#Abeula Encanto
Embracing my inner Encanto fangirl 💀 video made by me. The “Love Tia ♥️” watermark is my signature for That Innovating Artist. I am the same person! All credit goes to everyone’s favorite overlord that is Disney 🦋✨🕯️
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It took me a while to notice that the Encanto gramma predicates them “deserving” the miracle (survivor’s guilt there) on them using their gifts for everyone who asks for help, all day, no rest, and tries to make sure no one in the town ever feels alone or unprotected, but not only is that making the kids feel exhausted and inauthentic and unseen; it’s also making her unable to deal with reality (the miracle faltering); and it’s also probably the reason Bruno felt like his gift was hurting everyone, bc it made the villagers really uncomfortable. At first the way “we don’t talk about Bruno” presents him made me think he was walking around telling people bad news unasked, but then he says everyone kept asking him, they just didn’t like the answers. So the town feeling unsafe around him made abeula feel like they were failing them.
And! The way Pepa tells her part of the song makes it sound like everything was sunshine at the wedding until he said what he said. But her husband corrects her “there wasn’t a cloud in the sky” to “no clouds ALLOWED in the sky.” And then at the end Bruno said “I could see that you were stressing,” which presumably means she did already have a little cloud when he showed up. But every time Pepa shows a cloud Abuela yells at her. She’s even dressed all in yellow with sun earrings, she’s trying to hard to stay sunny for Abuela. So she revised it in her memory to Bruno causing it. But then at the end when he tells her he wishes she would just feel all her feelings, her husband says “I’ve been saying that” and at the very end she’s dancing in the snow.
And at first I thought Mirabel had no gift but she and Bruno have almost the same gift! He had future sight and she has inner sight—she can see the cracks in the house before they appear, she can see Luisa’s trauma visually as she explains it. And at first she seems more determined than Bruno to follow through on her gift, but by the end she followed the same route as him—she ran off convinced she’d failed them. But bc Abuela had been through it already with Bruno she was able to make a different choice this time and follow Mirabel and let her teach her. I wonder if Abuela had inner sight too, since Mirabel seems poised to inherit the rest of her gift—house and candle guardian. She pretends she doesn’t believe the magic is faltering but then privately admits she knows, so is it bc she can see it too and was in denial? Or she just guessed bc of what happened to Mirabel?
The fact that Bruno saw the future still in doubt means the visions were multi layered anyway. And adjusting to free will as it happened. I love that Bruno’s prophecies are fluid like that. How the meaning shifts in response to what they choose. Dolores takes his prophecy and chooses to go get her man, Isabela takes it and gets new dreams of her own. So it doesn’t hurt them. I love how all of them develop so much more dimension to their gifts when they’re allowed to use it for themselves and not just for service! Selfishness!! It’s so necessary! I think it’s one of the best forms of healing trauma!! Bc our idea of selfishness gets so twisted. i’ve heard some people say they wished they hadn’t gotten their gifts back. They thought it would be more powerful if they didn’t, but I think the point is that the gifts are just who they are, it’s not really about them being magic. The house only amplifies the gift.
We never really get to see Mirabel’s moms inner life, which makes sense because that’s how we are with our parents at that age. But I do wonder if she had any adjusting she needed to do..
Also fascinating how Dolores is the one after Bruno who sees how things are most accurately, and she sees how nobody wants to hear what he sees, so she stays quiet about her perceptions about what she hears and just reports what she’s asked for neutrally, almost mechanically (unless it’s a major emergency, lol). Like Mirabel says Dolores will tell everyone, but she never argued with anyone about Bruno being bad even though she knew it was more complicated than that, she never tells anyone she still hears him sometimes, she reports “he wants five babies” with the barest quirk of her mouth, she never once mentions Isabela’s bf is her dream man even though Bruno told her that would happen years ago. Her verse about Bruno is by far the most perceptive but she almost whispers it. And only tells Mirabel things if she’s asked. It's so traumatic to be the one who sticks out, who can’t hide the gift so it antagonizes everyone. But it’s almost as traumatic to be the one who has to stifle their gift and not to use it nearly to its potential because so they’ve seen what will happen.
It’s SO layered and so dang accurate to how trauma plays out generationally and I’ve rewatched it three times and still keep noticing things and WOW. And Dos Origuitas makes me cry. Bc it’s layered too! It’s not just “you’ll transform through trauma,” it’s “the process of transformation may take you away from the people you went through the trauma with, and that’s ok, you have to let each other go and trust the cocoon and that you’ll find each other again after if you can” and that’s a lot!!!
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firedragon1321 · 1 year
Me this morning: I should watch Encanto because there's all these cool people on Youtube making covers.
Me after watching Encanto: That damn house was on Mirabel's side in everything. Abuela's getting kinda old. What if Mirabel's power is the house? What if Abeula's power is the house? What if Mirabel "inherits" the house power?
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thewolvesof1998 · 10 months
i don’t know if my first message sent 😪 but wolf please give me your top 5 artists eddie listens to
Sorry this took so long, I took it way to seriously 😂
okay okay this was so hard because I have songs that are Eddie coded but I'm not sure he would listen to them/the artists (etc If I loved a Boy by We Three)
1. The Chicks (formerly Dixie Chicks) His sisters listened to them growing up and Eddie used to pretend he didn't like them (eww girls) but he has them on his playlist especially Texas Man
2. Zack Bryan - I relatively new listen - he heard Something in the orange on Buck's playlist (who got it from tiktok) and has been listening to him none stop since.
3. Noah Kahan (this might be self-indulgent because he's my favourite artist atm) but he would find him through the collab he has with Zack Bryan and loves the I Was/ I Am album but especially Godlight (Thanks to @spagheddiediaz for pointing out how Eddie coded this song is). Also (because he is actually a big romantic) he would love Everywhere, Everything.
4. Now this is getting tough but I think he would listen to someone his Abeula introduced him to as they danced around her kitchen when he was young. I don't know much about Spanish music from that era but maybe someone like Ritchie Valens or Juan Gabriel can or Lola Beltrán or maybe some more contemporary like Luis Miguel.
5. And lastly it would be someone Eddie started listening to because of Chris like If I Were a Fish by Corook but seeing as the rest of their songs aren’t super kid friendly maybe the Encanto soundtrack which the Buckley-Diaz family watched on one of their movie nights and it’s all Chris wanted to listen to in the car. Eddie's favourite song is Surface Pressure for obvious reasons. And he loves to sing Dos Oruguitas to Buck (who pretends not to understand what the lyrics say). Buck accuses of Eddie loving the movie and he just brushes it off saying it's Chris's favourite. It goes on a playlist with the Coco soundtrack and Eddie gets all teary eyes when Remember Me comes one.
Thanks for your ask!
Sleepover Weekend!
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jenny-from-the-bau · 6 months
you’re not an emotional person? can you tell us one time you DID cry? i sobbed at mark & callie last scene 😭😭
I'm an incredibly emotional person hahaha I'm intensely mentally ill lmao
I cried during In The Heights during Abeula's song and during Everything, Everywhere, All At Once and during the end of Encanto haha
Immigrant stories and parent/child stories get me lol
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sleepylion · 11 months
Encanto (ミラベルと魔法だらけの家)- Abeula and Mirabel fight Japanese dub with Engli...
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themusesof75 · 2 years
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Abeula's Thoughts
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kaleis-kingdom · 3 years
Okay so I haven’t seen Encanto yet since I wanna watch it with my family. While I don’t care about being spoiled, if you do and plan to watch it then skip this post.
I kinda wish Mirabel just… gave up on Abuela. Gave up on making her proud and just did what made her happy, not somebody else. Yeah I know the whole movie is about family, but honestly? Sometimes toxic is just toxic and you need to cut that person out of your life. From what I’ve seen, Abuela seemed to care more about the gifts then her family. I know family is important, but mental health is too, ya know? That doesn’t mean the desire to make Abeula proud isn’t there either, but she’s just accepted it.
And it turned out that Mirabel had a gift all along, correct? That… seems counterproductive. Mirabel has done just fine her entire life without a gift and has passed through every single struggle thrown to her. She got to a point where she was happy, finally having the chance to create a bond with her sisters, then it turned out what she knew was a lie and she did have a gift.
If I’m right, the other family members would loose their gifts if Maribel never had a gift, right? I’m not certain, but that sounds more interesting to me then Maribel having a gift and everybody getting their gifts back. You could do a lot with that!
Maribel and the husbands could help their family adjust to life without gifts, the village and family learning skills now they can’t rely on the miracle, perhaps finding out there are other people out there that was similar to how they were? And the Madrigals could help them from their experience, plus some reflection! Or an enemy with a gift shows up and the family and village find ways to defeat them without any gifts!
That’s just my thoughts based off of what I’ve seen though. I might make this an AU once me and my family watch it and I know more. And yes, I know it’s meant for kids. However I don’t think realized they could teach kids to deal with toxic family members despite their emotions or that you have to be the same as others to be accepted. Because those are the vibes I’m getting.
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Ok but, what if their was a toy story au of Encanto? All the Madrigals are teddy bears in a room full of Barbie dolls.
Casita and the Madrigal bears are handmade by family members and the love that was imbued into each stitch is what amplified the magic that was created by abuelo Pedro’s sacrifice.
Casita is alive, but it is also manipulated to move by the little girl who owns it.
Abuela Alma bear was handed down through the generations. And was sewn back together after a disaster struck. Sadly abuelo Pedro didn’t make. He did his best to make sure his love got out in one piece.
Pepa is made out of water proof fabric because that was the only material available that the human family could afford.
Julieta is made out of old aprons, so she is very soft and sturdy. She also takes up residence on the dinner table most nights.
Bruno is made out corduroy and has green buttons as his eyes. When he “lived in the walls for ten years”, he fell in between the bed and the wall.
Isabella is seen as the “perfect toy” because she was made by the little girls older sibling and as such is just as perfect. Over time though, Isabella evolves to have her own style and personality.
Dolores Is a standard teddy bear that was made with ears just a tad too big. Over time she does fall in love with a ken doll named Mariano.
Luisa was made when the human family finally had a stable enough income that they could replenish their supplies. She was overstuffed and twice as big as the rest of the Madrigal bears, but that just made her the best bed time bear.
Camilo was made out of the parts of discarded studies, which gave him this wonderful one of a kind look.
Mirabel was the first bear the little girl made herself, so she’s a little awkward. She has a hand embroidered dress, that gains more stitching with every passing day.
Antonio was a gift from the little girl’s aunt who made the bear in celebration of a fun zoo visit.
Just teddy bear Madrigals
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cryingtearsofjamjam · 3 years
Encanto Fics that I either plan on writing or have written (nothing in the written yet :( )
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1. Mirabel convinces both Lulisa and Isabela to let her take care of things and for them to just regress. (Basically Maribel takes care of her older sisters.)
2. Mirabel and Camilo having a little day together with only Bruno and Agustín to take care of them. Everything goes into chaos.
3. Dolores accidentally regresses into babyspace in the middle of dinner and has trouble feeding herself so Pepa ends up feeding her. Plus Pepa and Félix talk a little about missing taking care of Dolores and Camilo like they used too.
4. Antonio walks in on Dolores and Camilo having a playdate. At first he is kinda of wary cause he doesn't know what going on, and he even plans on running and getting his papá but decides against it when Camilo grabs his arm and asks Antonio to stay with them.
5. Bruno gets a vision at dinner that ends up making him extremely anxious. So he ends up not really sleeping, eating, or drinking anything for awhile (this is actually something I do when stressed) Abeula ends up noticing and takes him back to Casita for him to get some rest. He regresses from all the stress, and abeula gets to take care of her beautiful brunito once again. (I am working one rn!)
(I know this isn't a lot but I am trying to not to make pressure onto myself!!!)
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cococookiedraws · 3 years
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If you haven't seen Encanto, I highly recommend watching it
The characters are amazing
The songs are bops (I've listened to the Bruno song 10 times today)
The visuals are gorgeous
The story and character growth was perfectly paced
The representation was really diverse
There's literally no excuse not to see this movie
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bottlepiecemuses · 3 years
surface pressur introduce the cracks in the family. "I'm pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service" sums up the problem perfectly. With Mirabella not getting a gift, and how Abuela treated her, it sends the message to the rest of them that they're only valued for their "gifts". That's what started the cracks and why Mirabella was the catalyst. It wasn't her actions or her fault it was simply that Abuela showed the rest of the family that she valued the "miracle" more than she did them
That is it. Again showing Abeula over the the years missed the point of having gifts. I think Casita was trying to show abuela something about mirabel but she failed it. And it may prove the theory that mirabel will be the next handle holder.
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tanzaniiite · 3 years
after finally watching encanto i do not understand why ppl are painting abeula as the villain. if you feel that way you obviously didn’t get the point of the movie. if you want a villain it’s generational trama :/
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smolfrenchfry · 3 years
Parts of Encanto that made me cry shamelessly
•Antonio taking Mirabel with him to open his door
•the sections of Surface Pressure when Luisa says "see if she can handle every family burden" and when she says "never wonder if the same pressure would have pulled you under" SHE NEEDED THAT HUG BRO
•Isabela saying "it doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be" FUCKKKK
•Bruno showing clear symptoms of OCD and Anxiety, but NONE of that being the center of any criticism towards him
•"when I finish saving the miracle, I'm bringing you home"
•Mirabel fighting with Abuela, saying "I will never be good enough for you...will I?" THAT SHIT HIT HARD
•the goddamn PLATE Bruno drew for himself next to the crack in the kitchen wall!! LET HIM FEEL LOVED
•"you left...to protect me?" HE LOVES HER SO MUCH GOD
•Bruno rushing to defend Mirabel, blaming everything on himself because he can't stand to see her hurting... CRIES
•the shock in Bruno's face when Abeula hugged him... HE COULD FINALLY GO HOME
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One of my favorite things about Mirabel in Encanto is the fact that she never talked bad about anyone in her family, despite being upset that she’s left out of almost everything.
In “The Family Madrigal” intro song, she describes each of her family members’ powers without saying a single bad thing about them. She says “She’s the perfect golden child” with a smile about her sister Isabel even when they’re not close and don’t get along because she still loves her as part of her family.
Also in that song, she was going to leave out the part about her because she knows that its the rest of her family that she feels are special, not her. She didn’t want pity or to make her family look bad by adding in how she doesn’t have a gift.
Mirabel is the only one who actually stays and listens to her sisters’ problems (Luisa’s pressure to help her family, Isabel’s perfectionism). She stopped the family’s generational trauma by contronting it, confronting Abeula, and was the only one who had a bond strong enough with Casita to get her to the candle to save it.
Theres a reason why the candle chose her and no one else, she was the only one to have the courage, to have the bravery and love for her family to finally fix the family.
Mirabel never complained or said a single bad thing about her family despite how she was treated, because she loves her family so much. She had the opportunity to have a villain arc but tried to save the miracle instead. She said it was mainly for her family’s sake and for Casita (yeah she included herself but she put herself last).
In conclusion, Mirabel is one of the best movie protagonists ever and deserves the world. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk <3
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rruhos7 · 3 years
ok i have to talk about encanto.
and if you are !! rolls eyes another post about encanto!! guess what i don’t give a fuck!! its about a family afro colombian family shut the hell upppppp
i truly believe that if mirabel was unable to help abuela realize how tight of a grip she had on her grandkids?? that someone would have had a full on panic attack. turns into this huge thing because of whatever their miracle is. my guess would be isabel or luísa (i would have loved to see isabel crack at the alter and she sprouts like. i don’t know venus flytraps or something?????? that would be wiiiiiild)
isabel’s projection onto mirabel was so ugly and was played out so well
if we are being honest mirabel wasn’t like??? a clutz who had a long track record of messing stuff up. something OUT OF HER CONTROL that resulted in her not having a miracle, has been a target on her back all her life. and mirabel was never given a place to really vent how she feels??? because it all links back to the miracle. so she is stuffing down how she feels all the time. because if she does vent????? how can you really and successfully comfort someone in mirabel’s position
abuela’s grip and fear tied with the candle one day disappearing left her son to live in the walls of the house. as much as i understand what all abuela had to face in life?? i understand that someone so traumatic would make her a brazen woman that she is. i just still didn’t like that
and the fact that all the other grandkids were so scared to be treated like bruno and mirabel if they told abeula what their true dreams were
its something about pepa with antonio that makes me wanna cry. something about pepa, who isn’t of afro descent adoring her wittle baby who is darkskinned. i. i cant put into words how happy i was to see him be so loved
and antonio reaching out to mirabel as he walks to his door. mirabel saying she can’t because god forbid if she does and something goes wrong. she was the scapegoat for not having one and bruno was the scapegoat for having one
juileta was just sweating so much anxiety for mirabel. def her biggest supporter. and her father too. but out of the people who had miracles.... julieta was mirabel’s biggest fan
analyzing the psychological damage that was happening to this family  was the butter to my got damn toast <3 #generationaltruama
my memory is fuzzy but i do think casita would have fell apart regardless if mirabel wasn’t on the case to find out what was happening
and after posting this im gonna watch it onces more!
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