#ANDIN 30+
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YET THE WAY OF THE RING TO MY HEART IS BY PITY, pity for weakness and the desire of strength ... to do good.
an independent & selective writing blog for GANDALF THE GREY from tolkien's legendarium . . . heavily based on the lord of the rings, the hobbit, and very select parts of the silmarillion. i am not a fandom purist and support writing with characters from the rings of power and have a mixed canon verse within and outside of that setting. i am not tolkien and as such many of my opinions are headcanon or conjecture on the topic of middle earth.
CARRD IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. temp rules here. affiliated with no one yet.
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0️⃣ La lettre d’infO (la quotidienne annécienne) 🤍
Sélection journalière à destination de 12 réseaux sociaux et de 3 messageries instantanées en provenance directe de la version 3 de mon infolettre 📧
1️⃣ Les Journées (j’adOre) 💛
Aujourd’hui, lundi 28/10/24, Journée internationale de la langue et de la culture créoles (depuis 1983) 🗣️ Journée mondiale du cinéma d'animation (depuis 2002) 🎥 et Journée mondiale du judo (depuis 2011) 🥋
2️⃣ L’actu (point trop n’en faut) 🧡
"Diffamation, insultes, haine" : plusieurs élu·es de la Ville d'Annecy ont porté plainte après des faits de cyberharcèlement. Une démarche est en cours pour demander la levée de l'anonymat de certains comptes sur les réseaux sociaux 🧐
Jugé pour viols, agressions et atteintes sexuelles sur une élève mineure, un ancien enseignant à Annecy a été condamné vendredi à une peine d'emprisonnement de cinq ans par la cour d'assises de la Haute-Savoie. Le trentenaire, marié et père de famille, fait également l'objet d'une interdiction définitive d'exercer une activité en contact avec des mineurs 🧑⚖️
Vendredi soir, à Annemasse, un jeune conducteur de 19 ans a renversé et tué un cycliste de 23 ans alors qu'il conduisait sous l'emprise de l'alcool et de stupéfiants. Mis en examen hier pour homicide involontaire aggravé, il a été placé en détention provisoire ⚖️
3️⃣ L’agenda (l’agendalp pour les ancien·nes) 🩷
🖼️ Dernière semaine❗️ExpO : Joël Burger ➡️ À travers son art, l’artiste invite le spectateur à plonger dans un univers onirique et poétique, où chaque toile raconte une histoire et suscite une émotion ℹ️ Jusqu’au mer. 30/10/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Lun. 28/10/24 ⌚️ 8h30-12h & 13h30-17h 📍 Mairie déléguée d'Annecy-le-Vieux (place Gabriel Fauré) 👨🎨
🖼️ Avant-dernière semaine❗️ExpO : Réparer le futur ➡️ La prospective ou l'art d'imaginer demain : quel est l'avenir de notre ville et comment penser cette ville de demain pour tous ? ℹ️ Jusqu'au jeu. 07/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Lun. 28/10/24 ⌚️ 8h30-12h & 13h30-17h 📍 Mairie déléguée de Seynod (1 place de l'Hôtel de ville) 👨🎨
🖼️ ExpO de l'association Artistique de Meythet ➡️ Exposition de dessins et de peintures ℹ️ Jusqu’au lun. 11/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Lun. 28/10/24 ⌚️ 8h30-12h & 13h30-17h 📍 Mairie déléguée de Meythet (rue de l'Hôtel de Ville) 🎨
🖼️ Avant-dernière semaine❗️ExpO : Portraits de Martine Richard, une artiste pour qui la peinture est une véritable évasion ➡️ Passionnée par la magie de l'aquarelle, elle explore la fusion des couleurs et de l'eau, créant des œuvres où l'émotion guide chaque coup de pinceau ℹ️ Jusqu’au sam. 09/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Lun. 28/10/24 ⌚️ 9h-12h & 14h-19h 📍 Le Mikado Novel (2 place de l'Annapurna) 👩🎨
🖼️ Derniers jours❗️ExpO : Pérou précolombien, un autre regard sur le monde ➡️ Découverte des cultures ancestrales du Pérou et du monde foisonnant et mouvant de la cosmologie andine ℹ️ Jusqu’au jeu. 31/10/24 🎫 6,50€, 3,50€ & 0€ (-12 ans) 📆 Lun. 28/10/24 ⌚️ 10h-12h & 14h-17h 📍 Musée-Château d’Annecy (3 place du Château) 🏰
🧒Les secrets du Palais de l'Île ➡️ Visite pour enfant à partir de 8 ans, accompagné d’au moins un adulte (activité en autonomie) ℹ️ Carnet illustré à demander à l’accueil 🎫 4€, 2€ & 0€ (-12 ans) 📆 Lun. 28/10/24 ⌚️ 10h-12h & 14h-17h 📍 Palais de l’Île (3 passage de l'Île) 🏛️
🧒 Visite du château tout public ➡️ À partir de 8 ans : découverte du château d’Annecy et ses différentes façades ℹ️ La visite guidée est incluse dans le prix du billet d'entrée ⏱️ 30 à 45 min 🎫 6,50€, 3,50€ & 0€ (-12 ans) 📆 Lun. 28/10/24 ⌚️ 10h30 📍 Musée-Château d’Annecy (3 place du Château) 🏰
🧒 Vacances d’automne ou de la Toussaint ➡️ Fabrique ta lanterne d’Halloween ℹ️ À partir de 5 ans 🎫 Anim. et visite : 10€, 8€, 6€ (6-15 ans) & 0€ (-6 ans) 🎟️ Sans réservation 📆 Lun. 28/10/24 ⌚️ 10h30-12h & 14h-17h 📍 Château de Montrottier (Lovagny) 🏰
🖼️ ExpO : Rouge ➡️ Le travail de Marcel Savy oscille entre le figuratif et une abstraction guidée, lui permettant d’aller à l’essentiel tout en laissant place au rêve dans ses toiles ℹ️ Jusqu’au sam. 16/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Lun. 28/10/24 ⌚️ 14h-18h45 📍 Artekné (Centre Bonlieu) 👨🎨
🗣 Terribles épidémies (en écho à la fête d'Halloween) ➡️ À travers les ruelles de la Vieille Ville, remontez l'histoire de la peste noire et d'autres épidémies qui ont frappé Annecy. Apprenez comment ses habitant·es ont fait face aux fléaux au fil du temps ℹ️ Visite conduite par Whitney Hahn, guide-conférencière de la Ville d'Annecy "Ville d'Art et d'Histoire" ⏱️ 1h30 🎫 7€, 4€ & 0€ (-12 ans) 📆 Lun. 28/10/24 ⌚️ 14h30 📍 Esplanade de l'Hôtel de Ville 🚶
🧒 Visite famille : le château à petits pas ➡️ Découverte du contenu d’une mallette pleine de surprises conçues spécialement pour aborder le château d’Annecy de manière ludique et éducative ℹ️ Guidés par une médiatrice, les enfants dès l’âge de 4 ans, accompagnés de leurs parents, approchent différentes thématiques liées au monument et à sa période médiévale ⏱️ 1h15 🎫 0€ (inclus dans le tarif d’entrée) 📆 Lun. 28/10/24 ⌚️ 14h30 📍 Musée-Château d’Annecy (3 place du Château) 🏰
4️⃣ La météO (pour celles et ceux qui veulent vivre) ❤️
Qualité de l’air à Annecy (indices ATMO) : la formation d’ozone restera modérée en lien avec des conditions météorologiques de saison. Les niveaux de particules fines augmenteront un peu dans la partie centrale de la région en lien avec des conditions moins dispersives. La qualité de l’air devrait être bonne à moyenne 💨
Dans la cité lacustre et ailleurs, au niveau de vos déplacements, privilégiez vélo, trottinette, marche à pied, etc. et au niveau de vos activités physiques, privilégiez les parcs, les zones piétonnes et les rues peu circulantes pour vos activités de plein air 🌬️
L’indice de risque pollinique à Annecy est nul (niveau 0) ➡️ Ambroisies, armoise, cupressacées, graminées, saule, autre : niveaux 0 ➡️ Indice communal valable du 26/10/24 au vendredi 01/11/2024 inclus 🤧
5️⃣ Les dictons (maximes et autres proverbes) 💚
Trois dictons du jour pour le prix de deux : « À la sainte Simone, il faut avoir rentré les pommes. » 🍎 « À la saint Simon, l’éventail se repose. » 🪭 et « À la saint Simon, les raves au timon. » 🧑🌾
Et trois autres dictons du jour pour la route : « À partir de la saint Simon, tu peux semer tes melons. » 🌱 « Le jour de la saint Simon, l’amour peut chanter sa chanson, le vin sera bon. » 🍷 et « Raisin cueilli à la saint Simon, ne donne pas un vin bien bon. » 🍇
Un problème avec les mouches : « À la saint Simon, une mouche vaut un mouton. », « À la saint Simon, une mouche vaut un pigeon, mais passé la saint Simon, le pigeon ne vaut qu’un moucheron. » et « Quand on voit des mouches à la saint Simon, les fermiers peuvent chanter une chanson. » 🪰
Il faudrait savoir : « Quand saint Simon et saint Jude n’apportent pas la pluie, elle n’arrive qu’à la sainte Cécile (22/11). » et « Quand saint Simon et saint Jude n’apportent pas la pluie, elle n’arrive qu’à la saint Éloi (01/12). » 🤔
Pour celles et ceux qui aiment l’hiver : « Saint Simon et saint Jude, l’hiver est arrivé. », « Saints Simon et Jude passés, l’hiver effectue sa rentrée. » et « Simon et Jude à eux deux, font arriver hiver rigoureux. » ❄️
Pour celles et ceux qui préfèrent la neige : « À la saint Simon, la neige sur le tison. », « Quand Simon et Jude sont arrivés, souvent ils portent la neige à leurs souliers. » et « Saint Simon et saint Jude mettent la neige aux arbustes. » 🌨️
6️⃣ Les fêtes (rigolO est le calendrier) 🩵
Je vous souhaite une très bonne journée annécienne et un excellent automne à Annecy, dans les 33 autres communes du Grand Annecy, en Savoie ou ailleurs 🍂
Bonne fête aux Jude et aux Simon·e (je ne sais pas pourquoi mais parfois il y a deux prénoms le même jour dans le calendrier) et demain aux Narcisse 😘
Bon premier jour de la semaine à tous et à toutes 🌱
7️⃣ Cohérence (histoire de simplifier) 💜
J’utilise les chiffres 0, 7, 8, 9 et 10 pour rendre plus lisibles les différentes parties de cette sélection (simple utilisation n’ayant absolument aucun rapport avec les parties “officielles”).
JamesO InfO V1 : jusqu’en 2012 🅰️
8️⃣ Migrations en cours (à marche forcée) 🤎
Les parties 7, 8 et 9 ne peuvent pas encore être diffusées totalement pour des raisons techniques. J’y travaille actuellement de manière régulière.
JamesO InfO V2 : de 2013 à 2022 🅱️
9️⃣ Abonnez-vous (nouveaux tarifs en 2025) 🩶
Les parties 10, 11 et 12 sont exclusivement réservées à mes abonné·es et ne sont plus diffusées sur les réseaux sociaux et autres messageries instantanées.
JamesO InfO V3 : depuis 2023 🆎
🔟 L’ours (nette préférence pour le dahu) 🖤
JamesO InfO
N° 1.171 du lundi 28/10/24
L’actu, les infos, les nouvelles…
Par JamesO Média (Presse & Édition)
Responsable éditorial et légal : J.-O. Gallice
📷 JamesO PhotO à Annecy le 24/10/24 📸
JamesO © AlPy News ® StudiO 147 ℗ 2SC ™
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nagsasaing ng tulingan.
France : Hi Love ano merienda mo? asan ka? ano ginagawa mo?
Me : wala Love di pa ako nag memerienda busog pa ako late ako nag lunch, andine sa likod namin sa may tungko.
France : ginagawa mo dyan?
Me : nagsusulong ng gatong may sinalang kasi na sinaing na tulingan.
France : Love gusto ko nyan pwede pahingi di ba yan yung pinakain mo sa akin na napakalambot pati tinik luto.
Me : oo are nga yon sinaing na tulingan pero pinakain na din kita ng sinaing na tambakol, gusto mo? nag cracrave ka? 🤣🤣🤣 punta dito para patas pag gusto may paraan, tabla tabla lang ayaw mo ako samahan mag noodles sa SG edi ikaw pumunta dito para sa tulingan.
France : napaka! mo mapang asar ka talaga. 🤣🤣🤣.
8-10 hours na lutuan low fire.
Yung pader namin may panganlan ko pa LET.
Jan. 30, 2023 03:30 pm
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Tiwanaku (ou Tiahuanaco) était la capitale de l'empire Tiwanaku entre 200 et 1000 de notre ère et se situe dans le bassin du Titicaca. À une altitude de 3 850 mètres (12 600 pieds), c'était la ville la plus haute du monde antique et sa population maximale se situait entre 30 000 et 70 000 habitants. L'empire de Tiwanaku, à son apogée, dominait les plaines de l'altiplano et s'étendait de la côte péruvienne au nord de la Bolivie et comprenait des parties du nord du Chili. Tiwanaku est situé près des rives sud (boliviennes) du lac sacré Titicaca et deviendrait le centre de l'une des plus importantes cultures andines. L'architecture, la sculpture, les routes et la gestion de l'empire de Tiwanaku ont exercé une influence considérable sur la civilisation inca ultérieure. Tiwanaku est inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.
Lire la suite...
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Incredible Benefits of Maca Roots You Must Know
Start leading a healthy lifestyle by reaping all the incredible benefits of maca roots. Know more about maca root, what it is and all the amazing benefits in this blog.
What Is Maca Root?
Maca, also known as Ginseng Andin, Lepidium meyenii, or Peruvian Ginseng, is a cruciferous vegetable that smells quite similar to butterscotch and is relative to radish. The maca plant grows in the Andes Mountains on the high plateaus. Over 3,000 years ago, it was cultivated as a root vegetable that was used to make medicine. However, there wasn't enough information to show how Maca worked.
The maca root benefits for men are said to help with infertility in men and other health problems (1). There are other purposes and uses of Maca, some of which are supported by research and others that are still being studied.
Nutritional Properties Of Maca Root
The nutritional value of a 10 g serving of maca root consists of Amino acids like Alanine – 6.3 mg. Arginine – 9.9 mg, Aspartic Acid – 9.2 mg, Glutamic Acid – 15.7 mg, Glycine 6.8 mg, Histidine – 4.2 mg, HO-Proline – 2.6 mg, Isoleucine – 4.78 mg, Leucine – 9.1 mg, Lysine – 5.5 mg, Methionine – 2.8 mg, Phenylalanine – 5.5 mg, Proline - .05 mg, Sarcosine - .07 mg, Serine -- 5.0 mg, Threonine – 3.3 mg, Tryptophan - .5 mg, Tyrosine – 3.0 mg, and Valine- 7.3 mg. It contains vitamins like Thamin (B1) - 1 mcg, Riboflavin (B2) - .7.6 mcg, Ascorbic Acid (C) - 30 mcg,
Niacin 350 mcg, Calcium – 4.5 mg, Phosphorus – 2.2 mg, Magnesium – 1.04 mg, Potassium – 15 mg, and Sodium .25 mg. It contains minerals like Iodine - 5 mcg, Copper – .5 mcg, Zinc – 12 mcg, Manganese – 8 mcg, Iron – 25 mcg, Selenium – 20 mcg, and Boron – 5 mcg.
Why Should You Include Maca Root In Your Lifestyle?
Here are some reasons what maca is for and why you should include it in your lifestyle.
1. Improve fertility:
A study carried out in 2020 discovered that consuming 2 grams of maca daily consistently for 12 weeks can significantly improve the concentration of semen in comparison with the placebo treatment (2).
2. Boost energy levels:
Evidence shows the advantages of maca root in boosting energy levels and improving mood. A study carried out in 2022 showed that maca extract reduces fatigue in young adult women (3) and there are other maca root benefits for females.
3. Helps to destress:
Maca is an adaptogenic herb with incredible benefits of managing environmental stress on the body. It can stimulate the stress protection system of the body by balancing the body’s HPA (hypothalamic pituitary adrenal) axis (4).
4. Helps with perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms:
Women experience a lot of painful symptoms during menopause and the benefits of maca root powder are that it supports the body without changing estrogen levels. Consuming maca can reduce night sweats and hot flashes (5).
5. Helps manage depression:
A study carried out in 2014 showed an increase in dopamine levels after consuming maca for six weeks. This has led to reduced feelings of depression (6).
Tips For Consuming Maca Root For Effective Results
There are various uses for maca powder, some of which are mentioned above. However, maca root comes in different forms for you to choose from. Maca root capsules and extracts can easily be taken orally with water or any other liquid. This is the fastest and easiest way to consume maca herb and reap the benefits. Maca chips or powders can be consumed in various ways. But whichever way you prefer to consume them, maca roots have the same benefits.
Use USDA Certified Maca Root Powder From Rooted Actives
At Rooted Actives, you can get certified organic Maca Root in various forms for you to consume. Get the Peruvian Raw Maca Root Powder, the Certified Organic Peruvian Maca Root Capsules, the Peruvian Imported Maca, Gelatinised & Organic, or any of the other options available for you. Rooted Actives aims to bring you ayurvedic herbs, superfoods, and mushrooms that are sourced across India & globally. These maca roots and other health supplements available here contain no impurities or contaminations.
Q. Can I take maca root daily?
A: Maca is best consumed moderately as a food or a supplement, Be sure not to take more than 3 grams (less than one teaspoon) daily. However, more studies and tests need to be carried out before we know what doses are safe for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, kids, and people with liver or kidney diseases.
Q. Which is the best time to consume maca root - morning or night?
A: The best time you can consume maca herb to reap the benefits is in the morning as it can also help to increase your energy levels which isn’t good to take before bed as it can disrupt your sleep.
Q. How to consume maca root - in powder form or raw form?
A: There are different ways you can take maca root in powder, capsule, or raw to reap its benefits. You can incorporate it into your diet however is best for you and is suitable for your lifestyle.
Q. Can I grind maca root at home to make its powder?
A: You can dry out maca root for a few days until it is hard and very dry and grind it using a food processor or a coffee grinder.
Q. Does consuming maca root help in improving fertility?
A: A clinical study was carried out and it investigated the fertility property of maca root. It confirmed that for fertility maca root does help by increasing chances of pregnancy in women and decreasing infertility in men (6).
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#1–Mid-day, Friday, 8 March 2024
Had all gone to plan, we would be in Miami at this point about 1/3 of the way into a 10 hour layover waiting for our flight to Quito that will get in at a projected 23:21. We were slated to leave at 5:30 am. Ugh. 10 hour layover, also ugh.
I went to sleep at 7 am, planning to get up at 1 to get to campus at 2 with an AppleWatch on my wrist and my phone on the bedside table. I took the phone off at 11 when I kept getting alerts. Young people communicating, right. Nope. I didn’t go back to sleep but at 1 when I did get out of bed and get my glasses I found out the flight had been bumped to 8:30 to 12:30. It’s currently 12:50.
So maybe 2 1/2 hours more and easily to the St Louis Airport for a breakfast of fish and chips conversing with Sam who is usually the one on the phone at the airport in the middle of part one of a still very long day in airports.
I have been too focused on the getting there to have it really sink in that I will be in South America andin the Southern Hemisphere, (near the Equator near the Equinox and at Quito’s 2850 meters/9350 feet in altitude, I am going to be as close to the sun as I will have ever been) for the first time. Above all, at a Darwin shrine like Down and Westminster Abbey.. But all that’s beginning to sink in.
Still it will be a late night and an earlyish morning (8 am) tomorrow and stupid early morning (5!?!, w-t-pickaletter) on Sunday for the flight into the Galapagos.
#1.5–Early Evening, Friday, 8 March 2024
I am not, as I might have thought, at this moment boarding a plane in Miami. I will not, as I might have thought, after an 18 hour day (with the asterisk that it was going to be a 21 hour day) gone to sleep in Quito. My 13 hour day in airports was “only” 8 hours.
We did spend 90ish minutes on the plane though. But the mechanical problem that delayed us could not be resolved. Even had we gone out at the 4 pm time they projected as we got off the plane, we would have missed the connection in Quito.
So we have been “delayed” not cancelled until 7 am tomorrow.
I sleep in my own bed, at least until 3 am. Poor Ellen has to drive us to the airport again when it’s dark. She gives up seeing knitting friends.
I think we will “only” have a 14 hour day tomorrow. We won’t see Quito to any real extent. And we are out of our hotel there at 5 am (sleeping in!) for the flight to the Galapagos on Sunday.
There isn’t an upbeat photo for this entry and GC #2 won’t be that picturesque either.
But I will be as relieved as excited to see the Galapagos on Sunday.
#2 in part—Saturday, 9 March 2024, 7:30 pm EST, Miami Airport
We are awaiting the arrival of the aircraft to take us to Quito which will depart 1.5 hours late. Due in at 12:46 am. I imagine I’ll be checked in by 2 am. We are due to be picked up for the run to the airport to get to the Galapagos at 5 am. I will be napping on the plane, but this will be the third night in a row of disrupted sleep after a week of just being excited/anxious.
But we got to the airport in St Louis at 9:15 am, time used to get the airline to enter things in the system so we could get through TSA and eat. Gyros for breakfast BUT the American Airlines food voucher didn’t work.
We got on the plane on time and even pushed back from the gate mostly on time. We sat on the tarmac for a little less than an hour over Spring Break congestion and, more importantly, weather in Florida.
We got to Miami’s jammed and hopping airport in plenty of time too much of which I devoted to waiting for a chicken burrito. But I ate—and I will try to sleep en route to Quito.
Day 2, Part 2–EuroBuilding Hotel, Quito, 3:15 am
It would appear that writing takes precedence over sleep as I may not have much electronics on the Galapagos. My phone will be a clock and a camera at least. I can probably add to the Google doc I am curating these on but posting them will be iffy.
We’re to be down in the lobby at 4:30 for transport to the airport for the flight to the islands. What we have gotten out of this hotel is showers and a chance to rearrange things. I’m using the WiFi for a tic.
We get to stay on the islands, not a tourist boat, because we are a Webster class with USFQ collaborators. I slept on the plane for a decent stretch, but I am pulling an all nighter. When I was their age, I didn’t do that. My experience with adult insomnia makes this bearable, but that I’ve had that licked as a general rule these past several years and particularly months makes this a challenge.
However my mantra is an unvoiced “I’m not too old for this shit.” :|| and a commitment to be a good Kansan because home on that range, never is heard a discouraging word.
Day 3–Casa de Nelly, San Christobal Island, 2:00 pm local time, feeling like 8 pm
We’re here and it is finally real. If I also wrote rather than sleep during my short hotel interlude, I spent valuable minutes being excited.
Seeing the likes of this between our welcome luncheon spot (freshly caught tuna in a pasta) and our hotel is simply amazing.
I am writing again instead of sleeping during nap time, but I don’t know I’d get up until midnight if I did sleep. So I’ll ride the excitement and wonder.
It’s rainy and that isn’t stopping us and we will be out in an hour for a hike, rain or no rain. We have settled into the hotel and had an orientation from our host institution as well as the meal with the last of the forced march of airports and airplanes behind us in the morning. But it felt like a full day at 10:30 am when we landed.
97% of the archipelago is national park and the population supports that and the ecotourism it fosters. We however are passersby, not tourists, semi-official under the aegis of Universidad de San Francisco de Quito which shares Webster University’s service to underserved populations, in this case Galapagoans who, if they left for education rarely came back.
We are definitely in the tropics and in the underdeveloped world, but it’s a different kind of underdevelopment with that as pristine as possible 97% and an upscale ness for the tourists. But we’re not typical tourists expecting suburban America. But I am now very curious about the natives.
But we’ll get out of their world tomorrow and into what makes this special. With some more food and some reasonable sleep and I’ll be able to meet it more than half way.
Day 3 Coda—Casa de Nelly, Monday, 11 March 2024, 6 am
Do not be alarmed by the hour. It is 7 am back home and I SLEPT for 8.5 hours, not unbroken but that doesn’t happen. Indeed, though I am not too old for this shit, I am feeling my age, lagging in the pack and ending the wonderful collegial conversation over dinner early.
But slow and steady was well worth it for a magnificent hike out of the Interpretation Center behind the USFQ campus. We climbed to observation decks overlooking Darwin Bay where HMS Beagle landed and frigate birds soared around us, then down to near that bay and an odd statue of Darwin (head to small, him well past his age when he was here), and around to a beach which, in succession, required stepping over iguanas on the path, frigate birds perched but 12 feet above us in a tree, and a sea lion which started to waddle up to one of the retreating students.
No pictures as my phone was in the hotel drying out from an inadvertent quick dip in a puddle. It wouldn’t charge but sitting for six hours in my air conditioned room worked the necessary magic. So I’ll have visual evidence today of a hike to a waterfall, a tortoise refuge, and a beach.
Walking back from dinner, there were sea lions on the sidewalks, as if they were sleeping rough, as the British would put it.
It’s all amazing. And that was through sleep exhausted eyes.
Day 4–Casa de Nelly, Monday, 11 March 2024, back from dinner
I have just posted the pictures of the sea lion pups hanging out near the Darwin/HMS Beagle statue on the boardwalk in town. My colleagues were heading to continue a wonderful conversation begun over ceviche mixto and, to try next time, shrimp in a coconut sauce when we saw them. We had ventured forth in a remarkable cloud burst which gave my rain coat and beach shoes good use.
I didn’t have said beach shoes during our chance to frolic in the water. I cooled off too but lost my sunglasses in the waves so I headed back to our area which we shared with a sea lion on one of the benches. I would have added a photo of him/her but previous attempts have failed. Still it was a refreshing end of that part of the excursion part of the day.
We started in the highlands with a hike to El Junco Lagoon, the islands sole body of fresh water. It was too misty to take advantage of its vistas of the other side of the island, so it was another steep climb. I think there were gradients that were of interest but I lagged behind and didn’t hear explanations. But it is all quite remarkable.
It was even mistier on our way climb back up to retrace our steps back to town after the beach. The middle of the day included the breeding center for tortoises for which I have posted pictures of them and two different videos of the same beast walking quite briskly onto the path and then towards and past me. Absolutely fascinating and the definite high point of a stunning day and perhaps the entire week.
But snorkeling lies ahead tomorrow and the adventures will continue. So I’m willing to give those activities fair consideration in comparison to the tortoise.
Day 5–Back at Casa de Nelly after small boat/snorkeling (!?!) excursion to Isla Lobos, Tuesday, 12 March 2024, 2 pm
Our official day is over after a four and a half hour boat trip along the shore of San Christobal to a small, calm bay near Isla Lobos. We saw these blue footed boobies, frigate birds including males with big red pouches, a huge manta ray, and countless sea lions.
I was generally timid staying in the back of the boat and not climbing up top. I did snorkel though I held onto a life preserver and was towed by the guide. I don’t know how much my occasional paddling with my flippers helped. I also wore a life jacket. But I kept my head in the water and breathed through my mouth through the tube. Our guide said to do yogic breathing, for efficiency and to avoid panic, so I’m glad I had that in my arsenal.
Others swam to a beach after lunch and came back even after rain came up. Our trip back to town was in a steady but pleasant rain. So it has been a watery day.
The class will be meeting shortly, but I will let them conduct their business and rest. Quiet will be worthwhile.
Day 5 coda—Casa de Nelly, Tuesday, 12 March 2024 after dinner
I take crap selfies but I took ones with the two sculptures of Charles Darwin along the waterfront in town.
It has finally struck me here with the students that, unlike these images and even the ones at the Interpretive Center, way closer at 26 to their age than the older famous man depicted here. He was at loose ends. He graduated from Cambridge at 22 and takes a gap year that lasts about 5. He doesn’t know what he wants to do, except it ain’t what the expectations other have for him.
When he’s our leader’s age, he’s polishing and repolishing the big book Natural Selection of which On the Origin of Species is the condensed version and which serves as source notebooks for many of his subsequent books, the one long argument. And, yikes, when he’s my age, he’s got four years to live.
Still I identify with Darwin in this very limited sense. I’m on this expedition in an odd role. I am seen as one of the professors by the “crew,” but, bless them, they are amiable and tolerant and good natured. On the boat today, the recreation director put on a playlist from her phone that included a much higher percentage of songs I recognized—and more than a few I actually liked. I’m confident I wasn’t being patronized, though perhaps I was taken into account.
It’s a fascinating place, truly a laboratory of evolution. Because it was only in retrospect that Darwin recognized that, he is appropriately an afterthought around here. I would like to get a cap with some Darwin reference, but that’s not part of the souvenir trade. And that’s probably about right.
Days 6-8–Casa de Nelly, Friday, 15 March 2024, after breakfast
Yesterday was a lost day for the students as their data collection was rained out and for me as I had/have a full blown case of what I’m calling Fitzroy’s Revenge, thinking it better to punch up on Darwin’s benefactor/nemesis than on some Inca leader and certainly not the inappropriate Aztec leader whom Yanquis all to readily blame.
I spent about 18 hours in bed sleeping intermittently and moving to the bano more frequently and urgently. I missed out on two celebratory meals but no excursions. I continue to take it easy and will be seriously medicated as we fly to Guayaquil and on to Quito this afternoon. But I am doing better.
Besides Fitzroy, do I blame the pork soup on Wednesday’s lunch or the cheese empanada/ceviche for dinner that day or the rinsing of my toothbrush from the tap? I regret being puny, but folks have taking fine care of me.
I spent a couple of hours in town helping a couple of students getting in one set of observations of sea lions, but then a serious rain came up and our leader called it for everybody as it might well have been worse in the park.
Wednesday afternoon was also called off as we couldn’t get to Finca Guadalupe so that was quiet though I didn’t nap as perhaps I should have. Instead I reread the fruits of my predecessor as a supernumerary on a previous trip with students. Paul Stroble absorbed all the wondrous things we see and created a poetry collection called “Galapagos Joy.” I’ve read it before, maybe even in manuscript form and certainly before this trip. But reading it here with my own mental images reinforcing Paul’s insights was quite special.
Days 8-10–Hotel Cumbaya, Sunday, 17 March, 2024,5:30 pm (almost bedtime)
In addition to Fitrzroy, I evidently pissed off Bishop Wilberforce and Richard Owen too as, to not bury the lede, I was released at midday after at least 36 hours of attention from Quito’s teaching Hospital de Los Valles where they rehydrated me and infused me with antibiotics and various under wonder drugs, including a sleep aid that let me have 6 1/2 hours sleep.
I came in very puny, shivering in part because I did what I could twice to clean my pants. I’ve got some schtick here because of course I do, but let’s just leave it at that.
It was quite comfortable really with excellent care from remarkably good natured staff who used Google Translate with me quite effectively. I had extremely limited electronics (phone, not iPad) but could turn iMessages into texts home to Ellen who passed things on to Sam. But, particularly or even at diminished levels, my brain is an okay place spend time in. I’ve certainly put lots of things in there, so I opened a few boxes. And I listened to a NYTimes Duke Ellington playlist and one of ballads from Blue Note albums that the label distributed..
They kept asking if I was nauseated. Well, except for when my wet boots came out of the suitcase and smelled like sea lions, no. Evidently what I do instead is respond to the burbling below by getting hiccups which come and go. Annoying enough but not nausea.
Poor Ellen with Sam felt helpless. So did I but I don’t think there was anything to do. I actually can advocate for myself, but I am grateful to Nicole Miller-Struttmann who was a bulldog, even though I am no Darwin. There are rescheduling and administrative logistics that I would muddle through if I were at full strength. Our USFQ contact Pieter was good company and even did my laundry which was huge. Mara and Gabriel from USFQ also saved my sorry ass.
At Ellen’s insistence, I’m pampering myself by flying business class and may well use a wheel chair in Miami. Old Jewish guy in a wheel chair? I think if I can work on my entitlement during the business class time, I may just fit in.
I posted a picture from lunch overlooking Quito. It was good to be on my feet and to have some food I wanted to eat. It’s stayed in me just fine thought I’ve mostly hiccuped since. I did not walk around the artisanal market where Nicole got some gifts for kiddos.
Some of our Webster kiddos have landed in St Louis, but many including Steph Schroeder are flying out perhaps even after us. Since they aren’t on this platform they won’t know to be on the lookout for a particular entitled old Jewish guy in a wheelchair in the MIami airport.
Days 10-11, 16-17 March 2024, Quito
I teach about place, inspired conceptually by JB Jackson, including his impact on Edgar Anderson and John Stillgoe, among others. Vernacular architecture, landscape, communities and the very buildings all contain the subtlest of cues about the culture that shaped and is shaped by that place.
Once sprung from the hospital, I had about 12 hours in the town itself, some of it spent sleeping—or trying to. Even then, I had the sounds of the street distracting and intriguing me as I listened to the community of Cumbaya wind down.
After dropping bags off at the Hotel Cumbaya in the community of that same name and near the USFQ campus, we climbed up from the valley to that wonderful restaurant where we looked down on the old bullfight arena and the magnificent old Cathedral and a panorama of the old town and its expansion. It was a two lane road with some winding, not crowded for a Sunday afternoon, but evidently the only way up. Undoubtedly it’s crowded during the week. But one imagines there’s a resignation to the circumstances. Other roads are crowded, especially by US standards, and not relentlessly efficient. Drivers dodge around one another and there has to be a driving culture but it seems more cheerful than, say, the LA Freeway.
At 2:30 am, we tapped on our cabbie’s window and he awoke to take us to the airport along those now empty highways. There are a hodgepodge of businesses close to the road, more industrial than commercial, on the basis of their meager parking areas. It’s a car culture, but somehow not a parking one. People use cars but we maintain the places for ourselves. At least in old Cumbaya the streets are fairly narrow. Cars are one tool among many, not the essential Swiss Army knives we make them.
But they are used, including into the night, or at least passed dark when a weary and still ill traveler needing to arise at 2 am tried to sleep. So too is there a street life with young people, mostly men, hanging out and laughing amiably. It all seemed so good natured that I couldn’t justly complained.
It’s a capital in the Global South, much poorer than it could and certainly should be, but in the areas where the likes of me went, it seems not grindingly so. It was not as bad as I feared and was prepared to see. On the broad boulevards there are the signs of Norteamericano brands and consumerism. Tommy Hilfiger, I heard, specifically did not design for these brown people and yet they embrace his brands, maybe confounding and challenging the insult but nonetheless putting money in the racist’s pocket. Consumerism always wins.
But, at first, it seems an unlikely place to build a city. It is a daunting task and that it was done so long ago prompts even more admiration for the ingenuity of those people. But it was a sacred place, the capital of first Los Quitos who lost out to the Incas who lost out to the Spanish who lost out briefly and partially to the Ecuadoreans who use the US dollar as their currency. Thus it’s profaned, but once it was sacred and significant as a key spot on route from the Andes to the Amazon. As impressive as the peaks are, it’s the valleys that were rich in agriculture. The mining is now limited, but those resources are directly from the geological richness.
It is an unlikely place to build a city because it is 2850 meters in elevation. They may use American money, decimal based as it is, but not our other ludicrous measures. So that’s 9350 feet. It being so very near the Equator, so very near the Equinox, and so very elevated, I was as close to the sun as I ever will be or maybe ever could be. I got enough sun at lunch to be surprised and felt that warmth as I tried to sleep. I was not up for any walking around (I sat in the car and watched people go into the artisanal market), but I felt the altitude and there was a pressure on my chest that lifted only in the plane and then back at near sea level in Miami.
There is a large statue—of St Gabriel, I’m told—overlooking the old town. The bull fight arena and Cathedral are the most impressive representations of the Colonial era but the surroundings are, undoubtedly at ground level, able to tell even more about those days.
But unencumbered by such details, I can tell myself wide ranging stories. With only slightly more visual facts about the few other parts of the city that I saw, I nonetheless have this indelible and precious image of Quito.
Day 12–18 March 2024, Quito>Miami>St Louis
We were at Quito Airport by 3 am and at the gate in plenty of time even for me to be taken down in a wheelchair to security to look at the bottles of electrolytes in my packed bag. They passed muster though I would have been happy enough to have them confiscated then. It would have saved me from throwing them away in Miami.
Blech! I had found some mango nectar which was much better but still not as sweet as in the US. I bought another one for the road but didn’t drink it and so had to give it up in Miami too. But mangos are a gift and I have frozen fruit bars among my at home comfort food.
E bought me Business Class seats to Miami at quite a pretty penny. I’m glad I’m married by now to someone who’s rich as it was valuable above all to have a bano nearby and shared among a much smaller pool. Otherwise, it was a lot to pay for a warm wash cloth, omelette, orange juice, a couple of cups of tea, and a glass of water (yes, a glass and silverware too), and leg room. I’m old enough to remember pre-cattle car days when at least the leg room and food with silverware were more accessible. Of course there was a smoking section.
But such extortion is common. One of our students bought a ticket on a plane he was flying standby. He paid the ransom, just as we did—and the airline benefits from being incompetent. They had delayed, not canceled, our outbound flight, so that they were liable only for some $12 meal vouchers (mine didn’t work). The bulk of our party couldn’t take off from Quito for “weather” reasons—given the temperature the filled to the brim plane, maximizing filled seats, couldn’t get the needed lift. That delay led to them missing their connection (a couple of students had the door close in their face) and several different subsequent improvisations—the buying of the ticket to get on the standby flight, flying a different airline, different standbys with the last of us getting home 48 hours after plan. I was not the last one home, so my suggestion next time is to spend 36 hours in the hospital as a way to expedite one’s travel.
I was with our group leader who, besides taking wonderful care of me, was navigating the bureaucracy for all. It seems that we got hammered by the administrative inflexibility of non-refundable group tickets that required the University’s travel agency being in charge but that office not being around on the weekend. What was meant to be an economy measure probably cost more between the hotel rooms etc.
I am planning a Spring Break trip for next year. It won’t entail going through Miami and it won’t be going to the tropics, but, particularly, right now, I’m not exactly sure if I could handle all the logistics on top of the teaching. I might well have a Webster colleague along anyway, but I might just smuggle along one or both of the other ruthlessly efficient organizers that we Kleindorfs are.
I expected, as I’d written before, to have used wheel chairs in Miami Airport, but I made it through Customs and all the various lines and just kept going. The final indignity was that just before boarding time they shifted our gate from D40 to D15, so off we highstepped it, me too. Still somehow I made it on time and managed back home in steerage with my gut compliant.
It was 80 degrees in Miami and 40 in St Louis. E met us at the gate with coats and we got ourselves home.
A veteran traveler and keen observer of how things really work commented on a previous post. I agree that it’s not just this airline. A friend was bumped back into the main cabin as they probably sold her upgrade out from under her. I’ve had Southwest Airlines meltdown on me a couple of times. United is in the news with some problems, including, I think, near collisions on the ground. And I went to the airport expecting to get to London a dozen years and having to turn around.
He writes:
“I’ve flown on most US airlines, and many foreign airlines in the course of business, government work, and personal. I fly a lot even now. I know of no American airline where your most recent adventure in flying couldn’t happen. It was bad before the Covid interregnum, awfully bad during it, and is worse now. Not enough pilots, not enough maintenance staff, overworked air traffic controllers working an technologically obsolete air traffic control system, serious crew shortages, supply chain problems for parts, and more. I’ve lost track of stories as bad and worse than what you just went through. Having said that, it’s not every time. For every trip with some sort of problem or delay, the next one will leave on time and arrive on time. It’s a crap shoot.”
I thank him for these insights as he delineates all the reasons and is right in taking a big step back. From that vantage point, the indignities of any particular fiasco have a context. But that context is that the system for systemic reasons isn’t working. Airline travel serves a relatively privileged layer (one of our students hadn’t ever flown before). We may not be able to get from Tokyo to the Super Bowl on private planes, but we have more opportunities to travel than, I would guess, the cab driver who slept in his vehicle waiting to take us to the Quito Airport. The system isn’t reliable for our layer.
It hasn’t been reliable for the likes of that cabdriver around even more important things like health and education for a long time.
Was it worth it? Though a reasonable question, I answer with an emphatic yes.
It’s true that my active Galapago-ing was from midday Sunday (shaky from lack for sleep for two days) to the rain out Thursday late morning (with illness coming on. Those four days compare to another four devoted to travel and three of being pretty sick. And there are hospital costs and the Business Class extortion. The money, I have the luxury of saying, is secondary.
I have indulged indentifying with Charles Darwin throughout, in particular as a supernumerary with peculiar interests. I heard the kids expressed concern for their historian just as the HMS Beagle crew called Darwin Philosopher. They were wonderful, welcoming, and exciting in their interests and curiosities. Observing them in a boundaried but not detached way was the first acquisition. We all went through so much together.
But Darwin’s time on the boat was a consistent misery of seasickness and he spent as much time ashore as possible. But, without minimizing that suffering, he knew that whatever suffering he endured the wonders of what he saw was worth it. Me too.
The beach near but not, I guess, at Darwin Bay is, I realize, the most spectacular memory. On Day 3, I wrote, “…around to a beach which, in succession, required stepping over iguanas on the path, frigate birds perched but 12 feet above us in a tree, and a sea lion which started to waddle up to one of the retreating students.” Add the absolutely genuine jawdropping joy of one of the most bird-loving but distant students at the frigate birds was special.
I had a tortoise walk right along the path by me and at a good clip too. The tortoises were charismatic and specific to their refuge.
I wasn’t ill but I was waning as the full crew marched over volcanic rocks to a peak at La Loberia. But I got an hour of watching the crash of Pacific waves that will more than tide me over until looking at Great Lakes over the summer. Waves are a great joy and I got them.
I was assigned to the sea lion researchers and I enjoyed seeing them then and during my walks downtown. It is odd to be rather complacent about such magnificent animals. Indeed, I’ll say it again, my wet boots smelled like them and, in the hospital, that was the closest to being nauseated as I got. Interestingly, I get hiccups when there are rumbles in my gut that cause the diaphragm to spasm. It is they who are my example of the extreme lack of fear among this fauna.
And I snorkeled! Sure I was dragged but I saw urchins and rays and eels and spectacular fish. I managed all that. And the boat ride brought us near blue footed boobies and frigate birds. Being on the water has to be part of the island experience.
I enjoyed the ceviches and the grilled fish, but for now those remain suppressed memories. The fresh fruit juices were nice for not being over sweetened to US tastes. But for now food memories are, I’m afraid, fraught.
I got into the Southern Hemisphere at least a little. Quito and the Andes are now real in my mind as are examples of what imperialist exploitation has wrought.
At the moment, I feel pretty old—and I don’t like it. But I’m not too old for this shit. I wouldn’t do this specific thing again as that would be stupid. But I have no regrets whatsoever.
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Antara Ketaatan dan Kekosongan
Waktu terus berjalan Andin pun menyadari ada yang kurang dari dirinya, tanpa disadari perasaan sedih hampa dan sepi tiba-tiba datang dan menjadikan dirinya overthinking. Bulan agustus adalah puncak dari titik balik seorang Andin, tepatnya di hari kamis tanggal 3 agustus 2023 menjadi awal puncak ketaatan dan kekosongan.
Tidak ada angin tidak ada hujan selepas buka puasa dia berkeinginan untuk menuju sebuah cafe di Lawang, dengan bekal sebuah tas berisikan laptop dan headphone Andin bergegas menuju Nithy cafe. Semestapun mendukung suasana hati Andin di kala itu yang sedang tidak baik-baik saja, di tengah perjalanan Andin diselimuti oleh hujan gerimis. Hujan gerimispun tidak menggentarkan langkahnya untuk melakukan “me time”, setibanya di cafe Andin pun menuju rooftop melihat pemandangan lalu lalang kendaraan di sepanjang jalan protokol Lawang.
Sembari membuka laptopnya alih-alih mengerjakan pekerjaan Andinpun terlihat tidak baik-baik saja, jika mengingat kilas balik saat itu dia tampak sangat sedih dan kosong. Seperti dua orang sangat berbeda, ketika di tempat kerja dia adalah orang yang sangat ceria dan gembira tetapi ketika sendiri dalam satu waktu tiba-tiba dia berubah menjadi pendiam. Dia merenung dan melamun sambil mendengarkan lagu, tidak membutuhkan waktu lama Andinpun menangis sesenggukkan. Andin memahami sebab apa yang membuat dia bersedih dan merasa kosong sampai seperti itu, ternyata perihal jodoh dan merasa butuh sesorang dalam hidupnya.
Di usia 30 yang terbilang matang Andin belum memiliki seseorang pendamping hidup, bukannya pemilih tapi dia memahami apa yang sedang dibutuhkan. Dia yang mulai mempelajari agamanya sudah memegang tekad jika dia tidak akan pacaran, lambat laun kriteria Andin juga meningkat dan lebih dalam. Seseorang yang paham agama dan membuat nyaman adalah sosok yang didambakkan Andin, akan tetapi seseorang yang mendekat bukanlah seseorang yang diinginkannya.
Andin yang sudah kehilangan sosok ibu membutuhkan sandaran teman hidup dengan visi misi yang seirama selain dari dorongan keluarga yang menginginkan dia untuk segera menikah, ternyata itu yang membuat dia merasa hatinya kosong dan sepi. Ketika belum ada yang datang sesuai dengan kriteria atau seseorang sedang disukainya Andin pun merasa insecure, dia merasa banyak kurang dari segi fisik merasa tidak cantik dan kurang menarik serta insecure dalam agama.
Andin yang sangat rapuh dikala itu menangis sesenggukkan dan merasa insecure tidak mematahkan semangatnya untuk berbenah diri. Andin mencoba mencari dan menemukan sesuatu hal agar kondisi ini tidak berlarut sia-sia, jika dibilang depresi mungkin itu adalah kata yang cukup menggambarkannya kala itu. Hari-harinya dilalui dengan bersedih dan menangis ketika sedang di kamar kosan seorang diri, tapi Allah Maha baik di saat itu juga dia mulai bermuhasabah. Tanpa disadari mulai bermunculan FYP di tiktok tentang dakwah Ustadz dan Ustadzah kondang Indonesia, sebelumnya FYP itu sudah sering muncul akan tetapi frekuensi bulan agustus semakin tidak terukur. Allah Maha Tahu dan memberikan yang dibutuhkan Andin melalui FYP tersebut. Aku menyebutnya hidayah, hidayah bisa datang dari mana saja dan kapanpun. Hikmah yang didapat melalui FYP ini adalah penambahan amalan baru yakni shalat tahajud.
Shalat tahajud jauh lebih membuat tenang, Andin melangitkan keinginan yang sedang ia harapkan seperti jodoh dan kesehatan. Aku mulai mengaplikasikan hal yang positif dari saran ustadz UAH seperti menjalankan shalat taubat, aku ingin menjadi lebih baik lagi dengan memulai cerita baru lagi menjadi Andin yang baru dengan semangat tekadnya yang lebih baik.
Disini aku mengalami peningkatan iman dan kesepian yang kemudian menyebabkan naik turunnya iman…
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Oh hey, good catch! 2m temp anomaly is as you described. My gripe is that the image is included as if as proof of the 38.9C temp claimed in the tweet. My searches of current weather in Chile yesterday found temps nowhere near 38.9C. Yes, the temps are up from past decades, but 38.9C? That's the # I'm fussed about. (Plus...Chilean Andine areas? I presume they meant Chilean Andes)
These maps only do real time/same day weather as far as I can tell, so here are 8/2/23's 2m temp and 2m temp anomaly maps from the source used in the tweet & from your source:
Temp: note the highs in the 30sC but not in Chile
^^Note the temps nowhere near the 30s in the Atacama region in Chile.
i never thought global warming wasn't real but it really hits when it's winter and i'm out here in summer clothes 🤡🤡🤡
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Siapakah Aldebaran ?
Apakah doi adalah mas-mas di sinet Ikatan Cinta yang jadi suaminya mbak Andin ? Tentu fenomena Aldebaran bikin mimin penasaran karena memikat banyak hati masyarakat dan membuat emak-emak mendambakan kehadirannya. Eiiitsss, tapi kali ini kita bahas Aldebaran yang lain ya.
Aldebaran adalah salah satu bintang yang ada di langit. Bintang Aldebaran menjadi bintang alpha dari Rasi Taurus dengan magnitudo 0.9. Aldebaran berjarak 65 tahun cahaya dari Matahari dengan ukuran 44 kali Matahari. Akan tetapi, bermassa 16 persen lebih besar dibandingkan Matahari. Bintang paling terang di konstelasi Taurus, Aldebaran ini terletak di utara ekuator langit dengan koordinat (Asensiorekta, Deklinasi) 04 jam 35 menit 55,24 detik dan +16º 30' 33,49".
Aldebaran merupakan salah satu bintang yang menyusun rasi Taurus (rasi bintang yang berbentuk seperti banteng). Lebih tepatnya, ia berada pada posisi ‘mata’ dari wujud banteng Taurus sehingga kerap dijuluki sebagai “Bull’s Eye” (mata banteng).
Tidak hanya memiliki posisi yang spesial, Aldebaran ternyata merupakan bintang paling terang di gugus rasi Taurus. Dengan kecerlangan visual dalam rentang +0,75 hingga +0,95, Aldebaran memancarkan cahaya oranye-kemerahan atau ungu-kemerahan yang begitu terang.
Selain itu, ia juga menjadi bintang ke-14 paling terang di langit malam setelah bintang Acrux. Wow banget kan?
Dikarenakan cahaya terangnya, Aldebaran dapat dilihat dengan mata telanjang layaknya gugus bintang Pleiades. Bersamaan dengan rasi Taurus, bintang ini terbit ketika musim penghujan tiba. Setelah matahari terbenam, kita bisa langsung mencoba untuk melihatnya. Namun, disarankan untuk pergi ke daerah yang tidak terlalu banyak polusi udara.
Selanjutnya, pandanglah langit utara. Penampakan Aldebaran yaitu objek terang di langit berwarna oranye dengan kerumunan bintang di sebelah baratnya, maka yang orange itulah bintang Aldebaran.
Selamat memburu bintang-bintang !!!
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do. Do we know how old he is?!??
not exactly but im pretty sure that he isnt 39. i think i heard someone say he lied about that to mess w those annoying famous people biography websites
#grymm gets asked something#griantcraft#he is in his 30s tho i know that#cus he developed his disability around 15-16 andin his not-a-wheelchair vid he says he hasnt been in his backyard for 15 years due to disa#bility
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Kisah Gemini yang Hadir dan Berakhir di Bulan Juni
BULAN JUNI sudah menyambut di depan pintu. Gara-gara Sapardi Djoko Damono, hujan (dan asmara) selalu jadi topik paling syahdu.
Kamu mungkin tahu: tak ada yang lebih tabah dibanding hujan bulan Juni. Hingga 2021 kini, dilahirkannya kumpulan gemini yang pernah jadi pengiasa negeri ini. Empat dari tujuh Presiden Indonesia lahir di Juni.
Tapi akan kuceritakan satu saja dahulu. Inilah dia: Putera Sang Fajar.
“Tak bisa kutolak matahari/ memaksaku menciptakan bunga-bunga//”
Lahir pada 6 Juni 1901 di Surabaya, sejak kecil ia sudah dikenal karena sifatnya yang bengal. Betul, di antara kawan-kawannya dia-lah yang banyak akal.
Sementara anak-anak yang lain mesti setuju dengan segala ia punya tindak-tanduk. Bukan lantaran takut, tapi kawan-kawannya mudah termanipulasi oleh aura kharismatik yang ia bawa.
Bocah ini disebut-sebut punya mata bagaikan kombinasi Elang dan Burung Hantu. Luar biasa dan penuh daya pikat.
“Matamu serupa mata kucing candramawa,” kata eyangnya yang punya pendapat lain soal mata si cucu.
Ketika balita, kakeknya mendaftarkannya ke sekolah di sebuah desa di Tulungagung. Inilah sekolah pertama yang memberi pelajaran baca tulis padanya.
Sekolah ini boleh bangga. Sebab satu tokoh pejuang kaum Marhaen pernah duduk di bawah atapnya.
Kemudian, saat ia bersekolah di Hogere Burger School di Surabaya, bocah kharismatik ini indekos di rumah Hadji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto, pemimpin besar Sarekat Islam (SI).
Di rumah sewaan itu pula, ia mulai meminati buku-buku politik dan sosial. Di situ, ia berkenalan dengan Agus Salim, Alimin, Darsono, Moeso dan lain-lain.
Surabaya sudah seperti New York, pikirnya. Satu kota pelabuhan yang ramai nan berisik.
Mungkin karena kondisi seperti itu, ia lebih suka menyepi ke Mojokerto yang lebih damai. Konon, di Mojokerto ia sempat akrab dengan pembantu rumah tangga bernama Sarinah.
Meluapkan keresahan sekaligus rasa penasaran, ia sesekali mulai menulis artikel di surat kabar Oetoesan Hindia, satu terbitan berkala milik SI.
Beberapa tulisannya nongol sebagai tajuk utama. Namun, tak ada yang mengenalnya. Sebab, ia menggunakan nama pena “Bima”.
Tahun 1920-an atas naif dan kenekatannya, ia melamar cewek londo totok bernama Mintje.
Mbonek (bondo nekad), ia pergi bertemu Papa Mintje. Terheran-heran, Papa Mintje komat-kamit, “Kamu? Inlander kotor seperti kamu? Mintje ndak boleh kawin sama yu!”.
Akhirnya ia menyadari, saat itu ia hanya bisa berkawin dengan perempuan lokal. Lantas, si Bima ini menikahi anak Tjokro dan membawanya ke Kota Kembang.
Saya bayangkan, pasangan kekasih ini berjalan-jalan sepanjang Jalan Braga tiap sore, di atas bayangannya sendiri. Bergandengan tangan, saling tunjuk perhatian.
Mungkin di situ, pada momen itu, si Bima komat-kamit baca sebuah sajak perlawanan akan suatu kedurjanaan ini: “Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana: dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada.”
Namun, nasib berkata lain. Istrinya pergi meninggalkan Bima saat dia sedang sayang-sayangnya.
Perbedaan pendapat dengan mertuanya, Tjokro, berakibat fatal. Bima yang memilih menjauh, bergegas, berkemas, berlayar.
Perpisahan itu membuatnya kerap terjaga. Hidup terasa di ruang hampa. Tak ada rasa, hanya banyak tanya.
Tiada waktu untuk tak bertanya, “Oh, apakah si dara manis itu akan bahagia?” Nyatanya, anak Tjokro itu kawin lagi dan beranak tujuh kepala bayi!
Bima jadi paham betul makna lagu Sal Priadi:
Aku ingin jadi jantungmu Dan berhenti semauku Agar kau tahu Rasanya hampir mati ditikam Patah hati
Sakit hati bikin ia lebih dekat dengan Tuhan. Bukan lain perempuan.
Dalam sujudnya, Bima tak mengetahui awal dan akhir doa; ia tak pernah tahu kenapa. Yang ia tahu, hidup merupakan kumpulan dari doa-doa pendek.
Dalam proses mencari petunjuk dari-Nya, ia baru sadar jika di dunia ini hanya ada dua jenis pencarian cinta yang saling bertolak belakang.
Yang pertama, perjalanan memiliki cinta dari pasangan hidup; dan Kedua, perjalanan memiliki hidup yang penuh cinta. Pilihan pertama ialah membagikan cinta kepada pasangan hidupnya, sedangkan yang terakhir yaitu menyalurkan rasa cinta kepada lebih banyak manusia.
Sebagai pemuda yang menggebu-gebu atas nasionalisme, si Bima memilih jalan kedua. Cintanya pada banyak orang menggerakkan laku dan pikirnya untuk berjuang meraih pembebasan. Barangkali hidup adalah doa yang…
Hingga ia bertemu dengan perempuan ini. Yang lebih tua 12 tahun dan tak pernah sekalipun menuntut sesuatu yang berarti.
Jiwa nasionalismenya yang meronta-ronta bikin Ia makin galak terhadap penjajah. Artikelnya yang berjudul “Nasakom” lamat-lamat membuat Belanda “moentah darah”.
Bima ditangkap dan diadili oleh para londo. Pengadilan digelar di muka umum. Ia dituduh menyebarkan ujaran kebencian hingga mengganggu ketertiban umum dan sebagai provokator. Dalam pengadilan itu, atas nama bangsa dan keadilan, ia malah balik menggugat!
Panas kuping Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda mendengarnya. Bersama istri keduanya saat itu, Bima dibuang ke Ende, Flores dengan menumpang kapal “van Riebeeck” yang kepayahan.
Pada 14 Februari 1938, datanglah surat yang mengharuskan Bima berpindah ke Bengkulu. Di tanah pembuangan yang baru ini, ia bergabung pada perserikatan Muhammadiyah.
Ternyata, tak hanya diri Bima yang nomaden, hatinya pun ikut berpindah. Di Sumatra, ia jatuh hati pada seorang gadis belia puteri seorang tokoh Muhammadiyah.
“Lupakah kau bahwa baru saja meninggalkan dermaga?” sindir istrinya yang sudah sewot. Bima hanya tersenyum kecil coba memberi tahu dan rayu bak Aldebaran kepada Andin.
Tercatat dalam sejarah, perjalanan hidup yang penuh petualang “bawah perut” telah mencap Bima jadi playboy kelas kakap. Ia adalah The Great Lover.
“Rasio saya nasionalis, hati saya romantis, perut saya sosialis, lalu dari bawah perut ideologi saya itu playboy dan womanizer,” ucapnya terkekeh suatu kali saat perempuan bule mewawancarainya.
Kenpeitai datang bawa banyak impian. Terbuai, Bima berkolaborasi dengan penjajah baru. Oleh karenanya, ia kerap dianggap antek Kenpeitai.
Namun, Bima tak peduli. Kenpeitai, suka-tak suka, membuka kesempatan bumiputera menengok kemerdekaan dari sebuah jendela.
Ia dan kawan-kawannya mulai mempersiapkan dasar negara. Akhirnya terkumpul lima sila. Di mana sila pertama yang tercipta di menit-menit akhir berbunyi begini:
“Marilah kita amalkan, jalankan agama, baik Islam, maupun Kristen, dengan cara berkeadaban. Apakah cara yang berkeadaban itu? Ialah hormat-menghormati satu sama lain…,” jelasnya panjang-lebar.
17 Agustus 1945, ia dan seorang kutubuku memproklamirkan satu teks. “Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menyatakan kemerdekaan Indonesia.” Ia mengklaim bahwa kemerdekaan bangsanya ini bukanlah sebuah pemberian.
Perompak Belanda datang lagi ke negeri merdeka ini usai Kenpeitai akui jadi pecundang. Aksi-aksi bela negara tak terelakkan lagi.
Para pendekar angkat senjata membela tanah air — juga merampok, membunuh, dan memerkosa perempuan londo. Darah bertumpahan pada periode yang disebut ‘Masa Bersiap’ ini.
Perjanjian demi perjanjian dengan Belanda terjadi. Entah menghasilkan tolak dan/atau sepakati. Bersama kawan-kawan seperjuangan, ia meminta keadilan di muka hukum deklarasi. Ia dicap lembek oleh Ibrahim Tan Malaka, si revolusioner klandestin.
Tak hanya sekali tegur. Datuk Minangkabau ini kerap mengkritik Bima karena Bima tak berusaha menghentikan romusha yang menyerabut sekian ratus nyawa.
Memasuki paruh kedua abad keduapuluh, Bima terlihat semakin tua. Pula, ia semakin nyaman di singgasana kekuasaan.
“Tetapi begitu cepat kata demi kata menjadi abu dan mulai beterbangan dan menyesakkan udara dan…”
Ketika zaman revolusi, Bima dikenal sebagai pribadi yang simpatik, idealis, terbuka dan demokratis. Kini, ia berubah menjelang masa tua. Menjadi orang yang tidak toleran, keranjingan kekuasaan, otoriter dan beberapa orang menyebutnya cabul.
Lantas, ia semakin berkuasa saat dikukuhkan sebagai Pemimpin Besar Revolusi. Hingga ia tak sadar kalau dirinya sedang dimangsa oleh revolusi yang Bima ciptakan sendiri.
Pada suatu kali tanggal 23 Oktober 1965, kata-kata Bima mencerminkan kengerian, “Bencana 30 September… bisa dianggap sebagai suatu hal yang lumrah, biasa dalam suatu revolusi. Yang terpenting adalah revolusi, bukan saya, juga bukan beratus-ratus Pemuda Rakyat yang telah dibunuh!”
Arogansi dan kepanikan terlihat sangat jelas. Ia akan mendamprat siapa saja yang menentangnya. Kontra-revolusi!
11 Maret 1967, pria bulan Juni lain menggantikan Bima dengan surat super sebelas Maret. Secarik surat yang hingga kini misterius ada di mana.
Konon katanya, Bima menitipkan surat super itu pada pemilik penerbitan buku yang menerbitkan buku Di Bawah Bendera Revolusi!
“Maut dilahirkan waktu fajar/ia hidup dari mata air/ …maut mencintai fajar/ dan mata air, dengan tulus//”
Beberapa purnama kemudian, tepatnya pada Juni tahun 1970, seorang dokter merasakan panas dari tangan Bima. Tubuhnya pun melemas.
Kemudian, tangan yang panas itu terkulai. Detik itu juga Bima hembuskan napas terakhir. Ia sendiri dalam sepi.
Seperti sudah digariskan titimangsa kehidupan, Bima hadir dan berakhir di bulan Juni. Di bulan yang basah ini.***
P.S: Pernah terbit di blog medium.com saya di sini.
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I really love your turian ocs in The Vakarians, and I was wondering if your could share some non-spoiler stuff about them? Like the general Castis and Fedorian are working under 👀👀👀
oooh my god thank you!! that means a lot to me
The general huh alright lets see
look Andin Faldos was EVERYTHING the turian military could’ve wanted - after showing amazing promise during basic he served in the cabals during which he saved a colony from a raid on Sorinthus Rise and shot up the ranks. He became known as ‘the Terror’ during a particularly brutal battle against a terrorist plot in the colony of Turfin Fields and thus became infamous for his short temper. He has about 30 years of experience and achievements under his belt. Unfortunately, during an exercise with his men, he {REDACTED} and was subsequently reassigned to Kaeus to man a series of outposts deemed important for refueling and watching the borders of turian space. He wasn't court-martialed since the details are...murky, it was mostly to save the hierarchy from embarrassment and so he could maybe chill the f out and learn some humility. Most people think its an excuse for the Hierarchy to throw their weight around by parading a general in its more lax areas while only very few actually know The Truth.
#the vakarians#lachickenla#i dont want to build up The Incident too much like its not CRAZY its just kinda fucked up but....we'll get to it
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0️⃣ La lettre d’infO (la quotidienne annécienne) 🤍
Sélection journalière à destination de 12 réseaux sociaux et de 3 messageries instantanées en provenance directe de la version 3 de mon infolettre 📧
1️⃣ Les Journées (j’adOre) 💛
Aujourd’hui, mercredi 30/10/24, Journée mondiale de la vie (depuis 2008) ☀️
2️⃣ L’actu (point trop n’en faut) 🧡
Grand Annecy : le conducteur d'une moto, âgé de 44 ans, est mort hier après un accident survenu sur la commune de Chavanod. La victime a percuté un camion poubelle 😢
Derby des Alpes : le FC Annecy (5e avec 18 pts) était en déplacement hier à Grenoble (7e avec 16 pts) pour la 11e journée du championnat de France de Ligue 2. Match nul (0-0) et 1 point qui permet aux Rouges et Blancs de monter pour la première fois sur le podium (3e marche). Bravo les annéciens 👏
Hier, de nouvelles recherches ont commencé en Savoie autour du Fort de Tamié pour trouver des indices sur les disparitions de Jean-Christophe Morin et Ahmed Hamadou, survenues en 2011 et 2012, après une soirée techno. Les battues citoyennes (avec balise GPS pour chaque participant) vont se poursuivre ce mercredi 🧐
3️⃣ L’agenda (l’agendalp pour les ancien·nes) 🩷
🧺 Trois marchés le mercredi matin à Annecy ➡️ Marché (alimentaire) de Meythet 📍 Rue François Vernex ➡️ Marché (alimentaire et produits divers) 📍 Quartier des Pommaries ➡️ Marché (alimentaire et produits divers) de Seynod 📍 Avenue de Champ Fleuri, Place du Marché) ⌚️ 8h-12h 🍴
🖼️ Dernier jour❗️ExpO : Joël Burger ➡️ À travers son art, l’artiste invite le spectateur à plonger dans un univers onirique et poétique, où chaque toile raconte une histoire et suscite une émotion ℹ️ Jusqu’au mer. 30/10/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 8h30-12h & 13h30-17h 📍 Mairie déléguée d'Annecy-le-Vieux (place Gabriel Fauré) 👨🎨
🖼️ Avant-dernière semaine❗️ExpO : Réparer le futur ➡️ La prospective ou l'art d'imaginer demain : quel est l'avenir de notre ville et comment penser cette ville de demain pour tous ? ℹ️ Jusqu'au jeu. 07/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 8h30-12h & 13h30-17h 📍 Mairie déléguée de Seynod (1 place de l'Hôtel de ville) 👨🎨
🖼️ ExpO de l'association Artistique de Meythet ➡️ Exposition de dessins et de peintures ℹ️ Jusqu’au lun. 11/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 8h30-12h & 13h30-17h 📍 Mairie déléguée de Meythet (rue de l'Hôtel de Ville) 🎨
🖼️ Avant-dernière semaine❗️ExpO : Portraits de Martine Richard, une artiste pour qui la peinture est une véritable évasion ➡️ Passionnée par la magie de l'aquarelle, elle explore la fusion des couleurs et de l'eau, créant des œuvres où l'émotion guide chaque coup de pinceau ℹ️ Jusqu’au sam. 09/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 9h-12h & 14h-19h 📍 Le Mikado Novel (2 place de l'Annapurna) 👩🎨
🖼️ Avant-dernière semaine❗️ExpO BibliO : La route des épices ➡️ Couleurs, saveurs, odeurs, laissez exprimer vos sens et partez sur la route des épices ℹ️ Jusqu’au sam. 09/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 9h30-12h30 & 13h30-18h30 📍 Médiathèque Seynod (1 place de l'Hôtel de ville) 🫚
🖼️ ExpO : Les Temps changent ➡️ Lauréats de la commande nationale d'estampes initiée par le Centre National des Arts Plastiques (CNAP) en partenariat avec l'Association de développement et de recherche sur les artothèques (ADRA) ℹ️ Jusqu’au sam. 30/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 9h30-12h & 14h-19h 📍 Médiathèque Louise Michel (5 rue François Vernex) 🎨
🖼️ Avant-dernier jour❗️ExpO : Pérou précolombien, un autre regard sur le monde ➡️ Découverte des cultures ancestrales du Pérou et du monde foisonnant et mouvant de la cosmologie andine ℹ️ Jusqu’au jeu. 31/10/24 🎫 6,50€, 3,50€ & 0€ (-12 ans) 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 10h-12h & 14h-17h 📍 Musée-Château d’Annecy (3 place du Château) 🏰
🖼️ Avant-dernière semaine❗️L'arpenteuse de Sandrine Isambert ➡️ Installation artistique d'une chaîne de verre monumentale qui répercute la lumière naturelle et changeante qui traverse les vitraux clairs du Palais de l'Île ℹ️ Jusqu'au dim. 10/11/24 🎫 4€, 2€ & 0€ (-12 ans) 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 10h-12h & 14h-17h 📍 Palais de l’Île (3 passage de l'Île) 🤩
🖼️ ExpO collective : I say hi, You say low, You say why, I say I don’t know ➡️ Peintures, installations, vidéos et performances ℹ️ Jusqu’au mar. 03/12/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 10h-12h & 14h-17h30 📍 Le Mikado Espace d'art contemporain (place des Rhododendrons) 😍
👨👩👧👦 Écomusée du Lac d'Annecy ➡️ Vacances de la Toussaint : des propositions pour tous les publics ℹ️ À vivre en famille 🎫 20€ (famille, 2 adu. & 2 enf.), 6,50€ (adu.), 4,50€ (3-17 ans), 0€ (- de 3 ans) 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 10h-12h & 14h-17h30 📍 Grand Annecy (Route de l'Église, Sevrier) 😍
🖼️ ExpO BibliO : Carnets de voyages d'une famille annécienne à la Belle Époque ℹ️ Rédigés entre 1883 et 1912, ornés de photos et dessins, voyage panorama de l'Europe avec Annecy comme pied à terre 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 10h-18h 📍 Médiathèque Bonlieu (Centre Bonlieu) 😍
🖼️ ExpO : Rouge ➡️ Le travail de Marcel Savy oscille entre le figuratif et une abstraction guidée, lui permettant d’aller à l’essentiel tout en laissant place au rêve dans ses toiles ℹ️ Jusqu’au sam. 16/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 10h-18h45 📍 Artekné (Centre Bonlieu) 👨🎨
🧒 Visite du château tout public ➡️ À partir de 8 ans : découverte du château d’Annecy et ses différentes façades ℹ️ La visite guidée est incluse dans le prix du billet d'entrée ⏱️ 30 à 45 min 🎫 6,50€, 3,50€ & 0€ (-12 ans) 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 10h30 📍 Musée-Château d’Annecy (3 place du Château) 🏰
🧒 Vacances d’automne ou de la Toussaint ➡️ Fabrique ta lanterne d’Halloween ℹ️ À partir de 5 ans 🎫 Anim. et visite : 10€, 8€, 6€ (6-15 ans) & 0€ (-6 ans) 🎟️ Sans réservation 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 10h30-12h & 14h-17h 📍 Château de Montrottier (Lovagny) 🏰
🖼️ ExpO : Salon des artistes peintres d'Annecy ➡️ Évènement qui célèbre la créativité et le talent des artistes de notre territoire ℹ️ Jusqu’au ven. 22/11/24 🎫 Entrée libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 13h-18h 📍 Forum Exposition Bonlieu (1 rue Jean Jaurès) 🎨
🧒 Vacances d’automne ou de la Toussaint ➡️ Viens écouter les Contes d’Halloween (avec Elaéra) ℹ️ À partir de 5 ans ⏱️ 45 min 🎫 Animation et visite : 10€ (adu.) & 6€ (enf.) 🎟️ Sur réservation 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 14h & 16h 📍 Château de Montrottier (Lovagny) 🏰
🧒 ExpO : Illusions, quand notre cerveau nous joue des tours ➡️ Plus d’une trentaine de dispositifs interactifs ℹ️ L’enfant doit être accompagné d'un adulte (inscrit lui aussi) ⏱️ 2h 🎫 5€, 3€ & 0€ (- de 12 ans) 🎟️ Réservation en ligne 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 14h-16h & 16h-18h 📍 La Turbine sciences (place Chorus) 🧠
🖼️ ExpO : Tous unis pour Octobre Rose et Movember ➡️ Plusieurs artistes s'unissent pour la même cause, la santé des Femmes et des Hommes ℹ️ Jusqu’au ven. 22/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 14h-18h 📍 Le Polyèdre (4 impasse Saint-Jean) 📷
🖼️ ExpO : La nuit est encore debout c'est pour ça que je ne dors pas d'Annabelle Guetatra ➡️ Dessins aux fonds vaporeux travaillés au pastel sec ou à l’huile ℹ️ Jusqu’au sam. 23/11/24 🎫 Entrée libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 14h-18h 📍 Le Point Commun (12 avenue Auguste Renoir) 👩🎨
🧒 Ateliers scientifiques : menés par les médiateurs du lieu, ils font appel à la manipulation, à la démarche scientifique et à l’apprentissage par la pratique ℹ️ Spécial adolescent·es ⏱️ 1h30 🎫 5€ & 3€ 🎟️ Réservation en ligne 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 14h15 📍 La Turbine sciences (place Chorus) 🥼
🧒 Atelier enfants : crée ta carte postale animée ➡️ Réalisation d’une carte postale dite "à système" humoristique cachant des photographies d’Annecy : cousine du pop-up, pleine d’humour, elle faisait la joie des touristes ℹ️ Destiné aux enf. de 5 à 11 ans accompagnés d’un adu. ⏱️ 1h 🎫 0€ 🎟️ Inscription obligatoire (04 85 46 75 60) 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 14h30 📍 Archives municipales (3 rue du 27e-BCA, quartier Galbert) 🍎
🧒 Visite famille : le château à petits pas ➡️ Découverte du contenu d’une mallette pleine de surprises conçues spécialement pour aborder le château d’Annecy de manière ludique et éducative ℹ️ Guidés par une médiatrice, les enfants dès l’âge de 4 ans, accompagnés de leurs parents, approchent différentes thématiques liées au monument et à sa période médiévale ⏱️ 1h15 🎫 0€ (inclus dans le tarif d’entrée) 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 14h30 📍 Musée-Château d’Annecy (3 place du Château) 🏰
🎲 Atelier Jeu : le Coffre aux épices ➡️ En présence de l'illustratrice Élodie Balandras, venez créer votre carte de jeu. Un voyage gourmand et ludique autour des épices, parsemé d'aventures et de péripéties. Prêt au voyage ? ℹ️ Amusez-vous en voyageant sur la route des épices évoquée par l'expO dédiée à ce jeu ⏱️ 1h30 🎫 0€ 🎟️ Sur réservation (04 85 46 76 35) 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 14h30 📍 Médiathèque Seynod (1 place de l'Hôtel de ville) 🫚
🧒 Spécial adolescent·es : 14 ateliers numériques sur la programmation, les défis robotiques et la création numérique ℹ️ Des ateliers accessibles dès 5 ans sont proposés par les médiateurs numériques ⏱️ 1h 🎫 5€ & 3€ 🎟️ Réserv. en ligne 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 14h30-15h30 & 16h-17h 📍 La Turbine sciences (place Chorus) 🤖
🧒 Les mercredis du Vieux Seynod ➡️ Atelier créatif : donne vie à ta citrouille en la décorant à ta guise ℹ️ À partir de 6 ans (les enf. de moins de 7 ans doivent être accompagnés d'un adu.) ⏱️ 2h 🎫 12€ (enf.) 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 15h 📍 Les Amis du vieux Seynod (67 avenue des Neigeos) 🎃
🎲 Les épices dans tous leurs états ➡️ Découvrez le jeu "Coffre aux épices" de Gaëlle Perret & Mathilde Roellinger, illustré par Élodie Balandras ℹ️ Embarquez pour un voyage ludique autour des épices, découvrez leurs associations et testez vos connaissances ⏱️ 1h30 🎫 0€ 🎟️ Sur réservation (04 85 46 76 35) 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 16h30 📍 Médiathèque Seynod (1 place de l'Hôtel de ville) 🫚
🧒 Spectacle : Un robot pas comme les autres - Même pas peur ! ➡️ Pistachio se retrouve bloqué sur une planète qu'il ne connaît pas et qui fait surtout très peur ℹ️ Un conte moderne basé sur l'imagination et la participation des enfants : seconde aventure d'un robot pas comme les autres, la première ayant été déjà vue par plus de 15.000 spectateurs 🎫 11€ 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 16h30 📍 Espace Rencontre (39 route de Thônes) 🧒
🧒 Soirée frissons et bonbons ➡️ Un soir d'octobre, des enfants sont restés seuls dans la médiathèque. Enfin, presque seuls, des bibliothécaires rôdent avec livres et autres surprises terrifiantes ℹ️ Thématique vacances : même pas peur des araignées, chats noirs, chauves-souris et autres créatures d'Halloween. Début d'une histoire horrifique ou chouette soirée en perspective pour lecteurs téméraires ? ⏱️ 2h 🎫 0€ 🎟️ Sur inscr. auprès des médiathécaires 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 18h 📍 Médiathèque Bonlieu (Centre Bonlieu) 🧒
🎲 Soirée jeux placée sous le signe du partage et de la convivialité ➡️ Chaque participant·e est invité·e à amener un jeu de société ainsi qu’un plat à partager, pour une soirée amusante ℹ️ Vous n’avez pas de jeu chez vous ? Pas de panique, le lieu dispose d’un petit stock de jeux ⏱️ 3h30 🎫 0€ 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 18h 📍 Le Mikado Novel (2 place de l'Annapurna) ♟️
💃 Soirée dansante : Swing / Lindy hop ➡️ Venez vous dégourdir les jambes dans une ambiance festive et conviviale, sur des musiques délicatement sélectionnées par l'association Clap on Two ℹ️ Pour les fans de swing et de jazz 🎫 Entrée libre 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 19h30-22h 📍 Les Steppes (3 place des Rhododendrons) 🎷
🎭 Spectacle : Amants à mi-temps ➡️ Calembours, quiproquos et claquements de portes sont au rendez-vous de ce vaudeville polisson. Attention ! Car c'est la femme qui mène la danse ℹ️ À partir de 12/13 ans ⏱️ 75 min 🎫 24€ 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 20h 📍 Espace Rencontre (39 route de Thônes) 😂
🎶 Metalloween Party ➡️ Concerts de métal et déguisements d’Halloween : ne tiendrait-on pas l’ultime combo ? Pour l’occasion, nous n’invitons pas moins de trois groupes de la scène métal régionale : The Nocturnal Project, Until Therapy et Ashed Winter. Ça promet d’être spooky ℹ️ Tous les mercredis au Brise Glace, c'est concert Club, et c'est gratuit 🎫 0 € 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 20h30 (ouverture des portes à 20h) 📍 Le Brise Glace - Club (54 bis rue des Marquisats) 🎸
🎭 L'art de séduire ➡️ L'énergumène sûr de son charme décide de quitter sa campagne profonde pour monter "à la capitale" ℹ️ À partir de 12/13 ans 🎫 20€ & 15€ (-18 ans) 📆 Mer. 30/10/24 ⌚️ 20h30 📍 Théâtre de l'Échange (26 rue Sommeiller) 😂
4️⃣ La météO (pour celles et ceux qui veulent vivre) ❤️
Qualité de l’air à Annecy (indices ATMO) : la qualité de l'air devrait rester moyenne sur la quasi totalité de la région 💨
Dans la cité lacustre et ailleurs, au niveau de vos déplacements, privilégiez vélo, trottinette, marche à pied, etc. et au niveau de vos activités physiques, privilégiez les parcs, les zones piétonnes et les rues peu circulantes pour vos activités de plein air 🌬️
L’indice de risque pollinique à Annecy est nul (niveau 0) ➡️ Ambroisies, armoise, cupressacées, graminées, saule, autre : niveaux 0 ➡️ Indice communal valable du 26/10/24 au vendredi 01/11/2024 inclus 🤧
5️⃣ Les dictons (maximes et autres proverbes) 💚
Deux dictons du jour, un acheté, un offert (pour la petite histoire, cette pratique est désormais illégale) : « Ciel bleu foncé, vent renforcé. » 🌬️ et « Jamais grand vent n’a couru pour rien. » 🍃
Et deux autres dictons du jour pour la route : « Après trois gelées blanches eau en avalanche. » 💧 et « Si plus qu’à l’ordinaire les étoiles grossissent, c’est de l’eau que bientôt les neiges pissent. » ⭐
Pour celles et ceux qui aiment le froid : « Étoiles pâles, mauvais temps, chute de feuilles tardive, froidure vive. » 🍂 et « Si la chute des feuilles est tardive la froidure sera vive. » 🥶
Non mais sérieux, ils sortent d’où ces deux-là : « C’est un temps de foire à Liège. » 🧐 et « Fume ton olivier au pied il te graissera le bec. » 🫒
Pour celles et ceux qui sont vraiment en retard : « Quand la coulemelle pointe son nez, il faut semer son blé. » 🍄🟫 « Récolte rentrée, récolte sauvée. » 👍 et « Si tu veux moissonner, c’est l’heure de semer. » 🌱
6️⃣ Les fêtes (rigolO est le calendrier) 🩵
Je vous souhaite une très bonne journée annécienne et un excellent automne à Annecy, dans les 33 autres communes du Grand Annecy, en Savoie ou ailleurs 🍂
Bonne fête aux Bienvenue, il ne doit pas y en avoir beaucoup 😉 Et demain aux Quentin 😘
Bon troisième jour de la semaine à tous et à toutes 🌲
7️⃣ Cohérence (histoire de simplifier) 💜
J’utilise les chiffres 0, 7, 8, 9 et 10 pour rendre plus lisibles les différentes parties de cette sélection (simple utilisation n’ayant absolument aucun rapport avec les parties “officielles”).
JamesO InfO V1 : jusqu’en 2012 🅰️
8️⃣ Migrations en cours (à marche forcée) 🤎
Les parties 7, 8 et 9 ne peuvent pas encore être diffusées totalement pour des raisons techniques. J’y travaille actuellement de manière régulière.
JamesO InfO V2 : de 2013 à 2022 🅱️
9️⃣ Abonnez-vous (nouveaux tarifs en 2025) 🩶
Les parties 10, 11 et 12 sont exclusivement réservées à mes abonné·es et ne sont plus diffusées sur les réseaux sociaux et autres messageries instantanées.
JamesO InfO V3 : depuis 2023 🆎
🔟 L’ours (nette préférence pour le dahu) 🖤
JamesO InfO
N° 1.173 du mercredi 30/10/24
Le Blog, le Stream, le Print…
Par JamesO Média (Presse & Édition)
Responsable éditorial et légal : J.-O. Gallice
📷 JamesO PhotO à Annecy le 24/10/24 📸
JamesO © AlPy News ® StudiO 147 ℗ 2SC ™
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Mengenalkan Al Quran ke Kana
Video ini direkam ketika Kana berumur 30 bulan, sengaja direkam dari atas, agar Kana ga tau kalau sedang direkam 😂
Beberapa hal yg bunda papa lakukan untuk mengenalkan Al Quran ke Kana :
1. Sejak tau kalau Andin sedang hamil, tiap pagi mendengarkan murattal, selain mengaji
2. Saat Kana lahir, di kamar rumah sakit diputar terus murratal. Mungkin yg waktu itu jenguk pas Andin lahiran pasti tau heheheh
3. Mengusahakan mengaji ketika Kana masih melek, agar Kana udh terbiasa melihat aktivitas mengaji Tiap pagi, ketika Kana bangun tidur, hal yg bunda putar pertama kali yaitu murattal. Setelah itu, kalau mau didengerin video yg lain seperti lagu-lagu anak, serial anak2 (videonya tidak dikasih lihat, Kana cuma mendengarkan saja)
4. Ketika Kana udh bs pegang buku dan buka-buka boardbook, Bunda beliin Kana buku huruf-huruf hijaiyah. Selain itu Kana jg diperdengarkan lagu hijaiyah. Pertama kali kana hapal huruf-huruf hijaiyah krn sambil nyanyi 😀
5.Pas bunda atau papa ngaji, Kana duduk disamping sambil pegang buku hijaiyah nya. Setelah itu, naik tingkat, penasaran, Kana minta pegang al Quran. Kana dengerin bunda atau papa ngaji sambil seolah-olah ikutan ngaji jg sambil pegang al quran 😆
6. Ketika udh tau huruf hijaiyah, baru Andin berikan Iqra. Iqra yg Andin pilih yaitu iqra yg boardbook, colourfull. Yg anak2 banget heheheh
Ternyata iqra yg Andin pilih itu ada surah-surah pendek jg, alhamdulillahnya Kana malah tertarik jg buat belajar surah-surah pendek 😊
Oia jadi inget tahun lalu pas jg di bulan Ramadhan, Kana jg udh mulai melengkapi ayat meskipun baru diakhir-akhir ayatnya.
Tidak bs dipungikiri, intensitas bunda dan papa mengaji jg mempengaruhi keinginan Kana untuk mengaji. Kana semangat ketika dia liat bunda papa pegang al Quran krn Kana tau kalau dia bakalan ngaji jg. Alhamdulillah. MasyaAllah 😊
#GhaniaKanaAydin #Kana30bulan #parenting #mengaji #mengenalkanalqurankeanak
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[this shit gets intense so be warned]
Thanks for reading my trash :)
[nafla x reader , thequiett x reader]
Its everyday. He never comes home, never calls, never says his famous "I love you"s. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but isn't this excessive?
I met Seokbae through a mutual friend. I grew up with Donggab as my neighbor so naturally, I became super close with him. Being that our moms would always be over ateach other's houses, I think I saw him more times in a year than there are days. Near the end of elementary school, he fell in love with hip hop and rap. I remember asking him what he was talking about when he would speak in English. We were only 10 and all I knew was my native language of Korean, but Donggab seemed to know a lot more than me. I admired his passion and I always knew he would make it big one day. When his career really started to get a move on, we started to drift away, being that we were both busy with school and work. But we still met up a few times during the years and it was as if nothing had ever changed. Occasionally, there would be a fangirl here or there asking for a photo, but I didn't mind, I loved that he was doing what he loves.
When he announced Illionaire records, I was the first one to call him up and congratulate him (or so I like to believe). I begged him nonstop to introduce me to joonkyung because I was such a fan. When he finally gave in, I immediately got along with everyone there. Everyone seemed to love me, I hope, and I absolutely loved being with everyone there. Overtime, the hip hop industry in Korea was growing immensely and more and more rappers were coming out to show off their talents and become the best. I loved how everyone was so close even if they weren't in the same agency. Donggab would naturally invite me to all of their parties and events, which is how I first encountered Seokbae.
Illionaire, Ambition, and AOMG were invited to the hottest club in LA, Sound NightClub. It was slightly chilly for LA, being that the sun had set a long time ago and the stars were the only source of light. I put on the sexiest dress I owned, a short black dress with a cross back and lace trimmings. I haven't gotten this dolled up since my High School Prom. I finished the look for the night with the perfect black heels and a clutch, knowing there would be cameras and fans everywhere that night considering the biggest names of KHiphop were going to be in one location. Donggab offered to pick me up, but I declined and told him I want to go almost unnoticed and just meet him inside the club. He didn't fight my choice, knowing how stubborn I am. I called a Uber from my hotel room to the club and 10 minutes before arriving, the traffic was already heavy enough to make me consider walking the rest of the way.
I got to the front of the line and told my name which was on the VIP list thanks to my connections for Illionaire records. The scary looking usher let me in right away and escorted me to where Donggab and all his friends were sitting. I saw lots of familiar faces: Joonkyung, Changmo, DeokKwang. And faces I've only seen on TV and in music videos: Jay Park, Simon Dominic, KeemHyoEun. But there was one face that caught my eye immediately. He had bright red hair and a couple of face piercings, sticking out from the rest of the much more calm looking rappers in the booths. I was quick to find Donggab and sit next to him, slightly at a loss of breath from being near so many celebrities. He calmly I troduced me to everyone that he thought I didn't know, which of course included the red head. His name was Seokbae, better known as Nafla.
Throughout the night of drinking and being near so many smokers, I felt tipsy and hazed from the smoke in front of me andin my lungs. The only thing I could clearly see was Seokbae's "secret" glances towards me. My tipsy brain didn't know what to do. Yes, he was very cute and very much my type, but here? Now? What would Donggab say? There was too much on the line. I excused myself from the VIP section to go get some fresh air that wasn't contaminated with Changmo's drunk ass yelling.
"Hey Donggab, I'm gonna get some fresh air, I'll be right back" I said, whispering in his ear, hoping he would hear over the loud EDM music playing in the club
"Aight, you ok? Youve been quiet all night, which is really unlike you" He pointed out.
I tried to respond but Changmo had just jumped on the table and spilled the ice meant for the drinks all over Seokbae. Everyone's reaction was a mix of shock and laughter, but not Seokbae's. He sat there with the clear expression of "I'm about to pop off on this bitch" because we all knew that his outfit cost more than Rolex he had on his right wrist.
I took this chance to step out, but as I was about to leave the VIP section I heard Seokbae excusing himself as well. I didn't think much about it until he called out my name once I was outside. I stepped into the cool breeze of night under the moonlight of LA. It was much more refreshing than the stuffy atmosphere of the club.
"Hey" I heard a voice behind me say.
I turned around to see a half wet Seokbae grinning at me, "hey" I smile back.
We went from introducing ourselves again to small talk about the whole ice incident. We laughed about it all after mildly bullying Changmo without him knowing. At that point, we were outside for 30 minutes and it was getting slightly too chilly for the short dress you had on. Seokbae offered you his expensive looking, ice almost dried jacket to me and I happily obliged. He was definitely a smoothtalker, and that's when I seriously fell for him.
Going back into the club together, we got weird and teasing looks from all the other guys. Even Donggab seemed to enjoy making things up about what happened between the two of us out there. I just brushed it off with a roll of my eyes because I knew who the real winner was : me, because I had gotten Seokbae's number.
What started out to be the most romantic relationship ever now seems to be so distant that I can only see hazy images of it. Its been 2 years since that night at the club and 22 months of dating Seokbae, who I thought was supposed to be my knight in shining armor. Now, there were no more sweet talks, no more romantic gestures, no reciprocation, and as much as it scares me to say, no spark. What happened? The most caring, loving boyfriend who would always leave little notes for me around the house for me to find and smile at won't even come home to see me or even text me, when he's out. I knew something was going on, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt over and over again until I couldn't anymore. It was time to confront him about it all.
Today is our 1000 day anniversary of us dating. I reminded him all day that he has to come home early tonight no matter what. Surprisingly, he agreed and actually got home on time. You had made him his favorite dinner and put some natural makeup on, only to eat the beautiful meal in silence. Seokbae was on his phone, never once thanking you for the meal or asking you about your day or even telling me about his. I couldn't take it anymore.
"Babe" I broke the deadly silence, but no answer.
"Baby" I tried again, barely getting his attention, "are you ok?" I asked nervously.
"I'm fine, just tired" he replied coldly. That's it? I didn't think so.
I kept pushing him little by little to tell me what was going on, but it just ended up frustrating him.
"I'm going to the bathroom" he said with absolutely no emotion. Except, he left his phone on the table next to his plate, screen facing down on the table. I waited for the sound of the bathroom door closing and without hesitation, I lunged for the phone. The anxiety, the curiousity, and the fear were eating me alive. If something was going on, then I didnt want to waste anymore time.
I hurriedly unlocked his phone which was surprisingly still your birthday. The screen unlocks to a conversation between my boyfriend and some girl named Audrey. I didn't believe my eyes.
"Babe when are you coming over again?"
"Soon, my girlfriend has been nagging me all day about some dinner tonight so after that I'll make up an excuse and go"
"Ok, sounds good, miss you!"
"Miss you too, love you babe ❤️"
That goddamn heart. This goddamn bastard. I was so angry only tears rolled down my cheeks, which were now burning red with rage and betrayal. I put the phone down on my lap and sat still, thinking of what to say to Seokbae when he returned.
"Hey I forgot to bring my pho- what are you doing?" He asked cautiously.
I couldn't even look at him. I simply rose the phone with the messages and that goddamn heart in my hand so that he could see. Tears continuously streaming down my face, I could only make out one word
"Why?" I asked, my voice breaking and weak.
"(Y/N)... I-I never meant to hurt you"
"Get out" I said as cold as ice
"Come on, please, let me explain. Don't shut me out like this" he tried to beg, but the sincerity in his voice sounded forced.
I finally worked up the courage to look up at him, the tears ceasing for a moment.
"Seokbae ... Do you remember how we met? How we met eyes through the smoke in the club? How you were so sweet to me when we were outside that night? And how loving you were to me for the next year after we started dating?"
He stood in silence, now starting to tear up as well.
I continued, "then you became this monster I didn't know. You stopped coming home, you stopped responding to my texts and calls, you stopped telling me that you love me. And do you know why? Because you never did. My love for you was so real, the realest thing Ive ever felt in my entire life. But for you, it was nothing. It was another way to spend some extra time."
I looked down at my cold plate of food, regretting all the times I doubted my intuition, letting this disgusting man control what I feel. He still said nothing, mostly from the shock of being exposed.
"It still hurts you know." I said, the tears coming back abruptly. I hated myself for crying in front of him, he didn't deserve them.
"(Y/N)... I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry (Y/N)."
"I think you should leave, Seokbae" quietly, not really sure if he even heard it right, I got up and locked myself in my room. After I heard the front door closing and locking, I sobbed, not knowing if I felt more betrayed or regretful. I curled up on my bug empty bed and cried myself to sleep, my body still missing his presence in the bed.
The last couple weeks have been dreadful. I stopped going out with friends, I didn't eat anything, and I even shut out Donggab. He texted me nonstop, asking me what happened, if it had something to do with Nafla, where I was, why I wasn't responding. Every once in a while he would just barge into my apartment and force me to eat and talk. When I first told him what had happened, he swore he would get Seokbae fired and blacklisted, but that's not what I wanted. I just wanted to never see him again, have nothing to do with him.
Today, Donggab came over again with Thai food and dragged me out of bed to eat. He would try to get me to talk, be more lively, but I was not cooperating one bit.
"Dammit (Y/N)!" He slammed his chopsticks on his plate, making me jump and look at him, "get over him! He wasn't shit! If he had the audacity to cheat on you then he is not what you deserve! You deserve more than that, and I'm done sitting here just watching you sulk in despair as he's going around partying and having the time of his life!" At this point, your very calm friend was starting to scare you as he was fuming.
"damn Donggab, way to cheer me up" I said, still lifeless.
"Come on, get up, go take a shower, do your makeup, and let's go" he stood up abruptly.
"What? Where are we going?" I asked, super confused.
"To the club. And you're going to be my date" he said with a smirk on his face.
My eyes widened in confusion and shock, but he forced me to abide by his orders and we ended up at the same club Seokbae and I first met.
As soon as we were in the public eye, Donggab didn't let me out of his sight always with a hand around my waist looking out for any signs of Seokbae.
30 minutes into the dancing, as I started to feel better, I saw him behind Donggab. Seokbae was all over another girl, pulling the same shit he did on me when we first started to go out. Anger and sadness filled my eyes and Donggab saw it. He drags me way closer to Seokbae, right in his range where he could see us, and did the most shocking thing.
Before I could even process it, Donggab had been kissing me right in front of Seokbae who had wide eyes filled with fury.
Without any right, Seokbae made a b-line towards us and split us apart.
"What the hell?! (Y/N)?! What are you doing making out with Donggab?!" Seokbae was yelling over the crowds dancing and the music playing.
"Why do you care, jackass? Just leave her alone, she's mine now" Donggab announced, shocking the both of us and many around us.
"You don't know what's good for her! Fuck off!" Seokbae's veins were popping and he was the most red I've ever seen him.
"No, you should fuck off. Leave me and my mans alone Seokbae, I never wanna see your face again" I declared proudly, to which Donggab kissed me again to piss off Seokbae even more.
He ran off pushing people out of the way in anger and humiliation. I turned to Donggab after realizing what had just happened.
"Um... Can we talk about this?"
"Ok, well I really like you (Y/N). And it was so painful to see you those years with that jerk, Seokbae, so I realized I don't want to waste any more time. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, looking a little nervous.
I just laughed, "if we're not dating now, you got a lot of explaining to do with those kisses... But yes, I would love to be your girlfriend"
We kissed one last time and made it official.
Karmas a bitch, but it can also be a good bitch.
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RKK BRASIL ► Le Grand Remix [6/6]
Au-delà des clichés qui parfois polluent le paysage brésilien vu de la France, il est deux domaines qui scellent l’élan de sympathie qu’ici on éprouve pour là-bas : le foot, considéré comme un art dès qu’un Brésilien taquine le ballon, au point que les Français acceptent avec philosophie de perdre contre les « vert et jaune » (même si la France a souvent gagné ces derniers temps !). Mais laissons de côté le foot, la Coupe du Monde 2014 au Brésil se chargera d’actualiser le propos.
L’autre domaine est bien évidemment la musique. De bossa en frevo, de samba en lambada, de forro en maxixe, que d’histoires, souvent d’amour, parfois de dépit, et dans les deux sens. Je vous propose de remonter le temps jusqu’au début du siècle passé, et d’égrener les succulentes aventures qui ponctuent le temps, défiant les modes au point de parfois les précéder. La réalité oblige à dire que la France empruntera plus au Brésil que celui-ci ne piochera dans notre Hexagone. Mais de ritournelles éphémères en mélodies classieuses, les échanges franco-brésiliens ne manquent pas de rebondissements.
Commençons par un énorme malentendu de l’histoire, on est en 1989. l’année du bicentenaire de la révolution française… et de la « lambada » ! Un « coup » monté par deux producteurs français, avec une boisson gazeuse, « ze » chaîne de télé en France et une « major » du disque. Kaoma, un groupe fabriqué à Paris, une frénétique danse à deux exportée du nord du Brésil, et une chanson… bolivienne ! Oui, vous avez bien lu : la « lambada » est une ritournelle andine « empruntée » par des Brésiliens et revendue « made in Brasil » chez nous. Une sorte de quiproquo vite submergé par une déferlante planétaire : on danse la lambada dans tous les bals du monde, mais aussi dans les ateliers de Peugeot en grève et même sur les gravats du mur de Berlin, fin 89. Un Brésil chromo et popu à la fois, loin de celui des grands maîtres de la M.P.B. (Musique Populaire Brésilienne). Rebelote en 1996 sur un mode mineur avec le groupe Carrapicho et son « Tic Tic Tac », n° 1 au top 50, mais seulement en France, soi-disant pour propager la culture amazonienne…tu parles !
Cette relation amoureuse entre la France et la musique brésilienne commence au début du siècle (le vingtième) par, déjà, un autre malentendu, cette fois-ci, une escroquerie, « La Matchiche ». un énorme tube dû à Félix Mayol. À une époque où n’existaient ni disque ni radio, un tube se mesurait en ventes de partitions et en exécutions dans les bals, il restait un « hit » pendant des années. Cette Matchiche, présentée comme un « air populaire tiré du folklore espagnol » était en fait un extrait d’un opéra brésilien d’Antônio Carlos Gomes, Il Guarany (1860), et son nom était la version francisée d’une danse des bals cariocas, le maxixe (prononcez machiche). C’est ainsi que, sans le savoir, la France entière a fredonné brésilien : « C’est la danse nouvelle, mesdemoiselles / cambrez la taille, petite taille / ça s’appelle la Matchiche, prenez vos miches / ainsi qu’une espagnole des Batignolles ».
1918, Rio de Janeiro, un drôle de tandem représente très officiellement la France durant la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale : ministre plénipotentiaire (ambassadeur), Paul Claudel, oui, l’écrivain, conseiller culturel, Darius Milhaud, le compositeur. Celui-ci traîne dans les bouges de Rio et il tombe sur un tango brésilien (à l’époque ça existe), « O Boi No Telhado ». Le titre l’amuse, et de retour en France, il compose la musique d’un ballet inspiré par Jean Cocteau, le titre en est la traduction littérale Le Bœuf Sur Le Toit. Il s’est au minimum inspiré de ce qu’il a entendu à Rio (certains parleront de plagiat, mais ça n’ira pas plus loin, cette fois). Rebondissement inattendu, en 1921 s’ouvre à Paris un club de jazz du même nom. Et c’est ainsi que l’équivalent de la jam-session, en français, deviendra… un bœuf !
En 1922, le Brésil conquiert quasiment la nuit parisienne. Duque, un danseur brésilien très en vogue de Montparnasse à Montmartre, fait venir Pixinguinha, flûtiste et leader des Batutas. Au programme, choro, ce swing instrumental urbain de l’époque, et le samba naissant (en portugais, le genre musical est masculin !). Bookés pour deux semaines, ils vont rester six mois à l’affiche, au Shéhérazade, le triomphe de la saison, toute la presse en parle. Duque offre à Pixinguinha un sax, grâce auquel il deviendra un musicien emblématique au Brésil dans le demi-siècle qui va suivre. Seulement voilà, les musiciens ont le blues du pays. Les Batutas rentrent à Rio et la… pardon… le samba laisse place nette à une autre danse latino-américaine, qui explose à Paris, le tango. De retour à Rio pour l’exposition universelle commémorant les 100 ans de l’indépendance du Brésil, Pixinguinha et ses Batutas font tube (en français) avec « Sarambá » : « Le samba se danse, toujours en cadence / petit pas par ci, petit pas par là / il faut de l’aisance, beaucoup d’élégance / les corps se balancent, dansez le samba »… Le Brésil a manqué son rendez-vous, il attendra son heure.
Dans un registre différent, le compositeur Heitor Villa-Lobos, qui révolutionne la musique dite classique avec ses amis intellectuels modernistes, tout en s’inspirant du choro, s’attaque au public européen et spécialement parisien, qu’il conquiert dans les années 20 et 30 avec notamment ses « Bachianas Brasileiras n° 5 ». Parrainé par Arthur Rubinstein, il fréquente l’avant-garde des compositeurs, comme Edgar Varèse. Il reste un des grands maîtres du XXe siècle, des deux côtés de l’atlantique.
Dans les années 30, la chanson française en désir d’épices pioche dans le fonds musical tropical, Cuba, les Antilles françaises et, bien sûr, le Brésil. Nom générique, le typique ! Même Maurice Chevalier s’y met, avec « La Choupetta » (la tétine) qui n’a plus de brésilien que le nom : « Une choupetta, savez-vous c’que c’est qu’ça? / c’est un mot rigolo qui vient de Rio d’Janeiro / là-bas, chaque enfant bercé par sa maman / s’amuse à chanter après avoir pris sa tétée. » Ça ne vole pas haut dans l’entre-deux-guerres.
En été 42, un orchestre français s’évade de la morosité… et de l’occupation. Ray Ventura et ses Collégiens passent clando les Pyrénées et, d’un coup de bateau, se retrouvent au programme du Casino da Urca de Rio, au pied du Pain de sucre. Le big band français fait d’abord pâle figure à côté des rutilantes formations du cru. C’est le benjamin de l’orchestre, Henri Salvador, qui, avec son imitation désopilante de Popeye, sauve l’honneur de la France. « Le Popeye », titre la presse carioca. Mais Ray Ventura, le boss, joue (et perd) la paie de l’orchestre à la roulette et le big band est bientôt rapatrié sanitaire dans le Paris nazifié. Ils rentrent tous… sauf Henri Salvador qui, prudemment, vit quelques belles années entre Rio et Belo Horizonte, chantant de bar en bar. Il ne réintègre Paris qu’en 46 ! Sans avoir laissé d’autres traces que ses premiers enregistrements en tant que chanteur (avec Ray Ventura).
Les années post-libération voient la France, suivant les U.S.A., s’enticher de rythmes afro-cubains, le mambo et le cha-cha-cha, et brésiliens, samba et baion. Dario Moreno, turc, devient icône de tout ce qui est latino ou brésilien (de loin, ça se confond !), voir « Si Tu Vas À Rio » et « Brigitte Bardot » (la chanson adaptée d’un tube de carnaval) ; justement, Brigitte Bardot (la vraie !) danse un furieux mambo dans Et Dieu Créa La Femme et s’affiche à Búzios, le Saint Trop’ brésilien.
La variété française des années 50 et 60 continue de piocher dans les tubes do Brasil, comme Gloria Lasso, Ray Ventura, Jacques Hélian, et une certaine Rose Mania, avec son « Cavaquinho ». Pendant un moment, tout est samba. Encore une fois, beaucoup de pacotille. C’est l’époque où une certaine jet-set remplit un long-courrier pour Rio de Janeiro à l’initiative du producteur Eddie Barclay. Ça flambe !
C’est alors que nous arrive de Copacabana et Ipanema, les plages chic de Rio, une brise tropicale nettement moins folklorique, la bossa nova, avec son peintre minimal, João Gilberto, son architecte de l’épure, Antônio Carlos Jobim, et son poète amoureux, Vinicius de Moraes. Une sorte de samba susurrée sans débauche de percussions. et c’est la B.O. d’un film français tourné à Rio, Orfeu Negro, de Marcel Camus, qui remporte la Palme d’or à Cannes en 1959. Le genre musical, adopté par les tenants du jazz cool US (Stan Getz, Gerry Mulligan), devient un label planétaire. Le Président Kubitschek, qui inaugure la nouvelle capitale, Brasilia, est surnommé… « le Président bossa nova ».
Bon, ce n’est pas pour autant qu’Henri Salvador a inventé la bossa nova, comme certains l’ont proclamé. Jobim a bien été charmé par Salvador et « Dans Mon Île », ballade créole figurant dans la B.O. d’un obscur film italien, mais l’influence est pour le moins lointaine. Au moment où la bossa nova part à la conquête de la France, voilà que les Beatles et la tornade britiche relèguent cette douce brise au rancart.
Pas pour longtemps. Au Festival de Cannes, en 1966, cette fois, un autre film français est primé, Un Homme Et Une Femme de Claude Lelouch, et son leitmotiv sonore s’incruste durablement dans les oreilles, un certain chabada-bada, dû à Francis Lai et Pierre Barouh. Ce dernier, un fondu de Brésil, va initier des générations de Français à la musique brésilienne. Il faut dire qu’à Paris se sont installés Vinicius de Moraes, poète, conseiller culturel à l’ambassade du Brésil et grand noceur, et le génial guitariste Baden Powell, avec lequel Pierre Barouh a enregistré la fameuse « Samba Saravah ».
Saravah, justement, un label d’allumés créé par Barouh (où éclateront Higelin et Brigitte Fontaine, entre autres), et aussi un incroyable film tourné au Brésil par le même, avec des séquences musicales d’anthologie. Autour de tout ce monde bohème gravite un petit peuple dingue de samba et de bossa, d’où de mythiques nuits blanches sous l’étoile du Brésil.
Une autre génération déboule au Brésil, plus contemporaine voire plus sulfureuse, qui fait figure de contre-pouvoir (au moins artistique), face à la dictature militaire qui s’installe. Parmi eux, Chico Buarque, véritable conscience en ces années de censure, chanteur et poète essentiel et, curieusement, souvent adapté en français à tort et à travers, parfois détourné voire malmené : Vassiliu (« Qui C’est Celui- Là ? »), Zanini (« Tu Veux Ou Tu Veux Pas ? »), Dalida (« La Banda ») et, pire encore, Sheila (qui transforme le poignant « Funeral Do Lavrador » (enterrement d’un paysan) de Buarque en un grand-guignolesque « Oh Mon Dieu Qu’Elle Est Mignonne » !!!). Heureusement, Barouh, Nougaro et Moustaki se montrent plus inspirés dans leurs adaptations occasionnelles et sauvent l’honneur de la chanson française.
La dictature militaire brime la création au Brésil, et engendre un exil souvent politique, parfois artistique et à l’occasion les deux. En 1971, les Tropicalistes Gilberto Gil et Caetano Veloso, qui ont été exilés et catapultés en Angleterre par les militaires pour avoir défié l’ordre moral, passent par Paris, où ils sont ovationnés par des milliers de compatriotes en exil. Ils vont donner une impulsion novatrice, à la fois pop et afro à l’image de la musique brésilienne, ici. Par ailleurs se crée une scène brasilo-parisienne, de nombreux groupes se forment. Le jazz et la samba fusionnent avec Nana Vasconcelos puis Tânia Maria. Et en 79 a lieu le premier festival brésilien de Paris à la halle Baltard de Nogent-sur-Marne : quinze groupes quasiment tous basés à Paris, dont Les Étoiles et Alceu Valença, six mille spectateurs, un triomphe pour les nouveaux producteurs de Garance ! Par contre, dans l’autre sens, c’est léger : le français a perdu depuis les années 40 sa prédominance en tant que langue étrangère, alors quand le Brésil chante en français, ça se remarque : Caetano Veloso reprend « Dans Mon Île » d’Henri Salvador, et João Gilberto, le pape de la bossa, « Que Reste-T-Il De Nos Amours ? ». Toujours le patrimoine. Décidément, l’échange est foncièrement déséquilibré...
1981, ce sont les années Mitterrand, et plus encore les années Jack Lang, tant le ministre de la Culture s’est entiché de Brésil. O Intercambio (l’échange) bat son plein. Tous les grands du Brésil écument les scènes d’Europe, de l’Olympia à Montreux. Gilberto Gil chante « Touche Pas À Mon Pote » (en français dans le texte à la fête de SOS Racisme place de la Concorde). De méga-festivals brésiliens à nice en 84 et à Paris en 90/91, et puis les années France-Brésil en 86 avec Couleurs Brésil au Zénith et à la Grande Halle de la Villette. Un mouvement plus tout à fait à sens unique, France Métisse voit tourner au Brésil la scène afro-caraïbe, avec Kassav’, Manu Dibango, Salif Keita, Ray Lema.
Et puis la pub surfe sur l’air du temps et s’approprie des airs oubliés, comme cette chanson exhumée du répertoire de Chico Buarque (encore !), « Essa Moça Tá Diferente » (cette fois en V.O.), qui fait onduler les bulles d’une boisson gazeuse (une autre que pour la « lambada ») : aussi incongru que si on vantait un produit français sur du Brel au Brésil !!! Mais du coup, c’est un méga-tube, un an avant la « lambada » ! On exporte aussi le Trio Elétrico, camion à musique du carnaval de Bahia, à Toulouse en 86 puis sur les plages françaises en 90. Derniers phénomènes du siècle dernier qui se perpétuent jusqu’à aujourd’hui : la capoeira (à la fois art martial et danse), héritée des esclaves noirs, qui fait son trou dans nos villes et a la cote jusque dans les banlieues, et les batucadas qui prolifèrent partout en France, dans l’esprit des écoles de samba de Rio ou des blocs afro de Salvador…
Nouveau siècle, nouvelles ouvertures. Cette fois, c’est le gouvernement Lula et son ministre de la Culture pendant cinq ans, Gilberto Gil, qui portent la parole… en musique. D’autres scènes brésiliennes prennent de l’ampleur par chez nous : thématiques, comme l’electro de Marcelinho da Lua, la drum’n’bass de Marky et Patife (des sommités mondiales du genre) ici et Laurent Garnier là-bas, le hip hop/samba de Marcelo D2, voire le baile funk des périphéries ; géographique, avec la confirmation d’un pôle créatif dans le Nordeste, Recife, avec la venue régulière de Lenine, DJ Dolores, le Spok Frevo Orquestra, plus Silverio Pessoa et Renata Rosa, qui flirtent avec les rythmes (et artistes) occitans, et Manu Chao, qui arpente régulièrement le Brésil. En règle générale, les échanges sont plus équilibrés avec les artistes français : à l’année du Brésil en France (2005) a répondu celle de la France au Brésil (2009), avec notamment des tournées mixant les artistes des deux pays, comme Station Brésil de João Pessoa à São Paulo et un hommage à Gainsbourg, dans un théâtre pauliste, avec les Brésiliens de l’Orquestra Imperial plus Caetano Veloso accueillant Jane Birkin et Jean-Claude Vannier, l’arrangeur seventies de Gainsbourg. Impérissable, aux dires de ceux qui y ont assisté.
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