#Adam Van Meter
Seeking Closure, Finding Justice and Family
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ejrz4eb
by Mustangty28
Firehouse 51 finds itself battling a massive inferno at a chemical plant alongside other firehouses that leaves a couple of firefighters and plant workers dead in addition to Squad 3 being undermanned due to the injuries to Severide & Cruz. In the aftermath of the incident, a pregnant and emotional Stella Kidd-Severide teams up with Violet Mikami, OFI and PD's Kim Burgess, Adam Ruzek & Hailey Upton alongside her recovering husband to find the answers and to help seek closure and justice for the families of the late firefighters and plant workers. After her latest attempt of dating around ends in another failure, Sylvie Brett finds herself trying to come to terms with her emotional struggle over her personal life.
Words: 9654, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, Chicago PD (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, Other
Characters: Kelly Severide, Stella Kidd, Sylvie Brett, Joe Cruz (Chicago Fire), Violet Mikami, Christopher Herrmann, Wallace Boden, Donna Robbins-Boden, Cindy Herrmann, Herrmann Family (Chicago Fire), Firehouse 51 Crew Members (Chicago Fire), Tom Van Meter, Wendy Seager, Kim Burgess, Adam Ruzek, Hailey Upton, Kylie Estevez, Maggie Lockwood, Hannah Asher, Will Halstead, Crockett Marcel, Olga Patchefsky, Dean Archer, Ethan Choi, April Sexton, Nurse Doris (Chicago Med), Chicago Med Ensemble (Chicago Med), Naomi Graham, Dallas Patterson, Jason Pelham
Relationships: Stella Kidd/Kelly Severide, Chloe Allen/Joe Cruz, Joe Cruz & Kelly Severide, Sylvie Brett & Stella Kidd & Violet Mikami, Sylvie Brett & Violet Mikami, Kim Burgess/Adam Ruzek, Wallace Boden/Donna Robbins-Boden, Wallace Boden & Kelly Severide, Wallace Boden & Stella Kidd, Chloe Allen & Stella Kidd
Additional Tags: Chemical Plant Explosion, Explosions, Hurt Kelly Severide, Hurt Joe Cruz - Freeform, One Chicago (Chicago Franchise), Chicago Crossover, Worried Stella Kidd, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Firefighters, Emotional Sylvie Brett, Major Character Injury, Serious Injuries, Wakes & Funerals, Investigations, Heartbreak and healing, references to past relationships
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ejrz4eb
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Laboring at Big Bend Tunnel
New Jersey looms large in the history of Labor Day. Two labor organizers with roots in the state—Peter J. McGuire and Matthew Maguire—are often credited with being the first to propose the concept of a Labor Day holiday in the United States.
John Henry, legendary for his work on the railroads, was a nineteen-year-old who came from New Jersey as well, at least according to some historians. Many details of the folk hero’s life remain subject to historical dispute, but the ‘steel-driving’ freedman is widely lionized in ballads as a man who did battle with a steam-powered rock drill and won.
Steel drivers were laborers tasked with hammering dynamite holes into rock during the construction of railroad lines in the 1800s. As the legend goes, Henry—a freedman working on a tunnel on the Chesapeake and Ohio (C&O) Railway in West Virginia—was so strong and skilled that he set out to prove to the railroad companies that he could drill faster than a steam-powered drill, a new tool that threatened the jobs of steel-drivers at the time.
“Using two 10-pound hammers, one in each hand, he pounded the drill so fast and so hard that he drilled a 14-foot hole into the rock,” according to an account of the contest published by the National Park Service. “The legend says that the drill was only able to drill nine feet. John Henry beat the steam drill and later died of exhaustion.”
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There isn’t consensus on where the reputed contest took place, but one of the leading candidates is Big Bend Tunnel (also called Great Bend Tunnel) in West Virginia. The 6,450-foot (1,966-meter) tunnel cuts off an eight-mile bend in the Greenbrier River, which winds around Big Bend Mountain before joining the New River to the west. The tunnel, built by over 800 men, many freed slaves and Irish immigrants, was the longest on the C&O line when it was completed in 1872.
On August 23, 2024, the OLI (Operational Land Imager) on Landsat 8 captured this image of the area where the tunnel bores through red shale in Big Bend Mountain. Cleared forest along the track is visible on either side of the tunnel’s east and west boreholes. The town of Talcott, home to the John Henry Historical Park and an eight-foot-tall bronze statue of John Henry, is visible to the east of the tunnel.
Despite the historical park and research that points to Big Bend Tunnel as the location of Henry’s feat, some scholars believe that Lewis Tunnel, 45 miles to the east in Virginia, is a more likely setting for the duel. Others think that it may have happened in the Coosa and Oak Tunnels in Alabama.
Whatever the location, the legacy of John Henry lives on in songs performed by Arthur Bell, Harry Belafonte, Bruce Springsteen, Gabriel Brown, Johnny Cash, Van Morrison, and many other musicians.
Few who have studied the legend believe Henry actually died of exhaustion during the contest. Others have suggested he died in a rock slide, from fever, or from the lung disease silicosis. Either way, his story has become a potent symbol of the sweat and sacrifice that American workers have given to build the United States into what it is today.
NASA Earth Observatory image by Wanmei Liang, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Photo by Dave Bieri, courtesy of the National Park Service. Story by Adam Voiland.
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forensicated · 1 month
04x48 - Taken Into Consideration
June brings a prisoners belongings through so he can be bailed. He says he doesn't know what he had on him when he was arrested. Tom tells him he signed to say that that was what he had at the time and to take the items and go. He does, as Tom and June exchange knowing glances. "Go home, Kevin!" Tom sighs wearily after Kevin asks what happens if there's things there that don't belong to him because they might be trying to fit him up.
In CID, Jim arrives and is clearly hungover and very tired. "Are you Brahms?" Burnside pauses, leaning in to peer at Jim. "No." In that case, Frank signs Mike and Jim up for an overnight obbo to watch for potential burglars. Jim protests that is a job for uniform but Frank counters by saying that they're easily picked out and so they're going to watch for the night. All night.
Jim goes to 'investigate the back of the houses' aka: take a leak. In doing so he spots a man climbing down a drainpipe with a bright orange carrier. He zips up and they chase him. It's Kevin! "Oh hello!" He says to Jim. In the bag is only pyjamas so Mike snaps at Jim to search him. In his pocket is a large amount of 50ps. Kevin claims he's going to his girlfriends house and the pyjamas are because he's bashful. He's taking the 50ps - from his plastic bottle of whiskey filled with change that he has made into a lamp - to feed his girlfriends electric meter. He climbed out the window because he didn't want to wake his landlord. Mike sends June and Viv to go and check up to see if Kevin does live in that house - he does! The landlord doesn't like him though because he owes money.
Kevin asks him to take him to his girlfriends house so he can prove what he's told them. Daphne welcomes him in, telling him it's eggs for breakfast. "... Is she your mother?" "No!" Kevin glares. He thanks them for the lift and tries to go in but Jim stops him and heads inside himself, shouting for Mike when he finds lots of electricals.
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Kevin is due to be moving in with Daphne and claims that's why they have 2 of everything. Kevin tries to do a runner as they call for a van but doesn't get further than the corridor.
"Oh hello Sergeant Penny!" Kevin greets Tom as he's brought in with Daphne. He's utterly unphased about being in Custody again, Daphne tells Tom she has no pockets, only her handkerchief which she keeps up a sleeve. Tom tells her she can keep it and leads Mike and Jim outside to talk. He wants something more than suspicion to have to keep Kevin in again. Mike tells him he's tried to do a runner twice after being caught coming out of a window of a property with his pockets filled with 50ps.
Tom asks June to sit in with Dashers whilst he interviews Kevin to make sure he doesn't swing for him as Tom doesn't think he's had the pleasure of Kevin before. Jim and Mike are adamant that they caught him in the act and that he must have been fiddling meters.
Frank tells the boys there's been too many of the burglaries in the surrounding area and that he's getting pressure from up high on it so he wants it wrapping up tightly.
"We having some sounds are we?" Kevin asks as Mike unwraps a new tape to record his interview. Mike does the formalities and reads the caution to Kevin. "What have you got to say for yourself?" Kevin leads towards the mike on the wall. "'Ello mum!" he says, laughing after.
Daphne looks around CID. "It's all a bit of an adventure this isn't it!" Jim snaps at her to concentrate and asks her what Kevin does. She says she doesn't know and then asks about Frank's office. Daphne claims what men do is a mystery to her and then she leans in. "... You look really tired."
Mike asks Kevin where he was the day before. Kevin says that's easy, he was there at the station. Mike asks about that night and Kevin says that no, he wasn't at the station then. Mike asks where he was that night and Kevin says he was packing and counting the money from the piggybank lamp he made in night school. Mike asks about the day before yesterday and Kevin looks thoughtful. "I could have been at me mums." he suggests, asking them to phone her and find out. If he wasn't there he was at Daphne's so suggests he ask Daphne. Mike loses his temper and slams his fist on the floor. "You made me jump!" Kevin pouts.
Daphne tells Jim that Kevin likes to play the game of being a master criminal but he confesses to keep up appearances. She tells him that he disappeared mysteriously the day before but that he won't believe her when she says where he was. Jim promises her he will. Daphne tells him that he said he was there at Sun Hill.
Mike tells Kevin that everyone who lives around him has been broken into in the last few months.
Kevin: "I wouldn't mess on my own doorstep. I am a professional!"
Mike: "No, you are a one man crimewave!"
Kevin: [genuinely proud] "Thank you, Mr Dashwood!"
Mike: [breaks for refreshments] "I'm going to go away and get refreshed. I'm going to reflect on this situation and get so mean and nasty that if I were you I'd be very careful to be as cooperative as possible otherwise I might not be held responsible for my actions."
Kevin: [calm and oblivious] Must be very stressful being a policeman."
Jim tells Mike that he doesn't think Daphne knows anything about anything - including who she is or where she is. Reg comes to try and talk to them and without listening Mike snaps at him to sod off. Jim wonders if Christine will allow them to keep Kevin for a further 6 hours but Mike says no without a statement or evidence so they'll have to nail him now in interview. June reminds them that Kevin's story checked out so he shouldn't even be there. "Oh? And when are you applying for CID then?"
June goes to find Frank.
Frank: [on the phone to the canteen] "I want a bacon sandwich. A proper bacon sandwich. Not a rind and a promise!"
June: "It's Mike Dashwood."
Frank: "He's mine, you can't have him!."
June: "He's-"
Frank: "He's a swine and he's put you in the club and run off with another woman?"
June tells Frank that Mike is pressuring Kevin into making a statement and he's innocent. If he doesn't sort it out she'll go to Derek. Frank tells her to leave it with him because he'll take care of it.
Jim and Tony bring in Kevin's 'booty'. Tony tells Jim that the trouble with Kevin is that he'll by stolen property at retail price. Jim reckons they'll be able to nail him via his fingerprints. Tom tells Jim that the last man who dealt with Kevin is still in the psych ward.
Mike recommences the interview. Kevin tells him he's been thinking and he could help him as a snout because he knows heavy people. Jim enters and says the boxed VCR is definitely nicked. "Oh come on, I bought that from Dixon's!" Jim tells him it matches a serial number on an insurance document. Jim then asks Mike to follow him outside. Kevin tells June that he's being fit up and they've swapped it for a stolen one. "I don't stand a chance." he says before pausing. "... Am I really this important?"
Outside Mike and Jim are discussing exactly that. It's a stunt. June comes out to ask if it's by the book and Mike insists it's all done by the codes of practice. June thinks Kevin has a low IQ and that the case will be thrown out by court unless a solicitor is present. Mike says he hasn't confessed to anything and that he thinks Kevin knows what he's doing. "Yes, but do you?" Mike sighs as June returns to Kevin. "What is it with these girls?"
Mike tells Jim to wait a minute and then come into the room - without saying anything - holding a file with some papers in it. Mike tells Kevin that they're checking prints.
Kevin: "I never had any of this yesterday."
Mike: "Yes, but today we've decided you're going down."
Kevin: "No!" [looks to June] "Can they do that?"
Mike: "I can do anything I like. We're professionals. You help us, we'll help you. That's the professional way."
Jim enters with the file and Mike looks through it. He tells Kevin they have him on the stolen property and now his fingerprints match on one of the break ins. He pretends he's going to charge him. Kevin is distressed and Mike says Daphne can visit but wonders with Jim if she's the type to actually wait for him but in his experience it's rare. "So Kevin would do well to cooperate." "I don't have any choice do I."
Tom leads Kevin back to his cell and tells him it's a pity because he likes him. He's one of the genuinely stupidest people he's ever met. "You'll be sorely missed." Kevin tells him he didn't do any of it and he's being fitted up. "What chance did I have?" When he's sent into his cell he asks for a solicitor.
Frank looks through the case file and calls Mike in. He protests about a scrawny bacon sandwich before asking him to sit down. Noone has identified any of Kevin's 'stolen' property. They only have his statement and no other evidence and Mike insists they're working on it and will search his flat for tools. Frank says his statement doesn't tie him in to anything and he's clearly had pressure applied as he has confessed to everything but stealing the crown jewels. Frank knows the game Mike is playing but there's a limit and you don't overstep it, especially when June is around. He asks if Kevin is thick and Mike insists he's devious. Frank warns him that he's very close to being investigated if June takes her concerns further. He warns him to be nice to June and get some evidence for Kevin - today!
Mike and Jim head to look at Kevin's room in the landlords house. Mike has a growl at June that what happened in the interview room with Kevin is nothing that hasn't happened before and if she can't handle it then she's in the wrong job.
June: "I can handle anything you've got."
Viv: [pointedly] "Do you think you've got anything worth handling though?"
June asks Jim to have a word and he tells her that Burnside's given Mike a hard time about it already. Outside, Jim keeps telling Mike that it's a no hope case and to let him go so they can go home.
Mike refuses and drives to the landlords house to look around. Jim collapses on the bed and lays down, closing his eyes. In the wardrobe is the whiskey bottle that Kevin told him about with the slit in it for coins. "Oh no... Jim?" Mike calls, but Jim is already fast asleep, snoring.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A group of American soldiers stationed in Iraq at the end of the Gulf War find a map they believe will take them to a huge cache of stolen Kuwaiti gold hidden near their base, and they embark on a secret mission that’s destined to change everything. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Archie Gates: George Clooney Troy Barlow: Mark Wahlberg Chief Elgin: Ice Cube Conrad Vig: Spike Jonze Amir Abdullah: Cliff Curtis Adriana Cruz: Nora Dunn Walter Wogaman: Jamie Kennedy Captain Said: Saïd Taghmaoui Colonel Horn: Mykelti Williamson Captain Van Meter: Holt McCallany Cathy Daitch: Judy Greer Teebaux: Christopher Lohr Paco: Jon Sklaroff Debbie Barlow, Troy’s Wife: Liz Stauber Amir’s Wife: Marsha Horan Amir’s Daughter: Alia Shawkat Hairdressing Twin #2: Ghanem Algarawi Hairdressing Twin #1: Jabir Algarawi Western Dressed Village Woman: Bonnie Afsary Traditional Village Woman: Jacqueline Abi-Ad Deserter Leader: Fadil Al-Badri Kaied: Qaid Al-Nomani Iraqi Tank Major: Sayed Badreya Iraqi Troop Carrier Major: Magdi Rashwan Iraqi First Kill Soldier: Ali Afshar Berm Soldier / Truck Driver: Tank Jones Berm Soldier: Patrick O’Neal Jones Berm Soldier: Shawn Pilot Berm Soldier: Brett Bassett Cuts Troy’s Cuff Soldier: Jim Gaffigan Camp Soldier / Truck Driver: Al Whiting Camp Soldier / Truck Driver: Brian Patterson Camp Soldier: Scott Dillon Camp Soldier: Kwesi Okai Hazel Camp Soldier: Joseph Romanov Camp Soldier: Christopher B. Duncan Camp Soldier: Randy W. McCoy Camp Soldier: Mark Rhodes Camp Soldier: Scott Pearce Civil Affairs Company Clerk: Gary Parker Saudi Translator: Haidar Alatowa Iraqi Soldier with Map: Salah Salea Dead Iraqi Soldier: Doug Jones Iraqi Civilian Mother with Baby: Farinaz Farrokh Lying Iraqi – Bunker #1: Omar ‘Freefly’ Alhegelan Friendly Iraqi – Bunker #1: Hassan Allawati Pleading Civilian Woman: Sara Aziz Iraqi Civilian Man: A. Halim Mostafa Storeroom Captain – Bunker #2: Al Mustafa Iraqi Interrogation Sergeant: Anthony Batarse Iraqi Rifle Loader #1 – Bunker #2: Mohamad Al-Jalahma Iraqi Rifle Loader #2 – Bunker #2: Mohammed Sharafi Storeroom Guard – Bunker #2: Hillel Michael Shamam Iraqi Radio Operator: Joey Naber Black Robe Leader: Basim Ridha Iraqi Republican Guard Lieutenant – Oasis Bunker: Peter Macdissi Iraqi Republican Guard Sergeant – Oasis Bunker: Tony Shawkat Iraqi Republican Guard Sergeant – Oasis Bunker: Joseph Abi-Ad Troy’s Interrogation Guard – Oasis Bunker: Fahd Al-Ujaimy Troy’s Interrogation Guard – Oasis Bunker: Derick Qaqish Troy’s Republican Guard – Oasis Bunker: Hassan Bach-Agha Troy’s Republican Guard – Oasis Bunker: Fadi Sitto Deserter #1: Ali Alkindi Deserter #2: Abdullah Al-Dawalem Deserter #3: Rick Mendoza Republican Guard on Roof – Oasis Bunker: Jassim Al-Khazraji Fleeing Republican Guard – Oasis Bunker: Haider Alkindi Fleeing Republican Guard – Oasis Bunker: Kalid Mustafa Fleeing Republican Guard – Oasis Bunker: Ghazwyn Ramlawi Fleeing Republican Guard – Oasis Bunker: Raad Thomasian Fleeing Republican Guard – Oasis Bunker: Wessam Saleh Fleeing Republican Guard / Sniper – Oasis Bunker: Jay Giannone Fleeing Republican Guard / Sniper – Oasis Bunker: Sam Hassan Action Star: Brian Bosworth Iraqi Child: Donte Delila Iraqi Child: Dylan Brown Helicopter Pilot (uncredited): Rick Shuster Film Crew: Screenplay: David O. Russell Executive Producer: Bruce Berman Producer: Charles Roven Director of Photography: Newton Thomas Sigel Original Music Composer: Carter Burwell Production Design: Catherine Hardwicke Editor: Robert K. Lambert Set Decoration: Gene Serdena Costume Design: Kym Barrett Costume Supervisor: Bob Morgan Producer: Edward McDonnell Art Direction: Jann K. Engel Art Direction: Derek R. Hill Casting: Mary Vernieu Producer: Paul Junger Witt Casting: Anne McCarthy Makeup Artist: Adam Brandy Construction Coordinator: Lars Petersen Steadicam Operator: Larry McConkey Dialogue Editor: Donald L. Warner Jr. Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Michael Herbick Makeup Artist: Donald Mowat Chief Lighting Technician: Terry Hall Key Grip: David L. Me...
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rotterdamvanalles · 6 months
Militaire luchtfoto met stadhuis, 1920-1940
Het stadhuis heeft een grondoppervlakte van 86 bij 106 meter en is gebouwd rond een groot binnenterrein met aan weerszijden twee doorgangen naar de Stadhuisstraat en het Doelwater. Evers ging uit van een beaux-artsstijl met Byzantijnse, Romaanse en art-deco-invloeden.
Het stadhuis heeft een betonnen skelet. De gevels zijn bekleed met zandsteen boven een hardstenen plint. De enorme hitte die het gebouw teisterde in de dagen na 14 mei 1940 droogde het beton zodanig uit dat het ook vandaag nog met speciale zorgvuldigheid wordt omgeven. Het poreuze zandsteen was in de loop der jaren zwart geworden, maar in 2000 is het stadhuis met een speciale techniek gereinigd, waardoor het zijn oude uiterlijk weer heeft teruggekregen.
Het gebouw is sinds 1997 een rijksmonument.
In het begin van de 14e eeuw stond aan de Hoogstraat een stedelijk gastverblijf waar handelaren en kooplui op doorreis logeerden. Het gebouw werd na verloop van tijd ook als raadhuis gebruikt naast de functie als gasthuis, maar na een verbouwing in 1606 werd het volledig als raadhuis gebruikt. Ruim twee eeuwen later werd het bij een grondige verbouwing en uitbreiding (1822-1835) voorzien van nieuwe classicistische gevels, ontworpen door stadsarchitect Pieter Adams. Hierbij kwam tevens de voorgevel aan de kant van de Kaasmarkt te liggen.
Aan het eind van de 19e eeuw werd het raadshuis te klein bevonden en niet meer passend bij de groeiende stad. Ook de ligging, tussen de vele nauwe stegen, werd steeds meer gezien als een onpraktische situatie. In 1904 werd besloten dat er een nieuw raadhuis moest komen. Er werd gekozen voor een stadsboulevard, een statige laan met monumentale gebouwen waaronder het nieuwe stadhuis en het postgebouw, op de plaats van de Coolvest. Dit idee was al voorbereid in 1860. Voor de uitvoering werd de Coolvest gedempt en de rosse wijk Zandstraatbuurt, waar zo'n 2.400 mensen woonden, gesloopt.
In 1911 maakte Henri Evers een eerste ontwerp van het plan en ook na een besloten prijsvraag werd het nieuwbouwplan van professor Evers, met motto S.P.Q.R., in 1913 door de Gemeenteraad onder burgemeester Zimmerman aanvaard. Er was enige kritiek op de uitslag, omdat velen de voorkeur gaven aan het ontwerp van Willem Kromhout, en juryvoorzitter Zimmerman nauwe banden onderhield met Evers. De bouw kostte ƒ 2.850.000,-.[3] De eerste paal werd geslagen op 12 augustus 1914. Op 1 september 1920 werd het gebouw tijdens een speciale zitting van de gemeenteraad officieel in gebruik genomen.
De klokkentoren is 71 meter hoog en staat boven de centrale hal. Boven op de toren staat het beeld van een gouden vredesengel door beeldhouwer Johan Keller. Vanuit de centrale hal zijn de Raadzaal en de Burgerzaal te bereiken.
Aan de gevel van het stadhuis zijn elf medaillons bevestigd die ontworpen zijn door Lambertus Franciscus Edema van der Tuuk. Op de drie medaillons aan de linkerkant staan de drie deugden geschreven: "Fortitudo" (moed), "Mutua Fides" (wederzijds vertrouwen) en "Fraternitas" (broederschap). In het middendeel staan de beeltenissen van drie personen die belangrijk waren voor de ontwikkeling van de cultuur in Rotterdam: de bewindvoerder van de Oost-indische Compagnie Johannes van der Veeken, de filosoof Desiderius Erasmus en de kunstschilder Pieter de Hooch die lang in Rotterdam werkte. Daartussen staan de emblemen van de "Mercatura" (koophandel) en de "Ars Scientia (Kunsten en wetenschappen). De medaillons aan de rechterkant vertegenwoordigen de staatslieden uit de oudheid: Koning Salomo van Israël die in de tiende eeuw voor Christus vermaard werd om zijn wijsheid en internationale handel en de Atheense staatsman Pericles. Hij stond in de 5e eeuw voor Christus bekend als redenaar en veldheer die streefde naar een democratische staat. Tussen hun twee portretten staat de tekst 'Servi Legis Simus' ("Slaafse navolging van de wet is onverstandig").
Foto komt uit de collectie van @stadsarchief010 en Informatie komt uit Wikipedia
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dan6085 · 7 months
20 top swimmers of all time:
1. **Michael Phelps (USA)**: Holds the record for the most Olympic gold medals ever earned, with 23 gold, 3 silver, and 2 bronze medals[4].
2. **Mark Spitz (USA)**: A former competitive swimmer and nine-time Olympic champion, known for winning seven gold medals in world-record time at the 1972 Munich Summer Olympics[2].
3. **Katie Ledecky (USA)**: Considered the greatest female swimmer of all time with seven Olympic gold medals and 19 World Championship gold medals[2].
4. **Johnny Weissmuller (USA)**: Won five Olympic gold medals and set 67 world records during his career, also known for his role as Tarzan in films[2].
5. **Natalie Coughlin (USA)**: Celebrated female swimmer with 12 Olympic medals and the first woman to swim the 100-meter backstroke in under a minute[3].
6. **Matt Biondi (USA)**: Won 11 Olympic medals, set 12 individual world records, and is a member of the United States Olympic Hall of Fame[3].
7. **Dara Torres (USA)**: Won 12 Olympic medals and became the oldest swimmer to medal at the Olympic Games at the age of 41[3].
8. **Ian Thorpe (Australia)**: Known as the “Thorpedo,” won nine Olympic medals and was the first person to take home six gold medals in a single World Championship[3].
9. **Adam Peaty (Great Britain)**: A dominant force in breaststroke events with multiple Olympic and World Championship titles[5].
10. **Ilya Shymanovich (Belarus)**: A rising star in swimming with notable achievements on the international stage[1].
11. **Caeleb Dressel (USA)**: A versatile swimmer with multiple Olympic and World Championship titles, known for his speed and versatility in various strokes.
12. **Kristin Otto (Germany)**: Achieved six gold medals at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, setting a record for the most golds won by a woman in a single Games.
13. **Ryan Lochte (USA)**: An accomplished swimmer with 12 Olympic medals and multiple World Championships, known for his versatility in individual medley events.
14. **Missy Franklin (USA)**: A former world record holder and multiple Olympic gold medalist, known for her success in backstroke and freestyle events.
15. **Pieter van den Hoogenband (Netherlands)**: Double Olympic champion and multiple world record holder in freestyle events, known for his sprinting prowess.
16. **Kirsty Coventry (Zimbabwe)**: One of Africa's most successful swimmers with multiple Olympic medals and World Championships titles in backstroke and individual medley.
17. **Sun Yang (China)**: Dominant distance swimmer with multiple Olympic and World Championship titles in freestyle events.
18. **Sarah Sjöström (Sweden)**: Record-breaking sprinter and butterfly specialist with numerous Olympic and World Championship medals to her name.
19. **Alexander Popov (Russia)**: Double Olympic champion and world record holder in sprint freestyle events, considered one of the greatest sprinters in swimming history.
20. **Krisztina Egerszegi (Hungary)**: Legendary backstroke swimmer with five Olympic gold medals and multiple world records, known for her dominance in the discipline.
These swimmers have left a lasting impact on the sport of swimming through their remarkable achievements, records, and contributions to the history of competitive swimming.
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forgottenyear · 9 months
No, really. Not just pictures, but more than can be healthy to know about old film photography.
It has been an obsessive hobby for a while. (*excessive)
[a very long text, but with pictures this time]
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A photo taken under a dining room table in 2004.
Hyperfocal and in low light, on sheet film (using a Shenhao HZX45-iia camera, Kodak TMY / 400 ISO film, developed in HC-110 with minimal agitation), large format (mine is 4x5 inches).
The technical challenge was to take a hyperfocal photograph (both foreground and background are in focus, although my scanner could not capture this as well), but under low light.
Hyperfocal photographs require the aperture to be small, but low light usually demands the aperture be wide open (to capture as much light as possible).
It took about a day to research and to make the spreadsheet to calculate for failure of reciprocity (film exposes exponentially [I think exponentially] more slowly over the time of the exposure). It took four and a half hours to take the photograph (cats and people walked through, but not slowly enough to be captured). I placed the camera, then increased the light until the needle on the light meter just twitched, and I had to calculate from there, since it was not even on the dial when it twitched.
Developing with minimal agitation is a trick I picked up from reading about Ansel Adams, and it is not supposed to work well with modern film, but it takes a little longer to develop. Minimal agitation takes advantage of the developer to widen the tonal range - kind of like HDR, except in the development of a single negative. The developer exhausts itself in bright (or is it dark, I forget) areas of the film, but continues to work on the less exhausted areas.
(I do not have the space or the money for a large format enlarger, so my prints are either direct contact, or digitally scanned.)
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Hemlock tree trunks (2003)
This is an abumen print, from a 100 ISO negative (Kodak TMX as marked on the right edge, also using the Shenhao HZX-iia), also developed using HC-110 (it is safe around cats) (and incompetent amatures like me) and minimal agitation.
I snagged a boxful of premade abumen printing paper from Chicago Abumen Works before they stopped selling. I could make my own, but that will not be needed for a while. I have used Van Dyke solution, but the results are less impressive than this. Most of the photos I print are on albumen or cyanotype (using the premade kind that they sell for sun prints in craft stores).
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The same hemlock trunks, printed using a different method.
This was printed, over a month, on a green file folder that I noticed would fade in the sun. The actual folder does not appear to have printed, but I was able to "find" it in photoshop. It did print, but the contrast is so minimal that "developing" also drew out the individual grains of the file folder. I direct copied the original negative, because I did not want to expose the original to the abuse of sitting in a sunny window for a month (which is why the notching is different - in the upper end of the right edge, there are notches to help identify the film and its orientation in a darkroom).
Albumen and cyanotype also use sunlight for printing, so this was not far removed from my usual alt-photography methods.
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A side-street at night (January 2004).
This does not appear to be a great technical challenge, until I add that it was shot on black and white film (Kodak TMX / 100 ISO).
This process involves shooting three sheets of film, each with a different color filter. When the process was originally developed, it would probably have been gum printed, but I was unsuccessful with this process. My "printing" process was to assemble the three images as color channels in Photoshop.
Being a night photo, but less hyperfocal than the one under the table, the film had to be exposed for about five minutes. In January. I was keeping the unexposed film carriers in my jacket to keep them warm, but this meant opening my jacket to the stiff wind that was blowing up the street at me. I was approaching hypothermic before I was done, but a shady looking man started talking with me and saying that my camera looked expensive, so I walked toward the center of town when I finished, to be sure I was not being followed (the shortest route home is the one in the photograph, but the streets are more darker much quickly).
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Yet another color photo taken on black and white film. In this one, if you can zoom in on individual buildings, you can see where lights were turned on or off over the twenty minutes or so it took to take the three sheets of film with different color filters. You can also see where the tide was going out, by the color changes. The cyan color reflected nearer the far shore corresponds to the red filter (I always go RGB, so I will be less likely to get confused about which filter comes next in the middle - which is the only reason I know the tide was going out). RGB is the inverse of CMY(K is usually included in the set, but BW film answers for that), so a red filter produces a cyan negative, green produces magenta, and blue produces yellow. (If you have wondered, the red-yellow-blue set is reflective color, red-green-blue is additive, and cymk is subtractive - color is way too complicated.)
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An ant war (2004)
My pictures were horrendously shuffled about by a backup program, so I cannot locate the companion image for this one. Because they are unwilling to sit for a long exposure, I had to throw enough light onto the scene to capture this one quickly. Fortunately, it was in my back yard, so I brought out a large mirror to reflect the sun.
Understand that these are tiny ants, only a few millimeters long. If I could find the companion detail, I could show that the TMX (100 ISO) negative captures the rectangular mirror reflected off the gaster (the ants butt) of several ants.
I originally started with large format, and low-speed, film because I intended to write a plant identification guide for a local hiking trail. The photographs in the guides I had were not very good - they would describe hairs on a stem that the photographs did not capture.
4x5 (four inches by five inches) cameras are about a large as I would care to carry into the wilderness with me, and low-speed film has the smallest grain, which produces higher resolution images. Unsurprisingly, the film I use (or did use, I have not done much with it for years, as the dates on these pictures may show) was still used for scientific images until recently.
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Little white flowers (2004)
Another color image taken on black and white film. But this one shows the strength of large format 100 ISO film that captured my interest. Look at the detail in the detail photo at the bottom. I would not call this stem hairy, but look at the individual hairs.
Also, notice that the stamen were wilting over the course of three photographs, through the color changes as they drooped. This was taken on an overcast day, but still bright enough that it was within the film's speed. It does take time to change the film cartridges, however.
Insert the film cartridge. Remove the dark slide. Snap the photograph. Return the dark slide. Remove the film cartridge. Then repeat this twice more for one color image. Each individual photograph is on its own sheet of film, each in its own film cartridge (although I do use double sided cartridges, the process is the same for each side).
And finally, my baby (or the same model, HZX45-iia, since I cannot find my pictures anymore):
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The description I first read of this camera said that "it folds up neatly, like a Hello Kitty lunchbox." It does fold down into a nice little box, but I keep it in a rugged case just to be safe. The perspective of this photo is misleading - the front is smaller than the back and the bellows taper accordingly (or accordianingly).
If you have ever wondered, the bellows allow the focal length, and the focal circle, to be changed. Every photograph in this post was taken with the same lens, which came with my first LF camera (a studio camera that does not fold up neatly, and bears no resemblance to a Hello Kitty lunchbox). I think it is a 150mm, but do not quote me on that. It is the standard for 4x5, whatever it is. I grew so attached to the versatility of a bellows that I got one for my DSLR (also no valid Hello Kitty lunchbox comparison, disappointingly).
A friend was in China on business in 2004, so was able to get the camera for half-price, or I would never have been able to afford this foolish hobby. It took much longer to assemble the darkroom equipment, and even that relied on close-out stock from camera stores that were going out of business.
2004 was also when I first had ocular migraines. Which is why my photography fell off. I hope to start up again, now that the medication is helping.
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zooterchet · 11 months
E-Mail to Father (Uncle Buck, "Killer Croc"):
"The Replacements", "Enemy at the Gates", "Any Given Sunday".
In 1981, due to the film "Cocktail", 12 marriages were brokered, of children, between Bruces and O'Neills, out of the Midwest, Texas, and one child, from Massachusetts.
"The Replacements", chronicles OP-INT, Ian Williamson's experimental division; I was Samson, Judas the Iscariot, and Aristotle, Thesues versus the Gorgon.  A man who slew African actresses, under compulsion of law, the proof of women's law, through men's law of equality violated.
Orlando Jones played me, as a wide receiver with sticky hands, the Boston state department feeding me through the Mossad, the spies' union, of the Massachusetts state police; ACLU, a civilian rights union, cheating, through police, for the Patriot Act, my own creation.
In 2004, we lost an operative, and I engaged.  Alex Jones, an RCMP, three generations homeless, was obsessed with the film "Soldier", starring Kurt Russel.  Our female dominatrix, Samoan, went down on Quake 2, due to a SWAT hit from Adam Lanza, and I engaged, with Will Morgan Jr., my nominated FBI candidate out of Father Jim Williamson, CIA, as overwatch.  Lanza, escaped, wounded, and hit our operations commander, on Second Life, a furry server.  He was our team lead, much younger.  Out of 12 OP-INT, I survived, the criminal warfare expert, as well as the MI-6, now in a prison in the H-Blocks of Belfast, a traitor to the Irish, and the police advocate, now a prisoner in Bridgewater State Asylum, an Ohio state police officer.
I'm here, now, having provided the RCMP codes, out of the Jesuits, to the O'Houle strip mall.  I'm the last black man left, for the Coach, Jenna Williamson, Steaming Willie Beaming.  If she wants me, I'm here.  The team owner, the mother of my daughter, Jenna Bush, is out there, the Secret Service detail I was on in Van Meter; the FBI theft of MI-6 files, from Taunton Behavioral, with your help; chief detective Charlie Day, an actor now, such as with Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and Fools Paradise, with your help.
They call me "The Master Chief", because of my math scores; the only level mastered by me, and none other, "The Silent Cartographer".  The calculus test of Leibniz, outside of Newton or Leibniz, something unique to Einstein; Zoolander, the film, or Tropic Thunder, the Vietnamese heroin czar I was intended to work for, freshman year, stripped by the police indictment, for moving Adam Lanza, from a Presidential candidate dictator, to an autist.  Either the entire Carnegie Institute, SIS New England, the Koran Province, or Weston Nurseries Hopkinton, out of Alex Jones's office, the Universalist Protestantists.  The Christian Identity Movement, private files from Matthew Lennox, Homeland Security, provided to Alexandra Rzhanova, my FBI cadet, online; John Connolly's daughter.  A pointless career, besides one murder, of a dirty cop, a union master.  Then, prison, as a rapist, with anemia.  Pitcairn, my old love, the barbeque tongue.  The chair, for the Bar Mitzfah, of a Goyim, the Battle of Bunker Hill.          
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mastermover345 · 1 year
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Waterfront Ink provides efficient and cost efficient solutions for printer cartridges, printing paper and stationery for the house and/or office. Commenting on the industrial property market in Rondebosch Razis says that the office lodging sector is active Moving Company Rondebosch at present, with leases ranging from R45 to R55 per square metre. "We will soon be advertising a novel opportunity for some 320sqm of prime office area with excessive visibility," she provides.
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hala2021 · 2 years
Invertir el tiempo
La verdad que con este mundo o sistema diabólico, lo mejor que puedes hacer es estudiar. No sé si te servirá para algo, pero por lo menos habrás invertido tu tiempo en algo productivo. Yo creo que existe gente muy buena; pero también, que fue muy maltratada por el sistema. Por eso, perder el tiempo en ser reconocido, en donde los que manipulan los hilos del control mundial tienen cara de demonios, es perder el tiempo.
Vivimos en una sociedad en donde lo que es de calidad se pierde entre un montón de basura dispersada por todo el globo terráqueo. Tan solo escuchar algunas canciones y los premios que reciben algunos, te hace ver quiénes son los que dirigen. Y para colmo, ellos se creen importantes y superiores. Las obscenidades que yo escucho en las redes sociales y que se ven en los videos me hace pensar en que el mundo es como un burdel gigante.
Por eso, por todo lo expuesto, yo encontré en el estudio un refugio paradisíaco. Si hasta reunirse con ciertas amigas te hace sentir como que has ingresado a un nido de víboras. El amor se ha vuelto como algo descartable y hasta reemplazable por cualquiera. La familia, muchas veces, parece de terror, tanto, que me hace recordar a ese programa de televisión que veía de niña: Los locos Adams.
Entonces, antes de perder mi tiempo en personas inservibles, pero que este sistema las coloca en un pedestal, he optado por hacer ejercicio, adaptarme a mi soledad y estudiar. Soy muy consciente de que aunque aprendiera a escribir como Jorge Luis Borges y publicara una novela, no llegaría a ser reconocida, puesto que el mundo es manipulado por una red de satánicos que se cree de alta gama.
Este sistema ha transformado lo bello en algo desagradable. Antes, yo disfrutaba mucho enseñando Arte en los colegios. Me sentía feliz. No obstante, ahora sufro demasiadas presiones por verme obligada a seguir tópicos de una mayoría que busca imponerse o de compartir proyectos interareales ridículos, en donde debes combinar diferentes disciplinas, tal cual si quisieras meter cinco kilos de masa por un embudo, haciendo fuerza.
Por todo lo que cuento, yo elegí la individualidad en mi vida. Me cansé de buscar algún grupo que se una para un bien, para hacer algo productivo. Por lo general, esos grupos se fanatizan y se van a los extremos, o defienden causas que el propio sistema enferma. En una palabra: o te vuelves un fanático loco o vives para defender causas de otros. ¿Y dónde quedó tu vida? Si te das cuenta, esta gente sucia te va a encerrar en sus juegos de perder su tiempo en ellos.
Y eso es lo que descubrí, que lo mejor que puedo hacer con mi vida es disfrutar de mi soledad, no porque me guste la soledad, sino porque la prefiero antes de compartir mi vida con esos seres sucios; hacer ejercicio y cuidar de mi salud, porque eso lo llevo de por vida; y estudiar, porque el conocimiento te abre puertas, te colma de felicidad.
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clementinelemon · 2 years
Het is deze maand vier jaar geleden dat wij elkaar hebben ontmoet. Vanaf de bank swipete ik jou naar rechts en jij mij ook, zonder te weten wat de komende vier jaar voor ons in petto zou hebben. Wat een scharrel had moeten zijn zonder al te veel verwachtingen van elkaar, veranderde in een nachtmerrie voor ons allebei.
Vrijdag 22 februari 2019 - Onze ontmoeting Vandaag ontmoet ik jou voor het eerst. Vooraf vertelde je me dat je nieuwe gordijnen moest ophangen in je nieuwe studioappartement in Amsterdam Science Park. Ik vroeg toen heel attent en nonchalant of ik je kon helpen met het ophangen, waarna je me uitnodigde bij jou thuis.
Onderweg naar jou raakte ik nog eens verdwaald, wat al een teken had moeten zijn om terug naar huis te gaan, omdat het universum kennelijk niet wilde dat wij bij elkaar zouden komen. Toch hebben we het geprobeerd en vond ik mijn weg naar jouw appartement. Ik belde aan en jij deed open. Daar stond je dan, een lange jongen van 24 jaar oud, ongeveer 1.96 meter, met gekruld haar, mooie blauwe ogen, in een spijkerbroek en een navyblauwe trui.
We zitten samen bij jou op de bank en kiezen een film uit op mijn Netflix. Het wordt een documentaire, Fyre om precies te zijn. De documentaire gaat over de opkomst en ondergang van een mislukt luxueus muziekfestival, georganiseerd door onervaren ondernemers die een buitensporig en frauduleus marketingplan gebruikten om het evenement te promoten.
Ik moet zeggen dat ik deze documentaire ontzettend saai vond en jij vond dat denk ik ook, want we hebben hier haast niets van meegekregen. We waren veel meer geïnteresseerd in elkaars gezelschap. We zoenden wat op de bank en knuffelden wat. Ik liet jou klaarkomen en jij mij ook, maar we hebben vandaag geen seks gehad, nog niet. Ik wist al dat ik jou hierna nog een keer wilde zien, maar voordat ik jou dat kon vragen stelde jij het al voor.

Dinsdag 26 februari 2019
Een aantal dagen, heel wat geflirt en spannende Snapchats later voordat wij elkaar weer eens zien. We spreken af om samen wat te gaan drinken. Dit doen wij bij Café Maslow, een klein cafeetje bij jou om de hoek.
Jij neemt een biertje en voor mij een rosé wijn. We hebben leuke en gezellige gesprekken. Ik merk dat ik het toch nog wel spannend vind om met jou te daten, omdat ik namelijk niet zeker weet of er nou wel of geen connectie is tussen ons. Ik vertel mezelf dat het vast wel goed zal komen en dat het waarschijnlijk wel tussen mijn oren zal zitten. Hoe kan het nou dat ik geen connectie voel met deze ontzettend knappe, intelligente man die zo'n sprankelende persoonlijkheid heeft?
Na onze drankjes nodig jij mij uit bij jou thuis. Ik sla dit verzoek niet af en ga met jou mee. Vandaag hebben we wel seks. Het is spannend, niet ruw, lief en niet geforceerd. Na onze gezellige avond samen vertrek ik naar huis. Op de fiets zet je mij af bij de bushalte en we spreken af dat wij elkaar snel weer gaan zien.
Als de avond ten einde loopt, wij afscheid hebben genomen en ik inmiddels in de bus zit, voel ik me opgewonden en gelukkig. Ik besef me dat er vast en zeker wel een connectie tussen ons moet zijn en dat ik je graag beter wil leren kennen. Ik kijk uit naar de volgende keer dat wij elkaar zien.

Mei 2019
Ik kom weer bij jou thuis, maar dit keer voelt het alleen wel een beetje anders. Het voelt alsof de pleister eraf is getrokken en wij weten dat we vandaag weer seks willen hebben.
Vanavond is het weer spannend, we zoenen wat op de bank en hebben samen seks. Jij zittend op de bank en ik boven op jou. Dit is hoe wij ook de aankomende paar keren seks hebben met elkaar. Soms op bed, maar meestal op de bank. Dit is wat jij het fijnst vindt en ik luister daar naar.
Na de seks begeleid jij mij zoenend naar de badkamer waar wij onze vrijpartijen voort zetten onder de douche. Ik heb een nieuwe tattoo op mijn onderarm van een van mijn favoriete kunstwerken. De schepping van Adam - Michelangelo. Met trots laat ik jou deze zien, waarna jij zegt deze niet mooi te vinden, omdat je niets met tattoos hebt. Deze opmerking verbaast mij een beetje. Ik had denk ik dan toch eerder verwacht dat je zou zeggen dat je het wel mooi zou vinden, ook al denk je van niet.
Na de paar keren dat wij elkaar hebben gezien, merk ik dat je steeds iets onaardiger tegen mij bent. Na de seks wil je niet meer knuffelen en zoenen, maar vraag je hoe laat mijn OV gaat of stem je niet meer in wat ik fijn vind en ik vind dit dan ook best gek.
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ao3feed-chicagofire · 2 years
no retreat , no surrender
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Q5Vt0mn
by scarstoyourupgess
when two car bombs explode in two parks in two different cities in the same hour , four teams will have to combine forces to protect the people they took an oath to and prevent any more tragedies from happening.
Words: 1032, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Blue Bloods (TV), Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Fire, FBI (TV 2018)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Edit "Eddie" Janko, Luis Badillo, Jamie Reagen, Danny Reagen, Maria Baez, Erin Reagan-Boyle, Anthony Abetemarco, Frank Reagan, Garrett Moore, Sidney "Sid" Gormley, Abigail Baker, Linda Reagen, Jay Halstead, Hailey Upton, Kim Burgess, Adam Ruzek, Kevin Atwater, Dante Torres, Trudy Platt, Hank Voight, Samantha Miller, Kelly Severide, Stella Kidd, Wallace Boden, Wendy Seager, Tom Van Meter, Isobel Castille, Jubal Valentine, Rina Trenholm, Maggie Bell, OA Zidan, Tiffany Wallace, Stuart Scola
Relationships: Edit "Eddie" Janko/Jamie Reagan, Danny Reagen/Jay Halstead, Jay Halstead/Hailey Upton, Kim Burgess/Adam Ruzek, Hailey Upton & OA Zidan, Maggie Bell & OA Zidan, Stuart Scola/Tiffany Wallace
Additional Tags: Bombs, Explosions, The Windy City meets The Big Apple
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Q5Vt0mn
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twixnmix · 2 years
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Madonna and Dennis Rodman’s controversial cover for the June/July 1994 issue of Vibe magazine never hit the newsstands. The magazine's founder, Quincy Jones, blocked the publication. Madonna had arranged the photo shoot to meet Rodman. After the photo shoot, she conducted a 2-hour interview and they hooked up for the first time that day.
Quincy Jones:
On an early issue we had a real problem with a cover that had featured the Beastie Boys, whose most recent album had been delayed, and then didn't perform up to expectations commercially. We were only beginning to find out then how vital covers are to magazines' success. The next one, which Jon Van Meter had already shot, featured Madonna and Dennis Rodman. I said, "Over my dead body, because it makes it look as though we're pandering, that we're not sure Vibe can be a black magazine and make it." We'd misfired on the Beasties, so I was adamant, though technically Van Meter did not report to me and I had backed off on editorial matters after my initial involvement. It wasn't about Madonna or Dennis: it was about our not having been around long enough to establish a personality as an urban magazine. Van Meter was furious: he was gone after that....
When I called Madonna as a friend to explain that it wasn't at all personal, she took it personal and got an attitude about it. She said, "Quincy, you and I could change the world together if we wanted to. See you around, pal." Unfortunately, I don't think we've spoken since. Her publicist Liz Rosenberg then called Liz Smith, and before you knew it there was an item in Liz's column reporting that "Quincy killed the cover because it showed a mixed couple." Right. Me, of all people—pleeze!
Source: Q: The autobiography of Quincy Jones (2001)
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rotterdamvanalles · 7 months
Militaire luchtfoto met stadhuis, 1920-1940
Het stadhuis heeft een grondoppervlakte van 86 bij 106 meter en is gebouwd rond een groot binnenterrein met aan weerszijden twee doorgangen naar de Stadhuisstraat en het Doelwater. Evers ging uit van een beaux-artsstijl met Byzantijnse, Romaanse en art-deco-invloeden.
Het stadhuis heeft een betonnen skelet. De gevels zijn bekleed met zandsteen boven een hardstenen plint. De enorme hitte die het gebouw teisterde in de dagen na 14 mei 1940 droogde het beton zodanig uit dat het ook vandaag nog met speciale zorgvuldigheid wordt omgeven. Het poreuze zandsteen was in de loop der jaren zwart geworden, maar in 2000 is het stadhuis met een speciale techniek gereinigd, waardoor het zijn oude uiterlijk weer heeft teruggekregen.
Het gebouw is sinds 1997 een rijksmonument.
In het begin van de 14e eeuw stond aan de Hoogstraat een stedelijk gastverblijf waar handelaren en kooplui op doorreis logeerden. Het gebouw werd na verloop van tijd ook als raadhuis gebruikt naast de functie als gasthuis, maar na een verbouwing in 1606 werd het volledig als raadhuis gebruikt. Ruim twee eeuwen later werd het bij een grondige verbouwing en uitbreiding (1822-1835) voorzien van nieuwe classicistische gevels, ontworpen door stadsarchitect Pieter Adams. Hierbij kwam tevens de voorgevel aan de kant van de Kaasmarkt te liggen.
Aan het eind van de 19e eeuw werd het raadshuis te klein bevonden en niet meer passend bij de groeiende stad. Ook de ligging, tussen de vele nauwe stegen, werd steeds meer gezien als een onpraktische situatie. In 1904 werd besloten dat er een nieuw raadhuis moest komen. Er werd gekozen voor een stadsboulevard, een statige laan met monumentale gebouwen waaronder het nieuwe stadhuis en het postgebouw, op de plaats van de Coolvest. Dit idee was al voorbereid in 1860. Voor de uitvoering werd de Coolvest gedempt en de rosse wijk Zandstraatbuurt, waar zo'n 2.400 mensen woonden, gesloopt.
In 1911 maakte Henri Evers een eerste ontwerp van het plan en ook na een besloten prijsvraag werd het nieuwbouwplan van professor Evers, met motto S.P.Q.R., in 1913 door de Gemeenteraad onder burgemeester Zimmerman aanvaard. Er was enige kritiek op de uitslag, omdat velen de voorkeur gaven aan het ontwerp van Willem Kromhout, en juryvoorzitter Zimmerman nauwe banden onderhield met Evers. De bouw kostte ƒ 2.850.000,-.[3] De eerste paal werd geslagen op 12 augustus 1914. Op 1 september 1920 werd het gebouw tijdens een speciale zitting van de gemeenteraad officieel in gebruik genomen.
De klokkentoren is 71 meter hoog en staat boven de centrale hal. Boven op de toren staat het beeld van een gouden vredesengel door beeldhouwer Johan Keller. Vanuit de centrale hal zijn de Raadzaal en de Burgerzaal te bereiken.
Aan de gevel van het stadhuis zijn elf medaillons bevestigd die ontworpen zijn door Lambertus Franciscus Edema van der Tuuk. Op de drie medaillons aan de linkerkant staan de drie deugden geschreven: "Fortitudo" (moed), "Mutua Fides" (wederzijds vertrouwen) en "Fraternitas" (broederschap). In het middendeel staan de beeltenissen van drie personen die belangrijk waren voor de ontwikkeling van de cultuur in Rotterdam: de bewindvoerder van de Oost-indische Compagnie Johannes van der Veeken, de filosoof Desiderius Erasmus en de kunstschilder Pieter de Hooch die lang in Rotterdam werkte. Daartussen staan de emblemen van de "Mercatura" (koophandel) en de "Ars Scientia (Kunsten en wetenschappen). De medaillons aan de rechterkant vertegenwoordigen de staatslieden uit de oudheid: Koning Salomo van Israël die in de tiende eeuw voor Christus vermaard werd om zijn wijsheid en internationale handel en de Atheense staatsman Pericles. Hij stond in de 5e eeuw voor Christus bekend als redenaar en veldheer die streefde naar een democratische staat. Tussen hun twee portretten staat de tekst 'Servi Legis Simus' ("Slaafse navolging van de wet is onverstandig").
Foto komt uit de collectie van @stadsarchief010 en Informatie komt uit Wikipedia
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omiramotakiart · 3 years
I had another stupid idea:
Diary of John Seward.
January 22th: Thankfully Mrs. Harker and professor Van Helsing are back from their trip to Switzerland however I must admit that I am… concerned about their findings, not the ones of the peculiar nature of their job but the person, this man, whom Van Helsing has introduced as Adam.
I'm documenting this as fast as I can, although I would like to go into further detail I have plenty of research to do and a pile of letters to look into (all typed by the wonderful Mrs. Mina Harker), apparently the source material dates back to the 1790s and are our only documentation about the existence of our odd guest, other than a few (also typed) notes from a man of the name Victor Frankenstein who according to what I've been told, is Adam's father, in a way, I suppose. I shall record them later.
To begin with, he is of remarkable appearance, easily over two meters, 213 cm. Tall to be precise, of yellowish, almost green skin that is composed of different patches, some varie in hue, there are areas that are more tied to the bone, others hang looser, some even expose the muscle, all bits of him have the same characteristics belonging to a corpse however I have seen no sign of rott, which will require further examination, with the consent of the patient, naturally, the hair presents a couple of streaks of white among the mostly black strands, I do not know if they were caused by a condition, a case of extreme stress and trauma such as it is the case with my dear friend, Johnathan Harker or simple age. Age is also something to question as our guests recall only adulthood from some point during the 1780s, making him over a century old yet keeping a relatively youthful frame, none of us, Adam included, can tell his exact age nor the equivalent of that.
His mental condition, he is a smart man, brilliant even, however I am concerned for his aversion to the name Frankenstein, I wouldn't say he is prone to attacks of rage per se, more of impulsive nature, I need to talk with him and as it seems, it is better to do so in a gentle tone and with a fair amount of patience, he does show a concerning amount of self deprecating tendencies that must be addressed. Adam is talkative as long as one manages to crack his shell, a bit of an obsession over past events. What concerns me the most are the decades of isolation. I would not go as far as to call him childish nor say that he is reverting to a child-like stage, in my (to this point, only based on a surface level examination) it has to do more with a traumatic event relating to a parental figure, which I assume would be Victor.
As for anything else, he does seem to have functioning organs though his body can seemingly go on for periods of time while shutting down certain functions, he barely feels anything though his nerves are functioning perfectly in the movement department, he has lived on a strictly vegetarian diet of foraging his whole life and seems to refer to his earliest memory as the day of his creation. 
Hopefully the notes and letters can provide a better insight on the peculiar case of Adam Frankenstein. Meanwhile, he seems to have developed a liking for the professor and vice versa, I am glad for them. Van Helsing has been a father figure to many of us and it is good that he is taking another soul under his wing.
After work hours I have to go back with Art and maybe if none of us is tired, go fetch a gift for little Quincey.
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picnokinesis · 3 years
top 5 most chaotic things about AU5, go 👀
They absolutely are paranormal investigators, but because they quite often uncover the GENUINE bad stuff that people think is something paranormal and is actually something real, they end up doing a lot of good work. John is adamant that they did see a ghost one time though. They make vlogs. One really stupid one of John goes viral and Koschei is salty about it
Several people, at various points, attempt to unofficially adopt these two - especially when they're teenagers - but the two of them at flighty as hell and tend to just vanish with very little warning. As a result, they sort of end up flitting between various different people who have offered to look after them, including Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart and Wilfred Mott. But no matter what, John and Koschei always stick together
In the verse where the Doctor/John doesn't end up living with Brax, Brax eventually ends up being the TARDIS up for sale. In AU5, for reasons that I can't really explain, John and Koschei when they're about 18 or 19 manage to have a bit of money each, and Koschei is like "ok we've got to be careful with this and save it up -" and John is immediately like "yeah about that I bought a van."
John and Koschei are more co-dependent in this au than any of the other verses, due to various reasons, but mostly that they have only been able to depend on each other for a very long time, and being split up by force usually meant bad things (namely, that they would be taken back to what they'd run away from). It gets bad enough that they both genuinely panic if they don't know where the other is. Which means that, even as adults, they HATE separating, and text each other CONSTANTLY (using an app that Koschei coded which is like...a messaging app but using their Gallifreyan cipher? So they know only they can read it, but also only they can send messages to each other). HOWEVER, they still fight A HUGE AMOUNT, much to the despair of anyone around them, but also they refuse to let each other out of their sight so it works out well for everyone
The Haircut-O-Meter
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