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Me: So yeah, in the Sacrifice AU in order to cope with her trauma Suiren develops an alterhuman thing where she thinks of herself as a malevolent swamp spirit, both to feel invincible and to prove everyone who turned against her right, in a "you want me to be the villain? Fine, I'll be the villain" kind of way. They think of her as evil and rotten and an omen of doom? Okay, so be it, maybe she is all those things and more, much more than they can ever imagine. She'll show them all
My brain: Mhm, mhm, and I suppose your intense self hatred, the endless criticism you face from everyone in your life, the unyielding sense of impending doom hanging over you like a dark cloud, the hysterics you fall into whenever you think about how this endless every day battle won't end with highschool and you still have to go to uni afterwards and then work every day of your life until you eventually drop dead, all the while knowing you will never be loved like you want to because there are more As in your aspec identity than in your report card which, combined with everything else, makes you want to say "fuck it" to every last expectation, stop putting in the effort, ignore assignments and stop caring about receiving bad grades, not do any studying at all and wing your exams and fail to get accepted anywhere with the low scores you'll likely get if you do that, effectively throwing your whole life away, just so your parents can finally be justified in calling you a disappointment, just so you can actually be as bad as they make you out to be and so much worse... has nothing to do with any of that, then?
Me: ...... oh for FUCK'S SAKE–
#just once. can a storyline NOT involve some very personal and very sensitive part of my fucked up psyche? PLEASE??#where did this even come from#I wasn't the one who came up with alterhuman Suiren. how did it line up to my thought process so well??#anyway#guess so just sobbed for an hour straight because they didn't want to write an essay for literature#which spiralled into all of this#I don't even know HOW to write essays!! it wasn't something we did these last two years!!! I'd rather not try at all than embarrass myself#I don't care what that woman says. let her fail me. let her see that I'm not being self deprecating when I say I suck#and NO I DO NOT GIVE A DAMN THAT I'M SOUNDING LIKE RENNY RIGHT NOW#APPARENTLY I'M INCAPABLE OF SOUNDING LIKE ANYONE ELSE#you know what. rant over. I'm done#I'm gonna go grab myself a snack and get it together#(because apparently I need to make myself fatter than I already am. great plan Nia)#(хороший план. надёжный блять как швейцарские часы)
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CW! needle n blood mention!! nothing graphic!! Just the sillies!!
When Darry pulls up in front of the house, the living room windows are thrown wide open. There's a breeze shifting the curtains gently back 'n forth 'n he can can just quietly hear the sounds of Dallas, Soda, Steve, Two, 'n Johnny from inside. Darry cuts the engine 'n rests his head against the truck door, window still rolled down.
He liked doin' this now 'n then. Pullin' up 'n just listenin'. Though Pony had accused him of bein' nosy, 'n it had come in handy a few times when Steve 'n Pony had gotten into fights since Pony was incapable of recountin' events without makin' himself sound better 'n Steve often acted like Pony was committin' a cardinal sin just by existin'. However, more often than not, Darry just liked to listen to 'em foolin' around. He was like his mama in that sense. She'd always loved just bein' in the kitchen when he would be horsin' around with the boys in the living room. Darry had never got it back then, but he could understand now.
'N then there were times like today.
"OUCH!" Pony hollers at the top of his lungs, followed quickly by Soda shushin' him.
"Oh hush, you're fine." Dallas dismisses the kid but Darry's already out 'n slammin' the truck door.
"Oh shit, was that Darry?'
"Pony shh you're fine-"
"Shit that's a lot of blood, is it supposed to bleed that much?" Darry throws open the front door 'n is greeted with the general sounds of all five boys rustlin' around.
"What the hell is goin' on here?" Pony's half crawled up in Soda's lap, starin' resolutely at the wall away from Darry. "Pony lemme see right now."
Pony glances over at him 'n Darry feels vomit crawl up his throat, throwin' his fist up in front of his mouth like he could push it back. Pony's got a needle juttin' through one nostril, blood pourin' down his face. Once Darry's gotten a look at him Pony immediately gives up the facade 'n throws himself at Darry.
"It huuurts!" Darry grabs him by the shoulders 'n holds him at arm's length. It's really not all that bad, if Darry has to guess they just managed to stick a vein 'n that's why he's bleedin' like a stuck pig. He pulls Pony in, adjustin' his head so he's turned to the side.
"Anyone wanna explain?" 'N now that he's really lookin' at them he realizes somethin' else.
"Uh, Darry?"
"Hey, man-"
"So, the thing is-"
"Oh my God." Soda's got a piece of ice chipped off the ice box pressed to his ear, where a silver stud is glintin'. Steve tries to tilt his face away but Darry catches the matchin' one in the top of his left ear. Two grins twistin' the ring through his lip. Dallas wiggles his eyebrow 'n then winces, the bar they've shoved through apparently still sore. That only left-
"Johnny. Do I wanna ask?" Darry fixes him with a stern glare 'n Johnny pales, glances at Dallas, 'n sticks out his tongue where they've managed to jab yet another earrin' through.
"Oh my God!" Darry digs his hands into Pony's shoulders 'n Pony winces. "Dallas Winston, you get that needle out of his nose, I'm gonna get the peroxide." Darry spins Pony around 'n gives him a none too gentle shove towards Dallas. He's grabbin' the first aid kit from the medicine cabinet when he hears Pony howl again 'n this time he doesn't feel nearly as bad.
When he returns to the living room they're all lined up, (mostly) shamefaced. Johnny's starin' down at the carpet, occasionally stickin' his tongue out to push the piercin' against his teeth 'n furrow his brow. He's rubbin' a hand between Pony's shoulders as Pony pouts Soda's twiddlin' his ear between his fingers 'n tryin' hard to not laugh. Steve's got his ears pinched between his fingers, moanin'. Two's still smirkin' a little 'n bitin' back on a snort every time he catches Soda's eye. Of the bunch, the only one without the decency to at least pretend to be remorseful is Dallas. Of course.
"Anyone wanna fess up?" Suddenly the walls, celin', 'n floor are infinitely more interestin' than usual. "Fine then, I'm gonna enjoy this. Pony, c'mere." Pony reluctantly shrugs off Johnny's hand 'n Soda 'n Two send him salutes like he was walkin' to the gallows.
Darry rolls his eyes, takin' him by the shoulder 'n guidin' him to the kitchen sink. "This is gonna hurt, sorry kiddo." He tilts his head over the drain 'n pours peroxide onto the pinprick hole through his nose. Pony wails like he was bein' shot. Darry lets out an almighty sigh.
"Glory, Pony, is he skinnin' you in there?" Two cracks 'n Darry leans back so he can see him through the doorway.
"You watch it or you're next, Two-Bit Mathews." Two throws his hands up in mock surrender 'n Soda stifles a laugh.
"Hey, a man just wants to know what he's got comin' to him."
"A kick in the ass if you don't shut up." Two clutches both hands to his heart 'n swoons into Soda's arms. Soda, who wasn't prepared even a little, immediately drops him. Steve howls. Darry rolls his eyes again 'n focuses back on Pony.
"Now hold still." He wets a paper towel 'n makes quick work of cleanin' up the dried blood. Pony pouts but doesn't fight back. "Now whose fool idea was this?"
Pony bites his lip, darts a glance into the living room. "No one." Darry whacks him a good one around the head 'n Pony whines again.
"Well, no one is about to earn everyone an ass kickin'." Pony hmphs but doesn't look like he's gonna offer any other explanation so Darry grabs him by the ear 'n leads him back into the living room, droppin' him unceremoniously on the couch. Steve chuckles 'n Pony flips him off.
He takes another good look at them 'n clocks Soda's still bleedin' a little so he snaps him up next 'n marches him to take his place at the sink.
"RIP Sodapop Curtis." Dallas mutters 'n Two 'n Steve snicker.
"Lilies at my funeral guys, Lillies." Soda calls over his shoulder 'n Darry gives him the same clip he gave Pony.
"You got anythin' to add?" Soda blinks up at him from where Darry has him craned down in the sink.
"You're lookin' mighty tired, maybe your favorite brother could offer you a back rub 'n we could pretend nothin' happened?" Soda tries for his best charmin' grin 'n Darry raises an eyebrow.
"Wrong answer." Darry pours the bottle out again 'n Soda hisses. "I expect you to use your head, lil buddy. Maybe I'd reckon this from Two or Dallas." He raises his voice a little so the offendin' parties can hear 'n they both make the huff indignantly.
"But you should know better. Pony too. 'N Johnny."" Pony whines wordlessly from the couch 'n Darry barrels on. He doesn't mention Steve. Though he'd expect better from him alone the two followed each other into trouble more than out of it. Darry pauses, pulls Soda out of the sink, pushin' his bangs away 'n studyin' the piercin'. Now that he thinks of it, he hasn't heard anythin' from Johnny.
"You ok, kid?" There's half a second ok silence 'n then both Two 'n Dallas crack up.
"Uh Dar, I think the kid's havin' some trouble talkin'." Both Darry 'n Soda lean dangerously far back to see Johnny through the doorway. The kid is frantically noddin', dark curls boppin' across his forehead.
"I'm good." He answers but it comes out closer to thood. He immediately sticks his tongue out, silver bar gleamin', like the word tastes bad in his mouth.
The room, minus Darry, clingin' to seriosity by his fingertips, instantly dissolves into laughter. Darry snorts 'n quickly muffles it behind a cough. He releases Soda 'n points a finger to the space beside Pony on the couch. Soda plops down, takin' Pony's face in his hands 'n turnin' it this way 'n that.
"Think it'll scar?"
"I'd be more worried about the mark Darry's gonna leave on your ass if I were you." Pony shoves him off but Soda just laughs.
"C'mere, kiddo." Darry beckons a finger to Johnny 'n he pales. "I ain't gonna hurt you, hon. Ignore Soda." Soda gasps 'n Pony chucks a throw pillow at him.
He sits the kid down at the table 'n reaches into the ice box, breakin' off a chunk of the crystals around the sides. "Put that in your mouth. It'll stop hurtin' after a while." Johnny takes it gratefully. Darry watches him a moment more before returnin' to the living room. "Alright Dallas, get in here."
He makes quick work of the final three, who shed no further light on the situation. By the time he's got them all back on the couch he's gettin' dangerously close to stringin' them all up 'n callin' it a night.
"I'm goin' to take care of Johnny 'n if by the time I'm done y'all don't have a better answer to what compelled you all to this foolishness none of y'all will be steppin' out of this house but to go to work or school for the next two weeks, y'hear me?" The group nods sullenly 'n Darry turns on his heel back to the kitchen. Glory, he hopes they come up with somethin'. Havin' all six of 'em crowded in for that long might actually be more of a punishment for Darry.
"Alright kid, ready?" Johnny's lookin' a little sick but he nods again. Darry hands him the last dregs of the peroxide. "Don't swallow it, alright? Just swish it around for a minute 'n then spit it out." Johnny takes it, dutifully puttin' it in his mouth 'n wincin'. Darry tilts his head forward so he doesn't choke. He can hear the others frantically whisperin' in the other room 'n hopes for a good sign. Johnny's eyes keep dartin' back 'n forth between the doorway 'n Darry.
After a minute Darry hauls him up 'n leads him to the sink to spit. The second his mouth it empty he whips around with wide eyes.
"It wath my id-uh." Darry's jaw falls open 'n Johnny barrels on. "I'm thorry! I though it would be thuff. 'N Da-th-as already had the th-erwlry I'm thorry!" He stops solely to stick his tongue out again like he couldn't get used to the feelin'. He's still blinkin' at Darry with big eyes, bitin' at his lip like he's worries he's gonna pop him one. Darry's silent for a long moment before he can't help it anymore.
"Johnny Cade, what the hell am I gonna do with you." 'N he's suddenly laughin' so hard his ribs hurt. When he finally manages to stop howlin' the others have filed into the kitchen, Dallas has an arm slung around Johnny's shoulders 'n Johnny's lookin' only microscopically more relaxed.
"Well, that's that huh!" Two pulls the ice box open 'n pulls out the cake Soda had made last night.
"Oh absolutely not it isn't. Y'all are still on lockdown for the next week for not usin' your heads."
"Aw Darrr-"
"Oh no, I won't hear anythin' about it." Dallas elbows Two in the ribs 'n they both get convinin' grins on their faces.
"Well, at least you'll be trapped in here with us." Soda hoots 'n Steve grins 'n they exchange a mischievous glance like they're already cookin' up some scheme.
"Oh, no siree. I'm gonna be out havin' myself a good ol' time without you bunch." Pony shrugs a shoulder 'n shoots him a dismissive scoff.
"Then whose gonna make us stay here 'n behave?" Steve elbows him hard 'n Pony yelps.
"Well," Darry reaches over 'n cuts himself a heapin' slice of the cake. "Johnny's your ringleader now, dealin' with y'all is punishment enough!"
#aough these boys n their shenanigans#johnny who can get up to QUITE a deal of mischief when left to his devices i believe in you#he feels SO bad about it#but darry genuinely finds it INCREDIBLY funny#see if it had been dallas or two he would have been PISSED#but johnny truly gets into trouble so rarely hes like well u know what that was a good one#pass#the outsiders#ponyboy curtis#sodapop curtis#darry curtis#dallas winston#steve randle#johnny cade#two bit mathews#the outsiders 1983#the outsiders fanfiction#my writing#writers on tumblr
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Only Friends: Can Ray be Redeemed? Is Sand the Solution?
I know Ray has upset a lot of people in Episode 8. I do find it really fascinating how quickly the tide has turned on him, especially when you compare his actions to those of our villains of the first arc: Boston and Top. Perhaps I'm in the minority, but I still choose to believe that Ray does care. He's hugely misguided but not heartless.
Let me firstly preface that none of what I'm about to say excuses Ray's behaviour but is an attempt to unpack why I still hold hope.
A child lost with no anchor
Ray is emotionally immature (which as cliché as it sounds, is a direct product of his upbringing - or lack thereof). He largely operates on basic needs, as a child would: 'I want. I need'. It's all based on serving the self. He seems wildly incapable of thinking very far beyond that. Like a child, he can barely take care of himself, let alone anyone else. He's pretty helpless on his own in a lot of respects. Most people grow out of this. Through knocks and hardship, we learn the world doesn't revolve around us and how to equip ourselves with healthy and appropriate means to navigate through life. Ray however, still seems to be stuck in his infantile box.
I often joke that Ray is a bit feral, but there is some truth to that. Ray's been left to his own devices for the majority of his life. So it's no surprise he's developed this 'me against the world' attitude which is volatile and defensive, but ultimately keeps him caged in said box.
These traits are abundantly apparent in his relationship with Mew. Ray is the vehicle for Mew's self-destruction, but all he sees is the exhilaration of having a 'partner in crime', someone to be in 'cahoots with'. Like a pair of naughty school kids getting into mischief, rather than an adult partnership. Ray is all about immediate gratification over long term fulfilment because (as children do), they don't possess the wisdom and experience to think ahead. Ray seems unable to grasp repercussions or consequences in his decision making. It's always act first, think second.
To put it simply, Ray hasn't been taught boundaries and how to respect them. He just gets criticised for crossing them which doesn’t help him learn. No one has had the patience to teach him why and how. To guide, to steer, to direct, to mentor. To educate rather than scold. Prevention rather than cure. As a result, everyone around Ray serves to clean up his messes rather than equip him with the ability to not create them in the first place. He falls into patterns of behaviour that no one has seriously attempted to break which has only amplified with adulthood. The longer those habits prevail, the harder they are to change.
Does Ray harbour ill-will or bad intent?
Is Ray the worst? In my opinion, no. (Not yet anyway - I might eat my words later, who knows). I've said this somewhere before but intent makes all the difference when judging someone's actions. Choosing to actively cause harm whilst being fully conscious of the impact versus triggering damage to occur as a symptom of your behaviour is vastly different. This is where Ray and Boston differ. Boston acts without remorse, he purposely and calculatingly makes choices that will cause the maximum degree of suffering. Whereas Ray's a loose cannon. He leaves a trail of destruction where he goes, due to a lack of control and means to channel how he feels in a constructive manner. Boston's victims are targets, whereas Ray's victims are collateral.
I don't think Ray means to purposely hurt or harm the people he cares about. Because in doing so, he'll push them away - which is precisely what he doesn't want. (Though saying that, Ray doesn't seem to give as much of a damn if it's people he isn't invested in, such as Top). Ray's world consists of what Ray needs. It's not that he doesn't care about a single person besides himself, he's just so wrapped up in his own needs to even gauge the bigger picture.
When others do point out to Ray that he's hurt them, he does tend to look guilty and taken aback, as if he's thinking, 'But I didn't know. No one told me. I had no idea my actions would cause you to be upset'. Painful levels of ignorance. But I also see a huge amount of internalised frustration. 'But why? Why didn't anyone explain this to me? How was I to know?'
Ray is capable of showing remorse, of displaying guilt. He's not cold-blooded. Anyone who can demonstrate compassion is capable of redemption. Ray is seen to be genuinely appreciative and grateful when people are good to him. He's fiercely protective over people he cares about. Ray was also willing to jump in when Sand gets a call from his mum being in trouble.
One thing I do have to stress is the difference in Ray's demeanour when he's severely drunk/high versus when he's sober. His addiction tends to amplify his most primal desires, his most 'childlike' traits. The uglier sides of Ray presented in their worst light, set to maximum. The raging tantrums, the absurd and unpredictable demands, an explosive and dangerous impulsiveness. People often refer to addiction as a form of sickness, which is worth noting when the person under scrutiny is effectively not well.
Learning by Example
Now let's talk about the huge importance of Sand in this equation.
Let me be clear - it's not Sand's responsibility to teach Ray how to grow up or behave more like a functioning adult. It's neither his duty to be a stand-in parent or caretaker. The unfortunate truth is that Ray doesn't have anyone in his life who plays that role. Who is the voice of reason. To keep him on the straight and narrow. In order to actually incite change, Ray needs to be receptive to whoever is trying to help him. We've seen he doesn't respond particularly well to the majority of people in his life. He's defensive with his father, his friends, deflective and pandering with Mew. The only person he's seen to show any signs of actually listening to and registering is Sand.
Whilst it's not fair on Sand, he might be the only person who has any real chance of encouraging healthy and positive growth in Ray. Because Sand loves Ray, he genuinely wants to see improvement for Ray's own good. I don't think it's a coincidence that we tend to see Ray's more endearing side when he's with Sand. His childlike qualities take on a sweeter, more harmless, playful tone.
He needs someone with an almost parental level of unconditional love to not give up on him, where others have thrown in the towel. Ray's character is essentially a personified cry for help. His mother was unable to cope. His father seems chronically exasperated and far too busy to actually be present. His friends have always seen him as bothersome and too much of a handful.
I personally don't want to write Ray off as a lost cause. Ironically, Sand may be the saviour he didn't ask for, but the one he really needs. Someone who can save him from himself.
#only friends#only friends the series#ofts#only friends meta#ray pakorn#ray x sand#sand x ray#raysan#sanray#khaofirst#firstkhao#khaotung thanawat#first kanaphan#ray is such a complex character that i could go on and on#khao just does such a great job of adding so many layers to him
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Ruben Dias x Reader - Fix You Part 4/10
Part 5 and 6 are out on my Patreon!
Summary - Reader is hired as Ruben's assistant nurse after receiving head trauma during a football game. He has fallen into a deep depression on his road to recovery and does not accept much help from Reader as she only reminds him of how incapable he is.
He should have never given you a day off, Ruben thought. You had been gone for hours, without telling anyone where you went. Ruben woke up that morning to an empty apartment. Okay, Max was there but he was an early riser and always went out for a morning run. You, on the other hand, wasn't an early riser. You'd wake up around the same time Ruben did. He would listen to your footsteps puttering around the kitchen while he lay in bed. By the time you knocked on his door to give him his shot, Ruben had been awake for hours, thinking about you and how he would do anything to feel your hands against his face again.
"Do you think she's gone missing?" Ruben asked Max.
"I thought she said that she had an audition this afternoon?"
"A what?"
"An audition. She's an actress, you know? A really good one too."
"Y/N, an actress?" Ruben found it very laughable. Actors and actresses possessed the skill of lying to the world. That night, looking into your eyes as you held his face, Ruben saw nothing but the truth in them. The truth that you were indeed the most breathtaking woman he had ever seen.
"Yeah, apparently she's studied at one of the best acting schools in London."
"Oh, yeah? Then how come I haven't seen her in any movies?"
It was a slow day in the park. However, Max refused to bring out the tennis balls. Despite the surgery, it was obvious that Ruben's conditions had yet improved. He feared that it was getting worse. And with that thought his creeping depression would return to him with the thoughts of never playing football again. That, and the fact that going blind forever meant never seeing your eyes again.
"I dunno, she said something about the movie industry being misogynistic and unfair to women." Max explained.
Ruben snorted. "Sounds like excuses to me."
He was an asshole at heart. Ruben knew that. But you didn't, or at least pretended not to notice. It's the reason why he hired you. You had an attitude like no other, an attitude that was reflected in your snapping tongue. Whatever Ruben put you through, no matter the insult, you always looked at him the same. Not with pity like his mother. You looked at Ruben as if you could see right through him. See through the pain in his heart and the many many failed attempts to better himself. You gave him the illusion that he might be good enough for you. However, the whole world knew that he wasn't. Not with his broken mind.
The sun had gone down by the time you got back to the apartment. Ruben and Max returned from the park hours ago. You had missed dinner and Ruben didn't like that. Did you have dinner somewhere else? With someone else? If that was the case, the two of you really needed to talk.
It was right on cue that you knocked on his door. You had made it a habit to check on him before you retreated to your own room. Ruben would never admit it, but this was the favorite part of his day.
"Come in." He said, sitting up in bed. He perked up even more seeing you appear in the doorway, your face painted with makeup, wearing a tight black dress that hugged your shape in ways that struck his sinful imagination. No bandages covered his eyes during these hours and luckily you wore a coat over your naked shoulders, preventing Ruben from completely losing his mind at the sight of you.
"Hey, I just wanted to check on you." You said.
"Well, like all the other nights you've checked on me, I'm still alive."
His cheesy comment made your smile fade. Good job Ruben, he thought. Even in the dark he could see your distaste for him.
"I mean, do you need anything before I go to bed?"
"Oh, okay."
You lingered in the door frame, perhaps feeling forced to make small talk. "Max told me that you guys went to the park today, did you have a nice time?"
An awkward silence followed. If you would only step a little closer to the bed so that he could see you clearly. Ruben's vision got a bit blurry where you stood, since his eyes still needed time to adjust, even to the dark.
"Did Max let you exercise again?" You asked.
Ruben snorted. "No."
"I'm sorry about that."
Perhaps you felt guilty ever since his little fumble in the park, where Ruben's heart topped the average rate. Max refused anymore advanced brain exercises after that. The reason for Ruben's newfound restlessness. Nevertheless, he didn't blame it on you.
"It's not your fault." Ruben said, looking at his hands. "We'll start again in time."
You nodded. "You will get better in time, Ruben, your doctor said so himself."
You had started taking him to his weekly appointments. Although you were much better company than Ruben's mother, he didn't like the look of pity that you gave him as the doctors would pin all those needles in him to run their many many tests. You would never see him for the man he really was, a football player.
"Where were you?" Ruben asked, pleased to change the subject.
"Out with who?"
Your arms folded. "Why do you assume I was out with someone?"
"You were out alone?"
"Yes, yes I was. Believe it or not."
"Why were you dressed like that?"
You looked down on your dress. The light from the hallway reflected off of the little specks of glitter, putting dots on Ruben's walls, making it look like little stars roamed above their heads.
"What's wrong with the way I dress?" You frowned.
"Nothing." He shrugged. "It just looks like you were going on a date or something."
"And if I were?"
Ruben's reaction made you smile. "Yeah, if I did in fact go on a date, what's it to?"
"I don't....."
He choked on his words and you laughed.
"Relax Ruben. I'm only dressed like this because the audition I went to required it."
Of course, he thought. Max told him about your acting pursuit, although he still doubted that you were a good one. However, Ruben was curious. "How did it go?"
"Shit." You sighed and to his surprise stepped into the room. "The directors wanted me to run lines in a scouse accent. Like, who even knows how to do that?"
Ruben laughed. He thought about the many times he had been scolded by the Liverpool fans. He never managed to understand a word of what they were saying to him. He doubted anyone knew what they were saying, not even themselves.
"All I'm saying is thank God for this job, otherwise I'd probably be on the street begging for leftovers."
"I'm sure you'll get your breakthrough." He said and really meant it. If it wasn't in your heart to work for him it could turn ugly very quickly.
"I dunno?" You sighed and to Ruben's surprise, felt comfortable enough to take a seat on his bed.
His legs stirred under the covers to distract him from the blood rushing to parts of his body that he really didn't want to come alive right now. Luckily, the room was dark and you sat on the foot of his bed. Nevertheless, your silhouette was enough to send him off. You were beautiful beyond the light, and if he was ever given the pleasure to touch you one day, he'd forsure make it memorable.
Fuck, he thought. You must have caught him staring.
"Yes?" He replied, cupping his groin under the covers.
"I want you to be honest with me."
"Before I go to bed...."
Yeah, he's done.
"Of course." He said, clearing his throat.
"Do you need my help getting to the toilet?"
You avoided his eyes out of cheer embarrassment. "You know...." You said. "To help you pee?"
If only God did drive-by's. "No, Y/N." He sighed. "I'm good to go on my own if I have to."
"You sure?"
"Of course I'm sure. It's my body, isn't it?"
"I'm just saying. Last time..."
"Last time was a first."
"Right." There was a hint of a smile on your face. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."
Ruben's heart sank, seeing you leave his bedside. "Y/N?" He exclaimed, stopping you at the door.
You turned around, eyebrows raised.
"Erm...you look beautiful."
Your face lit up. "Thank you."
"Yeah, um....goodnight, I guess." Ruben was quite desperate for you to leave.
"Goodnight Ruben."
He fell onto his back once the door shut. And an odd surprise awaited him as he slid a hand down his sweatpants. Ruben had been told that parts of his body could remain permanently affected by his injuries. Like the next man he wondered if that meant his abilities to perform in other places than just the football pitch, and unfortunately the answer was, yes. Like the next man Ruben had tried watching porn in all kinds of outrageous themes. However, nothing had done it for him. But now here he lay, with a full fledged erection and one person on his mind.
As he began stroking himself, Ruben thought of stripping you of that dress of yours, touching you in ways that would pleasure you to a point of rapture. Oh how he would love to rip you apart, to hear you moan his name.
As much as he wanted to make the moment last, Ruben was too horny to maintain a steady pace. He stroked his dick like his life depended on it. As if his mother could burst into his room at any minute.
Ruben ground, succumbing to his own temptations. He felt pathetic afterwards. Like an animal unable to control his urges. Nevertheless, he made a promise that the next time he came, it would be inside of you.
Part 5 and 6 are out on my Patreon!
#fanfiction#football imagine#footballer x reader#footballer imagine#man city#ruben dias#football angst#manchester city#ruben dias x reader#ruben dias imagine
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Different anon. God just boiling down the slugcats to 'animals' angers me in a way I didn't think I could be angry. Yes, they are animals, but by all means they are cognitive and understand complex emotions, communicate with a supposedly complex language, are able to be taught to do things. Why else would the iterators use them as messengers constantly? It's not like they're messenger pigeons where it's just going from point A to point B, they understand exact instructions. If this was just some random animal, making groans and grunts, they wouldn't be able to understand what Five Pebbles even meant when he was explaining how to ascend. Even with the mark, could you imagine if he told a lizard this? Artificer, arguably, is a prime example of this. Just an animal would get over their fallen children, sure they'd grieve but in the end they'd just make more. Arti not only is so enraged by their death, that she is physically incapable of ascension, but also swears vengeance upon a whole other species. This isn't just some animal who lost her children, this is a mother who is enraged at her children's murder. Sure, they aren't on the same level as humans are. Like obviously. But I'd argue it makes sense that a scavenger and a slugcat could fall down the path of enemies to lovers. Especially when you consider the fact that death isn't permanent in Rain World's universe. That would definitely change one's perspective on it. I dunno if I make sense, I'm juggling like three things at once, but I had to say what I needed to say. Wording bad, slugcat smort.
tbh it took me a minute to figure out what this was even referring to, because honestly I don't think that anon meant to use the word 'animal' to dehumanize arti in the first place. it sounded to me like they were just using it as a non-human equivalent for 'person', like "why would anyone fall for a person who committed hate crimes against them?" which is a valid question. it never even occurred to me that they could have meant it in the sense of calling her an inferior creature.
that said... you ARE 100% right and you should say it, lmao.
I very nearly got into this exact argument once, bc i saw some comments from a guy scoffing at the idea of arti showing mercy to baby scavs. because by his logic, 'she is just an animal, so she isn't bound by human morality. in the wild, animals kill any young that don't belong to them without hesitation'. and it just pissed me off so much, because not only was it such an edgy "mercy is for the WEAK!" alpha-male bullshit take, it was also just factually wrong. many animals can and do adopt the young of other animals, even other species, especially when they've just lost their own. and like you said, they can grieve, but then they move on. they keep surviving, and making more babies. they don't dwell on injustice, or let rage consume them to the point that it becomes a hindrance to their own survival. they don't go on single-minded revenge quests. they dont try to justify their own violence by demonizing entire species, and they dont end up plagued by guilt in their sleep. those are very, very human things.
and yeah, i see a lot of people theorize that it's the mark of communication that grants the slugcats higher intelligence, but I don't really buy that either. i think the mark just lets them understand the iterator's language. they must've already had the capacity to understand it, or else it wouldn't work at all. it'd be like trying to install windows on a calculator. also, even without the mark, slugcats are obviously shown to communicate with each other. they have their own culture, they tell stories and make art, and they're apparently able to understand karma and the nature of the cycle at least enough to be able to ascend. so like... any creature thats capable of spiritual enlightenment must at least be sapient, right??
it seems like in the absence of the ancients, both slugcats and scavs are beginning to move in to their niche in the ecosystem
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I am facing some pretty severe writers block at the moment so I guess I'll post part of the first chapter of The Prank Fic™️ that I'm working on? It's a little bit of setup with Remus and Reggie so enjoy I guess?
“Merlin! I swear, if you don’t have an actual conversation with him about your feelings I’m going to lock you two in a cupboard just so I don’t have to deal with the tension anymore.”
Remus was startled out of his daydream by Regulus’ abrupt entrance as he dumped his books onto the table, always far more jumpy the day before a full with the regular head and body aches. Thankfully the library was relatively empty this afternoon, there being only a day of classes left before winter holidays and most students avoiding their homework over the break for the moment - something he was doubly grateful for at the present.
“Would you keep your voice down Black,” Remus felt the inevitable heat rising up the back of his neck, “What are you on about now anyway?”
“What I’m on about is your big fat crush on my brother that-“
“I don’t have a crush on Sirius.”
“-you keep insisting doesn’t exist.” Regulus didn’t allow himself to be interrupted, as usual. “If you’re not going to actually get together with him then you need to move on because it is becoming pitiful.”
“There’s nothing to move on from,” Remus insisted, attempting to shuffle the notes in front of him in a way that made it seem like he was focused on his work, “We’re friends. I know you’re fairly unfamiliar with the concept but people can be friends.”
“You’re not fooling anyone but yourself Lupin.” He started pulling out parchment and quills, clearly intending on starting some essay to end the conversation. “And apparently my idiot brother but that’s significantly easier to do. Can I still use your notes for the Runes essay?”
“Uhh yeah,” Remus rifled through his bag to find his Ancient Runes notebook, “I swear I put it in here when I left…”
Regulus only let him continue for a minute or so before letting out a very put upon sigh, “As I said - pitiful.” He stretched across the desk to snatch the notebook in question from directly in front of Remus.
As they settled into the comfortable silence they had seemed to cultivate over the months of studying together, a single thought continued to nag at the back of his brain. Looking over at the Slytherin across the table from him, Remus turned the thought over and over in his mind, seemingly incapable of letting it go.
“Even if…” He faltered, eyes darting back to the notes scattered before him, “Even if it was true, he doesn’t feel the same.”
Remus didn’t think much at first of the lack of response from Regulus, they frequently ignored each other's mutterings in favour of their own work. He actually found it easier to focus when there was someone else sitting across from him, making small sounds as they worked.
It was the lack of these small sounds though, that caused Remus to look up again and find the other man staring at him, wide eyed and unmoving. Regulus’ face was twisted in a way he had never seen before - as if he had just seen someone sprout a second head that was reciting the dates of the goblin uprisings in historical order.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“You’re not joking.” Regulus spoke slowly, drawing his words out like he wanted to make sure he was understood.
“What is there to joke about? We don’t like each other as anything more than friends.” Maybe if Remus repeated it more the sting would hurt less.
“Remus,” Regulus pushed his notes and parchment out of the way so he could place his elbows on the desk and lower his head to rub his temples, “I will concede that your friends are unnaturally close, but the relationship you have with Siri is anything but platonic.”
“No, we’re just-“
“If you say friends one more time I’ll slip veritaserum in your tea at breakfast. Do you really want that?” Regulus raised a sceptical brow, clearly calling Remus’ bluff.
Of course Remus didn’t think they were just friends - he certainly didn’t feel the same way about Peter, or James. The spark of lightning that erupted under his skin as their fingers brushed. The way hearing his name brought a smile to his face. The way his chest clenched and ached with the knowledge that Sirius did not feel these same things.
No, Remus was not under any illusions about his own feelings. They had been impossible to ignore for almost two years now, ever since Sirius had joined the quidditch team in fourth year. There were only so many justifications for Remus to suddenly take an interest in the sport after all.
“He doesn’t even like guys anyway.”
“Okay say that’s even the case,” Regulus waved a dismissive hand through the air, “my point still stands. If you’re not going to get together you need to move on.”
Remus felt his head throb as his eyes rolled back into his head. “Oh pray tell how do I do that?”
“You get drunk. You snog someone else. You make bad decisions.”
“Okay Black I know you find me irresistible but I’m not gonna snog you-“
“Not me dipshit!” A balled up piece of parchment flew directly at Remus’ head, striking him directly between the eyes. “I’m talking about a Ravenclaw party tonight, Panda’s helping organise it and it’s invite only.”
“And you’re inviting me?” Remus gasped dramatically, “I’m honoured truly-“
“But as fun as that sounds, I can’t tonight sorry.” He would have to leave soon, make his way down to the shack for the night. He still needed to swing past the dorms for a smoke. “In fact I should get going.”
“Ah right your furry problem,” Regulus mumbled, shifting back to his essay, “You can have the notes back after break.”
“Sure thing.”
#fr though please let me know what you think of this#I have so many plans for this fic I just need to actually sit. and write.#I will eventually be posting this to ao3#wolfstar#dead gay wizards#marauders#remus lupin#sirius black#regulus black#goes without saying but fuck JKR#fanfiction#writing stuff#Prank
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wait, so ur saying she's been actively ignoring ur 504 and belittling and insulting you in every interaction you have and on OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS????? AND UR ADMINISTRATION IS JUST LETTING IT SLIDE BRO????????????????? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG W UR SCHOOL???????? that geniunely sounds so bad im sending you every single virtual hug ever
it's funny because im literally incapable of switching out of that class, obviously now i cant but in the first 2 weeks of school so many people switched out of her class that they weren't letting anyone else switch out
she actively puts me in the back of the classroom (another thing in my 504, for focus reasons and also i can't see well im meant to be in the front), ignores me when my i try to ask for help and she does this thing where she aggressively taps on my desk and it makes me want to wrip her fingers off. my class is also just generally loud with people making really obnoxious noises and i sometimes just can't handle it and it makes me want to break down and cry because i get overwhelmed really easily. i have her class right after lunch sometimes and i was overwhelmed then (i have too many people who sit with my friends at lunch, none of them are my friends) and so i came into her class and put my head down on the desk and she comes over and bangs on it like she's knocking on some door and told me to go to the nurse if i'm going to "be disrespectful in her class". satan, stfu. just like don't. and apparently i still need to apologize to her for being rude despite being incredibly stressed. anyways i took a nap in the nurses office after that and it was great i couldn't feel my arm :)
it's her first year here, i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't last. the school knows about my issues with her specifically, my guidance counselor has done all she can to help me but honestly im ready to be done. i get out in late june, im stuck with her for another month and i swear after that last day im never talking to her again. also never gonna take spanish again i really can't stand spanish
SORRY FOR THE VENTS ABOUT MY SHITTY TEACHER GUYS- i finished my homework now so unless yall send more asks i hopefully won't be mentioning her again
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This is another personal post with TW mental illness. I'm sorry there have been so many recently. I really have nowhere else to put these things. Feel free to ignore.
I don't think my depression has ever been this bad before, in the almost 13 years I've had it. For maybe the past two months it's been steadily growing to a point of intensity that I can't ignore. The absolutely awful feelings won't go away. I can't stop thinking about how miserable I feel.
I can barely take care of myself. I eat takeout every day. There's garbage everywhere at my house. I can't get shit done at work and at some point people are going to notice. I have multiple really REALLY urgent doctor's appointments/calls I HAVE to make (one of which is to my psychiatrist who apparently I'm blocked from messaging on the healthcare app), yet I can't seem to pick up the phone. I am mentally incapable somehow. There's a wall there.
I have been told to exercise and meditate and I physically and mentally cannot. Again, there is a wall.
I have a video game I wanted to play, I try to play it, and I feel completely unattached to it (even though I have loved it in the past). I joined a really exclusive roleplay community for that game and proceeded to be too overwhelmed to make the character application and now the mods are asking me what I want to do. I haven't written fanfiction in two months because of severe burnout, and I miss it so desperately that it's making me realize I might have been using it as a bandaid/distraction. But my brain is so fried that I feel too overwhelmed to write again. People are leaving me nice comments on my fics and I can't even bring myself to read them let alone respond to them. My memory is so bad that I can't remember a lot of what happens in any of my fave series' and I feel like creating good fan content for those things is impossible at this point.
I'm ignoring online friends in my favorite server. I promised multiple IRL friends I would watch animes they like and I am feeling guilty that I mentally cannot do that. I'm dreading the two anime cons I have coming up in March because I don't think I'm going to feel comfortable in my cosplay this year. I have a close friend (who is also my coworker) who keeps trying to get me to do things with her and her husband and I keep turning them down because I'm worried I'll get overwhelmed by social anxiety and general awkwardness. Just the thought of having awkward social interactions is terrifying me and pushing me down harder than it ever has.
I had a boyfriend between October 2022 and December 2023, but I felt like it was a huge chore every time I had to see him and I developed zero feelings for him. I felt repulsed by the thought of us being romantic. We ghosted each other in December and now I feel like shit about it because he may have been the only chance I'll ever have at a relationship... but I also am in such a bad state that it's probably good things are over. Why don't I feel relieved?
I'm having physical tics in my abdomen and jaw that are getting worse and worse to the point of pain and people noticing. I can't talk to literally anyone without sounding upset, negative, angry. I had my best friends from out of state over a few weekends ago and I was so sick the whole time, I felt like I was letting them down. I've been repeating awkward interactions with friends and coworkers over and over in my head to the point where I think about it at night.
I haven't put my Christmas decorations away because I fucking CAN'T.
This week has been particularly bad. Yesterday I was working from home because of snow. When the snow stopped I rushed to my parents' house because I needed to be somewhere with people I know. But I was so negative in how I spoke with them, and it's making me feel even worse. I used to be really talkative and intelligent when having conversations with my family, but depression has taken that away from me pretty badly over the years, to the point where I can barely talk without thinking about how absolutely dreadful I am at conversation.
But today might be the worst of it (unrelated to Valentine's Day, though it certainly isn't helping). It pained me emotionally and physically to get out of bed, and I wanted to take a mental health day. Literally fell back asleep for an hour before I had to get up and DREAMT about taking a mental health day. But being alone at home is actually so much worse than being at work where there are at least people I am comfortable with. So I went in. I have been absolutely bombarded with depressed feelings all day though. I get up to walk down the hall to the bathroom and somehow that feels worse than sitting and staring at my computer without accomplishing anything. I'm sitting here crying at work, completely destroying the four months of tally marks I had for 'days without crying at work'. I didn't break my record, sadly.
I have a therapist. I have an appointment with her today actually. Maybe I'll just read all of this to her. I don't know where it's going to lead or what she's going to tell me to do, but all I want is to walk down the hall to the bathroom and have at least average, neutral emotions instead of carrying a chest full of raging depression. I want to be able to say something happy to someone so that they don't dump me as a friend for being toxically negative. I want to live, and I have things to live for. But damn if this depression isn't making it extremely difficult to enjoy those things.
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I am a very good judge of people. I'm not saying it to brag, I didn't become this way on purpose, I guess it's just luck of who I am + learned from trauma. The reason I'm saying it this is because I have a friend who I have known for over a decade now that I KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is not a liar. You'll have to take my word for it, which is not much, and you'll probably think a lot less of my word when you realize that all this is to preface the following:
Ghosts are fucking real, apparently.
Details aren't important because they sound like every other ghost story. Stuff moving, flickering lights, strange noises, and even voices on recordings. Basically, all the fake (or at least explainable) bullshit that shows like Ghost Hunters have recycled again and again.
Except this time, it's real, but there's no way to prove it. That's why I'm writing this, I guess. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, I wouldn't have been convinced before all this and, hell, I'm probably incapable of being convinced by anyone with a similar story.
It's just maddening, so incredibly frustrating to know that this experience is real and have no one to talk about it with outside of that friend and the people who know them directly.
I think that's why people don't like to talk about this stuff, the paranormal. It's isolating. The people who you want to convince think you're crazy or deluded, and the people who *do* believe you might believe in anything, which isn't much comfort. So, you just try not to talk or think too much about it, but that doesn't erase the knowledge that something happened that doesn't make any fucking sense.
I'm just wondering if anyone feels similarly, especially people like me who were total skeptics (and probably still are) until something like this came along and broke their brain, a little. Does anyone else feel isolated by it?
#personal#ghosts#paranormal#i wish this was creative writing but i'm being serious#i'm a little embarrassed to post this but fuck it
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Cassie was cautiously optimistic after her parents invited her to the family Christmas dinner. They didn't deadname her, and they promised that "Politics wouldn't be an issue".
Cassie was a very passable trans woman, and she was dressed to the nines to see her family; just to make sure there was nothing anyone could use to make a pointed comment at her. She clacked up the walkway to the front door confidently in her heels, her dress swaying elegantly over her long strides. As she approached the door, reaching for the handle, someone inside had beaten her to it.
"Oh, hello! You must be Chris! I've heard so much about you!"
The woman that greeted Cassie at the door, with her deadname no less, had the most massive, distracting pair of boobs she had ever seen before. Cassie's eyes instantly locked on to them, unable to be torn away. The woman giggled at Cassie's helpless ogling. "Oh my, boys will be boys I guess."
A cold wave rushed over Cassie's body, the woman's words pulling on the strings of her dysphoria. She was right, it was not womanly at all to stare at a stranger's massive rack, and yet Cassie couldn't stop. She did not want to commit this obviously masculine faux pas, but she literally, physically could not help it. It's like her eyes were incapable of focusing on anything else.
"Hmm," the woman cooed. "Maybe one more will do the trick?" she said before raising her shoulders, sending the overinflated fuckmelons hanging on her chest back into another jiggling frenzy.
The cold feeling sunk deeper into Cassie, like she was about to black out; but instead of fading from consciousness, her body and mind began to shift. Her cock began to stiffen under her dress, hiking a small tent in her skirt. Quickly after, her balls (shrunken slightly from years of estrogen) began to twitch and pump, becoming fuller and fuller. Cassie's gaze was now hopelessly locked to the gargantuan titmounds, which seemed to almost be getting bigger?
New fat rippled forth under the skin of the growing breasts, while at the same time Cassie's body shifted in tandem. Her own breasts, hard earned after years of transition, began to flatten, as did her hips. Her hair began to recede back into her head, taking on a more masculine appearance and style. Her clothes crumpled and creased and then flattened into a casual pair of jeans and a tank top that hang loosely over her thin frame. It was as if the woman was absorbing Cassie's femininity to add to her absurd slutknockers.
Just as the changes began to lull, her cock strained against the now tight confines of her newly apparated jeans. Her shaft began to expand, her huge balls pumping it larger and larger; 4 inches, 5 inches, 6, 7, 8... at the same time her body began to expand, manly muscle bulking out her upper body, filling out that tank top with ease. Body hair spring forth from her chest, armpits, and cock. Her face grew a short full beard, giving her the appearance of your average jock douche. Finally, with one final pulse, her cock shoots up to 9 inches long, and her mind floods with memories of being a chauvinist, conservative, man's man. An absolute bro who has never heard words like "transfeminine" or "gender dysphoria" in their lives. Years of emotional development is overwritten in seconds, as Ca-Chris' IQ plummets to match the loss, dropping to somewhere in the range of 80 as opposed to "Cassie's" (who's that? sounds like some dumb skank) 145.
As Chris' eyes return to the world from the back of his head, the return to the woman in front of him.
"Woah." He says. "Nice cans."
The woman giggled "Thanks Chris, I'm Noel!"
Chris' parents walked up behind Noel "There's our boy! Noel here is our own Christmas miracle, once we met her we knew she could sort you straight of that trans nonsense." his father said.
"Whuh?" Chris' gaze barely escapes the pull of Noel's shoulderboulders. "What are you talkin' about Pops? I aint a fag." he said flippantly.
"You sure aren't son. We cleaned up your old room, why don't you and Noel go have some fun?" his father winked.
"Hell yeah, cmon tits." Chris grabbed Noel by the hand, dragging her off to the upstairs bedroom to break in his new monster cock.
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Lunch break today. Just me and Vegan Mafia discussing video game characters. Because that's totally normal workplace conversation when you're trying to microwave your sad bento of three-day-old udon noodles and pretend you're a functioning member of society.
"Duke Nukem was ridiculous," she said, picking at her quinoa bowl like it might spontaneously sprout legs and make a break for it. "But I kind of digged Mech Morphix."
Christ on a fucking unicycle. And here I thought I couldn't judge anyone else's digital wet dreams, not after what happened with my brother and his obsession with the Holsom twins. Like, who gets horny over characters that sound like they've been yanked straight out of Leave It To fucking Beaver? My brother, that's who. And I would know because—
"That's nothing," I said, because apparently my mouth has a death wish for my dignity. "My brother once [REDACTED] and they looked exactly like the Holsom twins."
Vegan Mafia's eyes went wider than the time I told her what really goes into her beloved oat milk coffee creamer. "How do you know that?"
So I told her. About the sleepover from hell. About walking in on... that. About running away so fast we probably broke several laws of physics. About my friend never sleeping over again and eventually becoming a trauma counselor. I'd like to think I helped shape her career path. You're welcome, society.
She shuddered like someone had just suggested putting meat in her Buddha bowl. But did I stop? Of course not. I'm physically incapable of shutting the fuck up once I start. So I rambled on about the Xbox 360 being my ex's religion, and then—because I clearly hate myself—admitted to my own video game character crush.
"OMG." Vegan Mafia lit up like she'd just discovered a new type of mushroom protein. "I'm not even surprised. Without his helmet, that man looks like your husband's twin. You have a type for sure. It's skinny lanky blonde men with hair in their eyes."
Well, fuck me sideways with a PlayStation controller.
I sat there like someone had just told me Santa was real and he's actually Jeff Bezos in a fat suit, watching my life choices parade past like a greatest hits compilation of poor decisions: that day at the beach, the church incident (Jesus definitely saw that), my experimental phase (we don't talk about that), and now this—marrying someone who looks like my teenage pixel crush.
If my life were a video game, it'd be rated W for What The Fuck. And you know what? The Holsom twins would probably still make a cameo, just to really drive home how fucked up everything is.
Kill me now. Or better yet, respawn me in someone else's life.
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I really loved your post about moon dominant men and women. maybe bc I had a toxic friend like that, i liked that you kinda said a lot of bad stuff about them/criticized their behavior 😭 i LOVED that with my whole RAGE. idk if you can resonate too with all that I'll say, but i remember my friend always wanted to be on a different side than me. she legit accused other people of doing really bad things to her and, or told me "That guy is really abusive" for no apparent reason and pretended as if, since she felt that, then it must be true (also she talked shit about women and PROUDLY believed that if she felt that way about them, it's because they are hiding something/being sus). I used to think she had a good intuition, but she let that thing be blurred by her projections so much that in the end, she wasn't reliable AT ALL and mostly she was just picking up on things about herself and "blaming" others. Reminds me of the meme that says something like "Me saying there are bad vibes in the room but I'm the bad vibes in the room" lol. Also if you showed her proof that, for example, her favorite actor was an abuser or something she always replied "I'm not gonna believe that, there isn't enough proof" she used to believe the dumbest and craziest stuff like birds have cameras, her phone camera is hacked and someone is seeing her?? but if you showed her something REAL and TRUE she didn't believe it at all and she always said something like "hmm im not sure" I remember one day she was telling me that Aquarius was a water sign (it's stupid ik) I showed her screenshots and pics of a book saying Aquarius is an air sign and she said "I don't care, I don't think that's true" she was such a toxic bitch who never apologized for shit because she was incapable of recognizing her shitty behavior. she always talked about her parents as if they were the worst for the smallest dumbest shit like, her dad didn't think buying x was a good idea. One day I was suicidal and she told me that it was too much for her and that she needed to "take time for herself" Selena Gomez who?? and then claimed that I ruined her perception of me bc of that and she couldn't take it anymore. like?? if your friend being depressed victimized and ruined it all for YOU maybe you weren't a good friend to begin with. And it's not like I was draining her every day with my problems bc I'm the type to keep everything to myself and not ask anyone for help. She was the only friend who felt that way about the situation (it affected her so much that it was one of her reasons for deleting me from every social media 2 years later, out of nowhere, and making me feel like im the one who hurt her legit blaming it all on me feeling depressed once) she was also 3x moodier than me, 3x more mentally troubled and she attended parties/meetings with this face 😒 almost EVERY TIME, but if you were sad/angry or disappointed and you showed it, she always made herself the victim or said something like "Yeah that time you cried I wanted to kill you" like babe??? you are always in a bad mood but when someone else was, you dared to take it personally and act like you always do and know better. im really sorry if this was long, but your post helped me process this more than i already did 😭😭😭😭😭
omg bestieee im glad my post could help you😭😩😭 and im so so so sorry that you went through all that
as someone who endured a lot of abuse at the hands of multiple Moon dominant people, i really couldnt hold back on those posts even though I usually dont talk that much shit on any of my astro posts,,
what you said about the hating parents bit took me back to all the times my toxic ex bestie would fight with her parents over the dumbest stuff (her mom didn't let her buy something from the grocery store, im not kidding she had a whole meltdown bc of this) and what u said about them not giving a shit about your feelings/mental health LMFAO sounds exactly right,, i was sharing some deeply sad stuff and they said "okay i dont want to hear any more" like literally they said that,, i understand how some things can be triggering to hear but ??? there has to be a better way to deal with that situation instead of telling the person who is having a breakdown that u "can't hear it". she never apologised or saw anything wrong with her behaviour either. all the empathy i never received has pissed me off so much man, i feel u,, i feel so wronged for having put up with that stuff and for thinking that this is just how it is.
anybody reading this, please cut those fcking people out. they dont care, they never will and you will lose your time and energy on things you're better off without. cut them out. zero explanation. you dont owe them one.
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Hi! I would love a Jason Todd x reader where a reader from our world is teleported into their world, and the reader loves superheroes and is in love with Jason and soulmates exist in the DC world, but not in our world. The reader gets her soulmate name-tattoo when she’s transported to their world and it’s Jason. But when the reader first gets to their world she’s really freaking out bc she doesn’t know where she is but then she get’s saved by the batfam or smthn and she knows all their names

pairing. jason todd x fem!reader
warnings. character death, suicide, hints of child abuse
a/n. this isn’t exactly what you wanted, but i hope you’re happy with this. thoughts are italic unless its coloured
You felt yourself slipping away, people surrounded you. You were dead before anyone could help.
Your name a frantic whisper among your loved ones, "Y/n! Y/n!" but you couldn't bring yourself to care anymore. You had wanted this, you sought death. You wanted to die, and you always got what you wanted.
Jason always wondered why he never a mark. He never got a name, he assumed he was never meant to love, or have someone love him. He figured he was incapable of being loved, no saw him anymore.
He roamed Gotham like a ghost, served justice with his guns and fists. He felt he didn't need much more. But one day in the cave, his heart stopped, he couldn't breathe.
The man just collapsed, he was in so much pain and agony. He remembered feeling this for a split second when he died, but the continuous pain hurt so much.
When Dick rushed him over to the examination table, the pain in his heart stopped, and he felt a slight sting on the skin covering his collar bone.
His hand moved up to scratch it, but Alfred slapped his hand away and moved his shirt away from it. Jason assumed something was wrong with him, that maybe he got zapped or something during his earlier patrol. But everyone's shocked expressions and gasps worried him, "What is it?" he moved his head down to look and found himself at a loss for words.
Y/N (M/n) L/N
"I've got a-" he couldn't even say the word, he had already accepted it that he was made to love.
"Bullshit" he kept a leveled head though "Someone's fucking with me or something"
"Hello?!" everyone's head snapped from Jason to the exit of the Batcave. "Anyone home?" the voice sounded softer this time.
Everyone was running around the cave, desperately trying to get their suits off,except Jason. Instead he walked up the stairs, he looked... hypnotised?
He was enchanted by your voice, it made him calm. He wanted to hear it again. "Jason!" Dick's yelled and chased after him.
The rest of the family in pursuit right behind the two men, Alfred way ahead of them all.
When they all finally reached you, Jason stood there in awe.
You squinted you eyes at him, not the big red bat on his chest but at his face, only when Bruce cleared his throat you both snapped out of it muttering apologies and turning red.
Bruce was the first to speak "Who are you?"
"Who the hell are you?" you shot back, eyes slipping down to catch a glimpse of the bat emblem on his chest "holy shit-"
"is this heaven?" your question shocked most of the people in the room.
"I died right?" you spoke softly, "I know I did, I made sure I would"
"You're dead?
"You and Todd have that in common-" Damian was slapped over the head before he could say much more.
"I'm so confused right now" you and Jason spoke at the same time.
Dick was apparently the only sane one in the room, "Okay, what's your name kid"
"What's yours?"
"I asked first"
You groaned, "Fine, I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n"
Jason choked on air, Damian smirked at him. Everyone else was unsure of what they were seeing, this was too big of a coincidence.
"Why are you all looking at me like that?"
This time it was Cass who broke the silence, "Do you mind if we check your collarbone?"
You were at a loss for words, "Um- weird request but sure I guess. Just don't do anything weird"
Cass stepped closer to you, motioning to the hem of the shirt to which you nodded.
Nothing bad can happen when the freaking Batman is standing right there.
She pulled it down slightly, and there in a red that matched Jason's helmet was his name; Jason Peter Todd
"Okay what the fuck-"
"So you're telling me that where you're from, we're comic book characters?"
"Yeah, and you're telling me that when I died I came here instead of my grave?"
"Yeah" Dick sat next to you, cup of coffee in hand. Bruce wanted to run some tests on you, he didn't find anything unusual. So he called in someone experienced with magic, he wasn't sure what else to do.
According to Fate, the reason Jason never got a name was because his love was too far from him, in another universe where he didn't exist, and he lived in one where she didn't. But the "bond" as he called it, was to strong for her to feeling anything without him, so when you died you were transferred to a universe you would be happy in.
One you'd never feel that emptiness ever again.
By the time Fate finished his ramble, Jason was blushing, like he was entirely red, your face wasn't much different.
Dick cleared his throat, signaling to the others that it was time to clear out and give you both a chance to talk.
He walked over to you and looked down, motioning to the space beside you. "You mind?"
"Hm? oh no, yeah sure"
"Soooo, where should we start?"
Oh this was going to be interesting.

© e-nonsense. do no copy/steal/translate. do it and I’ll bite your toes off

#jason todd x reader#red hood x reader#jason todd#red hood#dc x reader#[📮] asks#answered asks#enzo writes [📝]
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"I Hope"
"Have you ever loved me?"
The boy's voice sounded incredibly quiet, and he really seemed to be gathering his strength to say it. Nathaniel stared out the window for about ten minutes before he said such a strange nonsense.
"What did you have in mind, Nat? I mean, I get it, you got hit over the head with a rock after your adventure with Nouda, but I didn't think the situation was that dire. You definitely look like you've been brain damaged, maybe you should check for a spit leak..."
Suddenly Nathaniel looked up at me with a look so stern and serious that even I, the great Sacr-al-Jinni, felt uncomfortable.
"Bartimaeus, don't quibble. Can you for once give me a really honest answer? I realise our relationship doesn't exactly incline to that, but..." In the transparent time he'd been silent, it already seemed to me that Nat would never speak again "Please."
The last time he'd said something like that was when he was twelve, when he'd begged for a bonfire. Was an answer to such foolishness as important to him as a fire in the bone-chilling cold?
And, what the hell did he mean by the word "love"? In all possible languages, it has taken on so many infinite meanings that even I cannot make sense of it. It's too complicated, whether it's in English or Sumerian.But you know I'm not a fan of silence, don't you?
"I hated John Mandrake. Hated him with every fiber of my being. He was a pompous, self-righteous, stupid and cruel child who thought he could play the adult game. This man brought me more pain than any of the worst masters before him. And I am incapable of forgetting it all, ever. In that time, I must say, nothing has changed. John Mandrake is absolutely nightmarish."
I shot Nathaniel the same insistent look that spoke for itself, "Satisfied?"
I thought a shadow of disappointment flashed across the boy's face, but he quickly regained his stony look. It was as if I were looking at the same statue that now stands at the site of the Glass Palace.
"Thank you, Bartimaeus," he nodded, reaching for the crutches that had been standing nearby the whole time. The tone of voice was exactly the same as Nathaniel himself - I couldn't pick up a single emotion in it. And the boy, slowly but surely, moved toward the door, as if leaving this room was the most important task of his life.
Before I knew what I was doing, I was tugging at his elbow, urging him to pay attention to me. He stopped, but didn't even turn his head, staring down the dusty corridor.
"But we haven't talked about you yet, Natty." I smiled with all my inhuman teeth, baring my sharp fangs, looking like the vampire in a child's nightmare. A very primitive trick, but it surprisingly worked-the boy turned and looked at me as if he'd never seen me before.
I didn't know why I kept talking, but apparently I really wanted to keep talking. No one was ordering me around this time, just asking, and I was even surprised that I was deciding to do it on my own, for no good reason.
"In your twelfth year you were a stupid, arrogant, obsessed with strange impossible ideas kid. I didn't want to serve you, I never wanted to serve you, but I remembered you. Even though you were a magician, there were faint vestiges of particularity and goodwill in you, how ironic that they were what drove the people you cared about to their grave..." I took advantage of the boy's fleeting attention to start, but after my last words he tried to look away again and I realized that this time I had indeed said too much, even if in such situations I really am a master "But that's not what we are talking about now. You bore your true name as your own, you were someone to be remembered, a little better than anyone else in the last two thousand years.
At fourteen you were closer to them, to all those fools in the Ministry, I see you have an understanding of that time now. John did terrible things at times, but Nathaniel still had a rare thing for your kind - a conscience. You could understand your actions, you could be ashamed of them. And back then I still thought I might remember you as an unlikely fool with remnants of adequacy, which is better than nothing. But at seventeen you finally became him, John Mandrake, wanting to forget your true name. I've already said all I want to say about that fool, but if you want I can add a few words you should already know. But now I definitely see Nathaniel in front of me, frightened and quiet, but Nathaniel. And that's the boy I may have hated a little less than the last Minister of Information"
During this, unaccustomedly long line for me, I had already managed to come up with some pretty appropriate jokes, but the more I looked at the boy as I spoke, the more I realized that he was not able to appreciate all their genius right now.
Nat seemed to consider himself unworthy of any display of affection, so even the slight smile I did manage to notice he hastened to hide.
"Thank you for your honest answer," he leaned back on his crutches, only less hastily and less eagerly. And finally hobbling to the exit, he closed the door behind him. He had the last word again, asshole.
"Thanks for the honest answer"? - I smirked mentally, this guy was naive enough.
But still.
Just like those last few minutes.
I hoped he still felt
That he hadn't forgotten.
Or that he hadn't chosen not to care
That he wasn't such a fool
I hoped that he knew after all
#bartimaeus#bartnat#the bartimaeus trilogy#bartimaeus sequence#bartimaeustrilogy#Yes I can write#Something bad#But I can
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“I didn’t want anyone else. Even when I burned, I burned for you.” He makes a self-deprecating scoff, sounding most like himself in hours. “How you’ve cursed me, mortal mine.” 😭😭😭the way you wrote them so soft even after all of THAT im crying it was so so good
I'm apparently incapable of not writing Jurdan soft in some way, no matter the, uh, situation 😂
This is a late answer but thank you so much for reading!
#it's Jurdan simp hour every hour over here in my brain#things that made me smile today#fic: crave his art#jurdan fanfic#jurdan
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"Countless simulations have been run as the core neural network design has matured. We believe that not only have the personalities controlling these weapons never fired in error, they are simply incapable of that sort of organic, emotional mistake."
I'd watched the recording of the conference the other night. Apparently it had happened a few weeks ago and, since it had been delivered by one of the company's sponsors, the station's personality had stored it on local servers. It was one of the few things I could find that actually had any discussion of the personalities behind these things, a part from the technical specs for their outer workings I could access whenever I was on a job with the DeepWatch satellite, whichever one it was. It had been three times now, all the same one. It had to be the same one, I told myself despite knowing so little about them, and despite the fact that, in theory, they should all be identical. Because each time it...she? It acted like it knew me. Like it was glad to see me. Talking to me in that simulated voice, feeding me images, data, streams that I was over ninety-five percent sure I was not supposed to be seeing.
"Hey, Ames," my date says, poking the shoulder of my suit, "you okay? You've been quiet for awhile."
Workplace relationships weren't frowned on by the company. Quite the opposite actually, given the strain of being in close quarters for so long. There's an old joke about them pumping amphrodesiac's and contraceptives into the air purifiers, but that was just a joke. I've been up here ten years, jumping from posting to posting, job to job, watching as the orbital reinvestment boom goes through its death-throws, and more and more company's and postings close or are automated and militarized. I have had plenty of orbital partners before. And I have been on more than a few space-suit dates. Sweet talk the officer in charge of signing them out, turn off all external coms save the ones between you, and you can get a few hours alone, with only a few inches of plastic, glass and metal between you. Practically the dream.
"Yeah," I say, shaking my head, "just thinking is all." "Quite the sight," she says, as we passed over on of the equatorial bleach zones, misinterpreting my silence as wonder.
"It's Earth," I say with a shrug she probably missed under the suit. "Take it or leave it." "God, next you'll be sounding like one of those pinkos from the moon or some Martian techno-anarchist."
"And is that a problem?"
She was quiet a long time. I liked this one. She was hot, and the sex was great, but that was how it would have to be. Zia was what she went by, and Sanchez, who I had hooked up with and who was her boyfriend, had introduced us. But I was willing to move on whenever, and if she was one of those company loyalist types then I was right out.
"Nah, I think its hot, honest." "Thanks." Silence. The planet moving below us. The steady spin of the station. "Hey," she says after awhile, "one of the multi-bunks opened up recently after that depressurization accident. Only shares the room with the one under it. And normally the company only gives them to groups of four, but they've been known to give them to three people. Me and Sanchez were thinking of applying, if you'd be in."
"Yeah," I say without much hesitation. "I'm in."
"Hell yeah," she says, reaching a gloved hand out which I have the politeness to take, "thanks. So, company health and n'at. Anyone else you're with other than Sanchez?"
I think of the way the war-machine talks to me. I think of huge weapons systems spinning smoothly and efficiently on gimballed bearings, effortlessly accelerating lead grains to speeds that could take out Lunar cities in mere minutes, could take out the space-yard on Deimos in hours, could be used against infrastructure on Venus or Titan, against wild-cat claims-jumpers on the Jovian Moons. I think of a loose connector that could, possibly, just theoretically, be vibrated loose by onboard actuators on a semi-regular basis. I think of the images that have been fed into my eyes against my will, delicate repair work, hands inside of optical imaging arrays, suited lab-tech touching heat dissipators in a way that could, if pressed, be described as tender. Redouts of what I am pretty sure were my own neurotransmitters compared to internal Q-CPU activity.
"Nope," I say resolutely, "no one else."
There's an old saying, probably from back in the 90s, if not earlier, before the big post-War orbital reinvestment, that laws stop at the Karman Line. Not quite true, but close enough. Technically in orbit you're in international waters, and as such companies can incorporate their stations under the laws of the Lunar Soviet, the Martian Exploratory Committee, or even the Titan Expedition if they want to get around safety regulations. Safety regulation like the one that says people need to experience real, full gravity, not just rotational or accelerational simulation, two years for every year in orbit. I hadn't been ground side in a decade. We were somewhere over I think the American Reclamation Zone, as I left the sled, tethers the only thing holding me to anything as I floated on nothing. A single hand reaching up towards the solar shade of the military satellite the company had been contracted to repair. Somewhere down there I had been born. "Ames?" came Control's reassuring voice, ringing through my company issued implants. "On structure."
"Right," came Control's voice, "don't be enjoying the view. The corporate-military conglom that owns this beast wants the job done right, and unfortunately that means I'm gonna need you to hard-wire into the satellite. Don't have your head down in the clouds."
"My head's always in the dark, Control," I said, working my way hand over hand along the guide-bars towards the access panel. "Why is it unfortunate?"
"Are you there?"
"Yeah," I said, pulling the long connection wire from the company's suit towards the panel, watching the sync happen in my cornea. "Why?"
"You'll see." "Well now," said a new voice, suddenly speak in my head with all the cloying subtlety of a nineteen year old drunk outside a bar, "aren't you just dreammmy."
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