jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
I’m so happy for everybody who was accepted to the Disney College Program fall/advantage!!
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
Accepted for Fall Advantage 2014 for attractions!! 🎢🎡🎠
Disney College Program Acceptances
Reblog this post if you’ve already been accepted! I want to see what kind of presence there is here on Tumblr!
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
It's OFFICIAL: Disney World here I come!
After a long week of mid terms and picking up extra shifts at work I got the best reward I could have ever asked for... And I'm not just talking about Spring Break and an entire week with my boyfriend who I haven't seen in a month... But there's more.... I GOT THE EMAIL!!!!! Let me tell you...after exactly a month and one day after my phone interview, and being pended for 10 days this email sent me into an emotional explosion!! As I'm walking to my first class to take my first mid term of the day I felt the need to check my email. And there it was: wdw.college.re... Disney College Program:... Disney College Program: Congratul... I opened it immediately and saw that beautiful purple banner with the words "Congratulations!" painted across the top. So like any normal person I squealed an excited squeal only to look up and see a very confused look on the poor girl holding the door open for me. Tears swelled in my eyes and my smile was probably creeping out everyone around me. I couldn't contain my excitement and before I sat down to take my test I ran out to the hallway to call my mom! I still can't believe that in two months I will be employed at Disney World! It's a dream come true!! Thanks to all my followers! Stay subscribed and share my adventure.. This is just the beginning! More to come! Have a magical day! -Jocelyn
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
This is perfect for all those still pending (myself included).
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Words of wisdom from Walt. This quote will get me through fall applications.
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
DCP Fall 2014: Pending
Hey everyone! So a quick update on my journey… I received an email letting me know that my Application is PENDING. I’m staying positive and having wishful thinking. I talked to my friend who did last years fall program and she Said not to worry because a lot of the people she worked With got pended during their acceptance phase as well.
Now I’m just more nervous than ever. I want this so so soooo bad just Like many of you.
I want to say congratulations to all those who have been accepted, And to those who are pending, let’s pend together! I would love to hear how you’re feeling and what you’re Doing to stay positive.
Follow my journey and we can stick it out together!
Have a magical night everyone! -Jocelyn
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
Reblog if you are applying for dcp fall 2014
I need people to wait it out with :)
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
Waiting....Waiting....Still Waiting
Hey all you Disney College Programmers, and my Disney Lovers too!
I know I haven't posted in quite some time and I am sorry for that. 
Like most of you (I assume) I am STILL waiting for any kind of updates on my Disney College Program Dashboard of the 2014 Fall/Fall Advantage semester. 
I wasn't too worried about it until this week because this Wednesday will be week 3 of waiting since my phone interview. 
Most of you are probably going crazy and checking your email every day like a psycho...oh wait is that just me? Some of you might even be totally worry free, but I wanted to give you a few tips on how to keep your cool until April 18th (the date responses should be out by/before).  
Countdown Clocks
So for the next 45 days these are some of the things I will be doing to stay busy and worry free! 
Going to school!
Working...A lot of hours. I like to pick up extra shifts or cover co-workers shifts so that I am working hard, getting paid, and not constantly checking my email on my phone.
I just started this juice cleanse! I'm only on day one, but so far I love it! 
Going out with friends! This past weekend I went out to a fun night club here in Albuquerque with some friends from high school and I had so much fun! If you're waiting around at your computer, you're not having fun, so get up, get out and do something!
Watching lots of Disney movies! From Ariel in the Little Mermaid, to Mulan and Cinderella, I have been getting inspired and brushing up on Disney (oh and Pixar) history and creations!
So these are just a few things you can try doing in order not to go to cray cray from constantly refreshing email and web pages. 
Remember to stay positive and think good thoughts. If it is meant to be it will happen! 
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions to talk about. I want to know about you all and your journeys too! 
Follow my blog and share it with your friends!
Have a magical day everybody!
-Jocelyn Moya
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
Thanks for tagging be on the Disney Style post! :)
Of course!! :D
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
Tagged!! Disney Style :D
  Rule 1: Always post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you wrote and write 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post 

Rule 4: Actually tell them you tagged them.
hannahandthefrenchtoast’s questions:
  What is your least favorite attraction in all of WDW, and why?            I haven’t been to WDW in a while, but I would have to say Pirates of the Caribbean or Haunted Mansion because they are so interactive and so much fun. I love the boat ride in Pirates and the ghosts in Haunted Mansion.
If you could go to any one of the foreign Disney Parks, which would you choose?                                                                            I would probably want to go to the Tokyo Disneyland Park.
What is the fondest memory you have had at Disney?                          This is a hard one, there are so many fond memories made at Disney. I would probably have to say my fondest memory would be when I went with my school choir a few years back and finally got to meet Mickey for the first time and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and I got a picture with him.
If you could Disneybound any character, who would it be and why?                                                                                                    Another tough one, it would either be Pocahontas or Jasmine because they are my two favorite Disney princesses and I love the color turquoise.
Favorite place to eat in all of Disney property?                                 So this one is kinda funny but my favorite place (so far ) to eat at DisneyLAND, I don’t know if they have it at DisneyWORLD, but it is this amazing corndog stand on main street that has the most amazing corn dogs ever!  
What is the most magical moment you have witnessed taking place at Disney?                                                                                   Magic is everywhere at Disney, but I feel the most magical moment I have personally experienced, so far, would be the Fantasmic and Wishes shows…Leaves me speechless.
 Have you ever touched Cinderella Castle? (If not, you should totally go hug it.)                                                                                NO :( But that is on my Disney bucket list during my DCP…If I get in.
Who is your favorite Pixar character and why?                                    I love Dory! She is the best ever for two reasons:  1) She is so positive and optimistic (AND FUNNY!)  And 2) she is played by Ellen DeGeneres.
Which is your favorite pavilion in World Showcase and why?             I’ve never been to the World Showcase unfortunately so I don’t know :(
 Least favorite WDW resort?                                                              I don’t think I have a least favorite.
Favorite spot to just sit and watch crowds at WDW?             Anywhere on main street!
 jocelyndenae1505's questions:
What is your favorite Pixar movie?
Have you ever participated in any Disney marathons? If not, would you ever?]
Disneyland in California or Disneyworld in Florida?
What's your favorite attraction at Disneyland/Disneyworld?
What's your favorite hidden treasure of a Disney park?
Favorite Disney princess?
Favorite Disney Prince?
Best Disney TV series?
What is your favorite Disney show? (ex. Fantasmic, Wishes, ect.)
Where is your favorite place to watch the parades and/or firework shows?
What is your favorite Disney resort?
I’m tagging:
hannahandthefrenchtoast, snowhite726, dcpadventuresbymatt, doitforthedisneyfanart, myroomsamess, kathryndoesdisney, amydcp, disneyphotographer, greatwidedisney, s-pringlove, thedisneyish, dahmersdearest817, electricheartofmine, theurgewhichensues,@amydcp14
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
Reblog if you post disney and I will follow you. 
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
DCP: Phone Interview Questions and Tips
So, I won’t go into major detail of the questions and answers, but here are a few basic questions to think about:
Why do YOU want to be part of the Disney college program?**NOTE: This is a question everyone gets asked. Be honest with your answer, don’t just say it’s because you love Disney.** 
What is your previous work experience?        
What are your top 2-3 roles you are interested in? *NOTE: They go over every role you showed ANY sort of interest in during your application phase. If you have NO INTEREST at all in doing a role, make sure you state that in your application. Be HONEST.***  
Can you comply with the “Disney Look”? Do you have any tattoos or piercings that cannot be covered (tattoo) or removed (piercing) *NOTE: Again be honest here. I told my interviewer about my tattoo on the back of my shoulder and my industrial piercing. She just asked if I would be willing to wear and undershirt if my tattoo showed through my costume and if I would be okay removing my piercing during work.                     
Other questions applied to the top roles I showed interest in. There were a lot of situational questions like, “What would you do if…” and “How do you handle an emergency situation?” ect.
I was so excited by the end of the interview I just wanted to be in Disney already!
Everyone was saying to just remember to SMILE and be yourself and I totally pass on that advice to all you still waiting for that phone call. Your cheeks should hurt by the end of the call…Mine sure did!
I hope everyone is having a magical time during their application phases…and those of you waiting now after your phone interview…WELCOME to the club!
I’m going to just keep busy for the next 2-3 weeks (the wait time they gave me) so I am not just waiting and staring at my email for the next few days…But let’s be honest… Every time a new email comes in I check it ASAP!!
Hope this helped a little bit. I will be posting a few more blogs for tips on the interview and what to do while you’re waiting for that acceptance email.
Have a magical evening everyone! Make sure to follow and share my blogs!
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
The wait is over...Phone Interview Experience (Finally)!
Wow! What a crazy week it has been.
The day of my phone interview I worked a ten hour day at work and I was so exhausted by the time I ended my interview with Disney.
Then I was off to see my boyfriend for Valentine’s Day in the good ol’ Garden City, KS. It was a fun long weekend and now I am back to blogging more regularly.
Again I apologize for leaving you all hanging but finally you can hear how my DCP Phone Interview went. If you are still waiting to take your phone interview this year, hopefully this will help you out. If you’re still thinking of applying I say DO IT! You won’t regret it!
Ok so here we go!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
(8:30 p.m.)
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This is the messages I was texting my boyfriend from my bedroom. I was so nervous.
They tell you to block out at least an hour around the time you set up your interview call. I set mine up for 8:45 p.m. and I was getting nervous by 7:30 p.m.
For my interview, I set up shop in my bedroom with my phone (on the charger), my laptop (also on the charger), and my dinner. Like I said I was super nervous to miss it so my mom brought me a plate of food to my room because I was starving!
I had typed up a few key points to remember, for example the question everyone gets asked, “Why I want to be part of the Disney College Program.” I just put this list in bullet points so I wouldn't sound rehearsed. I also typed out a few questions to ask after my interview. (This really came in handy.)
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At 8:41 p.m. on Wednesday night I got the call that I had been waiting for.
A smile came over my face and a took a deep breath in and out as my Justin Timberlake “Mirrors” ringtone blared out. I finished my breath and answered.
Me: Hello this is Jocelyn.
Interviewer: Hello Jocelyn this is Michelle with the Disney College Recruitment Center calling about your application for the Disney College Program, are you available to talk?
The conversation was off to a great start and it was the most exhilarating 28 minute conversation I had ever had. 
My next post will have more details on how the interview went and some more tips on how to best prepare for your own phone interview.
Have a magical evening everyone! Make sure to follow and share my blogs!
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
Tonight is the Night: Phone Interview
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The nerves for this night have been building up ever since I got the email to set a date for my phone interview. Tonight is finally here and my phone interview should begin in less than an hour. 
I did my best to prepare myself for this interview but the best advice I have heard is, "Just be yourself!" That's what I plan to do.
I wrote down a few key tips to help me out such as:
"Reason I want to be in the Disney College Program" :
It is an opportunity of a lifetime to gain such a  credible employer on resumes and to get a chance to learn important skills that I can bring home to my career goals
It is a great chance to network with important leaders
and "Questions to ask my interviewer" at the end:
How long have you worked for Disney?
How did you start your career with Disney?
Will there be opportunities to apply for professional internships after my time in the DCP?
How many people apply each year for the DCP and how many get in?
I can't wait to see how all this works out! For all those still waiting for their web-based interviews or phone-interviews good luck! Don't give up and be yourself! Always remember to SMILE and enjoy yourself. 
Hope this helps!
Please share and subscribe to my blog! 
Have a magical night!
Post-phone interview blog to follow!
-Jocelyn :)
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
Hello!! I'm Jocelyn I'll be blogging my DCP Experience and anything Disney related!! Follow me 👍
Here ye, here ye! Gather ‘round all Disney blogs! If you’re an active Disney blog reblog this, so I can follow you! I’m following way too many inactive Disney blogs and I’d like to change that!
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
Shirley Temple: A Legend Is Never Forgotton
From the Good Ship Lollipop to Animal Crackers in My Soup, Shirley Temple (Black) took the hearts of many and was the top of America’s box-office star. From the debut at the age of 3 to the last years of her life, Temple was a name that everybody knew and loved.
The well-known child star jump started her career on the 20th Century Fox network for nine years until her contract was terminated.  In the mid-1940s Temple acquainted herself with the great Walt Disney and was even featured in the animated “Autograph Hound” in September 1939 alongside Donald Duck.
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Copyright Disney Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. 
This friendship between Temple and Disney continued further and in 1957, Disney invited temple to join him in Anaheim to cut the ribbon for the Sleeping Beauty Castle Walk Through, Disneyland’s newest attraction.
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Copyright Disney Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
Temple’s success with Fox and Disney was just the start of the undeniable legend that passed today, February 11, 2014 at the age of 85.
She was an inspiration to all who were following a dream. 
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jocelyndenae1505 · 11 years
Stepping Stones Towards Florida
After a long day at work, it was nice to come home to a warm plate of green chile chicken alfredo pasta and The Disney College Program Web Based Interview waiting for me. 
Although I was prepared for the interview, the excitement was overwhelming and got my nerves kicking. 
I started my WBI at around 6:00 p.m. and it only took me about 30 minutes. For those of you who haven't done the WBI, don't sweat it. I would say its close to 50-ish questions (more or less) that ask you to respond with Best Describes Me, Does not describe me, Strongly Agree, and Strongly Disagree with options for opinions in between.
It was suggested by most alumni to always have the strongest opinion on either spectrum because Disney wants you to have a strong opinion about something. Also, be very honest. You don't want Disney to catch you in a lie...How would Mickey feel about that?
As soon as the last question is answered you will get an immediate response from Disney whether or not you passed the WBI and can move on to the phone interview. 
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If you DO pass the WBI, you will see something that looks like this and should receive and email about setting up your phone interview withing 24 hours of taking the WBI.
As I was writing this blog, I received my email from Disney to set up my phone interview!!
A few tips to remember when taking the WBI:
Make sure you have a good internet connection. For a moment, my web page had a glitch but it allowed me to continue where I left off, however, I don't know if that is always the case.
Stay calm. Just because some of the questions are timed, you will have plenty of time to answer each question.
Answer truthfully and with a strong opinion.
Take the interview in a quiet place. They reword some of the questions so pay attention so you answer them to the best of your ability.
and most importantly....
     5. BE EXCITED!!! Remember, this is an opportunity of a lifetime so              take advantage of it. 
I hope this is helpful to all of you in your interviewing phases. Good luck to everyone and have a magical rest of your day!
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