#AU-Reggie sees ghosts
jmrothwell · 2 years
Sunset Curve is plagued by prank photos featuring two faded mystery women. Reggie knows Double Trouble are the ones in the photo, he just doesn't know why.
Double Trouble propose a way to figure it out.
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
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Super quick piece for @aithusarosekiller’s Reg Lives AU of ‘Lycan’ (left) and Regulus (right)! I’ve never drawn Regulus before so the bigger piece I’m planning on drawing will probably look different ^-^*
But for now enjoy these rough design sketches of ‘Lycan’ (including his prosthetic leg. I would appreciate any critique or advice!!)
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vinylfoxbooks · 2 months
July 10 - Marathon | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 519 Part 6 of Medium James AU Previous Part | First Part
“I should’ve figured I’d find you here, reading like a nerd.” Sirius notes from behind Regulus, making him jump. 
“Your boyfriend reads just as much. What are you doing here?”
“Coming to bother you.” His older brother hums, sitting down next to him and leaning against the tree, “And pester you about one James Potter.” 
Regulus huffs, closing his book and putting it down, “I’ve no idea what you mean, Sirius.” 
“Oh please, Reggie.” Sirius laughs, “You’re blushing bright red just at the thought of them. You look like you’ve just run a marathon with how red you are!”
“If you’re just here to tell me off for liking your best friend, you can save it and shove off.” 
Sirius shakes his head, “Not at all. I’m actually here to tell you that I support you. I know you won’t believe me but I can tell that they like you back.”
“And how can you tell that?”
“C’mon, Reggie.” Sirius says, letting his head thump back against the tree trunk, “I’m their best friend, I can tell when they have feelings for someone. I was the first to figure out that they didn’t have a crush on Lily anymore, I was the first to notice that they’ve got a new object of their affection.” At the last part, Sirius nudges Regulus. Then they sigh, “They trust you. I’m assuming that they told you about the whole seeing ghosts thing and the fact that they go to you about that stuff is… they don’t do that.”
Regulus furrows his brows, “I thought you didn’t know about that.” 
“I do. The idea of it freaks me out but I’ve never told James that they couldn’t tell me when they see something, and I’ll check to make sure that they’re okay when they see something, but they don’t tell me anything. I’ve never told them not to tell me about what they see, but they don’t. They used to tell Pete and Marlene about it, and Remus knows that they can see spirits, but they’ve stopped that.” He shakes his head, “You’re the only person that they tell, even with several people who are okay with it.” 
“That’s not enough evidence that they like me back.” Regulus rolls his eyes, “Sweet as it is.”
“They let you decorate our dorm with them.” Sirius shakes his head, “They don’t let us do that. Remus is the only other person they let do that. Also, they put a fucking flower in your hair. That is peak romantic behavior from a hopeless romantic like James Fleamont Potter.”
Regulus rolls his eyes, “You’ve yet to give me any concrete evidence.”
Sirius shakes his head, “Whatever, don’t believe me.” He moves to stand up, “I tried to make it easy for the two of you because James isn’t going to do anything about their crush, but it’s out of my hands now.” With that, he walks away, telling Regulus to have a good day and to go back to his reading. Which Regulus does, refusing to think about their conversation until he’s safe in his bed, contemplating.
Next Part
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mac-lilly · 3 months
Here's another Ghostwriter, aka emotional support hamster Luke AU, featuring Julie, Luke, and ... Luke?!
When they return to the living room, they find the couch already occupied. A hamster is sniffing curiously at her throw pillows, his tiny claws digging into the black leather.
Julie blinks at the little intruder. She has a good guess who he is. A while ago, Reggie showed her pictures of his emotional support hamster.
“Is this …”
“Luke,” Luke (the ghost) confirms. He’s hovering behind her, glaring at the hamster as if his presence is mortally offending him. Weirdly, the hamster seems to stare back. His big, dark eyes bore into Luke’s.
“Can he see you?” Julie asks curiously.
“I’m not sure,” Luke admits. “But he’s pure evil, so watch out.” His expression darkens. “He has this look in his eyes – like he’s staring right into my soul.”
“There isn’t much else left of you,” Julie mutters.
Julie ignores his protest. On tiptoes, she carefully approaches him. She doesn’t want to alert the little guy. He must have escaped. Reggie mentioned he did this a lot. He must be worried.
Thankfully, the hamster doesn’t seem to be frightened by her. She crouches down next to the couch and reaches out to let him sniff her finger. She feels his whispers brush against her skin. It takes a lot not to coo at him. He’s so precious. And with the patch of dark brown fur on the top of his head he does look a bit like Luke.
Julie slips her left hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.
“I see the resemblance.”
Luke glowers at her. “No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do.”
End of discussion.
Julie brings her hands forward and gently cups him. Again, hamster Luke seems more curious than scared. His little paws press into the palms while he explores her hands. Carefully, Julie raises him to eye level.
“How’d you get here?”
“Oh, he does that a lot,” Luke laments. “Mostly when Reggie is working on his Country music. Can’t blame him for trying to get away from that.”
“Well, I better bring you home, little guy. Your daddy must be worried.”
Behind her, ghost Luke howls. “Please don’t say it like this.”
Julie doesn't pay attention to him or his antics decisively. Gently, she nudges the hamster to move onto her left hand. Then, using her right hand to protect him from falling, she straightens herself again. Her thumb ruffles his fur. It’s so soft. She squeals, “Hey, there, little Luke.”
“Don’t call him that.”
“Luke Junior?”
“Julie, please.”
There’s real pain in his voice. And another emotion crosses Luke’s face. But it passes too quickly for Julie to make any rhyme to it.
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writerownstory · 4 months
✨there must be magic inside your bones✨
aka the Juke Ghost Whisperer au that I’ve been working on forever😭
Here’s a not-so-lil snippet of the first chapter for Juke Jeudi! ***Disclaimer, this is unedited & I also know little to nothing about guitars😅 Tried to do some research but that only gets ya so far.
“Maybe if we just go over and nicely ask them to stop, they’ll stop,” Julie offers as she slips on some shoes.
“And when that doesn’t work I’ll nicely ask if they’d like my foot up their—“
“Maybe you should sit this one out,” Julie quickly interjects. “Go back to bed and try to block out the noise. I’ll try to reason with them and maybe not threaten them with physical violence.”
Flynn agrees with a yawn and walks back toward her bedroom and Julie slips out of their apartment and over to their next door neighbor’s. She knocks the first time like a normal person, but when the guitar doesn’t stop, she knocks much louder.
The guitar cuts out and a moment later the door swings open to reveal a boy—or a man, she guesses?—probably her age, a mop of brown hair that just barely hangs in the most beautiful green eyes Julie has ever seen, and wearing a cut off Rush t-shirt that shows off his incredibly toned arms and black jeans.
“Ernie, I’m sorry man. I promise it’s the last time—oh. You’re not Ernie,” the boy observes as he realizes who’s at his door.
“Nope, but I am your next door neighbor trying to get some sleep at 3 o’clock in the morning,” she tries to keep her tone light because while she doesn’t want to fight with her neighbor, she was rudely awakened at 3am on a weeknight.
The door opens wider and another boy in a pink sweatshirt and jeans appears, his blonde hair tucked under a backward baseball hat. “We’re so sorry for waking you,” he says, stepping in front of Luke. “Sometimes Luke just gets into playing and forgets just because he doesn’t sleep, doesn’t mean no one else does.”
She glances at the sleeveless boy—Luke, she guesses, only to find he’s already looking at her. His face turns a light shade of pink once he realizes he’s been caught, but then his eyes flick to the boy in front of him.
“It’s okay. Just please, keep it down. Or maybe play at a normal time?” Julie says, looking at the blonde boy. She considers throwing in that she’s trying to protect them from Flynn’s wrath, but maybe that’s not the way to make the best first impression.
“Of course,” he agrees. “We—”
He’s cut off by loud buzzing coming from inside the apartment behind him. The three of them immediately cover their ears against the sound, with Luke quickly turning around to reveal a third boy with darker hair, a black tank and jeans with a bass guitar strapped to his shoulders and frantically pulling different cords from the amp next to him.
“Reggie, man, cut it out!”
“I’m not doing it! I can’t get it to stop!”
The blonde boy hurries over and rips the power cord out of the wall, effectively silencing the amp.
As Julie brings her eyes back to Luke, she realizes there’s a 4th person present.
An older man stands next to the amp, dressed in jeans and a band t-shirt not unlike Luke’s. He looks like a roadie Julie’s mom used to have to help her out at her shows. “Wait, can you see me?”
She tries to avert her gaze, but it’s too late.
“You can see me!” the ghost exclaims, his face lighting up.
She inwardly groans, eyeing the three boys as they continue to argue amongst themselves. They don’t react to the roadie at all. It seems like they’ve forgotten she’s standing there, so she nods silently at the man.
It used to be more difficult to decipher the difference between ghosts and the living, but over time Julie’s become more practiced, even if she didn’t always want to.
The gift of seeing ghosts used to feel like a burden to her. Early on in her middle school career, Julie was labeled the weirdo who was always talking to someone who wasn’t there. At first, she didn’t understand what was going on and she really did feel crazy. But once she came clean to her mom about what she’d been seeing, the ever calm and collected Rose Molina sat her down on the worn couch in her garage-turned-studio with a cup of tea to soothe Julie’s nerves, and explained that Julie wasn’t crazy.
Instead, she was seeing ghosts. Just like Rose herself.
Earthbound spirits who had unfinished business with the living, her mom always told her.
“It’s our job to help them, mija,” Rose had explained. “Sometimes it’s as simple as passing along a message to their loved one. Or it might be helping someone else who is still living. We have to do what we can to help them cross over into the light where they belong.”
The explanation didn’t exactly settle Julie’s worries right away. It was still weird, especially because her life had already become more confusing ever since her best friend Carrie started hanging out with Kayla and a bunch of other girls in their class that Julie didn’t talk to.
For a long time, she resolved to ignore any random spirits that popped into her view throughout the day. Didn’t they know she was at school?? Didn’t they know she can’t be seen talking to no one again???? It was mortifying.
But as she grew older, Rose began to teach her more and more about how to handle such ghosts, especially in public. It’s easier now, but still a work in progress and hardly ever convenient.
“Thank God,” the ghost roadie sighs, the sound of his relief going unheard by the other three occupants in the room. “I used to take care of this equipment for an indie band, until I…well, you know.” Unfortunately, she does know. “I’ve been trying to tell these doofuses that the jacks need to be cleaned, that’s why the audio keeps cutting.”
“Um,” Julie speaks up from her place by the door. The three boys fall silent at the sound of her voice and turn toward her. “Have you tried cleaning the amp jacks?”
Everyone turns to the boy with the bass—Reggie—who blinks back at her.
“Of course you did, right Reg?” Luke looks at his roommate expectantly.
“He didn’t,” the ghost answers for Reggie, clearly annoyed. “And please tell him to stop carrying it out in the rain. They’re sensitive to temperature and humidity, any musician knows that.”
“Uh… well… no,” Reggie answers finally for the other boys, looking sheepish. Julie feels kind of bad for him, but this isn’t a conversation she wants to be awake for at 3am.
“You know what else I’ve heard is good for amps? Not having them out in the rain,” she says quickly, smiling nervously at the way all the boys look at her like they’re the ones who’ve seen a ghost. She’s never been a good liar, but how do you mention oddly specific things without any explanation?
Reggie tries to speak up first, but can’t seem to put a full sentence together. “How do you—how did she…?”
“Just a random thought,” Julie offers as she steps away from the door. “But if you could just keep the guitar playing to during the day, that would be great. Thanks, have a good night!” She hurries back down the hallway, not willing to embarrass herself in front of the cute strangers any longer.
The ghost appears next to her and Flynn’s front door. “You have no idea how ridiculous their conversations are,” he tells her.
Julie huffs a laugh as she unlocks the door. “Do you see a light? If that’s all you were waiting for, you can cross over.”
“Oh I’m going, I just wanted to say thank you. I thought I was going to have to shock that boy to get his attention.”
She frowns, glancing over her shoulder at him. “That is not—”
“Hey, wait!”
Julie freezes as Luke comes out into the hallway. “I-I didn’t catch your name.”
“That’s because I don’t need to sign a name to my embarrassment,” she says, giving him a weak smile as she pushes her door open. “Thanks anyway.”
“Well I-I’m Luke,” he says quickly as she tries to walk inside. “And I’d love to buy you a coffee. You know, as an apology for waking you up.” His hand flies to the back of his neck as he offers her a sheepish smile. “…and keeping you up.”
Julie raises a playful eyebrow at him. “Smooth talker, huh?”
“When I want to be,” he shrugs, a bit of smugness flashing in his expression. “I’m also a great coffee drinker.”
She shakes her head at him, unable to keep the smile from growing on her face. She can’t pretend Luke isn’t incredibly cute, with a disarming smile and his bright, green eyes that look gorgeous even in the terribly lit hallway. “I’d like that.”
His smile is contagious, provoking a small one of her own. “But I have to ask, how did you know about Reggie trying to fix his amp in the rain?”
“Maybe I’ll tell you sometime,” she says over her shoulder before she finally walks into her apartment. She can see the confusion in Luke’s expression, but she only feels a little bad because she’s hoping they both forget the little details of this night.
“Over coffee. On Friday?”
“You’ve got a date, Luke.”
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innytoes · 5 months
Time loop au. (Been thinking about this alot) it can be whatever you want but I'm gonna suggest...
Ray cannon: day they play the Orpheum or Ray cannon adjacent: julie tells him the guys/band are ghosts.
-Ray's not proud of the way he reacted the first time Julie told him she was harbouring three dead boys in mom's studio.
He may have called Doctor Turner right in front of her. And called Victoria. Freaked the hell out. Made Julie cry. Talked about grief and delusions and hospital stays.
-When he wakes up the next day, glad that he'll be able to take Julie to see Doctor Turner at eleven for an emergency session, he goes downstairs. He doesn't notice that the clothes he put out on the dresser are the same as yesterday's. He doesn't notice he trips over Carlos' sneakers just like he did yesterday. Why would he? It happens so often it's not out of the ordinary.
-He starts to get an inkling when he realises they're out of coffee. He just bought new coffee yesterday! He checks his phone, and is confused to see it's once again Sunday.
-Thank god it was all a dream.
-It was not a dream.
-The second time, he's calmer. He doesn't make Julie cry. He doesn't actively freak out. He listens to her, questions her, and gently talks about maybe talking about this with Doctor Turner. He doesn't call Victoria right away, because in his dream, or last time, whatever, that only made things worse. He remembers he heated argument about how they should have moved, how he didn't listen...
-Julie is still upset, even more so when he refuses to go to Mom's studio with her, because he's pretty sure you shouldn't go along with delusions. But he's pretty sure he hears her crying herself to sleep, and he sheds a few tears himself. How did he not see this? How did he let it get so bad? He asks Rose in heaven to guide him, give him a sign of what to do, something.
-Third time. Still trips over the sneakers. Still no coffee.
He goes into the studio with her this time. He has a panic attack and blacks out, hitting his head.
-He wakes up in his bed. Checks his phone. Sunday. He bypasses the shoes. He heads straight out the door and comes home with a coffee for himself and fancy decaf frap whatevers for the kids. Also a bunch of pastries. Just in case.
-He follows Julie to the studio. He doesn't pass out this time. The song is good. The dead boys, ghosts, look excited and a little nervous to meet him. He welcomes them, even if shaking hands doesn't exactly work. They don't want donuts, they can't eat.
He tells them they're still welcome in the house any time, for dinner or to hang out. The bassist, Reggie, is particularly excited to hear that.
-He goes to bed, but not before giving both his kids a big hug and telling them how much he loves them, how proud he is of them.
-He wakes up with Rose's voice echoing in his mind, her perfume in his nose. "I knew you just needed some time."
-He checks his phone.
-It's Monday.
-He trips over Carlos' sneakers again anyway.
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thedeathdeelers · 5 months
AU idea where Reggie and Alex go to the dark room but Luke doesn’t follow. Julie still plays the Sunset Curve CD but it just pulls them down to her. They ask her if they know what happened to their friend, she asks them about her mom. No one is happy. Can’t decide if Luke gets found by Caleb or if he’s just haunting some old house in Pasadena or something, miserable and angry and lonely. What happens next? Idk.
I think if he’s not with Caleb, he’s run into but avoided him. Maybe he’s actively fighting against Caleb and is sorta this unspoken secret among LA ghosts. Alex and Reggie get stamped, Julie never gets back into music, but Willie instead doesn’t help with an Orpheum show that wouldn’t work out but says oh there’s this one ghost I think Caleb is afraid of. And he introduces them to Luke.
Also had a thought that maybe in this AU Julie could always see ghosts? And she and Luke know each other but he’s pretended to not be a ghost. They are close but they’re both still pulling away from each other.
It feels like such a big undertaking I have no idea if it’ll happen. Enjoy!
oooh so it starts off sad and continues to be sad but then HOPE
i’m laughing at the thought of caleb being scared of luke somehow — like this super old magician ghost being scared of One grumpy teenage boy. love it though
the moment alex and reggie finally bump into luke with julie and julie’s trying to introduce them but is quickly cut off by reggie throwing himself at luke and alex being shell-shocked— takes them a while to get to grips with the situation and eventually explain to julie that he’s the luke they’ve been looking for
julie finally realises that actually….he’s a ghost too. and she’s kinda heartbroken cause he was the first person to make her feel anything other than grief…..
and luke doesn’t look her straight in the eye for a while cause he just wanted what he had with her to be the only thing that made him feel real, dwell alive. but now the one human he liked, who saw him, knows that he’s a ghost….and the illusion is kinda shattered
ANYWAY YES THANK U i can only imagine how massive this could get…and messy
good luck 😬👍🏻
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myriadparacosm · 8 months
Marauders but it's a Charmed AU (I don't know if it makes it very cursed or the opposite)
The precedent charmed ones were Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa but Bellatrix became evil and Andromeda chose to give up on the craft for her husband's safety. SADLY the Charmed ones never happened for long years because of how strong Evil is and all that but then--
Sirius is the one coming back to their 'ancient home' after running away because their uncle Alphard dies - so he comes to see Regulus (TransRegulus) and the funeral. Evan Rosier is actually living with Regulus because he ran away from his overwhelming father, with Pandora, but they don't know that their family is deeply close as in Evan is Walburga's /forbidden child/ with Rosier (maybe she also killed her husband because she wanted the whole Black heritage for herself and might as well steal the Rosiers) but Evan is actually Sirius and Regulus half-brother (INCESTUOUS FAMILIES SIRIUS SCREAMS) so the power of three triggers when Sirius comes for the funeral.
Pandora is also here because she is the best, also living with them, but Evan took her witchcraft as a simple hobby and Regulus lets her hex the noisy neighbour and always thinks she is just that lucky. Pandora is a bit annoyed that Evan gets to be a Charmed One, since she is her twin and so Sirius & Regulus' half-sister, but she still decides to include herself. "The Charmed Ones and the secret sister!"
Their first enemy is Walburga's ghost because she is awful (it's also how they learnt that Evan is their half-brother) who is mad that all her shameful son are back home and don't deserve to be wizards because they will be /good/ and that's a big no-no!
Sirius sleeps with the hot bookish neighbour who is actually a werewolf.
"Are you mad?! We should vanquish him not give him a bloody orgasm!"
"Reggie, you don't have all the facts."
"Which are?"
"And he learnt from that!"
"And I'm never going to do that again."
Barty sneezes from the underworld and decides to go visit the human world and maybe see what's so hard about killing the Charmed Ones (he becomes a simp for Evan with just a glance)
Regulus isn't that better because he falls in love with their "gardian angel" James Potter, who is far too friendly with Sirius for his comfort, and he is very weak to their muscular 'handyman'.
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fanfictionroxs · 11 months
HOTD greek mythology thoughts - Harwin as Hades
I love imagining Harwin as the sort of Hades of westeros. A chill dude. Lives in a haunted house where spirits come & go freely (Harrenhall). He enjoys their company even though he has limited spiritual connection to the other side.. or maybe he's just good at pretending while near the living to avoid frightening them and to avoid people gossiping about him. Harwin has no control over the dead, no one does. They are simply his silent companions whose unintelligible whispers have long become his comfort. Alys is the one who actually befriends them, plays with them, learns spells from them, unafraid to be perceived a 'witch'. Harwin tries to be show more restraint, but Lyonel still takes him away at a young age to King's Landing, hoping that if his son has more distance from that house and his older sister, he wouldn't go mad.
Still, Harwin's best friend is an 8 year old boy called Reggie Rivers who sometimes changes into a 22 year old bard singing the most melancholic yet melodious tunes. He is a lonely spirit who has been haunting the halls of Harrenhall longer than Harwin's father has been alive (in canon, I imagine Reggie waits for him to return for years and then he doesn't let the doors open when the fire starts so that Harwin would never be able to leave their house again and they could stay together in the afterlife. The lonely boy comforts his crying spirit and promises him that his sons would be returned to him in less than a decade).
Instead of Cerebrus, a three headed dog, Harwin has his three sons Jace, Luke & Joffrey. Joffrey is the first one to see a ghost despite being the youngest. It's because Joffrey Sr.'s ghost often hovered around him protectively, adopting him from the afterlife while smiling longingly at Laenor. Harwin is surprised because Dragon magic keeps the dead away pretty much.. he never expected his sons to have that side of a Strong in them despite all of them looking like him.
Rhaenyra is his reverse Persephone (more on the reverse part at the end para!) without the incest. Funny how the incest gets eradicated despite it being an hotd AND greek myth au. Though now I'm imagining how much Rhaenyra would enjoy calling Harwin 'uncle' lmfao.
Laenor is totally Poseidon because he's a Velaryon and has a good relationship with Harwin. Larys can be Zeus because shitty rapist little brothers. Alys, along with his other two sisters as Demeter, Hestia and Hera. I like the thought of Alys as another Hades.. or Demeter, since Alys's powers have a more broad spectrum.
Now imagine the Hades and Persephone kidnapping thing but reversed. Rhaenyra kidnaps Harwin, and Alys is pissed because that dragon bitch stole her little bro and decides to cause havok that brings westeros to its knees. So, ultimately Rhaenyra has to compromise so that Harwin spends half an year at the Red Keep and the other half at Harrenhall, keeping both women happy and less likely to commit murder.
PS VERY IMPORTANT! He can punch ghosts in the face! Harwin is the 'breakbones' of both the living world and beyond!
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jmrothwell · 2 years
Chapter 1 of Part 2 posted!!
The Reggie see ghosts/Double Trouble as ghosts AU.
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wr0temyway0ut · 11 months
AU for five headcanons: haunted walking tour au!
Oooh this one is so fun! I love haunted walking tours so much and this ended up as way more than 5 headcanons but i regret nothing
— So one of the many attractions at the Hollywood Ghost Club is a haunted walking tour through the hotel and the surrounding area. Willie, being the owner’s kid, has worked there since they were old enough to work and is now the club’s most highly reviewed and requested tour guide.
— The demand for tours always spikes around Halloween, so they hire seasonal workers to work as tour guides and as ghost actors to jump out and scare the guests. Alex, Luke, and Reggie join as a way to make some extra money to record their demo.
-- It very quickly becomes apparent that only Alex and Reggie have the charisma needed to be tour guides; Luke gets relegated to ghost actor because he has no idea how to talk to the guests in a professional manner and also keeps forgetting the stories he's supposed to be telling.
-- This leaves Willie in charge of training the two very cute new tour guides. Reggie doesn't need much training though, he very quickly starts to rival Willie in popularity among the guests. Alex takes a little longer to warm up to it, almost seems embarrassed about the job, but once he gets into character on the tours he's really good at it and it's so hot really impressive to Willie.
-- He keeps telling himself not to get too attached though, they keep telling him that they're only working there for the season, and he's like 98% sure Alex and Reggie are already dating.
-- Meanwhile Luke keeps himself entertained by coming up with new and extreme ways to scare the guests (within reason). One day Julie and Flynn come in for a tour and Luke scares them so bad that Julie goes running all the way back through the hotel, screaming the whole way. Luke chases after her because holy shit do you hear that breath control this girl must be an insane singer which only makes her scream longer. Once he finally manages to calm her down (with the help of Reggie, who's leading her tour) he asks her to join the band and she's so bewildered that she says yes on instinct. And thus Julie and the Phantoms is born!
-- A few days later Bobby and Nick come in for a tour (maybe dragging Carrie along with them but only because she likes the glamour of the HGC), and when Luke pops out to scare them Bobby panics and punches him in the face. Luke finds this incredibly hot and asks him out on the spot even as his nose is bleeding. Similar to Julie, Bobby is so bewildered he says yes. He ends up joining the band eventually too.
-- Alex decides that even if they do this again next year Luke will not be joining them bc at this rate their band is going to turn into a full on orchestra.
-- As the end of the season quickly approaches Willie is dreading it because he's become really good friends with Alex and Reggie, but he knows how this goes. They’ll promise to keep in touch, they’ll text a couple times in the next couple weeks, and then they’ll eventually fall out of touch and forget about each other.
— Except the day after their last day, Alex and Reggie show up to take the tour as guests. Willie is just happy to see them, so he pointedly doesn’t ask why Alex is so nervous even though he knows where all the jump scares are. After the tour ends the two of them hang out in the club until Willie gets off of work, and at that point Reggie and Alex tell them that they didn’t want to ask while they were still coworkers so as not to pressure on him, but they would really really like to take him out on a date and have him join their relationship. Willie of course says yes immediately and the three of them live happily ever after
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vinylfoxbooks · 2 months
July 11 - Essential | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 2121
Part 7 of Medium!James AU
Previous Part | First Part
“It’s essential that you only stir thrice clockwise after adding the moonstone.” Regulus says, watching James take down the instruction in a way that their brain can comprehend it, “Otherwise the moonstone won’t react and your entire potion will be useless. Nothing will happen.”
“Including an explosion.” James hums, writing down that note, “So if it doesn’t work, I probably messed up the moonstone stir. If it explodes…”
“Tough luck.” Regulus hums, “Now, after that, you should add your beetle eyes. Don’t stir afterwards, just place them evenly apart in the cauldron.” He waits until James stops writing, “After about five minutes, the potion should turn a deep purple colour and smell of peppermint. Then you’ve done it correctly.”
James writes down the result, nodding and humming once they’ve pulled their quill away, “Alright, I think I got it. Now I just have to… do it.”
“It’s alright.” Regulus shakes his head, “I don’t mind helping you, and I know that you struggle with it.” 
“Which is where you struggle.” Regulus notes, “Hopefully with your own notes, you’ll be able to do it better. I’ll test you on this and the venom antidote before you do it in class.”
“Thank you so much, Reggie.” James breathes, “You don’t understand how much this helps me. I just… I don’t know why I get things so mixed up.” 
James nods and is silent for a moment, just watching the ink on their book dry before closing it, “I’m going to be doing a spiritual banishing spell to hopefully help with the spirit that’s been harassing me.”
“Still the one from the other day?”
They nod, “He keeps showing up and won’t talk to me. Cleansing isn’t working so I’m hoping that making a proper banishing spell will help. Would you want me to teach you how to make one?”
“Is it similar to what we do in our classes?”
“Not really,” James shakes their head, “It’s much more simple and I think it has more effect on the afterlife and divinity than what we learn here. Hogwarts teaches practical magic, not spiritual magic.”
“It fascinates me that you practice two different magic systems.”
“That’s what happens when your family marries muggles that practice pagan witchcraft.” James winks, gathering their stuff and standing up, “You get two different magic systems and the ability to see ghosts.” 
Regulus smiles, putting his own things in his bag then standing up while slinging it over his shoulder, “Lead the way then.” James hums and starts taking Regulus up to the Gryffindor tower and into their dorm. 
There’s no one else in there when the two arrive and James makes quick work of walking over to the desk and conjuring some boxes. Opening the boxes, they reveal two of them are full of small vials filled with things with little initials on top, one is full of candles, and one has several small crystals, and the final one has empty vials. They also pull a leather-bound book out of somewhere and opens it with an impressive display of wandless magic, making it flick to a certain page. James smiles and turns to him, “Come on. Our first thing that we want to do is pick jars. A lot of this is the same as what we learn in our classes, but a bit more intimate and cautious, I guess.” 
Regulus hums and steps towards them, “Will any of these jars work?”
James gestures to the box, “Of course, but I always like to look in the box and pick the one that calls to me. There will be one or two that your eye keeps going back to, even if it looks the same as all the others, grab that one.” They hum and their eyes flit around the small glass vials for a while before they reach and grab one from one of the corners. Regulus does the same, though it takes him a lot longer for him to find one that ‘calls to him,’ which James explains is normal for someone not as attuned to doing things like that. 
James reaches forward and grabs an incense stick from the bowl of salt they’ve got sitting on their desk and Regulus takes the opportunity to ask, “Is that why Sirius complains about you taking too long to grab crystals when you do potions?”
“Mhm,” they light the incense stick with their wand before sticking it in the jar and waving it around, then doing it to the outside, “I believe that even the type of magic that you’re used to is more powerful if you’re more attuned to the ingredients you’re using. So picking what crystal sticks out to you or is calling to you. Take this,” they hand him the incense, “And do what I did, put it in the jar and get it smoky, then move the incense stick around it while thinking of positive things, keep your energy high and focus on the feeling of protection. You can say affirmations outloud or just think of it.” Regulus does so, thinking about how the feeling of James’ arm pressed against his own makes him feel warm inside, and the way that they’re smiling at him while he does this. 
“Alright, that’s good.” James smiles, taking the stick from him and brushing their fingers together, then ashing it in the salt again, “Now, we’re going to be doing basically the same thing for all the ingredients.” They start picking up some of the filled vials and pulling them out, bringing out two small spoons as well, “I’m going to tell you what each of this ingredient is doing for our spell and you’ll ask it to do their jobs as you put them in your vial. I’ll say it outloud so you can hear what it sounds like. Just follow my lead and think what I say, or you can say it out loud. We’ll do this with every ingredient.” 
“You keep calling it a spell, what do you mean? Aren’t spells verbal?”
James hums, their fingers brushing over the cork tops of the jars, “Yes and no. Witchcraft like this depends more on intuition and your energies, it relies more on the world than our magic does. What we’re making is called a spell jar.” They shrug, “It’s kind of hard to explain. But the witchcraft that you’re used to is more… physical, while this is more mental and spiritual.”
“I suppose that tracks.”
They hand one of the spoons to Regulus and open a jar, “This is cinnamon, it’s going to give us blessing and protection.” They take a spoonful of the cinnamon and pour it into their vial, telling the cinnamon what it’s to do. Regulus does the same, though he keeps his demand internal. James guides him through the rest of the ingredients--Comfrey for binding, juniper for defense, mugwort to avert danger, myrrh as an offering to the afterlife, sandalwood for clarity, black salt from their salt bowl for absorbing negative energy, blue lace agate to dispel fear, smoky quartz to ward off negativity, and amethyst for spiritual protection--at one point explaining that they only put their ingredients in alphabetically, not for any particular reason. 
“Now that everything is in there. We’re going to close the vial and…” They take out one of the half-burnt black candles from the candle box, lighting it with their wand, “Seal it with this wax. Black candles are used to banish and absorb negative energy.”
“It’s insane to me that some of these ingredients have such different uses between the magic I’m used to and this witchcraft.” Regulus hums, “I can only figure why you have such a hard time doing potions when you’ve been doing this for longer.” 
James nods, “It does get a bit… confusing. And I never need to stir these. Plus, they’re not strict. If I spill something or forget an ingredient or put too much of one, it doesn’t matter all that much. Potions is so demanding.” They take up the black candle and slowly drip the wax over the cork and some of the glass, ensuring that it’s sealed, telling the black candle what they want it to do for the spell. Then they hand it off to Regulus and he does the same thing. When he’s done, James takes the candle from him and blows it out, letting it sit out for a while before starting to clean up the vials and vanishing the boxes, “Now, you can put this anywhere near where you usually are or a common place for your energy. I’m going to be putting this on my nightstand near where I put my glasses at night. I also carry some in my bag.”
“Would my bookshelf work?”
After a couple seconds, James nods, “Yeah, that would actually be a really good spot for it. Your books hold a lot of your energy, and I imagine you spend a lot of time there. Oh! I wanted to give you something else!” They rush over to their nightstand and dig around it for a while before pulling out a ring. It’s of an amethyst wrapped in wire, “Here. I figured that your favourite way of wearing this would be in a ring. It’s blessed by my spirit guide and can help with anxiety, spiritual protection, and it’s a calming crystal. Which you probably know but…”
“Also, did you say spirit guide?”
Regulus takes the ring gingerly and puts it on, “It fits perfectly, thank you. How did you know?”
James flushes, “You left your ring here the other day when you were talking to Sirius so I wrapped it based on the size of the ring…”
“Yeah, it’s my grandpa.” They hum, “A spirit guide is something that’s watching over you, an ancestor, an angel, a deity, a ghost. They’re here to help you and guide you, after I learned that my grandpa was dead, I learned that he was my spirit guide. He breaks my jewelry to communicate with me.”
“He breaks your jewelry?”
They nod, gesturing to their earrings and necklaces tucked under their shirts, “The charm will break off, the lobster claw will stop working, the balls of my earrings will come undone. He messes with my earrings and I have to figure out why he wants to warn me or what he’s trying to say. That’s why I made you a ring, if it breaks there might be something wrong.”
“I’ll… I’ll keep that in mind.”
James frowns, “I’m not weirding you out with all of this, am I?”
“No!” Regulus starts, maybe a bit loud, “No, sorry. It’s just that I'm getting a lot of information at once. Do you know if there are any books that I can look for to understand a bit better?”
The older laughs, “Of course you want to read about it. I’ll owl my mom and ask her for a list of the books that she taught me with and some recommendations for you. I’ll get back to you after that.” 
“Thank you, James.” Regulus offers them a soft smile, looking down at the ring, “For teaching me this, for trusting me to talk to me about your witchcraft and spirit-seeing abilities, for… for showing me a bit of your world.”
And because he’s looking down, he doesn’t see the way that James’ cheeks go bright red, “It’s… it’s no problem. Thank you for humoring me and not… not thinking that I’m looney.”
“Oh I still think you’re looney, just-” He clears his throat, “Just not over your beliefs.” He takes one of James’ hands with his own that has the gifted ring, finally looking up at them. 
James looks back, makes direct eye contact with him and their smile… it’s so gentle, soft… dare Regulus say loving.
“What are you two doing in here?” Sirius asks, pushing the door open and making both of them jump. He’s got a grin on his face like he knows exactly what he interrupted--what did he interrupt?--but he moves around the room like nothing was happening between the two.
“I was teaching Regulus a spell and giving him the ring I made him.” James explains, their smile making their way back onto their face--but is it different than the smile they gave Regulus or is he seeing things?--as they pull away from his body. 
Regulus leaves soon after that when Sirius kicks him out of the dorm because he wants ‘James time’ and James sends him an apologetic look. When he gets back to his dorm, he places the now-filled vial on his bookshelf next to his favourite books and leaves the ring on his bedside table.
Next Part
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limetimo · 8 months
RAB fics I read (Jan 2024)
Secrets of Stone and Sound the war horn by FiresFromOurHearts 'Draco is reincarnated Regulus' AU)
Of His Bones by MesserMoon for rabidlittlestrawberry Sirius and Regulus are princes; Orion dies, Sirius fucks off to the sea with pirates (privateers?), and Regulus is left with a crown he wasn't trained for and didn't want, trying to manage war-thirsty lords and usurpers, and dealing with the pirate captain locked up in his dungeons who is, confusingly enough, becoming his closest advisor. Also there's some weird shit going on between Riddle, Remus and James. wolfstar and jegulus to be
So Ready To Return by KrisKikstorky HEE HEE HOO HOO Omega Regulus & his baby are running away from their dangerous Alpha-daddy, Tom Riddle!
i see how this ends (poorly) by Quillium seer regulus we love to see it
PS. I Hate You by LucyAndreas writer James accidentally texts a wrong number, falls in love with the prickly hedgehog, and it's the best friend's brother trope, and Regulus gets stabbed
Faded with you by jaspoo Jegulus have a detention together and are yeeted into an alternate no-magic universe where they... never existed? Maybe???
A Muggle Tradition by amour_anguis, itsgivingcamp sexy times all around with Lily's Sirius-ly improved advent calendar!
The Ice Feels Colder Without You by FlowerLikeLotus ice skater Regulus has Issues, faceplants on the ice, gets kicked out by Wally and taken in by Sirius and the Potters and ect ect
Harry Potter and the Year That Should Have Been Normal by 3andaHalfGayWizardsinaTrenchcoat in his fifth year Harry defeated Voldy with the help of a mysterious figure but not without cost; Regulus pulls Sirius out of the veil and a different kind of shit hits the fan.
Loyal to a Fault by coincidences Regulus didn't want to return as a ghost!
The Age of Lies by TheDivineComedian The Order is being torn apart by distrust, Regulus comes to the Potters with the Horcruxes, and Peter fucks up.
Born Sick by Blackbrother2508 Regulus survives cave and gets by with a little help from his friends.
The Potions Master by Quecksilver_Eyes Regulus is the potions master
Call out to Your Brother, He's Calling out Your Name by pale_morning_sings_of_forgotten_things driven by Sirius' accusations and guilt, Regulus steps into the fight between Sirius and Wally. (He did not think that one through.)
Drowning and New Normal by orphan_account Jegulus are married with Lily as their third partner, James deals with his father's sudden death
The Prophets and the Kings by orphan_account Regulus survived the cave, warned the Potters, got into a bad spot for a bit, and got home-arrested with the Potters. endgame Jegulily
Hope & Legacy: Black Brothers Edition by epithalamium, nerakrose Wally and Orion kicked the bucket; therefore Sirisu
Hope & Legacy: Black Brothers Edition by epithalamium, nerakrose prongsfoot, moonseeker
Tulips Over Lilies by wynnebat for Ellory girl regulus, jegulus
An Open Door by tonberrys accidental baby aquisition featuring librarian Regulus and 8yo Harry
Does it almost feel like nothings changed at all? by orphan_account femme aro Regulus calls for help and Sirius answers
Read For Me by amour_anguis, regularis_vas sexy moonseeker times in a library
doors by Used_Tissue seer regulus, jegulus
Black Moon by ouzell survives tha cave, becomes spy, fucks a werewolf, good writing
The Second Story of Regulus Arcturus Black by IsabellaThordenson he dies comes back in '95, is a littlel shit, the ususal
When the Love Runs Out the potters die, regulus discovers he has been dosed by love potion since hogwarts, sirius doesn't go to azkaban but also doesn't win custody of harry
you'd ruin me with a smile by Valeriesgirl wrong number au jegulus
james potter's black cat by Valeriesgirl Regulus is black cat animagus
this is me trying by witchhunts reggie dies and gets yot back in time, with mysterious scars and no desire to repeat his fate
More than Magic by Hometown_Nerd the cave squibs regulus and he fights for his right and for harry's custody ect very nice very neat i love it
Padfoot by RandomReader13 a lovely series in which Regulus figures out that the big black dog that visits him is his brother, and the Black family decides to use this to draw Sirius back to them. gently
Mark of the Beast by disillusionist9 hhee hee hoo hoo cyborg ginny and assassin Reggie huhuehehe im so normal about this
A thousand bells ring in my heart (how hard it is to ask for forgiveness) by Alfonsiny soon after regulus dies in 1979, sirius and remus get yeeted to their childhood selves. Sirius in not going to let the past future repeat, that's for sure. wolfstar, ravenclaw regulus
i'll battle Future, we can make our own by auacademia barty is a seer, Sees the cave and says 'fuck that, not my boyfriend you bitch'
Back To The Old House by Gigix 260k of jegulus slowburn
are you sick of me? (would you like to be?) by residentrookie for PretentiousWreckingBall regulus has 0 care taking instincts but he WILL PAMPER POTTER BACK TO HEALTH OR HE SWEARS TO GOD--
Starfell Lodge by residentrookie it's christmas hols and potters and black are vacationing at their favourite resort. sirius' plan: to finally ask out the cute barista. Regulus' plan: to avoid his idiot brother and his idiot crush by working at remus' cafe.
the golden king by maladaptivewriting reg dies, wakes up in 1991 as an 11 yo, goes to Gryffindor to protect his ex bf's kid, ect ect
Just Different, Apparently by risetherivermoon (moonriverrise) neurodivergent on neurodivergent jegulus, very cute
Searching For A Heart by moonysmidnightlibrary regulus raising little luna, ft semi-single dad James
early morning, coffee cups by alarainai for industrations regulus and sirius are trying to save their failing bakery when BAM le wild james and remus appear. some angst but also comfort
Touch Like A Thorn by UnfortunatelyDisastrous sirius unknowingly helps his brother flirt with his best friend. Miracle of miracles, it works out
Cats don't smile by trafficlight19 ohohohoho. while in hiding, the Potters as well as Sirius are often visited by a peculiar black cat that strongly reminds him of dear deceased Regulus. HMM I WONDER WHY THAT IS
practise your passion on me (hope you'll be here when it's done) by xslytherclawx regulus/evan
one last party (before we meet our end) by maladaptivewriting, something_about_mothman barty nad peter accidentaly reverse-age voldemort into a baby, find a regulus, and become parents
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 8 months
It's Fic Feature Friday!
I decided to just go rooting through the bookmarks I have on ao3 from when I first started reading fics (I don't even know if I left kudos on this, tbh. I'll have to reread it properly later) for this week.
Hope someone enjoys it! :)
For a refresher on Fic Feature Friday, see @the-last-dillpickle's original post
Julie and the Phantom's Fluffy Alive AU Goodness:
hey we're taking on the world (i'll take you where you wanna go) by haha_im_stads
“I have an idea.” The other three stared at Reggie, expectantly, motioning for him to continue. “I say we each pick something we’ve always wanted to do that we’ve been too scared to do before tonight. Something crazy - not anything boring or some stupid cop-out shit. Actual things on the bucket list.
or Julie and the Phantoms have just been signed to No Ghost Records and to celebrate, the band decides to do things they've always been scared to do. From skinny dipping to love confessions, the band is in for one hell of a good night
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innytoes · 1 year
Dark fantasy AU?
-In hindsight, as he's being chased through the forest, hunted by mythical creatures is not where Reggie thought he'd end up when his folks told him they were moving to Los Angeles. Honestly, considering how he used to roam the woods and fields near his Meemaw's farm, the fact that he'd stumbled into a fairy circle near the beach was almost insulting.
-It's not even that he manages to outrun them. It's that one night (he thinks it's night, though time moves differently here and light and dark are all tangled up and is the purple haze of the sky supposed to be dusk or dawn or just a dark stop of the forest?) he'd decided to just... give up.
He couldn't remember how long he'd been running, running from the pounding of hooves and the yapping of dogs that did not look anything like what a dog should look like. He couldn't remember a time where he wasn't hungry, or thirsty, or tired, but something inside of him just kept making him run and run and run
-But he'd had enough. So he just sat down, with his back towards the noise, and hoped they'll kill him quickly. And to comfort himself, he sang the lullaby his Meemaw used to sing when he was scared of the thunder.
-That's what saved him. One of the fae, Caleb, was so charmed by the song that instead of doing whatever it is they did with their prey, he bundled Reggie up and took him to his... castle. Dwelling. Domain.
-He was dressed in finery and made to sing as Caleb and the other fae danced and ate and did things that Reggie very much had not wanted to see, thank you very much. But eventually, they slept, and Reggie met... the other humans who were trapped here.
-Luke, a young boy who had run away from home to become a musician in 1875. He was distraught to hear Reggie tell him it was the nineties now. Even more distraught when Reggie clarified it was the 1990s.
-There was Alex, who had been cast out of his village for reasons he did not want to share, but that Reggie figured out pretty quickly when he saw the way he looked at Willie. He'd fallen asleep near a fairy circle, and the promises he'd been made had been so tempting, he'd said yes before he fully understood the deal.
-And then there was Willie. The boy who had been stolen from his parents, a changeling left in his place. Who had grown up here, a part of this world yet not really. Who did not know what the other boys meant when they talked about years, or America, or really the whole concept of 'family'.
-Luke's the one who tells them of their escape plan. Alex is worried they can't trust Reggie not to rat him out to Caleb, and Reggie is like: um excuse me I was just hunted for sport for who knows how long you think I wanna help that guy?
-But before he can Willie just tilts his head and says: his heart is pure.
-Which is very sweet but also a little creepy.
-Anyway, they do manage to escape Caleb's clutches somehow, and end up back in the human world.
-Being yeeted out of a little ring of mushrooms in the soil of a plant Ray overwatered in the big plant wall of the Molina studio was not particularly pleasant, okay. Considering a real human should not be able to fit through that. But Willie explained that as soon as a fairy portal grew, it was only a manner of time that the fairies would notice it and stake it out to see what they could lure to their realm.
-Somehow, Luke and Alex get thrown clear across the room, Luke slamming against the door, Alex dropping onto the concrete floor.
-Reggie's not sure if him crashing against a pretty wooden piano is better or worse. The sound it made was definitely worse.
-Somehow, Willie ends up sitting crosslegged on the little piano bench, and he turns and quickly crushes up the mushrooms to destroy the portal.
-Julie, of course, is screaming, Alex and Luke and Reggie are screaming. Willie is trying to explain to Julie she over-watered her fern and pouts when she runs away.
-No they're not ghosts but they are changed and they all have weird powers. Luke nearly cries with joy that he can still summon his guitar. Alex is really not okay with this whole 'walking through walls' thing. Reggie is sad he cannot summon a puppy or a pizza.
-Willie can teleport short distances and is shocked to learn humans can't just do that? You have to walk everywhere? Or ride a horse. What's a car? What's roller skates? He needs to see one of these skateboad things immediately, let's summon the human girl back to ask for one. What can they trade for a skateboard?
-They're kind of freaked out at the whole 2020 thing, but hey, Reggie's like: at least it hasn't been a hundred years like when I told Luke about the 90s.
-Queue canon but it's even worse and more chaotic.
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niamhthefae · 1 year
Some marauders fic ideas because i can't write and want these to exist
Strawberry Popping Candy- dorlene- in which, marlene isn't expecting anything interesting to happen in this new town,at most she might meet a freind or discover a cool café. but it's probably going to be just like it always is.she changes her mind when she meets dorcas meadowes at the skateparkand is offered some of her strawberry popping candy
Sk8er boi- wolfstar- in which sirius has been doing ballet since he was 7 years old, always told to avoid the "rougher boys" that hang around the alleys beside the studio, then he comes across remus lupin,who proves to him that 1,theyre not that bad, and 2, his parents aren't always right about the world.
It's Twilight- an interesting half joking half not fic that is basically twilight, but better and gayer with one of the ships. it can be pretty much any pairing.
Bloody Kisses- jegulus + wolfstar-victorian/edwardian era- sirius and regulus are vampires, remus and james are vampire hunters that just got out of school. when regulus kidnapped the two and brings them back to the castle as "food" he doesn't expect him and sirius to fall in love with the two boys.
okay so this is another historical one but ssshhh I like history- litteraly just them but in the victorian era or something. idk we just need more historical aus because i want to read about my gays and my favourite time periods!
litteraly just their hogwarts years or a muggle au boarding school thing that's slytherin skittles instead of marauders centric because i love those guys so much. obviously dorlene and rosekiller and probably jegulus with wolfstar and everything else going on but it's more background bc it's not about them rn
Ice Cream Sundaes-any ship,maybe wolfstar tho?- in which [blank] is sick of working at an ice cream parlour in order to make money over the summer and [blank] is eating an awful lot of ice cream in order to see a certain boy/girl. basically one of them is on holiday with some freinds in Cornwall or Wales or something and they keep dragging them all to this ice cream place to see the other an dthen one day they get a napkin with their ice cream with the others number on it and "call me?" written on it. and then we get cute summer movie nights and dates on the beach and shit.
• Timeless- wolfstar or jegulus- where one of them (probably one of the black brothers) is immortal or a vampire or something and every time the other is reincarnated they fall in love, the tale of them falling in the present day, maybe with flashbacks to previous times when similar stuff happened. with angst about the immortal worrying because "they're just going to die again"
• i havent got name ideas but SPIDERMAN REGGIE with sirius being aunt may and the ships of your choice
•haunted- kind of bbc ghosts vibes- [blank] is a tired,sad ghost who has gotten very bored. then [blank] moves into the house they reside in, and things get a lot better. probably some sad stuff because while they love each other (platonically or romantically) they can never touch, no hugs, no kisses. just talking and offering their company
anywayz there's a bunch of my ideas that I can't be bothered to write,feel free to use them or even just imagine them if you really want. and if no one sees this then oh well
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