st-hedge · 2 months
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They’re insane and they should’ve kissed about it
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transthatfag · 5 months
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kinda vampy
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lazorsandparadox · 1 year
I dont trust any of yall that say eat the rich anymore because half the time youre not even talking about the rich, youre talking about greg the accountant who owns a house and can maybe afford to take his family on one vacation every year or so. And sometimes youre not even talking about greg, youre talking about his daughter becky who still lives with him because she cant afford to move out. Im begging yall to learn the difference between "has disposable income" and "literally has so much wealth that its harmful"
"Rich" does not simply mean "has nicer things than you" and if that how you take it to mean then i dont know man, maybe you should get off your soapbox and go read a book or something
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l0v3s1ck-b1tch · 27 days
bloods so prettyyyyyy
i love painting in it but when it dries i dont like the colour as much :<<<<
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divinesolas · 6 months
Through it all, its still you
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r.q: hellooo lovlieee omg i am so inlove with your newest fic with jacaerys, my jaw was on the ground. could I request a fic with jacaerys were it's during the war between blacks and greens and your his betrothed. He goes north and you stay in dragonstone, but then you get taken by the greens. Everyone thinks your dead but you manage to escape and bond with a dragon. then when jacaerys is fighting against the greens, you Show up with your dragon and fight this epic battle. omg I got so carried away sorryyy. maybe with some fluff at the end ?? anyways take care <3
w.c: 4.2k (god i love writing for jace)
c.w: tyrell!reader, written with f!reader in mind but i dont believe theres any mention of gender of reader if so barely, angst, FLUFF! happy ending though it takes awhile to get there, poorly written battle scene, blue fire breathing dragon :3, not proofread
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You had not known how long you were sitting in the silence of your room. Usually dragonstone, though you had not been there for very long, was booming with life, jacaerys and lucerys arguing with one another and joffrey laughing, the babies crying or laughing at nothing, baela and rhaena chatting together. But today there was nothing but somber silence. Lucerys was dead. Though you did not know him as well as everyone here did, your heart ached at the thought of the young boy being gone. 
Daemon and rhaenyra had basically locked themselves in the council room after informing you of the news. You worried for them especially after seeing how angry and heartbroken they looked but the person you worried for most was jacaerys. He was off in the north oblivious to what had been happening here. You felt sick to your stomach as you imagined his face finding out the news. He had confided in you before he left. He worried for lucerys and how he would fare on his trip to storm's end and you helped assure him lucerys would be alright. 
You sit in your nightgown clutching hard onto the necklace jacaerys had given you early on into your courtship. 
You had been promised to jacaerys when you were very young much to the dismay of alicent and her father. You were your fathers only daughter and due to the fact he had no uncles, no cousins, no nephews and no direct other male family members you were to inherit everything in highgarden once he passed. You were immediately very fond of jacaerys as soon as the two of you met in the keep. Though the two of you did not get to spend as much time together as you were soon taken back to the highgarden after a couple moon cycles. Before you had left the keep however he had given you this necklace. It was a metal carving of a dragon painted in the colors of his dragon vermax. He had told you he hoped while you were apart you could feel protected by him with his dragon and you cried into his shoulder before you were soon dragged off and did not get to see him for many years. 
Soon enough your name day came and you turned eight and ten and were granted the ability to go to Dragonstone to meet with jacaerys and begin wedding preparations with rhaenyra. What you nor your father had known is that soon war would strike. You knew tensions were high between the family especially after attending the families final dinner where you help jacaerys place ointment on his cheek after aemond had punched him but you did not think things would turn out so horrid for the family. 
So deeply lost in your thoughts you do not notice the quiet footsteps entering your room through an opened window in your room until something a stab punctures your arm and a hand covers your scream before a heavy object slams into your head knocking you out cold. He allows you to sit out cold for a bit, letting your blood pool on the ground soaking your gown and your necklace. While you're passed out the mysterious man scoops you up into his arms, ripping the necklace from your neck and tosses it into the pool of blood before he carefully manages to carry you out through the window and down to an awaiting boat with a couple other masked men who help him chain you down and soon sail away, the image of dragonstone fading farther and farther away. 
Only hours later does jacaerys land back on dragonstone hoping to be greeted by you. Happy that he had been able to secure all the alliances for his mother and felt full of pride when he imagined how happy you would be. What he did not expect when he entered the main room was a somber atmosphere, he notices rhaena has fresh tears sliding off her face and baela attempting to comfort her. Joffrey clung to his rhaenyra side also seeming to be crying. He quickly looks over at daemon who is staring right back at him. “What has happened? Where is lucerys? Where is my betrothed? Tell me at once.” rhaenyra makes her way over to him and clings to him, shoving her face in his neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” he refuses to be true, it can't be true. But when daemon walks over to the pair and opens up his hand to show the necklace jacaerys had given you all those years ago, covered in your blood.
When you open your eyes the first thing you notice is how much your arm hurts, you groan and grab your arm. The sound of a screeching chair and the quick fleeing of the room meets your ears as you sit up and notice your sitting in a very familiar room. This is the room that you had stayed in during your time in the keep, looking exactly how you left it. A part of you is telling you this is a dream, you reach your hand up to wrap around your necklace your grow frantic as you realize it is not there. You feel around the bed and look upon the dresser next to you but there is nothing. In your haste the door opens and your head shoots up. “You are finally awake.” 
“Where is my necklace?” alicent looks at criston next to her who shakes his head, “you did not come wearing a necklace miss.” you groan and immediately try to stand out from bed but immediately feel so dizzy you have to sit back down, your arm throbbing heavily. “What did you do to me?”
Alicent takes a hesitant step closer to you, her arms out as if to comfort you, “you should relax.” “asking me to relax after you kidnap me, are you insane?” you are unable to control your temper as you spit your words at her. Criston immediately clutches his sword and takes a step forward, “that is no way to-” alicent gives him a pointed look and he immediately deflates taking a step back. She hesitantly makes her way to the end of the bed and sits on it looking at you. “I simply wish to speak with you. “So you decide to kidnap me, that makes perfect sense.” you can tell she's irritated at you but does not let it show on her face as she takes a deep breath, a somber look on her face though you cannot tell if it is serious. 
“With your fathers passing everything in highgarden has been left to you, we believe it is in your best interest to declare house tyrell for aegon-” “my father is dead?” you cannot handle the influx of emotions you feel as your hand clenches around the space where your hanging dragon should be craving the feeling of the cold metal and sharp edges on your skin. She nods, placing her hand on your knee and for some reason you let her, the look in her eyes tells you she feels sorry having to break this news to you herself. “Yesterday night in his sleep, his final wish was for you to have highgarden. He stated it to be so.” all you can do is look down, your eyes clouding and you begin to crave the presence of jacaerys. Taking you silence as an opportunity to continue alicent begins to speak, “I care, not only about you, but about the future of your house which is why you should declare for aegon-” “you are asking me to declare for him? I knew you were crazy but this is just insanity.”
Though your face is covered in tears it does not hide the furious look you have on your face as you push her hand away from you and hug your knees to your chest. “It is the best path for you and your house my dear you must believe me i only wish the best for you. And should you do this you will be a lovely addition to our family. I am looking for a wife for my son daeron.” 
“I am already betrothed. You know this.” she shakes her head and stretches out further on the bed attempting to touch you once again, “you must understand-” “i would rather you kill me than marry your stupid hightower son and declare for that pig wearing a false crown on his head.” 
The room goes silent and she sighs and stands, fixing her dress before moving to leave the room. As she stands by the door she turns back to you, “I hope you will one day change your mind.” “I will not.” you quickly spit at her before she and criston leave the room leaving you trapped in there. All you can do is sit and cry in your bed, you miss jacaerys, you miss your father, you even miss dragonstone. You spend that whole day and night in your room praying that jacaerys was alright, you knew it is foolish to wish he could climb though the window to save you but the childish part of you dreamed he would come to your rescue. 
His foot taps on the floor in rapid succession. Jacaerys finds he can barely sit still these days. He cannot believe you were ripped from his hands so quickly. Though many expected him to lock himself in his room and cry for days mourning the loss of the love of his life and his younger brother he did not even shed a tear. Even at the funeral for the two of you the worst he got was glassy eyed as he clung onto his brother's robe and your necklace which he has begun wearing. It was as if he became a shell of himself, only speaking when spoken to and only truly wished to speak time planning out the moves of the war with daemon. Rhaenyra grew more and more concerned and distressed over her son as the days passed. Whenever she would go and try to talk to him she would only be greeted by his dead eyes and his emotionless words and she felt as though she lost two of her sons not just the one. 
Due to his erratic emotions, Jacaerys could not decipher how he felt. Grief? Anger? Sadness? Spite? All of the above? He had no clue. But in his mind he had no time to feel anything. He had a duty to make sure his mother won this war and he could deal with his feelings later. He tried to ignore that heart clenching feeling everytime he wrapped his hand around the dragon necklace. The selfish part of him believes you are still alive, in his defense there was no body, just a large pool of blood soaking the floor, the room had been bare and mostly untouched which led daemon to conclude it happened without and fight and quickly. If you were truly dead it gave him a bit of piece you had not been put through any sort of torture or torment as daemon seemingly had put halenas kid through when he sent out blood and cheese. 
He has many regrets and will hate himself for the rest of his life, he let his mother down, he was a bad brother and worst of all he failed to protect you, the one he had sworn to protect forever. He wont allow himself to mourn you, or mourn anyone for that matter. The only thing that mattered was the war and when daemon once again called him in the council room he soundlessly followed. He would at least avenge you in any way he would. He wanted them to feel the pain they had put him through, they put his mother through, he wanted to hurt them so badly he could barely contain himself but he must be rational despite how hard it is. Whenever he looked at the dragon on his neck he could only think of you and he grew angrier with himself. He had to avenge you. No matter what. 
The days in the keep are boring. For the first few days all you do is sit on your bed crying. Whenever a guard entered your room to bring you food you never ate any of it. The only time anything happened all you could hear was screams and cries but they were so distant you did not know what was happening. You only found out when aemond had come to integrate you about the incident. Asking if you had somehow let this ‘blood and cheese’ into the keep so they could kill one of halenas kids. You were mortified and said you had no clue. After a bit of pushing and reports from the guards who were stationed outside your room there was no way you could have done anything and they promptly left. The rest of your days continued the same with you not if so barely eating until it became too much and alicent showed up to your room. “You must eat.” you scoff, you had finally gained your strength back and were sitting at one of the tables in the room with a book in your hands. “I don't need to do anything.” She sighs and looks around the room. You take notice of the box she holds in her hands along with a bowl of what looks like fruits in it. “What is that?” 
She looks down at her hands and lets out an oh before looking back at you hopefully. “I.. was hoping you would play cyvasse with me..” she trails off and for a moment you notice how young she truly is. Much closer in age to not only yourself but her oldest son and all of her children forced into a role she is not fit for. A wave of sympathy falls upon you and she continues, “i have no one to play with, aemond is far too busy haelena cannot bring herself to get out bed and obviously aegon does not know how to play-” “ill play.”
She looks at you shocked as if she had been expecting you to turn her away and tell her no. “Though I should warn you that I have not lost a game in a very long time, I am a fierce competitor.” a smile graces her face and she nods quickly moving to sit down across from you and sets up the board. “I have not lost in forever either dear. I'm sure I will not lose to you.” you close your book and toss it towards the bed and shake your head at her. “I would like to see you try.” 
A comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you two begin to play. So lost in the game you occasionally pop a piece of fruit in your mouth. She was right, she is very tough competition but you can hold your own against her causing her to sit and think for long periods at a time. “It's a bit stuffy in here don't you think?” you lift your gaze from the board and up at her as you shrug, “if it is i do not notice it.” as you look back down at the board she hums and stands to open up one of the windows before moving to sit back down. “I hope you have thought about what I told you.” you sit still for a moment before moving on of your pieces and leaning back to look at her. “I have.” a hopeful look crosses her face, “and i will continue to tell you no.” she sighs and stares down at the board. Many more silent moments pass before the door slams open and the two of you look at it alarmed. 
“Ser Cole, what's wrong?” “You must come quickly with me, my queen, the prince has found something.” she stands alarmed and rushes towards him before looking back at you for a moment, “we will continue this later.” All you can do is nod at her and watch as the two of them rush out the room. You lean back on the chair and close your eyes and sigh. You wonder how long she planned to keep you here. You felt as though you made it rather obvious you never planned to submit to Aegon or marry her son but it seemed she still held on hope you would. In the midst of your thoughts a breeze brushes you and you jump out of your seat and look over to the window. It was still open. You walk over to the window and look out, this was your chance. You could escape, surely it could not be so hard to scale down the castle. You could die but so what? The longer you resist them the closer you get to one day just being executed and they put someone who would listen to their every whim in the high gardens. You look around the room and throw a spare cloak which had been in the room and look for anything valuable to sell before you say a small prayer to yourself before climbing out of the room and beginning to descend the castle. 
It is not easy, if anything you would think this is impossible by the way your hands, knees and feet begin to bleed the way you continue to scrape along the harsh walls of the castle. You don't dare look down out of fear someone will notice you or you’ll realize you've made no progress and get so frustrated you cry. After what felt like hours you stumble and fall to the ground and struggle to pick yourself up. Looking around you, noticing you are in an empty alley. You had really escaped. You stand frozen for a moment unsure of what to do. You had not thought this far. Maybe you could try to make it to high garden but they would surely notice your absence before then and high garden would be the first place they look for you. You decide you’ll sell the stuff you had managed to take first and figure out the rest later. When you had made it to one of the stands the seller was shocked to see all the real gold items you had with you and was more than eager to offer you a large chunk of change for it. Now that you had the money you had no clue what to do but as you were walking you hear a group of people discuss that they planned to travel out of the city and decide you could try and hitch a ride with them.
“And why would we let you ride with us little girl?” you show him the large amount of gold you can just acquired and his eyes widen as he looks at it. “How much?” “I would give you all of it,” he looks alarmed, “you desperate to get out of the city?” “more than you know.” later that same day you were sitting in the back of their large carriage. One of the girls in the group offered you a change of clothes and fixed up your wounds for you question free. You watch the city fade away from you and let out a breath of relief as you finally pull down your hood allowing the group to see your face. “Hey aren't you that hightower girl?” you look over to your right at the man from earlier and shrug, “maybe.” If he wants to ask more questions he does and goes back to fiddling with his blade and you begin to pray once more for jacaerys and that the gods will be kind enough to allow the two of you to reunite. 
You travel with them for a couple days. You find out they are actually a traveling circus who is struggling to make business right now due to the war. They are kind people who don't ask you unwanted questions and provide you with a ride and some food and that's all you can ask for. One day it's the middle of the night and you have all taken camp near a mountain. You grow more and more restless to get as close to dragonstone as possible to try and see jacaerys but you know these people are being more than kind to you so you must not push them. “I heard a rumor about this place,” jim, the guy you had talked to the first day he seemed to be the leader of this little group, says to jane, the woman who helped you fix your wounds takes a sip from her flasks and gives jim an unamused look. “Jim if this is one of your fairytales again,,,” “no no no seriously, apparently there's a dragon around these parts.'' This immediately catches your attention and you gaze at jim. “Seriously?” Jim nods confidently and Jane shakes her head tapping you on the shoulder, “don't believe him pumpkin he's always talking shit.” “i am being serious-”
A loud roar off in the distance causes the three of you and the rest of the camp to grow completely silent. Jim mouths a ‘told you’ in your direction and you watch as a dragon flies over your head and out to a field not too far away from where you all were camped. “We're gonna die.” you hear one of the other guys say and all you can do is admire the dragon. It's pure white with piercing blue eyes that seem to be looking directly at you. You feel completed to go towards it, its gaze luring you in as you stand at the alarm of Jane and Jim and begin to walk off. “Where the hell are you going?” you reach in your pocket and toss and large bag of coins you had at jim, “im going to claim a fucking dragon! Or die trying!” 
The morning came and the blacks had finally managed to put a pin on where one of the large green camps were and we're currently stationed to ambush them. Jacaerys sat wordlessly on his dragon as baela sat on her next to him and called his name causing him to look over at her. “I hope you know she would not resent you. When you were gone you were all she could talk about. She couldn't hate you, it is not possible.'' He just stares at her and opens his mouth as if he wished to speak but he couldn't and all he could do was turn away so as to not get choked up. He hoped she was right, that you could not hate him because he fears if you did it would kill him. He clutches the necklace once more before the call is made to charge and he flys up with his dragon to fight. Despite the fact it had been an ambush the greens seemed way more prepared to fight than they had been expecting and the situation grew more and more dire as the fight went on. 
As if it was a grace from the gods he heard a roar off in the distance and prayed it had not been aegon or aemond heading there way but when he turned his head and saw a white dragon? When close enough a wave of blue fire came out of its mouth to douse the greens. He could not see if the dragon had a rider due to its erratic movements but soon enough the dragon flew by him and he felt himself freeze. His betrothed. The one he feared he had lost. You. Y/n Tyrell. On a fucking dragon. Soon after your arrival the greens begin to retreat, unable to over power your dragon and its blue fire. Once the tides had settled and people began to cheer he quickly began to move towards where you were and you also rushed off your dragon and ran towards him, “jacaerys!” He grabs your face and kisses you with all his heart. He hopes you can feel the force of his love pouring into you with every move his lips make and with the grip he holds your face on, so gentle yet strong as if he knew he was holding the whole universe in his hands. It was not just any universe it was his universe and as you two pull away he can barely breathe. “You're alive?” you nod and peck him on the lips, “i will never leave you my love.” he finally feels all the emotions he's held back crash into him and he hugs you so tightly as if he fears you'll slip from his grasp should he let go. You feel him begin to cry and stroke his hair as you close your eyes and find yourself crying too. “I was so scared you had,,” “shh do not even speak it. I am here, I promise and I am not going anywhere.”
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raisin-writes · 2 months
one piece men hcs: period sex
featuring the blorbos of my choice- law, bartolomeo, bellamy, corazon, and doflamingo
warnings: blood (obviously), narsty boys (looking directly at barto), smut, period eating
nsfw under the cut, minors dni 🫵👁️👁️💢
• im sorry babe, he may be a doctor and he may not be squeamish about touching peoples organs and blood, but he will not go down on you on your period 😔 (coward).
• hes kinda weird about period sex, he'll do it if you ask him super sweetly and look at him with those big pathetic puppy eyes, and he'll sigh dramatically and agree to it, but he really doesnt like doing it on the bed, he prefers the bathroom where its easiest to clean.
• usually he's kind enough to finger fuck you when you ask for it, but hes quick to pull his hand out of your pants and run to the sink to wash his hands off before shooing you to bed with a peck on the forehead. hes a busy man, hes got work to do.
• when he does have time, though, he'll make sure to take proper care of you afterwards.
• he'll offer to bring you water, a snack, pain meds, a towel, a hot pack, hell he'll even carry you to the shower if your legs are too shaky to stand on and clean you off with a gentleness so rarely seen from a man like him.
• you dont even need to ask, he'll be able to smell a hint of blood from across the room and hunt you down like a shark.
• begs you to let him eat you out while on his knees, massaging and pawing at your thighs.
• "c'mon sweetheart, i just wanna help ya~"
• VERY enthusiastic eater, if he could stick his tongue up any further into you he would.
• likes when you sit on his face so he can feel the blood and cum dribble down the sides of his face.
• as he's fingering you, he'll suddenly pull his bloody hand up to his lips and suck the liquid off each digit before shoving them back inside you to do it again with a big cocky grin.
• hes fucking ravenous.
• fucks you like an animal and likes watching you coat his cock in red multiple times.
• truthfully, there might not be much blood left to leak out of you by the time hes done with you.
• dont worry, he'll make sure theres plenty of cum to leak out instead.
• hes super super sweet afterwards.
• "im so sorry, i didnt think i'd get so carried away there," he'll scratch the back of his head sheepishly.
• acts like a mother hen while he cleans you up so youre all nice and pretty again- hes usually pretty good about cleaning up after himself when it involves you.
• gets sad and confused when you vehemently refuse to give him a big wet kiss afterwards.
• another nasty boy, but its more of a theatrical thing.
• hes fine with licking other peoples blood off his face, this isnt much different to him.
• he does play it up for you a bit (and the invisible audience in his head, he has to look cool for them always).
• makes a big show of lapping it up while locking eyes with you.
• the wide, wolfish grin on his face while his tongue swipes over the stray blood dripping off his lower lip makes you whine.
• he'll finger you whenever you ask even when you arent menstruating, it makes no difference to him, he just likes seeing you come undone on his hand.
• will let you dry hump his towel-covered thigh if hes too busy with something like a log or a paint manual (hes a study-at-the-last-possible-minute kinda guy).
• he'll fuck you however you need him to.
• want him to put you in a mating press and make you squirt all over his stomach?
• no problem.
• need something slow and tender like sitting in his lap while he gently rocks into you?
• he can do that too.
• hes a man that aims to please, and will almost never turn down the opportunity to stuff you full of himself.
• surprisingly decent at aftercare.
• he'll make sure youre mostly clean and get some water for you both before he stuffs you under his arm like a teddy bear to cuddle.
• hes surprised when you first ask to have sex with him on your period.
• he didnt think he would be very into it at first but the seemingly deeper intimacy of it...
• and the way youre so much more weak and pliant for him when youre like this... it does something to him.
• something clicks in him that hes gotta take care of you.
• only you.
• he's reluctant to eat you out, but he'll do it while looking up at you to make sure youre enjoying it.
• hes careful with foreplay and even more careful with the main event.
• the tenderness of the moment will probably make him cry, he feels so connected to you like this.
• doesnt even let himself savor his own release (if he even cums at all, your pleasure is so much more important in this moment) before he trips over himself to get you snacks and water and pain meds and anything he could possibly think to make you more comfortable.
• make sure to cuddle him tight and give him a big thank you kiss for all his hard work.
• he might cry again, hes just so full of love right now.
• on one hand, he thinks its kinda dirty and filthy.
• but on the other hand... hes kinda into the dirty and filthy aspect.
• he doesnt eat you out, but if you really beg him, he'll make his string clone do it while he holds you.
• even if its not the real doffy, his tongue alone makes you melt into a puddle on the mattress.
• as soon as you've cum enough for his liking, he'll shove the clone out of the way and get to work on stretching you open for himself.
• hes not very comforting, but he'll make sure youre more than satisfied so long as he gets satisfaction too.
• is decent enough to let you adjust to him but his patience does have a limit, so hurry up and relax for him already, hes got other things he needs to get done today.
• hes not as gentle as you want him to be, but he'll get you to the finish line even if you cant keep his pace.
• having you so sensitive and compliant for him like this makes him all the more cocky (unfortunately).
• heavy on the teasing dirty talk.
• "so weak and helpless for me, pet... what would you even do without me here to take care of you?"
• always makes you cum hard on his cock; if you squirt, all the better for his ego.
• he has to admit, something stirs in his gut when he sees your blood dripping out alongside his cum.
• not very hands-on with the aftercare portion; it truthfully wigs him out being that vulnerable, even if its you.
• he'll send a maid in to help you clean up with anything that you might need or ask for.
• what really surprises you is the pretty bouquet that comes in along with the other aftercare items.
• ...
• it doesnt happen very often, but he'll stay to cuddle with you for a little bit before the maid comes if you manage to grab him before he leaves- you dont even have to say anything for him to know what you want.
• he supposes he can indulge you sometimes.
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sentientfunfetti · 11 months
killer!wally/reader hcs
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(killer wally and his au were made by @itskorrychang on tumblr and twitter! go support their work!)
when you two first meet, he’s wary of you and a lot more aggressive. that is until you show that you’re not a threat. it takes a while, but when he finally does fall for you he’s head over heels. to the point you can’t leave his sight. he follows you everywhere.
due to the fear of you abandoning him, and him being all alone again, it’s only natural that he takes steps to make sure that just won’t happen. let it be locking doors, hiding keys, not answering questions. he hates lying, but if it makes you stay the he’s all for it. some things are better kept secret, after all.
speaking of questions: he loves both asking and answering them…but everyone has their limits. unfortunately for you, you tend to reach that limit very easily. if you ask too many too much, he’ll just…stare at you. eyes wide. pupils dilated. lips pressed into a thin line. silent…then carry on as if nothing happened! try not to push his buttons too much. he’s not above putting his pallet knife to use…
can’t imagine a world without you. you’re the kindest neighbor ever, after all!
loves everything about you. especially your eyes. eye contact was a bit hard for him after he lost one of his own, but after you showed up and showed you were accepting of that fact, oh boy did he love that. he loves your eyes, the color, the way they widen when your surprised…the fact you have both of them…
paints you religiously. he doesn’t even need you to model anymore. it seems like every time you turn around theres a new piece, or doodle of you somewhere.
more than anything, he just loves having you around. you brighten his day, make him smile, ease the pain of loneliness. you’re just so sweet. you make him feel warm and fuzzy. he can’t get enough of you.
as soon as you break down his walls, he’d do anything for you. anything. draw blood, trash all of his paintings, take his other eye. anything. all he wants to do is make you smile. make you stay. make you want him. he still doesn’t fully understand romance, or love, but all he knows is that you make him feel something new. something good.
if you two fight, he immediately comes to you apologizing. he’d break into sobs if you didn’t forgive him, and immediately beg you to stay. don’t leave him. if you refuse…well…
in short, he would make you stay if he needed to. he can’t have his favorite neighbor leaving so soon! he’d tie you up to a chair, and feed you everyday. he’d take good care of you. he’d let you out one day if you promise not to try and leave again. if not, then, it’s back to the chair! womp womp!
also loves the fact you’re taller than him. loves when you pick him up and move him around, the fact you have to look down at him, the fact you can cradle him so easily in your arms, he loves sleeping with you, and watching you sleep. you look so peaceful…
speaking of sleep. he’s plagued by nightmares and night terrors (yes those two things are separate things and conditions). you wake up to him screaming and kicking frequently, begging for his late neighbors to stay, for them to stop. at first, you were to afraid to comfort him, or wake him up, but after a bit you began to hold him close, whispering that it was just a dream in his ear as you watch his body relax.
he loves watching you sleep. when he wakes up from nightmares in the middle of the night and you aren’t woken up by his tossing and turning, he just sits up and watches over you. he feels nice knowing that you and him are safe there, together. you’re safe with him. always.
sometimes, he enjoys taking care of you too. he’ll sing to you as you fall asleep, tell you stories, teach you how to draw, anything that puts a smile on your face and makes your day.
when you two aren’t painting or overall just hanging out together, one of his favorite things to do is cuddle you. he loves feeling your body against his (not like that calm down), and he loves looking into your eyes while you two cuddle. more than anything, he loves listening to your heartbeat. it’s something he lacks, and he’s fascinated by it.
he’s fascinated about everything biological with you. one thing he can’t seem to grasp is the fact you can eat…like actually eat. with your mouth. he gasped when he first saw you bite into one of the apples he gave you. he also loves how squishy you are. the feeling of your skin is different than his fuzzy skin. he lets you ask your questions about his anatomy too…as long as you don’t ask too much.
has frequent hallucinations, and episodes where he becomes frantic, irritated and paranoid. sometimes he accuses you of hurting his friends, and taking them away. as scary as it is, you take the time to calm him down, get the knife away from him, and remind him that you’re here for him. that you care. be appreciates this, and most times takes a nap afterwards having spent all his energy tearing the studio apart looking for his friends.
wants to introduce you to Barnaby one day…or at least what’s left of him. doesn’t allow you into the other neighbors houses AT ALL. “neighbor…it’s rude to go into other peoples houses without knocking…naughty naughty…!”
at the end of the day, he’s harmless. as long as you stick around and make sure he’s in high spirits, this can only end well!
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author’s note ⊹˚. ♡
just wanted to do some killer wally hcs. i absolutely love this little guy! such a silly little fellow! wahoo!
anyway, i have a few requests to do and some more of my own hcs i wanna do. if you have any requests, don’t be afraid to request them! until then :3
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mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
Without You
Rating: Teen and Up audiences
Archive warnings: None
Characters: Francis Mosses, Original Characters
Tags: Unrequited Love, heartbreak, Song: Without You (Strawberry Guy), Crushes, Unrequited Crushes, Francis Mosses has sensory issues (briefly mentioned), minor blood and injury, Francis deals with the qualms of being a retail worker (kinda), men crying, emotional hurt, hurt/no comfort, not beta read, Reader is gender neutral.
Word count: 1,800 (rounded down)
Summary: Francis wasnt having a good time.
And you're not about to make it any better
Also posted on Ao3
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Francis sighed solomly as he gripped the now empty milk carrier. Hard enough to leave imprints on his hand and whiten his knuckles.
His black leather shoes clicked and clacked against the cold, concrete sidewalk. The sunset painting everything around him in a golden light. It'd be nighttime soon.
He lifted his free hand to his head and clutched his sweaty hair from underneath his hat. He was so tired. He just wanted to get home and sleep.
But he mostly just wanted to talk to you.
Even if you only really talked through that thick, protective window, youd been making more and more conversation with eachother each time you spoke, getting to know eachother more and more each day.
It wasnt long before Francis' lovesick brain fell head over heels.
It was everything about you. The way you looked, with a smile rivaling the warmth of the sun, and just as dangerous to his heart and mind. You always seemed to know exactly what to say to him to pull at his heart like a puppet on a string.
If he didnt know any better, hed say you were doing it on purpose.
He wouldnt mind either way.
Francis slugged up to the reception window, a weight lifted off of him at the sight of you at your desk.
He pushed his ID and Entry Request inside the letterbox for you to receive, planting his hands on the metal shelf jutting out of the wall just below the window; watching you expectantly with a simultaneous aching and soothing feeling in his heart.
After a minute of shuffling papers and opening folders, you look up at him.
"Hello, Francie." You smiled warmly at him.
There it was.
That nickname.
God how it made his heart swell. 
Such a cute nickname
and it was just for him, gifted from you.
"How's your day been?" You tilted your head slightly at him, setting down and organizing his identification and sliding his profile back into the appropriate folder.
Francis looked at you for a second before frowning. "Not great." He sighed as he shook his head softly, looking down at his shoes.
Your eyebrows knit together in concern, a frown adorning your lips.
"I'm sorry, Francie. What happened, if you dont mind me asking?" Your voice was so warm and soft as you leaned in closer to the window.
It made Francis' heart flutter for a second before he had to think back to all that had happened earlier.
"It's just a lot of little things building up. I'm probably more upset about it than I should be." Francis looked down at his hands, and then up to you.
The expression on his face was just killing your heart. 
"Im all ears." You speak softly as you push your chair in closer to your desk, and by extension, the window.
"If theres anything you need to say, then say it. Its always nice to get things off your chest, dont you think?" You smile softly at him, pushing your chair closer to your desk, and closer to the window by extension.
"Are you sure?" Francis looked around, almost worried. Surely he'd be taking up your time on your job if he did that, right?
"I have all the time in the world-- and I'd rather be talking to you than anything else right now." You assured, that deadly warm smile on your lips again.
The words made Francis feel warm and soft.
A small smile appeared on his face for a brief, fleeting moment. 
 Francis stared at you for a moment, as if asking for approval to speak.
You nod.
He sighed, looking down at the metal shelf infront of him as his ungloves hands tapped at it, wondering where to begin.
"Its just- work has been just awful today.  Someone had left their dog outside, as soon as it saw me it wouldn't stop chasing me, i tried to run away, but it eventually caught up to me and bit my leg.
It wouldnt let go until I had to pry it off of me. And even then it didn't leave me alone for awhile. Not until it's owners came back to take it off of me." 
You frowned, trying to open your mouth to speak, but Francis kept talking.
"And because of that dog, i dropped and broke multiple milk bottles on the sidewalk. So after the dog got taken off of me, i tried picking up the glass since I didn't want anybody accidentally stepping on it because of me, but the shards cut me. Badly. Even through my gloves."
He held his hand up to the window for you to see. There were bloodied bandages wrapped around his hand, and several smaller cuts on his bare fingers. 
You cringe at the sight.
"I had to take them off to clean the wounds, and everything has just been sensory hell ever since." Francis' face draws to a grimace.
"And to make things worse, I had to deal with people yelling at me for being incompetent for losing their deliveries."
He clenched his jaw, his expression doesn't look anything but sad.
"Even though it wasn't even my fault. I'm not the one who left their dog outside. And just to top it off, I've had a horrible migrane all day, and It's just-" He inhales and groans,  collapsing onto the metal shelf infront of him.
"I just want to take a break. I just want to rest."
He mumbles as he tucks his face into his folded arms.
Silence, for a moment.
"Francie........... That's awful-- I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?" You frown sympathetically as you push you chair forward even more, squishing yourself against your desk and placing a hand on the window infront of you.
Francis lifted his head to look up at your hand, and then at you.
"I think talking to you and going to sleep is  enough for me to feel better." Francis smiled briefly before registering what he'd said, casting his gaze anywhere but you after he realized what he'd spoken.
You laugh softly. "If you say so."
Silence for a bit, as Francis regains his composure.
He lifts himself up, slowly propping himself on his elbows on the shelf, leaning his head on his knuckles, huffing out a breath of air.
"...How was your day?" He asks after a beat, head tilted curiously.
You smile, retracting your hand from the window. "My days been pretty slow, but im meeting someone later, so im pretty excited for that."
Meeting someone?
Francis blinked for a second. His expression faltering to a look of sadness for just a moment.
No. Surely you didnt mean it like that.
"Meeting someone...?" He echoed.
"Mhm." You smiled softly at the thought. "We met just a few days ago. He seems pretty nice, I'm excited to get to know him more." You lean your head on your hand, mirroring the man behind the glass.
"A-ah.......... Congratulations." Francis did his best to refrain from letting any indication of his emotions fall upon his face as he straightened himself out; but he couldn't help but frown. 
"Francie? Are you alright?" You tilted your head the slightest bit, voice a catalyst of concern for the man standing on the other side of the thick, protective glass. 
"Mhm. I just remembered something. Apologies." He held the brim of his cap between his pointer and thumb, pulling it down over his eyes the slightest bit to avoid looking at you. But he really couldn't help himself.
"Oh, alright. Is there, uh, anything I can help you with?" Your voice was calm and careful in a way that just broke poor Francies heart even more. "About what you remembered- I mean." 
"No, no. It's fine. Thanks for the offer." He shook his head softly, forcing a small smile as he looked down at the shelf infront of him.
"Of course, Francie." Your eyebrows knit together in concern. "Just let me know if there's anything I can do for you. You can tell me anything." 
"Mhm. Thank you." Francis took a quick glance at the door, before looking back in your direction-- though nowhere near directly at you. You put together he was probably signaling to you that he wanted to leave now.
"I'll see you tommorow?" Your voice was soft, sweet, a delicacy and a curse to Francis' ears.
There was a light buzzing noise as you pressed the button to unlock the main entrance. 
"Mhm. Goodbye." He waved at you softly, only actually looking into your eyes for a brief, fleeting moment before walking away. 
"Goodbye........." You spoke quietly, a soft pit in your stomach as you watched Francis dissappear through the doors.
You were so caught off guard by his sudden change in behavior you nearly forgot to lock the door again.
He usually liked to stay for as long as he could.
Was it something you said?
You frowned, leaning back in your chair and fidgeting with some papers.
You'd have to ask him about it tomorrow.
Again began the waiting for your neighbors to return to their apartments.
Francis opened his apartment door with shaking hands, keys jingling as they were set on his kitchen counter.
With a heavy sigh, he flicked on his lamp, enveloping the room in a warm yellow glow, trying to keep his composure.
Slowly but surely he kicked off his shoes, grabbing and throwing his hat onto his dresser.
Just as he was about to unbutton his uniform he was hit with a sudden disgusting, sickening feeling in his chest as tears welled up in his eyes.
He shook his head, eyes squinting involuntary as he let himself fall onto his bed.
He lied there, staring at the ceiling, trying to ignore anything he was feeling.
But no matter how many times he tried, something still peeked through.
He inhaled sharply through his nose as he flipped himself over onto his stomach, nestling his face into his soft pillows.
The feeling in his chest was too intense to bear, he could feel his breath become sporadic, unsure if it was because his face was buried in his pillows or otherwise.
He inhaled sharply once more, this time followed followed by a small Hic as his throat began to close up.
No, no, he wasn't going to cry. It's not that big of a deal. He's fine. He should be happy for you if anything.
But. With everything that happened up until that point. He really couldn't help himself from letting his emotions get the best of him.
Hot tears soaked into his pillow as his hands clutched at his hair violently, hissing in pain as his wounds flexed open.
He grits his teeth, another hic escaping his lips as he opened his eyes into the pillow.
Nothing but a warm, yellowish void.
 He pushed himself up and flipped onto his side, curling into himself, yanking a blanket over his shoulders before clutching his head, throbbing in a burning pain once again as he cried quietly.
He didn't even turn off the lamp before he'd passed out.
Silent, steady breathing, wet cheeks illuminated by the soft yellow light of his lamp. 
Tired eyes, finally getting their well deserved rest. 
An aching heart, beating slowly, deep inside his chest.
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waffles-art-writing · 2 years
JOKER - Task Force 141 x Reader
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First post - please ignore any mistakes as I write this on my phone at like midnight most of the time haha. Be Nice :’). Anyway, enjoy! Sorry if any of the slang or anything like that is wrong. I’ve never lived there (I’m in Australia)
GIF: thewriterg
Proofread: Half-assed proof-read sorry.
I got inspo for this from the song “Joker -Rory Webley”.
Summary: Joker (you) gets captured on a mission. Ghost and Soap search high and low for you as Gaz and Price gain as much information as they can about the man they suspect has taken you. Will you make it out and get back to your team?
Pairing: Task Force 141!Platonic x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.4K Roughly - kinda long sorry
Age Rating: 16+ Preferably, unless you can handle goreish stuff- otherwise anyone can read it
Codename: JOKER
Key: Y/N - Your Name, Y/N/N - Nickname. L/N - Last Name
Warning/Info: third person??, descriptions of injury, blood, weapons, normal COD stuff, mentions of Torture, Kidnapping, Childhood trauma, angst?? I think… FLUFF, Soft!Ghost. If theres anything I need to add please say so :)
EDIT: If this gets enough traction or if you guys want! I am more than happy to make a part two or turn it into a whole mini series :) Thanks for all the likes and reblogs <3 (Here’s the part Two)
The rolling thunder in the distance rumbles, you can feel it through the ground. The air is thick with the feeling of rain, but not a single drop has touched the dry and dusty earth you are currently laying on. You’re watching the rest of the team work their way through the small village, your thermal scope making them glow like glow sticks at a rave. “Joker, how copy?” Price’s voice crackles to life in your ear, you press the button on the comms to reply. “Hear you loud an’ clear Cap” you reply, clicking the button to the pressed position to keep the comms open, you’re watching Ghost and Soap clean house in one of the larger ruins of a house.
“Do you ‘ave eyes on the target yet?” Price’s stern voice rumbles in your ear again. You adjust the scope to get a larger field of view, scanning all the windows in the dilapidated village. Your eyes narrow as you watch a figure poke their head around a wall not far from Ghost and Soap’s position. “Not yet Sir, but there's a shifty guy looking for Ghost and Soap” you comment “Ghost do a one eighty… some guy is looking for you from the building with a red door.” You pick up a low grunt in response from Ghost as Price acknowledges what you’ve said. You’re zoned in on watching any and all movement not yet spotting who you are looking for.
Sweat forms on your brow as you continue watching for any shifty people, the balaclava you wear has red paint smeared on it like a smile like the joker from Batman, the fabric is not helping with the heat. The faint sound of dirt shifting draws your attention from the scope, you push yourself to your knees while spinning around to face the source of the sound. Your glock raises steadily as you lift your arms in front of yourself, the pounding of your heart is deafening, blood pumping quickly, breathing quickens. You scan your surroundings, you’ve perched yourself just in front of a moderately sized group of boulders, shrouded in twiggy bushes.
The little amount of sun casts harsh shadows on the ground as you rock yourself up into a crouched position, your feet light on the ground as you stay close to the boulders. Your breathing falters as you see a shadow not matching up to a group of bushes and rocks in front of you. You whip around to the sound of more footsteps, your vision blurs, you feel your body go numb, black spots decorating your vision like snowfall. The faint sound of Ghost’s stern voice and Soap’s concern calls can be heard as your vision fades to nothing.
“Joker, do you have a visual?” Ghost asks as he looks over the wall he’s crouched behind, Soap just a few feet away. “Joker? Lass, can you hear us?” Soap barks out as he looks over his shoulder towards Ghost, his brows knitted together as he watches Ghost try reaching you again. “Price! Can you reach Joker?” Soap quickly questions through the comms, his mind running a thousand miles a minute as he tries to figure out what happened to you. “You two need to get the fuck out of there now, Joker’s been compromised.” Price barks through the radio, his voice commanding as ever as he himself looks over to Gaz who is desperately trying to figure out why you're not responding. “What?” Soap breathes out as he looks up towards the hill you were perched on, trying to see if you’re still there but to no avail. Ghost is quick as he spits out commands to Soap to follow him to the rendezvous spot you all agreed on if something went south.
“Sir, the locator she has is saying she’s still where she was before the comms went dark.” Gaz states as he types furiously across the keyboard, his eyes flicking between maps and coordinates. “The fuck is going on Gaz?” Price asks as he looks over the younger man’s shoulder. Price runs a hand down his face as he watches the white dot on the map blink, his heart skips a beat when he watches the light go out completely. “Fuck! No, no, no. Come on” Gaze mumbles as he tries to get the locator back online, his attempts falling short of the goal he wishes he reached. “Ghost, Soap, can you see Joker anywhere at all?” Price curses under his breath as he watches Ghost and Soap’s lights nearing the rendezvous spot. “Nothing… What the fuck is going on Gaz?!” Soap sneers down the line, Ghost staying quiet as he looks around, looking where you would’ve been coming from up on the ridge line.
“I don’t know, her locator is offline.”
“I thought you couldn’t turn ‘em off without smashin’ ‘em or disconnectin’ from our comms?” Soap growls out.
“You can turn them off if you know the correct button order but they are hard to get to without the proper tools”
“What do ya mean Gaz?” Ghost questions.
Gaz rubs his brow as he looks at the map again. “She either had to have the patience to disconnect it without breaking it, or someone broke it…” his words hang heavy over everyone’s head, everyone knows you’re not the patient kind, nor are you one to smash her own locator without telling them beforehand or without good reason.
“She’s been taken…” Soap’s voice cuts through the silence, everyone knows deep down that's what has happened yet they don’t want to believe it. “You two go search where she was, try to find anything you can on what happened to her. We need to get her back.” Price growls out, he marches out of the room where he was with Gaz, his footsteps echoing around the building.
Your heart is thumping, body aching, throat dry as the Sahara Desert. Your eyes hurt like they have been stabbed with nails. A small groan escapes you as you attempt to move, nothing happens. Your vision is blurry as you look down at yourself, noticing the rope around your wrists and ankles, securely tied to the chair you have the opportunity to sit in. “Wha- What the hell…” your voice is scratchy, hoarse, but clear. Your head snaps up, your eyes widening as you notice the balaclava you hardly ever took off is now missing, it's gone, your face on full display. “Welcome to the waking world Joker… or should we call you Y/N?” Your breath hitches as the voice sounds out from behind you.
You attempt to look at the man who spoke, your attempt failing as a hand comes to grip your hair holding your head forward. “Get your hands off me!” You scream, attempting to loosen yourself from the binds and get away from the bastard that's behind you. “Oh don’t be so harsh now” “Get your fuckin’ hands off of me you bastard!” “Now, now Y/N don’t be so… callous” his voice drips with a sickly sweet tone, your skin crawling as you watch him walk around to the front of you. You stare at him, brows furrowed, jaw clenched as you see it is the same man you were tasked with finding and killing.
“Cat got your tongue?” His eyes roam your body, the shirt you are wearing now sticking to you from sweat, your combat pants covered in dirt just like your shirt. Boots gone. “My eyes are up here you arsehole” you sneer as you watch his eyes trail back up to yours. They are dark, not dark like Ghost’s cold and calculating stare. They are dark like a man with sinister intentions, a predator who’s on the verge of snapping and turning into a hellbent rabid dog.
“Why are ya doing this? If you want information ye ain’t getting it outta me you sick bastard. You’re just a coward hiding behind a name.” Your voice darkens as you stare him down “You won’t even survive five seconds out there if it weren’t for yer’ guards or yer’ stupid little posse that kisses the earth ya walk on!” The man stares at you, his movements blur in the low light of the dark room. The cold blade of a knife traces along your cheek. “I wonder how you got these scars…” his voice trails off as he follows the pale scar that runs along the apple of your left cheek going towards your nose. The scar is from your early years in the armed forces, you were sparring with a fellow comrade which ended up with you face in the dirt and cutting your cheek on the end of the rough mat you were on.
“How about this one?” The tip of the knife pushes against the corner of your mouth, a small scar going to the side, almost like it’s extending your smile by a fraction. You’ve had it since you were young, you were using a stake knife, you were playing around with the knife and using it like a fork. Your parents were out and they left a steak for the babysitter to cook, yet the sitter was distracted by her phone. You accidentally moved the knife slicing the corner of your mouth open. Your parents ended up scolding you while you sat on a bed in the overnight section of the local doctors surgery.
“That’s none of ya fucking business” you sneer as you lean away from the blade. “Well I’ll now know where this one will come from, hold still… let’s match the joker smile that’s on your mask to your pretty little face shall we?” “No, no no no no no no!”
Boots splash in the puddles of mud, rain falling heavily from the clouds overhead, grumbles of curses can be heard throughout the group as they march through the drenched ground. Soap is quick to push the door to the safe house open, Gaz not far behind, followed by Price, Ghost a few strides out. Price immediately heads to the wall decorated in maps and sheets of information, Gaz opening the laptop on the closest surface. Soap looks over to Ghost. His shoulders rigid, eyes set in a hard stare, hand in tight hold around the strap of the rifle case you decorated with patches from all the places you’ve been.
The gun was gone, you were gone, but the case was still there sitting in the dirt.
Soap and Ghost looked around the area you were in, just as they were getting close, the clouds opened up the heavy rain fell, it drenched the earth quickly like a burst fire hydrant. Ghost was the one to spot the case hap-hazardly thrown into the bushes off to the side. Ghost knew you adored making at least something personalised, make it seem less… daunting…
Ghost places the case on the table, keeping a hand on it as Soap steps up next him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “The lass is probably already on her way back to us L.T…” Soap quietly states, his voice low. “She’s strong… she’ll be back with us in no time”. Ghost looks to Soap out the corner of his eye, watching the Scotsman walk off towards Price. “She better…” His voice is low, a small hint of worry dancing in his tone as he runs a gloved hand over the patches on the case.
The taste of iron rests on your tongue. Blood.
Throbbing, stinging pain burns across your face. Pain.
The burning feeling of aching muscles flows through your legs, arms, back… Just everywhere.
All you see is red, the colour of blood, the smell of death. The corpses of men littler the corridor you stand in, the men that once beat you to a bloody pulp, talked down upon you like you’re some barnyard rat.
Sound of blood rushing fills your head. Your feet drag across the ground as you limp over the dead men towards the door, the door that leads to the outside world, to your escape, to your freedom… to your team.
Rain, water, cool air, wet ground. You let the rain run down your face, your hair a tousled mess as it clings to your forehead. From sweat? From rain or from blood? You don’t know and you don’t care as you stumble through the slippery mud. Your mind is flooded with the desire to get somewhere warm and dry, to be surrounded by your team, your friends, your found family.
The dark silhouette of the safe house can be seen amongst the other small village buildings, the safe house isn’t far from where the mission was taking place, it was for convenience. It was just over half an hour by car, but by foot it was just over seven hours of nonstop walking. Your feet are red with blisters from walking across the earth. You were lucky enough to find a quad bike off to the side of the run down building you were held in, but it quickly ran out of gas within the first 10 minutes of riding it. You were close to giving up right there and then, you were barely able to stay upright, your grip on the handlebars was almost non-existent. You dumped the dead bike in a ditch, not giving a shit about how out of place it looked.
Four hours of nonstop walking, rain, mud, wind and the occasional moments of running to avoid being spotted by someone driving past.
Tears rim your eyes as you approach the front door of the safe house, inputting the code in the keypad, your breathing ragged as you nudge the door, the creaking of hinges sounding out, muttering can be heard from behind the door leading into the main common room. Using your good shoulder, the doors open quickly and the voices go silent as they turn to the sound of the doors opening. Your eyes are half lidded, your right hand clutching your left bicep. “I-.. I’m sorry…” your voice comes out mumbled, your legs quiver as you feel yourself tipping forwards.
Ghost turns to the doors, his back once to them, his eyes widened as he sees your tired, bloodied and dirty face. “I-.. I’m sorry…” his feet moving before he even realises he’s moving, Soap right behind him. “I’ve got you kid, I’ve got you…” he mumbles as his arms wrap around your waist, his grip firm but careful to not hurt you any further. “Lass…” Soap’s voice is soft as he approaches you and Ghost. Your face is pushed up against Ghost’s chest, blood still dripping down your face. Your hands clutch to Ghost’s tactical vest, the rough surface rubbing against the deep gashes that drag heavily across your cheeks. “J-Johnny…” you whimper out as your hazy eyes focus on the blue eyed Scotsman next to you. “I’m here Lass, don’t worry.”
Only you and Ghost have the pleasure of calling the ruthless Sergeant Soap MacTavish ‘Johnny’.
Everything around you is muffled, nothing is coherent enough for your fizzled mind to make out. You feel your body get scooped out from under you, your head leans into the junction of Ghost’s neck and shoulder. His broad frame keeps you stable and warm, Soap is rushing ahead to the kitchen moving everything out of the way on the small island bench. “Shit, kid, what did they do to you…” Price curses, his question comes out more like a statement. “I… I didn’t tell... I didn’t s-say… anything” your mumbled words slur as you lean into Ghost more. “Don’t close your eyes L/N. Keep those pretty eyes open.”
‘Did he call my eyes pretty?’
You whimper when Ghost places you on the kitchen island, grabbing the med kit from Gaz who was running in from getting it from the bathroom. Price is standing to your right, Gaz next to him. Ghost to your left, while Soap wraps a tourniquet around your left thigh.
“We gotta cut your pants lass, I know you like these ones” Soap chuckles lightly as opens the pant leg up to your thigh. He’s quick to clean the bullet wound that marks your flesh. Ghost has gone quiet, his whole body rigid from head to toe, his hands working quickly to rip open your shirt, not hesitating to run his hands gently down your ribs. “Gaz, get a bowl of warm water” Soap barks out as he realises what state your feet are in, his touch is firm but careful.
Your body feels numb, the men around you are fuzzy, your eyes roam Price’s face as he holds your shoulders down when Soap says he’s gonna have to dig the bullet out. You don’t move, other than a pained and strained cry leaves you as you feel Soap pulling the bullet out. It wasn’t too deep. Thank god.
“Joker, look at me girl. Keep your eyes on me, that's it sweetheart.” Price’s voice is stern, commanding, as he desperately tries to keep you awake. “I’m sorry C- Cap…” Price shakes with his head lightly, a small smirk playing on his lips. “I know, kid, I know. You just need to keep talking, okay? Can you do that?” You nod your head slightly, cringing when Ghost touches a bruised rib while applying anti-inflammatory cream to it, hoping to ease the pain. “Ow- you arse…” you mumble as you glance at Ghost, who’s eyes squint slightly like he’s smirking. “M’sorry, keep your eyes on Price for me.” He says gently as he takes a damp cloth to your cheek. You flinch away harshly, tears falling down your face even quicker now. The adrenaline is wearing off quickly, the pain from everything is bubbling to the surface.
“No. No no no” you whimper out as you try to hide your face away from Ghost’s touch. Price and Ghost swap positions naturally. You glance up at Ghost whose face is now upside down when he looks at you, your eyes blurry with tears. “Kid… Love, you gotta look at me. I need to clean your face to see where you’re bleeding from.” His voice is muffled by the Balaclava, and hard skull mask adorning the dark fabric.
“He- He said let’s m-match the mask… make my f-face match my mask… he-” your pained voice states, tears streaming down your face, Price’s grip on your hand and shoulder tightens. Gaz’s hand’s still from cleaning the cuts and scrapes around your ankles and feet. Soap halts his bandaging of your thigh, they all stare at you with stormy eyes, filled with rage. Ghost’s hands cup your jaw gently, his fingers twitching with adrenaline from the rage, his eyes darken as he stares into your teary and puffy eyes. “I’m gonna fucking kill him…” he sneers lowly, your voice sounds like a small kitten when you speak.
“You can’t….” “Why can’t he kill ‘em Lass?” Soap questions as he secures the bandage around your thigh. “He’s… he’s already dead… I killed him.” Your voice breaks when a sob racks through your body. “He’s dead, in a puddle of his own blood… I killed him…” you repeat, “… he’s unrecognisable now…” you lift your hand to place it on Ghost’s forearm. Your hands shake as you do so, Ghost snaps out of whatever trance of rage and concern he was in. He nods his head, Price has gone to call for a medic evac, Gaz and Soap continue cleaning any other wounds you have.
You lean into Ghost’s touch, allowing him to clean one side of your face at a time. The gashes are reasonably deep, not deep enough feel from the inside of your cheeks thankfully. “I can’t stitch these L/N… the doctor will have to do that. All I can do is cover them with gauze and tape…” he sounds sorry, only slightly, his eyes still burning with anger but there is some softness of concern in them. “Just… just do what you can Ghost…” the man nods as he gently sits you up, allowing him to see if the wounds will bleed when you are up right.
You sit there, eyes heavy and dull. The dried tear stains are still on your cheeks as Ghost gently applies antiseptic cream and gauze, followed by medical tape. You wince at his touch. You feel like you just got your wisdom teeth removed, your head cloudy, your face aching, eyes sore.
“Ghost the heli will be here in five minutes, is she ready to move?” Price barks out as he walks over. Gaz and Soap throwing anything dirty and used away in the trash. Ghost looks from Price to you, his eyes scanning your body from head to toe. Noticing the skin around your ribs already turning a dark blue and purple. That’s gonna hurt. Your hands shake as you push yourself to stand on the ground, as soon as your feet touch the ground your knees give way.
Ghost is clutching you to his chest, you whimper as you clutch to him like your life depends on it. “Doesn’t look like it, Sir.” Ghost states as he keeps his arms under your arms, to keep you upright. “Well, gotta carry her then.” Ghost just nods as he leans back, making you look up at him. “Johnny’s gonna carry you okay?” Ghost states as he sees Soap approach you two, one of his shirts in hand and a blanket. “… O-... Okay…” You look over at Soap and let one of your hands reach out to him, doing a grabby-hand motion.
The Scotsman chuckles as he moves over, slipping the spare shirt around your head, slipping your arms through it gently. Ghost wraps the blanket around your shoulders, making sure you’re snug once you’re in Soap’s arms. “Comfy there Lass?” His low chuckle makes you smile as you lean into him more, letting your eyes close. “Yeah… just tired…” you mumble as you nuzzle into his neck, his cologne comforting you in a way. “Don’t sleep just yet, we gotta get you outta here.” He states as he walks to the door, following Gaz and Price. Ghost behind you with your belongings and Soaps rifle and his own. “Keep talkin’ to us, love.” Ghost states as he makes eye contact with you, you nod your head gently. The sound of the chopper overhead is loud, the wind from the blades and the rain makes you bring the blanket up more, making you curl in on yourself.
“Can they go any fuckin’ slower?” Soap laughs at your complaint about waiting for the chopper to land. “I don’t think so or they would stall Lass.” You chuckle with Soap as he tightens his grip on you as you approach the chopper, a medic is there waiting, you groan as you realise that Soap has to put you down. You wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly to show you don't want to be out down. “No.” The medic looked at you confused, she was ready to help you with your injuries. “Lass we gotta put-” “No. No. No.” You cower further into Soap’s chest as you see the medic reach for you. “Fuck off!” You growl, Soap’s arms wrap around you further as he gets comfortable in the chopper. Ghost sits next to him, Price is up by the pilot, Gaz on the other side of Soap.
The ride back to the main base of operations is quick, there's mostly silence amongst everyone, other than the medic who keeps asking questions about your injuries. Soap mainly answers, Ghost pitching in when needed. The whole time you kept your face hidden in Soap’s shoulder or neck, keeping the blanket up by your face.
You wouldn't let go of Soap until you were in the medical wing, laying on a bed. But even then you wanted at least one of the boys to be in the room. The nurses and head medic came in and out the entire time, asking questions upon questions, preparing you for further treatment of your condition. You eventually fell asleep after getting some pain medication and proper medical attention to all the injuries.
But when it came to stitching up the gashes that made you look like the real-life Joker from Batman, you requested Ghost or Soap to be there. They both ended up being in the room, Ghost and Soap were standing to your left, your face turned towards them, having the left side already dealt with and covered. The head medic did whatever he could to help lessen the scarring. Ghost was like a brick wall, unmoving, cold eyes as he watched the medic. Soap was letting you play with his hands, and fingers, which allowed him to play with yours in return.
Blinding lights.
The smell of cleaning products.
Beeping. Bloody Beeping.
Your eyes crack open, your nose scrunching as the blinding lights flood your vision. Your head feels heavy, and your body aches. You hear the sound of the heart monitor and another softer sound. You look around the small room, three figures can be found in the room. Soap and Gaz leaning their heads on the bed. Your right hand is held in Soap’s as he snores softly, Gaz leaning on his arms that are crossed on the bed, out cold. Ghost in the armchair in the dark corner of the room, his chin to his chest, safe to say he’s probably asleep. The door to the room opens softly, you see Price closing the door with his foot.
He smiles when he sees you awake, he approaches and places two paper cups on the table next to you. His hand falls to your shoulder, a light squeeze in greeting. You smile up at him, your free hand wrapping around his. “Got you some juice, they said not hot liquid for a week…” he mumbles softly as he hands you the paper cup. “Thanks, Cap.” You softly say, barely above a whisper, your voice scratchy from just waking up. “Those two-“ Price points to Soap and Ghost “-have been here the whole time, Gaz got up to get food for them but otherwise he's been here most of the time.” “And you?” “I came just after you passed out, Laswell sends her regards as well.” You nod in acknowledgment, your eyes finding sudden interest in the liquid in your cup.
“You did good kid, I’m proud of you.” You look up to Price who is now sipping his coffee, tears form in your eyes as you nod your head. “Drink your juice kid, get some sleep too.” He states as he ruffles your hair.
You are safe, protected, inside, warm and dry. Surrounded by your team, your friends, your found family.
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robinsfilm · 2 months
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Masterlist. Navigation.
Summary: In which two confused individuals try to pick up the pieces of themselves slowly, but together.
Pairing: Jason Todd x GN!Reader
Warnings: Gore, blood, description of harm and injury, panic attacks, manipulative behaviour, angst, fighting, explosions, don't worry theres fluff, reader has a life outside of jason, paramedic!reader, imposter syndrome, complicated family dynamics (not only the bat fam).
Notes: probably my favourite chapter, its finally coming together!!
Word count: 1.7k.
04:56 AM. Jason pushes himself off the old couch and shuffles to the window. The sun isn't up yet, but it will be soon if he doesn't hurry. He needs to leave now. Checking out that warehouse is his top priority.
Jason needs to remind himself this is just a stakeout. There isn't someone or something waiting for him, poised to catch him unguarded at just the right moment.
The thoughts don't help much in soothing his nerves. Worry spreads like a disease, incurable and deep into his skin. It festers, infecting the flesh and corrupting his mind. He has thought of numerous ways this can go wrong, and countless ways he can overcome it. Jason is meticulous. He has scrutinized every last detail: where to enter, where to leave, secondary entrance, secondary exit.
This can't go wrong. Not again, he tells himself.
The dim light from the malfunctioning street lamps seeps through the cracks in the windows. The air is thick with a mix of dampness and the lingering scent of decay.
Jason, now donning the mask of Red Hood, moves through the streets of Crime Alley. The tension in the air is palpable, as if the alley itself is alive and breathing, holding its breath for the next act of violence.
Rats scurry through the garbage-strewn alleyways. People huddle around fires for warmth, clutching their clothes closer to their bodies. Some squint their eyes at him, recognizing who walks the path and nodding in acknowledgment. A few "Hey, Red" reach his ears.
He keeps walking, each step measured and deliberate, the weight of his mission pressing down on him like a heavy shroud. His heart pounds in his chest, a relentless drumbeat that echoes the anxiety coursing through his veins. Every shadow feels like a threat, every distant noise a potential danger.
Yet, he moves forward.
The night is oppressive, the darkness thick and suffocating. The alley's cold grip tightens around him, a constant reminder of the peril that lurks in every corner. Despite the fear gnawing at his resolve, Jason steels himself. This is his territory, his battleground. And tonight, he must prove that he can conquer it.
It's late when you get the call. The ringing in your ears shakes you awake from your sleep. The apartment building's peace is broken by the sharp sound.
You shuffle the blanket off yourself. Clearing your thoughts, you pick up the phone. It's Eden. Probably work-related. "Yeah? It's four in the morning. This better be good." Your voice is groggy from being woken up.
You hear the shuffling of clothes on the other side of the phone. Eden speaks up, her tone professional yet familiar, "Is the city’s downtown burning to the ground good enough for you?" she quips.
You groan, rubbing your eyes. "Alright, alright. I'm up. I'll be there in a few minutes."
The room around you is a stark contrast to the cold world outside. Warm colors envelop the space, with walls painted in soft earth tones. A green fluffy carpet, plush and inviting, cushions your feet as you move. The room is tastefully decorated, with framed photographs and vibrant artwork adding character to the cozy space. The air inside is warm, a comforting cocoon against the biting cold that awaits outside.
As you pull on your clothes, you take in the familiar surroundings. A sturdy wooden dresser holds your neatly folded clothes, while a small bookshelf in the corner is crammed with a mix of novels and work-related documents. A soft light glows from a lamp on the nightstand, casting a gentle illumination over the room.
You grab your coat, feeling the warmth of the apartment slipping away as you prepare to face the icy chill outside. The temperature drop hits you immediately as you step out, the cold biting at your skin and making you shiver. The streets are eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the warmth and safety of your home.
As you move through the city, the buildings loom large and dark against the pre-dawn sky. The air is sharp and crisp, each breath a reminder of the freezing temperatures. Despite the cold, you push forward, driven by the urgency in Eden’s voice and the knowledge that the situation downtown is dire.
Jason leads the boy through the smoke-filled room, but a sudden movement catches his eye. The man he saw earlier has returned, a gun aimed directly at them. Jason reacts instinctively, pushing the boy behind him.
A shot rings out, and pain flares in Jason's side. He grits his teeth, feeling the blood trickle from the graze wound. He draws his own gun, firing a warning shot that makes the man retreat into the shadows.
"We need to move, now," Jason says, his voice strained but steady. He grabs the boy's hand, guiding him through the office and towards an exit he spotted earlier.
The flames are closing in, the heat almost unbearable. Jason kicks open a door, leading them into a narrow hallway that offers a temporary respite from the fire. They run, Jason's steps faltering slightly as the pain in his side intensifies.
Finally, they burst out into the cold night air. Jason gasps, feeling the chill against his sweat-soaked skin. The boy clings to his arm, eyes wide with fear and relief.
Jason scans the area, ensuring they are safe. He hears the distant wail of fire truck sirens growing louder. Fire trucks, their lights flashing and sirens blaring, are approaching quickly.
He looks down at the boy, concern etched on his face. "You okay... what's your name?"
The boy takes a shaky breath, glancing around nervously. "Rowan."
Jason stares at him for a moment.
Rowan’s face flushes with embarrassment at the lie being exposed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I-I mean, that ain' 'eally my name," he stammers, looking down at his shoes. "Whats it to you anyway'.."
Jason nods approvingly, noting Rowan's caution in his voice. "Smart kid."
As the fire trucks arrive, their sirens creating a frantic, blaring noise, Jason gives Rowan a reassuring nod despite the throbbing pain. "Let’s get you someplace safe."
By the time you reach the scene, the city is a cacophony of sounds and sights. Flames lick at the night sky, casting an orange glow over the chaos. Firefighters are already at work, battling the inferno with hoses and shouts. Eden stands nearby, her expression focused and determined as she directs the efforts to contain the blaze.
"You're here," she says, her voice cutting through the noise. "I need you to help coordinate the evacuation."
"Where's the chief?" you ask, noticing his conspicuous absence.
Eden frowns, shaking her head. "I don't know. It's strange he's not here."
"Great, more chaos," you mutter. "Alright, let's get to work."
She flashes a brief smile. "Good to have you, even at this ungodly hour."
"Yeah, well, saving the city never sleeps," you reply, trying to lighten the mood.
"Just like us, huh?" she quips back, a hint of tiredness in her voice.
You both dive into the task at hand, coordinating with the firefighters and ensuring the evacuation runs smoothly. Your progress is cut short, however, when you notice a certain man in a red helmet and a boy clinging to his arm.
What the actual–? You first think your sleep-deprived mind is playing tricks on you, but that thought gets thrown out the window when the red mask turns to look at you.
Should you be threatened? This is the Red Hood. You don’t feel exactly threatened–more like weirdly curious. Isn’t this how people die in horror movies?
Before you can gather your thoughts, the vigilante disappears into the chaos of the scene. You’re left with the boy, who approaches you cautiously, his body tense and his eyes scanning your movements with suspicion. He keeps his distance, his posture rigid, as if ready to bolt at the first sign of danger.
The boy’s eyes flicker from your face to the surrounding activity, his grip on the water bottle you handed him tight. He takes a tentative sip, his gaze still darting around, wary of the unfamiliar environment and the busy scene. His shoulders are hunched slightly, as though trying to make himself smaller and less noticeable, but there’s a flicker of determination in his eyes.
You approach him slowly, making sure not to make any sudden movements that might spook him. “Hey there,” you say softly, trying to break through his wariness. “You did great getting out of there. I’m here to help.”
The boy doesn’t respond verbally but nods slightly, his eyes still shifting, wary yet trying to appear composed. His hands grip the water bottle firmly, knuckles white against the plastic. He leans slightly away from you, but there’s a subtle confidence in his stance, a quiet defiance against the fear.
You keep your tone calm and reassuring. “Let’s get you checked out and make sure everything’s alright. You’re safe here.”
The boy’s eyes meet yours briefly, then he looks away, taking another sip from the water bottle. He maintains a guarded stance but doesn’t pull away entirely, a sign of tentative trust forming amidst his skepticism.
You guide him to a quieter area away from the chaos, your attention focused on providing comfort and support. Despite his wariness, the boy’s small nods and controlled movements indicate a quiet resilience and a cautious willingness to accept the help offered.
Jason grips his side, the fabric pressing against the wound. The skin burns in response to the contact, a searing pain that makes him hiss through clenched teeth, biting down on his tongue to keep from groaning. Blood drips in small, rhythmic drops onto the concrete below. His apartment building is close, a familiar refuge he hasn't visited for months. No one pays attention to his erratic comings and goings through the window at ungodly hours, for his entire floor is empty—only he resides there.
He grips the rusty balcony rails and throws himself over the edge, struggling to maintain his balance. The lights are on in the apartment, and plants grow in small painted pots on the balcony floor, but Jason doesn’t notice. In his fatigue, he’s too disoriented to realize that this isn’t his apartment. It’s his neighbor’s.
He stumbles through the window, gripping the sill to keep himself upright, his movements unsteady. A quiet gasp startles him from his foggy thoughts.
In his defense, he was just shot and is on the verge of passing out. Exhaustion has seeped into his bones, making every movement feel like wading through molasses. He didn't expect to find a new neighbor, let alone the cute paramedic he saw just moments ago.
Yeah, he’s really, really tired.
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© ROBINSFILM ﹕ I do not give consent for my writing to be posted or used on any other platforms without my permission and proper credit.
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ghostinthez0nes · 10 months
Kobra Kid Headcanons lets go
Likes tight clothing, makes him feel more secure and safe.
Will teach you karate if you bribe him enough, but it takes a’lot of bribing.
Doesn’t really care about gender or pronouns, but likes xe/xer pronouns because they sound cool.
Touch his hair and he’ll bite your hand.
Motorbike stunts for days.
A short fuse but a master at keeping cool. When he’s really pissed tho someone will get their teeth knocked in.
Doesn’t admit it but relies heavily on Party to keep his head above water.
Prefers driving around at night when it’s quieter and less bright.
Loves sweet and spicy food, bonus points if its both.
Becomes aggressive when overwhelmed and scared.
Loves sunrises. He will sometimes stay up all night just so he can watch the sun come up early in the morning.
Party helped make his helmet, they’re to thank for the paint job.
Keeps a little dino keychain in his pocket at all times.
Has horrible tan lines from wearing his sunglasses too long in the sun.
Flappy hands and stompy feet when excited.
Light sensitive, thus the sunglasses. Wears them indoors and at night too.
The most anxious around injuries, he doesn’t like blood.
Snorts when he laughs.
Loves the desert and the freedom that comes with it.
Has a very keen sense of smell and is very good at figuring out where the smell is coming from.
Knows sign language and uses it instead of speaking to communicate sometimes.
Absolutely HATES powerpup but forces himself to eat it if theres nothing else even if it makes him sick. Party tries really hard to look for other kinds of food when going on supply runs so his poor brother can eat.
Chews on the straps of his leather gloves when anxious.
Really likes bubbles.
Sleeps in his jacket for security.
A troublemaker with Ghoul and always finds ways to pull off stupid shit with him.
Likes Michael Bay movies.
Hardly ever cries, but when he does it’s cathartic. The others need to intervene because he chokes up while he’s heaving.
Prefers comics over books, he likes looking at pictures better.
Only the girl is allowed to doodle on his bike, if the others try he will deck them.
Most terrified of being captured by Bli, he doesn’t ever want to go back to the city.
Can play the harmonica really well.
Loves old and broken technology because he thinks its cool and likes to fix things.
Teaches the others to read, especially Jet and Ghoul. Ghoul can read but has dyslexia, Jet never really learned how to read properly at all.
Will try to pet any reptile he sees, even if its venomous or poisonous.
Can sleep sitting up, the others sometimes need to do a double take and check if he’s awake or not since he always wears sunglasses.
Obsessed with VHS tapes and has a collection of them with god knows what on them.
Freezes when panicking, will stay in shock at something until someone needs to move him.
Likes close range combat so he can show off his karate skills.
Instead of cussing in an argument he’ll just look at someone like they’re stupid.
Makes action figures for the girl out of spare parts, responsible for all of her robot toys.
Takes AGES to do his hair, hence why he wants no one to touch it.
If he’s not in his room at night, he’s on the diner roof watching the stars.
When the girl was a toddler, she would call him Kobi instead of Kobra.
Has a wide vocabulary due to being educated in the city, but refuses to use it.
Lost a tooth after an accident on the crash track, he gave it to Ghoul who turned it into a pendant.
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puppyjune · 1 year
kill her. kill her. kill her.
she looks so beautiful. the bruises. the tears.
but the blood. the blood is holy. divine; the original temptation. once i see scarlet spread across her skin, i can barely stop. the lust, the drive, the carnal desire for brutality.
eyes starting to glaze over, i finally lessen my grip on her neck. so close, edging myself with her life. can i really hold myself back? what if i dont stop?
theres always next time.
why must i be so angry? its all ive known. walking into existence brings me these feelings. part of me wants to grow, but the comfort of that angry impassionate shell is so tempting. i try to step out, brave the new world of emotion. it backfires. over and over, all i know is negativity. oh, but how satisfying that rage is. grab that bat, lay her down whether she wants it or not.
…that may not be "kind", or "empathetic". but what else do i know? its just so easy to do. shes practically begging for it, im actually being nice by abusing her; right?
no no no, i get told that isnt the right way. but if so, why does it feel so good? is this the forbidden fruit? let me bite into her skin and learn what true sin is, carve it into her so she can be enlightened. oh, to be cut. the beauty of those lines, they make shiver with delight.
ah. empathy. that thing. do i really need it? i do? thats fucked. well, lets try a different approach.
brushing away some hair, i kiss her forehead and pull her close. the weight of her head on my body, the way she smiles, it just warms my heart. maybe i can understand what it means to be kind and empathetic. but why does she look at me that way? i must be imagining it. she couldnt possibly want… that. i blush, thinking of how close i came last time; shes probably thinking im blushing from her beauty right now. but all i can think of is the image of her choking herself for my pleasure. the knife on her skin.
i cant stop myself, i need that. violence, god does it make me feel fulfilled. its my one true passion, my vice, the thing that keeps my heart beating and my lust fueled. and why shouldnt i indulge? shes asking for it. obviously. cmon, that was totally what she was thinking, i dont need to ask. its more fun if i dont ask her.
ah, here again. layed out before me, a canvas to play with. i start sweet, checking in after every hit, watching where i hit and how hard, making sure to kiss her marked body.
hit, hit, hit. i look into her eyes, shes starting to squirm, maybe the pain is a bit much? i start to think about asking her if i should tone it down, or maybe just tone it down without asking, play it safe.
oh fuck, shes starting to squirm. this is what i need, the nectar ive been craving. i cant stop myself, i cant hold back. keeping her pinned down, swing after swing of that whip crashes down. my vision blurs, i feel such immense lust i cant think of anything else. how many hits until she fights back, until i have an excuse to really raise the stakes? oh please little pet, try and fight me. i need you to, then i cant be blamed for what happens next. but i get stopped. some part of me pulls me back, telling me to slow down. she gets to live a little longer.
i cant just stop now, i need to get these feelings out. "turn over. now."
good, now i have a fresh canvas to once again paint with pain. over and over, i whip her. its just, not good enough. i already did this, im over it, the rush is gone. i need to kill.
looking over, i see my bat. or specifically, a kendo sword. those bound strips of wood, that slight bend, just adds such a wonderful sprinkle on top of the pain from the swing. shes still down, dazed from the whip.
hit. hit. hit. kill. break her legs. she cant run. she cant resist. one swift hit to the head, bash her face with the bat, then there will be no resistance.
oh, ive done it again. i nearly couldnt stop myself. here i am, having mounted her, bat pressed against her neck, my entire weight and strength being offered for her demise. i need it, i need her to die. i need to kill. the marks on her legs shine against her pale skin. i made sure each leg had a good enough mark to make it difficult to walk, impossible to run. along with every. other. bruise. god, does she look beautiful. i feel true pleasure fill my heart as i look into her eyes. those divine eyes. tears silently rolling down her reddened face, the look of pain only brought by my abuse, the way you can see just how close she came to death. those dull eyes, barely able to comprehend what they see. if i could only have one wish, it would be to watch the life drain from peoples eyes as i use them for my pleasure.
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 11 months
shes wearing jeans and a tank top. theres blood on the carpet. she says so, you want to be a werewolf? you say yeah. she says just so you know your claws and teeth wont be any sharper than a humans. im not allowed to give anyone any weapons. condition of my parole. you say thats fine, not ideal but fine. the two of you start talking details between sips of your coffee. when shes asking you about fur color she pulls out a swatch like they have at paint shops. all the fur on it feels real. it also feels warm. and the swatch itself is soft and yielding underneath the fur.
zero, two, or eight boobs? zero you say, but eight nipples underneath the fur. she says that works, do you want the knot? you say yeah. she asks how long you want it to last after cumming and you say half an hour. she says you know that means you and your partner pretty much wont be able to move thst whole time right. you say yeah. she shakes her head and says your funeral.
shes finished her coffee and started smoking. you say arent you worried about your lungs? she laughs. she says nah my Amy will fix me up if i get cancer. she says any other requests? you say just so we're clear, i want this to be actual lycanthropy. she says huh? you say you want to actually transform on the full moon. she considers that a second. she says hm i think i can do that. the transformations will probably hurt like a bitch though. you say you dont mind. she says she needs you to sign a waiver for this one. you say okay. she says give me like fifteen minutes to write one.
get the fuck out of here she says. she says who the hell gave you my address? she says fuck off before i show you what im really capable of. you say whats the problem? she says i dont DO cape work. she says im full rogue these days. she says i only take clients who arent parahumans just to be sure im not complicit in anything. you say youll go. she says go faster or she'll get your body to show you what a teratoma is.
you start describing your fungus colony idea but shes already shaking her head. she says sorry. says she would if she could but shes not allowed to do anything that can propagate itself. she says her parole agreement says she can only give reproductive organs if the resulting offspring would be baseline human. you say thats stupid. she says she doesnt disagree. how do they even determine baseline human you ask? she says shes pretty sure they use dna testing if theres any doubt. you say damnit. she says i can still make you a mushroom person i just cant let you be sporing. you sigh and say okay.
shes more animated than youve ever seen her before. youve been here a few times, requesting monsters be made for your haunted house. shes tried directing you to a colleague of hers, the Goblin King or something like that? you always tell her that her creations have a certain je ne sais quoi. she always giggles at that.
this time you came to ask her for a skeleton. the idea excites her. shes pacing around. a skeleton, a skeleton. you say shouldnt this one be easy? she says you still want it fully autonomous right? you say yeah. she says right so i have to give it muscles and nerves but i cant make them too obvious. and the bones, where is she gonna get the bones? you say you just want a human skeleton, whats the issue with the bones? she says that is the issue. says shes not allowed to use human remains anymore. she'll have to get some sort of animal bone and sculpt it. she says maybe Amy can help with getting them to look right. but that still doesnt solve how to make it walk...
you say sorry, what do i owe you for this commission? she waves you off. she says this ones interesting enough that she wont charge. she pulls out a set of colorful glitter markers and starts doing anatomical sketches on the back of an old pizza box. she says you can go now. she says ill call you when you can pick it up.
six fingers she says. you say yeah. and thats all she says? you say yeah. she says sure no problem but like, why? you say so earth aleph has this tv show called Gravity Falls
she says im so so sorry. she says i wish i could help but this isnt my field. you say its ok, but you cant hide your tears. she says no, no, dont cry! she hugs you. she smells like sweat and smoke and blood. its still a good hug. she says i dont know many mechanicsl tinkers, but ill call the ones i do know, ask around. she says we'll find somebody who can help give you a working electrical outlet pussy, i promise. you say thank you. youre still crying. shes so sweet.
ok, she says, so i can do that with some caveats. you say shoot. she says im allowed to give out wings but not allowed to give anybody the ability to fly. you say why?? she says it counts as giving out parahuman abilties and thats against my parole. you say thats so stupid and she nods. she says do you still want the wings? some of the angelkin ive done this to say they actually feel WORSE having the wings but not being able to get off the ground with them. you say thats ok. you say youre not angelkin, you just want them for kink reasons. she says ohhhhh. she says so how sensitive do you want them
she says i can do that but have you REALLY thought about it? youll be totally dependent on a third party. like what if your partner breaks up with you and you can't find someone else who "gets it"? you say im willing to take that risk. she says ok. she says so let me make sure ive got this right, you want detachable skin that laces up in the back and has to be washed out every night?
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molqr · 2 months
going through my drafts i realised i had about four seperate posts about a demospy vampire au i brewed up. so im going to make another.
could you fucking imagine. demo, living in his big castle and the locals just think he's an esoteric millionare, 'that must be why he's never seen in town' the locals would say. spy, for one reason or another, decides to see what the hell the rumours are regarding this seemingly well-lived-in castle in the middle of scotland and the unknown occupant inside it.
the castle isn't decorated with off-putting modern decor as he might've expected. theres cobwebs littering the walls. his shoes echo on the stone floors. do the gorgeous paintings on the wall show the man in front of him, commissioned recently as some modern day mimickry of royal portraits? the noticable decay from age tells otherwise. the man in question- he says his name is Tavish, reaching out to shake spy's hand, spy notices the lack of warmth in tavish's touch even with his gloves on. one eye, always seeming to stare At spy, when he turns to look at tavish, he catches a glance down to his lips, or was it further down? urged to take a seat in the dining hall, and it really is a /hall/, a massive table with enough chairs to feed a few dozens, and here they are, sitting on opposite ends in the far-too-large far-too-empty room while the man whos breathe spy cant feel- it must be the balaclava he reasons, how could it be anything else- is leaning over his shoulder and pouring him a glass of wine. did he read the year on that bottle correctly? he understands why the locals think this man is filthy rich now.
needless to say it all ends in spy drinking a bit too much (vampire compelling?) and demo getting drunk off of his blood. by the way. wiping the blood off of the corner of his mouth with his thumb. thanking him while spy passes out. would he be nice enough to let spy rest in a spare room and then send him on his way, figuring spy is the type to not tell and trust him not to send some big vampire hunt on him. do they still do that in this era, he'd ask. demo is far too casual about this and spy is far too serious about it because everything about demo counters the typical idea of a vampire. oh, and of course, the fact that he is a vampire at all. it'd piss spy off terribly and that would be the funniest shit ever.
oh and his mother still lives with him, of course. i think it'd be funny to make her more bat-like because shes also a dracula... like a nosferatu maybe......
im not even a huge demospy fan anymore. i just really like this concept lmaooo.
oh right and in one of my drafts i mentioned this song for inspiring this. so. give it a listen if you like funny songs about thampayaaaas?
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thechaoticreader · 7 months
10 More Booktok Books I Refuse To Read
Why am I doing this again? Well, I'm a bitch and feel like I've been rating books very highly lately so I need an outlet for the hater energy. Trying to keep the blog chaotic neutral!
*Disclaimer: If you like any of these books, slay! I'm happy for you! These are just my own consumer choices, and imo negative book reviews are just as helpful as positive ones!*
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1. Twisted Love (& Series)
will HATE the love intrest
heard its a little incelly
too straight for my gay ass
as an Anna, I cannot condone this spelling so out of principle I will not read her books <3
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2. The Fine Print (& Series)
Crusty billionaires aren't sexy
I repeat its too straight for my gay ass
I was born on December 5th which is the same day Walt Disney died and idk I just feel weird about it
eat the rich
I've had another one of Lauren Ashers books on my TBR for like a year and I keep putting off reading it (even tho its about F1 and Im obsessed with F1) so theres no hope of me reading and enjoying one about something I dont care about
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3. A Little Life
I have enough mental illness without reading this book
I have enough queer trauma without reading this book
I'm not okay enough to read this book
Seriously though, this would be way too triggering for me and im chosing to prioritize my mental health over reading popular and critically acclaimed works (you all should too <3)
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4. One Of Us Is Lying
I don't typically like Y/A thrillers
generally doesnt intrest me -> im getting tired of thrillers and have started leaning towards straight up horror
I HATE the cover
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5. Inheritance Games
I've been burnt out of this genre/type of book since the 2000s-2010s dystopian craze
my housemate hated it and I trust his opinion
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6. Lightlark
...do I really need to say anything
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7. House In The Cerulean Sea
white author profiting off of indigenous trauma
mishandling of indigenous genocide (i.e the 60's scoop)
paints the residential school system as "not that bad"
I know the above books haven't been that serious but this one absolutely is and I will link information and resources in the comments. I put this one so low because I know if it was first people would just skip this whole post and potentially not look into the history of why this book is problematic.
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8. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
theres too much hype and i don't want to be dissapointed
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9. The Love Hypothesis
galaxy leggings
I wont be able to overlook the cringy millenial humor
it will transport me back to 2016 (in a bad way...see above)
im too gay for that (I can be convinced to read bride tho👀)
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10. From Blood and Ash
I have no good reasons tbh
the cover triggers my fight or flight
im not a series girlie (gender neutral) -> duologies are on thin ice
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figgybeans · 9 months
FHJY trailer frame-by-frame
because i love these freaks. ok lets get into it (this is gonna be long)
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love the dome this season !! the backgrounds are beautiful. the steps up in production across FH is amazing
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ADAINE !! JAWBONE !! BOGGY !! i think her splash art is my have from the six. i have no clue what ESF stands for so anyone lmk
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her mini is also i think my favorite, the pins on her leather jacket really sell it. minus points for boggy's HUMAN ARMS though, theres a clearer shot later on
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fabian time ! love the blanket. bill seacaster art as well ! god hes terrifying. the doodles on the owlbear stickers are cute too
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apples bee ! plus some art of cassandra. kristen is in her strong arc, which the world is all the better for. i think its also important to remember that from the start of the series kristen has always had a higher strength score than fabian (ignoring her 4 dex)
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ignore the phantom riz mini, the trailer hardly stayed on his intro art for long. which is a shame cause LOOK AT IT !! the kalina picture, fuckin baron, the corn cuties, so much night yorb, bizz in the corner, captain whitclaw, coach daybreak - the man riz shot through the head in cold blood, the bardy boys !! its perfect.
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fig !! sad theres no ayda art in here but theres gotta be in the series. "-and a wizards paramore, YES its part of my identity, thank you" iconic. glad her mini has a custom bass. also gilear <3<3
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gorgug my boy. with his giant fuckoff axe. so happy his mini is including his artificer level, PLUS that probably means he takes another level in it, and unlocks infusions >:)
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this two headed dragon guy. red dragon can always mean some Kalvaxis callback, but we never know. i DO know that there's a statblock for two headed dragons in Monster Manual Expanded III, so maybe brennan uses that ? or just gives a regular dragon two breath weapons. we will see
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this was one of the clearest frames i could get for this art, but what we can see is still cool. love kristen in her kill bill jumpsuit. as an aside im still a riz-has-a-tail believer
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now THIS is a battlemap. im like 99% sure that that's the Thistlespring Tree in the background, and the Sig Figs are having some kind of concert here. HOWEVER, if we zoom in, it doesn't look like any of their minis are on the stage. intrigue.
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the internet mall ! or something. i have no idea who the minis could be, BUT the IDK-wearing purple one in the middle could be some Guardian of Faith representing cassandra. also adaine and boggy have matching berets in the wide shot
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this set i think is a gladiatorial arena of some kind? because we see a bunch of monstrosities and aberrations with this in the background later. also the big gates and monster-keeping pens are a clue.
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BOGGY ARMS. BOGGY ARMS. adaine is covered in blood. but fig looks to have some kind of ghost opossum familiar. BUT, my friend pointed out that it could be edgar, zayn's ghost rat ! so maybe we have him return for an episode. this house looks spooky enough. maybe mordred manor gets infested by demons or something
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otyugh spotted !! my favorite monster of all time
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this roper-looking thing. it overlays when brennan says "an eldritch beast that threatens all of the denizens of this world," so im really thinking there's gonna be an overarching Aberration theme in these combats
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also this guy. i have no clue what he is honestly. the rectangle in the background could maybe be a mirror or painting, so this might take place in the mordred manor-looking set from before
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purple worm, in the gladiator arena !
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some sort of ghost ship? doubtful that its bill seacaster's ship again, and the mist could mean the ethereal plane
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the bad kids !! just noticing that fabian's eye patch is either missing or on the wrong side
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im pretty sure this is an umber hulk, also in the gladiator set
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skateboard fig mini. also, this could be the hang van (?) but it also could be too long and be some kind of ghost limo. idk
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graveyard ! maybe they team up with zayn here
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a blue dragon, which makes me think the red dragon from earlier isnt kalvaxis related and is just a dragon
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more POV arrow shots, but this one's going into a fucking hydra. which looks like it grows three heads instead of two ? if that's what the attachment on the right side means.
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this could be the red wastes ? back on the kalvaxis theory.
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a wider shot of the internet mall. note the "YARRRRbucks" behind lou
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aaaand the final art frame !! fig finally gets her license (or not)
all in all 10/10 frothing at the mouth till jan 10
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