#Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
spoopup · 5 months
apollo’s no good very bad day
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bluberrytea · 3 months
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my steel samurai
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trlvsn · 11 months
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kristoph pointing out apollo's "screeching" voice is the first time we see him subtly manipulate apollo. comments like these are his way of establishing his superiority, reliability: "i'm only pointing this out to you so that a stranger doesn't" combined with "you are inexperienced, nervous, emotional, and can't do this on your own because of that. you need me". as judgemental as i am about aa5 and 6, i like that the first scene starts off with a direct parallel: except, like it often happens in ace attorney, apollo isn't becoming like kristoph but rather reclaiming and transforming that past experience. he remembers kristoph's words as the words of a guiding, caring mentor, as at the time, his image of him wasn't yet tainted; to apollo, that comment was caring to a degree. when he says this to athena, that's the feeling he says it with: genuine, somewhat playful, caring, sympathetic, words from the person who has been in that place and remembers how nervous he was.
if i had a nickel for ever time an ace attorney character experiences a situation similar to a tragic past but changes the context instead of repeating history, i would drown in the nickels.
[id of the first image: a screenshot from the first case in dual destinies, with apollo talking to athena in the lobby, his arms crossed. he's saying "i could've sworn i heard your voice crack for a second there". end of id].
[id of the second image: a screenshot from turnabout trump, with kristoph saying "i did detect a certain rasping quality to your speech". they are in the lobby and kristoph's arms are crossed. end of id].
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chibistarlyte · 1 year
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i can’t help but imagine phoenix just opening his bag up and dumping everything on apollo’s desk like “here’s all the useless garbage i don’t need anymore, thanks polly!”
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space-heat3r · 1 year
Ok had to remake it because I forgot Chronicles..
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thelvadams · 1 year
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justarandomidiot1 · 4 months
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finally finished Dual Destinies after starting it like a year and a half ago lol
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alynnl · 3 months
I’ve observed a few details about Bobby Fulbright from Dual Destinies, and what I’m about to say might sound like a conspiracy theory (or maybe even a Game Theory™️) but I can’t help but notice…
Fulbright is loud. Excessively loud.
His often repeated catch phrase “In Justice We Trust!” sounds a lot like “In God We Trust,” the phrase on American currency
His uniform colors are red, white and blue
Those aviator shades give a very American image too
My conclusion: Bobby Fulbright was made to be a Stereotypical Loud American and this is more apparent to the Japanese audience
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probablygayattorneys · 6 months
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Name a better duo. I’ll wait.
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violet-traitor · 11 months
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aceattorneyqueer · 2 months
Klavier Gavin is bisexual.
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bluberrytea · 10 months
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twisted samurai
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trlvsn · 10 months
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some athena hairstyles (id under cut)
[id: a digital sketch page with five sketches of athena cykes, colored roughly with a light orange. there is a drawing of her looking straight ahead and smiling with short messy hair. in it, she is wearing her white shirt, tie and widget. there is a drawing of her looking sleepy and mischievous while holding a cup of tea with her hair down. in another sketch, her hair is also down, but it's a side profile drawing, in which she is smiling confidently. in one drawing, she is looking down with tears in her eyes and a bob cut. in the last drawing, athena is shown angry and screaming, with her usual hairstyle - a ponytail. there is also a small sketch of two widgets: one happy and one angry. end of id]
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chibistarlyte · 1 year
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boys please, stop whipping it out in public!!!!
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space-heat3r · 3 months
I know that Apollo was really going through it and all when he covers his eye in the cosmic turnabout, but did he really have to go full anime protagonist with the giant bandage/cloth covering
An eye patch sticker or something would have sufficed man, I would've even taken the bandage without the long flowing pieces behind it
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