#Absolutely threw me to Tartarus and back
theblehthatbloos · 2 years
I can't believe I'm still sick.
On today of all days.
Because I went out with my coworkers.
And guess which new guy got sick along with me.
Guess their name.
Guess why I've been absolutely loosing it.
Guess why I had to rewrite the day from "assassination of..." to just the "Ides of March." on the office calendar.
I've been spared that awkward interaction for today but will
Will I be able to hold back the temptation to make some kinda joke akin to: "Holy shit dude, are you okay? I heard you were, like... How are you in today? Wth happened?"
Only time
Only time
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Paul Lahote x reader - Princess if the seas
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Hello! Could I request a Paul Lahote x daughter of Poseidon!reader where she's Paul's imprint but he doesn't know she's a demigod until the pack is attacked by gorgons or smth? (Yes I know that they are cliches but my heart loves pjo crossovers😭) i don't know if i said it before but i was the one who requested the pjoxmarvel crossover before and you absolutely just delivered 💕💕💕💕 - Anon 💜
You had told your boyfriend you had to his way from family business, and you weren’t lying to him, this was family business.
A request from your father in fact, to clear the creature out.
You stood tall and proud, swinging the sword in your hand as you wiped some blood with the back of your hand as you looked at the creature in front of you.
“You’re a long way from home my friend, let me send you back down.” You growled.
The Minotaur growled, digging it’s feet into the sand at you drew a small breath, holding your sword horizontally in front of you.
You didn’t know the werewolves that were stood on the cliff above, going to go some scouting when they heard the commotion.
The creature charged at you and you ran, jumping into the air, you jumped on to a small wave of water, throwing yourself in the air as you dodged the attack.
Being big, the creature stumbled and fell over, and you landed on the sand.
You went to attack, but a howl stopped you and you looked up.
“PAUL NO!” You screamed.
In your distracted state, the Minotaur used this as its chance and it charged, throwing you back with the back of its hand.
You slammed into the cliff base, wind leaving your lungs as you chocked, and you fell to your knees.
You gasped for air, hand over your chest as you heaved, and the monster charged again and you barely managed to dodge it.
Behind it you saw the pack of the wolves you held up your hand.
“Get out of here!” You yelled.
Paul looked at you and looked to Sam who was warning him to stay back, and he did, but seeing you in pain he couldn’t bare it.
He growled, digging his paws into the ground.
He had to listen to his alpha, he had no choice in the matter, no matter how he wanted to charge to you, help you, there was no refusing the order from his leader.
The Minotaur turned to the wolves, seeing them as new targets to attack and it pulled itself up, stumbling a few steps as it got ready to charge at them.
You stared at them in pure horror.
Your boyfriend, your friends.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, the monster charged and you gripped your sword tightly in your hand, raising your arm, you threw it with all your might.
It lodged itself into the monsters back, and it roared, shaking the very ground as it turned to you.
You ignored the blinding pain and pushed yourself to your feet.
Paul watched you carefully, watching as you pulled yourself to your feet, his ears flattened as he whined, hearing your pained cry.
You stood up and started to limp forward, holding your hand, the waves of the ocean creeping closer towards you.
They surged under your feet, slowly making their way around your body, and slowly healed the wounds your body held.
“Leave me and my friends alone.” You snarled.
Paul had never seen this side of you.
He’d always seen you so loving, gentle, caring.
Never had he seen such rage, pure untamed anger flowing through somebody.
You put your hand into your pocket, pulling your a coin you flipped it into the air, and you caught the sword by its hilt.
The water built up under your feet, raising you in the air.
“Heed my warning, you and all the monsters in Tartarus I will be sure to kill each and every one of you!” You roared.
Bringing your sword down, you stabbed the monster in the neck and you let go of your sword, watching as it’s body fell to the floor.
You panted heavily, the pain getting to you, but you looked to the werewolves.
Paul started back as your eyes met his, and he looked to Sam who gave a small nod of his head.
Paul crept forward, cautiously going around the dead monster as he transformed back and walked over to where you were now standing on the sand.
“What.. I don’t…”
You looked at him, hand on your chest and you turned to the ocean, slowly making your way back but you fell to your knees, coughing up so blood.
Paul rushed over, picking you up and he looked confused.
“The.. the water…” you coughed out.
He nodded, running to the ocean, once he was waist deep he gently laid you in the water, his arms holding you up.
He watched as the water crawled up your skin, surrounding the cuts and bruising.
You started up at Paul, your hand lightly touching his cheek, brushing against his skin as you smiled softly up at him.
“What are you…?” He asked.
Sure, when he imprinted on you he saw the future, he saw glimpses of his life with you, he saw things he wasn’t able to explain.
But nothing about him was normal either.
You moved from his arms, standing on your feet, the water coming up to your shoulders and you reached up, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Do you trust me…?”
He nodded his head.
Of course he trusted you.
You nodded and took his hand, leading him back to the shore and you looked at him before turning to the water.
Taking a deep breath, you looked at you hand.
“I’m a demigod Paul, princess of the oceans, ruler of the underwater world.” You said.
He furrowed his brows and you looked to him.
“Just watch.”
You started to explain everything to him and he watched as you put your hands together and slowly moved them apart.
The water at your feet started to part, and slowly the whole ocean began to part, large waves rising up.
Paul started in pure shock and looked to you in amazement.
You lowered your hand and the water came crashing down.
You turned to look at him.
“I never thought I’d even live this far if I’m being honest, it’s a dangerous life.”
“No more dangerous than fighting vampires.” He said.
You smiled and shook your head.
“I suppose not.”
Paul leant down, kissing you softly and you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him back with a smile on your face.
You didn’t know the ins and outs of the werewolves or the pack so now he knew about you, maybe it would make it easier for you both to explain your situations to one another
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milkywaydrinker · 11 months
Day 2: Flowers - 459 words
"No way; I'm not doing that. It's corny and lame." Zagan huffed and adjusted her vest again. A persistent crease on the front of it wouldn't vanish, no matter how many times she threatened it.
"I think it would fit the occasion." Temeluchus smirked with his borrowed face. "Quit being a baby and ask her out."
"I'm not gonna give her flowers!" She threw her hands up with a frustrated growl. "It's not even a date!"
"Oh? Would you like it to be?" His smirk stretched into a toothy grin, and his eyes flashed briefly with a pale, ghostly glow.
"Never said that." Embarrassed, she pivoted away from him and kept trying to straighten out the stubborn fabric.
"Nuh-uh, you're sooo whipped~" Tem laughed. "You wanna ask her so bad."
"As friends! Totally platonically!"
"Right." He wouldn't drop the subject now, clearly smelling blood in the water. "C'mon, Zag, did the little human leave such an impression?"
"Tartarus forbid, I have friends, I guess!" She growled. "You know what? Screw you, bozo. I'm just gonna text her."
"You're no fun." Tem rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest like a petulant child.
"Dude, I just thought she'd like to see the ceremony. It's not that deep." She began typing out the message.
She deleted everything and started over.
Just to delete it all again.
"Ha!" He almost barked instead of laughing. "I knew it. Gimme that. Big bro will do you a favor, free of charge this time." His hand lit up with a pale glow, and the device slipped out of her metal prosthetic.
"Give it back! I'll kill you!" She swiped at him, trying to get her phone back.
"Nah, lemme take care of it."
"You're soooo dead!" She tried to tackle him, but he just sidestepped her attack and continued to ruin her entire life.
"There! Aaaaand send~ bop!" He chuckled and threw the phone right in Zagan's face.
"What did you do?" Panicked, she readied herself to do damage control. Before she could, her phone buzzed.
"Nothing; I just landed you a date. You're welcome, by the way."
The message read:
"Moms getting married next month. Would you like to be my +1? (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)✿"
"This is so cringe. I hate you." She mumbled, absolutely mortified. To her surprise, the response she got was:
"Demon King wedding?! Ofc! What should I wear? Should I bring a gift? You need to tell me everything!"
"Huh..." Zagan stared at her phone as Norma kept up the barrage of questions.
"See, told ya." Temeluchus put his hands on his hips with a cocky grin. "I've been hanging out with her way longer than you."
"Shut up. I'm still not getting her flowers."
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keikuri · 2 years
Am i a special needs kid? yeah, you could say that.
i was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia at 5, been through six different schools in six years, and have absolutely destroyed every field trip. and not in a good way. for example, my fourth grade field trip to Saratoga. why you would put an impulsive kid with adhd anywhere near a loaded canon is beyond me, but i guess the teachers didn't see anything wrong with it until they heard a cannon go off in the distance. and asking said kid with dyslexia to pull a labeled lever. i would have laughed at them for being soaking wet if i didn't get detention after that. So you can see why i wasn't to excited for this trip.
the school that my mom put me in this time was called Yancy Academy,a school for troubled and disabled kids. my only friend there was a kid with a muscle disorder in his legs named Grover. he was a short guy with a pimply face, and he was the only guy in the sixth grade who had a beard. either he had weird genetics or got held back six years. We were going to the Metropolitan, to learn about Greek and roman stuff. the teacher who was leading this was Mr. Brunner and Mrs. Dodds. Mr. Brunner was this guy in a wheelchair and he was my absolute favorite teacher of all time. he never thought i was stupid or dumb and never thought i was at fault for anything that happened at school. Mrs. dodds was probably the daughter of satan. or at least inhuman. she hated me for no reason, and loved this girl named nancy bobofit, a freckly, redheaded kleptomaniac asshole who's favorite pastime was bullying the younger kids and stealing things from old women. We got to the Metro and he stopped at the front, and we talked about the story of the statues at the door. they were of Pygmalion and Galatea, an asexual dude who falls in love with his own statue, so Aphrodite makes it real for him. my hopes for this field trip were already high, and nothing had gone wrong.
we stopped by more statues until we got to a big painting. well less like painting and more like wall sculpture. i actually recognized this one. it was of kronos being chopped into a thousand pieces and thrown into tartarus. i felt somewhat angry at this depiction of the gods. "now can anyone tell me what this is a picture of," Mr. Brunner asked. he scanned the room and his eyes fell on me. "Percy!" i froze, because i'd been zoning out unintentionally. "uh, yes?" he pointed to the painting. "Oh! that's zeus killing his own dad." "and why did he do this?"
"kronos ate his kids... because he was scared of what would happen if they became kings and queens? so then zeus escaped and killed his dad."
"why would we need this in real life? it's not like anyone's gonna ask us, why did zeus cut off his dad's penis," "to paraphrase Mrs. Bobofit's question, why would we need to know this in real life?" i went silent. i didn't know the answer to that. Bobofit in snickered in the background. "well, percy, it's unfortunate that you don't know this answer, but a very insightful interruption."
we looked through more statues and paintings, and Mrs. Dodds looked like she wanted to destroy each and every one. Lunch rolled around, and i sat with grover away from everyone else, almost as if staying away from these special needs kids would make people think it'm not part of that group. i looked over at grover's curly, dark hair and noticed a blob of light purple and brown. he was looking intently at his apple, trying not to look over at someone. "Nancy threw a piece of PBJ in your hair?" i asked surprised. "she threw a peanut butter sandwich at you. i stopped it. with my head." i picked out the piece of jelly and chucked it back at Nancy's general direction. i patted Grover's back. "Grover, you're a good friend." i said. Grover turned to me. "i'm your only friend." and went right back to eating his bright red apple. Nancy walked over, obviously trying to start a fight. i tried not to get angry, but it was hard to control your temper when someone was insulting you for having ADHD. "- and i bet your mother doesn't even like you, " that did it. i got up prepared to punch her square in the nose.as i did, i felt something rise in me, like the force of a hundred hurricanes contained within. i punched her, hard enough to make her nose bleed. then she got picked up by the fountain. i mean literally picked up; the water formed around her, wrapping around her body as if she were a doll. the water wrapped around her face, clearly drowning her. the feeling died as i panicked. as much as i hated Nancy, i didn't want her to die. The fountain dropped her onto pure concrete. everyone was staring at me, then her, then me. Mr. Brunner was even more shocked than us all. Mrs. dodds smiled. that was all i needed to know that i was perpetually fucked. she came towards me, all sweet.
"come with me, darlin." she said. Grover tried to go with me, but Mrs. Dodds said that he wasn't in any trouble, and forced him to stay. he pleaded with Mr. brunner silently, but i was already in the building.
we were alone. in a room. with creepy Greek statues. "I've heard a lot about you, sweetheart." i gulped. this was not going well. "that's very dedicated for a substitute, but i didn't do anything," i said nervously. Mrs.dodds seemed to ignore that. "you've been through six different schools in six years, and each and every time, something odd has happened. with hm... water?" she guessed. i almost stopped breathing, because she was absolutely right. discounting the saratoga trip, the rest of the incidents had all involved some kind of water going haywire around me. the water fountains nearly murdering someone at Greensville, people thinking i was dying in the pool at Vermillion Academy, all of it. "what do you want from me?" i asked, even more scared now. "return what you have stolen, sea boy." she stated. "...what?" i blinked because as much as i hated everyone that wasn't my mom or Grover, i'm not like Nancy bobofit. I'm no thief. "i will give you two minutes to go through your bag and give me the master bolt," she said, growing impatient. "and if you don't, you will be sent to Hades, who will have you judged harshly." i panicked. it hadn't occurred to me then that she had just said the name of the Greek god of death, but when faced with a possible lunatic who was capable of killing you, that hardly matters.
just to appease her, i gave her my backpack for her to look through, and maybe buy me some time. she must've been working out because she tore right through that thing. it was in shreds and she looked up at me. she growled. and then she lunged. Mrs. dodds wasn't Mrs. Dodds anymore. she was a leathery bat... thing. it's really hard to describe her. she looked a bit like mothman but with bat wings and less horns, and she had goat-like legs and a nasty smile. i jumped back, instinctively rolled under her, and grabbed a Greek bust, ready to swing it at her. she predictably attacked, and i swung the sculpture at her, breaking it in two and startling her. i dropped the thing and bolted for the door, but it was locked. i ran towards the other side and back again, attempting to tire her out before realizing that a pen was thrown at me. "What ho, percy!" He yelled, just like he did in class when he got out a fake sword and hosted foam sword gladiator fights in class. just as a test, i uncapped the pen. with a loud Shink sound, it turned into a sword. a three foot long glowing magic sword, with Greek letters inscribed in the hilt. i almost screamed, but Mothman-Dodds lunged again. i swung the sword and impaled it into her left temple. she screamed and dissolved into the dust of various dark colors.
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zinny333 · 3 years
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[Image descriptions: a conversation between me and my friend (MF) on Instagram direct messenger. Various messages are liked throughout the conversation.
Image 1: a post I sent to MF from Instagram user @ greekmemology. It is a screenshot of a tumblr post by @thoodleoo with the following text:
[bolded] modern greek mythology stories i am tired of seeing: [unbolded] gritty, “the gods are dying because we don’t believe in them” stories where the greek gods mingle sadly with mortals and lament their lost power
[bolded] modern greek mythology stories i would like to see: [unbolded] cerberus manages to escape from the underworld and hades has to find him before can unleash his rage upon the mortal realm, only to find out that cerberus was found by a child who tamed him by sharing her after-school snack with him and giving him pets, and now he has to figure out a way to sneak into the suburbs and avoid getting the cops called on him while he steals his three-headed hell-hound back from a five year old girl [end text from tumblr post]
Me: (The ending is a shared custody of Cerberus between hades and this five year old girl)
MF: That’s AnnaBeth
MF: Annabeth*
Image 2:
Me: Shit you’re absolutely right
Me: That’s why Cerberus recognized her in tlt
Me: And he got so sad because no one played with him for like 5 years
MF: Hades sees her throwing the red ball for him and is just hoping Cerberus doesn’t run away again
Me: Although this doesn’t quite work because her father lived in Virginia
Me: Wait shadow travel never mind it works again
MF: It just makes sense
MF: It really would explain why Cerberus was so friendly with her
Image 3:
Me: Okay but canon divergent Anna Beth takes Cerberus with her on the run and at first Thalia and Luke are freaked out because that’s a 3 headed dog annabeth!! But then they realize it’s chill so they have this “monster” making life ten times easier but then he has to go back to hades and that’s why Thalia dies on halfblood hill.
Me: There’s more
Me: (In this version Cerberus leaves before Grover shows up) it’s never mentioned after she calms Cerberus down because she thought it would be fucking hilarious to keep it from Percy. But also that’s why she was so sad after she threw the ball for him. Because she was remembering her first best friend :(
Image 4:
MF: I bet one day Nico and Annabeth were talking and she told him the story about find Cerberus when she was little and all and then Nicos just like “do you want to visit him?” And then she gets to regularly visit and bring him a new toy to destroy plus a treat or two
MF: Ahhh imagine them taking Cerberus and mrs O’Leary for a walk
Me: Okay what I always thought there was a lost opportunity of Percy (and in this case also annabeth) thinking about how Mrs. O’Leary could be helpful in Tartarus but then backtracking because why would he ever think that he shouldn’t want his friends down there with him even if it would make his life easier and just more general angst
Image 5:
MF: Tartarus but Cerberus and Mrs O’Leary are sent down to find them after they send that message and people realize they’re still alive
Me: It just furthers the prophecy line that enemies together will prevail (I think it’s something like that) bc monsters and demigods aren’t typically friends
End image descriptions]
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The Most Powerful Demigod...
is not Percy Jackson (the finale)
Go check out part one and two. DO IT.... FINE. DON’T.
Let’s begin with review of part one and two. Percy has a very solid 9.2/10/ Luke, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, and Reyna got knocked out last round with very solid scores between 7-8/10. They were all contenders to the most powerful demigod, but unfortunately, didn’t quite meet the standards. Remaining we have Frank, Hazel, Nico, and Thalia. Enough chatter now.
Okay, don’t hate me, but I think that Frank and Thalia are pretty even. I don’t think we really see Thalia’s full skill ever apart from the Titan’s Curse. That was just a display of her power. That was insane. I also want to mention how she has a major fear of heights, so even if she could fly like Jason, there’s little to no chance that she would take the risk to find out. Imagine fighting a daughter of Zeus so you take to the sky (I don’t know why’d you do that but okay) and Thalia’s on the ground with her timbers shivered. For real though, Thalia is really kickbutt and has skill. Just thinking of the Titan’s Curse makes me want to scream. She literally threw Luke off a mountain because he was the bad guy. I’m sorry but Annabeth could never. Then again, Annabeth is probably far more on the traumatized and abused side. Anyways a great score of 8.9/10.
Now Frank. I think that if he could reach his full potential, or fight like he did in House of Hades and the Tyrants Tomb, that he could be incredibly powerful. Without his trusty stick holding him back, I can imagine a very brave and courageous Frank. He has the ability to not in shape-shift into animals, but fantasy creatures too. We see this as he always changes into a dragon. Not only  that, but he can use a bow and arrows and a spear. I think it’s pretty impressive when people can use more than one weapon. He can have far range with his bow and arrow, or he can transform into an animal for long distance. Then, he can go to a spear for short distance, and same with an animal. He can sneak up on villains with his power. He is also big and bulky and has a lot of weight to him so he has a lot of mass and power on his side. This can be a weakness too though. Blessing and curse. Frank is such a capable demigod, he just needs confidence and more training. 8.9/10.
Next, we have our lovely Nico di Angelo. He is arguably the most powerful demigod, despite saying Percy is. He was definitely trying to draw the attention away from him guys, come on. Anyway, when he was testing out his lone shadow traveling, he found out he could shadow travel to China. CHINA. I mean, yeah, he passed out for like a week, but he was only like eleven or twelve. Imagine if he could do this now that he’s like fourteen or fifteen. That’s impressive. Not only can he shadow travel alone, but he made like five or six HUGE jumps from Rome to New York. Yes, he had Reyna’s help, but seriously. He was transporting a 38 foot statue on his back. Then, he brought forth literal HELL and sucked a kid down. Something like that in Blood of Olympus. You can’t get more kickbutt than that. With no experience, he conjured a group of skeletons in the Titan’s Curse, then in Battle of The Labyrinth, he was already the Ghost King and spirits were attracted to him. COME ON. This isn’t even everything like he’s just a boss. He also survived Tartarus (willingly going in) ALONE. 9.4/10. I’m sorry but yes; .2 ahead of Percy.
AND FINALLY (I’M ABOUT TO GET A LOT OF HATE) We have Hazel Levesque!!! She is an absolute girl boss. Like how old is she? 13. Thirteen years old and she is one of the most powerful demigods of the generation. That is impressive. She had like no idea she was a demigod WHEN SHE BROUGHT DOWN A CAVE. Like I’m speechless. She was a horse girl like days before that. And then, she battled a giant with help and won. She also brought forth bars of gold, diamonds, and other metals with a power because of anxiety and trauma. That means it was’t on purpose. Imagine what she can do when she’s trying, maybe something like bringing a sword in the water back from over half a mile away. Okay, without practice too... I CANNOT SHE IS SO POWERFUL. She can do incredible things as she gets older and more powerful. She may have also helped Nico shadow travel in House of Hades. I mean come on, this is amazing. If she really did help, no one can stop her at all, let’s be real. She has so much potential it’s undeniable. Hazel gets.... 9.3/10!
So, the official order is...
Nico di Angelo, Hazel Levesque, Percy Jackson, Frank Zhang, and Thalia Grace for the top five. You all can have your own opinions, and I’d be honored to hear what you all have to say! Thanks for sticking around for this 3 part series! Thank you all for engaging! Have a nice rest of your day!
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praetor-percy · 3 years
Look, I didn’t wanna be a demigod. Yes, very sad, but anyway. I’m going to tell you a probably short version of my life and how it went down. I could’ve phrased that a lot better than making it sound like I died and I’m writing this miraculously in Erebos. But unfortunately, I’m alive and breathing and still doing the dogs of Olympus favors and tasks. My bad. Gods. Sorry, that’s my dyslexia that took over for a moment. (Not really.) So yeah, for starters, my name is Percy Jackson. My wonderful mom’s name is Sally Jackson. My godly parent is Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, horses and earthquakes. I’m 18 years old and am currently living in a dormitory located in New Rome University, in New Rome. I am taking Marine Biology there while my lovely and extremely smart (also scary) girlfriend Annabeth Chase studies Architecture there. Am I a troubled kid? Yeah, I guess you could say that. You won’t believe the number of times I got expelled from school.
It all started when I was 12 years old when my mathematics teacher, Mrs. Dodds tried to eat me. Well, that may be an exaggeration but it’s hard to tell when she’s flashing her teeth and talons at me with those leathery bat-like wings in the museum while we were on a field trip, after that bully Nancy Bobofit picked on Grover and naturally I have to defend my best friend. She witnessed me blast the fountain water and made it grab the bully. So while inside the museum because she told me to come inside with her, I thought I was gonna get into ‘normal’ trouble. But then she turned into an ugly monster, and again, it’s hard to tell whether she’s trying to eat me or just simply kill me.
Then, my favorite teacher, Mr. Brunner, who is actually a centaur named Chiron, threw a pen at me. I was like, “what am I supposed to do with a pen? It’s a pen! Should I give it an F?” because when you’re handed a pen in combat against a deadly monster, what are you gonna do? Good thing, this pen is actually a sword masked as a pen. Weird, right? So I uncapped it and stabbed the Mrs. Dodds out of instinct and she vanished into thin air, leaving golden dust. And that is the beginning of this exhausting life of being a demigod. Would I recommend it? Absolutely not. It’s better to live a normal life with your family and your girlfriend without ever thinking if this will be my last day because a monster will eat me or kill me and use my bones as a toothpick.
You know, when I first arrived at Camp Halfblood, I asked why there are no adult demigods and they told me that it’s because demigods don’t grow up. And I don’t mean that we are Peter Pans. No. It’s because most demigods don’t get to grow up because they die early. Most instances, I thought that’s also gonna be the same for me. I look back at all the things I have experienced with my friends and I must say, I’m glad to be alive. It’s just unfortunate that I was born to be a demigod and was expected to do whatever the gods of Olympus wanted me to do or else I will die.
Then, when I thought that finally, I can relax and have a good and normal life with my friends and family, fucking Hera kidnapped me. I know, bad language but how can you not be frustrated when a goddess kidnaps you, erases your memory, and leaves you to fend for yourself with nothing but your clothes and pen-sword right after starting to date the love of your life since you’re twelve? I didn’t even know my name. I just know that my name is Perseus, which, by the way, I’m not a big fan of. It sounds kinda silly and every single one of the monsters I fought was like, “Perseus, son of Neptune”, yeah, whatever that means, stinky-breath. It’s eight months of constantly battling those uglies from Tartarus until I reached Camp Jupiter. It’s a camp for Roman demigods. I crossed the river of Tiber while carrying an old lady named June, which washes away Greek blessings. Such a bummer because that invincibility that I gained by swimming in the River Styx is kind of awesome at keeping me alive. Turns out, the old lady I carried is the goddess Juno. All I could remember is a single name and it’s Annabeth’s. I guess the mind forgets but the heart doesn’t. Yeah, I said it. Deal with it.
I’m not gonna go into so much detail about my life in Camp Jupiter and how I started from the lowest rank of being a legionnaire in the ‘worst’ cohort, and became Praetor of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata. Between me and you, I like the camp counselor title more in Camp Halfblood. Though, I guess we could use more of the Romans’ military strategy. That reminds me, the moment I finished my quest, I felt a burning sensation in my right inner forearm, and the symbol of Poseidon appeared along with SPQR and one line. SPQR means senatus populusque Romanus, which translates to “those crazy Romans”. I’m kidding. It’s actually “The Senate and People of Rome”. I felt compelled to correct myself because Reyna might see this, and if you never met Reyna before, she’s just a scary girl who could kill you with a spoon in a flash. She was a former Praetor of the Legion just like me. Annabeth and her are equally scary. Though, I think I like being judo flipped by that Wise Girl at any given time.
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rickriordanmistakes · 4 years
Mount Etna or Mount Othrys?
The Lightning Thief, Chapter 9
“Zeus’s master bolt,” Chiron said, getting worked up now. “The symbol of his power, from which all other lightning bolts are patterned. The first weapon made by the Cyclopes for the war against the Titans, the bolt that sheered the top off Mount Etna and hurled Kronos from his throne; the master bolt, which packs enough power to make mortal hydrogen bombs look like firecrackers.”
Isn’t it Mount Othrys that Zeus’ master bolt had sheared* the top off?
The Lightning Thief, Chapter 21
Poseidon gripped his trident. “In the First War, Percy, Zeus cut our father Kronos into a thousand pieces, just as Kronos had done to his own father, Ouranos. Zeus cast Kronos’s remains into the darkest pit of Tartarus. The Titan army was scattered, their mountain fortress on Etna destroyed, their monstrous allies driven to the farthest corners of the earth.
Mount Othrys is their mountain fortress or base, not Etna.
The Lightning Thief, Chapter 9
“The sword is celestial bronze. Forged by the Cyclopes, tempered in the heart of Mount Etna, cooled in the River Lethe.
Mount Etna is one of the places where celestial bronze is forged.
Also, I’m a bit confused by the term Rick used: sheered the top off. Isn’t it supposed to be sheared* the top off? To sheer off means to change direction suddenly. While to shear off means to remove something with great force. I think shear off’s definition is closer to what Rick was supposed to mean. Correct me if I’m wrong, please.
@rickriordanmistakes​ comment: You are absolutely correct! In Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods it says that Kronos built his palace on Mount Othrys:
They had spent all their time in the abyss learning how to forge metal and build with stone (I guess that’s pretty much all there was to do), so in gratitude for their freedom, they constructed a massive palace for Kronos on top of Mount Othrys, which back then was the tallest mountain in Greece. 
Mount Etna is the mountain that Zeus threw on top of Typhon. This excerpt is also from Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods:
“EAT ETNA!” Zeus bellowed. (Because that was the name of the mountain.) He smashed Typhoeus under the weight of Mount Etna, and the storm giant has been trapped there ever since, rumbling beneath megatons of rock and occasionally causing volcanic explosions.
Maybe there’s a conflict in the myths?
As for the word usage, it’s possible that was an error. Even I didn’t know the difference! :)
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Prison break, another chance
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You followed the guard with a stoic face plastered on your features, feeling the slight movement of your overcoat almost floating behind you as you walked through the cells of tartarus...
"Have to say miss, have no idea how ya can keep coming in here after what he done so far." The only answer you gave it to the guard was a shrug before readjusting the beak mask on your face with a cough.
Honestly, how Kai could breath and hold this thing...?
You stopped just when the guard did, bowing his head in respect and showing it with his palm at the place where you should enter.
You thanked him and closed the door, seating down on a chair, waiting for the man himself to appear.
Chisaki was brought by a guard, physical form easing up a bit at seing your presence on the room. The guard who brought him dismissed himself and told you two that you had only half a hour before abruptly closing the cell.
"You didn't showed up for the past weeks." He whispered, dissapointment and hurt present on it as he pushed his chair to sit on with his new robotic arms. "And your eyebags grew..." he pointed our coldly, feeling like he was shotted at the fact that you weren't looking at him... more interested on your hands placed on your lap.
"Of course they grew, think having the love of your entire fucking life imprissioned in tartarus is the best thing that let me sleep at peace?" You said angrily as you controlled the burning feeling of your eyes before breathing in slowly to look up at him... numbly.
He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out... now his owm head hanging low. Metalic hands now interviewed together ass he rested his forehead on them.
".. you found my mask and now you're using it. Intriguing." He winced mentally at hearing your scoff, glancing back at you to found you had crossed your arms over your chest. "What's the deal? Why such attitude?"
You let out a bitter chuckle, averting your eyes from him for a bit before looking onto his eyes again.
"What was that thing again you said once to me? Our relationship is based on 'trust'?" You leaned up a bit to look at him deep on his eyes "How longer did you hide the girl and experiments from me Chisaki?"
He gagged... he freaking gagged.
Hearing his surname falling from your lips in such a... hurt and betrayed tone of voice made him feel... worse than he was already.
Not only he ruined the whole yakusa, left his father figurine on a coma, but also left his lover... his angel whose he so desperately didn't want it involved.
"Angel, it was-"
"For a better cause? Keep your words, please." You leaned back on your chair with a huff, checking the time on your wristwatch, boucing your leg a bit.
"(Y/n)..." he breathed out, not knowing anymore what he could do to ease your feelings since he was mentally panicking...
He couldn't lost you too... please don't do this. Just listen to him.
You looked at him, raising one of your eyebrows up.
"It was to retribuite his kindness, it was to return this sick world back to normal, bring the yakusa back from the shadows, you got to-!"
You lift yourself from your chair, starung him down, his mask covering half of your face made difficult to him to see how you were feeling...
Although he did saw your eyes... which pierced his chest by the way you looked at him.
"You lied to me Chisaki. You hided this from me and also got arrested, most of the yakusa was... have any idea how hurt I am and how difficult this is for me?" He widened his eyes at seing one silent tear drop from your eye.
"I-" he got interrupted by some beeps coming from your wristwatch, you widened your eyes a bit and returned the chair to the inicial place.
"Angel, it didn't reached half a hou-"
"I have some things to do." You walked towards him and looked at the camera apprehensively.
"(Y/N)... please." He almost begged while reaching his metal hand to grip on your clothing, refusing to accept that his lover was getting out of here before the time stabilized... getting away from him with absolutely hatred.
"Good bye. Chisaki." Just before he could even get up you whispered onto his ear before grabbing onto his hand.
'Run as fast as you can'
He arched one eyebrow, golden eyes puffy red but yet refusing to let go of any tear before he almost jumped at the sound of explosion.
"NOW!" you shouted while dragging him out of the cell.
While running, your free hand came up to your ear, pressing onto some device that only now he had noticed.
Kurono? Irinaka?
He tried to formulate words before the same guard that had lead him to the chat room vlicked you two from the way.
"BITCH YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!" You let go of Chisaki's hand to dodge and pushed Chisaki out of his attack while in one quick and gracious movement you crouched down to give the man a sweep and then spin again in the air to kick the poor security guard's jagular, making the poor guy unhurt, but completely knocked out.
You quickly stole his gun and hold it close to you.
Chisaki was absolutely out of words... his angel just did that? THAT?
You heard shouts from guards and Nemoto and Tengai's, cursing under the mask yiu got up again and looked around to see if any guards were coming up.
"Kai come on!" You shouted as you mentioned for him to follow you.
His metal hand grabbed onto your shoulder and spun you around, disbelied and confused golden eyes staring you down.
"Kai we have to go!" You almost shouted while letting out ome or two tears.
"What did you do?" He asked hushed, not caring about the loud sirens and shouts coming from everwhere.
"Dumbass we're taking you out of here!" You almost cried, gripping onto his metal wrist.
"Why? You ruined your life with this! HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT ARE YOU RISKING?!" he shouted, feeling his own eyes watered as he shook your shoulders slightly.
"I WON'T LET YOU RUIN YOUR WHOLE LIFE FOR HAVING ME BACK IDIOT!" you two turned your heads at heating the amount of sounds of guards running, you two intestantly going up for the fire exit.
"You ruined my life already Chisaki Kai!" You said between muffled breaths, Chisaki widening his eyes and feeling a hreat griff and sorrow corrupt his soul... until you looked from your shoulder to him, with teary but he could tell that how your cheek bones had raised up that you were... smilling. Smilling for him.
"You ruined my life for getting out of it... so I am getting my devil back." You kicked the door open, smilling widely behind that mask at seing the helicopter.
"KURONO! IRINAKA!" You shouted at the top of your lungs, shortly after seing the ladder that Hari throwed from up above.
"HoP On FuCkInG IdiOTs!" Mimic yelled as he down at you both, both him and Hari smirking.
"How the hell did you got these two idiots out of prison?" Chisaki asked in disbelief as he stared up with wide eyes.
Tengai and Nemoto passed through you two and quickly climbed up to the machine, Tengai saying something about 'be quick boss' to you as he pushed himself up.
You placed your feet up before notocing that Chisaki didn't make any movements to follow you.
"Kai?" You asked before yelping at feeling you were being pushed away from the building "WHAT THE HELL IRINAKA?! KAI IS STILL HERE! KURONO TELL HIM TO STOP!"
"TiCK FUcKInG ToC BettEr HOp FucKinG On!" Mimic yelled while he curswd loudly at seing the cops getting closer....he had to lift up.
You widened your eyes in horror, before looking at Chisaki with pleadind and esperate expression.
"Please! KAI!"
"I don't deserve this..." he murmured as he hearded the shouts of the cops coming to him... "My angel got into this... I ruined everything, lost everything..."
"KAAAAIII!" You shouted at the top of your lungs, extending your hand desperately at him... waking him up from his self deprecating thought as he widened his eyes at the scene above him.
His angel crying out and extending her hand to him... for him to grab it.
He swallowed the air stuck on his throat...
"I bet he only needs time for him to understand that whatever it is your method will work, Kai... be a little pacient." You cooed sympathetically, hesitantly placing a hand on his shoulder and carresing it sweetly.
His gloved hand came to grip on yours as his head still lung low as he stared at the outside.
"Maybe if I talk-"
"No." He breathed out, slowly pushing your hand away from his shoulder to bring you to a close hug "I told you. Its business stuff... you don't need to worry about it... I just..."
"You want to repay him for taking you in." You smiled as he squeezed you to him tighter "Kai, even if you don't want to tell me becaus eyou worry about my mental health or something..." you pushed his chest a bit far away to look up at him with a sweet smile.
The way the city and the shiny sky lights reflect on your beautiful eyes were just... fascinating to him.
"I'm always by your side. Chisaki Kai. Even if the whole world burns down."
While your words echoed in his mind his legs moved onto their own, running at the end of the building.
Grab on her hand. Granb it-!
Just as he took one last step he jumped as high as he could, clenching his jaw and extending his right metalic arm in your direction.
Your hands connected, you cried out loud a happy and relieved sound.
"Thank God!" You cried as he stared you up, golden wide yet relieved eyes piercing your soul.
Chrono shouted in glee before pushing you two up along with Rikiya. Just as you two got in you let go of his hand to grab onto a device, a small box with a button that you had pressed onto it and gave it to Rikiya.
"You know what to do big guy." He nodded in agreement and threw it just above Tartarus, exploding into a wide and huge puff of purple smoke.
"It will erased their minds of the current event... I placed a hologram on your cell that's exactly a replic..." you said while taking off the mask with a relieved sigh.
You guys were in the ground in minutes, everyone jumping off with victorious shouts at the fa t they just broked into Tartarus.
"ThE YaKUSa Is BaCK AgAIn BiTChEs!" Mimic yelled witha fist on the air.
"HELL FUCKING YEAH!" Kurono shouted along just when Kai had jumped out of the helicopter and offered his hand to help you down.
"You brought not only them, but all the precepts of death back." He mumbled in disbelief.
"Almost. Bitch Rappa stayed fucking behind." You mumbled before you giggled.
Tengai bowed along with Nemoto.
"Thanks to miss (Y/n) sama we got the honor of getting you back master Overhaul."
Setsuno smirked alomg with his three commurates nodding in agreement.
"Be proud dude. Your girlfriend was the one who took us out of our prison and brought the yakusa back up again." Chrono commented while wiping the sweat on his forehead.
Chisaki almost let out a sob as he looked at your smilling self, offering him his plague mask.
"I cleaned Kai... sorry! Ovedhaul."
He looked at the mask before shoving it away to brought you to a crushing hug. Not only surprising you but the whole gang as well.
"The greatest blessing that I will have on my whole life is having you..." he parted from your hug to wiped one tear away from your eye "my dear angel as my partner..."
"Cheesy shit." Mimic got punched from Chrono for that.
You touched foreheads together for one last time, before Chisaki darkened his eyes and looked at mens.
"The Shie Hassaikai is back from the shadows." He said numbly.
"And thank god im not the leader anymore..." you sighed with a giggle, smilling widely at the brighest look you saw from your boyfriend.
He had hope again.Chisaki Kai was back. Not Overhaul.
Kai. Your Kai Chisaki was back.
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aimlessplayer · 4 years
it's familiar, but not too familiar
(On AO3)
Summary: Months after Tomura is captured and placed under the care of Eraserhead, he's still having trouble adjusting to his new environment.
It helps that some things are still the same, though.
(In which Aizawa has a surprise, and Tomura accidentally reveals an awful fact about his past relationship with All For One.)
Notes: This is a recovery oriented fic, but Tomura is messy and still in the middle of it and still holds some harmful ideas that do not necessarily reflect the author's opinion.
cw: not explicit but contains mature themes, panic attacks, past csa, brief mentions of suicide (nothing that actually happens or is even actually considered), brief mention of mental hospitals, past abuse, vomiting.
Four months.
Four months since the League of Villains was disbanded. All his members were caught and shipped out to be ‘rehabilitated’ by professionals. He’s sure Toga’s out there making some psychologist just as miserable as they make her.
He hopes she’s having fun with it, at least.
Tomura got a special case himself; instead of being thrown in prison or a mental institution, he’s been placed under the care of Eraserhead.
On Yuuei’s campus, of all places.
They determined that he wasn’t much of a risk to the students, which is fair; every contact with the underworld he’d had in the League was severed or caught--everyone he was trying to change the world for is gone.
There’s no reason to try again.
Surveillance has eased up a bit over time; they didn’t explicitly say he was on a suicide watch when he first got here, but Tomura isn’t dumb. He knew why he wasn’t allowed to shut his door, why all his eating utensils were (and still are) plastic, why his bathroom has no lock on it.
Fair enough.
He wasn’t motivated enough to do even that much, though, even if it meant being stuck here, where everyone is so painfully kind that it makes him sick. He’s learned to tolerate it better over time, but he still can’t quite get over that he tried to kill them countless times in the past and now they’re acting all buddy-buddy with him, like how Eraserhead somehow got it in his head that Tomura likes to be touched (maybe because he closes his eyes and leans into it when he pets his head) and goes out of his way to do so. He's often met with shoulder pats and head rubs when he does something 'good' like pick up after himself or offers to help someone with something. He loves it It's embarrassing.
Eraser reminds him of Sensei. His thumbs aren't as large when they stroke over his cheeks, his words are a little more strict and his actions a little less so while Sensei was the reverse, but the touches are the same, the praise is the same (even if it's elicited by very different behaviors), and his presence is the same.
He feels guilty for that. All For One is rotting in Tartarus meanwhile Tomura is fighting to keep his name out of his mouth around Eraserhead (especially when all his students around call him 'sensei' too).
He's… always admired Eraserhead, ever since his attack on USJ; the way he threw himself into harm's way to protect his students, instead of leaving them to fend for themselves as a 'learning moment' as All For One so often did… That moment his fingers connected with the frog girl's face (–Tsu, her name is Tsu,) and nothing happened, because even while getting his face smashed into concrete he was more worried about his kids… in that moment, Tomura wished he'd had a teacher like that.
(His tantrum over Sensei misinforming him about how weak All Might– Toshinori really was may not have actually been fully about that.)
There is one key difference, though.
Eraserhead doesn't fuck him.
Tomura always expects those fingers carding through his hair to tighten and pull him into a kiss, or for Eraserhead to lean over and kiss his neck when they're sitting on the couch together, or for him to slip into his bed when he stops by to wish him goodnight every night.
He's always waiting on it. It was commonplace with All For One. He's used to it, having grown up his whole life getting fucked as both a treat and a punishment or whatever Sensei wanted to say it was at the time–it wasn't for him. It was for Sensei, and that was fine, because at least Tomura could always please him with his body. It made him happy that Sensei always liked him enough to touch him.
It really did.
So, when Eraserhead pops into the lounge area in the evening and beckons him to follow down the hall, he doesn't understand why his stomach drops. He doesn't understand why he's shaking as he stands in the doorway to Eraser's bedroom. And he doesn't understand why he wants to throw up and cry when he tells him to sit down on the bed.
"...been waiting for this a long time–"
Tomura stares at the floor, barely able to hear Eraserhead's voice over his own heartbeat as he brushes Tomura's hair for him (easier to stroke through, he supposes).
"–I think you're ready now–"
Why is it so hard to breathe? Why doesn't it feel warm like it did with Sensei? (Did it feel warm with Sensei…?)
"–at's wrong?"
Tomura lifts his eyes numbly to Eraserhead. His hand is on Tomura's shoulder, a slight crease in his brow as he stares at him, hairbrush loose in his other hand. He must have hesitated too much.
"Sorry," Tomura says, but it only makes the crease deepen as a flicker of concern crosses his face.
He pushes himself backwards up the bed on trembling arms, laying back with his arms at his sides. He stares at the wall opposite of Eraser, frustrated at his body's behavior. Suddenly he wants his hands back. He wants Sensei back. He wants the League back.
The bed shifts but doesn't dip like he expects it to. He doesn't feel too-big hands roaming his torso.
"...What do you think is happening right now?"
Tomura glances over to him. Eraser's brows are furrowed, standing with his hands clenched at his sides.
Tomura shoots upright. He missed something.
"Sorry," he murmurs, just trying to keep his voice even. "Do you want me to go first?"
He turns towards Eraser and starts to slide his legs off the bed, only to be caught by a firm hand on his shoulder.
Tomura freezes, staring up at him with wide eyes. Eraser's looking at him with so much horror and disgust and anger and it's been a long time but Tomura's pretty sure he's about to be struck across the face with a gardening tool.
Then Eraser crouches down onto one knee and Tomura's gaze follows him, too alarmed to look away. He starts to spread his legs apart for him, because maybe that is what he wants, but–
"Stop," he's told again, softer this time, and the movement of Tomura's legs halts.
"What are you doing?" Eraser asks, voice steady and firm as he finally eases that horror out of his expression, staring up at him hard.
"I– I'm sorry." It's okay to admit your mistakes. Which one did he learn that from? Who…? "I didn't hear what you wanted. Just tell me again; I'll be good, Sensei…"
"No." The hand on his shoulder squeezes–grounding, not painful. "I'm not him. You're not there."
"I know," Tomura says automatically.
"Where are you?"
He knows where he is, but he can't find the words in all his panic (stupid, stupid) and it only gets worse because he knows he'll think he doesn't really know.
"Good." He nods and so much relief and warmth hits Tomura at the simplest little bit of praise. "Where in Yuuei?"
"Teachers' dorms."
"That's right. Okay," he breathes out, almost like he's... relieved. "Who am I?"
"Se– S– Uh…" Slip of the tongue. He knows it's not right, but there's only two names Tomura can think of right now.
Sensei… Father… Sensei… Father…
"...Eraserhead," he finally says. The tension that's been steadily building in Eraser's brow finally falls away as he shuts his eyes in relief.
"That's right." He offers Tomura a wary smile, hand moving up from his shoulder to cup his face. "You're safe. I'm not gonna–"
Eraser falters and Tomura can't understand why.
"–I'm not gonna hurt you."
"I know," Tomura replies, confusion spreading over his own face. He's still shaking, but he thinks it's from fatigue this time.
Eraserhead stares up at him, expression gentle as he strokes Tomura's cheek with his thumb. Tomura shuts his eyes and leans into the touch, trying to imagine the hand touching him bigger and less calloused.
"...He did that to you?" he hears Eraser utter, mostly to himself from the softness of it, but the underlying horror of his tone is loud and clear.
His eyes snap open, greeted by Eraser's face contorted with a deep concern. An odd sense of shame creeps up his back, pricking at his neck and face unpleasantly.
"Well…" Averting his gaze, his knees squeeze together suddenly. He tries to scratch at his neck but it's just not right through the goddamn gloves.
"...It was just our thing. It wasn't like that."
He avoids looking at Eraser, knowing he's wearing that worried and doubtful face. The haphazard rubbing just makes angry red marks appear along his neck, the skin unbroken and itchier than ever.
Eraserhead curls his fingers around his wrist, pulling without wrenching to cease his motions. Tomura lets him, tries to ignore the stinging itch and heat.
"...You thought I was…?"
He looks down, and Eraser is the one avoiding meeting his eye now. He's looking at his gloved hand, resting on his knee as he curls his fingers over Tomura's palm. Even from above he can see the absolute hurt on Eraser's face, and that crushing guilt he carries with him at all times pangs a little louder in Tomura's chest.
Eraser shakes his head before he can continue, giving his hand a firm squeeze. He looks up at him, eyes serious and glinting with determination.
"I would never," he says with such conviction Tomura thinks he could almost believe him. "I would never–" He shakes his head again, struggling with the words. "–ever hurt you."
"It doesn't hurt," Tomura retorts.
"Tomura," Eraser says so firmly Tomura has to look away. "You were terrified."
Tomura can only drop his gaze, because that's true and he doesn't even know why.
They're both quiet for a long moment, and Tomura fixes on their hands intertwined in his lap, Eraser's thumb brushing over his knuckles. He doesn't think Sensei ever held his hand like this.
Eventually, Eraser draws a soft breath and Tomura's eyes flicker to his face. He nods towards the bed.
"Can I sit?"
Eraserhead keeps his hand in his as he moves to sit a respectful distance away on the bed beside him, but apparently something in the way Tomura shifts towards him or the pathetic look he gives him makes him decide, after some clear deliberation, to let go and open his arms instead. Tomura clambers forward, letting himself be wrapped up in Eraser's embrace and tucks his head under his chin.
It's a good feeling, if not a desperate one; Eraserhead's rubbing his upper back (only his upper back, no matter how much he expects his hands to trail lower), and while he's not as big as Sensei he's just as easy to disappear into. He doesn't need to be big for Tomura to know he's safe in his arms, and he doesn't even have to lie to himself about it this time.
He doesn't quite return the embrace–he's still uncomfortable with initiating touch, especially with… these people–but he leans into him.
"You never need to be afraid of me," Eraser murmurs. "Remember? You never have to do anything that hurts, even if you can technically bear it. You should only do things that feel good."
He's heard it a dozen, a hundred, two-hundred times–it's one of the 'rules' they have for him.
Eraser tilts his head down to press a kiss to the top of Tomura's head, before resting his cheek in the same spot.
"I just want you to be safe and happy, Tomura. You don't have to hurt anymore, even for us, alright?"
He can't quite bring himself to say okay yet, which is why he's going to hear it at least another hundred.
Instead, he asks, "What was this all about, then?"
"I wanted to give you something."
Tomura is slow to pull away, savoring as much time pressed against Eraser's side and buried against his chest as possible. When he finally withdraws, Eraser leaves one arm over his shoulders, watching Tomura carefully as his red eyes peer up at him.
"Do you want it now?"
Tomura pauses, then nods once.
Eraser’s hand slides off his shoulder as he stands up to retrieve a rather plain looking box off the dresser–along with the key sitting atop it. First he sets the box aside on the bed, taking the key in one hand and holding the other out to him.
“Here,” he beckons. An odd feeling creeps up Tomura as he realizes what’s happening. He places his hand in Eraser’s, allowing him to unlock the clasp around his wrist, and the same for the other.
Tomura peels off the gloves, movements overshooting a bit without the weight around them. His fingers are a bit wrinkled from being inside them all day, and he rubs the red ring that has formed around his wrist from the restraints.
There are times he gets to take them off, of course. At least once a day, if not more–but he gets the feeling this is special, especially as Eraser makes a show of tossing the key away into his dresser. He eyes the box beside him as Eraser turns back to him, watching expectantly, but he can’t bring himself to take it just yet. He keeps his fingers curled into his palm–passive.
It’s not that he’s refusing; he’s just… afraid of what it means.
Stupid. It’s just a box.
Eraserhead seems to get the message though. He picks it up for him, turning it towards him and nudging up the lid with his thumbs so Tomura can see inside.
“I’ll have to keep an eye on you for a little while, but we think you’re ready to ditch the quirk suppressors.”
They’re gloves–sort of. Rather, it’s more like a finger cover; it sort of looks like a splint, just enough fabric for a single finger that goes down the side of the palm and finally wraps around his wrist. No cuffs, no keys, just a thin strip of material he can remove at any time.
He doesn’t know why his heart is beating so damn fast. Why he’d rather disintegrate the box and the covers inside and go back to his cuffs.
But he doesn’t do that. He forces himself to pick them out of the box, examining them closer. He can see a separate strip of fabric within, so he can’t accidentally decay them while he’s wearing them. He glances up to Eraser, who’s as neutral as ever but there’s definitely the ghost of a smile on his lips. He cocks his head, perhaps picking up on his hesitance. His eyes flick back down to the covers. He takes a deep breath and takes one, undoing the strap and fitting it over his pinky before securing it around his wrist.
“Feel better?” Eraser asks as he flexes his hand experimentally.
It’s much more comfortable than his cuffs. It breathes better, it’s lighter, it’s more flexible; he can barely feel it in comparison to how the suppressors weighed and squeezed on his hands.
Tomura only nods, not trusting his voice to speak.
He’s not choked up, it’s not tears, it’s– it– They shouldn’t trust him this much. Not yet.
“Are you sure?” Tomura whispers, even as he fits the other one on obediently. His eyes are on his hands, the covers, but he can practically see Eraser frown.
“I wouldn’t have agreed to this if I thought you weren’t ready,” he answers, simple.
That’s another difference between Eraserhead and Sensei. Sensei gave long speeches, not leaving much room for Tomura to argue, or question, or talk at all. All explanations, all reasons why, all directions.
Eraser is quick, succinct. He doesn’t need to ramble to justify himself.
The trembling is back. He folds his hands in his lap, wringing his fingers lightly, making sure they’re all touching him and nothing–no one–else. He wants to scratch his neck, especially now that he can use his nails, but that would make Eraser touch him and he doesn’t think Eraser should touch him right now. He can feel his eyes on him while Tomura stares hard at the floor, exhausted and anxious all at once.
Suddenly, he says, “You don’t owe me for this. Or any of us. This is a natural part of your recovery.”
Ah, so he thinks Tomura is still worried about…
“No, that’s not–” He tries to shake off his nerves, forcing himself to meet Eraser’s eye, forces a smile, like he always does. “I just wasn’t expecting this so soon. Thank you.”
Eraser tilts his head, studying him closely.
“Do you think you’re not ready?”
Tomura’s eyes fall back to his new gloves, smile falling as he flexes his hand.
“I’m not gonna take them off,” he settles on.
“Sorry I got all worked up over gloves,” he huffs, trying to change the subject.
“No.” Eraser shakes his head, sitting back down beside him. “I should have made my intentions more clear. I'm sorry. I don’t blame you for getting nervous.”
Tomura glances away, trying not to bristle at the comment.
“There were just people hanging around the lounge, and I didn’t want– I thought you’d be more comfortable in private, so I brought you in here.”
“Yeah.” Tomura nods. “This was probably better.”
Cautiously, Eraser puts his hand on Tomura’s back. When he doesn’t recoil, he puts a comforting pressure behind it, occasionally stroking with his thumb. They sit there awhile, neither really looking at each other. Tomura can tell the cogs are turning in Eraser’s head just as much as they are in his own, considering his new gloves and what they mean.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Which part,” Tomura asks flatly.
Eraser answers seriously, “You and All For One."
“What is there to talk about?”
Eraser doesn’t sigh, but he releases an audible breath as he considers his question.
“How old were you when it started?”
“I don’t know,” Tomura answers honestly. He really doesn’t remember when a lot of things ‘started’ - his memory is pretty spotty overall, even now at times. “It’s been that way for as long as I can remember.”
He can feel the hand on his back tense. Eraser is quiet for a beat too long.
“You’ve been with him since you were five, right?” he asks, voice with little force behind it.
“Yeah,” he answers easily, automatic–trying not to consider it too closely. “That’s what I was told, anyway. I don’t remember much of it right now. Comes and goes.”
Eraser inhales shakily and exhales twice as bad. Tomura chances a glance at him, feeling himself starting to go numb again. He’s staring hard at the wall in front of him.
“And that–” He stops, tries again, “What- did you think of that? At the time.”
“I… He…” Tomura pauses.
“It was one way I couldn’t fail him,” he finally says. “It was normal. I didn’t think anything of it; it was just something we did together sometimes."
"You seemed scared of it happening again," Eraserhead points out.
That's true, and he still doesn't understand why. He's been expecting it. It's just like with Sensei–so why did it hurt so much…?
"You're not Sensei," Tomura offers solidly, even though he's not sure if that was the problem–if there even was a problem. Eraserhead isn't Sensei, and Tomura doesn't love him as much as Sensei, but… he still wants to please him. So why did the idea of pleasing him that way terrify him so much?
"That's true. Just because you're comfortable with one person doesn't mean you have to be with others."
Tomura lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Eraser rubs his back a few times while he evens out his breath again.
"Were you allowed to say no?" Eraser wonders.
"I wouldn't say no to Sensei."
"But could you have?"
"–Why are we still talking about this?" Tomura snaps.
Of course he couldn't fucking say no! He went months at a time without even being able to speak, and it's not like Sensei ever asked; he'd pull him aside during online matches, or wake him up in the middle of the night–sometimes it was even a punishment for fuck's sake–of course he couldn't say no.
But he hadn't wanted to say no. It felt good. He loves Sensei. He liked it. So why–? Why is thinking back on it now so scary? Why does it hurt–?
"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, Tomura. Tomura? Tomura– Breathe, you're okay."
He's hyperventilating. He distantly feels himself being pulled closer; an arm around his back, a hand on his chest trying to guide his pace, low murmurs about safety and rhythms.
He ducks his head into his hands, grabbing fistfuls of his hair as a manic smile pulls the corners of his mouth uncomfortably wide.
He whimpers through his teeth. "You got into my head!"
"I'm sorry–"
He's trying not to think about it, but his mind supplies the question "If Sensei were here and wanted to fuck you again, would it still feel good?" and he tries and tries and tries to push the answer away, but he knows that no; he would feel used and dirty and ashamed.
Just like he always did.
"He didn't hurt me!" Tomura insists, tears pricking at his eyes. He's not talking to Eraser. "Sensei loves me! Sensei–"
He can't squeeze anymore out, choking around a sob and too-small lungs. He's crushed against Eraser's chest in a bear hug, arms tight around him, forcing his breathing to ease a bit by restricting his chest.
"I know, I know," Eraser soothes, puffing hot breath against the top of his head. "Sometimes we hurt people we love without meaning to. You're right - it doesn't mean he didn't love you."
It's marginally soothing, the words, the pressure– but then he thinks, that's him; he always hurts the people he loves without meaning to– the League– and– they always– Sensei– Father– hurt him– That's all there– is–
"I'm gonna throw up," he wheezes, because even right now there's a part of him that remembers they're all sick of him vomiting straight onto the floor.
Eraser lets go right away. "Okay."
He takes his hands, guiding Tomura up and into his bathroom, where his knees hit the floor so hard it should hurt except he's so far beyond panic that he's watching, calm, from a distance as he hurls into the toilet. He does feel Eraser's fingers running through his hair though, catching all the loose stands and pulling them out of the way. He thinks he should thank him for that, but he can't when his throat is so fully occupied.
He has no idea how long it lasts; the seconds seem to fly by and last an eternity at the same time. He just knows that at some point he finds himself back inside his own body panting over the toilet bowl, no longer split in half between blind panic and eerie calmness.
(He wonders if that's what Twice feels like all the time?)
He feels Eraser's hand on his back, rubbing soothing circles while Tomura sits back and tries to catch his breath.
"All done?" he asks.
Tomura takes a few more shaky breaths before answering, "Think so."
They both wince at the roughness of his voice, his throat burning raw. Eraser reaches up onto the counter to grab a paper cup full of water and offers it to him, allowing Tomura to rinse his mouth out and then soothe his throat just a fraction. Eraser's hand never leaves his shoulder, watching him attentively as he finishes evening out his breathing. They both know that there's rarely a second wave, but he seems to be watching for one anyway.
After a moment, after Tomura’s breathing eases and he feels fatigue creeping into his bones, letting his eyes fall shut, Eraser asks, “Do you want a hug?”
Tomura nods without hesitation, lets himself be pulled into Eraser’s arms–gentle this time–and leans his head on Eraser’s shoulder. After a moment, the arms around him tighten a fraction, Eraser turns his head towards his ear to murmur, "I'm sorry for pushing you too hard."
Before Tomura can consider and voice a reply, Eraser pats his back and pulls away, getting his feet underneath him.
"Alright, let's get you to bed."
He helps Tomura upright, letting him lean against him as he guides him back out into the bedroom.
"Do you want to go back to your room?"
Tomura hesitates.
"...Can... I stay in here?"
It’s cozy in Eraser’s room. Empty, mostly, but it gives off an oddly calm and safe feeling that he’s not sure he would retain in his own bedroom. He’s not sure what kind of thoughts will overtake him if he’s alone.
Eraser doesn’t miss a beat. "In here? Alright."
He pulls back the blanket for him, helping him ease down onto the edge of the bed. His movements are clearly careful, deliberate, letting Tomura take things at his own pace. He resolves not to lay down just yet, even knowing Eraser won’t do anything; there’s part of him that’s still tense at the idea of laying down in front of him when he’s still hovering so close.
"Do you want the weighted blanket?"
What he's really asking is "are you sleeping in here tonight?" and Tomura nods without hesitation.
"Alright. I'll be right back, and I'll grab you some more water, too. Wait here."
Tomura is pulling his legs up and settling backwards onto the sheets before Eraser's even done talking, feeling his knees finally begin to ache. He doesn't get under the covers while waiting for him to return, knowing they're very much his and that he'll get his own in a minute. He is laying on Eraser's pillow, though. He tries not to let his mind wander back to Sensei, and instead takes in the scent surrounding him; thinks ahead to being wrapped up in safe arms.
Despite his whining, Eraserhead coaxes him upright again to drink some water when he returns, holding the glass to his lips for him. Then, finally, he unfolds the weighted blanket and helps drape it over him. The pressure is immediately soothing, taking his bone deep fatigue and frayed nerves and turning them to mere sleepiness.
He curls up on his side, half watching, half resting his eyes as Eraser crosses the room and flicks on the bedside lamp before switching off the overhead lights, plunging the room into a warm, dim lighting.
Eraserhead leans over the other side of the bed, resting his hand on the edge as he asks, "Should I get my sleeping bag, or will you be okay if I sleep up here with you?"
Tomura reaches his arm across the bed, trying to touch Eraser's hand but only managing to brush their fingertips together for a moment. Eraserhead closes the distance for him, taking Tomura's hand in his instead.
"Please," Tomura mumbles, giving it his best squeeze even as he's already beginning to drift off.
A beat.
Eraser tries to hold onto his hand as he climbs into the bed and under the covers, but has to let go as he shifts and adjusts. It's a full sized bed; he's clearly trying to keep a couple inches between them but through Tomura's insistent tugging and gradual shifting closer Eraserhead gets the message, nudging himself part way under Tomura's blanket. It takes away some of the pressure but it's quickly replaced by his arm over his shoulders. Tomura ducks his head beneath the covers to nudge himself under Eraser's chin and press up against his chest, letting out a contented sigh.
It's far too warm and too stuffy and Tomura has never felt so comfortable in his whole life.
A kiss is pressed to his crown, followed by a low murmur. "Goodnight, kid."
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look I'm just sitting here at work going feral thinking about some things because--okay, look. one of the absolute most interesting things about rick riordan as a writer is that he constantly- constantly- sets himself up for the easy joke, the easy characterization, and he does it once. maybe twice. just to get the point across. and then he just... comes back to it, and layers depth over top of that easy joke. you see him do it with aphrodite and her children, silly and lovestruck and beautiful and that's mostly all percy notices of them, except then there's silena beauregard. a traitor who just wanted to protect her family, and who sacrifices herself to protect everyone when push vomes to shove. and then in the heroes of olympus, there's piper. her entire character is a subversion of the same tropes riordan himself created for the children of aphrodite, while at the same time--she never quite becomes a fighter in a traditional sense, even when hazel teaches her to swordfight (LOVE that she gets a female mentor for that, fyi), and yet! she saves the day over and over and over, with her compassion and her ability to improvise and yes, occasionally her dagger. you see riordan do it with hades, who's just the Worst both as a "person" and especially as a father when he's first introduced, as one might expect of a god of the underworld... except that you say how he's been treated by the other olympians, and you see what happens to maria di angelo, so you understand where his bitterness is stemming from, and then he still saves the day in manhattan at the end of pjo. and from there his relationship with nico grows and shifts and changes until there's a scene in the blood of olympus that made me lose my fucking MIND where he tells nico that all he wants is for him to be happy. (foes this make up for that one time he told nico that he should have died instead of bianca??? no! but the gods operate on a different playing field so whatever.) nico himself is probably the best example of this--he's exactly the kind of creep you might expect a child of hades to be. he calls himself the ghost king, for fuck's sake. and then over and over, it's his humanity and his empathy and his compassion that saves the day; he speaks to hestia at camp when no one else does. he speaks to bob, when percy's all but forgotten him. he threw himself into tartarus alone to try and find the doors of death, and that's how they know what to do and where to go to save percy and annabeth. he's prepared to drive himself into oblivion to save the two camps, and he connects with reyna on such a meaningful level despite seemingly disparate upbringings. (sidenote: reyna and nico are hands down the most interesting and compelling relationship in the entire franchise, I'm putting my foot down on that and I haven't even read trials of apollo or the magnus chase and red pyramid books yet.) and now that I've brought up reyna, who I love too deeply to even discuss here, let's dive into hylla!!! a random one off character in the second damn book, who comes back to be the queen of the fucking amazons! there are so many more examples to think of, and honestly what it is is just... good character work. it's good character work! it's driving the plot forward and then stopping to think about WHY that character would do that thing, and vice versa! it's so much. it's so good. who let me reread these dumb books, I swear to god
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hamsterboos · 4 years
‘cause you don’t mean something to me, you mean it all
🎄Day 4 of 12 Days of PJO Christmas🎄
She didn’t know where he had found the gift for her, but she couldn't care less as she threw herself at him, knowing that he would just as easily catch her. He wrapped his arms around her, and she buried her nose in the crook of his neck, unable to explain the surge of love for him in her heart.
She couldn’t imagine a better present.
PSA: These drabbles are canon-compliant till HoO and just acknowledge the existence of Estelle.
Read on AO3
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“I can’t believe Hazel and Frank couldn’t make it this year,” Percy moaned, as Annabeth felt him press up against her arm, and he eventually just laid his head on her shoulder.
From across Annabeth’s seat, Piper agreed sadly as she chewed on a bar of chocolate.
“Apparently they’ve been running into some issues getting time off since it’s so close to Christmas and all,” Jason explained, pushing the rim of his glasses further up his nose.
“I guess it’s unavoidable, but I wish I could’ve seen Hazel’s reaction to our present from them,” Annabeth mused, setting her head on top of Percy’s. It set her neck at a slightly weird angle, but now that it was getting late at night, she was feeling slightly chilly despite the weather control at camp and the bonfire that she and her friends were sitting around and she wanted to leech off his warmth.
It was hard to get them all in one place considering they had all gone to different schools and had such conflicting schedules, but they had made a plan to at least try to make some time to head up to Camp Half-Blood a few days before Christmas, but so far only Percy, Piper, Jason, Leo, and Annabeth had made it. Grover was, unfortunately, still on the other side of the world while Hazel and Frank were stuck in New Rome.
It was late enough that most of the campers had been sent to bed, and the older ones who had come back to celebrate Christmas were at the beach, enjoying themselves around a bigger bonfire.  
“Can we see the present?” Leo asked as he stole a piece of Piper’s chocolate, causing her to let out a whine in protest. Jason simply gave Piper the rest of his chocolate, and she kissed him on the cheek in thanks.
Percy grinned as he quickly moved away from Annabeth, causing her to lose her balance after she had unconsciously been leaning all her weight on him. She swayed in her place, and Leo shot a hand out to grab her arm, steadying her.
“Thanks, Leo,” she breathed, her heart beating hard as she fought to shake off the feeling of falling backwards. She shot a glare at Percy who was now grinning sheepishly at her. “You—”
“Sorry, babe, I’ll be right back!” Percy quickly spoke, clearly trying to placate Annabeth before he jogged over to one of the benches nearby where all of them had stored their presents. “Can someone please help me bring the rest of these over?”
“What, Mr. Immortal can’t do it himself?” Leo teased as Jason stood up to help. Annabeth looked at Leo with slight exasperation, and he just shrugged in response. Percy didn’t respond, but she was sure that he had rolled his eyes at the comment. Despite all the time that had passed since the two of them had met, Leo and Percy had still only reached an awkward level of friendship — to the point where they were friendly enough to hang out and chat around others, but didn’t exactly hang out alone — because of Calypso, who had decided to respectfully back out of tonight’s meeting, saying that it wasn’t her place to intrude. While Annabeth understood, she felt that Calypso didn’t join more because of the fact that she would have to face Percy considering the curse that Annabeth had been hit with in Tartarus last year.
“You know my water can douse your fire, right?” Percy teased back as he and Jason came back holding a few wrapped presents each in their arms. They set them down carefully on the bench next to Annabeth, and then went to take their seats.
Percy was already holding Frank’s gift, so Annabeth reached over to dig through the boxes until she found the one that she had written Hazel’s name on. She carefully opened the wrapping to avoid ripping the tape and wrapping. She opened the box to pull out a red sweater. She shook it out slightly to straighten the cloth out, and she turned it to face their friends, the bonfire shining enough light for them to see it.
It was a bright red Christmas sweater with pixelated reindeers, santas and snowflakes decorating it with “All I want for Christmas is him” written on it in a pixelated font. Percy had taken out Frank’s gift as well, and it was the same design except in green and written on it was “All I want for Christmas is her.”
The two of them had gotten Hazel and Frank separate gifts, but upon seeing the sweaters in the store, they immediately knew that they definitely needed to get the couple the sweaters for them to wear around.
“Oh my god, that’s adorable,” Piper cooed, reaching over to grab the sweater from Percy to look at closely.
“It really is,” Annabeth agreed. She really wanted to see the two of them wear the sweaters, but it was okay — they would see each other soon, and they could give them the present then.
“Okay, whose presents are we opening first?” Jason asked, looking up at Annabeth with a crooked grin. She smiled in return, recognizing the excitement in his eyes, and she reached over to pick up her presents for the three of them and passed them out.
She watched as her friends tore into the wrapping and cringed. The wrapped could’ve been saved for reusing, but it was too late for that now. Percy must’ve felt her cringe because he just wrapped an arm around her shoulder and laughed quietly in her ears.
“It’s okay, I’ll make sure to save my wrapping,” he whispered, and she just laughed, nodding her head in thanks. She watched as her friends opened up their presents and burst into loud banter, talking about all the stuff they got.
Annabeth had gotten Piper a rose gold plated silver bracelet with crystals on it that represented the Earth, water, and sky elements, and she smiled as she watched Piper immediately put it on and gush about how gorgeous the bracelet was.
Jason had gotten a first-edition signed copy of a book they had been talking about a while back, and she smiled when he looked up at her and grinned. No words were exchanged, but she knew he was grateful.
Finally, Annabeth got Leo a ring with the Hephestus symbol engraved on the top, and just like Piper, he put it on right then and moved to hug Annabeth quickly, much to Percy’s fake annoyance. Despite everything, Percy had a small smile on his face, and once they had moved on from her presents, he stood up to grab three boxes and passed them out before moving to grab two smaller boxes from the corner of the pile. He stood in front of Annabeth and held out a hand for her, looking down at her with a sweet smile on his face. His face looked utterly gorgeous as his face was bathed in the light from the fire, and she was in a trance as she took his hand and let him pull him up.
“We’ll be back in a bit. You guys can exchange your presents.” Their friends let out agreements, and Percy guided her off towards the beach.
“Are we joining the party?” Annabeth curiously asked.
“Nope,” he responded, popping the ‘p.’
They veered away from the party as they reached the beach, instead walking farther out towards the edges. The two of them walked in silence, simply enjoying each other’s presence with their hands entwined between them and the moonlight shining on top of them. Once Percy had deemed them far enough from everyone else, he stopped, moving so he faced her.
Annabeth smiled at him, waiting for him to speak, but instead all he did was pass her one of the boxes he had been holding. Looking down at it, he found it to be his present for her.
“I thought we were exchanging at your house on Christmas morning?”
“I wanted to, uh, do this alone,” he shyly replied, a hand reaching up behind his head to rub his neck.
Annabeth grinned, leaning up slightly to quickly press her lips against his. She moved away ever so slightly to let out a small ‘okay,’ and she moved back to look down at the box. It was small enough that she assumed that it was probably a jewelry box. It was wrapped in blue wrapping paper with white snowflakes printing all over it, and she slowly dragged her nail underneath the folds to pull the tape off and unfold the paper.
Pulling away the paper, she found that it was, indeed, a jewelry box. Her heart was thundering in her chest at the thought of what she might find in there. She knew that it wouldn’t be a ring, — Percy was well aware of the fact that she would murder him for even thinking about proposing before they had graduated college and were financially stable — but she was still excited to think about what he could’ve gotten her.
She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but she did know that upon opening the box, her breath was stolen from her lungs.
It was a beautiful silver plated necklace with a small silver heart hanging from the center at an angle with three small rhinestones embedded into the edge, but it was what was in the center of the heart that caused Annabeth’s heart to stutter in her chest. Sitting on the flat part of the heart was a simple outline of an owl in gold with black rhinestones for eyes. It was so simple, but it was so absolutely perfect that she couldn’t help but wonder if it was all a dream.
She looked up at Percy incredulously, and he was fidgeting, the nerves written all over his face, but there was a slight beginning of a smile to form on his face.
“Perce...it’s...beautiful. Thank you,” she breathed, looking into his eyes. She carefully took it out of the box and held it up from her index finger, watching it dangle. The silver and gold of the heart and owl shone under the moonlight, and her eyes were fixated on the owl. She didn’t know where he had found it, but she couldn’t care less as she threw herself at him, knowing that he would just as easily catch her. He wrapped his arms around her, and she buried her nose in the crook of his neck, unable to explain the surge of love for him in her heart.
She couldn’t imagine a better present.
Percy moved slightly to kiss her forehead, and then pushed himself away from her slightly so he could see her face.
“Happy?” he asked.
“Is that even a question?”
Percy just grinned in response, his eyes crinkling up, and she just pulled away from him farther to put the necklace on.
“Now, since you already have my present, you might as well open it,” she grinned.
Percy, true to his earlier spoken words, slowly opened the wrapping (identical to the one he had used). He opened the box within and a slow grin took over his face as he pulled out a necklace.
It was kind of funny that they had both gone with necklaces as their presents, but somehow, it fit for them.
Annabeth had spent days agonizing over what to get him, but while she was in the jewelry store picking up Piper’s present, her eyes caught onto a ring that was advertised to have waves engraved into it. It was a thin silver band with waves engraved into it with a slight light blue hue to it, just enough that it stood out. Looking at it, she immediately knew that it would make the perfect present for Percy, but he knew her feelings about gifting rings, so she knew that she should follow the same ideals, so along with the ring, she bought a plain necklace chain and put the ring on it.
“You know, you could’ve just told me that you wanted to propose instead of yelling at me about timing,” he laughed. Annabeth rolled her eyes, but there was no way to hide the smile that was pulling at her lips.
“It’s amazing, Annabeth,” he spoke, awe filling his voice. Annabeth simply reached out and rubbed his cheek with her thumb affectionately. She watched as he took a hold of the ring and played with it between his fingers before smirking up at her.
“Put it on me?” he asked, a joking tone to his voice.
She choked on a laugh, but she reached out and put the necklace on him. The ring dangled a few inches below his collarbone, and she reached out to play with it slightly.
“It’s a yes, by the way.”
“To what?” she asked, looking up into his eyes, and immediately regretting it because by now, it was obvious when Percy was getting ready to say something dumb.
“To your proposal, of course,” he replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
She simply shut him up with a smack to the shoulder and then a kiss.
The title is from Joe Secada's The Christmas Gift I Want!
Day 1 || Day 2 || Day 3
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God!Percy fic ch.4
Previous chapter: https://valdez-and-the-argo-crew.tumblr.com/post/190922626186/godpercy-fic-ch-3
Percy, once again, you might destroy Olympus! How do you feel?
I gotta be honest, now I understand why gods hate mortals.
Oh yeah and also it might be Jamie, not me, so...yay?
Chiron had gathered me, Jamie, Grover and Rachel in the Big House to discuss the new prophecy. Annabeth invited herself and was sitting on the arm of the couch next to me.
“The prophecy didn’t tell us anything about the quest, how are we supposed to know where we are going to go and what’s the whole point of the quest!” Annabeth began rambling. “I know prophecies are usually vague but still, this is just...” she shook her head.
“Hey Owl Head,” I said, nudging her arm. “This isn’t your quest, don’t get so worked up.”
Annabeth punched me in the shoulder, but still visibly relaxed. I looked over at Rachel, who was talking quietly to herself.
“Is that all we have on the prophecy? No instruction manual?” I asked. She shook her head.
“That’s it, unfortunately.” She sighed.
Chiron (now in his wheelchair) rolled up to us. “I’m afraid I know where your quest is taking you.” He looked at Grover, who looked confused and then seemed to come to some sort of realization.
“Nico’s accident...” Grover said. That got my attention quick.
“Wait what? Nico’s accident?” I said. I hadn’t heard anything on the son of Hades in a while, probably over a year.
“Who’s Nico?” Asked Jamie from the small chair beside the couch. I’d forgotten that not all of us were seasoned end-of-the-world heroes.
“Nico is the son of Hades, the god of the underworld.” Annabeth explained. “He’s a little bit of a loner so he’s not always here at camp.”
“But back to the whole ‘accident part’...” I said, turning to Grover. “Explain.”
“Well just recently, Hades had Nico go check up on the doors of death, which is what let’s monsters back into this world. But the thing is the doors are in Tartarus, so—“
“Hades let Nico go to Tartarus alone?” Annabeth interjected. “Is he crazy!”
“Some say,” Chiron said under his breath.
“Nico was able to handle himself, however as he didn’t see a few spirits slip by. Arai, I believe they were.” Grover said. “And now they’re rampant somewhere in America.”
Jamie was looking back and forth between all of us, visibly confused.
“So... Jamie and I need to return really bad spirits to the underworld? Doesn’t sound like the cause of Olympus to fall...” I shrugged.
“Don’t underestimate the Arai Percy. They’re really tricky things to deal with.” Annabeth said.
Rachel cleared her throat. “Who all is going on this quest? I mean other than those two,” she gestured at me and Jamie.
“Annabeth, obviously.” I said right away. She was the natural choice. She was smart and clever and the only person I’d want at my side while fighting spirits from Tartarus.
“Slow down. I may not be best for this. The Arai reveal ugly truths, and knowing Pride is my greatest fault, I feel like that could end disastrously.” Annabeth said. “Sorry.”
“It’s chill. What about you, G-Man?” I looked at Grover, who bleated and shook his head.
“No way, I told Juniper I wouldn’t die this summer.” He said. “Besides, I have to do Lord-of-the-Wild things.”
“Wow thanks.” I laughed. “Guess it’s just you and me Jamie.”
“I’m still confused...” Jamie mumbled.
Chiron chuckled. “I’ll fill you in. Percy it might be in your best interest to go prepare for the quest.”
The meeting adjourned and I headed back to my cabin, my head swimming with thoughts. I started to get a bit annoyed at the prophecy. Why me again. Like one time, sure, but two times is frustrating.
I sighed and flopped on my bunk. Stupid fate.
There was a knock on the door and before I could react, Annabeth let herself in.
“Wrong cabin. The smartass cabin is that way,” I smiled and pointed lazily in some random direction.
“Oh shut up fish face.” Annabeth said and sat down on the trunk beside my bed. I propped myself up so I could see her.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“Can I not just have a moment alone with my best friend?” She laughed. I examined her face and could tell she was worried.
“Seriously. What’s wrong?” I asked her. She hesitated for a second and sighed.
“It just... we’re adults now Percy. I mean, I am. You’re...immortal.” She frowned a bit, because she still has issues with that face of life. “I don’t like how you’re the subject of a prophecy again. Like I’d understand if it was Jamie, but... “ she shook her head. “I don’t even know why I’m worried, it’s not like you can die or anything.”
“I get what you mean. Frankly I’m quite annoyed too. I already went through this 10 years ago.” I said. Annabeth smiled a bit at that.
It’s funny how we find comfort in our memories of that war. We lost so much, and got hurt in more than one way but we were just so...together that it didn’t matter.
We were silent for a moment.
“I’m tired Percy.” Annabeth said. “All I’ve done in the past 10 years is train. Whether here or with the Romans, all I do is drills over and over.” She looked at me. “And even though we see each other every summer...Its all different. You haven’t been you in so long.”
I didn’t know what to say to this. I didn’t think I was any different than I had been, but the fact that Annabeth thought I was made me think.
“I’m sorry to suddenly go all emotional on you like that.” Annabeth said. “I know it’s not like me but I’ve been holding all that in for a while.”
“It’s fine, Wise Girl.” I smiled. She laughed, which instantly lightened the mood. I laughed along with her for a minute.
“I think I know how to cheer you up.” I said.
“Oh yeah? How so.” She raised an eyebrow and smiled.
“Well it’s Friday, is it not? And after dinner is—“
“—Is capture the flag!” She smiled wide. “Oh it is so on Jackson. And no cheating by being all godly or whatever.”
“Cheating? Do you really think that low of me, Chase?”
“I never know what to think of you. But just know that you don’t stand a chance.”
I threw a pillow at her. She gasped and threw one of my shoes from the floor. I rolled my eyes.
“Ow!” I whined.
“That’s what you get.” She smirked.
I crossed my arms and pouted.
“Oh grow up,” Annabeth said, rolling her eyes. “You probably still need to pack for your quest, so I’ll leave you to that. See you at dinner seaweed brain.”
And with that Percy was alone again.
Dinner came and went, and so did the game of Capture the flag. Annabeth won by catching Percy off guard and having some Demeter kid go grab the flag. Now Percy was doing his cabin chore (organizing the armor racks) with Jamie.
“You’ve been quiet, kid, are you okay?” Percy looked at the young boy.
“I’m fine,” Jamie smiled. “Its just...Chiron told me people get hurt on quests. I’m kinda scared.”
I finished racking helmets and sighed. “Yeah, people can get hurt. And it is very scary, especially because you’re only 6.” I looked down at him. He was struggling to put a chest plate back in its place. “But I promise nothing is going to hurt you on this quest, okay?”
He nodded and I helped him secure the heavy armor in its proper place. Looking around, I see that all that’s left to do is to put the shields away. Jamie trudged over and grabbed one, lifting it up and walking over to the shield rack.
“Jamie you can set that down, I got this.” I said. With a mere flick of my wrist, the shields all slid nicely into place. Jamie’s jaw dropped.
“How did you do that!”
“Let’s walk back to the cabin.” I said. “I’ll tell you on the way.”
As we walked I explained that I was a minor god. I told him the story of the titan war we fought, and when we reached our cabin, I told him how hardly anybody here knows. I figured that since he is my brother, and that we’re going on a quest tomorrow, he had the right to know.
The night flew by, and all too quickly it was time to set off on our quest. Jamie was noticeably nervous, as he was biting his nails and picking at a loose thread on his shirt. We both had backpacks with food, money (both mortal and Greek), hygiene stuff, and other quest necessities.
“You sure you’re ready?” I asked Jamie. He nodded silently.
“Don’t think you’re leaving without saying goodbye,” said Annabeth from behind. I turn around and see her and Grover have come to see us off.
“It’s lot like we’re gonna die, it’s just going to be a quick quest.” I said.
“Is it though?” Annabeth said.
“You’re uncharacteristically worrisome lately,” I said. “I miss the Annabeth that would face Hera and walk backwards into the underworld.” She rolled her eyes.
“Stay safe you two,” Grover said. “And in case you needed some direction, last I heard the Arai are in Nevada, but they’re traveling east.” He said. “They’re easy enough to track if you know what to look for in mortal headlines.”
“Thanks man.” I said and gave him a fist bump. I turned to Jamie. “Ready?”
“No. Lets go.” He said.
“Percy, one last thing...” Annabeth said. I turn around, only to be met with a kiss on the cheek. “Please stay yourself.”
I got to be honest, I had absolutely no clue what she meant by that.
Regardless, Jamie and I set out, going past the camp’s borders and officially starting our quest.
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candidcallalily · 5 years
P3P, AkiHam, 46. “Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.” It looks like the most open-ended one of the bunch so you could play around with it, but if not then 50. Writer's preference.
Akihiko was starving when he came down the stairs and entered the kitchen. Despite them not going to Tartarus that evening, he still managed a vigorous workout in his room, and that required appropriate recovery nutrition. As he rummaged through the cabinets, however, he couldn't find any of his snacks. 'Ugh, who was it this time?' he thought to himself and looked into living room.
He saw a pair of familiar legs draped over the arm of the couch. He smirked as he heard the droning of the news on in the background. 'I guess if it's Hamuko, it's okay."
He made his way to the living room and said, "Hey, have you seen the...? Oh." It was indeed his girlfriend, but a half-eaten protein bar was clutched in her hand. Her eyes were slammed shut, head nearly lolling off of the side of the couch.
He chuckled and gently pried her shoe off. He ran a finger along the sole of her foot. She bolted up with a yelp. Wild-eyed, she looked around the room frantically until she spotted him, waving her shoe at him.
She sighed. "You gave me a heart attack!" She threw herself back on the couch.
He went to the side of the couch and clicked his tongue. "Absolutely not. We agreed no more napping in the lounge after you caught that cold last time."
Eyes closed, she murmured, "Old wives tale. Coincidence. I'm not climbing up three flights of stairs for superstition."
"Fair enough," he said and grabbed the protein bar out of her hands. He stuck it in his own mouth, then scooped her into his arms. That earned another yelp that morphed into a chuckle as he started carrying her. He managed to turn the TV off with his foot before he made his way up the stairs.
She wrapped her arms around him and warned, "You better not drop me!"
Unable to respond verbally, he raised a cocky eyebrow at her. He had both things he needed now, there was no way he was letting go.
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writingsbymo-mo · 5 years
I Never Expected This
For Now and Forever Part 2: Tomura’s Point of View
Tomura x Reader
Warning! language and mention of character death. Spoilers for anyone who has not read up to chapter 240.
I decided to write a second part to it because I wanted to express Tomura’s thoughts and feelings throughout his relationship with reader.
It’s a lot longer than I thought it was going to be....whoops 😅
I hope anyone who reads it likes it!! 
Word Count: 4267
Summary: Tomura wonders what he did to deserve you as he thinks back to the day you met and how he now wants you to be with him forever.
Here I am, sitting on a couch playing one of (y/n)’s favorite games with you as you were snuggled up against me. How did I deserve someone like you? What do you see in a guy like me? I never thought I’d ever care about anything…and yet…I have this one person who I never want to leave.
I hated you when we first met. Oh, I really just wanted you to leave. Why would someone like you want to join the League of Villains in the first place?
“Hey, Shigaraki…why do you wear that hand on your face?” (Y/n) asked, curiously.
Oh, how dare you ask about Father. I shot a piercing glare at you and watched your form shrink in fear. “Why….just why…tch…you’re the most annoying one here! Are you asking for me to kill you?”
I watched (y/n)’s eyes widen in fear, “oh my gosh! I’m so sorry Shigaraki…I-I didn’t know…I didn’t mean any harm…I’m really sorry!!”
You were on your knees, begging for forgiveness. ‘Ugh, I don’t have time for this!’
I reluctantly stood up, “Tch, whatever. Just don’t do it again unless you want me to kill you.”
I trudged to my room, furiously scratching my neck. “Why…why did you just have to ask? Shit…that idiot better watch their mouth! Heh, Kurogiri is probably giving you a talk by now.”
 (Y/n) easily took orders, thankfully. I figured you were just still afraid I’d kill you. Though, I thought this at first.
After Sensei was sent to Tartarus, I didn’t eat or sleep. I just wanted to be alone, but I had to keep the League going.
Yeah, I thought (y/n) would take orders. Heh, I should’ve known better.
In the new hideout, you’d always check on me. I was sitting on the tattered chair, my head buried in my knees. I didn’t want anyone to bother me, but for some reason, you didn’t get the message.
You had a bowl in your hands, leaning down to meet my level. “Shigaraki, I brought you some food. I know you haven’t been eating much lately…I’m worried about you…”
'Just…just why…why do you care so much?’ I lifted my head up, giving you a tired glare. “Fuck off (y/n)! Just leave me alone…”
“Oh, okay, Shigaraki. I’ll just leave it here,” you placed it on the low table in front of him, “just please eat some of it.”
That look on your face…I could never get it out of my head…you just had to smile like that…
The moment you left the room, I just stared at the soup, contemplating whether to eat it. “Tch, you’ll just come back and beg me to eat if I don’t now…”
I picked it up and took a sip, it wasn’t all that bad. It was finished by the time you returned for the bowl.
“You finished it! Did you like It?” You flashed a joyful smile at me. It made me feel strange.
“It wasn’t terrible…” I trailed off, looking away from your smiling face. 'Why am I feeling so strange?’
I heard you giggle, “okay, Shigaraki.” You picked the bowl up and left.
I made sure you weren’t around before scratching my neck, ’(y/n), what are you doing to me? What is this strange feeling?’
At the time, I sure as hell didn’t know what was wrong with me. The feeling only grew worse no matter how much I tried to avoid you. I was annoyed how often you checked on me, but I eventually just expected it. I never wanted you to know I actually enjoyed it a little.
The incident with Overhaul, I absolutely hated it. How dare his arrogant ass try to tell me how to run the League! I didn’t expect him to kill Magne either…and then taking Compress’ arm. I had to stop this, but at least we came to some form of agreement no matter how much I wanted to kill him then.
I heard a thud, and whimpering sounds from behind me. I turned around and saw you, on your knees, trembling as tears streamed down your face, eyes widened with fear. It bothered me…seeing you like this. I walked over to you cautiously and knelt down beside you, placing four fingers on your shoulder, feeling you tense for a moment.
I saw that look on your face, I hated it…I didn’t like seeing you like this.
Next thing I knew, you threw yourself on me, burying your face into my shoulder as your arms wrapped around my neck. I didn’t expect this. It startled me. 'What the?’ I felt the dampness on my shoulder growing as you whimpered and cried. 'I hate this…,’ I placed my hand on your back to see what would happen. Hearing you make a quiet sigh, I relaxed. 'Why do you make me feel so strange (y/n)? I don’t really know what it is about you…I don’t hate you…not anymore.’
I never expected to feel this way. I always asked myself why this happened. From here, I still didn’t know what I was feeling, but it only grew worse.
Soon, I had to meet Overhaul to negotiate and gather Intel about the bullets. I hated every moment being there. The moment he mentioned he wanted you to join it pissed me off. I just, I couldn’t, not with him. I glared at him behind Father, snapping at Overhaul, “(Y/n) is not joining you. I’m already allowing Twice and Toga to join and that’s all I’ll allow.”
“Alright, if you say so, though it seems you’re a bit too attached to that one,” Overhaul rebuked.
Oh, how I wanted to turn him to dust when he said that, but it made me realize something.
I returned to the hideout to return the news to everyone. I figured Toga and Twice wouldn’t like it very much, but I had upmost confidence they could handle it. I took off Father, telling them the whole plan and how much I believed they could do this, for all of us.
Toga and Twice were shocked and a bit frightened when I took off Father, but for some reason, you weren’t. You wore a shocked expression, but it also looked like admiration? ‘Why are you looking at me like that? Shouldn’t you be scared of me too (y/n)?’ I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it. Why were you the only one not scared? Without thinking, I asked you to follow me.
As soon as you closed the door behind you, I gripped your chin to face me. Thoughts raced in my head, the feeling you gave me, what was it? I could only describe it as making me feel warm. Still, what Overhaul said still plagued my thoughts, making me scratch my neck with my other hand.
“I couldn’t let him have you. Why though? What is it about you…why don’t…I…hate you…?” I let go of your chin at that moment, furiously scratching my neck, darting my eyes at the floor. I hate feeling like this…I just…needed to know…how do you feel…
I was so plagued with my thoughts, I forgot you were there until I felt a hand on my right shoulder. I slowly lifted my eyes to meet your (e/c) ones. You looked so soft, so bright in that moment. The gentle smile you wore made my heart skip a beat.
“Well, I don’t hate you either, Shigaraki.” Just hearing you say my name, so melodic and beautiful. I couldn’t help but smile.
I brought you close to me, wrapping my arms around you, as a quiet laugh escaped my mouth. “Just don’t tell anyone about this okay (y/n)?”
You giggled, “okay, I won’t tell.”
I didn’t want the rest of the League to know about this just yet. Though I figured someone would find out one day.
Oh, how much I enjoyed taking everything from Overhaul, everything he ever worked for. I never told you, but I saw how you looked at me in that moment. It filled me with pride just knowing how happy you were.
The more I spent time with you, the more I didn’t want you to leave my side.
Of course, Toga would be the one to find out about our relationship. We were so careful not to be seen cuddling together.
The two of us sat on the tattered, worn couch in the new hideout. You had your head resting on my shoulder as I had my arms wrapped around you. It was so late at night, no one was usually awake at this hour, but of course, someone was.
As soon as Toga stepped out of the shadows into the moonlight, she squealed, “awww, (y/n), Tomura!!! I didn’t know you were dating!! OH, I’m going to tell everyone as soon as they’re awake!”
I hated being found out, though I will admit I loved how embarrassed and red your face was. It couldn’t be helped, someone would’ve found out eventually anyway.
Each new hideout we found, I made sure you would always be next to me on a couch or chair. For a little while, you insisted on giving me the couch as you’d sleep on the floor, but no, I wouldn’t allow that. You’re far too good to be sleeping on the cold hard floor.
“I don’t care what you’re going to say, (y/n). You’ll be sleeping on the couch with me.”
Oh, how embarrassed you were the first few nights this happened. I could tell you had a hard time relaxing at first, so I’d just stroke your face and just saying, “it’s alright, just relax (y/n).” Eventually, you’d relax and drifted off. You always looked so peaceful as you slept, the raising and lowering of your chest. It was soothing just knowing how much you trusted me.
One day, I noticed you were playing a handheld game. You never mentioned you played any before. I looked over your shoulder, trying to see what exactly you were playing. Of course, it was a pokémon game and I just so happened to have one too.
I took mine out to start playing as you noticed what I was up to. I peered over towards you and saw how your eyes sparkled.
“Oh my gosh! You have one too!! We should totally battle and trade pokémon!!” You gushed.
This is exactly what I wanted to hear, but it definitely shocked me. Just knowing how much you wanted to do this and spend time with me, I couldn’t help myself, I actually smiled.
I pulled you close to me, stroking your face as I watched the curious expression you wore on your blushing face. I was so exhilarated with joy, I couldn’t think. I took a glance at your soft lips and slammed my rough chapped ones against yours. I felt you tense for a moment before returning it. The feeling was everything and more. Your lips were just as soft as I’d imagined they’d be. You wrapped your arms around my neck, and oh, how I loved this. It sent shock-waves down my spine. I never wanted this to end, but I needed to breathe. I pulled away, panting slightly, eyes half-lidded. My lips stung a bit, but it was worth it. I wanted to do it again at some point, but right now, I wanted to see what pokémon you liked.
After being with the League for a few months, I stopped wearing Father around them all the time. You looked at me curiously when I had just started. Eventually, you would just stare at me with admiration. ‘Why do you always look at me like that?’ I’d always ask myself. One day, you confirmed it much to my disbelief.
“You’re so beautiful Tomura.” You’d say with a dazed expression.
At first, I thought it was a joke. Why would anyone find my scarred face to be beautiful? “Are you serious (y/n)?”
I heard a giggle from you, “of course I’m serious.” You leaned forward and kissed my mole. I’ll admit, it made me blush slightly. For some reason, you always loved doing that, not that I’m complaining. I actually enjoyed it.
You loved to scratch my scalp and run your hands through my hair. One day, you asked to play with my hair. I didn’t know what to expect at first, but it just made me forget everything. You’d always ask at first, but I enjoyed it so much I just told you to do it whenever you felt like it.
Your hands were so delicate, scratching my scalp in circles. I couldn’t help but lean into the touch and let out sighs of satisfaction. It sent pleasant chills down my spine at each scratch and rub from your fingers. I wish you could do this every day. I want to be able to stay with you like this.
The fight with Gigantomachia took everything I had to try winning. You were so frantic trying to make sure I ate and slept when I could. I never told you, but I appreciate all that you’ve done for me, especially in this moment. You always wanted to make sure I was taken care of. It made me feel as if someone actually cared about my well-being for once.
I had you stay on the sidelines most of the time. I just couldn’t risk you getting hurt. Most of the time, you’d make sure to dress everyone’s wounds and feed them whenever they switched out.
When you met Dr. Ujiko, I could tell you didn’t like or trusted him.
The moment I described my feelings, some of my memories, I saw how many mixed emotions were present in your eyes: sadness, excitement, concern, admiration. You also wanted to comfort me, but you held back…were you afraid of me or was it because of the Doctor? This was unusual even for you. I made sure to ask as soon as we returned. You didn’t like how he treated me or his general presence.
“I felt he’d say you were too close to me…I'm too much of a distraction...that I’m just not worth your time…,” you cried as tears leaked from the corner of your eyes.
‘I hate it when you cry….I just don’t like it.’ I brought you into a hug, reassuring you, “it’s alright (y/n). Don’t listen to what he says. As soon as I prove to him as All for One’s successor, he’ll have no choice but to listen to me. I’ll make sure you’ll always be by my side.”
“Thank you, Tomura!” I felt you wrap your arms around me before it was time to continue the fight.
I needed to prove I’m a worthy successor if it meant I’d be able to stay with you without criticism.
For some reason, the Meta Liberation Army just had to pick a fight with us. Just why was that so important? They caught Giran and cut off his fingers…ugh…this is so annoying, but we have no other choice.
“Just who do they think they are?!! The audacity…oh, if they think they’re going to win, they’re solemnly mistaken!”
I had never heard you raise your voice like that or hold that much resentment, but oh, that was a new thing I liked about you. I grabbed your arm with four fingers, to talk to you alone for a moment.
“You ready for this (y/n)?”
“Oh, I’m ready to prove them to never mess with us!”
The confidence in your voice made me smirk. I gave you a quick kiss before leading you back to describe the plan to everyone.
There was so much going on throughout the fight. I noticed you stayed on my tail, making sure I wasn’t going to get hurt, but were you watching yourself? I don’t want to risk losing you. Pieces of past memories flooded my mind, making me sick. I felt like shit…I just want to get this over with.
Soon, we were surrounded by Twice clones. It gave me an idea, one that I knew you’d be reluctant to hear. It had to be done.
“(Y/n), go with the Twice clones. I…I don’t….want you to get hurt…” I pleaded. ‘I just can’t lose you…’
I saw that look on your face. You were shocked, scared, and trembling, “but Tomura, I want to fight the final boss with you…” Your trembling only exacerbated as tears threatened to escape your eyes. “What if I never see you again?”
I didn’t want to hear you say that last part, but it was a possibility…
I pulled you into me, burying my head in your shoulder as I just squeezed your form as if it were the last I’d ever see you. Lifting my head off your shoulder, I kissed you softly, pouring all my emotions into it. I wanted you to know just how much you meant to me.
When I stopped, I whispered into your ear, “please (y/n), I don’t want to lose you….you’ll be safer with Twice. So please, go…”
You looked so devastated, but you knew I was right. You nodded as you left with the Twice clones wherever they took you. I just hoped that you’d be safe wherever you went.
I finally regained my memories. I didn’t need my “Family” anymore.
The fight finally ended. I lost half of my left hand, my left ankle was most likely broken, but I finally won! They still had the guts to try to stop me, but I just smirked at them, glinting. Oh, how terrified they were.
I heard shuffling sounds racing towards me as they slowed the closer they became. I turned to see what caused it.
It was you! I was so glad you were still here. You looked happy to see me, but we’re also concerned.
You wrapped an arm around my torso to help my stand. "Tomura...I’m so happy you’re still here! I was so worried,” I just how many emotions swirled around in those (e/c) eyes of yours, “you need medical attention now or when you can get it...”
I just smiled at you, ‘what would I do without you, (y/n)?’
I finally got my much-needed medical attention thanks to besting the Meta Liberation Army. Not only that, I finally managed to get Gigantomachia to submit. There was something I did request Re-Destro to get for me as long as he keeps his mouth shut. ‘I just hope this will be worth it,’ I thought.
The urge of Re-Destro not getting you a chair, well I guess having you in my lap is a better trade...I did get to see you blush and feel you shift around on my right thigh. I still wanted you to have your own chair next to mine. No one can ever take your place.
I was still in a great deal of pain as I just fell to the floor. ‘These injuries better heal up soon...’
You knelt down beside me, checking to make sure I didn’t injure my ankle any more than it already was.
Finally, Dr. Ujiko decided to talk and I’ll now get that power he mentioned. (Y/n) doesn’t have to worry about him anymore, I’m in charge now.
I felt you drape my arm around your shoulder to help me up. You always cared so much. What did I do to deserve you?
“(Y/n), you’re coming with me,” I commanded. I had something I wanted to give you, just not here.
“Okay Tomura. Just know I’ll help you along the way. I don’t want you to fall again,” you giggled, smiling at me.
Now, here we are, playing one of your favorite games with you snuggled against my right shoulder. I always liked moments like this. For once, I felt at peace. I just knew, today was the day.
Suddenly, you paused the game. “Tomura, I’ll be back in a few minutes. I’ll just be in the bathroom.”
“Alright (y/n).” I responded with a blank expression. ‘Now is my chance.’
As soon as you left the room, I took the object out of my pocket, opening it to make sure everything is easy for your return. I've always wanted to find something to show how much you mean to me. Now it's only a matter of time.
I grabbed your controller, placing it on the floor and put the object in its place.
“You’re going to be in for a surprise when you return, (y/n),” I whispered, smiling.
Soon, you had returned as I awaited anxiously for you to find your little surprise. You looked at me with a questioning look, ‘does (y/n) know?’
I watched as you looked down at your seat, my palms started to sweat. I tried so hard not to scratch my neck, the itching feeling only growing the longer I waited....I didn’t want you to notice how nervous I am right now.
“Tomura, where’s my controller?” You asked, a bit confused.
I sat there, silently watching you. I felt if I made a move now, it would be all over.
The expression on your face became ever the more curious as you found the object I placed in your seat.
“Wait....what’s this?” You looked at it, questioning exactly what it was, examining every part of the sphere. It was a Master Ball, but not just any Master Ball.
You lifted the top slightly, peeking to see what was inside. That’s when your entire expression changed. You knew what’s in there, I know you did. I picked it out especially for you.
I noticed how shocked you were, so many motions danced around those (e/c) eyes of yours. Small tears forming at the corners. It only made the itching worse..., ‘just say something (y/n)...’
Tears were now streaming down your face as you covered your mouth with your other hand in disbelief, “T-Tomura...i-is this what I think it is?”
Yeah, I got you a pokémon themed engagement ring, even with a special box to go with it. I knew how much you loved playing the games, I just had to find the perfect one.
I didn’t know what I should do just yet, so I patted your seat, wanting you to sit down. The urge to scratch became too much. I couldn’t help but to bring my other hand to my neck to ease the sensation.
You stood there wide eyed for a moment before sitting down.
I spoke gently, grasping your hand with the Master Ball ring box, “(y/n), give me the Master Ball.”
“O-okay,” you mumbled before placing it in my hand.
Shifting my body to face yours, I removed my hand from my neck and stroked your face as you leaned into the touch, finally relaxing.
‘Alright, here it goes,’ I took a deep breath for a moment before speaking, “(y/n), I...I know I haven’t been the best person to you...at least at first.”
“Yeah, sorry I asked about “Father” when we first met...I didn’t mean you any ill will...I was just curious about it...,” you apologized as I saw your form shrink, lips pouting, slumping your shoulders, eyes darting to the floor.
I sighed, reassuring you, “it’s alright (y/n), you didn’t know then. Besides, I’ve moved past that.”
I moved my hand closer to you, showing you the Master Ball as I lift the top off. You lifted your head up, ready to listen.
“I hated you when we first met, I’ll admit that. Now...now I just can’t be without you! I never thought I’d ever not hate someone, or care about one at that. You’re the only living thing in this shitty world I actually like. Now then, (y/n), will you be my Player 2?” I asked, the itching feeling only growing as a waited for your response.
I looked at you with pleading eyes. You were a blushing, sobbing mess now. Tears pooled from your eyes, streaming down your face like a waterfall, though you wore a bright smile on your face, the most sincere smile I’ve ever seen from you.
Suddenly, you jumped on me, wrapping your arms around my neck. “Yes, yes!!! I’ll be your Player 2!!!!” You gushed, nuzzling your face into my shoulder.
Oh, how relieved I feel right now as the itching subsided. I’ve never been so happy.
I took the ring out of the Master Ball and slipped it on your left ring finger. Oh, how beautiful you look right now as your eyes sparkled as you gaze at the ring.
I made sure to get a custom made one with your (favorite pokémon) around the band. Only the best for you.
The crying stopped as you lift your head to look at me, so much admiration in those (e/c) eyes.
“I love you Tomura!” You cried out, smiling and blushing profusely.
I leaned in to kiss your warm, soft lips. I’ll never get enough of them.
After a moment, I broke the kiss, “I love you too, (y/n).”
Suddenly, you had a playful smirk plastered on your face, “did you happen to pick the Master Ball because of its 100% catch rate?”
‘Of course, you’d figure it out,’ I thought blushing, but I knew how to counter this. “Well, I’d say it worked didn’t it (y/n)?”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you giggled.
You leaned down to pick up you controller and snuggled against me, unpausing the game ready to continue.
‘What did I do to deserve you (y/n)?’ I always ask myself. I guess now, I must have done something right to get here. You are mine, and I am yours, forever.
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sides-of-demigods · 5 years
dukexiety. 17
17. "Did we just rob a bank?"
((I assumed this was platonic))
Life as a demigod was full of unexpected events to say the least. Virgil had thought he was mostly used to it by now. Until that day.
He and his siblings had finished their activities for the day and had been free to wander, so that's what he did. He was doing a lot of thinking, which was always dangerous for him, but all of his friends were still with their cabins and he didn't really have anything better to do. He was walking along the edge of the woods when he heard a rustling in the shrubbery. He stopped dead and glanced around, trying to find the source of the noise. It could just be a squirrel or a dryad messing with him, but if it was a monster then it had wandered way too close to camp. He drew his sword and crept forward as he heard the sound again, pausing in front of the bush in question. He slowly reached out with his sword to part the leaves when all of a sudden an orange and green shape burst of the bush and sent him sprawling backward in shock. He fell to the ground and scowled at the now cackling person in question.
"Oh my TARTARUS you should have seen your face!" Remus fell to the ground as well, giggling like a maniac.
Virgil rolled his eyes so hard he was pretty sure his godly blood was the only thing keeping them in his head. He got to his feet and resheathed his sword, brushing himself off as he walked away.
"Hey Buzzkill, hold up!" Remus ran after him and threw his arm around Virgil's shoulders, and it took everything in Virgil not to break Remus's arm. "I was lookin' for ya actually. Ya see, I heard through the grapevine that you're pretty good with computers and I could use some tech support."
"Call Best Buy," Virgil said, completely deadpan. He looked around but of course there was no one around right now to help him out of this.
"Well ya see, I need your help for something that some people may consider slightly illegal."
"Oh my gods," Virgil sighed. He shoved Remus off him and pointed a finger accusingly in his direction. "I am not going to help you do something illegal."
"Alright fine." Remus shrugged and made to walk away but paused and looked back over his shoulder. "Of course, I could just make Roman do it. 'Cept, he's a lot more likely to get caught cause he has no idea what he's doing and I don't think 'I had to do it because I took a magical oath' will hold too well in court. Oh well. Say, where is that dastardly brother of mine?"
He couldn't believe he was saying this: "Remus, wait!"
Remus stopped again and this time turned fully, a grin on his face that honestly kinda made Virgil want to run and hide somewhere.
"Yes, Tall, Pale, and Gruesome?"
"... Fine. I'll do it."
"Oh goodie!"
A couple hours later Virgil shoved himself away from Chiron's computer, having just entered the last line of code he needed. Remus still hadn't told him what they were doing, and that made Virgil uneasy. He hadn't realized just how crafty and clever Remus actually was, considering he managed to get Virgil to do what he needed without actually telling him what it was. Remus was jumping up and down and cackling, even clapping his hands joyfully. Oh, that did not reassure him.
"So," Virgil started slowly. "Are you going to actually tell me what in Tartarus I just did?"
"Oh come on, Virgie-poo," Remus pouted. "Look a little closer and figure it out."
Virgil was this close to shoving his sword down Remus's throat. He did look a little closer at the code. He was transferring stuff from one account to another, something he was pretty sure was money. But why would he...oh no.
"Did we just rob a bank?" Virgil said, eyes wide.
"Of course not!" Remus exclaimed, sounding absolutely offended. Virgil only had a moment of relief before Remus continued. "You just robbed a bank!"
With that he left, laughing so hard Virgil wouldn't be surprised if he suffocated, leaving Virgil to stare at the computer screen as his brain registered what had happened.
Well, fuck.
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