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lwcapm · 1 year ago
Krypto-ETFs auf dem Vormarsch: Wird die SEC bis zum 13. August entscheiden?
In der sich rasch entwickelnden Welt der Kryptowährungen zeichnet sich eine bemerkenswerte Veränderung ab: Die mögliche Einführung von Krypto-Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Aktuell befinden sich mehrere Anträge namhafter Vermögensverwalter bei der US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde SEC in der Prüfung. Dieser Schritt wird von Analysten und Investoren mit gespannter Erwartung verfolgt, während eine wichtige Frist am Horizont steht.
Die aktuelle Dynamik im Bereich Kryptowährungen ist vielfältig und facettenreich. Ein Hauptgrund dafür sind die jüngsten Anträge, die bei der US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde SEC eingegangen sind. Größen wie das US-Investmentunternehmen Ark Invest und der renommierte Krypto-Investor 21Shares haben Anträge für börsengehandelte Krypto-Indexfonds (ETFs) eingereicht. Diese Bemühungen könnten laut Cathie Wood, der Gründerin von Ark Invest, eine bedeutende Wendung herbeiführen, indem sie möglicherweise den Weg für die Zulassung mehrerer Bitcoin-ETFs ebnen. Die Entscheidung über den beantragten Bitcoin-Spot-ETF von ARK Invest soll eigentlich bis zum 13. August erfolgen, doch aufgrund der Komplexität rechnet Wood mit einer Verzögerung. Interessanterweise hat die SEC insgesamt acht Anträge angenommen und befindet sich derzeit in der Prüfungsphase. Weitere renommierte Akteure wie Blackrock, Fidelity, WisdomTree, VanEck, Invesco und der Krypto-Asset-Manager Bitwise gehören zu den weiteren Antragstellern.
Cathie Wood geht davon aus, dass die SEC in absehbarer Zeit eine grundlegende Entscheidung treffen wird. Der Schlüssel liegt darin, ob die Behörde sich dazu durchringt, diese Produkte zuzulassen. "Ich denke, dass die SEC, wenn sie einen Bitcoin-ETF genehmigen wird, mehr als einen auf einmal genehmigen wird", äußerte sich Wood in einem kürzlichen Interview mit Bloomberg zuversichtlich.
Andere Branchenexperten teilen diese optimistische Sichtweise. Mike Novogratz, CEO des Digital-Asset-Managers Galaxy, ist der Überzeugung, dass die Einführung eines Bitcoin-ETFs in den USA nur eine Frage der Zeit ist. James Seyffart, ETF-Analyst bei Bloomberg, vertritt die Meinung, dass für die SEC der einfachste Weg darin bestünde, mehrere Krypto-Fonds gleichzeitig zuzulassen.
Die Frage nach Krypto-ETFs ist zweifelsohne von großer Bedeutung, sowohl für Investoren als auch für die Aufsichtsbehörden selbst. Dies wird besonders deutlich anhand eines kürzlichen rechtlichen Streits zwischen der SEC und dem digitalen Vermögensverwalter Grayscale, nachdem die Umwandlung des Spot Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) in einen ETF abgelehnt wurde. Ein ähnlicher Antrag von BlackRock im Juni dieses Jahres wurde ebenfalls abgelehnt. Die Genehmigung von Krypto-ETFs könnte nicht nur die Kurse von Kryptowährungen, sondern auch das Vertrauen in diese aufstrebende Anlageklasse stärken.
Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass der Markt für Kryptowährungen in stetiger Bewegung ist. Ein wesentlicher Katalysator für die jüngsten Entwicklungen sind die eingereichten Anträge bei der US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde. Größen wie das US-Investmentunternehmen Ark Invest und der renommierte Krypto-Investor 21Shares haben Anträge für börsengehandelte Krypto-Indexfonds (ETFs) eingereicht. Diese Anträge könnten den Weg ebnen, um Bitcoin-ETFs letztlich zu legitimieren. Bis zum 13. August sollte ursprünglich die Entscheidung über den beantragten Bitcoin-Spot-ETF von ARK Invest erfolgen. Allerdings gibt es bereits Andeutungen, dass diese Frist womöglich nicht eingehalten werden kann.
Der Blick auf den Kalender enthüllt ein interessantes Detail: Der 13. August fällt auf einen Sonntag. Bundesbehörden wie die SEC arbeiten üblicherweise nicht an Wochenenden. Dies wirft die Frage auf, wann genau die Entscheidung fallen wird. Eine mögliche Überlegung wäre, dass, wenn es zu keinen Verzögerungen kommt – was zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht absehbar ist –, die Entscheidung bereits am Freitag, den 11. August 2023, bekannt gegeben werden könnte. Dies würde es der SEC ermöglichen, die Angelegenheit rechtzeitig vor dem Wochenende zu klären.
Dennoch bleiben die genauen Zeitpläne und der Ausgang dieser Entwicklungen unsicher. Die Natur der Bundesbehördenarbeit und die mögliche Komplexität der Anträge könnten Verzögerungen mit sich bringen. Es bleibt abzuwarten, wie die SEC letztendlich handeln wird und welche Auswirkungen diese Entscheidung auf den Kryptowährungsmarkt und darüber hinaus haben wird.
Insgesamt steht die Krypto-Welt möglicherweise vor einem Wendepunkt, während wir auf die Entscheidung der SEC warten. Die Frist des 13. August 2023 wirft die Frage auf, wann genau diese Entscheidung getroffen wird, und ob eine mögliche Ankündigung bereits am Freitag, den 11. August, erfolgen könnte. Während wir die Entwicklungen verfolgen, bleibt die Krypto-Community gespannt auf die Zukunft dieser aufregenden neuen Finanzinstrumente.
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ameycomstat · 11 months ago
BlackRock, Ark, and other firms have submitted final amendments for their U.S. Bitcoin ETF applications to the SEC, amidst speculation of impending regulatory decisions. Bitcoin's price surged over $47,000, marking its biggest one-day gain since October. The ETFs, pending SEC approval, could significantly impact the crypto market, attracting both retail and institutional investments. However, previous SEC rejections due to concerns over fraud and market manipulation pose challenges. The outcome could redefine the regulatory landscape for digital assets​.
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kriptokritik · 1 year ago
Bitcoin ETF'leri, Kripto Pazarını Yeniden Şekillendiriyor
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Son dönemlerde finans dünyasının gözdesi haline gelen Bitcoin ETF'leri, kripto para piyasalarında yeni bir yükseliş dalgası başlattı. Yatırımcıların merakla takip ettiği bu finansal araçlar, Bitcoin'in değerini ve kripto para piyasasının genel görünümünü olumlu yönde etkilemeye devam ediyor. Bitcoin borsa yatırım fonları (ETF'ler), yatırımcılara Bitcoin'e doğrudan maruz kalmadan, geleneksel borsa mekanizmaları aracılığıyla yatırım yapma imkanı sunuyor. Bu yenilikçi finansal ürünler, Bitcoin'in daha geniş yatırımcı kitleleri tarafından kabul görmesini sağlayarak, kripto para birimlerine olan güveni artırıyor. ETF'lerin popülaritesinin artmasıyla birlikte, Bitcoin'in fiyatında gözle görülür bir artış yaşandı. Analistler, bu eğilimin, kripto para birimlerinin ana akım finansal sistemlerle daha entegre hale gelmesiyle birlikte sürmesini bekliyor. Bitcoin ETF'leri, hem bireysel hem de kurumsal yatırımcılar için cazip bir yatırım aracı haline gelmiş durumda. Bu gelişmeler, Bitcoin ve genel olarak kripto para piyasasının geleceği adına umut verici. Bitcoin ETF'lerinin sunmuş olduğu kolaylık ve erişilebilirlik, kripto para birimlerinin benimsenmesini hızlandırırken, piyasalarda yeni bir yükseliş trendinin kapılarını aralıyor. Yatırımcılar, Bitcoin ETF'lerinin piyasadaki volatiliteyi azaltıp azaltmayacağını ve kripto para birimlerinin değerinin daha da artıp artmayacağını yakından izlemeye devam ediyor. Read the full article
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ladookhotnikov · 1 year ago
Two filings on ETH ETF. Are you serious?
Two courageous Crypto companies, 21Shares and ARK Invest, inspired by Grayscale’s crushing victory over the SEC, have applied for Ethereum ETF.
If you look at this from the perspective of the short term, I do not believe in the possibility of approval of the application in the foreseeable.
The regulator, as always, has a particular view of cryptocurrency. It struggles to protect potential investors from risks and prevent market manipulation. The solution offered is simple - do not allow the release of ETF. No market - no manipulation. It is simply genius!
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Do you remember how long serious and influential investment companies have been trying to get permission for Bitcoin ETF? Finally, Grayscale won in court! And what, did the SEC ran to execute the decision? Not at all, the regulator has plenty of legal ways to delay permission indefinitely.
Now imagine – somebody requests for a new ETF with an asset to which the SEC is most hostile. Obviously, it’s for a very long time!
I think that applying is more of a marketing move than a real desire for permission. If so, then the advertising has achieved its goal, and in terms of costs and outreach, the result was simply magnificent.
As for the feasibility of making bids for ETH and other Crypto ETFs, I believe that you should at least wait for a decision on Bitcoin, and only then move forward to other cryptocurrencies. But if you are going to do self-promotion, please note, the method is not patented and you can use it!
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cryptotechnews24 · 2 years ago
ARK Invest's $12 Million Coinbase Share Sale: Impact on Crypto Market
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Cathie Wood's investment firm, ARK Invest, has recently sold $12 million worth of Coinbase shares amidst the stock's impressive climb to a near one-year high. This decision comes in the wake of Coinbase's announcement regarding a surveillance-sharing agreement with five spot bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) applicants. As a result, Coinbase's stock price soared by 16% on Thursday. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has previously indicated that comprehensive surveillance-sharing agreements are crucial for the approval of spot bitcoin ETFs.
ARK Invest's Coinbase Holdings
ARK Invest, known for its focus on innovative technology companies, currently holds close to 11 million shares of Coinbase across its various funds. This sizable investment positions ARK as one of the largest holders of Coinbase stock. In terms of portfolio weightage, the Coinbase holding represents 6.2% of ARK's total fund weight. According to market data, the estimated cost average for COIN shares held by ARK's funds is as follows: $239.60 for the Ark Fintech Innovation ETF (ARKF), $254.65 for Ark's ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK), and $242 for ARK Next Generation Internet ETF (ARKW). These figures reflect the average purchase prices of COIN shares across the different funds.
Recent ARK Transactions
In early June, ARK Invest made a significant buy of Coinbase shares, amounting to $21.6 million. This move came shortly after the SEC filed a lawsuit against Coinbase, causing the company's stock to plummet. Since the SEC's lawsuit on June 6, Coinbase's stock has experienced a remarkable recovery. On Tuesday, the stock closed nearly 10% higher at $89.15. Overall, Coinbase's stock has surged by an impressive 72% following the legal action taken by the SEC.
Implications and Outlook
ARK Invest's decision to divest $12 million of Coinbase shares raises questions about the firm's outlook on the cryptocurrency exchange and its long-term potential. While the recent surge in stock price and positive developments, such as the surveillance-sharing agreement, have contributed to the stock's momentum, it remains to be seen how this transaction will impact ARK's overall investment strategy. As Cathie Wood's ARK Invest continues to actively manage its portfolio, investors and market participants will closely monitor future movements regarding Coinbase and other high-profile holdings. Given ARK's reputation for identifying disruptive trends and investing in companies with significant growth potential, its decisions in the cryptocurrency space are of particular interest.
In conclusion, ARK Invest's recent sale of $12 million worth of Coinbase shares amid the stock's impressive climb underscores the dynamic nature of the investment landscape. The firm's actions demonstrate its proactive approach to portfolio management and its focus on optimizing investment opportunities. As the market evolves and regulatory landscapes shift, the future positioning of ARK Invest and its holdings will undoubtedly capture the attention of investors worldwide. For more articles visit: Cryptotechnews24 Source: coindesk.com
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bobasheesh · 2 years ago
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Hey guys, check out our latest video- #Crypto Mining Losses | #Voyager Selling | #Huobi & #KuCoin | #Ark added more #Coinbase shares 🔰Credits to the original news content sources- 1- #CryptoMiner Hive Blockchain Posted Net Loss of $90.4M for Q3 2022- https://cryptopotato.com/crypto-miner-hive-blockchain-posted-net-loss-of-90-4m-for-q3-2022/ 2- Voyager is selling #cryptoassets through Coinbase, suggests #onchain data- https://cointelegraph.com/news/voyager-is-selling-crypto-assets-through-coinbase-suggests-on-chain-data 3- 2 Of World’s Biggest #CryptoExchanges Reportedly Allowed Sanctioned Russians To Transact- https://bitcoinist.com/crypto-sanctioned-russian-banks-allowed-to-transact/ 4- #CathieWood's #ArkInvest acquires more Coinbase shares for #ETFs- https://www.theblock.co/post/215183/cathie-woods-ark-invest-acquires-more-coinbase-shares-for-etfs —————————————————————————————————————— 🔰If you Want to get 100 USDT, Register on the world's biggest crypto exchange- Binance and deposit more than $50 into your account. We'll both get a 100 USDT cashback voucher! 👉 https://bit.ly/bobinance #️⃣ Let's connect  on Social Media:🌎 : 👍All links here (IG, Twitter, etc) - https://linktr.ee/cryptoikonmedia 📼 Also Streaming on Theta: https://www.theta.tv/cryptoikonmedia 💼 Business Inquiries: [email protected] 😎 Common username on all other major platforms: @cryptoikonmedia 🔰About us: CryptoIkon Media is a full-service Interactive #Crypto Media Agency. We provide 360-Degree Digital Branding & Marketing services to (Crypto, Defi, NFT, Web3, Metaverse & Blockchain) projects and companies. ——————————————————————————————————————— Disclaimer: Our content is not financial advice, legal advice or tax advice in any way, shape or form. Please do your own research. DM for credit or removal request (no copyright intended) ©️ All rights and credits reserved to the respective owner(s) . . . . . . #cryptonews #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #cryptotrading #blockchain #ethereum #btc #cryptocurrencies #bitcoinnews #bitcoins #cryptoworld #cryptoinvestor #eth #cryptocurrencynews ============= bob, bobasheesh, bobasheesh, cim, cryptoikonmedia, cryptoikonmedia, crypto, (at Delhi I New Delhi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpIJ4dnJ6Hl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kriptoradar · 1 year ago
SEC Draması Çözülüyor: Hatalar, Özürler ve Kripto Düzenlemelerinin Geleceği 🔍📉
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SEC Draması Çözülüyor
🔍📉  SEC Draması Çözülüyor: Hatalar, Özürler ve Kripto Düzenlemelerinin Geleceği https://x.com/kripto_radar/status/1738645562600173796?s=20 SEC'nin DEBT Box davasındaki yanlış iddiaları ve yanıltıcı açıklamalarıyla ilgili gelişmeler, federal bir hakim tarafından sorgulanıyor. Hakim Robert J. Shelby, SEC'nin hatalarını vurgulayarak geçici bir menfi tedbirin kaldırılmasına neden oldu. Coinbase'in Baş Hukuk Sorumlusu Paul Grewal, SEC'nin pişmanlığını sorgularken, SEC'nin şimdi yaptırım tehdidiyle karşı karşıya olduğu belirtiliyor. Ayrıca, SEC'nin spot Bitcoin ETF'leri konusundaki tutumunda değişiklik gözleniyor. SEC, Grayscale'in ETF dönüşümünü kabul etmesinden etkilenmiş gibi görünüyor ve Ocak ayında onaylanabilecek çok sayıda başvuru bekleniyor. Bu gelişmeler, kripto düzenlemeleri ve SEC'nin geleceği konusunda belirsizlik yaratıyor. SEC Draması Çözülüyor: Hatalar, Özürler ve Kripto Düzenlemelerinin Geleceği 🔍📉 via https://www.kriptoradar.com/sec-dramasi-cozuluyor/ Read the full article
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onlinegravy · 19 days ago
NEVER Invest Without Doing This First! #shorts #shortsvideo NEVER Invest Without Doing This First! #shorts #shortsvideo #investing #cryptocurrency #dollarcostaveraging #ARKInvest #CathieWood #techstocks #investmentstrategy #Bitcoin #financialtips #growthportfolio #marketvolatility #crypto Watch the full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqWdmGkJSaw via Online Gravy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9v5UhrL5hYKZmu2hkgCWfQ January 17, 2025 at 09:09PM
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bitcoincables · 1 year ago
Bitcoin's Potential for Massive Growth: Ark Invest Bullish Outlook
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Cathie Wood and her team at Ark Invest believe that Bitcoin has the potential to soar to $2.3 million, driven by institutional adoption and other factors. They argue that Bitcoin's low correlation with traditional assets makes it a valuable addition to investment portfolios, offering diversification benefits. With the launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs making it easier for institutional investors to access Bitcoin, demand for the cryptocurrency could increase significantly.
Ark Invest also points to technical indicators and the upcoming halving event as catalysts for a potential bull market in Bitcoin. The historical performance of Bitcoin over the long term has been positive, with holding the cryptocurrency for at least five years resulting in profits for investors. While the $2.3 million price target may seem ambitious, the current market conditions and developments in the cryptocurrency space suggest that Bitcoin could continue to climb in value.
In conclusion, Ark Invest's outlook on Bitcoin is bullish, highlighting the opportunities for growth and the importance of a long-term perspective for investors. While the future of Bitcoin remains uncertain due to market volatility and regulatory factors, the fundamentals and catalysts mentioned by Ark suggest that the cryptocurrency could see further gains in the years to come. #Bitcoin #Cryptocurrency #ArkInvest #Investing #Bitcoin #Cryptocurrency #ArkInvest #Investing
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matthewegbe-blog · 1 year ago
BREAKING: 🇺🇸 SEC approves all Spot #Bitcoin    ETFs.
VanEck Bitwise Fidelity Franklin Valkyrie Hashdex ArkInvest Grayscale BlackRock WisdomTree Invesco Galaxy “Bitcoin cryptocurrency collage element psd“/ CC0 1.0
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kawaiihottubheart · 1 year ago
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देवकीनंदन जी कहते हैं कि श्रीकृष्ण जी ही सबसे सर्वोच्च भगवान हैं। लेकिन संत रामपाल जी महाराज ने वेदों में दिखाया है कि कबीर जी ही भगवान हैं।
हिन्दू भाई अब तो संभलो।
#ARKInvest #arki
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thesmartinvestorchannel · 1 year ago
Las 10 principales posiciones en el ETF ARKK representan casi el 65% del total. Las acciones son $TSLA, $ZM, $ROKU, $COIN, $EXAS, $SQ, $PATH, $SHOP, $TDOC y $DKNG.#arkk #ARKInvest #beststocks #ETF #stocks #stockmarket #MejoresAcciones #trading #investing
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digitaldanknes-blog · 1 year ago
Cathie Wood's Crystal Ball: Bearish Shadows, Moderate Expectations, and Best-Case Scenarios 🌌🔮💼 #ARKInvest #StockMarketProjections #InvestmentStrategies #MarketForecasts #BullsVsBears #cryptonewsalerts
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ailtrahq · 1 year ago
ETH landed at the top of crypto trends for the first time in over a year. Ethereum’s funding Rate surged as well. The recent announcement of Ethereum’s [ETH] ETF filing has generated significant Interest in the asset over the past 24 hours. Have these increased levels of attention had any noticeable effects on its performance metrics? Read Ethereum’s [ETH] Price Prediction 2023-24 Ethereum tops crypto trend An 8 September report from Santiment revealed that Ethereum had claimed the top spot on the crypto trend. The development followed the News of its spot ETF filing, which was reported on 7 September.  🥊 #ArkInvest & #21Shares are bidding for the coveted slot as the 1st spot Ethereum?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer">#Ethereum ETF?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer">#ETF. Trader speculation & optimism has been enough to make $ETH the top trending asset in #crypto for the 1st time since last year's #halving. Explore the dashboard. 👇 pic.twitter.com/werxi7qDlB — Santiment (@santimentfeed) September 8, 2023 The ETF filing, submitted by Ark Investment and 21 Shares, has the potential to grant more users access to Ethereum and subsequently increase its liquidity and Price. This development sparked significant speculation in the Market, propelling ETH to a trending position it hadn’t held since its halving last year.  However, as of this writing, the trend has subsided. Also, ETH had dropped to the ninth position on the trend chart, with a 24-hour social volume of approximately 481. Analyzing Ethereum’s social volume and dominance When examining Ethereum’s social volume, it’s evident that there was no significant surge in response to the ETF filing News. Instead, the chart illustrated a substantial decline in social volume since June. Before the press time level, social volume averaged around 10,000. But as of this writing, the social volume had dwindled to 633. Source: Santiment On the other hand, a closer look at the social dominance metric did reveal a slight increase on 7 September when it reached over 9%. However, as of this writing, it had decreased to approximately 7%. State of Ethereum addresses As per the new address metric provided by Glassnode, the ETF News had a modest impact. The metric indicated a slight uptick in new Ethereum addresses on 6 September, followed by a minor decline on 7 September. As of this writing, the number of new addresses has exceeded 73,000. Source: Glassnode Furthermore, when considering the seven-day active addresses metric from Santiment, a slight increase was observed on 7 September. This metric transitioned from approximately 2.7 million addresses to about 2.8 million. As of this writing, it remained stable at around 2.8 million. ETH funding Rate and Price trend The most notable surge in optimism stemming from the ETF filing was reflected in Ethereum’s funding Rate on ETH" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow external noreferrer" data-wpel-link="external">Coinglass. Notably, on 7 September, ETH’s funding Rate reached its highest level since 18 August, peaking at 0.0082%. Is your Portfolio green? Check out the ETH Profit Calculator Subsequently, at press time, the funding Rate had decreased but remained in positive territory. This suggested that traders were expressing confidence in a future increase in the Price of ETH. Source: TradingView ETH was Trading at approximately $1,641 at press time, experiencing a slight loss of less than 1%. It had closed at roughly $1,648 in its preceding Trading session, marking a Price increase of over 1%.
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bobasheesh · 2 years ago
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Hey guys, check out our latest video- #Crypto Mining Losses | #Voyager Selling | #Huobi & #KuCoin | #Ark added more #Coinbase shares 🔰Credits to the original news content sources- 1- #CryptoMiner Hive Blockchain Posted Net Loss of $90.4M for Q3 2022- https://cryptopotato.com/crypto-miner-hive-blockchain-posted-net-loss-of-90-4m-for-q3-2022/ 2- Voyager is selling #cryptoassets through Coinbase, suggests #onchain data- https://cointelegraph.com/news/voyager-is-selling-crypto-assets-through-coinbase-suggests-on-chain-data 3- 2 Of World’s Biggest #CryptoExchanges Reportedly Allowed Sanctioned Russians To Transact- https://bitcoinist.com/crypto-sanctioned-russian-banks-allowed-to-transact/ 4- #CathieWood's #ArkInvest acquires more Coinbase shares for #ETFs- https://www.theblock.co/post/215183/cathie-woods-ark-invest-acquires-more-coinbase-shares-for-etfs —————————————————————————————————————— 🔰If you Want to get 100 USDT, Register on the world's biggest crypto exchange- Binance and deposit more than $50 into your account. We'll both get a 100 USDT cashback voucher! 👉 https://bit.ly/bobinance #️⃣ Let's connect  on Social Media:🌎 : 👍All links here (IG, Twitter, etc) - https://linktr.ee/cryptoikonmedia 📼 Also Streaming on Theta: https://www.theta.tv/cryptoikonmedia 💼 Business Inquiries: [email protected] 😎 Common username on all other major platforms: @cryptoikonmedia 🔰About us: CryptoIkon Media is a full-service Interactive #Crypto Media Agency. We provide 360-Degree Digital Branding & Marketing services to (Crypto, Defi, NFT, Web3, Metaverse & Blockchain) projects and companies. ——————————————————————————————————————— Disclaimer: Our content is not financial advice, legal advice or tax advice in any way, shape or form. Please do your own research. DM for credit or removal request (no copyright intended) ©️ All rights and credits reserved to the respective owner(s) . . . . . . #cryptonews #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #cryptotrading #blockchain #ethereum #btc #cryptocurrencies #bitcoinnews #bitcoins #cryptoworld #cryptoinvestor #eth #cryptocurrencynews ============= bob, bobasheesh, bobasheesh, cim, cryptoikonmedia, cryptoikonmedia, crypto, (at Delhi I New Delhi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpIJKREplrN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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news247worldpressposts · 2 years ago
#Breaking: . @arkinvest has sold $12 million worth of #COIN as #bitcoin #ETF surveillance deal has pushed the #stock to near yearly highs.
.@arkinvest has sold $12 million worth of COIN as bitcoin ETF surveillance deal has pushed the stock to near yearly highs. @thesamreynolds reports.https://t.co/MdypA3IgVA — CoinDesk (@CoinDesk) July 12, 2023 Source: Twitter
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