ihopesocomic · 4 hours
That "everything My Pride got wrong about lions" list you mentioned in one of previous asks? Would love to actually see that 👀
We don't have an exact "list" per se but here's the main things that spring to mind that are shown in MP that are factually incorrect:
Prides are led by a single male and no other male may have control of the pride: incorrect. Prides can and will consist of more than one male and males will sometimes team up to run out the resident male or males.
Lions can bite through a rival's mane: a lion's mane is like thick, fluffy armour that protects the throat and it absolutely cannot be penetrated in the manner like Quick did with Starmane. This is why lions actually opt to attack the face, the back, or the hips.
Lionesses do not defend their cubs from rogue males: lionesses absolutely do defend their cubs from males, including those that are related to them by blood, such as the father. They're very protective mothers. There's even reports of lionesses running their cubs away from the pride and hiding them so the rogue male cannot find them.
Lions are active during the day: lions are actually crepuscular and more active at dawn, dusk and at night for the African nights are cooler and present better hunting opportunities. They tend to rest during the day. I know there are instances where this isn't the case, but that just comes with being opportunistic hunters. They will also hunt during storms, uilitising the weather to their advantage. Hence why Travellers have names related to the weather. We just thought it was a cool fact.
Lions have slit pupils: lions, like all big cats, have round pupils. There are theories as to why this is, but at the end of the day, only domestic cats have slit pupils.
Male lions are called manes: Yes, we know that this is a xenofiction thing and MP has every right to adopt their own vocabulary, but people literally think that male lions in a pride are called "manes" and male lions not in a pride are called "no-manes". So apparently it needs to be said that male lions are simply called lions, and females are lionesses.
Tsavo lions are a subspecies of lions that do not develop full manes: So, this appears to be a misconception that some MP fans have walked away with and I just want to correct the record on this. Tsavo lions are not a subspecies of the African lion. They are named after the geographical location where maneless lions are more apparent, because geography and environment seems to have an effect on how a lion's mane forms. Lions are sensitive to heat, so the hotter a region is, the less likely a mane is to form. The Tsavo region is known to be hot and dry and this is why lions there have problems developing a full mane. Genetics is also theorised to play a role. Such a thing has also been observed in West African regions and Ancient Egyptian art has also depicted maneless lions. It's also worth noting that Asiatic lions also have smaller manes than their African counterparts due to Asia having a hotter climate. This is why some of our characters like Fade and Larkspur do not have full manes. Both of them have either been raised in a desert region or a region adjacent to a desert and the heat has affected them developing a full mane. So, Moonstrike being described as a Tsavo lion was completely pointless and confusing. I can only assume it was Tribble trying to flex her lion knowledge but she also didn't even bother to explore why exactly Tsavo has a connection to maneless lions, thus fans assuming that the lack of a mane is down to Moonstrike being part of some sort of subspecies. I'm probably missing some things out but this is what I have so far. - RJ
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dpadstudio · 11 months
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IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR! The 7th Anniversary of Owlboy is now exactly one week away!
On November 1st, we'll be celebrating the game that started it all with some new announcements you'll definitely want to see!
🦉 We will also be doing our annual Q&A session: It's time to gather up some q's you might have about us, Owlboy, and our games; so drop your questions in the comments or send them to our ask box and we will answer them on our Wednesday Anniversary Live-Stream (time TBA.) We can't wait to hear from you! 🦉
Owlboy is a story-driven platform adventure game, where you can fly and explore a brand new world in the clouds! Pick up your friends, and bring them with you as you explore the open skies, in one of the most detailed adventures of this era.
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metallicarahhhhh · 6 months
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We headcannon he made his hair reappear
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animaniacs-groove · 4 months
((Helloooo Tumblr! This is @yakkolicious, but from this point forward, I'll refer to myself as the admin. Everything I say will be in white text with double parentheses. This is the ask blog for the Animaniacs Groove AU, my older Animaniacs AU. Here, you can ask questions to older versions of Yakko, Wakko, and Dot.))
About the AU
((This AU takes place in 2024, or whatever year it is in the present. However, the Warners will not age in real time. The Warners are two years older than they are in canon, so Yakko is 16, Wakko is 13, and Dot is 11, though I do have some fanfictions where they're only a year older. Yakko started a rock band with two of my OCs, Cleff and Winona. Yakko and Wakko also both have partners who are OCs. Here are some pictures to give you a bit more info on these versions of the Warners.))
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((I'll also add my OCs to this later, since they're pretty essential to this AU.))
((What's canon and what is not canon to this AU? The events of the 1993 series all happened and were televised, but it wasn't a scripted show. The Warners genuinely got into those situations and they just got on TV somehow. These Warners hold no ill will towards anyone who works for Warner Bros. aside from Thaddeus Plotz, and the reasons they hate Plotz are unrelated to the show itself. Wakko's Wish did not happen and neither did the 2020 reboot. Norita does not exist, and Plotz is still the CEO of Warner Bros. with no plans of retirement. Hello Nurse, however, has taken a job with another company (not Doctors Without Borders) and the Warners haven't seen her in a while. Chicken Boo also did not try to kill everyone and is actually a friend of the Warners (though you won't see him around much). If a question based on reboot knowledge is asked to these Warners, they'll probably be confused, if I respond to the question at all.))
((This blog is not the only place you can find the Groove AU. There are also fanfictions on AO3 where you can read more about the things that go on in the Warners' lives. The series can be found here. If requested, I will also post the existing shorter fics to @yakkolicious-writing if you would prefer to read those on Tumblr. I can post the longer multichapters too, but the only real benefit of that is that I can give some more specific info.))
((In addition, you may have seen a character by the name of Hailyn Warner on this blog. She is not my OC, but rather she's the original character of my close friend @silly-lil-lee. Hailyn and her twin brother Rylan do have Groove AU forms where they are 10 years old, and they sometimes do appear on this blog. They are canon to the blog, but they will not appear in any fanfictions since they aren't my characters. They have a blog of their own, so if they catch your eye and you have a question for them, you can ask them here.))
Keep things SFW. The Warners are all still minors.
Please be nice. Don't send an ask to complain about my headcanons and do NOT harass askers, including anons.
No magic anons. All magic anon asks will be deleted.
((With that, feel free to send Yakko, Wakko, and Dot some questions!))
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somehhuuuhh · 9 months
Breloom sans!!
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Okay, a quick summary about him the au that he comes from is poketale reborn (my version of poketale), and he is the ruler of the grass type pokemon. Also, this isn't sans, just a breloom control sans body after he die. Sorry if you didn't understand that. I will tell you more eventually.
And you guys can send him ask, and there is a small and messy comic about how he joined in the small friendship group
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"Heh, I tried"
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Tell makoto he's silly pls /affectionate
Oh, well, thanks! I don’t think I’ve ever been called that before! I may not know you personally, but I think you’re silly too! - 🍀
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astateofdreams · 1 month
Guys guys
Ask us things, I'm out of posting ideas
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brightside-brigade · 2 months
ooooo you wanna interact with me and send asks so bad oooooo
You wanna ask me questions about myself and my interests ooooooooo woo ooo
Please :3
All the tags are things I am/like/ect
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ihopesocomic · 3 hours
Ngk now I wanna know what the light siblings were as cubs and how much Bright probably chased after her younger siblings(she just wants to play tag)
I have drawn baby onion-head himself. But yeah Bright definitely played rough. I'd love to show a brief flashback of them as cubs, but we'll see. - Cat
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ihopesocomic · 2 days
After rolling my eyes at Nothing falling for Hover after five seconds, I appreciate that Hope and Storm are taking their relationship slow and getting to know each other first. It was a long time that they were separated, after all. It also makes me feel they both care for each other in the platonic sense that they did when they were children too and makes their relationship feel more organic and also allows Adamant to be less of a third wheel. Just great work on these character dynamics!
Thank you so much, anon, and yep, that always bothered me too. They only knew each other a solid two minutes and Nothing is suddenly deciding Hover is "the one(tm)"? Nothing, c'mon now. You don't know about anything about this chick and what you do know about her is ableist and obnoxious.
Which soon escalates to her being abusive and selfish in a few episodes oof
And that's just the thing. If you take away the fact that the show was obviously rushing them together in a bid to score the ship art and the 'squeee gay rep!' comments, it's blatantly obvious Nothing forms an attachment to Hover because she's only marginally less terrible than her family. If one were to look at things in a therapeutic sense, Nothing just comes across as emotionally vulnerable and needy. Combine this with how Hover also develops: it's not a good look, chief.
If this has been a cishet couple, people would've been way less smitten with the idea of a full blown relationship being developed in less than a single episode. I saw somebody say somewhere that Hover was able to get away with being the character she was simply because she wasn't a guy and I agree with that observation.
I'm pleased with the way we've handled Hope and Storm in comparison because not only was Hope exposed to a brief but vital moment of friendship and respect as a child (when she certainly needed it) but it allowed us to develop things more organically outside of just having them being this gay couple circus attraction to try and sell the comic on.
We just wanted them to be like any other couple that appreciates and listens to each other, so that means having them work out each other's likes/dislikes and limitations and needs without just sticking them together for plot convenience or clout. c: - RJ
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ihopesocomic · 1 day
See something funny
When I watched My Pride I always thought Feather was just Nothing's step-brother
Makes sense, son of her step-father, that's her step-brother
But then I watched your review on it and yall kept calling him her cousin and I went???? No that's her step brother
Until I realized, no he IS also her cousin, her mom and his mom are sisters AND I DIDNT KNOW
They did SUCH a bad job with establishing basic character relationships that I didn't know that Powerstrike and Waterhunter were sisters.
Powerstrike and Waterhunter literally never interact it's hard to tell if they even know each other????
Like in IHS you can instantly tell the relationships between Clever, Careful, and Vicious and you can tell they're sisters because omfg they actually talk and interact like they know each other!!!🫨🫨🫨
Like you don't even need to make Waterhunter speak but just let her interact with ANYONE????
She feels like a such an outsider you can hardly tell that Nothing, our main character who she lived with and who grew up with her around, EVEN KNOWS WHO SHE IS
lmao yeah, we've got a lot of comments that are all 'you keep calling Feather her cousin when he's not, he's her little brother: this just proves you didn't watch the show properly and your whole argument is void!' and we're just there snickering because we know...
In some twisted way, nobody knows the ins and outs of this show like we do. We didn't study it for six months without dotting the i's and crossing the t's. We didn't ask for this. We could've become well versed in French or some shit but instead we became experts in My Pride lore. It's a curse. lolol
The only thing I think I messed up was calling Kyoga a 'god' once or twice but, in my absolute defence, she did transform into a literal god at one point so I don't know what the hell else I was supposed to call her. lol
But the weird thing about Waterhunter is that she was actually supposed to have lines and she did have a VA. The lines were just cut for whatever reason. I'm willing to suspect that Tribble probably found the notion of having a voiceless character quite funny but it just made her a big ol' waste of space. A lot of nonsensical things seem to happen just so Tribble could have her weird inside jokes (i.e. Nothing have that weird ass steak thing on her face, Feather randomly disappearing in the middle of the Nothing vs. Fire battle).
A lot of characters could've been combined here. Powerstrike and Waterhunter. Farleap and Feather. Maybe even Silentstalk combined with them two for good measure. There was also no reason for Quickmane and Proudmane to be separate characters either.
But thank you so much, anon. I think another thing that helps is that Cat also designed the three sisters to actually look related too. Powerstrike and Waterhunter not only do not remotely resemble each other but neither of them resemble their mother either. Which is weird because I don't recall Cow of the Wild having this issue. - RJ
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ihopesocomic · 1 day
My Pride is weird bc the gore for shock value is really the only thing "adult" about it. As far as plot and characters and themes it fits right in with YA xenofiction - yes, even "mature themes" like abuse and oppression are often covered in children's media like Wings of Fire and AtLA, that's not exclusive to adults. I feel like MP was actually intended for the same type of audience, but they added the unserious bobblehead disclaimers at the last minute bc they realized angry parents might come after them if their kids watched a Lion King-style YouTube video that turned out to be super violent and bloody.
Its really hard to tell who the audience for MP was outside of "people who were already fans of Tribble's warrior cat/cotw content". Can't be for children, cuz there's warnings (well "warnings" in the form of cute widdle bobbleheads with little fun quips from the characters)
Like is this for teens? I mean I know teens like a lot of crappy stuff (not me tho, I've always had impeccable taste /sarcasm)
Is this for adults? Cuz the messaging and writing is almost unfathomably immature. The messaging was so bad, people still don't understand what's so "problematic" about it. They think RJ and I are just mad because ableism and homophobia is in it. Like why do we have to keep explaining things to people. If people used their brains, or consumed literally anything else, they'd arrive to the conclusion themselves. After all a ton of the opinions we expressed in our video were already expressed by lots of other people beforehand and they didn't need us to tell them what to think lol
Even the violence was immature, which I can say because I love me some creative violence in my movies/shows. There's science behind violence, so you'd think a show that prides itself as being a "more mature Lion King" and believing itself to have a more realistic portrayal of lions, it would have realistic violence, but nope.
The violence in this show is sometimes hilariously censored, like for some reason Barkmane's body was completely blurred out when they had no qualms about showing Starmane and Quickmane's body, their injuries were not even indicative to anything based in reality
Karabi's throat was slashed open and her voice actor was just groaning (not the voice actor's fault, this is the fault of the director) and I dunno, I feel like I've seen enough slasher films to know a convincing dying noise when I hear one, but I don't expect people working for me to know what that sounds like so as a director it would be my responsibility to... you know... direct.
And Sharptongue's death, like I still don't know what was supposed to even be wrong with her. She just started having a coughing fit and died off-screen.
AND YET MP somehow manages to be really fucked up in its mediocrity?? Because it just shrugs off child death like the characters do.
It's not like resources aren't out there, people have been posting videos of lions killing each other on youtube for years lol
"Adult shows" that are easily outshined by kids shows in maturity are fascinating to me, and they're more commonplace and I don't know why. At least two other "adult shows" have so little respect for the intelligence of their audience that they put in a shit ton of information that adults get mad when they have to think about things. And/or they are so embarrassingly safe it's almost like they're made specifically to cater to kids.
I mean the fuckin Lion King straight-to-video sequel had an effective abusive family dynamic, so what's the excuse here exactly. (I mean I know the answer, it's because Tribble pulled heavily from Warrior Cats and didn't improve upon it.) - Cat
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ihopesocomic · 8 hours
I’ve had a couple questions and theories about IHS for the longest time, this is my first time asking anything because the curiosity is killing me
1. Were Hopeful and her siblings Viscous’s first litter and if so was Hopeful’s missing leg and her stillborn siblings bad luck or something to do with genetics?
2. You mentioned that Viscous saw Hopeful as a possession and didn’t name her, how come it wasn’t the same with Adament and Quiet? Ableism or something else?
Yes, Hopeful and her (dead) siblings were Vicious's first litter. As for the second part of this question, it could've been any number of things but Jasper hogging food from his pregnant mate certainly did not help matters.
Hopeful was her mother's first-born and the sole survivor of a stillborn litter so the stakes were different to Vicious than they were with Quiet and Adamant. Not to mention Adamant and Quiet weren't exempt from abuse (Quiet literally died and Adamant was subjected to physical abuse by Jasper on her watch), Vicious just went about abusing them in a different way. -- RJ
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ihopesocomic · 5 hours
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It would only be deemed to be flirting by people who don't know that flirting entails being nice to someone. It's like what RJ said a few asks ago, Hover was what an able-bodied individual's perception of being nice to a disabled person is. And Tribble naturally has no clue because she either didn't ask anyone with a disability if this was acceptable behavior for someone who was eventually decided during the whole process that she was going to be the love interest. Either that or she did ask and ignored any advice given to her.
She's not even the only person guilty of this. I see it all too often. People who write this type of "flirting" make me cringe so hard I turn inside out, as someone who is competent at flirting. Because they'll just have a character, and it's usually a lesbian character, be absolutely horrible to the person who is supposed to be their love interest. And sometimes these writers will brush it off as "teehee they're awkward" like no, you absolute embarrassment, they're being cruel. Cruelty isn't cute? Or funny. Or endearing. People who aren't even the least bit interested in flirting know how flirting works. Y'all really saw the "Get out of my school" lesbian and ran with it, huh
And Tribble even went so far as to call Hover a punk, which is hilarious because punks aren't ableist and they don't conform. That's literally the whole point, and Hover does both. If I was writing this and I opted to keep Hover the same as she is, she would absolutely be a bad guy.
Which is why I have to laugh at people who say that Storm is "better Hover" whether they mean it to be an insult or a compliment, because Storm is literally nothing like Hover. Trust me, if I wanted Storm to be "better Hover" we'd have written her as such. But unlike some people, we actually wanted proper butch representation, and that means having Storm act like a butch and not a stereotype of a butch. - Cat
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ihopesocomic · 22 hours
I feel like a lot of media with gory insta-deaths like Karabi aren't written with an understanding of how hardy animals are. Hope getting monched in any other comic would probably be her end, but that's just not how it works. There's muscles and thick skin and while animals often do die because of injuries, it's almost always the infection, slow bloodloss, or being unable to feed themselves/run away that does it. Throats don't just get ripped open lol even if it is more dramatic for them to.
Yeah exactly! Lions have been jabbed with horns and kicked by giraffes and a lot of them shake it off LOL but I think the most enraging thing in MP besides Nothing's face is how Quickmane was able to bite through Starmane's... mane, and kill him LOL not possible. Manes are thick and made for the specific purpose of protecting from bites from other lions. But if I had a nickel for every lion fact MP got wrong. Argh. Maybe I should do a list one day lol - Cat
MP lion anatomy be like: the windpipe is at the back of the throat, near the spine. Trust us. lol - RJ
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ihopesocomic · 1 day
I find Nothing's immediate attachment to Hover actually pretty realistic in a sad way.
She's been abused all her life, even before she was born into a society that told her she had little to no value to anyone because she was a female cub
Then she got injured defending herself and instead of protecting her her mother married the person who caused her disability and then put all the blame on her for being a child who was attacked.
Hover was the only person who wa remotely nice to her, of course she immediately fell for her eventhough Hover is terrible
She immediately attached herself to someone she thought was the one person who wouldn't treat her like her family did, and even when Hover treats her just as bad she still want sto be with her because Hover *has* to be different. Because if Hover treats her like nothing too, maybe that's just what she is
It's so depressingly realistic how Nothing jumps from bad familial relationship to bad romantic relationship
Like MP could've done something with that where it shows Nothing going from an abusive mom to an abusive partner and thinking that partner treats her better because she doesn't want to face reality or she just doesn't know how bad this is and only realizes when she meets someone else who does treat her right and she reflects on how awful Hover was(yknow with her meeting new friends she goddammit she deserves a healthy friendgroup who doesn't mistreat her or downplay the abuse she's faced)
Because Hover is just awful
But instead of addressing this very real thing victims of abuse go through with how people like Hover who jump at you for any mistake you make will 100% turn their back on you when you need their help because you didn't do what they want
They instead make it that Hover was just angwy guys :c and Nothing made mistakes too!
Ignore the fact that she left her disabled girlfriend to fight a bigger lion to defend her brother AFTER she just got berated by her mother for being disabled(Hover was too busy picking her nose to defend the supposed love of her life), only to then ALSO berate Nothing for missing her assessment while Nothing's life was just threatened, she was verbally abused, and her brother is in danger, AND HOVER DID NOTHING
but priorities
It's just
So scarily realistic how Nothing sought safety and love from a partner and she ended up with someone like Hover
And she was literally never treated with any kindness ever that she doesn't even know what it looks like anymore
I actually touched upon this in the other ask regarding Nothing x Hover where I said that Nothing appears to be emotionally vulnerable and needy in this situation and I was absolutely not giving the show kudos or leeway by saying that.
The bottom line is that folks like you and me care more about how these characters came across or could potentially come across than Tribble herself ever did.
Like you say, it would've been an ideal thing to show that Nothing is supposed to be in this vulnerable position with Hover. But the sickening thing is that the relationship is sold as being very healthy and wholesome to the point where there's a shit-ton of ship art out there where they're being just that.
Not to mention Hover wasn't even nice to her. She was what an able-bodied individual's perception of being nice to a disabled person is... which is asking intrusive questions about our disabilities, making jokes at the expense of our disabilities... You get the idea.
But yeah, I agree with all this and it just further solidifies why Nothing's relationship with Hover was very one-sided and abusive.
It could also be argued that Hover was also very used to only thinking about herself and nobody else as a prideless lion, hence why she chose to go off with Farleap and Silentstalk. Because they could offer what she felt Nothing could not, which were cheat codes to get through the huntress assessment.
But Hover fans like to pretend this didn't happen, of course. Along with everything else you've pointed out. Trust me, we've been there. It's certainly a group of stans that love to cherry-pick and ignore blatant evidence that their fave is problematic. lol - RJ
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