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senig-fandom · 2 years ago
Algunos escritos.
Ahora mismo estoy haciendo dibujos para responder preguntas, pero de la nada mi imaginación ataca y me da ideas bien chidas y otras bien culeras jajajaja.
El tema de hoy es México Sur de JapoMex Y
En esta ocasión son tres ideas, contare la base y algunas frases para que lloren conmigo jajajajajaja 
Mi querida Oaxaca.
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La historia comienza con un Sur joven acostado en una cama de madera, con solamente una tela y almohada, de repente escucha la puerta de su habitación siendo tocada, el se asusta un poco pero luego le dice abre. Sur ve a su hija menor Oaxaca, quien estaba llorando y temblando.
Sur se levanta de su cama y la levanta, mientras ella llora, despues el la acuesta junto a el y sin preguntarle las razones, simplemente usa sus manos para taparle los ojos y dice.
-Mi querida hija, quieres que juguemos a un juego? El juego trata de abrir y cerrar lo ojos, mientras recitas unas palabras mágicas, ¿Qué te parece?
La pequeña asiente y Sur dice las palabras mágicas.
-Lo que veo no existe y como no existe no lo puedo ver. Cuando yo acepte que existe, es cuando los podre ver. Ahora mi niña te toca.
La pequeña recito las palabras mientras cerraba los ojos y los abría con lentitud, y poco a poco lo que vio desaparecía.
Sur sabia que algunos sus hijos heredaron la habilidad de ver a los muertos, algunos los descubren antes otros no, por lo cual les enseña a como controlar ese poder, aunque la forma en la que el lo hizo fue algo dolorosa, prefiere esta nueva forma para sus hijos.
Así la pequeña poco a poco el cansancio la hizo quedarse dormida, y la pequeña de ojos dorados dormida tranquilamente al lado de su padre.
Tu eres mejor que nosotros.
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En esta historia se relaciona a tres mundos el original, el japomex Y y el Alesur AU
Después de que los tres pasaran la mejor noche de sus vidas con la familia que había formado el Sur de JMY, los otros dos tenían que despedirse, pero no antes de decir unas palabras.
-Hey Dan, tu tienes algo que he anhelado toda mi vida, mejor dicho, que hemos anhelado toda nuestra vida- Dijo el de ASAU
-Tienes una familia que te espera todos los días, hijos que te aman y respetan, hermanos que te quieren y se juntan sin pelear, es...algo que nunca creí que vería en mi existencia...y allí esta frente a mi, haciéndome sentir que me quede con ella- dijo el original.
-Se que a diferencia de nosotros, tu no lo aprecias tanto, pero...-Dijo el ASAU
-Si hubieras pasado por toda nuestra mierda, te juro que lo verías con otros ojos ojos- dijo el original.
-Pero...ustedes tienen algo igual ¿no?...- hablo despacio el sureño de JMY
-Igual no es...solo es algo que podemos apreciar, por muy poco tiempo, o simplemente aferrarnos a ello con miedo...-Dijo el ASAU
.Así que por favor...ámalos como nunca, ámalos como si nunca los volverías a ver, ama el legado de Alejandro...porque nosotros ya no podemos.-Lo pidió el original
Las lagrimas saltaron de ese joven sureño, mientras veían como sus otras dos contrapartes desaparecían ante sus ojos.
-Se que no lo harás, porque aun eres un nosotros, y nosotros...-Dijo el original
-Amamos demasiado fácil y nos rompemos demasiado fácil-Dijo el ASAU
Y con esas palabras finales, solo vio los rostros de esos dos sonreírle y desaparecer, mientras el soltó un llano ahogado, las lagrimas salían pero no la voz, y cuando escucho su nombre saliendo de la voz de una anciana, que al voltear vería a toda esa familia, el legado del amor de Azul y Alejandro, frente a el, pensando finalmente.
-*Los protegeré...claro que lo hare*- Dirigiéndose a ellos con una sonrisa.
Te amo.
(Recuerden esta basado esta historia en el mundo de Japomex Y)
( En una historia ellos estaban peleados, basado en la siguiente imagen)
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Sur tenia algo peculiar y es que siempre tiene mala suerte al amar, haciendo de su corazón soñar algún día con un romance como la de sus hermanos, pero no era posible.
El descubrió que Alemania, no lo amaba, y solo lo estaba utilizando par conseguir información para destruir a USA y a Rusia, toda su relación no era nada, solo palabras vacías.
En su cano de regreso a casa, pasando por los grandes campos vio a lo lejos a esa persona que lo lastimo y no dejaba de seguirlo. Casi como la parca vestida de negro, parado al final de su trayectoria.
Sur no quería mirarlo mas, solo siguió caminando sin decirle ninguna palabra, estaba harto de que lo usaran, que todo lo que amaba lo usaran para un beneficio que a el no le convenía.
-Dan...-Es interrumpido el alemán
-No me llames por mi nombre, a partir de este momento, soy México para ti,- sus palabras parecían temblar, pero al alemán como si fuera un descaro, no sonaba que le importara nada los sentimiento de el.
-Se que estas molesto, pero debo decirte que que es un error, si me dejaras explicar- un grito del sureño sonó en el campo, como un eco por todo el lugar, ese cállate parecía haber echo retroceder al Aleñan con sorpresa.
-Porque no me dejas...no vez que ya escuche suficiente...tu amas a Japón, y yo solo era una pequeña memoria para tu plan de hacer otra guerra- la voz se quebró, podías ori los sonidos de su nariz intentando detener los líquidos que salía, mientras las lagrimas se soltaban a mares- Porque de todos los que tuve que enamorarme era de la persona que ya sabia que no debía confiar...porque no puedo aprender...y tu vienes a decirme que quieres explicarme algo que escuche y vi con mis ojos...por favor...por favor, déjame solo...
El joven empezó a caminar, parecía que el Alemán ya no diría nada, hasta que soltó unas palabras que atraviesan al sueño con dolor
-Te amo...por favor... habla conmigo un momento...-Esa primeras dos palabras, las palabras que siempre anhelo escucharlas, hicieron aparición en este momento, cuando ya lo había traicionado, aparecían y l estrujaban el corazón, como si lo golpearan.
-Por favor... basta- Sur tapa sus oídos
-Daniel, por favor, regresemos...por favor...
-Basta.... ya no quiero esto...ya no quiero que me duela...
-Te amo...
-Por favor...yo te amo
.¡QUE BASTA!- Portales aparecieron rodeando a ambos, pero uno de ellos apareció debajo del alemán, haciéndolo caer en quien sabe done, pero a nuestro pobre sureño, ya no le importaba, solo ya no quería volver a llorar, mientas de se ponía en canclillas y seguía aplastando sus oídos, mientras el eco lo torturaba en ese enorme campo.
Bueno eso es todo, espero y les guste VwV
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thorntopieces · 1 year ago
So quick question
Would you happen to have a fic with good descriptions of what your version of the colours look like?
Or would you be willing to write that up?
Note: this is long lmao. Quick question, long answer /lh
I don't, as of yet, though one is in the works! It's one of the things I've been really struggling with! So far I have an illustration of Vio done (done by my girlfriend @mydmdcorner ) but we'll probably get to drawing the others soonish! I'm more than happy to give a description though!
They also have slightly different blond(e) hair colours, with Blue's being the palest and Vio's the darkest.
Red (he/him): he's the smallest of the bunch (but really we're talking about differences in millimetres and centimetres here, they're all small)! In A Brief Respite, he's described as the one that looks the most like their grandpa! His eyes are blue, lighter than Blue's. His hair is short but curly/wavy. I'll attach photos and other references under a read-more! He's also got freckles. As for his tunic, it looks very much like the one presented in the Four Swords Manga, though it now has 3/4 sleeves and has a normal hood (to replace the stupid Link hat, I just think it's silly). When he's sleepy or shy, he'll hide in the hoodie. The only reason the tunics are 3/4 sleeve lengths is because he kept burning the ends of the sleeves when they were full. No more long sleeves for Red. He also has some of the same piercing holes as Vio (helix piercings), but instead of having amethyst studs, it's golden hoops/rings.
Blue (she/her): Blue's a tricky case. She got into the Minish magic in an attempt to change her body to fit her gender which had some. Interesting consequences. She's kind of surrounded by a permanent glamour of the weirdest kind, so despite being female, she appears entirely male (short hair etc). She wants to grow her hair out tho (but only to a length that's still practical). She has dark blue eyes. She does not have freckles and her hair has the barest hint of waves. Her tunic is also similar to the manga, but she wears a different, thinner belt higher up on her waist (to make it look like she has wider hips) and her tunic is the longest of them all, brushing the tops of her knees. She currently has no piercings.
Green (he/him): My favourite sleepy boy. He more or less looks exactly like the manga version of Four Swords LInk. He's got green eyes with golden spots in them. He's also ditched the hat, but has the same hood that Four has, with the Ezlo decoration at the end. He's a sleepy boy, so the hood is long enough to fully cover his eyes if he needs to lay down to rest in the middle of the day. The shirt he wears under the tunic has longer sleeves so he can hide his hands. His boots are also more padded so walking is less exhausting/hurts less.
Vio (they/them): Has the longest hair of them all currently. It just brushes their collarbone. The front parts are braided and kept secure with magnetic beads that can be used to clip the hair back. They wear a similar tunic to LU!Four. The bottom part is also flared/split into multiple pieces to ease movement. They wear a thicker belt, but not the same one from the manga. On their hip they wear purple and black kinstone-shaped gems. They've got purple eyes and freckles, although less freckles than Red. They also wear the most piercings in their ears. I might still redesign their tunic some. I really like the tunic design for ASAU!Legend (note: ASAU is rated M/18+), so I might take inspiration from that when I get around to drawing Vio myself.
Hope that helps some! I've left a couple image references below the read more for you! I don't have the spoons to image describe them currently, but I might get that done within the next day or so. If that's an immediate issue, I'll try to get it done tonight!
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DISCLAIMER: I do not claim this as my art, this is the initial tunic redesign sketch me and my gf did as we tried to figure stuff out. It's redrawn over one of JoJo's (@/linkeduniverse) drawings of Four. Please do not see this as my art. The headband should also not be there for my Vio. Oops.
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This is another drawing of Vio. The hair is wrong. Disregard that please. Vio also doesn't have ears. Oops. This is my girlfriend's art. (The Minish you see is Bubble, you can meet them in the first chapter of Dark Hair Significance)
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This is my current profile picture and is of Vio! Here you can see the piercings Vio has, too. The Minish tail/feather isn't one they commonly wear. They left that behind in their Hyrule to keep it safe. Depending on the day, they do the braids a little different. This drawing was also done by my girlfriend.
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This hairstyle is roughly what I imagine for Red, maybe a bit shorter (Source: Gentlemen's Magazine).
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And of course a reference for the Manga.
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ageless-soul-au · 2 years ago
List of Links - in kind of chronological order!
Ages are at the start of the adventure. Look up any character on the blog by using "#ASAU [name]"!! Refer to the timeline for exact placement. If any details change, we'll update this post!
First - he/him, cis, bi, 29, 6'4 / 193cm - Hylia's chosen warrior, the first hero whom the others inherit the Hero's Spirit from, married to Stella (OC), Warriors' father
Sky - he/him, cis, bi, 25, 5'10 / 178cm - Hero from Skyward Sword, married to Sun, father of twins Solara and Polaris (Sola and Polly)
Myriad - he/him, cis, it's complicated, 36, 5'10.5 / 179cm - Hero of the era 10,000 years before Breath of the Wild (10k Era) and the First Calamity, technically married to Monarch but they're kinda divorced, father of Colt and Camille
Four - plural they (he/him if necessary), system, 17, 4'9 / 145cm - Hero(es) from Minish Cap & Four Swords Adventures
Red - she/they, femme NB, panrom gray ace, 4'5 / 135cm
Vio - he/they, demiboy, homorom demi, 4'7 / 139cm
Green - he/him, cis, aroace, 4'9 / 145cm
Blue - he/him, basically cis, demi, 4'11 / 149cm
(Bonus! Shadow - he/it, creature, gay, 4'9 / 145cm)
Cinder - he/him, cis, straight, 24, 5'11 / 180cm - Hero from Termina before Majora's Mask, took over the quest for Termina's previous hero when he got injured, fought Majora and adventured with Navi
Flicker - he/him, cis, babey, 9, babey height - Fallen Hero from OoT, pulled the sword and was never put to sleep, died fighting Beast Ganon
Time - he/him, cis, questioning, 21, 6'1 / 185cm - Hero from Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask
Wind - he/him, cis, doesn't care (demi), 17, 5'8 / 173cm (as of the beginning) - Hero from Wind Waker & Phantom Hourglass
Twilight - he/him, cis, bi open/polyam, 28, 6'0 / 183cm - Hero from Twilight Princess, married to Midna
Fae - she/her, transfemme NB, lesbian, 18, 5'7 / 170cm - Heroine from before Hyrule Warriors, split Ganondorf's soul into four parts, reintroduced Great Fairies post-TP pre-BotW, green witch
Legend - he/him, transmasc/GNC-ish, bi/pan polyam, 20, 5'3 / 160cm (boots make him 5'6 / 167cm) - Hero from A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons & Ages, Link's Awakening, & A Link Between Worlds
Bonus! Ravio - he/him, cis, gay leaning pan polyam, 20, 5'7.5 / 171cm - Legend's Lorulean counterpart (and boyfriend) from ALBW
Hyrule - they/them, non binary/agender, aroace, 18, 5'8 / 173cm - Hero from the Legend of Zelda (Hyrule Fantasy/LoZ '86) & the Adventure of Link
Warriors - he/(she/they), cis(?) (genderfluid), bi polyam, 26, 6'3 / 190cm - Hero from Hyrule Warriors, hasn't had the gender epiphany yet but they'll get there (edit: they've gotten there!!)
Champion - he/him, cis(?), bi, 19, 5'2 / 157cm - Hero from pre-Calamity Breath of the Wild
Wild - they/any/neos, genderqueer/pangender, pan polyam/open, 20, 5'7 / 170cm - Hero from Breath of the Wild (not TotK)
Tears - he/him, cis(?), pan, 20s, 5'7 / 170cm - Hero from Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild (but who isn't the same person as Wild...)
Odyssey - he/him, cis, bi polyam, 20, 5'10 / 178cm - Hero after Breath of the Wild, completed his quest alongside his Zelda and Ganondorf
Bonus! Legacy - she/her, cis, bi? polyam, 19, 5'7 / 170cm - Princess/Heroine of Odyssey's era, great-something granddaughter of Flora and Paya (not Wild)
Bonus! Hope - he/him, cis, bi polyam, 19, 6'10 / 208cm - Gerudo Prince/Hero of Odyssey's era, can channel his past lives
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ageless-soul-au · 3 years ago
And now I ask for more stuff about Four cuz I love them and they are my favorite. I forget if they/them is correct in this case.
Silver, hon, the only asks still in the box are about four and one of them is yours, I'm just not done with the art!!! But plural they is correct yes bc they're a system! I have just been. Busyyyyyy. And have not had time to draw Green or Vio. And green's design continues to irk and elude me.
But some things: (some of which I think u already know)
They live either alone or with their father atm (or pre asau)
Blue and red are super gay and married as hell
Red and Vio are not rlly boys (Vio sometimes)
Green thinks romance is icky in general but still likes affection, which Red is happy to supply
Red stress bakes and tries to rope everyone into it all the time if they're split
I think they keep the four sword on them all the time, somewhere in the house. They tried to live in one body for a long time and be "normal" but it was awful. And iirc it's not sealing anything after their quest so Clover was fine w them having it (anything to make her friend(s) suffer less)
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ageless-soul-au · 2 years ago
Oh wow we did make this post. This is. Old. Four is very different now. Lemme break it down.
Firstly, Four's body has been demoted and is now 4'9. Color heights vary. They're gonna get a dedicated post at some point but I'll correct this for now.
As a system, Four prefers plural they, to be referred to together, but is used to he in necessary situations. Generally says they're aroace for simplicity.
Red: she/they, feminine but doesn't really care to nail down her gender so functionally nb. Gender is Cute. Panromantic, gray ace with varying indifference about sex. Dating Blue.
Blue: he/him but doesn't mind they, masculine. Demi romantic/sexual. Really is only interested in Red like that. Suuuper downbad for his partner, he's hopeless.
Green: he/him, cis. Aroace. Not interested in anything rn but a qpr might be appealing.
Vio: he/they, demiboy. Homoromantic, demisexual. Dating Shadow. Loves his Creature boyfriend and wants to hug him sooooo bad.
(Bonus!) Shadow: he/it. enjoys its Creature status and embraces not really being human. Very gay. Values the emotional and physical intimacy of sex above everything else about the act.
Hi, I’ve just found this AU and I love it! Can you guys just explain who is with who and what is everyone’s gender/sexuality?
U H M.
....Thanks, fren 🤣🤣
Hey anon, we're so glad you like it!! We have a lot of characters and we don't have hard headcanons for everyone, but we can tell you what we've figured out! No one is 100% straight, even if they prefer the opposite gender. For the sake of time, I'm not gonna list gender if they're cis, which most of our characters are. Plus ages and heights bc that's fun. The chain + polycule of legend (Legend, Wars, Marin, Ravio, Nadea). Let's goooo!!
Twilight: 28, 6'0, bi, femme preference, married to Midna
Warriors: 26, 6'3, bi, no preference forreal, poly, with polycule of Legend
Sky: 25, 5'10, femme preference, married to his Zelda (Sun)
Colt: 22, 5'10, gay, arranged marriage to the Gerudo chief Ayvira (his best friend) but has a boyfriend Perci
Cinder: 22, 5'11, femme preference, with Queen Hilda
Time: 21, 6'1, questioning sexuality, poly? He's figuring it out, likes Malon but hasn't made a move yet, has a crush on Sheik and his Zelda (Lullaby)
Legend: 20, 5'6, trans man (he/him) but kinda gnc, pan, no preference, poly, with polycule of Legend
Wild: 20, 5'9, amab gnc/genderfluid but doesn't like to label it (he/him for convenience but also they/she/whatever), pan af, poly & open, with Sidon, Paya, and his Zelda (Flora), has a lot of fwb scattered everywhere
Odyssey: 20, 5'10, amab gnc? Loose concept of gender like Wild but predominantly masc (he/him), no preference, poly, with his Gan (Hope) and Zelda (Legacy)
Champion: 19, 5'8.5, cis...?, no preference, poly, with Mipha, his Zelda (Scholar), and a Gan (Scout)
Fae: 18, 5'7, amab non binary lady (she/her, maybe they), sapphic, crushing on her Zelda (nickname TBD)
Hyrule: 18, 5'8, amab non binary (they/them), demi, femme preference, with a Gerudo seamstress Vima
Four (individual colors vary in everything except age): 17, 5'3, masc aligning (he/him for everyone), all on aroace spectrum (Vio had history with Shadow before he figured that out)
Wind: 17, 5'8, femme preference, with Tetra
Nadea: 23, 5'6.5, pan, no preference really, poly, with polycule of Legend
Marin: 21, 5'5, pan, no preference, poly, with polycule of Legend
Ravio: 20, 5'7.5, likes pretty people but hella gay, masc preference, poly, with polycule of Legend
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