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cosmiicchaoss · 1 year ago
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do not think, do not speak, do not hope
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rradical · 4 months ago
my one and only sad contribution to transformers one
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bumbleactuallypostsart · 10 months ago
day 4: wlw
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Ily Lorraine anyways take this crappy drawing 😭
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marchsfreakshow · 2 months ago
Computer how do I get my boyfriend to understand that making out doesn't have to be sexual every time, quickest route, no freeways.
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ferocioustrout · 6 months ago
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benoitblanc · 10 months ago
do you ever just think about the fact that doggett had to physically tear scully off of mulder's body or are you normal
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pinolitas · 1 month ago
I do not like watching the news and I feel like I'm paranoid but I think I have a right to be paranoid rn?
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deoxygenated · 7 months ago
my cousins life exploded and shes making it our problem
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bi-bats · 2 years ago
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Lmao no context spoilers for Know Yourself
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loverboybrightsideghost · 2 years ago
have to change layout of comic millions injured twelve hundred dead
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totally-lyrical · 1 year ago
its SO GODDAMN SNOW where i am, i had to drive home from costco in the snow and. ughhhhhh. slid for the frist time ever since learning to drive. kill me
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zoolitsky-fandom · 5 months ago
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missing home🍜
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forgettable-au · 4 months ago
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73-77 , 78-81 82-85 , 86-89
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inexplicablyhigh · 2 years ago
You don't understand YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND
Adam wasn't supposed to be the original Michael vessel! He was only brought back as a backup! And then used as bait for Dean! But in the end he still ended up being the vessel! Even if he wasn't the perfect one! Michael still took him! Maybe because Michael no longer had a choice, Dean wouldn't say yes! So in the end Michael chose Adam! And they were supposed to start the apocalypse! To bring paradise! And Adam was promised his mother if he said yes! But then they we're thrown into the cage! Everything was turned upside down! What did Michael say to Adam?? That his plan failed? That he's locked away with the Devil in a cage? That he may never fulfill his promise and bring back his mother? And maybe they were hopeful at first! God will come down and free them, they will continue the plan! And then Castiel comes down! First sign of hope! But only takes away Sam's vessel! Now there's only Sam's soul left with Lucifer! And he's being tortured, he's being burned, skinned, mutilated in every way! It horrifying! Does Michael let Adam see it? Or does he decide against it? Does Michael even let Adam know of the situation? Maybe he does! And so the torture continues until Death comes down to take Sam's soul! 2nd sign of hope! Yet when Michael finds out Death won't take Adam's soul either? That Dean chose to save Sam over Adam? How does Michael even react? He brought Adam down into the cage, he promised paradise, he promised his mother, Adam has done everything he should've! Yet he's here, stuck in the cage! Sam is freed yet he remains! What doesn't Michael even say?? At the end of the day, it's partly his fault as well! For failing Adam! How betrayed and hopeless must Adam feel? And maybe Michael swears it's his duty to hold up to his promise! For paradise! But maybe Adam is already hopeless! They're stuck in the cage, and both opportunities to be saved, Sam had been chosen over him! What more is there to it? They're done! But Michael can't bear to see his failure like this! He tries to promise Adam freedom, but Adam had already decided his stance! But maybe, Adam still has bits of hope left. Michael is the only person he has now! And they make a truce! That they'll be there for eachother! Because they only have eachother now! And then Lucifer is freed! How must they feel now?? How must Michael feel? That Lucifer had been chosen to be freed over him? That now, they are truly alone in the cage! Last hope for rescue, and LUCIFER had been freed instead! This is it, it's just Adam and Michael now, alone! Only eachothers company! And their truce becomes stronger! Adam is truly the only person Michael has left!
I like to think they had to comfort eachother, each time Sam or Lucifer had been chosen over them. One can't let the other lose it, they can't let the other lose their hope! Because they only have eachother! They only have eachother!! They can't lose the last person they have!!!!
I'm so ill!!!!!! I'm so sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sporesgalaxy · 4 months ago
one piece will have me thinking "i should read more scholarly material on fascism so I can discuss it with sources" 3 hours after I said I love that Zoro barked like a dog that one time
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stressfulsloth · 1 year ago
Thinking about gym teacher Harry. I bet he was a fun teacher. I bet it was really easy to goad him into ditching the lesson plan to have a race day instead, or to turn the school hall into a mass dodgeball game, the whole class vs him and he'd still manage to hold his own. I bet he'd get roped into running so many clubs, staying late every day of the week. Running and football and rugby and gymnastics and dance, insistent that he's great at all of them. Getting involved in the pastoral care side of things because he cares so much about his kids, even if they're only in his class an hour a week. Using his dialogue tree skills on his students to try and find everyone some kind of sport that they love, trying to make sure no one is left out. And as he starts to slow down, as his chronic pain starts to get worse, starting to understand more and more why some of the kids don't really participate. Still pushing himself to participate in everything because he loves his kids and he wants to do the best for them, still running and lifting and throwing himself into competitions but losing more and more often, getting more frustrated that his body just won't cooperate, having to sit out and watch the kids play from the sidelines instead of hurling himself into the middle of the match. Sitting with the kids who won't join in, talking about their interests instead, about art and literature and entroponetics and finding something to get them hyped about the world...
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