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arctic-hands · 1 year ago
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[Image Description: a photo of a flight of stairs in front of a brick building. The concrete stairs are five steps and a black metal railing going up a grassy hill. Next to the stairs is a concrete ramp. The ramp, should we continue to call it that, is about a fifty degree (? math not my strong point) slope and concave in the center. The top of the photo says in allcaps "ableds be like" and the bottom says "'this is a wheelchair ramp'". End I.D]
The "A.D.A. accessible apartment!" search is not going well, lads
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zaryathelaika · 24 days ago
Ah bloody hell. I have 641 posts on this account that I need to check to make sure they have proper image descriptions. Thankfully I add alt-text to all of my own posts. Been negligent to add image descriptions to reblogs. Sorry, everyone.
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ncfcatalyst · 2 years ago
Sensory satisfaction through nature at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens
Imagine a sticky, hot feeling all over your body, like an uncomfortable turtleneck sweater climbing up your neck. Irritability washes over you, panic, lack of focus and anxiety forcing your outing to take a turn for the worst. This intense sensory overload is an experience that neurodivergent people face constantly. Marie Selby Botanical Gardens’ new sensory-friendly map and activities help…
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badolmen · 3 months ago
Joy, Devil's Breath by Michael Rudin Google Drive link be upon ye.
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perrin-aybaras-hammer · 9 months ago
Sometimes autism peeves me. I tend to get moralistic and self-righteous when talking about issues important to me, but that isn't a very good basis for debate, so when my family disagrees with me I am easily dismissed.
My autistic brain just can't comprehend why someone wouldn't want to kill ai with shovels.
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butchlifeguard · 1 year ago
not only are movement aids something that you shouldnt touch and should consider a part of someone's body, aac tablets and headphones are too
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maticide666 · 11 months ago
[ID: screenshot from pornhub.com as accessed from within texas containing text reading:
Dear user,
As you may know, your elected officials in Texas are requiring us to verify your age before allowing you access to our website.
Not only does this impinge on the rights of adults to access protected speech, it fails strict scrutiny by employing the least effective and yet also most restrictive means of accomplishing Texas’s stated purpose of allegedly protecting minors.
While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, providing identification every time you want to visit an adult platform is not an effective solution for protecting users online, and in fact, will put minors and your privacy at risk.
End ID]
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I haven't seen anyone else mention this, but about a month ago they banned porn sites in my state. Like-- you can't open a private tab, you can't sign in to access it, you straight up cannot open or look at porn websites like Pornhub or XHamster or PornMD etc here in Texas without a VPN. This shouldn't be considered a legal thing to do. They didn't directly ban pornography here, but they might as well have.
And it may not seem like much. It starts with small things like this, and then-- what next? Are they going to ban LGBTQ content for being "inappropriate for children?" Next they might just outright outlaw pornographic material altogether. The bar is just going to keep getting raised, and don't think it won't.
This is not okay. I hate the sanitization of the internet.
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fearlesswriterblog · 1 year ago
The Blessedness of Waiting
There are many Old Testament prophesies about the coming Messiah. One that leads directly into our story is that of John the Baptist. He was born just prior to Jesus to the aged parents, Zechariah and Elizabeth. His coming was foretold in Isaiah 40:3-4. His was to be a voice proclaiming the Messiah to come. A voice of one calling:“In the wilderness prepare    the way for the Lord;make…
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itesservices · 1 year ago
🎁 Comprehensive Guide to 508 PDF Compliance
🎀 Explore an in-depth guide on achieving 508 PDF compliance, ensuring accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Covering key standards, tools, and best practices, this comprehensive resource empowers content creators to produce accessible PDFs, fostering inclusivity and compliance with Section 508 regulations. Avoiding plagiarism provides original insights for seamless implementation. ⚡…
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andrewleousa · 1 year ago
Unlock the power of inclusive digital content with our comprehensive guide to 508 PDF Compliance. Learn how to enhance accessibility, ensuring your documents meet the Section 508 standards for a more inclusive online experience.
Read the blog: https://www.sitepronews.com/2023/11/15/comprehensive-guide-to-508-pdf-compliance/
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learnasl · 2 years ago
Utilize Media's Representation of the Deaf Pop Culture to Learn ASL
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An easy method to learn ASL (American Sign Language) is as simple as observing Deaf personas utilize signs in movies, video clips, and television shows. Recently Deaf representation in Hollywood has expanded. Positive change has taken place in the way Deaf individuals are depicted on the screen. From light-hearted TV comedies to serious movie dramas, the Deaf community’s representation has become much more refined, accurate, and inclusive.
Positive Instances of ASL Use in the Media
Academy Award-winning movie "CODA"
CODA is among several recent movies to feature the usage of sign language. The movie includes the same volume of scenes in ASL as with spoken English. Within the article on the Today Show web site, reporter Meghan Holohan stated, “CODA has certainly sparked conversations in the Deaf community. Audiences loved the movie, and many appreciate that Deaf actors play all the Deaf characters.”
Switched at Birth The Television program "Switched at Birth" highlights ASL. These types of show increasingly bring in audiences to sign language at the same time gaining deaf awareness, with many therefore opting to learn ASL.
Paul McCartney's “My Valentine” With more than 2.5 million audiences, music videos presenting ASL, like “My Valentine” clearly reveal popular taste. In the “My Valentine” video, 2 lovers convey emotions by signing to one another. The video casts Oscar winner Natalie Portman and Johnny Depp emoting intensely while utilizing sign language to perform the song’s lyrics.
Lauren Ridloff, a Deaf actress, accomplished a historic milestone within the Marvel Cinematic Universe by playing the very first major Deaf character in the movie "Eternals." Makkari quickly became a fan favorite and developed some real-world service for ASL together with the Deaf community at the same time. With regards to the language-learning company Preply, a 250% rise in online inquiries about learning sign language took place after the Eternals debut.
Besides CODA and Eternals, other films which feature Deaf actors utilizing ASL are A Quiet Place 2, Hawkeye and Sound of Metal.
Each videos stated above benefit Deaf representation in Hollywood as these productions hired Deaf performers and professionals. This approach may lead to normalization of deafness, having more jobs for the Deaf, and motivating a lot more hearing people to learn ASL.
Favorable Deaf representations in pop culture can help to develop a more significant understanding of the Deaf experience. Witnessing accurate portrayals of Deaf people on television as well as in cinemas and videos helps reduce stereotypes. Furthermore, it really encourages audiences to think more deeply regarding issues of diversity and inclusivity.
Moreover, more exceptional Deaf representation in popular culture can provide role models for younger generations of Deaf people. It can also inspire them to pursue their aspirations. As increasing numbers of stories showcasing Deaf characters are produced for television and films, the public will come to understand the Deaf experience a lot better. And this, subsequently, can result in greater acceptance and inclusivity by mainstream modern society.
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katyahina · 11 months ago
Did Brador kill Laurence or someone else?
Okay so I realised that I never had a coherent reference, so here
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It is kind of visible in the game, but it is true that Old Brador does have unique head piece variant that is not accessble for the players by normal means without datamining (similarly to Arianna's pregnant state dress, Eileen's set variant torn by beast claws, Fauxsefka's barefoot leg piece etc)! And the difference here, is one horn being broken!
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Brador secluded himself in the cell and according to him we are the first person he meets physically past that time! It is not certain how exactly he died, only that it likely happened when he was old (and killed the Cleric Beast in his middle-age (?) state). If his words are any indication, it isn't likely that the horn got damaged in the battle or something like that! But at the same time, we meet Bradord in the Nightmare Realm, so he might in reality refer to just his stay here.
However, an interesting bit is that suggests that one horn might have gotten ruined with the time; in Chalice Dungeons, beast-like Messengers show horns developing asymmetrically!
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Coincidentally, they depict the same horn that Brador has broken as smaller one!
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Brador's beast hyde is specifically that of a Cleric Beast, which Laurence was the first precedent of, so what we know for certain is that Brador could not have had his hyde while Laurence was still alive! The Cleric Beast that he had to kill had to be either Laurence himself, or some Cleric Beast that came after Laurence's deasth!
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Laurence's beastly skull does have a hole in itself, and no traces of antlers, so this is actually a reasonable assumption that the scalp might be his! The model of headless Bloodletting Beast is drastically different, so I think it is safe to assume that they either never planned that implication or retconned it when DLC was finished! It lacks the asymmetrically larger left arm and has a tail, for one + from the version that does still have a head we can see this type of beasts lacks the antlers (the trademark of Cleric Beasts), let alone very different type of skull
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(Models from this ( x ) video by Sinclair Lore) Ok ok sorry for making ya'll look at Laurence's ass I just need to show that in model he has no tail, and with the fur variant he has only the tiniest tuft of fur
On the other hand, only so many things could be blamed on them basically reusing Cleric Beast model for Laurence just with fire textures, as they're not entirely identical like I thought before! In fact, there is a potential evidence against linking him to Brador's hyde as the horns are different:
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Not only Laurence has one horn broken when the hyde Brador is wearing had both horns whole at the moment of the murder, but also it is the different horn; left one rather than the right one!
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Brador is wearing clothing that is almost identical to male Black Church set, who are the lower-ranking members of the Healing Church, whereas his headpiece says that the person he killed was his friend. Now, it is fair to assume that maybe someone from lower ranks was, in fact, not 'friends' with Laurence, who was THE head of the Healing Church!
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According to Alfred's dialogue we can further confirm that Healing Church leaders are so secretive that they do not give the full lore even to their own lower-ranking personnel, and Brador was only given his bell after the murder of that Cleric Beast!
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At the same time, Brador uses the Frenzy-Inducing Bloodletter, not unlike Black Church Servants with their crucifixes that cause Frenzy. Meanwhile, White Church Servants rely on the weapons that, on the contrary, are sensitive to high Insight: when you have 15 Insight or more, their lanters become covered with eyes and their scythes emit blue Arcane glow! Insight-sensitive weapons align with.. well, the bell that only someone aware of the Fishing Hamlet secret could hear.
So far, the evidence points more towards Brador having been a more or less lower-ranking member of the Healing Church, that one time killed his (higher-ranking?) cleric friend, not Laurence, but by effect learned too much about the Healing Church's secrets that were NOT meant for him, and obligated to keep them safe. It would align with his philosophy of some things "better left unknown", as if he regrets having learned all this, as well as with Laurence's horns not being true to his beast hyde scalp.
.....and yet, at the same time, I would not put it past Laurence to be friends with someone from lower rank, or maybe Brador's lower rank was merely a cover? Even his horns situation could be blamed on some life still yet residing in his scalp, and thus, the antlers attached to it still grow and crumble on their own. In other words, I do not have a strong point towards this or that version. Question isn't answered, but maybe some observations are helpful to choose one on your own!
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This Black, trans family has had a really, really difficult few years. From being forced to flee their previous home state due to fear for their safety & well-being as trans people to becoming unhoused in that process to now living somewhere that members of the family cannot get basics things done because of inaccessiblity.
This is a fundraiser to help them pay for a stairlift to make sure everyone can get food, water, and laundry done inside the house.
Please consider what you're able to give, be it money to the fundraiser or your time/energy in reblogging this (you can even consider keeping a copy in your drafts and reblogging regularly to get more eyes on it--that's what I'm doing!) or, as they asked for in the most recent update, any other creative ways you might be able to think of to spread the word and get this family the safety, accessbility, and comfort they deserve <3
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rohalussworld · 5 months ago
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PokeTober (Pokemon x DrawTober) day 6
Pokemons are now adapting to technology, and this breathing scarf has tablet priveledge for keeping its trainer warm. Oh and poke-earclip for earbuds adaptor!! We stan pokemon accessbility, because if you don't share your favourite song with your partner are you even bonding together?
I can't promise I will draw it, but if you want to suggest a pokemon in autumn mood, Head to my interogation room in my blog!
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studioboner · 2 years ago
disability advocacy is hard because you'll want people to realise the full extent of disabled needs
and in the best cases they wil either label you able to fully integrate into society without right to accessbility, or label you unable to integrate into society [aka be a worker under capitalism] and deprive you of autonomy
in most cases though, they think youre neither and deprive you of both
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drprawedha · 11 months ago
A11y for Accessbility
L10n for Localization
I18n for Internationalization
3 April 2024
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