#AOMG fluff
jae-bummer · 2 years
*blows the dust from the keyboard and cracks knuckles*
Hello friends, fancy seeing you here!
It's been about three years since I last was active in writing on Tumblr, and I'm excited to say...I want to give it a shot again! I hope you all haven't forgotten me and are ready to see a bit of new content headed your way. I'm sad knowing I've likely lost plenty of folks who have moved on from my blog (or kpop in general), but I am so happy to meet all of you who have decided to follow during my break!!
Now let's start this thing off right...WITH A PROMPT LIST!
Half of these prompts are quotes, while the other half are situational. I hope there's a little something for everyone :) Quote prompts will somehow incorporate in the storyline and situational prompts, of course, will be the general, loose plot of the story.
Note: You can submit whatever request you want! It doesn’t have to be one of the prompts listed! This list just makes it easy and fun to see something you want to read.
Second Note: Don’t be afraid to talk to me! I love hearing your input or just geeking out on our favorite members! Reblogs with comments and sweet messages make my heart all fluttery!
Third Note: The groups I write for are: BTS, Got7, Seventeen, Monsta X, AOMG, and Stray Kids!
The Prompts:
"Want to help egg my ex's house?"
2. "Get in the fucking blanket fort."
3. "Tell me to leave and I'll never bother you again."
4. "You look good in my clothes."
5. "Okay, maybe I have a crush on you! So what?"
6. "If you do that one more time, I don't think I'll be able to control myself."
7. "Doesn't matter what happens...if you call me, I will always answer."
8."My job is to teach. That's all."
9. "I don't want them. I want you."
10. "You haven't changed at all."
11. Your bias makes every excuse he can think of to hold your hand.
12. Your bias needs a fake partner for a family event. Are you up for the task?
13.While on tour with your bias as a staff member, somehow the two of you end up sharing the same hotel room.
14. Soulmate AU (Requester's choice)
15. You hurt yourself and your bias is in the hospital bed adjacent.
16. You find a journal belonging to your bias.
17. Two mini fics in one: The first time you see your bias. The last time you see your bias (guaranteed heart break ahead)
18. Your bias gets drunk, and you have to handle their mess.
19. You or Your bias get injured, and one has to clean the other up.
20. Somehow you and your bias were moved into the same apartment.
Thanks all and happy requesting! :)
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lovesick-gxrls · 1 year
november 12th 2022 10:48pm
pairing: millie kim x code kunst, millie kim x aomg
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: swearing, smoking
description: millie and sungwoo finally acknowledged how they feel
word count: 1.4k
a/n: thank you all for the support, i don’t really speak on this account much but i really appreciate it 🫶🏻
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“HONESTLY ITS AS IF I HAVE ANOTHER DAD sometimes” millie laughed loudly nodding her head sideways towards kiseok who just wrapped his arm around her shoulders squeezing her tightly. the others stood around the high table laughed with them, however, sungwoo could only smile. he watched millie and kiseok interact, the constant bumping shoulders or the small inside jokes they had. he couldn’t help but feel a pit of jealousy in his stomach.
sungwoo knew that the pair were not remotely romantically interested in each other which annoyed him even more that he was so jealous. millie and kiseok were joint at the hip at these sort of events ever since he signed the girl to aomg. she was alone in korea when she joined the hiphop agency with her family still living in canada, so kiseok took it upon himself to take of the young artist and make sure she was living well.
the venue they were currently at was slowly becoming more busy as the party began, the atmosphere becoming busy and hectic whereas before it was calm. sunghwa stood across from millie and next to sungwoo, who had noticed his friend looking like a lovesick puppy when he watched millie talk. she was a quiet person usually but when she was around company that she felt comfortable with, she could talk for days, which was another thing that code kunst attracted millie to him.
sunghwa and wonjae knew all about the little workplace romance that was blooming between the producer and rapper. millie had drunkenly confessed to sunghwa of her attraction to cokun and wonjae had to sit and listen to his friend complain about how they will always be stuck as friends. as much as the pair wanted to interfere and make the oblivious friends realise that they share the same feelings they were both apprehensive of meddling.
millie took a small sip of her drink, her eyes meeting sungwoo’s. her heart felt as if it skipped a beat which she tried to ignore. he quickly averted his eyes and her heart dropped but she did well to hide the disappointment. “i’m gonna get another drink,” she muttered towards kiseok, he smiled rubbing her back slightly before she walked away. sungwoo’s gaze was now back on her, this time he was the disappointed one.
sungwoo stood watching her sadly causing wonjae to scoff and nudge him with his elbow. “you gotta talk to her hyung, before she gets with someone else,” he muttered. sungwoo sighed, at war with himself on what to do.
after squeezing her way through the crowd she made it to the busy bar. she waited, tapping her fingers against the table to the beat of the music. however her attention was soon on a familiar face standing a few feet away from her. junhoe was standing, scrolling through his phone, her stomach twisted the sight of her her ex-boyfriend. he was the last person she wanted to see tonight, especially since sungwoo was here.
unfortunately for millie, junhoe noticed her and smiled before walking over to meet her at the bar. “hey millie, didn’t know you’d be here,” he said awkwardly. millie laughed a little, “yeah i’m here with some of the guys,” she replied nodding towards where she was previously standing. junhoe looked over seeing some of the aomg guys at the table and how code kunst was watching the pair carefully. “ah i see,” he muttered. there was an awkward pause, the old couple hadn’t seen each other since the breakup which is what mille wanted but now here he was.
the pair spoke for a few more minutes with junhoe even offering to pay for her drink once she had finally ordered but millie declined. the conversation was strained and millie found herself laughing awkwardly most of the time trying to ignore the suffocating feeling. “i’m gonna get some air for a few minutes,” she told him not letting him reply as she left to quickly to hear it, but his attention quickly moved to someone else thankfully.
she made her way through the drunk crowd towards the front door - grabbing her jacket on the way out, in need of some fresh air and a cigarette. she wasn’t a big smoker but after she had a few drinks or felt overwhelmed with stress she would usually have a few. it was bad habit that she had been trying to kick since she was a teen, but to no avail yet.
outside the bar was quiet thankfully, a little group stood to one side of the door all smoking and laughing together. millie stood on the other side leaning against the brick wall while she began to rummage through her bag for her own pack. unfortunately she only found her lighter, “fuck,” she muttered, before checking her jacket pockets, she looked towards the door debating whether just to go back inside. as she continued to search of her pack, a hand appeared in front her offering a cigarette.
millie stopped a few seconds after registering what it was, her gaze lifted from the ground to meet sungwoo’s. “thanks,” she mumbled taking the stick out of his hand and placing it in between her lips. cokunst leaned on the wall next to the shorter girl, a silence settling between them. she quickly lit her cigarette and took a long draw, before exhaling the thick smoke. sungwoo stole a quick glance of millie who was staring at the nights sky admiring the stars she could see.
“i thought you were quitting,” he finally spoke, millie hummed at his words taking another puff. “i remember using the word trying,” she murmured, tapping off the ash. the silence came back.
“done ignoring me now i take it?” millie asked trying to sound as nonchalant as possible but there was still a hard edge to her voice. the words came out before she had realised what she had actually said, the rapper was usually quite good at hiding her jealousy or annoyance towards code kunst but the tension between them was becoming increasingly more apparent. millie was sick of feeling like a lovesick teenager around sungwoo, constantly overthinking every little detail of their relationship.
sungwoo cleared his throat awkwardly, “i.. i wasn’t ignoring you,” he stuttered out. millie rolled her eyes in annoyance, finally turning to look directly at him. “you have sungwoo, every time i looked at you you’d look away or if i came up to you in there you’d find an excuse to leave, what have i done?” millie rambled angrily suddenly she was thankful that the group who was next to them had gone back inside a few minutes earlier leaving the pair alone. “i’ve been trying all night to talk to you, but you’ve been with that ass for the past half hour,” sungwoo argued back and millie scoffed loudly.
of course that was why sungwoo had all of a sudden decided to leave her alone. it angered the girl more that sungwoo thought she wanted to be talking to junhoe for the full night. that he hadn’t made the effort with her. sungwoo had watched the two exes together at the bar, laughing and to him looked like millie talking excitedly while junhoe grasped her hand. they looked very happy to see each other and sungwoo was jealous to put it plainly. “so what? we we’re catching up. it’s what people do,” she exclaimed. sungwoo’s gaze hardened as the argument became more heated between the two.
“sorry for not wanting to interrupt you with someone you clearly still like,” he huffed pushing himself off the wall. millie scoffed in disbelief watching the taller guy with her eyebrows furrowed, muttering “you’ve got to be kidding me,” to herself. she stomped out the end on her cigarette with her boots, taking a moment to reply. without thinking her words left her mouth quickly. “i don’t fucking like him like that anymore we ended it… it’s you i fucking like,” suddenly it went very quiet between the pair. the only noise that could be heard was the loud music coming from the bar.
the tension could be cut by a knife as the pair stared into each others eyes, millie breathing heavily after her sudden confession. “please just say something,” she said just above a whisper, feeling like she could cry at any moment. instead of replying, sungwoo cupped her face and brought her in for a deep kiss. startled by the kiss, it took millie a second to register what was happening but soon relaxed. her eyes fluttered shut, her arms hanging around sungwoo’s neck.
sungwoo grasped her waist gently while they moved in sync. millie pulled away, smiling to herself as she tried to hide her face in his chest. “i like you too by the way,” he murmured softly.
millie m.list | masterlist
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whats-wild-to-you · 2 years
Can I request for a morning after fluff where the two of you stay in bed and he takes care of you? Thank you!
ngl.. when you said ‘he takes care of you’ my mind went into smut territory 😅 but then I took a sharp turn and interpreted it literally 🤭
ps. I don’t know what it is with me and weddings lately but I’m thinking a lot about weddings lately … 🤔
You groaned, shifting in bed, until you almost fell off. A hand reached out, grabbing you, pulling you back close to them.
“Does your head hurt too?”
“Babe, you didn’t even had that much alcohol!”
“Feels like I’ve been run over by a cargo train.”
You and Jay came home from AOMG’s Christmas party when it was already dawning.
“What time is it?”
“1pm. We should get up. Otherwise we’ll ruin our sleep pattern. Get up!”
Jay groaned but didn’t move. Seeing as you were in bad condition too, you pulled the covers over your head again.
A few hours later you felt Jay stirring behind you, then wrap an arm around you, slowly inching his way up your torso.
“Are you looking for something?” You giggled, but immediately regretted it. Your head was throbbing, threatening to burst like an overripe watermelon.
“Wait. I’ll get us some aspirin.” Jay mumbled and crawled out of bed.
He came back loaded with water, aspirin, vitamin drinks and piping hot coffee.
“Here! Drink this, it’ll make you feel better.”
You gratefully accepted the drinks and painkiller and sat up, gulping everything but the coffee down. Only then you realized how dehydrated you were.
“I’m too old to be doing this.”
You heard Jay mumble under his breath and chuckled involuntarily.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“The partying. The staying up late. The amount of alcohol everyone else drank.”
“Babe! They’re still young! Haven’t you seen Kiseok and Sunghwa? They switched to water after two drinks.”
“Of course they did! They were there with their fiancées! They had to behave!”
“What about you then? Can you act silly because I’m only your girlfriend?”
He rubbed his eyes, gazing sternly at you.
“My crazy days are definitely over!”
He announced firmly, drawing circles on your thighs.
You exchanged loaded looks, making a silent promise to each other that this would be the last Christmas you spent as boyfriend/girlfriend.
“I’ll go make us some soup.”
“Wait! I’ll come with you.”
You hurriedly put a robe over your skimpy lingerie and followed Jay downstairs and into the kitchen. An hour later you were sitting at the counter, slurping on your hangover soup, talking about Jay’s schedule for next year and how he’s going to work Kiseok’s and Sunghwa’s weddings into it. Secretly you were hoping for a third wedding, namely your own. You didn’t dare bringing it up with Jay but something told you he was thinking about it anyway.
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kpopslibrarian · 1 year
MonstaX | Got7 | BTS | Seventeen | EXO | BAP | BigBang | BlockB | NCT | Day6 | AOMG | Stray Kids
Fav fic on this list: MY IDOL - Season 01 / 02 / 03
Type: series, season 01 & 02 complete, 03 ongoing
Genre: fluff, angst - several idols x reader
Tropes: blind dating, dating reality show, dating several people at the same time
Summary: reader is the participant in a dating reality tv show and goes on seven blind dates with seven idols. the audience decides who gets second dates..
Comment: I love love love this series, I binge read it all within two nights lol. season one might have been my favourite cause of all the plot twists, never knew what was coming next. season two was just as goo tho and I’m soooo excited for season three!!
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ace-angel-judas · 2 years
Coffee and Sleep
Pairing: Clara/Giriboy
Series: Clara Yang AOMG Additional Artist AU
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: Clara and Giriboy while filming a music video for their song together
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Nine hours.
Nine hours on set, filming a music video.
Clara didn't mind the long days, she was used to three am starts finishing at midnight when her schedules were active. But something about filming this time had her jittery.
She was bouncing in her chair as her make up artist touched up the SFX on her face, chuckling each time she shifted slightly.
"You seem excited," The artist commented.
"I had three coffees," Clara stated.
"Oh my..,"
The first part of filming was a breeze, lots of cameras and water breaks. They were filming in Summer, which always made things interesting with the lights.
"Can I have another coffee?" Clara asked, looking at her manager.
"No, you've had four!" Her manager shook her head.
"How are you not dead yet?"
Glancing at the male, Clara shrugged softly. She was nervous, he made her nervous.
"I drink a lot of coffee, normally," Clara stated.
Siyoung shook his head, "Strange,"
The next set of filming, Clara kept shifting on her feet as she stood in front of Siyoung. The director was starting to get annoyed, cutting once again.
All she had to do was look at him, why couldn't she look at him?
"Can I try something?" Siyoung asked.
"Huh?" Clara perked an eyebrow.
The camera was already rolling as a pair of hands cupped her cheeks and made her look up at Siyoung, a startled look on her face. His hands were warm and strangely large.
As the director yelled cut, Clara slowly moved her head away. Siyoung pulled his hands away, nodding slowly.
"Was that okay?" He asked.
"Yeah," Clara nodded, "It was fine,"
Night time shooting was sometimes better than day time shooting but with the coffee now starting to wear off, Clara's eyes were dropping. They had two more scenes before wrapping things up.
A yawn left her lips as she curled up on the little chair. Maybe a little nap was okay?
Clara furrowed her brows as a hand lifted her head, something being slipped under her head. It felt soft and cushiony. She glanced up, looking at the person.
"You look tired," Siyoung commented.
Nodding, Clara whispered, "I am,"
"There still moving some stuff, you can sleep," Siyoung reassured her.
Turning her head into the folded up jacket, Clara slowly closed her, dozing off to sleep.
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a-fence · 2 years
Chili Lips
When Simon Dominic’s curiosity gets the best of him
“Babe, come to bed already,” Simon urged.
“I’ll be there in a sec,” you shouted back at him as you put some toothpaste on your toothbrush.
Simon continued watching his show, glancing at the ensuite from time to time to see if you’re done. He usually came home late and he wanted to spend time with you on this rare occasion that he came home early.
After brushing your teeth, you washed your face and patted it dry. You turned off the light at the ensuite and sat at your vanity to start your skincare. The second step to your routine was to apply toner. No matter the season, your skin type has always been dry and your aesthetician recommended to put several layers of toner to help moisturize your skin. You spritzed the toner on your face, patted it in, and repeated that step for a total of five times.
On your last application of the toner, you noticed Simon staring at you. You stared at him back through your mirror. “What?” you asked.
“Was it really necessary to do it that many times?” he questioned.
And so you told him that it was what your aesthetician said to do to help moisturize your face. You then opened your beauty fridge and brought out a face mask. You placed it on your face and sighed at the cooling sensation the mask brought you.
“Does that feel nice?” Simon asked, his curiosity piqued at your routine.
“Yeah actually. You wanna try?” you offered.
Simon shrugged and you instructed him to pull a chair near your vanity so you can put a face mask on him.
Before you placed the mask, you made him wear one of your headbands then prepped his skin by spritzing it with toner and told him to pat it in while you picked some masks from your fridge. You took out three and made him choose. He picked the one with gold packaging which was actually a gel sheet mask of the same color. You ripped it open and was about to place it on his face when he stopped your hand.
“You only put the toner on me once. You did it five times,” he argued.
You shrugged, “I don’t think you have a dry skin type so I think once is enough.”
You placed the mask on his face and adjusted it to make sure it occupied all the nooks and crannies of his face.
“Oh that does feel good,” he commented. “What do we do next?”
“Watch TV. It needs to stay on for 20 minutes.”
The two of you moved to the bed to watch TV. Simon grabbed his phone from the bedside table and snapped a photo of the two of you with the sheet masks on and posted it online and captioned it ‘Skincare 101 with @y/n’.
Twenty minutes passed and you removed your sheet mask and told Simon to remove his a few minutes later. You went back to your vanity and took out serums this time from your fridge. Simon went back to his seat and followed your lead, applying the serums the same way you did. You took out your cryo sticks next and handed Simon your extra ice roller.
“What does this do and how do I use it?” he asked.
You grabbed the ice roller and demonstrated how to use it. “It locks the products in your skin, de-puffs your skin, and shrinks your pores,” you explained.
Simon then rolled it across his face while your swirled the cryo sticks across your face. You liked to take your time with this especially on your cheeks near your nose where your pores are more visible. Simon eventually got bored with the ice roller and started tinkering with your stuff.
“What does this do? I think my lips deserve some TLC too,” he declared.
“Try it.” You encouraged him as you saw the product he was holding in his hand.
Simon unscrewed the cap, and smelled it. He deliberated if he should put in on his lips.
“It’s just gloss. There’s no color,” you said as you grabbed your trusted Smith’s lip balm.
You watched as Simon applied the gloss on his lips, anticipating his reaction.
“Why does it tingle?” he asked.
You ignored him and busied yourself in applying the lip balm liberally on your lips.
“Y/n, it starting to burn. Like I ate a lot of chilis,” he said, panic rising in his voice and face.
He checked himself in the mirror. “Oh my god, my lips are starting to swell. Am I having an allergic reaction? But I’m breathing fine. Oh god, what if it’s my airways that swell next.” He continued to panic, meanwhile you were trying to bite back your laughter.
He stood up and grabbed his phone from the bed and was about to dial 112. You snatched his phone away, not wanting to disturb the authorities over your prank of sorts and Simon’s overreactions.
“Ya! What did you do that for? Give it back! What if I pass out?” he bickered.
You couldn’t hold it in anymore and let out the laugh you were biting back. Simon looked at you like you were crazy. “It’s a lip plumper babe!” you managed to say in between huffs of laughter.
He still looked baffled and you explained that a lip plumper plumps up your lips, making them thick and that he was not having an allergic reaction. He was still doubtful and to ease him, you applied the product on your lips, making sure to remove the lip balm you previously applied first.
Simon observed as your lips started to increase in size which seemed to pacify him a little. You grabbed a wet wipe from your vanity and sat him down on the chair then wiped the product off of his lips.
“You’re such a big baby,” you teased. You wiped his lips several times to make sure you got all of the product off.
He pouted at you and you laughed once again. His pout seemed exaggerated due to the effect of the lip plumper. You wiped the product off of your lips to avoid it transferring on his as you placed a kiss on his lips.
“But you’re my baby,” you continued teasing him.
He pulled you on his lap and said, “Oh you are so gonna pay for this.”
Skincare reference from my girl Ashley’s vlog at around 4:00
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strawb3rryw00 · 3 years
black ink ♡ woo wonjae x female reader
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warnings -> tattoos, swearing, depression,mentions of tobacco and drug use
synopsis -> y/n is visiting seoul to get a few more tattoos where she meets the one guy in the beanie.
a little angst, fluff mostly
You laid there, eyes closed, listening to the buzz of the tattoo gun against your skin. Any normal person would cry at the feeling of a needle stabbing through the skin of your elbow but you smile at the pain. It was your fifth tattoo of the session, completing your sleeve. You let your artist craft each design and ink his art on your skin. He matched your other black tattoos perfectly while also giving you unique pieces to show off his art style.
Your artist understood you and your mind very well. You didn’t have to tell him you were in a depressive state. He knew, and he knew the one thing that made you feel better, getting new tattoos. Most of the art on your body was done by him and you were his favorite client to say the least.
“You always sit so well,” He hums, giving you the last dry wipe before setting his machine down indicating he was finished. You sit up, arching your back until it pops due to how stiff it was from laying still on your stomach for two hours.
You make your way over to the mirror where you admire the fresh pieces, grinning from ear to ear. “They’re perfect oppa,” You reach into your bag and grab the cash you pulled out to pay him.
After the exchange is done he wraps your arm up so you can put back on your hoodie and coat for the cold winter air awaiting you outside. “Thank you,” You say in a sing song tone, making your way out the shop.
Once your outside the harsh air hits your face, causing you to shiver. “Aish,” you groan, grabbing the joint from behind your ear and stepping over to the bench outside the shop.
There’s someone sitting on one end so you sit on the other with your knees to your chest. He has his beanie practically pulled over his eyes and a mask on his face. You can see a tattoo on his neck poking out of his hood. It’s a very well done piece and you know your artist is the one who did it for him.
You contemplate lighting the joint and smoking in front of a stranger, seeing as he glances at you periodically. Yet you do it anyway, taking a long hit from it and humming in satisfaction.
“uhm,” He begans, his voice deep and raspy like he needs to clear his throat. You look in his direction, seeing him holding a cigarette between his fingers. “Can I borrow that?” he mumbles, motioning towards your lighter.
You pass it to him with a gentle smile and take another hit, already feeling the calming effects of the drug. You hear him taking a drag out of his cigarette, glancing at him briefly to see his mask hanging off one ear.
He’s very handsome, yet has a cute face.
You feel very compelled to talk to him, noticing the way he slouches back, staring into the street with an emotionless expression on his face. “Are you getting a tattoo?” you finally ask, taking another long hit.
He brings his eyes to you, a shy smile forming on his lips. “Mm.” He hums in response, sliding your lighter across the bench to you.
“I just finished my sleeve, do you wanna see?” You love talking about tattoos and showing off your art. Any chance you could youd wear a short shirt or a pair of shorts to show off the beautiful black ink art work on your body. He nods, sitting up straighter and giving you his full attention.
You pass him your joint to hold. “You can hit it if you want,” You say as you pull off your coat. You’ve always been one to share.
You slide your arm out of your coat and pull it up high enough to show him your arm without revealing the rest of your body to the cold. He takes a hit from the joint and moves closer to you on the bench.
“We have the same artist,” He smiles, recognizing the unique and dark style. He grabs your hand, moving your arm to look at the rest of your sleeve with a satisfied grin on his face.
His hands are extremely warm, making you feel comfortable immediately.
Once he finishes looking you cozy back up and take the joint from him after he takes another hit. You take one more as well and put it out, sliding the remaining bit of it back behind your ear.
“Do you wanna, uhm,” You can’t help but smile at how shy he is, it completely contradicts his dark exterior and harsh gaze. “Do you wanna come watch?” He asks, avoiding your gaze.
Your slightly taken aback but say yes anyway.
He smiled at that, putting his cigarette out with his foot and standing up. You follow him into the shop, and to the artists station.
“Ahh Woo, welcome back!” He says, his eyes landing on you again. He laughs and shakes his head. “My two best clients finally meet.”
He sits down and begins to set up his station for the tattoo. You watch Woo begin to undress, revealing his skin to you and the artist. His broad and muscular build was just as unexpected as his shy nature. You sit in the extra chair at the station which faces the client chair so you can see Woo perfectly.
He leans his head back and looks around the artist’s station where he sees all of the artwork that’s been done. He looks at a picture and then glances back you before looking back at the picture. “Is that you?” He questions, pointing to the one he’s referring to.
It was a picture your artist took a few months ago to show off his work for other clients, and it’s the piece he’s most proud of. You sit in front of a black velvet back drop on your knees in nothing but a pair of black underwear and your hair pulled to the side to show off your beautiful back piece. It was the most painful and time consuming piece you’ve ever sat through because it covers your whole back and goes to the nape of your neck and shoulders.
Each line is perfect, the black is rich and deep, it fits your anatomy so beautifully it’s as if you were born with the art on your body. There isn’t a single a single flaw.
“We did it in two twelve hour sessions only a day apart, she sat through it like a champ.” Your artist brags, spinning on his stool with his tattoo gun in his hand and the stencil for Woo’s piece in the other. He begans his craft after a quick alignment of the stencil on Woo’s arm.
You feel relaxed at the sound of the machine buzzing, watching as Woo flinches slightly once the needles touch his arm. You can’t help but notice how beautiful this man is. He has gorgeous art on his body, your eyes looking at every piece you can see. Just like yours, they’re all very unique. They fit him very well.
You’re all left in a comfortable silence, the artist and Woo speaking here and there about album Woo has released. That catches your attention. You try to be secretive as you go to google to search for him. To your surprise he’s a rapper under AOMG entertainment. It makes you smile to think about him performing despite how shy he is.
Before you knew it, his tattoo was complete and you were walking right back out the shop. You both stand there, awkwardly to say the least. Woo has his hands shoved in his pockets and is rocking back ans forth on his heels and youre smacking your arm to soothe the itchy tattoos.
“So,” You decide to take the lead. “I mean, I’m about to grab a coffee and get high at my place.” You look at him, seeing his infamous shy smile form on his face.
“Oh?” He looks down at you, immediately avoiding eye contact.
“But we could also get high at your place and,” You hesitate. “You could show me your music?”
He hums and looks at the sky, nodding in return. “That sounds like a really good idea.” He mumbles, gently tugging at you sleeve to follow him in the opposite direction in which you came.
“So when were you going to tell me you’re rich and famous?” At your remark he laughs and youre heart clenches at how cute ans gentle is laugh is.
“I wasn’t planning on it. I don’t normally introduce myself in such ways.”
You fall into a comfortable silence as you make your way to coffee shop, Woo leading the way. It’s cold so you find yourself walking close enough to feel the warmth from his body heat.
“Uhm,” Woo begans to speak, glancing down at you. You raise a questioning eyebrow. “What’s your name?” He chuckles nervously, looking away from you again.
You laugh as well, realizing you’ve only ever got his name. “I’m y/n,” you stick your hand out for him to shake, which he does and giggles.
Woo stops suddenly and points to a door with the dimmest light above it that you’ve ever seen. Just barely illuminating the coffee shop sign. “This is where I go, it’s quiet.” He opens the door for you, following in right behind you.
By quiet he means so empty that there’s dust on the floor. You give him a questioning look but before you can speak the worker at the front counter gasps. “Wonjae! You haven’t visited us in so long.” The older lady cups his face and smiles. “Is this your girlfriend?” Her grin widens.
Woo smiles at the older lady and shakes his head, holding her frail hands in his. “No, we just met. I wanted to bring her to my favorite place.” He tells her, glancing over at you.
“I’ll go make your usual, and for you? Iced? Hot? Cream? Sugar?” She looks up at you, grabbing your hands as well. She brings back a fond memory of your own grandmother.
“Iced, and yes to cream and sugar.” She claps her hands togrther and makes her way into the kitchen.
“Iced? During winter?” Woo sits down at a table against the wall while he speaks, looking at you as you join him.
“There was a lot of judgment in your tone and it’s not appreciated,” You joke, causing the latter to laugh at your remark. “I drink iced year round.” You tell him.
A few moments later the gentle owner brings you both your coffees on the house bids you farewell.
“I feel bad not paying,” You grumble, sipping on the delicious coffee. Woo smiles. “She always tells me not to pay but i sneak the bills under the napkins.” He retorts.
“Well then thank you,” You smile, flattered he paid for your drink without hesitation.
“Paying,” Woo smiles at your answer leading you into the deeper parts of Seoul.
You make it to his apertament, eager to sit on a couch and enjoy your new found friend. He unlocks the door and steps in, making sure you have a place to put your shoes and coat. You pull your hoodie off and leave yourself in your white wifebeater that rests just above your waistline, revealing your navel.
You step further into the house, being greeted by three cats. “You failed to mention you have children,” You gasp and immediately squat down to the cats who rub against your and Woo’s legs.
He chuckles and joins you, telling you their names. You loved that he was a cat man, looking around at the multiple things he has for them.
“They’re my favorite part of the day,” Woo admits, glancing over at you and smiling as you pet his cats.
Four hours later you and Woo are sitting across from eachother on his couch, happily chatting away about your daily lives. You decided not to smoke, feeling content and comfortable enough around Woo to not have to be high. He played you his music, happily watching you enjoy every second of it. He’s extremely talented and unique and he blushed when you called him a genius.
“Aish, it’s almost 2 am.” You say after checking your phone, beginning to stand up. You stretch your body, growning and yawning.
Woo watches you, taking in your exposed skin and the art on it. “What are you doing?” He asks, moving to the edge of the couch, tugging at your pant leg. You noticed that as the night progressed he became more chatty with you, which made your heart swell.
“I’m going to leave,” you reply, looking down at him.
“Why?” You laugh at his response, shaking your head and sitting back down next to him. “Because it’s late Woo.” He’d only known you about 8 hours but he knew he wanted to spend every second he could around you.
“I want you to stay,” He mumbles, a frown tugging at his lips. Your heart warms at his words, his hand reaching for yours. “Please. I want to know more about you. I’ve never met anyone like you.”
Your eyes widen, never expecting such words to leave his mouth. “Why?” You can’t help but ask.
“You’re so interesting to me. Everything about you is different and enticing.” He says further. He has such a perfect way of words, definitely a lyrical genius.
“But it’s late.” You say, even though you wanna stay longer as well. You had been alone for so long, his company and aura is so comforting to be around. You feel so free and like a true version of yourself.
“All the more reason to stay. I make really good morning toast.” Your heart beat quickens at the thought of spending the night with him.
“Okay,” You smile, earning a bright one back from him.
“You make me feel less alone,”
omg lol. i don’t ever see many woo fanfics so i wanted to write one no matter how poorly written it is. if u come across this i’m sorry HAHA. but if u enjoy u can lmk :)
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dothathang · 4 years
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please, dont touch me
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ukiyoexo · 5 years
Comfort Blanket.
GRAY fluff
A/N: Another KHH fic whoop whoop, this time with the lovely GRAY. You know every time I listen to Drive all I can think is “GRAY SEXY ENGLISH TIME” sorry I just thought you’d like to know that.
Pairing: GRAY [Seonghwa] aka the KHH heartthrob x Reader
Company: AOMG
Genre: Fluff with sorta angst but not really
Warnings: Anxiety and kinda a panic attack.
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Prompt > “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.” With Gray
It was expected. The paparazzi swarming you. The bright flashing lights. The persistent yells and your husband’s name. It was all expected yet it still didn’t stop your chest from tightening. It didn’t stop the panicking feeling rising, a nervous sweat forming on your forehead as your heart thumped in your chest, tears pricking your eyes.
You tried to calm yourself, you tried your best to steady your breathing. You kept on telling yourself all you had to do was get past security and you would be safe, you could get on you flight and get home. Everything would be ok - but that didn’t matter because right now, things weren’t ok.
Seonghwa’s bodyguards huddled around you as you shuffled through the airport, they tried their best to look after you but it didn’t matter when you only comfort blanket had vanished out of your sight. You swore that Seonghwa was in front of, you had watched him as he carried your sleeping daughter, they were there just before but they had vanished. And despite the masses of people around you, without them in front of you, you felt overwhelmingly alone.
You didn’t want to cry but as the first tear dripped down your cheek, it was like it had opened all the floodgates. Social situations were never your thing so being surrounded by flashing cameras did more than just stress you out. As you raised your hand to wipe your wet cheek, that’s when you finally felt the reassuring grip you had been searching for finally wrap around your wrist. Within moments you had been ushered into a small side room, away from the preying eyes.
“Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.” Seonghwa’s voice was like a soft lullaby in your ears, his warm body pulling you into a tight hug. “I’m here Y/N.” He kisses the top of your forehead.
“W-where’s Y/D/N?” You once again felt the stress knot itself in your stomach, only unravelling when your husband signalled to the corner of the room where your daughter was making her way through a colouring book. “I-I’m so-sorry.” Your breath was shaky.
“You don’t have to be sorry babe. As long as you are ok, that’s all that matters yeah?” Seonghwa pulled away from you slightly so that he could look into your bloodshot eyes. A sympathetic look on his face. “I love you Y/N.” He nodded at you comfortingly.
“I love you too.” You finally managed to crack a smile.
You, Seonghwa and your daughter stayed in that room for a while, calming your nerves before once again facing the cluster of paparazzi. This time your husband’s hand never once leaving yours.
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h1ghermusiccccc · 5 years
Jay motherf*king park.
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soulangel · 5 years
Workin’ that Sickness
Summary: Getting back on track for her comeback, everything comes to a screeching halt when she suddenly can’t practice anymore.
Group: Angel x AOMG, Angel x Ateez
Genre: fluff
Warnings: Mentions of character sickness
Main Masterlist     Angel’s Masterlist
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    After all the fun and crazy things happening to her, Róisín decided she was going to take a day to get back to training. Since visiting Washington State and California, she definitely has been slacking in the training department. Could anyone blame her though? The holidays were when she wanted to spend the most time with everybody she cares about. There was hardly any time for training when she was spending so much time with everyone.
    She managed to take a small break from the warmup she was doing, and checked her phone for a moment when she remembered it dinged a little bit ago indicating a message for her. “Hey Beautiful. How’s practice coming along? Wanted to check in and make sure you were doing alright. Don’t forget to drink water! If you need me to I’ll stop by with something to eat later.” Taehyung had messaged her, gaining a small frown from the redhead.
    She liked him, she really did, but he’d been acting strange since the moment she met Oneus on Weekly Idol those few months ago. It was like he was trying to start something with her that they already said wasn’t going to work out. “JJ I thought I told you to stop calling me that. And don’t worry about feeding me, Jay-Oppa said he’d buy my food tonight.” She responded quickly, tossing her phone into her bag to focus on the training for the next day straight.
    For the next two hours she was stuck in the dance studio with her choreographer, going over a brand new sequence she was going to be adding in to her routine for her new song. “Come on Angel, gotta push through this. Burn that weight off! Pick up the pace Angel!” He was shouting at her, getting her in gear to work as hard as she could.
    She could feel the sweat dripping down her face and down her tank top the longer she danced the steps, her body twisting in ways she didn’t imagine when she started. “Wait hang on.” She mumbled, stopping for a moment.
    Rinjin stopped and watched her as she lifted her hands above her head, closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm her racing heart. She was panting softly and winced the tiniest amount at feeling her muscles stretching while she moved to grab her water bottle from her bag. She could see her phone blinking in her bag and took a moment to look at the messages, wondering who else would be messaging her aside from Taehyung wanting to speak to her about something.
    She chuckled a little when she saw a video of Yunho and Mingi dancing to her old song like a couple of idiots, Wooyoung in the middle of them trying to dance her part. She could even hear her song Lost to the Music playing through their speakers as the three dorks continued to dance along happily. “How’s it goin’ Angel!? Just wanted to give you some luck with dancing! We love you!” Yunho shouted out with a grin, the other two smiling just as wide while they all waved to the screen.
    She smiled a little at the video and gently set her phone down, sucking down half her water from the bottle before she turned to Rinjin to continue her training. She got back into position and nodded her head at him, telling him to keep going without any more distractions. He nodded back and the two immediately stepped back into learning the piece he’d been teaching her for the last couple hours.
    Another 4 hours later, with her tank top completely dampened with sweat and her forehead glistening, she collapsed to the ground in exhaustion and smiled tiredly up at Rinjin. “This is such an awesome dance. I can’t wait to learn more steps.” She panted out, resting her hands on her hips while she managed to sit up on her knees.
    He laughed and pointed at her as he moved himself towards the door. “Careful now Angel. Flattery will get you nowhere! See ya tomorrow!” He said with a smile, opening the door to step out.
    She crawled on her knees toward her bag and drank up some more water, having refilled it a few different times already since she started the dance with Rinjin so long ago. She leaned against the mirror in hopes of helping slow her breathing and grabbed out her phone to see if there were anymore texts she missed. Ravn had messaged her asking how she was doing, and she immediately snapped a photo of herself where she was against the mirror, his ring still on her finger since she’d taken it from him those few days ago.
    Once she sent that off she checked the group chat of Ateez and saw the stupidity of the boys all wanted to hang out with her and missing her like crazy, yet she could only tell them she couldn’t hang out for a while what with her comeback training starting up. One of them gave a frowny face and told her to take many breaks in between so as to not tire herself out like the last comeback. She just waved it off with a laugh and sent them an innocent heart meme which had a person winking as they made a type of heart with their arms.
    Just as she was about to put her phone down Ravn messaged her again and seemed to fake demand her give back his ring. With an angry face and a few exclamation points and everything. So she sent back the same  thing she sent the boys before relying, “you gotta come get it from me.” Before finally getting the chance to set her phone down.
    Róisín then slowly stood up on wobbly legs and looked at herself in the mirror, going towards the middle of the room so she could start the dance over again and practice it on her own. She could feel her legs shaking more than before the more steps she worked through, to the point she stumbled over herself a few different times. ‘Take breaks Angel!’ She remembered someone telling her.
    She groaned softly and finished the routine for the last time before sneezing something fierce, immediately falling to the floor in exhaustion. “What the?” She asked herself, sniffling a little at the runny nose she suddenly got.
    She rubbed under her nose just to make sure it wasn’t blood and then crawled her way toward her bag, suddenly feeling like she was dead weight. Her head started hurting the longer she focused on the bag in front of her, and she could feel another sneeze trying to make its way passed her lips. She was about to sneeze when the door opened and a grinning Jay Park stepped through the door. “WHERE’S MY CHILD!?” He shouted out, searching the room before finding her collapsed on the floor frozen in her crawl to get to her bag.
    He tilted his head and stepped through the door, Gray right behind him since the two were discussing a collaboration between him and the redhead. “Why are you laying down when there is practice to get done?” Gray asked in confusion before seeing how red she was getting, real fast.
    She laid down on her back and spread her arms out on either side of herself, her legs falling to the floor like lead. “I’m dying. Is the room spinning?” She replied, furrowing her brow in confusion after finishing what she said.
    The longer she spoke that simple sentence, the dizzier she felt until she had to close her eyes and cough a little bit. “Oh no.” Jay muttered, dropping the bags he held onto the floor before rushing to her figure at lightning speed.
    She just stared at him, still confused about her situation. “Why are you so blurry?” She asked softly, her eyes fluttering shut on their own.
    Gray was quick to run out of the room and find someone to help her as Jay was busy putting her stuff in her bag to sling over his shoulder. Once he had the bag secure he went to pick her up into his arms, but Simon rushed in behind Gray and immediately squatted down to be beside her, looking at Jay in concern. “She’s burning up, we have to do something. Uuuuhhhh, hospital?” He stuttered out with a deep frown on his face.
    The three adults kept looking at each other for a minute or so before Simon finally picked her up and followed Jay out the door, the small group moving to get Róisín home as fast as possible.
    When she woke up next, Róisín had a person laying down beside her sleeping soundly. She frowned a little when she saw him and looked around for the rest of the group, wondering what he was doing with her, and in her room of all places. “Hongjoong, what’s going on?” She asked softly after shaking his shoulder a little.
    Her best friend jumped out of the bed and looked around wildly, checking to see what had woken him just to see a very concerned and sick looking Róisín staring back at hi. “Roe!” He shouted, diving into her arms and latching onto her tight.
    She flinched and coughed a little at the movement, frowning when she felt her energy levels at an all time low. “What the hell is going on Hongjoong?” She asked him, seeing his worried face beside her.
    Just as he was about to respond, Seonghwa with the rest of the group slunk their way into the room, Seonghwa leading with a tray of soup and cold medicine, and water. “This had better been clean of all liquid and medicine when I come back. That include everything in the bowl of soup Angel. Gotta get that sickness out of your system.” He told her, narrowing his eyes at her when she just grinned innocently at him.
    She then pouted when he continued staring at her. “Okay fine Bossy!” She cried out, taking the spoon into her hand and dipping it into the soup, grumbling under her breath the whole time it took to put it in her mouth.
    Needless to say she finished the whole thing with Hongjoong laughing at her eagerness.
Taglist: @kimgeonhak​
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munchinthemoon · 5 years
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imagine wonjae comes to see you in your city and you are going to pick him up at the airport and he looks like this.
credit to the owner ♡
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mykpopmood · 6 years
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Solo artist going public with their girlfriend (AOMG)
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awhjihoon · 5 years
I really wanna start a KPop or KHH krnb Oc
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ace-angel-judas · 2 years
Pairing: Clara/Giriboy
Series: Clara Yang AOMG Solo Artist AU
Genre: Kinda angst? Slight fluff? Flugst?
Synopsis: Clara goes on a date with Giriboy
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“I thought you weren’t going,” Star spoke as she watched Clara pulled on a plain white shirt.
“I’m going to scare him off,” Clara stated, “And either way, this is probably a ploy to get to you or Jinae or something,”
“You really don’t trust a lot of people, huh?” Jinae asked, sat next to Star on Clara’a bed, “What if he actually likes you?”
“Oh that’s bullshit, I either terrifying people or piss them off,” Clara snorted, “After tonight, he won’t come anywhere near me,”
Star frowned, “Clara, you are actually such a great person and your really beautiful as well, someone will see that one day,”
“Doubt it,”
Eating wasn't something Clara did in front of people unless she was comfortable with them. She didn't want the judgement from people that was so common.
She sat across from Siyoung at a table, the food in front of them both. He seemed to be comfortable, smiling at her from across the table.
"Are you working on an album?" Siyoung asked.
"I'm working on something with Star and Jinae at the moment," Clara explained, "Once Jinae is back from hiatus,"
Clara watched how he needed and poured himself a shot of soju.
"Would you work on a song with me?" Clara asked, eyes narrowed.
"Probably," He shrugged, "If it was the right song,"
This wasn't a desperate attempt to get a collab.
“Do you want kids?”
“No, their annoying,” Clara stated, “I didn’t like myself as a child so I don’t think I want a mini version of me,”
Siyoung laughed slightly at her reasoning, nodding his head as he sipped another shot of soju.
“So, have you lost interest yet?” Clara asked, arms crossed over her chest and leaned back in her chair.
“No,” He shook his head, “You keep saying I’ll lose interest but it still hasn’t happened, I think I like you more,”
Clara furrowed her brows together. Most guys didn’t want this, she was too confident and rude in some situations.
“Your really weird,” Clara commented, “Wait, you know I’m not Korean, right?”
“Yeah, your Chinese,” Siyoung nodded.
"Right," Clara slapped a hand on the table, "Who is paying you?"
"Nobody," He answered straight away, "Why do you seem to think that nobody would be attracted to you?"
For once, Clara didn't have an answer or a comeback to the question. Instead, she quickly downed the shot of soju in her hand. She didn't want to confess it, that she had never seen herself as someone who was deserving of love.
"Is it because of Bobby?" Siyoung asked.
"Huh?!" Clara's eyes went wide, "No! I..., I..,"
Maybe the alcohol was hitting her.
"I don't think I loved him, he got jealous a lot," Clara confessed, "But I think it's hard to love someone when you don't really love yourself,"
Siyoung's eyes went soft, "But are you learning to love yourself?"
Clara finally looked at his properly for the first time that night, brows furrowed together as she took in his words.
"I think so,"
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a-fence · 2 years
Trial Dad
Jay Park as your future baby daddy
The doorbell rang and you saw DJ Wegun on the intercom. You opened the door and he shoved Daon into your arms and practically ran to the elevator, leaving you stunned with his actions.
You took out your phone from your pocket and called him. "What the h e l l?" you whispered angrily.
"I appreciate you spelling the word and not cursing in front of my son. But remember you told me you wanted to know if Jay can be a good dad right? So there, babysit Daon. I'm going on a date with my wife, just us two since Daon was born and our babysitter cancelled on me at the last minute. Thanks!" he explained quickly.
"Uhh, I never agreed but okay I guess? Have fun on your date," you replied reluctantly and hung up.
Jay spotted you by the door with Daon in one arm, his stuff hanging on your other arm and hurriedly took Daon’s stuff.
"What do we do with him?" Jay asked.
"Babysit him?" you answered unsurely then mentioned to him that you think there’s more stuff in the hall and Jay fetched his car seat and high chair.
Jay brought them in and told you, "You can put him down you know."
"Our house isn’t baby proofed! What if he hurts himself? Wegun’s gonna be mad at us," you argued
"Well you can’t carry him forever. We’ll just chase after him I guess," he countered.
You did a quick survey of the room and seeing nothing potentially dangerous laying around, you cautiously put Daon down and he started walking around and you followed him just in case.
While you followed him, Jay unpacked some of his stuff like his food and his milk, his bottles and eating utensils. Unsure of what to do with all of it, he Facetimed Wegun to ask. He didn’t forget to tell him that he should have at least given you two a heads up about Daon to which Wegun replied that he wanted to know how to handle a child, and y/n wanted to know if he’s ready for fatherhood and that he's just helping both of you.
Daon finished roaming the apartment and realized he was not home and started to cry. You picked him up and tried to console him.
Jay heard him crying and immediately showed Daon his dad which consoled him a little and Wegun told him they’ll pick him up later and that you two should maybe try and feed him as it’s lunch time already.
"Right!" Jay exclaimed and slapped his forehead and Wegun talked him through prepping Daon’s food.
You grabbed a juice packet to give to Daon which immediately stopped the crying and he finished it quickly and asked for more.
"After lunch, okay? You have to eat first," you told him and you carried him to his high chair and strapped him in. You asked Wegun if he’s allowed screen time and he said they try not to give him any but when they need him to stay still, that’s your best weapon and to limit it to kids shows or educational stuff.
So you played him some Pororo while he waited for his food and you prepped yours and Jay’s lunch. You ate lunch together and you helped Daon feed himself and Jay volunteered to look after him while you do the dishes.
Jay surprisingly played well with him, playing with trains and playing ball. Jay played some air basketball which seemed to be a hit to Daon as he kept on laughing then you suddenly noticed he became quiet and he was scrunching his face.
"I think he’s pooping oppa," you stated.
Jay lifted him and smelled his butt. "Ohhhh ohhh!! I didn’t know kids' poop smell really bad and I think I put his butt way too near my face!"
You cracked up at Jay and the ugly face he made after smelling Daon. You tried to catch your breath and he put Daon back down.
You approached Daon and asked him, "Daon-ah, who do you want to clean your butt? Me or this guy?"
Daon looked at you, then at Jay. He brought a hand up slowly and pointed at Jay.
"Daon-ah, jebal!!" Jay pleaded causing Daon to laugh and he was left with no choice.
You felt a little bad so you helped him out by holding Daon as he sat on the toilet and Jay used the bidet to clean him up. Jay then carried Daon and dried his butt as you grabbed a new diaper.
Jay put the diaper on and set Daon down and he immediately ran out of the bathroom and into the living room where you started to play  Pororo on the TV.
"Daon-ah it’s nap time. Who's gonna put you to bed?" Jay asked, giving you the stink eye as he silently sought revenge.
Daon pointed at him and he pretended to fall dead which only made Daon laugh and crawl beside him.
You prepped his milk while Jay laid a mat on the floor and some pillows for Daon to sleep in.
You brought Daon his bottle and you noticed Jay fell asleep already before Daon did.
You quickly snapped a photo to send to Wegun telling him that the sitter fell asleep before the baby did. You gave Daon his bottle, put his pajamas on, and laid on his other side, patting his thigh lightly to help lull him to sleep. The motion was so rhythmic you didn't notice yourself falling asleep.
There were loud clattering noises coming from the kitchen which woke you up and you saw that Daon was still beside you, also awake and chewing on the nipple of his empty milk bottle. You stood up and checked on Jay and Daon followed you.
"What're you making?" you asked Jay as you gave him a back hug.
"Daon's food and our dinner," he answered as he placed his free hand on top of yours.
"What was all the ruckus though?"
"Oh that woke you up? Sorry. Some of the pots got stuck together and one fell when I pried them apart."
"Hmmm," you hummed in reply.
"Is Daon awake?"
"Yeah, he's –," and you felt a tug on your leggings,"– here."
You untangled yourself from Jay and picked Daon up.
"Are you hungry, little man?" you asked. Daon was still holding his empty bottle and you gently pulled it from his hands and placed it on the sink. You strapped him on his high chair and got him some rice crispies as a pre-dinner snack.
With Daon preoccupied, you started setting up the table and waited for Jay. The doorbell rang just as he was placing the food on the table. You stood up to get it and Wegun and his wife were at the door.
"Is it pick up time already?" you asked.
"Yeah. Where is he?"
"In the dining room. We're just about to eat dinner."
They started packing Daon's belongings and brought some of them to the car. You left the door unlocked so they could let themselves back in.
You started feeding Daon his dinner and his parents stood behind him watching. They were happy that he was behaving well with other people. "Daon-ah look behind you!" and you pointed behind him. He immediately squealed as soon as he saw his parents. They said they'll feed him so you and Jay could eat in peace. You offered them dinner which they kindly declined as they themselves just had dinner.
Wegun helped with the dishes despite your refusal and his wife cleaned Daon up. When everything was cleaned up, they bade their goodbyes and it was just you and Jay in the apartment.
"What do you think?" Jay asked
"I think we can handle a child? Right?" you answered. "Plus it's so quiet now that Daon's gone home."
"Well, it wouldn't be that quiet anymore if we start getting in on it," Jay teased.
"Ya!" you shouted, a frown forming on your face. "We can handle a child but me handling a pregnancy remains to be seened."
"In due time, in due time," Jay appeased, and placed a kiss on your forehead. You snuggled into him and thought that a future with Jay doesn't seem so bad after all.
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