#ANYWAY I'm going to pretend canon x canon doesn't exist
fitzselfships · 4 months
Hey tumblr stop recommending me canon x canon ships with Zooble and recommending me entire blogs that feature that content thanks
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kevinsdsy · 3 months
jean moreau & shawn anderson dynamic
jean properly likes having shawn around. although he keeps telling shawn to fuck off. and to leave him alone. and to shut up. he doesn't actually mean it (most of the time).
and shawn knows this too. and what’s so great about shawn is he knows to set boundaries even though jean has never asked him to do so, but when jean seems even more quiet than he usual is, shawn takes a step back.
shawn notices when they're in a group environment jean is keeping more to himself and staying in the background where he can watch the group instead and shawn lets him without trying to put too much attention towards jean.
ananya deshmukh
ananya is a youtuber. idek why i made this a thing. i just love girls vlogging and blogging and i want her to be an it-girl like.
haoyu liu & travis jordan
look i'm going to be really honest. i forgot they were mentioned in the books for the longest time and then i did some stalking and was like ohh they exist too so i made their accounts on the same day and now they're dating each other in my mind
shane reed
OKAYY SO hear me out shane has not yet be mentioned in the au. but i’m posting this now for his introduction in today’s upcoming part. i was going through the book and noticed i missed his appearance when starting out the au which is CRAZY because he's mentioned quite a few times when the foxes vs trojans game is happening.
BUT I DECIDED TO ADD HIM AND I HAVE A FEW THINGS IN MIND FOR HIM (i want to give him shawn anderson treatment LMAO) but his character would be connected to kevin and it might be weird to have a canon x canon ship that's build on shit and giggles
but now that i think of it, is that literally not what jerejean used to be anyways??? SO LET ME TALK MY SHIT!!!!!!!!
with the summer olympics socmed au coming and having the foxes and trojans in one place i want to have them flirting with each other
like one day they barely know each other and the next day people are like ...wait?? what's going on here.
and not many of the trojans even know about the sexuality of either one of the guys so they all have to go and be like WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN
and i just think i can have a lot of fun with that LMAOO but maybe i'll decide to not even do it we'll see
angela "angie" lewis
angie, god bless her, has to put up with shawn during media training
angie pretends to be so sick and tired of shawn but she actually absolutely adores him
i was talking about them with @amberlouigi and i told them how i think when shawn graduates she will always mention him and be like "you guys be better! you will never believe, but i had to put up with shawn and he said..."
if shawn ever becomes pro he will be an ABSOLUTE menace to society/press/social media @amberlouigi said they think angie would get a call/message from his pro team asking if she wants a job. and angie decides to take it.
shawn will not necessarily stop his behaviour, but he respects and loves angie enough to cut back a bit on his behaviour so he can prove to everyone how well of a job she's doing.
i truly wish i had added angie to the socmed au before and added more of their dynamic together :((
bonus: kevin day
KEVIN DAY IS BISEXUAL !!!!!!!!! i think in canon he would have a lot of feelings to deal with and to unpack this but in the au he knows this about himself and he doesn't really care. he keeps it hidden from the press & media tho
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hey guys i haven't even had a chance to see atsv yet i just know spoilers and i want this man biblically, i'm talking carnally, i want him in a way that hurts feminism, i want to bring the whole damn movement down so i can be his stupid little housewife and raise his damn kids so i can watch him be happy and then also get railed into losing every brain cell i have
anyway here's some abo headcanons, they include spoilers for the movie/his backstory probably because idk what is and isnt a spoiler because i havent seen it yet.
also this one works a bit differently than my normal layout, it goes SFW and then dips NSFW and ends with more SFW but they're all clearly labeled!
Reader is written gender neutral with they/them and the nsfw section has afab and amab sections, but since I'm Nonbinary and AFAB that's probably how it's gonna come off for most of the reading, just to warn you!
Miguel O'Hara x Reader N/SFW ABO Headcanons
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5k words
Content Warnings (tell me if I miss any): Dubcon, ABO, Obsessive Behavior, Toxic behavior, Omega reader, Alpha Miguel
For these headcanons we're gonna exist in a weird liminal space where Gabi is like, five to six or so and he brought her home with him or some shit idk man I just think he's a hot single father anwyay, also this is assuming omega reader because i think it's hot
if anyone wants a version where Miguel follows more canon and he still lost his kid and came back you're free to request that too i love that shit, just for this specific one i wanna raise his damn kids so-
Alpha, big alpha energies.
Miguel is the type of guy who's pretty obsessive with what he claims as his, I would honestly say borderline yandere vibes without fully delving into it - his mental state in this au/situation is also a lot better since he still has his daughter, so he's genuinely a lot less "feral" than he tends to get without her, even though in this we'll say he did almost lose her.
So when he claims someone, he's going to be damn sure he means it.
This ones a bit of a general headcanon but he doesn't really have a type when it comes to the people he likes, other than he needs someone who's interesting to him. Whether it's because you're hotheaded, or even keeled, whether you're snarky or sweet, he just needs something for his brain to latch onto.
Not a love at first sight guy but he is an "obsession I can't place" kind of guy.
Miguel has really enhanced senses when it comes to scenting, so it takes some damn strong suppressants and scent blockers to completely block him out... which if we're pretending reader here is falling with the abo trope of "hiding being an omega" (which we are because I love tropes) is just what gets him obsessed. Clothing and perfume that masks your scent, suppressants and scent blockers, and a confident attitude are all enough to throw most people off the (forgive my pun) scent.
But not Miguel.
His spider DNA has the animalistic side to it that fucks with his hormones regardless, makes it easier for him to pick up on the pheromones that even most attentive alphas can't, he's damn near a personal lie detector with how smart he is and how attuned he is to what his nose and instincts tell him, even when he's using serums to keep the more feral urges at bay.
He can only get a whiff of you, fainter than most betas, and it drives him fucking insane knowing he can smell something but he can't figure it out. He can't place it, and it nags at his brain. He can smell a whiff of flowers, or sugar, or something undeniably citrus (depending on what you headcanon your own smell to be) but he can't place it and he hates that shit.
Ends up pulling some traditional alpha shit and he can't even help it, starts trying to crowd you until you kick him in the shin or Peter B or Jess shoos him away. He has to figure out what it is, he has to know.
It only gets worse when he brings Gabi in (a babysitter fell through) and you end up butting your way in to play with Gabi and Mayday, delighting in watching them for the day instead of whatever you were supposed to be doing. They're both so cute and sweet.
Gabi smells primarily like cinnamon and a bit like dewey grass - she's not old enough to have presented yet, but her basic scent, unaffected by the secondary gender hormones, is simple and sweet, reminds you of a summer morning.
She takes after her father in that regard - Miguel smells *warm* and a bit musky, like trees and cinnamon and, a bit like a camp fire. A small tinge of oil, when you pick it apart, and you can't tell if its from the lingering scent on his skin after fixing a broken machine nobody else could, or if that's part of his natural scent.
(Mayday smells like marshmallows, and carmel, funnily enough)
When you take care of Gabi and Mayday, your scent lingers on their skin, mixes and twists in a way that Peter B can't notice but Miguel can. It's all he can do not to be a damn freak and pick his baby girl up and sniff her hair to try and figure out why she smells like that (not in a creepy way, to clarify because there are some freaks on here, but in the same way a dog gets baffled by smelling you use a new perfume, or in the way of when you pick your kid up and go "WHY DO I SMELL CANDLES ON YOU WHAT WERE YOU DOING")
He almost can't stand how his head swims when he watches you pick Gabi up and gently throw her up in the air a bit, watching you let her climb onto you while you're distracted just like Mayday does. Soothe her tears when she accidentally breaks a toy because she's still learning to control her super strength.
He doesn't know that he wants you either, not until long after he's already manifested feelings. Doesn't realize how protective he is, doesn't realize how differently he treats you. He doesn't realize he's lingering in your area just long enough to make sure he can fill his nose with the faint scent you give off.
He assumes you're a beta - not that it mattered to him, really. Miguel would just as soon marry another alpha as he would a beta or an omega, as long as it's you.
He doesn't realize what he's doing until he's got a piece of your clothing in his hands, holding it in the dead of night up to his nose. A scarf or a glove or a jacket you'd leant to Gabi during the day and she'd spilled her juice on it and he'd taken it home to wash it.
He can smell his daughter's scent, louder than life, so familiar he could have a handful of pepper thrown at him and he'd still be able to wrap his arms around her and move her out of harm's way in the direst of straits.
And then there's yours, linger, mingling with his daughter's scent, and it's the parent of his child.
It's not, it's not the woman who birthed Gabi, it's not the woman who contributed to making her. It's you, the only other person he ever wants near his child in that capacity. And it's intoxicating. It's infuriating. It's overwhelming because the full breadth of his own emotions is so strong as he realizes what he's been doing. And he can't even tell you because he holds himself to a specific standard, a specific code of ethics, and even though he wants to risk it all just so his hindbrain (both alpha and spider and his own human instincts all mingling in one) can have his little loves all wrapped up in his arms, safe where he can protect them.
He only just has the strength to wash the piece of cloth and return it. It takes everything he has not to cling to it, to make a pretty little nest to protect his family in, webs and pillows and fabric, a basis of protection so you can properly make it your own and -
He controls himself, and returns the scarf the next day, leaving it on your desk because he can't bear to look you in the eyes.
The days struggle by, a stark contrast to his normal snark, to lingering in your space and snorting and rolling his eyes. To being by your side more than he normally is. It's disheartening, it makes you feel rejected, and he knows it.
But he doesn't stop, this tension that can cut through the air lingering. Even Gabi and May notice it, the older girl frowning and the younger fussing when the two of you are in the room together.
And then your heat happens.
(brief bullet point break because there's a limit to how much you can have in one bulleted section on tumblr and I don't remember what it is but I'd rather just break here)
You've been on suppressants and scent blockers for years now. Being in your line of work (whether you headcanon this as a spiderperson version of you, or a different kind of superhero, or a civillian all working in the society) it's necessary. Omegas aren't rare but they're not the majority of the population like betas are. In Nueva York, it's a coin toss if you'll be fought over in the streets like some prize to be won, or if you'll be coddled like a child who can't figure out what's best for them.
It's half safety half preference at this point, from your original universe's standard (before it had burnt to cinders before you), and this one's. Your suit, your meds, and your behavior, they're all meant to mask and confuse.
But you can only make it so long on the prescription you've got, the long-lasting shots that were more reliable than a pill. The scent blockers go first - not by design, but by chance. You'd been giving yourself lower doses since you'd wound up in Nueva York, supplementing it with deodorants and lotions swiped from stores and hospitals that could afford to spare the supplies when you can't buy it covertly. But you'd still been low in comparison to your suppressants.
You shower more frequently, lather yourself with soaps and deodorants and lotions of different scents and ones that have blocking effects, and for the most part it works. You can't quite fool Gabi - too smart, too tuned in to your emotions like her father could be. She's got a sharp nose, and she wrinkles it when she can smell how confusing your scent is. She asks questions, and you can't lie your way out of it, but you are able to bribe her so she's distracted long enough that she forgets the question. Miguel notices, when he picks up Gabi, but he can't quite figure out exactly what's wrong, and you leave so fast (he assumes with the tension that lingers between the two of you) that he can't figure it out.
You're so certain you're in the clear.
But then your shots run out, and even you can't get more without a prescription. And while your health information would never go through Miguel, you know that the medispiders have to go through him or Lyla for any heavy duty things like suppressants, because they have to be resourced more carefully.
And your last doctor, although wildly shady, and incompetent, and operating out of an apartment, was right about one thing - suppressants will rot you from the inside out if you're not careful. If you don't let a natural heat occur, it will only be worse in the long run. (Although you suppose he probably had a greasier, grosser reason for telling you that.)
And rot you from the inside they have - all your natural reactions to a heat, all your normal bodily functions don't work properly, when confronted with something they haven't seen in years. You know within seconds of your suppressants flushing out of your system what's going on. You're still in the pre-heat phase of things, and you feel like you're dying. You aren't, and you know you aren't, but you feel nauseous and feverish and incoherent within an hour tops. Only long enough to let you panic and send a text to Miguel that you can't watch Gabi like you'd planned. That you're going out ad you won't be back awhile. You leave your phone in your room, when you pack your bag and head for the nearest somewhat reputable hotel that you can afford. You brace the door with the dresser, explicit instructions left for the front desk to, under no circumstances, contact you for the next week.
You get an order of pre-made meals to slap into the fridge, water and juice and all sorts of drinks and things shoved haphazardly inside once the bot brings it in through the window. You're barely coherent enough to retain control to crush the landline, rendering it inoperable, before you barricade the rest of the room.
You're definitely not in control when you nest, blankets and pillows and clothing all thrown haphazardly around as you go fully out of your gourd.
You're damn well out of your mind by the time you would have normally realized the card you were using was in Miguel's name.
(another very brief line break in this portion for drama but also so I don't hit any limits)
Miguel is pissed when you leave so suddenly.
Sure, he's been avoiding you, and sure, you aren't actually together, but you're his damn it. You don't know it, and sure, he's not going to acknowledge it out loud until something happens, but you can't just leave him and your child and his child who loves you high and dry like that!
It's laughably easy to find you, to find the hotel you've checked into. He doesn't even wait to figure out the reason you left, he's so quick on his honestly kinda toxic bs.
Gabi is left with Peter B and Jess for a bit, and Miguel is honestly so smug that he finds you so fast. You were so sloppy about it. So quick to leave that even though you left your phone behind, in a moment of clarity, you barely bothered to take back streets. You used his own damn card he'd given you to pay for the hotel for two weeks, and to order food.
If he weren't half out of his mind with concern and anger about how quickly you left, he'd be angry you used the card without asking like you normally did.
(His hind brain purrs with it though, knowing he's provided for you)
He doesn't know what did it. Miguel genuinely doesn't know what he did to earn your ire in such a way, but he can guess. He doesn't think it's how cold he was, in the beginning, but he isn't sure that it's not how he'd warmed up to you. How, when he'd let his guard down without realizing it, that he'd flirted with you. Had that made you uncomfortable? Had every 'innocent' brush against you turned you against him? Certainly, it could be his absence, his sudden coolness and stonewalling. It could be how he refused to look at you, when you were in the room. Tried to hold his breath after he'd realized what he was doing.
He doesn't really listen to Lyla when she tries telling him things. He heard where you where, found out the room, and swiped a key before Lyla could finish talking about vital signs and behaviors. She knows to set his alerts to emergency only for the foreseeable future, because she's figured it out much quicker than he has, and she figures she'll at least spare herself the trouble. Gets Gabi set up with Jess for the night, and is on her way so she doesn't have to deal with what's about to go down.
He's surprised by the dresser in front of the door, when he tries to get in the first time. It's easy for him to move - he just lowers his center of gravity and pushes his way into the room, slamming the door shut before he can inhale.
The hotel room is nice, with a kitchenette and a small entry area with a couch and a television. The bedroom is just tucked out of sight. Exactly what he expected when he'd heard the hotel's name - he'd never been, but he recognized it.
And it's when he inhales, that he realizes why.
Your scent hits him hard and fast, chokingly sweet in the back of his throat in a way that makes his hindbrain roar. His pupils blow wide, and if he didn't have such a strong self control, he'd have torn the damn door off its hinges looking for you.
He remembers, in that moment, why he recognized the hotel. It was one that was best known for its handling of customers in heat and rut.
(We're gonna start with general headcanons and go back into the specifics of the scenario in a sec but it's all relevant fjasdkl;)
Miguel is a Dom-leaning switch, he prefers to be in control as often as possible, regardless of whether he's topping or bottoming. Nine times out of ten, he wants to fuck his partner until they're an incoherent, babbling mess, because he enjoys the power and control it gives him, enjoys the dynamic of it.
As he gets more comfortable with a partner, he's more willing to accept the idea of subbing, enjoying it more when he has someone he trusts behind the wheel, so to speak.
(Because yes, Alphas can be subs too - that's a whole thing I could get into and might if someone asks)
And Miguel, even normally, is already a possessive guy. He's needy, and stakes his claim, and when we're talking about abo Miguel?
The moment he scents you in the air, the moment it clicks in his brain that you're going through a rut or a heat, it goes straight to his dick.
He damn near loses it, fighting not to tear the door off its hinges as he stalks to your room. Your scent is so strong in the air that even though he knows he should turn around, he still at the very least wants to make sure you're okay. So the sight of you, face down, ass up, fingers pressing into yourself, he almost loses his damn mind.
His pretty little wife/husband/spouse coworker, his crush, is an omega. It's almost too good to be true, and he can feel his fucking fangs extend, his mouth watering as he stares at you. You're too blissed out to even realize he's there, slick dripping down your thighs like a fucking faucet... and his name is on your lips.
He could cum untouched, could die a happy, happy man after seeing this.
He has dignity, and self control though, even as the force of your hit heats him. He's genuinely concerned, a moment later, his instinct to breed to claim tampered down by his need to care.
You cling to him, hazy, feverish, and incoherent. You beg him to claim you, to mark you, to fuck you. Miguel wants to, he does... but he instead kicks his shoes off but otherwise stays fully clothed, his cock so hard it hurts as he grabs the closest bottle of water, and an ice pack, and climbs into your haphazard nest with you. He probably should have left by now, but instead he seats you against him, your back pressed to his chest, and he presses the ice pack to your forehead, ordering you to keep it there as he makes you drink water, sip by sip.
You whine, and beg, and squirm, but you obey.
He fucks you on his fingers, once he's gotten some water into you. Hard and fast, leaving you breathless, tense, until you cum all over his fingers, oversensitive as he fingerfucks you into another one, and another, arms like steel wrapped around your waist as one hand pounds into you, the other wrapped around your dick or circling hard on your clit. It's not enough to genuinely sate your heat, but it's enough to help. And he doesn't trust himself to put his own mouth to use - barely trusts himself to speak, even though most of what he growls into your ear is, strictly speaking, complete and utter nonsense as he's caught in the moment. Every time you cum, he praises you, telling you how good you are for it. How sweet you look, with tears streaming down your face, cumming so well for him.
When there's enough coherency for you to have a conversation (but not coherent enough to be mortified), Miguel is able to get the rough gist of the situation. He really can only piece together that the heat is going to be a strong one, that it came fast, and that you had panicked. There's a confession, to be had there. He agrees to help you through your heat, but only under the condition that you're his.
It's toxic, and of dubious consent at best, but he'll pull as many orgasms out of you as needed to keep you coherent enough to talk to him. He's helped an omega through a heat or two, and he knows what he's doing. He's not exactly clearheaded himself, in making the decision - but he does make sure that this is truly what you want before he proceeds.
When he's sure that it's not just the heat speaking, that you truly do care for him, that you want him to stay even after your heat has subsided, he allows himself to indulge.
Sympathy ruts are common, and it builds slowly inside of him as he indulges in his instincts. Holding you, kissing you, pressing his fingers inside of you over and over and over again until you pass out. He keeps you wrapped up in the nest, adding his shirt to the mix while you sleep, but not trusting himself to completely strip quite yet.
Miguel is an attentive alpha.
(While you sleep, he excuses himself from the nest to call his daughter, to assure her everything will be okay, and he just explains simply that you'd gotten sick, that you needed him for a bit, and that he'd be back once you were feeling better. He promises to call every night, and he works out a schedule with Peter B and Jess in the meantime.)
(When you overhear him, voice so soft, so protective, so gentle, it half makes you want to swoon, and half want to climb on his lap and fuck yourself stupid on his cock until he fills you up so you can give his daughter a sibling.)
This man is going to spend a good majority of his time pre-sympathy rut fucking you open on his fingers and his mouth. He wants to make sure you're ready, wants to make sure he can enjoy this for as long as possible.
By the end of it, he makes sure to fuck you, nice and steady, a hand on your throat and his lips on yours. He makes sure you're nice and coherent for it. He wants to make sure you remember it, when he claims you. When his (fucking horse cock, the dude's packing like ten to twelve inches which is great for my chubby bitches like me) dick fills you up so full that you're almost certain you'll break, hiccupping and sobbing as you keen and wail, the nest below you soaked as he fills you up. His fangs sink into your neck and you cum, right then, his hands grabbing your thighs so hard he's sure it will bruise. He fucks you through your orgasm, knot catching until it slips inside. He rubs your clit/tugs on your dick as he finally knots you, making sure you cum just one more time for me, cariño.
normal Miguel definitely has a claiming and breeding kink, so it's fucking intensified by ten when he's omegaverse Miguel... let alone when the man's subject to his rut. You'll be covered in scratches and bites and hickies by the time you're both coherent enough to function properly again.
Which... for Miguel, is a solid few hours of coherency at a time.
For you? You're only ever coherent in short bursts, and it's like the peak of your heat constantly for almost the full week.
This next bit just mostly borders on nsfw/has some nsfw parts so i'll put it at the end here before going back to sfw
Like I mentioned before, Miguel is a very attentive alpha.
He's going to fuck you seven different ways in an hour with his superhuman stamina, but he's also going to make sure to actually take care of you.
He makes sure you drink electrolytes and water in equal measure, makes sure you eat, and sleep, and he bathes you himself, carrying you into the shower and keeping you pressed against him as he massages your muscles and washes your hair and body with a soft cloth, using completely unscented soaps and shampoos so it doesn't overwhelm you. Presses bandages to your scrapes and bites so you'll heal faster. Cool cloths and ice packs and fever reducing medicine.
He finds he has to bribe you, during this time, even for the most basic tasks like eating and drinking, and he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy having to plug you up with his cock just to get you to eat wasn't hot as hell. The fact that you need him so badly you'd rather forgo basic necessities... it's addicting. Granted, he doesn't actually let you - he's got enough control that he can make sure you're taken care of in all regards.
Back to SFW time!
After your heat itself passes, you're subject to the suppressant sickness that comes with it. Your fever has broken, but you're still nauseous and dizzy and fatigued as your body flushes everything out of your system.
Miguel is beyond pissed when he finds out why you're still sick.
It's reckless to not even have a natural heat once every six months, let alone taking your suppressants so solidly that you hadn't had one in years. If he'd known, he'd have said consequences be damned and would have bitten you the moment he walked through the door, and taken you to the hospital.
He doesn't care how embarrassed you are, when he packs all of your things back up into the sealable bags, and dresses you in his own clothing. He's almost out of his mind when he takes both of you back to HQ - only just remembering to take back corridors to the medic so they can check you over properly.
You've then got two spider people who are pissed, as the medic rants about how dangerous that was, how stupid it was that you did that, instead of just swallowing your pride and letting them help you control things. They order you on house arrest for a full month, to make sure your body can recover properly. No suppressants, no scent blockers (at least the medical kind) for a couple years, and only medicine that's medically necessary, and even then it has to be monitored more carefully.
Miguel lets the Medispider tear you a new one for a moment while he steps into the hallway, giving you privacy and space to figure things out with the doctor while he catches up with Gabi.
When you're done with the Medispider, it's not a question on if you're staying with Miguel or not - you really don't have a choice in the matter, he tells you. When you're recovered, you can decide if you want to move in or not, but until then he was going to personally keep an eye on you.
Gabi, who lacks the complete understanding of the why and the how behind it all, is just glad that the person they've been trying to scheme their father into confessing to is actually going to live with them. (Even if only for about a month.) She grins smugly when she realizes you smell like her dad.
Miguel lets you have pick of the house, when he carries you back to his beautiful, cozy suburban home. He leaves the proper tour up to Gabi, as he carries you both, letting Gabi tell you about everything excitedly. You stay in his bed (you two had claimed each other, and although Miguel does give you the option of your own room... you'd rather die than lose the comfort that comes with being around your mate.)
Miguel cooks properly for you while you stay with him and Gabi.
No more prepackaged meals, he sneers, instead making you chicken noodle soup from scratch, with bone broth and lots of vegetables. Breakfast every morning before he takes Gabi to school, tucks you in to sleep while he pops into the HQ to check on things. He's out of commission from missions while he cares for you, but he still makes sure things go smoothly. He's home by lunch, sometimes bringing you fast food instead of cooking so you can have your fill of a greasy burger or fries or something to sate the part of you that needs something unhealthy and indulgent. Holds you in his lap while you both eat, watching TV on the couch.
He finishes his work and goes on emergency-only mode when it's time to pick up Gabi from school. He tucks you into the passenger seat if you feel up to it, buckling you up himself and pressing a kiss to your lips, even though he doesn't need to. He knows you can buckle yourself up, and lets you do so when you insist, but it makes him happy to know he's taking measures to keep you safe.
He does force you to take a blanket with you, just in case though.
When all three of you get home, he makes dinner, sometimes with Gabi helping him, sometimes you, sometimes just himself. He has a pretty wide range of foods he ends up making, but it's primarily because they're foods he likes, or Gabi likes, and he learned to make them. He's a good cook, overall.
It's the best work-life balance he's had in a long time.
When you're better, he all but begs you to stay.
And god, how could you say no to him?
(Also for those who it matters for, if you do end up pregnant from the Heat Adventures he obviously loves kids and would love one with you, but if you don't feel ready/don't want to have kids other than Gabi, he absolutely respects it, and will talk about options with you. Granted, he'll be disappointed, but at the end of the day it's not something he CAN'T move past. Discusses birth control options with you almost immediately when the two of you get intimate again.)
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godtier · 3 months
random thought but in the context of the mmx universe: what exactly was the benefit of giving reploids any semblance of autonomy or feelings or thoughts or ability to make choices
like I get that it's a trope for media that contains sentient robots. I get it. but like. why.
to use a very obvious comparison, terminator is like "what happens when the robots wanna kill us" but in mmx, that's not even a plot point in any of the games at all. yeah, mavericks are implied to have attacked humans, but most of the damage they cause seems to be infrastructure related or just attacking other reploids... the majority of reploids aren't rebelling against humans at all
so like
what the hell was the point in making them sentient? you have this race of robots that are capable of autonomous actions and individuality that are basically, what... glorified appliances?
it's smth that I feel is kinda glossed over purely bc there's a huge lack of human representation in mmx specifically. like classic mm has plenty of instances of humans interacting with the robots etc, but mmx has like... Dr Cain.
like, let's pretend mmz doesn't factor in here bc that came out after the foundation of mmx was created and by a different team (it is also itself an alternate future by virtue of the direction the x series took after x5, anyway)
and then if you just look at mmx on its own, all we know rly is that like... humans had to go underground and such after Eurasia crashed due to the fallout
but we don't rly get much info on how they interact day to day with the reploids? or what their general feelings are about them. and it's just really really bizarre bc narratively, you'd anticipate smth like how mmz rolled out where there's an actual uprising against humans specifically... but mavericks in mmx (aside from sigma and some others) are generally characterized as either "disobedient" or "rogue" or "malfunctioned."
bc remember: sigma was a maverick hunter. mavericks existed before he rebelled and went on his spree about being a superior race. like, that implies that sigma's movement is about reploids being superior to humans, but I'm talkin like... overall. narratively, it's always been an odd thing how it was never really delved into in later games very much.
I feel like maybe it's bc they pigeon-holed sigma too early in the series into being infected by zero (it's implied as early as x2, iirc), which thereby degraded his personality until he basically didn't exist anymore. like his whole movement and motivation, if you think about it, lasted basically one game. the first game. every subsequent entry, sigma is pulling strings in the bg, rapidly declining from "reploids are superior to humans" into purely causing chaos either for the sake of it or to get x and zero to fight him again.
like at its core, it's a very bizarre thing to look at with more scrutiny. most things I have read about mavericks beyond "they're crazy or something" have been from supplemental, non-game canon materials (the manga, the light novel, the Archie comics, etc).
anyway it's just smth I was thinking about randomly when tryna workshop my fic 🥲 a lot of the stuff I come across is basically fanon territory and I just wonder if anyone else noticed how weird the way mavericks are treated from a narrative standpoint or if it's just me being crazy
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Hey, so, hear me out: Tall, possibly buff, fem!Reader? I would love some head-canons about how Monkey king, Macaque, Red son and MK would feel about/interact with their big beautiful S/O, if it's not too much trouble that is.
I'm a sucker for a good height difference, and we stan strong women in this household.
P.S. I love your work, you are such an inspiration!
Ohohoho you've got good taste! Also thank you so much, that absolutely made my day!! ❤
Reader X Sun Wukong
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Reader X Macaque
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Reader X Red Son
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Reader X MK
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Reader X Monkey King
He loves his muscles, but he adores yours. If you happen to do anything that shows off your buffness, he is going to stop and notice, and he borders on fanboying if you're in the presence of others. "Guys, check out how much my girlfriend can lift!" as he gets into position to be benchpressed. The bragging never ends, especially to his enemies.
He really loves being able to look up to you, and is not above asking for a piggyback ride so he can be taller. Sure, the guy has flown through the clouds, but being on your shoulders is so much better! If the two of you are in a crowd there is nothing he loves more than towering over everyone else, proudly declaring you as his girlfriend to anyone that will listen.
However, should you ever lift him bridal style, our monkey man will go from boastful to bashful so fast not even he will be prepared. You'll have him curling up and blushing whilst he looks up at you with the softest expression of adoring awe, his words failing him as he struggles with how incredible you are.
Reader X Macaque
He will try to play it cool, lord, will he try. Unfortunately enough for his ego, he will fail. Whenever you lift anything heavy in his presence his cheeks flush without hesitation, and if you lift something for him he's going to need a moment. He may ask you to open a pickle jar just to watch you do so. He's been around plenty of strength before, but yours brings him to his knees.
Reader X Red Son
When he goes out in public with you, the bragging will commence, and he shall pretend he's not so smitten with your muscles he's incapable of functioning. Should you ever enter some carnival game to show off your strength, he'll be your ultimate hype man, smugly letting everyone know that his girlfriend is the strongest human in existence and has got this. Said confidence fades as soon as you offer him the prize you win, and he returns to being thoroughly overwhelmed.
One day, he will fall asleep on the couch, and when he wakes up to find you carrying him to bed he will pass right back out. It's just too much, he can't even pretend to be smooth with you.
Reader X MK
He is going to call you mommy on at least one occasion. It will not be on purpose, and he will beg for you to never speak of it again. He always tries to present himself with decorum, dignity and control, but you make that an absolute impossibility. On more than one occasion he's bumped your arm and couldn't stop chuckling like a nervous fool at the touch of your muscles...
He's exceptionally strong, but that doesn't stop him from being awed by your strength. He may just find a few heavy things about his garage that need moving, if you have the time, of course... You'll find his gaze lingering every time you pick something up, and he'll turn away with a fiery blush hot enough to melt the wheels off his vehicles.
For as bashful as he gets about most things regarding your strength, he has no qualms about asking you to pick him up so he can reach something otherwise out of range. It's his favorite way to get a little taller when the situation calls for it. He just sees it as a perfectly practical solution, and he weighs absolutely nothing to you anyway, you told him it's like holding a couple grapes.
He isn't subtle, but he sure thinks he is every time he asks you to open another jar, pretending to be absolutely helpless just so he can watch with giddy excitement. There are more open pickle jars than he can ever hope to eat, but he doesn't care. When the two of you train together he's no less eager to watch you show off, and if you offer to show him some techniques he'll be beyond excited.
All he wants to do when the two of you walk together is hold hands and gush to anyone who will listen about his strong girlfriend. Do they know how much you can benchpress? How you once punched a guy so hard he apologized to you? They need to know; he's dating the strongest person in the world!
Piggyback rides, whenever you're game, he loves them so much. If you're down, he also loves sitting on your shoulders. He gets to be so tall, and close to you at the same time, it's such a win! Bonus if the two of you are out in public, he gets to brag about you from above!
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dearmantis · 2 years
Does he know that I'm falling
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/The Darkling x Durast!Reader
Summary: Tempted by knowledge and power you choose to experiment with forces you should know nothing about, hidden in the shadows of the early morning hours. What are you going to do when the General finally realizes something is not right?
Warnings: Aleksander is his own warning let's be honest here, this is not a nice man, but he doesn't really do anything here. The better warning is that I'm blatantly ignoring established rules of the magic system, not a native english speaker and that this isn't really proofread.
Word Count: 3.1k
Authors' Note: Yes, I've read the books. Yes, I'm gonna ignore canon. Yes, I'm especially ignoring the rules around merzost. It's magic, I can do whatever I want with it. Also title is from the lyrics of the fruits by Paris Paloma.
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Part 1 | Series Masterlist
If Baghra knew what you're doing... she would eat you alive. No questions asked. Nobody knows that better than you since you have spent most of your youth training with her, your powers too weak for the Generals liking.
So you avoid her like the plague, deeply convinced that she would be able to feel what you have done, what you do every day, what you're planning to do.
First in the workshops in the morning, last to leave in the night. Kirigan and your fellow Fabrikators think you are simply a very hard worker, an obsessed artist some might say. And in a way you are an obsessed artist. Your paint is just less conventional than people assume.
If anyone finds out what you are doing they will execute you. This simple fact is buried deep inside of your mind, burning bright every time you move your hands to wake your powers, but you can't help yourself.
You have to keep trying. You have to. If you don't you might lose your mind and do something even worse, something even dumber.
And who can truly blame you? Materialki are supposed to seek knowledge, right? That's what everyone encourages you to do. Stay away from the battlefield, you're useless there anyways. Hide away in the libraries and laboratories of Ravka and collect the knowledge of the world. Satisfy your greedy mind and create new out of the materials available to you. Give your existence worth that way, because Saints know the General will never look at someone of the Order of Fabrikators unless they possess knowledge that he requires for one of his plans.
So you do what you do best. In the early morning hours you slip out of your bedroom, awake even before the servants of the night shift leave their positions, and disappear in the workshop, sneaking to your usual station, as far away from the Generals quarters, the door and the windows as possible. The guards know you by now, and if the guards do then so does the General, but lucky for you he has never come down to the workshops when you worked on your little experiments.
You're not stupid and naive enough to believe that it will stay that way. If you don't create a pretend project to present to him soon he will end up questioning what you're working on. Simply claiming that your work was still slow and that you required the extra hours of work to catch up with the progress of the other Durasts would lead to Training with Baghra again and that would be catastrophic, but it's hard enough to resist working on your side project during the day to make corecloth for new keftas already. You can't imagine using some of your limited alone time for some other side project you don't even really care about just to stay save from Kirigan.
Creating the bulletproof fabric is boring, simple work for you and if you tried a bit you could probably work on something new on the side during your day work, but the scolding you would receive if someone caught you would be quite bothersome to deal with. Shit, your team leader already believes you're too weak to even make corecloth, he would definitely report you to the General. You can basically already hear the shadow summoners voice booming.
So you think creating the cloth that keeps you, your fellow Grisha and my personal guard safe is not important enough work for a mighty Durast like you? Do you perhaps believe that you don't need a kefta? That your powers could stop a bullet from a Drüskelle in the air? Do you want to test that theory during a stay at the Fjerdan border?
You shake your head quickly, pushing the imagined scenario far away from your consciousness, and step over to the window furthest in the back of the room, kneeling down to lift the loose wooden board out of the floor. Below it hides a small space, filled with four different notebooks.
Today will be the day, you decide.
First you move the notebooks to your desk, then you close the empty space below the window again. Your hands are shaking and sweaty as you pull out a candle holder and a box of matches. Everything in you screams to keep light sources away from you, to hide in the darkness and let the shadows swallow you as you break another rule of the little palace, but the guards know you're here. Staying in darkness would be suspicious.
When you're done preparing your workstation you're surrounded by three burning candles and four open notebooks, a new, fifth quickly joining, formerly hidden in one of the many inside pockets of your kefta. You pull out a pen and ink bottle as well, dipping the tip of the pen in the dark ink before writing down the date at the top of the first page when you notice with confusion that the ink is black instead of the usual dark blue you tend to favour. Eyes flickering to the paper glued on the bottle you check again but the writing clearly says dark blue. The ink bottle is tinted in a dark blue as well, just like all the other ink bottles you bought before.
It was probably just a mistake from the shopkeeper you bought the bottle from, but you can't stop the paranoid thoughts from racing though your mind, too fast for your rationality to catch and neutralize them. Goosebumps begin to rise over your arms, back and neck.
What if this is an omen?
Stepping back towards the door, you strain your ears to listen, checking if anyone is coming your way, panic thick in your veins. If it is a sign, it either means that today will change you forever, or it's a warning. A warning of the man dressed in black, the one to summon shadows. Your general.
Promise or warning?
What if it's both?
When the fear becomes too much to bear you open the door slowly, leaning out of the room to check the hallway, but you see nothing other than a servant girl, quickly carrying a large, heavy laundry basket with her. You smile nervously at her while your eyes scan the corners for the unnatural darkness that hints that Kirigan is close by, but you see nothing suspicious.
You don't let go of the unease yet, instead choosing to close the door before quickly brushing your fingertips together, reaching out with your powers to look for a small piece of unique metal.
Kirigans ring is in his quarters, moving a few centimetres every few seconds. He's unfortunately already awake, but probably working, distracted by documents and plans for the next few days.
Stepping back to your workstation you open the pages you need in your notebooks, calmness spreading in your body and softening your tense muscles again, smoothing the goosebumps on your skin easily.
You don't even bother sitting down, knowing fully well that you will be too nervous to sit still anyways. Instead you rub your hands together, trying to warm them up a bit since the cold air in the work station is slowly turning your hands stiff. You will need full and precise control over your hands if this is supposed to work without anyone getting hurt.
When you lick your lips and take another deep breath, you force the words out immediately afterwards, closing your eyes and pressing the palms of your hands together lightly while your tongue curls and moves to form the words you've made yourself familiar with over the past few months but never spoke out loud.
It begins with a humming-like feeling in the back of your throat and a tingling sensation in your hands, similar to a limb falling asleep. Then your body becomes warm while you try your hardest to clear your mind from any bad thought you've ever had, including the dread still quietly bubbling below your sternum. If your hypothesis is right then you should be able to do this without catastrophic consequences, as long as you balance yourself completely before you begin the next step.
Your breath hitches once, twice, and you can't help yourself and reach out to check on the location of the ring one more time, this time without moving your hands from the position they're in, before you finally manage to calm your thoughts entirely.
Forcing any happiness or relief down that tries to fight its way up into your heart you open your eyes and begin to pull your hands apart slowly.
It feels like your hands are stuck together with strong, stringy glue, but slowly you begin to make progress. It doesn't hurt, just like you predicted, but that does not mean that the whole act is not exhausting to an almost ridiculous degree.
When your hands are finally around half a metre apart you try to relax a bit, your gaze falling on what stuck your hands together in the first place. It's not black like you expected, like you had seen before. Instead it looks a bit more like an iridescent, melted metal and shimmers like moonlight on the surface of a calm lake. It's bizarre and you almost move your hands to write down what you're seeing. It shifts in shape, moving slowly through the air between your hands like a thick liquid of some kind, almost see-through in some parts.
In the back of your mind you ask yourself if this is the same thing Ilya Morozova saw before he defeated death and payed with his life in the process, because you simply can't imagine that a man worthy of becoming a saint would summon a material like the inky blackness of the fold and decide to use it on a person, fully believing that it could save a life.
No, the Magic, the Merzost, of the fold must be mixed with darkness, there is no other option.
You close your eyes again, relaxing your hands even more, muscle after muscle, while you try to soothe your powers into rest, into letting go.
This is phase 3 of your experiment. Seeing if you can let go of the Merzost, and most importantly: what will follow after it's let loose.
Your hypothesis is that it will stop existing. It was summoned with no purpose, no intention, no emotion, so it has no task to fulfil, no reason to exist, nothing to keep it hooked in this world except your powers that are slowly letting go of it to lay dormant in the core of your soul once more.
Slowly, your hands begin to shake, the muscles exhausted from holding pure magic in your reality, but seconds before you think your arms will give out your powers finally let go and the Merzost begins to break apart into thin strings, then into dust like particles that drop to the surface of your work station before disappearing entirely.
You almost fall to your knees when it's done, instead managing to drop into the chair you pushed aside minutes earlier.
There's a painful ache in your arms and your fingers suddenly feel cold like ice, all the warmth from the merzost gone as if it never existed in the first place.
For a few minutes you just sit and breathe, listening to the birds outside waking up and the servants chatting while they switch shifts, the night shift girls clearly happy to finally be allowed to sleep. The halls fill with yawns from fellow Grisha as well, tired giggling audible in the hallways as the Little Palace slowly wakes up. Breakfast will start in an hour.
When you finally feel like you regained just enough strength you blow out the candles before cleaning the ink off your pen and closing the little bottle. There is no way you will be able to write anything down today, not with how overly exhausted the muscles in your arms are, so instead you choose to hide the notebooks again and walk up to your room to hide under your thick blankets.
Your team leader will scold you but you just summoned pure Merzost without having to pay a price other than some pain and numbness. What he thinks of you doesn't matter right now.
The trip through the Little Palace back to your rooms is weird. You feel distant from the other Grisha surrounding you despite the fact that most of them are just as tired as you are and you can't really pay attention to your surroundings. You're getting more and more dizzy with every step, stopping a few times to take a small breather and press your back to a wall for stability, refusing to sit down and show how sick you feel.
In the back of your mind you know you should check for the position of the Generals ring and try to avoid him and his always watching, seemingly all-knowing eyes, but you're sure if you try to lift your arms now they're going to fall off, so you choose to stay ignorant instead, praying that some Saint will take pity on you and keep you safe.
You're two doors away from your quarters, desperate to feel your soft pillow under your head and the warm comfort of your mattress and blankets, when it suddenly gets eerily quiet in your hallway, but you barely even pick up on the shift in volume and atmosphere around you.
Too caught up in your own miserable physical state you don't notice what's wrong until you find yourself face to face with an Oprichniki, his stoic eyes starring you down. Your body might be exhausted but your mind is still sharp enough to know that what this means so you quickly scramble to the side, your body hitting the wall in the process but you don't dare to make a sound, gaze flickering around until you find the General standing a few steps away, his dark grey eyes trained on you and your pitiful appearance. His gaze moves down your shape to inspect your kefta before he finally speaks, voice clear and calm. You still hear the underlying sharpness, the suspicion, despite the smoothness in his words.
The paranoia you felt an hour ago is clearly justified. He noticed your workload and will most definitely request to see what you're working on, especially after seeing you stumble around the hallways of the Little Palace.
"Are you alright, Durast?" He asks and you're not even surprised that he doesn't know your name despite the distrust he clearly holds for you.
Quickly nodding you press your body harder against the wall, the skin covering your shoulder blades hurting awfully, trapped between unyielding bone and stone wall, barely protected by the purple kefta, more of use against singular bullets than for comfort and protection against pressure.
"Yes moi soverenyi, everything is fine." You say quickly, forcing stability into your voice before tying your hardest to straighten out your back. "I'm just really tired. I haven't slept much in the past few weeks. I think I might've overworked myself a bit."
In the back of your mind an old memory of Baghra chastising you wakes up, her old voice loudly echoing through your consciousness as she scolds you.
"If you're gonna lie to me at least do me a favour and do it well. Liars always over-explain too much. Only mention enough information to assure the other person that you're not actively hiding something from them you stupid child."
Kirigans eyes do not leave you, his gaze calculating as it traces over your face, the stitching of your kefta and finally your arms and hands, hanging heavy and cold at your sides.
"Your hands are shaking." He points out and suddenly he's moving towards you, his movements too fast and too unexpected for you to dodge quickly. An echo of the feeling you get with Baghra, of that deep conviction that he will know what you've done if he gets too close to you crashes through your body like a wave but it's too late, his hands grabbing yours and lifting them up to get a better view of them.
You attempt to pull yourself out of his grasp but you can barely move your fingers at this point, giving up seconds later, your heartbeat rushing loudly in your ears. His eyes are too focused for your liking, carefully scanning your hands as if he knows that there's something for him to find, something off about your story. He doesn't believe you, not even a little bit.
A silent prayer to Ilya in chains, the man who became a saint for experimenting with magic, is all you can muster, unable to free yourself. Shit, even if your arms didn't feel like they're going to fall off any second, ripping your hands out of your Generals grasp would not only be rude, it would be disrespectful. You could get disciplined for such misdemeanour and it would probably only make him more suspicious of you and your experiments.
The Generals dark grey eyes move back to your face, so many questions clearly visible in his eyes that it takes your breath away for a second.
Is he trying to manipulate you?
Look at me. I have so many questions only you can answer. Don't you want to please me? Don't you want to please your General?
You shake your head lightly and he seems to take it as an answer to one of his questions, a frown appearing on his face before he lets go of your hands.
"Go to sleep. After you're rested please come to my quarters. I would like to talk about whatever project is taking up so much of your time. Perhaps we can organise a small team to support you. We can't have Grisha stumbling around the halls of the Little Palace like this. The king is going to assume I can't lead my soldiers well enough if he hears of this."
Nodding quickly, not trusting your voice to be stable enough for the usually expected yes, moi soverenyi, you try to take a step back, bumping into the wall with a wince before lowering your gaze to the floor to show respect. He waves his with his hand, dismissing you in the process, before continuing his path down the hallway.
When you finally stand in front of your room you force your hands back into movement to pull your key out of one of your many pockets to unlock the door, while silently asking yourself how the Generals hands could possibly be cold enough for the feeling to still be noticeable for you, despite the numb state of your arms.
Maybe that's why he always wears those gloves? His hands are just really, really cold?
Minutes after you fall into your bed, prepared to sleep the weird effects of the Merzost off, the General stands silently in his own quarters, staring at his hands as he realises that he not only foolishly touched you with his bare hands, he also didn't feel your powers pull on his amplification. No, you hadn't noticed anything at all and neither did he. He didn't amplify you when he touched you.
Slowly turning back towards his door, the same frown from before appears on his face, his mind deep in thought. Something about you is not right. Something has changed.
A mystery has revealed itself in the halls of his very own palace and for the first time in decades he has no idea what to do about it.
Part 2 - I have no time for confession
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firefly--bright · 2 months
give me all your jean x reader b99 au headcanons plsss
- okay, so after the meeting where jeans just. mostly stuttering through introductions and questions and erens rolling his eyes, telling you to "ignore him, he's got a stick up his ass" and jean hates that you laugh at that. but then that's that, right? he thinks he won't see you again and vice versa.
- BUT NO. you seem to be everywhere and jean can't get rid of you. your apartment is this dingy small one in a crappy neighborhood which, though it's doesn't have a lot of crime, is near the,,, Crime Areas. so jean just happens to see you in places, but doesn't go out of his way to reintroduce himself because he doesn't want to be creepy
- but one day you're visiting a local bakery and he's also there, ordering a couple dozen donuts because he lost a bet to sasha. and then you spot him. and he's all red in the face and is like "oh I didn't know if you remembered me." "can't really forget a face like that" and then his heart stops beating. but then you point to his order with the same teasing smile and ask "so the stereotypes are true, huh?" and he's like "yeah. i mean, no, but this is for my dumbass friend - she, well, she solved some - some crime - so you know." and then he paused and panics and then adds, "not to say that just because she's a woman that she's dumb, no I didnt- I didn't mean it like that, it was just - we're close. i mean not that close-" and you have to hold in your laughter and tell him it's okay. and then you have to leave because you're in a rush but you do give him your number, "just in case"
- the entire premise (?) of this is that he's pathetic and you're teasy. yeah. anyway he doesn't call you because he doesn't get the time to, and then the next time he sees you, you kind of save his ass by distracting someone so he can sneak out of the place undetected. (i don't really. like know what exact scenario he's escaping from but just. pretend there Is One)
- and then he can't really see you because he's escaping and remembers that he has your number!!!! so he shoots u a text "hey you shouldn't have done that" and ur like "?? wrong number" because you don't know who this is
- next time you "bump" into him is (gasp) you're meeting Connie and Sasha at the precinct and jean doesnt know you know them and he sees you and is like "???wtf are you doing here. did u commit fraud." and ur like "no I'm here to see my friends. oh there they r" and it's Connie and Sasha and they're both p cozy cozy with you and jean narrows his eyes and says "oh ok." and then turns around to go back upstairs but the ur like "yo you didn't thank me for saving your ass" and he's red in the face again and he's like "I didn't need you to help me." because he HATES IT when people play hero (ahem, eren) and the fact that you gave him the wrong number (again, for a detective he rlly can't seem to put two and two tgt and think about the fact that he didn't give you his number) and then you're not that offended by it and ur like "and yet you were panicking. YK for a detective ur not good at hiding" and then he just grumbles under his breath and leaves
- ok. cool. before leaving the precinct (idk the?? laws??? if normal civilians can go into the precinct or not but again, just pretend the inaccuracies don't exist for the Plot) you Sasha and Connie were hanging out on the terrace before they were called in for work again and right before you're going to leave, jean walks into the terrace and he's like "I thought you left. do you like getting in trouble?" "look idk what ur problem is bcs I thought we connected a bit with the donuts thing" "that was before you tried playing hero" "oh so that's what this is about." "...no. yes. both." you hum and think about what ur going to say. "I'm not. playing hero. i have no interest in saving people or wtv. ive just,,, seen what Sasha's been through" (homage to canon she got shot in her leg once) "and idk seeing that was tough, and if there was a chance that you'd avoid that fate on my watch then I'd do it." and there's a big pause and then he says "why would you do that for a stranger?" "because you're not a stranger. Connie and Sasha talk about you. i just didn't know it was you they were talking about until now. or like, an hour ago, I guess." and then you leave without giving him a chance to retort
- and then he finally finally gets the balls to text you (upon Marcos convincing) and clarifies everything in text. "this is jean. I'm sorry for any rude words from my behalf" like very professional text. and then u respond with "OH ITS YOU. dw ABT being a dick I get where ur coming from :)" and then he's like ":/ still feel kinda bad about it though..." and he's baiting you and you know it and you take the bait with a big smile on ur face while typing back, "maybe you should take me out to make up for it" and he can't help it he says "with a gun or on a date" "if the date goes bad then I'll take the gun" and yeah. thats it. thats how you start dating :)
it's not that much of a slowburn I just. like the time where he just. thinks about the pretty witness.
i also have more angst headcanons about this (shocker) so if you'd like to read those as well, lmk! oh and I have unserious headcanons of who the gang is in the b99 setting hehe. again, lmk!
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P5 x HS AU no one asked for
I posted this as a first ch and never wrote anymore so I thought I should dump it here instead of just straight up deleting it.
It would've be fun to write one-shots for this AU, but I need to get my shit together and only have a few stories to work on bc I never write much or finish things. There goes all the work I put in using the Homestuck skin on AO3 for this,,,
Link to part 2.
The title was The Color of Jazz
Your name is AKEERA KURUSU and you are a SEADWELLER. Your BLOOD color is FUCHSIA, making you a MUTANT seeing that you are male, not female. You like meowbeasts and your friends. FLARP isn’t really your thing, and you are quite the quiet fellow. By the way, your glasses are totally fake.
AKA the Persona 5 x Homestuck crossover nobody asked for. AKA the Person 5 cast, but as Homestuck trolls.
Chapter 1: Information
Here's the crossover no one asked for and nobody wanted but me and like, 2 people.
This is an informal chapter about the AU.
I'll be honest, I only made this because I'm obsessed with Persona 5 at the moment and I think I like the concept of trolls being an alien species more than Homestuck itself.
So yeah there's no cohesive plot to this, it's just going to be a series of One-Shots. Whatever shenanigans I imagine them getting up to. Perhaps there might be a small little subplot that spans a few chapters, but just know I came into this not planning anything. Besides making character choices.
Alright, first let's get into blood colors, then to the relationship chart.
Characters with canonical birthdays and therefore signs:
Kasumi - Aries = Rust
Makoto - Taurus = Mud
Goro - Gemini = Yellow
Ryuji - Cancer = Lime
Ann - Scorpio = Cerulean
Haru - Sagitarius = Indigo
Yusuke - Aquarius = Violet
Futaba - Aquarius = Violet
I know I could have just made them the blood color that fit their personality the best or their color scheme, but nah. I like just by going off by their signs. Yeah it's lazy, but it's also like throwing darts at a blackboard. You just have a pre-made thing, and you just have to run with it.
Also I have put less brain power in it so…
Characters with no canonical birthday so I assigned them a blood color:
Morgana = Olive
(He's a meowbeast Ryuji found as a kitten, and gave to his moirail Akira bc he knows how much he loves those things; since it's canon that some lusii can talk normally, he can too)
Hifumi = Jade
(That just fits her personality. Look at her! She's a jade blood. She looks like one. She got that air.)
Yuuki = Teal
(Since he has that power struggle thing going on with him, and because he's been beaten down by others with his tail between his legs, I just thought this fits. Technically considered a highblood and therefore granted those types of privileges, but lacks nobility and can be looked/beaten down by higherbloods because of that.)
Shiho = Purple
(Legit just cuz nobody else was purple. I also thought it would be funny. And writing a very nice, polite, well put together, purple blood would be interesting!)
Akira = Fuchsia
(Mutant Fuchsia. Like, he’s a fuchsia blood, but is male, so he shouldn't exist. Therefore he is a mutant. Pretends to be a violet blood tho. It would be kind of hard for others to tell what blood color he is if he gets flustered or whatever. And it would be unreasonable for lowerbloods to question him, but he probably schools himself anyway because he doesn't want other sea dwellers to know. Since they might be able to tell the difference between a fuchsia flush and violet flush. Originally indecisive between making him a Mutant Fuchsia or a Jade. Since if he was a Jade he would still be unique and also that would explain how he's so good with getting along with everyone. But then I thought, if he's a Pisces, he's compatible with a Gemini.)
Shiping Chart:
Kasumi --<3--> Akira
Goro <--<3<3<--> Akira
Ryuji<--<>--> Akira
Ann <--<>-->Shiho
Haru --<3--> Akira
Yusuke --<3--> Akira
Yusuke <--<>--> Futaba
Okay, so if you can't understand that, here's the written version of it—
Kasumi had a flush crush on Akira, but after seeing this whole thing between him and Goro, she backed off. Sometimes she acts as their auspistice, but usually they don't need her.
Goro and Akira have this redrom—blackrom thing going on. It is this fluctuating thing, I think Karkat called it vaselining? Akira leans more towards red, while Goro leans more towards black, but they still have the other color feelings for each other. I just thought with the rivalry and soft spot for each other (especially after all that stuff in Royal) this is a fitting translation into Troll romance for them.
Ryuji and Akira are best bros, so they are moirails in this. You can pry this fact from my cold dead hands. You know Akira gave Ryuji something violet to wear so people know not to mess with him unless they want an angry seadellwer on their ass.
Ann and Shiho are moirails too! I don't even need to explain this one. Ann says Shiho is her only friend and the only thing good at the damn school. I,,, mustn't need to say more on that. Now, Ann doesn't need to wear anything purple as she has a comfy spot as a cerulean blood, but that hoodie she wears is totally purple just because she wants to wear it. She just wants to brag that her wonderful lovely moirail is a purple blood.
Haru having a crush on the Akira is canonical, right? Like it's kind of implied that she grows one on you in the beginning. Anyway, thought I would translate that here. She also loses her flush crush on Akira once she realizes how involved he is with Goro.
Yusuke has a flush crush on Akira and everyone knows it, but no one does a thing bc they all know he won't act on it. So it's just there. I decided to do that because, fam, listen to the dialogue he has about Akira in game,,,like wow. He really admires him, perhaps a little too much. He has such a blind faith and admiration for Akira. I couldn't not put that in here.
Yusuke and Futaba are moirails! Come on, look at their little silly friendship in game. You can't tell me that wouldn't translate to moirallegiance in troll romance.
How the names are going to be changed:
Akira ---> Akeera
Goro ---> Gourou
These two names were remade by Meruz on Tumblr. Being one of the few people to do a Homestuck/Persona 5 crossover where the P5 cast are trolls.
Ann ---> Annnoo
The o's are silent.
Haru ---> Harruu
Ryuji ---> Ryujgi
Yuuki ---> Yuukie
Shiho ---> Sheeho
As you can tell, these last ones are not creative or well done. That's how you know I came up with them!
Everyone else's names follow the troll naming rules so I don't have to change them.
Kasumi - icyGymnast [IG]
Makoto - muddyEmpress [ME]
Goro - pancakeDetective [PD]
Ryuji - nomoRules [NR]
Hifumi - shogiQueen [SQ]
Yuuki - chariotHelper [CH]
Ann - rottingSweets [RS]
Haru - noirExecutioner [NE]
Shiho - sunnyDisposition [SD]
Yusuke - oceanicPainter [OP]
Futaba - techgodFortuneteller [TF]
Akira - fishyGodslayer [FG]
Typing Quirks:
I ain't making up 12 new one, so I'm using some canonical ones.
Kasumi - € for C and ends lines with --€
Makoto - Aradia
Goro - Kanaya
Ryuji - Karkat
Hifumi - uses / instead of L and \ for i
Yuuki - Tavros
Ann - every O is put as ooo also no punctuation
Haru - starts and ends lines with --(- uses ¶ instead of i
Shiho - Gamzee but no swearing
Yusuke - lower case with no punctuation
Futaba - Vriska
Akira - Eridan but no vv
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I just did random signs, not gonna lie.
Everything I pulled out of my ass except for Kasumi’s, Yuuki’s, Haru’s, and Akira’s. They’re symbols from the Extended Zodiac.
Things to note:
-Sumire is going by Kasumi because the others don't know that she's pretending to be her dead moirail. Basically Kasumi was Sumire's neighbor and was also a rust blood. They had very similar horns but completely different symbols. They got along extremely well and were very close moirails. After Kasumi is culled protecting Sumire from a higherblood, she pretends to be her and wears Kasumi's symbol to cope. (And using her typing quirk as well.)
-Akira is pretending to be a violet blood to avoid being culled for being a mutant. It's not necessarily illegal to be mutant blood, but other trolls will consider that's sacrilege to the hemospectrum. So they won't hesitate to cull him. It's easy for him to pretend since he's still a seadweller, and rarely gets challenged or questioned. Other seadwellers tend to mind their own business.
-This AU is going to take place on Alternia, but is this weird mix between what canonically it's like on Alternia and Beforus. Think about it like this, Feferi is empress and has been for quite a few years. And she's changing everything and reforming it to how she wants it to be, but obviously not everything has conformed completely. A lot of old stigma and old rules/traditions still hold its roots deep within the planet and its people. So it's still a very dangerous place even though it technically doesn't endorse "thoughtless slaughter"/"being more aggressive/dominant is the only way to go" mindset. She can't control everything, especially since Gl'bgolyb is dead or doesn’t exist in this one. Does that make sense? I hope it does.
-Akira survived by having some random Violet blood lusus decide to take him in and take care of him. Everything was all fine and snazzy until recently-ish when his blood color was discovered by some Seadellwers. His luse fights them off and culls like, one or maybe two in the process but ultimately dies. Akira, in a fit of rage and self preservation, culls the rest of them so it can't get out that he's mutant and flees the area. Later is found by Sojiro (who is not a troll but a lusus) when he's looking out for some food for Futaba. He takes pity on him and brings him in. Since Futaba originally had a different lusus who died, and he took her in, so this isn't his first rodeo. Akira and Futaba quickly bond and Sojiro loves his dumb fishy kids.
-Sojiro and Futaba's hive is this big spiraly place that is partially underwater and partially above it. The above area acts like a cafe where's Seadellwers can enter by swimming over to it and land dwellers can enter by boating to it.
-Akira lives at the top area more after he gets Mona from Ryuji, but still chills out in the underwater portion.
-Yusuke lives on the beach. He's rich and all, he just forgets to take care of himself since he gets so absorbed in things. Good thing he has his moirail and friends around.
-Lime bloods have since been reintroduced into the gene pool by the empress. But since she hasn't been ruling for awfully long, there's not that many of them. Making them rarer than jades but, not as rare as fuchsias. For this reason it's basically criminal to cull them, as there is so little of them. So Ryuji has gotten out of some debacles alive simply because the other troll realizes he's not an olive, but a lime. After becoming moirails with Akira (and finally swallowing his pride to wear his friend's color) that definitely helped deter trolls further. Even if Ryuji does get a little irritating and doesn't know when to shut his mouth. They just gotta look down and remember that he's filling some seadweller's quadrant and they don't want to deal with that repercussion.
-Akira is actually not that threatening, but he's fully aware of his position and takes full advantage of it.
-Goro of course is a celebrity lowblood. Making a name for himself and blah blah blah. His lusus left him for dead when he was pretty young, and actually was raised by another troll. But she ends up…she's the equivalent to his mom, so you know. He elevated himself to the status so he could up his chances of survival and to advocate for lowbloods.
-Haru lusus is very fierce and kinda owned this large section of property, but recently he has been defeated/culled and now her property is kind of been split. She's struggling to maintain her hold on it.
-Makoto gets taken in by a lusus that already has a troll under his care. But after a couple of sweeps he gets eaten, leaving the other troll take care of her. Obviously I'm referring to Sae. (I'll remake her name when I get to the bridge.) Sayyye maybe?
Oh my God, you read all of that. Thank you so much! I feel like most people won't even read this and be really confused once I start making chapters.
For all your efforts I'm going to say something that you probably haven't heard since early 2013. Cuz I sure know I haven't.
Here's a digital cookie for all your troubles! (::)
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br333 · 2 years
A little venty ramble thing :P ..
(Tried to go a little in depth with this, but that's not something I'm super great at sooo, apologies if it sucks x"D
With Benson being a sad, lonely, stressed out park manager who was always bad at love, meeting and having a lunch date with Pam was the bright light that he'd always waited for, she COMPLETES him, she UNDERSTANDS him and knows what's it's like to work a lot and manage a team, because she goes through it too (like for instance, when she told him that her life is just work work work) She's the key thing to calm him down and soothe his mind when he's at his limit !!
All those times that he had failed at love due to girls losing interest and dumping him, he felt as though this was his first real connection with someone, as they had so much in common (a love for hot wings, being workaholics, and even having matching clipboards..🥰), and spending time with this special girl was the first time in so long that he felt genuinely happy and in love
And in Rigby's graduation special, he was so excited to finally be able to go out with her. He went searching and searching to every place he could think of, so desperate to find this young scientist that had stolen his heart, but to no luck. He was so devastated, so heartbroken when he thought he his one true love was gone forever, that he turned to hot wings (the Big 50 bucket even) to ease that pain.. And when he arrived at the house and said to himself "Time to rebuild the wall around my heart.." ,saying that he broke down that wall of loneliness that surrounded his heart and opened up his heart to her, something he rarely did with anyone, and by "rebuilding that wall", it's something he would never do the way he did with her
But his sadness ends as she surprises him at the house, and she warmly shows her affection towards him by giving him a super awesome clipboard that she spent all day to get, and asking him out 💖 That just shows how much she really loves him..
Pam softened the heart and soul of a once grumpy, angry manager, and by doing so, gave him the little push he needed to being a better person
Just thinking about these make my heart ache like uugghhhh I will defend these two till the day I die 💕💕😩💖
(Also wasn't planning on bringing this up, but just needed to get it out) I'm looking back at all the hate Pam received after Fries Night, and even though I feel that this was a completely pointless breakup episode(And I overall pretend it doesn't exist because of that), Pam breaking up with Benson possibly was the biggest mistake of her life. She didn't want to do it ! You saw how heartbreaking It was for her! I mean, for all we know she could've been forced(probably by Langer) to do it or else! That wasn't her fault, and she just. Didn't deserve any of that hate.. 😤 (but that was way back in 2016 so what am I to do about it ahahaha 😂😭)
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tartrazeen · 9 months
It's my cringe hyperfixation and I get to be hyperindulgent about it 😤
ok so mystic knights of tir na nog again lmao
I never actually want them to remake the show 'cause I don't trust them to capture the magic of what hit my brain and stayed there for 20+ years, BUT.
I just watched a ✨YouTube video✨
It's from a channel I just found called CJ the X, and the video was about Stranger Things. More importantly, while watching it, I was like, "If they ever redo this show or make some sort of modern AU of it or something, this is their new roadmap for Angus. I will not watch it unless Angus looks and acts like this. I am in love."
🤣 Not the best thumbnail but I still love the energy.
Anyway - I LOVE this. Somehow I linked it back to that random post I made about Rohan digging holes if Angus ever went away for some reason, and now I'm picturing a Modern AU with Angus going off to one university and Rohan going off to a completely different one, and the two finally reuniting over a break where Angus comes to visit and Rohan's so excited and all of Rohan's friends are like "who's this guy you never shut up about" and Rohan being like "he's great 😍 he's my best friend 😍 you're gonna love him 😍" and they finally all meet Angus and he's this. And there's Rohan immediately being like "😍 i told you he was great 😍"
Tons of energy, tons of expression, tons of performance, tons of animation, tons of thoughts - just a lot in the best way.
I'm not saying it's an accurate translation of his existing character. But it's definitely the best translation and the only possible translation that I would find interesting enough to warrant remaking the show in any capacity.
I also think it's more tied to one of my earlier head canons for him: him being a bard (very DnD-style, where he can learn magic eventually but he's surrounded by a whole bunch of non-bards who can't inherently help him tap into that). I don't think this lines up with the Fey!Angus concept too well, but yes, Bard!Angus fits this perfectly.
What's great is that I still see him stealing shit, but being a lot more creative in his excuses for how it totally wasn't stealing, does anyone 'own' anything anyway. Like - I don't want him to get out of getting locked in prison every five minutes, but I'd love to have him buy himself a lot of time just to completely fail to come up with a good reason why he shouldn't be arrested or fail to actually reach whatever escape door he'd be trying to inch towards. That's sort of what we're missing in the show: more scenes of Angus completely whiffing the getaway that wasn't just because he couldn't outrun them. He's not a runner - he can run, but he complains about it constantly. Quit pinning everything on whether he can do enough cardio. >:(
Also it was a great video outright, so I loved it for that, but also-also, I am now on the lookout for the perfect embodiment of modern versions for the other four. 🥰
I'm gonna go binge this channel now. There was a lot of good stuff on it. 🥳
ETA: oh my God, the thought of this version of Angus interacting with any version of Cathbad...! 😭 Right now, Angus goes into Cathbad's chamber and fiddles with everything in there. That's actually the safer approach, because if anything goes wrong... well, it's liked getting stabbed at a hospital: you're already where you're supposed to be in that situation. This version? He'd 100% steal ingredients and run away with them to try it somewhere else. That thing where Midar pretends to be Angus and walks in shrunk? That'd be like a daily thing for him.
Technically, doing it this way, I could see Angus ending up self-teaching himself how to make some basic potions. If a remake changed how Rohan's apprenticeship worked, this could be like Angus actively volunteering to do Rohan's homework for him - making the potions after Rohan brings him the ingredients in jail, or Angus mixing something up and getting Rohan to show it to Cathbad so Cathbad "doesn't know" it wasn't actually Rohan who made it (he would still know 😝).
It kinda brings me back to that episode where Garrett's introduced, when Cathbad sends Angus off to collect some herbs. I truly love the thought of Cathbad knowing Angus is the one doing all the powder- and potion-related chores, while Rohan does the more practical stuff and helps test the magic, like by fighting a summoned skeleton or something.
I'm still gonna think about this. :3 I don't want a remake, but I am intrigued by trying to pitch one to myself.
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indiemovies · 2 years
god yeah <3 sometimes i think about nancy wheeler so much that it's embarrassing. if someone infiltrated my mind half of it would be her !!
so true !!!! if anything, the gun is more of a physical, blatant reminder to the people around her that she's a quick thinker but knows how to defend the people she loves in the case that they can't think their way out of things. i think that if things had played out differently, if barb was killed in an ordinary way/went missing, and there was no upside down, nancy would still end up on the journalism career path, just without her guns
oh god yeah time travel and time travel adjacent things,,, that would be so cool. and terrifyingly traumatizing for all of them, but they could Definitely Go That Route. "when they defeat it and she's able to shower off all the dirt and grit and put on a newly pressed outfit and fix her makeup but even with that veneer of normalcy she can't pretend to be regular or really exist outside of a state of terror" GOD. YEAH. ABSOLUTELY. YOUR MIND !!!! that's exactly what she's doing and it kills me to a) see that they hardly explore it in canon and b) note that the fandom is seriously lacking in nancy exploration deep dive psychoanalysis content. everything that you're saying,,, literally god tier. there was a line in a fic once that was talking about how some part of nancy feels like she's only of use when this supernatural danger comes knocking and. i can definitely see that playing out. nancy being untethered, trauma preventing her from moving on (for a while, preventing her from going out and actually getting anywhere in her relationship with steve, and eventually the stagnation builds up like a dam and everything she was trying so hard to ignore comes crashing down around her), and nancy completely surrendering herself to things. grades and partying and getting into her dream college and building a future with jonathan and interning at the post and becoming a journalist and whipping the school paper into pristine shape etc etc. point being ! the only time she feels alive anymore is when she lets herself be consumed by things and pulled along with the tide, and it's in no way healthy but. when she's making plans and knowing where everyone is, when she can plot out a course of action and know that everyone can work on the same wavelength as her, that's when she's most comfortable. it's a little backwards (a little upside down lmao). and you're so right, dw it does indeed make sense!! i would love to spend hours just,, observing nancy wheeler. picking her brain and whatnot
A FAILFAMILY THAT. THAT SUMS THEM UP SO WELL. like a. like a goddamn snowglobe,, perfect picture family stuck in a world,,, shake them up and down,, drop it on the floor pick it up they're all broken,,, drowning in their own life,, combusts and dies actually.
byler ronance found family friends to lovers not actually unrequited love angst with a happy ending !!! all the best fanfic tropes and the funniest (not really) part of it all is that they're never gonna be canon and happy... but anyways yes. nancy "smh when will my brother realize he's in love with his childhood b(s)f" wheeler -> nancy "oh. oh my god i'm in love with MY friend" wheeler character arc
HSDFHKLJDSJF YEAHHHH. ngl their energy was kinda unmatched. the monster hunting trio is a better ship/friends-but-not-"just-friends"-friends-like-it's-just-sm-deeper-than-romance name than stoncy though. i'm sorry. monster hunting champage?? i do not know what you mean but absolutely i agree <3
MHM all of them really,, how can you possibly date someone who doesn't know about all the stuff they've had to go through how could you explain that your best friend was snatched by an interdimensionally travelling monster and in the same moment, your innocence and childhood were snatched from you (and oh actually. don't like stancy but the symbolism of nancy losing her virginity at the same time she without realizing it lost her childhood through losing her childhood best friend... that was quite literally the last time she had her full-on adolescence and purity i am. not okay) and try to cover it up as my best friend died because of a chemical leak and i feel guilty and like a fundamentally bad person because of it?? so yeah. nancy and robin should date lmao
YEAH. she's so fascinating and has so many different facets and depths and everything... the most character of all time
SAME !!! and it really does help to write down all these things so they don't just float around my head and eventually break off into dust particles. I LOVE YOU AND ALL OF YOUR REPLIES AND BRILLIANCE AND EVERYTHING YOU SAY,, HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE THE MOST RIGHT PERSON EVER
LMFAO GOD REALLY SAW THE DISASTER THAT WAS THE WHEELER FAMILY AND WENT YEAH NO THAT HAS GOTTA END. sorry holly <3 perhaps you should begin considering reverse disowning and find a more normal family before it's too late...
yes gun metaphor!!!! nancy doesnt just own guns she IS the gun!!!! i totally agree, nancy had an inquisitive quality from the start and i think her dedication to justice and curiosity are such core tenants of her. barb was maybe an inciting incident that brought them to the surface more quickly and to a higher intensity but they would've come up no matter what!!!!
"the only time she feels alive anymore is when she lets herself be consumed by things and pulled along with the tide" SCREAMING AND CRYING AT EVERYTHING YOU SAID IT'S SO TRUE it's so true!!!!!! i honestly dont even have anything to add because you the hit the nail on the head so well....im just going to be rereading that paragraph and muttering "WOW" under my breath for weeks now
what do you mean ronance isn't going canon???? LOL jk. i wish there was some brave soul who would make a 300 slide presentation about why and how ronance will be canon. i would love to be delusional about them. but also!!!! them being real genuine friends before getting together is so special too....like they're friends now but i mean friends even when the world isn't ending. both of them realizing they want to spend every day together....robin dialing nancy's number without even thinking and when nancy answers she realizes she doesn't even know what to say, she just wanted to hear her voice. that kind of comfortability that you just accidentally fall into.
HONESTLY THE RONANCE SUPERNATURAL DETECTIVE AGENCY JUST WRITES ITSELF!!!! i dont know if the x files of it all works too much, but nancy's kinda skeptical and robin believes in bigfoot so!!!!! something of a dynamic going on there
THE WHEELER FAMILY ROTATES IN MY BRAIN ON AN ENDLESS LOOP for like the opposite reason that the byers-hopper lives in my brain forever lmao the wheeler suck so much <3333 they're literally. a haunted house with a picket fence yeah.....a broken snowglobe on the ground YEAH. i cant wait for the apocalypse to disrupt the HELL out of them.
OMG I WAS JUST REFERENCING THAT ONE POST that was like "when [some ship from legends of korra] becomes canon we're popping the biggest champagne bottles" and then they didnt become canon so someone made a post that was like "for sale: [ship] bottles. never popped" LOL it'sjust funny to me the way people were sooo hyped for stoncy only for like. nothing to come out of that (we were robbed!!!) but YES i totally agree i have been so on board with the idea of all of them as friends but like friends who are all extremely obsessed with each other and see each other constantly
LITERALLYYYYY yes everything so much. especially what you said about nancy literally losing her adolescence in every way that night. i think shared experience and "being in the know" is so pivotal to so much of stranger things but especially nancy. i know i'm just retreading everything but yeah she literally has no close friends at school or anywhere!!! even her family, even mike, who she knows understands at least a little bit, she can't talk to because he was never actually in the upside down and his best friend came back.
she's like a rubik's cube that is so impossible to solve and i love that about her!!! it's so real that she has contradictions and growth and isn't as perfect as she wants herself to be AHHHHH i love love love talking about her with you<33333
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To Do List:
What's up, my Herd of Nerds?
Anyway, as you can tell, tomorrow is AU Sunday. But, because it's one after a 'my input' one, it's a follower input AU day! Yay!
So, send me your AUs and I'll put all of em in a hat to pick one randomly. The winner is picked and posted and we'll all try and make headcanons about your AU.
Zombie Apocalypse AU :: (https://hermitcraftheadcanons.tumblr.com/post/618314308275863552/zombie-apocalypse-au-masterpost)
Pirate AU ::
Currently In The Raffle:
-Toy Story AU.
-Ever After High/Descendants/Vaguely 'nex gen priness' AU.
-Eldritch Horror AU :: Or if that's a bit too out there, a more normal Monster AU. I don't care, but in my heart, I know Cleo is some kind of eldritch horror. Zombie is far too easy.
-Eldritch Monster AU! Hermits are all Lovecraftian horrors who all individually decided that they wanted to pretend to be normal and are all trying to hide their otherworldliness. I also feel like Mumbo or X or someone as the one actually "normal" player on the server would work well. Most hermits don't know that everyone else isn't normal either, but some find out about friends maybe.
-Rabid Debate Club AU :: Random weird au idea where it's basic hs/uni au but like two of them try to start a debate club, then invite some friends just so there's enough people; cut to like two months later, it's all the hermits just fighting over whether or not pineapple should go on pizza or not lol it isn't very good i'm sorry but ya know rabid debate club AU.
-Animal/shapeshifting AU :: (Suggested Twice.) Every hermit can shapeshift into one token animal. (If it's something like "dog," they can only turn into one breed and color of dog, EXAMPLE: doc can shift into a black sable belgian malinois, but not anything else.)
-Wedding Planners AU :: Hermits work in various unrelated businesses such as a bakery, flower shop, etc., but see each other semi-often bc they're semi-often called upon to work together by another hermit's wedding planning business (obvs if you couldn't tell i know absolutely nothing abt wedding planning & businesses n shit lol but it's the /concept/ of it yannknow)
-Avatar: The Last Air Bender AU. (Suggested Thrice.)
-Fusion AU :: (Also suggested by Anon.) (Suggested Twice.) What if Hermits could fuse with each other? (Viva and Jumbo fused into MumboJumbo.)
-SCP AU :: The hermits have spooky powers and are kept locked up bc of it (or they have to keep the world safe from monsters and cursed objects!)
-RPG AU :: I feel like someone already thought of that but I am just wondering about it lately :p -🍋
-Adventure Time AU :: The hermits live in a post-apocalyptic world and the Lich (bad guy) is making everything decay. They need to gather all the gems (belt colours) to unlock the Enchiridion (a book) and have one wish each granted from Prismo (multiverse wish granting dude) before the Lich does. Only 4 elements can enter the multiverse: Slime (The Lich & Jevin), Redstone (Tango or Mumbo?), Ice (Stress), and Dirt (Grian, much to his dismay). Only the elementals can see the book. Grian's the protagonist with his sidekick Scar. He originally started collecting the belts because they were shiny but eventually decided to read the book and find out what they were for when Scar said he didn't see it. Doc, False, and Iskall are major obstacles because they don't believe the book exists.</p>
-Total Drama Island AU.
-Magical Girl AU :: Zedaph's the lead magical girl and rounds up a bunch of other magical girl hermits.
-Pokeman AU :: What are the Hermit's roles in this world? Who's the Champion, Elite Four. Are they scientists? Trainers? Do they compete in competitions, do they specialize in types? Who's everyone's starter? Has anyone encountered any legendaries?
-College AU
-High School AU
-Wizard101 AU :: I (🦊) recently got this AU idea and recently started going off somewhere with it in terms of writing, but, like, Hermitcraft meets Wizard101. Tons and tons of magical shenanigans, monster hunting, and idk what else.
-Magic AU
-My Hero Academia AU :: Headcanons can be about which hermits would have what quirks and occupations based on them.
-So I'm writing an AU where there's a second game of Demise but 5 years later. So far the first 2 hermits (Joe and Xisuma) have died, and their dead forms are cracked with an arrow in his chest (Xisuma) and cyborg (Joe). So since it's Saturday, I'm looking for what some skins would look for.
-City AU :: I mean this is really just a normal everyday AU.
-School AU.
-Terraria-Minecraft Fusion AU :: Who chooses what class? what events do each hermit prefer? how to they deal with the world infections? preferred biomes? Favourite NPCS? It has potentiallllll.
-70s/80s Teen Horror AU :: (like Stranger Things, Carreie, The Lost Boys, Halloween, etc.) -🦇
-Demi-God AU :: Sort of like percy jackson (everyone being the children of different gods from all different cultures.)
-Supernatural AU
-Marching Band AU :: Xisuma is the band major and all the show music is the remixes. I need to come up with some ideas for uniforms. Outfits and flags for the colorguard too.
-Different Eras AU :: (Suggested Twice.) All the hermits are from different time periods or eras. Like Wels is from the mediveal/dark era, Mumbo is from 1890-1920's, Iskall is from 2030, TFC is from 2020(?), Cleo is from 2130, etc!!! Like the mobs/animals became feused with humans, is when the mob players came from.
-Star Trek AU :: Like maybe they could be on one ship and each have different roles like engineers or doctors? I don’t know if this has been suggested but hope you enjoy! - 🐦
-House Mates AU :: ApartmentAU but scaled down?
-Atlantis AU :: (Could be merged with Mermaid AU???)
-Fighting Game AU :: Some influences would be Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Ultra Instinct, that kind of stuff.
-Time loop AU :: The hermits each have to deal with their own time loop.
(All those above in red are from our community's lovely Anons!)
-Superhero/superpower AU :: They each have a unique power/powerset that is in some way connected to their personality. (ie Mumbo *could* control electricity because of his love of redstone) Some Hermits may even choose to be "villains" and prank their other servermates. If you need power ideas, I've got a couple. (12u3ie)
-Daycare AU :: The recap peeps are the caretakers :P (-@tikauniverse.)
-Incredibly Long Cross Country Train Ride AU :: they all are in the same train car, telling stories of where they’re going, backstories.)
-Stuck In An Airport AU :: pretty similar to train au but they can be going diff places.
-Doctors AU :: they’re all doctors working at the same hospital.)
-Circus AU (Also suggested by an Anon.) (Suggested Twice.)
-Spy AU (Also suggested by @shadeswiftdraws.) (Suggested Twice.)
-Runaways AU :: The hermits are all teenagers who have run away from home, they all live on the streets until TFC takes them in. Head canons can be about backstories, living on the streets, or when they’re with TFC.
-Criminals and Police Officers AU
-Dancer AU :: I mean, I already got a list kind of planned out, but headcanons for why specific styles are chosen would be appreciated! :) (usedtobelucythefallenangel)
-Broadway/Musicals Hermits AU :: The hermits are all casts of various musicals and when this newly-built theater opens up they all fight for which musical gets to play in it first (they have a riff-off maybe?) musicals mainly included are Hamilton, BMC, DEH, SiX, Beetlejuice, etc (feel free to add more!) (-@heyitsroby.)
-DnD AU (Also suggested by Anon.) (Suggested twice.)
-Mermaid AU :: In honor of the end of Mermay
-Space exploration AU :: There could be different ships, command centers, aliens.... Maybe someone could even get stranded/crash on a new planet? Who knows, could be fun.
-Paranormal/ghost hunter AU :: A couple Hermits could be the ghost hunters going to haunted locations to prove/disprove their hauntedness, others could be camera crew, owners of haunted buildings, or even the ghosts themselves.
-Camping/Vacation AU.
-Summer Cottage AU :: They all spend summers/weekends along the same shoreline and do different summer activities together. Outdoor fun and shenanigans!
-Space AU :: like star trek or similar.
-I would say evil clone au but I think that's pretty much the entire Hermitcraft tumblr right now lol. (Suggested twice.)
-Magic AU :: Magic exists and all the hermits have powers. They can also summon a weapon but what that weapon is depends on the hermit. I'm thinking it'll take place in a sort-of Demise 2 in S7 with a big war. So far I've got: Grian - Cloning himself to his different personas (each has a different power). Xisuma - Making barriers, teleporting, and transforming into different mobs. Scar - Making mutant plants & boosting other hermits' attack & health. (-@datsaltyperson.)
-Demon AU :: Something enters the overworld and turns into a supernatural style-demon through Dimentional Distortion. Who gets posessed first, who goes crazy, and who actually kills it? Honestly I think that, if anything, Tango would know how to gank it, for obvious reasons. (-@fireflower-dusk.)
-High Street AU :: Everyone owns a different shop on the same street or some run a shop together (-@violets-arepurple.)
-Cat AU :: Either they're were always cats, or Hels turned everyone, including himself, into a cat, and they have to survive and overcome challenges in the Season 7 world. An example of a challenge would be Cub's a Sand Cat(the cats that always look like kittens no matter how old they are and live in deserts), and everyone's not sure if he can actually swim, so they have to find a way for him to get around without involving water. (-@scp10000.)
-How about a secret AU.. Every hermit has their big secrets and when Grian joined. He doesn't really know anything about those secrets even till season 7. Not many hermits talked to him in S6 anyway.. Mumbo was the closest to him so they would have regular chats For Iskall is mostly business related things Grian wants to know why so he set out on a quest to force the others to at least talk to him so he wouldn't be lonely. (-@babylightstudentbiscuit.)
-Hermit Family AU :: Xisuma is very busy dad but when he isnt busy the kids and younger hermits annoying the hell out of him. Grian once asked to use Xisuma's computer and crashed the whole thing trying to download illegal gamesites and get money off the internet. Mumbo and his trains run through the entire house and Xisuma trips on them daily. (-@gamerutx.)
-College AU!! But they are not students. THEY ARE THE TEACHERS (-@ivi-prism.)
Ones I planned to do anyway but Hermitblr Hivemind and all that:
Battle of The Bands AU: i believe u once mentioned a bands/ battle of the bands au... thats my jam... (Anon.)
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helpicant-stop · 4 years
🌫Ayo, I'm Xen Tea!!🌫
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You can call me Xen, Semi, Merms, Jared, X - literally anything that crosses your mind ever because at this point I respond to anything.
I'm a minor.
I'm genderfluid and go by he/she/they and xe/xir. I did not know how to sequence that sentence.
My Discord tag's teacryptid#5819.
Other socials:
Instagram: xenodochial_tea for fandoms and mx.xentea for oc work
Twitter: mxxentea
DeviantArt: dead as hell
I love drawing, writing, theatre and am constantly finding new hobbies so don't be surprised if I suddenly start talkin about my extensive water jug collection or something lmao.
All my art is posted under #xens art thingx and all my writing is under #xen writes stuff!!
my alt : @assistancerequired4lackofceasing
I am in constant pain. 😃
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I'm in a ton, but the ones I interact with the most are Miss Mina Rose's works, Pseudonymous Bosch's books, and Dream SMP (includin the creators). I only tag the first two (#xens missmi brainrot & #xens tss brainrot) since they're small, obscucre fandoms and almost everyone is here for DSMP anyway.
also sometimes i talk about clown husbandry but just like pretend it doesn't exist and i talked about something completely normal and mundane thanks
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🌫Dream SMP🌫
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Apologist for:
Sympathiser for:
and if you're a dream apologist: *cocks gun menacingly* /lh /lh
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🌫Miss Mina Rose🌫
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Threnody (give it a listen it's super good):
Alister deserved it.
My favourite part is Part 5, Blood. It straight up slaps bro
Brier. That's it
Mermicide (hella underrated):
Scarlett and Esther are the best couple and they did nothing wrong.
I hate Jasper with a burnin passion and you'll know why if you've read it.
Astrid is cooler than me and cooler than y'all will ever be.
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🌫P. B.🌫
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Cass is a mountain lesbian and Max-Ernest is (canonically!!) a disaster gay. Don't talk to me if you ship them thanks
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The usual (people who discriminate, MAPs, etc). Also people who are rude in general, like - no we don't want yer vibes in here thank you very much <3
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Anythin I post that's potentially triggerin will be tagged. If I forget anythin please tell me!!
I draw a lot of weird shit to do with eyes and generally rb posts that are similar (swirly eyes, weird-shaped ones, eye gore etc) so I've tagged it #weird shit to do with eyes.
Also, i talk in caps a lot, so if that's a problem for you please tell me so i can tag [:
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