here tonight.”
All you had was a voice.
That deep, gravelly yet almost innocent voice he had when he called you with the number your mother gave him. She met him at AA, she’d told you - and you thought great, an addict. Or rather... a recovering addict. But, over the phone he seemed promising enough, but you had no idea what to expect; what he’d look like, how he’d dress or how he’d present himself.
He was nearly shitting his pants. You sounded so beautiful over the phone, so sophisticated and matter-of-fact but so soft and inviting. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but he was visibly shaking as he gave the hostess his name and sat down at a small table for to. Get it together, he thought to himself - he hadn’t been this nervous to meet someone since high school.
“(Y/n)? Right this way.” He somehow heard the hostess say, and his ears perked up when he heard it. That was your name. Holy shit. 
He immediately stood up from his seat, but being long and awkward he nearly knocked the water glass down and had to rush to catch it. Seeing how nervous he was made you less nervous, but you couldn’t help but look him up and down as you saw him. Holy shit.
“Hi, I’m Adam.” He said, his voice shaky and just as deep as you remember. “Holy shit.” He said out loud, voicing what you were thinking, and seeming to immediately regret it.
“I agree.” You laughed it off, sticking your hand out to shake his hand. “I’m (Y/n).” He nodded and shook your hand, not wanting to let go for a second and basically holding it until he sat down. “You weren’t what I was expecting.” You admitted shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and showing a small smile.
He would do anything to see that smile again.
“Yeah... uh... you’re gorgeous.” You blushed and took a sip of the water that was already there. 
“Thanks.” You replied, licking your lips and finally making eye contact. “You’re not too bad yourself.” He laughed awkwardly and shifted a bit in his chair, not sure how to keep this conversation going.
“So, Adam.” He stood at attention, suddenly interested in anything that you had to say, anything at all. “What do you do?”
“Unemployed at the moment, but I... I like to act. I always have, but I don’t want to like... do bad shit. I want to express myself I want to make... art. I want to make art.” You admired how passionate and expressive he could get with just a moment of comfortability. He admired how you listened and didn’t seem freaked out by his sudden ranting, to which after he blushed awkwardly.
“That’s awesome. That’s super self aware, have I seen you in anything?” Just as he was about to answer, the waiter came over to ask for your drinks. You felt weird getting a wine or something in front of him, so you settled with a Coke and he got the same. The waiter offered wine, but you both politely declined.
“You could get something to drink, I’m not going to like... start vibrating and lose control or go ballistic.” 
You laughed and shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t think I need wine to feel comfortable right now.” His eyes widened and he couldn’t help but smile at your response, looking down at the floor and meeting your eyes with a blush-y chuckle.
By the time you had finished your food, people were definitely staring at you with how much you’d been laughing. He told you all sorts of funny stories and had such wit behind his responses to yours, you could barely eat anything since you were laughing so much. He’d even been as bold as to reach across the table for your hand, and it had been sitting comfortably there for a while.
“Is this together or separate?” The waiter was clearly annoyed by the presence, it was close to closing time and you two were still practically partying.
“Together.” Adam said through a pattern of giggles.
“No!” You protested, smiling and knowing he wasn’t going to let you pay a dime.
“Yesssss, together.” He groaned back as the waiter put down the checkbook, and Adam immediately handed them the card. They took it with a bit of an eye roll and went back to ring up the purchase. You both had to stifle your giggles as they walked away and you felt him squeeze your hand a bit tighter. 
“Are you flirting with me?” You asked in mock offense, squeezing his hand back with the same sense of comfort.
“I’ve been trying to flirt with you since you sat down.” He laughed, taking the last sip of his coke as the waiter comes back over with the check payed for. They didn’t even say anything as they walked away again, which caused you to burst into another fit of giggles.
“Trying?” You asked, getting ready to stand.
“Is it working?” He asked sincerely, squeezing your hand once again and you looked back into his eyes. You giggled when you saw his sincere look, those big curious eyes staring back at you. With the straw of your Coke still in your mouth, you gave a cute nod, causing him to let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He let go of your hand once you both stood up and smiled back at you, leaving a big tip on the table.
“My apartment is just... that way.” You pointed your finger to the left and visibly shuddered, cursing yourself for not bringing a jacket. Adam immediately noticed and began to take his jacket off. “Oh no, you don’t have to-”
“It’s cold, you should take my jacket.” He said matter-of-factly, taking the last of the jacket off and beginning to drape it around your shoulders. You reluctantly took the offer, sliding your arms in and immediately feeling the relief of warmth.
“Are you sure? I mean you won’t get it back until the next time I see you.” His eyes turned hopeful when you said ‘next time’ but he didn’t want to seem too eager if he asked.
“Well, I’m going to walk you home, so.”
“Adam, you really don’t have to-”
 “I’ll feel better if you let me walk you home.” He said once again, matter-of-factly, analyzing you with that sincere look once again, just to let you know he means it. He couldn’t believe he could feel so comfortable in front of someone after just a couple hours of getting aquatinted. “Please?” He asked, but not pressing enough to make you uncomfortable.
“I would love that, Adam.” You nodded, taking his large hand in yours and beginning to walk in the direction of your apartment. “Are you gonna be okay to walk home alone?” He chuckled gently, some of his loose hair falling into his face.
“I’ll grab a cab if it makes you feel better.” You laughed and swung your hands back and forth, the night coming to a lull but you didn’t want it to stop. He didn’t either. He loved your company, and he wanted to see you again, and hopefully soon.
“This is me.” You said after a bit of walking, pointing upwards to the fourth floor, the light noticeably dim in your bedroom window. Your feet throbbed from walking in those heels for a bit, which is why your arm was linked snugly in between his, your head on his shoulder. He really didn’t want to let you go. But he did, his touch still lingering on the tips of your fingers.
“Thank you for a lovely night, Adam. I really hope I can see you again.” You could cry, you hadn’t felt this happy or free in a long time, you didn’t want that to go away.
“Soon?” He asked innocently, those wide eyes still boring into yours.
“Soon.” You confirmed, brushing your fingers against his and shifting a bit in the cold, not wanting to take his jacket off.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked after a pause, his brazenness taking you by surprise, but you weren’t going to complain.
“Yes, please.” You answered with a bit of a giggle, and he almost couldn’t wait to press his lips against yours.
And he did.
Electricity filled your entire body as his full lips finally collided with yours, he cautiously wrapped his arms around your waist, wandering hands shaking on your hips. He had to lean down to reach you, it was almost comedic how long and unaware he was. You opened your mouth slightly and he took it as an invitation to slide his tongue in, and you couldn’t help but wrap your arms around his neck.
He smiled just a bit against your lips and dragged you closer by the hips, the angle was a little awkward but you grabbed his face and his hair to steady yourself. He seemed to like the new sensation as he kissed you with fervor, his large hand coming up to cradle your face.
You had to disconnect your lips to get some air, but Adam began to pull away fully to give you space. “Wait don’t pull away, not yet.” You whispered, grabbing both sides of his head and pressing his forehead against yours. His breath hitched in his throat as he was pulled back down - he felt a new wave of emotion crash over him at the softness of your voice.
He bit his lip and cradled both sides of your face, his hands nearly the size of your head. “I won’t.” He confirmed, so softly you barely heard it. He could cry, he hadn’t felt this happy or free in a long time, he never wanted to pull away from you. 
“Jesus.” You whispered as you had to draw back to get some fresh air. He made a noise of agreement, his hand sliding to your hand and giving it that familiar squeeze. "Do you maybe wanna,” you pointed up to your apartment, “come up? Make some coffee or tea or something?”
He laughed, it was nearly midnight and you were talking about making coffee - but he couldn’t deny that he didn’t want to leave. He had to resist the urge to make a sex joke, but he simply nodded and rushed to open the door for you. “M’lady.” He joked in an overdone English accent, bowing slightly and letting his hand lead the way.
“Why thank you sir.” You replied, just as overdone and your heels echoed through the complex walls. Your giggles could be heard followed by immediate mock shushing, which was followed by more giggles.
“Stay here tonight.” You finally begged after more shared conversation and a cup of coffee that would keep both of you up for the next 4 or 5 hours. The order obviously caught him by surprise, but once he saw your face he couldn’t help but smile and blush. “Please?”
“You’re so cute when you beg.” He said cheekily, and you reached over to punch him in the arm. “I’ll stay if you want me to stay.”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t, dumbass.” Now it was his turn to shove you lightly back, and you just giggled. “I’m gonna go get changed and get you some other clothes why don’t you pick a movie?” He nodded and picked up your remote as you got up, but you realized the buttons were different as he looked at it in confusion. 
You leaned over the top of the couch and put your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his strong back to show him the method. “It’s complicated, I hate it.” He laughed, and for some reason felt safe this close to you, he felt his heart rate speed. “So you press this one and then this one and then it should-”
His fingers grabbed your chin as he turned your head slightly to capture your lips in another kiss. It was a strange angle, but you grabbed the back of his head and carted your fingers through his hair. He groaned slightly, pushing into you further and adjusting his position so you would be more comfortable. “God, keep doing that and I’ll never leave.” He loved the intimacy of pressing his forehead against yours, and his thumb came up to stroke your cheekbone.
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” You whispered with a wink and pulled away to go get in some more comfortable clothes. He watched you move as you walked away, the dress you were wearing not too tight but just tight enough to show off your gorgeous body.
You would really be the death of him.
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ktellmeastory · 4 years
Waking Up In Vegas-Adam Sackler
can i ask for “Did we get married? and “That’s your fifth cup of coffee and it isn’t even noon yet" from the sentence prompt list with adam sackler and a vegas au?
So thank you for sending me this, I took forever with it and I am so sorry about that...that being said have 3,000+ words of Sackler being Sackler...
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Going to Las Vegas with Adam Sackler was probably a bad idea.  Where should you not take a recovering alcoholic? If you said Vegas you’d have been right, but for whatever reason when he said he wanted to go there after the show he was in got their shut down notice.  They had barely been on Broadway for a year, but the show wasn’t making enough money and the producers had decided to end it.  Adam hadn’t been prepared for that to be the outcome, to him art, and theatre specifically wasn’t meant to be about the money.  It was for the art, and he had really believed the message of the piece. For it to be pulled out from under his feet for something as stupid as the money it made had driven him absolutely insane.  But the producers had paid all of the actors through the end of their contracts and when you found Adam later that night ripping apart the wooden beams in his apartment, he had asked you to go with him to Vegas. At first you had tried to talk him down from it, but then you realized that you weren’t going to stop him from going, just send him alone you had agreed to go along with him.  When you got to the airport in Vegas the next day, Adam had grabbed you around the waist, spun you around and told you it was time to get crazy.  He bought you both a room on the strip with double beds and you had spent the day exploring the strip together, doing all the touristy things before settling into one of those crazy buffets with a million foods to choose from for so cheap. This should have been your first clue that things weren’t going so well. Adam wasn’t someone to eat like this, he ate to keep himself going, but here he was eating things you were sure he’d never put in his mouth before. You quirked an eyebrow at him as you took a sip of your coffee, as he ate what you had counted as his third piece of fried chicken.  “What?” he asked, looking up at you cheeks full like a chipmunk.
“Nothing…I think I may be enjoying you eating fried food more than I ever thought I would” you tease with a laugh. He chuckled, leaning over to wipe his greasy face against yours, causing you to flinch and laugh.  “Stop stop stop!” you squeal, pushing your hand against his chest to stop him.
“Are you done?”
“Am I done? Are you?” you asked motioning to the plate in front of him.  
“Yea…fuck this shit…it’s all gonna go to my hips and my ass…I’m gonna have an ass like Beyonce and I’m not sure I’m meant to be bootylicious,” he said getting up and grabbing your hand and pulling you back out into the casino.  “Let’s get a drink” he said pulling you towards the bar.
“You don’t drink” you point out.
“Yea but you do…and I want to buy you a drink” he said as you both took a seat at the bar.
“Fine…one drink…” you say with a sigh as the bartender comes over.  But he doesn’t buy you just one drink and at some point, without you really noticing, he’s drinking too and the night starts to get blurry.  You remember walking the strip again, you sort of remember someone dressed as Elvis, something like a church and then cold metal.  The next thing you know, you’re waking up in the hotel room, your mouth is drier than the Sahara Desert and you just make it to the toilet before you’re upchucking all of that 99 cent buffet food. You’d groan out loud if you could figure out how, but the idea of that loud of a noise makes your head hurt.  When you think you may have finally gotten it all out of your system you get up, brush your teeth, splash some water on your face and head back out into the main room.  Adam is sitting up against the headboard of his bed, shirtless and looks over at you when you walk back in.  He holds up a bottle of water and advil and holds them both out to you.
“You’re gonna want these” he says, and you nod, laying over his lap as you take them from him.  
“I feel like I got hit by two trucks, a taxi and like 37 of those dudes who drive people around on those bike taxi things…”
“Rickshaws…that’s what those are called…” he said, smoothing your hair back from your face looking down at you.  “When we get back to New York…I need to get back into meetings…I fucked up…Really bad…” You bit you lip and looked up at him.  He shakes his head when he sees the look on your face.  “It wasn’t your job to keep me from it, or to get me to stop or anything…I did it…you couldn’t have stopped me even if you wanted to.”
“But if I hadn’t said yes to coming…”
“Then I would have been alone, and I probably would have done worse than got a little drunk…as it was, I only got a few in because I distinctly remember you taking my shots for me after a while…so I think you tried to keep me controlled even though you don’t really remember it.” He said tapping your nose with a grin before looking at his hand and raising an eyebrow.
“What?” you ask, confused by the look on his face. He looked over at you, licked his lips and then lifted his hand, showing you the front of his hand and the simple band on his ring finger. You sit up so fast, you’re afraid you’re going to be sick again.  “Adam…where did you get that…why do you have that…”
“I think the more important thing to think about is,” he says taking your hand lifting it to show you a matching band.  “Did we get married?” he asked looking at you.
“Is that another cup of coffee?” Adam asks you as you slide the sleeve onto another cup of coffee as you head into the next Little Chapel.  There are exactly far too many fucking places to get married in Vegas and you’ve been searching all of them to find out if you got married, and if that marriage is valid and goddamn if you’re not going to drink as much coffee as you can.
“Why?” you ask turning to him, hair whipping in the breeze to glare at him.
“That’s your fifth cup of coffee and it isn’t even noon yet…you know caffeine is a drug…you can get addicted to it…”
“I swear to god Adam…” he laughs and puts his hands up in surrender.  You guys walk up the front desk of the chapel, hitting the little bell that’s on the counter.  You flinch ever so lightly and Adam chuckles softly, placing his hand on the small of your back.
“Oh I’m so glad you guys are back!” Says a woman who comes to the counter.  “You guys stumbled out of here so fast last night I didn’t get to give you a copy of your marriage license.” You’re almost sure you can hear it, the moment your heart falls out of your ass. She digs around under the counter for a moment before pulling out a piece of paper and holds it out towards you.  Adam is gracious enough to take it, looking down at it.
“Shit looks really good…real fucking real” Adam says studying the paper. And before she even says it, you know what she’s going to say.  You’ve seen enough of those waking up in Vegas movies to know, it’s a totally legal binding thing to get married in Vegas no matter how drunk you were.
“It should…cause it is…Now I know you two were a little out of it last night, but I did keep some of the pictures if you want to still purchase them…” She says typing some things on the computer in front of her.  You can feel yourself shaking your head, and you’re almost positive that if Adam hadn’t seen how freaked out you looked he might have actually let her show off a bunch of drunken photos of you and him getting actually married.  Actually married.
“You know what…Sarah…” he says looking at the girls nametag.  “Me and the Misses here are just going to go celebrate…But thank you very much” he says, slipping his hand into yours, using it to pull you from the chapel and back to the hotel.  You follow mostly in shock, sitting on the bed as he places the marriage license on his suitcase.  “You know…” he says leaning on the built-in dresser.  “You’ve been really quiet for a while now kid…so if you could maybe say something…”
“We’re married…Legally binding married…how are you not freaking out more?” You ask looking up at him. He sighs and shakes his head, kneeling in front of you.  “We got drunk…we got married…we’re legally married…”
“Hey hey hey…” he says, placing his hands on yours.  “There are worse ways I could wake up…Being married to you is a treat compared to the shit I got into when I was 14…and when we get home, I’ll get back to the AA meetings, scouts honor”
“Were you even a scout?” you ask, a small pout on your lips.
“For like two days…I got thrown out for yanking it in the tent” You can’t help the laugh that falls from your lips and you free a hand to slap his arm lightly. “They like look down on that or whatever…I thought I could get a wanking badge or something.” He jokes with you and his smile is infectious making you smile too. “Now don’t freak out so much…your way to pretty for that kid.”
“When we get back to the city, I’ll take this to the lawyers at work, they should be able to get it annulled pretty quickly…” he looks at you, and you see almost a moment of anger pass his eyes before he stands and walks over to his bed.
“Sounds good…”
“Okay…” you murmur, biting your lip.  “I really am sorry that this made this vacation so weird…” “Do you just not get the vibe or are you not interested or what?” he asks looking over at you.
“What?” you asked standing up and looking at him.  He turns away from you grabbing the pillow off his bed, putting it to his face and screaming. It would throw you off if you hadn’t seen him have moments like this before but instead of yelling at him, you walk over and grab it from him, pulling it from him lightly.  “What are you doing?”
“Listen…I’m kinda over this whole fucking thing…Obviously you aren’t interested and I’m tired of making a goddamn fool of myself about it!”
“Adam!  What are you talking about?”
“I fucking like you!  And my stupid fucking ass thought you knew that when you agreed to come here with me this weekend…I mean we spend so much time together, and I just assumed we were on the way to being together and taking it slow…you didn’t seem like the type to rush into fucking and I just figured…but obviously I was wrong…and I feel fucking stupid, cause here I am thinking…” you look at him as he talks, getting more and more animated as he does so. Yes you liked him, you had liked him from the moment you had met him, but you had never thought he was interested, especially because he had never tried to make a move…Well that wasn’t quite true was it?  He had almost kissed you a few months ago, that day he had run out in the rain with an umbrella to help you with your groceries.  He had leaned in, and you were sure he was going to kiss you on your doorstep but Mrs. Makovitz from 3B had asked get past him and the moment had passed.  But here he was, in front of you freaking out because he didn’t think you cared about him the same way he was admitting to.  You bit your lip before leaning up, grasping his cheeks in your hands and kissing him. His hands were in your hair the moment your lips connected, pulling you as close as he could, one hand traveling down to your lower back to pull you even that bit closer.  When you both needed to breathe he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours.  “Listen kid…if you’re just doing this because you think it’s what I want…or some bullshit like that, don’t…only do this if this is what you want” you smile at him and shake your head, pulling his lips to yours in a sweeter kiss.
“I’ve had a crush on you for forever…I just didn’t think you liked me…” “Kid, I’ve more than liked you for a long time…I didn’t want to push you away…cause I do that…Hannah…Jessa…I didn’t want to chance doing that with you…”
“I’m not Hannah…or Jessa…or anyone else…I’m here…and I’m yours…if you want me” the smile that spreads over his lips is one that could melt the ice caps.  He leans in and presses a soft kiss to your lip.
“You know…” he says, his hands on your hips, forcing them to do a small figure 8. “We’re married…”
“Yea…I will take care of it…I promise…” “Or…we could just you know…” “What?”
“Well we could stay married…”
“Wha…” “We could stay married…I mean I know it isn’t the most conventional thing but we could just stay married…date…but stay married…We’re gonna be together anyways why spend the money on doing something like getting an annulment or whatever?” you look up at him, realizing he’s being serious.  He smiles at you and you realize you’re not completely against it. The moment he realizes that you’re all for it, he dips down and presses his lips to yours again, his hands trailing down and to your ass grasping it, pulling your hips to his with a happy growl.  You laughed against his lips, arms going to wrap around his neck happily.  He picked you up, spinning you happily before kissing you again.  “Now listen…we can keep the whole going slow vibe if that’s what you want…but I’m really ready to consummate this marriage” He says, wiggling his eyebrows at you suggestively. You laugh again and lean down to kiss him softly.  
“Is that so Mr. Sackler?” you ask, nibbling his bottom lip teasingly.  The growl that comes from his lips this time is purely sexual as his grip on your ass tightens. You feel him shift and then your back is on the bed, Adam’s standing over you pulling his shirt off.
“I’m gonna count to 5 Mrs. Sackler, and you better be naked for me” he orders as he works on his own belt.  You watch him and he looks up, brown eyes locking with yours, a twinkling smile deep in them.  “5…4…” you gasp, bite your lip and pull your dress over your head flinging it to the side before going for the clasp of your bra. Adam finishes undressing to his boxers before he grabs your ankle and pulls you towards him causing you to laugh.  He grins at you, kissing up your thigh before pulling your panties down your legs and flinging them into the room. He groans as he sees your already glistening pussy, and licks his lips as he reaches forward to spread your legs.  “God damn I knew it was going to be like heaven getting you under me…” he tells you, before sliding his middle finger through your silky folds before pressing it into your tight heat.  A small whimper falls from your lips, your head falling back against the mattress, your hips pushing towards his hand.  He grins, pressing your hips back to the bed, one knee coming to lean on the bed as he adds another finger, beginning to pump them in and out of your center.  “I just want to get you ready…I want all your cum on my cock…”
“You like that…like the idea of cumming on my cock?”
“You gonna cum on my cock like the good girl I know you are?”
“Y..yes…” He grins and leans down, kissing down your throat before sucking a dark mark into the skin right above your collarbone.  He pulls his fingers from you, sucking them into his mouth to clean all of your juices off his fingers. He removes his fingers with a popping sound before he slides his boxers off, grasping his large cock in his hand to pump it a couple times before he’s pushing into your tight heat, both of you gasping out happily.  It stings in all the best ways as he pumps into you until he can finally bottom out, both of you panting at the feeling.  He gives you the moment to adjust, his lips finding your pulse point, your nipples, and he waits for you to move your hips to give him the okay.  He starts thrusting now, his fingers of one hand digging into the headboard, the other pulling your hips to his as he fucks into you.  The only sound in the room is skin hitting skin and small gasps from your lips.  You reach up and pull his lips to yours, your legs wrapping around his hips.
“Fuck” he growls out as it gets him just that fraction of an inch deeper.  His hand goes to your thigh, fingertips digging into your skin as he holds you there.  You grind your hips against his as he buries himself, his pubic bone giving you wonderful friction on your clit.  He growls, and grabs your hips to flip you so you’re on top of him.  You gasp out, your hands going to his chest, nails digging in causing him to hiss in pleasure.  He plants his feet on the bed and starts to fuck up into you, pulling you down.  You start to move your hips against his and he groans out, his hand going to your clit to rub furious tight little circles against your hard nub. You moan out loudly and he lifts up on his other elbow to kiss your neck as he growls against your skin.  “You’re gonna cum and you’re gonna scream my name…got it kid?” you whimper out an agreement as you feel his fingers going harder and faster and suddenly you can’t keep your pace anymore, everything goes white and then your cumming, screaming his name like he asked you to.  He pumps a few more times into your pulsating heat and then he’s cumming, thick and hot coating your walls.  Adam falls back to the mattress and you fall to his chest, both of you riding the rest of that high. When you can finally breathe again, you rest your chin on his chest to look up at him.  He looks down at you and smiles, kissing the tip of your nose.  “Worth the fucking wait” he confirms with a chuckle.  You laugh and lift yourself off of him, both of you wincing at the loss of contact. When you sit up, he sits up with you, hands going around your waist to keep you from leaving.  “Where are you going…”
“I’ve got to pee…its good for you after sex” you tease with a laugh.  He grins, standing up and flipping you over his shoulder so you have a great view of his bare ass as he walks you to the bathroom. You laugh as you feel his hand smack down on your ass.
“Okay…but next time, you’re doing a handstand… “A handstand?” You ask as he puts you on the toilet.
“Yea…cause I want you full of my cum…” he says with a wink before leaving you there to look at your wedding band.  Maybe being Mrs. Sackler was going to be everything you thought and more.
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itskylosgirlxo · 4 years
this is really just the story of how adam went from baby boy to daddy
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hrh-selene-r · 4 years
Beyond Words was such a treat to read! It's so clear how much effort and thought you're putting into character development and worldbuilding!
Oh my god, thank you so much for your kind words ☺️ @jyn-z-solo I’m such a fan of your work, so it means so much that you even think it’s any good. I just wanted it to feel more realistic and natural. People don’t change overnight. But I’m afraid it makes the story feel slow since we haven’t met the reader yet. So it’s like an internal fight I have. But it’s reactions like these that motivate me further.
You made my week.
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brideofkylosolo · 5 years
Had a dream where Adam Sackler got me pregnant and my ex found out. My ex tried to talk to me but Adam was hanging all over me like “back off you fucker. This is my girl now.”
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okk--maaan · 4 years
Idk if you write for Sackler but if you do could you do C1 from the smut ficlet prompts? ☺️ If you don't write for him any other character of your choosing would be nice :)
Hello friend! Soooo I hope you weren’t looking for actual smut lmao. Because that’s not what ended up happening here. Instead, I took the opportunity to introduce Sackler as on of my Boys.
psstt - feel free to continue to request Snackler now that he’s OFFICIALLY a part of the line up 😉
WC: ~1k
CW: again nothing really, but we got Champ now! (I really like the sentiment behind Kid, but I didn’t want to reuse that - for obvious reason), also fuck canon because this timeline probably doesn’t really fit there
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You and Adam have been neighbors for a few years now. You live on the same floor, one door down from each other. It was rare for you to ever see him. You work during the day and you’re not really sure what he does, but most of New York works odd hours. He is probably in the service industry. Although you pegged him more as the eccentric type, creative, maybe a writer. Whatever he did with his time, the two of you only talked a handful of times. Neighborly pleasantries. “Hi’s” when you pass in the hallway. He once helped you carry a heavy package up the stairs. There was a dog last summer that you had to corral back onto an odd makeshift leash that Adam must’ve constructed himself.
Sackler was definitely interesting. But never anything but nice to you. Always offering a genuine toothy grin and bright eyes. Unlike the other “interesting” characters you encountered throughout the city.
It’s been a long week and today hasn’t gone by any faster. You’re ready for several glasses of wine, your couch, and mind numbing television. But it seems that fate -- and your friend Sam following behind you -- had different plans.
As you round the top of the staircase, you’re talking over your shoulder, and literally run straight into Adam.
Of course.
Fuck he is...solid. You feel like an old cartoon as you shake your vision back into focus.
“Oh ffuuckin shit,” Adam grunts. Waving an iPhone in the air and pointing at it like it has a personal vendetta against him he says, “Sorry fuckin cell phones. I don’t know WHAT THE FUCK IT WANTS FROM ME!” He’s yelling directly into the thing like he expects it to answer back. As he looks up he sees who he ran into. He figured it would be one of the old bats that always seem to get in his way when he’s in a rush. But all he sees is you. His cute neighbor from down the hall. His frustration flees and he feels like he’s lost control of every other brain function.
You wince through your teeth and rub the skin where your neck got twisted all weird in the collusion. “Ahhh shit, Champ. You okay?” he asks, reaching up to help you massage at the sore muscle. Like you’ve had this intimate relationship for years. And maybe you had. Maybe all those one word greetings and friendly smiles and waves were enough to develop some unspoken bond.
But obviously it couldn’t be that serious.
“Mmmh yeah Sackler. I’m good. Nothing a little stretching can’t fix,” you chuckle in response, swiveling your head this way and that to loosen up. “Maybe just look out where you’re going next time.” He jabs his finger at your chest, “Huh. I could say the same thing about you there, Champ.” With that, you shake your head and squeeze past him. He bids you and Sam adieu (his literal words) in his usual dramatic fashion.
You are fully prepared to file this bump along with your other innocuous Adam Sackler encounters.
You and Sam are only half way through your first bottle of wine and first episode of Love Island (the UK version - and they’re only an hour long even though it feels like a lot happens each episode) when you can tell they’re about to burst. You roll your eyes and say, “Yes Sam?” “I think you should hook up with that weird Sackler guy!” they burst. Something about that word - weird - makes your heart hurt a bit for Adam. You always had the feeling that he was misunderstood for his passions. “Come on. He’s not weird. He’s just a dude doing his own thing. And I don’t even know him well enough to know what ‘his own thing’ is,” you dismiss the suggestion. “Okay sure. But he’s clearly into you, Champ,” they wiggle their eyebrows on that last word. How many times can you roll your eyes tonight? Maybe you should start keeping count.
“I. Dare. You.”
Sam knew you wouldn’t, couldn’t turn down a dare. Neither of you did since the inception of your friendship. One of those stupid things you say in the middle of the night that never goes away. Although it seemed like Sam was daring you more than you were daring them.
Faced with the ultimate checkmate and no other moves left, you down the rest of your glass and take a couple extra sips from the bottle. “Fine,” you spit as you stand for the door. “But you’re buying pizza when I get back.” Sam throws their hands in the air, accepting the wager.
Add another tally to the eye roll count.
As you leave your apartment, you realize you only have like 10 feet to figure out a game plan. You couldn’t really just walk up to this practical stranger and say ‘hey wanna fuck?’. Could you?
You shake any inhibitions from your body, decide to just wing it, and knock on Sackler’s door. On the other side, you hear crashing and clanking before he yanks it open. And of course he’s already shirtless. And sweaty. Why is he so sweaty?
“Ohh heeyy yoouuu. You’re not here to sue me or anything are you?” he chuckles nervously. Instinctively, your hand finds its way to the back of your neck. “Nah man. Who do you think I am? Mr. Anderson?” you point a thumb towards the other end of the hall. “Fuck. Yeah. That guy thinks he fuckin owns this place. So what’s up then?”
“Wanna fuck?” you ask, more straightforward than anything else you’ve ever said in your life.
Sackler nearly chokes on the spit in his mouth. But he couldn’t be more fuckin wired. He’d been waiting for this day since you fuckin moved in. “I thought you’d never fuckin ask, Champ,” he says with a devilish grin, stepping aside. Finally letting you into the world that was the enigma of Adam Sackler.
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aleksandermorozovaa · 4 years
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Girls (TV) Rating: Mature Relationships: Adam Sackler/Reader Characters: Adam Sackler, Reader Additional Tags: fake dating au, adan is a soft dork, Slow Burn, lots of fluff, and Cuteness, theres a dog, adam is readers dogs best friend, lots of flirting, we hate hannah and it SHOWS, adams dating hannah at the start we’re SORRY, adam just needs a hug sometimes
The day Adam Sackler barged in on you at work, you never expected to end up calling him a friend, yet alone end up introducing to your entire family as your “boyfriend”.
A slow burn fake dating reader insert fic.
A/N:  Hi my guys, me and @commanderbensolo​  have been working on this fic for a week or two now and I’d be thankful if ya’ll could check it out? It’s full of Sackler Goodness I promise.
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OOC: Aight I’mma be honest and say I’m really not digging Sackler thus far (I just staryed Season 3). I have such mixed feelings, but he’s such a dick for no reason it’s ridiculous and such a coward. He’s also a major creep and I ain’t about that.
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nerdyangeldetective · 6 years
I’m not even watching Girls (because lena dumbass u know) but oh my god, Adam Driver is really there only for the show to have a hot male fuck-buddy and oh god that’s depressing and for fuck sake I hate Lena dumbass even more for that.
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simp-4-kylo · 4 years
Adam Snackler domestic HC’s
This one goes out to @sabrinabernal bc they asked if I could tag them when I finally got around to posting this!! Lol maybe I do a tag list at some point?? Idk
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You and Adam loved going on last minute dates. It was always a treasuring time, the two of you would get into all sorts of “trouble”
One time a NYPD officer had yelled at you to “stop making out in the park.” Of course you had blushed, but Adam pulled you closer and kissed the top of your head and said mine
Obviously you had to stop when you saw any sort of food truck. Adam wouldn't be as big of a fan of eating from food trucks, but he just couldn’t say no to you.
Adam would always make a “gross” face because he didn’t like the greasy food. You would always just make fun of him only wanting to drink milk and eat healthy or as he calls it eat for fuel. 
The two of you walking around in silence, holding hands. These were the moments you want to keep locked away in your memory forever. 
Adam would always want to race you home. He’d start running and yell for you to catch up. You never liked running and hated when he would want to run with you.
You would run for like 10 seconds and then sit down, he’d jog back to you. Grumble at you for a second, possibly pout. Then you’d sigh , roll your eyes and stand up and run again.
Adam loved taking you to different theater shows. Sometimes the two of you would go all out, eat dinner at some up scale fancy restaurant and then go see a broadway show. Other times the two of you would just simply go and see a script reading.
Whatever the two of you decided to do, you always had a wonderful time. Adam just wanted to be with you, and you just wanted to be with Adam.
Lmao, sorry this is so short. I just felt like I needed to get something out there for y’all! I am working on some stuff right now, but it’s been so hectic because school is starting soon. Feel free to leave requests, I will get to them ASAP!
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brideofkylosolo · 5 years
Think I might try and get a cute Sackler fluffy drabble posted before midnight
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okk--maaan · 4 years
Boy howdy I'm in my Sackler feels today for some fuckin reason
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aleksandermorozovaa · 4 years
Somewhere along the line - Chapter 6
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Adam Sackler x reader
Summary: The day Adam Sackler barged in on you at work, you never expected to end up calling him a friend, yet alone end up introducing as your “boyfriend” to your entire family.A slow burn fake dating reader insert fic.
A/N: Thank you for 100 kudus my darlings. So glad people are still enjoying his fic. 💕
Let me either me or @commanderbensolo​ know if you’d like to be added to the taglist for this!
@fallinallinmendes​  @hopeamarsu​
Read it here: XX
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dreamboatdriver · 6 years
Watching the play counts on my Naughty Adam Sackler soundboard go up
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mrsclydelogan · 4 years
You are SPOILING us with these Adam Snackler clips and Jude audio. You’re AMAZING. Thank you!
Awww you’re welcome, I like to do these things :) 
Sadly, I’ve just got an e-mail from one of the sites where I upload the videos (Veoh), it removed all of them because of copyright infringement -.- and Dailymotion is being a bitch by restricting my videos and by “suspending” the upload button for 24 hours because according to the site “I’m uploading too much”. 
I think that in the end I’ll create a classic Google Drive folder and put the videos there, then I’ll share the link with all of you ^^ NOBODY CAN STOP ME :D NOBODY CAN CENSOR ADAM SNACKLER.
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callmehopeless · 5 years
Ik we’re all about Kylo... but hit me with some Snackler being the absolute filthy slut he is
Yes ma’am
Under cut because, very obviously, NSFW Hcs ABOUND
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Adam Sackler, very naturally, is sort of an absolutely fucking dreadful pervert. In every possible way you can conceive of - the guy’s got a dash of the raw, powerful sort of vibe
So I’ll put together some examples for you here
For example
Adam is absolutely ridiculous when he walks around naked. Being naked? Exactly what he wants to be, 24 fucking 7. He’ll be stripping down to literally nothing regardless of the company; often coming over to do ridiculous things, like drape his hard cock on your shoulder
Why?! Why does he do it?!
You give it a kiss or a light slap and he absolutely shudders
oh yep, that’s why
He masturbates...constantly. Absolutely constantly. It’s not his fault: his sex drive is ridiculous, and he’s just...Jesus, he’s so turned on. Doubly so when you’re around - he’ll take a pair of your underwear from the washing basket and just...tie them over his wrist, sniffing them as he bucks into his hand, a mess of precum
He loves it when you ride his face - holy shit. Eating you out is a goddamn dream come true - you taste of heaven and earth and everything in between. His tongue seeks every drop of you: hands digging crescents into your hips as he hums against your cunt
He’ll do it for so long that his breath gets whispy and his eyes get glassy - whatever. Why should he stop? He wants you all over him
Fingerfucking you anywhere he can reach - the more public, the better. His favourite is always in fancy bars or packed public transport. If you ever get a little jealous when he’s out to drinks with cast members? Lord knows, he’ll be pushing aside your underwear and thrusting two fingers deep into you
You’ll have to continue being polite and genuine while he absolutely fingerfucks you under the table, getting more and more desperate to draw a reaction
Eventually, he’ll cave: too horny to let this go on any longer
He’ll pull you into a bathroom stall, pin you against the sink and fuck into you like a wild animal
Hands on the mirror, tap against your spine
“You’re so fucking--” he’ll lose his train of thought, slamming his hips upward to make you gasp. “God, you’re such a stone-cold bitch.”
Long after youve both cum, exhausted and panting against the wall: you’ll stumble out into the night
Adam loves showering with you: soaping up your hair, kissing at your breasts
Sucking your nipples while you’re pinned against the shower wall
Did I mention he loves pinning?
You, legs up around his hips, drenched from the shower - him, fucking into you, sucking your tits with this slight nibbling that makes you tremble--
He’ll do it even when people are over - why should he care? If anything: your friends need to know. Nobody can fuck you like he can, please you like he pleases you
He’s a pervert, sure
Your pervert
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