#AOP in Finance
techandtravel · 3 months
Understanding AOP in Finance: A Comprehensive Guide
Assets Over Period (AOP) is a fundamental concept in finance that refers to the assessment of a company’s assets over a specified period. This metric is crucial for financial analysts, investors, and companies as it provides a clear picture of how assets are managed and utilized over time. By examining AOP, stakeholders can gain insights into the financial health and operational efficiency of a…
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stonedcoldfoxtarot · 1 year
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Why have they been silent?
Bonus Next Steps + Channeled song
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Pile 1
9oW rev, Justice, World, 7oW, Hierophant, Empress, Hermit, 3oP, 4oW, Death, 4oP, 10oS, Chariot rev, WoF, 8oC (10oS)
Someone here may have been caught off guard by an unexpected ending to this connection. However, the other party feels they made a fair and balanced decision in moving on. In fact, they may have been the one to initiate a breakup, legal separation or divorce. The reason they are silent is because they have decided to fully commit to walking away and going at things alone. They may also be feeling betrayed by you or feel that you continually had your guard up towards the connection, which made any real forward movement next to impossible. This person could feel that you acted selfishly or refused to be an active participant in the relationship, giving them no other option than to walk away and permanently end things.
Ultimately, they may feel this relationship did not live up to their expectations or that you betrayed them in some way. They could also attribute the lack of progress in your connection to either one or both party's inability to freely give and receive love. There may have been a lack of self-control from both of you, leading to one person giving too much (to their detriment) and the other giving very little or not at all. Currently this person may be trying to get back on their feet, and if there are kids involved, they are focused on figuring out how to navigate life as a single parent.
Next actions
AoC rev, Hermit, AoP, 4oS (Moon)
Sadly, because they are now focused on rebuilding their life and finding peace, harmony, and happiness elsewhere I don’t see them reaching out in the near or distant future. It seems they feel liberated by their decision to move on and are looking forward to growing their life in a new direction. I see this person is slowly recuperating their strength, rebuilding their life and their finances and I also see that they may be keeping their next moves silent for now.
Channeled song: These Days by St. Panther
Pile 2
Hermit, 5oC, Tower, Judgement, Emperor, Fool, 7oC, 2oW, 4oP, 6oC, AoC, 7oP, 3oS (Star)
Pile 2, I see that this person could have ghosted you or recently left you on read. If that’s the case, I see that it’s because they have gone into a period of self-imposed isolation to recover from a sudden, disappointing situation that has completely upended their lives in some way. The thing is, Pile 2, this person is unaware that this major ending was divinely orchestrated to elevate them and that they are being guided to have faith as they step into a new life or a new beginning in love.
Right now, they could be unsure of which direction to take because they feel like they have more viable options than they actually do or each decision they face could seem more tangible than the last. They seem to be at a crossroads and are refusing to come towards you at the moment, as it would mean fully letting go of the past connection and really working on moving forward in the direction of what would make them happy. At this moment they may feel like they are not quite ready to heal from the heartbreak and pain of this previous relationship because they are only focused on what has been lost instead of what was gained.
Next Actions
Lovers, 9oC, 8oC, 9oW, Strength, Death (AoC)
In the near future I do see this person making a choice about this connection and deciding to walk away from their past person for good. Right now they are beginning to understand or acknowledge that this step will require a lot of willpower, strength, and determination. But they want to put this to rest so that they can come to you with a clean slate because they see you as their ultimate wish fulfillment in love. Because of you, they are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel and are finally embracing the idea of falling in love again.
Channeled song: Right by Khruangbin (David Bowie cover)
The original song is rumored to be about gay sex, so some of you here might identify as LGBTQ+
Pile 3
8oC, 8oW, Justice, Moon, 6oC, 9oC, 4oC, 10oS, 9oW, AoS (World)
Those who chose this pile may have recently walked away from this connection rather quickly and the person you left is wishing that you would reconsider and come back. Maybe you divorced this person or completely cut all the ties There might have been a lot of things that were hidden from you or this person may have had a lot of secrets that came between the love you shared. You may have felt at some point that this person was your soul mate or ultimate wish fulfillment in love, but since moving on and leveling up, many of you no longer see them that way. I feel like this person may have betrayed you or been the main reason the relationship fell apart, and ultimately they know that you were right in choosing to leave them. A lot of you have your guard up against them which is why they haven’t bothered to reach out.
You or this person may be a gemini, libra or aquarius.
Next actions:
4oW, 4oC, 10oP, WoF, KoW, 10oC (KoS)
Currently, this person may be reminiscing about the happy moments they shared with you and punching the air over how they fumbled you. They could be emotionally withdrawn at this time and redirecting their focus towards work or their career in order to forget about you. In the near future I see them attempting to try and find happiness again without you because it’s finally dawned on them that you are not coming back into their lives. They will forever be on the outside looking in, wishing they would have done things differently. Tbh I don’t see this person trying to make contact, as they are genuinely working towards letting you go (even if they aren’t quite there yet). For others of you, I feel that if this person were to see you happy with someone else, they might try to contact you in order to pick a fight or knock you off your square so that you sabotage your new connection. If this happens, just Ignore them.
Channeled song: I still Love You (Bonus Track) by Windy City
Pile 4
6oW, 6oS, 9oW, 7oP, 10oW, 9oC, 10oS, WoF rev, 9oP rev, Death rev (Lovers)
You may have moved away from this person or shown signs of being over them. Some of you may have actually physically moved away from them while others may have emotionally disconnected and created some much-needed distance. I see here, Pile 4, that this person may have recently ended a bad relationship or marriage and feels like, in the past, they have brought nothing but flighty energy and unnecessary stress to your door. In the beginning, they may have been more confident and made you feel like they could offer you the commitment you were searching for. But somewhere along the way, things might have gotten muddy, and one or both or you decided to pull back.
This person has been silent because they are afraid that you have your guard up and don't want to hear from them. However, you will hear from them eventually because, despite their fear, a bigger part of them wishes to reconnect and heal any issues between the two of you. For many of you, this person has high hopes of being in a committed relationship with you, but is hesitant to make the next steps to make their dream a reality. This could be because they were deeply hurt and wounded in a past connection and are afraid to open up and trust others again.
I see that this person may also have financial issues or may have recently lost a lot of money in a separation. For some, they had to give away something tangible such as money or assets, in exchange for their freedom from a toxic ex or business partner. They may have even owned a successful business with their ex and have had to hand over ownership or offer to buy them out in order to get away from them completely. Regardless, I feel this person deeply desires to restore balance in your connection and re-establish communication since they know they don’t want things to be over, but they are not necessarily making any sudden moves for now.
Next actions
AoW, Chariot (3oP)
This person is thinking about how to approach you and what to say. I feel that in the past they may have been fickle or kept you waiting, but they realize they need to play their cards right to avoid being ignored or blocked. They don't want to blow their chance because they really want a new beginning with you. Currently, I see this person being focused on rebuilding their life and finances so that they can offer you a solid commitment in the near future.
Channeled Song: For the Love of You, Pts 1 & 2 by The Isley Brothers
Thanks for reading🔮✨
© 2023 stonedcoldfoxtarot. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, translate, edit or redistribute.
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cardboardheartss · 8 months
Hanni and Yunjin Friendship Dynamic Mini Reading
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Overall dynamic : AoC rx, 5oP & 4oS rx
Yunjin and Hanni are unable to either openly express their own feelings or be fully open about their friendship in public. They may fear getting hurt if they are genuinely open about their feelings and emotional thoughts.
I think the two of them feel isolated because of work! Both Yunjin and Hanni have really tight schedules, and I believe rarely get a break to just sit down and chit chat
The friendship may be stagnant at the moment?! Or the two of them REALLY want to go on a break, and be together. They’d love to just have a silent retreat, have a little social media detox.
Hanni’s thoughts on friendship: 3oC, 8oW & 4oW
Hanni feels very positive about this friendship! She believes she is able to have fun with Yunjin, and would genuinely love to spend more time with her.
Hanni feels like this friendship started off so quickly, she can’t even believe it lol! And once again, she would REALLYY want them to go on vacation together!
She feels like she has found someone who can make her happy, she believes this friendship is really harmonious and they have a solid foundation too!
Yunjins thoughts on friendship : AoP, 8oC rx & 6oP
Yunjin most probably manifested Hanni lol! She is really happy they actually formed a bond, and is hoping to start a business to increase finances. She is still considering if this friendship will last for long term.
Yunjin is wondering if she should stay or go?! She feels like she’s drifting away from Hanni?!
She feels like the relationship is unequal and even one-sided mainly on her side, due to her thoughts of wondering if this friendship is worth it?!
Overall energy : 9oS rx
They MAY BE questioning the friendship?! They feel unhappy or trapped?! Wish to drift away, the two may not feel connected emotionally. Them questioning the reality of the friendship or career choices is keeping them up at night?!
well… that was something else…
Thank you for reading!📦
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nori-the-cat · 3 months
thanks for answering! the boycott consists in not buying merch and albums, not streaming and not interacting with riize's contents until sm releases a statement about 🫧, from what I understood... the fandom is also quite parted, since there are ot7 briize who boycott, ot7 briize who don't want to boycott (fearing that riize as a whole, instead of sm, would have a loss) and ot6 briize who don't want/care about 🫧's return.
No worries girly!
So, just to be clear. You're asking if the boycott is effective and whether SM knows about them? 🤔
Before you read my tarot readings or any of you RIIZE fans read this. Please please please, take tarot readings with a grain of salt!
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Does SM Entertainment know about the boycott? And are they aware of them? Card(s): AoP and 7oP rx
Yes, the company (SM Entertainment) is indeed aware of the boycott. They're most likely aware of the discontent of fans but are either unwilling or unable to take the necessary steps to resolve the underlying issues, leading to a stagnation of the situation (Seunghan's situation).
In my opinion, this is what is happening currently. They (SM) know that the boycott do impact the group's finances (sales), but they think their strategy is going to calm the fans. They (SM) believe everything will be fine.
Meanwhile, the Seven of Pentacles reversed is evident in their growing frustration. They have invested time and resources in promotions and damage control, but the results are disappointing. The executives are impatient, expecting quick fixes, but the fans' discontent continues to grow.
So, yes, they know and they're trying their best to cover up their losses and control the boycott.
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Does SM Entertainment know about the big projects that fans are planning. Are they monitoring fans' activities online?
Card(s): wheel of fortune, the hermit rx, 5oS rx, and knight of pentacles rx
Yes, they do. SM is watching. They're watching yall every move.
SM Entertainment is aware of the big projects fans are planning and is monitoring fans' activities online
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Is the boycott working/effective? Card(s): the hermit, five of pentacles, and page of wands all in a reversed position.
Personally, looking at these cards alone. I don't think so. *scratching my head*
But, the boycott is affecting RIIZE's sales (5 of pentacles rx). It's affecting SM's finances (sales) too. The pentacles cards is really strong here. There is the 5 of pentacles card here, and ace of pentacles and 7 of pentacles in the previous question.
Do you guys have a project or something? Cuz why do I see a project failing? There is something that the fans are working on and is not working out (page of wands). I also see divided opinions and support on something. (No idea what this something is. But I see online bickering? Why are u guys bickering?) Basically, different people support different things and they have their own opinions and beliefs.
Anyway, what I get is that RIIZE fans are for sure frustrated right now, especially those who are the OT7 supporters.
Okay so, the way I see it is that. You guys are the page of wands. Whatever you guys are working on is not working in your favour. Meanwhile, SM is the pentacles card and in this reading, they are the five of pentacles. Right now, they might be implementing measures to counteract the financial losses or improve their image.
In my opinion, the boycott had an impact initially, but SM Entertainment is beginning to find ways to mitigate the damage.
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Do the RIIZE members know about the boycott, OT7 support, and what do they think about them? Card(s): the magician, king of wands rx, page of wands rx, the tower, three of wands, and the emperor rx
I pulled 6 cards to see what the remaining 6 members think.
So, there's a 3 for 3 here. It's not 3 for and 3 against. But 3 members have different opinions while the 3 have their own opinions.
God, what are these reversed cards?
The RIIZE boys want to support the fans and the boycott but they're scared of SM. So, what I get is that they want to support the fans but are uncertain how to do so effectively due to restrictions from the management. Communication among the members might be strained, leading to confusion and lack of direction.
They might be discussing ways to influence the situation positively, perhaps considering reaching out to fans directly or using social media to communicate their thoughts.
I think the RIIZE boys are secretly supporting themselves as 7 (king of wands, the tower, and three of wands). Whether it's 6 or 7, they are thinking strategically about how to navigate this crisis and are planning for a future where they can rebuild their relationship with fans and grow from this experience.
However, the members might feel unsupported by the company's management and desire more effective and transparent leadership. They could be considering ways to advocate for themselves and their fans within the company.
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Why is SM Entertainment still making RIIZE perform as 6? Instead of 7.
Card(s): 10oW and 4oW rx
I'm not defending SM here. But SM is doing this for the good of others too. They feel that reintroducing Seunghan at this time would disrupt the group's current dynamics or that the situation is not yet stable enough to make such a change.
The Four of Wands reversed indicates that the company (SM) recognises the instability within the group. They understand that bringing Seunghan back now or without a proper plan could disrupt the fragile balance they are trying to maintain. The performances as six members might be an attempt to keep the group moving forward while they work on resolving the underlying issues.
For the members of RIIZE, the Ten of Wands upright signifies the additional pressure they are under. They are working hard to perform and maintain their image, but they feel the weight of the missing member and the expectations placed upon them. The Four of Wands reversed reflects their internal struggle with the lack of harmony and stability. Despite their efforts, the group feels incomplete, and their success is overshadowed by the ongoing controversy.
It's hard for everybody, girly.
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Does Seunghan know about the boycott?
Card(s): ten of swords and temperance
Yes, he knows about the boycott. He probably has seen it online or heard it from someone. He's contemplating a lot right now.
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Note: In my opinion, you guys have to wait until SM release a statement about Seunghan.
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shamrock313 · 1 month
Jensen Ackles General Reading
This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Please take everything you read with a grain of salt. Enjoy!
Jensen as a Person: Page of Pent (rev), Emperor, Ace of Pent (rev) and Queen of Cups = PoP (r) Feels like he missed out on big opportunities for his career. With the Emperor, he's a man man. Straightforward and strong features. Deep voice. He makes you feel protected. AoP (r) Again missed opportunities especially in terms of financial growth or stability. (I wrote in my notes asking about his other business and saw his brewery is closed). Worried about finances. QoC People go to him for emotional support. The way he looks at you makes you feel heard and understood. He gives advice and comfort to those who need it. Makes you feel safe, loved, and supported.
Jensen's Career: 5 of Cup (rev) + 7 of Cups = 5oC (rev) Healing from career misstep. Recovery. How is he doing on The Boys or any other project? I don't watch The Boys. May have had setbacks, loss of jobs, a layoff, or a business gone under which we know one of them is the brewery. 7oC He has many career options. Which one will he stick with? "Choose with purpose not passion".
Jensen on Jared: Sun + 5 of Swords (rev) = Bringing joy and laughter. To him Jared is irreplaceable. Often thinks about him. Supports and uplift each other. Creating joyful memories. 5oS (rev) Doesn't want any bad blood with Jared or see him struggle. If he ever has to let Jared go out of his life, he will, and will remind himself its for the better.
Jensen on Misha: 5 of Pent (rev), Chariot (rev), Queen of Wands = 5oP (rev) Always there for each other especially when it comes to issues regarding marriage or family. Deep conversations. He sees Misha improving in life and shining brighter than ever. Chariot There was a time where Misha was stuck. I think this was when he was getting divorced. He (M) may have said something reckless and I kept think this was about his "coming out" and how he had to clarify it, but I can't speak much about it because I don't know much about Misha his issues before, during, and after his divorce or what he's been doing in the SP fandom lately. Jensen has to remind Misha of the consequences of his actions. QoW Jensen loves Misha independence. He knows he can rely on Misha. Thankful to have him in his life.
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jcmarchi · 11 months
How to leverage AI in finance with Christian Martinez
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/how-to-leverage-ai-in-finance-with-christian-martinez/
How to leverage AI in finance with Christian Martinez
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Our sister community, Finance Alliance, recently held an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session inside our Slack community with Christian Martinez, Finance Manager at Kraft Heinz.
So, Christian answered members’ burning questions about how to successfully leverage AI tools in finance, and much more.
Below, you’ll find some highlights from the session, where Christian shared valuable insights and tips with Finance Alliance’s members. ⬇
The main use cases for using these types of tools, such as ChatGPT and Google Bard, include:
Identifying risks, opportunities, and trends.
Facilitating collaboration between departments.
Developing automatic AOP models.
Natural language processing (NLP).
Can ChatGPT interpret past trends and data to help automate financial forecasting?
I’ve seen that Google Bard, ChatGPT, and other similar language models are very powerful tools for many processes, but in order to help automate financial forecasting, they require an additional tool.
For example, Google Bard + Python.
How can ChatGPT help perform real-time financial analysis?
I see ChatGPT helping in two main ways:
Generating ideas on how to perform the analysis.
Providing Python code to use on Google Colab to perform real-time financial analysis.
How can you ensure buy-in from management in finance transformation projects/initiatives?
It’s really important to have that buy-in from management. In order to get it, you need to understand the ‘why are we doing this,’ and ‘why this matters.’ The answers will depend on the management and the project, but understanding those is key.
Another important thing you need to do is map your stakeholders/management people and understand how much interest and influence they have in your initiative.
I prefer to use Python (with Google Colab) for this! But for the MVM (minimum viable model), I sometimes use Excel.
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I’m still in the process of exploring the potential of third-party tools. Right now, I’m using Tableau, Alteryx, Python, SQL, Microsoft Azure, and Power BI.
What are your top 5 methods to forecast data?
Random forests
Linear regression
Monte Carlo simulation
Time series
How can AI help predict financial patterns?
They can primarily help through decision-making algorithms, predictive analytics, and automation.
What do you think are the best ChatGPT plugins for FP&A?
I have many articles on plugins:
3 Great ChatGPT Plug ins for Finance with Guide + Business Case
Generate your own ChatGPT Plug in guide in 3 Simple Steps
10 Amazing Ways to Use ChatGPT Plugins for Stock Analysis: Part 1
How can I use AI for financial modeling?
There are many good use cases for financial modeling. Some of the main ones are the creation of models (LBO, DCF, etc), research about models, generation of shortcuts guides on your financial modeling software, formula builder, etc.
Do you recommend using ChatGPT API in Python or is inaccuracy still a huge issue?
On its own, the API is the same as using the model on the OpenAI website. If you add things on top, it can then be valuable.
On accuracy, there are two things I’d recommend:
Use this before your prompts: “Act as a purely factual AI that doesn’t hallucinate. If you don’t know an answer or if it’s out of your training data, just say it…“
Treat ChatGPT as the most junior member of your team. They can contribute and help a lot, but you need to check their work before submitting it to your stakeholders/customers. Use your knowledge and expertise to assess the veracity of what they produce.
I mainly use Twitter and LinkedIn. I tend to follow a group of AI “general” influencers on Twitter, and then if I think it can be applied to finance and accounting, I post it on LinkedIn.
These are some of the accounts I follow:
About Christian Martinez
Christian Martinez is currently the Finance Manager at Kraft Heinz and has over six years of experience in financial planning and analysis (FP&A). He’s also the founder of The Financial Fox, a non-profit startup project which aims to democratize machine learning and data analysis.
Christian was named as one of the 30 under 30 in the Accounting and Finance industry in Australia in 2021. He also won the EMEA Data Democratizer Award in 2022 and was a finalist in the Young Leaders in Finance Awards in 2018.
Download Finance Alliance’s AI in Finance eBook
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the finance industry and empowering finance teams to make smarter, data-driven decisions like never before.
But how can you incorporate AI into your financial workflow?
Welcome to the AI in Finance eBook, your trusted guide to merging AI’s vast potential with everyday finance operations such as forecasting, budgeting, analysis, and more.👇
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Income Tax Rates Slab for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25)
What is Income tax Slab rates in India?
The Indian Income Tax System follows a structured approach to levy taxes on the income of individuals and non-individuals through various Income Tax Slabs.
Income Tax Slabs:
The tax applies to the range of income, which varies based on the applicable slab rate that keeps on changing every year.
The slab rates of Income Tax are announced in the Union Budget every year by the Finance Minister.
Income Tax Slab Rate Bifurcation
By Gender
Male; and Female.
By Age
Resident; and Non-resident in India.
For Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)/ Association Of Person (AOP)/ Body Of Individual (BOI)/ Artificial Judicial Person (AJP)
On Non-individuals
Partnership Firms or LLPs; Domestic Company; Foreign Company; Co-operative Societies; and Local Authorities.
Income Tax Rates for Individual
Income Range — ₹0-₹2,50,000
Old Tax Regime for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24  – xxx
Before Budget 2023 (until 31st March 2023)(Rate of Tax) – xxx
New Tax Regime After Budget 2023 (From 1st April 2023) — xxx
Income Range — ₹2,50,000 – ₹3,00,000
Old Tax Regime for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 – 5%
Before Budget 2023 (until 31st March 2023)(Rate of Tax) – 5%
New Tax Regime After Budget 2023 (From 1st April 2023) —xxx
Income Range — ₹3,00,000-₹5,00,000
Old Tax Regime for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 – 5%
Before Budget 2023 (until 31st March 2023)(Rate of Tax) – 5%
New Tax Regime After Budget 2023 (From 1st April 2023) — 5%
Income Range — ₹5,00,000-₹6,00,000
Old Tax Regime for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 – 20%
Before Budget 2023 (until 31st March 2023)(Rate of Tax) – 10%
New Tax Regime After Budget 2023 (From 1st April 2023) — 5%
Income Range — ₹6,00,000-₹7,50,000
Old Tax Regime for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 – 20%
Before Budget 2023 (until 31st March 2023)(Rate of Tax) – 10%
New Tax Regime After Budget 2023 (From 1st April 2023) — 10%
Income Range — ₹7,50,000-₹9,00,000
Old Tax Regime for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 – 20%
Before Budget 2023 (until 31st March 2023)(Rate of Tax) – 15%
New Tax Regime After Budget 2023 (From 1st April 2023) — 10%
Income Range — ₹9,00,000-₹10,00,000
Old Tax Regime for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 – 20%
Before Budget 2023 (until 31st March 2023)(Rate of Tax) – 15%
New Tax Regime After Budget 2023 (From 1st April 2023) — 15%
Income Range — ₹10,00,000-₹12,00,000
Old Tax Regime for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 – 30%
Before Budget 2023 (until 31st March 2023)(Rate of Tax) – 20%
New Tax Regime After Budget 2023 (From 1st April 2023) — 15%
Income Range — ₹12,00,000-₹12,50,000
Old Tax Regime for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 – 30%
Before Budget 2023 (until 31st March 2023)(Rate of Tax) – 20%
New Tax Regime After Budget 2023 (From 1st April 2023) — 20%
Income Range — ₹12,50,000-₹15,00,000
Old Tax Regime for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 – 30%
Before Budget 2023 (until 31st March 2023)(Rate of Tax) – 25%
New Tax Regime After Budget 2023 (From 1st April 2023) — 20%
Income Range — Above ₹15,00,000
Old Tax Regime for FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24 – 30%
Before Budget 2023 (until 31st March 2023)(Rate of Tax) – 30%
New Tax Regime After Budget 2023 (From 1st April 2023) — 30%
Important Notes:
The tax rates are the same for all categories of individuals under the New tax regime.
Senior and super senior citizens will not get an increased basic exemption limit benefit in the New Tax regime.
Individuals with net taxable income up to Rs 5 lakh will be eligible for tax rebate u/s 87A in both New and old/existing tax regimes.
The basic exemption limit for NRIs is Rs 2.5 Lakh, irrespective of age.
An additional Health and Education cess at the rate of 4% will be added to the income tax liability in all cases.
Surcharge is applicable as per tax rates mentioned below for all categories mentioned above:
➤ 10% of Income tax if total income > Rs.50 lakh
➤ 15% of Income tax if total income > Rs.1 crore
➤ 25% of Income tax if total income > Rs.2 crore
➤ 37% of Income tax if total income > Rs.5 crore
In the Budget 2023, the highest surcharge rate of 37% has been reduced to 25% under the new tax regime, applicable from 1st April 2023.
The Income Tax Slab rates for the Financial Year 2023-24 have undergone some changes as compared to the previous year. The New Tax Regime has the same tax rates for all categories of individuals, with no increased basic exemption limit benefit available for senior and super senior citizens. The surcharge rates have also been revised, with the highest surcharge rate of 37% being reduced to 25% in the new tax regime. It is important for taxpayers to understand the new rates and regulations to plan their finances and tax payments accordingly.
Income tax and GST returns are two important obligations for taxpayers in India. Income tax is a direct tax levied on the income of individuals and businesses, while GST is an indirect tax levied on the supply of goods and services. Both taxes have different filing deadlines and procedures.
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ahomtechnologies · 2 years
The Best Java Development Company for Web & Software Services- Ahom Tech
Best Java Development Company for Web & Software Services
Business ideation is a thought process of an individual or a group of like-minded people. However, its success depends on innumerable factors. And one of them is your digital partner. In these contemporary times, having a development company that is in sync with your needs and future goals can be a boon in disguise, especially when you need a world-class Java service provider. Ahom Technologies offers top-notch Java application development services that can reshape your business into a successful template; an example for others to follow.
With more than 4 years of intense experience and a team of Java developers who are always looking for challenges, we deliver web and mobile software applications powered by Java technologies that are trendsetters and equally practical to use. And therefore, we can confidently say that your “Java development company in India” search ends here.
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Java frameworks that Ahom Technologies exploits -
Although SPRING is an application framework, it uses techniques such as Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) to build enterprise applications; it also boasts extensions that are utilized to develop WEB apps also. The layered application extension is a great resource for developers.
An open-source web application framework, Spark offers an in-memory, distributed data processing engine. The highlight of this engine is its ability to analyze and process large datasets. Spark is a perfect distributed data processing system that utilizes optimized query execution for quick results.
Eclipse, a Java-based framework not only allows developers to build Java applications but offers a plethora of language options such as C, C++, C#, PERL, and PHP. Eclipse provides a fantastic application model and a user interface that is intuitive & versatile. As one of the leading Java Developers, we love ECLIPSE for its range of development languages.
The blade is a simple, Java MVC framework that is lightweight, modular, and supports the plug-in extension. It provides support for JDK 1.6 and the higher versions. Another attractive and developer-centric feature is its support for a REST-style routing interface. All in all, it reduces functional layers between the developer and the underlying vibrant libraries.
Ahom Technologies, a global Java application Development Company also builds web applications and software using Struts Framework. Incidentally, this framework is based on Java and its complementing technologies such as JavaBeans and JSP.
PLAY is yet another open-source Java framework that is distinct in its own way. Our developers love it because of its model–view–controller architecture. It is developed using SCALA. However, it can be exploited via complementing programming languages and then compiled into JVM Byte code. It is one of the options that we frequently exploit to build web applications.
Ahom Technologies builds world class products using Java and Java frameworks -
Java-based Web Applications -
Java Server Pages, JSP Standard Tag Library in tandem with Java Servlet API allows developers to rapidly build dynamic web pages and applications which are distributed in nature. Java's inherent features such as robust coding and high security enable Ahom Technologies to develop and deploy large ecommerce portals, finance and insurance client/server apps, and even large-scale government web applications.
Java Enterprise Solutions
JEE is a perfect development toolkit for creating structured applications. Its beauty lies in its segregation of client, business, and enterprise layers. Ahom Technologies, one of the finest Java Developers exploits the Java Enterprise solutions framework to build business processing software, games, desktop applications, and a bouquet of productivity tools. 
User-Friendly Java CMS 
Ahom Technologies offers enterprise-level CMS using Java and its repository of libraries, functionalities and toolkit. We typically exploit Java frameworks such as spring to build reliable and stable content management systems. Unlike CMS based on PHP and other languages, Java offers impeccable user experience, and also boasts a long history of delivering high-quality software.
J2EE Solutions
Ahom Technologies, a java Software Development agency features a team of developers who exploit various APIs and protocols to deliver high-class, industry standard, and multi-tier web-based software. Our web applications are secure, scalable, and fast, ensuring optimum productivity, and responsiveness. In short, our software offers a flawless enterprise-class experience with the J2EE platform.
Java Mobile App development
One of the beauties of Java, an independent, self-functioning, platform-independent programming language is its “develop once and run anywhere” feature. It is this independence that makes it an apt medium to build cross-platform mobile apps. At Ahom Technologies we understand the importance of this liberty and therefore imbibe Java and its frameworks to develop world-class apps which do not need to be recompiled for different devices or O.S.
Java/J2EE-based Software Development
Are you looking for a simplified option to build a secure and scalable software development tool? Yes! Then J2EE is your best bet. Based on standardized, modular components, it allows rapid development of internet or intranet-based enterprise applications. Events and functions are automated using components and libraries, relieving programmers from redundant and repeated coding.
Ahom Technologies and Java - Perfect Companions
As a leading Java developer, we provide Java and Java-based solutions for a myriad of applications and software. Java is a robust, platform-independent, and Object-Oriented programming language which allows us to develop Custom Java-based apps - from web software to enterprise-level tools such as CMS, Games, and Business Productivity / Processing applications. 
Outsourcing Java Projects?
The search term “Java development company India” is synonymous with Ahom Technologies. So, if you are looking to outsource your Java projects, look no further. We offer tailor-made solutions which are affordable, based on the latest framework, and carry unmatched after-deployment support.
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mittaxaudit · 2 years
What is Income Tax?
Income tax is a tax charged on the annual income earned by an individual. The amount of tax paid will depend on how much money you earn as income over a financial year. One can proceed with Income tax payment, TDS/TCS payment, and Non-TDS/TCS payments online. All taxpayers must fill in the relevant details to make these payments. The entire process becomes simple and quick.
Income tax for FY 2020-21 applies to all residents whose annual income exceeds Rs.2.5 lakh p.a. The highest amount of tax an individual could pay is 30% of their income plus cess at 4% if their income is more than Rs.10 lakh p.a.
Who should pay Income Tax in India?
It is mandatory to file ITR for individuals If the gross total income is over Rs.2,50,000 in a financial year. This limit exceeds Rs.3,00,000 for senior citizens and Rs.5,00,000 for super senior citizens. The entities listed below are required to pay tax and file their income tax returns.
Artificial Judicial Persons Corporate firms Association of Persons (AOPs) Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs) Companies Local Authorities Body of Individuals (BOIs)
Income Tax Slabs
In the Union Budget 2020, the Finance Minister of India has announced a new income tax slab. However, the new income tax regime is optional, and individuals can either opt for the new regime or file their taxes as per the old regime.
Income Tax slab under New tax regime for FY 2022-23 & AY 2023-24
Income Tax Slab Tax Rate
Up to Rs.2,50,000 Nil From Rs.2,50,001 to Rs.5,00,000 5% From Rs.5,00,001 to Rs.7,50,000 10% From Rs.7,50,001 to Rs.10,00,000 15% From Rs.10,00,001 to Rs.12,50,000 20% From Rs.12,50,001 to Rs.15,00,000 25% Income above Rs.15,00,001 30%
Note: New income tax rates are optional
Existing Income Tax Slabs for FY 2022-23 (Alternative)
The income earned individuals will determine the income tax slabs under which they fall. The lower the income, the lower the tax liability, and those who earn less than Rs.2.5 lakh p.a. are exempt from tax.
Depending on the age of the individual, the three categories that resident individual taxpayers are divided into are mentioned below
Individuals who are less than the age of 60 years old. Senior citizens who are above 60 years old and below 80 years of age. Super senior citizens who are above 80 years old. Here is the income tax slab for individuals who are less than 60 years old:
Income Tax Slab Tax Rate
Up to Rs.2,50,000 Nil From Rs.2,50,001 to Rs.5,00,000 5% of the amount exceeding Rs.2.5 lakh From Rs.5,00,001 to Rs.10,00,000 Rs.12,500 + 20% of the amount exceeding Rs.5 lakh More than Rs.10,00,000 Rs.1,12,500 + 30% of the amount exceeding Rs.10 lakh *An additional cess of 4% will be applicable to the tax amount calculated above.
Income Tax Return
Here is all you need to know about how to file ITR online. Before you file your taxes, you will need your Form 16, provided by your employer, and any proof of investment. Using that you can compute the tax payable and refunds, if any, for the year. You can download the IT preparation software from the IT department’s website. Once you have all the documents ready, you can start the Income tax return filing process. e Filing Income Tax in India e-Filing Income Tax Return, TDS return, AIR return, and Wealth Tax Return can be completed online on https://incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in. E-filing your return has obvious advantages like the fact that you won’t have to deal with the hassle of paperwork and waste time sorting through it all. You can simply log on to the secure website and e-file your return.
This government website also has provisions for you to submit returns, view form 26AS, outstanding tax demand, CPC refund status, rectification status, ITR – V receipt status, online application tools for PAN and TAN, e-pay your tax and even has a tax calculator.
Income tax calculation
Income tax calculation can be done either manually or by using an online income tax calculator. The amount of tax that must be paid will depend on the tax slab under which you fall. For salaried employees, income from salary
includes the basic pay, House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport Allowance, Special Allowance and any other allowances. However, certain components of your salary are tax-exempt, like Leave Travel Allowance (LTA), reimbursement of telephone bills, etc. In case HRA is part of your salary and you reside in a rented house, you are eligible to claim exemption. Apart from these exemptions, there is a standard deduction of up to Rs.50,000.
History of Income tax
The concept of taxing income is a modern innovation and presupposes several things: a money economy, reasonably accurate accounts, a common understanding of receipts, expenses and profits, and an orderly society with reliable records.
For most of the history of civilization, these preconditions did not exist, and taxes were based on other factors. Taxes on wealth, social position, and ownership of the means of production (typically land and slaves) were all common. Practices such as tithing, or an offering of first fruits, existed from ancient times, and can be regarded as a precursor of the income tax, but they lacked precision and certainly were not based on a concept of net increase.
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Most people's version of adulting: getting to bed at a reasonable hour and not needing to take a nap the next day
My version of adulting: staying up way too late to set up a Roth IRA
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murilloautumn · 4 years
twia insurance
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twia insurance.com will be contacting you shortly to discuss your jewelry insurance needs. jewelry insurance quote The best way to go about finding the best value on your car insurance policy. It doesn’t matter if you are a low value user for a car, a minivan or a family’s car is one of the ways to put it at ease when looking for insurance for your vehicle. Even if you are a beginner car insurance can help you find the best rates on your insurance or even other drivers insurance if you know you are a low value user. While there are many factors that need to be examined when trying to determine the best car insurance options and rates for those types, remember that for a short term auto insurance with great rates you should just stick with a or company. There is a reason why for car insurance that allows you to keep your car insurance rate lower than most companies. As an example with a 30 year old female that might seem reasonable, if she wants to have. twia insurance agency, for an affordable . (additional coverages can be purchased separately) Insurance provided by an insurance company may be canceled for any reason other than accidental damage.  A defined period of time, usually between 7 and 30 days, may be an advantage if there is a fire, including: However, if the insurance company is required to notify the insurance agency, that would normally expire the coverage when a new policy is issued unless there were a certain number of cases where the insurance company is required to inform the insurance agency.  Even if such cancellation is announced, a policy might only allow the insured to take out more than one policy per line of coverage.  In that case, the claim could not be used as a basis for termination due to non-payment. In the case of a sudden cancellation, the policy will no longer be paid if the policy is cancelled within 30 days of the date of the cancellation. That means cancellation due to nonpayment of the policy will be in addition to an. twia insurance. When you re shopping for auto insurance, you might come across a few companies that offer an online quote process and the ability to customize a policy based on your needs and budget. The online quote process can help you quickly compare quotes and pay bills from different auto insurance companies in a matter of minutes. Auto insurance is a complex product, and there are different coverage options and costs for different drivers. Depending on your auto insurance company, the right auto insurance policy might seem like only an expense, but it can be very worthwhile when it comes to protecting your finances. At IAM Insurance, we take pride in providing a variety of and through our relationships with multiple insurance carriers. As an independent agency, we can help you review your most frequently asked questions and find the best value for your budget. We are highly experienced in finding ways to ensure that people with more than two cars can secure the best rates and coverage for their vehicle insurance. IAM.
Windstorm Insurance FAQs
Windstorm Insurance FAQs How do I file a claim with this company? To confirm you’re properly insured with a reputable insurance company, you can either call 1-800-628-4869 or . The first step in the process of purchasing a policy is to call your agent or insurance agent. Once you’ve spoken with a representative, you can start the claims process by sending copies of all your receipts and insurance documentation to the company. You’ll then have 30 days to contact the insurance company to cancel your policy if you do not receive a satisfactory response from them. If you do not receive a satisfactory response from the company within that time, you must contact Customer Support.  This will take 3-5 business days, and once you’re back to receiving your policy information, your policy will need to be cancelled for non-payment.  You will also need to inform the company of any change in your policy benefits.  The company should then.
How to Get Texas Windstorm Insurance
How to Get Texas Windstorm Insurance Rates 2012-2018 State: TX Cancer incidence Texas windstorm Texas cancer incidence Car insurance rate for a 40-year-old fine Texas rate for comprehensive coverage on a $500 deductible Voting Total premiums paid by Texans to organizations/organizations/members Total premiums paid by the government 100% Comprehensive coverage Texas rates increase as the cost of firefighting reduces Massachusetts state minimum requirements increase our liability requirements, meaning higher insurance rates. There are no state-specific requirements for liability insurance, and Texas has a couple of optional policies. You can look at the chart below to see the average increase in these areas from the state minimum levels. Essential and optional coverages in the state of Texas Consultation fee percentage and savings Cancer coverage percentage Taxpayer risk (if you qualify) .
Instant Home Insurance Quote
Instant Home Insurance Quote $150 / $295 x 8-year term $150 / $295 x 3-year term $100 / $295 x 3-year term $100 / 30-year term $100 / 300-year term $100 / 300-year term $300 / $5,000 term $100 / 300 term $250/250 term life insurance $80 / $300 term life insurance $100 / $250 term life insurance $250 / 5,000 term life insurance $250 / 6,000 term life insurance $250 / 5,000 term life insurance $250 / 6,000 term life insurance $250 / 6,000 term life insurance $250 / 5,000 term life insurance $250 / 6,000 term life insurance $250 / 5.
What Is Windstorm Insurance?
What Is Windstorm Insurance? Windstorm insurance is considered to be an item to qualify for as a form of coverage. As with a car loan, this is because of its power to offset the cost of repairs. It can be important to have a wind/water damage list, or windstorm insurance to start with if your current policy won t cover you. This coverage is required by most lenders, and most customers choose to buy this type of coverage only if the loan is for a year. There are two types of wind/water coverage, depending upon the terms on their policy. This type of coverage is often referred to as windstorm exclusions. If your policy doesn t cover coverage for the cost of damage to the vehicle, you ll have to pay the out of pocket cost of repairs to the car. This type of car insurance coverage is often purchased by people who rent cars or borrow their cars for business purposes, and it may be the simplest form of coverage available. If your insurance coverage excludes a windstorm on your.
How Much is Windstorm Insurance in Texas?
How Much is Windstorm Insurance in Texas? If you are wondering, “Is it legal?” or “Does it need to be insured?” , then this guide has the answers you need to know. Windstorm insurance carriers will usually require a deductible, or a specific amount or, in some instances, the wind may penetrate through the roof of the windstorm to be covered. But, of course, the wind may also be covered. When Is Windstorm Insurance Carrying Insurance? Windstorm insurance carriers will usually require a deductible or a specific amount or, in some instances, the wind may penetrate through the roof of the windstorm to be covered. But, to avoid having to deal with the wind blowing across your car, it is important to carry the proper coverage for windstorm wind insurance. For starters, it is required that you have windstorm insurance coverage. The (AOP) states that windstorm insurance coverage will be legally prescribed. However, there is a difference between windstorm insurance coverage and.
Is Windstorm Insurance Required in Texas?
Is Windstorm Insurance Required in Texas? There are a few different situations when windstorm insurance would be a good idea for homeowners. If you’re a renter or you’re living in a high-risk area, you’ll need to get insured with a highly rated insurer. No. Do Not Get Home Insurance in Texas Texas’s average homeowners insurance premium is $796 and is a respectable $133 more than the national average. But keep in mind that the premium rate is based on historical average rates, which are highly individualized. Rates are also heavily weighted by age and ZIP code. If you live in a state prone to weather-related catastrophes, consider getting a policy from a major carrier that covers storms and hurricanes. » MORE:  Need Help With Home Insurance Rates? We re just a phone call away from your home. Call us at 888-603-2876 or click - GET QUOTES for a personalized quote. Check out.
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accotech · 2 years
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AccoTech is a premium accountancy & tech firm providing first class Accounting, Tax & Tech related services to clients in Pakistan. We mainly work with AOP’s, SME’s, Limited companies and Start-ups, providing them with fully managed finance/ Accounts and Tax solutions.
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throughputinc · 2 years
Modernization of Demand Forecasting and Supply Chain Technology
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With evolving market dynamics and changing customers’ needs, most growing companies’ ability to accurately forecast demand and determine how to meet it has been further challenged by s&op supply planning’ complexities and the rapidly increasing global scope.  
Dependency on manual outdated systems for demand forecasting further impedes the readiness to deal with these challenges. It therefore becomes all the more important to predict the consumption patterns of users to establish market viability. ThroughPut’s AI-driven demand forecasting software ensures that supply chain wastages are mitigated and that the inventory caters to the targeted demand. 
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What if your current data could tell you which perishables would be in high demand in the next one month? What if you could stock just enough inventory to meet customer demand over the next quarter?What if you can plan the OTIF (On-time, in-full) deliveries effectively to enhance customer experience for all your stores at once? Demand Sensing can help you achieve the above effortlessly, by simply using your existing demand and supply data and without any additional fancy interventions. 
AOP Planning uses improved new-age digital technologies to analyze existing data sources, which are an outcome of your own historical data trends and specific real-time signals. As an outcome, you can easily identify when, where and how customers will buy products, in what quantities, variants and locations. 
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All of this before they actually even do! That’s not all, we are talking about solid on-ground benefits for your day-to-day supply chain activities- Reduce forecasting errors by up to 50% with real-time data insights.  Boost inventory accuracy by up to 20% with optimal stock tracking. Multi-fold benefits across your top, middle and bottom layers of the supply chain:
Intelligent & assortment optimization software solutions with the help of AI and ML to ease the making of difficult decisions and help business growth. Visit Our Website - ThroughPut
1. Your top line experiences a dip in stock outs which can lead to a 10% jump in sales- A great boost to the C-level decision makers! 
2. The bottom line benefits with 5%- 10% reduced operating costs due to automated planning systems – A great way to motivate your front line workforce!  
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3. Your finance team has more working capital in hand as lower safety stocks cut overall throughput time by almost 20% – A great way to free up cash reserves for everyone! ThroughPut’s data-driven forecasting solution builds accurate information pipelines based on patterns of purchase and forecasts of global trends. 
These pipelines feed data for holistic enterprise supply planning across every level of the supply chain and s&op process, thus enabling supply to be specially curated for the demand.
Previous Blog - Huge Gap Between Demand and Supply During COVID-19 Pandemic
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sunny-developer · 2 years
Taxation of jointly owned property
All around, a large number individuals buy fervent properties in joint names of more than one individual, for various reasons, including financing for the property and smooth movement. We examine the courses of action for charge evaluation from such together had property
The Income Tax Act has isolated charge components into various classes. All individuals are troubled under the class of an 'Man'. Regardless, accepting more than one people get together to have a construction, they may be troubled like:
An association firm
A relationship of individuals (AOP)
A gathering of individuals (BOI)
With respect to property together guaranteed by co-owners, Section 26 of the Income Tax Act gives clear principles for charge appraisal from the part of such co-owners in a design. The piece of pay in the property, may be either as rentals or may even be capital increases arising at the hour of proposition of such design. The fragment gives that if the part of all of the co-owners is clearly described and is ascertainable, then, at that point, the different piece of each co-owner will open up in their grip as an individual and not as a BOI or AOP or association. It very well may be pointed out that the design guaranteed by a HUF isn't a property that is had commonly yet the identical is asserted by the HUF in its own capacity. Therefore, the compensation of such HUF property will be troubled in the ownership of the HUF as an alternate appraisal substance and will not be disseminated among the people from the HUF.
How the piece of each co-owner can be found out
Accepting that the mate and the spouse's names are added to the game plan as purchasers of a property, they could have changing proposals in the property. Now and again, additional individuals are incorporated the course of action, to ensure smooth movement of property. Along these lines, the different part of the co-owners in the property, will be in the extent in which they have contributed towards the cost of the property.
The cost may either be through introductory venture, or it could in like manner be by means of their extent in the home development taken. This still up in the air from the bank clarifications of the co-owners. In this way, if you have not contributed anything towards the purchase thought, you will not be treated as a co-owner of the property for individual obligation purposes, regardless, when your name appears in the course of action as a buyer of the property.
The property may in like manner be acquired by means of inheritance, either under a will or through intestate movement. On the off chance that there should be an event of a will, the ownership extent will be chosen the reason referred to in the longing of the withdrew supporter. If the property is together obtained, regardless than under a will, the extent of ownership will be as indicated by the law of movement relevant to you, considering your religion. Regardless, if a part of the real recipients have given up their straightforwardly in the property by shared consent, the belonging extent will stand acclimated to that degree.
Charge assortment from rent got for commonly had property
Because of self-involved, together had property, the evaluation guidelines license you to have one house as self-required, on which there is no obligation risk.
Nevertheless, in case more than one together guaranteed properties are used for self-occupation, you truly need to pick one property as self-involved and the rest are treated as having been let out. For such properties, which are considered to have been let-out, you offer that would be useful for the notional rent. This is the aggregate for which the property is reasonably expected to be let-out, for charge appraisal. Such notional rent is distributed in the extent of ownership, as found out on the reason discussed previously.
For a property that is truly let-out, the rent persuaded is relied upon to be conveyed in the ownership not permanently set up. The rent so appropriated, is treated as the yearly worth of the property, from which, a level standard recompense of 30% of the rent, either truly got or notionally enlisted, is made, to appear at the accessible worth of the rent. Despite the standard induction, you are furthermore allowed to deduct any proportion of income paid on cash gained to buy, creating or fixing or renovating the design, which then, transforms into your accessible compensation under the head 'Pay from house property'.
Charge assortment from benefit on unique of the together guaranteed property
Accepting the co-had property is offered, each co-owner offers that would be useful for the capital increment as significant on his piece of the construction. It may be seen that the division will be made at the 'bargain thought' and 'cost of getting' level and not at the 'net accessible capital expands' level. Along these lines, by virtue of long stretch capital augmentations limited of the commonly had property, whether business or private, every single one of the co-owner will be equipped for ensure avoidance under Section 54EC, by contributing the recorded capital increments up to Rs 50 lakhs. Thusly, the limit up to which interest in showed bonds can be made under Section 54EC, will be material assuming there should be an event of each co-owner and not for the property overall. Additionally, the conditions of not having more than one private house as embraced under Section 54F for stating special case from long stretch capital increments, will in like manner be considered for all of the co-owners and not for all the co-owners taken together.
TDS at a deal of property in case of joint owners
In 2018, the Delhi seat of the yearly cost committee concluded that joint buyers will not be committed to pay any TDS under Section 194 1A, expecting the piece of the individual isn't quite as much as Rs 50 lakhs. The solicitation by the chamber came, while passing its judgment for a circumstance of one Vinod Soni. While passing the solicitation, the gathering moreover saw that since each transferee was an alternate individual, the purchase thought paid by each will be the choosing variable for the relevance of Section 194-1A.
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cobbjackson · 3 years
Who is eligible for 80EE and 80EEA?
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The deduction under this section is available only to individuals. This deduction is not available to any other taxpayer. Thus, if you are a HUF, AOP, partnership firm, company, or any other kind of taxpayer, you cannot claim any benefit under this section.First-time home buyers can claim deductions under Section 80EEA, if: *The loan has been taken from a bank or housing finance company. *The stamp duty value of property is up to Rs 45 lakhs. *They are not claiming deductions under Section 80EE.
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pkjobs · 3 years
Finance Leader - BMS - Honeywell Latest Job In Dubai UAE
Finance Leader – BMS – Honeywell Latest Job In Dubai UAE
This position will lead the Finance activities for the $50 M BMS GBE in the META Region. The role will partner and support the Regional General Manager in driving financial performance, managing and leading key business processes including the annual operating plan (AOP), strategic plan (STRAP), monthly operating review (MOR) and financial forecasts.  Responsibilities ·         Demonstrates a…
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