cristinabcn · 1 year
ESPAÑA: A unos minutos de Valencia, se realizó el 3er ENCUENTRO EMPRESARIAL PATERNA, CIUDAD de EMPRESAS
SPAIN: A few minutes from Valencia, the 3rd PATERNA BUSINESS MEETING was held, CITY of COMPANIES Organizado por APYMEP y PATERNA CIUDAD DE EMPRESAS Organized by APYMEP and PATERNA CITY of COMPANIES CARMEN FONS Periodista – Prensa Especializada El pasado 15 de junio, Empresarios, Profesionales de indistintos sectores, Autónomos y Emprendedores, se dieron cita en las instalaciones del cine…
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404-mind-not-found · 2 months
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Been a while since I posted anything about my ocs
Here's three of them at a gathering :]
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denorteanorte · 4 months
Pymes: “Les decimos no a la ley bases y al industricidio”
Un abanico de pequeñas y medianas empresas, del país, exteriorizó su rechazo a la aprobación de la “ley ómnibus” reciclada, en el Senado nacional. Hubo, entre muchos* otros, representantes de la Asamblea de Pequeños y Medianos Empresarios (Apyme); la Unión Industrial de San Martín; de la Central de Entidades Empresarias Nacionales (Ceen); Industriales Pymes Argentinos (IPA); el Movimiento…
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La Concejalía de Fiestas del Ayuntamiento de El Rosario, con la colaboración de la Asociación de Pequeños y Medianos Empresarios de El Rosario (Apymeer), organiza, el próximo sábado 11 de marzo, el Carnaval de Día “The 80’s Party”. Tendrá lugar en la plaza del Adelantado, en La Esperanza, desde las doce del mediodía hasta la
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bsasahoraok · 4 years
Capital: el consumo de tarjetas de crédito ya paga un 1,2% más de impuestos
Capital: consumos con tarjeta de crédito ya pagan un 1,2% más de impuesto #Tarjetasdecrédito #impuestos #suba #CapitalFederal #GobiernodelaCiudad #Coparticipación #consumo #CAME #APYME
Los consumidores de tarjetas de crédito de la ciudad de Buenos Aires pagarán una nueva tasa del 1,2% por el impuesto de timbre a partir de este viernes. El impuesto, que fue incluido en el presupuesto de 2021 y aprobado por la legislatura de Buenos Aires el pasado 10 de diciembre, entró en vigor. El impuesto de timbre sobre las tarjetas de crédito fue incluido por el gobierno de la ciudad con el…
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elcorreografico · 4 years
Trotta: “Fortalecer el sistema educativo es el mejor camino para el trabajo y el desarrollo sostenible”
📬 #NicolásTrotta: “Fortalecer el #sistemaeducativo es el mejor camino para el #trabajo y el #desarrollosostenible” 🌎 #Nacionales | #Educación | #Política | #Gremiales 💻
El ministro de Educación de la Nación, Nicolás Trotta, participó de la presentación del Programa Nacional de Educación para el Trabajo y el Desarrollo Sostenible, bajo el lema “Capacitar para trabajar, trabajar para producir”. La iniciativa busca unificar las diversas ofertas y actividades de la cartera educativa vinculadas a la producción, el trabajo y el desarrollo sostenible, así como su…
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araucanianoticias · 4 years
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“Plan Paso a Paso, Chile se Recupera” avanza en La Araucanía A mediados del mes de agosto, el Gobierno presentó el plan Chile Se Recupera que tiene como especial objetivo levantar de forma segura y gradual a nuestro país y ponerlo nuevamente en plena marcha, y en La Araucanía se ha establecido una mesa de trabajo público-privada para realizar un seguimiento a sus avances.
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canuelasnoticias · 4 years
La  Asamblea de Pequeños y Medianos Empresarios (APYME) en representación de miles de Micro, Pequeñas y Medianos empresarios de todo el país expresa su  respaldo a la negociación del Gobierno para defender la oferta de reestructuración de deuda pública contraída con acreedores privados  bajo jurisdicción
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eusouvirtuosa · 5 years
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[TEXTO NOVO] 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 . . . . “Existe um encanto peculiar na mulher que sabe que a beleza verdadeira está mais no que ela fala e faz do que naquilo que ela usa, que entende que entre maquiagens e livros o investimento mais seguro é aquele que a deixa mais culta e próxima do Criador. Uma mulher se destaca quando sabe o que vestir, mas cativa quando sabe o que falar. Uma mulher que entende que é capaz de ser tão bonita e gentil quanto inteligente e espirituosa tem tudo o que precisa para educar toda uma geração, suas habilidades se desenvolvem em virtudes, e ela se torna capaz de coisas como transformar um lugar inóspito em um lindo salão florido, ela faz com que o tom de uma conversa se altere só com um olhar, ela impede que palavras malditas sejam ditas à mesa só por estar presente, fala e age como quem tem sempre algo a ensinar e dificilmente terá medo de encarar o seu futuro, porque ela já leu até o fim aquele livro que garante que tudo terminará bem. Queridas, não precisamos deixar nossa vaidade de lado, ah não! A beleza feminina tem sua importância e seu lugar, mas entre nosso rostinho bonito e um intelecto memorável, prefiramos sempre impressionar por aquilo que fará a diferença na vida de alguém, porque a beleza há de passar, o conhecimento porém, assim como Aquele que o criou, é eterno. “ ~ Fernanda Jardim 🌸 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxzzW1-APYM/?igshid=10o465ls3ubtc
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infoprovincia · 3 years
Caja Rural de Extremadura y APYME Vegas Altas–La Serena premiarán por segundo año a las primeras empresas que se den de alta en Don Benito y Villanueva de la Serena
Caja Rural de Extremadura y APYME Vegas Altas–La Serena premiarán por segundo año a las primeras empresas que se den de alta en Don Benito y Villanueva de la Serena
Caja Rural de Extremadura y APYME Vegas Altas-La Serena ponen en marcha, por segundo año consecutivo, el programa ‘Impulsamos tu iniciativa empresarial’, un proyecto que premia a las dos primeras empresas que se den de alta en el año 2022 en Don Benito y Villanueva de la Serena. El objetivo de iniciativa es apoyar a los nuevos emprendedores de la zona, a través de un pequeño incentivo económico.…
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404-mind-not-found · 5 months
The Drawing (short OC thing)
I was bored and I haven't written anything that isn't Theatrics at Freddy's related for a while so I decided to write a short piece introducing a few of my OCs. There isn't much of a plot, this one focuses mainly on Lola and Andrew. I will probably make more of these in the future until all four characters have made significant appearances. :] Story under cut!
This was a problem.
It wasn't a grown-ups problem. It wasn't going to continue to bother her in about a day's time, and it certainly wasn't going to haunt her mind at night in a decade's time. It was a child's problem. Children's problems tended to feel very extreme in the moment, and Lola was feeling an extreme amount of weight in this moment.
Green... or teal? she wondered, looking at the 24 pack of pencils in front of her. Each one was ordered out by colour and sharpened to perfection. She always had them that way, except for when she was in the middle of colouring something. But even then, as soon as she was finished, it would go back in its rightful place.
Her hands eventually settled on the green, its triangular grip making it much easier for her to steady her hand. Before the instrument could hit her current piece, however, she heard the sound of her door opening and looked up.
In came Andrew, her father, with a smile on his face. He must have been in the garden again, Lola inferred, as she could see the dirt on his pants even from where she was sitting. She didn't say anything.
“What's going on in that little mind of yours now?” he questioned, leaning against the wall with a tilted gaze.
“I'm drawing,” she told him, looking back at her work. Despite her flat voice, her father knew she was in a generally good mood.
Andrew didn't have to step over anything as he approached. Lola was a neat kid, after all. Once he was close enough, he bent down to get a look at what she was drawing, instantly smiling once he recognised the identities of the characters. “Oh, is that us?”
Lola put her pencil down. “Yes. And Cotton.”
He scratched his stubble. “And Cotton,” he echoed. “But what about your mother?”
“No,” she said simply.
He sat down on her bed, making sure not to get dirt on the crisp floral pattern, and sighed. “I think it would be a very nice family picture, Lola.”
His daughter looked down at the picture. “This is my picture,” she read the title of the drawing out loud, tracing her finger across the letters to keep track, “daddy, Cotton and me.”
He frowned, seeing how stubborn she was acting. “Don't you think she would be sad if she wasn't included?”
Lola thought about it. “Maybe she would be sad. But I already wrote the name. I can't change it.”
But Andrew continued to be persistent. “Why not? You can add her title next to mine.” He pointed to a blank space on the paper. Lola was silent for a moment, but eventually nodded.
Her father sighed in relief, brushing his light brown hair out of his face. He resisted the urge to lean back onto the bed, knowing how Lola's mother was about keeping the house clean. He was surprised he was even able to sneak into his daughter's room without getting caught.
Meanwhile, Lola got to work, picking up her sharp black pencil and drawing her mother onto the page, next to her father and separated from her. She added the simple face and triangular haircut, before giving her a body.
The portrayal seemed normal, for the most part, but there were some... consistencies that confused Andrew. The depiction of Cotton, despite being a rabbit, was the only one smiling in this particular picture. Both he and Lola had blank stares, and her mother looked as if she were talking, but her mouth was just a little too large. He specifically had no arms, doing nothing but staring forward. Even having an art style was impressive for someone her age, but when it came in the form of missing or warped body parts, it wasn't something to brag about. He decided not to question her about it, however, for he had already pushed her enough.
That was a grown-ups problem for another day.
Suddenly, a noise came from beyond the door. It took Lola a moment to realise it was her mother. In a flash, her father was gone to her rescue, though she already knew it was either Cotton running around under her feet or maybe even her finding one of Andrew's recent messes. She wondered what her reaction to his pants would be. Would they argue again? Or would she just chastise him? It was hard to tell with those two, sometimes.
Lola sighed to herself, then reached for her green pencil once again.
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fedralaldia · 3 years
El Jefe de la Región Litoral de ANSES Diego Mansilla, junto al Secretario de Comercio e Industria del Gobierno de Entre Ríos, Fernando Caviglia, el Director General de Comercio Interior, Jesús Perez Mendoza, el Presidente de la Unión de Empresas Pymes de Entre Ríos, Daniel Reffatti, Manuel Gabas de APYME, el Diputado Provincial Juan Manuel Huss y representantes de Centros Comerciales nucleados en…
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denorteanorte · 4 months
Pymes: “Les decimos no a la ley bases y al industricidio”
Un abanico de pequeñas y medianas empresas, del país, exteriorizó su rechazo a la aprobación de la “ley ómnibus” reciclada, en el Senado nacional. Hubo, entre muchos* otros, representantes de la Asamblea de Pequeños y Medianos Empresarios (Apyme); la Unión Industrial de San Martín; de la Central de Entidades Empresarias Nacionales (Ceen); Industriales Pymes Argentinos (IPA); el Movimiento…
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lanaveproducciones · 4 years
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(vía APYME expresa satisfacción por el acuerdo con los bonistas)
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metropolitanafm · 4 years
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multimediosnoxsalta · 4 years
Lecheros, La Asociación de Trabajadores de la Industria Lechera (Atilra) y las dos cámaras empresarias del sector no alcanzaron tampoco hoy un acuerdo salarial.
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No hubo acuerdo paritario con las cámaras y Trabajo convocó a nueva audiencia para agosto. La Asociación de Trabajadores de la Industria Lechera (Atilra) y las dos cámaras empresarias del sector no alcanzaron tampoco hoy un acuerdo salarial paritario en la segunda reunión de conciliación virtual convocada por la cartera laboral, por lo que se determinó la realización de una nueva audiencia para el 3 de agosto próximo. Los funcionarios laborales convocaron a sindicalistas y empresarios para las 11 del 3 de agosto próximo y ratificaron la vigencia de la conciliación obligatoria, que expirará justamente ese día, aunque podrían prorrogarla otros cinco. Las fuentes gremiales de la organización sindical que conduce Héctor Ponce indicaron a Télam que en la segunda reunión de hoy "las cámaras patronales CIL y Apyme ofrecieron un incremento salarial que el sindicato calificó como 'insuficiente e incompleto' para los trabajadores" de la actividad. "La Cámara de la Industria Lechera (CIL) y la Asociación de Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas Lecheras (Apymel) ofrecieron una mejora de los haberes insuficiente e incompleta para los reclamos gremiales", indicaron los voceros. La Atilra había demandado para lo que va del año una recomposición de los haberes del 13,60 por ciento, que fue rechazada por las patronales. Read the full article
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