#Aaah can't wait to read it it'll be so good
Shugo Chara Jewel Joker Ch. 1 Review
I thought I'd go over my thoughts about the first chapter of the sequel.
So, can we first start off with how gorgeous this chapter cover is? Like I absolutely love how the same art style is still there but it seems more refined and...mature (I don't know how but it just does).
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I'll be completely honest that I'm not super thrilled about them adding on another love interest to the sequel. It makes sense, but, not super excited about it. The fact that he already appears to just be a younger version of Ikuto feels a bit lazy on Peach-Pit's end. Sorry if that's offensive but those were just my initial thoughts.
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I also really like that it's a sequel directly after the events of Shugo Chara Encore. I think exploring Amu's growth through middle school is such a great concept. The ~ cool and spicy ~ line still makes me smile every time.
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It's so good to see Rima, Yaya, and Kairi!! AAAH THEY ARE ALL SO PRECIOUS, especially Rima. I always have adored her.
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Also, Kairi and Yaya's dynamic is so cute. I think they balance each other out really well. I know some thought their "pairing", if you can even call it that, in Shugo Chara Encore random, but I think it actually works well. I'd love to see some of the chapters show how Kairi and Yaya are doing taking over the Seiyo Academy Elementary guardians, maybe even see who the new King, Queen, and Joker end up being.
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And then there's the adorable prince. I spent so much of middle and high school years going back and forth between him and Ikuto as my favorite. I started off liking Ikuto then went to Tadase then back to Ikuto haha. Now that I am 26 years old, I can acknowledge that the age gap between Amu and Ikuto is definitely valid in people considering it problematic, which I would have adamantly disagreed with at 16. Now that I am a therapist and have seen a lot (to say the least), my opinion has changed. I can't deny the appeal of that relationship in a fictional setting but also can't deny that the age gap is not something that can be overlooked. It would never fly in real life. I'll just leave it at that.
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I'm not going to lie, I was pretty disappointed when I first read this about her going to a new school. I was like NOOO I WANT TO SEE AMU WITH THE SAME CHARACTERS AND JUST SEE ALL THE RELATIONSHIPS DEVELOP MORE. Alas, though, I also can agree that the new school and new characters can be great for Amu's growth and journey. Plus, I mean, there's got to be an actual plot lol. So there's that.
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I also love how Tsukasa is downplaying all of this. Like it'll actually only take a week or two. Or a semester haha. Also weird how he's just shipping them off with little regard for their actual education or wants. Did Amu's parents actually say yes to this? Haha. It's those little things that I think about that I wonder if anyone else does.
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First appearance of the new mysterious cat boy. I wonder if they're making him (at least appearance wise) identical to Ikuto because Peach-Pit realized that Ikuto being with Amu is deemed problematic more so now or if it's just another distraction until Amu ends up with Ikuto ..or Tadase? I honestly have no clue what they'll end up doing. I also just wanted to say that if you all do ship Amuto or Amu with Ikuto, there is no judgment from me. I must acknowledge that it is inappropriate but at the same time, I also know the nostalgia and very cute story they have too. Their relationship is very sweet, but the age gap can't be overlooked. But anyway, still not thrilled about this new guy, sorry.
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Oh my gosh look how cute they are!!! Amu's uniform suits her so well, I 100% support her wearing that the rest of the series. Tadase also looks super cute too with that coat. He looks more grown up, aw.
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I don't know how all these children get to go to these academies that look more beautiful than some cathedrals. Also can't wait to see how this new cute villain guy contributes to this story. I wonder how he'll differ from the other villains like Nikaidou and Kairi's sister (why can't I remember her name?) or the Easter director guy. I think Nikaidou has been my favorite "villain" so far. I think he was the most developed one.
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I like the concept of the X not disappearing and having this cultish academy where everyone already has guardian characters. Where did the X egg go though? Did it just disappear? Am I stupid because I seriously don't know why it's not mentioned after this haha like where did it go? And whose was it? Can't wait to see why all the students are desensitized to this haha.
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Possible villain number 2. I like her character design. I kind of like how she's more passive aggressive toward Amu instead of how it was with Rima and Utau where it was full on aggression at the beginning. I don't think we've really seen Amu handle that dynamic and I'm curious how their relationship will develop. It's funny how Amu knows there's something off about her immediately. Amu definitely isn't naive like she can read that the girl doesn't have good intentions pretty quickly.
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Okay, this conversation that Amu has with Rima is so cute though. Whether I can fully ship Amuto or not, I have to say Rima giving Amu relationship advice (albeit, not good advice haha) is hilarious and we need to see more of this please.
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Gosh I love Amu's different faces. And that's she's a scaredy cat.
Can we just remember -
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And many, many more amazing Amu reactions from the anime.
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I'll close with, I still don't like new boy but I guess I can't say I permanently think that until he actually gets formally introduced. I hope he's distinctly different from Ikuto or else it just feels kind of pointless having him there.
Welp, that's my commentary! Sorry that was EXTREMELY long. It's also almost midnight where I live, like wow I sure can blab about this manga for a long time. Please comment or like if you at least somewhat enjoyed this little review. Or if you didn't like it. I'm open to suggestions haha, or light-hearted, respectful debates. I'm very new to being back on tumblr so if my formatting is horrendous I'm down for some advice. I also will be posting about the second chapter in the upcoming days so be looking out for that too! Excited to be back on here and see what you all think about the sequel :)
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Only Friends เพื่อนต้องห้าม Ep 5
I'm finally caught up and oh, OH, this was a ride. This was very much Sand's episode, and I have a feeling when he finally does something to disappoint me he's going to devastate me … and I welcome it. He's such a well-written character so far. Feels very, very real.
Ray … it feels like he's genuinely got feelings for Sand, but he's also very much not over Mew and NOT ready to put a name to or commit to being more than fwb with Sand.
Mew kind of grew on me even more this episode, except for his inexplicable-to-me attraction to Top.
I missed Namcheuam this episode and hope to see her more next week.
Nick trying to be more like Top this episode was awful to watch, Boston seeming to react to it in a positive way was possibly worse.
Boston is the epitome of 22-y-o "I'm just telling it like I see it" and doesn't care what or who he hurts in the process. At this point I'm pretty sure the fact that Neo plays him so charmingly is his only saving grace. And the person who filmed him? probably Drake's character. Wonder whether he'll get a name eventually … which reminds me we still haven't met whoever it is Papang plays.
ANYWAY. That' the tl;dr; rambling live watch commentary below. I'm going to dive into the tag and try to see what I missed.
oh Sand, I LOVE you
new bottle design?
I love Yo, I love her so much
Sand, I'm sorry, but ชัวโมงผิเษศของไอ้เรย์ is the sweetest thing and I also take back every word I said about Sand not falling for Ray, clearly I have bad people reading skills
god Nick's e-girl look in this opening clip, I cannot
wait, does this mean next episode is Namcheuam's? everyone else has had theirs, right?
did you run out to a bakery for those croissants, Sand?
asdfasdfadsf I love them
HAHAHA NICK oh man oh man
Sand was like "… dude"
asdfasdfas Ray can't even take care of himself, wtf Nick
I can't get a read on Ray. is he trying to distract himself? is this a legitimate attempt to get over Mew? does he even know himself? idk idk
oh Nick. spite may be a great motivator, but I'm not sure this is going to work
oh fuck that's SO dangerous what are you DOING keep your eyes on the road when you bike!
that was very VERY lucky, oh man
I love Sand and I'm really afraid that when I eventually find a flaw of his it'll be really disappointing
those helmets look like they'd do NOTHING if they faceplanted
I LOVE this, goodness
Sand, you want to be a stylist, huh
it is a very tight shirt
please don't get frisky in the CHANGING room. Boys. I know you're 22, but --
I love themmmm
Top, if you could stop it with the fucking negging that'd be grand
oh, it's the dealer (?) guy
And Mew clocked something because he doesn't just LOOK smart
Boston checking Nick out, huh
Nick's got his number but he refuses to save (or whatever the metaphor is here)
Neo's really good at looking smitten with someone, which is a shame because I'm pretty sure Boston isn't into Nick like that
Nickkk don't ask questions you don't want the answers to
Boston, you're being an asshole rn. you KNOW that's what Nick hopes for.
oh I love this shot
I love that Nick kinda detests Top while Top detests both Nick and Boston and Boston is jealous af of Mew
Sand is back and Summer just disappears. I feel sorta bad for her, but … SANDRAY
JEKD, huh? neat though. the music has The Smiths vibes
annnd Summer's given up
Aaah Blind Dining/DInner in the Dark is so cool!!
Is the staffer mad about the "glasses off same thing" comment? I think I might've been in his place.
oh that's bound to go wrong-- oop
also dudes you're being SO noisy. honestly how quiet it is here is very unlike my experience.
oh Ray, oh baby
OH it's the baseball bat rooftop
Ray, rapidly re-evaluating what's going on
oh, I love this
A mum who uses rude-familiar language with her kid, huh. We've seen it in dads, but I don't remember hearing it from many mums before.
I bet this debt collector business is going to come back and bite them in the ass, boy-who-cried-wolf style
ahahahah I LOVE Sand turning the tables on Ray like that but also I hope Ray's voice is as good as Khaotung's
oh this is so sweet
wonder if/when we'll get a "you hafta tell her, she knows!" type scene in here because I sure was thinking it
Mum is like -- yep
Okay, okay but -- Mew, your acting said you don't believe him, what's the game here??
Also "use a condom" is probably the best advice to come out of Boston's mouth so far
Top, you're making it very hard to believe you love anyone but yourself, sorry
I can't believe we're not even halfway through the show
Mew does not seem super into it and also that sofa looks very VERY uncomfortable, material-wise. Plasticky.
22yos is2g
early morning hours and booze and honesty
OH the way Sand's hand sorta twitched when Ray said that
Ray. Love. It's not your fault. Depression is insidious.
Oh no, are Nick and Boston going to interrupt AGAIN
Oh Sand :(
Sand looks like he's going to KILL Boston and he'd be right to
Boston is just. Terrible.
oooooof this is a party gone wrong for real
they were so cute and then it all went wrong
shit, Sand really is in love with him and HURT.
Sand, I don't think you should be driving
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distortedataraxia · 2 years
Hi ^^) it's my first time doing this, so I'm kinda nervous (ahhh how should I start?). Well, I'm here because i got interested in the BSD Matchup thing, so thank you in advancement >////<)
Uh- Im pretty shy and calm in real life, but in Internet I tend to be more teaser (maybe because I can't see the other person's face) even tho I can't really handle them in rl, and because of that ppl usually misunderstood my personality, also I have social anxiety, so it's pretty hard to people ACTUALLY understand and know the real me (honesty sometimes i wish ppl could just read my mind, that would be so much easier?). Sometimes i think like i just have a mask that I can't get off to the point of me forgetting the real me.
About those personality tests: I'm INTP-A, 5w6 and my love language is affirmative words and act of service
If I bake you something/draw you, for sure i treasure or relationship.
As for my hobbies: I like to read, sell, cosplay, draw, listen to true crimes podcast, watch animes, teach, learn languages (for now I can speak 5) study and bake (most time sweets). My dream is someday have a pretty (vegan) coffee.
For now I am a volunteer physic teacher to help 9 graders to pass in exams for good highschools, but I can't wait to get a real job in some quiet place (like a library).
I am a short (150cm T^T), a bit chubby, I'm a sagittarius and I like the caos in the "not so monotonous" way (I just hate get bored), and when I'm not envolved, obviously, just watching, I hate have too many eyes on me. I also hate when people try to force a friendship with me, like, if i hug you, I'm showing that I don't mind you getting too close (even tho it can surprise me sometimes), but that change completely when "you" hug me without intimacy, i will 100% dislike your hugs from now on.
Also I really like to hear people talk about their passion and dreams, maybe I can get a bit of inspiration haha.
Sometimes when I take my medicines I may be oblivious to my own felling, so in that kind of situation i just like so see people I like happy by making them a treat or just walking through the city with no place in mind, just to focus on their happiness to make me feel warm
Whaa- sorry if it was too long, I don't know how much I should say or keep to myself to get a good analysis, usually I don't share that much oh things aaah that's embarrassing... but yeah that's it I hope you are having a wonderful day/night
Note : Hi! Firstly I'd like to apologize for the time it tooks to actually write this and secondly I'd like to assure you that you weren't embarassing ^^ Have a good day/night i hope and take care of yourself ! I haven't written any forms concerning matchups to help people requesting, so anything that you wrote is okay, it's never too long or too short and i'll try my best pairing you with a character with what i have. I hope that you like the one i paired you with and that it aha isn't too much or a mess, matchups aren't really my expertise ahah ^^'
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I pair you with...
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Atsushi ! ★
You, shy and calm in real life, a teaser on the internet, have came across the path of A CAT- I mean, weretiger.
He would be kind, understanding and considerate towards you and would respect your boundaries. Whenever you have troubles with anything, you know that Atsushi will always be with you and that it'll be okay, he'll support, understand and try to help you out.
That boy Atsushi needs theses affirmative words, he've been through a lot and only feel the right to live if he save people's lives and it's good sometimes to remind him that he's good enough just as he is.
if i got this wrong please run me over with a car , dig a hole and bury my brain inside of it... ACTUALLY NO PLEASE DON'T TOUCH MY BIGASS BRAIN
Atsushi would try to surprise you with some little gifts sometimes, he won't overdo it. If you're like kyoka by example, he'd buy you crepes and ice creams. If you're as mysterious as Dazai, he'll try to go with flowers probably.
Atsushi would be really happy if one day you bake or draw something for him.
Atsushi spent a lot of time reading in his orphanage's library as a form of escapism, so you can sometimes chat about books you both read without much problems.
You also love to ask about Atsushi's days as he works in the armed detective agency, and his days are never the ssame, as he like to ask about your day too.
Atsushi would absolutely support you in your dreams of having a pretty vegan coffee, and he'll do what he can to help you make your dream possible.
Atsushi gets flustered easily, and it can be pretty caotic. But cute?
When you're out on a date with Atsushi, he makes sure that you feel comfortable and to not get all eyes on both of you.
You both would be a nice pair.
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your-dxrling · 15 days
I honestly am not sure how many plushies I have! Absolutely over two dozen though, I've spent most of my life collecting them. I still have ones from when I was very little!!! But I'll count them for you sometime, sweetheart!
:0 I would adore showing you my writing sometime! I'm so happy to hear that you like reading my writing already, aaah!! And as for books, I'll give you a list soon, yeah? I'll remember and write it down as soon as possible
That sounds perfect, honey.. I could never ask for better. You're so sweet, oh my.. I'm so flattered, I can't even explain how happy you've been making me in the time we've been talking today!
Hmm, but what if I like making you flustered? And you truly do deserve it, in my eyes. I'm so glad you like that idea though! Ahhh I keep kicking my legs..
And no need to apologize, love!! I also answered slowly, as I had dinner and cleaning to do. I completely understand all of that though, I spent some time until you responded being worried that you wouldn't like what I sent.. but trust me, I will absolutely tell you if you've done anything wrong. You do the same for me, alright?
- 🌷 (I would love if you called me songbird by the way (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)) (And you're also a very good flirt <3)
aww, that sounds so cute! i'd love to meet them all hehe. i had a huuuge collection when i was younger, but unfortunately someone threw them away T-T it's kind of a hope of mine that one day i'll recollect the same models at least, and just squint and pretend they're the same... maybe your collection will fill the hole in my heart.
you're definitely gonna show me your stuff one day okay?? writing, drawing, painting, singing, everything!!! i will wait as long as it takes for you to feel comfortable to show me >:3 and you'd better hurry with that list; i'm supposed to have read a whole novel by now...
if you keep flustering me then i'll keep blanking on how to properly respond!!! my only reaction is just blushing. i'm not very entertaining like that.. i'm happy that i'm making you happy!! you're so adorable lolol
aaa you're not allowed to worry!! i have thoroughly adored every message you've sent so far!! no matter what you say, it'll still be adorable with the context of your other messages ^^ and don't worry, i promise i'll tell you if there are any problems.
it's nice that we have dinner around the same time; we're probably close in time zones! i suppose you'll be going to sleep soon? i probably will, at least. good night, songbird <3 please come back to chat more as soon as you can!!
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Ace Trappola Bloom Birthday Personal Story: Part 2
"Happy Birthday"
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Epel: Umm, the next question is…
Epel: "What is your best class?"
Ace: So now you wanna know what I'm actually good at…? Mmm, I wonder what it could be… I guess maybe Enigmics?
Epel: Eh, Enigmics!? That's one of my weaker classes, so that's amazing.
Ace: Hah, yeah, there's a ton of guys who're not that good at this class, huh~ But hey, I kinda get it.
Ace: Like, when I first saw questions like "Express the strength of this fire magic as an equation," I was super confused.
Ace: But you can figure it out as long as you just remember the formulas to use, right? And…
Ace: There's also stuff like "Express phenomenon A using this magical formula," or "Derive the power of magic B using this equation."
Ace: 'Cause there's only one possible answer, I don't really gotta stress too much.
Epel: Whenever I look at those problems, I usually can't recall which formulas to use when, so that's where I have trouble…
Ace: Yeah? Y'just gotta write down the formulas you remember and throw in some numbers that look about right…
Ace: So even if you don't get the right answer, you can still get partial credit. That's why I think it's better than some of the other classes.
Epel: Aaah… Yeah, I guess that's true.
Ace: As long as I can remember the formulas, I'm pretty solid, so the class isn't so bad. But then we got History of Magic, which is ALL memorization!
Epel: Do you not like History of Magic class?
Ace: Mmm, it's not really the magical history part, but it's the memorization part. If I'm not interested in something, I just can't keep it in my brain.
Ace: If I want to get a good grade in History of Magic, I have to hunker down and read the textbooks, and memorize all of the important dates, right?
Ace: People say that if you write it down, it'll help to stick in your brain, but that totally doesn't work for me. I can't just keep at it so intently like that.
Epel: But, aren't there a ton of rules you have to memorize in Heartslabyul?
Ace: Yeah… Not only do I have to do my studies, but I have to memorize the Rules of the Queen of Hearts…
Ace: Siiigh. It'd be great if I didn't just have to memorize stuff for classes, too. Can't we just always have prac apps instead?
Ace: Instead of stuffing our heads full of theories and whatever, I think it'd be much better to actually practice using magic.
Epel: I'd have to agree with that thought too, I guess.
Ace: Oho, so you dislike just learning in a classroom too? Oooh, I bet you're bad at sitting still~
Ace: Eh, I mean, me too, though. Maaaan, I can't wait to have more fun classes like the upperclassmen~
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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For the 40 questions for writers!
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
30. Do you accept prompts?
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
Thank you 💕
Ooooooon fun, thank you for asking!! <3 <3 <3
20. I'm outside, it's warm enough so that I can only wear a summer dress while lounging in a deck chair, laptop in my lap (and after that runs out of battery, I use my phone). It's sunny, but I'm in the shade because I don't want to burn in the sun. I have my Trikey playlist on, a glass of something cold to drink next to me, something to snack on, and nowhere to be all day. This is how I wrote most of To Find Out You Were Wrong and Cooking by the Book, and plan to write most of part 6 of SHOTWTHBWGT. <3
28. This is evil, so many good choices! :''))) - First, I thought of @avalise, whose style I just adore so much. It's enthralling, fun, and emotional, easy to read but interesting. I was desperate enough to read more from them that I read the fics from a fandom that I don't know all that much about. XD - Second, @despitethecold who writes amazing family drama and captivating, very in-character dialogue. I've had the privilege to beta read It'll All Work Out and oh boy, can't wait for everyone to see chapter 3 :'')) - And third, the double threat (YOU WRITE AND DRAW WELL, UNFAIR) @thenoman-sland who always manages to slam a knife right into my emotions. A beautiful way with words! I only wish my Spanish was stronger so I didn't have to rely on Google Translate. :'D - And, also, because fuck the rules: @annbssdoodls (another double threat, love the angst), @desadnta (absolute queen of whump), AND YOURSELF @samphiresea (I don't have a thing for glasses BUT OMG). And I'm sure I'm forgetting so many that later I will be banging my head against the wall for not mentioning them. :''))))
30. Sure! I was just thinking yesterday that maybe I should do some shorter GTA fics again because I did one for Better Call Saul and it was really fun. :') So yeah, I can do short prompts like the ones I posted in Moments!
38. Aaah, so many! I have a whole file saved with comments that cheer me up called "Lovely comments for bad days". But the ones that most stick with me are the more personal ones, many of which are in Gentle. I'm just glad I could help a bit with that fic. :'(
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yellowloid · 2 years
A couple more Q's 🥰
- what is it that draws you in to write about milex as a pairing?
- do you have any wips at the moment?
- what are you currently reading?
- what is one fic you keep coming back to?
- when it comes to writing about milex, i really don't know how to explain the feeling, honestly. i guess it's different for everyone, but i'd say for me it's the fact that they have this magnetic energy that draws you in and you just fall for them, y'know? platonic or romantic, whatever, they have this insane chemistry that just captivates you. people talk about it being for clout, for PR etc., but i don't think you can fake something like that. maybe it's because they're clearly very comfortable with each other (even just as friends) but there's also so much romantic/sexual tension there, it'd be difficult not to notice it. they play with it, and they have fun with it, and it just feels genuine. idk how to explain it, but there's something so raw in it that it oozes through the screen, and it makes you want to know more, to see just how many lines they can cross - and they've crossed so many you can't help but wonder how far they're willing to go before it's too much. they just have this game going on, always tring to outdo each other - and it's absolutely fascinating. it pushes you to daydream possible scenarios and well, sometimes you just need to put said scenarios on paper bc you can't stop thinking about them and you need to share them with other people who are in the same boat 👀
(obviously i'm talking about their antics on stage! i'm interested in their dynamic when they're performing, not their actual private lives. if they have/had something going on between them then good for them, if they didn't then good for them too, idc. we don't know and we're not entitled to know what they really do when they're not working) (just to clarify lol)
- i do, actually! i'm almost finished editing the second (and main) part of my series, Satin and Lace. i've been working on it for a few months now, and it's really special to me for a lot of reasons, so i've kind of become emotionally attached to it lmao. i honestly can't wait to share it with you guys!!
- these last few weeks i haven't had much time to read, so i'm a bit behind on fics, BUT i absolutely need to catch up with the last few chapters of @kisameanslight college au. i have one or two one-shots that are waiting for me, and i've also been waiting for your skiing holiday fic to be completely posted so i could read it (i have zero patience, sorry 😅). basically i have so many beautiful fics to read and so little time, guess i'll just proceed at a sluggish pace 🤷‍♀️
- aaah it's so difficult to just name one! so many milex fics stuck with me, to the point that i think about them almost daily. it's rare for me to reread fics (even though there are some i read far too long ago and i definitely need to reread them bc they're just Too Good)
however, there's this one fic that haunts me. it's The Boy Next Door by AM505, it's not a complete work and at this point i doubt it'll ever get finished, but it's just a pity because it's so good it's one of my favourites. it's definitely not for everyone, and if anyone is curious and wants to check it out PLEASE for the love of god read all the tags because it's rough, and our boys don't have it easy in it. it's based on a book which if i remember correctly is also based on a true story. it's really dark and twisted, and it could be very triggering for some people.
i have a PDF copy of it, and sometimes i just randomly think about it and open it. i read a couple of random sentences, even just the incipit, and i swear it feels like a punch in the gut. i love whump and i love dark stories - and this one made me sick. i actually cried, which doesn't happen often when i read. it's tragic, heart-wrenching and infuriating, and it's just so frustrating to watch the events unfold in front of your eyes without being able to do anything to stop them.
it's been a year since i read it and i can't stop thinking about it, but i still haven't found the courage to reread it. i really hope the author will come back and finish it, eventually- i need to know how it ends, and most importantly i need a happy ending😭
thank you so much for all these lovely questions, sending you lots of love!! ❤❤
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