l00nylupiin · 6 days
james likes kissing. no, he doesn't go around kissing random people without their consent, in fact he doesn't actually kiss at all, not really. james pecks, he likes planting little smooches on his friends cheeks, his mom's forehead, his dad's knuckles. james enjoys kissing but that doesn't mean he does it without purpose, he kisses for admiration, care, love. sometimes james stims with giddiness that can't seem to stay within his own body, the need to do something. james kisses because he likes the feel of warm skin under his lips, the brief touch of intimacy with someone he cherishes.
james gets into a kissy fit and delivers tiny nibbles on remus' face, sirius', peter's, is that regulus? fuck it, regulus' and— regulus is not letting go. regulus' hands mirror his own, cool fingers hold his face in place just like warm ones nestle into dark curls. regulus' eyes search for him, burning into james' like a candle melts into wax puddles. he's nervous, james notes, but whatever he's looking for regulus seems to find. james stands there, staring into gray eyes, rendered stupid but intrigued. he wants to laugh, now nervous too, but james doesn't get to because there's a sharp breath —he can't tell from who— before regulus surges forward.
james kisses, but nothing compares to the first time he's been kissed.
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
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Super quick piece for @aithusarosekiller’s Reg Lives AU of ‘Lycan’ (left) and Regulus (right)! I’ve never drawn Regulus before so the bigger piece I’m planning on drawing will probably look different ^-^*
But for now enjoy these rough design sketches of ‘Lycan’ (including his prosthetic leg. I would appreciate any critique or advice!!)
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
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remus study
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
If you're ever wondering whether you should do something productive or read marauders fanfic
Remember that jkr not only hates queer folk but also hates fandom and fan-content, especially if it undermines her work...
Then go reread only the brave, you'll be doing god's work and pissing off an ugly fossil xx
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
Please tag me when your finished writing O’M HOOKED
(Also would it be okay if I made fanart? :0)
Reg lives au where he looks so different after the cave (prosthetic leg, deep scars all up his arms and face, one dead eye, a bit of a tremor sometimes) that when Sirius eventually gets out of Azkaban and moves back in, he doesn't recognise him at all. Regulus takes it as Sirius' memory being so fuzzy due to the dementors and dark/harrowing setting that he didn't bother clinging to the memory of people he didn't care about
so from there it's easy to keep his cover as 'Lycan' long-term member of the order, dumbledore's second most trusted man, famously vague and impossible to research
The ruse only fails when one day he accidentally calls Sirius 'Ris' and he KNOWS because nobody else calls him that and oh hell how did he not recognise his own eyes looking back at him and what the fuck happened to his Reggie?
(I'm writing it guys)
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
What do you think jegulily's house is like as adults, and whats the most important part of it to each of them?
i think about this too much to he healthy.
• okay! first of all, the bedrooms.
there are two bedrooms, one is the master bedroom with all their stuff in there. all three share this room and they have a huge closet. (mostly for reg and lily’s purposes).
however, there’s a second, smaller bedroom as well that lily will often sleep in. i headcanon her as plus sized and i think she’d get overheated at night some times and just prefer to sleep alone. she loves reg and james so much, but for night comforts, she sometimes needs space.
james is cuddly af, and reg is so fucking clingy, and lily sometimes just needs to breathe so that extra bedroom is most often used by lily. (though any of them could ever use it if they needed space)
• this house is all about maximalism and it drives regulus crazy. james just likes to collect his little trinkets and lily hoards items she thinks could have future sentimental value (cause she regrets not having enough reminders of petunia)
• they also have huge thick curtains, some rooms it’s dark red and other rooms it’s dark green. slytherin vs gryffindor war :/
• lily loves big plush couches and surfaces. tons of soft places to sit
• the garden is regulus’ favorite place. it’s quiet, and he couldn’t often go outside while living in grimmauld place. he’s really good at gardening. he’ll often kinda hide in the plants and bushes so no one bothers him and he’ll snuggle up with a book.
• the kitchen is james’ favorite place and he loves to cook. love has always been food to him. and lily and reg cannot cook for the life of themselves. lily just isn’t good at it, and house elves always made food for regulus
• lily actually likes the stairs. kinda odd, but it’s her favorite part of the house. she’s always wanted a staircase (that doesn’t move). and lining the wall of the staircase is tons of printed photographs of everyone she loves. james took most of the pictures, and lily absolutely loves them all.
• they all gather around the fireplace and regulus reads out loud to them once a week for a date night when they’re all home. sometimes they read chapters, other times, reg reads his favorite poetry to them, other times they read short fiction.
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
I have a solution for fic writers who want characters in different years to be in the same classroom. (Or characters from more than two different houses at once).
Hogwarts doesn't normally stream classes by ability, or mix years. But it could be necessitated by the war. Say, some students who wouldnt usually be grouped together end up sharing lessons because staff can only work part time due to other commitments.
Maybe Slughorn makes potions for St Mungos on the side, so some of his classes are combined to make time for that, since the war effort is considered to be very important.
It can help that scenario feel more natural in the story. Its also nice to show how the war affects mundane life when it isnt even the focus.
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
AU where Lily got sorted into Slytherin and became best friends with Regulus cause you know they would hit it off. Anyways fast forward a couple of years and Regulus is basically gathering information from Voldemort as a spy and passing it to Lily and together they find out about the horcruxes so they go on a horcrux hunt and obviously they’re going to be successful cause have you met a more fearsome and competent duo?? Anyways once they win the war they go to Dumbledore and (very petty but well deserved) say that they accomplished more at 19 years old in the span of two weeks then he did in decades
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
Funky genetic magic au where everyone is so obsessed with Harry having his mother's eyes and his father's hair that they don't even notice that he has his papa's nose and freckles
Sirius always thinks there's something familiar about it and Narcissa gets a really odd feeling when she sees him but nobody ever pieces it together
Ofc dumbledore knows, he just strategically avoids pointing it out so nobody gets suspicious (including Harry himself)
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
356 words, @regulily-microfic
Everyone knew that Professor Slughorn liked to collect students as if they were prizes, line them all up in his Slug Club as he gushed about how they would go far in life, and be sure to save some for him, capisce?
Regulus Black was part of the club thanks to his family’s status as a sacred pureblood family, their riches and their fame. He came from old money, but he also had his talents. Most people didn’t care or notice, but he was actually proficient at Potions. The only person who seemed to look outside the fact that he was a Black, who instead respected him for his skills, was Lily Evans.
Lily was part of the club because she was amazing. In Regulus’s opinion. Yes, she was Muggle-born, yes, she wasn’t filthy rich, yes, she wasn’t famous, but that only served to make her even more accomplished. For she was part of the club thanks to her dedication and flair. Her ability was glaringly obvious, so powerful that it outshone everyone and everything. She’d found out she was magical later than most, she’d started learning later than most, she’d been given less resources than most, and yet she was better than all.
When Regulus sat next to her in Slug Club meetings, he was speechlessly in awe. This was the only reason he attended. This was the only reason he didn’t hate Slughorn for being a ladder-climbing leech. This was the only chance he had to talk to an accepting, open, unprejudiced individual, and actually let go. Of his inhibitions, of his insecurities, of his fears.
As if they were in their own world, as if no one else existed, he would whisper, “You wouldn’t believe what happened today.”
And Lily would smirk, “Try me.”
Regulus would tell her about stupid blood-supremist cliques and how he was getting second-hand embarrassment watching them, and she would laugh.
Lily would tell him about a potion she brewed that she was insanely proud of, and her eyes would glimmer brighter than they already did.
Green was his favourite colour. Not because of Slytherin. Because of Lily’s eyes.
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
kinda hate how some people totally misrepresent regulus and lilys relationships with their families. like no, they were not stuck in the shadow of their older siblings, they were the ones that their parents preferred. they were both the golden child of their families, not the child their parents cast aside
sirius makes it very clear that walburga and orion liked regulus far more than they liked him (though i highly doubt they actually liked either of them, much less loved) and the entire reason why petunia was so jealous of lily was because their parents doted on her since she was magic
you can totally have regulus and lily relate about their experiences with their siblings and parents (which are arguably similar!) but you dont need to do it by changing them!
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
Marauders fandom let Lily be her own character without making her whole personality be the person she’s dating or not dating challenge GO!!!
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
Listening to Seeahaven's Wild West Selfishness making me think of Regulus go brrr
"Took your steps. Left me under them. It's wild west selfishness."
Could be about his family? Pressure in the House of Black?
"Someone left you looking for a reason. Found it in the Reverie Lagoon. Hate to see you lose you in illusion. Don't forget who's watching you."
Regulus joining the death eaters but in Sirius' POV
not sure about the rest of the lyrics BUT DO YOU SEE MY VISION?!
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
There are people who actually worshipped JKR and there are people who gushed about her because she wrote Harry Potter and they loved Harry Potter who literally knew nothing about her that wasn't in the author bio on the dust jacket. I think fandom oriented people tend to forget how big a population the latter was! But Harry Potter was so huge at its peak that it had a lot of casual fans who deeply, deeply loved the series, maybe even knew the trivia of the actual books inside and out, but never engaged with the fandom side of things or dove deep into meta information. There were normies attending midnight release parties, the series was that big.
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
the one and only time lily evans ever went to detention was when she punched someone that was being transphobic to regulus when he first came out at hogwarts
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l00nylupiin · 2 months
I feel sick when Sirius is portrayed as a tall rich arsehole in wolfstar fandom.
Excuse me, Sirius is the one who ran away from the very rich arseholes of Blacks. He refused to be the same as them throughout his entire life and of course refuses it. Canonically Sirius Black died for the good and is the most loyal character in Harry Potter.
And kindly do not describe Sirius as a tall arsehole only to make Remus look somehow smol and like a saint. Funny thing so many people see him as a saint when Remus was the one who ran away from his pregnant wife, while Sirius broke out of prison to protect his godson. Now who is the saint and who is the arsehole?
Don’t get me wrong. I love both of them with my true heart, Wolfstar is my OTP since forever and will be forever no matter what happens. However the way they’ve been treated makes me tired; Remus as a good boy, Sirius as a bad guy. Why can’t they BOTH be great?
Sirius Black deserves better than some tall rich arsehole. Oh yes, Sirius is tall, as JKR intended. My point is do not use Sirius as a tool to frame the character of Remus into certain images for your own sake. Let’s be honest, Remus Lupin is literally a werewolf ever since five years old. He could be somewhat thin, but his physique would be naturally a beast’s. In my humble opinion, it’s just Remus is taller than tall Sirius.
Again and lastly, my whole point here is that Sirius Black deserves the world, and it seems the world doesn’t deserve him.
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