masked-vee · 18 days
ogre-n-partner Poni (gijinka) saunters over to the trio, directing her attention to Mouse.
You remind me of that eevee I saw before! I see you've brought a friend, got any plans for the festival? Now that I think about it is it your first time too?
Mouse ducks shily behind Cereza. "Princess Cereza," The Zorua bowed politely. "and this is my friend Mouse, and their faithful hilt companion, Elizabeth."
"Pleasure to met you." Elizabeth said.
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asktheoger · 2 months
Ask the Oger Mask Festival Event!
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Hi hi everyone!! I’ve been waiting a long time for this event, and I can finally say, the event is all set up and coming soon!!!
What is it?
This is a yearly festival, celebrated by villagers all over the island! It’s also the one day a year Aya and her dads leave the mountain!
Many activities are available during the event, such as food stalls, fortune telling, carnival games, and fireworks!
The event will be hosted at the largest village on the island! Guests are free to roam the main streets, forest, shrine, and designated buildings and lots. If exploring the residential areas, please keep the noise level down. In addition to Aya and her dads, a new character will be introduced to the ATO cast! All Five will be available for asks! The event WILL have/lead into some plot relevance, so keep your eyes out for that! 👀
When is it?
The festival starts on September 1st and will end on October 1st! The event duration may be extended if needed.
Is there a dress code?
Yes! Visitors are encouraged to wear a yukata or kimono of sorts, and, if they have the ability to turn into a gijinka or human, take that form. MASKS ARE MANDATORY.
Who can join?
Anyone in the PokeAsk community can join!!
How can I join?
You can join simply by interacting with anyone attending/during the event! If you would like to receive an invitation to the event, please reply to this post or DM me and I will send one out to you!
The tag for the event will be ATOMaskFestival!
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(@asktheoger) "Excuse me," Miu approached Rimi and Noelle, a polite smile on his face. "Aya told me that you two have lovely voices...if it's not too much trouble, I was wondering if I could hear a little song?"
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Yep, I'm the one who sings. And Noey is just a drummer. Wanna hear it? *ahem*...
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Rimi sings a song with a very lovely and sweet voice, while Noelle is beatboxing.
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How 'bout that? Do ya like it?
[ @asktheoger ]
Song reference
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sendinganew · 14 days
@ogre-n-partner Poni looks at the fellow ogerpon up and down squinting a bit before stating...
If I didn't know any better I'd assume you have a pest problem too...how bad is it...?
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“I gave them everything they wanted and what do I get?! I get knife to the back! They took everything from me! My home! My family! My masks! Because apparently I’m the monster?!” Sundew ends her rant panting. She take a moment to take a more stable breath, smoothing down her hair.
“I suppose you could say I have a pest problem at home,” she sneered, reaching down to pick up the tossed mask.
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ogre-n-partner Shinji @ Vinny: Good to know I'm not the only human here...got any plans? The Mask Festival is quite fun, I wouldn't mind joining you for some events if you want. Oh! I'm Shinji Hanamura by the way.
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Vinny: Umm, Not really. This festival is new to me. But it dose look fun. And sure you can join me, I bet we'll have fun together. The more the merrier. I hope my Uncle doesn't mind. @ogre-n-partner
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shaymincafe · 5 days
(@asktheoger) “If you don’t mind me asking,” Kenji started, approaching Hana. “I heard you mentioned you had a girlfriend earlier? Could you tell me a little bit about her? What’ she like?”
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"Ah! Sorry, I went on for too long, didn't I? Hopefully that answers your question, at least?"
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ogre-n-partner · 12 days
(shaymincafe) Hana smiles softly at Poni and Shinji as she watches the two interact. "Sorry to interject," she says, "I couldn't help but notice that the two of you also appear to be visiting from afar. Do they also have Mask Festivals like this where you are from? How would you say they compare to this one so far?"
Pon: Hiya!
Shin: They do have a mask festival where we live, it's pretty similar honestly.
Pon: The only thing is this time we have to wear these disguises.
Shin: What about you? Is there a mask festival or anything of that nature?
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the-feral-one · 16 days
(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) Rimi approaches Oki with a great excitement.
"Oh, hi! I've heard that you'll have a wedding with Wo-Chien, right? Me and Noey will also have one in the future I hope... Anyways, let's talk about Kitakami. Isn't the place like, majestic? Because I've never been in the place like this before..."
Oki nodded, putting his hands together.
Oki: "It is an event that me and him are looking forward to, and we hope it goes well for us and those who wanna come to the party! I hope yours goes well too!"
He looked around, taking in the sights of his surroundings.
Oki: "Kitakami is very nice! I like how peaceful and pretty it is, and I really like the festivals that we get to be part of! Hopefully me and Wo's wedding festival's gonna come before the 'Snow Festival' too. We all really like that one!"
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mewfun · 10 days
(@asktheoger) Momo cautiously approached the stranger in purple. "U...um," the Applin sputtered. "Ex-excuse me, but...um...what are those marks on your cheeks?" He pointed to the poker symbols on their face. "They...um...kind of....look familiar?"
Knave looked amused by the question.
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Somebody asking him about the symbols on his face? Well, no reason to not tell them.
"Those are poker symbols. They are from a very popular card game. I personally am quite fond of it. In fact I am so fond of it that I have had these marks look like those symbols as a way to remind myself of that game, ever since I learned about it, so long ago. Because before they looked like those symbols, my marks looked just like simple circles."
Oh how boring they were back then... They were much better now that they were these beautiful symbols. Representing a game of bluffing, strategy and luck. Three things that when combined made for such a nice combination
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ask-selkiemon · 7 days
Wo: (he put two vines together as he looked at the duo and their masks) "I know that you have heard this before, but I like the designs on your masks. If it is possible, could I ask about what inspired them?"
”We don’t mind at all! It’s nice that so many enjoy our outfits for the night, neither of us were expecting to get so much attention,” Mer bounced on her feet while Kyo kept her steady with a hand on her shoulder. Our masks and outfits are based on the two deities of the sea-“
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”Kyogre the god of the sea and their mate the mermew. The ocean is very important and the deities are very important to us so I thought it would be fun if we went as them together!”
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phantomguild · 12 days
(shaymincafe) Hana approached Mint eagerly as she caught sight of the unique mask. "Oh my, your mask is absolutely beautiful. Did you make it yourself or did you have someone commissioned to make it? I'm desperate to know the inspirations behind the design."
Mint grinned, taking off the mask and showing it to Hana. A blend of Latias and Latios, tinted in green.
"Ashen actually made it for me based on a drawing of a Pokémon in an old book I found, supposedly a Pokémon in between Latios and Latias. I actually still have the page with me." She took out a small piece of parchment, yellowed with age but thankfully everything was still fully legible.
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"I thought it looked cool and fit my whole color thing, so I asked Ashen to make me a mask based on it. No idea if one actually exists, especially since most Legendary Pokémon are in hiding. ... or even did exist for that matter. But I think it'd be neat to meet one sometime!"
[ @shaymincafe ]
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masked-vee · 14 days
The mysterious Mon approaches towards Mouse & Cereza. "Hello there, you two seem like the adventuring type. I am in search of a certain Gallade that is also attending the festival here. She then shows a mugshot of Romeo along with the word printed 'WANTED'. have you seen him waltzing about here by any chance?
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Cereza squinted at the wanted poster for a few minutes... Then shakes her head. "I'm sorry, miss. My friend and I haven't seen this Pokémon."
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Mouse just shook their head and shrugged, signifying they've never seen him either. Wasn't he that guy from that sleepover we met? Mouse thought quietly to themself. What did he do?
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asktheoger · 19 days
Kenji and Tomo stood outside their house, the latter tapping his foot against the ground in an anxious rhythm.
“Alright, we’re done,” Miu’s voice called from the door. “Aya, are you ready to show them?”
“Yup yup!” The Ogerpon chimed, eagerly sliding the door open.
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“You both look amazing,” Tomo added, fondly looking from Aya to Miu. “Ah, well that’s a relief,” Miu sighed, tossing back his hair. “Let me know if you spot something out of place that me or Aya didn’t pick up on.”
“Looks good to me! You did a perfect job!” Kenji reported, picking up Aya and spinning her around, prompting a burst of giggles from the young girl.
“Aya,” Tomo started. “How about you go on ahead a little bit?”
“All by myself?” She asked, eyes widening. “Really?”
“Yes- but please, be careful- And don’t go past the rock wall!”
“You’re growing up to be so brave and fast,” Miu added, gently planting a kiss on her forehead. “I bet you can’t get past the stream by the time we start.”
“Oh yes I can!! I’m super duper fast- just watch me!!” Aya exclaimed, running off at full speed.
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“Alright,” Tomo murmured, letting out a sigh when Aya was far enough away. The markings on the Munkidori’s face lit up as he closed his eyes in concentration.
“These are all the important events and going-ons I picked up from the traveling villagers,” he explained, projecting the information into the minds of his husbands. “It should cover almost the entire year…remember, if anyone asks, we’re from Mossui village, from the other side of the island. Kenji, did you bring the Poké?”
“Yup- should be enough to last us for the night,” the Okidogi replied, patting to the left of his obi. “And if it’s not…well, you know the drill.”
“Alright,” Tomo let out another sigh. “I think that’s all... We should catch up with Aya before she goes too far.”
- - -
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It was a long, long trek, down from the mountains and into the lower forests of Kitakami. Despite leaving early in the morning and only stopping for lunch and the occasional break, the sun was setting by the time the quartet found a main road.
Aya, finding her second wind, ran down the path, heart pounding with excitement and eyes shining with anticipation for the upcoming celebration. She had waited all year for this, traveled the whole day to get here- she was so, so close.
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And then, finally- she was there.
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Aya, Kenji, Tomo, and Miu have arrived at the festival!
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@ogre-n-partner Poni runs up to Rimi in her gijinka form.
Hiya! Didn't think I'd see you here! I don't think I got your name before, I'm Poni! How's the festival been treating you?
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Oh, hey hey! Yea, we barely had time for this... I'm Rimi! It's nice to meetcha, Poni!
Rimi looks at Poni's mask with a surprised look.
[ Continuing from this ]
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To be honest, the Teal Mask...isn't teal anymore. I read in a "History of Kitakami" that the Teal Mask was, in fact, indeed teal, until the original Ogerpon passed away and it was given by one of her children. For unknown reasons, the mask changed completely. Here, take a look.
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This is the only known photo in the net alone. I believe there's more from the human, who visited Kitakami long time ago and met the certain Ogerpon. Sadly, nothing known about it, because the photos are believed to be in the Paldea archive, which is very classified. However, the rumors can be found in a website called: "Have you seen Hasumi?" It's probably a nickname of her when she was befriended by a human.
[ @ogre-n-partner ]
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sendinganew · 15 days
(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) Noelle approaches the Ogerpon. She makes a curious look...
"Hey, kid? Don't ya think that mask...is quite strange on you... Where and when did you get it anyway?"
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Sundew’s irritation was cut short by the new voice. She turned towards Aya with a smug smile
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“I like your mask too,” Sundew said as she turned her back to Noelle. “As for this little thing it was just a gift from a kind stranger. They saw I didn’t have one and were kind enough to give me one for free!”
“I would’ve had my own mask,” a cold edge entered her voice, “If it wasn’t for those sniveling, traitorous, THIEVING BAS-“
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(backgrounds by asktheoger)
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???: Alright Romeo, Is this where you've been hiding all this time? Hope your ready to see me. A new character have arrived at the festival and open for asks, It seems she's looking for someone
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