#ATLA and TLOK text
bernard-the-rabbit · 1 year
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Loving aang with bumi bc im still salty about it
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daughterofchaosstuff · 4 months
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~Avatar The Last Airbender (Book II: Earth)
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yuttikkele · 2 months
Ok so what I’m understanding is Roku and Sozin didn’t get together, Aang and Zuko didn’t get together, so with Korra the spirits were just like “third time’s the charm?”
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edsheerankinnie · 25 days
Ok so given the steampunk nature of tlok i think it would only be natural for the atla world to progress towards hyper scifi world after Korra
maybe i should write a fic on this lol
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everycloudinatla · 2 years
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Season 2, Episode 8, 2:32-3:39
i love this style of clouds
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transboysokka · 10 months
thinkin bout these gay airbenders
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prxship · 5 months
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༅ kotoki honola , 14 , they/she , nonbinary
— look alive, dreamer . . !
  ᯾ have you heard of kotoki honola? they’ve been known to be both eager to please and extremely shy, which isn't surprising since they remind me of cups of tea made just for their teacher, a collection of soft and clean clothes still warm from drying in the sun, and gentle, quiet airbending.
tws? '' grooming, age gap [adult/minor], power imbalance [teacher/student]
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 full name: kotoki honola.
 nicknames: koko, derivative of first name, given by bolin. toki, derivative of first name, given by korra. koto, derivative of first name, used by tenzin only.
 age: fourteen.
 gender: nonbinary.
 pronouns: they/she.
 orientation: bisexual.
 language[s] spoken: english + spanish.
 voice / accent: american.
 temperament / mb: preserver + istj-t.
 alignment: lawful good.
 birthday / zodiac: august 28 + virgo.
 label[s]: tenzin’s apprentice.
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 height: five feet, one inches.
 body type: slim + small.
 hair: mousy brown + fluffy. single white streak running through the front section. soft + usually messy.
 eyes: blue-grey. lighter towards the pupil, with long lashes. the left eye's lashes have a single section that is white, similar to their hair.
 usual expression: wide eyed + curious. always looking for their teacher, much calmer when with him.
 distinguishing features: white streak through hair and lashes. small air nomad symbol tattooed onto the back of their neck. freckles across their cheeks + shoulders.
 usual outfit: yellow short-sleeved kitadu shirt with orange accents + brown buttons. silky orange harem pants with extra wraps around the ankle area. red silk sash wrapped over the right shoulder + tied at the waist. brown leather sandals with two straps across the foot + one strap across the ankle.
 positive traits: quick learner, eager to help, soft spoken.
 negative traits: blunt, has difficulty understanding others' emotions, codependent relationship with tenzin.
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 strained relationship with parents. when kotoki became an airbender after the harmonic convergence, their parents shipped them off to tenzin in order for them to learn to harness their abilities. kotoki had already been severely neglected beforehand, but after being sent away, contact between them and their parents ceased entirely.
 obsessed with tenzin. after arriving to train with the other newly awakened airbenders, kotoki and tenzin quickly developed a codependent relationship; kotoki made tenzin feel very important and powerful, and tenzin made kotoki feel cared for and special. the two gradually began to engage in a sexual and almost-romantic relationship. without any other form of support, kotoki began to obsess over tenzin, following him like a duckling and quickly becoming his "apprentice".
 friendly with korra + bolin. even though they aren't particularly close, kotoki is much friendlier and more familiar with them than anyone else, aside from tenzin of course.
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plz send me asks abt them it took me ages to finish this...
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bumirang · 7 months
“So what’re ya thinkin’ fer supper?” asks Quyt into Akiya’s shoulder. Still in their work clothes, they’re snuggled up safely in their shared cot. Even without the security a door provides, it’s comfortable enough in the ladies’ bunkhouse. Shapes flicker like shadow puppets across the thin privacy curtain as other workers pass by, on their way to and from their own shifts. The evening is young, and there’s still plenty of money to be made, rubes to be had.
“We’re better off savin’ up.”
“The monorail’s free while we’re in town. S’what I heard.”
“C'mon! Zaofu has real food! Not just food; cuisine!” Akiya reaches up toward the ceiling with one hand, as if beseeching the heavens, and clenches her fist. “I swear, if I have one more deep-fried cabbage-on-a-stick, I'll barf myself to death.”
Quyt pushes herself up onto an elbow and smirks. “Fellas’d probably pay t’see that, actually.”
Akiya clenches her jaw to suppress a grimace. She doesn't do sideshows. Girls are always expected to get their tits out for extra cash, and hers have an exclusive engagement. Even shill work beats the sideshows. Before the ticket booth gig, her main job was tending the circus animals between sets. It was messy but straightforward, and none of the hog-monkeys ever asked her to take her shirt off.
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“We can afford a night out. Look,” says Akiya, sitting up. She reaches into her jacket and pulls a tightly folded paper envelope from an inner pocket. As soon as it’s free, it pops open, sending loose change tumbling all over the cot. “Dangit!”
“Where’d ya get all that? Knock over a candy stand?”
Akiya snatches up a coin before it can roll off the edge and drops it back into the envelope. “Walk money, mostly. Not bad for a day’s work.”
“I found some of it on the ground.”
Quyt sits up and narrows her eyes.
“Hey, it’s not like I’m shortchanging anybody! If townies wanna leave a little cash lying around, it goes in my pocket, is all,” says Akiya. “Like a tip,” she adds with a shrug.
“Not so high ‘n’ mighty now, are ya?”
Akiya rolls her eyes. “I never said fortunetelling was wrong. I’d just feel weird lying to people like that.”
“You think that’s what I do all day?”
“You mean, what you do all day in the tent with the signs all over it proclaiming magical knowledge of the future?”
“That’s just some spooky showmanship. Gettin’ in their heads. Lettin’ their guards down.” Quyt cups her hands in front of her. “You think I’d get any customers if I walked up to ‘em holdin’ a bowl o’ oily water?”
“I dunno. I’d be curious.”
“Tell ya a secret,” says Quyt, leaning closer. Her big, turquoise eyes manage to gleam in the paltry light of their bunk. “The water’s the thing. The trick is gettin’ ‘em lookin’ at the shapes while I lookit them. You c’n tell a whole helluva lot about a fella if he doesn’t know he’s bein’ watched.” With a smirk, she leans back against the bunkhouse wall, and Akiya relishes the way her hair rustles like soft hay. “I tell ‘em what I see. Throw in a few educated guesses so they don’t feel cheated. They like it. They expect it.”
Akiya joins her girlfriend against the wall, shifting her weight carefully to avoid hurling loose coins off of the cot. “I seem to remember you telling that jerk-ass he was gonna have three kids. If that was an educated guess, then I’m a Dai Lee secret agent.”
Quyt giggles. “That was an outlier an’ shouldn’t be counted.”
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astridellejo · 7 months
I was trying to draw my Avatar TLA/TLOK OC and I just wound up drawing Korra again.
Not necessarily a bad thing, but not my goal. Sometimes I wonder if this is just my brain trying to tell me something.
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morrocoyconchuo · 2 years
Bumi & Ira #1
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bernard-the-rabbit · 2 years
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master katara, healer, blood bender.
[id in alt text]
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doomface · 1 year
Does anyone know of any Avatar Legends play-by-post discords? I'd be interested in joining and playing in one!
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cosmicibe · 2 years
RE: Avatar (not that one) 2025
I have some concerns about the new Avatar/Korra series, so buckle up.
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First off, the above image is a mockup created by the blog Avatar News and does not represent officially released materials. This is something the website notes in a parenthetical at the end of the article but, it is at the end of the article, and this image has been circulated as official promotional materials. It isn’t.
But it does provide a thematic lead in to my concerns with a series that will reportedly be a follow up to Korra’s series, and follow the Avatar directly succeeding her.
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To not bury the lede, I have sincere concerns about Avatar Studio’s ability to tell a racially and politically sensitive story in the modern day and these concerns are born out of the stories they have told. I am concerned that in setting a story in the equivalent of our modern day as this series will reportedly be, that Avatar Studio’s will fail to reckon with their textual flirtation with fascism and authoritarianism in a responsible way.
Others such as @straynerdboy​ have mentioned how tactless The Legend of Korra was to include black american folk music (Jazz) in a setting bereft of black people, and that sort of casual, mindless appropriation carried forth into a contemporary setting is concerning to say the least.
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Finally, and the reason I am ultimately writing this; I am concerned for how this series may deal with Korra’s legacy, for the misogyny that this may call forth, and for the ensuing more tangible misogyny this may stoke, this time levied against members of the fan communities.
For all of our sakes, I hope that these concerns are allayed and that the Studio is thoughtful, cautious, and critical in approaching whatever themes they choose to broach in these new series.
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yuttikkele · 1 month
atla and tlok has to be the most queer thing forced into a heteronormative box I’ve watched in a while ngl
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edsheerankinnie · 3 months
Im on ep 1 of tlok and im having a hard time believing toph had kids. at least not biologically
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everycloudinatla · 1 year
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Season 3, Episode 1, 15:01-15:21
lovely sunset
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