#Acthar day 2
cleoselene · 2 years
you have no idea how lit the new Medicare Advantage Dual Enrollment plans are for 2023 you guys
like I have been getting $125/month from Medicare to spend only on “healthy food” and over the counter medicines and it’s fantastic because it’s a real buffer to food stamps that aren’t enough and next year they’re bumping the allowance to $250/month and can now also be used for gas and utilities (!!!)
along with a very nice 8.7% COLA adjustment the new year is going to be so much easier for me
while trying to deal with the TSwift tix today I have also been off and on the phone with the neurologist because this flare-up just. won’t. let up.  We have been desperately trying to avoid steroids, tried a bunch of antibiotics to purge any infections that could be causing a pseudo-relapse, nothing has budged how shitty I feel, and the migraines are roaring back worse than they’ve been since 2020 too, and my doctor prescribed me a new migraine med that insurance immediately denied -_- So I had to make sure the prior authorization went through so I could get the med
now I have to go in for an MRI to see if there’s new brain damage evident (eek, I hate MRIs, more eek at the idea of new brain damage -- but I have gotten covid since my last MRI so it’s entirely possible) and we are trying this steroid alternative of Acthar Gel injections, except I can’t seem to find people on the internet who have actually done this treatment so I have no idea what the experience will be like.  It’s like 2 or 3 injections a day for 2-3 weeks to reduce spasms and inflammation.  THANKFULLY my roommate is good at giving injections because I can never bring myself to inject myself sldkfjsjf nn
I wish I could muster more enthusiasm for my TSwift nosebleeds but I am so DRAINED after today between the health stress and the queues failing left and right and hating the fact that I’ve felt this way for a month and it’s not getting any better, only worse.  Every day has been more of a struggle than the last, I’m back to wearing ice packs on my head, which I haven’t done since 2020.  Sometimes I’m finding myself starved because I’ve been literally too tired to get up and grab a snack.  Holding my head up is a really major strain, too.  Like my neck feels like it’s just so weak and aching and it makes the headaches worse.  I am sure when we get closer to showtime I will be thrilled because HOPEFULLY I will not feel like this come April
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due4amiracle · 2 years
Day 475
It’s day 3 of Acthar.
Everything is A Lot.
i did things.
Reading things - - 4 Ebooks for me, 0 Audiobook for Sir! ...Yea. 230 for the year, 10 for the month! - Glimmer of Hope (The Other Realm #2) by Heather G. Harris 1%! - Glimmer of The Other (The Other Realm #1) by Heather G. Harris 100%! 3🌟 - Blood Heir (World of Kate Daniels #13) by Ilona Andrews 100%! 3🌟 - Sweep with Me (Innkeeper Chronicles #4.5) by Ilona Andrews 100%! 3🌟 - Sweep of the Blade (Innkeeper Chronicles #4) 100%! 4🌟 - One Fell Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles #3) by Ilona Andrews 100%! 4🌟 - Sweep in Peace (Innkeeper Chronicles #2) by Ilona Andrews 100%! 3🌟
Watching things - - New York by Night: Season 2 - Episode 2/?! Everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Oh lort. - Hunter Garage, Hunter: The Reckoning - New WoD thing, watched session 0 today. Was very good. Enjoyed.
Other things - Daily Diarrhea Diary - Okish. No perioding. Everything is better today, but it's not ALL better. Both ears ache, but mostly only the left. my joints all ache too. lungs are better, only the slightest rasp. And omg my head Hurts.  and oh my legs are sore. Mood was overall pretty decent, Utterly exhausted, and yet utterly wired. Acthar go brr. Warm has finally kicked in, was Cold all day. Then again, it was a chilly day. The gods know it's below freezing right now. Very scattered. Very overwhelmed easily by everything. Today was So Much A Lot Acthar AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Did a Very Big Walkies today. Was going to go to the Farmers Market that happens every saturday, only we pulled up to the square and everything was blocked off - apparently there was A Car Show Thing going on. So they moved the Market deeper in, behind the blocks. That was a no-go. So we went to the danger place. Aka the rollroll store. Aka the place in town that is the only place to get anything TTRPG related that isn’t Walmart. It was a Big Walk uphill and up stairs. But i did it. And then walked around the store. my legs ache like hell. But i did it. It was quite nice.
Then Sir went and bought me Pokemon cards at Walgreens. Apparently they had these tins, so, Sir bought them. i have 4 of one set, and 1 of another. xD Because of course there’s like 30 sets of 5′s. But then Sir went and bought the last tin online in the set.
What a money waster He is. Then again, He’s getting paid well now. So, there’s that.
Nothing really else has been happening, these last few days. Acthar just goes brr.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: D Brain: C
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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Whistleblowers: A company at heart of a 97,000% drug price hike bribed doctors to boost sales
(CNN) — Two whistleblowers at a pharmaceutical company responsible for one of the largest drug price increases in US history said the company bribed doctors and their staffs to increase sales, according to newly unsealed documents in federal court.
The effort, the whistleblowers said in a lawsuit against the company, was part of an intentional “multi-tiered strategy” by Questcor Pharmaceuticals, now Mallinckrodt, to boost sales of H.P. Acthar Gel, cheating the government out of millions of dollars.
The price of the drug, best known for treating a rare infant seizure disorder, has increased almost 97,000%, from $40 a vial in 2000 to nearly $39,000 today.
The Justice Department has now intervened in the case after conducting its own extensive investigation — a sign that the government believes the allegations levied by the whistleblowers are credible. In a statement to CNN, Mallinckrodt did not deny the accusations but said the fault lies primarily with Questcor.
The bombshell allegations lay bare what the whistleblowers say was a culture designed to sell the drug at all costs, from lying to the Food and Drug Administration to offering bribes to doctors.
The price increase, combined with an aggressive sales push in rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and other areas, has pushed the drug’s annual sales over $1 billion.
Many of those sales are driven by Medicare reimbursements. A CNN investigation last year found that Medicare spending on Acthar had risen dramatically — more than tenfold over six years — to some $2 billion.
In their lawsuit, the whistleblowers said the drugmaker’s conduct “has cheated the federal government out of millions of dollars that should not have been paid, thereby enriching [the company] and subjecting patients to unapproved, unsafe and potentially ineffective uses of H.P. Acthar Gel.”
“Questcor has attempted to conceal and cover-up its payment of kickbacks and its illegal promotion of H.P. Acthar Gel by making false statements to the FDA and directing employees to conceal evidence by failing to disclose … the full nature and extent of its advertising, promotional and marketing materials and plan.”
Mallinckrodt purchased Questcor in 2014 as part of a $5.6 billion deal. “The illegal practices that Questcor had been engaging in since 2007,” the suit said, “have knowingly been continued since the merger and acquisition of Questcor by Mallinckrodt.”
The whistleblowers’ allegations were unsealed after the Justice Department filed notice on March 6 to intervene in the lawsuit. The Justice Department has 90 days to file its own complaint, according to the March filing.
If found liable, Mallinckrodt could be required to pay up to three times any amount the government is found to have been defrauded, as well as penalties ranging from $5,500 to $11,000 for each false claim, according to the whistleblower statute.
The Justice Department declined comment for this story.
In its statement to CNN, Mallinckrodt said that it was disappointed with the Justice Department’s decision to pursue the case and that it was cooperating with the agency. The drugmaker also sought to distance itself from Acthar’s previous owner, Questcor.
“The allegations pertain principally to legacy Questcor conduct,” Mallinckrodt said.
“Mallinckrodt has cooperated fully with the DOJ in its review of this historical conduct, voluntarily providing documents and information to the government. While we are disappointed the DOJ has elected to proceed with the lawsuit, we have been in advanced settlement talks with the government over the past several months.
“The company believes these sales and marketing claims are likely to be resolved in the near term through ongoing negotiations, and further believes a resolution that is reasonable and manageable for all parties is achievable. As the lawsuit principally concerns allegations of legacy conduct prior to Mallinckrodt’s acquisition of Acthar Gel, we do not envision any impact to how Mallinckrodt conducts business today.”
In its statement, the company referred to the whistleblowers as two former Questcor employees. Yet the suit makes clear that one of the employees stayed on after the 2014 merger and worked for Mallinckrodt, leaving the company in June 2017.
After CNN published this story, Mallinckrodt sent an additional statement: “Mallinckrodt strongly disagrees with the substance of the complaint and the sensational characterization of the allegations.”
Marc Orlow, an attorney representing the two whistleblowers, hailed the government’s decision.
“Our clients are true heroes to stand up to a corrupt corporate culture that cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars,” he said.
Expert: ‘Bad sign’ for company
The government doesn’t take the decision to intervene in a whistleblower case lightly, said Jennifer Arlen, a professor of law at New York University who specializes in corporate enforcement.
“The government has tended to take over cases that become winners,” said Arlen, who serves as director of NYU’s Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement. “Historically, the government’s decision to take this over is a bad sign” for the company being investigated.
The government intervenes in fewer than 25% of whistleblower cases, according to the Justice Department.
But cases alleging health care kickbacks, Arlen said, can be “very challenging because pharmaceutical companies regularly have legitimate consulting and research arrangements with doctors.”
“The government has to show that the intent was to reward doctors for their prescribing behavior,” she said.
What will be interesting, Arlen said, is if the government uses its vast amount of prescribing data by doctors to bolster its case.
“Under the current administration, there does appear to be a real effort to combat various forms of healthcare fraud, and I do know the DOJ is using data analytics to identify doctors who are defrauding the government,” she said. “The data could be used very effectively in a case like this.”
CNN’s investigation last year found that Acthar’s manufacturers had paid doctors millions.
More than 80% of doctors who filed Medicare claims in 2016 for Acthar received money or other perks from the drugmakers, according to the CNN analysis of publicly identified prescribers.
The analysis, which looked at doctors who filed more than 10 Part D claims, found that Mallinckrodt and Questcor paid 288 prescribers more than $6.5 million for consulting, promotional speaking and other Acthar-related services between 2013 and 2016.
$1,000-a-gallon gas
The whistleblowers’ lawsuit had been under seal for seven years in US District Court in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, since it was originally filed against Questcor in 2012. The suit has been amended to reflect Mallinckrodt’s purchase of Questcor in 2014.
When the government files notice to intervene in a whistleblower case, the complaint becomes unsealed — in this case, the fourth amended complaint, filed June 8, 2017. All other documents related to the case remain sealed.
This isn’t the first time Mallinckrodt has faced government scrutiny related to Acthar. The pharmaceutical company reached a $100 million settlement in 2017 after the Federal Trade Commission accused the drugmaker of violating antitrust laws to thwart competitors from undercutting Acthar’s exorbitant price. The company settled without admitting wrongdoing.
The drug is approved for 19 indications, including multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and kidney disease. But critics note that the drug was approved for many of those conditions long before the FDA’s more rigorous standards of today and that there are few randomized clinical studies showing its efficacy, especially in adult conditions.
“Medicare has been spending billions of dollars for Acthar for questionable indications,” said Dr. Dennis Bourdette, chairman of the Department of Neurology at Oregon Health & Science University who has studied the drug’s price and the doctors prescribing it for years.
The whistleblower suit was filed by Charles Strunck, who worked for Questcor as a multiple sclerosis sales specialist from September 2010 to August 2011, and Lisa Pratta, who was an Acthar neurology specialist with Questcor and then Mallinckrodt from September 2010 to June 2017.
According to the suit, Mallinckrodt “intentionally engaged in an illegal scheme to increase its sales and profits by engaging” in array of illegal activity, including:
Violating the federal Anti-Kickback Statute by “using valuable incentives, rewards and other forms of remuneration to induce healthcare providers to promote and prescribe” Acthar.
“Systematically promoting and marketing H.P. Acthar Gel for unapproved, off label uses.”
“Causing hundreds or thousands of false claims for reimbursement of H.P. Acthar Gel to be submitted to, and paid by, federal healthcare programs.”
Sales representatives were compensated royally for increased sales, the suit said, with lucrative monthly bonuses designed to promote a “sell at all cost” mentality. One sales specialist was awarded a $124,000 bonus in the second quarter of 2011, including $75,000 in one month alone; another received a $110,000 bonus in the same quarter, including $80,000 in one month, the suit alleged.
Sales reps were given a daily report “tracking the productivity of all specialists in order to motivate them.”
“This practice continued after the merger with Mallinckrodt,” the suit said.
The suit alleges that Questcor had trouble entering the multiple sclerosis market because there was a cheaper alternative that was considered the standard of care for MS flareups.
“Questcor’s response to this challenge has been to bribe physicians to prescribe and promote H.P. Acthar Gel,” the suit said.
The suit went on to say that many doctors treating MS patients refused to speak with Questcor sales representatives, but the company devised a work-around: “One way in which Questcor has overcome this threshold obstacle is to bribe office staff to arrange such meetings.”
Bourdette, executive director of Oregon Health & Science University’s Multiple Sclerosis Center, found those allegations especially intriguing.
“In the multiple sclerosis field, there are a very small number of physicians who prescribe Acthar, and I’ve never understood why these physicians do that,” he said. “If these accusations are true, it may provide an explanation.”
The drug’s price has been a source of controversy for more than a decade, since the price shot up overnight in August 2007 from $1,600 to $23,000 a vial. At the time, the drug was primarily marketed for infantile spasms, a debilitating seizure disorder in babies.
Despite protests from the nation’s top epilepsy foundations and neurology groups over the drug’s high cost, Acthar’s price has climbed another $16,000 per vial. Today, it’s listed around $39,000 a vial.
The price hike puts it among the most dramatic drug price increases in the nation’s history, said Stephen Schondelmeyer, director of the PRIME Institute, a research organization that studies economic and policy issues related to pharmaceuticals.
“If gas [prices] increased from 1993 to 2019 at the rate of H.P. Acthar, gas today would cost $1,300 a gallon,” he said.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/04/30/whistleblowers-a-company-at-heart-of-a-97000-drug-price-hike-bribed-doctors-to-boost-sales/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/04/30/whistleblowers-a-company-at-heart-of-a-97000-drug-price-hike-bribed-doctors-to-boost-sales/
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due4amiracle · 3 years
Day 197
Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware, 2 chapters, Dailies, Vamp shiz, 2 anime eps.
Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware - Thursdays are day off day. 🚫
2 chapters - i am up to chapter 4. i just keep reading. This puts me at 16% done, which... honestly breaks my heart a little, because the faster i read it, the deeper i get, the quicker it’ll be done, and i don’t want it to be done - honestly this is my favorite series and i just... i want it to last forever. Mercedes is a blessing. ✔
Dailies - Waifu Did my dailies, worked on teapot sets! FFXIV +1 -> 42 Doot dooted around in the new zone. ✔✔
Vamp shiz -  Basically closed the scene - that counts for something...right? ...right?! 🚫
2 anime eps - 🚫
Other things - EXU! Today is EXU day and hoboy did i love this episode?! But...
And this is where the cw comes in, if you’re not up for it, tab away, i understand. i just... need to record it. This is my blog after all...
During the episode, i was checking facebook and... found that Sir’s grandfather had passed. Sir was having a good time, enjoying EXU and... i didn’t want to ruin that. i needed to piddle, so i had Sir escort me, considering i’m on steroids and i... wander occasionally. But... i got caught in a loop of “i have to tell Him, i can’t tell Him” and... scratching at my arm with my thumb nail, while He was in the kitchen. It didn’t... it didn’t stop. i didn’t realize what i was doing, until i felt...liquid. and i panicked, of course, and hated myself, because i just ruined everything and now i HAVE to tell Him and... He understood. He was... prepared for this, the passing, because His grandfather had had a bad heart forever, and honestly it was only a matter of time. i felt so much guilt for not being able to get Him that final phone call, but He’s ok. i’m not, i’m a wreck because of what i’ve done. Sir cleaned it, bandaged it, and... it’ll have to do for now.
And then our internet went out. Cool.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: D Brain: F
Tomorrow: Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware, 2 chapters, Dailies, Vamp shiz, 2 anime eps.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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due4amiracle · 4 years
Day 142
i am very high on steroids right now my pupils are extraordinarily dilated and my brain is floating. It’s wild how when you’re on a medication for a while, then you’re off it for a day or two, you really miss it. That’s how it is with my drooly pills, i’m filled with so much liquid right now that i’m just...floating. my nose is running and my eyes are watering and my mouth is drooling and my vaginal juices are flooding the room. i miss them. They’re good pills. Glyco...something. Not sure i’d have to check. i’ve been very floaty brained today. Trouble focusing. Incredibly difficult focusing. i know i did Waifu, i know i watched the last of The Haunting of Good Society - which was fabulous and i hope there is more. i know i watched the latest two Log Horizon episodes. i know i’m caught up with manhwa. Other than that? No idea.
Food: A What i can remember was tasty and good, i’m not at the “Empty gaping void” yet. Liquid: A? i think i started the day with a bottle and a half, and i’m sitting here with a bottle and a half - after grabbing three for the day - and will need liquid to take pills with. So i think that’s alright. Pain: A- Bit of a headache, hands are a bit achy, and of course an ache where the shot happened in my arse/hip but other than that, everything’s ok. Brain: C+ Had a tiff with Sir, but smoothed that over, had to be the adult in the relationship for the whole day - and that wears on you. Plus the incredibly scatterbrained of the steroids just really gets to you.
Decent enough day over all.
Tomorrow: Read? Write? Bread?
Ever Onward and Upward.
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due4amiracle · 4 years
Day 41
Washed my hair. Feels good.
Acthar, more acthar.
More crying and anxiety.
Long Beach By Night.
Hot, so hot, so hothothothothothothot i’m boiling to death and i’m dying to death. Dead. Actually for reals dead dead.
Not tired tired. Steroids are really starting to kick in. Sucks but it is what it is.
Slept like shit last night, oh boy it was miserable. But hopefully tonight will be better.
Not really a whole lot today, it’s all kind of a blur, idk.
Water was good, lots of snacks and tasty food eaten, pain not too bad - ear hurt but meh...ya know the whole shebang. SSDD
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due4amiracle · 2 years
Day 395
Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Laundry/cleaning - Picked up some things here and there. ✔
Reading things - - Holds still here. 1st library only library - #5 on 3. 104 for the year, 16 for the month! - The Last Light (Kat Drummond #14) by Nicholas Woode-Smith 100%! 4🌟 my heart, my soul, i need those last two books now. ...Eventually. - Werewolves & Wizardry by Nicholas Woode-Smith 1%! One last book available in the Katverse, a side-story. Ahh, it’s gonna be great! - Manhwa: Survive as the Hero’s Wife 2 chapters of this read Nope🚫! UwU♡ ✔✔✔✔🚫
Dailies - - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level ?/50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 26/50! Also! 24/39 max friendship namecards acquired! New MONTH! new weeklies! Chasm gem thingy is level 6/10! ♡ω♡✔ - Cozy Grove - Doot doot continuing to scout along! Scout rank 17/17! 17/21 besties! More stuff more things! ♡ω♡ ✔ Nothing new today gosh.
Shells - 90/254 - 35.4% Fish - 89/180 - 49.4% Bugs - 96/199 - 48.2% Flowers - 250/372 - 67.2% Cooking - 64/71 - 90.1% Raw Ingredients - 38/54 - 70.4% Materials - 50/63 - 79.4% ♡ω♡✔
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Star 8/10 get! 174 caught, 104 max level research pages~. |Alpha||Catch||MaxR/Total - Area |   49  ||   72  ||   70/85 - ObsiField |   47  ||   66  ||   64/75 - CrimMire |   52  ||   79  ||   78/96 - CobCoast |   49  ||   77  ||   75/90 - CoroHigh |   35  ||   71  ||   68/91 - AlabIce ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Coromon - ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Ooblets - 42/131 little frands, because why not track something. ♡ω♡ 🚫 UwU♡ ✔✔🚫🚫🚫
#TTRPGThings - Worked a little bit on backstory stuff for D&D character. ✔
Watching things - - Still considering what anime i’m gonna start. Hm. - Misfits and Magic episode 1!
Other things - Daily Diarrhea Diary - *clap clap* Nothin’! The faintest looseness on the edges but other than that, it’s beautiful. Acthar day 2 is in the butt! And the books. Ya know. The joke that keeps on giving. (Because that’s where i get my injection, in my hip/right above my arsecheek, ya know, it’s the buttockssssss) i am so hungry and so warm and tired and annoyed and... ugh.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: B Brain: C
Tomorrow: Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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due4amiracle · 3 years
Day 353
Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, Vamp shiz, Watching.
Laundry/cleaning - Steroids Nope🚫
Reading things - - Sitting at 3 holds, #2 on 1 copy on one of them, #1 on 1 copy on two others (namely the book 4 from yesterday >_<) Technically also on hold for book 1 at another library, which is #2 on 4 copies. So. Shrug. We’ll see. - One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost 100%! 2🌟Welp, that wasn’t terrible, pretty decent one supposes. Guess we move on to the next! - At Grave's End by Jeaniene Frost 4%! Book 2 was aight, so, here’s book 3! - Manhwa: Survive as the Hero’s Wife 2 chapters of this read Nope🚫! UwU♡ ✔✔🚫
Dailies - - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 43/50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 26/50! Also! 16/39 max friendship namecards acquired! (Not everyone is my friend yet, stop fucking shaming me oml i can only roll so much! xD) New MONTH! new weeklies! ♡ω♡. ✔ - FFXIV did mah dailies~ MSQ +0 -> 74, BTN +0 -> 80, CUL +0 -> 80, WVR +0 -> 80, GSM +0 -> 77, FSH +0 -> 65, MIN +0 -> 74, ALC +0 -> 69, LTW +0 -> 65, ARM +0 -> 65, CRP +0 -> 64, BSM +0 -> 65. Vath 0/0 Rank 8/9 Bloodsworn, Vanu 1650/1730 Rank 7/9 Sworn, Moggles 300/1730 Rank 7/9 Sworn. 5 MSQ quests. Just started Securing the Saltery. Did not play today. Not sure when i will again. Something something Squeenix president supporting NFT’s and that’s trash something. 🚫 - Cozy Grove - Doot doot continuing to scout along! Scout rank 16/17! (4/34 spirit logs left until rank 17) Finally managed to get that dang quest for Seagullfrand done, with the 150 hardwood - ughhhh! Working on the first quest for my new person, to get them actually settled in proper. It’s a lot of fruit jam. Whew. ♡ω♡ ✔
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my seventh max friendship! Jeremy Gruffle ♡ω♡ - Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Star 7/10 get! 113 caught, 66 max level research pages~ Did not play because, well. Steroids. Also Spring forward. Lost an hour. Lost all the threads. Lost everything. 🚫
UwU♡ ✔🚫✔🚫
Vamp shiz - 0 words written! Up to 9511. 1687 words for pt6. Always the grind for the next part - but none today. Nope🚫
Watching things - - Konohana Kitan episode 1&2! Nope🚫 - Unsleeping City 2 episode 9 done! Nope 🚫
Other things - Acthar day 2! x_x; Good gods above and below it’s. So much. So. Much. Whew. Had a bit of a panic attack earlier. Lost large swathes of the day to just... desperately trying to exist, and also getting distracted by everything. It’s taken me like, 45 minutes to write up this 10 minute max post. Oh gods. Save my soul. my head hurts.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: C Brain: ??????
Tomorrow: Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, Vamp shiz, Watching.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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due4amiracle · 3 years
Day 305
Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware, 2 chapters, Dailies, Vamp shiz, 2 anime eps.
Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware - Nope🚫
2 chapters - Magic at the Gate by Devon Monk 100%, Circle of the Moon by Faith Hunter 16%. MatG: 4🌟 More Beckstrom delightfulness, love it! Up next is Circle of the Moon by Faith Hunter! UwU♡ ✔
Dailies - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 43 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 21! New MONTH! new weeklies! ♡ω♡. FFXIV did mah dailies~ MSQ +0 -> 74, BTN +0 -> 80, CUL +0 -> 80, WVR +0 -> 80, GSM +0 -> 77, FSH +0 -> 65, MIN +0 -> 74, ALC +0 -> 69, LTW +0 -> 64, ARM +0 -> 65, CRP +0 -> 64, BSM +0 -> 65. Vath 0/0 Rank 8/9 Bloodsworn, Vanu 1350/1730 Rank 7/9 Sworn, Moggles 0/1730 Rank 7/9 Sworn. No game today UwU♡ Welcome home Arataki ✔✔
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Vamp shiz - 0 words written! Up to 5592. 391 words for pt6. Always the grind for the next part - but not today. Nope🚫
2 anime eps - Bungou Stray Dogs 3rd Season! Episode 9&10 done! ✔
Other things - Manhwa: Nothing here. In other news: Bleh. Acthar days 2, 3, and 4 are a go. Tomorrow is the last day. Tuesday is eyeball appointment at assoclock in the morning. Migraines abound, overwhelmed emotions, and Everything Is Way Too Fucking Much Holy Shit. Blehhhh.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: B Brain: B
Tomorrow: Wash 2 plates/bowls/pieces of silverware, 2 chapters, Dailies, Vamp shiz, 2 anime eps.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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due4amiracle · 4 years
Day 82
Sir did brekkist. Tomorrow. Tomorrow i might be...capable of doing it myself. Maybe. Hopefully.
Did some VampRP, earned some xp hell yes i am such a slut for xp. Dangerous situation? Fuck yea, let’s DO IT.
Ok...that may be the Acthar talking. Probably is the Acthar talking. Buuut it is what it is. We survived. We got 2 xp. Fuck yes xp. 
Acthar day 2. Whew let’s GO. Feeling steroids. Lots of steroids. Feeling very jittery. Sleepy but READY TO GO. Whew. Buuut it’s ok.
Genshin Impact happened today! YAY WAIFU! i love my waifu. They’re all so precious and adorable. Yee~
Honestly that...was as much as i can remember LOL! Have already called off for Sunday D&D because...yea. That’d be day fuckin’ four. i’mma be so ANGY?! Not a good idea. ._.
Liquid: Decent enough. Food: HUNGY HUNGY HUNGY but decent enough. Pain: Bit of a headache, but that’s #JustSteroidThings baybee.
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due4amiracle · 4 years
Day 20
Trash Taste from yesterday that i started and got distracted from, so, watching it now.
Did some RP for the first time in days. Whew. Nonsense.
my fingers are having trouble keeping up with my brain, it's going a billion miles a minute and my hands are just like DUDE SLOW THE FUCK DOWN?! But yea.
Creating a new character...again. Her name is Shaylee, she's a Fae. Shruggu.
IBD running all day.
Didn't do anything i'm. Fuck. Steroids. Godsdamned.
Fucking up our sleep schedule because...steroids. Fuck.
Embracing the madness or whatever. SIGH. FUCK YOU ACTHAR. i love you. ;_;
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due4amiracle · 2 years
Day 414
Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Laundry/cleaning - Picked up some bits here and there. Multiple pieces of Laundry sorted. ✔
Reading things - - No holds no holds NO HOLDS!. 140 for the year, 11 for the month!  - Empress Crowned in Red (Witches Steeped in Gold #2) by Ciannon Smart 100%! 2🌟 Skipped the first 74% and missed nothing - Jazmyne sucks, still, and always will. Glad for a vaguely amicable end. Shrug. - Relic and Ruin by Wendii McIver 100%! 2🌟 SO! MANY! CHARACTERS! and they were EXTREMELY bland and not well fleshed out. Very surface level. Difficult to keep them straight. And so much happening all at once! Oof. - Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White 100%! 5🌟 i’m crying. i’m crying that was so fucking poignant and beautiful and amazing. Holy shit. - Lie Down with Dogs (Black Dog, #3) by Hailey Edwards 0%! - Manhwa: Survive as the Hero’s Wife 2 chapters of this read Nope🚫! UwU♡ ✔✔✔✔✔🚫
Dailies - - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 16/50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 28/50! Also! 24/40 max friendship namecards acquired! New MONTH! new weeklies! Chasm gem thingy is level 7/10! ♡ω♡✔
- Cozy Grove - Doot doot continuing to scout along! Scout rank 17/17! 20/21 besties! More stuff more things! ♡ω♡ ✔ So many new things ahh!
Shells - 106/254 - 41.7% Fish - 96/180 - 53.3% Bugs - 129/199 - 64.8% Flowers - 273/372 - 73.4% Cooking - 64/71 - 90.1% Raw Ingredients - 39/54 - 72.2% Materials - 51/63 - 81% Recipes - 420/3619 - 11.61% ♡ω♡✔
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Star 8/10 get! 174 caught, 104 max level research pages~.
|Alpha||Catch||MaxR/Total - Area |   49  ||   72  ||   70/85 - ObsiField |   47  ||   66  ||   64/75 - CrimMire |   52  ||   79  ||   78/96 - CobCoast |   49  ||   77  ||   75/90 - CoroHigh |   35  ||   71  ||   68/91 - AlabIce ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Coromon - ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Ooblets - 42/131 little frands, because why not track something. ♡ω♡ 🚫
- SWtOR - Up to 1d11h43m played time. ♡ω♡✔ Taris is finished! Well, as much as i can, anyways~ UwU♡ ✔✔🚫🚫🚫✔
#TTRPGThings - Didn’t do much of anything, just kinda muddled through a bit here and there.✔
Watching things - - SAO Alicization. Episode 1&2! - Misfits and Magic episode 2!
Other things - Daily Diarrhea Diary - Good! Last night’s CPAP was better! i was having a little bit of trouble, because my heart kept racing awkwardly, but i managed to curl up on my left side and just kinda zonked out for a few hours. So that was nice. Hoping tonight is even better~ Today is Acthar day 1! Whew i’m already a sweaty bitch. Jeeze.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: B Brain: B
Tomorrow: Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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due4amiracle · 2 years
Day 398
Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Laundry/cleaning - Picked up some things here and there. ✔
Reading things - - No holds no holds NO HOLDS!. 109 for the year, 21 for the month! - Acting In Kindness (Hawthorn Academy #2) by D.R. Perry 100%! 3🌟 Doot doot trundling along! - Fire of Justice (Hawthorn Academy #3) by D.R. Perry 35%! - Manhwa: Survive as the Hero’s Wife 2 chapters of this read Nope🚫! UwU♡ ✔✔✔🚫
Dailies - - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level ?/50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 27/50! Also! 24/39 max friendship namecards acquired! New MONTH! new weeklies! Chasm gem thingy is level 6/10! ♡ω♡✔ - Cozy Grove - Doot doot continuing to scout along! Scout rank 17/17! 17/21 besties! More stuff more things! ♡ω♡ ✔ A flower! A shell! A bug! Ooo!
Shells - 91/254 - 35.8% Fish - 90/180 - 50% Bugs - 97/199 - 48.7% Flowers - 253/372 - 68% Cooking - 64/71 - 90.1% Raw Ingredients - 38/54 - 70.4% Materials - 50/63 - 79.4% ♡ω♡✔
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Star 8/10 get! 174 caught, 104 max level research pages~. |Alpha||Catch||MaxR/Total - Area |   49  ||   72  ||   70/85 - ObsiField |   47  ||   66  ||   64/75 - CrimMire |   52  ||   79  ||   78/96 - CobCoast |   49  ||   77  ||   75/90 - CoroHigh |   35  ||   71  ||   68/91 - AlabIce ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Coromon - ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Ooblets - 42/131 little frands, because why not track something. ♡ω♡ 🚫
- SWToR - Played a few hours. Have now moved on to the next planet! Coruscant! Did a flashpoint - that took forever. Or at least it felt it? idk. Steroids. ♡ω♡✔ UwU♡ ✔✔🚫🚫🚫✔
#TTRPGThings - Worked a little bit on backstory stuff for D&D character. Fantasized and worked more on the MagiKids thing. Why do i do this to myself. ✔
Watching things - - Think i narrowed it down to SAO Alicization. TBF i ain’t gonna start shit until steroids are done, so that could totally change. - Misfits and Magic episode 1!
Other things - Daily Diarrhea Diary - *clap clap* Nothin’! Again! Acthar day 5 is in the butt! All done! Only hell day tomorrow left~ Whew. It’s kinda... whew. Today was pretty shit. Power went out for about an hour and a half or so. Maybe two hours. Took a walk around the house! Also - did a tarot pull. Tower, Chariot, 5 of cups. x_x Lots of things to think about. Interesting interesting. i wish i could fuckin’ focus. Ya know? i have none. No focus, so warm, headache, ear ache, exhausted, wired... steroids. #JustSteroidThings as per usual. 
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: C Brain: ???
Tomorrow: Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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due4amiracle · 2 years
Day 397
Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Laundry/cleaning - Picked up some things here and there. ✔
Reading things - - No holds no holds NO HOLDS!. 108 for the year, 20 for the month! - Familiar Strangers (Hawthorn Academy #1) by D.R. Perry 100%! 3🌟 Ye is alright! - From Dust, a Flame by Rebecca Podos 2🌟 2.5 rounded down. Disappointing. i wanted, deeply wanted, to love this - and yet? The synopsis was a solid 4 already. Then you got to reading and it all went down hill. The first 1/4 dropped it to a 3. Then up until the last 1/4 we were sitting at a 2. The ending 1/4 bumped us back up in ~3 territory - but does it really deserve it if half the book was a 2? Nah, not really. Disappointing. :( - Acting In Kindness (Hawthorn Academy #2) by D.R. Perry 40%! - Manhwa: Survive as the Hero’s Wife 2 chapters of this read Nope🚫! UwU♡ ✔✔✔✔🚫
Dailies - - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level ?/50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 27/50! Also! 24/39 max friendship namecards acquired! New MONTH! new weeklies! Chasm gem thingy is level 6/10! ♡ω♡✔ - Cozy Grove - Doot doot continuing to scout along! Scout rank 17/17! 17/21 besties! More stuff more things! ♡ω♡ ✔ Flowers! That’s good, right...?
Shells - 90/254 - 35.4% Fish - 90/180 - 50% Bugs - 96/199 - 48.2% Flowers - 252/372 - 67.7% Cooking - 64/71 - 90.1% Raw Ingredients - 38/54 - 70.4% Materials - 50/63 - 79.4% ♡ω♡✔
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Star 8/10 get! 174 caught, 104 max level research pages~. |Alpha||Catch||MaxR/Total - Area |   49  ||   72  ||   70/85 - ObsiField |   47  ||   66  ||   64/75 - CrimMire |   52  ||   79  ||   78/96 - CobCoast |   49  ||   77  ||   75/90 - CoroHigh |   35  ||   71  ||   68/91 - AlabIce ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Coromon - ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Ooblets - 42/131 little frands, because why not track something. ♡ω♡ 🚫
- SWToR - i said i wasn’t going to do it, and here we are. 😩 Played about 2.5 hours. Such is life. ♡ω♡✔ UwU♡ ✔✔🚫🚫🚫✔
#TTRPGThings - Worked a little bit on backstory stuff for D&D character. Fantasized and worked more on the MagiKids thing. Why do i do this to myself. ✔
Watching things - - Think i narrowed it down to SAO Alicization. TBF i ain’t gonna start shit until steroids are done, so that could totally change. - Misfits and Magic episode 1!
Other things - Daily Diarrhea Diary - *clap clap* Nothin’! Again! Acthar day 4 is in the butt! Slept a little bit better last night. Kinda drugged me up, and turned the temp way down - and i managed to get a few hours. Woke up at like 7am but ya know it’s fine. #JustSteroidThings and whatnot. Ear aches, head aches, itchy, warm, absolutely exhausted but SO wired... life moves on. Sigh.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: C Brain: D
Tomorrow: Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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due4amiracle · 2 years
Day 412
Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Laundry/cleaning - Picked up some bits here and there. Multiple pieces of Laundry sorted.✔
Reading things - - No holds no holds NO HOLDS!. 134 for the year, 5 for month! - Improbable Magic for Cynical Witches by Kate Scelsa 3🌟 Dat was good. Liked that. - The Fae Keeper (The Witch King, #2) by H.E. Edgmon 4🌟IS A DUOLOGY?! Aw man, damn this series was heckin’ good, really enjoyed it! - Moment of Truth (Potentate of Atlanta #5) by Hailey Edwards 3🌟We back on this train baybeee~ - Badge of Honor (Potentate of Atlanta: The Epilogues #1) by Hailey Edwards 3%! This is the last one that’s out. Well. Shit. - Manhwa: Survive as the Hero’s Wife 2 chapters of this read Nope🚫! UwU♡ ✔✔✔✔🚫
Dailies - - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 12/50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 28/50! Also! 24/40 max friendship namecards acquired! New MONTH! new weeklies! Chasm gem thingy is level 7/10! ♡ω♡✔
- Cozy Grove - Doot doot continuing to scout along! Scout rank 17/17! 19/21 besties! More stuff more things! ♡ω♡ ✔ So many new things ahh!
Shells - 104/254 - 40.9% Fish - 95/180 - 52.8% Bugs - 122/199 - 61.3% Flowers - 270/372 - 72.6% Cooking - 64/71 - 90.1% Raw Ingredients - 39/54 - 72.2% Materials - 51/63 - 81% Recipes - 408/3619 - 11.27% ♡ω♡✔
Tumblr media
my nineteenth max friendship! Lillian McQuill ♡ω♡✔ - Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Star 8/10 get! 174 caught, 104 max level research pages~.
|Alpha||Catch||MaxR/Total - Area |   49  ||   72  ||   70/85 - ObsiField |   47  ||   66  ||   64/75 - CrimMire |   52  ||   79  ||   78/96 - CobCoast |   49  ||   77  ||   75/90 - CoroHigh |   35  ||   71  ||   68/91 - AlabIce ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Coromon - ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Ooblets - 42/131 little frands, because why not track something. ♡ω♡ 🚫
- SWtOR - Up to 1d6h33m played time. ♡ω♡✔  UwU♡ ✔✔🚫🚫🚫✔
#TTRPGThings - AHH! Almost done creating the new server oh gods. It’s so much wrrrrrrrrk.✔
Watching things - - Think i narrowed it down to SAO Alicization. TBF i ain’t gonna start shit until steroids are done, so that could totally change. - Misfits and Magic episode 2!
Other things - Daily Diarrhea Diary - Up and down, the past couple days. Blueberries? Supposed to be low FODMAP. my body? Blueberries are a no thank you. That sucks a lot. :( But it’s fine. Tomorrow is going to be CPAP collection day, and also Acthar start day. Oof. That’s gonna be wild. Very excited though. Haven’t really been doing much other than working on the server. So. Ya know. Shruuuug.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: B Brain: C
Tomorrow: Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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due4amiracle · 2 years
Day 411
Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Laundry/cleaning - Picked up some bits here and there. 2 pieces of Laundry sorted. Took a shower!✔
Reading things - - No holds no holds NO HOLDS!. 131 for the year, 2 for month! - Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson DNF@18%! Welp. That was a right disappointment. Whew. Too many characters not fleshed out, so deeply British and i struggled to understand half the shit going on - and every other word was “fucking”. Yes i use it constantly too, it’s a good sentence enhancer - but holy shit there are other swear words? Hot damn. - Together We Burn by Isabel Ibañez 100%! 3🌟 my heart, my soul, we bleed, we cry, SO GOOD wow! Liked this one quite a bit. ♡ - Improbable Magic for Cynical Witches by Kate Scelsa 3%! That opening - that’s good shit. i’m hype for this! - Manhwa: Survive as the Hero’s Wife 2 chapters of this read Nope🚫! UwU♡ ✔✔✔✔🚫
Dailies - - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 9/50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 28/50! Also! 24/40 max friendship namecards acquired! New MONTH! new weeklies! Chasm gem thingy is level 7/10! ♡ω♡✔
- Cozy Grove - Doot doot continuing to scout along! Scout rank 17/17! 18/21 besties! More stuff more things! ♡ω♡ ✔ So many new things ahh!
Shells - 102/254 - 40.2% Fish - 95/180 - 52.8% Bugs - 115/199 - 57.8% Flowers - 265/372 - 71.2% Cooking - 64/71 - 90.1% Raw Ingredients - 38/54 - 70.4% Materials - 51/63 - 81% Recipes - 399/3619 - 11.03% ♡ω♡✔
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Star 8/10 get! 174 caught, 104 max level research pages~.
|Alpha||Catch||MaxR/Total - Area |   49  ||   72  ||   70/85 - ObsiField |   47  ||   66  ||   64/75 - CrimMire |   52  ||   79  ||   78/96 - CobCoast |   49  ||   77  ||   75/90 - CoroHigh |   35  ||   71  ||   68/91 - AlabIce ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Coromon - ♡ω♡ 🚫
- Ooblets - 42/131 little frands, because why not track something. ♡ω♡ 🚫
- SWtOR - Up to 1d5h2m played time. ♡ω♡✔ i got heckin’ glammed up! Very nice. UwU♡ ✔✔🚫🚫🚫✔
#TTRPGThings - Doot doot keep on workin’.✔
Watching things - - Think i narrowed it down to SAO Alicization. TBF i ain’t gonna start shit until steroids are done, so that could totally change. - Misfits and Magic episode 2!
Other things - Daily Diarrhea Diary - Good enough on this front. SHOWER! Scremmmmm Yas! Shower and bed change and everything is lovely! Didn’t get the hair cut but! That’s a good thing for after all the things next week. So yea, we are doing my appointment tomorrow, fuck it. Monday is CPAP appointment day and also Acthar start day. It’s gonna be lovely! i’m very excited. i’m very exhausted. i did so much oml. goddamn i need sleep.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: C Brain: C
Tomorrow: Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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