#Acreages in Point Cook
acreageproperty · 2 months
Best Real Estate Agent Point Cook at Tandon Real Estate
Tandon Real Estate provide best real estate agent in Point Cook. Tandon Real Estate presents an extensive range of house for sale point cook. We have a great selection of Attractive homes and Point Cook land for sale, so you can settle down in the perfect place. Get in touch with our experts team to find your dream home. Enjoy a seamless buying experience by finding land for sale in point cook!
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willowser · 1 year
i want to write this fic that's like — cowboy bakugou, late 1800's style LOL
with him as a leeeeetle bit older, spent his life in cattle drives, wanted to be a marshal at some point, but his health and injuries from his younger days made it hard 🥺 he doesn't settle down, doesn't have any kids though he's in his mid-30's, and — one day he gets a letter that toshinori dies.
it's really supposed to be deku's responsibility, but only god knows where he is. probably got the news and can't accept it, too chicken-shit to face it. yeah, it tears katsuki up inside, too, but someone has to stick around in musutafu and help figure out his estate, the ranch.
help figure out you.
toshinori married in his late age, an ad he put out on the paper. bought you, as katsuki has always said, though the older man would always just smile wryly at the comment, look around at his extensive acreage, his horses and cattle, and he'd say,
"i only want someone to share this with, young man, do you understand?"
and he didn't. he really, really didn't. especially because you were younger than even bakugou, fresh-faced, hardly knew how to cook anything decent or how to ride a horse. waste of money, in katsuki's eyes.
but when he arranges his feelings right, he meets you on the ranch and — you're scared, because you're now a widowed woman and everyone and their mama wants a piece. you have the money, now, to upkeep the place but you've never done it by yourself. have learned more in the few years you've been married but it's a big place, a big responsibility.
and when katsuki hears that the bank wants to take it all from you, he's all, "over my dead fuckin' body."
it's really all deku's responsibility, since he and toshinori were closer, but you need someone now. and if bakugou has to stay in the house with you and help with the ranch, make sure no one comes to bother you—
then he'll do it. because that's what the old man would've wanted.
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At the age of seventy, after years of consolidating his empire, the Great Lord Hidetora Ichimonji decides to abdicate and divide his domain amongst his three sons. Taro, the eldest, will rule. Jiro, his second son, and Saburo, his third son, will take command of the Second and Third Castles but are expected to obey and support their elder brother. Saburo defies the pledge of obedience and is banished.
It's beautiful. It's Kurosawa's biggest, most expensive film. It's about nuclear war and how technology has only made killing easier. It's about Kurosawa's fear that he was old and obsolete. It's an adaptation which asks what sins Lear had to commit to become king. This is the only version of King Lear where Goneril is implied to be a kitsune. (Or, where Albany is a kitsune, however you want to look at it)
King Lear on a farm in rural Iowa. Larry Cook attempts to split up his acreage among his three daughters. Throughout the novel, various family secrets emerge, experienced from the point of view of Ginny, his eldest daughter.
the character work done on every single character... the slow quiet creeping emotion saturating the entire book... the way the plot of the original play is adapted so smoothly to this setting (in a way that’s just distanced enough from the original that it can be judged both As An Adaptation and As A Book Of Its Own Accord)… this book is so fucking good it made me cry in the metaphorical club
This book is so good and complex and compelling and actively willing to engage with themes of familial abuse and abuse of power. It actually deals with the three sisters as independent figures with different desires, needs, and opinions. The Edmund is introduced by describing his ass. There's an absolutely terrible movie with Jessica Lange. What more could you POSSIBLY want.
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endrusmithreal · 1 year
Peanut Oil Price: Market Analysis, Reports, and Research
Peanut oil, also known as groundnut oil, is a popular vegetable oil derived from peanuts. It has gained significant prominence in the culinary world due to its high smoke point, subtle flavor, and numerous health benefits. This blog aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the peanut oil market, examining price trends, market reports, and the findings of market research. Understanding the dynamics of this market is crucial for consumers, producers, and investors alike.
Request for Real-Time Peanut oil Prices: https://procurementresource.com/resource-center/groundnut-oil-price-trends/pricerequest
Overview of Peanut Oil Market
The peanut oil market is a vital component of the global vegetable oil industry. The demand for peanut oil is primarily driven by its use in cooking, food processing, and the cosmetic industry. Furthermore, the growing awareness of its health benefits, such as its heart-friendly properties, has significantly boosted its popularity.
Factors Affecting Peanut Oil Price
Several factors influence the price of peanut oil in the market. Understanding these factors is essential for both buyers and sellers to make informed decisions.
Supply and Demand: Like any other commodity, peanut oil prices are subject to fluctuations based on supply and demand dynamics. Factors that affect the supply of peanut oil include weather conditions affecting peanut crops, the acreage under cultivation, and changes in agricultural practices. On the other hand, the demand for peanut oil is influenced by population growth, changes in dietary preferences, and the expansion of food processing industries.
International Trade: peanut oil is traded globally, and changes in international trade policies, tariffs, and regulations can impact its price. Exporting countries' policies and their production levels play a significant role in price fluctuations.
Exchange Rates: As peanut oil is traded internationally, fluctuations in exchange rates can directly impact its price in local markets.
Government Policies: Government interventions, such as subsidies, import duties, and export restrictions, can significantly affect the supply and pricing of peanut oil.
Weather Conditions: Groundnut crops are sensitive to weather conditions, particularly during the planting and harvesting seasons. Natural disasters like droughts or floods can lead to crop failure and subsequently impact the price of peanut oil.
Market Reports and Analysis
In-depth market reports are invaluable tools for understanding the current state of the peanut oil market. Market analysis provides valuable insights into trends, challenges, and opportunities within the industry.
Production and Consumption Trends: Market reports analyze the production and consumption trends of peanut oil across different regions and countries. This data helps stakeholders understand the supply-demand dynamics and anticipate price fluctuations.
Competitive Landscape: These reports also assess the competitive landscape, providing information on key players, their market share, and their strategies. Understanding the competitive scenario is vital for companies to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge.
Trade Analysis: Market reports often include trade data, highlighting import and export volumes and values. This analysis sheds light on the global movement of peanut oil and its impact on prices.
Price Analysis: Detailed price analysis allows market participants to identify patterns and make price predictions based on historical data.
Market Research
Market research provides a deeper understanding of consumer preferences, purchase behavior, and the factors influencing buying decisions related to peanut oil.
Consumer Surveys: Surveys can help identify consumer preferences, such as the choice between refined and cold-pressed peanut oil or organic variants. This data aids in developing targeted marketing strategies.
Health and Nutritional Studies: Research on the health benefits of peanut oil can influence consumer perceptions and drive demand.
Packaging and Branding: Understanding the impact of packaging and branding on consumer choices is crucial for companies looking to establish a strong presence in the market.
Price Sensitivity Analysis: Market research can reveal the price sensitivity of consumers, helping companies set competitive prices.
Peanut oil continues to be a significant player in the global vegetable oil market. Its versatility, health benefits, and growing demand make it a sought-after commodity. Analyzing the factors affecting peanut oil prices, studying market reports, and conducting market research are essential for all stakeholders to make informed decisions and stay ahead in this dynamic industry. By staying abreast of market trends and research findings, producers, consumers, and investors can navigate the peanut oil market with confidence.
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breelandwalker · 2 years
I have a question regarding your answer on that witch labels post. It's nothing serious, just my curiosity piqued.
I was wondering what the difference between a cottage witch and a hearth witch was. I was under the impression that a hearth witch encompassed the whole house, rather than just the kitchen like kitchen witches. Domestic things like knitting (if i could figure it out lol), sweeping, cooking, growing herbs and spices, bathing, crafting soaps and powders, etc. What's the difference between that and a cottage witch?
Good question! (And bonus points for including the link!) This is a Your Mileage May Vary situation and UPG is ahead.
In my experience, a hearth witch deals with everything concerning the home. This covers the kitchen, the family, the animals, domestic matters, childcare, healing, maintenance, protection, money, and so on, with a particular focus on fire magic and the image of the hearthfire as the heart of the home. A hearth witch is the heart, soul, and hands of the home. It is their domain and woe betide the poor fool who crosses their threshold with ill intentions.
A cottage witch, on the other hand, deals with matters concerning the homestead as a whole. This includes everything to do with hearth, home, and family, as above, but also includes the garden, livestock, and care and maintenance of the land. This may also extend to building and maintaining positive relationships with one's neighbors as well. A cottage witch takes responsibility for the whole property and may claim surrounding areas as theirs to protect and care for as well. Same mindset, larger territory.
Mind you, this is my own take on the subject. Some witches use hearth witch and cottage witch interchangeably. (Notably, Ellen Dugan's description of cottage witchery sounds like hearthcraft with a few extra trappings.) Both have a focus on the home and its' occupants, both human and animal, and on keeping the heart of the home, however one defines it, a comfortable and welcoming place. Some hearth witches extend their work to the garden and the neighborhood, and some cottage witches work their craft in an apartment with no land to care for.
Both titles are nebulous, as are all labels applied to the various types of witchcraft, and are certainly not dependent on one's place of residence. For example, I started out calling myself a hearth witch when I still lived with family. Nowadays, with a home of my own, I tend to use the broader-feeling "cottage" label, even though we live in an apartment, and I'm working on learning about land maintenance from my in-laws, who have a small farm and some wooded acreage.
I tend to include hearthcraft under the "cottage" category, as I do with garden witchcraft and kitchen witchery. Hedgecraft is sort of a next-door-neighbor to cottagecraft in my mind, since it CAN deal with the homestead but is not necessarily focused on it, being an exploration of more wild and liminal spaces. I'm sure other practitioners would define these terms differently depending on their own practices and perspectives as well.
Hope this helps! 😊
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bard-owl · 3 years
Innawoods Thought Exercise:
You gain a piece of land deep in some northern US mountains. Inherited hunting property, local club downsizing, whatever, doesn't matter. Point is, it's an established property in your name but you haven't been on site yet.
It has good acreage surrounded by much more undeveloped land. Pics show a cabin that's old but with good chinking, a fireplace with a cooking grate, with cookware. Wool blankets and linens are in a closet, fire wood stacked against two exterior walls. There is a flowing stream on property, and you've heard there is a decent amount of fish and game on property.
However things go sideways and you have to use it as a bug out location immediately. You'll probably only get one trip to it with just hours to prepare. After loading your food, camp gear, appropriate clothing, and whomever might be coming with, you realize you very little room for weapons, ammo, and tools. The only custom stuff is what you already own, otherwise it's stock, off the shelf gear. You must pick for each category:
Two long guns, model and caliber.
Two pistols, model and caliber.
Bow & arrows, type and arrowhead types.
Up to three fishing pole & reel setups.
Basic tools for maintaining cabin & property.
Knives for cooking & field work.
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headcanonfantasy · 4 years
Apple Pie life with an Angel, a new God and a dog-A Destiel fic
“I love you.” Castiel struggled as Dean began to cry angrily.
“Don’t do this Cas.” Dean whimpered as he ran to Cas. Cas pushed him away.
“Goodbye, Dean.” Cas started as the Empty began to pour in.
“NO!” Dean roared out as he ran to Cas. “Don’t do this, not without me. You changed me just as much as I did you, Cas. I need you. I want nothing more than to be with you. You leave me, I have NOTHING, Cas.” Dean touched his forehead as tears streamed harder down his face. “I love you.” Dean then kissed Cas deeply, Cas struggling to push Dean away, but Dean was too strong as he held onto his trenchcoat, the Empty coating the both of them in its goo as both men were sucked into the Empty together, Dean never letting go. As they disappeared in tar-like ooze, the only sound in the dungeon was Sam calling Dean’s phone.
Sam found it hard to sleep, as did Jack. The two men found it hard to cope.
“Without Dean and Cas, we’re sunk. Do you know where we can find Amara? We could use her help.” Sam said as he drank a beer.
“We could also use Dad’s help. He was right about Grandpa to begin with.” Jack said.
“That’s true.” Sam replied. Suddenly, Dean’s phone was calling and Lucifer, once again in Cas’s body, appeared.
“So, dear old Daddy’s been screwing with the world?” Lucifer asked.
“Cas?” Sam asked confused.
“Funny, Sammy. You forget you beat me the last time we met when I was possessing your brother’s Angel of the morning?” Lucifer reminded.
“Right, I forgot. Hello, Lucifer. You got any ideas for beating Chuck?” Sam asked.
“Sure. Hey, I was able to save a dog for Deano, heard ol’ Cassie went into the Empty. Or if Dean went in with him, Jack needs a pet.” Lucifer said. “Really is a miracle. Just found him outside a gas station. Keeping him safe from Dad, but I’ll be sure to ask Aunt Amara when I see her IF he finds us and snuffs the pupper out, to let me take away his grace.”
“Why are you helping us?” Sam asked.
“Is that Dad? I wanna talk to him, knowing how to smite Grandpa. Maybe he has an idea.” Jack offered.
“Jack wants to talk.” Sam said.
“Great, I’ll bring the dog.” Lucifer said as he soon flew himself and the dog into the bunker. “A lot gloomier than I last saw it.” Lucifer quipped when he set the dog down.
“Dad, I see you’re in Cas’s form.” Jack noted.
“Yeah, when you die in one form, you tend to come back in that form afterwards. Like Nick before I possessed Vince Vincente and later Castiel. Sorry about your loss, by the way. But I think I have an idea. Our Aunt Amara has a bit of history with the Empty, yeah? They may be able to make a deal with her if I offer myself.” Lucifer said. Jack was surprised.
“Why?” Jack asked.
“Archangels and Nephilim have the power to take God’s place. You can do it, Jack. Because you’re the Nephilim of an Archangel, that’s why Dad fried you the first time.” Lucifer pointed out. “But first, we must consult our aunt.”
The Entity couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was because once again, Cas couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was because he didn’t have a reason to sleep and he happened to bring it with him. Maybe it was because that stowaway refused to unlatch himself from Cas and the men were stuck between moaning and giggling and yessing. It was very loud, very distracting and it felt like he was in Hell.
“Dean, that tickles.” Cas giggled.
“I can’t help it, you’re so ticklish, it makes me feel alive.” Dean purred as he kissed Cas’s chest. Cas moaned before arching his back as Dean stroked his groin. Dean crawled back up to Cas and they began to undress each other.
“Oh PLEASE stop.” The Entity begged as he pounded into the floor. “You’ve been drowning yourselves in each other’s pleasure and vice versa since you got here. You have GOT to stop sooner or later.” The Entity began to cry and plead.
“I’m not tired or hungry. What about you, Cas?” Dean asked.
“The only thing I’m hungry for is you, Dean.” Cas said as he nipped Dean’s ear.
“OOH, right there baby.” Dean said as he unbuttoned and unzipped Cas, making Cas whimper with extreme heat and began to slowly stroke the older Angel’s dick. Cas’s whimper soon turned into a gasp and a shout. The Entity pounded his head against a wall of the Empty a la Gordon Ramsay after Jason Underwood told him he was gonna try and make the souffles less sticky to the ramekin with butter, sugar and cocoa powder.
Once they had met with Amara, she heard pounding from the Empty. “The Empty should be sleeping. Funny, who’s keeping them awake?” Amara asked.
“Daddy’s favorite peeon and his Angel.” Lucifer said as he and Jack flew in.
“Dean’s in the Empty?” Amara was stunned. “No Human should ever BE in the Empty. How’s he surviving?” She asked.
“I don’t know, he latched onto Cas when it happened.” Sam said.
“Oh, Jack. I want to give you back your Grace.” Lucifer said as he cut Jack’s Grace out of him and Jack breathed it back in. Jack then closed Lucifer’s neck.
“Dad, you didn’t have to do that.” Jack said.
“You need more power, son. I never regretted bringing you to life. I was a crap father, but you’re an amazing person.” Jack and he hugged one last time as Amara went to the Empty.
“Oh God, baby. Yes. Yes, YES DEAN YES HARDER MORE! YESDEANYESGODDEANYES!” Cas was howling into darkness as Dean thrusted hard, hitting the Angel’s prostate. The Entity just continued to pound his head against the wall. Suddenly, Amara appeared.
“Are you here to take the sexfiends?” The Entity asked, eyes bloodshot.
“Are you willing to trade?” Amara asked.
“Who would I like?” The Entity asked,
When Amara came back, Dean and Cas were barely dressed and still attached to each other.
“Dude, seriously?” Sam groaned as he watched his brother exchange spit with Cas.
“Shut up, I don’t complain when you kiss Eileen.” Dean said as he went back to kissing Cas.
“I get that, your fly though, Dean. Your fly is open.” Sam sighed as he covered Jack’s eyes.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry, Amara didn’t have time to let us dress before the deal to take Lucifer in our stead was taken by the Empty.” Cas said as he zipped himself up, Dean following suit.
“Good to have you back, but I never wanna see that much of you again.” Sam said as he patted Dean on the back and then hugged him, then hugged Cas. “Otherwise, welcome home, guys.”
“Great to be back.” Dean said as he kissed Cas deeply.
“Alright, lovebirds.” Amara said lovingly. “Can we go find my brother?”
“Oh sure.” Dean said as he pulled away from Cas and they all headed out to Chuck.
Amara cuffed Chuck with Enochian handcuffs and Dean kicked him in the nuts. Finally, Jack touched Chuck’s head and all of Chuck’s powers were absorbed into Jack.
“What?” Chuck asked as he gasped. “But how?”
“I got some help from the one son who was right to never listen to you.” Jack said as he finished sucking all of Chuck’s powers and absorbing it into his system.
After all was said and done, Jack joined with Amara. She’d guide him on how to rebuild Heaven. Before he left though, he gifted Dean and Cas the dog. “Dad wanted you to have him. His name’s Miracle. Dad said it was a miracle Grandpa had missed the sweetcake.” Jack said as he handed Miracle off to the two.
“After years of the ‘No dogs in the Impala’ rule?” Dean asked. “I’m honored to own him.” Dean said. Cas smiled and kissed the dog before kissing Dean softly in turn.
“Where will you go now?” Sam asked.
“I’m thinking a farm somewhere. Or maybe a nice home in a cul de sac. Or even a cabin in the woods?” Dean asked as he looked Cas in the eyes.
“I hear the barn we first met in is being condemned.” Cas said. “We may buy the property and build a nice acreage where I can keep an apiary and Dean can start a garage.” Cas offered. “Maybe I can even grow peanuts and make my own peanut butter.” Just as he said that, Jack gave Cas the gift of Human feelings for food and such, not needing to give him love as Dean had already taught him how to love. Another thing he did before leaving for Heaven was what Amara had done for Dean.
“Sam?” Sam’s eyes widened as he turned and faced the truest love of his life.
“Oh my God, Jess?” Sam gasped.
“Whoa, what year is this? Last thing I knew, I was making cookies when-God, what happened to you?” Jess asked.
“It’s a long story.” Sam said as he hugged her tightly.
I missed you too.” Jess said as she hugged him back. Then, Sam immediately began to kiss her as deeply as Dean was doing Cas when they left the Empty.
“Let’s beat them in our own game by joining in.” Dean said as he pulled Cas in for another kiss.
The house was amazing. Everything Dean had wanted, a back yard for Miracle and Cas loved the peanut grinder and apiary Dean had set up for him. Especially with the tap so as not to disturb the bees.
“Try my honey roasted peanut butter burgers.” Cas said when Sam and Jess visited them. “Dean makes his own brioche and it’s amazing.”
“He thinks everything I do is amazing. He makes his own jelly though.” Dean said. “I’m telling you, ever since Cas has been able to taste? His pallet makes me purr.” Dean said as he kissed Cas deep, but chaste.
“You make me blush.” Cas said as he touched Dean’s forehead with his own.
“Imagine if that girls’ school managed to find out you’re officially canon.” Sam began to tease. “The musical they’d be making out of that.” Jess punched Sam’s arm.
“Now now, baby. Don’t tease.” Jess said.
“Brothers are supposed to tease each other, Jessie. Don’t worry, it’s a Winchester family tradition.” Sam said.
“Pranks and teasing.” Dean confirmed. “Hot dogs are up.” Dean said as he put them on a plate after cooking them on a grill. Miracle whined as he smelled the hot dogs and Dean threw one to the dog. “There you go, Miracle.” He said.
“Apple pie life really suits you, Dean.” Jess said.
“Thanks, Jess. Congratulations on the baby, by the way. I can’t wait to be an uncle.” Dean said with a smile.
“Thanks, Dean.” Jess said as she hugged him.
Life was sweet. Not just because of the burgers either.
When Sam and Jess had left, Cas was cleaning up and putting food away. Dean had decided to help after cleaning the grill. However, his help was beyond drying while Cas washed.
“I missed cuddling with you this morning.” Dean said. “I bought you more pectin for your next batch of Blackberry jam you like to make so much.”
“That’s thoughtful of you, Dean.” Cas said as he got lost in washing the dishes. Once they finished washing and drying, Dean pulled him into a dance, putting on a song they first listened to when they officially moved into their new home.
“But I can see how strong a man I’m gonna have to be to do for you what comes so naturally, it’s in the way you move.” Dean softly sang to Cas as he twirled the love of his life around the living room floor. Cas giggled giddily.
“Dean, why so sappy today?” Cas asked when they took a break.
“Cas, to finally let you know after all this time how much you mean to me? I thought I was gonna lose you and with Jack visiting on occasion, I feel we should have a more official title to what we are.” Dean said as he knelt down and pulled out a box. Inside was a honeybee shaped ring with stripes of Citron and Obsidian and Diamond eyes and wings. Cas was in awe at the look of it once Dean opened the box.
“Castiel, I come to you as a man, no more or less, with the hope that I can take your hand in marriage and we can make each other honest men until death parts us.” Dean said as he handed Cas the ring box.
“Oh Dean, it’s beautiful. It had to have cost a forturne.” Cas said.
“Not at all. I know an expert jeweler in town, he was able to get the materials together for the occasion.” Both men began to cry. “Will you marry me, Castiel?” Dean asked.
“Yes.” Cas said as Dean took the ring out of the box and put it on Cas’s hand, then they kissed deeply. They then spent the rest of the night celebrating in a lot of ways. Not only their engagement, but the start of what’s to come in their future.
The End
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acreageproperty · 2 months
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Are you looking for a real estate agent in Werribee or a house for sale in Point Cook"? Look no similarly than Tandon actual property. We specialize in assisting you purchase, promote, and rent properties, which include residential, acreage, land, and industrial spaces. At Tandon Real Estate, we prioritize customer satisfaction by offering expert guidance all through the complete method. Our property value determinations are thorough and transparent, considering important elements like area, faculty get entry to, and cutting-edge marketplace traits.
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wearejapanese · 3 years
A Chinook salmon’s quicksilver skin glints in the afternoon sunlight. Chef Alex Dakers points a knife to the ruby red filet underneath.
“This meat is thicker than the belly or the tail, so we’re going to start by cutting along this line that runs along the center,” Dakers said.
A dozen people arm themselves with various chef knives, all seated at tables spread out for a Japanese Immigrant Cooking Class, a hands-on workshop at a cozy, covered outdoor picnic area at Eva and Max Edelson’s Long Table Farm in rural west Eugene. The class meshes traditional flavors and techniques with regional ingredients and food traditions in a bucolic setting. Hosted by Dakers, the 13-year veteran chef is teaching enrollees how to blend nikkei (representing the Japanese diaspora) cuisine with adopted Peruvian culinary chops.
Over the past three years, Long Table has opened its acreage to area arts performances and multiethnic presentations. The farm welcomes a variety of instructors teaching a multitude of topics including dance recitals, music shows, art classes, butchery techniques and unique food courses.
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dreadwulf · 5 years
#2  …And Take You For My Lady and Wife
Jaime Lannister is not sure just what spirit of mischief has overtaken him, but when it is his turn to make the arrangements at yet another dismal inn he requests two rooms -- one for his companions, and one for his new bride. 
It is a harmless enough deception; it’s even true. True enough. The distracted innkeeper accepts his coin with no indication that anything momentous has occurred. 
Jaime returns to the other four riders with the arrangements, directing them to the Hound’s Trail Inn, and Brienne makes no comment when he tells her there will be two rooms instead of one. She looks ready to fall asleep on her feet, and there’s no point telling her about his little joke. She is unlikely to find it funny.
After seeing to the horses in the stables, he is reminded of his small deceit. “Your lady wife is resting upstairs,” the inkeep calls to him, and it takes several very disorienting seconds for Jaime to realize that the portly man refers to Brienne. 
A more fully absurd summary of her he could not imagine, “lady” and “wife”. He makes a noncommittal noise and continues up the stairs to their room, those two words echoing in his ears.
Lady. Wife.
Brienne is, indeed, resting. Flat on her back, on top of the covers, only bothered to shuck the most troublesome of her armor off along the way. She snores lightly through her hair stuck up from the pillow in all directions, a thorny nest around her freckled face. Her boots are still on, those absurdly large feet pointing straight up at the ceiling.
There is only one bed in this room, a large and sturdy one with a fine headboard. He might have expected that, had he thought about it more carefully. He did tell the inkeep they were newly wed. Still, this room, with a small crackling fire and a dressing table, is far nicer than the one that Hunt and Clegane will be snoring in, which has three beds and not much else. And Jaime does not especially want to share a bed with Podrick again. He talks in his sleep, and thrashes about, and has kicked him several times already.
Brienne doesn’t stir when he shuts the door behind him, nor does she wake when he sits on the side of the bed and unlaces his boots. A good thing really; she has been most cautious of maintaining her distance whenever they set camp, and she will not like sharing the bed with him. 
Even though they did, in fact, share a bed on the Quiet Isle. Several times. But she had been desperately ill, and does not remember it. 
He sets his boots aside, and after a moment’s thought removes hers as well - it takes some time to unlace them with one hand but she sleeps on, even as he pulls them off her feet and puts a blanket over her. She opens her eyes only a little when he tucks the fur around her, allowing just a slice of blue to regard him sleepily before turning her face and closing them again.
Jaime would have to wake her on purpose if he wanted any company, and he supposes he shouldn’t. She was exhausted when they had left the road. She is exhausted most days, of late. Brienne is stronger than she was, but not quite back to herself. She tires rapidly, and her face has little color to it, and she engages not at all with his conversation no matter which way he tries. She has lost some of the bandages and the sling on her right arm, but she has not lost that nervousness of him. Ever since she left her bed on the Quiet Isle and learned the monks had married them. She has not quite looked him in the face since.
He considers the bed again. It is probably not that much more comfortable than the floor. But there is a blanket, and he is suddenly rather cold. 
Brienne would be warm, he is sure of it. 
Instead Jaime busies himself freshening up at the basin, even the lukewarm water refreshing after so long on the road. He washes his face and drags his fingers through his hair. He ought to shave while he has the opportunity; there is a small straight razor. His sister had hated his beard; she said it made him look common, and scruffy, and old. He would like to ask Brienne what she thinks of it, but if he wakes her for that she might slice him with the razor. 
He decides to trim his beard instead, neatening the edges. He sits in the single chair and takes his time, wiping his face with a cloth draped over his stump. The fire is dying down and periodically he will get up and feed kindling to it until it sputters back to life.
When there is a knock at the door he jumps to his feet quickly and rushes to snatch it open.
The surprised barmaid is interrupted mid-knock. She is as young as Brienne but sweeter-faced, and holds an armload of wood. “I came to tend to the fire, Ser,” she says pleasantly.
He puts a finger to his lips and shushes her, and she looks past him to the shape in the bed. “I’ll take it,” he says quietly, maneuvering to take the wood and keep her out of the room.
“I’m sorry, My Lord,” she whispers. Then she smiles in a strangely conspiratorial way, puts her own finger to her lips, and closes the door herself. 
Everyone loves a newlywed couple, it seems. Everyone else, anyway. He kneels at the firepit, quietly stacking the logs.
They have not discussed it. The marriage. Though admittedly Jaime has not tried very hard. When Brienne rejects his friendly overtures and shies away from him he simply grits his teeth and talks loudly to someone else. He grows ever more charming and personable. He can ingratiate himself to nearly everyone else they meet in their travels, now that he is inclined to make the effort. He banters with innkeeps and learns the news of the day. He makes playful conversation with barmaids, who are far happier to be in his company.  He engages the lords and ladies they encounter in the usual idly predictable niceties until Brienne can ask her questions about a red-headed girl of four and ten. He is, he thinks, remarkably helpful and agreeable and it makes no difference whatsoever to the Maid of Tarth, who seems bound and determined to pretend that he does not exist. 
He might have been hoping for conversation, when he put them together in this room. Though he had known it unlikely, after a hard day’s ride. Jaime’s not sure just what he had been hoping for, to be honest. He confuses himself.
There is a small mirror, and he regards his face briefly. Plucks a few grey hairs sprouting from the crown of his head. Then he settles back in his chair and scrubs some of the dirt out of his military tunic, rubs at the buttons with his rag until they shine again. Vanity, perhaps, but he enjoys these little duties, and with a small fire crackling nearby and Brienne’s quiet breathing, the evening passes peacefully. 
When he finds his eyes closing on their own and the fire simmered down to embers, he walks back across the room and lies down beside Brienne, with a considerable acreage of bed between them for propriety’s sake. He stays on top of the blankets that she is underneath and he steals one pillow from under her arm and it is warm already against his face. He lies beside her in the dim light and is suddenly, terribly awake.
Propriety, he thinks. But of course he literally could not be more proper. He is a husband sharing a bed with his wife.
But she is not happy about that, and in some weeks it will be undone. If they ignore the marriage it will go away, and perhaps things will go back to the way they were between them, some version of that. He can joke with her again and she will spar with him the way she does with Podrick and Ser Hyle and they will find Sansa Stark somewhere here in the Vale and send her back to what remains of her family and sometime after that he and Brienne will part ways. She will continue serving the Starks, most likely, and he will go back to his son in King’s Landing. And that is how it should be.
It is sensible and inevitable and yet the thought of it fills him with a strange hollow feeling that makes it difficult to fall asleep.
He has a direct view of the place where the muscles of her long neck dive down into her freckled collarbone. He can’t stop looking at that, the cords of her neck, the gentle slope of her shoulder and the pale flesh below it disappearing into her tunic. 
These are thoughts that, once you’ve had them, you can never un-think. You can try to stop them and they will only start themselves over again, like the words to a song that is stuck in your head. That spray of freckles seems to stay with him even when he blinks his eyes. She is freckled in a great many places, as he recalls from the baths. He keeps his eyes fixed on her neck so that he won’t become interested in anything else.  
If the marriage is not consummated by year’s end, you may consider your vows rescinded.
What a terrible word, consummated. At the time it was a remote and legalistic proposition, a preposterous one. He has no intention of consummating anything with Brienne. But right now, at this moment, Elder Brother’s words are echoing in his mind and it sounds downright filthy. He is an arm’s length away from consummating a marriage. He didn’t even want to be married. Those damnable monks talked him into it. But she’s here and he’s here and she’s enticingly warm and he’s suddenly obsessed with her neck. He’s losing his senses. 
He passes a fitful night in this way, wondering what in the world is wrong with him.
On the morrow Brienne is still sleeping soundly, and Jaime slips away to the kitchens. His restless night has only renewed his sense of mischief; he is a cheerful groom again amongst the kitchen staff.
“My goodwife sleeps still, but I will bring breakfast for her. She’s going to need the energy.” He smirks at the barmaid, who blushes. The cook gives a knowing sort of laugh and loads him down with pasties and sausage, a fine breakfast even for King’s Landing. 
This is a good racket, he muses as he climbs the stairs. We could do this all across the Vale, and be fat as pigeons.
He wakes her this time, and insists that she eat. He knows all thirteen verses of “When Willum’s Wife was Wet” and he will sing them at her until she eats the breakfast he took the trouble to bring her. He gets through two verses and begins a third before she pulls the pillow off her face and sits up, glowering. 
She rubs at her face and yawns and looks thoroughly unhappy to be awake, and then she looks at the bounty he has brought her, slightly dumbfounded.
“This is enough food for ten of us,” she says, looking over the food spread on the bedcovers with eyes a little wide. “I should share some with Podrick and the others.”
Jaime gently dissuades her. “Later. Let’s break our fast quietly first, without the Hound’s chewing and Pod’s chattering.” 
She frowns at it, but she has already picked out a buttered roll that flakes apart in her fingers, and he starts on a sausage, and they eat together in comfortable silence. After that Jaime takes the remainder to share with their three companions, and by the time he returns Brienne has redressed herself.
Still, since Pod is shoveling pasties into his mouth Jaime takes the opportunity to help Brienne buckle her chestpiece, and in return she helps him with his quite amiably, and they leave their rooms rested and well-fed, and all-in-all it is a most pleasant morning until they are accosted on the stairs by the woman who had visited their room the night previous.
She puts a hand to Brienne’s armored arm after a worryingly bright smile in Jaime’s direction.
“Your lord husband,” the barmaid says, “looked after you quite solicitously. I was a little jealous.”
“My what?” Brienne sputters.
Jaime should jump in here to end the conversation before disaster could befall them, but he has suddenly quite forgotten how to speak. 
“I’m sure it takes some getting used to, new bride and all that. You are a lucky woman, married to a handsome lord. And rich too, by the looks of him. Does he have any brothers?”
The Maid of Tarth’s eyes have gone so round they are fairly bulging from her face, and belatedly Jaime finds his voice.
“He’s already wed,” Jaime cuts in. “We’re here seeking his wife, actually. A maid of five-and-ten, with red hair, nobly born? Might you have had a guest of that description?”
The barmaid shakes her lovely head. “No, love. We don’t get many redheads round these parts anymore, with the Tullys bunkered up in the Riverlands. Best of luck to you.”
“My thanks.” He nods to her very politely and takes Brienne’s other arm. He has to steer her out of the Inn, as she keeps whirling her head around to look back at the barmaid and the inkeep behind them. Her face is very red. 
Outside she snatches back her arm abruptly and storms over to her horse.
Later that day, after hours of riding in silence, Brienne pulls her mare alongside his destrier.
“My lord husband,” she says flatly.
His face goes hot with stunning rapidity. 
“My lady wife,” he says back, as cheerfully as he can.
“Why did you tell them that?” She sounds defensive; her hands on the horse’s reigns are tight fists.
“It was far simpler to share a room when they believed us wed, and the others our servants. They asked no uncomfortable questions.”
“That was uncomfortable enough,” she says. 
He feels an unpleasant sting at that; is it so intolerable to be thought the Kingslayer’s wife for a few hours? She doesn’t have to be so angry about it. 
“I thought you appreciated honesty? We are in fact married, why shouldn’t they know it?”
“It’s hardly necessary to announce it to strangers for your amusement. Is it funny, the thought of me as someone’s wife?”
Yes, he thinks, and also no, not at all. Simultaneously. 
“We are not touring the Vale for leisure,” she says, and her cheeks are burning still. “We are seeking the girl Sansa and keeping our vow to her mother.”
He affixes his eyes to the trail in front of them, a little incensed. “I have not forgotten.”
“Good. If it pleases you, let us leave what happened on the Quiet Isle behind us and attend to our quest without distractions.”
She spurs her horse and rides ahead, leaving him stewing on it
It does not please him. It does not please him at all.
Which is why, in the next village, Jaime does it again.
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peonybane · 5 years
Agape and Pragma: Chapter 2
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Pairings: OT7 (BTS) x Reader
Word Count: 3.9 k
Genre: Hybrid AU, Fluff, Angst, Sci-Fi, Smut (eventually)
Summary: Your entire world had be torn asunder by just one lab test. Time heals all wounds, but does it really? What will it take to feel whole again?
Warning: Nightmare scene surrounding the idea of an infant death and trauma coping.
Hybrid Types: Peacock Jin, Serval Yoongi, Golden Retriever Hoseok, Great Dane Taehyung, and French Lop Eared Rabbit Jungkook… with more to come.
a/n: So, this one is kinda all over the place. First, bonus points for whoever knows what show I’m quoting. Secondly, this chapter is angsty as FUCK in the second half. But I promise Chapter 3 will more than make up for it. I also have no self control and am posting a day early.
<--- Previous (Chapter 1)
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“You sure you don’t want to stay a few more days? I’m sure Deeba wouldn’t mind.”
You smiled sheepishly as your best friend called you out. You weren’t ready. Even though you knew that this wasn’t forever, you still weren’t ready to let him go. He had been your rock through one of the hardest parts of your life, just as you had been for him. He held you through your mourning, through your rage, through your joy. 
But deep down, you knew this what needed to be done. You could see it in his eyes; there was life there, life that had never been there before. How could you take it away from him. 
He gave you a tight hug, burying his face in your hair. He may not have been a Hybrid, but working and living with them for so long had him picking up some interesting habits, such as scenting. “I’m going to miss you, Beefcake. I can’t believe you’re actually going.”
“Come on, now. Don’t guilt me like that. You’ve got so much going for you.”
You giggled out, “What do I have going for me? Is it that I’m pretty? Tell me I’m pretty, Liam.”
He laughed, knowing exactly where you were going with this. “Were I unwed I would take you in a manly fashion.”
“Because I’m pretty?”
He laughed. “Because you’re pretty.”
You both laughed, pulling away from each other. Liam flicked your forehead. “Don’t overwork yourself. And if I find out from one of these three that you’re overworking yourself again, don’t think I won’t come back and ask Deeba to beat sense into you for me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that. “I’m sure I can handle myself. And I’m glad that you finally found your other half.”
While Liam smiled down at you, you could still sense a bit of guilt and sadness radiating off of him. You knew why— he felt guilty about finding his own happiness when you’ve only started finding a new one. You lightly patted his cheek. “Go… be happy.”
He leaned in and kissed your forehead. No more needed to be said. You both had said everything you needed to. Besides, it’s not like this was goodbye for forever. 
Liam turned his attention to the boys. Immediately, Taehyung pulled him into a tight hug, mumbling something about how much he was going to miss him again as he scented Liam. Liam just chucked and rubbed Taehyung’s floppy brindle ears, knowing that it was one of the best ways to calm him down, and more importantly, to stop him from bawling.
As soon as Taehyung was done saying goodbye. Liam did another couple of rounds of fair wells with the other two. Taehyung joined your side, his head hanging a bit in sadness. You leaned against him, reminding him that you were there for him. He rested his head on yours as you guys watched Liam wrestle with Jungkook and Hoseok one last time before he bid you all one last farewell. 
Your giant puppy let out a sad little whimper as Liam disappeared into the crowd. You reached up and ruffled Taehyung’s unruly hair. “It’s not forever, Tae Tae. Just imagine, once he and his wife are settled in, they’ll come visit us.”
Taehyung nuzzled into your hand, looking down at you with sad eyes. He took your palm in his and brought it to his lips, leaving small kisses in the center of it. A light blush rose in your cheeks, still not used to Taehyung’s chosen form of affection with you. You continued, giving him a sweet smile, “Will getting some ice cream help?”
If you didn’t know any better, your roommates had teleported into the car, with Hoseok in the driver’s seat. You laughed, turning to join them. This was it. This was your family now.
The days before had been busy and tear filled as Liam explained his decision to the boys, with Jungkook being the surprisingly biggest weeper. In the few days that Liam was home, he transferred the deed to you; complete ownership of the house and the acreage that surrounded it now belonged to you. 
It didn’t feel real yet, even as the boys helped Liam when they could with putting his stuff in boxes and helping him pack the things he would need immediately in some suit cases. It still didn’t feel real yet even as the boys starting moving things out of your room while you worked and into the master bedroom at Liam’s behest. It didn’t feel real even as Liam had Deeba Skype you all for the first time. It didn’t feel real even as you cooked Liam’s favorite meal of stuffed cabbage rolls and pilaf for his going away dinner.
No, it didn’t feel real until later that night after dropping off Liam that when you dragged yourself off to bed, only to find that your weighted blanket had been removed from your old room, along with most of your stuff.
You realized that the boys had moved it to the master bedroom when you hesitantly entered. You let out a breath that you didn’t realize you were holding. This… this was reality. This was your new home. 
After changing into pajamas you climbed into the massive bed. Sure it was the comfiest bed you had ever laid in, but it was cold. It was too big. It felt so… impersonal. You got up for a moment and gathered all of the pillows together, creating a barrier. Laying back down again, that barrier made it easier to fall asleep, almost as if someone was spooning you from behind.
“Hobi, are you sure it’s alright for me to tag along?”
“It’s more than alright. In fact, I think Jin would pout if he found out you weren’t coming with.”
You could help but chuckle a little as Hobi pulled into the drive away of this little cafe on the outskirts of town called ‘Seesaw.’  “Is that right, now? I didn’t think I left that strong of an impression.”
Hoseok nodded his head excitedly as he parked the car. He got out and rushed over to your side of the car, opening the door for you and you unbuckled yourself, his fluffy tail going at a hundred miles per hour. Upon helping you out of the car, Hoseok lead you towards the cafe.
As soon as you entered, Jin flagged you both down, calling Hoseok’s name. As you walked towards him, you noticed that there was another sitting with him as well. You were a bit surprised to see the Hybrid from the other night, Yoongi. 
Both men stood as you and Hoseok joined them. Jin and Hoseok did a quick bro hug then Jin turned to you. He took your hand once again and kissed it. “It’s wonderful to see you again.”
“You as well, Jin.”
Stepping back, he waved towards Yoongi. “This is my dear friend, Yoongi.”
Eyeing you a bit, Yoongi took your hand and shook it. You smiled at him. “It lovely to finally meet you, Yoongi. And thank you for the drink from last time.”
“And you as well. I’m glad you liked it.”
Jin smiled from ear to ear; there was a knowing glint in his eye. As you all sat yourself down, a waitress came by to take your orders. Jin and Hoseok ordered some sort of complicated lattes, with Jin ordering a spiced coffee cake to go along with his. Yoongi ordered an iced americano and an old fashion donut, which surprised you a bit. His initial impression making you believe he was more of a black coffee type of guy. You ordered an iced caramel macchiato.
The waitress smiled and nodded, walking away to place your orders. As soon as she was out of earshot, Jin turned to you, “I hope the drive here wasn’t terrible. It’s a little out of the way but they make the best coffee in town.”
You smiled back, “Well, with your recommendation it must be absolutely spectacular.”
You all continued to exchange small talk and pleasantries. Well, you, Hoseok, and Jin exchanged pleasantries. Yoongi just sat there, staring off into the distance, kind of out of it actually. Soon the waitress returned with your drinks and promised to be back with the food. You all thanked her and took sips on your drinks. Well, except Yoongi. He was downing his coffee like his life depended on it.
Quipping an eyebrow, you asked, “Sleepless night?”
The ears perched high on Yoongi’s head swiveled around a bit. “A few actually.”
He sighed then leaned back, rubbing the back of neck. “Haven’t been able to write anything good enough for work. Not to mention the stresses of finding a new place.”
“A new place?”
Jin replied, “Yeah, our landlord gave us final notice that now instead of turning the condos into a hotel he’s going to demolish the whole thing and turn it into a store as soon as possible. We got until the end of the month to move out.”
As the waitress came back with the food (when she brought Yoongi’s doughnut, Jin couldn’t help but say, ‘The serval has been served,’ before letting out a windshield wiper laugh), Yoongi seemed to have sensed the question forming in the back of your mind. Taking a bite of his doughnut, asked for you, “You’re wondering how two successful working bachelors are rooming together?”
You blushed a little, hanging your head in shame. 
“That one,” Yoongi pointed to Jin, “Is only good for cooking and basic cleaning. He can’t do laundry, plumping, or handle bills to save his life. I, luckily, am the opposite. Not to mention,” he took another bite of his donut, “He puts pretty much all of his extra money into his restaurant and helping some people with paying for their tuition. I get a head of myself and let Hoseok talk me into donating to every charity he’s involved in.”
You looked at him in mild surprise as he continued to munch on his doughnut, looking quite disinterested in the rest of the world. Jin on the other hand had enough shame for the both of them for once, the tips of ears turning a nice shade of scarlet. You sipped on your coffee for a moment to distract yourself. 
As you looked out the window, you had a thought. The words were out your mouth before you could even stop them. “Why don’t you guys move in with us? Even if its just for a little while until you guys can find your own place.”
Jin choked a little on his coffee. Yoongi’s usual neutral expression was broken by raised eyebrows, his large ears at attention. Hoseok looked over at you with an excited smile, his butt starting to wiggle from the force of his tail wagging from under him. “That’s a great idea!”
Jin interrupted, “We don’t want to be intruding.”
You replied, “Believe me, you’ll be far from it. With only half of the rooms being occupied, it’ll be more than welcomed. Besides, if you really feel guilty about it, you can pay rent if you’d like. Though I won’t charge you rent if you cook once a week and Yoongi plays us a song once in a while. I’ll just ask that you contribute to the pool for utilities. We do it evenly between us.”
This time you couldn’t keep the smile from gracing your lips as you looked at the both of them. Jin and Yoongi exchanged glances. Jin spoke first, “Could we get back to you on that?”
Your smile grew even bigger. “Of course.”
And with that you let the conversation naturally flow, getting to know the two other men.
Just two short weeks later, Jin and Yoongi were moving in. Hoseok insisted that Yoongi take over your old room, conveniently making them room neighbors. Jin took the room across from Jungkook and as all the boys were moving the boxes in, you could already hear the yelling from Jin as Jungkook continued to make fun of the other man. 
You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself in the kitchen as you continued to cook the welcome dinner. You had tried to help the boys with moving Jin and Yoongi in but quickly realized that it was futile as five healthy, strong men were way more than enough as they moved Yoongi’s piano into a corner of the living room. 
Dinner ended up being simple— just some pasta, grilled chicken, and a salad. Nothing too fancy, but certainly in big enough portions to keep up with five ravished Hybrids.
Their timing was perfect since all five ended up in the kitchen just as you were finishing up with cooking dinner. “Oh! Shortstack! This smells delicious!”
Hoseok came up behind you and hugged you, leaning in and sniffing your hair. You giggled and you tried to push him away. “EWWWWWWW…. Boy cooties!”
Hoseok laughed again, deciding to cover you in even more sweat as you protested, his tail smacking the counters in excitement. Finally he let you go, grabbing a plate to start piling food on. Taehyung showed Jin and Yoongi how dinner went when you all were able to sit down together.
Nothing fancy or formal, rather, it was comfortable and casual with everyone just grabbing a plate and piling on food. Jin looked at Jungkook, startled as he sat down across from him at the table, having piled on more chicken than anything else on his plate.
You laughed, looking at Jungkook’s plate as you also settled in to eat. “You think you got enough food there, Wild Boar?”
Stuffing his face, Jungkook replied, “That’s Bun Bun to you.”
You let out an unladylike snort as you peered over at Jin, a confused look gracing his face. “I- I don’t understand.”
In between mouthfuls, Taehyung replied, “Even though Kookie is a rabbit Hybrid, we’re pretty sure the scientists messed up and spliced him with some sort of predator as well. My money is on bear.”
In quick session Hoseok replied, “Mountain lion.”
Then followed by you, “Wild boar.”
Hoseok continued, “Kookie is big for a rabbit, even for a lop.”
You interrupted, “Don’t forget unusually strong.”
He continued as Jungkook just shot the room his usual bunny smile, “He’s aggressive as hell and the only ones that can take him on in wrestling are Liam and Tae.”
Indignantly you said, “What about me?”
Jungkook laughed. “Shortstack… hate to break this to you, but I let you win.”
You made a face of mock hurt, pointing your fork at him, ready to fence. “Raise your fork, Kookie! My honor is at stake! En garde!”
Kookie laughed, humoring you. You both sparred for a little bit, but as always, Kookie won. As you pouted, very unhappy with your loss, Hoseok leaned over and ruffled your hair. Jin finished his food, patting his belly, “Yah, that was wonderful. Thank you very much!”
You couldn’t help the smile that snuck its way onto your face. Yoongi looked over at Taehyung, who was pouting a bit. “What’s the matter with you, puppy?”
“I was hoping she’d make her famous poppyseed rolls….”
You sighed, clearing the table with Jungkook’s help. “Tae Tae, you know ‘Crack Rolls’ are only for birthdays and Christmas.”
“But it’s a special occasion!”
“You know I can’t make them while you’re working.”
Jin quipped an eyebrow. “‘Crack Rolls?’”
Jungkook started laughing as your face flushed a deep scarlet. Hoseok joined in on the laughter as he accompanied Jungkook in washing the dishes. He said, “She makes these fantastic poppyseed rolls. They’re so good, you can’t stop eating them until they’re all gone.”
Jungkook continued from there, “Tae gets his own roll for that reason. The biggest problem is that every time he seems to have one, he’s always randomly selected for a drug test at the school he works at. And he comes back as positive. Every. Single. Time.”
You all had a laugh at poor Tae’s expense. His entire face flushed and you were sure if you could see through the fur covering his ears, those would be beet red as well. You walked back over to Taehyung and kissed his cheek, which only made him turn even redder, but even as a regular human, you could tell it stopped him from being embarrassed. “I’ll make you a batch when school is no longer in session. Deal?”
You held out you pinkie finger for him. Even his own pinkie engulfed yours by its sheer size as he hooked it around your own. “Deal.”
The smile on your face grew bigger. You pulled away from Tae and turned to the rest of them. “You two get ready. Puppy piles are a regular thing in this house. So tonight, what will it be? Indiana Jones or Harry Potter?”
Nothingness. That was what surrounded you. Well almost. It was dark, except for the little pin prick of light, off in the distance. You stumbled towards it, the only refuge in this seemingly endless darkness. 
Instead of feeling safer as you got closer, you could feel the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. As you approached, you noticed that the light was emanating from an old television set. You advanced with caution.
At first, the screen was covered in static. But the closer you drew near, images would increasingly flash across the staticy snow. With each flash, you could tell what was appearing on the screen, each image making your heart hammer harder and harder.
At first it was vague, just a baby. But as the flashes increased, became clearer and clear that it was your baby. Once you were in touching distance, the static ceased. Instead this time, the sight before you had tears welling in your eyes. 
From your arms, your baby was roughly grabbed, tearing them from you as she wailed bloody murder. You screamed for whoever it was to stop, but the you on the screen couldn’t do anything, it was as if you were frozen, completely unable to move a single muscle. The screen flashed static for moment before it switched to Taka’s face. An unknown woman, faceless, stood behind him as he passively dropped your daughter… as if he were dropping a ball.
Your wails started to mesh with the babies until she suddenly fell silent. You fell to your knees, clawing at the screen, trying to do something…. Anything to try to save her. 
Your wails were cut short by a sudden, slicing pain in your abdomen. You pressed your hands your abdomen, looking down to find blood… so much blood.
Suddenly, you heard a wail once more… a baby’s wail. At first, the pain kept you from figuring where the sound was coming from. Your heart stopped as you realized it was coming from your abdomen. 
You scratched at your abdomen, crying, scared and confused. You didn’t know what to do. You just needed to save her. Just needed to—
You were violently shaken awake, Taehyung’s panicked voice calling your name. Adrenaline still pumping through your system, you stared back at Taehyung’s panicked face. You looked around the room, seeing your other roommates standing in your doorway looking frazzled. Jin and Yoongi looked confused and scared. Jungkook and Hoseok standing on either side of your bed, ready to help Taehyung if need be. Heeding them for only a moment, your panic returned, the adrenaline and the images still fresh in your head.
Scratching at your now red stomach, tears still streaming down your face, you cried, “T-Tae, I have to help her. She’s hurt or worse. Tae! W-Where’s my baby? Where is she?! T-Taka! He took her—“
Tae took ahold of your wrists, using his strength to overpower you, trying to keep your from hurting yourself even further. He called your name over and over again, his voice trembling as you continued to fight him. You continued panicking, only to soon find a pair of strong arms hugging you from behind. Jungkook whispered your name in your ear, “Shhhh… please. Please stop hurting yourself. It won’t fix everything that’s already been broken.”
You started hyperventilating, your mind still reeling with fear, with anger, with grief. Slowly, you started to stop fighting. Weeping weakly as both Taehyung and Jungkook released their hold on you, you closed your eyes. 
The boys shifted, Taehyung moved to get in a better position, pulling you into his lap. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, his hands still loosely encircled around your wrists for fear of you trying to hurt yourself. Leaning his head against your own, he started singing to you. It was low and you weren’t exactly sure what it was he was singing, but it sounded like one of the lullabies he would sing to his kindergarteners during nap time.
Jungkook removed himself from the bed, keeping a wary on Tae. He let Hoseok take his place. 
Slowly, Hoseok reached towards you, lifting your shirt to check if you’d added any more scars to your stomach. Hoseok kept an eye on Taehyung even as he examined you, knowing how protectively aggressive he would become around you whenever you had an episode like this. During these episodes, Taehyung barely let Hoseok near you, never mind Jungkook; the only reason Jungkook was able to hug you was because of how distracted Taehyung was, trying to keep you from hurting yourself. The only reason Taehyung let Hoseok near you was because as a fellow canine Hybrid, Hoseok had the same instincts as Taehyung, though not quite as strong— no one had as strong of instincts as Taehyung did.
As soon as Jin and Yoongi took a hesitant step into the room, Taehyung gave them a warning growl, making them both stop mid step. Jungkook swallowed, taking that as his cue to excuse himself, still keeping an eye on Taehyung as he did so. “Come on. Let’s go get the first aid kit for Hobi. I’ll explain what’s going on to you.”
Jungkook dragged the other two away. The moment they were no longer in view, Taehyung turned his full attention back on you. He brought one wrist to his lips (instead of your palm like he had down earlier that day), kissing the scars from the time you’d tried to scratch your wrists open from a similar nightmare. As he kissed, your finger grazed his cheek. The wetness found there brought your attention to it.
You turned slightly to look up at his face. His brow was knit together in worry, his normally perky and floppy ears were flush with his head. His eyes were brimming with tears he was desperately trying to hold back. Your lip trembled looking at him before you gave in and buried your face into his chest, weeping. 
Taehyung held you tightly, grounding you as you wept, Hoseok stroking your hair. 
Whispering in your ear, Taehyung reassured you, “None of this is your fault. If I could I would take your pain for you. Stop blaming yourself. Please… stop punishing yourself.”
He kissed the crown of your head and continued to sing softly to you. You fell into a dreamless sleep, still wrapped in Taehyung’s arms.
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As always, reviews, comments, asks, and tags are always loved! ~Peony
Next (Chapter 3) —>
Agape and Pragma Masterlist
All rights reserved. © Copyrighted 2019.
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homeschoolbase · 4 years
Looking for supplemental online resources for the summer for my rising 6th grader
Looking for supplemental online resources for the summer for my rising 6th grader
My daughter is enrolled in public school (we are in north Georgia) but they ended her 5th grade year 3 weeks early due to COVID. The 2 months of distance learning leading up to that point was sorely lacking & frustrating. We are still socially distancing, and haven't been able to connect with other parents so she has 1 online friend from school that she keeps in touch with, that's it. We also live rural on acreage and there are no neighbors with kids.
I am WFH full time so I'm trying to find online resources, classes or activity packets she can work on, because I have a pretty demanding job & just can't spend much time with her during the day unfortunately. She is a social kid & I am really struggling to fill that gap for her, since it's just us two at home during the day. I also don't want her to slide academically too much.
We were doing some Outschool classes but at $12-15 per hour, it's adding up. She likes art, acting/drama, science, cooking/baking, loves animals and loves talking to friends. I would love any suggestions!
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Christmas Day brings happy reunions and unexpected complications.
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Relationships: Natsu x Gray, Sting x Rogue Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Christmas, Family Fluff, Home for Christmas, Meet-Cute, Airports, Blind Character, Disabled Character, Fluff, seriously just lots of fluff, Sting and Natsu are brothers, and are total shits to each other, Tumblr: FTLGBTales Series: Part 2 of Home for the Holidays 2019 @ftmlmages​
“Mom, did you move the coffee maker?”
Sting felt along the counter where the Keurig normally sat, sighing when his fingers found nothing but what seemed to be a decorative dish of some sort.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” his mom said, coming up behind him and taking his hand, guiding him over to the other end of the counter. “Your brother bought me one of those new ones and it didn’t fit there. Do you need me to show you how to use it?”
Sting frowned, running his fingertips over the buttons on the top of the unfamiliar machine. “Sure. I just need to know how to make the biggest cup possible.”
Sting’s mom laughed, letting him grab a mug from the cupboard before guiding him through the buttons and parts of the new machine.
“Did he move anything else around?” Sting asked when he was finally seated at the table with his coffee in hand. There was the sound of nails clicking on hardwood, and then a warm, wet nose pressed against Sting’s hand. “Hey, handsome,” he murmured, scratching behind Lector’s ears.
“Merry Christmas to you, too.” Natsu’s voice came from just behind Lector as he joined Sting at the table. “And I promise I didn’t move anything else. At least it’s not as bad as when mom lowered the counters.”
Sting snorted. “I had bruises on my hips for weeks, you asshole.”
“Yeah, but I made you grilled cheese to make up for it.”
“You burned some toast,” Sting corrected, “and then put liquid cheese on it. That doesn’t count.”
Continue reading on AO3
“He’s still a horrendous cook,” Gray said, coming up behind Sting and touching his shoulder before sitting down at the table as well. “Last week he forgot to put the pasta in the water and nearly ruined our best pot because he boiled it dry.”
“Look, you were the one who let me in the kitchen,” Natsu said, flicking something across the table at Gray. “You knew what you were getting into.”
“Boys,” their mom chided from the stove. “Play nice.”
“Yes, mom,” Sting and Natsu said in unison, then both burst out laughing.
“How’s the weather today?” Sting asked, nudging Gray’s shin with his foot.
“Gross.” Gray sighed, rapping on the window. “Ryos said his flight’s gonna make it, but it snowed another six inches or so overnight. I’m gonna have to shovel the driveway to get the car out.”
“I can help you,” Sting offered, wrapping his fingers around his coffee mug.
“We could just strap a shovel to Natsu and wheel him around out there,” Gray teased.
“Mm, we’d just have to find him some snow tires,” Sting added, laughing when Natsu smacked his shoulder.
As Gray and Natsu continued to bicker, Sting sighed happily, running his fingers through Lector’s fur. He’d missed this. Moving away had been a huge change, and even though he was glad to have his own space, being back here felt good.
“You all right, love?” His mom appeared next to him, fingers running through his hair, and he smiled and leaned into the touch.
“Yeah, mom,” he said softly. “Just happy to be home.”
They made it to Gray’s parents’ acreage just after lunch. Sting waited in the front entrance to avoid the inevitable chaos that ensued with a dog, two cats, a wheelchair, and Gray’s three nieces. Once everyone had cleared out, Sting felt a hand on his elbow.
“Hey! I haven’t seen you in a while, glad you made it.” The voice belonged to Lyon, Gray’s older brother and father of the three girls in the living room that were currently begging Natsu for a ride. “Need a hand?”
“Probably a good idea,” Sting said, nudging the pile of boots in front of him with a toe. “Natsu would never let it go if I tripped and ended up with a black eye at Christmas.”
“Mom would be mortified,” Lyon said, gently tugging on Sting’s elbow and guiding him toward the living room. “She’s been panicking all morning over whether or not her house was ‘acceptably accessible.’”
With Lyon’s help, Sting eventually ended up on the couch with Isabella, Lyon’s youngest daughter. “Do you read books with your fingers?” she asked, settling herself comfortably in his lap.
“Sometimes,” he said, laughing as she squirmed to get comfortable. She pressed a small book into his hands, and he shook his head. “Not this one, though. Only special books.”
“Here,” Natsu said, coming up beside them and taking the book. “You sit with Uncle Sting and I’ll read it, okay?”
Nearly an hour later, the front door banged open and Sting heard two people enter and begin to stomp snow off their boots. A cold gust of air drifted into the living room and Sting shivered, tucking his hands into his hoodie pocket.
“Jesus,” Natsu muttered, “it must be almost minus forty out there.” Sting could feel Lector thumping his tail in agreement.
“It’s freezing,” Gray grumbled as he stepped into the room. “And the roads are awful.”
“You survived, though,” Natsu teased, then yelped and added, “Get your goddamn icicle hands out of here!”
“But you’re so waaarm,” Gray teased, and Sting laughed as Natsu elbowed him in an attempt to push Gray away.
“Fuck off,” Natsu muttered affectionately.
“Language,” Gray said mildly. “There are kids here.”
“They’re busy with presents,” Natsu insisted. “And both our moms are in the kitchen, so shush.” Then his voice changed as he addressed the person who’d come into the house with Gray – Ryos, Sting assumed. “Good to see you! You survived my husband’s insane driving?” There was a mumbled affirmative and Natsu laughed, then reached over and touched Sting’s knee. “This is my brother—”
“Sting?” The voice was deep and warm, and very familiar.
“Wait,” Gray interjected, “You two know each other?”
Before Sting could answer, Lector had wriggled out from under Sting’s legs and darted over toward where Rogue’s voice was coming from. “Hey, boy,” Rogue said, laughing. “Yeah, we—”
Sting could hear the second that Natsu put the pieces together and exclaimed, “The cute guy from the airport!” Sting sighed, rubbing his face and pushing Natsu’s hand away.
“Ryos, huh?” he said, standing up and moving closer to Rogue.
“These two are literally the only people who call me that,” Rogue said. A warm hand touched Sting’s and he laughed, pulling Rogue into a hug.
“I’m really, really happy to see you,” Sting murmured in Rogue’s ear, hopefully quietly enough that Natsu and Gray wouldn’t hear him.
“Me too,” Rogue said, lips brushing Sting’s cheek as he pulled back. His hand lingered on Sting’s hip for a few seconds longer than was necessary, and it made something in Sting’s stomach twist happily. “I can’t believe we both ended up at the same place. I had a layover because I used points for the tickets and they always send you somewhere ridiculous.”
“This is like something out of a chick flick,” Natsu commented in the background.
“Gray, please smack your husband for me,” Sting said.
“With pleasure.” There was a muttered ouch, fuck you, and the beginning of a threat of retaliation before they were interrupted by Gray’s mom calling them all to the table.
Dinner was chaotic. It took two tables end to end to accommodate all twelve of them, and Sting hoped his grin wasn’t too obvious when he found himself sitting next to Rogue, elbows touching as they grabbed their glasses of champagne and tipped them forward to toast.
“I’m gonna explode,” Natsu groaned dramatically after dinner as they regrouped on the sofa. Sting could hear Lyon and Juvia putting the kids to bed while the “real grown-ups” (according to Natsu) did the dishes.
“Seriously, I’m never going to eat again,” Natsu said, tipping his head against Sting’s shoulder. Sting rolled his eyes, pushing Natsu toward the other end of the couch where Gray was stretched out.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have eaten half the dish of mashed potatoes,” Sting suggested. Rogue, who was sitting on Sting’s other side in the corner of the sectional, snorted.
“I have no regrets,” Natsu announced, shifting closer to Gray. “They were delicious.”  
“Everything was great,” Rogue said. Sting could feel the heat of him; the way he was sitting, one arm draped over the back of the couch. Part of him was tempted to lean into it. His cheeks were already flushed from the champagne, and the comfortable way that Rogue had touched him throughout dinner – taps on the back of his hand, knees resting together, shoulders bumping.
“You guys wanna play a game?” Gray asked. Before Sting could answer, Natsu interrupted.
“We are not playing Bananagrams,” he insisted. “Or Uno. Sting is freakishly good at both of those and he always wins.”
“How can you be ‘freakishly good’ at Uno?” Rogue asked, laughing. “Isn’t it a game of chance?”
“Ask the person who has won the last twenty-six games we’ve played,” Natsu grumbled. “He’s probably cheating.”
Sting was about to toss a throw pillow at Natsu when there was a thunderous crash outside, followed by a loud, sharp bang and then total silence.
Sting’s question was interrupted by someone shouting down the hallway, then the sound of glass shattering and a sharp cry from the kitchen. The couch jostled and Sting felt Rogue stand up quickly, then there were footsteps and concerned voices moving out of the living room.
“Natsu?” Sting reached out and exhaled in relief when he found Natsu’s hand and squeezed it tightly. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Natsu reassured him, shifting until they were sitting next to each other. “The power’s out, something must have happened to the pole outside. I can’t fuckin’ see anything.”
“Oh, no,” Sting said, rolling his eyes. “How horrible for you.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Natsu grumbled. “Gray and Rogue took off for the kitchen. I think someone dropped something when the lights went out.”
“Where’s your wheelchair?”
“By the TV.” Natsu sighed. “I could probably make it over there but it’s pitch black and the kids left all their toys all over the floor.”
Sting squeezed Natsu’s hand reassuringly. “Doesn’t your phone have a flashlight?”
“Yeah, but I can’t find it.”
There was a quiet woof next to them and suddenly Lector was there, nosing at their joined hands. “Good boy,” Sting murmured, petting his head. “It’s okay.” He reached into his back pocket and tugged out his phone, then pressed it into Natsu’s hand. “I’m not sure how to turn the light on,” he said, “but you can try?”
They sat in silence for a minute while Natsu fiddled with the phone, sighing in exasperation. “They’ll be back,” Sting said gently. “They’re just helping the others.”  
“I know that,” Natsu grumbled. “But Gray should know better than to just…”
“Leave you behind?” Sting could feel Natsu nodding, and he sighed, thinking about the last time the office had a fire drill and he’d been left with Lector, standing by the stairs and not sure which way to go.
As if reading their minds, Gray reappeared in front of them and crouched down in front of the couch. “I’m so sorry,” he said, slightly out of breath. “That was—I’m an idiot. I’m sorry.”
“Is everyone okay?” Sting asked.
“My mom dropped one of the glass bowls and stepped on a piece of it,” Gray said. “She cut her foot, but it doesn’t seem too bad. I think everyone else is fine – Isabella’s a bit freaked out, but the other two are still asleep.”
Natsu didn’t say anything.
“Hey,” Gray said gently. Natsu let go of Sting’s hand and he could feel Gray taking hold of Natsu’s arms. “I’m so sorry. To both of you, that was—I wasn’t thinking, I just panicked when I heard mom yelling. I should have said something, that wasn’t fair.”
“It happens,” Natsu said, but Sting could hear the tense frustration in his voice. “It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” Gray insisted. “I’m sorry.” He shifted closer to Natsu, but Sting could still hear the quiet, “I love you,” that he whispered.
“I’m sorry, too,” Rogue added, appearing next to Sting and settling back down on the couch. An immediate sense of relief flooded through Sting and he shifted closer to Rogue’s warmth without thinking.
“It’s okay,” Sting reassured him. Natsu grumbled out an agreement, and Sting asked, “What happened?”
“The storm took out that big tree in front of the house,” Rogue said. “It knocked out the power and fell across your mom’s car and Gray’s.” His voice was soft and uncertain.
“Jesus.” Natsu sighed, pressing Sting’s phone back into his hand. “Glad I left my car at home. All right, I forgive you for being an idiot.” Sting heard him kiss Gray. “Did someone call the power company to see how long it’ll be out? We’re gonna freeze.”
“Lyon’s trying to get through, but the hold times are insane,” Gray said. “Their Twitter account says they don’t know how long it’ll be.” He sighed. “Lyon’s got his SUV with winter tires so they should be able to take the kids and mom back into the city, they can stay at a hotel or something.”
“But we’re stuck in the cabin in the woods, huh?” Natsu teased.
“Looks like it.”
Rogue was suspiciously quiet, and Sting frowned, reaching out and touching his hand. It was trembling. “You okay?” he asked quietly. The affirmative sound Rogue made didn’t sound convincing. Sting squeezed his hand, shifting closer. “What’s wrong?”
“Just adrenaline,” Rogue said quickly. “I’m fine.”
“Does he look like he’s lying?” Sting asked, nudging Natsu with his elbow.  
“I can’t see his face either,” Natsu said, laughing. “No power, remember?”
“I’m not lying,” Rogue muttered indignantly. “It’s just…” His voice trailed off and Sting barely caught his mumbled, “It’s really dark.”
Part of Sting was tempted to tease him like he’d done with Natsu, but he could sense a genuine unease behind Rogue’s words. Instead he shifted closer, slipping his fingers between Rogue’s.
“Why don’t we get the fireplace going downstairs?” he suggested, poking Gray with his foot. “Are the others leaving right away?” He could hear Isabella calling for her mom over the background of muffled talking in the kitchen.
“I think so,” Gray said. “We have a bunch of blankets down there, too, that might not be a bad idea.” He sighed and pushed himself up.
“Don’t even bother with the chair,” Natsu said. “You get to carry me as punishment for being a jerk.”
“I wasn’t a jerk!”
“You kinda were.”
“I said I was sorry.”
“Right, and now you can show me how sorry you are by carrying me downstairs and making me a pillow nest.”
Sting laughed at Gray’s exasperated sigh, feeling the couch dip again as he pulled Natsu up. “You okay?” he asked, and Sting assumed the question was directed at Rogue.
“I’ll live,” Rogue said. Then he squeezed Sting’s hand and asked, “Do you, um… can I help you? Or is that—does Lector?”
Sting laughed, bumping his shoulder against Rogue’s. “Lector can’t see in the dark either,” he teased.
“Oh. Right.” Rogue groaned. “Sorry, I’m so bad at this.”
“It’s cute,” Sting insisted, pushing himself up and tugging Rogue after him. “I’m assuming you have a flashlight?” Rogue made an affirmative sound and Sting let go of his hand regretfully, moving his fingers up to Rogue’s elbow instead.
“Please don’t hate me if I accidentally walk you into something,” Rogue said, kicking something aside and taking a cautious step forward.
“Don’t worry,” Sting reassured him. “I still put up with Natsu and he literally knocked me into a pool one time.”
“That wasn’t my fault!” Natsu shouted back from down the hallway.
“It was definitely his fault,” Sting said. He could still feel the hesitation in the way Rogue moved and he rubbed his thumb against the back of Rogue’s arm, happy when some of the tension dissipated under his touch.  
“I trust you,” Sting said gently, nudging Rogue forward into the dark. “Just lead the way.”  
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golden-deer-dear · 5 years
History on Repeat, Chapter 2: Lost, Claude x Byleth Modern Fic
Summary: Byleth slept after she lost him, awakening ages later to Garreg Mach University. She is drawn into the friendly competition between dorm floors, an argument as to which D&D group is better, trips to coffee shops, and the questions into her own lost memories.
Claude could not help but be suspicious of Seteth’s niece who appeared out of nowhere, but there was something so familiar about her, something that made his heart ache. How had she appeared in his dreams years before either of them even came to the University?
Read on AO3.
Prologue Chapter 1
The stone was warm against his back as he laid down, folding his arms behind his head to serve as a cushion. Starlight winked down at him, making him feel more relaxed than he had felt in years. He picked out familiar constellations, the myths behind them floating through his mind.
“I knew you’d be up here.”
He couldn’t help but smile. He would recognize that melodious voice anywhere. “And I knew you’d find me eventually.”
She let out a soft hum, amusement lining her voice. “What would Seteth say if he caught us sneaking out on our own engagement party?”
She sat down next to him, and without even thinking about it his arms wrapped around her, pulling her flush against his body. “He’ll get over it.” He kissed her, brushing back mint green strands of hair to tuck behind her ear. “Tomorrow I get to marry the most amazing woman in the world. No one could ruin this for me.”
Her laughter rang clear through the night air. She said something, and he responded with something equally amusing. But the dream was fading, and he could no longer make out the words. 
He could feel her straddle him, kissed her back when she leaned down to kiss him, hot and desperate. He felt his body respond to her, eager for her touch. But her smile and laughter, the beauty of her above him, slipped through his fingers.
Claude woke with a deep groan and slammed a pillow over his face. For a week now he had dreamed of the green haired woman. Sometimes he fought at her side. Sometimes they were matching wits in political battles. The last two nights, however, Claude found himself whispering words of love to her, kissing and touching her in only the way two people deeply in love would. 
“Great,” he said into his pillow, voice muffled by the fabric and stuffing. “I’m having fucking wet dreams about some fantasy woman my mind cooked up. Just wonderful.”
Byleth was bored. 
There were only so many times she could walk the estate before the repetitiveness of the action was no longer interesting or distracting. Flayn had shown her how to work the device known as a TV, but she was so far removed from knowing any cultural context that it all flew over her head. (She had found a few romance movies she enjoyed, but the majority made her sigh with disappointment. The overuse of small moments of miscommunication as a plot line was baffling to her.) Even the phone Seteth had given her had stopped working.
She needed to get out of the house. Her boredom was going to turn her to insanity at this rate. Which was why she was finding her way to the garage. Indech was there, as he always was, polishing a black car that was already spotless. He glanced up at her when she entered, but did not stop his task.
Indech was a broad shouldered man. When he stood still he looked more like a bulwark than a human. Byleth was certain she had never heard him speak, but like Flayn and Seteth, there was something about him that felt familiar. It was nowhere near as strong, more like a nagging at the very back of her mind than the comfort she felt with the other two.
She watched him for a few minutes, comfortable with the silence. Indech did not try to draw her into conversation, nor did he really expect anything from her. Byleth figured that was why she came to the garage so often the past few days and watched him work on Seteth’s collection of classic cars.
When Indech straightened and turned to her, Byleth finally asked, “Can you take me to where Flayn and Seteth are?”
Indech gave her a shrewd look, but eventually nodded. He led her over to another car, this one more convintinal than the previous one he had worked on. He held the passenger door open for her, and helped her with the seatbelt. Byleth had seen him take Flayn and Seteth into town, but never actually been in a car herself.
Indech got in on the driver’s side and they were off. The change in scenery did wonders for Byleth’s mood immediately. She leaned back in the plush seat, watching as the green acreage of the estate gave way to the roads and buildings of a small town. Buildings grew taller and closer together, more people were about to wander the streets. 
Indech eventually pulled the car up alongside a group of buildings, many people coming and going from each of them. Some of them did not seem to care about the multiple cars they were having to dodge as they ran to their next destination. 
Cars honked at Indech as he parked the car, seemingly somewhere he was not supposed to, but that soon stopped as soon as the large man stepped out of the car. He came around to the other side and opened the door for Byleth, offering her his hand to help her out. Once she was on her feet, he pointed to a building at the center of campus. “There,” he said in a deep and rumbling voice, somehow reminding Byleth of the sea. “Can you find your way?”
Byleth nodded. Sure the paths were packed, but it should not be too hard to find her way to the large central building.
Indech made a soft noise of acknowledgement, the rumble of waves against the shore. He then pointed again, this time across the street from the campus building. There was a shopping center, but Indech seemed to specifically be indicating a...well, Byleth was not sure what a Bergliez Smoothie was. “I will be there if you need me.”
When she nodded again, Indech ducked back into the car. Byleth watched him pull back into the traffic flow of the parking lot before turning back to the central building. Right. This would not be hard at all. She just had to get there, and then ask someone where Flayn was.
Of course, as disinterested as she had been in TV programming, once she was actually out and about in society, everything was fascinating. Byleth found herself wandering, letting the conversations about topics she could not even begin to understand wash over her. There was something about it all that made her feel at ease. Being here felt right.
It was only much later that she realized she had lost sight of the building Indech had pointed out. She couldn’t even retrace her steps, as she had not been paying attention to where she’d come from in the first place.
“But it’s ridiculous! How hard is it really to find chantilly lace!”
“But isn’t that stuff really expensive?” Annette interjected when Hilda paused to breathe. “It’s made by hand, right?”
But Hilda had stopped midstep. Marianne nearly ran into her back, scrambling at the last minute to rebalance her book on the integration of Fódlan and Almyran culture before it could hit the ground. “Hilda?”
Hilda jerked her head toward whatever had caught her attention. Marianne followed her gaze, and felt a similar jolt of shock. “Oh my!”
“Poor thing, she looks lost.” Marianne was glad Mercedes had interpreted their shock as something else entirely. “We should help her.”
Mercedes’ words seemed to spark something inside Hilda, and she quickly outpaced the other three women. “Hey!” Hilda shouted, gaining the woman’s attention. “You lost?”
Marianne hurried up to met Hilda, coming up alongside the woman. Her mint green hair was long and braided. Her eyes did not hold the fierce determination that came with battle. No, now they were confused, and slightly grateful as the group came to her aid. 
But there was no denying it. Before them stood Claude’s goddess.
The goddess nodded. “I was trying to find my uncle and cousin, but I got distracted and lost my way,” she admitted.
“What are their names? Perhaps we know them,” Mercedes said, her pleasant voice causing the woman to relax somewhat.
“Seteth and Flayn.”
Marianne saw her own shock mirrored on the faces of her friends. “Well, Seteth’s office is in the Cathedral Tower, but he usually doesn’t spend much time there,” Marianne said after a second.
“Flayn is usually running around all over campus as well,” Annette added. “But she does eventually always seem to end up at Gateway.”
“I mean, the easiest thing to do would be to text one of them and see where they are,” Hilda said. “You didn’t lose your phone too, did you?”
The goddess shook her head, pulling the device from her pocket. “No, but it’s not working anymore.”
She did not protest when Hilda took the phone from her hand, giving it a quick study. “I just think it’s dead. Don’t you have a charger?”
Marianne could tell Hilda was trying her best to maintain a pleasant demeanour, but the woman’s appearance had thrown her, and their conversation was only raising her suspicions. 
“I-um...no,” the woman admitted. “They didn’t explain that part to me.” She looked between all of them, worry in her eyes at their own shock. “I...I’ve been in a hospital for a very long time,” she said slowly. If Marianne had a less trusting nature, she would say the woman was repeating a line someone had told her. “I was in an accident as a child.”
“Oh, you poor thing.” Mercedes clasped her hands in front of herself, pity replacing her earlier shock. “Well, we’ll be certain to show you around. Annie is right, Flayn usually does show up at Gateway, so if we take you there we’ll be sure to find her eventually!”
“Yeah!” Annette agreed, offering the woman a warm smile. “I’m Annette, by the way.”
“Mercedes.” Mercedes offered her hand, and after a moment of hesitation the woman mimicked her gesture. “But you can call me Mercie if you want.”
“I’m Hilda. And that’s Marianne.” Marianne was grateful when Hilda introduced her. She always found introductions a bit difficult and awkward. “And,” Hilda continued, “while I don’t have a charger that’ll fit this phone, I know Claude is at Gateway right now and he always carries his. I’m pretty sure it’s the one we need for yours.”
“Thank you.” The woman nodded, a soft smile on her face. “Oh, and I’m Byleth.”
Marianne felt a sudden sense of deja vu. She could not remember where she had heard the name before, but it sounded so familiar. Which was odd, as it was such a strange name to begin with. Perhaps in one of her history books. There were so many legends in Fódlan’s past it would not surprise her if Byleth was named after one of them.
“All right, Byleth!” Hilda hooked one arm around Byleth’s and began to drag her toward the campus cafe. “Let’s go find Claude!” 
“Monica, are you listening?”
“Hmm? Oh no. Sorry, I must have spaced out there for a moment.” Kronya only took her eyes away from the group of young women to look at her phone, swiping through the pictures she had just taken to make sure she had at least one good one of that dreadful woman’s face. “Actually, I just remembered an appointment I’m supposed to be at soon. I’ll see you all later.”
She ignored the protests as she stood to leave, pushing past students without giving a second thought to the curses they threw at her back. No, none of that mattered, not anymore.
The goddess’ little vessel, that terrible Fell Star, was awake once more. After so many years they could finally get their revenge on her. 
“Thales is going to be so pleased with me!” she practically sang to herself. 
One touch to the screen and the message was sent.
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the-soupiest-artist · 5 years
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I Think I Might Be Crazy ~ Mavyra
   The sun persistently shone through her sheer curtains, illuminating the elegant room. Lyra stirred in her bed, rolling onto her back and stretching her arms above her head. She sat up, letting a sleepy yawn fall from her lips as she stood. Her outfit and corset was draped over the chair to her desk and she smiled. A warm bath would be the perfect way to start this day. Lyra drew a bath and grabbed a towel from the linen closet, she poured some rose water into the bathtub and stepped in. Relaxing into the bubbles, she let the warm air surround her as she sighed. 
    Lyra pulled herself out of the tub and dried herself off, tying her long hair navy, damp hair into a loose braid. She wandered back into her bedroom and started to get dressed. The corset she had picked was white with little lace detailing and silk ribbon to tie it with. Lyra pulled it on tightly and laced it up, then slipped into her elegant white gown. The skirt was breezy and graceful, perfect for dancing. She twirled across her room, a smile on her face as she danced to a tune she was humming. Lyra came to the window, pulling the curtains to reveal the garden's in her acreage. The sun was just barely over the horizon, draping the world in a beautiful golden blanket of light. She sighed happily and twirled away again. She stopped just before her bedroom door, she needed shoes. Her eyes gazed towards her closet, she had so many options, so many different colors and styles. How about a blue pair or the golden heels her father got her from Vesuvia. Lyra held each pair of shoes up to her dress and looked in her mirror. The blue ones looked perfect with her dress. She slipped them on and away she went. Lyra hurried through the hall, almost running into Mia as she rounded the corner. 
"Woah! Lyra! Where are you off to in such a hurry?" The handmaiden asked, her hands on her hips. Lyra just smiled at her friend and waved it off. "No where in particular!" Her response light and airy as she continued down the hall towards the kitchen. Mia looked out after her, rolling her eyes and sighing heavily. "Silly girl..." 
    The smells coming from the kitchen were heavenly as Lyra poked entered. Nana was slaving away at the stove making a large hearty breakfast like she did every morning for the Slaquer family. "Good morning Nana." Lyra greeted happily as she looked over the old woman's shoulder. Nana just smiled in response, she didn't speak an ounce of English and that was quite alright. Lyra took herself out of the old cooks hair and made her way to the living room where she saw her mother and father sitting with a young man. Her father was speaking, a small stack of papers in his lap. He looked them over and then looked to the young man. "Mr. Zion, is it? Lance Zion's son?" He asked curiously, picking up his cup of coffee and taking a sip. The young man sitting across from her father nodded and then spoke. His voice was like whiskey on a hot summer night, smooth and husky. "That is correct, Sir Slaquer." Caleb Slaquer nodded, sighing. "Do you have any idea why he sent you here, Mr. Zion?" The man looked down for a split second before looking back up to Caleb. "Yes, he wanted me to find work, I'm sure he disclosed it to you in the letter he sent last month." Caleb nodded. "Indeed he did, young man, and fortunately for him we shall be needing someone to tend to the gardens. Have you done anything of the sort before?" The man nodded. "I was the palace grounds keeper in Nevivon, Sir Slaquer." Caleb nodded again and turned to his wife Mabel, then he noticed Lyra watching at the doorway. He gave her a bright smile. "Starlight, good morning." He greeted warmly. Mabel turned to her daughter and smiled, the same greeting falling from her lips. Lyra joined them and smiled, briefly glancing at the handsome stranger in her living room and the papers on her father placed down on the coffee table. 'Mr & Mrs Caleb Slaquer, in regards to our conversation we had some time I ago I offer you my son's assistance for as long as you desire him. I will send him a fortnight after May's commence.' Lyra looked up at her father. "Who is your guest, father?" She asked sweetly as she regarded the man again. He seemed to avoid her gaze, a small blush on his face. "Of course, this is our new grounds keeper, Mr. Maverick Lance Zion. He will be starting today." Lyra looked over at Maverick again and smiled. He stood up and walked over to her, extending his hand to hers. She placed her hand out and he grabbed it with his, kissing it gently. "Milady." He greeted formally, bowing to her. She blushed at his actions and looked away. "S-sir." She stuttered gently. Lyra was pulled from her flustered state by her father's voice. "Would you do the honors of guiding Mr. Zion around the house today? Get him familiar with the place?" He asked politely as he and Mabel stood. "We have business to attend to today." Lyra nodded. "Of course, father!" Caleb smiled as he left room, thanking her on her way out. Mabel stayed a moment longer to look at the two. Maverick standing quietly at attention, looking around the room. She smiled at her daughter as she gave the young man a look. Mabel said nothing as she turned to leave, waving at her daughter and leaving the two alone. Lyra looked towards Maverick. "I overheard that you worked in Nevivon at the palace?" She asked quietly, trying to follow his gaze. He looked at her, his yellow eyes attentive as he spoke his next words. "Yeah, I did." He gave her a little smirk. "so, where does the tour start?" He teased playfully, smiling at Lyra. She looked around her home and decided that he probably wasn't going to be inside at all since he was the grounds keep. "How about we start with the front gardens?" Lyra suggested and Maverick nodded. He followed her outside and even though he marveled at the garden this morning before entering the house he couldn't help but become distracted by it again. It was beautiful, definitely in need of some work but gorgeous all the same. Lyra had skipped on ahead, not noticing that her companion had not been following her. She turned and looked down the path to see Maverick crouched over the flower bed, examining the plants. Lyra cocked her head in curiosity as she walked over to him. She could tell that they'd be spending a lot of their time doing exactly that today. 
         It was around 12 when they finally stopped for a break. "I bet this is nothing compared to a palace ground!" Lyra exclaimed as she sat down at the bench at the back garden. Maverick turned to her. "That's a good thing, makes my job a hell of a lot easier." They had gotten to know each other throughout the course of the day and Lyra was really starting to grow fond of him. Maverick was quite the character, he had many stories to tell and good sense of humor. The only thing that drove Lyra insane was that he was a constant flirt. Not only was he quite attractive but he was also very good with words. He joined her on the bench, keeping a distance between them as he listened to the birds chirping over head. "So Maverick..." Lyra started, the letter she read this morning coming back to mind. "I apologize if I am over stepping but why were you sent here?" Sh cautiously, in case it might be a touchy subject. Maverick sighed, "My father didn't want me around." He shrugged, rolling his eyes. Lyra looked at him. "I'm sorry to hear that." She placed a hand on his leg, blushing as she did so. He looked at her hand, a small smile on his face as his eyes trailed up her body to met her own icy blue gaze. It was electrifying, his eyes wandering over her body. Lyra sat up straight and looked away, pulling her back quickly. Maverick smirked at her and got up. "Break time is over, miss. I'm not allowed to sit on the job." He teased as he held his hand out to her to pull her up. She took it as he twirled her gently. Not expecting it she fell into him, Maverick caught her effortlessly. Lyra's face heated up profusely as she pulled away from his warm embrace. She walked on ahead as Maverick lazily trailed her, stopping every now and then to look at something or point to a bird or animal he thought was interesting. Lyra listened to him and the more he talked the more she realized how much of a dork he was. They wandered around the back garden for a bit, Maverick telling stories and flirting relentlessly with Lyra. A peacock came running out onto the path they were walking, slightly startling Maverick as he jumped back slightly. Lyra only giggled as she crouched down to pet the peacock, running her hands over his smooth feathers and smiling at him. "Never seen a peacock before?" Lyra smiled playfully, looking up at Maverick. "Actually, no I haven't." He stammered, looking at the bird who was ruffling his feathers at him. The peacock just puffed it's chest to Maverick before turning back to Lyra, it's long elegant tail sweeping the ground around it. A woman emerged from behind Maverick and she cleared her throat, hands on her hips. "Would you move, you oaf!" She scoffed and Maverick turned around, a scowl on his face. He narrowed his eyes at the woman who simply rolled hers and flipped her short hair. "Lyra, I was told to grab you for lunch, bring your pet if you want to." She winked, walking back towards the house. Maverick knew that the woman wasn't talking about the peacock and he starred after her, mouth slightly agape. Lyra's face went bright red. "I-I'm sorry about Mia, she's quite, uh, sassy, for lack of a better word." Lyra mumbled as she stood up and dusted herself off. Maverick smirked, playing it off coolly. "If you wanted a pet you could've just asked, ya know." He teased, winking at her. Lyra hurried ahead of him as her cheeks flushed with color. "Sh-shut up!" She stammered, desperately trying to get the image of him out of her head. 
     Lyra led Maverick into the dining room and he looked around, stunned by how big the house was. He was used to being in a large house but this place was bright and cheery compared to his father's house. Lyra's parents were sat at the table ends and one seat remained on the left side for Lyra. Maverick pulled the chair out for her and she thanked him, seating herself and he pushed her in. Caleb gestured for Maverick to take a seat on the other side and he did so. "Have you acquainted yourself with the place yet, Mr. Zion?" Caleb asked as Maverick looked at the spread of cutlery on the table. "Almost. Lyra showed me around the front and back gardens but we have yet to see the vineyard and the orchard." Maverick said pleasantly, looking up at Caleb. Lunch was served by an older woman and Maverick thanked her. Maverick ate in silence for the most part as Lyra chatted with her parents happily. When everyone was finished Maverick was about to stand up and take his dishes to the kitchen when he was stopped by Mabel. "Oh, don't you worry about that dear. Nana will take care of it." Maverick was halfway standing, he looked to her and hesitantly sat back down. "Alright." He wasn't used to having someone clean up after him like this. Caleb looked at Maverick. "We have prepared the guest bedroom for your stay here. Jacque, our butler, took your things up this morning." Maverick looked at Caleb. "I-I'm staying in the house...?" He asked, genuinely shocked. Caleb and Mabel glanced at each other before looking back at Maverick. "Where else would you be staying?" Caleb asked curiously, quirking an eyebrow at the young man. He thought a moment before answering but 3 sets of eyes were looking at him intently. awaiting an answer. "...The shed..." He said quietly, looking down at his hands that were clasped in his lap. The Slaquers all looked at him, a flash of concern in their eyes and on their faces. Mabel addressed him next. "We aren't going to make you stay in a shed, young man." She said sweetly, a small smile on her face. Maverick excused himself embarrassedly as he went outside to get some air. 
      He was sitting on the bench when Lyra came out to see him. "Are you alright?" She asked softly as she rested a hand on his leg, similar to the scene earlier today. He looked at her and smiled. "Yeah, just needed some air." He smiled at her. Lyra could smell the smoke on him, it wasn't a bad scent it was just something she wasn't familiar with. Lyra led Maverick to the orchard, she always went there when she was feeling down and decided that it would a good place to take him next. She took his hand and pulled him towards one of the largest trees in the orchard. "Wanna climb it with me?" She asked, wonder in her beautiful icy eyes. Maverick couldn't refuse her offer and let her climb up first and he followed after her. Lyra sat on a sturdy branch and looked down at Maverick who was still climbing up. He joined her on a different branch, sitting and looking out over the tops of the trees. It was beautiful view, the blossoms on the trees were all different colors and the leaves rustled in the slight breeze. The world was alive and bright and he was happy to be starting his new life here in Ersallies, with people who seemed to care for his well being. Maverick looked to Lyra and maybe it was the fact that they were up in a tree or that his emotions were out of sorts today but he reached for her hand. 
      They climbed down from the tree, Maverick first so if Lyra fell or lost her footing he could break her fall or catch her. They held hands for the rest of the day, and it seemed crazy to Maverick but he thought it was love at first sight. Lyra smiled and blushed for the remainder of the day. Lyra hummed as she showed him around the orchard, picking ripe fruits off the branches she could reach and happily eating them. Maverick juggled his peach and apple as Lyra laughed. She took him to the vineyard next. "Do you make your own wine?" Maverick asked as he looked at the impressive variety of grapes. "Because you really could with all these fruits." He exclaimed, the gardens at the palace in Nevivon weren't nearly as exciting as the Slaquer's. Lyra just smiled as she continued on. It was starting the get dark out, the sun casting it's last warm golden light over the horizon. The sky was painted with brilliant shades of purples, blues, pinks and oranges. They made their way towards the backyard garden, their hands intertwined as they laughed over something stupid Maverick said. The backyard gardens had lanterns hanging on little poles to guide their path through the beautiful array of flowers. The sun had finally set under the horizon and the moon was full and bright in the sky. The world created music around them as they stood close to each other. "Am I crazy or..." Maverick started as he held Lyra's hands in his, admiring how small and delicate they looked in his own. "I don't think so..." She blushed, the breeze making her hair and dress sway. Maverick pulled her close gently and they danced, a slow simple dance. The swayed for a couple more minutes, looking into each others eyes as they smiled happily. The atmosphere was pushing them closer together, Maverick leaning down as he placed a hand on her cheek gently. He didn't hesitate, not even for a second as he leaned in for the kiss. Simple yet sweet, loving and adoring as his thumb grazed her cheek bone softly. Lyra melted into him as she kissed him back, an electric feeling running down her spine. It felt like hours but the kiss only lasted mere moments as they both pulled away and looked into each others eyes. No words needed to be spoken as Maverick's emotions danced across his cheeks and into his eyes. The light of the moon and the lanterns around them reflecting in his golden yellow orbs, dancing like starlight as the crimson blush graced his cheeks and ears. Lyra's eyes reflected the same wonder and adoration, her cheeks in a similar state of rose. His hands on her hips, he leaned again. His kiss like a phantom against her lips, he softly whispered. "I think I might be crazy..." And the craziest part of it all?  Lyra felt the exact same way. 
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ecovoyage · 5 years
What’s the deal with palm oil?
You eat a plant-based diet. You never purchase or wear (advertise) clothing made from any animal. You don’t support businesses that pro-animal cruelty or anti-LGBTQ+ or pro-racism. You avoid aquariums & zoos like the plague and don’t buy fast fashion. You understand the false assumptions linking morality and distance travelled, morality and tradition/culture. morality and superiority. You wouldn’t dare purchase from Nestle or any of their smaller businesses. HOWEVER, you still eat palm oil.
So what’s the deal with palm oil?
I’m glad you asked.
Fundamentally, palm oil is the oil extracted from oil palms. Oil palm trees are native to West Africa. Today, however, the largest producers and exporters in the world are Malaysia and Indonesia. About 85% of the oil is used for food. It is found in over half of packaged foods at the grocery store, such as ice cream, shampoo, lipstick, detergent, bread, fast foods, and nut spreads, just to name a few.
Palm oil destroys the health of humans and non-human animals as well as the environment, and exploits workers and habitats every day.
Let’s start with the environment:
The tropical plants thrive in a wet, warm climate - the tropical rainforests. Unfortunately, these regions of rich biodiversity are being desimated at alarming rates in order to provide land for these huge plantations.
Palm plantations are the leading cause of rainforest destruction in Malaysia and Indonesia, and they produce 90% of the world’s palm oil (Rainforest Rescue).
Every hour, a rainforest acreage equivalent to about 300 soccer fields is cleared for palm oil plantations. At current rates, by 2032, 98% of Indonesia’s rainforests may be gone.
The loss of rainforests:
contributes to global warming emissions: the Indonesian rainforests grow on tropical peatlands, a major carbon sink. After clearing native trees, all remaining vegetation is burned and the land is drained. This process releases drastic amounts of CO2 into the environment. Clearing rainforests accounts for about 10% of TOTAL GLOBAL WARMING EMISSIONS.
Harms animals and their habitats - Rainforests used to produce palm oil are home to unique species of animals and plants, some found nowhere else in the world. Deforestation is destroying crucial habitat for endangered species including the orangutan, elephant, and tiger.
Pollutes the air - Burning rainforest lands to make way for oil palms creates significant air pollution. Exposure to the smoke from such fires is estimated to contribute to 339,000 deaths every year in Africa and Southeast Asia. Oil palm plantations also use copious amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In fact, fertilizer use in Asia increased by 1,900% in the last 40 years, primarily due to the growth of the palm oil industry. Damn.
Palm oil is also used for biofuel. Almost 50% of biofuel imported to the European Union is used for motor vehicles.
Okay, okay, so it’s terrible for the environment. And for human animals?
Palm oil ruins the lives of people who depend on rainforests for their livelihoods.
Up to 2 million Indonesians work in the palm oil industry. Laborers are subject to low wages for long hours of grueling work. Reports of forced labor and slavery are persistent and more than disturbing.
Child labor is another serious problem. The industry often compels children of palm workers to work, treat them poorly, and pay them dreadfully low wages (if they pay them at all).
The industry also violates the rights of indigenous peoples by seizing extensive tracts of their land (forced eviction).
The palm oil industry loves to remind everyone that it provides work for people. You know what else provides work for people? Prostitution. Three cheers for terrible arguments!!!
Health Impacts
Like all oils, palm oil is the extraction: what is left over. To make this analogy understandable, since most people aren’t eating palm trees anyway, let’s use the analogy of flax seed oil. Flax seeds, one of the world’s oldest crops, are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, and most importantly, carbohydrates (our primary form of energy!). The omega 3 fatty acids are crucial as the human body does not create its own ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). This nutrient helps to lower cholesterol, reduces artery inflammation, and even reduces the size of tumors. Flax seeds are also high in lignans, which have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer. Flax seeds contain up to 800x more lignans that other plant foods! The dietary fiber found in this seed are also incredibly important for digestion. People eating the government-backed diets (or worse) are at huge risk for Type 2 diabetes. Thankfully, flax seeds are effective at controlling blood sugar levels. Flax seeds are super versatile. Try sprinkling them on a salad, into a smoothie, on oats, mixing them into your favorite plant-based yogurt or ice cream, mixing them with water to replace an egg aka chicken period, use them to thicken anything you cook/bake. Lazy? You could even mix them into water to get that extra oomph in your day. ANYWAYS, back to the oil analogy! Despite the flax seeds amazing health benefits, that doesn’t mean it’s processing into oil keeps all these benefits. Imagine you have those beautiful flax seeds on your counter. They then go down an assembly line of underpaid, overworked laborers before entering a giant extraction machine. On the other end, after undergoing many different temperatures (oh yeah, real cave(wo)men stuff. just like our ancestors... sigh), and being exposed to various pesticides and pollutants along the way, the viscous material at the end is unrecognizable. Let’s start simple. During the extraction process (of all oils, bear in mind) nutrients are stripped away. The only macronutrient that remains is the fat (0g protein, 0g carbohydrates) and the sources of nutrients are low if not non-existant. Foods digest easier when they contain a balance of macronutrients. Oils also slow blood flow, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and has a negative impact on our immune systems. When these oils are heated, chemicals are released into the air; this increases our risk for lung diseases and other respiratory problems. Luckily, there are so many healthy sources of fat that are also loaded with other macronutrients and micronutrients (try a loaded sweet potato with plain peanut butter, banana coins, cinnamon, and sprinkle of seeds). Back to the point: this flax seed analogy is equal to the palm oil extraction process. Palm oil has about the same nutritional profile as olive oil and therefore is completely unnecessary. Palm oil contains large amounts of harmful fatty acid esters that are known to damage DNA and cause cancer.
Sustainable Palm Oil: Does it exist?
Good question.
Short answer? No.
Palm-oil forests certified as “sustainable” are being destroyed faster than non-certified land. Sustainability labels are leading to greater expansions of plantations, driving orangutans toward extinction and destroyed natural carbon-absorbing rainforests.
“The implication is that there is no reason for companies to claim sustainable palm oil and to use labels for certified products because, in terms of deforestation, there is no significant difference between a certified and a non-certified palm oil plantation. Both need (or needed in the recent past) the complete removal of the original tropical forest.” - Roberto Gatti, Agriculture Research Associate at Purdue University
Like most environmental issues, the products are pushed into the treadmill of production and facts are hidden, due to the power and riches of businesses and the government. Don’t fall for their destructive actions.
All oils are heavily processed and provide no health benefits (more information coming soon on my blog). However, palm oil is the worst of the bunch. If you must use oil, I recommend avocado oil as it has a high smoke point or coconut oil due to its mild taste and versatility. Coconut oil is great for skincare, haircare, and dental care! Lately I’ve been adding a step to my daily routine: Oil Pulling. This ayurvedic practice kills harmful bacteria in your mouth, reduces bad breath, helps to prevent cavities, reduces inflammation and improves gum health, and whitens teeth. How to oil pull? Put about a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish around for 10-20 minutes. Then spit out the oil and brush your teeth. (Alternatively, keep a spoon with coconut oil in your mouth).
Anyways, back to palm oil.
Some final facts
More than 62 million metric tons of palm oil are produced globally on 20 million hectares of land, with projected growth of 5 percent per year until 2020.
Palm oil is sometimes hidden on the ingredient list. It may be: Palm oil, Palm Kernel Oil, Palm stearin, Palmolein, Palmitate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and many others. Sometimes it is simply “Vegetable oil.”
There’s nothing “natural” about the extraction of palm oil. After refining the flesh of the palm fruit and the kernel, the oil is modified for different uses. Milling involves the steaming and pressing of the palm fruit to separate oil from kernel and fibers. Crushing is performed by cracking the kernel to remove the shell and then crushing and pressing again. Refining is how impurities are removed from the oil. Fractionation is how oil is separated into liquids (oleins) and solids (stearing). Distillation is how oil is heated and cooled to extract fatty acids. Interesterification is how fatty acids are rearranged to change melting points. Glycerolysis is when chemical bonds are broken with glycerol to keep oil from separating with water.
How to recognize, avoid, and combat palm oil:
Enjoy a home cooked meal. Fresh ingredients good for your health, the humans, the non-humans, and the planet
Read labels! Know the equivalencies. Don’t forget cosmetics, food for your animal companions, and cleaning products
Google for alternatives! Hazelnut chocolate spreads are delicious, and they don’t have to contain any oil
Customer is king. Supply and demand! Reach out to retailers to create palm oil free products. So long as you keep buying them, you are driving production. As fewer people buy these products, businesses won’t keep producing it. This goes for all animal products as well of course
sign petitions and write your elected representatives! Online campaigns put pressure on policymakers responsible for biofuels and palm oil imports. Have you already signed all of Rainforest Rescue’s petitions?
Speak out & donate. Protest marches and street action are keys to change and threatens policymakers. People are also often hesitant to donate to charities, which is understandable - try The Oranguatan Project. After donating, you can see on an interactive map exactly where and how your money is helping stop palm oil production!
Leave your car at home. For more reasons than just palm oil!
Be informed and inform others. Ignorance is bliss. Ignorance is also arguably the #1 reason why change doesn’t happen quicker. Big Business and governments would like us to believe that biofuels are good for the climate and that oil palm plantations are sustainable. Spread the word – share this information with your family and friends and encourage them to rethink their consumption habits.
**Use up the products already in your possession that contain palm oil to not create waste.
And remember, there is no Planet B.
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