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dream-in-hand · 10 months ago
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goddesspharo · 3 months ago
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Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me. I know I could have loved you, but you would not let me. [Top Gun: Maverick + The Silver Springs Era]
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red-moon-at-night · 3 months ago
The Trojan Horse/La guerra di Troia (1961)
Ignore the complete mischaracterisation of Helen and the inaccuracy of events, you need to see this sequence of how Paris dies. It's absolutely WILD.
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ichijokaoru · 2 months ago
Carry On - Bricks
These are Kuuga songs produced by Bricks (Katsurayama Shingo and Itakura Masakazu)
You can find the full EP here on youtube (uploaded by my lovely partner on his channel!)
The songs uploaded separated can also be found in this playlist
02 - 勇気をくれた人へ
I've got quite a few kuuga related things to share (as well as more of Katsurayama's music!)
I keep an unrebloggable masterlist of posts here at this link, that I'll always update anytime I add something new 😊👍
Scans of the album, including lyric booklet included below the cut:
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these scans are also mirrored here on imgur for safekeeping
unsurprisingly, I've ran these through machine translation out of curiosity multiple times, and you may do the same, but if you can accurately translate entire songs, let me know! I'd be happy to add it here (with credit, ofc) 😊👍
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godblooded · 3 months ago
so like… controversial opinion but… if you agree there should be more female muses or lesbians… uhh… write them?
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moe-broey · 3 months ago
Would you like some strangely elaborate specific ass headcanons? Of course you do!!!! Also I'm outsourcing a very specific dilemma. But you have to Learn My Methods first. Okay? Okay!!!!
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Okay! So what the hell are we looking at and what exactly am I trying to determine, here? Well!!! There's a few different facets to this.
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One, two, three!!! They're a set of three, and they're marked as such by how many sets of piercings they have in their ears. It's such a small detail that happened more by coincidence than intent, but it makes drawing all three of them together feel coherent and again, fun! I also really like the storytelling/contrast of the Askr siblings having golden jewerly, while Moe's is in silver (it does mix silver and gold more broadly -- but I'm talking just the face/ears here!). You get the sense (... in addition to Moe's more scruffy appearance in general), that one is from a more "common" background.
Okay, but what's all that text? STORYTELLING.... 2
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Piercings, as a way to indicate connections to other characters, and to imply background information.
First example, it's noted that Bruno has had his in for a long time (... kind of regretting the specificness of "as a kid". That's supposed to have implications, but tbh it may be more fitting for Bruno as a whole to simply have said, "A Long Time"). He wears something modest, maybe a common stone, but still eye-catching. I like to think Alfonse became enamored with it (guys can also do this???), same way he was completely smitten by all of Zacharias. One extremely questionable piercing job courtesy of Zacharias himself and egged on by Sharena (who made a generous donation and/or sacrifice from her own jewelry box) later, it's a miracle he managed to heal them. Equally impressive is how long he managed to hide them as a teenager.
Meanwhile, you see Sharena's example is pretty straightforward! Assigned ear-stabbing at birth. It worked out well, though! Aside from that one time where her piercings mysteriously closed up and they had to be re-done, when she was little. Which could mean nothing. Alls well that ends well! In fact, she liked the look so much she decided to get another set done! Which may or may not come back later...
I will admit, the saddle plugs on Bruno were an impulse decision I made drawing this out (so not a super strong design headcanon, and maybe I could draw it better w more practice tbh, test run ect ect), BUT. MORE IMPORTANTLY. That idea, AND NEXT UP: STORYTELLING... 3.
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On top of noting significant connections and providing background information -- here, you have gaining more and/or doing different Things with your piercings, as a way to indicate the passage of time or a change of taste. Woah, that's a lot of text! That's just my autism showing, I'll do you a favor -- with Moe specifically, the biggest takeaway here is:
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One, two, three. There are other iderations of Moe of course, plenty of awkward in-between stages. But as I've developed it, I've found that there's like... three really plot relevant parts of its life. One easy to forget, two OH GOD OH FUCK, three that's the guy who lives here now. AWESOME!!!!
OKAY. OKAY. PEONY she has BEEN HERE THIS WHOLE TIME. What's up with that?
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So we have background implications/information, we have connections to other characters, and NOW. WE HAVE. Paths that diverge. Sharena, 2. Peony, 1. Plus, a little bit of shape language with those tear drop earrings... on Sharena specifically...... ohghhghhf........
I've always been really indecisive with my Peony designs (for some reason it has been SUCH A STRUGGLE FOR ME), but I do like the simplicity of this one actually. The "Princess Peach core" note about Sharena is more about her color palette, but after writing that I went You know what. Fuck it *gives Peony Princess Peach earrings*. This does feel subject to change, but the idea they could be like water droplets is so cutes... I have really wanted to give Peony earrings with a blue gem though, BECAUSE...
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The blue and silver are a nod to this reoccurring detail on Peony! So not only does it tie back to Sharena (IMPORTANT), it also (theoretically.) ties together nicely overall!!
Okay. So. Where does this leave me. Why did I draw all this out? All these little details that exist in my mind, why did I go out of my way to create this elaborate in-depth demonstration? Remember when I said I was gonna outsource some shit?
And what prompted all of this. What REALLY made me Think About This. I did another "ehhh Fuck It" with Lif's piercings, where he's sharing a panel with Moe, and
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Ooughgughfhghhh...... them having the same earring arrangement.
But then. Then. I got autism brained about it. I can see Bruno having fuck all time to stretch his ears while on some gayass journey (... the. Timelines. Time in between Events. Maybe he wouldn't have full big stretched ears in Book 1. HOWEVER). Inconvenient, maybe, but if he's dedicated to the grind. He can do it. And I mean, have you seen his muscles? Dude CARES about his appearance. Meanwhile Moe ABSOLUTELY had fuck all time to stretch its ears before arriving in Askr. Then I'm thinking about Alfonse. NEVERMIND how much time it takes to stretch your ears, I'm thinking about the Number Rules. I'm thinking about how he's One, the first guy of a set of Three. I'm thinking about the Number Rule, to indicate Time. Why WOULD he have Three? The Number Rule, as Paths Diverging. There's Two of him, not Three. ALSO ASKING MYSELF "Would Alfonse get more piercings???" LIKE NO. BECAUSE. THE. THE RULE OF THREE. THE ONE TWO THREE. WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😫😫😫😫😫
Idk am I just insane. Am I a lost cause. Lif's ears are usually covered up by his long shaggy hair anyway. But really that does just make any time any piercings Would be visible, just. I am just so deeply conflicted torn between Goth Alt Men Hot and THE METHODS‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ THE STORYTELLING THE METHODS MY DEEPLY INTRICATE RITUALS‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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fictionadventurer · 10 months ago
Well, I didn't get any writing done, but I did watch the Wiggles documentary.
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aria0fgold · 6 months ago
Gonna be real you should make fanfic about the TCOCC characters. Meta fanfic about fictional characters that are fictional in the narrative they originate from.....
DON'T TEMPT ME! sakzdxfcgvhj I've been thinking bout that several times now cuz I'm so starved for the chateau trio that I've been thinkin of just making every possible content for them myself at this point orz... My dearest blorbos... From a book within a game. They've only a handful of crumbs to their existence </3
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bloomfish · 8 months ago
I've been writing a short story set during the Spanish civil war but for historical research purposes I've had to consume some of the worst content imaginable. Have you ever watched a YouTube video that starts out with "do NOT watch this if you're woke and politically correct"
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felisartus · 4 months ago
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Day 27: Nightmare
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jackienatist · 2 months ago
let's make love and lots of money, baby
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fishparasite · 2 months ago
3:27 am i'm thinking of commissioning tongue eating louse art clearly i'm feeling #normal
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year ago
the issue with being out of touch w/ pop culture is that it makes writing references to what kids are into these days a shit ton harder. like what vidja games are the teens playing rn? are they still into minecraft and fortnite? all of my niblings are under 5 so i don't have an on-hand survey group yet.
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cetoddle · 2 months ago
every woman on earth is the most beautiful show stopping incredible gorgeous person alive and 90% of men make me go ewwwwww…what is that..
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villain-in-love · 3 months ago
don't have my glasses on right now to double check what the questions actually are but if you're up for answering more 3 and 7? (@canarycurse)
If you need glasses to check the questions, then how were you writing this ask... Okay, never mind. I'm always open to answering more questions, even if it takes a while.
3. Favorite headcanon/fact you have for an F/O? You can answer for multiple if you want
Friendly reminder that mangaka said that Thistle would judge other dungeon lords for their incompetence, if he knew how much they relied on the demon. Because this insane little bastard refused most of the help from the omnipotent being that was literally there to fulfil his wishes, because this weird lion thing is suspicious and can go fuck itself, and instead proceeded to personally build an entire ecosystem all by himself.
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No one does it like Thistle.
(He used to be sooo cute before the dungeon drove him mad... I like him better now, though.)
And a few shorter fun facts about some other f/os:
If I had a nickel for every time Jamil tried to burn down a shop because of his fear of bugs I would have two nickels...
If I had a nickel for every time Xerxes was beefing with a kid/teenager, I would have... dear gods, that's a lot of nickels.
When Mukuro first arrived to Japan to search for Tsuna, he was choosing in which school to enroll based purely on which one had the coolest uniform (and it seems like this attitude never disappeared in the future)
7. What's something you feel is uncommon that you do with/for/about/etc your F/O(s)?
Headcanoning ALL OF THEM as bottoms-
I feel like not wanting to marry and/or live with your f/o is somewhat uncommon. But it's just that, for me, things like marriage and domestic life together is a major turn off – it kills all romantic atmosphere.
I don't like the idea of marriage. Perhaps because of the unpleasant association with how it usually goes in our society, but also... It just feels as if my partner is doubting my devotion, if they go as far as to try to bind us legally. I think that... If there's nothing technically tying you together, and you can leave at any moment, but you still choose to stay... It means much more.
I guess I also dread that the realtionship can turn from something exciting into a routine, significantly lowering the fun?
Additionally, most of my f/os are very protective of their personal life and probably wouldn't want to bring their relationship to the centre of attention, so the thought of the wedding would clearly provoke some discomfort. The same goes for me.
That is to say, some of my ships might still get married. But they would obviously have their own individual reasons why they decided that this arrangement would be more beneficial.
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keepthemacramesecret · 6 months ago
absolutely tragic when u read a book and its not very good
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