bordercommunity · 9 months
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The first chance to Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities of 2024 comes on Monday 22nd January in Milan, when James Holden & his saxophone-toting companion Chris Duffin (of Common Land fame) will be taking full advantage of the Auditorium San Fedele's 50 speaker strong 'Acousmonium' system.
Head HERE for tickets & more info about the rest of the Inner_Spaces concert series.
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laurentgudel · 2 years
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SOLO / MUTE / PAN is a collaborative exhibition project that brings together for the first time Olga Kokcharova (*1985, CH / RU, Geneva) and Laurent Güdel (*1984, CH, Biel), two sound artists whose common ground is their work with listening and sound spatialization. Using various recording and amplification techniques, Olga and Laurent auscultated the Kunsthaus building during the hot summer 2022. Their respective approaches consider phonography (the writing of sound through microphones) not only as a documentation process, but also as a performative and musical act.
Using microphones, sensors and measuring devices, the two musicians recorded the electromagnetic radiation emanating from the lighting in the exhibition rooms, from control panels, security systems and the payment terminal. They also recorded the creaking of the parquet, the grumbling of the air conditioning and ventilation system, and the evening silence of the empty offices. The special acoustic of the Salle Poma was activated with the help of feedback techniques, horn loudspeakers, a small radio receiver and two pairs of shoes. Olga and Laurent also practiced soundwalking, recording each other, without making too much noise, as they wandered through the bowels of the building and its immediate surroundings. For example, they crossed the building from the roof to the basement, where the art depository of the Kunsthaus collection is located, via the staircase of the emergency exit. Sometimes they met tenants of the studios, recalcitrant printing devices or Elmo the cat.
Olga and Laurent have developed a sound piece that extends over two floors of the old building. They have assembled the accumulated sound material into a composition that is played on an acousmonium (an orchestra of loudspeakers with different properties) and distributed through the Kunsthaus’s exhibition space. This setup of loudspeaker refers to the field of electroacoustic music while diverting it from its initial purpose. Thus, the two artists operate in the intermediate space between musical composition and sound art.  Their approach contradicts the very idea of museum architecture – which consists of a succession of exhibition spaces – by relying on the inherent property of sound not to care about walls. Here everything spills over, leaks and opens up.
Each visitor is encouraged to build their own path through the sonic environment of the installation, to find their own rhythm, their own places to stop or their ideal listening position. These choices lead to a unique listening experience. Thus, each person becomes a co-creator of the sound composition.
As part of the exhibition, Olga and Laurent are organising four residencies of artists working at the intersection of music and sound art. During a three-day residency at the Kunsthaus, these six guests* work on, intervene in or expand a part of the sound system installed for the exhibition. Each residency finishes with a performance and leaves a noticeable trace in the composition created by Olga and Laurent.
The exhibition will be documented in the form of an audio tape.
Duration of the exhibition: - 18.9.-20.11.2022
Curator of the exhibition - Stefanie Gschwend
External ear / Sound technique - Thierry Simonot
External eye / Scenography - Fanny Courvoisier, Mathieu Winkler
*Guest & Performances - Caroline Profanter - Annette Schmucki & crys cole - Antoine Läng & Luc Müller     - Jean-Philippe Gross  
Exhibition views - Guadalupe Ruiz
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aiwatanabe · 19 days
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仙台で初めてコンサートに出演させていただきます。 首都圏から日帰りも可能ですのでぜひお気軽にお越しください。
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asiajaco · 2 months
◆Festival Futura 2024◆
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🇫🇷Festival Futura 2024🌿 Acousmatic music festival with 100 loudspeakers🔊 Ayako's piece "T-P-T" is programmed for Concert 8 on August 23. I am also looking forward to performing works by several composers and giving a lecture on the state of acousmonium concerts in Japan.
- Festival Futura - 📅 August 21-25, 2024 🏘️ Espace Soubeyran (Crest, France) 2024年8月21−25日にクレ(フランス)で開催されるFestival Futura 2024 にて、電子音響音楽《T-P-T》が上演されます。また、日本のアクースモニウム・コンサートの状況についてのプレゼンテーションと、複数の他作曲家の作品をアクースモニウムで演奏もします。 https://festivalfutura.fr/programme-futura-2024/ 
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parure-d-insomnie · 2 years
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Francois Bayle au commande de L’ Acousmonium (1980)____photo de Laszlo Ruszka.
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zurich-snows · 1 year
Living Torch I
Living Torch, through its unique structural form and harmonic material, is a bold continuation of Kali Malone’s demanding and exciting body of work, while opening new perspectives and increasing the emotional potential of the music tenfold. As such, Living Torch is a major new piece by the composer and adds a significant milestone to an already fascinating repertoire. Departing from the pipe organ that Malone’s music is most notable for, Living Torch features a complex electroacoustic ensemble. Leafing through recordings from conventional instruments like the trombone and bass clarinet to more experimental machines like the boîte à bourdon, passing through sinewave generators and Éliane Radigue’s ARP 2500 synthesizer. Living Torch weaves its own history, its own genealogy, and that of its author. It extends her robust structural approach to a liberated palette of timbre. Living Torch was initially commissioned by GRM for its legendary loudspeaker orchestra, the Acousmonium, and premiered in its complete multichannel form at the Grand Auditorium of Radio France in a concert entirely dedicated to the artist. Composed at GRM studios in Paris between 2020-2021, Living Torch is a work of great intensity, an oeuvre-monde that is...  morecreditsreleased July 7, 2022 Composed & Produced by Kali Malone at INA GRM 2020-2021 Trombone & Bass Clarinet recorded at EMS Elektronmusikstudion 2020 Pre-mastered by Emmanuel Richier at INA GRM Mastered by Stephan Mathieu at Schwebung Mastering Cut by Andreas Kauffelt at Schnittstelle, Berlin. Photograph by Estelle Hanania Painting by Ross Caliendo Sleeve design by Stephen O’Malley Trombone: Mats Äleklint Bass Clarinet: Isak Hedtjärn ARP 2500, Modular Synthesis, Pura Data & Boîte à Bourdons: Kali Malone
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Arsenne Arthur- ‘La Lune / Le Pendu’
La Lune / Le Pendu are two electroacoustic pieces mixing distorted samples, field recording, electric guitar, Epinette des Vosges and electronic noises composed by Arsenne Arthur (also in the Toru/Carivari bands). Inspired by the Tarot of Marseilles, the two pieces making up this EP are the fantasized sound representation of the major arcana XVII and XII. The first deals with dreams and dreamlike worlds, while the second brings back to the daily life of a life that lets itself be lived.
These two pieces were originally composed at the Nice Conservatory in France, to be played in acousmonium (orchestra of loudspeakers) and have been remixed and mastered for this release on cassette.
Tapes by The Audio Tape People
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childegrangier · 1 month
PRESENCE ELECTRONIQUE Festival Performance on GRM Acousmonium / INA Paris. “Its fascinatingly peculiar stuff” / Wire Magazine - Philip Sherburne
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bordercommunity · 9 months
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James Holden gently eases into 2024 with an intimate immersive show for Milan's Inner_Spaces series, taking full advantage of the 50 speakers of the Auditorium San Fedele's Acoousmonium system. Tickets & more info HERE.
James and his live crew will be continuing to Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities throughout the rest of the year, so watch this space for plenty more shows to come.
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laurentgudel · 5 days
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SUONI SVANITI, INUDIBILI E IMMAGINARI - AT LA RADA, LOCARNO For «Sound Echoes, Listening Spaces», a duo show with Juliette Henrioud at La Rada in Locarno, I chose three places that are emblematic of Ticino’s sound culture to create an electroacoustic composition. First, I went to the Monte Ceneri and Isone regions to listen to and record the radio, because the altitude allows better reception of short-wave broadcasts, which make it possible to listen to stations from all over the world.
In those two places, where the transmitters of Radio Monte Ceneri, Radio Svizzera - Rete Uno and Voice of Russia were located, I recorded during military exercises. That’s why the audience could hear mortar, cannon and machine-gun fire, giving them a rather violent perspective on the alpine acoustic environment. And I’m not talking about the four drones and two soldiers that were sent by the army to surveil and control me while I was actually in the public space.
The second place I visit was the village of Gravesano, this village near Lugano was where the first studio for electronic music in Switzerland was built in 1954 by the German conductor Hermann Scherchen. Renowned for its tranquillity, the place was frequented by avant-garde composers and musicians from all over the world. Some composers practiced the then-new practice of field recording. So I wanted to find out what could be heard there today.
To conclude, I collaborated with the Swiss National Sound Archives in Lugano. I set up my microphones in the digitization studios and was able to get my hand on rare and old archives. Including sonic archives of factories and workers on a construction site in Ticino in the 40s, bird songs and dog barks in Gravesano in the 50s, music recorded on acetate, wire, magnetic tape, and even on wax cylinders from the 1910s. I've also incorporated and edited all sorts of radio signals and some excerpts related to the history of Ticino and Swiss broadcasting.
Last but not least, since it was impossible to include all the interesting sonic material in my composition without making it overly indigestible (and for copyright reasons) it’s not possible to listen to all the sources I would have like to share. So, I proposed to the Fonoteca Nazionale to open an "antenna" or a temporary listening station at La Rada and set up a listening point for the duration of the exhibition. Both institutions agreed to play along. I thank them warmly. It was quite exceptional because it was the first collaboration between a sound artist/musician and the Fonoteca. The audience was able to listen to many audio treasures and get lost digging through the database of fonoteca.ch.
Credit: exhibition views by Riccardo Giancola, courtesy of La rada
Other images by me
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jamaspjhabvala · 3 months
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#acousmonium #ameg
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asiajaco · 4 months
◆Siestes acousmatiques◆
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Ayako’s piece “Seeds in Ishinomaki” will be performed at the “Siestes acousmatiques” organized by Trip Phonique (Bruno Capelle and Iris Lancery) on June 21, 2024 at Médiathèque du Sud Aveyron (MESA), Millau, France.   2024年6月21日にフランスのミヨーで開催される Siestes acousmatiques(ブリュノ・カペルとイリス・ランスリーによるTrip Phoniqueがオーガナイズ)にて、電子音響音楽作品《Seeds in Ishinomaki》が上演されます。会場は南アヴェロン・メディアテーク。 ・TRIP PHONIQUE
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hirvi-acousma · 1 year
hirvi Acousmonium Live 2023
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大変ご無沙汰しております!!!!!! コロナ禍も収束を見せ始めたということでいよいよhirvi再始動です! 5/13-14にライブ企画「hirvi Acousmonium Live 2023」を大阪のステージ空で開催致します。アクースモニウムによる様々な演奏企画を2日間に渡ってお届けします! -------------------------------------- hirvi Acousmonium Live 2023 わたしたちヒルヴィは、2022年コロナ禍にグループ初のCDアルバム「CERVICORN」を発表しました。今回のライブはそのリリース記念として、ヒルヴィの活動の屋台骨であるアクースモニウムを気軽に体験できるショートライブをメンバー各自が自由に企画をしました。どうぞお楽しみください。 開催日: 2023/5/13 (sat) - 2023/5/14 (sun)
開催場所: ステージ空 541-0059 大阪市中央区博労町1-7-11空の箱1F 地下鉄堺筋線・中央線 堺筋本町駅 ③番出口 徒歩3分 堺筋線長堀鶴見緑地線 長堀橋駅 ①番出口 徒歩4分 Program Day1: 15:30~ (40min) 大塚勇樹 presents Because Still Alive  福間創『this is our music』(2020)より  大塚勇樹『Angel Blood』(2021)ほか、新作初演予定
16:30~ (40min) ミユタシマヤ presents お気楽モニウム  Prélude acousmatique(2021) 作曲: 檜垣智也  It's made by Hand Claps(2021) 作曲:せきみつほ  カソケキヒカリ(2021) 作曲: 天野知亜紀  カーニバルの夕べ(2021) 作曲: 永松ゆか  令和であります(2020) 作曲:ミユ・タシマヤ  他 17:30~ (40min) 牛山泰良 presents 逢魔時  1. 百物音(2022)  2. 影におぞけて(2021)  3. 白川霊(2022)  4. 大禍時(2023)  作曲:牛山泰良 Day 2: 13:00~ (70min) 檜垣智也 presents アクースモニウム体験講座 体験希望者(最大5名まで)は要予約/聴講可 14:30~ (40min) 永松ゆか presents ジョドロフスキー特集  1.Mental vortex(1997)  2.Kingdom of beneath(2011)  作曲:ピエール・ジョドロフスキー 15:30~ (60min) 天野知亜紀 presents "没入型音響"による上映  映画としての音楽(映画)  2014 年製作/ 56 分/日本  監督:七里圭、音楽:池田拓実 ご予約・お問い合わせ h i r v i @ m u s i c i r c u s . n e t( ヒルヴィ事務局) ※ ご予約の際に、1 企画券の場合は企画名を、1 日通し券の場合はお日にちをお知らせください。 --------------------------------------
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prtcll · 6 months
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5/11 (Sat.) and 12 (Sun.) "hirvi Acousmonium Live 2024 in Kyoto" Venue: 三条河原町FRAME in VOX (Sanjo-Kawaramachi, Kyoto) https://frame-in-vox.com/
5.11 (Sat.) 18:00-19:30 アクースモニウム体験会 (講師: 檜垣智也)
5.12 (Sun.) 15:00- コンサート1: 檜垣智也, 永松ゆか, 天野知亜紀 16:00- コンサート2: 大塚勇樹 (招待作品: Leo Okagawa, Shuta Hiraki) 17:00- コンサート3: 牛山泰良, かつふじたまこ, 石上加寿也
I made a piece 'Magneto-Vitruvianus' for Yuki Otsuka's performance.
[Admission] アクースモニウム体験会(定員6名): 2,000円 (学生 1,000円) 1コンサート券: 一般 2,000円 (学生 1,000円) コンサート通し券: 一般 3,500円 (学生 1,000円) ※通し券はアクースモニウム体験会を除く
[問い合わせ・予約] ヒルヴィ事務局: [email protected] 主催: ヒルヴィ hirvi 協力: FRAME in VOX, MEDIA SHOP
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acousmoniumdepoche · 5 years
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2019, c’est l’année de mon stage d’interprétation sur acousmonium, lors du Festival Futura, à Crest, avec l’équipe de la compagnie musicale MOTUS (Pierre Couprie, Tomonari Higaki, Olivier Lamarche, Jonathan Prager, Nathanaëlle Raboisson). Enfin je trouve le temps de me perfectionner lors de ce stage!!! J’y travaillerai la superbe pièce d’Isotta Trastevere intitulée Alt(r)o mondo pour la jouer en public pendant le festival.
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postpunkindustrial · 4 years
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The Acousmonium
The Acousmonium is the sound diffusion system designed in 1974 by Francois Bayle and used originally by the Groupe de Recherches Musicales at the Maison de Radio France. It consists of 80 loudspeakers of differing size and shape, and was designed for tape playback.
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