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valstmblrart · 4 months ago
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Happy two year anniversary, God Of War Ragnarok!
Here's an old art !
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savior-of-humanity · 11 months ago
Atreus recognized the fear and apprehension in both the slugcat's thoughts and expression. He wasn't too worried about any potential bites, though; he had a feeling that she wasn't as potentially dangerous as she could be at the moment.
Regardless, Atreus was glad he could communicate with her - even if it heavily relied on him being able to read the other's surface-level thoughts. They're easy to recognize and 'read' as the slugcat seemed to process his words through her own mind - apprehension, confusion, something that could probably be transliterated as I'll be fine, I've had worse. But then there's other thoughts that pique Atreus' curiosity; a recognition of his youth, the briefest of comparisons to something that brought split-second flickers of emotions. Emotions he couldn't really identify before they vanished as quickly as they came.
He gives a small smile as the slugcat finally climbs to her feet, easing his worries of her being injured. He recognized the little wawa noise, not necessarily by sound but by its intent; it was an invitation. Come eat.
Except, there was one minor problem. Humans weren't exactly built to digest raw meat. Atreus wasn't particularly keen on eating raw meat, especially that of what he presumed to be an apex predator - there was a reason why one had to thoroughly cook bear meat, after all. He'd apply the same logic here, but there didn't seem to be any material suitable for starting a fire, and he wasn't sure how the slugcat would react to an open flame - or if she could even be near fire, given her... explosive properties.
The only solution he could think of was to shapeshift; there'd been a few times where he had to eat whilst still in an animal form, and it never really had any negative consequences on him as a human. He couldn't just transform into a bear or wolf though, as that'd either just scare her, make her flee, or even cause her to attack him. Which left only one reasonable option.
Flecks of golden light suddenly manifest around his form like ashes caught on the wind, swirling around him until he's totally consumed by the petals of magic - and just as quickly as they came, they disappeared. But Atreus was no longer there.
Instead, in his place stood a little slugcat, with gold-yellow fur and shining blue eyes. Compared to his red-furred companion, he would've about a head shorter, but not small enough to be mistaken for a pup. He hoped that this form would've eased the worries of the other slugcat a bit - but he was also fully aware that it might have the opposite intended effect, after all. Regardless, he gives the Artificer his own wawa of acknowledgement/greeting and moves (albeit a little awkwardly - he has to get used to his new anatomy, after all) to join her in eating.
When the blur starts moving toward her, a sort of dim amusement crosses her mind. It's been a while since she had been killed by a vulture of any variety. She thought herself above it, even. And yet here she is, soon to die in place of a hapless mystery, just for his seeming concern for her.
All she can do now is close her eye and wait.
Yet death never comes. Instead, there is a shriek—then silence save footsteps coming toward her. The Artificer cracks open her eye. The world is still fuzzy, but she is not so blind or far out of it to not recognize the strange creature approaching. Behind him, the king vulture is still.
He must have finished it off. Something like approval thrums in her chest. Still, for all that and the sensible answer that he means her no harm, she struggles to lift herself off the ground and flashes her teeth at him. But it's all show, really; she could bite him if she needed, maybe, but she needs more time to recover than she can feasibly get if he decides that she was more trouble than she was worth, or that she was mistaken after all.
Trust is what beckons unnecessary grief, after all.
But still, he kneels by her and asks her something that makes the low growl in her throat sputter out: "Are you alright?"
Her ears pin back—not even out of fear or a threat to fight, but confusion. But after a little bit, the tension in her body unwinds and she makes a raspy little chuff.
She's fine, really, all old scars and burns besides how winded she is right now. It's not communicated in any real capacity, of course, but the thought flits through her mind clearly enough.
When the smoke finally fades and the sparks stop flying off her fur, she also lifts her head enough to get a good look at him. He's clearly not a scavenger, physically and for the fact he hasn't tried to impale her through the head yet. There's a sort of softness to his face though, like the world has yet to fully dig its claws into him, like he's not yet an adult of his kind.
Like he's still a...
She shakes the thought out of her head and snorts, rearing back onto her hind paws. She does not need to think about this. It is almost nightfall, and there is food aplenty right there in the form of the vultures. She walks back over to get her fill, keeping the funny new creature on her good eye's side.
Is he hungry? a part of her wonders, the same part that recognizes him as a pup, but she squashes it down. He's more than capable to hunt on his own, clearly. Not a pup.
Certainly not hers.
But still... this was a kill made by a joint effort. She supposes he deserves a share, and there was plenty for two. The Artificer pulls back from the carcass and licks her maw before making a sound she hasn't made in a while—a soft sort of "wawa", a call to eat.
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soli-nepenthe · 3 months ago
On Sylus's 'true' name/some thoughts: *spoilers below*
N.B.: These are just purely speculations of mine fueled by my minor knowledge of linguistics/historical linguistics that I took in university and unfortunately, I am not fluent in Greek either, still at a beginner level. I am just an amateur. If I was a philologist, especially one that specializes in Classic languages, that would be cool, but, alas, I am not.
In terms of the localized English version (I cannot speak for the original source text in Chinese, but I bet there is more nuance as a tonal language; there's more room to play around with meaning) but the way the dialogue was presented made it seem uncertain.
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As we can see, her response to hearing his "faint" words is unclear, and it appears that Ancient Philosian is presumably a 'dead' language that is no longer studied/used in the everyday life of the people.
(I wonder what the reasons were that caused that to happen, considering the inscription of the dragon's defeat in the Sanctuary is in Ancient Philosian, thus the language must have been used by the educated elite for a time, but I digress...)
It would be fair to assume that there is a Greek influence in this blend of Eastern/Western or xuanhuan storytelling, with the name of the world phílos deriving from the Greek with the meanings of "beloved, dear", coming from the Greek verb philéō "to love".
Even the name that she gives him, Sylus, has Greek and Roman connections being a diminutive of Silvanus, derived from the Roman god of forests meaning "of the woods", in addition to it's possible connection to the Hebrew name Saul, meaning "prayed for".
As for his true name, I was wondering if it would be fair to say that it would also have a Greek influence, with consonant clusters being common in Greek, especially with the beginning of 'st' in his name.
The ending of his name might also offer some clues, if the '-us' suffix is an alternative form of "-eus" which is derived from the Greek suffix "-εῖος" with the meaning related to location in the sense "of" or "from". But this is used to form adjectives, so someone from the place Elis could also be called "Ἠλεῖος" to show where they hail from.
It could be that his name indicates where he is from/or possible origins, or it might not. The first syllable of his name could hold the key meaning of his name.
If his name had a patronymic suffix, like "-ídēs," in Atreides, sons of Atreus, referring to either Agamemnon or Menelaus, then it could also point to a clue of his origins or identity.
Once again, just to clarify I am not a Classics major, but I really am curious to what the actual Philosian word is for his name, and if the localization team will reveal that in a spelling that more or less resembles the phonology of the language they are using as inspiration, in this case, Greek. It also might be Latin.
I apologize if any of my guesses are completely wrong.
If anyone has stumbled on any clues of their own, please share!
( Note: I know that Greek isn't the only language with consonant clusters, there are others like Czech, Slovene, Polish, Georgian, it even occurs in English...but for the specific cultural influence of Greek for Philos, I supposed Greek would be the logical choice.)
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hereforreadandwrite · 2 months ago
Chapter Six
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Nighttime was one of the things you hated the most.
During the day, you had something to occupy your mind and not think about anything too much, when night came, you were lying in your bed. You couldn't stop your mind from wandering and thinking about things you didn't want to think about. When you slept, you couldn't help but dream about old Tyr.
Even now, as you lay on your uncomfortable makeshift bed, you couldn't help but think about your husband.
Your beloved husband, the man you loved the most in her Nine Realms, the man you had placed all your trust in, was gone forever. Odin had managed to kill him in a way.
You put your arm over your eyes, sighing and trying to relax when you heard his light laugh and his hand rest on your stomach.
"You think too much… again," Tyr commented. "What's troubling you?"
You sighed, your gaze falling on Tyr. Your husband smiled at you, eyeing you with his golden eyes. You had always loved his Bifrost eyes, this gift given by the Jotnars to facilitate his many travels across the Realms. You left your side of the bed, lying on Tyr's chest. The God of War just smiled as he let you do it, wrapping his arm around your waist. You ran your hand over his cheek, running your thumb under his eye.
"Did it… hurt? When the Giants put his Bifrost eyes on you…?" you asked, running your thumb over his cheekbone.
"No," he answered, running his hand over your back. "They were very delicate and then… they had me drink twenty cups of billow maidens' ale to numb me."
"You were completely drunk?" you asked with a chuckle. "I can't imagine you being unable to think straight."
"It's true that it wasn't my most glorious moment," Tyr replied with a chuckle. "But the Giants were generous in giving me his Bifrost eyes."
You hummed, continuing to run your thumb over his cheekbone, still admiring his special eyes. You didn't even want to imagine how Odin had reacted when he saw his son come back with his eyes there. He must have been so angry at Tyr and the Giants, with his obsession with absolutely wanting to know the secrets of his people. You sighed, sitting on your husband's waist. He smiled at you, placing his hands on your waist.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked, continuing to trace circles on the top you had stolen from him.
"When you came back with his eyes… how did he react?"
"The Allfather wasn't exactly thrilled when I came back with his eyes. But he strangely left me alone, until I had to deal with Garm and lost an arm."
You flinched at the name of Hel's wolf. Although you loved Tyr, you had always been dismayed by the story of Garm. An animal that was feared because of its abilities and its imposing size. Tyr felt your muscles tense under his hands. The God of War straightened up, sitting down, making you sit on his thighs.
"I know you don't like it when I talk about Garm… but you know I had no choice."
"Hmhm… like father had no choice with Lyngbakr or like Odin had no choice with my wings."
"Love, please," Tyr said, placing his hand on your cheek. "It's a nice night…"
"Yes, sorry…"
"I know your bitterness for all these things. Believe me, for Garm… if I had found something else to keep him under control, I would have done it…"
"I know, excuse me… I…" you said, running your hand through your hair. "I think it's fatigue."
"His last few days have been quite busy…" he said softly, continuing to caress your cheek. "Rest, Beloved."
You nodded slightly, leaving Tyr's waist to lie down. Tyr pulled the furs on your shoulders, he kissed your forehead, wishing you goodnight.
You sighed, running your hands over your face, opening your heavy eyelids. Why did you have to dream of the old Tyr? You pushed the furs aside, leaving your makeshift bed to leave the room and see Kratos, Freya, Mimir, Sindri and Brok. The small group was discussing what they can do against Heimdall and what they can do to get Atreus back.
"We need to build an army before we go to Asgard," Freya said. "Alone, we are helpless."
"And who do you plan to ask? Freyr and his men?" Mimir asked.
"Yes, and also other people who can help us."
"Who do you have in mind?" Kratos asked, looking at the Goddess.
"The Valkyries."
"Are you serious?" you asked, looking at Freya sternly. "After all this time without thinking or seeing your sisters, it is now that you decide you need them."
"Daughter, please," Mimir said. "You know it's more complicated than that and that Freya also suffered from this situation."
"Hmhm," you answered, crossing your arms, without looking away from the former Queen of the Valkyries. "But the last I heard, my mother and aunts are still prisoners."
"No," Kratos answered, turning around. "Atreus and I fought them and I freed them from their fleshly shell."
You looked at Kratos surprised by what he had just said. This guy had managed to defeat your mother and aunts? It's impossible. Even corrupted, the Valkyries were still the strongest and most powerful warriors in the Nine Realms. Even you, who had been trained since the day you could walk, by your mother and aunts, you had only defeated your aunt Kara once and she was the only Valkyrie you had managed to defeat. You knew that this guy had reduced the Greek pantheon to himself, so defeating the Valkyries must have been child's play for him. You ran your hands over your face, before running them through your hair, nodding slightly. You placed your hands on your hips, eyeing Freya, asking her how she planned to bring Sigrun and the other Valkyries back to life. The Goddess explained that she would have to go to Vanaheim and use Vanir magic to restore a pure fleshly body to the Valkyries.
So it was possible to bring your mother and aunts back to life.
It was possible that your family would be reunited.
With that thought, your heart sank.
No, your family will never be complete again. Your gaze fell on the door that led to Tyr's room. You shook your head, chasing his thoughts from your mind. You had to stay focused on the essentials. Namely: how to bring the little boy back to his father and kill Heimdall.
"But it seems you're forgetting something," you said as you approached the group. "Heimdall is the bearer of the Gjallarhorn. If he blows on it, he will rally all the other Realms during Ragnarök. And Odin didn't entrust it to him for nothing."
"Are you telling me I can't save my son?" Kratos asked, looking at you sternly.
"I never said that, but you should think of other ways to save your little boy. Trust me, even Tyr can't fight him," you explained, looking at Kratos. "You have to think of all the options."
Kratos fell silent. The Greek God of War stood up, taking Mimir with him, and headed towards the door. Everyone watched as he left Sindri's house to go who knows where. You sighed, running your hands over your face before moving away from the table to go out and sit on… you never knew if it was a bench or a table, but that's where you settled. Yggdrasil had always been a strange, dangerous, and fascinating place. You took a deep breath, lying down on the bench, trying to relax and think about something else. You placed your hands on your stomach, taking a deep breath before exhaling slowly.
"Inhale deeply and exhale slowly," Tyr's voice said as you felt his hand rest on your stomach. "Focusing on your breathing allows you to keep your mind clear."
Clear mind?
Since you were here, you didn't know how to think clearly anymore. You sighed, running your hands over your face, lying back on the bench, observing the branches of Yggdrasil when something strange happened. You suddenly sat up when you heard the sound of a tear. A fairly large breach had just opened without any explanation and Hel-Walkers came out of the breach.
"Shit!" I exclaimed as I made my weapon appear.
Freya, Brok and Sindri rushed out to help you fight the dead who came out of the breach without interruption.
"What's going on?!" Freya exclaimed as she brought her sword down on the enemies.
"No ideas!! The Breach appeared all at once!!" I exclaimed as I pierced a Hel-Walker's chest.
"I have to close the breach!" Freya exclaimed. "Someone cover me!"
"There are too many of them!!" Brok shouted
The number of Hel-Walkers did not decrease. You killed some and closed the Breaches, others opened, allowing the dead to return. It had to be at a time when Kratos was not there. And Tyr was of no use. Brok and Sindri used their explosive weapons to kill as many as possible while you covered Freya. But it was difficult to fight so many enemies at once, even with magic. Everyone was so focused on their task that no one noticed the door to Yggdrasil open until Atreus' voice was heard.
"No, no, no!"
"It's you!" Sindri exclaimed, happy to see the young man again, before remembering that he was angry with him. "Wait… It's YOU!"
"Kid! Nice timing. Kill something, will ya?" Brok exclaimed as he killed yet another Hel-Waker while Atreus jumped into the fight.
"Where's Father?!" Atreus exclaimed
"Trying to find a way to you," Sindri exclaimed
"Hey! We're being attacked right now!!" you exclaimed as you decapitated a Hel-Walker. "Stay focused!! Freya, hurry!!"
"I'm doing my best! (Y/N), Atreus, help keep them off me!" Freya ordered before starting to recite an incantation.
More Rifts opened up, letting more and more Hel-Walkers out. Freya swore, calling Atreus to help her with the spell. The young man rushed to the Goddess, starting to recite the spell with her. But a Hel-Walker managed to grab Atreus and pin him to the ground. You brought your sword down on one of the many dead before seeing the teenager in difficulty. You only had time to react as a throw pierced the dead man's skull.
It was Kratos.
The Spartan helped Atreus up, ordering him to help Freya and that he would attract the enemies.
The fight that followed was long and exhausting, but Atreus and Freya managed to close the portal. The shockwave was so violent that it killed the rest of the Hel-Walkers and sent everyone to the ground. A grunt of pain escaped your lips as you fell onto the bench where you had been sitting earlier. You coughed a little because of the dust, getting up with a little difficulty. Your gaze swept the area when you saw Tyr, who was finally coming out of Sindri's house, a shield in his hand, asking if it was over. You clenched your fists when you heard that. At this point, it was no longer cowardice. You had the impression that he was doing it on purpose. You could only agree with Mimir when he commented that it was not thanks to him that the fight was over. Your attention then turned to Atreus. The young boy stood awkwardly next to you, even looking like he wanted to hide.
"Where is Atreus?" Kratos asked as he looked around.
Atreus flinched as he heard his father call him. You sighed, placing your hand on his shoulder. The teenager jumped slightly as he turned to you.
"You'll have to face him, you know," you said as your sword disappeared. "I don't know what you did to cause such a mess. But… stop running away. Trust me, it doesn't do any good to always run away. You only accumulate regrets."
"I… I only caused trouble. I… I just wanted to…" Atreus began before biting his lip as he clenched his fists. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone… I… I'm so sorry…"
"You don't owe me an apology, you owe the man who's looking for you," you said, pointing at Kratos who was looking for Atreus.
Atreus swallowed hard, nodding slightly before walking towards Kratos, keeping his head down. The Greek God of War stopped when he saw his son emerge from the dust cloud. The two stayed a certain distance apart.
"What do I call you?" Kratos asked.
Atreus felt tears welling up in his eyes. He dropped his bow on the ground, rushing into Kratos' arms. His father hugged him, reassuring that his child was physically fine.
"Atreus? What happened?" Kratos asked softly as Atreus peeled himself away from him, looking at the only one, ashamed.
"It's all my fault. The Hel-Walkers. They're everywhere. Everywhere!"
“That is not your fault.”
"Yes it is! There was a wolf, in Hel. He was in chains, and… and I set him free," Atreus explained. "I thought that, if-"
“Garm?!” Mimir exclaimed, understanding who Atreus was talking about. "Great bleedin' fuck, lad, you freed Garm?!"
"Garl? Who freed Garm? That's Madness!" Tyr exclaimed, getting closer. “Surely not you, Young one…?”
"If the Hound of Hel is loose, he'll chew throught the fabric of the Realms. Hel-Walkers are just the beginning. What were you thinking?" Freya growled.
"Aye. This is a fuck-up of not insignificant proportions," Mimir continued.
"What would drive you to such mischief? Is this Loki's doing?" Tyr asked.
"Okay? Are you all done?" you asked, joining the discussion. "There's no point in yelling at him. What's done is done. Giving him a lecture about Garm isn't going to stop the wolf from doing what he's doing right now. You, Freya, Brok is waiting to be healed, as for you father, keep your mouth shut and you, Tyr, go back and hide in your closet. As if you'd never done something stupid that could have caused the loss of one of the nine kingdoms. And yes, I know things."
Freya, Mimir and Tyr looked at you surprised by your words, but they didn't say anything. The goddess hurried to join the Huldra brothers to help them while Tyr headed towards the house. Your husband gave you one last look before disappearing, again, into the house. You sighed, running your hand through your hair before turning to Kratos, Atreus and Mimir.
"T-thanks…," Atreus said uncomfortably.
"Don't thank me. Even if I defended you. You did a damn stupid thing. But people know my position on Garm so oh well…," you said with a shrug.
"You made a mistake," Kratos said as he placed his hand on his son's shoulder. "A mistake we'll fix. Together."
"Grand. Now if you Don't mind, I'd rather stay here. I've had my fill of visits to Helheim," Mimir announced as Kratos unhooked it from his belt to hand it to you.
You took your father's head before heading to Sindri's house, leaving Kratos and Atreus to go to Helheim to take care of Garm. You hooked Mimir to your belt before taking care of picking up the corpses, going to pile them in a corner. Once you were done, you went back inside the house. Freya, Brok and Sindri were sitting at the table. You approached, setting Mimir down next to them.
"How are you?" you asked Brok.
"Ah! They're just scratches," the blue dwarf replied.
"That's good to know."
You sat down with them, ignoring Tyr who had, once again, hidden in his damn closet. Everyone was silent, waiting for Kratos and Atreus to return.
Several hours passed before the father and son returned. Tyr came out of his closet, greeting the two men, asking if everything had gone well in Helheim. Kratos announced that the wolf was no longer a problem, much to Mimir's relief who was delighted to know that Garm was no longer a threat. You gave Kratos and Atreus a slight nod. Part of you was satisfied to know that Garm was no longer chained in the depths of Helheim.
"Atreus. Your decision to go to Asgard after all he's put us through…" Freya said softly, measuring her words. "I'll never understand it. But I hope you at least came back with something we can use."
"I hope so too," the boy said, taking out his notebook and turning Mimir towards him. "C'mon. Let me show you what Odin's up to. Here's what he cares about most. More than Ragnarök or anything, it's this mask."
Everyone was staring intently at the sketch of the mask in question. You looked at the sketch puzzled. Why was Odin so obsessed with a mask? It couldn't be a mask like any other for the Allfather to be looking for such an object. The boy asked if anyone recognized him, holding the notebook out to Sindri who turned his back to him.
"THAT thing? Ucch. It's a dead end," Mimir said with a sigh. "He's been faffin' around with that since before I knew him. To be honest, I thought the Giants were just having a laugh with that one."
While Mimir was talking Sindri had changed places, turning his back to Atreus. But the boy was stubborn. He continued to show his notebook. The dwarf capitulated, taking the notebook, looking at the page for a few seconds, before saying "no" and handing the notebook to Tyr.
"You're wrong, Mimir," Tyr said, taking the notebook. "This mask is no fraud. The Giants didn't make it, and only a few of them ever glimpsed it in their visions. They never knew its origin, but some believed it was a way to gaze into the secrets of Creation itself."
"Is it an Oracle?" Kratos asked, puzzled.
"Much, much more," Tyr said, glaring at Kratos, before closing the notebook to give it to Freya who flipped through the notebook. "Imagine becoming one with a source of infinite knowledge. This… this is why Odin tortured me."
You were surprised to hear that. Odin had captured Tyr and tortured him for a mask? But it didn't make sense, your husband had confided in you many things, but he had never told you about such an object. Why wouldn't he have told you anything? You sighed, running your hands over your face.
You were thinking too much.
"So what do you think? Know it?" Atreus asked, looking at Freya.
"No. It's one obsession he never saw fit to share with me. But I'l tell you this: even when Odin speaks the Truth, his purpose is false. Either way, it's a mistake to let distract us," she explained, returning the notebook to its owner. "Is Heimdall our focus or not?"
"We will rewrite our fate another way," Kratos announced, much to Freya's dismay.
"Then I'm going back to Vanaheim. If we're not taking the fight to Odin, I should help my brother stand against him."
After that, the Goddess left Sindri's house. Atreus wanted to follow her, but he was stopped by his father who told him that they would join her when the time was right. You sighed, massaging your temples that were becoming painful. You had to leave this house, get away from Tyr and this constant noise.
"Is everything okay, daughter?" Mimir asked.
"Yes, I'm coming with you. I need to get out of this house," I said, turning to Kratos and Atreus. Kratos nodded slightly before picking up Mimir, hooking him to his belt. You gave Tyr one last look before following the father and son out of the house.
Tag: @ladycrowsworld
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gr3yart · 8 months ago
Okay guys i got something.
My beloved son. Atreus. (I realized i never talk abt this guy despite posting more about cyril- sorry cyril you can never take my 1# favorite spot.)
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I love this man. He is a menace who managed to traumatize everyone within a 2 kilometer radius. Also exploding himself in his wifes arms to make her have a mental breakdown to... distract her from his technically adobted sibling because god wants them dead?????? Long story.
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ilitiaforever · 10 months ago
I hope you are very well, I'm coming to say hello and bring you great news, soon I will have the new pack ready! I am very excited! Thank you for your support and love, always working to bring you nice things from our beloved mpreg.
And what will this month's pack have, variety and beauty!
1-Ken and Ken = Ken (Ryan Gosling) posing in his jean vest while heavily pregnant, admiring Ken (Simu Liu) as he flexes shirtless and heavily pregnant in board shorts on the beach.
2-Jack from the Titanic movie pregnant and laying naked on the sofa posing for the infamous drawing scene
3-Red White and Royal Blue. A pregnant Henry (in his polo outfit) is getting a blowjob from Alex. Basically the scene from the movie but with mpreg
4-Pregnant kratos with his son atreus in a cute family scene. They are bathing under a waterfall after a muddy fight with monsters. Kratos is trying to was his son's hair, but atreus uses the closeness listen to his unborn sibling. Atreus thinks the pregnancy is beautiful and is so excited to be a big brother.
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fyeahnix · 26 days ago
Oh sweet baby Atreus..... (major spoilers for a 7 year old game below)
Yes I know I'm spoiler tagging a 7 year old game but as I myself am catching up with games now, I do appreciate not being spoiled with story things myself!
Anyway I have gotten to the point where Kratos tells Atreus of his lineage. He's a (demi) god. And Atreus is HAPPY.
But there is a problem. He's developed a god complex almost immediately. And this is where the writing, imo, has been phenomenal.
Kratos doesn't really know how to be a dad (especially after his....very tragic past). He's learning to be one again as the story progresses.
Atreus, on the other hand, had spent his life so far thinking his father didn't want him or didn't care about him because of his "illness." Thinking he was weak. So finding out he's actually a god gives him a newfound sense of confidence. Atreus had always been confident enough to prove his father wrong, but this level of confidence is interesting. He now thinks that because he's a god, he's worthy of his father's approval. He's "strong" now, he can do whatever and go wherever he wants, he knows what's best over others, he thinks! He's a god!
......he's also like 10 (?) years old lol. And that type of belief from a kid that young seems funny and innocent enough but if you don't teach a kid out of that mindset, if you don't check him on that, that will fester and affect how he sees the world as he continues to age. And that's immediately evident in the way he speaks to Mimir right after learning this info.
And I KNOW the writers know exactly what they're doing with this because Mimir even has some subtle displeased reactions to what Atreus says, like "uhm...are we not gonna talk about this???" and with the description of how Tyr is a "good" god who was beloved by all. Kratos is either letting this behavior slide a little bit because this is the first time he's seen his son so happy and confident, or he may not see the issue just yet. He does give his son the talk about using his godhood for good but I'm not sure yet how much of an effect that will have. That remains to be seen.
Throughout the entire story so far, you grow to love Atreus (at least I do because he's adorable and reminds me of my nephew lol). He's a very smart and determined kid and you can't help but feel a bit bad for him because he initially struggled to keep up with his dad and he constantly fucks up (because he's a child). He learns and grows through the story and while I again have to reiterate that Kratos isn't perfect (no parent is), he's doing what he can to raise and teach his son to be strong. I feel like this segment of the game is determined to make you feel a bit conflicted on your relationship with him because he did act a bit differently before learning of his godhood.
All that to say.... game's awesome so far and the story is better than I anticipated. I love narrative game experiences that make me laugh and cry and this game has done both plenty of times. I think I'm in the last third of the game right now so I'm eager to see how this concludes. And I am def eager to play Ragnarok after I finish Miles Morales after this.
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stupidrant · 1 year ago
Thanks to the previous user for that information about Skjoldr and Aesir goddess which I, too, didn't know of. And you absolutely don't need to apologize for anything, quite the contrary, you're stimulating analysis and critical thinking about the potential scenarios rather than forcing people into their bubble and that's why we all love you <3 The writers were occasionally paralleling Atreus/Angrboda and Skjoldr/Thrud from the start. For example, when Thrud calls Skjoldr and other midgardian boys "weird" to which Atreus indirectly references Angrboda's "weird can be good". This way he not only highlights the profound impact Angrboda had on him (being able to quote one of the very first things she said to Atreus) but also lightly encourages Thrud to give Skjoldr a chance. As the other user pointed out, Atreus alluded to Skjoldr's feelings for Thrud in a conversation with Mimir where he also stated he has no romantic interest in Thrud but Skjoldr does. That not even delving into some problematic elements of Atreus&Thrud's dynamic which we discussed before (such as her physical aggression towards him).
On the contrary, Atreus/Angrboda had positive and healthy interactions from the beginning and scenes that were traditionally framed as budding romance: the flower Atreus gave her which Angrboda ultimately kept on her table, Atreus inviting her to leave Ironwood and go with him multiple times, the "heart shape" of their hands when they performed the soul ritual, the fireflies (a classic romantic build up scene akin to magic carpet in Aladdin, lanterns in Tangled and Kiss the Girl in TLM), Angrboda holding his hand at her home before they're stargazing, Atreus trusting her with his beloved pet Fenrir, Atreus gently taking her hands in his and them leaning towards each other (which even Kratos interpreted as romantic with his "didn't want to intrude"), the goodbye hug and Angrboda giving him her marble.
Post-game several conversations between Kratos, Mimir and Freya indicated they all knew it was specifically Angrboda that Atreus liked and it was alluded that Atreus said or hinted as such to Mimir. In that vein, Mimir told Angrboda about her making an impression "on Atreus's heart" and he and Kratos noted they wanted to know Angrboda's "intentions" regarding Atreus. But visiting her in Ironwood was enough for them to no longer question her (though I admit it DID look rather invasive when Mimir started interrogating her about Atreus, especially since Angrboda, unlike Atreus, had no support system and was even less experienced with social interaction). Kratos - who referred to Angrboda specifically as someone Atreus is falling in love with, wondering if he'd prepared him for that - expressed his approval of her twice ("I like you", "I trusted her with my life, I trust her with my son"). Those scenes were obviously there to emphasize that's the romantic arc Atreus is going to get.
thank youu 🥺i think you and everyone else is far better at the analyzing than me tho! and yea ive noticed the parallels myself hence why its funny that its even being questioned in the first place 😭 the worst has passed imho
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khrysostomos · 1 year ago
kicking in the fucking door at the apocalyptic trumpet blast katsignal that is your reblog of the "send me a character" meme with the whole greek squad: tyndareus, hippodamia, agamemnon, tydeus, my beloved diomedes tydides, and the one, the only helen tyndaridas.
First impression — it's been so long but i think it was curiosity
Impression now — someone give that man some chalk, some milk and tuck him in. he is so stressed.
Favorite moment — i like it whenever he establishes rapport with pony and whenever he tells texas to fuck off.
Idea for a story — 70s era fic with him hanging out with helen and pony all day
Unpopular opinion — i don't have one!
Favorite relationship — tyn and atreus and tyn and helen are jockeying for first
Favorite headcanon — literally, omega4omega but texas is the singular exception and he kinda regrets that at times
First impression — the first time she came up i felt sad, esp bc at that point, pelops and her weren't a real even relationship and one where he was closeted
Impression now — i love ehr so muuucchhhhhh
Favorite moment — possessing helen to stab paris when he hurt pony
Idea for a story — i would really love to write a fic of her and pelops at some point, or something where she was able to meet pony while alive
Unpopular opinion — i have none
Favorite relationship — her and all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren
Favorite headcanon — mene + pony have her hair type for the most part and wear it similarly lengthed at different points; she liked jennifer immediately and could tell she was The One; she was way more impulsive in life than what she is in death
First impression — i envisioned the entirely wrong man at first so he was also super old to me on accident
Impression now — insane drip, garbage personality
Favorite moment — any time pony decides to square up with him and also any time mene tells him to go fuck himself
Idea for a story — i wouldn't write it but i would read the comedy of aga being annoyed with a new sibling
Unpopular opinion — hm. i don't think i have any?
Favorite relationship — him and mene being super toxic is fun for what it can force pony to do
Favorite headcanon — in sacramento aus, he's having a really good time and is kinda happy he got what he wanted. but has no idea orestes is going to kill him and when he can't get mene or helen, would go after pony
First impression — who's he?
Favorite moment — taking in molly
Idea for a story — i would like 5k of tydeus and dio and molly, 80s movie style. mene and pony can cameo.
Unpopular opinion — zero
Favorite relationship — him and dio, him and molly
Favorite headcanon — he knew all along about the cenzo and atreus relationship conflict before either realized what was going on
First impression — i have got to make this guy the most fun guy ever
Impression now — he's some guy and he's perfect
Favorite moment — literally anytime he's roasting mene or hanging out with him. and when he made pony dinosaur mac and cheese even though it was hurting his spirit
Idea for a story — him and molly getting together and all the awkwardness initially involved. or something in podverse.
Unpopular opinion — it's equally funny to have him with ace but not as much depth.
Favorite relationship — him and tydeus tugs at the delicate strings of my heart
Favorite headcanon — could not be happier to mostly be a stay at home dad for his kids first few years of life
First impression — me, watching troy way back when: nice dress but she's boring :(
Impression now — i love her and i will stab on sight if anyone thinks her and paris are meant to be together
Favorite moment — too many to choose from but her releasing a pigeon inside is an all timer
Idea for a story — my id is always calling to me about helen finding out about pony being with her very divorced brother
Unpopular opinion — paris/helen is evil
Favorite relationship — pony and helen bffs forever
Favorite headcanon — her and pony having the same height sometimes makes me all happy
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greetings! this is the classical studies/mythology sideblog of @appljuiceboxx
what i will be freaking out about here: -the iliad/the odyssey -the trojan war itself -the hades video game!!!! and the sequel!!!!! -alexander the great and hephaestion.......... and FUCKING BAGOAS HAHDHAHHDSFUCK -menelaus and agamemnon cause i love them -the house of atreus in general (fyi i believe in the version of the myth where pleisthenes is menelaus and agamemnon's dad and atreus is their grandpa) -ea nasir: the world's shittiest copper merchant! -ancient rome: like julius caesar and all that biz (basically hbo rome but less sex because holy SHIT). i also really love octavian (babygirl) -and some others probably. i mean i would put a bunch of dialogues but i haven't read them yet -the sons of horus my beloved <3 and horus in general -THE ENNEAD WEBCOMIC GFFHHDFH -furry anubis -just... the whole ennead and all the other gods yk.
as of 1/1/24 this is also my egyptian mythology sideblog! with little sprinkles of norse mythology!! and maybe some bible stuff. like, religion/mythology in general. and pjo some pjo.
enjoy all the shit i get up to here :)
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dilutedh2so4 · 21 days ago
The idea that Helen chose Menelaus first comes from Euripides’ play Iphigenia in Aulis — which also explicitly states Helen went willingly with Paris. In the Catalogue of Women, it is highly unlikely Helen got to choose a husband herself given that it says Menelaus won because he was the wealthiest and continuously communicated with Castor and Polydeuces. If you're wondering why Euripides would make something like this up, it's because Athens and Sparta were at war. He probably wanted to highlight how apparently “untrustworthy” and “deceptive” the Spartans were.
AGAMEMNON: Now when they had once pledged their word and old Tyndareus with no small cleverness had beguiled them by his shrewd device, he allowed his daughter to choose from among her suitors the one towards whom the sweet breezes of Aphrodite might carry her. [70] Her choice fell on Menelaus; would she had never taken him! Then there came to Lacedaemon from the Phrygians the man who, Argive legend says, judged the goddesses' dispute; in robes of gorgeous hue, ablaze with gold, in true barbaric pomp; [75] and he, finding Menelaus gone from home, carried Helen off, in mutual desire, to his steading on Ida.
Look at the language: Tyndareus beguiled them. Euripides does not view these Spartans in a very kind light. Tyndareus is deceptive for making all the Achaeans swear the oath and giving the choice to his daughter. Helen is deceptive for getting to choose her husband yet still running off with another. See, Paris carries her off in mutual desire. If you doubt this because it is Agamemnon speaking, the chorus will later go on to confirm the fact.
CHORUS: And from Mycenae, the Cyclopes' town, Atreus' son sent a hundred well-manned galleys, and Adrastos was with him in command, as friend with friend, [270] that Hellas might exact vengeance on the one who had fled her home to wed a foreigner.
Here are the extracts from the Catalogues of Women:
And from Ithaca the sacred might of Odysseus, Laertes son, who knew many-fashioned wiles, sought her to wife. He never sent gifts for the sake of the neat-ankled maid, for he knew in his heart that golden-haired Menelaus would win, since he was greatest of the Achaeans in possessions and was ever sending messages to horse-taming Castor and prize-winning Polydeuces.
See also:
But warlike Menelaus, the son of Atreus, prevailed against them all together, because he gave the greatest gifts.
And here are other sources confirming the idea that Helen was not kidnapped:
The Iliad, book 3, Helen speaking to Priam. Remember this is after almost 10 years of this bloodshed, which Helen clearly blames herself and Paris for. She implies that what had pleased her the day she went with Paris was Paris himself.
Would that evil death had been my pleasure when I followed thy son hither, and left my bridal chamber and my kinfolk and my daughter, well-beloved, and the lovely companions of my girlhood. 
The Cypria, lost epic detailing the beginnings of the war, Proclus’ summary. There is no language of force, and it is clear Helen and Paris are acting together.
Aphrodite brings Helen and [Paris] together. After their intercourse, they load up a great many valuables and sail away by night.
Pseudo-Apollodorus' Bibliotheca epitome.
[Paris] persuaded Helen to go off with him. And she abandoned Hermione, then nine years old, and putting most of the property on board, she set sail with him by night.
The driving idea of Sappho 16 is Paris being what Helen desires most.
Even texts that call it an abduction make it clear Helen was in love with Paris. Take Herodotus' Histories, where he quite literally says Paris "gave wings to [Helen]" — other translations render it as him "stirring her to desire."
Hot take about the Trojan war:
So people give Menelaus flack for starting a war over Helen, saying he saw her like property. Listen if I got kidnapped by a whiny bitch baby who “won” me off a divine bet and my spouse went “dude give my wife back or I’ll rock your shit” and Paris went “lmao no you fuckin loser finders keepers” I WOULD WANT MY HUSBAND TO ROCK HIS SHIT. (Also Helen was literally crown Princess of Sparta and the most beautiful woman in the world and she chose to marry Agamemnon’s little brother who inherits nothing...they’re in love okay? Okay.)
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andromedainruins · 2 years ago
Thursday, August 24th || Homeric Greek
We actually got a lot of greek done today! We made it well past what I had prepared and did some sight reading towards the end of the class period
Here's the Greek:
τίς τ᾽ ἄρ σφωε θεῶν ἔριδι ξυνέηκε μάχεσθαι; Λητοῦς καὶ Διὸς υἱός: ὃ γὰρ βασιλῆϊ χολωθεὶς νοῦσον ἀνὰ στρατὸν ὄρσε κακήν, ὀλέκοντο δὲ λαοί, οὕνεκα τὸν Χρύσην ἠτίμασεν ἀρητῆρα Ἀτρεΐδης: ὃ γὰρ ἦλθε θοὰς ἐπὶ νῆας Ἀχαιῶν λυσόμενός τε θύγατρα φέρων τ᾽ ἀπερείσι᾽ ἄποινα, στέμματ᾽ ἔχων ἐν χερσὶν ἑκηβόλου Ἀπόλλωνος χρυσέῳ ἀνὰ σκήπτρῳ, καὶ λίσσετο πάντας Ἀχαιούς, Ἀτρεΐδα δὲ μάλιστα δύω, κοσμήτορε λαῶν: Ἀτρεΐδαι τε καὶ ἄλλοι ἐϋκνήμιδες Ἀχαιοί, ὑμῖν μὲν θεοὶ δοῖεν Ὀλύμπια δώματ᾽ ἔχοντες ἐκπέρσαι Πριάμοιο πόλιν, εὖ δ᾽ οἴκαδ᾽ ἱκέσθαι: παῖδα δ᾽ ἐμοὶ λύσαιτε φίλην, τὰ δ᾽ ἄποινα δέχεσθαι, ἁζόμενοι Διὸς υἱὸν ἑκηβόλον Ἀπόλλωνα.
ἔνθ᾽ ἄλλοι μὲν πάντες ἐπευφήμησαν Ἀχαιοὶ αἰδεῖσθαί θ᾽ ἱερῆα καὶ ἀγλαὰ δέχθαι ἄποινα: ἀλλ᾽ οὐκ Ἀτρεΐδῃ Ἀγαμέμνονι ἥνδανε θυμῷ, ἀλλὰ κακῶς ἀφίει, κρατερὸν δ᾽ ἐπὶ μῦθον ἔτελλε: μή σε γέρον κοίλῃσιν ἐγὼ παρὰ νηυσὶ κιχείω ἢ νῦν δηθύνοντ᾽ ἢ ὕστερον αὖτις ἰόντα, μή νύ τοι οὐ χραίσμῃ σκῆπτρον καὶ στέμμα θεοῖο: τὴν δ᾽ ἐγὼ οὐ λύσω: πρίν μιν καὶ γῆρας ἔπεισιν ἡμετέρῳ ἐνὶ οἴκῳ ἐν Ἄργεϊ τηλόθι πάτρης
Here's my at home translation (minus the part that was sight read):
Which of the gods brought them to fight? The son of Leto and Zeus. For the king was angering him and he set a plague of death upon the army, he killed the men, because the son of Atreus held the priest, Chryses, in ho honor. For he quickly came upon the Achaean ships to free the daughter, carrying boundless ransom, holding a wreath of far-shooting Apollon in hand and a staff laden with gold, he begged all the Achaeans, especially the two sons of Atreus, commanders of the men; "Sons of Atreus and all well-greaved Achaeans, on one hand may the gods of Olympus give you guidance to utterly destroy the palace and city of Priam, and then come home well; on the other hand free my beloved child and take the ransom and stand in awe at far-shooting Apollon, the son of Zeus."
Here's the corrected translation from class:
Which of the gods brought them to strife to fight? The son of Leto and Zeus. For having been angered at the king He set a deadly plague upon the army, and the men were being destroyed, Because he dishonored Chryses the priest The son of Atreus. For he came to the swift ships of the Achaeans In order to free his daughter, carrying a boundless ransom, He was holding a wreath of far-shooting Apollon in his hands Upon a golden staff, and begged the many Achaeans, In particular the sons of Atreus, the two commanders of the men; “Sons of Atreus and all the well-greaved Achaeans, May the gods with homes on Olympus grant you To destroy the city of Priam, and then come home well; Release the child that is dear to me and accept the ransom Reverencing of far-shooting Apollon, the son of Zeus.” Then all the other Achaeans shouted their approval to Respect the priest and to accept the shiny ransom; But it was not pleasing to Agamemnon the son of Atreus or his heart, But he rudely sent him away, and placed a strong word upon him; “Don’t let me catch you, old man, near the hollow ships Loitering now or coming back again later, Lest the staff and wreath of the God not be of any help to you. I will not free her; old age will come upon her first In our house in Argos far from her native land,
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tatarthekaiju-blog · 2 years ago
(As you can probably see, I have a soft spot for family fics 🥺 I'm giving Heimdall a happy family, particularly Kratos and his two children)
Kratos had always been a powerful and feared Spartan king, but there was one thing that softened his heart - his two precious children, Atreus and Calliope. After years of being alone, he found love in the form of the beautiful and gentle Heimdall.
As they walked hand-in-hand through the palace gardens, Kratos felt a sense of pride as he introduced his new spouse to his little ones. Atreus and Calliope looked up at Heimdall with wide eyes, amazed by his grace and kindness.
Without hesitation, they both ran towards him, calling out 'mama' excitedly. Heimdall felt his heart fill with warmth as he scooped them up into his arms, feeling an overwhelming sense of love for these two precious souls that had captured his heart.
Later that evening in the castle halls, Heimdall sat down to braid Calliope's hair, per her request. He finished the final braid, and stepped back to admire his handiwork. Calliope spun around, admiring herself in the mirror. She giggled with delight and gave him a hug.
'Thank you so much, mama! I feel like a princess!' she exclaimed.
Heimdall smiled lovingly at her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 'You are a princess, my dear. A beautiful, brave, and kind princess.'
Kratos watched from afar, feeling a swell of pride in his heart at the sight of his family. He remembered how lonely he had felt after the loss of his wives. Likewise, Heimdall didn't want to be in solitude for the sake of his manipulative father, spending a life devoid of love and happiness. Now with each other and their two children, their lives are much better than before.
As Calliope twirled around in her new hairstyle, Atreus entered the room. He grinned at his sister and ran over to her. 'Wow, your hair looks amazing!' he looked at Heimdall 'Can you do my hair too, ma?'
Heimdall laughed and ruffled Atreus' hair. 'Of course, little warrior. Let's get started!'
I also imagine about Kratos's child with Heimdall before and your idea is so adorable! Especially with Calliope. (My Idea was like Heimdall would be surprised with how did Kratos treat his beloved daughter so gently. Not like with his son.)
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zannia · 2 years ago
dont bother me im switching into god of war mode
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tired0artist · 2 years ago
| The All-Father |
okay but what if after ragnarök kratos wasn’t the dad of boy but a dad of all?
or how kratos became the all-father.
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He doesn’t know how it happened, nor who started it, but only weeks after Ragnarök he finds the first altar dedicated to the All-Father.
“Blessed is the realm, which hosts the just Allfather.
Blessed are the people, who walk the same paths as the mighty Allfather.
Blessed is the land, devoid of monsters because of the fearless Allfather.
Blessed are the days, after Ragnarök with the reforged Allfather.
We pray to you, Allfather.
Accept our gifts and bless us, in our new days.”
The altar wasn’t grand nor made of stone, it was wooden yet sturdy, already overflowing with flowers, stones, herbs and other trinkets that could be found in the early Spring.
Kratos frowned at the runic text once more, before heading off his own way. Was it in the past, he might have destroyed it, huffing at the blindness the human possessed when it came to the gods, who would never stop to read their little messages, nor their prayers.
But now, he leaves it alone, knowing that after Fimbulwinter and Ragnarök, they needed something to believe in. Or someone, whoever the so-called reforged All-Father was supposed to be.
He means to speak to Mimir about it, but once he is home, he remembers that the head was with Freya. Advising in Vanaheim as the tensions between the Aesir and Vanir grew heated.
Perhaps, he should join them in a day or so. He surely knew little of politics, but perhaps he could at the very least aid his companions in some other way.
Glancing around his home, his amber gaze lingered on the bed not far from his own. It was tidy and unmoved, from when Kratos remade it in the morning.
It was a habit which he developed since Faye’s passing. Atreus always forgot to make his bed look presentable, or at the very least not a complete mess. He tried many times, showing his boy how to do it, but in the end all of his training was lost on Atreus. In the end, Kratos tidied it up for him in the mornings, right after taking care of his own space. And even now that his boy is gone… he still wakes up, cleans his bed and remakes the already perfectly tidied up bed.
Kratos reasoned to himself often that he doesn’t like to change his routine. That he doesn’t want bugs to build a nest underneath the furrs.
But all that wasn’t true.
He remade the bed every morning because he missed his son. Because he wanted Atreus to come back and sleep in a clean bed. Because leaving the bed alone made him think too much about how long his boy was gone.
Blinking he let out a shaky breath and hung up his axe, tearing his gaze away from the empty spot Atreus’ leaving left in the hut.
It’s two days later, just as he makes his way to Týr’s temple, to transport himself to Vanaheim, that he finds another altar.
“I call to the Allfather, great God of War,
father to Loki, the great and just General of Realms.
Yours is the realm of justice, of strength, of judgement, of rebirth.
Yours is the hand that guides those in darkness, the axe that cuts the unjust.
Grant me, O Allfather, the justice for my child.
Grant me, O Allfather, the strength to smite down the one who took her.
Grant me, O Allfather, the judgement for his devious soul.
Grant me, O Allfather, the will for rebirth once the revenge has left me.”
It is him… the All-Father that the alters are mentioning.
Rage builds up as he reads the prayer, thoughts of Calliope and Atreus filling his head. Someone killed another’s child, and Kratos wills it with everything he possesses that they meet a grim end at the child’s parent’s hand.
It is hard, but he moves on. Doing his best not to think about him being called and prayed to as the All-Father. It will pass. Týr will come back from his journey and all will be well, he will take charge and be the beloved god again. All while Kratos retires back to his hut.
“It will pass.” he whispered to himself, leaving the altar behind him, trying not to shiver as he felt an echoing rage of another in the back of his mind, clinging to their right to seek revenge.
It will pass. He thought to himself, while in the middle of settling an agreement between Aesir and Vanir, feeling an echoing sense of relief from those around, all synced in thanking for the unheard prayer for peace being enacted.
It will pass. He said to Mimir and Freya as together they found an altar, in Vanaheim no less, reading the plea for the great beast, that Kratos just ended, to be slain.
It. Will. Pass. Kratos hissed under his breath, leaving the Lake of Nine in haste as a grand statue of the All-Father was being constructed.
It will pass.
“It doesn’t have to.” said Atreus, now a man grown, as tall as his father, as kind as his mother, as strong as Freya and as wise as Mimir. His son just stared at him, before nodding down at the lively new villages around the Lake of Nine, from where they sat together on top of a cliff.
“You earned this, father. Accept this as you accept their pleas and prayers. Allow yourself to have this purpose and for them to finally have an All-Father that listens. That walks among them with the same worn down hands and the same troubled mind. Don’t let it pass, father. Embrace it.”
Atreus smiled and reached out to touch his father’s chest “The God of War can retire for now, while the All-Father takes his post for a little while.”
Kratos cupped his son’s hand and squeezed it, nodding slowly and echoing quietly “Only for a little while…”
His son smiled and agreed “Only for a little while.”
Looking at the new settlements and the grand statue of the All-Father, Leviathan Axe and Gjallarhorn in his hands, Kratos nodded again.
It will pass… but it doesn’t have to. The God of War retires, while All-Father takes his post… but only for a little while.
Hundreds years later, all still pray and speak of one true All-Father only. The one that had both eyes, a mischievous son, bore an axe that rivalled Mjölnir and was a General that led all Nine Realms against the false God Odin in Ragnarök.
A little while can last quite a long time, it would seem
thank you for reading! i hope that you liked it, i might cross post this on ao3 but first i wanna see how it will be received here <3
okay fuck it it’s also up on ao3 and i added little bit to it.
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bird-wells214 · 2 years ago
my favorite thing about norse era kratos is that everyone's like "ohhh he's so scary don't go near him he'll kill you he's a menace" which like sorta yeah, but the entire time kratos is just defending himself. kratos is like "please. please fucking leave me alone. please leave me the fuck alone pleasae i justt wanna take care of my son PLEASE leave me alone." and then they don't leave him alone and everyone's like "hohoho he KILLS without REMORSE" and meanwhile kratos is petting doggies and asking mimir if atreus knows how to flirt with a girl and is making arrows for his teenage son and having mournful dreams about his beloved late wife
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