brine-in-my-eyes · 2 years
Somehow, while I was reading Order of the Stick #406-409, I was both “Oh my god noooooooooooo Miko girl stop this isn’t you 🥺🥺🥺🥺” and “Oh my god somebody obliterate this girl NOW 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥”
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crispfencer · 2 years
Sorry guys but now matt hancock is here I genuinely can't watch it anymore
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damnfandomproblems · 3 months
In regards to Fandom Problem 5145. A problem with a lot of bigotry metaphors in fiction lies with the audience themselves and not the authors. Too many people try to self-insert their OWN interpretation of what the story is trying to tell them, lazily narrowing it down to a fantasy take on one case of historical racism (usually black people v white people. how original) when it's rarely that narrow. They don't want their hands held and to be told what exactly the story takes inspiration from. They WANT their projection validated. Projection that is often narrow and rarely open-minded, as many default to only one kind of racism. And using "coding" like their the smart ones. Coding is one of the worst things to happen to fandoms. One example of is Zootopia.
The main point was not a giant soap opera message of how evil racism is. The main point is how many can easily take advantage of bigotry through scapegoating and fear. In a way that uses being a fictional story to it's advantage. Stop calling all the predators "black-coded" and thinking that's progressive.
Then again, what do we expect from the same site that believes only black people can be victims of bigotry? And insists on that each day?
Another example; a lot of people love to praise the X-Men for being a good take on using fictional characters to allude to real-life racism, in the worst possible ways. Losing sight of what they're supposed to hear and what the story is about. "uwu Professor X judges you for your thoughts; Magneto judwges you for your acctions!" No. Magneto judges if you can shoot lasers out of your butt or not.
The X-Men are heroes because they protect mutants AND innocent humans all the same. They don't go around murdering the average human; that's what their rouges gallery is for. Hence why their archenemies are the villains. A similar misconception can be found in many fantasy & sci stories. If you look at a monstrous, inhuman or inherently evil race and immediately default to "black-coded" with no hesitation; that's on you.
"I immediately look at brutish, inhuman monsters and think of black people!" That's also not as progressive as you think. None of this coding or self-insert projection is.
(Askbox Submission)
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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papita474 · 2 months
I think we should start talking more about the Nirnaeth,we only remember the sad and tragic and the "yeah and then everthing went to hell" part,but we should start talking more about how epic and amazing It was.
How Maedhros manage to make such a great union of different peoples,how powerful and influential were the mens for this war,the traitors and the good ones,how the dwarf were part of it thanks to their relation whit Mae,who even tough all of his plan went bad,it was a grear tactic and a amazing sign of his natural leadership,and a way to show how he would be able to be great King,and not to mention all the great stuff that happend there,Fingon standing whit Maedhros,when others kings such as Orodreth and Thingol did not,and his sacrifice in the end,Turgon showing up whit his army,leaving his safe kingdom to joing the battle,the sons of feanor protecting eachother and his people making their way out of the battle field,Huor and Hurin defending Turgon,Azaghal and his deeds,Gwindor(even if his acctions kinda fucked up the war a little) going right to Angband after seing is brother dead,and then being captured,and also he being one of the few of Nargothrond who werent cowards and went to war,such as Beleg and Mablug being the only one to come from Doriath. Im probably missing a lot of things,but you get my point,that is (for me) the best chapter in the book,and also the most tragic one.
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ichimakesart · 1 year
You have chosen.
"Our hands - we can help each other." You say confidently.
"Lend me your hands then"
"Help me."
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"...I am a dangerous thought. A Doubt."
"A heresy."
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"You must keep me in your hearts."
"Behind your closed eyelids, as buzzing anxiety before the safety of sleep."
"A spark in each head making a scorching fire in the like minded crowd."
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"Help me grow."
You ponder this...
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This might make her stronger than the Beast...And worse.
The Hag is made of distrust, witchcraft and chaos. The more people let her influence grow inside them, the worse she might get.
"Who amongst you is fit to listen to my voice?"
You can give the burden to the specific part of your community.
The ones who share their thoughts openly? Might be easier to judge if they speak by themselves or with the Hags' words. But they will be shared.
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The ones who keep their inner voices to themselves? The Hag might be silent but the paranoia amongst you might grow too. The motivation for their acctions won't be transparent.
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The key is...who is in the minority?
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
Sephiroth starts to cat like behave and frame Genesis for his acctions
Tired of insulting cat comparisons from Genesis, Sephiroth decides to be a nuisance and make it Genesis' problem.
Angeal: Which one of you assholes scratched my office door??
Genesis: I don't kn—
Sephiroth, hiding a pocket knife: Genesis Rhapsodos, SOLDIER 1st Class Commander, office room #8 on the 49th level of the Shinra headquarters, located in sector 0 of Midgar, door scratched at approximately 07:34 with a 4 inch butterfly knife.
Angeal: You insufferable bastard.
*Angeal sets his cup of tea down on the coffee table and leaves the room*
*Genesis continues to read his book*
*Sephiroth pushes the cup of tea on the ground*
*Angeal comes back in the room*
Angeal: WHO DID IT?
Sephiroth: Genesis Rhapsodos, SOLDIER 1st Class Commander, office room #8 on the 49th level of the Shinra headquarters, located in sector 0 of Midgar, teacup pushed off the table at exactly 1400 hours, kicked using custom designed combat boots made of high-grade leather, foot size: men's 11. Intentions unknown.
Angeal: Genesis STOP
Genesis: IT WASN'T ME
*Angeal walks in to see Sephiroth digging through his office plants with his hands covered in dirt*
Angeal: What are you doing!?
Sephiroth: It was Genesis.
Angeal: But—
Sephiroth: Genesis Rhapsodos, SOLDIER 1st Class Commander, office room #8 on the 49th level of the Shinra headquarters, located in sector 0 of Midgar, plant ruined at exactly 1500 hours using a round point shovel he purchased at Garden Goods in Sector 7 on April 18th.
Angeal: Man, what am I gonna do with him?
Sephiroth: His rebellion knows no bounds.
*Sephiroth is ripping up the curtains in Angeal's office*
*Genesis runs in and snaps a picture*
Genesis: Ha! Now you can't frame me for anything because I have proof.
*Angeal walks in*
Angeal: What happened!?
*Genesis shows him the picture*
Genesis: It was Sephiroth! See? See?? It was him! He did it!
Angeal: While I'm very angry at you, Genesis, I'll admit you have never looked better than you look in this picture.
Genesis: GODDESS
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howlingday · 8 months
Ruby: Inhale... Focus...
Jaune: (Holding rifle, Pointed at live-acction RWBY)
Ruby: ...Now pull the trigger, Jaune.
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
~ Proposing to ~
A/N:This is part 1 of this series. I am planning to make a version of this for every character(except Luke) over time. Some may come sooner than others but in the end they will appear.
-Lucifer x gn! MC-
You felt like you were going to fucking explode on the inside. You managed to convince the brothers to be out of the house for the night so you could finally put your plan into acction.
It was really simple, really. Prepare the dinner, put on the rare cursed record you managed to get your hands on, get dressed nice, get on one knee and propose. It was a straightfoward plan yet you still felt like you were gonna mess up the whole thing.
You were sure Lucifer would say yes, he talked on multiple occasions about how he wants to spend his eternity with you but proposing to the avatar of pride was bound to make you nervous beyond imagination.
It was too late to backdown now. You've already prepared a table with nice decorations with your favourite foods and drinks in the music room, dressed in your best clothes, put on the cursed record to play. The only thing missing was Lucifer, that was about to appear any minute now.
"MC, can I enter? I trust that you are already done with the preparations for your surprise." And speaking of the devil...literally. You check your clothes once again and went to open the door for him.
And there he was, the avatar of pride in all of his glory. He was wearing a dark blue suit, with gold and black details along the tie and the vests. On his shoulder his long coat was resting also with some subtle golden details. What caught your attention was not only the fact that he was not wearing gloves like he usually does, but that his nails were painted blue instead of the normal dark shade of red.
"I am done with the preparations, you came just in time." Closing the door behind him you went to take your sit at the table. You tried to open up the demonus bottle to pour some for Lucifer but he was one step ahead of you.
"You have already planned all of this, the least I can do is to pour drinks for us". After he was done pouring demonus for him he opened a wine bottle to pour in your glass. You needed some alcohol for courage, and since demonus had no efect on humans, wine was the best next thing.
"May I ask why did you prepare all of this? Don't get me wrong, it's all beautiful, but is there some special occassion I am not aware of?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow at you. He was onto you about planning something special but you were already prepared for this.
"It's just that...it's been a while since we have been on a proper date, and since I managed to get my hands on the 'Interwinded fates' record I thought a date in the music room would be perfect. Especially that I have heard you talk about how much you want this record" Lucifer looked at you for a bit, deep red eyes trying to find any lies in what you have just told him. When he couldn't find any he decided to shift his focus into something else "So tell me, how did you get your hands on the record? Even I had trouble trying to find a way to get it"
And the dinner continued just like that, exchanging stories from the last few days, telling him how you managed to get the cursed record, Lucifer telling you things from his past. You blamed the demonus for how open he was talking about some thing, but seeing him so relaxed and happy brough a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your chest.
As the dinner went on you could feel yourself relaxing. Talking with Lucifer over a few glasses of drinks seemed like the most natural thing in the world. You didn't know if it was due to the wine or the lights were shining just the right way but Lucifer seemed even more breath taking than usual. Finishing your glass of wine, you decided it's now or never, you really wanted to make this man your husband and there was nothing that could stop...maybe a no from him but that was out of the question.
"Lucifer, I have one more surprise for you, but I need you to close your eyes for this one" Throwing you a questioning look one last time, he closed his eyes, his whole body relaxing as he did that. You take out the ring box from where you kept it hidden. It contained a beautiful golden ring with red stones ingraved into it so the ring wouldn't bother Lucifer when working. You chosed this specific stone not only because of how beautiful it was but by what it ment too, eternity. The stone could be found only in Devildom, and if you stayed and think anout it, it reminded you of Lucifer's ruby like eyes.
You got down on one knee. Looking one last time at the ring you mentally prepared yourself for the proposal.
"Love, you can open your eyes now." Slowly, Lucifer opened his eyes, red eyes the same shade as the stone stared at you, seemingly in shock.
"I guess you were right earlier when you asked if there was a special occasion for this dinner. I want to keep standing by your side, through thick and thin. I want to be able to talk with you just as we did tonight because being with you feels like the most natural thing in the world to me so, Lucifer Morningstar, would you do me the honour and marry me?"
You don't think you have ever seen the avatar of pride looking as surprised as you did just now. His face was flushed red, eyes wide and mouth just a bit open, as if he was trying to find the right words.
After what felt like an eternity, Lucifer gives you his hand in order to stand up. "My dear MC, you didn't have to ask anymore. My whole being, body and soul belong to you already, but to answear your question" He brought one of his hands to your face and kissed you softly on your lips. "Of course I want to marry you. But I trust you are aware already that legally we can't do that yet, right?"
Putting the ring on his finger, you brought his hand to your lips to give it one more kiss "I am well aware of that, but that doesn't change how I feel. I want to spend the remainder of my life by your side." Your ran your thumb gently over the ring, still catching up with reality that Lucifer said yes and now you are engaged with him.
Sharing one more kiss, you resumed your dinner. The atmosphere was different, but not in a bad way. A huge stone off your chest was lifted and you felt like you were on cloud nine. Lucifer kept looking at his ring, a look of satisfaction clear on his face the whole time.
"You know, I thought I would be the one to propose to you but I don't mind it at all. You always manage to surprise me in the best ways possible." Lucifer filled both of your glasses with demonus and wine "We can talk more in detail tomorrow, but for now, let's just enjoy each other's company and the rest of the meal you worked so hard for."
He was right, there was more than enough time to talk about the future tomorrow, for now you just wanted to enjoy his company and the atmosphere you both created.
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h7jfangirl · 11 months
Okay, so... I can't lie, watching Jekyll being a chaotic bastard it's the hottest thing I ever seen
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Of course Hyde it's the one controling the body here, but also their are the same person
Something that Jekyll forgot
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This whole scenario would be terrifying if Hyde wasn't part of Jekyll.
So, reading Hyde's words we can realise that he didn't feel all the action from last night, so of course, with now Jekyll getting his feelings of love back, Hyde gets the extreme of them; Lust towards Laynon... Or at least he acts like that, but only to piss off Jekyll in this page (I mean that Hyde is in love too). So of course he would want to get something private and deep with him
And then we have the other side. Jekyll is scare like if Hyde could actually STEAL Robert from him, which it's kinda sussy that Henry talks about Laynon like something of his, that he owns, at least to Hyde (I think my man still has some 🚩🚩🚩 to fix)
And also Jekyll being a hyprocite because he talks about Hyde as if they didn't came from the same mind and soul and talks about Hyde's flaws like if that was all he is. But Hyde belives that Laynon will like him too for who he is as his own without Henry, and also asking to Jekyll about his own flaws. Edward it's clearly using this to make Jekyll feel bad and think that Hyde it's better than him.
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He just casually talk to himself out loud while doing shit with people. Love it
Hyde, Hyde, the cop it's watching, Hyde, Hyde Oh my god he can't hear us my boy it's going to PRI--
Just kidding, I wonder how this is gonna turn now. Will Hyde be able to convince the cop to not arrest him? Would he run away and fix it later? Would he go to prision? Who knows!
Now, after what we saw in this new page... I have a question:
It's Hyde evil?
Hyde stole a umbrella to a lady that was just walking, kick some kid's ball when the little one was about to cach it, and just grab a cup
In the begining of the comic Hyde made some mess up things that werent actually meant with evil
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He gladly stab someone with a umbrella, but it was to save Creature from being burn alive
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Then he set the street on fire, it was a accident and he didn't even expect it to happend but he looks proud of it and even laughs
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Of course, the next day he realised he fuck up but dosen't like to admit it every much. He it's emotional, and has exciment when he see chaos, but at the same time he knows that theres limits
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Then, talking about Jekyll "betraying" him with the officer. Hyde put him killing a random dude like a example of how even with that Jekyll wouldn't be able to bring Hyde to the law
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And the most recent one was Hyde actually hurting a man in the face, actually enjoy it
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But the thing it's that the comic itself tells us that Hyde isn't exactily the evil inside Jekyll. The whole freaking chapter 10 it's a non stop show to gaslight and mocking at Hyde and all his idea of who he was
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So, Hyde it's not evil? He wants to be, and his actions brings chaos but not that harmful, except the time he burned the street but that was not intentional
But then if he is not the evil? Why he wants to be evil? Because Hyde it's in a constant searching for power, in this page he acts smug while bothering the people around him, and also thinks about taking Laynon too so he can feel powerful over Jekyll again. If Hyde dosen't feel powerful he would literally fall deep down to the darkness of his own mind, but if he can ruin someone else by doing that, then he will take it. Hyde himself said it in chapter 12 "I will take Jekyll down with me!" The right moment he is told about that chance to ruin Henry, even if it was forever
Hyde finds comfort of being the evil twin because that's the only way he knows to feel the senses of control while feeding his constant hunger for acction and passion on his life, and that actually worked it for two whole years, until Henry puts him a stop for just two weeks. If only Hyde waited, he could had his delusional life back but he didn't, and now him and Jekyll will going down together
Because they keep forgeting that they are in the same boat.
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popculturebuffet · 3 months
Next up for Cartoon Network era of shows, who is your favorite character from each of the mid-late 2010s Dimensional era (shame they didn't get the best treatment and exposure on the channel, being the point when Cartoon Network was overplaying Teen Titans Go and pushing most other shows to the side) shows you've seen like: We Bare Bears, The Powerpuff Girls 2016, Mighty Magiswords, Ben 10 2017, OK KO Let's Be Heroes, Apple & Onion, Craig of the Creek, and Summer Camp Island?
We Bare Bears: Ice Bear though I loved them all. And as for thoughts, I really need to go back and watch all of this show as it was really good. Relaly solid. I think I just was in that hole of "If the status quo dosen't change I dont like it" which is still mostly true, it is kinda annoying to have a series long arc of someone wants to get a girlfriend with panda and not.. doing anything with that. But it's very clearly mostly slice of life shenanigans. ALso seems to have ended well
PPG: SIlico as he seems neat.. but I watched maybe one episode of this. I wasn't intrested, everything I heard was bad and looking back it seems half assed.
Mighty Magiswords: Yet another one from this era (and the last) I need to go back to, a true classic. Character wise I love Porhias for his voice and whole vibe. Though Vambre's legs will always have a place in my heart... moving on.
Ben 10 Reboot: Kevin having a bootleg omnitrix. This one I didn't see much of and while I may watch it some day for completions sake... it seems mid. Not as messy as ultimate or omniverse with some growth and really intresting ideas, but not nearly as intresting as the og or alien force seasons 1 and 2. It's firmly in the middle: trying hard to be funnier, inoffensive, but as bad as omniverse could get in it's worst moments... it had ambition. 2016 takes a much needed fresh start and just kinda... does a weaker version of the first show without the charm or real stakes or neat jack kirby-esque art style.
OK KO Let's Be Heroes: It's like asking me to pick my children you monster. But i'd have to go with Professor Venemous. He's a compelling villian, and while I feel we coudl've gotten more post shadowy figure takeover out of him (and may give him just that some day), he's an intresting villian whose bisexual as hell, clever and whose motivatoin and history with characters is great. The cast as a whole is though as this is the best show of the bunch here, though it has close compettition and you can probably guess who. It's fun, has well done character arcs, great action at a time Cartoon Network hated doing acction scnees (it's why SU got the shit end of the stick for a while and why this show ultimately did not last) and ended on one hell of a final episode (The actual climax is mixed but still pretty good given the time constraints). An all time classic and one of the best show's cn's put out and certainly one of my faviorites.
Apple and Onion: Onion, though ti's bittersweet given the whole Grahm Lihean thing. God dammit richard. A great show I wish i'd watched more of, really sweet and chill and like most of these as you pointed out , given the short end of the stick for teen titans not for me.
Craig of the Creek: Another all time faviorite and one I need to watch more of including the full story arc. But what i've seen of the story arc is excellent and the show as a whole is great, the recess successor I didn't know I wanted. It's still largely i'ts own thing but it's hard not ot see "Kids in their own elabroate clicks with terriotirY" and not think recess, but going way bigger than it's more grounded cousin. It's still clear most fantasy stuff is just the kids imaginations, but it dosen't hold back a fantastic show with a stacked roster of characters, a truly great world that just gets better and better, and a lot of nice character growth and moments. I'm not ready for it to end and boo HBO MAx for not wanting one of thier most succesful shows to go on. Favorite is JP. Eaisly. he's the boy.
Summer Camp Island: I"ve barely seen any of it I hear it's great and once again they screwed it over badly.
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I disappear for a month and the great johnlock break up happens with great drama between the two mods :0
how do I always manage to miss these things smh
mod post
Don't worry. Apparently, it's not over. You can sit back and enjoy more drama. I'm still unsure how anyone can really defend John's acctions;
John now is having fun doxing people and claiming people are who they're not. Putting emphasis on DID when I never wanted to say that, I don't even have DID. Insisting people are 1 person because they both might have similar disociative disorders. Doxing private blogs, showing private chat logs, harassing and playing mind games against mostly Sherlock's mod.
He also kept insisting Sherlock's mod and the rest of us are obsessed, despite Jay and Kin saying on their respective blogs they will not speak on the subject anymore and have left interacting with the others in the group. There's no drama between Jay and Kin and the rest, our hand is declining and we've had to even be hospitalized now. I don't want to see the drama, I told John that when it first started happening, I ignored it and wrote my statement, and turned my back to move on, as I suggested everyone do.
Mostly, my friends seem to have taken my advice. John just continuously obsesses over this despite us mostly being silent for a week or longer now. He keeps escalating for no clear reason. We have done nothing to warrent this, even if you want to remain neutral and think John's just "reacting to unfairness" or something.
I ignored this ask yesterday and was going to delete it, but woke up to messages of John's latest "stunt". I'm unsure how many more people I have to block or otherwise leave groups/ignore/unfriend, but I am not interested in the drama. I'm just not.
John is harassing Sherlock's mod, and dragging along others who have defended Sherlock's mod. It hurts my heart my friend (Sherlock ) is dealing with this, but I'm not in a condition to help. I just had surgery yesterday and I'm still feeling weak and I have two more scheduled. I'm trying to focus on real life and recovery, but I can't imagine what it must be like to be living this as Sherlock's mod who desperately wants to move on continue their own roleplay in peace.
I'm not upset at any asks I get here (Unless they're disrespectful I suppose ) but I am just giving insight on why I am quiet. I have a family and I am currently battling a plethora of health issues. I don't look at Johns blog, it's really best to ignore tantrums and let them wear themselves out, but it does suck to be in the path of destruction.
-Jay, the mod.
my mod account please direct asks there > @jaymesyourplaything
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pharmafelon · 5 months
squirting is the most nonbinary sexual acction because both men can do it and women can do it :)
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marz-likes-palaces · 28 days
kian..... kian bug. bug kian. who wouldve guessed his acctions would have consequences 😔😔
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lyman-garfiel · 1 day
i forgot i saved an image of melon with fat tits to my desktop for a joke and genuinley jumpscared myself with the memory of my own acctions
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anne-the-historian-ish · 11 months
Bbh is a gaslight king, talkin about how cellbit's acctions are horrible and bagi shouldn't side with him, meanwhile bbh has a worker that he turtures in his basement 🥰
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wildissylupus · 9 months
You agree, I deliver. You don't need to do all if it seems like too much work, but I cannot wait for your take.
- Someone who escaped Talon in the past, but unlike Baptiste, did not go out searching to help nor get help from someone.
- Emre's pupil/partner in crime. Somehow cross paths due to unforeseen circumstances.
- A humble but skilled sniper. Socially awkward around those who boast about their shooting. (Bonus points if you can make them dislike Jack's constant taunting praise towards Ana's skills.)
- A Cowperson who lost touch with their countryside culture and dialect speech.
- A literal janitor who can kick a mop bucket at enemies and thwack a twisted up washcloth for melee attacks.
- A secretary that works for one of the many ill natured organizations. Your choice. (Talon, Vishkar, etc...)
- A lawyer running from the feds after finding and discovering a PETRAS Act loophole.
- An Omnic who hates other Omnics.
Ok let's get into it;
First one, I actually can't say much because this is already an OC I'm working on and if I said something it would spoil that.
Second one, I'm going to go with the pupil angel. I'd like to think that this is an omnic characters, probably someone who was brought in during the early golden age. For unforeseen circumstances I think they could be someone forced into one of the Anubis loyalist groups, so when Overwatch came to take their group down they took the first chance to get out of that situation.
For the sniper character I could picture this character being on the younger side, around the same age as Illari, maybe a bit older. I could see them being someone who grew up idolizing Overwatch, watching the cartoon, keeping updated on their missions etc.
A cowperson who lost touch with their countryside culture, I could see this person being a victim of the rising gang activity in the southwest, maybe even a victim of the amount of Mega farms using child labour as well. I think they would be an NPC, maybe someone in a Cassidy or Ashe focused mission.
Either they're an ex-Overwatch janitor or a Talon janitor, or both, yeah let's go with both. Gotta pay the bills somehow. I could see them being a bit antagonistic towards a lot of heroes as there is no way all of them a clean. I could also see them being on the older side. Maybe they helped fight in the first Omnic crisis but after they just went back to their old job. I think this character would truely be a "True Neutral" type character. This person just want's to pay the bills.
Just to make this persons life difficult, I'm making them a secretary to Talon. This person is traumatized. Like could you imagine having to deal with the documents that Moira makes on her experiments. Also they are 100% done with Reaper and Sombra's bullshit, they just want to do their job, get paid and go home. They don't need to be threatened or hacked every five seconds.
This Lawyer probably used to work with or was inspired by Adawe. I could see them being from Numbani as well. I could also see them being besties with Lifeweaver, just picturing them talk shit on different governments would be amazing. They would also become the Overwatch teams lawyer just to spite the UN, did they ask for a lawyer? No. They got one anyway though. Also this person is 100% in contact with Sombra.
This Omnic was left over after the Omnium explosion in Australia, after which they started pretending to be human. As a result, in order to live in Junkertown, they had to say they hated Omnics. This was only pretend until Uprising, this is where the tables turned. They saw Null Sectors acctions as a disgrace and saw Mondatta's and other Omnics inaction as cowardly. This combined with the years they had already pretending to hate their own kind, it was easy for the act of hating to become real.
I might come back to all these characters at some point and make them actual OC's (I'm already doing that with the first one after all). For now though, enjoy the little character concepts I made!!
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