#Adam plays TOTK
sir-adamus · 1 year
i love Sonia so much
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symmetrycrypt · 1 month
did anyone else feel like totk was weirdly constantly trying to push the fact that "Link is a male"
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
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Clanne and Framme are absolutely precious and if anything were to happen to them I’d burn down the world and then myself.
So Fire Emblem Engage is going well so far :D
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selenityshiroi · 1 year
It's amazing how weird people are being about the house in Hateno and being so adamant that Link doesn't live there.
Like...People can have whatever headcanons and interpretations they want...but it's not exactly rocket science as to Nintendo's intent, here.
There are a lot of nods to BOTW in TOTK but almost all of them are incredibly vague and subtle. The overarching plot is only kind of generally mentioned and interactions with NPCs who had sidequests in BOTW tend to be 'thanks for helping me last time' instead of saying what Link did.
This is clearly because Nintendo are trying to keep BOTW spoilers to an absolute minimum. So that if anyone wants to play it who hasn't (or if you've missed things and you plan to play it in more detail later) then the experience is affected as little as possible.
I think the only side quest I can think of that is kind of spoiled is Kohga mentioning Link throwing him down into the depths. And that was more because it was difficult to explain what he was doing down there otherwise.
So the reason why Link's ownership of the Hateno house isn't mentioned? Because it's a BOTW side quest. That's it.
They could have had Zelda living anywhere. Even in one of the new houses just on the other side of the bridge. She could have been living with Purah or something. They chose to have her living in the house Link brought. And not because Link's ownership has been erased. But because Link's ownership is bonus knowledge for those who played BOTW and it adds to the tease of the ambiguity of their relationship status.
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valictini · 1 year
Just watched a video about how maybe totk’s Hyrule isn’t botw’s hyrule because of a lot of details that changed between the two, and that zelda going back in time effectively changed history that resulted in a slightly different Hyrule.
I don’t think it’s the truth but I can’t stop thinking about the implications of this.
The idea that history was actively rewritten by Zelda’s time travel is so fascinating to me, like time collapsed on itself and it magically morphed into a perfect loop the moment totk began (i mean, we don’t see Hyrule before the upheaval, for all we know, botw’s post-calamity Hyrule could have been different from what we got in totk)
And in a way, it could sort of explain all the strange discrepancies everyone noticed, as if her going back changed a few of the world’s rules: where and why is the sheikah tech gone, how does the remaining sheikah tech even work without the ancient furnaces, why do ancient writings about the zonai suddenly appear out of nowhere as if they were always there and why are they more connected to the royal family than the ruins in Faron, why is everyone adamant that the « hero’s aspect » costume looks like the ancient hero when the drawing clearly(?) depicts a normal human etc)
I mean, I know the answer to all this is « gameplay » and « make a game a newbie can understand without having played botw » but I think I’m not alone when I say that totk’s story left me with more questions than answers. Even though I resent that they might use DLCs to complete totk’s story, if they go this route of « actually it’s a parallel dimension here how it works » and it does actually work, then sure, I’d get behind that
Again, the more I think about, the more unlikely it seems, but it’s a fun thought experiment nonetheless
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drtanner · 10 months
9 people to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me in this, @kassasaurus-rex! Always delighted when someone thinks of me, lmao. 💜
Let's do the thing! ( b ._.)b
1. Three ships: Oh my god. I'm excluding ships that include my OCs to make this a bit more interesting to people who aren't me, lmao. I'm a fan of the classics! I've had me a big ol' Ganondorf/Link relapse with the release of TotK, that's always a good one. 💜 And despite everything, I'm still deeply fond of Heavy/Medic, lmao. You'll pry that one from my cold, dead hands.
... But the other one I like is fucking. Gene from God Hand and Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes. Do they ever meet in canon? No. Does anyone other than me know or think about this ship? Also no.
2. First ever ship: Not counting the dozens and dozens of self-insert ships I feverishly wrote about over the course of my childhood and early teens lol Vegeta/Goku. :')
3. Last song: Golden Brown by The Stranglers.
4. Last film: How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Jim Carey one, we watched it with the FC last night, lmao.
5. Currently reading: I haven't been able to read shit in years, sorry. :')
6. Currently watching: I wish I had the room in my head to start a new series, but as we speak I've got a video from Adam Savage's YT channel playing in the other monitor, lol. Love this dude. 💜
7. Currently consuming: Just had me some kind of spicy bacon concuction with spaghetti for (midnight) dinner, and some ice cream!
8. Currently craving: God. I need to get some aniseed balls. It's been years.
Let's tag some people! ( b ._.)b
@saint-sigma, @blu-jei, @cutequius, @doktorpeace, @draayder, @crush-zombie-drawan, @cleucas, @trickstercheebs, @toadstooltyrant and anyone else who wants to do it! Go ahead!
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gerudospiriit · 11 months
Tagged by: @koopzilla and @timid-plumber thank you 💚
Tagging: u
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NAME: Nabooru (she doesn't technically use her last name, but for ease for the Hylians, she uses Vaidena)
NAME MEANING: "lone wolf" in Gerudo (based on a super old beginnings of a Gerudo language I found YEARS ago and can no longer find 😭)
ALIAS(ES): The Exalted, Chief Nabooru, Sage of Spirit
Nabooru only used her ripping-the-spirit-from-a-being powers once to test them out. While the results terrified her, she is not completely against using them again in emergencies.
(I'm sure I've told some people this but...since I'm still on the fence about it, I'm putting it here) I've played around with the idea of Nabooru being pregnant when she gets caught in the Spirit Temple by Twinrova. Since she was brainwashed, she would have no idea what came of the child.
Nabooru would have made Gerudo Town much bigger than what we see in BotW and TotK. Realistically, it would just have to be. In her time, the Gerudo more often stick around and live in the desert rather than only coming around to work there/train/etc.
Number one is absolutely training. She loves combat, the way her body feels when she fights and the intoxicating adrenaline. She's all about self-improvement.
She also loves to read! It kind of goes along with her love of self-improvement, but she just likes to learn and lose herself in a different world while curled up in bed or on her cushy couch.
Experimenting with her hair and makeup. It's not excessive, but she likes changing up her look once in a while.
Adena (her mother)
The Gerudo (even the ones who make her life hell)
Zelda (she's trying)
Her horse, V'risqa
Ganondorf ???
Not being a little more adamant about ideas of compromise.
Picking THAT DAY to defy orders and go to the temple
Failure (more in regards to failing her people)
Like-Likes (less a phobia and more just keep them as far away form her as possible)
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honnojis · 1 year
How do you feel about shirtless Adam Zumi?.... Lol I'm kidding my real question is what did you think of zelda tears of the kingdom if you played it?
i drew shirtless adam and made at least several jokes about his tits being out and you ask me how i feel about it LOL (i think it's fucking funny)
also totk is goty for me so far, and possibly my new favourite zelda game. unless some other crazy game comes out this year, there's no way that's getting knocked off the no 1 spot
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uriayx · 1 year
ooo, can you tell me about your tmc au? It looks really cool!
OOGOHOHOHOHOOHOH. YOU HAVE MADE A HORRID MISTAKE. <333333 there's a full rundown pinned on my blog if you want something more professional and in-depth (plus 4 out of 10 total character designs if you wanna draw em!!!) but here's a more basic rundown
so basically, I was playing TOTK when I made this and i got like- the sword from Skyward Sword????? and it reminded me of how Link and Zelda are cursed to be reborn over and over again to fight Ganon. In short, I took inspo from that idea and applied it to TMC- Cesar and Mark are passed-down reincarnations of gods, but they've been reincarnated so far down that they dismiss any sort of clue to them being gods as "just a coincidence." When Cesar and Mark die (with Cesar getting fused with Alt!Cesar), they are reincarnated as Adam and Jonah- Cesar -> Adam, Mark -> Jonah
Also, there's a fic also pinned!!! just fused the 1st and 2nd chapters bc i didnt like the flow lmao..........a few things of note btw is that jonah is she/he, mark and adam are trans guys, and Alt and Cesar live in the same body but aren't the same person, as they both occupy Adam
also Gabriel plays a part with Thatcher, Adam has a little sister named Mary, and Evelyn and Adam are still dating (though I plan on making it very background) (and also the oc bitch in my pfp is there bc i ran out of characters. their name is sketchka)
read the fic if you want im sosososoos glad you're interested in it <333333
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aaronexplainsitall · 1 year
Watch adam’s videos! There’s so so many like I was running around in the depths in totk and I had to stop and just sit on the floor and be like WTF WTF Wtf… idk which one he starts talking about the brother but I think in the first one he mentions the brother.
Also the first one is titled I was right about Colleen ballinger If you want to start from the beginning.
Also If you want a good recap Paige Christie did a few videos on it
Oh you as me consuming this content while playing TOTK lmao
I'll start with I Was Right About Colleen because I guess I don't have any respect for my sanity or lack of brain rot and I'm going to deep dive into this lsdkfj
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sir-adamus · 1 year
i just know that in-between memories, local history nerd Zelda was absolutely losing her goddamn mind over arriving in an era so ancient almost no records exist of it and getting a first-hand look at the way Hyrule was at its founding
Sonia absolutely indulging that little nerd talking at 500 miles an hour
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sir-adamus · 1 year
heard about a new character introduced in this game and immediately saw the bullshit reactions to her and left the tag
welcome back to 2007, jesus fucking christ
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sir-adamus · 1 year
Yona’s great, i love the confirmation that there are other Zora domains out there (as there should be, Hyrule is one kingdom, the entire Zora population isn’t gonna be centralised there - the genetic diversity would be horrendous)
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sir-adamus · 1 year
so I'm still not very far into TotK but i am noticing that there hasn't been any kind of specific reference to BotW
like yeah characters appear and there's vague nods to the Calamity and the characters already having been established as knowing Link however
there's nothing overtly direct and specific so far, which can come off as a bit odd given everything, and in a sequel usually you'd expect directly referenced follow ups, right?
but here's the thing, Zelda games rarely have direct sequels following the same characters (most of the time we're following a different iteration of Link and Zelda and a revolving cast of NPCs), and when they do, for the most part they're not set in the same location (Phantom Hourglass (sequel to Wind Waker) is in the Realm of the Ocean King instead of the Great Sea, the Oracle games (sequels to ALttP) are set in Holodrum and Labrynna, Link's Awakening is set on Kolohint Island (also a sequel to ALttP, technically also a sequel to the Oracle games), Majora's Mask (sequel to Ocarina of Time) is set in Termina)
and because of that, it makes sense that events from previous games aren't directly mentioned - new location, that stuff isn't particularly relevant, right?
but that's the underlying core of it - every Zelda game is presented in a way that it could be someone's first Zelda game. you don't need the context of the previous game to be able to jump in on this one, so they go along without referencing things directly, simply in a world building manner, so people jumping in on the newest game don't have to go through the previous one to understand what's going on
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sir-adamus · 1 year
the part where the Colgera boss theme transitions into an absolutely amazing choir-backed rendition of the Dragon Roost Island theme was so fucking awesome - genuinely i think one of the best boss fights Zelda has had in years (is it easy? yes. is it badass as all hell? also yes)
and so fitting, considering... we’re awakening a new Rito Sage (and we fought Molgera last time); the Dragon Roost Island theme has effectively become the Rito theme since their reappearance in BotW and it also played during Medli’s Awakening, so it makes perfect sense for it to be used here and the presentation of it is fantastic
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sir-adamus · 1 year
oops i think i accessed a dungeon before the story said i was supposed to
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