#ANYWAYS this is an update with the vessels! :snailArrive:
"Good" Mom Alyssum AU (remastered by an anon)
…Welp. I’ve decided to remaster my “Good” Mom Alyssum AU submission.
  Don’t really have anything to say other than…enjoy!
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The basic gist of this au is that when Mugo doesn’t respond to her letter, Alyssum brings the egg she made with her back to Highgrove instead of leaving it in Hallownest, believing it to be her chance to “get it right.” And by get it right, I mean NOT throwing a bunch of razor sharp petals at its face
This is all the backstory you’re getting for Alyssum being good lol
Onto random details!
Yonna and Sylva are still a thing in this au, don’t worry lol
Sylva and Yonna meet the same way they do in the Noble AU, only in this one they meet in their teens
Sylva and Yonna talk frequently after the party they met each other at, and Sylva eventually learns about Yonna’s home situation through little bits and pieces of conversation. Safe to say she doesn’t like what’s implied, and tells her mother about it. Not even a day later, Alyssum comes home with Yonna in hand saying she’s…taken care of it
Alyssum didn’t kill Yonna’s parents by the way. She did, however, gift one of the more…cruel nobles a new pair of servants, if you get me :)
Sylva, in her younger years, is babysat by members of the White Magnolia. She practically considers them family
Damascus is basically Sylva’s tough love aunt in this au. Alyssum doesn’t allow her to give her daughter nail training, but does allow her to interact with her
Yonna is still trained by Damascus in this au. Their relationship is roughly the same as well
Yonna ALSO still has her wings due to Alyssum’s early intervention. As in, before she cut her wings off
Ignyad is basically Sylva’s eccentric uncle. He gives her all sorts of gizmos and gadgets as gifts, and even teaches her some of his skills
Sylva’s birthday is a big deal for the White Magnolia. The whole group comes together and goes all out with the celebration. Gifts galore, decorations everywhere, games, you name it, they’ve got it. It’s a whole grand time
Alyssum has learned from her mistakes with Mugo, at least when it comes to lashing out. Whenever Sylva has a differing opinion from her own, she doesn’t scold her or tell her she’s wrong, and instead tries to understand why she has the opinion she has
While Alyssum and sylva’s relationship is loving, it is also toxic. Allow me to explain
 Alyssum has normalized violence and torture so much in Sylva’s life at such a young age that it’s just a normal part of every day life for her, to the point where Alyssum would tell her about certain methods she used.
Alyssum gave Sylva lessons on torture at the age of 9. On live subjects. Do with this what you will
As she grows older, Sylva’s torture methods become more creative…and cruel. She even begins to feel a sort of twisted enjoyment in torture during her teen years. Alyssum doesn’t help as she just encourages her to do what makes her happy
Sylva is equal parts cruel and kind, in the sense that she’s kind to her family, and cruel to those who would harm it
Sylva, during her younger years and even during her adult years, likes to refer to her torture sessions as “playtime”
You would think Yonna would be better but…no. Cuz in this au, her family’s treatment of her is far, far worse. It resulted in her feeling angry at the world, and apathetic to everyone in it, save for Sylva and Alyssum, as well as some members of the White Magnolia
Yonna absolutely loathes her parents in this au. She would have killed them sooner were they not all buddy buddy with some of the most influential people in the queen’s court. Their current status definitely puts a smile on her face
Yonna is much more brutal in this au when it comes to killing people in this au. Just a little tid bit.
Sylva is very obedient to her mother. If an order didn’t come from her mother’s mouth, she’s not doing it 
Sylva will do anything her mother says. Her mom says run? She runs. Her mom says swim? She dives right in. Her mom says light a fire? She shows up with OIL. The only exception to this is Yonna
As you might have guessed, Sylva and Yonna are terrible people in this au. Sylva is cruel, sadistic and manipulative, and Yonna is angry, apathetic and uncaring. And yet, despite that, they somehow bring out the best in each other, with Sylva’s kindness, creativity and patience and Yonna’s determination, loyalty and sense of justice
Oh yeah, forgot to mention Trail, Pim and Trav are here too
You Know that AU you briefly mentioned three years ago where Zeeke finds and trains all three? I’m just gonna make a link to that post since it’s literally just that in this au: https://fly-sky-high-bug-games.tumblr.com/post/616924763896610816/wip-im-too-dead-to-work-more-on-today-u-decided
Alyssum has met the three vessels in this au during meetings with Zeeke. Despite what Zeeke says, though, she can see that they are no objects. Even if she’s a monster, she’s glad the trio has each other to turn to, and are happy
ALyssum eventually scheduled meetings so Yonna and Sylva could meet them. They got along well, so she continued to do so
Alyssum has also met Lolo. She thinks she’s marvelous :)
Sylva and Yonna have met Trail Pim and Trav as well. The five are like siblings, really, despite two of them being monsters.
All five of them agree on one thing: Zeeke sucks. A lot
Trail is the most cautious of Yonna and Sylva, as well as their mother, but they’re nice enough, and they haven’t hurt their siblings at all, so they trust them. They get along well with Sylva
Yonna and Trav are sparring buddies, and have a mutual respect for one another
Pim is just happy to have new friends lol
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Aaaaaand that’s my remaster of my “Good” Mom Alyssum AU submission! Hope you enjoyed it, and goodbye!
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