#Acrostic for Spirit
penhive · 2 years
Pull the reigns
Pull the reigns as an idiom means to be a leader.
My wife is pulling the reigns in the school where I work.
After the flood, God made a covenant with Moses that he will no longer punish the earth and its inhabitants.
Rainbow as an idiom stands for God’s miraculous provision.
May God initiate a rainbow in my life.
30 Pieces of Silver
Judas the disciple of Jesus betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.
Thirty pieces of silver as an idiom stands for betrayal.
I have never experienced thirty pieces of silver in my life.
Jacob the brother of Esau stole the birthright and blessings of Esau.
Jacob as an idiom means a conniving opportunist.
There is many a Jacob in contemporary society.
Esau the brother of Jacob was duped twice by his brother Esau and as an idiom it means an indulgence for petty gain that will lead to forfeiture of a large blessing.
There are many instances in my life where I have become Esau.
Falling from the Sky
Falling from the sky as an idiom means getting money from unexpected quarters.
I hope to get falling from the sky in 2023.
On TV as an idiom means becoming famous.
I have a wish to be on TV.
The Flood
God reigned flood and before he said to Noah and his family to build an ark.
The flood as an idiom means God’s provision during times of difficulty.
Sex is the music of an orgasm.
Figures are a God that utters speech and plays with meaning.
A miracle is the victorious, anticipated expectation of reality.
Clouds are painting the sky.
The cosmos is dancing to the tune of God.
The clouds of the sky lay like cauliflowers.
Dark sky lay like a pubic hair.
Acrostic for miracle
Most divine
Restoring blessings
Countless hardship making
Life’s victory and
Acrostic for Altar
A place where God
Lives and resides in
Acrostic for Spirit
Restoring and changing
Iniquity to
Quantumurgy comes from quantum physics and thaumaturgy (magic) and it’s a soul energy serving the purpose for manifestation.  It’s a magnetic outpouring of thought which creates vibrations and aligns with will of God to manifest reality into a successful completion.
Though I am a Christian, I wanted to follow the Old Testament Mosaic Law and to keep with tradition I got circumcised.
Jesus and Structuralism
Structuralism is a literary school of thought and here I want to take some of the  elements and describe Jesus. Levi Straus the French structuralist developed certain ideas and they are: Savage versus Civilized: kinship and totem. In the first idea Jesus was neither savage nor civilized but the God in him became a man and he occupied a structure that was loving, compassionate and merciful.  The second idea in structuralism is Kingship and it means being related by blood. I put this idea and relate it to the kinship of Jesus as his blood. As a structure this idea is one of sacrifice and it is the shedding of blood for the remission of sins by mankind. The next idea is Totem and totem means an object held in reverence by  a clan or tribe. Jesus was hanged on a cross and the cross became a totem symbol held in reverence and has a universal of quality of love, sacrifice, and redemption.
Conscience and Genes
Sigmund Freud remarked that incest and murder are detrimental for the progress of civilization. Here I want to remark that conscience is a coded letter of God that is implanted in man’s DNA.
0 notes
chipmunkweirdo · 11 months
Alvin’s acrostic poem for writing class. (That Jeanette helped him with because he almost spelled stupendous wrong.)
It’s at this point he starts to pin down exactly what he wants his personality to be. He realizes that he doesn’t have to lose the proud/arrogant, multi-talented and daring side of himself.
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kobitoshiningneedle · 2 months
Pieces of trivia about AA characters from Naruhodo Gyakuten Saiban fanbook because I'm obsessed with it
Franziska rides a black Mercedes
Maya and other spirit mediums wear same garments but from different types of fabric each season. For example, the robes Maya wears in summer are from polypropilene
Phoenix likes some punk rock. One of the bands he listens to is called Galaxy Devil Killer Panthers
The Blue Badger toy (the one made by Gumshoe) ended up in Wright & co. Law Office
Gourd Park is a significant place for Phoenix too. When he moved to the district (when he started working under MIa) the first place Mia took him to was this
So there's a Valentine Day (when girls give chocolate to boys in Japan) and a Write Day (when boys give presents back to girls). In elementary school Phoenix happened to receive chocolate from Miles in both of the holidays
Mia had Maya's photo in her wallet
Larry is good at writing some acrostic poems
The day Phoenix had the bar exam he forgot his admission slip, but thankfully Mia got to him in time to give it to him. This is one of Phoenix's most precious memories
Actually, Franziska DID try to return the 2-4 De Killer card to Phoenix.... but Maya, being embarrassed, snatched it before Nick realized what it was
Phoenix fell with cold exactly three times in his life - all of them happened in the games. At one moment he shockingly realizes that all three times Larry was involved
First Edgeworth's supposed trial (I1-4) never happened. The second trial ended in a disaster (3-4). But three is a charm in Edgeworth's career, and the next case after Fawles' trial was the incident Prosecutor Payne coudn't solve 15 years ago, but Edgeworth managed to do that
Shu Takumi couldn't participate in all these funny shenanigans because he was busy making games
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kellysue · 3 months
On Interviews and Getting All Up In My Head
If you haven’t yet listened to Sam Fragoso’s interview with Annie Baker, please do. Baker is startlingly honest, and I mean that literally. I was folding clothes, hadn't even chosen the episode—it was just the next thing in my queue after whatever grisly murder podcast I had purposely selected. I was startled enough to stop folding, rewind, and listen again. I don’t want to say too much about it for fear of spoiling the experience for you, but there’s an authenticity there that’s rare. If anyone within the reach of this email knows Fragoso or Baker, please pass along my compliments. It was a hell of a thing.
Interviews are on my mind as I gear up to do press for the new comic. I’m not a shy person, not an introvert in the least (as anyone who’s met me will attest) but I do get up in my head about this stuff. It’s a part of the job that elicits a stew of feelings. The sort of vulnerability required to write, to create anything really, is different from the vulnerability required to talk about the work, about the process, or about yourself in that mix. (My heart is beating a little bit faster all of a sudden—my body reacting to even the thought of it. No kidding: I just got a notification from the Apple Health app.) There’s a certain defensiveness in the experience, no matter how friendly the interlocutor, one I suspect is fueled by the spirit of this internet age. As a part of your brain is searching for an honest answer, another is running through all the ways your response could be deliberately misconstrued, and a third is asking, ‘Will this really help the sales of the book/film/show/etc.?’ Is this worth it?
Baker lays all that bare; she risks being considered “difficult” or annoying Fragoso. (To his great credit, he doesn’t just allow for it; he answers her vulnerability with his own.) She appreciates the thoroughness of his preparation but at the same time wonders aloud at the peculiarity of having something she once said parroted back to her as Truth. She doesn’t deny having said it, and likely it was true once, but memory and identity are fickle things, and the perspective of age alters how the light hits both. Of course, for the purpose of an interview, for the purpose of any conversation, there have to be some things we take as given, but her willingness to highlight the absurdity of the exercise, to own her discomfort, and then to light up when Fragoso is willing to ride along is refreshing, a buoy to me just now.
I love her willingness to push back, too. If you know me, you know I can be a lot, and I don’t exactly have a reputation for conflict-avoidance, but there have been moments/remarks in interviews past that I let slide unchallenged and they gnaw at me still. My hesitancy to hit the press circuit probably has something to do with that as well. Fear of signing up to either answer the well-meaning stranger back or grit my teeth and learn to live with another Lego in my shoe. And for what? In comics, anyway, no one seems to know what press, if any, will move the needle.
Oh goodness. Reading back, I’ve descended into something that looks rather unflatteringly like privileged moping. I am fortunate to make my living in the arts, I know. My challenges are hardly those of a coal miner or a policy-maker, I know, but here we are. Bucking up now, I promise.
I’ll say in closing this bit out, though, that I probably ought to own that my efforts to find new ways to market FML (starting with the acrostic in the last email) are not entirely about the current media landscape. They’re at least in part a reaction to the current me landscape. And I think it’s probably okay to acknowledge the absurdity of being so tired you can’t bring yourself to do things the usual way and then making up new approaches that require three times the work. Nothing if not on brand.
Kelly Sue
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drogba-prospect · 3 months
Fallen angel - Wikipedia
Fallen angels are angels who were expelled from Heaven. The literal term "fallen angel" does not appear in any Abrahamic religious texts, but is used to describe angels who sinned. Such angels often tempt humans to sin.
Lesson: The sin of the angels has been traditionally spoken of as a sin of rebellion. “I will not serve” is the statement attributed to satan and the other fallen angels. “I will not serve God or obey His will.” Recall also the statement that the serpent spoke to Adam and Eve in the Garden when he seduced them to act in disobedience to God by eating the forbidden fruit. The serpent convinced them to eat the forbidden fruit by saying, “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5, RSV-CE). This line also reveals the hidden first sin of the angels. They wanted to be gods. They did not want to serve the one God. They did not want to obey. They rebelled. They wanted to be the masters of their own destiny rather than to humbly submit to the plan of God for their lives.
In religion, apotheosis was a feature of many religions in the ancient world, and some that are active today. It requires a belief that there is a possibility of newly-created gods, so a polytheistic belief system. The major modern religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism do not allow for this. In Hellenistic culture, a mural crown identified tutelary deities such as the goddess Tyche (the embodiment of the fortunes of a city, familiar to Romans as Fortuna), and Hestia (the embodiment of the protection of a city, familiar to Romans as Vesta). The high cylindrical polos of Rhea/Cybele too could be rendered as a mural crown in Hellenistic times, specifically designating the mother goddess as patron of a city. Nightlife entertainment is often more adult-oriented than daytime entertainment. Location theory has become an integral part of economic geography, regional science, and spatial economics.
Example; Mt. Pleasant Road Pluto Effect Invocation Wing Transfer
(Left-handed Path Apotheosis Pluto-Mural Crown Wing Transfer) Angelology Acrostics Treatise Text: Material World Angels: Spiritual Angelology not Religious (Bible Influence: De Coelesti Hierarchia and Summa Theologica), Left Handed Path Apotheosis, Illusions, Dionysian Mysteries, Black Angel Wings, Sagittarius-Scorpio Sensory Overload Asperger's (Fetus Alcohol Consumption and Prenatal Hormones Vitamin) Birth, Virtue Heavenly Host, Pluto Evening Star Astral Body Planetary Intelligence, Self-Defication Mural Crown Horcrux Oversoul (STREGA), Change Oversoul to New Title (Salesian), Cardinal-Mutable Human Form with Fixed Spirit, Invocation Possession, Angelology Students, and Angel Philosopher), Mural Crown (Tutlery Deity, Civil Heraldy, Heraldy), Salesian Church Enterprises (Real Estate; Liberal Arts Immersion Schools; Gold; Athletics; Fine Arts), Philosophy (CAAB: Culture, Art, Aesthetic, Bohemian; 5 Senses City, Selective Sensory Development, Distorted Sensory Play, Sensory Overload Asperger's, Culture Antagonist Liberal Arts)
À ma sauce Literally: To my sauce, True meaning: Suit my style
VEDETTE: 3-4-1-2 has 4 Pivot Formations so 5 Total: Transition to a 4-4-2 Diamond, Transition to a 4-4-2, Transition to a 4-2-3-1, Transition to a 3-3-1-3
Central African Republic 4-4-2 Diamond Variant: 1-3-4-2 (1) À ma sauce (Sweeper Deep-lying Playmaker Wingback) (4) Diamant (À ma sauce: Counterpressing Pivot Pressing Triggers, Sweeper-Winger Pivots, Overlapping Runs, W; V; I Box Keeping Formations) [Key Stats: Front Foot, Pressing Triggers, Clearance, Aerial Duel, Interceptions, Blocked Shots, Tackles, Final Ball, Key Dribbles, Overlapping Runs, Set Piece Taker] Spacing, Possession, Pass Completion, and Counter Pressing with Pursuit and Ambush Predation One Team Box Touches and Capture the Flag with Analytics-Geometry Total Football Trixie Bet on CNS Drugs (Xanax and Modafinil)
Define a run in one of two ways: (i) as a set of consecutive goals scored by one team, without the other team scoring a goal; (ii) as a set of consecutive scoring events by one team, each event being either a goal or one or more Set Piece. Play aggressive and with counter pressing and run it up on the score board in the first half and after halftime play defense. You get a break at half and it's easier to win when someone plays defense and looks for opportunities instead of Attacking.
Posterior Chain Super Compensation and Speed-Endurance (Elastic-Connective Tissue) Force-Velocity Curve; Crescent Moon Horizontal Plane Vertical Force Sprinting Mechanics.
WM or Diamond Rover Futsal Pivot Formation
Set Piece Stylistic Biomechanics: Shooting Knee at Wall for Curve and Placement Knee for Corner. Follow through with Shot with proper Body Alignment
W, I, M, V; Box Keeping Formation with 3 Centre-Backs
Knee to Feet or Shoulder to Feet Cradling for Touch/Entertainment
UEFA Front Office Curriculum
Museum d'histoire: Broken down into three major section — “A Lineage of Coaches Players and Places,” “Proving Grounds” and “Cultures of Basketball” — City/Game documents how basketball first found its origins in the neighborhoods of NYC and then went on to produce a roster of local legends who played everywhere from Rucker Park and the Cage on West 4th Street to Christ the King High School and St. John’s University.
Agility Ladder Eyes Pocket: Eyes Between Defenders Feet and Ball, Numbered Footwork V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step), All moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle (Coup de Pied)
*Push-Pull Sprint/Shooting Cycle: Pull Glutes et Hamstring; Push Calf et Quads for Sprints.
Sprint Size Up: A series of feint Karaoké dribble moves with Eye Tricks (Fake Pass) but Sprint Position Finish
Triangle Philosophy: All Dribbling Moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle while using V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step).
Thé Crescent: In Close Dribbling; Crescent Footwork with L Shapes (Paul Pogba)
On the Run Dribbling Moves: Letters and Shapes; Still Play 1 on 1: Numbered Footwork
Piedi Felici Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Gambling Games: 5 Roll (Captain, Ship, Crew); Live-Pool Betting Monopoly
Stylistic Biomechanics: Dribbling Foot To Ball Contact (Balls of Feet and Arch of Feet); Knee for Direction; Foot Drags; & Hip Angle, Crescent Moon Running Mechanics, and Laces Kick.
Diamond Football (15 mins)
Set Up
-Lay out two overlapping sets of 4 flat markers in the positions shown above.
-Ask the players to stand on a flat marker for their teams colour (Red on Red, Yellow on Yellow).
-Whenever the ball goes out for a kick in or for the defenders ball, the players must stand on their markers before play begins.
-As soon as the ball has been played in, players are free to move.
-Reset everytime the ball goes out.
Coaching Points, Progressions Ect.
-Ask players to shout out what each position on the park is to devlop understanding of their roles.
-If you decide to go to a normal game , leave the markers out for a visual aid for the players.
-If more than 8 players, Add in Goalkeepers who would then play the ball out to the DF,LM,RM.
-Rotate Positions, Ask Players to stand on a marker they haven't been on before
Full Lips Endings with Vertical Narrow Mouth and Soft Rs
Sin stock sectors usually include alcohol, tobacco, gambling, sex-related industries (Cabaret and Burlesque), and weapons manufacturers.
Phillip Morris
Sports Betting Investment Trust
Business Clusters with Scrum Management and Accelerators to produce Festivals.
Example: Create a Index Fund Portfolio of 15-20 Stocks and using Supply Side Economics to create Decentralized Gambling Economy.
Corporate-Capital Gains Tax Haven
High Stakes Minimum Buy In
Card Gambling (Signal and President): Top 2 highest bids fight for the Coup d'état and the other two are lesser men, the lesser men are subordinates that aid in playing cards for the warlord, the winning team splits the money, the warlords switches based on the 13 cards dealt and bets placed, the first team to shed all of their cards win.
Domestic Gambling: Boxing
Retirement Gambling: Boat Racing
Residency Program for Tax Benefits
Python Programming Gaussian Distribution
Exotic Options Trading Live Betting
Parlays Minimum for Round Robins
Daily Fantasy Sports Rakes
Definitions of ballroom. noun. large room used mainly for dancing. synonyms: dance hall, dance palace**. types: disco, discotheque.
Go Go Music Influenced, Eurphoric Trance Chord Progression Melody, Progressive House and Drum n' Bass Percussion-808 Call and Response Staccato Polyrhythm or Layered Kick and Punch 808.
In his 1972 study of French lute music, scholar Wallace Rave compiled a list of features he believed to be characteristic of style brisé. Rave's list included the following: the avoidance of textural pattern and regularity in part writing; arpeggiated chord textures with irregular distribution of individual notes of the chord; ambiguous melodic lines; rhythmic displacement of notes within a melodic line; octave changes within melodic line; irregular phrase lengths.
Have the Snare and Kick say, "Hi, How are you?" And the 808 say, "I am good thanks for asking.”
Use progressive House to push the Drums Conversation to either Fast and Punchy for Happy or Slow and Deep for Sad.
In technical terms, "go-go's essential beat is characterized by a five through four syncopated rhythm that is underscored prominently by the bass drum and snare drum, and the hi-hat... [and] is ornamented by the other percussion instruments, especially by the conga drums, rototoms, and hand-held cowbells."[5]
Polyrhythm: In music, a cross-beat or cross-rhythm is a specific form of polyrhythm. The term cross rhythm was introduced in 1934 by the musicologist Arthur Morris Jones (1889–1980). It refers to a situation where the rhythmic conflict found in polyrhythms is the basis of an entire musical piece.[1]
Four-on-the-floor (or four-to-the-floor) is a rhythm used primarily in dance genres such as disco and electronic dance music. It is a steady, uniformly accented beat in 4. 4 time in which the bass drum is hit on every beat (1, 2, 3, 4).[1] This was popularized in the disco music of the 1970s[2] and the term four-on-the-floor was widely used in that era, since the beat was played with the pedal-operated, drum-kit bass drum.[3][4] (Punch 808-Kick)
Polyrhythm 4 on the Floor examples 2:4 or 5:4
Hard trance is often characterized by strong, hard (or even downpitch) kicks, fully resonant basses and an increased amount of reverberation applied to the main beat. Melodies vary from 140 to 180 BPMs and it can feature plain instrumental sound in early compositions, with the latter ones tending to implement side-chaining techniques of progressive on digital synthesizers.
Singles Only Email Raves Blogger then Multi Market Distribution Deal: A distribution deal is a contract to release the music to platforms, but not own the publishing or exclusively lock the artist in. Record Artist Producer Label: Have Polyrhythm Artist earn Streaming Percentage under a Recording Artist Deal. Label has Distribution Above Me and I have Manufacturing over Polyrhythm Artist. Have a end of the Year Album for New Year's Raves!
No jezebel can't enter di Heaven gates
Angels only
She wan pull up a long time she ah wait
Guyanese girl dem ah heavyweight
Pretty girl always welcomed (Trouble)
Tight pussy gyal always welcome
Gyal yuh body hotter than Kingston
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Love when yuh bubble up, mi wan lock you down
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Bend it over for me slowly
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Baby yuh thick like phone ah
Wan you sit down pon di throne yah
Love when you bend it over
Jump on the first flight to Arizona
Fuck you pon di dresser top slowly
Get yuh pussy wet rub yuh clit, hold me
Sink it in deep dat mi kno yuh love
Mek yuh draws fly weh like a likkle dove
Tight freaky girl wha me singin bout
Love when you put di cocky inna yuh mouth
Turn yuh back way and fuck it up right
Gyal yuh pussy tight, me will pay down
Mek yuh wine pon di body pon di head pon di pine
Underneath yuh nuh big like stadium
Wine fast a way now
Bite up di K now
Skinout and lay down, yeah
Pretty girl always welcome
Big pussy gyal always welcomed (Woioi)
Gyal yuh body hotter than Kingston
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Love when yuh bubble up, mi wan lock you down
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Bend it over for me slowly
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Cock up yuh pussy mi wan see it
Sit down pon di body like ah issa van seat
Pon yuffi gwarn badder although you conceit
Hot gyal ah George Town, hot gyal a Berbice (Trouble)
Love gyaldem freaky an bad yeah
Wine up and den turn it back weh
Open yuh legs dem fi Poppy
Hammer yuh body like Rodney
I'm giving you a rough ride
Love when you ride on me
I'm giving you a rough ride
Love when you ride on me
Love when you ride on me
Pretty girl always welcomed (Trouble)
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Gyal yuh body hotter than Kingston
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Love when yuh bubble up, mi wan lock you down
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Bend it over for me slowly
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Pretty girl always welcomed (Trouble)
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Gyal yuh body hotter than Kingston
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Love when yuh bubble up, mi wan lock you down
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Bend it over for me slowly
Tight pussy gyal always welcomed
Capo: Describes a ranking made member of a family who leads a crew of soldiers. A capo is similar to a military captain who commands soldiers. Soldier: Also known as a “made man,” soldiers are the lowest members of the crime family but still command respect in the organization.
A capo is a "made member" of an Italian crime family who heads a regime or "crew" of soldiers and has major status and influence in the organization.
Consigliere: Defense and Corporate Lawyers
Head Boss: Ministry of Medicine
Underboss: Pharmaceutical Industry
Soliders: Artisans
Commercialism is the application of both manufacturing and consumption towards personal usage, or the practices, methods, aims, and distribution of products in a free market geared toward generating a profit.
Commercial art is art created for advertising or marketing purposes. Commercial artists are hired by clients to create images and logos that sell products. Unlike works of fine art that convey an artist's personal expression, commercial art must address the client's goals.
The word 'Commercial' is defined as follows: Concerned with or engaged in commerce. Commerce is the exchange of goods or services among two or more parties.
Craftsmen are committed to the medium, not to self-expression. Artists are committed to their self-expression, not the medium.
A medium of exchange is an intermediary instrument and system used to facilitate the purchase and sale of goods and services between parties.
Stretch and Micro Goals
Music Medium System: Distribution and Retailers Contract Theory (System) for Music (Instrument)
Football Medium System: Analytics and Geometry for Free Role (System) Trixies (Instrument)
Age 16-19
Bond Funds
Farmland REITS
Real Estate Brokerage Trust Account
Age 20-30
Farmland Recession Proof Stocks (Cosmetics, AgTech, Ag ETFS, AgETN)
Incubator and Startup Accelerators
Real Estate Joint Ventures
Age 30-40
Farmland Blue Chip Indexes w/ Credit Spread Options
Purpose: Permanent Residency Card
$250k Deposit
$125k: 60/40 portfolio, 60% Fixed Income & REITs and 40% Blue Chip Stocks
$50k: Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) and term deposits are secured investments. This means that you get back the amount you invest at the end of your term. The key difference between a GIC and a term deposit is the length of the term. Term deposits generally have shorter terms than GICs.
$75k: Spending Cash
Sin stock sectors usually include alcohol, tobacco, gambling, sex-related industries, and weapons manufacturers.
Sports Betting Investment Trust
Example: Create a Index Fund Portfolio of 15-20 Stocks and using Supply Side Economics to create Decentralized Gambling Economy.
Singles Only Email Raves Blogger then Multi Market Distribution Deal: A distribution deal is a contract to release the music to platforms, but not own the publishing or exclusively lock the artist in. Record Artist Producer Label: Have Polyrhythm Artist earn Streaming Percentage under a Recording Artist Deal. Label has Distribution Above Me and I have Manufacturing over Polyrhythm Artist. Have a end of the Year Album for New Year's Raves!
CPP, CNS Depressants, et FENTALOGS: Cul-de-sac
Defensive Penalty Capture The Flag Raiding Warfare
Grey-Decentralized Markets
Bastilles: Cul-de-sac Artist Résidences Penthouse Complexes
Polyrhythm Raves
Acid House Art Gallery
International Film Festival
Hôtel Chefs
Seigneurial System/Tableau Economique Raw Material Économics Production Spot
Discount Networking Acid House Party
Opium Dens and Fragrance Festivals
Pill Pressers
CNS depressants
Upper-tier County System
Defense Lawyers are Traplords (Trafficking P4P and Malicious Prosecution)
Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC)
Brain Receptor Dealing
Neuroplasticity Drug-Crime Nexus
Religious Ecstasy
Entheogens are psychedelic drugs—and sometimes certain other psychoactive substances—used for engendering spiritual development or otherwise in sacred contexts
Live-Pool Betting Monopoly Board Game
Summary Sentencing
Urban Level: Street Culture Art Gallery (Street culture may refer to: Urban culture, the culture of towns and cities, Street market, Children's street culture, Street carnival, Block party, Street identity, Street food, Café culture, Several youth subculture or counterculture topics pertaining to outdoors of urban centers. These can include: Street art, Street photography, Street racing, Street wear, Hip-hop culture, Urban fiction, Street sports, Streetball, Flatland BMX, Freestyling), Art Pedagogy, Artist Residency, Art Schools, and Art Plugs
Art Pedagogy: Arts-based pedagogy is a teaching methodology in which an art form is integrated with another subject matter to impact student learning. 28-30. Arts-based pedagogy results in arts-based learning (ABL),11 which is when a student learns about a subject through arts processes including creating, responding or performing. Aesthetic Teaching: Seeking a Balance between Teaching Arts and Teaching through the Arts. In aesthetic education, learning must be developed especially with the inclusion of sensations and with the help of feelings. Sensations and feelings should lead to movement, representation, and expression. Aesthetic learning often entails learning to distinguish certain qualities or objects aesthetically in different ways depending on the situation and the purpose. Certain things can be experienced in negative ways in one activity and in positive ways in another.
A designer drug is a structural or functional analog of a controlled substance that has been designed to mimic the pharmacological effects of the original drug, while avoiding classification as illegal and/or detection in standard drug tests
Patchwork tattoos are a collection of tattoos collaged together to create an overall design. Each individual 'patch' of the tattoo can be a different design, symbol or element with a little space in between. Patchwork tattoos are a collection of tattoos collaged together to create an overall design. In short, the gun-toting angel was a multifaceted metaphor. “It undoubtedly also reflected the Catholic Counter-Reformation militaristic rhetoric,” wrote Donahue-Wallace, “which promoted the church as an army and heavenly beings as its soldiers.”
J'Cartier, Je cours après les vœux de champagne,
Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
Precarious Balance
Precariously: If something is happening or positioned precariously, it's in danger. A glass could be precariously balanced on the edge of a table. If something is on the verge of danger, then the word precariously fits.
Grey & Decentralized Markets
Tableau Économique
Semblance is generally used to suggest a contrast between outward appearance and inner reality.
High Socioeconomic Status & Tattoos
Having a fantastic or deceptive appearance
adjective. having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination. having the appearance of an optical illusion, especially one produced by a magic lantern.
Socioeconomic Status Development Immigration Multilingual Sensory Play
Law of Polarity in Relationships
In any successful relationship that has an intimate connection and sexual attraction, there is polarity. What does this mean exactly? Polarity in relationships is the spark that occurs between two opposing energies: masculine and feminine. Gender does not affect whether you have masculine or feminine energy.
Second Reflection
Burden Aesthetics with Intentions
The Second Reflection lays hold of the Technical Procedures
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thrillofhope · 1 month
A Light That Never Dims
Two Trees there once were — One with leaves of gold, Warm, bright, and pure. Silver was the splendor of its mate, A radiance of beauty untold. They wove a song of light and of fate In those moments between reigns When they mingled and shone on Ilmaren’s plains.
Twilight was not the fading of the light, Rather, the promise that dark would not take the night.
The song which whistled through the leaves was one of peace Until a theme of discord rang out and shook the Trees. The dark drank of the light And thence came the true night.
The spirit of light was rent from the Trees, but it is not to memory lost. It lives on in the stars — Those which guided the Noldor a bitter wasteland acrost, Those that remained when home was swallowed by the seas. And still they shine over a kingdom made in lands afar.
The stars stir the elves to wonder and to worship, Those beneath whose light they wander and sing. A light which lives on in the heart of their king — The hope that what was in days of old might yet be. A radiance of gold, a realm fair and free. It is a light he finds in her eyes, Silver pools that see beyond the ruin of what was, A sight the lord of darkness doth despise.
It is a light that never dims.
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shirobagus · 1 year
Tumblr media
S - ailing through life's vast sea,
H - ope in your heart, forever free.
I - n the world, you shine so bright,
R - adiating love, a guiding light.
O - nward you go, with spirit high,
V - enturing where dreams touch the sky.
S - trength and grace, your identity,
K - indness and courage, your legacy.
I - n every step, you leave your mark.
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cjayyyyyy · 1 year
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C - reative mind, a visionary soul
H - olding dreams, aiming for the goal
R - adiant spirit, full of light
I - nspired by the stars shining bright
S - eeking wisdom, eager to learn
T - enacious heart, with a fire that burns
O - ptimisties outlook, seeing the best
P - assionate soul, on a lifelong quest
H - armonious presence, spreading joy
E - mbracing challenges, they can't destroy.
R - esellent spirit, always standing tall
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J - ourneying through life, embracing it all
A - dventurous spirit, ready to explore
Y - earing for growth, always wanting more.
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lorraine-jean · 1 day
Output # 1 : Acrostic Poem
Acrostic Poem will be our very first output in first quarter. Acrostic Poem is a poem that starts with the first letter of our name and it will be about ourselves.
L-Loving kindness in every word I say
O-Open heart, guiding other along
R-Resilient spirit,standing strong and true,
R-Rising above the storms that life can strew
A-Admiring the beauty of the world and, I-In each struggle, my courage can be found
N-Nurtured by faith, in god I find my light
E-Endless hope fuels my fight, day and night
J-Joyful laughter, a balm for weary souls,
E-Every challenge met, as I reach my goal.
A-Allowing love to guide my every plan,
N-Never wearina, a fierce and lovina woman
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nautinjil · 1 day
Output # 1 : Acrostic Poem
Acrostic Poem will be our very first output in first quarter. Acrostic Poem is a poem that starts with the first letter of our name and it will be about ourselves.
"Angelica Marie"
-Angel Ilano
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A - amid the whispers of doubt, her spirit soared.
N - navigating through shadows, where dreams often scored.
G - grit in her heart, a flicker so bright,
E - every setback embraced, as she danced with the night.
L - learning from struggles that shaped each new dawn.
I - in every small step I take, a new passion reborn.
C - courage allow her to rise and to fight,
A - as the stars aligned under a blanket of light.
M - moving ahead with tenacity clear,
A - all obstacles faced, were mere stepping stones near;
R - reaching for heights she'd thought of reach,
I - illuminated paths taught by those she'd reach.
E - endlessly chasing what sets her soul FREE.
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penhive · 2 years
Acrostics and Quotes
A bonanza is a rich overhaul of unexpected cash and fortune.
I will always settle for the best experiences in life.
Will is the bones of the spirit.
Meditation is foreplay, intercourse and orgasm.
Should the body have morals?
Our hopes are like water vapor that falls to the ground as rain.
Life is to love what love is to life.
Acrostic for Dream
Recovery of
As the
Mind conceives
Acrostic for Holy Spirit
Life that
Yokes  the
Soul and
Purifies to make
Acrostic for Desire
In a
Embodiment of the body
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wurds-fur-nurds · 27 days
Sounds of the Skirl
Seeking solace in the windswept call, Kindred spirits rise, refusing to fall. Invisible threads bind the soul to the air, Resonating truths beyond earthly care. Lifting the heart with an ancient refrain,
Skirl of the pipes, an echo of pain, Knitting the old with the new in our strain. In every note, the past is unfurled, Reviving the joy, the hope of the world. Let your spirit dance to the music's whirl.
The poem, structured as an acrostic, intertwines the word "skirl" with reflections on the ancient and uplifting nature of the sound. It evokes the timelessness of bagpipe music (the skirl), connecting past and present, while encouraging the reader to find solace, hope, and unity in the shared human experience.
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dfroza · 2 months
imagine never confessing faith in our beautiful mysterious Creator?
the Maker of the heavens and garden earth
(which begins by belief in the inner room of the heart)
openly confessing faith in the rebirth of the Son (rising from the death of the purest sacrificial “Seed”)
imagine never telling Him that you Love Him? (the eternal One who cannot be seen, and for most unheard)
but certainly some have seen and heard the Son who is now in Heaven waiting to meet the Church Body & Bride (A new Eve and pure Queen) in the cloudy sky
(A secret elopement)
the Bride of the Lamb who has been prepared by the silent and invisible Spirit (prepared as the living Temple)
Are you a part of this?
the same faith & hope in eternal life and Love
do you see a clear “mirroring” of it from the writing of my own heart & spirit of which points to the sacred writing of the Scriptures?
i do hope so, love. i really hope so.
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for the 9th of August 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New Covenant) of the Bible
[the book of Hebrews, chapter 12 • the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 7]
along with Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms with Proverbs 9 and Psalm 9 coinciding with the day of the month, accompanied by Psalm 51 for the 51st day of Astronomical Summer, and Psalm 72 for day 222 of the year (with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
A post by John Parsons:
The Book of Lamentations, which is traditionally somberly chanted during the morning service of Tishah B'Av, is an acrostic (i.e., alphabetical) poem that begins with the Hebrew letter Aleph (א) in the word "eichah" (אֵיכָה), which also marks the Hebrew name of the book itself (i.e., megillat Eichah: מגילת איכה). It begins:
אֵיכָה יָשְׁבָה בָדָד הָעִיר רַבָּתִי עָם
הָיְתָה כְּאַלְמָנָה
ei·khah ya·she·vah ha·eer ra·ba·tee ahm
ha·ye·tah ke·al·ma·nah
“How lonely sits the city that once was full of people,
she has become as a widow!”
The sages note that this word "how" (i.e., eichah) could also be read as "where are you?" (i.e., ayekah: אַיֶּכָּה), which was God's first word of intercession spoken to Adam after he broke covenant in the Garden (see Gen. 3:9). Note that God's question is often our own: "Where are you? Where are you, God? Are you here, in the midst of this tedious moment? Do you know my loneliness, my hunger and ache for love? Do you understand the troubles of my heart?" And yet how many people have faith that God’s call is one of comfort and restoration? How many shrink back in shame, vainly trying to hide themselves from God?
God uses our loneliness ("how lonely...") to search our hearts, asking each of us, ayekah – "Where are you?” Why have you turned away from me and chosen a state of exile? Return to me." Our haunting sense of God’s absence impels us to seek for him... God awaits our only possible response, "Hashivenu!" -- an imperative (urgent appeal) for the grace to repent: "Turn us back to you, O LORD, and we shall return; renew our days as of old" (Lam. 5:21).
Our response to the questioning love of the LORD is called teshuvah (“turning [shuv] to God”). Teshuvah is an “answer” to a shelah (שְׁאֵלָה), or a question. God’s love for us is the question, and our teshuvah – our turning of the heart toward Him – is the answer. As Jeremiah confessed in the hour of great trouble: "I called upon thy name, O LORD, from the depths of the pit; Thou hast heard my voice: hide not thine ear at my breathing, at my cry. Thou drewest near in the day that I called upon thee: thou saidst, Fear not" (Lam. 3:55-57).
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Lamentations 5:21 reading:
Hebrew page:
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8.8.24 • Facebook
from Today’s email by Israel365
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
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maxxturner · 5 months
Acrostic Poem Challenge | Pirate's Cove
Rising from the ashes, a hero stands tall, Eager to face the challenges, never to fall. Daring in spirit, with courage unswayed, Echoes of valor, in the heart displayed. Determined to conquer, with might in his pledge, Gallantly fighting on history's edge. Ever the warrior, in glory's age.
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drogba-prospect · 4 months
Angels When She Shuts Her Eyes - Mac Miller (Official Audio)
"Angels (When She Shuts Her Eyes)" by Mac Miller delves into the complexities of love and the intoxicating effects it can have on an individual. The song captures the artist's vulnerabilities and desires while contemplating the uncertainty and potential risks involved in a romantic relationship.
In the first verse, Mac Miller reveals his struggles with addiction and the dichotomy between wanting to clean up his life and indulging in his vices. He acknowledges the pain and difficulty of his past, as well as the lost vision he once had for his future.
The pre-chorus expresses the allure of a particular woman in his life who serves as his source of comfort and escape from his emotional lows. She is portrayed as someone who can lift him up when he feels down and provides a sense of tranquility. The reference to filling his cup with purple implies the consumption of codeine, a common ingredient in the recreational drug cocktail known as "lean." However, it may also symbolize the purple liquid commonly associated with royalty, highlighting the elevated state he feels when with her.
The chorus emphasizes a plea to the woman not to let go of their intense connection. Mac Miller acknowledges that their love is intense and unpredictable, addicting him in a way that could ultimately be destructive. Despite the potential harm, he warns her of the power love holds and expresses hope for a lasting bond.
In the second verse, the artist reflects on his idealized vision of love and a longing for a soulmate who appreciates him beyond physical attributes. He dreams of a deep connection where they can freely express their feelings and be true to themselves. The lyrics suggest a desire for a love that defies societal expectations and norms.
Overall, "Angels (When She Shuts Her Eyes)" explores the intoxicating nature of love and its potential dangers. It serves as a reminder of the euphoria and vulnerability that come with deep emotional connections.
Acrostics British Gnosticism Manichaeism Biblical Apocrypha: Sylphs Archon of Jupiter, Crown Conjunction; An acrostic is a poem in which the initial letters of each successive line form a word, phrase, or pattern. Phrase 18 Roses: To tell a loved one to stay young and beautiful. (United Kingdom Watchers). We can think of several reasons. (1) It may be an artistic device used to add a certain beauty to the psalm, as rhyme does in our poetry. Forbidden Knowledge From Heaven: Concrete Rose Philosophy (CAAB: Culture, Art, Aesthetic, Bohemian; 5 Senses City, Selective Sensory Development, Distorted Sensory Play, Sensory Overload Asperger's, Culture Antagonist Liberal Arts), County Speech Pharmakeia (Dionysian Mysteries, Sacraments, and Entheogens), Heavenly Ascension, Jupiter’s Secret (Crown Conjunction) and Virilizization Procreation (Martians, Elastic Physique, Iron Biometal Research, Iron and D-asparatic Acid Diet), Tudor Currency, Azrael Covenant of Death and Romance with Roses and Diamonds, YHWH Tudor Rose Angel Syncretism, Tudor Rose Wings Transfer 18 Roses (Spirit Activation). Poetry Theme is Angels (When She Shuts Her Eyes) by Max Miller
Theistic Satanism: Theistic Satanism, otherwise referred to as religious Satanism, spiritual Satanism, or traditional Satanism, is an umbrella term for religious groups that consider Satan, the Devil, to objectively exist as a deity, supernatural entity, or spiritual being worthy of worship or reverence, whom individuals may contact and convene with
Manichaeism teaches an elaborate dualistic cosmology describing the struggle between a good, spiritual world of light, and an evil, material world of darkness.[8]
Archons: They are often depicted as evil, malevolent, and obstacles to spiritual enlightenment. Archons in Gnosticism are believed to be celestial beings responsible for creating and maintaining the physical universe, and are seen as obstacles to spiritual enlightenment. They are often depicted as powerful, malevolent, and deceitful beings that try to keep humanity trapped in the physical world.
Sylphs: "the wild but poetical fantasies”, hyper-urbane, Genius, Sylphs, he says, are rougher, coarser, taller, and stronger, than humans, devils
The Heavenly host (Hebrew: צבאות ṣəḇāʾōṯ, "armies") refers to the army (or host) of Yahweh, as mentioned in both the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, as well as other Abrahamic texts.
Spartan women had more rights and enjoyed greater autonomy than women in any other Greek city-state of the Classical Period (5th-4th centuries BCE). Women could inherit property, own land, make business transactions, and were better educated than women in ancient Greece in general. To contemporaries outside of Sparta, Spartan women had a reputation for promiscuity and controlling their husbands. Spartan women could legally own and inherit property, and they were usually better educated than their Athenian counterparts.
A system of Social and economic organization in which financial profit is valued above any other criterion or consideration.
Arsenio Boxing Movement
Aesthetics, Athletics, and Agriculture (Life Drawing Modelling and Tracksuits with Outerwear, Boxing, Agriculture Mediums, Iron Metabolism)
Arsenio Anatomy
For Force-Velocity Curve Replace Power with Elastic for Fascia Type IIx Muscle Fibre with Dynamic Effort Method, Scapular Rings Gymnastics, Long Jump Isometric-Plyometric, Long Jump Isometric-Mobility, Isometric-Dynamic Plank, Long Jump Isometric Stretching, Leucine, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Keto BHB, and Iron Supplements with Lidocaine Numbing Cream and Tramadol Painkiller; Duck, Sheep Dairy, Rabbit, Beans, Spinach, And Potato for Iron Metabolism
Shoulder Roll Brawler
Pocket Fighting and Clinching. Use different Jab and Power Shot Types for Bladed Guard Manipulation for Signature Stance. The shoulder roll is a defensive move in its essence, one you can get to from any position or stance. It allows you to tuck your chin behind your shoulder to avoid your opponent’s punches.
Arsenio Chain Model
Pay-per-view Conglomerate, Magazines with Gyms, Solo Promotion and Teams Demotion Daily Fantasy Sports Rakes and Purses, Boxing Economy Magazines, AgriMediums for Rural Area Commerce, AgInvestors, Life Drawing Modelling and Tracksuits with Outerwear for 1% Class Interaction, British Boxing Museum, Memoir and Documentaries, Brain Donation, Anatomy and Iron Metabolism Meta-analysis
Arsenio Slaps
Heavy Hands; Imagine you are an elastic band wrapped around a pole with the ends out. When the front end is tugged, that's your front hand and reverse front hip rotation. When the back end is tugged, that's your rear hand and reverse back hip rotation. Remember to use Obliques and Lats. Think of this motion as a coil-flex-release. Closed System: A closed system is a physical system that does not allow transfer of matter in or out of the system. Torque: Torque is the rotational equivalent of linear force. It is also referred to as the moment, moment of force, rotational force or turning effect, depending on the field of study. The concept originated with the studies by Archimedes of the usage of levers. Impulse: impulse is the integral of a force, F, over the time interval, t, for which it acts. Since force is a vector quantity, impulse is also a vector quantity. Impulse applied to an object produces an equivalent vector change in its linear momentum, also in the resultant direction.
Arsenio Mechanics
Stance: Manipulated Shoulder Roll with Distinct Jab and Power Shot Arsenal Footwork: Tap Dance and Gallops, Combo Targets: Body Inverted V and Head with Center Line and Flanks, Combo: Burst Jab Covers Power shots and Jab ends Combo, Footwork: Cross Step and L-Step
Aresnio Boxing Museum
Theatre and Library, Sculpting Modelling (Scapula exercises works Traps and Serratus Anterior), Sculpting Courses, History Exhibit
Aresnio Decentralized Gambling Economy
Pigou Effect, Corporate-Capital Gains Tax Haven, High Stakes Minimum Buy In, Domestic: Boxing, Retirement: Boat Racing, Residency Program for Tax Benefits
Arsenio Magazine Structure
Weight Classes Teams-Boxing Clubs: Promotions (Solo) and Relegation (Teams) Tournaments and Exhibition ex. Team A Welterweight vs Team B Welterweight Relégation Exhibition and Boxer 1 from Team A vs Boxer 1 from Team B Promotions Tournaments
Arsenio Accent
Glottal Stops Consonants and Shwas
18 Roses
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bylagunabay · 5 months
Prayers Against Contagious Diseases
(3 minutes to pray)
𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒅'𝒔 𝑴𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝑳𝒖𝒛 𝒅𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑱𝒖𝒍𝒚 29, 2023; "𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒚 𝑴𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒏, 𝒑𝒓𝒂𝒚, 𝒂 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒔𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒎; 𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒗𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆.”
A cross approved in 1575 by the Fathers of the Council of Trent as protection against plagues and pestilence and originally developed by Pope St. Zacharias, Patriarch of Jerusalem in the early seventh century. The Council Fathers themselves wore the Cross to great effect when a deadly plague raged in the area where the council was being held. The Cross of St. Zacharias can be worn, affixed to your door, windows, drawn with blessed chalk for protection, etc.
The Prayer associated with the Cross, when recited with veneration and living faith also preserves one from any contagious plague. Say the Prayer for yourself and your family.
The letters of the cross are an acrostic for a prayer against the plague as shown below in the corresponding image. Make the Sign of the Cross when an invocation is preceded by a ☩.
☩ O Cross of Christ, save me.
Z. May zeal for your house free me.
☩ The Cross conquers; the Cross reigns; the Cross rules; by the sign of the Cross free me, O Lord, from this plague.
D. God, my God, drive this plague away from me, and from this place, and free me.
I. Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit, my heart, and my body.
A. Before heaven and earth, God was; and God is able to liberate me from this plague.
☩ The Cross of Christ is able to expel the plague from this place and from my body.
B. It is good to wait for the help of God in silence, that he may drive away this plague from me.
I. I will incline my heart to performing your just deeds, and I will not be confounded, for I have called upon you.
Z. I had zeal on occasion of the wicked; seeing the peace of sinners, I have hoped in you.
☩ The Cross of Christ puts demons and corrupt air to flight and drives away the plague.
S. I am your salvation, says the Lord; cry out to me, and I will hear you, and I will liberate you from this plague.
A. Abyss calls to abyss, and you have expelled demons by your voice; liberate me from this plague.
B. Blessed is the man who hopes in the Lord, and does not look upon vanities, and false extravagances.
☩ May the Cross of Christ, which was once the cause of scandal and indignity, and is now in glory and nobility, be for my salvation, and expel from this place the demon, and corrupt air, and plague from my body.
Z. May zeal for the honor of God convert me before I die, and in your name, save me from this plague.
☩ May the sign of the Cross free the people of God, and those who trust in him, from the plague.
H. Will this foolish people return to the Lord? Make good on your vows, offering a sacrifice of praise and faith to him, because he is able to liberate this place and me, from this plague; for whoever trusts in him will not be confounded.
G. If I will not praise you, let my tongue stick to my throat and to my jaws; free those who hope in you; in you I trust; liberate me and this place, O God, from this plague, for your name has been invoked in prayer.
F. At your death, O Lord, darkness fell over the whole earth; my God, render the power of the devil tenuous and dim, for it is for this that you have come, O Son of the living God: so that you might destroy
the works of the devil. With your power, drive out from this place and from me, your servant, this plague; and may the corrupt air depart from me into the outer darkness.
☩ Defend us, O Cross of Christ, and expel from this place the plague, and free your servant from this plague, you who are kind, and merciful, and of many mercies, and true.
B. Blessed is he who does not look upon vanities, and false extravagances; on the day of evil the Lord will free him; Lord, I have trusted in you; free me from this plague.
F. God has become my refuge; because I have trusted in you, free me from this plague.
R. Look upon me, O Lord my God, Adonai, from the holy seat of your Majesty, and have mercy on me, and because of your mercy, free me from this plague.
S. You are my Salvation: heal me, and I will be healed; save me, and I will be saved.
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