#Aaaah this was fun thank you :D
bonus-links · 7 months
Aaaah!!!! Wake!!!!! I'm so glad he's here so soon! Wake is my favorite!
On another note, your comic looks phenomenal! I know you use it to experiment and it shows in the best possible way! I can see the care you put into it and it looks like your really having fun with the whole thing. The color choices, the placement, the expressions, the backgrounds, it all shows your enjoyment of your craft, or at the very least how hard you work at it. Excellent work, I'll happily eat this while waiting for the next update!
I've been so excited to introduce Wake :D Wind Waker is one of my favorite games, and I think Wake's personality is much needed in the group dynamic at the moment lol
and OUGHH thank you so much!!!! I do put a lot of work into this comic i'm glad it shows <3
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prince-liest · 7 months
Your last 666 series installment is the best thing that happened to me. Its full of gore, somehow fluffy and wait-.. do I finally see some FRICKING COMUNICATION between the two idiots!?!?!
Ngl, Vox's 'Alastor not being able to love' statement hurt my soul. Your writing is brilliant and and let's just see what ending ya wro-..O MA LORD IS THAT VAL'S LOVE POTION!?!?!?!?
This series is a blast♡ love it!♡ makes me weirdly passionate and excited hah!
Some communication, and some communication failure, hahaha. They're going to be talking a lot more in the next one, actually, because I meant to write some NSFW and they had to go and attempt a healthy conversation instead. What can you do.
Thank you so much, I'm delighted that you're enjoying! :D
And: Way more anon asks about the latest 666 getting answered under the cut! <3 I combined a bunch from the last couple of days.
prince, I'm going insane over the latest fic. so we know from Alastor's inner monologue that he knows the roofie was an accident, but considering the super stressful situation, the fact that Vox was the one to ask for a kiss and the fact that Alastor accused him of wanting instead of loving him not a few minutes ago…. makes me wonder if Vox might not be at least a little worred that Alastor might think it was on purpose <3 gonna be rotating this in my head for the foreseeable future - ✨
I am so glad that these things are on y'all's minds, hahaha. Because you can bet they are on mine. >:D And THANK YOU, very pleased to be dragging everyone down into insanity with me.
“Should I stitch together the scars your teeth left in me in a mirror of my own signature on your body.” Fucking. POETRY. 🐈‍⬛
I am always so happy when I write shit like this and instead of everyone pointing at me and going, "Look, what an EDGELORD!" the response is you people being VERY nice and leaning into the feelsy fun! 💛
holy moly ??? i love the new 666 addition aaaah 😭🙏 the trials and tribulations of feeling scorned and ghosted by a loser who confessed his love to you and the next time you see him he’s holding your LITERAL heart in his hands by alastor ! OMFG this was too good esp the part where vox is like “bro why do YOU CARE ?? i thought you didn’t love me huh?” and alastor is like well. maybe i.do. 😐 LIKE CMONN this really played out like some soap drama and i loved the neat details on resuscitative thoroctomy (learned a new word too so double bonus) the fact vel was on the line w her and val’s apparent surgeon for val’a little ‘incidents ??? GOLDEN I SAYY hope we see more of ur oc … 🫣🫣 btw ofc vox would love to an end an argument with a kiss OF FUCKING COURSE HE WOULD 😭 thank u sm for this chapter princeliest my dear <3 hope life is treating u well too !! -🦌
Vox is ahead of Alastor in terms of effective in-the-moment conflict resolution, but goddamn if he isn't fucked up in his own fun little ways. They're so not done with most of these issues, but at least they're on they're way to maybe be able to have a real conversation about them!
You know. If they chose to do that kind thing. Instead of whatever they will probably do instead.
Anyway, THANK YOU!! I had a great deal of fun writing this chapter and digging into some of the issues that have been slowly collecting underneath the surface of kinky radiostatic, so I'm happy you guys are enjoying as well!! :D
Just read the new addition to the 666 verse, and inside of me are two wolves: The first is saying: Immaculate, artistry of the highest form. We finally get Alastor’s own confrontation with his vulnerability and him trying to figure out what exactly the relationship with Vox means to him. Cannot wait for how this all is going to develop. The other part of me: THE BREADCRUMBS WORKED THE MUSE IS WRITING!!! Followed by this image (since tumblr won’t let me attach it while being anonymous) https://i.redd.it/hx2shk642vs71.jpg -🕊️
LMAO THAT PIC. Amazing, flawless, thank you. The breadcrumbs DEFINITELY worked, please keep feeding. Digging into Alastor's shit is bringing me life and I'm happy to share it, hahaha. We're swinging even harder on the introspection in the next one!
As a sucker for medical gore and aroace angst, I lack the words to express my love and appreciation for your most recent installment of 666, but your writing of radiostatic's dynamic was captivating and proved to be such a lovely read as always! I loved that you touched on Alastor's relationships with the women around him as that has always been such an interesting aspect of his character to me! I never really put much thought into how Vox's apparent avoidance of Alastor in the show could mirror Alastor's disappearance, and now it will Not leave my mind. My heart hurts for these two dorks, super looking forward to chapter 2!
"Medical gore and aroace angst" should be the title of my memoir. Honestly, this series has ended up a lot more edgy-bloody than I expected it to, since I usually tend to prefer to portray my whump/angst/violence/etc in a much more roundabout way, but it's actually kinda tipped over into, like... part of the point is how banal it is, how beside the point. The upsetting heavy-hitting bits aren't the blood, they're everything else that goes on around it. Anyway, thank you so much! <3 I think your heart will find some relief in chapter two, haha, I hope you enjoy!!
Meanwhile alastor, completely convinced that there’s no situation where vox actually loves him and is happy with the way things are—either vox wants more and is going to start asking for more, or he doesn’t actually love him and just wants to have sex with him and thus either way he is a Liar. They’re so fucking bad at this. No one is capable of being the adult here. I think they need an auspitice.
It's really funny that you said that, because that is kind of exactly the role that [spoiler] ends up playing, though in a more roundabout way, hahaha. They certainly need someone to, like, get them to be having the same conversation with each other instead of two parallel ones. I think the fun thing about writing Alastor reacting to his own feelings is just how much his reaction can change based on how things are framed for him, and it leaves a lot of wiggle room for how differently I've ended up writing him reacting to the season 1 finale in 666 vs in Happily Ever After, and Other Shit Nepotism Can't Buy.
But, god, you really nailed the description of what Alastor is feeling. <3
Vox in the latest 666, my ENTIRE HEART. Literally nothing about how he read the situation was a bad take or a leap to conclusions, but alastor constantly says the opposite of what he means and refuses to admit vulnerability or friendship and what the hell else was vox meant to do with that, of course he backed off, they need to have this talk so badly
YES, PRECISELY! Like, I hope it came through that really neither of them was completely crazy to react the way they did! It's a result of how much of their communication has been nonverbal, implied, and talking around things - they'd been doing so well up until this point, but there's only so far that can take you before you start thinking that you're on the same page when really you're reading two completely different books! Thank you sm! <3
‘But I am capable,” Alastor says gently. “I love you very much.” Vox gapes up at him. “...I. Fuck you.” His voice is tight, strained. “I don’t fucking believe you.” Alastor feels his smile thin. “Well. That’s just dandy, then, isn’t it?”’ I AM NOT OK GOING FUCKING FERAL
Probably one of my favorite lines to write, ehehehe. THANK YOU ANONNNN <3 It's kinda interesting to see how differently some people read this. Some folks thought Alastor was saying it to hurt Vox (which is how Vox read it). Some folks thought it was true (how Alastor intended it). Some folks thought Alastor was trying to fit into the mold that he thought Vox wanted from him (how I intended it). All of them make sense as readings! >:)
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fozmeadows · 7 months
I just finished the Tithenai Chronicles — looooved them!! You’re truly such a fabulous writer, and I felt incredibly seen by Velasin and his story. Those books rly touch the core of what it’s like to be queer and to keep going and to find happiness despite the trauma (with added fantasy fun!!). It felt like coming home as a queer reader
that being said I do have an incredibly important question:
did bbc merlin affect you at a critical age?
this survey is for science thank you for your time
Aaaah, thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed them :D As for your incredibly important question: while I never got into BBC Merlin, as a certified Mythology Nerd, I was affected by a different Merlin property at a formative age - the 1998 Merlin TV miniseries, which is (IMO) woefully underappreciated. It's camp and silly in parts, incredibly affecting in others, and doubtless hasn't aged perfectly (it's been a while since I've seen it), but to this day, it remains my favourite Arthurian adaptation, as out of everything I've seen, it keeps closest to (a version of) the canon while interrogating it through an arguably feminist lens. Also, in terms of the casting, it's up there with the original 1994 Interview With A Vampire for having Literally Goddamned Everyone in a single production, like:
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Just look at this! An insanely stacked cast, and as I look this up now on IMDB, I'm learning that Sebastien Roche (aka Balthazar on Supernatural) was also there, which all by itself is making me want to watch it again, just to see what he looked like in his larval stage. Which is the other answer to this question re: Significant Fandom Properties Of The 2000s-2010s: I didn't get into BBC Merlin, but I was deeply invested in SPN and Teen Wolf for a while there. Make of that what you will!
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smilesrobotlover · 19 days
A smile for smiles:
Checking in how you are doing? I love your sae with Zelda's comic with Terrako! And all your thoughts on the Zelda dads are amazing I love seeing them :')
I saw that you updated TCOD comic wayyy after you posted it- I can't believe I missed it. I didn't realise I wasn't following that account yet I'm gonna go do that lol. The story of yours is way too good to miss out an update on I love that comic. And I hope you are doing well have a wonderful night! Or day whenever :)
Hi!! :D
I’m doin fine, just have too many creative ideas and not enough spoons 😅but it won’t stop me anyway
And thank you!! The pacing is horrible but gosh I had a lotta fun drawing it XD I’ve enjoyed this idea a lot, mostly cuz Rhoam and Rune are fun to play with, and I really want to play with Terrako and Rhoam cuz Terrako HATES him. But they’ll set aside their differences to find Zelda. I also am excited to have Poppy and Rune meet cuz they’ll have cute interactions. Idk this Zelda has grown on me a little I won’t deny 😭 I just think all the Zelda’s meeting is such a fun idea
Anyways I’m rambling a lot I just really want to play with Zelda guardian squad and Zelda’s so XD
And aaaah thank you 🥺🥺 sometimes I wonder if people even like my stories but messages like that make me so happy!! I’m slowly working on all of them but I’m gonna try to go back and forth with lbl and TCOD, but we’ll see.
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nnibarrel · 5 months
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So... Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy. My recent obsession. Let's go! I'll try to do it without significant spoilers.
Carefull, long post under the cut!
First of All. Amadeuses Kids! They grew up! UWU. They're such cute little young fireball casters. Omg, that's almost like watching your nephews grow, they feel so much like a family...
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That game series has been with me since I was a child and as I remember Trine (part 1) was my first (real) videogame! And now when I play Trine 5 it cures my soul so much, right when I needed it. It's like... Has a Tolkien vibe for me. I mean in the sense that It's too fairy tail outside, it may look childish, but it has layers! I really like the plot, it hit me right in the heart and made me reflect. And I was struggling with dark thoughts on Future and Trine's perspective on the global world's problems made me smile and hope for the best... Really thank you, trine team, you're awesome :D Where there's people who share your concerns and put it in the work of art like that and make witty satire on it that's precious. I have returned some of my faith in humanity now. 
Well, maybe some people may not see what I saw or just won't feel such weight, cause my recent experience made me stump on it, so well I need to say that plot in general... Dramatic. I was impressed How it manages to balance at the edge of magical fairy tail and life drama (OR that's again me and my pains. Anyway...) STRONG twists and things at stake. Heroes encounter both global threat and personal challenges (all three of them, but poor wizard, he got it the most. But he's so silly old man, I'm crying) (Zoya, my girl, I love you...) (Pontius... You're just perfect, I'm proud of you, example of a real knight :D)
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Character writing is amazing, they REALLY feel alive.
For example: Amadeus marries a woman after he became a hero and throughout the whole game series he mentions that, then he mentions their kids and, like i mentioned now, now we see how they grew up! And in fifth's game due to plot he misses his triplets greatly and in the forest three heroes meet a fox with three little foxes... And Amadeus is like "oh no, I'm a terrible father" 😭
And there's a lot of cute normal or giant animals in the game series, we're helping them and then they come up and help us. Such lightsome game, I can't/// Those animals... Uwu/// (Just a little detail but I wanted to mention that...)
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What I like else about the narrative: humor :D For demonstration I just let Pontius to show himself:
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And now when I've let out my shouts...
*sights* AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA. Another round, Friends :D
I. Worship. Those. Artists. They are geniuses. Screenshots speak for themself, I guess.
Design, artwork and effects... No, I can't describe it in words, again, I just pray on it. So damn enchanting. I literally dream to be like those artists who work on this series. (And that's a threat) When I think of it, well, maybe THAT magic inspired me to be who I am right now...
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Magic observatory where's pictures of butterflies there and there... ARE YOU DESNAN, WIZARDS???
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And those just killed me. Episode in a dark place with the sudden rays of hope... I was just. Aaaah... So beautiful both by art and location's story.  Replica of the second screenshot: "It's rare that ghosts are on our side. Usually we and undead are not on good terms." What did I tell you? :D Tolkien vibe!
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So who got through my post till the end... Please, please get to know those game series. I didn't mention it at all above but It's also a genius of gameplay. It's a platformer with (some) fighting and (a lot of) puzzles. Also. It's thrice (:D) fun in coop.
AND. Music. Won't say much about it either but It's a genius magical masterpiece. I guarantee you: Trine soundtrack will find its way to your playlist.
P. S. Will I do fanart on trine? Maybe... Maybe... You know, I just have that strange thing: some stories are "sacred" in my brain so I can't Just sit and draw cause I'm constantly stressed out if it turns out bad or worse: not how I imagined it. Same with Tolkien books, btw. In fandom since childhood, (if you count that, if not - from adolescents and first steps to the internet) and no single drawing. (not single real drawing at least)
But! I have Nine Parchments fanart :D
Oooh. And. I have THEM in frame. Art from my friend who gifted it to me at postcrossing some time after we played Trine 4 (and then the whole game series) together! It was such a pleasant surprise!
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The end. ❤️❤️❤️
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alixlives · 9 months
going into the new year, i want to appreciate some of my mutuals/friends.
everyone on this list means so much to me even if i havent properly expressed it. i love you guys so much & im so grateful to go into the new year with you all. (Know that even if you’re not on this list, you’re still so incredibly important to me/gen. I love all of my mutuals & im so happy to go into 2024 with y’all<3)
@wilbyscoot - I don’t even know where to start with you/pos. You’re my brother, my best friend, you really do mean a lot to me. I’m so grateful to be your friend, honestly. You’re so fun to talk to, i love messing with you/aff and despite whatever protest i may say i love when you do it back, I find the banter really fun and I always laugh and have such a wide smile on my face. You’re so sweet & one of the nicest people I’ve ever known. I love you so much<3 /p
@totallynotbat Bat you honestly really do mean a lot to me. You’re one of my closest friends and I love talking with you. I love playing roblox with you, especially when I’m kicking your ass in flee the facility^^ /j You’re honestly just such a fun person to be around, you are very sweet and such a kind person. I love you :D /p
@sketchingtothemoon I know I don’t really express it a lot but I’m so grateful to be your friend. You’re so supportive, kind, and you’re always there to simply just listen. Talking with you is always fun, I’m always smiling during it even if it doesn’t really seem like it. You’re an amazing friend and you’re like a sister to me. I love you ^^ /p
@coolbananas143 AMANDA !! I really love talking with you!! You’re very funny and so cool, a little intimidating/hj but nonetheless i really love every moment that I have talking with you. You’re like an older sibling to me and you’re an absolutely amazing friend/gen. I love you!!/p
@mochamuff1n MOCHA!!!! You are such a SILLY GUY/POS i love talking to you!! You’re an amazing friend and i dont know why you are intimidated by me but its okay cause i am intimidated by you too /pos You’re so cool and im so happy that I’m friends with you and that I get to go into the new year with you. I love u silly man!!/p
@boardmanpanic I still find it so hilarious how we both suspected that we’re in the community (and that i was right about you after months of suspicion/hj.) You’re a really cool person and i love talking with you!! You are also very funny. How do you do that/j And of course, im really grateful to go into the new year with you !!!!/gen
@snake-anon By far my fav anon I’ve ever had. You are so silly and so supportive of my writings and I’m so thankful for that. I would honestly love to talk with you more, you’re genuinely really cool and definitely a great friend^^
@orphicrublee you are so SWEET HOLY FUCK/gen . You’re one of the kindest people I know i swear, and you’re always like the first to reblog & support my fics when I post them and thank u so much for that😭🫶 I’m really happy to know you & thank you for just being you !!
@radio-to-trenchcoat-demons AAAAH. You are seriously so fuckinf nice🥹/pos You’ve always been really supportive & nice about me being in the community and i was seriously so happy to answer your questions about it & introduce you to it. You’re really fun to talk to and i’m so glad to go into 2024 with you!!^^
@hyper-raccoon23 man what a silly guy you are/pos You’re very cool and i’m so happy to know u!! You’re very sweet and you seem like such a fun person, i’d love to talk with you more :D I’m very thankful for your support on my fics of course, thank you so much. I hope 2024 treats u well ^^
I hope 2024 treats all of you well. I love you all so much, thank you for being such amazing people. Happy New Year! 🫶❤️
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monsterfloofs · 3 months
For the ask thing, anything you are excited for lately? Can be anything at all!
(Recently I got excited for the new Zelda game and wondered if anything has got your brain buzzing with excitement as well.)
Thank you for reading and I hope you have the loveliest of lovely days! 💕🌷✨
Oh hi! That is so lovely to hear that you got a new game, I hope you enjoy playing it! ( ◜▿◝ ) That sounds like a fun time I wonder what the new mechanism is for this game! = O I know there is one game where people were building some insane looking stuff! XDDD
Oh gosh, for me aaaah hm! I can't really think of anything right now that I am excited for! o.o ) I do have a... number projects cooking on the mental griddle at the moment! (So many pancakes...) I have a secret project I have been apart of >:3c as well as, working on too many half baked story wips x-x ;; ) I start them and then I ramble off elsewhere aaaaaaa sjdjdjdsj there is one I want to finish because it was from my design a monster / story with emoji and I am really liking how it's turning out. I am trying to experiment and put more creativity into the prose itself, I also have a friend acting as a beta reader. (Which I have NEVER had before, but has been a fun experience!)
Putting a read more because I ramble!
Let's see... is there anything else I can think of...
I have books out from the library, but I have been reading other books instead. orz I relistened to an audio book that makes me laugh because of the how silly the characters are. I been laughing... AGAIN about this particular look in gothic fashion that I have deemed "Just rolled out of the coffin," where it's, as the name says, looks like a very groggy looking vampire who just woke up. So I am wrestling with myself to not throw more on my plate because gosh I really want to draw Lawrence in that. XD (I also wanna draw Lawrence in a t-shirt with the picture of Noseferatu flicking the lights from that one time in Spongebob but PPPPPFFF)
The same beta reader friend is trying to convince me to work on that story again and AAAAAA that story is... such a... double edged sword to me, personally. On one hand at the time of finishing it, it felt like it was the best story that I have ever written. On the other, HOW DO I CONTINUE THAT?!?! D: How do I keep making it that way? And then anxiety hit and I froze over and couldn't bring myself to continue it because the fear of... messing up. And not sure where to go forward and being afraid I would spoil the story if I did skdjdkdkekd
There's a lot of things I would like to work on. o-o ;; ) I really gotta find a way to organize myself better between art and writing and just, creating in general. That and trying to restablish my art on different art websites has been stressing me out lately. ;-; ) I deleted almost all of my art off of instagram... which was almost 550 pieces of art, drawings and doodles.And realizing that place held 5+ years of my art journey and I had just deleted it was... hard to take. Still kinda mourning that and trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces.
Ahah! Sorry! People chat to me and I chatter back... A lot =u= ;; ) Sorry for the paragraphs! I don't usually go on and on like this, I mean I do on tumbly, I don't really feel like I pop off like this much in person. It's kind of funny and amusing to me that once I am here I become such a chatterbox!
I guess all my buzzing thoughts need to go somewhere sjskdjdjs
Ah yes, exciting things, I have things that I could be excited for once they get a better level of polish... I told you about the life things. Uhh, wracking my brain, the last thing I was kinda excited for was that I splurged and bought a pajama set from a small creator that I really love. They have a lot of cute spooky patterns and things. And this piece was from their Valloween collection which had ghosts, hearts and bats on it. 👉👈 (I also bought the cardigan with the same pattern when it first came out because it was love at first bite-- I mean sight! x//D This is the place I splurge on when I want to treat myself to cute spooky clothes. Gosh I wish the plague doctor button up came back in bigger sizes again. ;3; )
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KEYSSS my dear mutual congratulations on 1K likes aaaah you deserve all of them! May I henceforth ask for a platonic BSD matchup? I go by she/her and I don't have a preference for which gender I want to be matched up with :3
Personality: I personally don't know what my mbti is, so I'll just give a short description of my personality. I find myself to be more of a listener, but with the right type of person (really quiet or someone chaotic) I can talk for hours. People say that I'm nice and smart, but I doubt myself sometimes. I am physically affectionate with my friends, and often flirt with them only if they're not in a relationship. My friends like to banter with me and I like to tease them/make them laugh, but if they like to sit in silence then I'm perfectly fine with that as well. Sometimes I am too sacrificial and am bit too much of a people pleaser, but I am working on setting down boundaries and saying 'no'
Hobbies: I like to read books more than I like gaming and watching videos. I also like to learn new things, no matter how hard they are, because I am quite curious about a lot of matters. I can speak English and Mandarin, and I am partially fluent in French. I also love to play the piano because I find it calming <3
Topics I like to discuss: Honestly I can talk about anything as long as it's not something that I'm uncomfortable with (which I only have a few). I normally like to discuss history, books, travelling, and any funny things that happened recently in life
Things I hate: I don't hate a lot of things because I am a firm believer of the quote that love transcends all animosity, but what I really do hate are people who willingly do bad things and do not feel sorry for it. I normally am quite forgiving, but once somebody crosses that line too many times without genuinely trying to improve, then they've lost their chance
Something that makes me unique: I'm actually more of a classics person than a contemporary person. What that means is that I prefer classic books, classical music, classic movies, and old history etc. I do like watching a modern film every now and then, but I find that nothing captivates me more than the antique things. I'm probably one of the few girls my age who is more caught up with the 1700-1900s than the 2000s ahaha. I also am more of a jewellery girl than a clothing girl, and my favourite jewellery is silver jewellery :)
Preference: I'm okay with being matched by a character that commits crime, but as long as they aren't too crazy about it
What I value in others: I value loyalty, respect, and communication in others, as I believe that those are the three key points of any relationship. Bonus points if I find them fun to hang around with, and that they won't twist my morals and lead me down a darker path
Something I can't stand in others: Honestly anything that makes a toxic relationship; dishonesty, disrespect, and not listening to what I have to say
Remember to take your time my dear, and once again congratulations on 1K likes! Let's get that to 1K followers >:D
SILVER I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!! I was almost done with it and then it was literally all lost, but I still got it done. thank you so much, darling, and I hope you don't mind the wait.
I match you up with Tetcho! he's a silly little man, please take care of him.
He loves listening to you. There is nothing he would rather do than listen to you talk about the things that you are interested in, and he is not affected by what other people have to say about your interests. He would be ticked off at anyone that judged someone for their preferences in media and entertainment. He would not force you to try his food, but if you do like any of the combinations he would be glowing with happiness for the rest of the week. He is always a little sunshine, though, and is nothing but supportive. He loves what makes you strange, and he loves that you love what makes him unique, too. He would not let harm befall you. He would rather be stabbed a thousand times than for you to get a paper cut, and would be even more devoted to justice after meeting you because he would want to make sure that no filthy criminals can hurt you. He would not let Jouno make fun of you or your friendship. He would probably stab his ass again, and would start doing it more if you found it funny. Either way, Jouno will eventually make peace with you. He would love to listen to you play the piano, and might even pick it up himself if he has the time. He could also learn another instrument solely so he could teach it to you. He would be a non-judgemental teacher but he would definitely be a little strict. Secretly, he is a little scared that he is too overbearing when teaching you things. Overall, he would value similar things to you in a relationship. He is an honest man who communicates well, if not sometimes too bluntly, but he would do his best to always respect you. If someone else is to disrespect you, however, all hell breaks loose. Jouno and the Huntings Dogs will obviously get lighter punishments, though, and I don't expect them to cross any lines. He would, without a doubt, try to keep you as far away from his occupation as possible. Your safety is his priority, and he could not live with himself knowing that he was the reason why you were targeted by a criminal group. He gets anxious about how you are doing, so he will send a variety of texts about how you are doing throughout the day. It's a little heartwarming knowing that you're always on his mind. Because of his constant worrying about your safety, he absolutely loves to hold you in his arms so he knows that nobody can hurt you. Sometimes, though, he just wants you to hold him instead because he is always dealing with things for other people and he just wants someone to do the same for him.
that's all for today, I hoped you liked it darling! <33 have a wonderful day or night :)
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famina · 1 year
Late night walk
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*TRIGGER WARNING* This one is serious ! Since it involves the Vigilante, the story starts with a troubling encounter that could get uncomfortable for some. If it is your case, please skip to "=============THIS SING DOWN BELOW=============" Thanks. I hope you like it !!
There are no stars out tonight, the sky is a dark purple mass. Only the million of streetlights and neon signs lighten your path. Cities glow at night. The darkness hides all the dirtiness and let’s shine the rest.
As you walk along the pavement you breath in the night city air ! It’s cold and a bit metallic. You were out with some friends and what was supposed to be a little get together ended way later than anyone expected ! But you don’t care, you don’t work tomorrow. All you’ve got to do now is return home and sleep. But the night was so fun that you want to stretch it out a bit longer. You decide to take a detour by the park just for fun ! You think it should look magical on a night like this.
And you were right ! The warm yellow lights of the old streetlamps reflect on the fountains water and gives it a enchanting look. It’s just you, alone, in your own glowing kingdom.
Sundenly, a clank sound ! You turn around to see a person in the distance. You almost forgot you were in a public place and start to come back to reality.
“Hey!” Says the stranger. You don’t respond.
“I said HEY ! What a…What.cha doing here !?” You start to make your way out of the park.
“Wait ! I said WAIT !” They start to chase you. You are now running; you don’t really know where. You are not familiar with this part of town.
You end up corned in a little alley way and the stranger is still approaching.
“C’mon ! Why you..T’fuck is wrong with you..” The stranger is now very close.
“S-Stay away please !!” You say to them but to no avail.
“Hey ! I-I’m not bad…see !?” They make a gesture to show themselves as if that was a reassuring answer. They were clearly not sober. You don’t know what to do and start panicking.
“P-Please…Leave me alone !”
“Oh ! No ! No ! Ssshhhh…’s okay !” They get uncomfortably close. You froze up ! You close your eyes tightly and get ready for the worst.
================HERE YOU GO, ENJOY !===============
Then in an instant, you hear the wind whistling and the body of the stranger is forcefully pushed away. You open your eyes to discover a young man has interposed himself between you two and kicked the assailant a good 3 meter back.
Your pursuer is stumbling back up. “HEY !” they scream to the young man “T’HECK D’YOU WANT !!??”
“I believe this person told you to not approach them !”
With difficulty, the assailant gets back to their feet and seems to get ready to punch him.
“I do not want to harm you !” Said the man “But I must warn you that I WILL defend myself if need be !” At these words, the young men place himself in a combat position, he seemed to have experience in fighting.
To that, the stranger lost all confidence and turned away. “Whateveryoufuck…Idon’teven…” And so they left while still mumbling insults along the way.
You calm down a bit. The young man seems to do so too. He turns around to look at you :
“Are you hurt in any way ?”
“W-wha ? N-No !”
“Good…” He then turns around and is about to make an exit.
“W-Wait !” You stop him !
“Hm ?” He seems genuinely surprised at your action.
“Well hm…thank you I guess.”
“Don’t mention it. It is my duty !”
“Oh…….is that so….” You think to yourself that maybe you exchanged one weirdo for another. “W-well…” You start “..H-Here ! As thanks, I could give you-..”
“No!” The man stops you sharply “I never take from others ! I’m not a thief nor am I a beggar.”
“O-oh….I see..s-sorry..”
“Don’t be…I-I’m sorry for my strong reaction…” He backs away shyly.
“D-Don’t worry about it.” You say with a smile.
“Well I should be going now.” He starts walking with a determined walk when “AAAAH !!” He sundenly feels to the ground clutching his abdomen.
“W-WHAT’S WRONG ! A-Are you hurt ?!” You run to him, worried.
“N-No…this is nothing…I’m simply..AaaaAAAArgh !!”
“Han ??”
The young man is red as a tomato and tries to hide his face in his collar. “I’m….a bit hungry…..That’s all…”
“You sound a more than a BIT hungry.”
“It’s…not as bad as it sound…It’s fine really…I’ll just…hmm” He tries to stand up and run away but he fells back to the gound after tree steps.
“H-Hey !!” You run to him again . “You shouldn’t do that ! You’re clearly too weak to run at the moment.”
“My…..bad…” He seems VERY lightheaded now.
“Alright, let’s get something to eat, okay ?”
“I-I don’t need-..”
He’s stomach disagrees and so do you. “Come on ! Up we go !” You put him on your shoulders and start walking. Since he seems good in a fight, you’re surprised to find out how light he is. That’s not good. “Don’t worry, I know a good pizza place near by ! I’ll take you there.”
“I can’t….”
“Yes you can !”
“Oh…Well I’ll be treating then ! It’ll be my thanks for earlier !”
“N-No ! I don’t take from others ! I refuse to-“
“Hm-mmmh…” He’s overflowing with embarrassment.
“Well if you don’t want to die you’ll have to accepte. Besides, your not taking, I AM OFFERING ! So no more complaining, got it ?”
“………………………………………..got it…….”
“Good !”
You make your way to the pizza place ! It’s one of those open 24/7 restaurant. It’s not the fanciest place but the pizza is good and it’s the perfect place for late night snacks. There’s only one person behind the counter and they’re not paid enough to pay attention to you until you place an order. You put the young hero on a chair and take the plastic menu.
“So, what do you want ?”
“………………….” The hero has turned his face away. He’s clearly uneasy about you buying him food. But you can’t just leave him be.
“…If you don’t tell me I’ll just take an all-dressed !”
“Alright ! All-dressed it is !” You stand up to go order when the young men pulls on your shirt to stop you. You turn around. He’s still hiding his face in his collar.
He shyly says : “C-could you…ask for no peppers…..p-please…?”
You laugh a bit : “ Yeah ! Sure thing !”
You go order the pizza and return to your seat while you wait for it to be done. After a little while, you hear a certain sound.
“O-oh !?...” The young hero turns red again. “S-Sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize ! It’s perfectly norm-“
He get’s even redder and hides as he can under his bangs and collar. “Sorry…”
This continued for a little while and your companion seems more and more uncomfortable so you decide to break the ice to distrack him from his hunger while you wait.
“So, my name is (Y/N), what’s yours ??”
“O-oh..I don’t use my real name when I’m on duty.. sorry..”
“Oh okay…so, what should I call you ?”
“You can call me the Hero or the Vigilante…if you want..”
“You don’t even have a hero name ?!”
“I….haven’t settle on one yet….”
“I see…So..hm..Vigilante..Do you, do this sort of things every night ?”
“What sort of thing ?”
“Swooping in and beating the bad guys ?”
“Well, yes ! I do this most nights.”
“Really ? When do you sleep ?”
“During the day…But that’s not always possible. After all…Crime never sleeps !..”
You suspect he wanted to sound cool. But you can’t help your self to laugh.
“H-Hey ! That’s not…mmmh..” He pouts. You then notice that he has deep dark circles under his eyes and that stops your laughter.
“Well it’s not healthy. You should sleep 8 hours a day you know ?!”
“I-I know…”
“And you should try to eat more properly too ! You seem pretty strong but depriving your body of food for a long time is not good !”
“I….I’ll try…”
Now you feel like you’re moralizing him. “sigh Sorry it’s just…You seem very nice. And I think you should try to take better care for yourself ! That’s all.”
“Y-You think I’m nice ?!”
“Well…yeah ? Is that odd ?”
“Well…it’s just…people usually think I’m a weirdo….” He slumps his head down. This surprise you, sure he’s not…the most normal person you’ve met but he clearly means well. Does he get a hard time even tho he’s trying to do good ?
“H-hmm..” He perks his head back up. “T-thank you…By the way…for the food…”
“Oh ! No problem !” You smile at him and your pretty sure he smiles back from under his collar.
The pizza finally arrives at your table. The vigilante suddenly gets all excite like a little dog. He thanks the worker who brought it about 5 times and then is about to take a piece when he suddenly stops.
“O-Oh ! H-hmm…M-my bad…You paid for it. Y-you should serve yourself first…”
“Oh no no !” You say. “I’m not hungry ! I ordered it for you ! Take it all !”
“R-Really ?..” He looks at you with surprise. You reassure him by nodding and smiling. He starts beaming with joy and starts eating the pizza with vigor. You are happy to see him enjoying a good meal. You have a feeling he doesn’t often do so.
In a few minutes the whole pizza has disappeared. The vigilante breaths a sigh of relief. “This was…really really good. Thanks again….I-I’ll repay you of course !”
“Oh ! So you do have money ?”
“N…no…Well, not now…But hmmm…one day ?” He looks at you with an awkward unsure smile. You smile back.
“It’s a promise then.”
And so, you make your way home. The vigilante insists to walk you home like the gentleman that he is. It IS getting very late so you actually enjoy the reassuring company. You wish each other goodnight and you make the Vigilante promise to go straight to bed after this. And you make your way to your bed. One day he’ll pay you back, huh ? Well…let’s hope this day comes soon so you can chat with him again.
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lily-alphonse · 3 months
Hi there, I'm the writer of the Gus/Elliott(Gelliott? Gulliott? Gulliott is cute, like seagull hehe) fic you left such a nice comment on! Just wanted to say you made my day and I look forward to reading your work!
Ah hi! Exciting!
Hm if we are the pioneers of Gus/Elliott does that mean we get to pick the ship name? lmao I like Gulliott a lot personally that's really cute and funny.
Thank you so much I'm glad to have you here! Artists support artists :D
You can check out sweet-lemon-slice's sweet little Gulliott ficlet on AO3 : Migraine Mornings
OH MY GOD WAIT I thought of a really fun ship name. I still like Gulliott using their actual names but what about CookBook? AAAAH wait ok here me out Im a genius because you know how like cookbooks or recipes always have the life story before it, that's Elliott. Elliott is writing these huge romantic descriptions of what Gus' recipe means to him and Gus just has heart eyes about it
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ryuki-draws · 2 years
I adore your train ocs they are so charming
Aaaah, thank you so much! :D Technically, I borrowed Astrotrain (though not the same one) from Cyberverse and gave him an overhaul with a slap of yellow paint and localization for fun but the shenanigans with Grease got out of hand :'D Nevertheless I'm glad you're enjoying them because I surely enjoy drawing them!
Tumblr media
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mahikamihan · 11 months
Tag at least six people (can be more than six if you want), and say at least one nice thing about or to each of them. Can be mutuals, can be people you follow, can be people you don’t know but just happen to exist in the same circle(s) with. All you gotta do is tag them and say something nice about/to them :)
Because why not! Plently of nice things to say and go around :D As tagged by Taizi @rebelwithoutabroom and Scoops @scoops404, ouuugh such beloved writers 💖💖💖
@foolishfreckles moss slkdlsdks i'd like to think that you and your posts are the ones that got me into watching foolish gamer stuff more! (or at the very least, kept my early interest in his streams going) although i don't watch his stuff as much, I really enjoy seeing the art and foosh related content i get on my tumblr dash that im pretty sure is 88% from you
@vadergf rey, you were one of the first moots who interacted with me and really helped bring me out of my shell, I remember one of the first asks I ever received on this blog (EVER!) was you feeling mock-offended (/joking /affectionate) bc I called you a 'prev' on a reblog and knowing that it's okay to use nicknames and being friendly with other dtblr accounts is okay... idk that just really helped me feel comfortable in this community as a newbie 🌸 love love love seeing your art!
@traidyy lucky, omg the first half of 2023 were so memorable bc of the stuff we did with geoguessr and just seeing your shimeji on my desktop and you have such a bright soul, I hope you keep on glowing! 🌟 (like your fun lil blinkies!)
@jacentric jace, i don't think we interact 1-on-1 a lot, but I do see you reblogging from me and liking stuff that I post so just want you to know I appreciate that! Whether you just like to lurk or just shy, just wanna let you know i see you! 🫂😊
@wolfboypunzo asher thank you for making the dtk+blr discord! I'm such a lurker there, I don't post a lot but it's really nice to know there's a safe space whenever I just wanna see what people are doing or just pop in to ask for ideas from people there or just generally get out of my own head sometimes 🥺💗
@findinghomes I adore your writing so much, you have been very enocouraging in your tags and I just remember feeling overwhelmingly very poetic and very pretty things whenever I think of you and your blog and your fics and the stuff you reblog on my dash 📜 also i lovelovelove your account name 🌻
@voidpidgeon voib 🐥aaaah hanging out and drawing with you during the dtqk+ bigbang stuff was so nice! I'm always so impressed with how good your art is and how fast you draw 💗💗💗💗💗💗 i hope to come across you again in another dtblr related event or something similar!
okay, i think this is all the love i can muster today or else i won't have energy to work on my grad stuff the rest of teh night. Thank you @bottleofchaos for making this activity and giving me a reason to gush about how much i love yall eheheh <3
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godsandvillains-if · 1 year
Aaaah, I read your demo and you got me hooked immediately. I didn't read the synopsis aside the MCU part, so I knew it was about superpowers and that's it. Wanted to let myself get surprised and I was so "OMG WHAT'S GOING ON I NEED TO KNOW MORE". Loved every second of it <3
I gave my MC hemophobia and needless to say I felt sorry for that after they arrived at that floor lmfao
I immediately feel in love with Wildcat🥺
Very important questions: since their skin color is so different, what about their tongue (lol). Also do they have sharp fangs canines. Asking for science.
Also when I read "with straight black strands sticking out like thorns in a bush" my immediate right was, "ah... so like a sea urchin Fushiguro Megumi, got it" /lh
When they transform, does their suit transform with them (just imagining a tiny cute cat in a skintight suit is hilarious, sorry) or will they be naked when they transform back?👀
Oh, if it's not too much of a bother, could you either give us the color code or an image of their skin color? I just google'd purple beetles and royal purple (as described in-game) and they seem to still come in a variety of shades which doesn't help at all...
All that asking only about my husband Wildcat aside, can I also bother you with asking what sort of casual clothes all of the ROs wear?
I'm sorry for all these questions. I'm also very sorry if I bothered you with any of those. I tried Tumblr search but...Tumblr isn't the kindest with showing results--at least on mobile :'3
Talking about Tumblr being mean on mobile, I used italics and strike-through on a few words here, but somehow sometimes Tumblr loves to change the entire paragraph into what I used for a word or two so I apologize if that happens before I hit send and makes everything I wrote look weird lmao
I hope you have a wonderful day. Please don't forget to rest a lot and have fun with your IF!
Byeee! :D
Hahaah a fellow marvel fan I see 🤭🤭
Their tongue is pretty similar in tone to ours, just a teeny bit purple in the middle, and they do in fact have fangs, but not as long as vampire fangs.
Their bodysuit was especially designed by Stardom to shift alongside them, but believe me, before that they would just walk around butt naked a lot of the time—much to Zodiac's dismay.
Click HERE to see the purple beetle image I took as an inspiration, since a few of you might not like insects very much, like me haha. Wildcat's skin is a few tones lighter than this one but not by much, and the bodysuit is a iridescent dark green, the same as in the image.
The questions are not a bother at all, I love that you guys are so interested!!
And I quite understand the frustration with tumblr asks, a lot of the asks get eaten... 😭
Thank you for the question!! 🍒
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altraviolet · 8 months
hi! :D
someone asked about the energon harp a little while ago & you mentioned the glass harp being an inspiration for it. i suddenly had an Insane Brain Moment where i remembered the existence of an awesome instrument called the glass harmonica (or glass armonica, i believe it's called both!) and while i'm not sure if it fits that "richer" sound you described, since it's not that different sounding from the glass harp (as it's its succesor & the playing principles are the same with the water and glass and everything), i think it's another thing i personally was imagining while reading TEG :)
here is a video about it if you, or anyone else, are curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVqqNigImtU (it's a bit long but definitely worth a watch or a skim through if you ever have the time - the guy made this one himself i believe, and he talks about its fragility & complexity/the skill needed to play it, as well as some history behind it, and i just think it's such a beautiful instrument that everyone should know about LMAO)
it's also the sort of sound i imagine the resonances of the crystals having, that ethereal, echoing (lol) & almost haunting sound. especially the way the chords played are either beautifully harmonious or off-puttingly dissonant depending on the notes played. at one point i think the cameraman mentions about it being hard to listen to when not played correctly, and that to me is how i imagine the unpure crystals to sound - some harmony with a scratchy, unsatisfying underlayer of discordance mixed in there.
i have this tendency to link everything i possibly can to my interests, so rewatching this video and hearing again about the fragility of it made me have another brain moment and i somehow managed to link that to the way soundwave's crystals shatter. bit more of an abstract link but a link nonetheless xD i suppose the thought process does make sense though
apologies if you are already aware of the glass harmonica and i'm just repeating stuff you're already aware of!! and apologies if this seems random/like an unnecessary ask or something, i wanted to share my thoughts but i don't really have anyone else to talk to about TEG that would get it if that makes sense, so i figured why not share with the author directly ! (and again. i think everyone should know about the glass harmonica it's sick as hell)
actually. while i'm already here typing out an ask i might as well add another thing or two
how do you imagine soundwave's visor transforming away from his face? i can't remember if you go into detail in the fic about it. i think when i first read it i imagined an iron man mask -like transformation with part of it going up over the top of his head? but i'm not sure whether that makes like, any sense with how cybertronians typically transform LOL
and another thing- im autistic and the way you write soundwave sometimes reminds me a LOT of myself, both through the way he expresses himself and also the way hes treated by the lost light crew. there's a scene at/near the beginning of when the crystal club is formed (? i can't remember the exact chapter or point in the plot) where soundwave sees that his great work has the potential to finally be worked on and he's so giddy and elated and laughing and his tentacles are rolling through the air and laserbeak is spinning around and !!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAH idk that reminded me so so much of myself. like that was stimming if i've ever seen it xD
i don't know if you're neurodivergent as well & the way he's written is deliberately allegory for that but it was really fun to relate to him in that way, even if it wasn't intentional. there's a ton of other things soundwave does that to me read as autistic traits & experiences and i think that's awesome
okay that's all :3 i'd also like to say a general thank you for writing the fic (& keeping going for so long!), your writing is truly incredible and brings me so much joy to read and like many others i've started reading mtmte because of it ^_^
I think I saw this same video, briefly, while researching the glass harp :) the glass harmonica has more of breathy sound to my ear. but you are more than welcome to adopt it in your brain for the sounds of Nautica's harp! the fragility link between the glass harmonica and SW's crystals makes total sense.
>how do you imagine soundwave's visor transforming away from his face?
the story has not addressed this yet. it will, so I won't answer because spoilers
>it was really fun to relate to him in that way, even if it wasn't intentional
other autistic folks have made similar comments! I didn't write him specifically to be autistic. I wrote him to act in a way that I thought was a logical conclusion to the scant canon we got in TFP + the fanon of his emotion-suppressing protocols. but if you feel represented in a positive way than that can only be a good thing, I think!
yay, I'm glad that you've started reading MTMTE! I hope you enjoy the story. it's not perfect, but it is fantastic. it was the first time I saw character arcs in action and understood them to be so. previous to reading MTMTE, I never cared about characters in the books I read. I was more enamored of the world/setting, or the science/magic, etc etc. post-MTMTE I finally understand what people mean by characters being the most important part of a story. I learned a lot reading it =)
thank you for the kind ask!
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Hey there it's the DC Sebastian anon. Sorry I was vague before, and it looks awesome! Thank you so much for drawing it :D
Aaaah thank you, honey!!
Ur good!! I enjoy it but sadly I can't do it often due to the many asks, so your good. I was saying it to the future People who wanted to request me, as I didn't specify nor thought about an escenario like this comming nor the surprising amount of art request hehehe
I enjoyed the challenge, but I am supper happy you like it.
And thank you for your idea, it was super fun and It certainly got me into a creative challenge
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
You genuinely inspired me to get back into art and your art style is very eye pleasing just hope you know :)
That's so incredible aaaah!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you, I hope you have a lot of fun making art!!!! :D 💚 And thank you so much!!!!
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