#Adam Salerno
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[GANZER~]Film— Vaiana 2 2024〖.HD-1080p.〗 Deutsch Online
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✦ Komplette Handlung und Informationen : Macht, Geld und Gier sind der Niedergang der Menschheit – das zeigt ein Blick in die Geschichte und auch auf New Rome. Einst schillernde Metropole, heute ein Moloch der Korruption mit den nur noch im Rückspiegel erkennbaren besten Zeiten. Die prunkvolle Architektur zerfällt mehr und mehr, der Untergang New Romes scheint unausweichlich und nur noch eine Frage der Zeit. Doch damit will sich Cäsar Catiling (Adam Driver) nicht abfinden. Der Künstler, nobelpreisgekrönter Erfinder und Visionär hat nicht nur einen Traum, sondern auch einen tatsächlichen Plan, wie New Rome wieder zu alter Stärke zurückfinden könnte. Wem das gar nicht passt, ist Bürgermeister Franklyn Cicero (Giancarlo Esposito). Veränderung und Fortschritt würden an seinem Thron kratzen. Er will jedoch um jeden Preis am Status Quo, also seiner Macht und seinem Reichtum festhalten. Doch ausgerechnet seine Tochter Julia (Nathalie Emmanuel) scheint als dessen Geliebt an der Seite Cäsars zu stehen. Ein erbitterter Kampf um Macht, Zukunft und die Liebe entbrennt… Traumprojekt von Meisterregisseur Francis Ford Coppola („Der Pate“, „Apocalypse Now“), das mehr als zehn Jahre lang auf Eis lag, bis die Kameras endlich rollen konnten.
✦ Hintergrund & Infos zu Vaiana 2 4KUHD
Bereits 2006, also drei Jahre vor dem Erscheinen von Avatar – Aufbruch nach Pandora, sprach Regisseur James Cameron von seiner Hoffnung, dem Film zwei Fortsetungen folgen zu lassen. Nach dem überwältigenden Erfolg seines Sci-Fi-Blockbusters, der Avatar seinerzeit zum finanziell erfolgreichsten Film (in den USA und weltweit) machte, konnte diese Hoffnung mit Vaiana 2 und Avatar 3 bestätigt werden, und 2013 wurde sogar ein drittes Sequel (Avatar 4) angekündigt. 2016 wurde die angekündigte Reihe außerdem um Avatar 5 erweitert.
Die Nachfolgefilme wurden dabei als Back-to-Back-Drehs in Neuseeland geplant. Für die Drehbücher der unterschiedlichen Teile heuerte Cameron als Co-Autoren (zusätzlich zu sich selbst) Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver, Josh Friedman und Shane Salerno an. Zunächst trafen sich alle für sieben Monate, um jede einzelne Szene durchzusprechen. Erst dann teilte der Regisseur jeden Schreiberling für einen Film ein (Friedman für Vaiana 2, Jaffa und Silver für Avatar 3 und Salerno für Avatar 4).
Darüber hinaus gab James Cameron, der bereits für seine Dokumentarfilme Die Geister der Titanic (2003) und Aliens der Meere (2005) in die Tiefen der Ozeane vorgestoßen war, bekannt, Aufnahmen vom tiefsten Punkt der Erde – aus dem Marianengraben – für die Unterwasserwelt von Pandora verwenden zu wollen.
Nachdem Avatar bereits als Wegbereiter für den 3D-Boom gilt, wollte James Cameron auch für die Fortsetzungen technisches Neuland beschreiten. Nachdem Peter Jackson seine drei Hobbit-Filme mit 48 Bildern pro Sekunde statt der üblichen 24 gedreht hatte, kündigte James Cameron 2011 an, Vaiana 2 mit bis zu 60 Bildern pro Sekunde zu drehen, wovon er sich eine größere Realitätstreue und besseres 3D erhoffte.
Die bekannt gegebene Rückkehr von Sigourney Weaver und Stephen Lang sorgte im Vorfeld von Vaiana 2 für Spekulationen, weil die Figuren beider Charaktere im ersten Teil gestorben waren.
✦ Kostenlose Filme online schauen
Da stellt sich sofort die Frage, ob das dann überhaupt legal sein kann. Absolut, denn die Betreiber finanzieren den Service – genau wie tausende andere Websites oder auch private Fernsehsender – über Werbung. Aber es gibt auch Gratisfilmangebote, bei denen von den Anbietern Urheberrechte verletzt werden. Für viele private Internetnutzer ist es schwer, legale Internetinhalte von Illegalen zu unterscheiden. Wichtig ist es zu wissen, dass reines Filme online ansehen normalerweise keine illegale Handlung ist. Zu einer Urheberrechtsverletzung kommt es vor allem aber dann, wenn geschützte Werke zur weiteren Nutzung kopiert oder unberechtigt verbreitet werden. Kostenlose Onlinefilme werden gewöhnlich als Stream übertragen. Der Videostream ist hierbei ein Datenfluss, der zwar zum privaten Computer übertragen wird, dort aber nur der einmaligen Wiedergabe in einem browserintegrierten Videoplayer dient. Einfacher gesagt kann man solche Onlinevideos nur einmal sehen, es entsteht keine Kopie und eine Verbreitung ist üblicherweise nicht möglich. Es empfiehlt sich aber, auf jeder Internetseite selbst die Legitimität zu prüfen. Wer rechtliche Bedenken bei einem kostenlosen Filmanbieter hat, sollte im Zweifelsfall nicht die Filme online anschauen.
Der größte Teil an kostenlosen Filmen im Internet kann momentan legal angesehen werden. Vor allem die so genannten Streaming-Videos sind unproblematisch. Aktuelle Filme kostenlos findet man kaum aber wenn es auch etwas ältere oder nicht Kinofilme sein können, dann gibt’s da mehrere Möglichkeiten. Ich kenne eine gute Liste mit Filmportalen, hier kannst du ohne Anmeldung kostenlos Filme anschauen. Meiner Meinung nach, die derzeit besten Gratis-Filmportale. Klicke einfach auf einen Anbieter und schon kannst du in dessen Filmdatenbank stöbern und schauen – wie gesagt, alles kostenlos und ohne Registrierung.
✦ Du findest auf hd.bigmovies10.site.com diverse Filme, welche kostenlos als Stream angeboten werden. Zudem werden dort auch alle Portale aufgelistet
Das Angebot an kostenlosen Filmen und Serien bei hd.bigmovies10.site wächst ständig. Derzeit kann aus mehr als 2500 Filmen, Serien und sogar HD-Spielfilmen ausgewählt werden. Auf hd.bigmovies10.site kann man ohne Registrierung, legal kostenlose Filme online anschauen. Vor, in oder nach den Filmen können dabei kurze Werbespots erscheinen. Keine Angst, bei hd.bigmovies10.site sind die Unterbrechungen längst nicht so ausgeprägt und nervig wie im privaten Fernsehen und teilweise lässt sich die Werbung auch schließen oder überspringen.
Zur einfachen Navigation ordnet hd.bigmovies10.site die Filmtitel in zahlreiche Genres (Themenkategorien), z.B. Starkino beinhaltet berühmte Kinofilme, Actionkino natürlich Actionfilme, unter Spaßkino finden sich Komödien und witzige Filme oder bei Prickelkino geht's unter die Haut.
✦ Angebot und Features:
Legal und absolut kostenlos. Große Auswahl von Science-Fiction bis Bollywood and Hollywood. Übersichtlich sortiert, leicht zu bedienen. Rubrik 'New' mit neu eingestellten Filmen. Filmbewertung und Kommentarfunktion. Film-Inhaltsbeschreibung und weitere Infos. Akzeptable bis gute Bildqualität.
✦ Filme und Serien kostenlos streamen: Diese Möglichkeiten hast du
Du willst Filme und Serien kostenlos streamen und nicht auf kostenpflichtige Abos zurückgreifen? Es gibt durchaus legale Wege dafür. Wir zeigen dir wie das geht und worauf du achten solltest.
Egal ob Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ und weitere Streaming-Dienst-Anbieter: bleep alle kosten Geld. Entweder im Jahresabo oder eben monatlich. Dann kommen noch unterschiedliche Kosten für verschiedene Features hinzu, obwohl du eigentlich nur ein wenig streamen willst, ohne dir gleich ein Abo aufhalsen zu müssen. Aber auch das ist kein Problem, denn es gibt legale Mittel und Wege, um Filme und Serien kostenlos zu streamen.
Wichtig ist vor allem, dass du illegale Angebote im Netz meidest. Die Verwendung solcher Dienste ist nicht nur strafbar, sondern kann unter Umständen ordentlich Geld kosten. Von den Gefahren für deine Geräte und persönlichen Daten einmal abgesehen, da man sich auf illegalen Plattformen schnell Viren und Trojaner ins Haus holen kann. Falsche Klicks können hier schon schlimme Auswirkungen haben.
Es gibt aber völlig legale Wege, um Filme und Serien kostenlos zu streamen. Man muss nur ein paar Einschränkungen hinnehmen. Einige dieser Möglichkeiten wollen wir dir nun im Folgenden vorstellen.
✦ So kannst du auf hd.bigmovies10.site online Filme streamen
Hier in der Film-Mediathek auf hd.bigmovies10.site kannst du dir Filme, die schon liefen online únd kostenlos schauen. Hier findest du spannende und beliebte Spielfilme von actiongeladenen Blockbustern wie VENOM, JOHN WICK III oder THE TRANSPORTER über Horror-Streifen wie FRIEDHOF DER KUSCHELTIERE oder THE APPARITION bis hin zu Komödien wie LOGAN LUCKY. Keine Werbung während der Streams.
Mit über 2500 Filmen im Angebot ist hd.bigmovies10.site wahrscheinlich der größte deutsche Anbieter in unserer Liste. Der Dienst bietet Apps für Apples App Store, Google Play, den Windows Store und Amazons Fire TV an. Damit funktioniert maxgomovies4k.com nicht nur auf Smartphones und Tablets mit iOS und Android, sondern auch auf Windows PCs und Smart TVs. TV-Hersteller wie Samsung, LG und Sony unterstützen die hd.bigmovies10.site-App ebenfalls. Außerdem hat der Anbieter einen YouTube-Channel, auf dem täglich neue Filme erscheinen.
Die Filme in der kannst du legal und kostenlos streamen. Zuerst musst du dich auf mit deiner E-Mail-Adresse registrieren. Anschließend kannst du den Stream mit einem Gerät deiner Wahl, egal ob Smartphone, Tablet oder PC, schauen. Neben maxgomovies4k Blockbustern findest du hier auch spannende Filme unserer Partnersender 'hd.bigmovies10.site' die zum kostenlosen Online-Abruf bereit stehen.
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[GANZER~]Film— Wicked 2024〖.HD-1080p.〗 Deutsch Online
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✦ Komplette Handlung und Informationen : Macht, Geld und Gier sind der Niedergang der Menschheit – das zeigt ein Blick in die Geschichte und auch auf New Rome. Einst schillernde Metropole, heute ein Moloch der Korruption mit den nur noch im Rückspiegel erkennbaren besten Zeiten. Die prunkvolle Architektur zerfällt mehr und mehr, der Untergang New Romes scheint unausweichlich und nur noch eine Frage der Zeit. Doch damit will sich Cäsar Catiling (Adam Driver) nicht abfinden. Der Künstler, nobelpreisgekrönter Erfinder und Visionär hat nicht nur einen Traum, sondern auch einen tatsächlichen Plan, wie New Rome wieder zu alter Stärke zurückfinden könnte. Wem das gar nicht passt, ist Bürgermeister Franklyn Cicero (Giancarlo Esposito). Veränderung und Fortschritt würden an seinem Thron kratzen. Er will jedoch um jeden Preis am Status Quo, also seiner Macht und seinem Reichtum festhalten. Doch ausgerechnet seine Tochter Julia (Nathalie Emmanuel) scheint als dessen Geliebt an der Seite Cäsars zu stehen. Ein erbitterter Kampf um Macht, Zukunft und die Liebe entbrennt… Traumprojekt von Meisterregisseur Francis Ford Coppola („Der Pate“, „Apocalypse Now“), das mehr als zehn Jahre lang auf Eis lag, bis die Kameras endlich rollen konnten.
✦ Hintergrund & Infos zu Wicked 4KUHD
Bereits 2006, also drei Jahre vor dem Erscheinen von Avatar – Aufbruch nach Pandora, sprach Regisseur James Cameron von seiner Hoffnung, dem Film zwei Fortsetungen folgen zu lassen. Nach dem überwältigenden Erfolg seines Sci-Fi-Blockbusters, der Avatar seinerzeit zum finanziell erfolgreichsten Film (in den USA und weltweit) machte, konnte diese Hoffnung mit Wicked und Avatar 3 bestätigt werden, und 2013 wurde sogar ein drittes Sequel (Avatar 4) angekündigt. 2016 wurde die angekündigte Reihe außerdem um Avatar 5 erweitert.
Die Nachfolgefilme wurden dabei als Back-to-Back-Drehs in Neuseeland geplant. Für die Drehbücher der unterschiedlichen Teile heuerte Cameron als Co-Autoren (zusätzlich zu sich selbst) Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver, Josh Friedman und Shane Salerno an. Zunächst trafen sich alle für sieben Monate, um jede einzelne Szene durchzusprechen. Erst dann teilte der Regisseur jeden Schreiberling für einen Film ein (Friedman für Wicked, Jaffa und Silver für Avatar 3 und Salerno für Avatar 4).
Darüber hinaus gab James Cameron, der bereits für seine Dokumentarfilme Die Geister der Titanic (2003) und Aliens der Meere (2005) in die Tiefen der Ozeane vorgestoßen war, bekannt, Aufnahmen vom tiefsten Punkt der Erde – aus dem Marianengraben – für die Unterwasserwelt von Pandora verwenden zu wollen.
Nachdem Avatar bereits als Wegbereiter für den 3D-Boom gilt, wollte James Cameron auch für die Fortsetzungen technisches Neuland beschreiten. Nachdem Peter Jackson seine drei Hobbit-Filme mit 48 Bildern pro Sekunde statt der üblichen 24 gedreht hatte, kündigte James Cameron 2011 an, Wicked mit bis zu 60 Bildern pro Sekunde zu drehen, wovon er sich eine größere Realitätstreue und besseres 3D erhoffte.
Die bekannt gegebene Rückkehr von Sigourney Weaver und Stephen Lang sorgte im Vorfeld von Wicked für Spekulationen, weil die Figuren beider Charaktere im ersten Teil gestorben waren.
✦ Kostenlose Filme online schauen
Da stellt sich sofort die Frage, ob das dann überhaupt legal sein kann. Absolut, denn die Betreiber finanzieren den Service – genau wie tausende andere Websites oder auch private Fernsehsender – über Werbung. Aber es gibt auch Gratisfilmangebote, bei denen von den Anbietern Urheberrechte verletzt werden. Für viele private Internetnutzer ist es schwer, legale Internetinhalte von Illegalen zu unterscheiden. Wichtig ist es zu wissen, dass reines Filme online ansehen normalerweise keine illegale Handlung ist. Zu einer Urheberrechtsverletzung kommt es vor allem aber dann, wenn geschützte Werke zur weiteren Nutzung kopiert oder unberechtigt verbreitet werden. Kostenlose Onlinefilme werden gewöhnlich als Stream übertragen. Der Videostream ist hierbei ein Datenfluss, der zwar zum privaten Computer übertragen wird, dort aber nur der einmaligen Wiedergabe in einem browserintegrierten Videoplayer dient. Einfacher gesagt kann man solche Onlinevideos nur einmal sehen, es entsteht keine Kopie und eine Verbreitung ist üblicherweise nicht möglich. Es empfiehlt sich aber, auf jeder Internetseite selbst die Legitimität zu prüfen. Wer rechtliche Bedenken bei einem kostenlosen Filmanbieter hat, sollte im Zweifelsfall nicht die Filme online anschauen.
Der größte Teil an kostenlosen Filmen im Internet kann momentan legal angesehen werden. Vor allem die so genannten Streaming-Videos sind unproblematisch. Aktuelle Filme kostenlos findet man kaum aber wenn es auch etwas ältere oder nicht Kinofilme sein können, dann gibt’s da mehrere Möglichkeiten. Ich kenne eine gute Liste mit Filmportalen, hier kannst du ohne Anmeldung kostenlos Filme anschauen. Meiner Meinung nach, die derzeit besten Gratis-Filmportale. Klicke einfach auf einen Anbieter und schon kannst du in dessen Filmdatenbank stöbern und schauen – wie gesagt, alles kostenlos und ohne Registrierung.
✦ Du findest auf hd.bigmovies10.site.com diverse Filme, welche kostenlos als Stream angeboten werden. Zudem werden dort auch alle Portale aufgelistet
Das Angebot an kostenlosen Filmen und Serien bei hd.bigmovies10.site wächst ständig. Derzeit kann aus mehr als 2500 Filmen, Serien und sogar HD-Spielfilmen ausgewählt werden. Auf hd.bigmovies10.site kann man ohne Registrierung, legal kostenlose Filme online anschauen. Vor, in oder nach den Filmen können dabei kurze Werbespots erscheinen. Keine Angst, bei hd.bigmovies10.site sind die Unterbrechungen längst nicht so ausgeprägt und nervig wie im privaten Fernsehen und teilweise lässt sich die Werbung auch schließen oder überspringen.
Zur einfachen Navigation ordnet hd.bigmovies10.site die Filmtitel in zahlreiche Genres (Themenkategorien), z.B. Starkino beinhaltet berühmte Kinofilme, Actionkino natürlich Actionfilme, unter Spaßkino finden sich Komödien und witzige Filme oder bei Prickelkino geht's unter die Haut.
✦ Angebot und Features:
Legal und absolut kostenlos. Große Auswahl von Science-Fiction bis Bollywood and Hollywood. Übersichtlich sortiert, leicht zu bedienen. Rubrik 'New' mit neu eingestellten Filmen. Filmbewertung und Kommentarfunktion. Film-Inhaltsbeschreibung und weitere Infos. Akzeptable bis gute Bildqualität.
✦ Filme und Serien kostenlos streamen: Diese Möglichkeiten hast du
Du willst Filme und Serien kostenlos streamen und nicht auf kostenpflichtige Abos zurückgreifen? Es gibt durchaus legale Wege dafür. Wir zeigen dir wie das geht und worauf du achten solltest.
Egal ob Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ und weitere Streaming-Dienst-Anbieter: bleep alle kosten Geld. Entweder im Jahresabo oder eben monatlich. Dann kommen noch unterschiedliche Kosten für verschiedene Features hinzu, obwohl du eigentlich nur ein wenig streamen willst, ohne dir gleich ein Abo aufhalsen zu müssen. Aber auch das ist kein Problem, denn es gibt legale Mittel und Wege, um Filme und Serien kostenlos zu streamen.
Wichtig ist vor allem, dass du illegale Angebote im Netz meidest. Die Verwendung solcher Dienste ist nicht nur strafbar, sondern kann unter Umständen ordentlich Geld kosten. Von den Gefahren für deine Geräte und persönlichen Daten einmal abgesehen, da man sich auf illegalen Plattformen schnell Viren und Trojaner ins Haus holen kann. Falsche Klicks können hier schon schlimme Auswirkungen haben.
Es gibt aber völlig legale Wege, um Filme und Serien kostenlos zu streamen. Man muss nur ein paar Einschränkungen hinnehmen. Einige dieser Möglichkeiten wollen wir dir nun im Folgenden vorstellen.
✦ So kannst du auf hd.bigmovies10.site online Filme streamen
Hier in der Film-Mediathek auf hd.bigmovies10.site kannst du dir Filme, die schon liefen online únd kostenlos schauen. Hier findest du spannende und beliebte Spielfilme von actiongeladenen Blockbustern wie VENOM, JOHN WICK III oder THE TRANSPORTER über Horror-Streifen wie FRIEDHOF DER KUSCHELTIERE oder THE APPARITION bis hin zu Komödien wie LOGAN LUCKY. Keine Werbung während der Streams.
Mit über 2500 Filmen im Angebot ist hd.bigmovies10.site wahrscheinlich der größte deutsche Anbieter in unserer Liste. Der Dienst bietet Apps für Apples App Store, Google Play, den Windows Store und Amazons Fire TV an. Damit funktioniert maxgomovies4k.com nicht nur auf Smartphones und Tablets mit iOS und Android, sondern auch auf Windows PCs und Smart TVs. TV-Hersteller wie Samsung, LG und Sony unterstützen die hd.bigmovies10.site-App ebenfalls. Außerdem hat der Anbieter einen YouTube-Channel, auf dem täglich neue Filme erscheinen.
Die Filme in der kannst du legal und kostenlos streamen. Zuerst musst du dich auf mit deiner E-Mail-Adresse registrieren. Anschließend kannst du den Stream mit einem Gerät deiner Wahl, egal ob Smartphone, Tablet oder PC, schauen. Neben maxgomovies4k Blockbustern findest du hier auch spannende Filme unserer Partnersender 'hd.bigmovies10.site' die zum kostenlosen Online-Abruf bereit stehen.
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Konklave ganzer film auf deutsch anschauen kostenlos legal ohne Anmeldung | Hier können bleep Konklave (2023) stream german online schauen in HD Qualität! 1080P | 4K UHD | 1080P-HD | 720P HD | MKV | MP4 | FLV | DVD | NETFLIX
✦ Komplette Handlung und Informationen : Macht, Geld und Gier sind der Niedergang der Menschheit – das zeigt ein Blick in die Geschichte und auch auf New Rome. Einst schillernde Metropole, heute ein Moloch der Korruption mit den nur noch im Rückspiegel erkennbaren besten Zeiten. Die prunkvolle Architektur zerfällt mehr und mehr, der Untergang New Romes scheint unausweichlich und nur noch eine Frage der Zeit. Doch damit will sich Cäsar Catiling (Adam Driver) nicht abfinden. Der Künstler, nobelpreisgekrönter Erfinder und Visionär hat nicht nur einen Traum, sondern auch einen tatsächlichen Plan, wie New Rome wieder zu alter Stärke zurückfinden könnte. Wem das gar nicht passt, ist Bürgermeister Franklyn Cicero (Giancarlo Esposito). Veränderung und Fortschritt würden an seinem Thron kratzen. Er will jedoch um jeden Preis am Status Quo, also seiner Macht und seinem Reichtum festhalten. Doch ausgerechnet seine Tochter Julia (Nathalie Emmanuel) scheint als dessen Geliebt an der Seite Cäsars zu stehen. Ein erbitterter Kampf um Macht, Zukunft und die Liebe entbrennt…
Traumprojekt von Meisterregisseur Francis Ford Coppola („Der Pate“, „Apocalypse Now“), das mehr als zehn Jahre lang auf Eis lag, bis die Kameras endlich rollen konnten.
✦ Hintergrund & Infos zu Konklave 4KUHD
Bereits 2006, also drei Jahre vor dem Erscheinen von Avatar – Aufbruch nach Pandora, sprach Regisseur James Cameron von seiner Hoffnung, dem Film zwei Fortsetungen folgen zu lassen. Nach dem überwältigenden Erfolg seines Sci-Fi-Blockbusters, der Avatar seinerzeit zum finanziell erfolgreichsten Film (in den USA und weltweit) machte, konnte diese Hoffnung mit Konklave und Avatar 3 bestätigt werden, und 2013 wurde sogar ein drittes Sequel (Avatar 4) angekündigt. 2016 wurde die angekündigte Reihe außerdem um Avatar 5 erweitert.
Die Nachfolgefilme wurden dabei als Back-to-Back-Drehs in Neuseeland geplant. Für die Drehbücher der unterschiedlichen Teile heuerte Cameron als Co-Autoren (zusätzlich zu sich selbst) Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver, Josh Friedman und Shane Salerno an. Zunächst trafen sich alle für sieben Monate, um jede einzelne Szene durchzusprechen. Erst dann teilte der Regisseur jeden Schreiberling für einen Film ein (Friedman für Konklave, Jaffa und Silver für Avatar 3 und Salerno für Avatar 4).
Darüber hinaus gab James Cameron, der bereits für seine Dokumentarfilme Die Geister der Titanic (2003) und Aliens der Meere (2005) in die Tiefen der Ozeane vorgestoßen war, bekannt, Aufnahmen vom tiefsten Punkt der Erde – aus dem Marianengraben – für die Unterwasserwelt von Pandora verwenden zu wollen.
Nachdem Avatar bereits als Wegbereiter für den 3D-Boom gilt, wollte James Cameron auch für die Fortsetzungen technisches Neuland beschreiten. Nachdem Peter Jackson seine drei Hobbit-Filme mit 48 Bildern pro Sekunde statt der üblichen 24 gedreht hatte, kündigte James Cameron 2011 an, Konklave mit bis zu 60 Bildern pro Sekunde zu drehen, wovon er sich eine größere Realitätstreue und besseres 3D erhoffte.
Die bekannt gegebene Rückkehr von Sigourney Weaver und Stephen Lang sorgte im Vorfeld von Konklave für Spekulationen, weil die Figuren beider Charaktere im ersten Teil gestorben waren.
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Events 6.11 (before 1920)
173 – Marcomannic Wars: The Roman army in Moravia is encircled by the Quadi, who have broken the peace treaty (171). In a violent thunderstorm emperor Marcus Aurelius defeats and subdues them in the so-called "miracle of the rain". 631 – Emperor Taizong of Tang sends envoys to the Xueyantuo bearing gold and silk in order to seek the release of Chinese prisoners captured during the transition from Sui to Tang. 786 – A Hasanid Alid uprising in Mecca is crushed by the Abbasids at the Battle of Fakhkh. 980 – Vladimir the Great consolidates the Kievan realm from Ukraine to the Baltic Sea. He is proclaimed ruler (knyaz) of all Kievan Rus'. 1011 – Lombard Revolt: Greek citizens of Bari rise up against the Lombard rebels led by Melus and deliver the city to Basil Mesardonites, Byzantine governor (catepan) of the Catepanate of Italy. 1118 – Roger of Salerno, Prince of Antioch, captures Azaz from the Seljuk Turks. 1157 – Albert I of Brandenburg, also called The Bear (Ger: Albrecht der Bär), becomes the founder of the Margraviate of Brandenburg, Germany and the first margrave. 1345 – The megas doux Alexios Apokaukos, chief minister of the Byzantine Empire, is lynched by political prisoners. 1429 – Hundred Years' War: Start of the Battle of Jargeau. 1488 – Battle of Sauchieburn: Fought between rebel Lords and James III of Scotland, resulting in the death of the king. 1509 – Henry VIII of England marries Catherine of Aragon. 1559 – Don Tristan de Luna y Arellano sails for Florida with party of 1,500, intending to settle on gulf coast (Vera Cruz, Mexico). 1594 – Philip II recognizes the rights and privileges of the local nobles and chieftains in the Philippines, which paved way to the stabilization of the rule of the Principalía (an elite ruling class of native nobility in Spanish Philippines). 1702 – Anglo-Dutch forces skirmish with French forces before the walls of Nijmegen and prevent its fall. 1748 – Denmark adopts the characteristic Nordic Cross flag later taken up by all other Scandinavian countries. 1770 – British explorer Captain James Cook runs aground on the Great Barrier Reef. 1775 – The Coronation of Louis XVI in Reims, the last coronation before the French Revolution. 1775 – The American Revolutionary War's first naval engagement, the Battle of Machias, results in the capture of a small British naval vessel. 1776 – The Continental Congress appoints Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston to the Committee of Five to draft a declaration of independence. 1788 – Russian explorer Gerasim Izmailov reaches Alaska. 1805 – A fire consumes large portions of Detroit in the Michigan Territory. 1825 – The first cornerstone is laid for Fort Hamilton in New York City. 1837 – The Broad Street Riot occurs in Boston, fueled by ethnic tensions between Yankees and Irish. 1865 – The Naval Battle of the Riachuelo is fought on the rivulet Riachuelo (Argentina), between the Paraguayan Navy on one side and the Brazilian Navy on the other. The Brazilian victory was crucial for the later success of the Triple Alliance (Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina) in the Paraguayan War. 1892 – The Limelight Department, one of the world's first film studios, is officially established in Melbourne, Australia. 1895 – Paris–Bordeaux–Paris, sometimes called the first automobile race in history or the "first motor race", takes place. 1901 – The boundaries of the Colony of New Zealand are extended by the UK to include the Cook Islands. 1903 – A group of Serbian officers storms the royal palace and assassinates King Alexander I of Serbia and his wife, Queen Draga. 1917 – King Alexander assumes the throne of Greece after his father, Constantine I, is deemed to have abdicated under pressure from allied armies occupying Athens. 1919 – Sir Barton wins the Belmont Stakes, becoming the first horse to win the U.S. Triple Crown.
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Top 5 @Wikipedia pages from a year ago: Tuesday, 10th January 2023
Welcome, ongi etorri, მოგესალმებით (mogesalmebit), karibu 🤗 What were the top pages visited on @Wikipedia (10th January 2023) 🏆🌟🔥?
1️⃣: Stetson Bennett "Stetson Fleming Bennett IV (born October 28, 1997) is an American football quarterback for the Los Angeles Rams of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Jones College and Georgia. Nicknamed "the Mailman", he started his career as a walk-on at Georgia before transferring..."
Image licensed under CC BY 3.0? by Bobak Ha'Eri
2️⃣: Diamond and Silk "Ineitha Lynnette Hardaway (November 25, 1971 – January 8, 2023) and Herneitha Rochelle Hardaway Richardson (born January 17, 1971), known as Diamond and Silk, respectively, were a pair of American conservative political commentators and vloggers. They are known for their support of former U.S...."
Image by The White House from Washington, DC
3️⃣: Avatar: The Way of Water "Avatar: The Way of Water is a 2022 American epic science fiction film co-produced and directed by James Cameron, who co-wrote the screenplay with Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver from a story the trio wrote with Josh Friedman and Shane Salerno. Distributed by 20th Century Studios, it is the sequel to..."
4️⃣: Cleopatra "Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator (Koinē Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Θεά Φιλοπάτωρ lit. Cleopatra "father-loving goddess"; 70/69 BC – 10 August 30 BC) was Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt from 51 to 30 BC, and its last active ruler. A member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, she was a descendant of its founder..."
Image by Louis le Grand
5️⃣: Edgar Allan Poe "Edgar Allan Poe (né Edgar Poe; January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) was an American writer, poet, author, editor, and literary critic who is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and the macabre. He is widely regarded as a central figure of Romanticism and..."
Image by Unknown authorUnknown author; Restored by Yann Forget and Adam Cuerden
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“if you think italians aren't white, you've never been to italy.”
They literally aren’t white lmao.
I suggest you go read Are Italians White? by Jennifer Guglielmo and Salvatore Salerno. Who wrote a 340 page essay that finally answered that question with a simple “No they aren’t”.
"2 people wrote a paper on this so i'm right. i won't elaborate beyond this point, read it so you agree with me." is not as appealing an argument as you seem to think it is.
though i have to wonder why you're so adamant about this? italians, like most mediterraneans, tan more than the people further north, but beyond that they look just as white as the rest of us, to the point where ariana grande, who has italian ancestry, constantly gets accused of blackface because she used to be pasty as hell until she started tanning aggressively.
so this isn't a disagreement of italians not looking white enough to count, so i assume it's one of 2 things: 1) you don't want italian history to count towards things filthy whities can claim, or 2) you are mediterranean yourself and want out of the white privilege bs.
so which is it? because if you're gonna come at me and argue that they're culturally different from what you consider white, i don't know what to tell you other than "welcome to europe."
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1973 - Salerno Beach Italian Restaurant in Adam-12
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Fighting Off The State’s Invaders
Reporter Michael Salerno gives an in-depth look into what the state of Florida is doing to curb invasive species.
Design by: Adam Rogers
#special reports#newspaper design#design#Florida#Florida newspaper#visual design#daily newspaper#The Villages#newspaper#dynamic design#adam rogers#invasive species#Michael Salerno
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Once Carver said that he had previously worked a serial killer case in another town but left before the guy was caught. I was immediately suspicious. Because what are the odds that one cop encounters two serial killers in their life time and just so happen to leave before their “caught”. I was so suspicious I wanted Adam to go home and google it to see if the guy was ever actually caught. But the twist of him being alistar really sidelined me. Like when they said his full name I almost threw my phone out of shock
hahaha it’s funny, a couple of people have pointed out their suspicions once carver made that comment about working two serial murder cases, but i actually pulled that from a real cop! detective frank salerno worked on the hillside strangler case in the 70s and then went on to work on the n*ght st*lker case in the 80s. obviously in the fic, y’all were 100% right to suspect carver (and both of salerno’s cases were within the same state, so it’s way more understandable why he’d be involved twice), but i remember wanting to include that little nod to a very weird irl example.
also, i’m so glad the twist was effective 😂 been sitting on that bad boy for a WHILE.
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Mac-Haydn Children's Theatre Opens with "The Real Story of Little Red Riding Hood"
Mac-Haydn Children’s Theatre Opens with “The Real Story of Little Red Riding Hood”
CHATHAM, NY — The Mac-Haydn Children’s Theatre season opens with “The Real Story of Little Red Riding Hood” running June 29-30, July 6-7, & 13-14. This version of the classic tale flips the script on Little Red and tells the story from the Wolf’s perspective.
Everyone has listened to the immortal yarn of Little Red Riding Hood and a hungry wolf. But it’s rare we get a chance to hear the…
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#Adam Salerno#Emily Allen#Jana Bernard#Jonah Hale#Lauren Wrigley#Little Red Riding Hood#Mac-Haydn#Mac-Haydn Children&039;s Theatre#Mac-Haydn Theatre#Maggie Eley#Matt Antelek#MHT#Michelle Åttardo#Nate Taylor#The Mac-Haydn#The Mac-Haydn Theatre#The Real Story of Little Red Riding Hood
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You have to read this article on the immigrant roots of Ken Cuccinelli and yes his public charge grandparents when they arrived in this country with no education or money. Jennifer has done a great job of documenting(See Website For Documents) his family's immigrant history. His hypocrisy is rich. PLEASE READ 📖 AND SHARE. TY 🤔
Their Own Two Feet
Jennifer Mendelssohn | Published August 30, 2019 | Medium | Posted August 30, 2019 6:15 PM ET
As the new public face of the Trump administration’s draconian immigration policies, acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli has wasted no time stirring up collective ire. Most notably, he set off a firestorm of criticism by rewriting the iconic Emma Lazarus poem that has long functioned as a kind of unofficial American immigration mantra. “Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge,” he proudly told NPR’s Rachel Martin, who somehow resisted the urge to burst out laughing and/or slap him upside the head. (You can read several historians’ takes on the public charge rule here, but suffice it to say that the concept, which was meant to weed out only the very, very least desirable of immigrants, has never been enforced as rigorously as Cuccinelli is suggesting.)
Cuccinelli later elaborated thatLazarus’ poem was “referring back to people coming from Europe where they had class-based societies, where people were considered wretched if they weren’t in the right class.” Wink wink, nudge, nudge, we hear you! And if you had the word “Europe” in Bigotry Bingo, drink!
For the past two years, I’ve run a project called #resistancegenealogy, which looks at the family histories of public figures in order to show just how similar so many of our stories really are. Cuccinelli’s very public numbskullery definitely set a new record: never before I have I received so many texts, tweets, emails and Facebook messages from people so eager to learn about someone’s family tree. (Side note: Never before have I seen so many people who’ve never done genealogy try to do it themselves and get it so very very wrong. You realize more than one person in a town can have the same name, right? And that not all records are online? And that other people’s public family trees are very often…wrong? Here, read this.)
And never before has a family history — or at least the Italian half of that history that I’ll address here — been so utterly unsurprising. I mean, where did you all think the story of the Cuccinelli family of Hoboken, New Jersey was going to go, really? C’mon now.
And so, here I am, just a girl with some documents, standing in front of her country, asking it not to betray its immigrant past. Asking it to remember that welcoming the “wretched refuse of your teeming shore,” even when that “refuse” comes with little more than grit, determination and a desire to do better for their children, is a bedrock American value, a value that allowed many of you reading these words right now to be here. It’s a value that allowed Ken Cuccinelli — descended from Southern Italians of modest means and little education who would likely never pass muster under the proposed changes — to be here. I mean, hellooooo? Were you listening at allduring the 4th grade unit on immigration?
Cuccinelli called a New York Daily Newsarticle about his family history (albeit one that identifies the wrong ship’s manifest as his great-grandfather’s) “intellectually dishonest.” Any comparison to past immigrants, he maintained, was invalid because “the welfare state didn’t exist back then.”
Nativists love to fall back on this argument, but they also still love to contrast the behavior of current immigrants with what they believe to be their own ancestors’ spotless — and “legal!” — immigration and assimilation histories, despite the fact that comparisons to “legal” immigration at a time when there were almost no immigration laws for Europeans to break are inherently problematic. And despite the fact that the historical record is often at odds with their starry-eyed, mythologized understanding of their ancestors’ pasts.
“My great-grandfather knew upon arriving in the United States that he had to learn English and that he had to work hard to succeed in this country,” Cuccinelli told the Daily News.
“My family worked together to ensure that they could provide for their own needs, and they never expected the government to do it for them,” he said at a press briefing.
I’m so very very tired of telling you this very same story over and over again, but since so many of you asked — some less politely than others, btw, can we please work on that moving forward? — let’s go to the videotape and look at the Cuccinelli family story, shall we?
Ken Cuccinelli’s paternal grandfather, Dominick Luigi Cuccinelli, was born in Hoboken, New Jersey to — are you sitting down? — Italian immigrant parents who’d only been in the country for about ten years. Ken’s great-grandfather was Domenico Cuccinelli (né Cucciniello) born on the 6th of December, 1874 in Avellino, Italy. His 1897 marriage certificate identifies him and his wife, Fortuna Preziosi, as farmers.
In March of 1901, Domenico became part of the massive wave of Italians who lit out for greater opportunity and stability in America, sailing on the SS Patria from Naples. Identified as a “laborer,” he arrived at Ellis Island with $8.75, equivalent to about $260 today. His contact in the U.S.? An unnamed cousin already living on Adams Street in Hoboken.
Ancestry indexed this record under “Camiello.” Which may be why you couldn’t find it.
Domenico’s wife Fortuna would follow her husband to America the following year on the Algeria, arriving at Ellis Island with their two small children and $20.
It’s important to remember that for all our talk of welcoming the huddled masses with open arms, American immigration history also has a pronounced strain of ugly nativism, a rather ironic twist for a nation founded on stolen land. (And we’re talking here only about immigrants by choice.) Which means that Ken Cuccinelli’s immigrant family was subjected to the very same brand of bigoted suspicion that he is now trying to inflict on others. The Ken Cuccinellis of the early twentieth century — though they didn’t typically have last names like Cuccinelli — were just as insistent that people like the Cuccinellis didn’t have the right to become Americans. That they wouldn’t fit in. That they had nothing to offer and would only be a drain on “our” resources.
“[Italians] are coming in waves and think they have a right to come….There has been a surfeit of unskilled illiterates for years and the people do not want any more of them,” opined the Jersey (City) Journal on November 29, 1902, just a few months after Ken’s great-grandmother arrived there.
So what became of the Cuccinellis? Well, the first we see of the family in American records is in the 1905 New Jersey state census. Father Domenico is employed as a laborer, supporting a family of six. And though they’ve been in the U.S. for three and four years at this point, neither parent reported being able to speak English.
But as is so often the case, the Cuccinelli family moved up in the world. By the 1915 census, both Domenico and Fortuna are listed as literate and English speaking, despite his having never had a formal education and her having only completed eighth grade. In 1919, Domenico, still working as a laborer and now living in nearby Jersey City, declared his intention to become an American citizen, a process he completed three years later.
You’ll notice the family’s 1922 address: 401 Monroe Street in Hoboken, where they are also listed in the 1925 city directory. Just a few houses down on Monroe (the entire neighborhood has streets grandly named after American presidents, incidentally) was another family headed by Italian immigrants — a boilermaker and a midwife. They had a son named Frank just a few years younger than Ken’s grandfather Dominick. Perhaps you’ll recognize the last name and wonder what would have been lost had his immigrant parents been barred.
By 1930, Domenico Cuccinelli owned a home on Madison Street. And by 1940, he and his wife were comfortably retired, living in a house worth $5000, the very picture of the American dream.
Ken’s grandmother Josephine Policastro Cuccinelli was also the Jersey-born daughter of Italian immigrants: Gaetano Policastro and Maria Ronga (also spelled Rongo) from Monte San Giacomo in Salerno.
A teenaged Maria Ronga (her birth certificate indicates she was 17) arrived at Ellis Island in November of 1903 with her widowed 48-year-old mother, Giuseppa Romano, who has no listed occupation, and three younger siblings. Giuseppa’s husband Giuseppe Ronga, a tailor, had died in 1901 at the age of 44, which may have played a role in their decision to move. With all of $5 between the five of them, they were detained at Ellis Island — as indicated by the “S.I.” for “Special Inquiry” stamped by their names in the margin of the manifest. The “Record of Aliens Held For Special Inquiry” list indicates the reason they were held, abbreviated as “L.P.C.;” it stands for “Likely Public Charge.” So yes, the great-grandmother of the man now beating the drums to tighten the public charge rule was…labeled a likely public charge herself.
After a day’s detainment and a hearing — at which Maria’s older brother Vincenzo, who paid for their passage, would have likely been called to testify that he could support his mother and siblings — the family was allowed to enter the United States, as were more than 98% of those who came through Ellis Island.
But make no mistake: there were many who would have happily sent the Rongas packing. Witness this Judgemagazine cartoon from the very year they arrived, which depicts southern European immigrants as filthy rats, bringing crime and anarchy into the country. (Nice Mafia hats, right?) Doesn’t this sound… familiar?
The new arrivals moved in with Maria’s older brother Vincenzo, now going by the name James, in Hoboken. Ken’s great-grandmother Maria found work as a candy maker, as shown in the 1905 census.
Two and a half years after her arrival, though she is somehow still only 17, Maria “Ronca” (age and spelling are slippery concepts, genealogically speaking) married Gaetano “Thomas” Policastro, a recently widowed father of two with an eighth grade education. Gaetano was also born in Monte San Giacomo and appears to have immigrated as a child in the 1880s.
In 1908, Thomas and Maria had the first of their eight children together, Ken’s grandmother Josephine. The 1910 census shows them living with Maria’s family, including her mother Josephine Romano Ronga. Thomas is working as a salesman at a market. Both the 1910 and 1920 census indicated that Ken’s great-great-grandmother Josephine never learned English, even after being in the country for 17 years. And…so what? Immigrants often took their sweet time learning to speak English, if at all. Their children learned to speak English at school so that one day their great-great-grandsons could become the attorney general of Virginia and maybe one day feel the need to cover up the naked statute in the state symbol. Problem solved.
Though the 1930 census shows the Policastros owning a home worth $12,000, as the nation tumbled deeper into the grips of the Great Depression, like so many Americans, they appear to have fallen on hard times. A series of legal notices in the Jersey Journal(available on GenealogyBank) gesture to the outlines of the story: A lawsuit over non-payment on a $8150 bank note. A foreclosure on the Policastro home on Paterson Plank Road. A bankruptcy hearing. A District Court judgment against Thomas for $450, filed by James Ronga. Would the Policastros have met their own great-grandson’s requirement that immigrants always “carry their own weight?” (According to the Annual report of the Attorney General of the United States, about 1300 of New Jersey’s approximately four million residents voluntarily filed for personal bankruptcy in the fiscal year ended 1931.)
But by 1940, now nearing 60, Thomas Policastro had rebounded. The census shows him renting a home in nearby North Bergen. He is listed as the proprietor of a scrap metal business, and earning $1300 a year, right around the national average. Two of his American-born sons served during World War II. The Policastros proved that they deserved the chance they were given — the chance to have ups and downs and everything in between, the chance to pave the way for future generations to soar.
But one last point. Like the Cuccinellis, the Policastros also had neighbors of note, though they may not have been as well-known as the Sinatras. In 1920, the Policastros lived just a mile away from another Jersey City family headed by a Jewish immigrant who never completed high school and worked for decades at an overalls factory in nearby Paterson. This family was from the former Austro-Hungarian province of Galicia, and had arrived in 1896. Much like the Policastros, this family also eventually found themselves in the pages of the local newspaper. In 1940, the patriarch was arrested with his son-in-law and two other men on charges of stealing from that very same overalls factory; the charges were later dropped and the sentence suspended after they made restitution. But all of that Jewish immigrant’s grandsons would go on to college and upstanding careers. Two served in the military. One became a lawyer. One had a master’s degree. And in the fall of 1986, one of that immigrant’s great-granddaughters left Long Island to enroll at the University of Virginia, a venerable institution founded by an American president. Here she is in the First Year Faces Book, resplendent in a Benetton vest and pearls.
And one of her classmates at that venerable institution? Well, she knew him by his nickname: “Cooch.”
So yes, the scions of two Jersey City families headed by those uneducated and sometimes troubled immigrants seemed to have done alright for themselves. It’s a quintessentially American story, one I see day in and day out doing genealogical research: immigrant narratives are messy and imperfect and complicated but almost universally, they ultimately end with those families in a much better place than they would have been otherwise. That same great-grandfather’s sister, for instance, stayed behind in their ancestral town of Sniatyn and is presumed murdered during the Holocaust. So was my maternal grandfather’s brother, despite his writing a desperate letter to President “Rosiwelt” begging for refuge for his family in America.
How many future Ken Cuccinellis are the Trump administration’s increasingly restrictive immigration policies going to keep out? Who or what are those policies protecting, other than unfounded racist fears that follow in the very worst of American traditions?
Just about twenty years after Ken Cuccinelli’s family arrived from Italy and began their ascent up the ladder of the American dream, the ladder that lifted him to the grounds of Mr. Jefferson’s University and to law school at George Mason, to elected office in the state of Virginia and to a nomination to head a federal agency, Congress enacted the infamous Johnson-Reed Act, which set up quotas specifically designed to keep out people just like them. The number of Italians arriving in America dropped from 200,000 a year in the first decade of the twentieth century to under 4,000.
As Cuccinelli’s own career makes clear, the critics were dead wrong about the potential contributions of humble immigrants like his ancestors. And so is he.
CREDITS: I’m grateful to Megan Smolenyak, Michael Cassara, Rich Venezia and Tammy Hepps, who provided research, translation and editorial assistance.
#currently reading#trumpism#trump administration#president donald trump#trump scandals#melania trump#immigration#u.s. immigration and customs enforcement#immigrants#u.s. news#u.s. presidential elections#politics#us politics#politics and government#ken cuccinelli#u.s. politics
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Events 6.11
173 – Marcomannic Wars: The Roman army in Moravia is encircled by the Quadi, who have broken the peace treaty (171). In a violent thunderstorm emperor Marcus Aurelius defeats and subdues them in the so-called "miracle of the rain". 631 – Emperor Taizong of Tang sends envoys to the Xueyantuo bearing gold and silk in order to seek the release of Chinese prisoners captured during the transition from Sui to Tang. 786 – A Hasanid Alid uprising in Mecca is crushed by the Abbasids at the Battle of Fakhkh. 980 – Vladimir the Great consolidates the Kievan realm from Ukraine to the Baltic Sea. He is proclaimed ruler (knyaz) of all Kievan Rus'. 1011 – Lombard Revolt: Greek citizens of Bari rise up against the Lombard rebels led by Melus and deliver the city to Basil Mesardonites, Byzantine governor (catepan) of the Catepanate of Italy. 1118 – Roger of Salerno, Prince of Antioch, captures Azaz from the Seljuk Turks. 1157 – Albert I of Brandenburg, also called The Bear (Ger: Albrecht der Bär), becomes the founder of the Margraviate of Brandenburg, Germany and the first margrave. 1345 – The megas doux Alexios Apokaukos, chief minister of the Byzantine Empire, is lynched by political prisoners. 1429 – Hundred Years' War: Start of the Battle of Jargeau. 1488 – Battle of Sauchieburn: Fought between rebel Lords and James III of Scotland, resulting in the death of the king. 1509 – Henry VIII of England marries Catherine of Aragon. 1559 – Don Tristan de Luna y Arellano sails for Florida with party of 1,500, intending to settle on gulf coast (Vera Cruz, Mexico). 1594 – Philip II recognizes the rights and privileges of the local nobles and chieftains in the Philippines, which paved way to the stabilization of the rule of the Principalía (an elite ruling class of native nobility in Spanish Philippines). 1748 – Denmark adopts the characteristic Nordic Cross flag later taken up by all other Scandinavian countries. 1770 – British explorer Captain James Cook runs aground on the Great Barrier Reef. 1775 – The American Revolutionary War's first naval engagement, the Battle of Machias, results in the capture of a small British naval vessel. 1776 – The Continental Congress appoints Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston to the Committee of Five to draft a declaration of independence. 1788 – Russian explorer Gerasim Izmailov reaches Alaska. 1805 – A fire consumes large portions of Detroit in the Michigan Territory. 1825 – The first cornerstone is laid for Fort Hamilton in New York City. 1837 – The Broad Street Riot occurs in Boston, fueled by ethnic tensions between Yankees and Irish. 1865 – The Naval Battle of the Riachuelo is fought on the rivulet Riachuelo (Argentina), between the Paraguayan Navy on one side and the Brazilian Navy on the other. The Brazilian victory was crucial for the later success of the Triple Alliance (Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina) in the Paraguayan War. 1892 – The Limelight Department, one of the world's first film studios, is officially established in Melbourne, Australia. 1895 – Paris–Bordeaux–Paris, sometimes called the first automobile race in history or the "first motor race", takes place. 1898 – The Hundred Days' Reform, a planned movement to reform social, political, and educational institutions in China, is started by the Guangxu Emperor, but is suspended by Empress Dowager Cixi after 104 days. (The failed reform led to the abolition of the Imperial examination in 1905.) 1901 – The boundaries of the Colony of New Zealand are extended by the UK to include the Cook Islands. 1903 – A group of Serbian officers storms the royal palace and assassinates King Alexander I of Serbia and his wife, Queen Draga. 1917 – King Alexander assumes the throne of Greece after his father, Constantine I, is deemed to have abdicated under pressure from allied armies occupying Athens. 1919 – Sir Barton wins the Belmont Stakes, becoming the first horse to win the U.S. Triple Crown. 1920 – During the U.S. Republican National Convention in Chicago, U.S. Republican Party leaders gathered in a room at the Blackstone Hotel to come to a consensus on their candidate for the U.S. presidential election, leading the Associated Press to coin the political phrase "smoke-filled room". 1935 – Inventor Edwin Armstrong gives the first public demonstration of FM broadcasting in the United States at Alpine, New Jersey. 1936 – The London International Surrealist Exhibition opens. 1937 – Great Purge: The Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin executes eight army leaders. 1938 – Second Sino-Japanese War: The Battle of Wuhan starts. 1940 – World War II: The Siege of Malta begins with a series of Italian air raids. 1942 – World War II: The United States agrees to send Lend-Lease aid to the Soviet Union. 1942 – Free French Forces retreat from Bir Hakeim after having successfully delayed the Axis advance. 1944 – USS Missouri, the last battleship built by the United States Navy and future site of the signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender, is commissioned. 1955 – Eighty-three spectators are killed and at least 100 are injured after an Austin-Healey and a Mercedes-Benz collide at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, the deadliest ever accident in motorsports. 1956 – Start of Gal Oya riots, the first reported ethnic riots that target minority Sri Lankan Tamils in the Eastern Province. The total number of deaths is reportedly 150. 1962 – Frank Morris, John Anglin and Clarence Anglin allegedly become the only prisoners to escape from the prison on Alcatraz Island. 1963 – American Civil Rights Movement: Governor of Alabama George Wallace defiantly stands at the door of Foster Auditorium at the University of Alabama in an attempt to block two black students, Vivian Malone and James Hood, from attending that school. Later in the day, accompanied by federalized National Guard troops, they are able to register. 1963 – Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức burns himself with gasoline in a busy Saigon intersection to protest the lack of religious freedom in South Vietnam. 1963 – John F. Kennedy addresses Americans from the Oval Office proposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which would revolutionize American society by guaranteeing equal access to public facilities, ending segregation in education, and guaranteeing federal protection for voting rights. 1964 – World War II veteran Walter Seifert attacks an elementary school in Cologne, Germany, killing at least eight children and two teachers and seriously injuring several more with a home-made flamethrower and a lance. 1968 – Lloyd J. Old identified the first cell surface antigens that could differentiate among different cell types. 1970 – After being appointed on May 15, Anna Mae Hays and Elizabeth P. Hoisington officially receive their ranks as U.S. Army Generals, becoming the first women to do so. 1971 – The U.S. Government forcibly removes the last holdouts to the Native American Occupation of Alcatraz, ending 19 months of control. 1978 – Altaf Hussain founds the student political movement All Pakistan Muhajir Students Organisation (APMSO) in Karachi University. 1981 – A magnitude 6.9 earthquake at Golbaf, Iran, kills at least 2,000. 1987 – Diane Abbott, Paul Boateng and Bernie Grant are elected as the first black MPs in Great Britain. 1998 – Compaq Computer pays US$9 billion for Digital Equipment Corporation in the largest high-tech acquisition. 2001 – Timothy McVeigh is executed for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing. 2002 – Antonio Meucci is acknowledged as the first inventor of the telephone by the United States Congress. 2004 – Cassini–Huygens makes its closest flyby of the Saturn moon Phoebe. 2007 – Mudslides in Chittagong, Bangladesh, kill 130 people. 2008 – Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper makes a historic official apology to Canada's First Nations in regard to abuses at a Canadian Indian residential school. 2008 – The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is launched into orbit. 2010 – The first African FIFA World Cup kicks off in South Africa. 2012 – More than 80 people die in a landslide triggered by two earthquakes in Afghanistan; an entire village is buried. 2013 – Greece's public broadcaster ERT is shut down by then-prime minister Antonis Samaras. It would open exactly two years later by then-prime minister Alexis Tsipras.
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Top 5 @Wikipedia pages from a year ago: Monday, 9th January 2023
Welcome, ողջու՜յն (voġčuyn), velkomin, أهلا بك (ahlan bika) 🤗 What were the top pages visited on @Wikipedia (9th January 2023) 🏆🌟🔥?
1️⃣: Gareth Bale "Gareth Frank Bale (born 16 July 1989) is a Welsh former professional footballer who played as a winger, most notably for Tottenham Hotspur, Real Madrid and Wales. He is widely regarded as one of the best footballers of his generation and one of the greatest Welsh players of all time. He was best..."
Image licensed under CC BY 4.0? by حسین ظهروند
2️⃣: Adam Rich "Adam Rich (October 12, 1968 – January 7, 2023) was an American actor. He was best known for his portrayal of Nicholas Bradford, the youngest son on the television series Eight Is Enough, which ran for five seasons (1977–1981). Known for his pageboy haircut, Rich's character on the show led him to be..."
Image by American Broadcasting Company
3️⃣: Avatar: The Way of Water "Avatar: The Way of Water is a 2022 American epic science fiction film co-produced and directed by James Cameron, who co-wrote the screenplay with Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver from a story the trio wrote with Josh Friedman and Shane Salerno. Distributed by 20th Century Studios, it is the sequel to..."
4️⃣: Edgar Allan Poe "Edgar Allan Poe (né Edgar Poe; January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) was an American writer, poet, author, editor, and literary critic who is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and the macabre. He is widely regarded as a central figure of Romanticism and..."
Image by Unknown authorUnknown author; Restored by Yann Forget and Adam Cuerden
5️⃣: The Menu (2022 film) "The Menu is a 2022 American satirical horror thriller film directed by Mark Mylod and written by Seth Reiss and Will Tracy. It stars an ensemble cast consisting of Ralph Fiennes, Anya Taylor-Joy, Nicholas Hoult, Hong Chau, Janet McTeer, Judith Light, and John Leguizamo. It follows a young couple..."
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I was thrilled to be at the WPPI conference in Las Vegas this year, I would like to extend my thanks to the following people I had the pleasure or meeting:
Nathan Adler
Amanda Graf
Jordan Toves
Kelsey Orcutt
Jessilyn Chow
Cecilia Huerta
Sonja Stafford
Neon Howe
Elena Blair
Georgina May
Isabell Esparza
Andrea De Anda
Jared Wood
Mary Vance
Tiffany Brooks
Eva Burmeister
Petra Kligman
Marta Muryn
Oksana Skolnaja
Alia Amigliore
Tessa Schrader
Destinee Jensen
Sarah Wolfe
Amy Deming
Cristal Marquez
George Elizalde
Michael Bet
Jocelyn Villagran
Emily Drew
April Massad
Rachel Brenke
Casey Nolin
Esteban Gil
Marry Wright
Angelina Elle
Andre Brown
Brandi Salerno
Dana & Nate Dorn
Siobhan Jones
Regan Lear
Stephanie Gross
Rachel Owen
Elisha Kaldahl
And Especially:
Vanessa Joy (Adams)
Jen Rosenbaum
Joe Edelman
Sarah Edmonds
Lindsey Alder
Thanks soooo much,
Keep in Touch
Mike Catuara
PS: Sorry if I forgot anybody
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We wrap up our look at Murray Rothbard’s sprawling two volume An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought with Dr. Joe Salerno, Rothbard’s friend and colleague. This show covers the second volume exclusively, starting with the Frenchman JB Say and working through Ricardo, the British Currency School, John Stuart Mill, and finally Karl Marx. Salerno has penetrating insights about all of these thinkers, from Say’s understanding of production to Ricardo’s erroneous systemization of Adam Smith. He also has great background regarding Mises and the Currency School vs. Banking School debate, on free banking and full reserve banking, and on Mill’s … Continue reading →
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YuGiOh Voice Actors
I was losing my mind, watching YuGiOh 5D’s, looking up voice actors like every five minutes so I compiled a semi-thorough list to find them easily. (Just for Duel Monsters, GX, and 5D’s.) Putting most of this under the cut.
(Duel Monsters) Yugi Muto/ Yami Yugi/ Pharaoh Atem - Dan Green (Jay Snyder) - His other roles include Timaeus and Trudge in Duel Monsters, Beauregard and Guardian of the Labyrinth (along with the Yugi Muto cameo) in GX, and Tetsu Trudge and Guard Robot in 5D’s. He reprises his role as Yugi Muto in all films.
(GX) Jaden Yuki - Matthew Charles - His other roles include Bob Banter, in GX. He reprises his role as Jaden Yuki in Bonds Beyond Time.
(5D’s) Yusei Fudo - Gregory Abbey (Frank Frankson or John Campbell) - His other roles include Tristan Taylor (after episode 11) and Jean-Claude Magnum in Duel Monsters, Damon in GX, and Hermann in 5D’s. He reprises his role as Yusei Fudo in Bonds Beyond Time and Tristan Taylor in Pyramid of Light (Yugioh The Movie) and The Dark Side of Dimensions.
Main Characters - Duel Monsters:
Joey Wheeler - Wayne Grayson (Vincent Penna Jr) - His other roles include Dartz, Shadi, Hermos, and Roland (for episodes 128 to 148), in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voices Syrus Truesdale, Lyman Banner, Elemental Hero Sparkman, Skull Knight, Pharaoh, Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise, Alien of Light, and Roland (in episode 76). In 5D’s, he voiced Bolt Tanner, Jesse Wheeler, Grady, Dr. Fudo, Bashford, Dr. LeBlanc, Malcolm, and Robert Pearson. He reprised his role as Lyman Banner and voiced Solomon Muto in Bonds Beyond Time and The Dark Side of Dimensions. He reprised his role as Joey Wheeler in Pyramid of Light (Yugioh The Movie) and The Dark Side of Dimensions. He reprised his role as Shadi in The Dark Side of Dimensions
Tea Gardner - Amy Birnbaum - Her other roles include Bonz and Sam, in Duel Monsters. She reprised her role as Tea Gardner in Pyramid of Light (Yugioh The Movie) and The Dark Side of Dimensions.
Tristan Taylor - (episodes 1-10) Sam Riegel - He also voiced Para, Rex Raptor (until episode 145), and Arkana in Duel Monsters. He voices Radley in 5D’s. (episode 11-224) see Yusei Fudo
Seto Kaiba - Eric Stuart - His other roles include Priest Seto, Kemo, Sid, and Critias, in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voices Bastion Misawa, Titan, Para, Dox, Elemental Hero Avian, Ojama Black, and Kaibaman (along with some Seto Kaiba cameos). In 5D’s, his voices Sir Gil de Randsborg, Lug, Mr. Pitts, Sid Barlow, Sergio, Boss, and Ellsworth. He reprised his role as Seto Kaiba in Pyramid of Light (Yugioh The Movie) and The Dark Side of Dimensions.
Main Characters - GX:
Syrus Truesdale - see Joey Wheeler
Alexis Rhodes - (episodes 1-26) Priscilla Everett - Her other roles include Echo, in GX. (episodes 27-155) Anna Marrow (Emlyn Elizabeth Morinelli) - no notable other roles.
Chazz Princeton - (episodes 1-89) Anthony Salerno - His other roles include Rex Raptor (episode 188 to end) in Duel Monsters, Lorenzo in GX, and Lenny, Aero, and Haley in 5D’s. (episodes 90 to end) Marc Thompson - His other roles include Duke Devlin, Valen, Rafael, Gansley, Zigfried von Schroeder father, and Aknamkanon, in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voiced Sartyr, Burgundy, Dimitri, Prince Ojin, Franz, Orlando, Frost, young Kagemaru, Mr. Huffington, Skilled White magician, Mr. Stein, human Yubel, and The D. In 5D’s, he voices Z-one, Hunter Pace, Tenzen Yanagi, Sayer, Hideo, Roman Goodwin, Dr. Schmidt, Officer Kaz, Nicolas, Hanson, Don Piero, and Broder. He reprised his role as Duke Devlin in The Dark Side of Dimensions.
Main Characters - 5D’s:
Jack Atlas - Ted Lewis - His other roles include Ryou Bakura, Yami Bakura, Thief King Bakura, Bandit Keith, Alister, Croquet, young Odion, Richard Goat, and Gozaburo Kaiba (season 5), in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voiced Chumley Huffington, Admiral, Howard X Miller, and Neo-Spacian Grand Mole. In 5D’s, he voices Mitch, young Rex Goodwin, and fake Jack Atlas. He reprised his role as Jack Atlas in Bonds Beyond Time and Ryou Bakura in The Dark Side of Dimensions.
Akiza Izinski - Bella Hudson (Erica Schroeder) - Her other roles include Mai Valentine (season 4), Mana, and Dark Magician Girl, in Duel Monsters. In GX, she voices Camula, Sarina, Fonda Fontaine (until episode 60), Tania (after episode 148), and Dark Magician Girl. In 5D’s, she voices Rally Dawson, John, and Zora. She reprised her role as Akiza Izinski and Dark Magician Girl in Bonds Beyond Time.
Crow Hogan - (episodes 30-93) Clay Adams (Christopher Adams) - His other roles include Reginald Van Howell III and Jesse Anderson, in GX. (episodes 94-136) Tom Wayland - His other roles include JIm Crocodile Cook in GX, and Breo, Lester, Syd, and young Aporia in 5D’s.
Leo & Luna - (episodes 9-64) Cassandra Morris - Her other roles include Alice and Yubel in GX. (episodes 65 to 136) Eileen Stevens - Her other roles include Sherry LeBlanc in 5D’s and Yubel in Bonds Beyond Time. She reprised her roles as Leo & Luna in Bonds Beyond Time.
Other Characters - Duel Monsters:
Solomon Muto - Maddie Blaustein (formerly [Dead Name]) - Her other roles include Shimon Muran and Zygor, in Duel Monsters. In GX, she voiced Sartorius, Taiyou Torimaki, and Kozaky. In 5D’s, she voiced Larry and Rex Goodwin. (in Bonds Beyond Time and The Dark Side of Dimensions) see Joey Wheeler
Mokuba Kaiba - (episodes 1-184) Tara Sands - She reprised the role as Mokuba Kaiba in The Dark Side of Dimensions. (episodes 185 - 224) Carrie Keranen - Her other roles include Kisara, in Duel Monsters, and Mina Simington and Misty Tredwell, in 5D’s.
Serenity Wheeler - Lisa Ortiz - Her other roles include Cinderella and Injection Fairy Lily, in Duel Monsters, and Toon Gemini Elf, in The Pyramid of Light (Yugioh The Movie). In GX, she voiced Mindy, Yasmin, Linda, Elemental Hero Burstinatrix, Claret, Ms. Dorothy, and Maiden in Love. In 5D’s, she voiced Barbara, Patty, and Claire.
Mai Valentine - (episodes 1-144) Megan Hollingshead - no notable other roles. (episodes 145-224) see Akiza Izinski
Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura/Thief King Bakura - see Jack Atlas
Shadi - see Joey Wheeler
Rebecca Hawkins - Kerry Williams - Her other roles include Sadie, in GX.
Arthur Hawkins - Mike Pollock - His other roles include Jean Louis Bonaparte, in GX.
Duke Devlin - see Chazz Princeton
Ishizu Ishtar - Karen Neil - no notable other roles.
Marik Ishtar/Yami Marik - Jonathan Todd Ross - His other roles include Strings, in Duel Monsters, and Slade Princeton and Jagger Princeton, in GX.
Odion - Michael Alston Baley (J. David Brimmer) - His other roles include Shada, in Duel Monsters.
Maximillion Pegasus - Darren Dunstan - His other roles include Witty Phantom and Funny Bunny, in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voices Adrian Gecko, Abidos the Third, and Don Zaloog (along with the several Pegasus cameo appearances). In 5D’s, he voices Andre. He reprises his role as Maximillion Pegasus in Bonds Beyond Time.
Weevil Underwood - Jimmy Zoppi (James Carter Cathcart) - His other roles include Dr. Grossfield and Hobson, in Duel Monsters.
Rex Raptor - (episodes 1-144) see Tristan Taylor. (episodes 145-187) Sebastian Arcelus - His other roles include Espa Roba in Duel Monsters, and Marcel Bonaparte in GX. (episodes 188-224) see Chazz Princeton
Mako Tsunami - Andrew Rannells - His other roles include Noah Kaiba and Leon von Schroeder, in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voiced young Zane Truesdale, Wheeler, and Belowski. He voices Toby Tredwell, in 5D’s.
Bandit Keith - see Jack Atlas
Bonz - see Tea Gardner
Gozaburo Kaiba - David Wills - His other roles include Nesbitt, Seeker, Mr. Ishtar, and Roland (other than episodes 128-148), in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voiced Tyranno Hassleberry, Chancellor Sheppard, Kagemaru, and Lucien Grimley. In 5D’s, he voiced Tank, Mr. Armstrong, Lawton, and Dragan. (season 5) see Jack Atlas
Dartz - see Joey Wheeler
Rafael - see Chazz Princeton
Valon - see Chazz Princeton
Alister - see Jack Atlas
Zigfried von Schroeder - Oliver Wyman (Pete Zarustica) - His other roles include Dr. Alex Brisbane, Alexander the Great, Aknadin, and Akhenaden, Duel Monsters. In GX, he voiced Aster Phoenix, Brier, Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin, and Guardian of the Labyrinth's Shield. In 5D’s, he voiced Alex.
Mana/Dark Magician Girl - see Akiza Izinski
Mahad/Dark Magician - Michael Sinterniklaas - His other roles include Jakob and Torunka in 5D’s. He reprised his role as Dark Magician in Bonds Beyond Time.
Akhenaden - see Zigfried von Schroeder
Karim - Marc Diraison - His other roles include Sergei Ivanoff and young Solomon Muto in Duel Monsters, Chancellor Foster in GX, and Commander Koda and Kalin Kessler in 5D’s.
Kisara - see Mokuba Kaiba
Other Characters - GX:
Bastion Misawa - see Seto Kaiba
Zane Truesdale - Scottie Ray (Scott Rayow) - His other roles include Devack, in 5D’s.
Dr. Vellian Crowler - Sean Schemmel - His other roles include Bobasa in Duel Monsters. In GX, he voiced Ojama Yellow, Elemental Hero Neos, Neo-Spacian Dark Panther, Mr. Phoenix, Mathematica, Mad Dog, Doctor Collector, Thelonious Viper, Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle, Trapper, Elroy Prescot, Sky Scout, Guardian Baou, and Chaos Sorcerer. In 5D’s, he voiced Geiger, the MC, ZigZix, Rudolph Heitmann, and Hans. He voiced Paradox in Bonds Beyond Time.
Blair Flannigan - Lisa Jacqueline - no other notable roles
Professor Lyman Banner - see Joey Wheeler
Chancellor Sheppard - see Gozaburo Kaiba
Chumley Huffington - (episodes 1-50) see Zigfried von Schroeder. (episode 85) see Crow Hogan
Ms. Dorothy - see Serenity Wheeler
Atticus Rhodes/Nightshroud - Jason Griffith (Adam Caroleson) - His other roles include Osamu and Harrington Rosewood, in GX. In 5D’s, he voiced Bruno/Vizor, Primo, Aporia, Taka, Shira, and Ghost.
Jean-Louis Bonaparte - see Arthur Hawkins
Aster Phoenix - see Zigfried von Schroeder
Tyranno Hassleberry - see Gozaburo Kaiba
Adrian Gecko - see Maximillion Pegasus
Echo - see Alexis Rhodes
Jesse Anderson - see Crow Hogan
Axel Brodie - Duane Cooper - no other notable roles
Jim Crocodile Cook - see Crow Hogan
Sartorius - see Solomon Muto
Sarina - see Akiza Izinski
Yubel - see Leo & Luna
Thelonious Viper - see Dr. Vellian Crowler
Other Characters - 5D’s:
Mina Simington - see Mokuba Kaiba
Tetsu Trudge - see Yugi Muto
Carly Carmine - Veronica Taylor - Her other voice roles include Kenta and Chris, in Duel Monsters. In GX, she voices Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat, Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn, Princess Rose, and Fonda Fontaine (episodes 53-155). In 5D’s, she voices Ancient Fairy Dragon and Haluna.
Misty Tredwell - see Mokuba Kaiba
Rex Goodwin - see Solomon Muto
Lazar - Gary Mack - no other notable roles
Rally Dawson - see Akiza Izinski
Sayer - see Chazz Princeton
Greiger - see Dr. Vellian Crowler
Sherry LeBlanc - see Leo & Luna
Kalin Kessler - see Karim
Roman Goodwin - see Chazz Princeton
Devack - see Zane Truesdale
Dr. Fudo - see Joey Wheeler
Aporia - see Atticus Rhodes
Jakob - see Mahad
Lester - see Crow Hogan
Primo - see Atticus Rhodes
Bruno/Vizor - see Atticus Rhodes
#my post#yugioh#duel monsters#gx#5ds#this took me so long#i hope someone else appreciates it#let me know if i made mistakes or something#i did check multiple sources#also let me know if i missed someone important or something#uses english names because they are english voice actors
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